Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1891, Image 1

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Httruka City Mftn Compelled to Use a
Ebot Qua.
Vromlnont Vomit ; .Van Arrested Tor
Pahslnjj ( onnlcrlclt Mom,1) 'Iho
C liciiiiiNtnitucH Itaihcr Indi
cative of Hi * Innocence1.
f'm , Neb , Aug. II. [ Special
Telegram to 'I'm : Bi n. Four tramps were
given n lively reception at Mr. Lorton's
suburban home vusloulay afternoon All the
family went away , leaving the hired nun In
chnrgu of the premises. About ! 2 o'clock in
the afternoon a tramp was scon lurking ntiout
the place The hired man nskcd him what
lie wanted , and the reply came , "None of
your d d business" "Then pet off the
piemiscs , " said Mr. Lorton's cmplojc. Thu
Insulted and iravo It out that ho
'would go and get his pals , icturn and go
through the houso.
In loss than half arr hour the tramp , accom
panied by three moro lively follows , re
turned The hired man saw them coming
nnd met them In the yard with n shotgun ,
\vhkh be fired twice. One of the fellows
was wounded In thu leg , but all of them got
luvny Later In the day thu tramp was seen
mound the eiictia grounds picking the shot
from his bleeding limb.
A 011:1.
"Uoolcly ll.iuex at the K.ilr fJrouncis
Atuait a Lnr/io / Ciovvd.
II VSTIMIS , Neb , Aug. 14. [ Special to Tin
Bii.j This afternoon was thu time set for
the usual weekly malinuu races at the fair
grounds i'horo wcio somospecdj incus nnd
everybody unjojod themselves The dis
tinctive feature about thcsu matinee races is
that cvcrv body owning n hoi so is nt llbertv
to enter him. nml that no admission leo is
charge ) . Thu races are ran merely for the
spoil of It
U H. Wahlquist made a business trip to
Oiirnhacstetdny. .
Dr Hilts of the Queen City L-rnd com
i.anv , reports giatifjing progress with the
. .paving petition.
H H Mnnloj of MeCook , was in thu citj
this morning.
'iho Kcninev bill club Is composed of as
gcntmanly n set of plajcrsas ever came to
Hastings. Tin ir actions on the diamond
will well bear comparison with the Lincoln
Giants and Fu'inont club.
'Iho Augustine-Anderson light has been
set lor August 20
The plr.ns are now being drawn for the
new Dutton bloe'K bv Atchltect Klttcnhouso
rl Within the lust week or so pcttj- burglar
ies have been somewhat frequent rn Has
Jerome Crowley has bought lots land" )
in BOstvvlek's subdivision of lots 21.j , SI
nnd 24 in bloek 2.1 , original town , and lot ( i ,
block II , St Joseph's addition , for fel,000 ( )
' 1 his Includes the Shclluck block on Dcnvei
Iho Adams couutj- not mat Institute con
cluded its sessions jcsturday. 'iho institute
has throughout been ono of tlio most iioll-
nblo over helJ iu tbo countj1. There wore
lMi ! teachers in attcndanco 110 wnmun and
twenty men. Tbu foiimlo school teacher Is
largelj' In the majority In Adams eountv.
Mrs. W. H. Cnrnuhan loft lor Moiitlccllo ,
III.esterdav , for a mouth's visit
Mrs Prod / mlmrhis is In thu city v Isltln ?
With hur molhcr , Mrs. B. Wnblqulst.
A prominent Guslln supporter \vas vciv
continently assenting today that If.ignn
would surelj-bo slaughtered at the Judicial
convention at Mlndcn August20. It now
looks ns if Gnslin w ill bo the nominee of the
Independents and that either ho will have
the lumibllcan votes , or the democrats and
republicans will unite on some nun-partisan
Ijxcnvation has been begun for the now
two-stoi.v brick block on Lmcola avenue.
J W Shaw , n foimcr Hustings man , was
Ji > the citv todnj' .
N Tno botlv of Mr John Connelj' . who died
etc , was shipped to Lincoln lodav for in
ter incut.
jtv A t > i\.riiit-ufii.
ulliin Accident Near Cr.ivv-
( oid Caused hy a Ioj-fun ! < onihlno.
Ciuvvioui ) , Neb , Aug. II. [ Special Tclc-
grarn to Tin : Bnr.J A heartrending ca o of
. ? ccldontal shooting occurred about thieo
miles from town last evening. Peter
Biu > chky , a lad of six years , pointed an "un
loaded" gun ntAithur Percy , n phn mate.
The weapon was discharged and the load
took effoi t In Poicj's face , toarltnr away one
Elite of his bend nnd causing Instant death.
Corn 'I'uo.Uo Kcot Hljj'i.
HuiVAitn , Nob. , Aug. 14. [ Special to Tin
Bi.i' . ] The farmers of this vicinity have
nearly completed their harvest. The acreage
ot small grain Is larger than over , buforo
Suvcial farmers who have threshed'lla\ -
portu yield of twenty bushels to the aero
nnd nearly tilt bus yielded over llfteen bush
Farmers generally will hold grain foi
higher prices. Thu threshing machines nro
nil very busy , and a grout mauv who intended
to thresh grain from sir ck , have been forced
to stack it because ot the scarcrty of ma
The v Icld of wheat is very large , both wn.
tci nnd spring Many faunc'is seeded an mull
acreage nnd thu result Is hlghljsatis fat toi j
Moio winter whuitt will be seeded this fall
than over before. The elevators nlraulj are
bundling n laigu amount of gialn and look
ioivvard to u veij prosperous and busy je n
Corn was very backward until August I
Since then It has made a wonderful growth ,
nnd at present U but , Utilc1 , If any. behind
thu nvurngo. It Is well eared , and farmers
"nWTexhililting stalks measuring eleven and
one-half and twelve feet high.
Business men nnd farmer ) feel jubilant
oner the situation and all anticipate the must
piospcrous j cur lu our history.
Valontinu'H ItiiHinohH Ini ; > iov Ini ; .
VAIKSTINL' , Nob. , Aug. 21. [ Special to
TUB Bhi : ] Valentino business seems to bo
improving , Giound was brnkun today for S.
Gllman'a now mill U w 111 hav e a capacity
of 200 barrels a day. Thu Mltncadurn will
luinUh one of the bust water povvuis in the
state. Grain Is almost harvested. Farmers
nro confident that wheat will aver ago Iwunty.
llvo uusncls pcrncro. The mill will lurnlsh
Hour for Hoselnul and Pine Uldgo agencies
nnd for Fort Nlobtara.
Post Trader Thatcher will remove from
Fort Nlubraru to Valentino.
T C. Hornby has returned from Ogden ,
Mini ) \ \ Itm-sscd thi >
Di Min , Neb. , Aug. II. [ Special to Tin :
HKK.J Morgan Cox and his son Tom , the
j ou HIT man who shot nt Marshal Hair Mon
day night , wont to the city ttiU morning to
nttcMd thu trial. About 0110 half of thu town
went us witnesses either for or u alnst the
defendant. As to where Tom kept himself
thu lasi tew days U not known.
