Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1891, Part 2, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 THE OMAHA DAJX.Y' . J31flJiiJ , fSA'l'l UIDAr , AraURT 3.5 , ISOl-TWELYTS PAGES.
How Omaha's ' Neighbors Spjnt the Dn' '
i , Itcntrlcc , Sutton , Oeiicvr
Fremont nml Ollinr Siihtirlmit
XOIVIIH Contribute to tlio
Colonel J. B. I'hllpottof Lincoln wasinth
city Wednesday.
J. A. Culbcrtson of Akron , O. , Is vlsltin
friends in ttio city.
Colonel Watson I'lcUrcll la homo again o
one of his periodic visits.
Fay J. Wothernld of Macomb , III. , was
Heiltrico visitor Thursday.
Mrs. CiPorgo KlIpalrlcK of Omaha was
Hoatrico visitor Wednesday.
W. U. Finko and T. L. Snowdcn of Wasl
Ington. I ) . C. , are in the city.
Miss Nettle Wiuldell of Odell was vlsltin
friends hero during the week.
Mr. nml Mrs. Ocorrfo Moore are home ngal
from a pleasant visit to Chicago.
H. H. Whuclock of DesMoines , In. , wa
visiting friends In the city Friday.
Mrs. W. V. Irwln of Minneapolis was vis
Itlng friends In this city last week.
H. n. 1'iiyno and O. W. I'ayno of Omah
were Hcatrlcc visitors tVednosday.
City Attorney Murphy was at TopeKn
Kan. , Friday en professional business.
Mrs. M. B. Harrison returned homo Tucs
day from her visit to Albuquerque , N. M.
Jacob Kli'in and son Fred have gone eas
visit combined.
on u business and pleasure
John Finch of Uttlo Hock , Ark. , was vis
lung friends in this section the past week.
of DoWltt was shaking l.umli
K. L. Hagv
with his numerous Dentrico friends Monday
. Pemberton has returned fron
Mrs. L. M.
nn extended visit to the western part of tin
Mr. and MM. .loo Myers Have returned
from a very pleasant sojourn at fapirl
Italic , la.
F. I. Long of Llntlenwood , 111. , visitei
friemls hereabouts Friday and Saturday o
last week.
MI.-.S Uortha Parker of Brio , Pa. , was vis.
Iting her brother , Alf Parker , iu this citj
during the week.
Mrs. O. P. Marvin and children dopartci
. . Saturday for a visit of two weeks will
li friends and relatives In Kansas.
It W. U. Conlco departed Wednesday foi
I ] Arizona , where ho will reside for the future ,
mgaglng In mining and stock raising.
Mrs. Lydia Wentworth of Hlllsdalo , 111. ,
returned homo Tuesday after u week's visit
with her friend , Mrs. Or. O. L. Koe.
Miss Xulu Young of Highland , Kan. , whc
has boon visiting at the homo of Mr. mnl
Mrs. S. P. Lester , returned home Monday.
Mrs. K. A. Watrous departed Thursday for
Bxcelslor Springs , Mo. , where she will loin
her husband who has been thcroseverul days ,
Superintendent C. U. Pearse of the Heat.
rlco imUllc schools is in attendance at the
teachers' insliaite at Osceola in the capacity
of instructor.
A. N. Harrett , formerly deputy sheriff ol
tnls countv , departed Wednesday for Wyo
ming with" the intention of waking "Is perma
nent home there.
Hubert Waite , assistant cashier of the
Beatrice National bank , has gone to Denver
and tUo Colorado mountains for a vacation
visit of two weeks.
Miss Uurlln Wilkins is homo again from
Boston. Mus3. , where she 1ms been In atten
dance for several months utiho New hngliuitl
coiihcrvt tory o ! music.
Miss Mabel Holmes of LaCrosse , Wis. , and
Ed. Parker of Brio , Pa. , are in the city visit
ing relatives. The two uro granddaughter
and nephew of Mrs. William CJraham. '
Mrs. W. II. Kobblns and daughter , Miss
Jc-ssio , and sons Masters Bert and Earnest
Hobtiins have returned from u delightful
visit of several weeks with friends In Illi
nois.W. . F. Baker nnd Mlle Baker and families
nro In Joliet , III. , having been summoned
there by telegraph niinounciue the death of
their fa'lher , Caleb Bauer , of that city Sunday -
day last ,
Mrs. J. S. Urable puvo n very pleasant en
tertainment 10 u number of her fi lends
Thursday evening. Tea anil housonuhlo re
freshments comprised an attractive feature
of' the event.
Miss Angolia Park of Crcston , la. , who
lias been the guest of Mis. C. F. Gulo for
two weeks past , left. Thursday for Adams ,
Nob. , where she will visit with relatives for
u few weeks before returning homo.
W. O. Nichols received telegraphic word
Thursday announcing the sudden and serious
Illness oi his venerable father at Petertoro ,
Ontario. Mr. W. D. and his brother , John
Nichols , loft Immediately for Putorboro.
Colonels A. C. Jordan and G. P. Marvin of
the Dullv Express and Democrat respective
ly , will attend the Hock Island excursion to
bo given bv tlio Nebraska newspaper men
next Montiay. Thu trip contemplates ajour-
nuving as guests of the railroad company to
.Denver nnd the Colorado mountain resorts
nnd return.
Miss Alice Sheldon is visiting in Hastings
this week.
Htm. C. J. Nobcs of York , Neb. , Is visiting
with J. H. Blnsel.
Miss Grace Whltiun Is spending her vaca
tion at Itolyolcc , Col.
Nelson Updike of Harvard Is visiting his
cousin , GcorgoTitus.
W. Ira Stahl , postal cleric on the Cheyenne
line , Is on the Kick list.
Mrs. James D. Searcy nnd children are vis
iting friends lu Austin , Minn.
Nols Nelson and L. S. Elsworlhnmdo n ( ly
ing trip to Denver this week.
Miss Fray Mather left Tuesday for u three
weens1 visit at Sioux Cltv , la.
Frank Parsons , our deputy postmaster ,
went to Cheyenne Wednesday.
