Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1891, Part 1, Page 3, Image 3

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Much Stock Destroyed and Many Buildings
Torn to Pieces.
Niirrow Hxunpo of Seven-ill Itcntrlop
H IVoin Dcutli liy
ll I UK Till m nn < ! Deluded
NOIOH ol' tlie Flood.
Nob. , Aug. If ! ( Special Tele
gram to Tinr linn. ] The residence of
Wesley Collett at No. ( il I North Ninth street
was badly damaged by lli/htning during the
heavy storm hero last night. None of the
occupants of thu house worJ hurt beyond n
severe shaking up. The storm played con
siderable havoi ) elsewhere through thocltv
In the demolition of shade trees and blowing
down of bill boards.
In the northwest part of the county numer
ous hay and grain stacks were blown over
and some few frail barns demolished. Sev
eral hc.u ; of live stock are reported as hav
ing lieen Killed by the lightning in the
northern Dart of the county. The storm
came from the northwtst. Jt mined In
cessantly hero for about two and one-half
Klllo l nt
MI , Neb , Aug. Ifi. [ Special Tele
gram to Tilt. Br.i.jMr. : . S. P. Henry , an old
and respected resident of this city , was In-
Btantly killed tills morning. He has for the
past year been lu the employ of J. II. Snell
In the Jewel roller mills. As was his custom
In the morning , ho wont up to the eaolo to
oil the maelilncrv. Aho returned ho came
onto the track and stood there apparently
piuing at some cattle some distance away.
There were live men within llftv
yarus of him. They yelled and
beckoned him off the track , but could
not attract his attention. neither
could hu bo nrou ed from his apparent medi
tation bv the shiiil whistle of the coming
train. The train was on the Schuylor line
and Just entering the yards whore it makes a
sharp curve and comes around an embalm
ment. It was coming at the rate of about
ten miles per hour , and the distance from
where the man iiilctit huvo been seen to
where he was struck was not moro than 3)0 )
yards , thus giving the engineer no tlmo to
even reverse his engine. The man when
struck rolled to the right and was stfruok by
the steam chest In the side , then striking his
tump ! ' } on the rail of tbo main line causing
Instant death.
S. D. , Aug. 15. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bui.J : Special Allotting
Agent Mcivuan of the Interior doir tment
under instructions of the commissioner of
Indian affairs has Investigated the rights of
head chief Iron Nation nnd other Indians to
7" land settled upon Immediately after the open
ing of the hloux reservation by several
whites for townsito purposes and reports to
the local United States land ofilces today
that the Indians have no legal rights to said
lands under the allotment act and that they
do not desire the lands to bo alloted them In
consequence of the report. A number of fil
ings wuro presented and received by the laud
officials. A now town Oacoma is built on
these lands and the decision of the special
j + agent will glvo It quite a spurt. The lands
adjoin the till ) acres belonging to the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St Paul and uro very valuable.
Special Agent MclCoan is entitled to credit
for bis prompt action in the matter as the
rights of the whites or Indians to the lauds
have long been in doubt.
.Storm Damage in 1'helps City. : CITY , Neb. , Aug. 15. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bii.J : : A tcrrillu storm vis
ited tuis section of thu country at about S
o'clock last night and lusted for several hours.
The ruin fell In torrents , Hooding the streets
with nt least a foot of water. The wind
Shrieked and howled and blow down several
houses , among which was the line meat mar-
Vet owned by Jnko Bartholomew , nnd n fine
barn owned by John Brown , just llnlshcd this
summer. The hall , which was about live
inchas in diameter , killed several hogs and
other small animals.
The prospect for a corn crop is ruined.
ArreHlod a Ncl > rinkn Kugltlvo.
DIAD\VOOI : ) , S. D. , Aug. 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BII ; : . | On the strength of a
telegram from J. W. Ainmorman , sheriff nt
Albion , Nob. , Jerry Council was arrested
today and is held Bonding the arrival of Am-
merman with requisition papers to tnko the
prisoner back to vNcbraska , where ho is
Wanted on a chaiuo of obtaining ? ' - . " > ( ) by
mortgaging stock not his own. Council , who
lakes the affair coolly , was arrested at Gar
den City , where ho had been working at the
chloriimtion plant for the last three weeks.
ity llonorc 1.
CITY , Nob. , Au . -Special [
Teloirrnm to Tin : BIH : I Word was received
hero today that the executive board had con
cluded to hold the Nebraska Baptist state
convention in this city. There are to bo
about two hundred and llfty delegates from
every part of the state , with perhaps fifty
visitors from Iowa , Kansas and other states.
The First Baptist church of Omaha and the
First church of this city invited the conven
tion , through their pastors , and this church
won. _
ifnil and Kiiln
TM.XUOK , Nub. , Aug 115. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : BKI : . ] This locality was vlsltod
last night by n most torrillo electric storm.
The lightning .struck In sovorul places In
town , but did the mou damage to the Ponsor
nmnufncturlnir company , striking Us build
ing near the comb , tearing off considerable
Siding. An unusual quantity of rain fell ,
and at Doltn , live inilus north of here ,
Immense hail stones fell In largo quantities ,
breaking window glasses and seriously dam
aging brewing crops.
Charucd with a llorrihln Crime.
ICi'AitNiT , Nob. , Aug. 15. [ Special Tele-
gitim to Tni ! BKR. ] Frank Hutchuison , n
local corn doctor , was arrested by Sheriff
Wilson this afternoon on iho charge of as
sault. Murv Staloy , a thlrtoon-yoar-old girl ,
states that on Juno T tlutchtncon committed
n criminal assault on her mid that Hutchlu.
SOII'H wife hold her while the crime was
being committed. Ilutclnuson will not bo
heard until next week and meanwhile lies in
Jail. _
Wedding at NolHon.
NIILSOV , Neb , Aug. 15. ( Special Telegram
to TUR BKB.J Cards are out announcing the
wedding this evening of Moburiy M. Bennett
and Miss Lyda Stiiusbury , two of our most
uopular society young people. Mr. Bennett
Is a rising young farm hand , hnso balllst and
sport , while Miss Stansbury has long been
ono of the leading hellos of Nelson and vicin
ity and a favorite lu the olrclo In which she
moved. They will losldo in Nelson.