Ycstoulay Miushal Barr sent about ono
hundred notices to the chief of police of the
prominent loutisof Nebraska , Kansas , lovvn
und Missouri to arrest yowitf Cox if seen
nnd w ire thu sheriff at Nebraska City.
Moro Alllimoo Discord.
Fuiimu > , Neb. , Aug. II. [ Special to TUB
ljKK.J Yo terday afternoon the Independents
hold a primary election for the nomination of
precinct ofUccra and to select delegates to
the county convention. The prospective
cauuidutcs wcro uuuicrou * , tudiymptoms of
discord , owing to rivalry between the candi
dates woroc'vldont , The following delegates
wcro elected to the county conventionD. .
W Smith , H. Hall , Gcorgo Cartney , H.
Hovt , M. Broderlck. Logan MeKevnoIds ,
.lohr , MeKovnolds. J C. Solaln , B. S. Kiirr ,
Joseph Kync and O. T. .lone ; .
Coiintoi I''lt Monov.
NrmiAsi.A CITV , Neb , Atii ; . II ( Special
Telcgiam to TUB Bi-i.j John Ganz , son of
Gcotgo Gan/ , was locked up last night for
passing counterfeit money. Ganz says tltat
w hen he started for the pircus v ustcrdny ac
companied by Komo ladles ho went to a
money dtavver and took out four silver dollars
lars These coins , according to the father ,
weio counterfeits that had buen tnxcu In
from tlmo to tlmo nnd laid aside. Ho sajs
that his son did not know the monnv was
bad At the circus grounds Ganz passed ono
of tile-dollars nt the tlckut wairon. H was ac
cepted On the Inside 1m hauded another to
the follow selling reserved scats und this
man said Iho coin wits spurious "Well then
take this ono , " said Gail/ , handing up an
other It was also refused and the ofllccrs
wcro called on toaucstGanr.
Toda ) ho was taken bofoio United States
Commissioner Sovmour and pleaded not
guilty. John C. Watson appeared for Gan/
and asked for n continuant o until September
.10 , vvhlch was gt anted Commissioner Sey
mour placed the bond at * lK)0 ( ) and tt was
given Young Ganz declares his Innocence
most emphatically.
There Is a gang of counterfeiters operating
In tbl i locality Wnethor or not thn rolni
aru moulded around hero Is not Known , but
there Is conslde-t able of the "queer" being
shoved heiu The polite have been working
on the case for some time but as jet have
been unable to locate the criminals.
Held a Secret
Out ) , Neb , Aug. II. [ Special Tolegiam to
Till : Bir. : ] The people's. Independent party
countj- convention mot "in the court house
this afternoon. A resolution w as offered to
hold a private session composed of delegates
onlv , nnd the audlcnco was turned out. After
foity-llvo minutes spent In "smoothing
tbliiL's , " ns a delegate expressed it , the aud
lcnco was admitted and the result of the con
ference was apparent In tno work of the
convention Delegates to the judicial con
vention are : Charles A. Munn , Thompson
Blssell , Ijdwurd Harrow , G. H Louiisborv ,
George W Millar d , Uobert Johnson , T. II.
Humor , Grace Moore and W B Caslor To
thn state convention : J Y. Johnson , Du-
gald MeCall , Isaac T FreU , A.Crcps , Thomp
son Bissell , Jonathan S Crow , Henry S.
How nnd Oscar D. Coombs. The follow ing
is tbo countj ticket- Clerk , Dugald McCull ;
tiensuror , Isaac FiuU ; sheriff. A. Y. Mon-
slhg ; superiiitendcnt. John H. Jennings ;
judge , Frank C Cununings ; suivojor , Will
iam Hill , coroner , John M. IClInkor.
AVho Did the Shooting.
Nuiuvsh v Cm , Neb , Aug. 14. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Bir. | The preliminary
healing of Morgan Cox of Dunbar was begun
before Justice Whrtc at 10 o'clock this morn-
rug. The justice shop proved to bo ontlrelj'
too small to aecommodito the abrogation of
spectators and the witnesios , and the court
rop.iired to the district court room in the
county building The charge was assault
with intent to do bodhy harm A number of
wHuessos gave damaging evidence against
Cox on behalf of the state Cox had several
u It nesses.
U is undeistood that Tom Cox will stir-
lendorif the ? 20 reward tuat was offered
( or his captutu is for theominjr. The Cox's
claim that Marshal Barr drd the shooting
instead of young Cox , but theuo will bo
other witnesses who will swear rt was Cox.
Xearlj- the whole town of Dunbar-Is hero
and most of them have been subpoenaed as
witnesses. The decision will bo given
Mondij- .
Woman Fatally Hiirncd.
WiNMiir , Nob. , Aug. 14. ( Special Tele-
rrraui to THE Bi iTho ] wife of A. A.
Pleree , living three miles north of Hopkins ,
was terribly burned this aftctnoon by the
upsetting of some ointment containing tur-
pentlno that she was pioparlng upon a stove.
She srved the child of C. H. Javnes , which
she had In her arms and w hose playful kick
caused her to upset the dish , hut an older
child was badlv burned. The woman has bo-
i prne era/ed bv the pain. She w as taken to
Norfolk for treatment. Tlio result of her in
juries inu icgardud as fatal.
No Am itoni-Thiof.
Tvivuir , Neb , Aug. 11. iSpcclul Tele
gram to Tin : Bi n.J Charles Dodeo , the
\oungmaiibroiighttotliiscity list evening
by the lUtter biothors , charged with stealing
a watch and other valuables , has proved him
self to bo mere than an amateur In crime.
This morning vvhon Marshal Mujor went to
thu jail to give the prisoner lib breakfast ho
found tbu jail door opun , the loc.t having
been picked fiom thu inside It Is thought
that hu hud n pal who furnished the tools to
maku his escape. No cITort was made to re
capture him.
On Till ! at ColninhriH.
Coil MIII- , Neb , Aucr. 14. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin Bi r. 1 'lliomas Plnson , deputy
poatnipster at Platte Center , was brought to
Columbus today and glvun n preliminary
healing on the chaigo of assault committed
on the person of Julia Qulnn , n IIftccn-.v car-
old daughter of A G Qulnn , n blacksmith of
Platte Center. The tiial was postponed until
August 20 to give Miss Qulnn u chance to
como from S ivmruth , Ga. Pinson was re
leased on $1,00(1 bond
( > rnnd \ rrn.Yotor.m . Accirlttod. |
Oitp , Neb , Aug. 11. [ Special Telegram to
Tin. Hi i I A full attendance of the mem
bers of Fonto post , No 40 , GrunJ Army of
thu Republic , gathered at thu post lust night ,
iho occasion being thn tiial of Dugald .Me
Call , senior v Ice command r , for utterance's
dhlinal to the llagut a celebration at Cola-
mus July I After u four hours , ' > -csslon , dur
ing which tlmo a laigu amount of testimony
was heard , ho waj unanimously declined nut
Independent lolotiitos Illectod
TVIMVCUNeb. . , Aug. 14. [ bpccial Tele
gram to TUB Hi r. [ The Independents of
MuWllllnms precinct held a caucus in this
city last night , electing the following dele
gates tor the eountv convention to PU held at
Suueu-o tomorrowO. . H. Thompson ,
Frank Chllds , Hdwind Parsons , Joseph
Thompson , Jr , and Thomas Ulllott. Inu
delegates go unlnstructcd
Nctr. sk.i City Htirilarn.