Mrs. W. O. McFull of Las Vegiis , N. M. , Is
visiting the fiimil ) of J. R. Shreclc.
Thu county Institute Is In session and the
town is full of pretty bcltool inarms.
H. 1) . Hue of the linn of Lcdllo & Hne , loft
for Chicago and Now York Thursday.
Judge Khca and his brother , J. II. , ure
spending tlio dog days at Bontonvlllo , Ark.
Clurcnco G. Sherman spent Sunday near
Axtoll looking up u Sunday school picnic
ground ,
At the Doinorcst sliver medal contest Thurs
day evening the prize was awarded to Miss
Nettle Burr.
J. 11. Knsel and family start for California
next week , where they go for the beuellt of
Mr. Knsel's health.
A. B. Finch mid W. H. Paddock , promi
nent Mlndcn business men , were in lloldrege
the llrst of the week.
Mrs. J. G. Italian ! nnd Mrs. J. F. Wolf
were down from Bcrtrumi shopping In
HodrcKOOii Wednesday.
Charles Breach , with the Ucorlng Har
vester company , is spending the hot weather
In lloldtcge playing cribbace.
On Thursday afternoon Mrs. S. B. McNuul
nntl Mi's. J. H. Patrick gave an afternoon
luncheop to their 1' . B. O. sisters nt the
home of Mrs. McNaul.
W. E. lleimer and T. M. Hopwood , who
have been In Wyoming hunting add llshlng
for thu past three wces : , got homo Tuobduy.
Their lish and "bar" stories nro all right
Mrs. P. O. Iledlunii , tlio Misses Anderson
iindMibtt Cicselurucht who havobeen visiting
In Denver for thu past month , returned home
thu llrst of thu week , and report a pleasant
Miss Mclntyre entertained on Tuesday
Mrs. Tusnoy has returned from a protracted
visit at Lincoln.
, Mrs. James McLnughlln has returned from
n Grand Island visit.
Miss Sheldon of Hqldrcgo , Is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. O. G. Smith.
A party of Hustings' society people are now
camping out at the liiue.
MUs Bdlth Hayzlclt pleasantly entertained
a few friends Monday evening.
A Degree of Honor lodge lias been lately or
ganized hero with u good membership.
Tbo youuf ladle1 guild ol SU Mark1 *
Bpliropal church met with Mrs. John Slake
on Wednesday.
The "Klncs Daughters" mot with Mrs. C
F. Moroy Wednesday afternoon.
Mls > Miibel NoM loft for Lincoln Wodnc' '
day to visit with Miss Mines of that place.
Miss Ida Bonnull of Lincoln Itho guc !
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Harris , returned homo thl
Henry Carson of Grand Island , n forme
Hastings boy , was a Green City visitor Wet
nesdny ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Canary of Bowlln
Green , O. , are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ii
M. Myers.
Horseback riding Is now becoming vcr
popular hero. Moonlight rides are quit
The Hastings young people who were in al
tendance nt the blblo school at Crete r
turned Wednesday.
The Misses Jennie nnd Daisy Clark , wh
have boon visiting their cousins A. H. nnd J
N. Clark , returned to Denver Tuesday.
Miss Maude Hammond , who bus been vis
Iting Miss Lilly Weeks for tlio last week , rt
turned to her home , in Lincoln , on Wednc :
Ttio Indies 6f the mite society of the hoipl
lul gave u delightful lawu dtinco nt the resl
donee of Mrs. John M. Kugan on Frlda ;
evening. Hoes' orchestra furnished Hi
music and the proceeds were for thu bcncli
of thu hospital.
The young people of the city enjoyed i
very pleasant < ocial hop at Germanla hall 01
Monday evening. An itinerant German bant
furnished the music. Among those preson
were ; Mr. nnd Mrs. O. d. Smith , Air. nut
Mr * . John M. Hagan , Messrs. C. B. Wahl
qulst , J. C. Hartlgan , U. A. Putter on , Join
Mussleman , Iddnls , Dennis Cormier , Fa ;
Bubcoek , Arcule Gullmette , John Pickons
Hobert Plekens , Charles Adams , Connor
Hurry Blinknon. Knydor and Bedford
Misses Work , Dlllv , Bonnall , Hammond
Fowler , Finloy , Weeks , Bailey , Johnson
Mrlntjre , Alexander , Parson , Hnj'zletl urn
Miss Emma Crow is visiting in Lincoln.
Albert Holtberg made u business trip ti
Omaha this week.
Mrs. John McICccn of Blulr , is Visitin ;
Mrs. John H. WiNoii.
Editor Fry of the Niobrura Pioneer , vis
ited Crcignton Saturday.
Hon. N. D. Jackson of Ncliifh , was ovei
lusl week looking up old friends.
Hon. J. H. Waggoner returned to his hem <
In Ban Claire , \V is- . , last Saturday.
AIi-s. J. B. Lm-as returned Monday night
from a visit to her patents at Pilger.
Mrs. W. H. Quigley of Sioux City , is visitIng -
Ing her sister Mrs. George E. Cheney.
J. A. Nichols , ex-editor of the News leaves
the first of the week for Wyrnore , S. D.
W. H. Ncedhnm , editor of the Bloomflclt ]
Monitor , was u visitor In town Saturday.
About 50 couples of Creighton people pic-
nlced in the grove at Plum Valley Thursday ,
Ex-county .superintendent of schools , M ,
W. Clare , was over from Niobrarn , Friday.
Miss Nellie Pennell returned Monday nighl
from a two months' visit with relatives in
Fred Hamilton , who has boon for the nast
two years in the west , returned home Mon
day night.
Hev. S. D. Badger attended the Baptist as
sociation at Albion on Wednesday uml
Mrs. J. G. Murphy nnd little son left Tues
day morning for a month's outing in the lake
region of cool Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Philbrick entertained n
numerous party of tn/ir ! friends with u lawn
party Wednesday evening.
Hov. and Mrs. J. W. Barren and Mr. O. A.
H. Bruce went over to Bloomliuld Thursday
to attend an ecclesiastical mooting.