Climitiuuiim VlNitnrH.
Citvwi-oiti ) , Nob. , Aug. 15. - [ Special to
Tin : Bin.J Mr. Levy Hull and family , Mrs.
Alexander , Mrs. Head , Miss Mary Hynn and
others started this morning tor a ton days'
stay at the Hot Springs Chautauqua. Others
will L O soon ,
Hev. O. T. Moore , pastor of the Methodist
Kplscopnl church at this place- , arrived this
morning with his bride from Crete ,
iiltiyH Trnlnw.
Nnn v KCITV , Nob. , Aug. 15. [ Special
Telegram to TIIK Bir. : | There was con
siderable of a landslide on the Beatrice
branch this morning near Hrownvllle , which
completely covered the truck and delayed
trains several hours out of this city.
Stock Killed liy
Nob. , Aug. 15 [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BKK.J During the storm last
night , lightning struck the corrull of lieorgo
Stonnett , n farmer living throe miles cast of
town , and killed several head of valuable
I'lOCK. '
Cyolono nt Kenrnoy.
KKAIINEY , Neb. , Aug. 15 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKI : . j About two hundred fcot
pf the cotton mill wall wa blown dowu by
cyclone last night Damage to the wall Is on
the south end and east and west sides. It U
Is estimated tlmt the damage will amount to
* : ! ,000. The brick work wns Insured by the
sub-contractor. The work was not insured
nnd Contrnotor CumtninKs will sustain a loss
of about ? .VK ) .
S. II. II. Clark has written Mayor Johnson
In response to a letter to Jay Gould , request
ing him to visit Kearney on his return from
the west , saying that Mr. Gould would take
gtoat pleasure in doing so.
Iw.lnri'd nt Kuarnny.
Ivnvitvr.i , Nob. , Aug. 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKI : . ) Sam Hunlcln , nn em
ploye in n livery stable hero , mil with n
painful acoldent this afternoon. Ho was
riding In n waion nnd loading a horse by a
strap which had a .snap utt-ichcd to the end.
The anlmiil shied and drew the simp through
hU hand , tearing the Hesh In a horrible
AI must i-osHOd Over.
LINVOI v , Nob. , Aug. 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bti : : . I A waiter named Hurt ,
who is n morphine nnd chloroform llond , took
an ovcrdosa of chloroform this evenlnir and
nnnowly escaped death.
Lost a I'oot.
Ltscoi.v , Neb , Aug. 15. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BIK.J : Whllo drunk John Karhnrt , a
laboring man llfty years old , was knocked
down by the cars and his right foot cut oil.
r.irii's I'oivi : in .sot/.w > .
llntnors to the Contrary I'rovon Kit No
hy thu Great Hinder.
I -"iipi/i / lulit Itai / i//iiw-i tiiinl'in llrniiflt. ]
LONDON , Aug. IS. fNow York Herald
Cab.o Special to Tnr. Biu.--Humors [ about
Pattl's voice b'ins unsound were dispelled
at the brilliant opening in her private
theatre nt Cralg-y-nos. All who heard her
sing say her voice is still good. Pattl is now
llfty-ono years old nnd will probably not
innko ns much effort as bofoio.
Next Wednesday Howaid Paul , the well
known playwright , starts for America and
will visit the now state of Washington with
Daniels Corbln. They will send pictorial
letters , illustrated , to the London News.
Mrs. Paul was n famous sintror. It only this
week leaked out that she dressed herself up
In tnalo attire once and passed herself off before -
fore u vast audience at Scarborough as Sims
Heevcs , the famous toaor. Her extraordi
nary Voice and loin ; of Hsovoi'
munnors enabled her to play the trick so well
that up to this week no ono know the truth.
There is Irony in the announcoijent that
Lady Clancarty , who formerly sang in the
conceit halls under the name ot Bella Hilton ,
Intends to play a leading role.
In the provinces the Imperial edict of the
czar forbidding the exporting of cereals
from Itusala Is playing the dicltous with the
prices of cereals in England. All operators
all bullish. Hussian bonds are weak. The
effect Is not so great hero as on the conll-
nent , especially Germany , which usually
imports three and half million quintals of rye
annually from Kiissln. Hyo is now dearer
than wheat on the continent. Wheat will
therefore take its place for some time.
The weather remains unfavorable to the
harvest both here and on the continent. The
general expectation is that prices will go
much higher. A good deal of fun Is made in
London ever proverbial luck of Americans in
having good crops at Just at the right time.
Sir Edwin Arnold is going to America on
an extended tour.
Marie Williams Head.
Marie Williams , the burlesque actress , who
came to England from America in .tune , died
thN morning. She had boun indulging too
frcoiy in the rosy cup. She was unconscious
nearly twenty-four hours.
There was a prettv wedding at St. Peter's
church today. Count M. Harry Cassoll was
married to Elizabeth Frances , widow of the
late Joseph T. Farmer of Denver. There
was n fashionable attendance , many hand
some presents and pretty decorations.
The announcement of the engagement of
MUs Elizabeth Bisland and Mr.Votinoro , n
Now York lawvor , has revived the interest
taicen in that lady during her Hying trip
around the world.
A rich literary find has been nindu this
week. I learn privately that nn American
publishing linn has bought the series of un
signed essays printed n fortnight ago by
the Hovlow now turns out to bo the work of
Thackeray. The publisher * have produced
receipts in payments for an ariiclo signed by
Thackeray. They are line specimens of his
work including his opinion of Frenchmen
and other spicy lopics.
Chauncoy Dopow expected to got back f rom
the continent tomorrow. Cornelius Vander
hilt will bo here a few days afterward. Their
movements are deeply interesting to capi
talists connected with thu Chicago stock yards
The artistic world Is laughing over
the row between Von lieors and the
Hoyal Antwerp academy. In response to the
invitation of the academy Von Bears sent a
portrait of Henri Hoehofort , asking for an
especially good ohico for the picture. It got
there late and was rejected. Von Boors ad
dressed stinging letters to the academy.
Insulted the Committee.
