THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY /AUGUST 9 , 1891-SrXTEEN PAGES. 15 been decreased oy the fact that ( Jorbcr's son CERBER SENT TO IRKOTSK , mny meet the fate of hU father. The young man 14 about , eighteen years of ngo , nnd , llko his father , was a poddlcr. Ho traveled In tbn ntnte and In response to a Russia Affords Him Little Time to Froparo letter from his father , who was then nt Kosack , returned homo. Some of hU friends for the Journey hero endeavored to dtasitado him from his rash act , but Without success. As the young man came to this country about tbo game FATE OFTIIEUNFORIUNATE ESTABLISHED , time his father did nnd remained here nslonv as the latter , ho has perhaps ceon considered as having committed the name crime alli'gcd against his father. If the same punishment ' * hould bo motud out to him , It would but In- I-'cni-Tint Ills Son Also May Hnvo Incurred ' friends tBtiilfy the shod : which Ocrber's curred the Anyr ol' Ilio KiiHftlnii have nlrcaclv sustained In tbo tatter's Impris Tyrant VoduH of onment. The young man Is said to bo ol herculean proportions nnd it is believed Uollol1. hero that either the dreaded conscript or the t'lHovs await him. Ho was expected to nrrlvu hero'some weeks ncobut has not , ns yet mauo his appearance. Hols The announcement In TIIK Brr of the ar a man who greatly resembles his father In rest aud probable transportation to Siberia of personal appearance. The latter Is u man S. Gerber of this city has , It U to ho re about six foot tall , heavy frame , ratunr gretted , boon verified by the latest accounts stoop shoulders , long , black , but not heavy beard , prominent nosii. blue eyes and long from tbo Husslan Poland. At Ilrst some doubts black hnlr. Ho is it man about forty-ono were entertained as to whether even the Uus- years of uifo , and leaves aifo and four oian government could transport for llfu n children. The accompanying picture Is a tnnn who had dona nothing moro than Jlmply very good likeness of the unfortunate. Yesterday old friend of ( Jorber'.s cnma nn absent himself from his native laud. Slnco to this citv ut the request of Tin : Ui.i : . Ills that time , however , several lottcra have been nnmo In H 'nry Vongrnvltch. Ho Is a ped received by parties throughout the state and dler and travels In Iowa. Ho told Tun HIH : from Mlshonltza which leave no doubt as to man that ho und Gerbcr hud como to this . They Ilrst settled ' country seven years ago. the unfortunate man's fate. In Now York city , wliero they remained three Ono of the first letters on the subject told months. They then went to Pennsylvania , that preparatory to boin transported to Si where they traveled In the vicinity of Clear- beria , CJerbor would bo confined for one year Hold , aud whuro they remained ibout eight in the Jail at Lonisha. This information was months. They then came to Nebraska and have always made their headquarters In In of facts of tlu . imparted advouco the caso. Omaha. A son ot Vcngrovitch accompanied Cerbor was conllned temporarily ID Oorbor homo. The lad was about nine years OstralonUa , in which place Is situ of agu , and was rotuiuing to llvo with his ated the jail of the stito of Lamshn. grandmother. Vengrovitch sajs that Ocrbcr 'I'tience ho was taken without ceremony and did not remain more than n couple of davs , If , Indeed , ho remained at all. In New " \ ork , on almost to IrkutsK whore font immediately , his way back to the old country , anil that ho the poor follow now languishes. There Is no had iiovor taken either second or Ilrst citizen liopo of executive clemency save through the papers iu that state or Pennsylvania. The meditation of this L'ovcrnmant and unforttl- ) u Iv p npors touching citizenship which Oer- nately at this writing Ibo informallon is bor did take out , ho said , were these declar wanting to cnnblothumatter to bo accurately ing his Intention to become a citln of the placed before the state department. The United States , which were taken out in most authentic Intelligence is contained in IJouglas countv , and a copy of which TIIK the following letter , which Is produced In the ! : : has already printed. Hebrew characters , In which It was written : This statement , to a great extent , -I/A yj ? , ; * ' t'i > < l y . /ftn 6 J * "f/'fnO I' f > " , * ' ' "lt r & / < ! S /Ptt > . / fvot'V fv-p fXf.irfy < yt ? i 77 6to Wfrjonrp ? $ fz .r frh < , jftt l > -/-i > 'h tfo fyr'i.fa 1fv fi'ttfa t rr/fa I" ) gtfa ? iinsf. Hf/'v fi tifV r < lt-v / > ' * ft , KT nn iff * ' # # s f > f'f , > J/iil . , " ) { < V .Jfy : / * / / / * The above was written In MlshoniUa July 13 by Mrs. Schomberg , and translated reads ns follsws. Now , my dear husband , I have rather sud news to Impart ami dot ill It to you to fruo inysolf fiom lilami ) for not keeping you In formed of all that Is going on. In my previous letter , I tnlcl you what had happened to S. Oerbcr. ho\V ho was rompnllud lo flee from Sllshrnll/.i lo Kea vl > , I'rus-Ua. In nnlor to ese - o ipe arreit hv the government. Ho then smtt , his fatlior to Warsaw toscuuro thusorvleos of tbn host attorney at that place , acmclm ; to Blioml , If necessary. 0)0 ) roiiblos to en.iblo him toiomaln in his native bind. Ilut the most dlst iiKiilshod attornny In Wursiw refused to accept the case. Hororo the doulslon of the lawyer had been obtalnud , Hmsl.i inadu a do- tiniml upon d'crmany for the poor man and the authorities of the lattur country delivered lilm Into Iho hands of the Itusslau ollloers. This delivery on the Kusilan side took place Saturday. July II. Arcompanlcd by a heavy guiiid , Cierhor was araggi'ii , shae < led and jinnmeleil , lo OstiolnnUa , whom the no\t duv Ills fate was soalxd and lie was soul to Irkutsk. Sliorla. It Is a hcartrnndlnu slsbt nnd his f.itn is pit oil by all , hut nothing can bo done. I shall apprlsn you of f urtliur devel opments in the caso. Thrco-fnurths of the inhnbltuuts of Siberia mro Kusslans mostly exiles and their do- ncendanlt ) . Slnco the oightnauth century Iho Kussitin government hits sent its political dissenters to Siberia , sometimes incorpo rating them In the Siberian army , but often putting them to work in the mines with the meanest criminals. Tlio greatest suffering Kuropeau civilisation ) heard of is con nected with these mines. At ono time It was genor.illv understood in Kuropa that moro noble intellect and mental vigor were wasted in the subterranean galleries of the Siberian mines than were employed In the govern- ticntal palaces ut St Petersburg. The con victs , when sentenced to banishment , nro collected from all parts of tbo empire at Moscow and sent off in weekly convoys to the number of about ten thousand per an num , onc-tlflh of whom dlo iu tan years from fatigue of thu journey and change of cllmnto. In Siberia they are di vided Into three classes these forced to work in the mines , publlo labor ers nnd these dbstlned for Immediate colonization undertlm police. Ills a llfu in which there can bo no hope and the misery of which iMn not bo accurately told because indeed few llvo to return to tell of Ibo horrors rors of the placo. The banishment of Gorbcr has attracted attention nil over the country. The story has been published In nnd commented upon by every loading paper , and a diiop-rootod sympathy has boon expressed for the unfor tunate. 