NrmrvsivV Cm , Neb , Aiu. 14. [ Sneclal
Tclcguiin to Tin. HIT. | Burglars entered
thu residence of Engineer Gcorgo Mc.Millen
last night , rrto dtfTciont diavvcrs In desks
mid dressers wcru ransacked nud everything
left In n topsv tuivejlomlluon. . ' 1 he robber
was evidently looking for cislr only , as
nothing was missing. Mr. McMlllerr was Irr
Novel Clollie-H Hack.
Nimiv-Kv Urn , Nob. , Aug. 14. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : flpr ] W. M. Hamsoy of
Omaha went to his room in the Watson house
early this moinlngaml hung his vest ovcrn
lighted gas jut , smothcilng the thine. Ho
then tumbled Into bed und when discovered
several hours later was all but dead. He
will recover.
Dt-eH-4 I'lrrndn at Tort lioliliiNon
CitvvuoitP. Neb. , Aug 14. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : BEP.JThn Inspector general Is
nt Foit Kobrnson , and the usual dress parade
Inspection , etc , are being pel formed. Larpo
numbers of civilians intend each duy to
watch the bights
n Corn Crop ,
Neb , , Aug. 1 1. [ Special Tele-
crum to TUB Bi.t.This vlclnltv had a line
rulu last night and It has been cloudy nnd
sprinkling all day. This ruin Is just lu time
to icsuro a good corn crop iu this locality.
Oomraon Scnso View of the Relations ol
Harrison and Elaine.
IN the llllnolM Govrinor After Second
I'lnoc Koseatc llopc-H of I'ul-
inor's PrlciKlH li ilior anil
the Polllloliiiu.
o , Aug. H. [ Special to Tun Brr.J
Mr. Clem Studebnkcr of South Bend , whc
is In the city to attend the meeting of the
world's fair commission , disposed of the non
sense about the alleged hostility between
Blalno and Harrison in a direct , business
like statement of the situation. He was
nskcd this question :
' Will Indiana support Harrison for ro
nomination I"
"Now , co here , " snld the great wagon
maker , "a great many people ore talking
about a'contest'bctwi en Blaine and Hatrl
sou for the next presidential nomination ,
This is the shccicst humbug. These twc
men under stand each other porfectlv well and
there will bo no conflict , no clashing They
will not be In one another's way nt tha con *
vcntlon. Long bofnte the convention meet *
the whole matter will bo settled. There ! s
no pettj jealousy between the picsidont anil
the scciotnrj of stato. I saw enough of botli
mon when I was iu Washington at the ses
sions thu pan-Amcrltan congress to con
vince mo of that. Hairlson made Blulnc
president of the congi"ss. a position which
his given him gioit prestige. Ilau thet\
been any Jealousy between them Blainc
would not hnvn icceived this appointment.
"I am u crcat admirer of Mr. Blalno and I
think that if bo wants the nomination lie can
have It. I do not think ho wants it and
think President Hurrrsou will bo re nomin
In Vlt'av After Second I'laoo ?
Tnoro is a stoiy afloat which I give for
what it is worth , that Governor Fifor has
conceived the ambition to bo named fet
second place on the ne\t national republican
ticket and to this end has broken wltn
Senator Ctillom. As the selection of candi
dates for both president \ico-prcsidoiit
from the sumo state is , of course , politieallj
impossible it is said that the governor'
decided to withdraw his nfliltatlon from the
Cullom boom and tuiqw all his strength to
Blalno The first overt declaration of inde
pendence , so the story goes , was made by
the iroveuior wheu , In spite of the objections
of CullomN friends , ho appointed .1. II. Bark-
ley of Springfield to succeed Adjutant Gen
eral Vaueo. The appointment was made in
spite of the open opposition of Senator Cul-
lom's homo organ , which followed with a He-
veto cutkism of the governor himself for his
Immediately tfollowing this episode Gov
ernor I'rfcr was announced by ois homo
impels as a prospective candidate for the
vice presidency.
U orUin- ; the P.ilrncr Itooni.
Many of the admirers of General Palmer
are permitting themselves to grow- very en
thusiastic over his supposed chances for the
piusidontial nomination by the democrats ,
Thov Insist that ho rs bettor timber , In view
of the giovvIng complications between the
antagonistic elements in cistern states , than
cither Hill or Cleveland. With tbo reunited
Cook county democracy botilnd him they ox-
puss confidence in their-ab'.lrtv to cany the
stato. Then , they nrguo , Ilfinois earned
means Indiana sure , as well as Michigan and
Iowa , thus giving the patty a very comforta
ble supply of votes In the olcctoial college.
The general Is said to have already been as- the control of the Illinois delegation to
Iho national convention.
In the meantime , as already stated In Tin ,
Bi i. there Is an clement of Indefinite pro
portions busily at work among the democrats
of the noithwcst enlisting the faithful under
the banner of Cleveland and tariff loform ,
undCaitor Hariisou Is not the man to re
lease his gtasp on anv possiolo clnnco ho
may hn\o for national honois But these
things mo not permitted to mar the bright
Msions of the Pal met lies.
Labor the I'rei ol Politicians.
Political Issues nio assuming a posl-ion of
importance in labor circles here. The labor
politicians are hard at worK gottrngr the
wires In order for the fall campaign , under
the leadership of men of the Cregrcr arm
Prendurgast stripe. The professionals at
the head of the movement arc active nnd un
scrupulous. Tlio great center for the Creglor
politicians is the building Hades' council.
Thu manipulators have managed to pack the
council so that It has simply become a ma
chine for registering their wishes.
As a part of the scheme an attempt was
rocontlj made by the leading spirits of
tno council to induce carpenters here
to Ignore their contracts with builders ,
with thu pmnose , It is understood , of precip
itating a strike to bo used for political pur
poses This failed , nnd now the same sort of
tactics aru being tried with the south sidecar
men. Fortunately , however , the council
does not coutiol all the men who vvoik in the
building trades of Chicago , the brick-laj crs ,
plasterers , stone-cutters and a host of others
refusing to send de-legates to the council be
cause thej distrusted its leaders.
Won h ) thu Chinch.