"In Paris , " said ho , "amonsr gentlemen ,
when a guest of certain Importance , owing
to circumstances beyond his control arrives
u little late and bogs the host kindly to ex
cuse him , I do not think the latter would
shut the door in his face. I hoped to please
you and you gave tno tno rebuff. It
Is so Into Antwerp. " The aca lomy
committee got rod hot with auger and cent
an answer accusing Von Boors with bluster
ing , saying : "If , sir , you retained any recol
lection of the poor town ot Antwerp so un
worthy to have glvon birth to such a gnnius
us yourself , you would have remembered that
here , as in the great Parisian world , a host
never fulls to woleoma a guest who has
missed a coach or train , but a uunstapologi/os
and assures him tha'ho is all right and quite
contented with what is loft , He remembers
also that , according to the homclv proverb ,
'every man Is miistor In hU own house' , and
that no ono there Is permitted to lay down a
law Imperiously , not oven monarchs of nil-
vorllsomenl. " The entire correspondence
was made public yesterday.
I hoar Ivan Caryll , the husband of Gor-
aldlne Ulmor , Is anxious to uot married
again. Ho is a Homan Catholic and she li a
Protojtant and wishes the ceremony of both
churches. Curyllsays : "I enjoyed the llrst
experience so much I would like to undergo
it again lu every country wo visit. " IM// . ant KM ,
Men Hurt liy Knllinjj Stones nnd C. ops
Sr. CLOUD , Minn. , Aug. 15. The storm
ptovcs to have boon moro serious than at first
supposed. All corn and standlm * grain in its
patli arc utterly ruined , tlio Immense hull-
stones crushing them to the ground. Grain
In Miooks also suffered severely. Men in
Holds were bruised and cut about the head
by the hail. In some places the hull was
fifteen to twenty Inches deep on a level. All
vtludows on the cxposoj side of houses were
smashed. No coti urvativo estimate cau bo
made of thu damage accomplished , but It
must ho heavy.
Wu.i.Mtii , Minn. , Aug. 15. The hull storm
which passed over the eastern portion of this
county cut down standiug grain. The storm
was furious. It rooted up trees and broke
dowu shcdi. Hall broke a number of windows
dews ,
To Kcop Out Tin Workei-H.
NEW YOIIK , August 15. The executive
cominUtoo of the American federation of
labor has instructed President Gompcrs to
ro-oporato with the Amalgamated association
of Iron and stool workers for the purpose of
preventing the effort to import tin worker *
mto this country ,
Nebraska Members Cause Discord by Their
Scramble for Ofiho.
Open Itiiptlon in One Instance and
Arotvcil Opposition from Individ-
In .Many CIIHOS Tlirotiuli-
out the State.
Ltxcor.v , Nob. , Aug. 15. [ Special to TUB
nii.J : : The Independents hold tholr county
convention this afternoon. In the main It
was harmonious. J. V. Wolfoacted ns chair *
tnnn ami Stove Jones of the World-Ilurald us
SCCrOtlir ? .
The following noininatlons .were made :
County treasurer , O. Hull ; shorllT , William
F. Elfclilt ; county clerk , William Domarco ;
clerk of district court , Klhn Hnkcr ; county
superintendent , II. S. Bowers ; county Judge ,
W. S. Wymr , survovor , K. J. Hoblnsou.
A resolution was passed demanding tlmt mi
Investigation bo made of the records during
Mr. Mellck'.s ' term of oHlco as shuriff , us ho
never turned any fees Into the county treas
urer while his successor , Mr. McClay turned
In nearly S..UOO.
A resolution was passed favoring the fol
lowing n.ilnrlo * for county officers :
County clurk. & ! ,500 ; county sheriff , $3,500 ;
clerk of district court , $ 'I,0J ! ) ; countv super
intendent , $ l-iX ) . All feoa coming Into Uiolr
hands in excess of these amounts to bit
turned over to the county general fund to the
credit of the county , the county to pav for
all necessary clerk hire mid a reasonable
compensation for the same for each ofllco
above mimed.
The delegates to tlio Hastings convention
were nuthorl/oa to use all means to seciiro
the nomination of Hon. J. W. ISdgcrtoli for
the olllCB of judiru of the supreme court , after
n rod hot deb.ito. The slight opposition re
sulted in a Hood of ouloglums on the Omatia
attorney 'ind losultod In the unanimous pas-
sauo of tlio resolution.
The following resolutions , which were
aimed at Boss Burrows , were unanimously
passed :
Whuroas. Thorn nro certain designing poli
ticians who for snlf HBgraiidl/oinont irlV'J out
to the public ihat they are tlio lucngnl/ed
loaders of tliU people's Indopemlcntirirty ; unit
\\huiuns , These inethojs of piocoediiro
bring ippruiu'h upon our party and thereby
tualcrlally retards its growth , theiuforo
Itcsolvcd , It Is the sense of this con
vention Unit such Rolf-constituted party
loaders are a disgrace to the party and ene
mies In disguise.
Kcsolved , That wo do hold and publish to
tlio MIIIId ,
1. That ho who sets himself up as a party
boss Is a traitor to our cause , for liosslsm Is
tlio especial iCn'inio of both tlio dominant
part log ,
2. That ho who nets the part of a dictator
lu the Independent purty should be
purged from our councils and be ban
ished to the corrupt suliool whence ho was
'I lldsslstn. dlctsitoislilp and the manipula
tion of suuiet concla\es for siatlnjr tickets are
the fruits of Ignorance mid tyrr.iny and the
aets of the cunning Knave , who Is afraid of
hoin'st competition In the tace for otllco.
4. That all nets of the people's Independent
party should he open , fieu and cninlid , wllh
the snnllKlilof lieau-n "hilling on all of our
labors , anil that wo may liave the utmost
freedom and fairness In the selection of our
standard bearers , so that they may maruli tea
a grand and glorious victory at the coming
After the selection of delegates to the state
convention the convention proceeded for
nominees for district Judge. Ex-AUornoy
General Leeso was nominated by acclama
tion. Judge Tibbotts was next nominated
and Mr. Cromwell was the third nominee.
Otoo County Convention.