1 n several places indignation ireet- ings have been hold and resolutions con demning the cruelty of tno Russian govern ment have been adopted. The matter Is to be made the special order nt a meeting of the Omaha branch of the Jewish alliance which mcnts In this city next Sunday. This association has branches tlnoughout the country nnd Is in n most pros perous condition. It possesses a number of influential members and some of them have distinguished themselves In Im portant diplomatic situations. This _ organization Is Intended to ameliorate "tnocondltion of the Jews expelled from Rus sia. It nims to take them on their arrival In this country , divert them from the largo cities anil colonize them upon farms. It also nlms to secure to Jews the rights to which thov are entitled and the first case which will , very probably , como under Its attention will bo that of the unfortunate man in ques tion. tion.Tho The representative of Omaha In thoexoou- tlvo con mlttCQ is Mr. ICohn of Kohn it Hnrrl ? , who promises to immedlatcl" bring the matter to the attention of Simon Wolf , the treasurer of the society , who formerly nclcdas minister from this country to Kgpyt , Ho Is n profound scholar nnd able diplomat nnd n man well versed In nil the laws nnd treaties regarding the relations subsisting between Uussluu dependencies nnd the United States. A call U now being prepared for ft citizen's mooting to bo held shortly in this city In behalf - half of Gerber. The gathering will bo at tended by Influential citizens and the object will bo to adopt a series of resolutions requesting the government to ascertain the conditions under which Gerber was banished , thoolTunso wlneh he hut committed , if any , nnd what rights ho is eutltlod to under Ilio first "cltlion papers" which ho has already taken out. Several gentlemen of this city have written to rabbis lu Oatrolenka for all the fiu-ts lu the case and some of them unfortunately In closed iholr letters In envelopes containing on the ouUldiv the names of well known busi ness firms who might easily bo suspected of making Inquiry Into the case. It is feared them loiters will not rouOh their destination nnd that In passing through the postoftlco will bo seized by the government nnd do- > ftrpyed. tfr the facts In case' the being much longer con cealed , if Indeed they bo nut entirely sup. prussod , unless on official roquou from the \ government at Washington. Anxlotjr over the ate of Uorber has not dtsDQls tbo hope that it WAS the exile who , in April last , took out a passport to Poland , the same place to which the Omaha Gerber destined. It leaves the latter with "Ilrst " only a paper" recording citizenship to help him in securing the media tion and needed assistance of this country. As to tbo cfllcacy of such an instrument there Is some doubt. ( ! oed lawyers hold that I the Ilrst papers do protect men iu .soml-rivll- 1 izod countries and that Uussla Is not moro than a somi-civilized country. Others holu th at abroad nothing can secure for a. man the protection of this country save his full papers , upon which a passport may be issued. There is oven a variety of views as to the mothoj to bo pursued to brlnir this matter be fore the state department , though It is gener ally admitted that the matter should bo in- vasticatod and all needed information im parted , so that others who may contemplate visiting a foreign country may know whether s. fin mi Kit. or not thov are going Into the hands of a power which may never relinquish Its hold. Upon this feature- the subject , the follow ing communications will bo of interact : AVIIIIliK to Uru It. LINCOLN , Nub. , Aug. 4 , To tno Kdltnr of TIIK HKK : Vuur favor of the .Id liiit. . bus biH'ii this day rooelvnd and placed on Ilio. 1 note that you request nm to suggest thncotirso to ho bust puisiioil In order to bring the case of H. ( ii-rbor before the proper authorities. I note also that you say that you liuve by today's mull sent forward to mo aSu.Mi\Y ltii : , Hiving n description of the elrcuinslnnvo TUB HKK has not vet re.ichoil thlsolllce. If you will place boforu im- all the fui'ts connect ed nlth the oircumstunco. unit also the Information mation us to whether llorbur was n citlron of the united Stales. If nalurallzud , when , etc . I will without duluy pl.icn thu sanio In proper form and olllulttlly transmit them tn tint hon- or.iblit sot-rotary ot slate of the Halted Mites and will take plimsuro In presenting thu casu , and iirglni ; Unit It bo examined at as early a ( Into as possible I lni\n the honor to rumnln , yours sincerely , tiuniuu : M. lUsriMls , Attorney Uuneral. Iti-ynn Auls. J.iNcor.v , Nob. , Aug. 0.-TothoKdltorofTiiK HKK : Dour Mr The marked ropy of TUB HKK. containing the account of the arrest of ti. Oiubur , thought to boa citizen of the United States , rocuntly resident at Om ilia , was 10- oelved this morning upon my return to the eltv. I have iiiallod tboollppliiK to thn aocrntary of state \ \ Ith thu request that ho Inform mo of thu pioper course to pursue In brliulir.- this iniitier boforu thu atiuntlon of tint depirt- nu'iit. As soon as I ritculvu the Inform , itlon nuked. I will coinmunlCntu with you , Very truly yours , W. .1. HKVAN. Coin plot eil Citl/.cn.Hlilp. OMAHA , Aug. 5. To thn Kdltor ot TIIK HF.K : Koplylnrfto yuiirlollorof Augusta , IS'JI , la ro- lailon lo tlio mode of procedure to ho best pursued In order to prosoat thu onso of Solo mon Oorbor bofoio tno proper authorities of the I'nlted States and Russia , will say : Thu question of oltlzonshlp has been pretty thoroughly discussed lu this slnlo alnuo iho falluleutloaof Ml ) . I nndurstatid Unit Solo mon Uurbur has simply iioolnrcd his Intenllnn lu bi > como a rllUon of the Mailed blalos and has taken no slops to purfoat bin cltUonshlp , norconld ho have become a oltlzen of Iho Hnllcd Stales , .sliKe hU iloclaratlon to become n qltlnm dales from PuptomborSUli , la1) ) . ThU bobiK the Munition , tbo question nrlsoa. are llm lox'nl rights of a iinrniii who has pro cured from iho I'nltedHUtos what U common ly termed , his "HrU papers ? " An allen havlnir only declared nls purpose to become a clll/cn. Is not c'liihed ' nltli inv rlshl to protection from tbo Unltoil Stnto-i while In the country of hUorUIn . liuturnliiR lo I ho country of his origin , ho ilmply returns an a subject of that country ) bis uoolurnlloa to become u cltlicn of iho Ualti'd Httites does notchuiiKu his allogluncu lo tlio country of his origin. I'ho Konurul rule Is , that every Indi vidual Is a oillzcn or mibject of some country , cither by birth or ndotnlon. 