8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1.0 , 1 891. ONE HORSE ON THE COUNCIL , Dr. Gapia Oannot Bo Bounced in the Sum mary Way Proposed. WHAT"THE CHARTER SAYS ABOUT IT. Boinnltody MtiHt llrln Stilt nml Prove to ( til ; DiNlriot Court \\liy lie- I'ore OiiMtlttK I' ' Doctor. Some of llio councllmcn will bo compelled to MIIMO their Indignation , fcol ugly anil put up with Dr. Clark ( Japan's vlows as the com- sloner of health , for ho Is in it nnil is coing to ttny. ttny.Uurly yesterday City Clerk John Grove * transcribed Into his records Urn rciiucHtthnt ttio doctor ho removed mul trunsinlttod to Mayor Cushinit hy special and trusty inosseu- Kcr the original document. Ttio rnnyor was In hl.s onicc , and after care fully rending ttiii council umnlfcsto , quietly anil In his unassuming way , remarked : "That U another horse 11 Don that council. " Afterwards ho took down his copy of tlio inotropolltun charter mid rend ttio following section : "Tho pnwpr to rptnnvp from Ills nlllca thu mayor or any ooiiiicllinitn or other olllri'r men tioned In tins nul , In niiv city of llio metrii- iiolll'in c'liiss , fnr Kiioil mid Kiillli'lent cause. Is hereby conferred up'in ' the district nurl for thu comity In which sucli city Is situated , and whenever any two of tinI'lty cnunellmeii Rluill nmku nnil Illn with tlin clerk of sitld court , the proper chnrues and spi'Ullk-ntloni nKtilnst the miiyor. allotflni : and shown ; : Unit liu IN KUllly of Mialfcna.'im-c r misfeasance1 as mull ollli'ur , or Unit lie In liiciimpetent. or nea- leutH liny of his duties as nmyiir. ur Ihat for iiuy good and Kiilllclcnt cnusi ) Mnteil , ho should In1 rernoveil from his olllcu its mayor , or whenever the mayor shall iniike itml Illo with the clerk of said court the proper chaws and Hpecllli-atlons iteiilnsl any councilman or oilier ollh'cr inentloneil In this act , nllo-'ln and hliiivvlni ! thai tin IB Rinlty of malfuasanou or nilNfcasniicu In such ulllee. or that he Is In- I'unipi'lcnlor nesleets any of Ills duties or that for any other good ami Hiilllclont cause Hinted , liu should bu lomovoil from lilsotllt-e. tliojudo ( of si.ch court nmy Issue the proper writ. iriuliIiiK ] such olliccr to appear lieforo him. on a liny llierelu niiined. not more than tun days after the nervlcu of snuh writ , to- KethiTlllm copy of such clmrgus : ind specl- llcatlon" , upon such olllcur to show cnnso why tie should not l.o lenioveil from his office. The piiiL'neillni.'H In siiuh cnr-o eliall take prece dence of civil ' mid lie all cini'-es conducted nc- conliiiK to the rules of such court In .such cases made and prov ded , and such olllcer may ho suspended from the duties of his olllco during the pendency of such proceedings by order of said eiitirt. Continuing the mayor said , "Or. Gnpen Is n charter olllcer , or at least Ins ofllco Is created by charter , and If I felt so disposed I could not remove him. "One thing Is very evident to my mind , and thai Is that the councllmcn ara not posted on the provisions of the city charter. Jf they had been they would not have inado such a ridiculous request. I am the only man who could bring ttio action in the dis trict court. There Is ono condition upon which I would bring suit against Ur. Gapcti , nnd that is that the councllmen must tlrst resign. Lowry takes exceptions to being cnlleil a liar. Possibly Gnpen could provo his statement and perhaps that was what hurt. " Councilman Morcarty was seen yesterday nud In speaking of the trouble between 1'residont Lowry and Dr. Gapon , said : "Lowry was in the right and no man had any right to insult him upon the lloor of ttio council. It it had been upon the street , Iowry would have been justified in knock ing hhn down , but the Insult coming as itdid , the council took the proper course. " Mr. Morcarty admitted that Mayor dishing could not remove Or. Gnpen from ofllco , tut Ho could suspend him for an indefinite period and in the meantime an action could bo brought in the district , court. Upon Doing informed that the mayorwould take no action in the nremiscs , Mr. Morearty said : "Wo will llx Gauon , and when wo got through ho will ho glad to resign. It will bo but a low days until ho will want his salary and then we will strike the amount from the appropriation sheet. " Mr. Morcarty was naked if ho thought Dr. Gupcn would resign. ' Resign ! " laughed the Seventh ward coun cilman. "Not much ; ho is one of those southern democrats. They may die , hut they never resign. " Children Cry for It The pleasant flavor , gentle action and soothing effects of Svrup of Figs , when in need tf n laxotlvo nndlf the father or mother bo costive or bilious the most gratifying re sults follow Us use , &o that it Is the be.st family remedy known and every family should have n bottle. HOII KM I AN TUUNKUS. Tliclr HiK National Mintlujiit Mll\vut- Uco TliiH Week. The fifth annual tournament ol the Holiem- lan-Amorlcat. National Gymnast la association will bo held In Milwaukee commencing Thursday , August 'JO , and continuing llvo days. Omuhn will send a delegation of seven ao- tlvo tumors and about twenty uiombor.i of the various turner societies who will not participate in the contests. South Omaha , Wllbor , Schuyler and several other Nebraska towns will send delegations to the in rating. The tallowing Is the programme of tuo meeting ni Milwaukee. ; Thursday , August UO. Keeoptlon of Sokoi ami visitors at different railroad stations nnd escorting them to their quartcra. Hvcnliiir reception , West Side turn hull. Address ot welcome bv the governor , lloutoaut gover nor and mayor. Friday , August 21. Assembly at Bohem ian hall , IV o'clock , march to shooting park where gymnastic exercises will bo hold. Evening , grand concert at shooting park. Saturday , August i'J. ! Gymnastlo tourna ment nud concert , during the whole day at shooting park. Kvenini : , dramatic entertain ment at North Sldo turn hull. Sunday , August -Forenoon : , reception of societies and visitors from Chicago and Wisconsin cities. Afternoon , grand street parade , forming on city hall square and marching to shooting park. Grand uicnlo during the day. Distribution of prizes. Hull In I ho evening. Monday , August'Jl Carriage ride through the city and vicinity. Use Mailer's Gorman Pills , the great co n Btlputlou and liver regulator. ANOTHUU MOTOK IjlNH. . North Oinahii I'ooplo lliiok oi' the IjutcNt. Projuul. In two hours after Judge Wnkoloy had dis solved the Injunction that tied up the grad ing of thu north end of Sherman nvcnut * , the contractor , John W. Croft , had a force of men and teams on the ground tearing up the street. The grading of the street will neces sitate the lowcrlnifof the street car tracks nearly six feet where the line turns onto Commercial stteet. In order to uitike an easy grade Commercial street will bo graded toil point ! IOI ( feet west of Sherman HVCIIUO. With this grading there comes n now scheme. The North Omaha syndicate gives out the Information that as soon as the grade Is completed n motor Hue will be constructed nud put In operation. The line will blurt at Commercial street nud run north to Fort Htroot , thence east to a point north of Swift's Ice houses and south . to the north shore of Cut-Oif laico. A Gill I-'rom HerPnslor. "In Juno , ISSU. after the great Hood , " say * Mrs. K. L. Hem loot Johnstown , Pa. , "at a time when I was very much run down with dlarrhwa and had tried two doctors without finding relief , I received a bottle pf Chamber- lulu's Colic , Cholor'i and Diarrluuu Remedy from my pastor. This remedy relieved mo at once and cured me entirely In a short time. 1 got several bottles and gave It around among my acquaintances who wore afllictod in the came wav , I think I fn\o It to a dozen people and it relieved and cured , so far us I know , in all case * . It U the best medicine for the iliscas-j I bavo ever known. " For sulu by druggists. Hills. The committee on supplies of the board of mutation mot yesterday afternoon and opctifid bids on printing nnd for cool. The cotnmlttco slmplv looked them over nnd authorized the secretary to tabulate them so that the cdmmlttco may compare the bids nnd arrive at a conclusion as to the most ad vantageous ono * to accept at the next meet ing. The l.nlcnt Conundrum. Why ! s Haller's Sarsapanlla and Burdock like the moU popular soap of the day. Because they both cleanse the skin aud leave It both soft nnd velvety. WHIM .iff .turiitxii Ton.ir. John C. XCW'H Son tiiMnrry Mlns Ciilh- ci'lnu MuljRiin. Niw : YOUK , Aug. 13. About i\ year ago Hurry S. Now , son of John C. New , editor of the Indianapolis Journal and United States consul to London , while on n visit to Detroit mot Miis Catherine McLean , who was playIng - Ing with Kate CaUtoton in the burlesque , "F.iustup to Date. " Mr. New , one of the most popular young nun in society , n morn- brrofnll the popular clubs ii'id a record breaker In several brunches of Athletics , sud denly forsook everything for tno pretty black eyed singer. Though no actual onmuromout was announced , It was well understood be tween the most Interested that n betrothal had taken place , though considerable sur prise Is manifested at the announcement that the wedding IK at band. No more than a doz en friends of both parties will bo present nt the cere.nony , which will tnku place late this afternoon at the residence of manngor Frank MuICeo nt No. fitil ! West Klovcnth street. Miss McLean Is strikingly handsome nnd about twenty-two years old. She Is tall , per fectly proportioned and dressess faultlessly. Any'one who looks nt Miss Lean once will look a second time. She was educated at a convent in Canada. She spcnki several lan guages fluently and Is nn accomplished musi cian. Her last appearance on the stage was in "Fashions. " After the ceremony the bride and bride groom will occupy a suite of apartments at the Gllsoy house , where Mr. New Isstopnlug. On U'ednesuay they sail on the City of Purls. The Wedding of today recalls another ro mance early In the life of Mr. Now. The storv was never told in Now York , out has been told to all his friends. In IbSO Mr. Now , then but twenty-two years old , became ac quainted with Miss Mllllgnn , a beautiful ChlcaL'o girl , who was visiting Inuianapo'.ls. Although ho never paid her any marked at tention ho nevertheless fell deeply in love with her. No one thought that because Mr. Now made nn occasional evening cull upon Miss Mllligan and once in a while took her out driving , any serious understanding exist ed between them. Nor did there. Ono Sun day afternoon , however , Mr. Now and Miss Mllligan took a buggy drive , which marked an era in both their lives. While driving slowly along n lane leading to ono of the sub