A singular lontest between a church on
one sure and or nuUcd labor on the other has
just terminated in iho suburb of Hoscland iu
a victorv for the former. In Koseland nio n
largo number of Hollander ! arid the Chicago
labor organisations have been tmng
to get them to join In thu eight hour
movement. It was not at all difficult to con-
vinto the honest Dutchmen that it v.ould bo
much plcasautc'r to work eight ho is than
ten , the wages lemlining the same , ana
things vvcio running smoothly when thu pas
ter of the little. Dutch church at Uoseland
began tognvcly tovolve thosubtect of labor
organisations In his mind. As the result of
rnoiu or less protracted reflection he came to
the conclusion that to remain a member of
the chinch and nt the same tlmo bold allegi
ance in so scculai nu institution as a carpen
ters' union would be to serve both Uod and
Mammon a thing cleat ly In contravention
of scriptural authoiitv.
Accordingly the members of his Hook were
told In plain butch that they mu&t either re
nounce the church or tno carpenters' union
The thermometer nt { Hi in .tho shade , the sav
ing of two hours per duy in this present world
\vas insuniciciit to reconcile the devout iNoth-
or lander's to iho piospcetof an overheated
oternltv , and thoj icvrotfully Informed their
Chicago brettiicn that they could not unite
v1th them 'Iho next move will probably be
a declaration of war on the part of union car
penters against Dutch workmen and Dutch
eontiaetoiH The latter , they maintain , mo
really responsible for the attitude of the
Sueo/.lii | Cook County.
H Is tinted on good authoiitv that the as
sessment of Cook eounlv will bo raised by
the state board of equalization from $ . ' 10,000 , .
DUO , the piosent tlguro. to bouicen V51,0iO ! ( , .
UOO and $ ! M > , UOOUUO. 'I his Is an incicaso
of over M per cent ove'r the returns
of the local assesjiors. The country mom-
hers , with few oioptionsould bo only
too happj to make Cook eoniitj pay all the tn\
of tlie staio If they could , but in their offer ti ,
toward this end they have had their own
lingers severely pinched. Uvoiy time the
assessment of Cook Is increased , and Is
v early , tlio assessment of other counties are
iloprcclatcd in the tame ratio This
steady Increase has had the effect
of reducing the revenues of many counties
to their disadvantages. Consequently some
of these baln.Icks are short ot funds. Inter-
ust on and township bonds must bo
Paid and many of them are gutting heels over
head In deut. They have tiled over } thlug
they could on book , out to go much further
ivlll bring them dangerously near the verge
if bankruptcy and some of lUctu are begin
to show their appreciation of this fuel
by protecting against a further decrease It
their nsscssmeiits
In the meantime Chicago comforts hcrsol !
with tha reflection that th < i new rating wit
glvo her C-IOO.OOO par j ear more revenue ' dur
Ing the world' * fair.
Two Men ISIoun Into .Shreds and
Morn Injured.
HVSTISOTOV , W. Vn. , A UK , 11. This morn'
inr ? about SJO : ! o'clock tire powder factory or :
the Ohio river at Kellogg , W. Vu , four miles
below this crty. blow up frtva some unknown
causo. The explosion was In the paMng mill
building , which was about twenty-live feet
square , and two stories high. Thou
were about two tonS of povvdoi
In It. Thu main mill which is n
large building nnd in which great
quantities of powder nro stored was af
fected The nolso of the explosion was
trout cl twenty-live miles away and Its force
was so great as to literally annihilate the
building. Pieces of timber were blown
across the river into Ohio A plcco of lion
weighing over a ton won picked up and
tossed : ! 00 v ards and bulled deeply In the
ground. The workmen were justcolngto
wotk in the largo mill , but nad not enter edit
In the glazing mill tit iho time of
the explosion wcro two workmen , John
Ba.vlcss nud Timothy Coonty. Only un-
rocognlrnblo fragments of frolr bodies can bo
found , and twobucKctfuls of shreds of human
flesh have been gathered. Gcorgo Wells ,
who was in a house : )00 ) yards away , had tils
sluill broken by n fragment of lion which
whirled through tno window Of the house.
Ho is in n dying condition. D. M. Sparks ,
Charles Kuowloy and John Shaustcr , work
men In the big mill , who wcro standing 100
jnids away , were terribly injured by flying
missies that blackened the air. A few others
are slightly hurt. What caused the explo
sion no one Is living that can tell.
Ap.wr jo i in : I.OIIJAT in-.i-TiH.
Iniihtrr of a Former Ittiltvay 3iig-
nate In Douraclatlon.
NEW YOIIK , Aug. 14 Mrs. " Hannah Bond ,
who made herself notorious two years ago by
asserting that she Had boon engaged to sing
Miss Lillian Kusscll's pnrts In the Casino
company , has again been brought Into notice
by the arrival in town of H C. Boll , a state
senator from Indiana , who is in search of
her. Ho is acting on behalf of her husband's
family and wants to maku a compromise with
her by which she shall rcllmiuUh all claim to
any Interest in her husband's property. It
was almost exactly two jenr a o , ] ust at the
end of the run of'Iho Brigands" at the
Casino , that Mrs. Borrd made the icrnarkablo
nsserrlon that she was to slug iu the place of
Miss Uusscll. Her statement was promptly
denied DV the manager ol the theater , o'f
course. The company was then about to
start for Boston and she said that she was to
join It there. Shu hud been around the house
a good ded , ami suon after she began to tell
these stories Mr. Aronson thought It best to
lofuso her admission.
Soon after these Incident i she was separ
ated from her husband , Hugh McCul.och
Bond , and since then she bas been gutting
Into worse and worse circumstances , it is
said that she is now living lifBIeocker street
with a negro woman who vvits formerly ber
washerwoman. Her father was Samuel
Hannah , the projector of-tho Fort Wnjno
ralrway , and at the tlmo of his death was its
\ ice president Bell came to tbo Casino last
night In search ot Information about Mrs
Bond. It is thought that it ho can find her
ho wrll have no trouble in arranging the com
promise tnat he desires. '
. ref
Negro Convict Comes.Out-t.itli a ia-
inal 'talc of AVoe.
LITTI.I : UOCK , Ark. , Aug. 14. Some days
since Abraham S Davis , a federal negro
convict confined In t > io state penitentiary ,
complained to the fodoial authorities that
Warden Dunlap bad ill-treated him. Dis
trict Attorney Walter received instructions
from Attorney General Miller to investigate
the charges , not only in the Davis coso.but as
regards all federal prosecutions , and yester
day the investigation was begun.
Davis testified that not long after ho was
incarcerated for forgery he was severely
beaten on the back by Warden Dunlap with
a leather strap. Not long after that ho was
branded , so he testified , lu three different
places on the body with a rod hot lion. The
branding was done by Bud Bennett and Jeff
Ford , thu boss of the yard gang Shortly
after this ho was placed in a daik cell and
was obliged to live on bread and water.