1 ( ho has not como within the imrvlowof iho natiir.ilUatlon laws of thl.s country. BO as to maku him u citi zen , then ho Is a cltUou of hU natlvo laud , or oma othur country , There i * a dlf- f erotica when the applicant for cltl onhlp de- purls. after filing his application , for thn pur- puso of tomimrnry nbsnuco , or making his nb- ncncoof a permanent character. In the first Instance the government may roiiioimrnto with nny foiolgn iroverninonl for Interfering with the Derson perfecting bis nnturalUatlon , Thin can only bo a remonstrance , not a li * al domiind In the sense of u cliilm upon him us a eltlren of thn United Ktatos. ns nanlnst tbo - of his nativity , because bo U n oltl/on of that country nnd not of this. It Is claimed as nffiilnst a third , or dUlntor- Ruvutnincnt , tin ) claim can bo nmdo of rliilit , us that country can have no claim wn.itovor upon him : ho Is simply a sojournor. In the N'COII ( | Instance , he absolved hlmsulf from our country. In iheeiKonf llnrnato , who wns a Mexican by birth , who camu to this country , procured bis "Ilrst p ipurs , " as they are called , and loik up bis residence In Hits country : bo nfterwiinls returning to .Mexico temporarily , wliuru he was hnld by that KOMiininent for mllltiirv nervlcei the government uf the 1'nltiMl States Interfered nnd the iroviirnniPtit of Mexico rolon i l him. This I undertaku to ay Is un c\rnitniiil | ! : case "In thu ease of Adbellnh Sn'ib , a native of Turkey , who declared his Intmiflon to he roine a citron of the I'nlted Statm , It WHS bold that 10 far as his political rights were ooiii-ernod. tin could have no claim on HIM covernmtnt In case of his return to his native country. " In the cnnenf Oi'rber. ItHcems to mo there Is but one eoursn to pursue , nnd tlrit would bo for his f Mends to make implication to the hon orable iccretiiry ofst-ile , and request , by a fotmal petition , ihat ho iinjotlutu with tbn Husslan povpinmmtl to procurii the release of i-oloamii Uerbor This country c.innol . makea ileinaiid from a letful st mdiiolnl , but only a request , and 'rum thu manner of do iu In tint country , It mny bo of no avail ; but his ft lends and nil good eltUenstoiild feel n rel'el ' atter hnvlnit done all tint eould bo done for tbo telciiHoof Vr. ( lerbur. Tostiy that the pinilsh- ineiil that ho has linen scntoin-ed to endure Is cruel nnd bii > end all re.ison. Is to state what every Intelligent person Is aware of. Vmh the I m led Investigation Ilut I Imvo given the miitior , there Is nolliliu else that I conl'l say lhat would either lvo ll-'ht or as- Istiini-o to proiMiru the rolensa of Mr. ( lerber. If I have been able tit say invlhlnv tb.'it Is ol ii'.slsfincH or comfort lo his friends 1 am very thankful. Yours very truly , It. S. llAiit. | : riATTI > KUTHCIIIOIlS U UTU UN. Oinaliu SPOIII-OS Iho Tri'nsur.T nf Hio National I'laltdrtilsHii'iVortiln. . During the p.xst wuolc , the national conven tion of I'luttdoutscher vereens of this country was held in Denver. In it , Omaha was represented by Messrs Heiny Anderson , John Itaumcr , John J. Lund , Ch. Mohr. John Bursch , Thco llouck and John Uoschman. The president elected was Martin Ilossen of Kansas City , and treasurer. , ! . I' . Lund of this city. The financial secretary of the association will bo elected by the Plattdi-utscbcr vereens of this citv. Next Sunday there will bo another meeting of the representative- the German .socie ties of this citv for the purpose of linking arrangements for the celebration of Cicrman day. It has been concluded that it would bo unwise to attempt , a sliect pir.ide umhodving historical features beonuso of the oxp'enso which would attend it. The celebration verv likely will bo fashioned after that of las't year , consisting of a gr.ind concert in the evening with nn ndilross by a prominent Gorman orator of tlio east. Call Schuiy. is in Kuropo now and no attempt , consequently , will be mauo to correspond with him regard ing the delivery of nn oration on the day in question. If , however , ho should return EOOII he will bo invited to attend. Tlic Concord In. This long established society , tins decided to dispense with Its annual summer picnic and devote itself to rehearsals for the celubr.ition of its twenty third anniversary which occurs on the nineteenth of next month. The en tertainment is in the haii'it of a committee consisting of Cliaiics Herbert/ . August Schncffur , A. Siefkcn. Ailolph Mover and Richard Kngteinnn. Ilio selections will bo rendered by the best voices in the orgnnba- tion unUer the direction of Prof. Peterson. lie Tiirni'i-s. Tim Omaha turnverein has not , as yet , se lected a successor to Director Hennofcld , al though It has received propositions from sev eral athletes throughout the countrv. Ono of these came from Mr. ICostloln of MllwAUt keo , and another from a younc gentleman who nas just graduated from the turners' pomtnnry at Indianapolis. Hoth of those 1110:1 : are spoken of In most favorable terms , but tt will not * bo determined ns to which of them will bo selected until the next mooting of the vorcln. In tbo meantime , the bova nro wont ing under the direction of Fritz Fruohuuf and Theo Ulatterl , the turn wane. The permanent turner seminary his been " located nt Milwaukee. On It Si I011" , have al- rondv boon expended , but nt loist ? " , ! ) ) , ) or & .000 moro will bo required to complete it. German Onnii-H. The Plattdeiitscher voroin will give Its grand summer people's fost toJav and to night at Huser's pirlc in which a number of games peculiarly of Gorman orisin will bo played. Some of these are designed for innn , others for women and other * still for chil dren , Some of them require bkill while all of them nro Intore.iting and afford n great deal of entertainment , A number of handsome prizes have boon purchased and donated &nd will bo awarded to thi ) successful comnatitors. Trains on the Missouri Pacific will leave the U'obstor street depot at I ; ; il ) and : J p. m. and the park atSi.'IOp. m. and midnight. Mberty for OOOViuH. . Ry way of pqmmomor.Uins the fi Kith anni versary of Swiss indopnndenco , the Sivuitzor gesang voroin of thU city will hold n grand colobr.Uion at Tietp.irk , on next Saturday , August ir > . Target shooting , games arid speeches aiid dancing will onuhlo the Schweitzors to pass a most uloasaut day. 