Miss Ada Buttcrlleld who bus been visiting
her aunt , Mrs. Bllen A. Blair , returned to
her homo at Columbus , Wis. , last Saturday.
Judge nnd Mrs. B. P. Wether by of NoV-
folk. spent Sunday In town visiting Mrs.
Wetherby's parents , Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Mrs. Buchanan's Htcrarv and musical en
tertainment contributed to the enjoyment of
a well filled house of Creightoirs miinlu and
literature lovlnt. ' pcoplo Friday evening. The
programme was worthy of high praise.
Mrs. Belle Waddle of Aurora has been vis
iting hero.
Miss Tib Sawyer of Aurora is visiting
friends hero.
Pearl Stewart has returned from her visit
to the country.
Mr. Hlleman of Farmers' Valley was in
town Tuesday.
Miss Maxio LaMent has been the truest of
Pearl Stewart u few days.
Magirlo Carney of Filmoro county is visit
ing her friend Myra Clurlt.
Miss Hughes of Illinois nnd Miss Alice
Cell were lii town last Saturday.
Mr. John Israolson and friends from
Saronvlllo were in town last Saturday.
Mrs. H. ( i. Merrill has removed to Lincoln ,
where she will hereafter make her home.
Miss Maud Mollynoaux on Tuesday re
turned from quite un extended visit at Crete.
Airs. Stout ef Glenwood visited her
brothers nt this place a few days on her re
turn from California.
Miss Janle LaMent of Aurora and Miss
Jennie Waddle , who lives on the Blue river ,
nro visiting nt the homo of Mrs. Stewart.
Alr.s. Mattie Meyer gave a very pleasant
musiculo ut her home lust Friday night. The
members of her music class 'present , took
part in the programme , and also some friends
outside thu Little bouquets us souve
nirs were passed , nftor the progummo. Dnli-
clous refreshments were served. Those
present were : Air. und All's. F. M , Brown ,
Mr. ami Mrs. Tulunde , Airs. Vr.idenbcrg ,
Air. Huirgrovo and AIIss Eva Hairgrovc ,
Airs. Briu.stch , Air. Honey , Airs. Al. Gray
nnd daughter und Miss Strout. Messrs.
King. Bemis. Bratsteh and .Meyer furnished
some beautiful bund mublc.
C. W. Farington from a business
trip to Chicago the lirst of tlio week.
Airs. Frank Mussolinan and baby of Den
ver nro thu guests of All's. P. H. Juison.
AIUs Anna Miller , one of Nebraska City's
young ladles , is In the city with friends.
AIIss Mabel Abbott is in Lushton thio week ,
visiting her brothers , George and June Ab
Miss Suslo Cain returned homo froiji n six
weeks' visit with relatives In St. Joseph last
Alss. Minnie Hunter came frpm Hastings
last Friday and Is spending a few weeks herewith
with friends.
Airs. W. B. Dont.ld Is visiting her sister ,
Mrs. T. L. Himtnclrcich , having arrived from
Omalin last week.
Airs. B. B. Aleltz and daughter , Lucllo , nro
pending thu week with Peter Hesterer's
family , in St. Joseph.
Joseph Whltmoro , n former resident of this
jlty , but who now lives In Canton , 111. , was
in the city this weok.
The Bantlstn have been holding a series of
meetings here , and tlio result Is an addition
) { twenty members. Nine converts wore bap-
ilzcd In Hlnton's lake Wednesday.
Hov. D. O. Bean loft lust night for a visit
.o the Black Hills.
Hov. Smith of Douglas was u' Crawford
rlsltor lust 'luesduy.
Hev. Alooro departed lust ovenine for
r"reto , where ho will be married 'odtiy.
Superintendent Fonner of Children wn.s nt
'Jliadruti vesterday In an oniolal capacity.
Huv. Hanchor , president of the Black Hills
rollcgu of Hot Springs , was in the city Sun-
lay and Monday. Ho delivered nn address
it the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday.
KAlrs. Clark of the Open Door Institution of
Jnmlm was a Crawford visltorTiiesday. Hho
vns hero In thu Interest of the Open Door
ind delivered nn address to the ladles of
Jrawford at the Methodist Episcopal
iws now 20,000 ncnvsiiuiiors ,
vhero twanty-llvu yonrB iit'o not u
mi rim ! oxistod.
rittllct I'l'ool'Armor.
A now stool cuirass , Itnponotniblo to
ho bullets of rlllo uml covering4 the
ireawt only , will bo Introduced in the
Vnstritui army , anil purhupa throughout
ho urtnluB of tno trljilo alllanco. It etui
10 folded up and iu au ordinary
The Bee Bureau Will Collect Claims Agnlm
the Qovcrnmont. '
Il ( > ll ( > r Afforded ClaimantHof Pcnsloni
Indian nopfedalioiiH , Imntl ,
lui ; and Postal Claims
in I lie WcMt.
About three months ugo a new dopnrtm
wns inaiigiiratod by the San Francisco Hi
nmlncr , now tbo leading vapor on the coos
( Us pi'oprlotor , Mr. Hearst , ron o the Int
Seniitor Hcnrst of Cullfonilii , who hns i\ vcr
lurgu fortune t liU cointnanil , : oncelvcd tb
ilca of ustnbll.ihttiK n bureau of.ululttH n
VViishltiRton , mniiiiuil by the ablest lawyer
and specialists conversant with thq , rout in
work in ttio various departments arm bureau
of the povornmrut.
\VUciittiomiiiouiiccniGiitof this new ( It
pnrturo was rnnuo negotiation ? were tit one
entered into between Tin : ilr.i : and the pro
prletor of the Examiner to join hands am
mutually share in the enterprise. Thus
arnuiKQinciits havobeen perfected and iitfi'eo
inunts entered into by which Tin : BII : : Is ti
prosecute all claims nrlsuijr In the tcrrl'.or ;
whore Tin : HII : : enjoys so cxtcnslvo a sub
scnptlon patronage.