Ki CITY , Nob. , Aug. 15. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Bii.J : The political cam
paign opened up lu this locality today and It
Is now a settled fact that Otoo county will
have throe full tickets in the Held. The independents -
dependents met today at Syracuse and nomi-
dated a full ticket. General Van Wyck was
thcro and occupied n delegate's chair well
down in front. The only doublo-headar dele
gation came from ( Jtoo precinct niul nouo of
the other districts had a full representation.
When the meeting was first called to orJer
there were only about fifty of the delegates
in the hnll , but they kept dropping In as the
session proceeded until the gathering ad
journed for dinner. The convention was
called to order by L. Ward of Hussoll
precinct , chairman of the county cen
tral committee. On motion of Sam
Patton , M. E. Campbell was made
the permanent chairman and E. S.Vhit -
talcar as secretary , with C. C. Cowlos to
assist him. The following committed was
selected to prepare credentials : Sam Put-
ton , O. A. Severe , John Sims , It. L. Foster
and 13. Fitzpatnck.
Whllo the above committee was out preparing -
paring its report General Van Wyok took
auvantago of tno opportunity and delivered a
line speech. Ho talked for thirty minutes.
O. H. Thompson proposed having a big
picnic on October 0 , and had the matter
referiod to ti committee. It the picnic is
made a go Senator Poll or of Kansas and
General Van Wyck will bo the orators of the
day. The county central Committee was
made up as follows : Nebraska City , llrst
\\ard , 15. Poling ; second ward , U. M. Foster ;
Third ward , G. H. Halls ; Fourth ward , W.
H Simpson ; Hock Creek , W. Whaland ;
Wyoming , A. Tipton ; Belmont , Sam Patton ;
North lirunch , M. Eulurs ; Four Mile , } G.
Mahl-y ; Syracuse , G. B. Sabin ; Oiago , II ,
J. Beois ; Palmyra , E. . H. Baldwin : South
Brunch , George Qulblu ; Hussoll , Lovl Ward ,
Delaware , B. F. Wcstbrook ; HcndrlcUs ,
Thomas Barker ; McWilllams , A. II , Walker ;
Otoo , Van Overtoil ; Berlin , Louis Caratons.
The following gentlemen were selected as
delegates to the atato convention which
meets at Hustings , August 18 : Washington
Hair , C. II. Van Wyck , 7. . Masters , T. D.
Hurver , Van Overtoil , John William , Sam
London , Hobert C. Druezedow. J. II. David-
sou , G. 11. Wilson , Robert Elliott , George
Qublo and E. H. Baldwin. After this m'tch
had oeen accomplished , some ol the doie-
L'atos proposed that the convention shut off
making any nominations , but the motion was
.set down and the following gentlemen were
nominated : Cleric of the district court ,
William Moran : county clerk , D. II. Docdcn ;
county treasurer , Eugene Munn ; sheriff ,
Warren Wlllman ; coroner. C. N. Kursten ;
county commissioner , William Young ;
county superintendent of schools , William
Griulih. Thocp were from two to six candi
dates for each-nomination.
Tronlilo for tins Alliance.
H \itvutn , NOD , , Aug. 15. [ Special to Tun
BKR. | Thb caucus for election of delegates
to the county convention of the farmers' alll-
nnco was held here Thursday. It developed
yesterday that several of the loaders were
not satlstled with the delegation elected be
cause a part of the members refused to agree
to support Harvard , the candidate for dis
trict Judge at the county convention. A con
sultation was hold yesterday and another
caucus convened last night , at which a now
delegation was elected , all ot the members
of which will support Harvard , mid u double
homier gees to the convention at Clay Center
today prepared for the tight. Croat interest
Is manifested here. It is a question which
ot the delegations will hu recognized.
Ticket Coinpcmeil of Firmorn.
ALIIIOX , Neb , , Aug. 15. [ Special Telegram
to TUB UBE.I The independent convention
of Boone county convened today at Albion
and iniido the following nominations ; For
treasurer , D. 1C. Cuukin ; sheriff , H. H. Sim-
for ; superintendent , James Pclloy ; county
iudge , Joseph Hamilton ; clerk of the district
court , W. A. llosford ; surveyor , M. G.
Barnes ; county clerk , W. B. Watson ; com
missioner , L. W. Bramuii ; coroner , D. K.
Sabin , M.D. The convention mot in the
opera house. There was a Itinro attendance ,
and the persons solcctcd are good men. All
are farmers except W. A. llosford.
Not u Htronn Ticket.
AI.M , Nob. , Aug. 15. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bur.I The independent convention
hero today nominated the following t.ckot :
County clerk , Theodora Mahan ; treasurer , C.
W. Whitney ; Judge , J. I ) . Smith ; sheriff , ! ! .
B. Dow ; clerk of the district court , Will
Downs ; superintendent of public Infraction ,
J. T. Lampion ; surveyor , A. HotTmayer ;
coroner , J , O , Hoffman , The clerk of the
district court , surveyor uud coroucr succeed
themselves. The ticket , oiutfilo of the clerk
and clerk of the district $ ) ij t , Is not con
sidered a stronr 0110 by sollWrtiouiuors of the
alliance. The delegates selected for the dis
trict convention nro not yet _ . Instructed , but
favor the nomination of JUKO ' ) Gnslln. I'ho
convention passed resolutions adopting the
Cincinnati declaration of l/rluciplcs anJ plat
form. '
- -
Sonic Hot .
QIUVT , Nob. , Aug. ! " > ( Special Telegram
to THE BKE. ] The Independent county con
vention was held In this city today and was
the largest convention over hold In the
county. There were present fifty delegate' ,
every ono of the fourteen' precincts In the
county being represented. Hoprescntntlvo
Charles Purnell was elected permanent chair
man and T. A. Clugston secretary. A com
plete county ticket was nominated. N. T.
Potter received the nomination for county
clerk ; E. M. Harrison , treasurer ; P. W. Hull ,
sheriff ; Uov. W. S. Hampton , county Juudge ;
A. M. Johnson , surveyor ; Miss Jennlo
Carothers , who was assistant post-
muster of the house of repre
sentatives during the last legislature ,
was nominated for countv superintendent ;
C. A. Cooper , coroner , and Calvin Sparks ,
Following are the names selected to bo del
egates to Uiu state convention : E. W. Kills ,
A. B. Wilcox , Calvin Sparks , E. Barrister
and H. H. Wilson.