'IllOJltOI- . The plav at the Gorman theater in Kcssler's garden tonleht will bo "O Schlvlc- gomanii" or "Madamo Uoniwioilo , " . Tlio Iileilt'i'kf.'inx. The Llodorkranz society now meets In the hall at the southwest corner of Tenth nnd Farnam streets , having moved from their former hall lu Foatnor's printing houso. Furniture of bleached oak is an oddity. Use white and gold wall papers for light parlors. Sweet peas have been qulti generally used for Howl decorations at dinners this season. Do not point the nails too sharply , ami bear In mind that too high a polish is worse than none. O * it'r shells , finely pulvorirod nnd mixed nto a thick pasta with the whlto of an egg , will produca a good commit Tubs will not warp'or crack open If the irccautlon Is taknu to put a pail of water Into each directly after using , The odor of onions may bo much moro readily removed from dishes bv first wasti ng them In cold wntotbuti In not wator. A prottv Idea In house furnishing Is to nuig the pictures with ribbons of n color to inrmoimu with the decorative motif of the room. Ollvo oil nnd calcined magnesia will polish up the handloof the big fiout door , if It bo silver , and the family Is willing to bo known as In town , A now Idea In decorations for a wedding or a dance Is to fix a temporary shelf all about the four sides of the room , heaping It with flowers and ferns. It is said that if the knrnson'n can Is not kept tightly corked , both at neck nnd snout , especially If lu a , varm place , the oil" will jurn dull and cake on the wick. Meat can bo kept very nicely for a week or two by covering it with sour milk or butter milk Jiid placing It in n cool cellar. The bono or fat need not bu removed , Hlnso well before using. The water tank or cooler In which the drltnclng water Is kept should bo lined with ioi-coaln ! , and It should ba emptied and thor oughly cleansed every morning before the rcsh water and tee are put In. Never sot your lamp upon a red table cover. If you hayo not a green lamp mat put u pluco of green cardboard under the lamp , and you vill Und iho reflection upon your work moro icrooablo to tbo eyes than that from the red cover. This is ono of these simple thlnirs which ew people know of. If you are In n Pullman cor , get n pillow from the porter , put It In our lap and place your writing material * on t. The elasticity of the pillow will Insure inoothuei * . Where a pillow cannot bo ob- allied use your coat. H the eyes are tired nnd Inflamed from loss of sleep , by silting up late or lone travel , nnply in the morning soft whlto linen drip- itng with hot water ns hot ns you can boar t-laylnt ; the cloth upon the lids. You will eel the eye * strong and free from pain or distress iu half au hour. THE BEE BUIp OF CLAIMS , ) [ Hl Who Oomposa Its OaVinsol and How It Is MaHS'&cd , > i ABLE JURIS rs , EXAIN RS AND EXPERTS , . > ii Ucncllolnl lOrfooIs itv Clalnmnti of Ho * cent CongrC'i'iloniil ' Action How to I'roseisrifo Claims of All Kinds. About sixty days ago n now departure was nauguratod by the San Francisco Kxamlner , now the lending paper on the coait. Its pro prietor , Mr , Hearst , son of the late Senator Hearst of California , who lius n very lago fortune at his command , conceived the Ido.i of establishing a bureau of cl.ilms nt Wash ington , manned by the ablest lawyers and specialists conversant with the routlno worK In thu various departments mul bureaus of the government. When the nnnnuncomntof this new depart ure win inado negotiations were at once en tered Into between TIIK UIK : and the proprie tor of the Examiner to Join hands and mu ually share In the enterprise. These ar rangements have boots perfected anil agree ments entered Into bv which Tin ; llr.t ; Is to prosecute all ei'Jiim uri-ltlng In tl'O territory where TIIK Bur. enjoys so oxloiHlvo n sub scription pitronnso. Under this uawoment all appllu.itlons for cl\lnis | , cither for pensions , Indian depreda tions Kind or mining chums , natent or pos tal claims in the states of Iowa , Kansas , South O.ikota and Nubr.isk.i , will bo taken In hand by Tin : BIB : Bur : vr of CI.VIMS In Uinabniind through it to huaD- quarters at Washington wliero tbov will bo prosecuted to n tlinil anil speedy conclusion- TNI ; Bus tnkoi pleasiu-o in offering to all Its patrons and particularly to subscribers to Tin1 Wnr.Ki.v UKK , the services of its now bureau which , we have no doubt , will provo of groit advantage to them , both In proeeu- thit ) now claims to . stu-ccssful issue and in expediting all clainu entrusted to Tin : HKI : bureau. Tn.1 Hir. : Uriit'.u' or Ui.vivuhas frequently bawl rcrorrail lo tit those columns , but ii | > to ( ho present time , no referouco boon tnailo to Ibo manner in which its important work is performed. This is of the most , intoroif ing fonturos connected with the enterprise. Tlic Iliiro.iu'H ( Jimn-41. To begin with , the services of turoo most eminent councilors have boon retained. These are A. U Hughes , O. K. Weilor. and I' . .1. Butler. They aru uunomlnateU "gen eral counsel. " They are men of mature \enr-s and lo.inieu in tno law. They have innilo a sp"clnlty of practising In ttio the United States supreme , circuit and dis trict , courts , the United States court of claims and before nil the departments and bureaus of the government. They , lrn qualified to p.iss upon the generj ; merits of any claim , as soon as It is presented. This suvoj a great deal of time , bncausoK when a claim has been passed upon by tho.rfi , it , is generally one which is entitled tp'V , ) standing in court. When a claim is rejected by them , it , moans that it is either outlawed or that it lacks cer tain elements which would load to its final approval. ' < Kxniiilncrs , ami Kxperti. Besides these gentlemen there are also a practising attorney , an examiner and export In each department iri'.which ' Tin : Bun pro- posiu to prosecute claims , namely , these of patent- ! , pensions , postal and land claims and Indian depredations , in Fact In any depart ment in wlilch a clnlnl > may arise acalnst the fcdor.U government. . .These attorneys pro- pine the pe'.ltions : ui $ tend to the claims b-j- fore the several courbv. while the examiners and exports make u specialty of searching the rccordb ami/ arranging , the ovlitoupp neces sary to strengthen the.clunn. The gentleman chargna with this duty ro- pimliiig Indian depredations has