Under this uirunccmcnt , all application
fo : % claims , either for pensions , Indian dop
rcdations , land or mining claims , patent o
postal elaims In the states of Iowa , Kansas
South Dakota and Nebraska , will be takei
iu hand hy Tin : BKI : HuiiBxr OF CI.VIMN ii
Omaha ana through it forwarded to head
tinavters at Washington where they will be
prosecuted to a llnul and speedy conclusion
Tin : HUB takes pleasure lit offering to al
Its patrons and all others , the services of It ;
now buri'iiu which , wo have no doubt , wil
prove a crout advantage to them , both li
prosecuting new claims to a successful Issue
ana in expediting all old claims entrustei
to TUB BII : bureau.
Tin : BII : : lnu\r ! : nrCi.AiMs lias frequently
been referred to In these eolnmns , but up to
the present time , no reference has been madi
to the manner in which its Important work I ;
wrformed. This Is one of the most interest
ing features connected witn the enterprise.
The Ilitrcuti'M Counsel.
To begin with , the services of thrco most
eminen councilors have been retained
These are A. U Hughes , O. E. Woiler and
1' . J. Uutler. They are denominated "geii-
oral counsel. " They are men of mature
years and learned in the law. They have
mude a specialty of practising in thi
United States supreme , circuit and district
courts , the United States court -of. claims
and before all the departments and bureaus
of the government. Thov are qualified tc
pass upon the general merits of any claim , as
soon as it is presented. This saves a great
deal of time , bccauso when u claim lias been
passed upon by them , it Is generally one
which is entitled to standing hi court.
When a claim is rejected by them , It menus
that it Is either outlawed or that It lacks cer
tain elements which would lead to its llnul
Kxaminci'H and KxpertH.
Besides these gentlemen there are also n
practising attorney , an examiner and expert
in each department in which Tin : QII : : pro
poses to prosecute claims , namely , those of
patents , pension ? , postal and land claim ? and
Indian depredations , in fact in any depart
ment In which a claim may arise against the
federal government. Th'cso attorneys prepare -
pare the petitions and tend to the claims be
fore the several courts , while the oxaniiuers
mid exports make a specialty- searching
the records and arranging the the evidence
necessary to strengthen the elulm. . -
The gentleman charged witn this/ duty re
garding Indian depredations has been the as
sistant chief examiner of these claims in the
Indian buro.iu of the interior department for
many years. His comprehensive knowledge
of details , facts , status of and evidence in
the cases heretofore lilod o'r the outbreaks
out of which others yet tobo filed have
arisen , renders his services extremely valu
Then there Is a general manager , John
Weddcrburn. For years ho was private sec
retary to Senator Hearst , the father of Hon.
William Hearst , the projoeto.r of'.tj\o present
enterprise. He has also been for years the
Washington correspondent of the San Fran
cisco Examiner , with which TniBii : is now
co-operating. Ho is a man of universal in
formation and Is especially adapted to the re
sponsible position he now holds.
Than this force none more capable could
be found in the country , its .services , have
been retained at great expense by the burc-au ,
the salaries ulono reaching at the present
time (1,800 per month. ' ' "
A3 has been stated , the San Francisco Ex
aminer inaugurated Iho enterprise , and
through it Tin : BKB was allowed to establish
its bureau for the accommodation .of , elnim-
nuts in South Dakota , Iowa , Nebraska and
Kansas. This privilege was lirst , of all the
papers in the country , extended to Tins BKI : ,
because of its known pluck , enterprise and
The undertaking , however , has attracted
< o much attention throughout the country
and been so greatly appreciated by old
soldiers , Indian victlnn , and defrauded gov-
LTiiment claimants , ttiat leading papers else
where have usUod to bo admitted to enjoy
the privileges of the bureau. Among those
papers there is a leading one in Minnesota
uml others in Boston , Cincinnati , St. I.ouis ,
Atlanta and Now Orleans. It is thought that
Mr. Hearst , the proprietor of The Examiner ,
mid the gentleman who inaugurated the sys
tem , will grant the application.
Claims Coming In.
Tar. Br.i : CI.UM BUIIKAU has not been in
Dxistenco lontr , ana yet it hai listed Indian
depredation claims , aggregatingIJO)00 ! ( ) and
the amount is balu ? constantly adaod to.
This is a remarkable showing , and yet it Is
but afrneiion of the claims that remain un
recorded and unpaid In the states controlled
by Tar. BII : : Bi'iiK.u ; or CLAIM * , namely ,
South Dakota , Nebraska , Iowa and Kansas.
On March II , of ttiis your , un act for the
payment of Indian depredations claims was
approved. To this act It Is nocossarv to di
rect the attention of every claimant who has
suffered at the hands of the Indians. This
refers tothuso vloims : whoso claims nave al
ready been Hied as well as to those who still
contemplate lilmg them. Up to thu date in
question , thousands of sufferers had filed
their claims with attorneys In all parts of the
country and In most encs wore charged ex
cessive fees. Many of the claims , too , hud
been pending for years. Satisfied that , in
many cases the claimants had contracted with
the attorneys In question , and without fear of
prosecution for annulment , could not transfer
their claims to other agents or attorneys who
might expedite thu collection , congress un-
JurtooK to afford the desired relief. This it
iltd In thu act In question.
I'o Recover lor Indian Depredation *
Parties desiring to avail themselves of the
ticnoilto of the act in question regarding the
recovery of claims growing out of Indian
leprodatlons should forward to Tin : BII : :
lii iuu' ' op CI.UMS power of attorney grant
ing authority to appear In their cas'u in the
. onrt of claims. They should uNo furnish u
.totalled .statement of the loss , including each
* pofillo article lost , Its value , date , county
ind state , band or tribe of Indians commit
ting depredations , names and present ad-
Jressos of wllneseos whoso testimony they
jxpect to mo in substuntlntingnbolr claim ,
md such other information bearing upon the
: aso ns they may possess. _ ;
Upon receipt of tills simple Information ,
I'm : BII : : Bi ICKAU or CIAI.MS will Immedluto-
y attend to the moro intricate qr , dllUeult
> ortlons of thu preparation.
The elaims must not bo based on deprcda-
: IoiiH extending back beyond lMtt.