State Convict Inspectors Carroll , Bennett
and Ford wcro therr cillod to the stand and
their testimony appeared to rpfuto com-
plotclv the charges made by Davis. The
branding was denied In tnto nnd as to Iho
w hipping , Inspector Carroll testified that
such punishment was prescribed by law , the
strap punishment Inflicted being approved by
ttm inspector. The investigation will bo con
i.tvn rouu a c/.vr.
riiiulH lor tlio Pcoplo'H Part )
In ICniiNHS.
TOPKKA , Knn. , Aug. II. Only $1,100 was
expended by the people's ptato central com
mittee last fall in n campaign which elected
live congressmen , eighty-four legislators , a
United States senator and a majority of the
county tlclcots. This fall the committee has
decided to expend $10,000. livery man who
voted for Willets will bo risked to contribute
1 cent to thu ecntial committee. It will como
through the county central committees , and
where',000 \otes wcro cast for Wlllots , the
county committee will forward $ iO to the
state committee , which .vill bo turned over
to .1. I ! From h , secretary ot the state
alliance A committee of threu mom bora
from the people's central committee will advise -
vise with Mr. French In regaid to expendi
tures. The Holection of uu alliance state
oillcer to handle the fun js shows that the
people's ' party and the alliance will he more
closolv identified in the . " .inpaign this fall
than they wore last. 1 ho campaign will bo
conducted on ibo principle1 that the voter
who eontubutcs 1 cent can bo depended on to
do better vvoik than thci voter bought for
Heavy ItaiiiH in Gruni County.
Gia\r , Neb , A"g. 14. [ Special Tulogram
to Tins Bm-.J Dining the last forty-eight
hours this section of the coubtry Iran exper
ienced some of the heaviest rains that wcro
over known here. Last nlcht rain fell to the
depth of eight inches in four hours. Very
little damage to crops was done , however , on
account of all small grain being harvested.
Mole a ' . nil of C'liithoH
OSCKOIV , Nob. , Aug. 14. ] tipoolal Telu-
gram to Tins BKL.J Curies Molntjre , n
young man residing In tla , southeastern part
of this county , was arrested and brought to-
fore Comity Judge Spcoshy testord ry on the
chaiTunf theft. Ho pleiul Kuiltv and was
given tcrr duvsrn ttio coribtv jail. The arti
cle stolen was u suit Of clotou * .
Touchers' Institute. Closed.
Git VST , Neb , Aug 11. [ Special Telegram
lo Tin Bi i. | The PerJtma county teachers'
institute closed the session hero today. The
session has been well attended und excellent
work bus been done by the instructors am !
teachers A county cdui-atlonal association
was formed for more organized work.
Flooded li < i it ) .
NriuusKvOm , Neb , Auic. U. [ Special
Telegram to Tin ; Bti.J A heavy rain nnd
hailHtoim set In at 7 o'clock tonight and
fairly Hooded the city. The thunder and
lightning was tcirllic.
Himy I'ltthtiuK Failure.
Pirotitiio , Po , AUK ll. it is now
boliocd that the total th billtles of William
E. Schmeitz will reach S.WO,000. The cause
uf the failure is attributed to a heavy dudluo
iu CharUc-rt valley gas stock.
Strongly Denounced as a Homo Rule Measure
uro in Disguise ,
.MoICInley Illll Croat01 a Dlaturhiincu
In the PnjllHh ; Industrial
World Sir. Spin-Boon's
Condition Hotter.
t , tint , till XCIP l * 7f Ai'ocMul t'rtfi. '
LOMIOSAug. . 14. If Mr. liiiltour had not
obtained the iissoutof the leading uiotnticrs
of the cabinet to his Irish local government
bill hoforo announcing It , n rupture
In the government ami n split
In the pnrty would luwo been in
evitable Tlio ilruft of the bill
tins never bccji before n regularly consti
tuted council A committee of tlio cabinet ,
consisting of Mr. Balfour , Mr. Goichon unU
Sir Michael Hicks Bench , has for eighteen
montns been working on the bill. In its II mil
shupo It was referred to nud approved by
Lord Salisbury. It rcimlns unknown further
than what has been said In loccnt public ut
terance * , what the opinion of the lest of tbo
ministers may bo. Apart from the objections
to tlio principles of the measure , this ignot Ing
of the conservative chiefs closely In touch \ \ Itti
the rank and Illo of the pirtv , has added to
thOKonoial discontent. No unionists suction
whatever thoroughly endorses Mr. Ballottr's
outlined measure. In the absolute evidence
of Uub Hfo It Is dlnlcult to icllect
with exactitude how fur conservative mem
bers w 111 go In opposition to Mr Bnlfour's
polic.v , but Judging it fioin the temper revealed
voalod bv men in town , including holidnv - belated
lated olllcl.ils the p rrtj iu bulk will" not
accept the bill. The statement of
newspaper critics as oittng tholr acceptiinco
of the measure bv the libcial unionists Is a
distortion of the tiuth.
The Spectator , the leidlng unionist organ ,
puts the position of the llbeial unionists
straight in denouncing thu bill ns a homo rule
measureIn disguise The National Observer ,
a piomlnont exponent of tory opinion , at
tacks the mlnlsliy as becoming a rnuroliberal
unionist agency. Among the ministerial
groups only 0110. the Goshen-Chamberlaln
set , is cordially buppoitmg I3aUour.
Strong as this group are , thoj
nio likely to bo forced eventually
to bow before tory prejudices and cither-
pioscnt the bill emasculated to suit conscrv a-
the ideas or withdraw it at the risk of dis
affection in the cabinet on the evening of
the dissolution of parliament. Thoco.ismva-
tlvo greeting toward the bill is summed up
in the emphatlo declaration of the anti-
Jacobins that instead of containing any
pioralso of good It is u voluntary and deplor
able act of destination.
Snd Adiuntiiro of Students.
Thn advices from Homo glvo a dotalled ac
count of the sad achcntuics ofupaitrof
students from tbo Atneiican colleen tliero
while bathing at Poito Dnn/luo , at the old
pier outsldo 01 the palace of Nero. The
water was vei v rough at that timo. Lucien
Johnston of Baltlinoio , Victor Brooker nf
Tell Citv , Ind , James Kcoly of Now York ,
Joseph Gallagher and John Duffy of Phila
delphia , John Bow en of Chicago , and Henry
Kuosingof St. Louis , were bathing together.
bud'lenly they wore all swept off by the cur-
roui , but all managed to got In to the shore ex
cept Rucslng who was dtowncd , despite the
efforts of las companions to save him.
English Imhor v utters.
The report of the labor department of the
board of trade Is now watched with keen Irf-
terost in connection with the McKlnluy law.
The ropoit savs : "Tho lumber maikot is m
a disturbed condition. The dotimml has
fallen off in the ship building , engineering
and iron and steel trades In splto of the
shrinkage of tradeIn lion and steel prices
have lomalned steady. This is duo to the
fact that raw mntoiials hiuo remained
higher , as compared with other peiiods of
trade. Coil continues to bo maintained on a
hlph level. This is partlv duo to the good
wages raid the eolllors , whoso power of com
bining prevents the lowoiing of wages , re
stricts tlio output and maintains prices.