It was recommended that the delogatcs east
tholr vote for Judge Inmau of North Platte
for supreme Judge.
After the nominations were made a general
love feast followed and speeches were made
bv the nominees , denouncing the two old par
ties and favoring sticking to the men they
had nominated. The following resolutions
were unanimously adopted :
Resolve I. That no person be placed In
nomination for any olllce uho has been Idenll-
lled with the Independents and advocated In
dependent ptlnclplcs at the last election In
Not umber ,
Itusnlved , That vto endorse the Principle ad
vocated In the platform of the ( 'Incliitiaticmi-
voiitlnn. That we denounce action of twonly-
vecond scs-ilon of the legislature of Ne'iraska
for defeating the oppnrtlontnunt hill , known
as licin-o roll bill No. ' 'is. That we denounce
the demo T.itlc alien Acting ( lovcrnor llovd
for valuing the No \ berry bill : Tint the
slate board of transput tatlon deserves con
demnation of all the producing classes of
No'irusK ' i for not living a maximum fieight
on till of the railroads of th's state. That wo
favor the e'ectlon of good and true men to all
oltUlal positions , who will regard siu'h posi
tions as a public trust to be administered in
inteiests of the whole people.
Creiitht oil's Convention.
Cnr.iotirov , Neb. , Aug. 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEI : ] The Alliance convention
for Knox county was held hero today. It
will go down In history as a memorable ono
for the persistency In which the candidates
continued to bob up. Forty-two delegates
considered with closed doors this forenoon
the availability of ever forty candidates for
the various odlces and from the fact that
after dinner the candidates were on hand
showing for reform , it is concluded that
the delegates gave it up lu the secret morn
ing session. 'iho open convention was
called to order by County President McCoy.
Ato'clock a price club of Indies and gentle
men sang "When the Farmers Get a
Chance. " Seven candidates scored for the
start on treasurer and on the fuurth ballot S.
L.Vhltmore of Walnut Grove came out
best. IS mo candidates followed in the can
didacy for count- clerk , Charles C. Van
Camp of VordiKrec winning In the liftb.
Tbo other officers nominated were : Sheriff ,
Charles Crocko't ; county Judge , J. N. Me-
Cormiok ; superintendent of schools , J. P.
Presvjn ; clerk of the district court. John T.
Lindsay , Jr. ; coroner , Dr. W. O. Campbell ,
and surveyor , F. M. Grove. The delegates
elected to the state convention were : Hon.
J. G. Cruse , chairman ; P. Phillips , George
Hanks , S. Patton Van Camp , A. L. Jones , I.
L WhltmoM , D. Mooney and Frank Schnei
der. The same delegates were elected to
attend the district Judicial convention ut
Norfolk. A motion to Instruct the delegation
for W. V. Allen of Madison for district Juduo
was lost in the shuQIe , although It is under
stood that they nro favorable to him. Con
siderable dissatisfaction exists among the
delegates as to the nominations made. It Is
not a strong ticket. -
Morn Alliano * Discord.
A'.KINSOV , Neb. , Aug. 15. [ Soacial Tolo-
gratn to Tnc Bun. ] The " independents of
Holt county mot at this "place today at 10 a.
m. , i. P. Mullen was made temporary pres
ident and S. B. Howard secretary. Those
olllcers were made permanent. The different
committees were appointed and adjournment
taken until 1 ; 3U. After dinner the different
committees reported.
Five townships were found without repre
sentatives , and after discussing the pros and
cons of the ordinary alliance platform , with
the adoption of a woman suffrage plank and
a resolution to the effect that "no liquors or
cigars should bo used by candidates lor cam-
palm purposes , the convention proceeded to
the nomination of candidates.
Sheriff , C. M. Smlthof Connolly township ;
treasurer , J. P. Mullen of Pleasantviow ;
county clerk , S. L. Congers ot Inman ; judge ,
W. M. Bowon.
An adjournment was then taken until 8
o'clock The ticket elect- so lav does not
create harmony in enunlts , from the fact that
thcro were fourteen candidate , for sheriff ,
twelve for clerk and eight for county Judge.
The western part of the county has been
skunked on the olllcers and feel sore.
NnokollR County Independents.
NELSON , Nob. , Aug. ID. [ SpecialTelegram
to Tnc Bii.J The Independent county con
vention was hold today at this place with a
fair attendance. Resolutions favoring the
free and unlimited coinage of silver and a
circulating medium of foO per capita were
adopted. The old panics came in for their
sbnro of denunciation. The republican mem
bers of the alliance were not In It The
following ticket was placed in nomination :
Clerk of the district court , J. M. Btird ,
democrat ; treasurer , John D. Uouso , green-
bacuor ; county clerk , W. G , Bradley , demo
crat ; county Juduo , Gafnes Patrick , demo
crat , sheriff , L. O. Baldwin , democrat ; su
perintendent , V. A. Thomas , democr t ; cor
oner , Dr. Barrett , democrat ; commissioner ,
F. W , Tucker , republican , surveyor , F. B.
Co no , democrat.
\VithlhooxcoptIon of the nominees for
treasurer and county clerk the ticket Is not
regarded us u strong ono. The nominees for
superintendent and commissioner and Judge
uro particularly unpopular.
Nonintin I nd c pond en IH.
AuiiriiN. Neb. , Aug. 15. ( Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Biu. : ) The independents of
Nomaha county mot In convention today at
the court bouse In Auburn. Eleven precincts
were represented by 1H5 delegates. J. John
son was chosen chairman , Fred lluntlngton
and J. T. Itnlston secretaries. The following
delegates were chosen to' the state conven
tion : J. T. Hulston , Bon Frcdonbcrg , J. J.
McAllister , W. W. Scartunon , A. W , Saultz-
baugh , J. H. Dundas , D. N. Jones , T. G.
Ferguson , G. N. TltU8 , J , W. May , B. J.
The following are delegates to the Judicial
convention ; J. D Storms , DanCaroy , M. C.
Shurtloff , J. C. Denser , D. W. Pierson , A. C.
Leenor , A. Watklns , E. l < \ ' Swobe , Hobort
Smith , S. II. Snroap. It.'J. Stewart.