urbs of Indianapolis thov suddenly came upon n picturesque ivy covered church. "O , how pretty,1' exclaimed the girl. "It is prettier inside , " said the young man. "Lot's ' go in. " They went In , as the story goes , out of sheer curiosity. Inside the church a short , service was enacted. They waited until it was over. vVhat occupied the young man's mind during that time no ono knows. TurnIng - Ing to the girl who was with him , ho said : "Lot us get married. " She looked startled ; then , with the same strnngo suddenness tbat prompted him to the asking , consented. They had started out In the bright sunshine that Sunday after noon , boy and girl acquaintances. They drove back tn the city tu the deepening dusk man nnd wife. The marriage was kept a secret. In f.iet , It was not known until some months later , when the publication of the story in n Chica go paper betrayed Uiem to their friends. For three years the young couple lived together very happily. The voting husband became a widower In IbSH. Since then his life has been n very busy ono until ho mot the young woman who is to becotno his bride today. COLOKIOl"MASONS. . Tliclr Grand Ijotl c Now in Session in Omnlia. The twenty-fifth annual communication of the most worshipful grand lodge , A. F. and A. M. , fnr'Missouri nnd Its jurisdiction , con vened In Masonic hall , corner of Fourteenth nnd Dodge , at 10 a. in. yesterday. The follow ing grand olllcers are present : M. W. , J. II. Pelham , G. M. , Hannibal , Mo. ; U. W. , L. D. Carter , D. G. M. , Kansas City , Mo. ; H. W. , A. H. Chiim , G. S. , Glasgow , Mo. ; U. W. , W. II. Jones , G. T. , St. Joseph , Mo. ; W. , II. H , Jones , G. L. , St. Louis , Mo. ; W. , W. B. Onsloy. G. C. , St. Joseph , Mo. ; W. . M. O. Uicketts , Omaha , Neb. , W. ; J. O. C. Owens , Liberty , Mo. ; Amos Johnson , Keokuk , la. ; J. II. Jinkins , Independence , Mo. Call of roll showed nearly liOO represen tatives and visitors prescct. Grandmaster Pilham introduced II. W. , James W. IJraxton , P. D. G. M. , also a mem ber of Woishlpful Masters who are attend ing the grand lodgn for the llrst time. After the appointment of the following committees the grand lodge took a recess until 1 : , ' ! U p. in. The following committees have been named : Creuontlals-A. K. Chinn , William II. Jones , Amos Johnson. Accounts Amoi Johnson. M. O. Ricketts , J. M. Trent , F. II. Bolton , A. M. Schlvrloh. Dispensations J. H. Jenkins , U. Falls , Alex Young. L. D. Carter , G. W. Patterson. Order ot Busluoss--K. J. Cooper , J. H. Jenkins , Samuel \\oodlng. . Obituaries Hov. J. C. C. Owens , W. II. Jones , \V. W. Yntos , William Scott , G. M. Richardson. Gra.id master's address G. W. Guy , J. K. Golrs , J. C. C. Owens. Bylaws of subordinate lodges U'llllam Cross , James Burns , David Foster , A. J. Nash , Louis Tutt. Appeals and u-rlevanccs E. U. Overall , W.B. Ousluy , S. G. Krnest , E. W. Perkins , W. S , Lewis. Hoturns of lodges W. W. Yntos , J. II. Jenkins , U'illlam Cross. Jurisprudence J , G. Petrlford , II. II. Jones , G. W. Guy , Amos , Johnson , Charles Williams U. Barbour. Ueportors to dally papers II. N. Jenkins , John E. Herriforu. Masonic rellof-.l. M. Trent , W. W. Watts , C. P. Covlugtou , S. G. Wording , M. O. Kick- otts , II. U. Graham , Louis Tutt. At ttio afternoon session Grand Master , ! . II. Pclhuui read his annual address , In which he reviewed brlclly the history of Masoiuy , the legality of No ro Masonry , paid at'lowiug tribute to the brethren of the fraternity , aud bv his usual eloquent and masterly style elicited much nnplausc. Tno much cannot bo said of Grand Master Polliutn. For seven vears ho has presided over the grand lodge of ) vlasoii3 , and lie has at all limes proved a worthy and olllclont oftlcor. The grand secretary exhibited a report showing the financial condition of the grand lodge. Notwithstanding the great depression of work during this year the subordinate lodges have Increased considerably , both financially and numerically. The grand lecturer , II. H. Jones , submitted his report , reviewing his visits during thu year and lecturjs given. The report on foreign correspondence was submitted by M. O. Klckotts , M. D. The report was an able nnd elaborate document reviewing the proceedings of all slater grand lodges throughout the United States. Dr. Klckotts will present and read before this grand body a p.ipor on the origin of Negro Mntionry , which will Include correspondence from grand musters and past grand masters throughout the United States , Dominion of Canada and Liberia. The Wood vs Walker factions of Adopted liite Masonry presented documents praying for recognition and niter much discussion was referred to a special committee ot llf- teen. teen.After some routine work the lodge called off. Business resumed at S o'clock p. in. The committee on appeals and grievances made a partial report which wai on motion adopted. After considerable routine work the grand lodga called oil until - p. m. tomorrow. Do not take any chance of being poisoned or burned to death with liquid steve palish , paints or enamels In bottles. The "ItUing Sun Steve Polish" Is safe , odorless , brilliant , the cheapest aud best stove polish made , and the consumer pays for no expensive tin or glasspuckaga with every purchase. Cloud IIurNt. VIKNXA , Aug. IS. A dispatch announces the partial destruction of the