boon the as sistant chief examiner of these claims in thu Indlnn buro.iu of the interior department for manv years. Hi ; comprehensive knowledge of details , facts , status of and evidence in the cases heretofore Hied or the outbreaks out of which others yet to bo filed have arisen , tenders his services extremely valu able. able.Then Then there is a general manager , John Woddorburn. Fur years ho was private sec retary to Senator Ilu.irU , thu father of Hon. William tle.irst , the projector of the present enterprise. Ho has also boon for years the Washington coricsnondont of the San Fran cisco lixumlnor , with which Tin : BBI : is no v co-operating. Ho is a man of universal in- lormaiion and li eapjcially adapted to the responsible position ho now holds. Than this force none mor ! capable could bo found in the country. Its services have boon loluiiiod at great expense by the bureau , the salaries .ilono reaching at the present , time .JI.bDO pur inoatli. As has been .stated , thu Pan Francisco Ex aminer inaugurated thu enterprise , and through It Tin : BIH was allowed to establish its bureau for the ai-co'iumdatlon of claim ants In South Dakota. 1'owa. Nebraska and Kansas. This privilege was lirst , of all the papers in the country , extended to Tin : Br.ii , because of its known plt'clc ' , enterprise and energy. The undertaking , however , has at tracted so much attention throughout tbo country and bean so greatly appreciated bv old r.oldicrs , Indian victims , and defrauded government claimants , that loading papers elsewhere have uskod to bo admitted to enjoy thu privilege- the bureau. Among those papers thow is a leading In Minnesota seta and others in Boston , Cincinnati , St. Louis , Atlanta anil New Orleans. It , is thought that Mr. Hearst , the proprietor of The Examiner , ami thu gentleman who In- niiL'uratod the system , will grant the applica tion , Claims Coming in. Tun Bun CI.VIM BUUBVU nas not been In existence ono month mid yet it has listed Indian depridatlojt claims aggregating $ .VOI ! , > 0 and the arnoti it is being con stantly added to. This is a remark- nblu showing , and yet it is but a fraction of the claims winch remain unrecorded mid un paid In the suites controlled bv Tin : BII : : Brmivu tilCi.uvs , namely , South lukotn , NobrasKu , Iowa and Kansas. On March U , of this year , an art for the payment of ItiJlun depredation claims was approved. To this act , It is neces sary to direct the attention of every claimant who lias suffered at the hands of Indians , This refers to these victims whoio cl'ilms ' have already been tiled as well as to these who still coutemnato ) tiling thorn. Up to the diito In imifitlon , thousands of sufferers had tiled thuirclalms with attorneys iu all parts of thu country ana wuro in most cases charged excossfvj } . foes. Many of thu claims , lee , hod Ix'eju , pondlng fur years. S'Htsilied that , in inanvucasos , the claimants had contracted with tfiu' attorneys in ques tion and , without fud\of ( prosecution for iintniliijent , could nottransfer their claims lo other agents or attorneys who might expo- ditu the collection , congress undertook to afford the desired rollftf , . " This It did In the net in question. 'In Itouovor for { /tlian / Duprciltlons Parties desiring tn'avriiil themselves of the bonolHs of the | 'jjt In oaostlon re garding the recovery ot claims growing out of Indian depredations should forward to .Tjtn BRK UL-IIKAU or CI.IIMS power of attqr oy , graining author ity to appear In tholr/i io in the court of claims. They slinuli7lls.o | furnish a detailed statement of loSy , Including each spoclllc article lost , its value , date , countv and state , band or tribu of Indians committing depredations , names nnd present addresses of witnesses whoso testimony thi\v expect to use in substantia tion of their claim , anil such other Informa tion bearing upon the CHJQ us they may [ JOSSOSS , Upon receipt of this simple Information , TUB UKB BuiiKkUorCJi.MMs will Immediately attend to the more intricate or dillleult por- ion of thu preparation. The claims must not ha based on depreda tions extending back boynud ISib. Headers of TIIK UIK or thoio who may file clblms for collection , ore respectfully re quested to furnish TIIK HER BUUEIU of ( Ji.MMs with the names and addresses of any other parties who have suffered similar oases at the hanus of Indians. Manv peotilu ire as yet unaware of the recent favorable oglslatlon by which these claims can now , U properly prepared nna presented bo collected. liut Indian depredation claims aru not the only ones which TUB UKB UI/IIBAU / oir CLAIMS proposes to handle. In brief , U wiU look after miy claim which nny citizen h\t aRiiltut the povornment or any department ot the government. It will bo specially service- vblo lo soldlnrs of the late war. I'envlniiM for A neil Solitlorn , Strange as It mar appear , ttiuro are thou sands of veterans of the rebellion , who nn old , weary , Infirm and beyond the skill 01 Physician or surgeon to restore to health Many of these are Incapacitated because of exposure or Injuries .sustained In the latownr. nnd yet , many of these are unprovided with pensions , I'ciiNloiiH Ibr Inllrin SMillnrs. There are thousands of poor fellows who are permanently disabled , having served at least ninety days In the war. They were also honorably discharged. These are enti tled to n pension even though the Infirmity from which they suffer was not the result of exposure In the war. The only condition Is that their prostration Is not the result of vicious habits. Pensions for Soldiers' Widows. Thcio are thousands of soldiers' and sail ors' widows In this couutrv who do not know that they are entitled to pensions. And yet , by writing TIIK UBK Hi ntuOKCi.viM : < , when their c no Is Just , they will be able to secure thnio pensions , All that 1 1 required Is that each widow show that she is without other means of support than hoi- dally labor anil that nor husband served nt least ninety davs In the army and was honorably discharged ; that she married the soldiur prior to .Minn - " , IH'.K ' ) . Proof of his death must nUo bo ad vanced , but his dumlse need not have been the result of army service. Scouring Patent There are thousands of inventive men nnO xvomun Mi ttiis country who nnvo Invention * which are known only to their friends. Yet in these Invention : ) there are sometimes for tunes to bo found. Yet , comparatively speukl-ig , but few of these Inventors over heck u pitcnt. Thov do not know how to do It. They fear the cost and the delav. Tin- HIT. Hrm\r inCI.MMS has reduced these almost to a minimum. I'cimloim lor - nldlers' Pai-oiils. There