All delegates go unlnstruoted. The follow
ing were chosen members' ' of tbo state central
committee : T. G. ForgllsOn , J. D , Storms ,
John Swan. The convention named Sntur-
dav , September i0 ! , as the day on which to
select a county ticket.
County Ciuilld ( ' ( , > n Named.
MINIIBN. Nob. , Aug. -Spoclal | { Telegram
to TIIK Br.E. ] The alliance county conven
tion was hold In this city today. The follow
ing ticket was nominated : For treasurer , A.
B. Andrews ; county clerk , A. G. Bloomlluld ;
district clerk , J. E Hcdluml ; countv Judge ,
E. O. Smoad ; sheriff , Patrick H. Drlscoll ;
superintendent , Sylvester Canaday ; coroner ,
G. J Richmond ; surveyor , John Seodlor.
Delegates were chosen to the state and Judi
cial conventions. Delegates to the Judicial
convention were Instructed for Fletcher of
Franklin ns llrst choice Shaffer of Holdredgo
second. Uugan wasn't In It.
OIIHH Count )
WEIU-INO WATUI , Neb. , Aug. ID. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BEK.J The Cass county re
publican central committee met hero today
and set the date for holding the convention
for Soptemhor 10. The primaries will beheld
held September 1'J.
ICndoi-Hed < Judio Ouslln ,
HoMiiiEUcie , Neb. , Aug. 15 , [ Special Telegram -
gram to TIIK BBE. ] The farmers alliance of
OX 811IU 1'iUE.J
Commencing Monday Morning , August 17th , and lor 3 clays
MondayTuesday and Wednesdaywe will give Discount of
On our well known stock of medium and fine goods , which is the larg
est and most carefully selected line of Muslin Underwear west of New
York city. Plain , Tucked , Embroidery trimmed , Lace trimmed , etc.
Every garment from the highest to the lowest price , subject to a dis
count of Twenty Per Cent (20 ( per cent ) during this sale ,
Ladies' Lawn Waists ,
Ladies' Lawn Dressing Sacques ,
Ladies' Chemise ,
Ladies' Drawers ,
Ladies' Night Dresses ,
Ladies' Skirts ,
Ladies' Corset Covers ,
Ladies' Shirt Waists ,
Laundered and Unlandcrcd.
KELLEY , STIGER & CO. , Corner Farnam and 15lh Streets.
Much Valuable Property Destroyed by Wind
and Bain ,
One i-ersoii 1'rolmbly Katally Injurcit
From the KfTeotH of Shock hy
Ijijjlitntni * Details " "tl10
Elements Work.
, Neb. , Aug. 15. [ Special to Tun
iliii ; Last night between 8 and U o'clock
Hastings was visited by ono of the most ter-
rillo electric storms that ever raced in this
portion of the state. The rain fell in tor-
roiHs and the lightning flashes were continu
ous. Strong trees were broken by the irre-
slstablo tempest like so many pipe stems.
Cellars were Hooded out , houses were tipped
over , bill boards demolished and loose boxes
and boards were scattered by the terrific on-
slaucht of wind and water.
The new Vulcanite rooting factory was
blown over and totally wrecked. The loss
was covered by a tornado insurance policy.
In the midst of the storm an electric lijjht
wire crossed a telephone wire and forty-seven
telephones were burned out. Hundreds ol
shade trees were killed or injured. Water
leaked in the Alexander block on Second
street and Lincoln avenue nt an open up
stairs hnll door and dripped down into the
notion store of J. V. Uowells and did much
damage there. Air. Uowell'b cellar is Hooded
with throe loot of water. U. B. Wahhiulst's
house was struck by lightning.
Ilenrv Smith , a gentleman of color , was
driving ' 'Trailer , " N. II. Dillon's pacer , in
the free-for-all at the matinee races yester
day afternoon mid had Just driven under the
wire when a driver behind him drove Ins
sulky into Harry's. Smith was thrown out ,
but iis ho fortunately btruck on his head ho
was not Injuied.
W. Browne Cessna , a son of Judge Cessna ,
Is quite dangerously 111.
A lively runaway on Second street yostcr-
dav afternoon sent pedestrians scurrjing.
The damage bj last night's storm In the
country south of town wns very heavy.
Lammort Lay reports that corn is almost
totally destroyed around his ptaco , six miles
southeast of town , Mr Lay's barn wns de
stroyed and carried bodily lor some distance.
The damagoat.luniata is said to have been
much heavier than hero. North of town the
corn fared better than south.
August 18 and 10 the HastlngH br.ll club
uro preparing to play Plattbmouth , or rather
a picked club of the best plavers from allover
ever the stato. His commonly understood
hero that Castono and Maupin of the Lincoln
Giants will play with the state , Hut it is
doubtful whether thov will bo allowed to
play on the grounds after their letter to
Plattsmouth complaining of cheating bore.
Miles of the Texas league ls > now In the city
to play against Hastings. *
Joseph Cox , traveling solicitor of the B. &
M. railroad , was in tha cliy on company busi
ness yesterday. _
Pa ml I / ! ( ! hy
s , Nob. , Aug. -Special [ Tele
gram to Tin : BBB.J During last night's
electric storm Miss Laura Bates , residing on
east Fifth street , while closing an open win-
dow.received what Is supposed to have been A
return shock from a bolt which struck a bloctf
or so away. She was rendered unconscious
and is now temporarily paralizod in her loft
limb. A peculiar feature is that the outlines
of tlio posterior tihlal and norouciil nerves are
clearly marked by n greenish streak.
Reports are confirmatory of heavy domago
to crops by hall and lightning In the southern
part of the county.
iit.ivK in/.i.s .vuir.s ,
Much Viilunlilo Mining
Developed by Syndic-nit' Aid.
DK.UWOOD , S. D. , Aug. in. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bii.J : : The controlling interest
In the Lead City gold and silver mining com
pany "passed this week to A. D. Clark of Buf
falo Gap , who Is representing a syndicate of
Iowa and Illinois capitalists. Immediately
after the transfer the directory was reorgan
ized , a new superintendent appointed and a
force put to work getting out ore for ship
ment. The company owns u group of six
claims in the Bad ! mountain district , show
ing ore that averages $17 per ton. Owners
of the Big Bonan/ii lodu are now shipping
L'OO tons of 13 ere to the Aurora , 111. , plant.