village of Koll- man by a cloud burst. Half the houses wcro destroyed and many of the people aud cattle drowned. _ DoWUt'3 Llttlu Early Risen tor the liver. FUNDS FOR UNION PACIFIC , Details of the Offer of tha Syndicate Given to the Public. DIRECTORS WILL RATIFY THE DEAL , Nineteen MllllotiH Will lie Used to Take Up the Plontlun Debtor the lloiul Hn o Cnlls Mor- BOSTON' , Mass. , Aug. 18. It was learned upon excellent authority In this city yester day that the agreement with the underwrit ing syndic tie which the directors of the Union Pacific railroad company will ratify today contains among others the following provisions : Tno syndicate is to place In trust securities valued , oven nt the current low market prices , at KIS.OOJ.OOO. Against these fcM.000,000 worth of bonds bearing 0 per cent will ho issued. A portion of this Issue only will bo used to take up the floating debt of the road , which Is now , after a close calculation , estimated nt $ iy,000OJ < ) . A bal ance will probably bo retained to bo used to provide necessary funds In case any contin gency should arise. The bonds will bo issued to the .syndicate nt Vl4 } P ° r cent. Ni\v : YOHK , Aug. IS. This forenoon a , spccml meeting of the Union Pacillo di rectors went into session. George Gould , Sl'iuoy Dillon , Vice President Lane , Marvin Htighltt and practically all the directors of the road were present. After the meeting adjourned the following statement was Issued : "Holders of moro than half the lloatlng debt on the Union Pa- clllc assented to a plan for extending the debt by the issue of notes for the thrco years and the board of directors of the com pany today passed the necessary resolution to put that Into effect. It Is proposed to Issue suftlcient three year 0 per cent notes to retire the entire lloatlng debt of the com pany. " J. Piorpont Morgan , Edward King , John A Stewart , Alexander Orr and Frederick L. Amos wcro appointed a committee to repre sent thu creditors in thu settlement of thu matter. Talks. Niw : YOUK , Aug. 18. In speaking of the Union Pacillo road yesterday , Mr. Hussoll Sago , ono of the director. ! of that corpora tion , a member of the syndicate , said at the meeting today the plans of the syndicate would doubtless go through all right. "There will bo n meeting of the directors , " no added , "aud I suppose then facts will be given out. " "Tho papers , " Mr. Sago continued , "havo got hold of everything already , although wo nil agreed to say nothing about It. However , as the facts have been mostly imido public , I suppose there is no harm in talking about the matter now. Wo shall put up with. I. Piorpont Morgan , who will be the trustee of the syndicate , gilt edged securities worth tSOUUUOO , , and I do hot suppose that moro than $ iO,000JOO ( will have to be advanced on them. Air. Morgan , I may say , made us n very magnanimous oiler very magnanimous indeed. " _ 1'iiruhnscil Chicago's Kelt fjinc. CuiCAfio , Aug. 18.--Tho belt line of Chicago cage has been purchased by the Chicago union transfer company. The negotiations to this end have been carried on during the past two months and the terms of the sale have been agreed upon , although the formal transfer has not been made. Tno bolt line encircles the city. The Chicago union trans fer company is thu owner of more than half of the Stieknoy tract on which a system of frcightclearing tracks have been constructed. S. M. Allerton Is president nnd also the main figure among tuo parties who recently be came the owners of several hundred acres of land ut Stieknoy. The transfercompany Is composed of eleven railroads , thu Chicago , St. Paul & ICansas City , Chicago & Northwestern. Northern Pa cific , Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , Atchison , Topeka , t Santa Fo , Panhandle , Pittsburg , Fort Wayne it Chicago , Chicago & Eastern Illinois , Bal timore & Ohio and the ChlcagOj Hock Island & Pacilic. They own nearly eight hundred acres of the tract , on which about lorty miles of track have been put down. Howe scales , trucks , coilco mills , car- starters , Ilurrisor. conveyor. Catalogues of Borden it Sclleck Co. , agents , Chicago 111 oi-i'JN IJOAlti ) . Its 1/ormal Dfliliciuioo to be Cele brated ' 1 hiirsday Niulir. The dotaih for the banquet to bo given the grain men of Nebraska and western Iowa by thu board of trade and South Omaha live stock exchange tomorrow night have been practically completed. The banquet will bo given nt the Paxton hotel and an elaborate menu has been pre pared. It will be followed by toasts , hs fol lows : "Iowa" John Y. Stone , attorney general , Gloirvood , In. "Missouri" Marcus Beriihclmerpresident merchants' exchange. St. Louis. "Minnesota" P. M. Pcavoy , Minneapolis. "Illinois" George F. Stone , < 9cro tury board of trade , Chicago. "Kansas" Frank S. Marstellcr , president board of trade , Kansas City. "Omaha" Hon. U. C. Cushlng , mayor. ' "Omaha board of trade us an open 'board" John L. Webster. The tonsL "Nebraska" was assigned to Hon. J. M. Thurstou , but Hist gentleman will be absent from tha cityand another will be assigned thu place , , Following are thu names and addresses of these who have thus far accepted Invitations to participate in the banquet : G V- . Adams , Weeping Water ; C. A. At- Itmson , Lincoln ; W. J. Blair , Lin wood ; W. W. Baruhouso , Adams ; F. J. Biers , Belvi- dero ; James Uell.13.ivid City ; H. M.j Bush- neil , Lincoln : H. O. Barber , E. B. Blgnell , Holdrege ; O. A. Cooper , Hum- boldt ; Thomas Cochranc , Lincoln ; Samuel Conner , Pickroll ; U. C. Cushing - ing , A. Chadwlck , Omahii ; L. K. Cottrell , SownrdV. ; . H. Coron , Eloa ; J. W. Connor , Clay Center ; J. M. Cameron , Raymond ; N. II Duff , Syracuse ; H. H. Dorsey , Wu- boo ; John M. Doltz , Scribner ; W : A. Dil- worth , Lincoln ; M. Dowling , North Bend ; Z. 1C. Doane , Blair ; A. B. DoLong , Omaha ; J. H. Davis , Plattsmouth ; P , Khiors , Mlmlun , la. ; W. II. Ferguson , Hastings , Elijah Filloy , A. B. Flem ing , Filloy ; John Glock , Millerton - ton ; J. L. Guyon , Imogone , la. : C. H. Govo , Dorchester ; N. Gu- tort. Holstom ; William Groer , Thurman ; I. C. Grimwood , Boonu ; F. L. Hurrix , Lincoln ; N. Hodgson , Avoca , la. ; C , H. Harris , Barl- lott ; J. B. Hoover , Blue Hill ; C. F. hidings , North Plulto ; J. Jensen , Geneva ; A. Ivuuh- lor , Geneva ; G. Koehler , Blue Hill ; J. N. Koontz , Lincoln ; E. E. Kuytlu , Stratnn ; N. B. Kendall , Lincoln ; L. 1' . Lud- don , Lincoln ; George Leggett , Uticu ; J. T. Lefiwich. St. Paul , Not ) . ; Will- lam London , H. D Lamb , Omaha ; P. J. Murphy , Uogers ; J. T. Marriott. Wake- Held ; 1) . McLemen , Lincoln ; M. H.Madden , Ashland ; T. A. Morris , Bruno ; J. E. North , Columbus ; C. F. Nonl , Lincoln ; J. O. Phil- llppi , Omaha ; John Plolfer , Johnstown : U. E. Uoberts , Arlington ; S. T. Uhode , Hau- dolph ; H. B. Schneider , Fremont ; S. B. Samuolson , Stroimburg ; F. Sailor , Unnno- brog ; M. E. SUmnnr , Puppllllon ; P. H. Schwab , Sullen ; W. 11. Scott , Holdrcgu ; L. B..Shephord , A. B. Smith , Omaha ; li. F. Test , Council BltilVa ; U. P. Thompson , St. Louis ; C. H. Toiicray. Omaha ; O , N. Unthunk , Arlington ; G. G. Vreelund , Junlatu ; A. S. Van Valiconburg , Mlndun ; Theodore Van A 1st , Elkhorn : H. C. Wrlgot , Sehuylur ; S. L. Winter , Woodbine ; A. J. West , Winner ; J. C. Wright , Papllllou : F. M. Wetherald. Hebron ; J. F.olfo , Ber tram ! ; John Whtttt-n , Kiig.ii- ; J.Vithvr * , Perclvul. la. ; E. M. F. Lellung. LQX- Mludcn ; J. Suerry , St. LouU ; W. C. Moon , S wanton ; Andrew Llndoll. Falrbury ; G..A. Towlo , Auburn ; George Wander , Brulmml ; J. A. McLaughlln , Craig ; H. H. Leech , Boclusj H. Keating , Plutto Center ; Henry Larslu , Oukdulc ; P. O'Heruo ; Chapmuu ; A. E. Lunburf , Hooper. Do Witt's Little Early msers , best pill. A Nl-n The Grand Opt-rn House to Ho Hun The now nmnnpoinotit Ima much pleasure in announcing that the Grand onorn liouso o | ons with thu current season under such entirely now and vastly improved misplces as cannot fall to provo highly frcatlfying to the public of Omaha anil Vicinity. The auditorium , Ilia's boon remodeled and its acousticqutillllu.s greatly Im proved , and the house has been completely - plotely renovated throughout. The present management will ho gov erned by the maxim : "Small prolltH and largo business , " rather than "largo prices and small uudloncos , " and will , therefore , .strive to play to full IIOUSCH. Popular pi'k-os will obtain , hut there will ho no pandering to vitiated or quos- tlonahlo tastes. In this , as in most of the cities of the now west , there is a largo body of citi zens , not yet wealthy , but possessed of liberal culture and rollnomont , who may not feel llnancially able tofroquont first- class otiturtainmeiitH. at liigh standard prices , yet whoso discriminating taste causes them to avoid all inferior attrac tions. This class of citi/.ons is sulllciont- ly numerous In Omaha and neighboring cities to liberally support a house of en tertainment managed with special rof- cronco to thulr wants , as tno Grand opera house will hereafter ho. The management hereby pledges the public that henceforth no entertainment will ho presented at this house that shall not come up to a nigh intellectual and moral standard , and to which any gen tleman need not hesitate to bring his wife or daughter. OITering high class entertainments at low prices in Omaha is a now departure , and partakes somewhat of the character of an experiment , but wo have no fears whatever of the final result. This course will bo pursued until it lias had an ample and complete trial , and all we ask of un intelligent , discrim inating public Is such co-operation and support as our efforts fairly merit. Prices : Downstairs , 50c ; balcony , iioc and 25c. WOULDN'T HIO I1OUNOKI ) . Mortf ; KC Men Carry Their ( JiiarrelH Into the CoiirlN. The oftlcors and stockholders of the Ne braska mortgage aud loan company are Just now Indulging in a family row and have asiccd the courts to stop In and take R hand. Prior to August 30 , IS'JO ' , J. II. Van Closer was president ot the concern. Ho resigned and James H. Johnson was elected to 1111 the vacancy. Johnson , In his petition Hied In the olllco of the clerk of the district court , avers that on August 15 , 1SU1 , Van Closter and one Isaac Adams went to room No. 515 of the Paxton block , whore they passed resolutions to oust the present olllcers of tno company and place themselves at the helm. Johnson got wind of.thc meeting and secured nn Injunction from'Judgo Irvine to prevent the ousting. The case will be heard next Saturday. Judge Wnkoloy was on the bench yesterday nnd handed down nn opinion In the cusc of the Omaha Driving Park