Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Hellvcrwl hy Carrier In ntiy part of the City.
fluslucss Od'cc , No. 43.
Nlpht Editor. No. ! il.
N. Y. T f'o.
Cotnirll Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
.Craft's chattel lonns , 201 Sapp block.
If you want wntor In your yard or houio
f o to nixby's. ! ! 0'J Murrintn block.
Horn , to Mr and MM. S. P. MacConnoll ,
on Sundav , n son.
Nnitirnlbnlfon rmpcrs wore Issued yester
day to Ucorgo E ( Juest In the superior court.
Superior court was adjourned yo tordny
nftcrnoon after u short session until noxl
Saturday morning.
Arrangements nro being made for a nollco
man's ball , to tuko place on the evening o
bcptctiibor2 < > , at Masonic temple.
W It Kutlcy illcd > pstordnv noon at his
residence , 'Jil'Jl avenue II. aged llfty-onoymn
NeLlie of the funeral will bo given latur.
Judge Dcetner wns oxjv'cted In the city
ycstorday to hold a short session of district
couit , but for sonic season ho failed to show
up and court wns adjourned liiilollnltolv.
The llvo months old son of Mr. and Mrs. H
Johnson died ycstcrdnv afternoon at I o'clock
1 ho funeral wll occur this afternoon at ' .
o'clock frr in the resilience , .Hl'll iivcnuo I ) .
Ttiocnsoof the stnto against II ry son for
coniplrncy was to hnvo had a heating yester
day afternoon before Justice Kwenringon.
but bv consent of the parties it was post
poned until this afternoon ut'J o'clock ,
= < < The Mllwankeo moved its ofllco yesterday
from the head of I'c.irl street to No. 5 I'earl
ntrcct , In the basement of the Baldwin building -
ing J'hoy are busy gutting sullied , and by
tomorrow they will bavo ono of the Illicit
ofllcos in the city.
John , the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B
C'oilisti'r , died Monday at 1 10 p in , agoi ]
eleven months. The funeral will occur
Wednesday from residence , 1'J.t Hast Bioad-
way , at 10 a in. Interment at Walnut Hills.
It Is stated that the recent decision ol
Judge Brewer In the Rock Island case will
result In the closing of the Transfer hotel ,
owing to the fiiet hereafter connection'
will bo made between Urn custom roads urn :
those running out of Omaha. About half ol
the bnirgngo force at the transfer has been
discharged , and Hltopcthor the decision lias
made a great change In affairs at this et.d of
the lino.
Accoi ding to the last report of the police
( lep.irtini'iit , showing the work done by the
chain gnng on tbo streets during the last live
months , n total of l.lliii days' work has boon
done , divided as follows : Maicn , 713 , April ,
2iH ; May. 80(1 ( ; Juno , ! )2l ! ; Juh. an. There-
port for the month of July also shows that
during the month there was 14 ? arrests and
ninrty-or.o natrol calls.
Borne of the humane people In the western
part of the city are complaining because ol
an agi-d mule that has been loft to die , near
Ih'1 coi nor of Sixth avenue ami Twenty-fifth
iivonno. It has lain there for nb ut a week ,
too uo ik to move , and the neighbors are toe
much afraid of incurring the displeasure of
the owner of the animal to shoot it. The
attention of the city marshal has been called
to the case.
A light took place yesterday afternoon It
the opera house saloon. According to the re
pott of an eye witness , Mlko Klld.ire , ono o
the promiotors of the place , was the aggros
stvo party. William D.r.vson , the bartender
being his victim Several blows were ex
changed , and a number of men who were It
the s-iloon took a hand to protect the bar
lender from Injury. The riot was flnalh
stopped , and neither of the combatants wen
Two suspicious characters were arrostotl
yesterday noon at the Northwestern dopol
by onicor Murphy , whoso attention was
called to them bv the bulging appearance o
their pockets When searched at the statloi
thov were round to have fourteen suits o
clothing about thorn. It is supposed thn
they bnvo been Implicated in the tmrplnry o
some clothing store in the vlelnltv , and tho.1
will bo bold until it can bo learned whothei
or not tnis Is the case. They gave theli
names as William Dunn and John Nelson.
Information Fron.
Do you know t'int any old sere or cut oan
bo absolutolv curad bv the Intelligent use of
Haller's Barbed Wire Linimont. Bo merci
ful to your hoi-sound try it.