are thousands of soldiers' parents who are also Ignorant of the fact that they are entitled to pensions. These must provo that their son died from a wound , injury or discasn which , under p-lor laws , would have given him a pension ; that ho left no wlfo 01 minor child ; that the mother or father is at present dependent upon his or her own man ual labor or ttio contributions of others not legally bound for his or her support. Besides these claims , Tin : Bii : : BuitKU ! will prosecute land claims growing out ol disputes or appeals from local Innd ofllcos to the general hind ofllco of the United States. Appeals I rom Local Innd Olllucn. These appeals aio frequently most nnnov- Ing to both parties. The local attorney can not personally prosecute thu case In Wash ington. It would cost to support him there , fiequently moro tlrin the land in question is worth , to say nothing ot his fees , which , as has been shown , lira generally as high as may bu collected. Ho is , therefore , compelled to trust the claim into thu hands fa man whom shu docs not Know , whoso Ilrst move Is to bleed the claimant and tno at torney who refers the claim to him. Be tween thebo men Iho appellant hangs In un- ccrtufptv unlll thu final adjudication has been made. In Tin : Bnr.Brur.u OKCi.UMs thusu would bo placed in thu hands of well known and re- sponslblu people , uushud with the greatest enorgv and at thu minimum of cost. Tin- : BIB : lU'iuxvorCi.uMs : ! therefore is the medi um through which these appeal cases should bo prosecuted. ,1 InliiK anil Postal Claims. The same is true of mining anJ postal claims. These would go immediately to coin- potent hands. They would not bo delayed. If unworthy , they would never bo tiled in court , but thu claimant would bo notillod of tbn fact. Ho would thus bo relieved of all atixiuty within ii few months , , as it Is now , he does not know -.v iat kind of a claim ho has until after it h " * been passed upon by the courts or the departments. Tin' BBU Briictc can toll anod claim from a bad claim. It never pres.-uts the lat ter. It does not wish to rob the treasury. It collects only claims that are just. Kncoiira liiK I n von t oi-t. Tliero uro a great many inventors who believe the moment they place the secret of their discovery in the hands of any other person , from that very moment an Intrigue is formed to dispossess thorn of their dis covery. Tin : Uir. Hruiivi ; or Ui.uvs takes occasion to say to this worthy but unre quited class of its patrons that it will treat all such business inttusted to its care lu thu most eonlidentiul cianner , thus assur ing to all who may wish to secure a patent on tht'Ir Inventions the utmost secrecy from the beginning to the end of thu transaction. Parties desiring to avail themselves of TIIK BBR lJrui\r : in the matter of securing patent rights , traJo marks , prints laools and copyilghts. should make known their wants in this direction , when written instructions will bo furnlshoJ as to the mod of procedure required utulor the pa tent law Patent Kl hU a .S.coliilty. | Tin : Biiti\u or CI.MMS announces that It will make this branch of its work a specialty and ono that can bo i cited upon as being boy end the power of o-cpeits oven to criti cise. This aiinouncomont is made because tbo fact lias already been ofll- ciallv promulgated bv the United States patent onico that the territory embraced in the btato of South Dakota , Nebraska , Iowa and Kansas enjoys a world wide reputation us possessing mo'ro inventive genius , strange as it may appear , than nny similar extent of territory in the United States at the present time. Applicants for patents should understand tnat'i'iii : BKB BL-III\I : OFCi.UMS lays great strcs ? upcn the fact that it can lulviso Its patrons , almost at thu outset , whether their invention Is now and patentuhlo , thus saving them the exorbitant fee charged by the or dinary patent attorney. Ttn-iO claims will bo prose'its ' ted not as n means of making money , Irit simply as an uccoinmlution to claimants living in the states abovu enumerated. Thu work will bo done nt about what It costs Tin : Bun Buumu OF C'niM-i , so that claimants need have no fear of exorbitant rates nor the blooding delays to which they have heretoloro been sub jected. Address all letters to Manager , BBC Huniu : orCi.MM" . OMIINin. : . Tlio Terms. The terms under wlilch claims will bo prosecuted will depend entirely upon the amount of scrvico rendered In each casu. Wo can safely assure all patrons of the bnroiu that the clrargoi will bo very much lower than rates charged bv the regular claims lawyers and claims nt'onts at Washington It no without saying that thu Kxaminur and TIIK BKB are in position conjointly to ox- pedlto business ami do scrvico at moro lib eral rates than any other medium for the ( U'osocntion of claims. In the matter of fees and charges TUB BEE desires only to clear expenses. Tno bureau is intended forthorellof of the people from the rapacity of legal sharks. In many cases faj allowed attorneys are irrevocably llxod by law , nnd in such the question Is decided , in other claims such a charge will bo inadu as sc-oms to cover the actual oxponsoi Involved lu collectlni , Uo maito no effort to solicit your patronage , as doe.s the ordinary agent who seeks your dlalm for a Uimncla consideration. Such Is not our pur pose. Wu olTcr to one and all the servlcoi of u well equipped bureau , where a claim of any nature can bo scut , or Information in regard thcicto bo obtained. If your claim is worth less or illegltimato you will bo so notlllnd without fear or favor. If the claim is ginu ulno it will receive prompt attention and olllcient prosecution. If unsuccessful , no charge will bc | made ; provided , howcvor that chilmant-s must defray their own expenses pensos In the prop ( ration of ufttdavlts , dupe sitlous , and other evidence outsldo of Wash Ingtnn. Wo will furnish the nocjssarv logla papers nnbau- the Washington expenses only In unsuccessful claims. When chums are allowed , a reasonable fee- will bu charged to cover actual cost. All letters will be promptly answered and all Information concerning form of nppllui- tlons for claims , terms , olo. , w III bo > glvun with as little delay as practicable. No lot'/ir will bo. answered unluss the sender encloses requisite stamni for ropiy. No information concerning any particular claim will bo im parted until thu applicant his become a member of The Boa Claims Bureau imou'.a lion. Address all letters relating to clainu to AKAQBII OMAIIA BBR BUIIKVU OK CLAIMS , Omaha Neb Powdered alum stirred Into water will cause all dirt to sink to the bottom and make it fresh and