General London Notes
Mr. Spurguon Is able to sit up for a brief
pouod dally. His friends now sincerely hope
that ho will be nblo to reoccupy bis pulpit.
His weakness is still appnicnt and his
piogress slow. Ho himself says that the
Loid's people Would not let him die ; that
tholr prajois Kept htm alive. The phjslclans
state that his dlscaso ictalns u hold and
threatens to withstand every remedy. The
best piognostleatlon at present Is that it will
bo many months before ho will bo able to
Loril Coloildgo , replying to a correspond
ent asking uu opinion on the bl bio passage
"Swear not nt all , " and Christ's wouls ,
"Lot jour words bo jca or nay , " sajs no has
no doubt of the lawfulness of oaths on .spe
cial occasions. The piecept of our Loid Is to
bo taken as a statement of principle , not as
tin order lobeobcjed literally , Irrespective
of circumstances.
Cardinal Manning , In a letter just made
public , denounces the employment of lot
teries and rallies and ua/nnrs for woiks of
chniltyor religion. The Loid's ' works , ho
sa\s , ought to bo done in the Lord's own
wav ; Christians must not encourage lower
In the Sallsburv-O'Brien ' cnso an arrange
ment has been Islsned by which Mr. O'Brlen
promises to pay his debt with costs into the
couit on Loni Salisbury undertaking to facil
itate an appeal to the house of loids.
World'H Y. > f. C. A. Convention.
. II. Thn world's
vention of the Young Men's Christaln asso
ciation met this morning. i'ho missionary
wotk of L. IX Wlshard , secretary of the
A 'nor icon committee , who Is now making a
five jears tour of the missionary world In the
intoiestd of association uoilc. was prcaontcd
bv Lord Ktnnaiid The account of his work
in ulo a marked Impression upon the conven
tion showing as it did the deep hold the
work Is taking on the educated joung men of
the 01 lent and the Occident. A I tor a short
session the convention ndjoutncd for an ex
cursion. No regular meeting of the con
ference , u as licit ] In the evening which was
given up to committee work anil social work
William Scenm < u liu Ail Illclit *
Bl III.IN , Aug. 14 Aside from the Incon
venience of moving about ulth his log "liold
fctiff by bandages Kinporor William is onjov-
Ing excellent health , i'ho fact that the
umpuror is ublo to devote a great part of his
limo to attending to the business of the
omplro Is regarded nj pretty good ovldonco
that the alarming ruports circulated in IQ.
Kuril to his physical and mental condition are
unfour dcd. _
Had lor Siijjnr HootH.
LONDONAug. . \4 Tlio continued wet and
cold weather has seriously nut bide the de
velopment of sugar boots. Uvcn with ox-
coptlonally line weather in Suptombjr It U
dnubifut whether the Increased nciengo will
jli'lduu increasud pioduutlon. 'J'lio present
tests ati ) on u Itivol with thoio of isss when
the llnnl j leld was 20 percent below tUo A Icld
of 1WO. _ _ _
I i imi.'o .Min.t Import \VliciU.
PVIIIS , Aug. U. The Bulletin do Sidles
todaj reports as the result of an Investiga
tion that the wheat crop of Fiance will not
exceed 63,000,000 hettontics. To meet the
normal demand of thu country it wilt bo neo-
to Import s. , ; , 100,000 bushels of wheat.
Kldkn ipott , ix : HMiteil.
BIV\\A , Aug. II. Hlpalyto fionzales.
rcnnln 1'orouud Honlfaco Vnldos , convicted
of kidnaping , were executed hero yosterdaj .
Hc-ii vy London I ' 'all nro.
Losnov , Aug. U. A meeting of the crcd- |
Itors of Grippes & Sons , corn factor * and
wharfingers of this cltv \ \ - , r'nlled Julv 18
wushoUl todav nt \ vhleLlatemunt wn-
nmdo show Ing the linn's & ' liabilities tt
bo over jL'l.l
I'ort KuI'M I Inn ) ,
Ll nov , An u. H. The loltl ' 'Ao ! sllvei
and the ls uo of small notes ha\ \ * stly Im
proved the monotr.ry situation J'iio public
frcoiv accepts the notes which commercial
companion and ictuller dcmind shculd bt
rapidly inci eased
SocriM Oidois Itntn tlip C/iir.
Aln i'ow , Auc , It. The police hero have
rocci\od ccrrot oulcts which will have tin
clli'ct of expelling exerv .low from the dls
trlct within two months
Land fur , > OUHI | | i\lloy. :
LONDONAug. . II.-Union lllrsch has
slcnod a dodumcn' authorising the put chase
of land In Argentine Republic to the virluo ol
10UvWOUO francs.
DiMiiiuirlcSill Im 1 lici'o.
Coi'iiMunr-v , Aug. 11. At a lutirhcou
gistn to the Chicago world's ' fair commission
the king said UonnuuIt would bo largely icp-
tesontcd at the fair.
AVorlc HoHiinn'd on tlio Hiilldlni-s The
Ijiuly Alan iKem.
Cnicioo , Aug II. This morning a largo
force of men resumed work upon the mines
and mining bulli'lng ' of the world's ' fair.
U'oik was stispcnited on the worn ill's build-
mtr but a few hours and It U being actively
pushed ahead. The temporary dolav In the
work nil some of the buildings , caused bv the
necessity of voiIf\lng the calculations , Is
now about OUT and the work of construction
Is belli ) , ' pushed all aiound
Mrs Palmer , president of the bo ml of
ladv mnnagois , has oiled a mooting of that
bodv foi September ' „ ' A full report of all
work that has been done will bo presented to
the board at that time and Mis i'alinor 1-t of
the opinion that itill materially advance the
intciests of women's work turoughoiit the
United States If the women of. the various
state- , who havobrcn appointee on world's
fair state boards could be present for a con-
fiTonco with members of the board Mis.
Palmer has iccelved a letter from Mr.
K > mi , United States minister to
Mexico , in which ho sajs in
nccoidanco with MtPalmer's sug
gestion ho will endeavor to have- President
Ditz appoint a committee of lidlos , houlcd
bMrs. . IJiiu to interest the ladies of Moueo
lu the work. Mr Hyitn has no doubt of suc
cess and thinks the committee will pro\oa
most valuable aid to the American womuns
The commissioners for Guatemala Intend
to ask for two ncies of space for the exhibit
of their country. The board of contiol of
the world's Columbian exposition todaj de
cided the mutter of awards and decided to
petitio'i congress for an amount Mlllkiont to
tmkotho medals and pay salaries of the board
of judges. Congress made an appropriation
for the snmo purpose at tho-Philadelphia
Contrary to expectation the locil directory
of the w 01 Id's fair did not at tonight's mo"t-
ing t.tko definite action on the nominations of
Messrs bimuels and Pcabody to bo
chiefs respectively of the horticultural
and liberal atts bureaus of the expo
sition. On the contrary , after some discus
sion , the nominations were laid over until
the next ini'oting It was stated it was to
give further time to examine into tlio illness
of the candidates. It Is understood that con-
sidoutbln opposition has de > eloped to both
ciMitlotnon and the ultimate fate of the nomi
nations is uncertain.
n ir.r. jti ; A
IlopkliiH' rontCHtol His arothoi'Hlll
I/lkclj to Involve HlK Mon.