association against the city of Omaha. Some lima ago the city council passed an ordinance ordering the change of grade of Sherman avenue from Fort street to a point -lUO feet south of Amos' avenue. The Driving Park association se cured an injunction alleging that tno ap praisement had been made without serving notice of the llndlng of damages. The injunction was dented. Arguments on the application of S. D. Mercer against the city of Omaha are being beard by Judt'o Waltely. Mercer asks for a restraining order against the Bemis park sower. John Hclwig has brought suit against. Joseph Freitz , nnd asks for the sum of $1,000 damages. Ho ullcgc * that he is the owner of valuable property In Grundview addition , which has been rendnred worthless owing to the fact that Freitz has turned u sewer pipe onto the premises. Lovina T. Williams has sued Robert Prichard , and asks that ho be restrained from collecting n judgment. The plaintiff avers that , she put good money into a lot of California oil stock thai was worthless , aud was afterwards sued for a balance. Fruuk Wanck has asked the courts to sep arate him from his wife Emmn. Frank swears that live years ago he married his wife in Council Bluffs ; that soon alter the wedding Emma commenced to lead a gay and recklo's life and that now she is living in open ndulterv with ono Dad Bcldy nt Eighteenth and Vinton streets In this city. PnroiitH Head This. July and August are anxious months for mothers who carefully watch over their little ones. Hot , days and frequent clnngos of temperature are liable to produce cholera mornus. How satisfactory it should bo for pui-onts to know that Hullur's Pain Par.iljwr Is both a pleasant and effective remedy for nil summer complaints. It soothe-i and ro- llovos all pain and griping and always oll'outs a complete cure. The Garrow Opera company left Plttsburg yesterday for an eight weeks' engagement at the Grand opera house in this city. Tins com pany comes with the prestige of eastern suc cesses and will open at the Grand Sunday evening either in "Bohoiiiiau Girl" or "Tho Mikado , " duliinto arrangements not having been made ns to the opening opora. The company is n strong one , embracing many of thu lending opera singers of the country and u chorus of forty voices. The orchestra will bo largely augumontod so that lirst class performances may bo oxpectod. It is the intention of the Grand to play only legiti mate attractions at popular prices , n number of leading companies having been booked lor the season. Thu company will nrrlvo In Omaha Thursday , nud the rest of the time will bo spent in rehearsing. "A Turkish Bath" inado n distinct hit last evening ut the Farmim street theater , the performance being vorv much smoother than on the preceding niglil. It is ono of Ihu strongest singing companieseu tour , mid will no doubt do a very fair business during the week , If the Indies would abandon cosmetics and more generally keep tliclr blood puru and vigorous by the uno of Ayer's sarsupurllhi , naturally fair complexions would bo the rule instead of the exception , ns at present. Pure blood is the best uoautltior. H rlloliitiulaii TurnorH. Tbo Bohemian 'turners of Nebraska will hold a grand tournament nt the baseball park In this city on September 0. Very elaborate preparations are belli/ / ; uittdu and these buying the tournament in charge promlsn that It will bo the biggest athletic event ovturhold In llio stain. There will bo six/prizes , four gold maduls for the best turning nud two class urines. Thu distribution of prizes and n general entertainment wllUua held In the evening after iho day's praj < r mine at the park. Inform nt ion Free. Do you know t'uit ' any old sore or out can bo absolutely cured by thu intelligent mo of 1 fuller's Barbed Wire Llnunont , Bu merci ful to your horse aud try It , Dreadful Skill Disease. AfllHs n Well Known Mmrlmnt. Iteh < li\g \ nnil Hnrnliig Terrible. Doctors nml all Itemed a Fait. Tries Cn'Ieurn. IMIeveil hy Hie Flr.U Apilhnl"ii | ( and Iviillrcly Cnrcil In Fiu-Wi-ekx. Aliout o'clitoan ' month * nifo n Kinnll speck np- pcnto I on tujr unklfK It u > > mtiluil n l\ \ ' < i"ilo ; It tio- cnmi laruur. nnil I I'onsiilti'd n phyM'Inn who pro- ii'iiimeil It | uorlUl ! or iminlt'ilill i'ii o. I o 'iiKOlt ri < - Konititeil money. Inpiillnl n't nlntnipnt. Mil It 'promt niilll nt l.i l It cnvprc.t iilind't my entire liinly. Mr inulnflnit win unmellilni. ti'rrllili ) . htiriilait nnil Itcli- Ih2 mi < atliin or ntliiiml'r ' mull It hfrnni i iiltun't im- I rniturntiln. iMHtoitM to'fnro * fMp.'Cuilly at nlcht , 1 nml for two in nitlis I rcinipplloit tu | PI I'with i clew * mi. 1 biH'atimilo.p'.Tuti1. I wnuM Imvi'iflU'ii ; i imvtlilni ; t" lit' rollo o.l of tlio ttrlilnx Ki'iiintlnn. I trlctl Aimnilior of ri'meilli ; * with ml nay ri-lluf. t wnirpqiifiloil t try CrTlclMlA : thli I illil. nnil lo my uu'at ttnrprl , 1 MTU * rolluvoil nflor tin1 llr t np- plicntirn. I ii'u.l timCrTici-iiA.ri'TKTii.v SoAi'.niul OrrirrnA HKOIII.VHVT ncconllni ! to illii > rll < m < for iiljinit fournr Hvn nruiku wlioii 1 was rnllrolr iMiroil. lint wli.it it relict It n to mo nftcr the milTurltiK I wet t UiroiMli. tntnn it ipciX : with tno nuit'li fitrnr for tlio "lICTIcrm ltiMKiiIKS. : " nnil I wniilil roriim- incnil It to nil tlni'e who nr auuVrlui ; from thu a.itup ctlfC.