Ueudcrs of TUB HUB or those who may tile
Malms for collection , are respectfully ro-
juestod to furnish Tin : Biu : Bruiur or
JI.UMS with the names and addresses of any
> thor parties who huvosulfered similar losses
it the hands of Indians. Many people ure
is yet unaware of the recent favorable tegis-
alien by which those claims can now , if
iroperly iiropaml anil prosonted-UecollJctod.
But Indlun depredation claims-are not the
inly ones wnicn Tun BKI ; BIIIIHC or
. 'LUMH proposes to handle. In brief , It will
ook after any claim which any citizen has
iguinM the government or itny department of
ho government. It will bo specially lorvlco-
ible to soldier * of the late war.
Pension * ) lor A ed Soldlert ) .
Strange AS It may nnpcnr , there are them-
ands of veterans of the rebellion , who aroId
Id , weary , lullrm and boy on d the skill of
or surgoou to restart ) to health.
Many of these nro Incapacitated because i
exposure or Injuries sustained in the la'.o wn
and yet , many of tuti o are unprovided wit
pensions ,
PetiHlotiH ft > r Infirm Sol I lor" .
There nro thousands of poor follows wl :
are permanently disabled , having nerved i
lemt ninety davs In the war. They were nh
honorably dl charged , Tlieso are entitled I
a pension oven though the Infirmity froi
which they suffer was not the result of o :
posuro In the war. The only condition Is th :
their prostration la not the result of vlclot
PiMiHlntiH for Soldiers' Widows.
Thcro nro thousands of soldiers' and snl
ors' widows In this country who do not turn
that they are entitled to pensions. And ve
by writing TUB Bnu BiwBAfoi' CLAIMS , who
their rose Is Just , thov Will bo nblo to scout
those pensions. All that Is required Is tin
cneh widow show that she Is without otho
means of support than her dally labor nn
tlint her husband served at least ninety day
In the army and was linnonibly discharged
thatsho married the soldier prior to , luno ll !
IMK ) . Proof of his death must also bo at :
vniu'cd , but his demise need not have bee
the result of army service.
SiuMirliiK I'nliMit Kltilits.
Thcro nru thousands of Inventive men an
women in this country who have Invention
which are known only to their friends. Yc
In those Inventions tlioro are sometimes foi
tunes to bo found. Yet comparatively spoali
I n ir , but few of these Inventors ever seek
patent. They do not know how to do II
They fi-ar the cost and the delay. Tin : IU :
Bi m\r or CI.UMS bus reduced these almos
to n minimum.
IViinioiiH for HolillerH * Parents.
There are thousands of soldiers' tinrenl
who are also Ignorant of the fact that tho' '
are entitled to pensions. Those must prove
that their son died from a wound , inju.-y o
disease which , under prior laws , would liavi
given him u pension ; that he left no wife o
minor child : that the mother or father is a
present dependent upon his or tier own man
uul labor cr the contributions of others no
legally bound for his or her support.
Besides these claims. Tin : Bin : Brnrut
will prosecute land claims growing out o
disputes or appeals from local land ofllcos tt
the genrnil land ofllce of the United States.
Ap.i'iil * I'Yo n ii nun I Land OIllcrH.
These appeals are frequently most annoy *
Ing to botti parties The local attorney can
not personally prosecute the case In Wash
Ington. It would cost to support him there
frequently mom than the land in question i. '
worth , to say nothing of his foes , which , as
has been shown , are conorally as high a >
may bo collected. Ho is , therefore , compelled
to trust tlio claim Into the hands of a mat !
whom ho does not know , whoso first move is
to bleed the claimant and the attorney whc
refers the claim to him. Between those men
the appellant hangs in uncertainty until the
tlnnl adjudication has been made.
In THU BII : Bi IUAC or CLAIMS these woultl
bo placed in the hands of well known and re
sponsible people , pushed with the greatest
cncrgv and at the minimum of cost' . Tin :
HLI : Briti'f : or CLAIMS therefore Is the med
ium through which these appeal coses should
bo prosecuted.
Mining mill Postal Claims.
The same is trno of mining and postal
claims Tlieso would pc immediately to com
petent hands. They would not bo delayed.
If unworthy , they would never bo lilod in
court , but the claimant would be notified of
the fact. Ho would thus bo relieved of all
anxiety within a few months , whereas , as it
is now , he docs not know what kind of a
claim he has until aftAit has boon passed
upon by the courts oq the departments.
TiinBiu : Buui : > .u can tellagood claim from
a bad claim. It never pro-touts the latter. It
does not wish to rob the treasury. It collects
only claims that are Just.
Kueoui-afjiuK Inventors.
There are a great many inventors who be
lieve the moment they place the secret of
their discovery In the hands of any other
person , from that moment an intrigue is
formed to dispossess them of their discovery.
Tin : BII : : BUUIAU : oi' CLUM.S takes occasion
to say to this worthy but unrequited class of
Its patrons that It will treat all such business
Intrusted to its cano in the most confidential
manner , thus assuring to all who may wish
to secure u patent OQ their inventions the
utmost secrecy from thu beginning to the
end ot the transaction.
Patties avail themselves of Tin :
Bui : BUUUAU or CMIMS in the matter of securing -
curing patent rights , trade marks , prints ,
labels and copyriKhts , should make known
their wants In this direction , when written
instructions will bo furnished as to the mode
of procedure reouired under the patent laws.
Patent Kit-hti * a Spoifitlty. !
Tin : BI-UCAU or CLAIM.- , announces that it
will malfo this branch of its work a specialty
and one that , can bo relied upon as being
beyond the power of experts even to criti
cise. Tills announcement is made because
the fact has already been ofllcinlly promul
gated by the United States patent ofllco that
the territory embraced in the states of South
Dakota , Nebraska , Iowa and Kansas enjoys
n world-wido reputation as possessing more
Inventive genius , strange as It may appear ,
than any similar extent of territory in the
United States ut the present time.
Applicants for patents should understand
that TIIK BKE BL-UIHU or CLAIMS lays great
stress upon the laet that it can advise its
patrons , almost at the outset , whether their
invention is new and patentnblo , thus saving
them the exorbitant fee charged by the or
dinary patent attorney.