clear. The proportions are a tablcspoonful of alum to four gallons of water. Small In size , great in rojulti. OoWitt's Llttlo Karly Hlsors. Best pill for constipa tion , best for loti hO-UaoIiu , bait for saur * to much. : A n sir. Fort IMolUnnoy. Scout Qruard has returned. Five iflon dropped from the bent at the monthly Inspection , Saturday , the 1st. Lieutenant Uuthcrs. assigned to Company K , vice J. A. Hutton , is soon expected at the tXSt. tXSt.Tho The leading percentage for ono run of sklr mUli tiring Is 40.3 and was made by Com pany A. Private Ooorgo Scott hai boon npiralntct general service messenger at department headquarters. Captain J. A , Hutton. relieved from duty has gene to Fort Kobiiison , whom ho takes command of I ) company , Eighth Infantry. Sergeant Shannon , who had made prepara tions to go on the retired list , has boon or dered before a board of ofllcurs for an exam ination m orduancu sergeant. Troop D has turned out nine sharpshooters mid twenty-four marksmen. The following are the names of the sharpshooters : Ser geant Swansou , Corporals Ualtaehor , Parker and CoiiDoc , Blacksmith I ova , Furrier , Troiko , Privates Hoffman , Foley nnd Kelt- meyor. Sherman commandory No. I. Society of Veterans , has been organlroil with the follow ing oflleers : .lutmoro. Troop C , captain ; Sot- giMiut Crosby , Company H , Ilrst lieutenant ; Sergeant Klmball , Troop H , second lieuten ant ; Sergeant Saladln , quartermaster ; Ser geant Drt-nor , commlssiry .surgeon ; Private Brullor , second sergeant , Thu coirmaiidory has twenty-six charter members. Lieutenant Mercer , quartermaster , is tem porarily lining the position of regimental and post adjutant , pending thu arrival of First Lieutenant Wilson , Eighth tninntry , who has boon nvsl iied to that duty. Lieutenant Wilson was recently lelloveil from the in fantry and cavalry school at Port Leaven- worth. The commanding oftleor commends the work of the retiring adjutant as follows : "Lieutont Klcluirdson has given evidence of his abiMtv , real and cftlclonuy , In the per formance of nil duties Intrusted to him. and it Is with regret the regimental commander is compelled to glvo up the valuable services of ono to whom ho has In so biief u time become - come attached. On leaving the regiment for his now station , nnd the now duties imposed thereby. Lieutenant Klchnrdson carries with him the best wishes of tno colonel command ing. " _ Kort Sidney. Major W. H. CoiiiOgys , paymaster , came down from Cheyenne on Tuesday nnd paid this command. Musician Wilfred B. Kador , company E , Twenty-first Infantry , was appointed cor poral on the : ! rd. Lieutenant H. L. Bailey , Twenty-first in fantry , left here on a two'months' leave of absence on the KOth. Private William Williams , company A , Twontv-llrst Infantry , bos been granted a furlough for ton days. Private Otto ( Jloln has at his own request been transferred from company B to com pany E , Twenty-llrst Infantry at this post. Major and Mrs. McClintock of Omaha have boon visiting their daughter , Mrs. Brooke , wife of Lieutenant E. H. Brooke of this post. Mrs. .I. W. Mi-Andrew , wlfo of our outer- prising canteen oftleor , gave n delightful party to tbo children of the post on Wednes day. day.Private Private Uoorgo W. Warfol , company 13 , Twenty-first Infantry , has , on account of the serious illness of his father , boon granted a furlough for three months nnd bus left for his homo In Cleveland , O , Colonel John S. Poland , who , until quite recently , has been lieutenant colonel of the infantry stationed hero , has re ceived notification from the war department of his promotion to the colonelcy of the Sev enteenth infantry mid Is busily packing up preparatory to joining his now station , Fort D. A. Kussull , Wye. , for which place ho ex pects to leave next week. Lieutenant Colonel nel William J. Leister , promoted from Major of the Sixth infantry to till Colonel Poland's place , has been grunted a two month's leave of absence. It is not Known whether ho will come hero or go to Fort Haudall , S. D. , to take command of that post. The Baptists of Mississippi Iwo resolved to use their influence against all fairs that encourage gambling. The next missionary council of tbo Domes tic and Foreign missionary society of tno ' Protestant Episcopal church in tho' United States will bo held at Detroit , Mich. , begin ning Tuesday , October 'M. DA Boston clergyman preached a sermon as sailing chattel mortgage sharks on a recent Sunday. It is said a largo fund was raised by thu congregation the next day to send him away on a largo vacation. \Vhilo 200 people were assembled at Lower HIghtowcr church , iu Towns county , Ua. , on last Sunday , a stroke of lightning fell near the church , and glnneiu , ? from the ground whcro it struck , proceeded to play havoc with the congregation , leaving a mark on 200 persons. General Booth's industrial colony is taking shape. Two farms on the Thames' , compris ing about ono thousand ucros have been pur chased , and buildings uro to ba erected to ac commodate llvo thousand people. Dairy and truck farming , cattle raising and some forms of manufacturing uro to bo among the Indus tries. The colonists will bu of throe grades ; these who-get food nnd clothing for their work ; a second class who will receive pno shilling six pence a week for their work : and the highest class , cr.llod orderlies , who will receive throe shillings six ponce. The order ly is the graduate of the system , ready for transportation to a foreign colony. Thu receipts of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions for the Ilrst ton months of its financial year are f. > Sl51.i : ) : < 5 , or an increase over last year of ? lMiii.7i ! ; for thu same period. Because of this increase the committee has already ap propriated an extra ? J5,000 for the relief of somu of the more urgunt appials from the Held. Thu annual mooting of the American board will bo held this year at Plttsburg , Mass. , and the annual meeting of the Ameri can Missionary association will bo hold in Cleveland , Ohio , both In the month of Octo- Asbury Methodist Episcopal church , Now ynrk , has done extraordinary work the past year. It has opened a fj-eo dispensary , nn employment bureau , n wood and coal yard ; foil on broad and coffee the hungry ; hold special services for thu "army of despair , " as the unemployed nro called , and given open air preaching to thousands upon thousands of the poor. The cruel programme of oxpelllng Protest- int pastors from Iho Baltic provinces for inaginary violation of the rollelous laws ) f Hussln , Is being ruthlessly and uiirclouU , ngly carried out. So many have boon ban ished , that at least 100,01)0 ) Protestants are now without pastors aud spiritual guidance. Altho Bavaria has a population of only about llvo millions ; It has no fewer than I7.l'.t ' ! endowments of various kinds , the sums amounting to C21i9Ioir ! ( : > marks. Of Jf these -JlJ ) , > > ri,15S7 marks are for charitable nstitutions and purposes , UW.TriT.'JtJil for ro- Iglous purposes , about liO , < KX,0HI ) ( for educa tional purposes. Of the sum total devoted to religious purposes. 