-iM : that I liuro KUtTi'mt. m JOHN T. Mi2i.om. of MKI.ouv llmmmiH , Wniiili > llo. Mich. Cuticura Resolvent The nc'v blood and skin purifier and 'greatest , or humor rcmi'dles. Internally ito i-lnans < the blood of all Impurities , and thus remove the cause ) , and CtrmTHA. the arent sklncnie. and I'liTiftriiA SOAP , nn exquisite skin bi-ant'ller , externally ( tn clear the iiuln and s Milp and re store tlio hair ) , cure every hpecles of ngonl/- In ; ; , Itclilna. burning , -filly , nnil pimply dis eases of the skin , scalp , and blood. Sold every whero. Price. Ci'TlfUllA. MiPo : AP .Me. ; KISIVBST : ) | ! , tl. Prepared by the I'orrctl llltil ) ; AMI ( JlllIMI'-U. ( 'OIII'OHATION. IlilSIOtl. fj ' end for "How to C'urn Skin Dlcoisus. " fit pages , , ' Illustration * , and 101 testimonials. piM1 ; black ho itK red , rough , chapped ill lolly alt n cnied by CUTICUUA SOAP. I CAN'T ' BREATHE , Chest I'aliii iuiieiicsg , Weakness , llncUlm : L'liueh , Asthma , 1'lcurlsy. 'nml ' InllamniMlon IIIMIVKII : : IN O.NK MIM'TKby Hie CttTICtlllA ASTI-l'AIN I't.ArtTKii. Noth.ir-like It for weak lungs. sivoxi > i > .t\\s > Work ol'the CiivnlryniKii Sklrmlsli I.Ino Turrets. nii.i.ivuc : : , Nob. , Auij. 18. [ Speeial Tele- Ki-am to Tin : Hir. : . ] Today the cavalrymen taculcd the skirmish turrets and made some Kood scores. The asBrcgato records of ono day at skirmish distances und ono day at skirmish tiring are : * Name , rank troop and roglmCnt. AzKre atc. A. CJray. Snd It. Slvth . ' 111 ! W. O. Carroll Tplre. II. Si.Ml 2il ) M. II. KwaiiMin. Serct. 1) ) , Sixth 873 S. ! ' . Tluuims. 1'rlv. A. Mnth 8D M. S. Mitchell. Corpl. 1C. SIMh 8.VJ J..I. I'eishlM'ml ) It. Sixth 232 \V. MIISOII. I'rlv. II , Ninth 2.M O. Suhilllit. I'rlv. A , Sixth 84S F. Wiirrun. Corpl. It , Fourth 'JIG 1' . A. Helens 2ml l.t. Mnth 244 C. S. Trelsini'bu Serit. A. First .Ml .1. 1' . Wee. Sergt. K. Mnth V. ! * \V.Strobes I'rlv. F. Ninth 2-.H W. Davis. Corpl. O. N'liith L"J7 S. L. Kilmond-on , Corpl. I , Ninth ' - ' - ? M. Teler. Corpl. I ) , Ninth 225 K. F. Gulden. Serai , , Mull 21 ! ) A. linker , I'rlv. C , Sixth BID J. Oliver , Setvl. F. Slxlb 2111 S. Adams , Serct. 1C , Fourth 21C .1. J. McCarthy , I'rlv. O , Sixth . ' . . . .215 C. Scott. Tptre. Sixth . . . . . .815 A. Drew. Ser-'t. 11. Ninth ll ! ? /.oupkowskl. . I'rlv. II. Eighth 144 V. Saal. Corpl. 11 , Sixth Kl W. Harris , I'rlv. ' A. Fourth 1L5 IIISTINdl.MSIIKII MAUKHMr.N. tl. II. Kerr , Capt. SIMh 201 ! A. ICelser , Illkbinth. II. Sixth MIS .1. fiarriird. Capt , Ninth 275 M. W. Day. Capt , Ninth 21(1 ( J , F. Jackson , Miit , U , Ninth 275 Kind U oi-iln. Elder H. E. Light , of Mountalnvillo , Lnn- caalcr Co. , Pa. , has u pond word lo say tor n patent medicine. Wo will Rive it in his own words : "Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and DIurrlncn Komcdy was used in my family and can say that It done us goad In dine- rhuun nnd cholera morbus. I do not hcsltato to recommend It to nil suffering from the above diseases. " ic aud 50u bottles for sulo by druggists. The Now School Book Law of l\To- brusku. ( Kissed at the lust session of tlio legislature , wont into oll'ect August 1st. Muny publishers have complied with its roijuiromunts , nnd mtvo lilod the sworn stutonient of lowest prices , ami tlio bond , nil of which huvo boon approved by the Suite Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Ftato is full of school book iifjonts , ninny of whom tu-o ti-yititr to put the districts nnd taxpayers to needless oxponuo by Polioitiiifr boards to discard iho books now in nso , and buy an entirely new outfit , tlioroby con- lisc'ttinff thousands of dollars worth of school books. Tlio jrooil juil moiit of the school otlicors of Nebraska will not allow their constituents to be batnbop- /loJ by such clap trap. The object in passing tlio school b.iok law was to save money and not put the people to unnec- cs > ary oxpnnso. All true friends of the schools will ailvocato utilizing the books in the hands of tlio pupils , pre serving Iho books now in useand tlioro- by economically reducing the first year's cost to tlio ptirchui-c of tlio books absolutely required to simply pupils who have none. Tho.-o who have books should in the public interest vol anteer to use thorn for the general welfare \Vo cominonil thcbo views to nil connected with tlio schools of Nebraska. The following nmrrmgo licensor wcro issued by .Ituleo Shield's yoitorJay : Name and addies- > . Age. I Thomas A. Downs , t'nilerwood , la : I Hello Kills. Ifn-'i'i-rtOiid ' , la 17 I Swan Swiinsan , South Omaha 84 I Annie Wrodhurj : , Smith Oinaha lt > I Charles A. WIlllaniH. Onrilia ' - ' ! ) I Mamie O'lllli-n , lluilliiftoii , la 88 I .FensTlioiiinsnn. ( Jinaha ' ! * > I Carolina A. F. alopp. Cm.iha ) 87 A Ciii-i * Cor Diin IKICII. Last fall I was taken with kind of n sum mer complaint accompanied by a wonderful dlarrhiua. Soon after , my wife's sister who lives with us , was taken In the same way. Wo used almost everything without bonullt. Than 1 said , lot us try Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhimi Remedy , which wo did , und that cured IIH rieht away. 1 think much of it , ns It did for mo what It was lec- ommt.'iidod to. John Horulcr , Dclhol , Berks rounly , 1'a. > and 5'J ' cent hollies for sale by druggists. Hciniiuiry Tor VOIIIIK IndieH , Omnlia , Ncl ) . Rov. Robert Pohorty , S. T. D. KnlI term begins. September 