Tlieso claims will bo prosecuted not as a
means of making money , but .simply as an
accommodation to claimants living in the
states above enumer.ited. Tlio work will bu
; lone at about what it costs Tin : Biih BuurAf
DP CLAIMS , so that claimants need have no
[ curof oxhorliitant rates nor the bleeding
Jelays to which they have heretofore been
subjected. Address all letters to MA.NAOIK
Tlio Torm- ) .
The terms undnr which claims will bo
prosecuted will depend cntirolv upon thu
imount of service rendered in each case. Wo
L-an safely assure all patrons of the bureau
that the charges will bu very much lower
Uian the rates charged bv the regular claims
lawyers and claims agents at Washington.
It goes without saying that the Exumlnor
ind Tin : Bui : uro In position Jointly to expo-
jlto business and do business at moro liberal
rates than any other medium for the pnwocu
lion of claims.
In the matter of fees and charges , TUB BII :
lesires only to clear expenses. The bureau
is Intended for the relief of the people from
Lho rapacity of legal sharks. In many cases
fees allowed attorneys uro irrevocably llxed
uy law , and in such the question Is decided.
In other claims nuch u charge will bo made
is seems to cover the actual expenses In-
reived in collection ,
\Vo mnko no effort to solicit your patron-
igo , ns does thu ordinary agent who seeks
, -our claim for a iinancial consideration.
such is not our purpose. Wooffor to onoand
ill the services of a well-equipped bureau ,
ivliero a claim of any nature can bo sent , or
n formation in regard thereto bo obtained.
If your claim Is wortbless or Illegitimatu you
ivill bu so notified without fear or favor. If
; ho claim Is genuine It will rocolvo prompt
mention and oflluiont prosecution. If un
successful , noehurgowlllbomiidu ; provided ,
lowovor , that claimants must djfray tholr
j\vn expenses In thu preparation of affidavits ,
lopoiltlons , and other evidence ontsitlo of
Washington. Wowtll luriiUU the necossarv
egal papers and boar the Washington ox-
jxputibos only in unsuccessful claims. When
ilniins nro allowed , a reasonable fee will bo
. haiL-cd to cover actual cost.
All letters will bo urnmptly answered and
ill information com.-cnilng form of upplica-
ions for claims , terms , etc. . will bo ulvan
vltti us little delay aa practicable. No letter
vlll bo answered unless the sender encloses
equlstto stamps for reply.
Address all letters relating to claims to
Omaha , Nub.
TH ! .
, t Intend * to Hot : uro n .liiHt Hearing
For IIH Patt-oiiH.
When the San Francisco hixninlner cstab-
ishca Its claim bureau It printed the foilow-
IIB prospectus :
The ICxamlnor has received so many com-
ilaints from Its subscribers In various icuali-
ies on the coast of thu delay , extortionate
ihnrge-s and unsatisfactory work performed
or them by thu various claim agents that It
ins decided to establish In Wa-.hlngton n
luroau for the collection of all legitimate
'liiims ' against thu covurnmunt or its various
lepurtinouls. This bureau will bo in charge
if its Washington correspondent , who bus
md much experience in the prosecution of
ihilms against the various departments of
ho government. Charges for services per-
ormed by this bureru will bo nominal and
lu.signcd to cover only the actual cost of the
vorU and such legal services as may bo nectM-
ary In order to. properly present claims to
bo heads of the various departments and the
ourt of claims In the supreme court.
t'oundtil by DH. E. TOUIU K.
CARL FAELTEN , Director ,
R/l US IC I'lMf",1" ' ! ! l'4 . < KOrttn , Voice ,
' * '
,1 * ! ? T' . l'1rnionv. Kic.
Class'I union , jolessnns.f IOto'3O. Prlv.iicl u > n <
pven. HccitAli , Lectures. IT O r f" to ill '
rii.iral . and I ) rrh ttral 1'racl ce I" K C. K. i | pju'
ELOCUTION-Oratory. anil l. rVc
Action , Hne Arts , laiiirii.ijtc , I.ittMtiirc , 1'iann
anil 'rimlnir. A comtott.ibte
lor Lady Students. Calendar Irce.
Full Term Ilcslim Ncpt. 1O , 1HIII.
FRANK W. HALE , Cenornl Mnnngor.
Franklin Gqunro , Boston , Mnnn.
> .ColjciUlr ; , , Stuslfl unit FlnoArt
ii.a <
struction In nil df p -
. _ . _ _ , _ _ _ . _ - - ot Mu tiiily , rlttO
„ a > Biy of a > j Artiic.lSimnttciiUnonlast :
rear. AJJrcw li IMJULIAIUJ , BuiU Jacktonvlllo , 111.
Health Horns
_ _ nml (4IKI.S.
Largo Illustrate-11 i.iuloguo i > cnt on uppllratlon.
Htndi'iilii from all parts t. | Aim-rlc n. Ni.mi vr ro-
cclvnlllmlliil. CViniliii'tiHlpartli-iili-uvo.N. York
t'liicliiiiall.Chlra-io.nnil other IIOIIUK fur thrfolli-Bo
lutX-pt. llcv , I' . N. I.Mil.lMll , M. A. , l-rliii-ltul.
JNII ( > , ( I.VrAltlH , C'AMAIIA.
Pull Courses in Ola-isica , LetterScienos. .
Law , ivil ntul Mochtnical Enctinearint' .
TluiriiiKtli Pr. ( t.rntiiry nml r.iminerclnt I'niirii .
St. Kilwuril'i Hull for hon under lilii iiniiiuu In tlio
cuinplctvnuiii of UK o < | ii.pinuiil
CiitaluKiio.i Bi'nt rruoon nppiii-ittliin to
HKV THOMAS n WAI.XII , r. s. c. ,
Notru llniiiL' . Inil ,
( Ono Mlle West of Nntro Dnmo rnlvunlty >
The 73il Acadom'o Term Will Open Mo-idtiv ,
Sept. 7th.