Alterations to the furnace of the Deadwood -
wood and Delaware .smelter have been com
pleted and the plant li once moro In full
blast , running on ore from tha Maggie mines.
The dally bullion output Is a little more than
sr > , ixu
The do'deii Howard chlorlnatlon works
were Idle live days during tlio llrst half of
the present month while repairs were being
Hindu to thu dust chamber. Notwithstanding
this , however , a gold tirlck valued at i ,00J (
was shipped yesterday.
/V / long pending injunction salt which has
prevented the KlUhoi'n railroad from com-
plnting ono of Its spurs on the lluld moun
tain narrow gauge extension lias been se'tlud
ana the company now has a largo forcoigrud-
Ing lor the line to the Portland and Mark
Twain mines. The former has 700 tons of
(50 ere on the dump and the latter tome four
hundred tons of ? < W ere waiting to bo.shlpped.
The hoUtlug workt , on thu Minnesota miiiu
were damaged by lire to the amount ot (3,000
on Tuesday , The effect will bo to delay do-
volopmont of the property until repairs are
A dispatch from Ilormosa says that ar
rangements have been perfected for the con
centration ot the ores from the Spokane
silver mine at the Glcndalo mill which is
only about two miles from the miiio. By this
arrangement the owners will reall/o a con-
sidcrahly greater profit in working the mine
as thcro is quite a quantity of ere that Is
hardly rich enough to piy for shipping to
Omaha or Denver but which will pav a nice
prolit by concentrating hero in the hills.
Hiisy Cliri-tlnii WOPCIT | I.
HoTSi'itiM.s , S. I ) . , AUK. ill. [ Special to
Tin : BIK. : | The Chautamnia association of
the Black Hills is in session with a good at
tendance and a rich programme. No moro
beautiful spot can be found in the picturesque
Black Hills than was selected for the grounds.
Bounded on the several sides b } the majestic
hills , fringed with the overgieen pines and
cedars , while a .serpentine stream of clear
water ripples over iho pebble- the base of
the pavillion. Nestled in tills cosy , beautiful
canyon are found n tarco numbo'r of white
tents about the auditorium room , ana all oc
cupied with earnest , devoted .students of
biblical history , and regaling themselves
three times n day ofl the rich feasts provided
for upon the platform.
| U is a positive luxury to look upon this
busy hlvo Jof Christian workers , note their
earnestness , their devotion to work and hun
ger for knowledge in the higher and broader
Holds of biblical literature. The programme
contains the names of such men as the
scholarly and learned iJr. Freeman of the
state university of Wisconsin. As a word-
painter and graceful teacher the platform
does not furnish his superior. The witty ,
profound and eaptivatinglcctuier , Prof. John
Dowitt Miller , tlio studious , carolul and
learned biblical student , Hev. Dr. Tornllligor.
'lime would iail to particular'zo ' , but it is
enough to say a richer repast of Intellectual
viands has never been offered the people of
the Black Hills. The musical department is
equally as rich as any other , both vocal and
The management of the entertainment is In
the hands of that tireless and skillful worker ,
Kov. Dr. J. W. Handier , president of Iho
Black Hills colloso. It is but duo to say that
progress , reform , education , broad Christian
ity , moral purity and intellectual culture has
in President II anchor a champion who has no
book in which the word "fail" is found when
hu is enlisted.
Tha board of directors yesterday is
sued a season ticket free ot charge *
to each of the sixty-two members of the
soldiers' homo. This generous act is greatly
apnrccialed by the old voloraiid , on whoso
hands ttmo hang ! , heavily. They greatly
enjoy the services in the cool shade and
with hearts full of gratitude thank Presi
dent Handler and his colaborers. Tlio num-
of strangers In town aio numerous , some enjoying -
joying the health giving baths , some rambles
over the hills , ami all the Clriutauqua.
The Adelphiun iniaitutte of Crete are mot
with storms of apphiuso at each appearance.
Prof. Vance is in charge of the vocal music
classes and Is the right man in the right
plate ,
,1 ud y in cut IJnsittihlled.
Sioux FALLS , S. I ) . , Aug. 15. - ( Special
Telegram to Tin : lii.i : . ) Klevcn days ago
Captain C. T. J offers , deputy warden of tlie
state penitentiary and captain of company
B of the state guards and a prominent clti/un
of this city was arrested and Imprisoned in
thn county Jail In consequence ot his as
sumed Inability to pay a judgment of $ ' .l.0i >
obtained for damages sustained by Miss
Maggie O'Kourko , Who was Injured while
crossing the street by the explosion of a can
non which .1 offers was liring In honcr of the
election of Senator Pottlgrow In November ,
l hil. Today the captain appealed before
Judge AlKcnsund asked to have the action of
Miss O'Kourke dismissed. After a complete
examination it was found that a considerable
amount of property had changed from the
captain's possession to that of his wlfo after
the beginning of the suit. Tlio Judge Inti
mated that the transfers were fraudulent
and before any decision could bo delivered
the defense withdrew their motion to dismiss
and tbo deputy warden was remanded back
to Jail where he will remain until some dis
position Is mailo of the property alleged to
have been fraudulently transferred.
at Pine
PIVB Hindi : , S. D. , Aug. 15. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Hin.J : Dr. V. T. McCiilly-
ruddy , ox-agent , arrived at the injonev to
day. It Is understood hero that the doctor
comes bv request of HOIIIO of thn most influ
ential chiefs and head mun of the Sioux na
tion , and that ho will use hli best endeavor *
to bring about a satisfactory seUluni'int ' ho-
tween the government and the "friendly"
Indians during the late war In regard to
thclrclulms for damages insulting to them hy
reason of thn depiedatloiis committed by thu
hostiles of that event.
A very strong opposition to the roappolnt-
mom of Dr Hoyeras agent nt Pine Hhlgo has
manifested llsolf during the past , few
davh , some of the bust Indians at the agonuv
declaring that should tnat gentleman bu ro-
appilnted to the position from which ho wns
removed last January , that they would Ig
nore his authority , and oven going HO Inr as
to threaten him porsonnl violence should he
have the hardihood to again visit thu
Affairs here are running smoothly under
the present administration and Ihu Indians
are well pleased with the treatment HO far
accord id them since difUcultlcs I uvu ceased ,
ln ningcd hy I'M md.