S iv Tiuvcisco , Cal , Aug. H. Tlmothv
Hopkins will undoubtedly contest the will of
his adopted mother , Mrs. Hopkins-Scarles ,
and ttio Jiphtwlllbo long and blttor , in
volving , as It doe" , not only an enormous
property , also but thn question as to who
shall retain the balance of power In tno Cen
tral itSoulhein Pacific railway. Mr. Hunt-
Ington's well known ngcrcssivcnoss promises
vcrv ileicc opposition , but from the determ
ination implied in an Interview with
Timothy Hopkins there Is no doubt tnat the
lattot , too , will enter the light to stay , im
pressions of bis friends in this cit3r show that
they , at least , nio sanguine of his either
winning the tight or forcing a compromise
As a well known railroad man said today ,
Huntlugton's object In the light will bo to
keep the Hop'tins-Seailes ' block of railroad
stock , and , if thu worst comes to the worst ,
ho will bo ready to join Timothy Hopkins in
putting up several million dollars in eider to
keep his end up in the railroad contest. At
thoofllcoof the Pacific railroad , at Fourth
and Townsend streets , there was a general
orinron that the light for the Hopkins-Soar les
millions Mill bo long and bitter. One high
olllcial said : "Hopkins has placed himself in
the hands of his nttorrioys , and ho will act ac
cording to plans they have laid out foi him.
Tim's rrolng to light , and they'll nil light , and
there'll bo a nastv time of it , I'm afraid. No
doubt Tim will win a big share of the estate ,
but In doing so ho will make de.idly warfare
between the powers hero and the powers In
Now York , and whoa the bit' chiefs begin
to fight as they did two j ears ago wo oftkers
just underneath have to look out for nur-
belv es.
' 'I remember how Hiintlngton said two
'I've hud to take the
years ago : nlwajs nnnio
Mephlstophclcs In this railroad business and
Stanford Ins alwavs posed as the grand phi-
lanthrophlst. but now I'm going to show up
Stanford as Faust , and don't , \ on fort'et It.1
"Well , the llcht M as called off that tlmo
before Huntlngton could carrv out his bonuv-
olont intentions , so now I sunposu ho will
take up his end of It just where ho laid It
down before.
ni.tin 1.11 iujtictt > r.
For Omaha and Yiclnll } buowcrs ; hllghtly
\V\HIIIV.TOV , Aug. U. Forecast till 3 p in
Saturday :
Tor Kansas Halnsj fair except showois
In the eastern portions ; variable winds ,
cooler by Sundnv
For Iowa Frequent showers ; variable
winds and cooler.
Tor North Dakota Fair ; slight ! v warmer
For Soutn U.iltota . and Nebraska Occa
sional show ors , VHI Inblo winds ; warmer by
For Missouri Fair In southern ; locil
rains lu northein pmtloi ; : southerly winds ,
becoming variable ; cooler bv Ktindav.
The low pressure west of the Mississippi
merlins advanced In u toniruo shaped form
enclosed bv thu Isob ir of "t ' ) Im lies and Its
front Is now touching Illinois in its advance
the rain area has reached western New Jcr-
9ov and Inclmle.s northern Ohio. On Lake
Kilo heavy lalns , with thuiidoiMouiib , have
occurred Fiam tontial Illinois to central
Ohio noteworthy temperature exist * ,
which mav bring HOVOIO rainstorms
tonight mid they will likely occur
In the upper Ohio vnllbv Hiturdiiy.
[ { alas have fallen over Nebraska anil Colorado
rado , also In the r.'iilf states fiomYllmlllg -
inn to G.ilvoslon Hains will continue on the
Liulf coast and Florida and spread Saturday
K > the Allegheiiiet .ind pruhrhl ) to portions
uf Now York in d Pennsvlviinhi No decided
cmpuratuic changes hivu taken placu hut It
s warmer In the wide bull from Texas to
S'ow York.
At London Sighted : Amsterdam , Frlus-
and , lUrnrla ,
At I'hllirdelphla-Tho Mississippi , from
, ondon.
At Hamburg The Columbus , from Now
j or at I nr < jo. .
Yoiih , Autf. 1 1 Fan n | > Jntj ) | nnd
Jug Moy Toy , the two Chtnnmeii who were
: akou to the Charity hospital , have been de-
: larcd lepers , after acureful examination.
L'ao Itosplial luithorltlo hu\o released them ,
inserting tnat they had no power to hold
hem , and they are now at largo ,
Details of a Do-nostio Drama ia High Lifo
nt Washingtou.
( Jonoral .lloxtM's l > auilior H
l.'iiKiiUfd loan i\-CoiuUM and Her
Iliotlrer Shoots at Count 'Mil-
IcluvviiTor llcvon e.
Ni\V Your ; , August II. The Horald'1
Washington correspondent telegraphs his
paper the- following story which is printed
this moining :
Count I'ugeno Mltktowlev ol Washington ,
Beverly C. Mnsbj of Warnwton , V.i , his
sister , Miss Stuart Most/ , and "Shoo Box'1
Mil'cr ' of Plttsburg , Pa , are the loadlriff
characters in a domestic drama enacted here ,
\\hlclilmtfoi-tliopoormailtmuistiip of Mr.
Mosbywould have ended In a tragedy. The
details of the affair nio full of romantic m
Count Mltklowiiv > oil s ago , b > a
hillllnnt coup which da/led diplomatists arrd
financiers on two continents , secured n con
cession from the Chluoao goveiinnoiit for the
establishment of an International built with
a capital of J.'iJ.000,00) ) Ho rcprosentcd lu
this matter Wharton Baikur n ul a s\mlrato !
ot Phlladolphla capitalists , who pioposud to
make the inter nation d bank an Institution
second only rn impi rtaneu to the binks of
Franco and Kiiglain ) . 'Iho sclieino fell
through fiom ic.sonshiih arc not purtl-
nentto the iccltation ofthlsstju. 1'lie count ,
however , was handsomnlv loiiiuneriitod for
his services , and slnco that time luis made
bib homo lu Washington , lording the life of
a quiet man of leisure.