Swanson music company , 335 Broad
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit
cough tablets. They are delicious.
Drs. Stewart ft Patty , veterinary sur
geons , -15 Fourth 8troutCouncil Blullt. , la.
Don't wear a heavy , 111-fltting suil
when you can got elegant summer hulls
nt eastern prices at Keller's , the tailor ,
310 Broadway.
T S. V. MacConnoll roturnoil yostcrday
mornlni ; fiom a trip to Chicago.
JSllss Nottl" Blo.ul loft for Detroit Sund'iy
nlcht , aecoinpinieil hy her fnthor.
tl. W Whttiiov of the ORdon house hna
pone to Boston. Mass. , fur a tun days' trip.
Attorney S. E. Henry has 150110 to Mon
tana , and from there ho "will KO to Texas ,
wheio ho expects to lot-nto.
Ml-s llnllio Sporn loturnoil from Massilon ,
O , Sunday ovonlni ; . She reports the
Daughters of Veterans as huviiiK had a full
convention , n Inr ro nuiubor of states boin
Hurry G An-hor is visiting his uncle , D.
AV Archer , on Soconil nvonuo. lie tins just
roturnoil from u four years' stay in Berlin ,
\vhoro ho hns been studying the plpo orpin ,
nml will remain in the city a ueek or ten
O. Younkormiin & Co. , feed and com
mission , 103 Broadway , Council BlulTs.
Tol. 77.
Gasoline and oil ; i-olis , wood nnd coal ;
prompt delivery. L. G. Knotts , U" Main ;
telephone " 03. _
Pianos , organs , ( J. B. Muslii Co. , f 3fl
Union Park races , Omaha and Coun-
i'll WuITu , Soptomlior 8-11 , $ (1,500 ( ; Oo-
tobor UO-22 , $1,000. For programmes
- . -address Nut Brown , Merchants hotel ,
Onmha , _
Stouod : i 'I rain.
News \ s rocolvoil in the city yesterday ol
nn occurrence that took place Sunday night
In Mills county by which Frank Cross , u
postal clerk on the Burlington , residing nt
Mnrysvlllo , Mo , was uerlously injured. As
the train on whiuh Cross was working up-
pronchod nmorsnn , in MHU county , ho
stopped to tlio door of the mail car , nml us ho
did so ho received u torrillo blow from a
Inr o stone , which struc'c him In ttio foro-
hond , after glancing from the door. Ho fell to
the iloor stunned mid his companions rushed
to the door Looking In thu direction from
which the btouo had como they saw two men
ruiinliiK nway. A posse of cltUcns of Kmer-
kou was organUed nml after u short search
two men uoro captured and tnkun to the
town Jail Tlioy refused to give their nainos
when they were nrrulgnod nml they woio
taken to CJlenwood , where they will hnvu a
he.irlni : . The railway authorities will prosecute -
cute thuin vigoroiibly The engineer on the
aamo train with Cross reported that ho too
had been hit , nnd n laruo dent In the ciigluo
close by his heail showed that some missile
had miriowl.v escaped laying him out.
Whi n fluhy ww pick , we giue her C torl4 ,
Wb n > JIOWM n Clillil , sliocrlol forCiutorla ,
When olio brcoine Mist , ilie clunf to Ciutorta ,
Antl-ProhlbitlouisU in Convention Express
Their Idois of Iowa's Law ,
llCHoliitlons Adopted Intllo.itliiK the
Intention or Those I'rcHcnt to
Make Uvery Hflort to Defeat
the OhnoxloiiH Mcutnirc.
The adjourned meeting of the lUitl-prohl-
bltlon republicans was held last evening at
thn court house. The south court room was
well nilcd. The political complexion of the
gathering was mixed , and democracy largely
prevailed. Major Richmond called the meet
ing to order and named L Bleder-
inan ns chairman. Tnn selection was enthu
siastically endorsed , and Mr Hledennan
expressed nis appreciation of the ho > or In a
brief speech declaring that he h id boon a re
publican for twi nty-Hvo years , and was still ,
but ho predicted that the prohibition plant
would trip up the party and c-iu o It to tum
ble worse than two years ago. This senti
ment wns dulv applauded.