HOSKIII n AOUNI > , S. 1) . , Aup. 15. ( Sp'Jcial
to 1'itK DISK , jA j cloud bur t or water spout
made a great Hood at the aironcy yesterday
morning. All the bridges across Hosubud
creek at the agency were washed out , and
tlio slaughter house was n complete wreck.
The roads through thu canons are In u very
had condition at present. Hail was very
bad In the vicinity of Cody ou ttio Fruuiout ,
Elkborn & Missouri Vulluy.
Conger's ' Viewi of Ne
braska's Claims to tlio Couveutioii.
Continued Woric in the Ijino Already
Indicated Will Give the City
n Good head in the
Citicvoo BUIIHAU or Tur BIJE , I
Ciilcuio , Auu' . in. )
Talking of national republican alT'iirs to n
reporter for the Tribune today , ox-Congress
man Conger of Ohio spoke in terms of the
highest admiration for Omaha's energetic.
canvass for the next national convention.
"And , " said ho , "tho city has n number of
claims which will Irivo to bo considered.
U hen the committee moots in Now York in
November to ductile upon the location Omaha
will have a delegation of representative men
thcro and will make a strong bid. And she
may got it. Much moro unlikely things have
\VIM Illvnl
It bus been decided that Chicago will soon
bo n rival of Divlght in the matter of an
asylum for alcoholic patients , The time Is
not far distant when visitors will see moro
tynicnl "horrililo examples" than in any
other city except Dwight in the country.
In other words , an institution for the cure of
"drunuards , morphine caters and clgarotto
fiends" will bo elected and the uichlondo-of-
gold treatment will bo given. Dr. liar-
greaves , who Is ono of the alleged discoverers
of tlio cure and who is the only ono except
Dr. ICeeloy who knows the mystery of the
Ingredient ! of the composition , is organi/Ing
a company for the new sanitarium , and upon
Its erection will bo Installed ns prosiuent and
chief advisor.
\\estern People 111 t lUca o.
The following western people are in the
citv :
jvt the Grand I'acllic C. . II. MoLonnan ,
Lincoln ; Mr. and Mrs. ( Jcortjo M. Tuttle ,
Salt Lake City , Utah.
At the Auditorium-1C. C. Morehouso ,
Omaha , B. 10. Browstur. Cnoyonne.
At the Kicholiou K. G. Itedil , Miles City ;
Mr. and Slr.s. James l arlov , Crobtoti.
At the Wellington- ! > . Pratt , DCS
Mollies , la. ; C. M. Thompson. Waiter" .
Cook , Aitliur Johnson , Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. llniiscom and Miss of Omaha are nt the Palmer on
their way homo fiom the cast , where they
thev have been for several wcoHs past.
Hon. and Mrs. W A. Paxtou , who have
been In the clt\ for several ( inys past , Icavo
for homo tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Mooros nro at the
Auditorium. They attended the Cirand Army
reunion at Detroit , and mo on route homo.
Mr. Mooros stopped nt tlio Lihby prison to
have a plate nllKed lo the door to mam the
spot where ho used to bleep \ \ hllo a prisoner
In that institution. iA. .
i'itir.iMtx.ntr kv
Iti'Hiilt ol' thn I'raotioo Kinn hy tlo |
Cavalrymen nt Itellovuc.
BII.I.I.MINob. : . , Aug. 15.-Special [ Tele ,
grim to Tin : Bui : . ] Today closed the pro-
llmlnary prnetlco linns by the cavalrymen ,
The day wns well calculated for good shoot.
Ing , nnd some very nlco work was done. The
total .score for practice llrlng Is :
Name , troop and r.'glment , Ajrgiogatc.
M. I. Mitchell , K , Sixth 4TO
A. ( iriiy , hlxth . 403
\V. r. cJurioll. II , Sixth 447
S \V. Thuniiis. A , Ninth Ill
M.Tolor. 1) . Ninth 4U1
A.V. . Snollitir. I' , Ninth 41U |
1' . A. llultens. Ninth 4 ! i
W. Davth. ( ' . Ninth 407
I' . Warren. II , SKlh
W. MIIMIII. II , Ninth
I' . MiniA. . Sixth , .
H. I , IMiiiiiiiilsiin. I. Ninth.
.1. .1 I'Dishliig. hlxth ; is.l
M h. I'atUer. Mnth 1171
A. llriitt , II. Mnlli ,170
,1 lll\er. I' , Sixth aw
. . It SWUIIH m , I ) , Hlxth. . . . .SOI
A. linker. C. hlMh. , no
I. .1. Mr'aitli ( ) . 11. Sixth l
K. P. ( Joldoii. | ; . Ninth 3.U
J II. Kuir , caplalii. Slxlh 441
A. Kdlser , hliu Icsmlth. II. Sixth. 4CU
.1. IJariaid. captain , Ninth 4:15 :
M. W. U.iy , e.iptaln , Ninth . . . ,173
J. I. Jackson , huivu-iut , I ) , Ninth ChoinlHtN l-.lout.
Wtsiiistiinv , Aug. 15. Tno association of
fllciiil agricultural chomieis tins oicctod olll-
cors for the next yearns follows : PioMdciit ,
N. 1' . I.unton of Auburn , Ala ; vice pros ! *
dent , H. M. Bnocock of Mnulsoii.Wis . souro *
tary , H.V. . Wiley of Washington , 1) . C.
\ \ HI Mo on Iliind.
Bt in I'i'BTii , Aug. in. The Ctnc.igo fair
commissioners have bui'ii iiiMux'd hy the min
ister of commerce of Ms henrt.v interest in
the exhibition , lie will appoint a lair com
mission and will send a special roprosi'iitatlva
to Chicago
ICnulnnd'H Trmlo Doollnt ! .
rosi > ' > .v , Aug. 15. The I'all Mall Ua/otto ,
in an article on HrUiih trade , gives ns a
further evidence of the declining trade of thu
country the grout decrfano. In thu freight
truQlu in Kngluuu and b'uotlaud.