Boverlj Moib > Del jugs to r Yir.-lnla fuin
ily wh icli has been famous In the hlstoiv of
that commonwealth s > incu colonial davs He
Is a son of Uunutnl Mosbv of the confodoruto
army , who lepteseiitod this conntii as ncon-
sul in China uiidci the Clevel mil ugimc.and
who Is now limited in ban I'tamlscnas the
attorney for the Southern Pni illo railroid
compiny. Buvorh is about thlrtv j cars of
age lie is a bnclielor , and althongn a resi
dent of Warrenton , has been absent from
this locilrtv for sov oral j ears
Ills sister. Miss Stuart Mosbv , is a tall ,
stntelj blonde , with a liuciatlui Intellectual
than prcttv , and a penchant foi llturatnio , Irr
which Held Mic has done sonio rullrur clover
Miller's antecedents will appear later. It
mav bo said iu pas > | ng thni ihov mo malodorous
dorous In character and that thoj fuinish
the ground work for thodrninntlcsct no vvhti.h
so nearlj omlud In u t raged v. Miller camu
to Washington about sl\ month * ago Ho
brought letteis of introduction to Count Mit-
icievvh/ from n sjndicato of Plttsbuig < apr-
Udists who have vast landed estates in I'au-
quioi county , Viiglnla 'I'ho two heeimo
tust fiicnds. Miller was fiiqucntlv at Iho
count's house. Theio he mot Miss Mosby ,
between whom and the Countess MltUiowlcz
an intlmacj exists winch dues from their
school davs Miller seems to have been
dcepl.v enamored ot Miss Mosbv and In tirno
an engagement of marriage was formed bo-
twccn them.
Hovoilv Mosby returned homo several
weeks ago and was Informed of his sister's
approaching marriage. Ho imtuuillj desired
to meet his pro < peetrvo brother-in-law and
look him over. The meeting was not satis
factory to Mosby , who formed a prejudice
against Miller. Ho uttomptod to dissuade
his sister from kecprnp the engagement.
She objected. Her brother asked her what
she knew of Miller. She u-pll d that she
know nothing bcjond what she h id soon of
htm , but that hho believed him to boa gentle
man and that she proposed marrvin ; him.
Her brother bogged that she postpone tlio
matter until ho could visit PltUbmg and ac
quaint himself with Millet's ' antccodonts.
This was agiecd to , although lire wedding
d iv was then ncailv at Ir rnd
Miller gave Mosby a loiter of introduction
to a friend In Plttsbuig. Mosbv's inquiries
developed the laU that Miller saved a term
ot six .vonrs at the Ulvcrsldo penitential. } for-
being Implicated In a robber v at Uradv's
Bond on the Allegheny rivur , seven miles
above Plttsburg. An old inun and his wife
were tortured by the gang of seoundicl until
they disclosed thu hiding plnco of $ JIIOO (
which they had hoaulcd up. Miller , it seems ,
was not one ot tlio tortureis , hut was con
victed as an nccossorHo esuipod from
prison In a picking box use-d for tin ) trans ,
portntlon of piison-tnadn shojs Ho rcap-
pemed In Cannila. nndietuined to Pltt-tbur ,
where he linished hU term. Pium tha innti-
nerof his escape ho gained Iho homiquot of
"nhoo Box" Miller which ho
, by is still re
membered. Mr Moaby was also Ipld that
Miller was a bigamist n nd had three wives
Irvlnir Ho was further infnrmetl. however ,
in jiistlllcitloii of Miller , that the latter had
reformed and again occupied a creditable
standing In ttio business world of Ihu Smony
Hut this did not satisf } him. Ho did not
think that n man with so unsavory a record
should form an nil ! nice with his "cultivated
and well born sister , nnd he immediately
telegraphed her as follows : "Miller ia a
noted CIOOK , bigamist and scoundrel "
The Ulspttch was aunt to Miss Mosby at
\Viurentnwn , which Is scarcely an hour'o
rldo from the capital. Miss was hor-
rllled to receive It. Beverly Musby returned
Llio next cluv and oncountcied Ills sister and
tier llancco on l'ennb\lvaula iivunuo. Ho approached
preached the two. and covomig Miller with
Indiirnant lepioaehus Htruck him tully in thu
face. Miller escaped as ijukulv as ijosslblu
and sonu'ht the bcclusion uf his loom at
Chnmbci Iain's , whetu ho was staving.
Mosbv. meanwhile , consulted with his
frlcmiH as to the course he ought to pursue lu
the matter. His own purpose , as lie ex-
liiossed it , win to kill Miller , for ho bollovoi ]
that thu liitter was de'libeiutoh plotting thu
ruin of his sister and ho fait that iu no other
wnv could thu disgrace of another bigamous
mariiago bo pi oven ted. He was finally ad
vised that thu butter plan would bo n per
sonal chastisement of Miller , anil this ho
determined to administer at thu hitter's own
rooms He pioceedod thoie with u friend ,
only to lenrn that Miller had left iho city.
Furious with r.uo at the flight ot his
c'liumv tie started down FIfIce-nth street lu
Lho direction of thu avonuu He had gone
uut u few stops when e. cat Hugo uravo up
nnd Count and Countc s Mltklowlcallghtcu. .
As they started to enter their house it is
three doors Houth of Chamber Iain's they
rucognlml Mosby Ho Informed Count Mlt-
clcwici that ho desired a private co.iferouco
with him After some pailu } they stopped
n-doois , when ) Mosby nt once upbraided
Mliklowlc ? for bringing about the betrothal
jf Ills sister and the count'n friend Mosby
lelleivbd that the count was familiar with ,
filler's record and that ho covertly Influ-
jnced the alliance to revenge himself for
: crtaln relict lions which Ucncrnl Mosby bad
: ast upon him Dining the colloijuv it was
tot iced that Mesh } had not lemovud his lint.
I'lio count to'd him that no man could remain
n Iris house with hiVhat upon hlx head.
Mushy , whoso fury seemed to have gotten
he butter of politeness , decline 1 to uncover ,
ivhinounon thu count advanced lhieitonlnnly :
unsaid him. Mosby stepped bucitrind draw-
hL' a self cocking revolver , llrcd lull at the
. ouiit's ihest HH ! unsteady aim oiusud the
lullut to ludgtt In HID nulnstoiting > > t the nar-
or Instead of in thecount's bed } , and before
no loultl Ilio again lie was sui/etl by ttio
: ' > uiit' biothur-in-law , Mr. Kilo , mid dls-
iniiod. The matter vv as bub equeutl } nettled
0 Ihu mutual satisfaction uf all com timed by
1 written apolugv on Mosby's ' part. Count
ind Count MI Mltklewkv loft tbo city the
ollowlni ; duy rind are now spending the
touted tonn at n fashionable Virginian
iinnnlulii ronoit.
Miss Mostiv lofiisen to bullovo thu torlo
ibout Miller and InsUts that ho Is In every
uupcct an honorable and upright man ,
llouk'H Mcu Mnjorlly.
ICNOVV u LE , Tcnn. , August H. The oDIcral
eltirns give Houk u majority of yf4S ! for con *