1 IOoillO.M ; nro for thu valholli ! church mid H I-.TilT for the Protestant. The former has , | * endow- nonts , the latter 1,171. This Is about lu pro portion to tbo population. MK'Itiling ' Plioto rnptiy , A young man took refu o in a tliunilor Htorin , atVIUTOII , O. , the otlior ( lay , indoi- InrifJ nmnlo troo. Lightning Htruelc the tree anil killed the man. Whim IIH | clothus were removed perfect magos of the branchon , hews and loaves were found pictured on his breast und other parts of his body with llioinitnito- IDSS of photography. Ono of the wit- le.ssuaof this aiirrisln | ) < rphenomenon in- jutros : "If oloutrluitv will transmit Biioh inprosilons thirty foot upon u no moro sonnltlvo surface than the hiiinnn skin , vhy may it not do it for nn iinlollnlto diHtiuiooV Constipation poisons the blood j Do Witt's Little Knrly Uisori cure constipation. The cause removed , tbo disease is gono. Whoa thoNarragansottnnd Pequot Indians iBld tribal sway over tbo good portion of southern Khodo Island , 100 years ago , Mr * . \lcov Chase Whitman Vaughn was boru. Shu was a century old on July 31. TO WEAK MEN youthful Hi * titecU BITO from n/ * - - - - - - earlrdecar , wanUnpvreaknou , loit ruauhoiid , to. I will MO 1 a valuable troullw ( u-alixli ooolilnlnj fulliiarUculan for home cur * . fllKIS of rbarga A [ , lentlta mvdlcal work | ttioulil bu rtaJ bj erer ] mau who U ncnrmu anil dtblliutfld. Addrert I'rof. If. V. I'O WLUU , jnouduc , Conn , MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE Knr troublinp1 pntti4 In small of back use Mooio'a Tree of Lifo. KOICattirih u-o Mooro's Tree of Lifo. I-'or Constlp'ition U"o Tree of l.ifn. The urroiit llfo romoily The Tree of Lifo. Mooro'i Tree of Ufo n potltlrn rnro lor ICtil'ifir nnil l.lrcr t'omplvlnl nml nil li o > I ill 10 tin , DiiaiU P T to niilfttr vrliun you 0111 urjl'r mini Monr'l 'iroouf Mfu. tiiuilrutt 1.1 fJ Uanalr. ' Lo'Juo's ' Poriodlonl Pills. Thl Vrviirli rnnii' Ir oti illrivllr upon Iho mmnrix- llvooruiim mul euri > i * iiiiiri' | < iiiii or ill ) IIIUHMH ! ' 'nr Ihn-ti fnrf'i. nmli-tii lii-iuilUtl SU nil I not b imoil turlttf prpirnnnuy .lob1 ! ! ) , " ! ilrtitf Ut mul the public xuppllutl by tJooilm ill llrtut i o. Dm fli.i. BOCTOil : - : McGREW BfiP TII13 SIJKO1AU1ST. Silicon Years Htporlcnrii In the Trcntiuont of nil forms n ( bkln ll ) cn'ii nnil bVmnlo lllsc\.ci : I.Mitlcs I ruin 2 in I only lr ) .Mcliroiv'n UIIOMHS In thn IriMtnixnt < if I'rlv.itn Dlmjui-i lint novur licon i-iunltoil | lli > "ki ! mul Circulars VIIKK. Tri-ntrncnt by nirrt > sHindo | ico. Otlico , 1-1 and Famini SU. , Omalia , Nab. Kntrancu on cither stroot. ( lonorrliocii. ( ilect and /.4 > iio i-r/to o curou In adn s by tbo French Uonuuly en titled tin ) KlNn. ItdUhiilvus against und l-i absorbed Into tno liiHainod parts. Will refund money If It floes not euro or causes stricture , tlontluinon , ilmro is a reliable artluln. $ .1 a package or 'J for } ' per man prepaid. Mo- ( Jormluk & Iiiind , Omaha. YOUITG MUHVQI/B MEET QIT IK THE TOIIS OF THE SERPENTS OF DISEASE. Thiy taaiie birole effort ! to ( ri < thetaielrei. f ? , but not Knowing bow to lucceclfull ? CySHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES * < . Ibf j iU [ tip In tlfipklr ami ftluk Into RD urlr grirt. Whil UL IHIlOlt I Here li IICL1M1 OUR NEW BOOK ital fr.f. pott pill , ( ie < lc < 3) thi pblloiophy ot'oiten- jc nd aalcllont ol tbs riani ol M n , > adhow by HOME TREATMENT , byontbodaexcluilToljT our own , % be itomt cnr ioC Loit or Falllnit Mtnbooft , Oeneril aod Ncrroni De- bllltr , Wiiknin of Bodr and Mind , EBectior Errort or Eieeiiol , OlunUd or % E ' : ff & r * & * s&Z W $ tt sz JHiEfepl AL-C aUF N n INTERESTPAIDONDEP05ITS ATOMflHA-LOflNSTRUBTCO 5.E.COR. IB"-'SdrjUGLA55T5. ' ] CAPITALS IOO.OOO.OO DIRECTORS : A UWYMAN-E.W.NASH. JHMItUAHO-CUY-CBAnTON-C.B. LAKE. J.d.BROV/N-THOS-L.KIMBALL. MIUHIKKUIIU ) ! If KIIID'S UKIIM KUAIHUATOHCuroi nil illicinei hucnuiu Itkllli tlio inlcrubaorKurui. I'm up anil rotillul In Ji it nna K nlzo\ Clio Intter 3 1-3 uilluns font nnr- whcro prep till on rocelpt of prlcj urlJ. o l > . Wu IAHUO n Kiiarnntnd to euro Tlio iititillc. trmltt ivml lobbi-M mipplluil by the ( Jomlm.m Dnu ' . Mo- CormlctiJk l.unil , Oinnhn ; U. A , MtJlchor , lluwttril Mji'ri nnil K. .1. Royknrn , Hniilh Ouith ; A. U. Kua tcr anil M. 1 * . KI1U , Cuuncll Illulli. \Vn ncnit Ilio mHrvfloun Kri-nrti Itcmuily CALTHOS f ! < , ninl ale lo jlRuiirunteutlittt I. iLTiiurt will STOP ll . | , itrffri A FinUnluns < JI UKKp nitnlurrhcu. > nrlciHlo uiiJ KKVrilKK l.u.t VICur. U.te . it n itSsatuftfit. . AJirM. . VCN MOHLCO. , Role AiurrlMa itnU , llutliiuil arm-ily fi > r tlioaliovoitiii nrn ; hylts UBO thousand * of 0.1301 of tliff worst kind end uflortf BlandniK have limn cnrnil. Ind'od PD ntrbtiK IH injr filth inlliefflcacr , Unit I will wnit TWO liorri.mmi'.i'.mlli aVAI.UAIII.HTItKATISi : on Ililn ( lldaiiotuanreuf. lururwho will ni'iul mo thi'ir KiiiniM and I'.O. aildrroa. T. A. hliH-iiin , HI. 0. , I HI IVurl HU N. V. c rci.u.ifin aUlb.1 ummlurr1 ilMuhviKci nii'l , lirlvr-trilHciincnor rr. I , A c rtiilnruri for Ilif ilfhlll- tnilnif weak miss peculiar tuwumtn. - IlircHurlhnltnndfooltafa HEEv/.NiCH'Mif lCo In rfriiniDU'iidliit ; U lu ( m , AtiHiiitt B , 1101. Ailvnnto onlrr * i-ciulic l nOU.OOOI helm Itxuir. I'lcunrii l-upa , llaniinii Inuiih't. Tummy Irli-s It. Klttliitnii ilw If. ( . 'un worth nf | iurn fun lor IfiiAni'iUHwiinl liunilruilailally. Alullvil | Hel | > uiU tin rriolilu | SIiPTEMJ'EU 16 COIUKOI In AurkMilluri1. Ilntnny. Clicinl > lrr (3vl KnulnuHrliiK. Knvlhh I.ltcraturo , Ki'iuiouilt mul I'D- Itlcnl Silunio , ( iuiilonr. Oruulk IlUUirllurlloill un > , iJitln , Muthcnntlof , Mllllurr Bvlouoe. .Modern iniKiinfn , I'lillnioiilij , l'lir lui.IIKHJJ ] , Alt Jtuuio lillirarloxif IKO 0 vntlinii'innil Wi ) i > c'flmtlc.iH Armornml well ontiluKid , | uriiiniuiluni United tntim KjperliuiMil Htnlluu O > - < jitur > uinulTultkm | | ri'u raUlojiuotuiid otlior liifurinullua un ri3 < juet AUilruad , JA1IK3 II. CAHKIKMI , Cliancollor , Lincoln , Net ) IHItuntluni tar srudu OMAHA prorura alB < wrlloforclrt-ulnri. - BIIKIIWIMHI IIIIUH II'J NH r 1 Vork , < l TELEGRAPHY ,