The Academic Conr o li Tliorouuh In the I'rt'inra-
torv , Senior nnd C'lasi-lcnl tiradi's. Mmlc ) > pnrt-
M. cut , on the plan of the host t'onncrvalorlui of
I-.iiropo. Is under cliarco of n complolo rorin of
tcncliuri. Kluilloimuloloil on the Kraal Art Srhouli
ot Kuru pc. DntwIiiK and I'lilnllnit Irmn llfu anil th < i
nnthiuv. I'liottiKrnpliy and Typo-Writ ln tntiKlit.
lliilldin i > i-iiulppi-d with Klro Ktcnpe. A .lopar.itu
dopartniont fur children un l r ii. : Apply for cnt-i-
Notre Dame P. O. , St Joseph , Co. , Hid.
- n KII K - He/turn , .
47IMS1 Duntborn Avu. . Clileimo. ill.
sixteenth year uciiln.i Sept. lith. Hoardlne nnd
day m-ltciol for ViiiinK I.iidle and Clilldron Full
JOf Htiuly. Incliidinit prupiinillun for
Kvi-ollcnt honiai thoriniithly llttod up.
foniliK-u-dl MilKcliieeii ! S. Itk-o. A. M. I , , , . „ „ , , , . , .
hy I .Mlis Many K Itoedv. A. M. ( ' '
Mrs. jUbcuck'8 Kenllwurth Scliniil. A ; iiiinl < n0nnit
Ilaa. ShimJar / ( Hrlr. will o\ien \ Keptimltfa , KOI , nt
ntntlvwrth. III. , ilj inlloi north oi Clilcaizn on l/aka
Shoro. ) Now tvnd thorouiihly wjulppod building
erected eBueeially for thu ncliool , but three minute ! )
and beiiiitlfiil location. Korclrciilarn , nddrcis
Mllti. MAltr KUVICS IABCOOIC. ! Konllwurlli. 111.
AHD HO/ART CUNSER A VATOS/ - .or . luili , t.Br.
MEXICO iilS-ai I Patrons In U ! 't ' te .
MO. L < * J.CSSJ rC5SS'S ! Steam lipat , electric
.IlKhlB ; charlcrcil 1-7
Ohttttl1. CljL-apt'Hl
< nml Diet Cullcgo la
jtlii ! Meet.
. ,
- . . . .J , 1TAII.IB1I AVK. A J.U'k'SON KT.
Alll.rancljt cf iii | { , llr.inuUc Art , Ik-linrle. Tr clrr.'Train-
Ing Scliool. Unturpaased aJvanti t- % lit mo.lor.ile ct.-.t C.iU *
Ion ui iled Int. J. J. lUTISTlLDr , liltttliir.
3 5 * nrBunPorklnoBrChlcBBO ) . Hoard I ns
JBchoolforOlrlsniicS Vounv I.ncllos. I-'or
* 5r catuloeuo adilreia U. THAYI-Ul. lA , . I ) . . ' ) . , or 215 tjuua BtroetCblcui0.1) )
ncnr FlIAXKl'oItT , Kv.
OPEN TrirtOUiilOJr i'HS ytSAH.
Tliosccimil term of tbli iicniloinlc yoir DCKlnn llr-it
Moiuliiy In .Inly mid clojui third Wuiluudtlay In
DoccMubt'r nuxt.
L'ol U.K. 1IOVI ) , Siipt. I'ost-OllIco , l-'AUMDALE , KY.
Mnrcnn Turk , III.
, Thoiuiih | lucpnmtlui )
forCulli'SoorBusfuosii. For catalogue apply torrincii ild
" * w , A. V/iLbON , Pr IJoiu.
Ori-r ! OJ linto of Irrlicitlnit cniinU now 'i '
cirli ffdln IstuUHoi't R | < ut niitt riirr > liiK ! t to I lei
of wntpp
Over IOO.IW ) ncroof llic rlrlion Inml In HIP worli
itlri < niljrn < Mlliitin | fur Iril jiitlon nml rnrinliiit muli'
thiHOrnnnt ) . t ontr live per win or nli'eh ' nro rtll
mil-Jo'I to entry under llii > liatm < < ti < ail laws.
UtliPr Iniiili for inlo ul Ilitaru nil m-ronmloi
eu < tornn.
Tlio l'ei-oi Hlror l > pli'n fitl t > r NKVrit I'Alt i (
di-iiiNcis or imni MI . - > | /p , the witter s i > plr fur al
tlii'ciinitN run rnrrv H noiiro I.
I'llnmttc unit It cotnlttl < in < ticrc nro miiicrlor t <
thatcif M.iithorn Culirtin la. All llu > frnltn urnni
there C.IM la' iinnltiroil hoio. oxci-pt uriiiiizi'ii nm
lomnti , whlla the IVcon Vnllojf Kn > < r. ll the lorniln
voni'tiihlc" nml KriM o > run bo urnwn ntivtUivn
on thl 10 ith out. while Iho tii'Ulihurliiic inlnoii niton
11 hninu ui.irki-t fo' all prmliti-M.
Our fnrini'rn rnlio Iwu cropi n joar of drain nm
ri'Kvlnlili' * . ll i'cr | M of hay. an I stork itrnri'd cmi
ilnnr * nil winter. Oiirrllmnto It n pcrfoot niitlilott
fiircnnMiiiiplloiinniliill thrunt an I IIIIIK ill oaKn
Sonil for ni-ipa inul Illii-itrntuil pnmphlot-i. ttlvliu
full p.-irtlrularK.
CaUlivu * of lUtiil I mini men tt , *
Uniform * nnd Lonlpment * ,
< orptt 'rtrhi.Hnjj HtfalH
lUu , Tilmit , nm tc.
CooUInt In * true lloni for
11 . , Amtuf hinti , tn.l . PrAln.
jl r > rum Mv.w'i Tmlli-s I ; l/tm , nj fc
- b li cl * l I t ( f lU'nl Ma4 *
CAIIIN. t : < a ti. * si. Aironllnir to Hlcnuur
nml lucillon nf Smti-ruom
liilpriiii'd'nt > iini | Strtnaiti * ul l.nv nuo ) .