1(1. ( The completing of tlio south wing makes accommodation for ! ( ) boarding scholars additional. For catalogue ana particulars apply to the rector. Military .MutliM-H. A general court-mnrtlul Is called to moot nt Fort Kobluson August 11 ! to hoar thu trial of such persons us may corns before the court. B B "Used in Millions of Plonies 40 Years the Standard. When We Have a Sale , That Is , a Special Sale , we have something to sell that it is worth your1 while to at least look into when you are in.the vicinity of our store. This is a special sale of Suits which are light and medium in weight. They are in Sacks and Cutaways , styles and fabrics that are always correct , for business and street \vear. Our object in making these extreme ly low prices is to not carry them over , as we require every inch of room for our large stock of fall and winter -wear which will begin to arrive-shortly. ( We anticipate an unusually large fall trade and are prepar ing lor it. ) You can have our handsome , dressy $18.OO and $2O.OO Suits. We guarantee an abso lutely perfect fit , and these Suits will hold their shape and wear you all this fall and next summer as well. You can get our $15.OO and $1S.5O Suits in fabrics , color and cut to please you. Continues a few days more. At $3.6O and $4.OO the Pants are going rapidly. They should , for they are actually worth nearly double the money. All over the store we have a corresponding - ing reduction. Our ] ] rindo-vs Are Our Bulletins Watch Thou Thou'F 'F ' Reliable Glotliiers , Southwest Corner 15th and Douelas Street. NO OUR.EXI NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeen jrpnriioxporl 'n"j. A romlirura Inati ) In inouiclno , n1" itlplo.nii . SIO\T. ! \ li still trn\tlni ? wltli tlioproile : t succm , nil NOFTIIIM. Clinmlannil 1'rlvnta I > | OHBI. A iiorimniunt euro < ( u raiuoo I for Cntnrrb Hpcrinalnrrliio-i , Ijii t Mnnliooil , Sumliml Wi > nknns . Nlclit l.o us , Iinpnloncy , SvphlUi. Hlrlcliiro , ncl iiililli * o.i < ' 8 nf the Illncul. Skin nml Urlniry : Owini. .V II. 1 cimiMiitua * VJJ fur uvory ciuii 1 unilortako nnil f.itl to cure , roiimiltntlon froo. Hook iMyslerioj at Mfo ) sent Iro- . O.HoJUuurj-'J ' n. m. loin. in. bunUaf la . . . n. ui. to 12 la. Trusses , Supporters , Crutches , Syringes , Atomizers , Bandages , M Piins , Elastic Stocldngs Medical Supplies OF ALL KINDS. Physicians' Prascriptions And all inodielocs carefully com- poundeil. TIIKALOlllWOLDCO. i 14 South 15th Street. NEXT TO I'O.STOFFICE. LiEBSg Thu ciuati'henilsl pionouni-od the well known IJcbi.I'oinpany's KMiMctof llecf , nuivli'of thu lines ! Itivisr I'lattn eat tin In finitely superior In Iliivor aim quality to any mmlo of cnltlii crown In Europe or elftuwheie , lie authorised the use of His as the well known i fttralomarlc ex sigaaturo ) of LIEBIG Extract LIEBIGj j S of Beef. For Delicious I'or Improved nml licet Tua. KcoiKimlo Cookery. . . . uttt tttttnttttttt , : DOCTOR The o l-oli'lirnttd KMJI.ISII nils arc a I'lul-.h o Cum for hlrL Ili'uiluc-lir , Illll.iu. . . , mil Ouiitlllmlloll. t-riinll , plr . mil unA n fiilnrltl ) Mill * tlio In.llcHold In l.i > ilaiiI fur li. .L.InJiuierlMi fur * > . flel tlii-ir. from jour liriiiMlft' , or aoml to . II. liookfc.'l III. , ! PILLS. ( U tttil llri .l > 7 , N w loii. Tor Siileliy KLMIN ft CD. . Omuhn. & . . . . g SJ45 BstenjirAsn'.ya ' tt\Y\&Jt } 1 M M l tiHlil ! K"l'l ly ffiiiWjiu , ! . A-3 ilualrn / > , --/Alwautiful sfcsaraSi-Tfi " ! ' ' ' ' ' " tent to any ono aililn * . U. t. 111IIKH A < ' ( ' Bnfforlnic from llio ciu-ctii < / _ _ youthful trro * forly ilfcar , wftfting weakncsa , lo t iinuUnwl , etc. I will lonJ n valunFilii tri-ullMi ( " -al'l'IJ ' c-oillnlnlnj niltimrtlculars for Immo euro , Vlliii : iif cliiire i A plnrtM nieillcol worlci iltuuM lw n-oa ly ; , < ; " ) 'l innn wlm U ii rrmit nml ( luMlllali-il. A'Mri'i'i ' ' I'rof. I' , f. VOWIiICII. JtlouUlId , I * Kft I I C2 'Su ' IN THt WORLD WILl OV rC ( J V3OPET IN A RUPTUflC orKl rclluf Ilku'Mir. I'lnrce'c.M'Kiu ' Trlii. . " ltliairurrdtliau riilil ifyoH * nltlio IIKh'l.icinl-loIII taiiiim turfrvo I niililvl | . ( > ' i. lUcuctlo liluUlo Truii Co. , W u Pruuclicu , tul MOORE'S For troubling pains in small of baclf UPO Mooi-o's Trotof Life. For C iturrh iiso Moore's Tree of Life. For Constipation use Tree of Life. The great life ro.iietly The Tree ot Life. Mooro's Tnioof l.lfa .1 pntlUr * oaro tor Ktclnaf nnil I.IVCT i'n.iiil ; lint mi I nil b ooJ dlvjiin , . Donilt pala fttiiTor wliiM jou o in IITJ I br tu Truouf 1.1 to. tiio.iriMC I.IJ ltoncilrf ; DOCTOH , : - : McGB/EW THI SLtlcon Vo.irn 12iiDrien | > 'u n tlio Tru.'itmont of t > nui ATE Skin 111 oa mtui'l ' I'Viniilo l > lc.vo . J.adlt-i from Jloiiiiilv l > r Mriiroiv mcdi i In III" trimtinunl of I'rlvnl i lliui ) : in Inn niwr bi'Oii ciii llul ( llouk * nnil I'lrciiturii riiliK Tr.i.itiiioiit bj corriniiuiiduiice. OIH.o , A'l and farm ii Bt . , Omaha , Neb , Knlruncu uli rltlior ntroet. GOLD CLA3P3 CLA3P3Inifentions Tcetli wltlio.it platen , rumovahlo hrhlga Hurif. "ITTliinkmorten'H uulont. " No ppliu dciwn of plains , bllo anything j 1i * like , teeth rumulii llrm. Just llio Ihlnx for iiiiiitblt-rs. liiwyuriund publiospuukurii. 1'rlcu u little imirn tliiin rubber plutes , within reach of nil. IT ll.ilioy. DuiitUi. has the nulo rltiht tu Umiiha nnd lou ) lui Uuuuty , uOlvu 'Jnl Uuoi I'axlou Uluok. f ' -