CJTAT'F ! S1-.KVII1K 01. '
(3 JL J-i. JL JCi J. ! AliUAN UINQ
NK\V YOHK nml ULA v > ) \V.
vln Londonderry , cverj' KortnluIiL
AiiKii t2Ulli , yi'ATU OK NKIIIAM\,1IOA. ( : : ! M.
PoplLMiilicr arilH'tVTK OK CALIKOKNIA. ill O.V.M
( I'litoinlicr lith. 8TATI- : IIIMIVAIIA. . 3 p. M.
CAIII.N. ? ; ' . > up. Itotiirn. fi'k'i. Stcuruitu (19.
Applf to ALLAN A CO. . riili-iK , , .
H. K. MOOIIKs. Wnliuili Tli-kct Olllro.
\V I- VAIL llnrllnpt-in Tlrknt ( Hlloo
jfobb's NCITO Tonic Pills
/ Ouroltmoraonla crioHHiimll'liriit-
/ cut Debility , Vital Kxlmiigtlnn , 1'Hln
f lntheUckt' . ! )
I ClrCuUtlon , Ulna I.lnt-s nndor the
l Vjt *
\ot lllooil Plseosos in Tlllicr Scz.
Hobb'e Nerve Tonic Pills
They brinff the rosy tlntoCIIcultli to tlio
dnllow check. It younropuft rinft ( torn lo- )
ranRomvntof the Nerve * , Impure Hlooil or
K'n .t ICrrorw , you tliould nt once tnko Dr ,
IIobbN * Ncrvo Tonic I'lllH , the rcal
Life Qoiio\voranthcr\rill onrlch your JJlooJ
tud etrounthoH your Narvce. 1'rlco , CO ccuta a via ) .
For ralo by ilruKK' ' s or eout by mulU
Km. n \ Co. , for. iMh and IXiiiu'l.i' < 8f.
,1. A. Fuller A Co. . Cor. lull and Douglas Sts.
A. I ) . Toiler \ Co. . Counell llliiltsi. la.
There is nothing its equal for relieving
reducing the INFLAMMATION , taking
out REDNESS , and quickly bringing the
skin to 'ts natural color.
BEWARE of Imposition. Take POND'S ' EXTRACT
only. Sea landscape trade-mark on buff wrapper.
Sold only In our own bottles. All druggists ,
It'a remarkable spcclflo
notion upon the affected parts
gives it supreme control over
Piles , however severe.
AJso for Hums , Scalds ,
Eruptions , Suit llliciim c.
Testimonials from all dosses
provo ita eflicacy. Piico DOc.
Sold by all Druggists or Rent by mail
on receipt of pruo. Put up only by
POND'S EXTRACT CO. , 7G Bth Avo.N. , Y.
" " " " ° " ' '
u"u"tKt"r"/i'/ / ; ? ? 'casc ; laiurcs coci-F
fortabo ! t'eep ; effects curca vhcit ) alt others ( ail. .1 f
trial ronrinrrj the rnott iktptifnl , I'rtcc. 0 eta. and I
81.00 , of l > rarlui or hr n ll. Samr-le FRi.n lor I
tMop. _ PR. R. SCnirFKAinf. Ct. Paal.
1316 Douglas Street , Omyha , Nob.
. A ro ulur fraluil-j in in - < \ Ino m dlpl - i ii w In itlll treitlnjt wltU
PoTCntcen Ten" oiperi ivo. < . . <
fi.r Htiirrn
' . . ' uramiini iiiru uiinr ni4.ul
' ill ! Serroiii , < 'hr-.tiu-iin. | 1'rlvan IiHotici u-ramii
Pimrtii the iirenti' torrhw , l nl Manlio ul. H uim l Weakumi , Nutit'-oii'-n. ' luurileii'- ) | ihlili. Htrli-l JIB. unit B.I mj-
. .
Skin ami t'ruwrj Ontmi N II I nuanintc > l/u f .r < cr cmo I uiiilortuu
ot the Ulooil
eakci JOJttcolt uw - B. UL tui p. iu. buuajr U
' Dut tr
euro. Consultation Ireo. llogk yiljiwrle * ' / > J-
-AN n-
Washington office , situated
a I'cw doors from the Pension
Bureau , organized to sectiro
"Justice to Veterans. " Prose
cutes Soldiers'Claims of all kinds
in a most efficient manner and
with the least expense to the
claimant. Pensions under the
new law for soldiers , widows ,
and children.Pensions under the
old law. Increase of pension
and additional pension under
the old law and the now law.
Officers' accounts adjusted , cor
rection of muster secured and
difference of pay collected. Pay ,
bounty , prize money1cr.tra pay
and commutation of rations , -jol-
lected. Honorable discharge secured -
cured and charge of desertion
who sei-ved ninety clnys or mono
in the late war and are now dis
abled wholly or in part can got
pension under the new law at
I'rom $0 to $12 per month. Pen
sion is given under the new law
for the following disabilities , "
whether contracted in the - ' '
vice or not : 111 health from
shronic clinrrhoea , rheumatism ,
disease of the heart , disease of
idneysorliver , pneumonia , ma-
aria , chills and fever , disease ol
.he lungs , and all other diseases
ind ailments ; also for piles , rtt p-
.Lirs , partial deafness in one op
aoth ears , partial loss of sight ,
esults of measles , results ol
aloocl poisoning , disease of eyes
ind all injuries and wounds. It
/ou have any disability men-
ioned here and are not drawing
Dension for it , write us at once.
Jnder the new Inw , entitled to
> ension at $8 per month with $2
iddltional for each child under
he age of sixteen years , provided
he widow has no income suffi-
: ient for1 her support other lhaa
icr daily labor , To get this pen-
ion widow does not have to
> rove that soldier's death woa"
iue to his service in the army.
Juder sixteen years of ago at
jldier's death entitled to pension
.nder . the new law.
til claims entrusted to this Bu-
eau are thoroughly and vlgor-
usly prosooutoil and
i any case until successful.
All letters ol inquiry , or for ad-
ice will bo promptly answered
Jo chat-go for advise
Address ,
e Uuilding , Omaha , Neb