On motion of II II. Held , John Gilbert
uas chosen ns secretary. On motion of
Major Richmond a committed on resolutions
was appointed , consisting of Major Richmond
mend , CiipUlaJ P. Williams..I. Mueller , J.
C. Rhodabeck and II. II Field.
Whllo the committee was deliberating
Captain C. S. Uubbard was called out for a
speech. He denied the charge of being an
orator mid simply declared himself a repub
lican of over thirty years standing and in
favor of this move.
The chairman then called for volunteers.
Ho wanted to hear from rcmiblicans who
favored the piesent move There was an
emuanisslngsilonco. and a nervous yearning
for the report of the committee on resolu
tions or something or anything to break the
monotony Mr. Uilletto was called upon by
the ctmiiman but ho modestly declined
the opnoiutility. Mr. A.V. . Askwith.
ono of the slgiio'-s of the all
chnnclng to enter , he was called upon tokoop
out. He declared that this was his maiden
effort .n politics. Ho said ho had been alibis
llfon republican , until the republican party
wandered oil after poor mineiptes with long
haired men and short hailed women He had
loft the party In IVil , or the party hud loft
him , and slnco then he had been voting with
the democrats on the prohibition question.
Ho thought himself to be as good n repub
lican as over. Ptohibition hau done more
haim to Iowa than niu thing else. He should ,
therefore , work for the election of the dem
ocratic partv In Iowa this fall. This senti
ment seemed to meet with much favor.
Major Richmond then reported the resolu
tions. They were strongly against prohibi
tion , and against that plank of the republi
can platform. They declared prohibition is
not a fundamental principle of the republican
party , and as corrupting to the state and
dcgiadlng to the nation ; that prohibition
h.n dcstioyed the eftlcacy of other temper
ance expedients ; that it has depopulated
twoiltv-bcven counties of Iowa ; that it has
disrupted 'hoiopublicin party.
Ono of tbo resolutions Indicating the
snirit of the meeting was the following :
ItesolM'il. That wo are tired , dls n- > ted and
dlsrimtcd with the bold , 1)1 icKm illln. . the In-
i ic it-o of drlnUli.K di\es , lil-'bar taxes , tire
of tin ; ill taturlal snirit of the one Idea low
rep-piolilbltlontst ; iind no deslio to bo fre
from the modern ccnsorfblpand control of th
p.utj liv thii prohibition faction.
UesohuC , ' 1 hut In the contort , before us th !
full c recognlso but two p-utie < - the prnhlh' '
thin and the ( eduction paitv , and th it wevl
render all of our assistance to aid the lattc
and destroy tbn former
Hi solved. Tliut the only roil Issiio in on
stale this full Is tint of prohibition. The re.
publican p irty has lesofved In fu\nr of th
settled policy of prohibition , the ]
party against pronlbltini : and In fu\ur of it
slrli'tlon. The election , therefore , resolves It
self Into a uon-n irtlsan contest , as much a
was the vote upon the amendment In ittil.
KcMilved , That wo wolomno the defeat r
the republican party on the Issiio of prohlbl
lion nt this fall'- , election , knotting th it the
the party can po I ) icK to the broad , liber.i
winning position they occupied for u third u
a contnry.
The resolutions were onthuslasttcall ,
The chairman named as a committee t
prepare a declaration of principles for th
organi/ation of a party Messrs. A.V. . Asl
with , U. H. Richmond , J. Mueller.
Another committee wasselcctod , conslstin
of A. W. Askwith , G H. Richmond and C. L
Gillette , to perfect a county organization.
The enthusiasm then began to bubbl
forth In .speech. H. H. Field , an old roput
lican , declared that ho was against salooi
nilc , .and in favor of ruling the saloon
Hcnco ho was against prohibition. J. C
Rhodabeck was of like mind. J. Mueller dc
claivil that , while a temperance man and
republican , ho believed prohibition wns :
failure. More uolicomon wore needed nov
than ever before In the history of Counci
Bin Its , because the saloons could not bo reg
ulntcd under the prohibition law.
Dr. Pmuoy made an earnest speech ii
favor of the project.
Maj or Richmond made the most' '
address of the ovoninir. It was doliveiei
from n carofullv prepared manuscript , devoted
voted to the presentation of facts and llgure
showing prohibition to bo u howling farce
Ho was heartily annlnudod , and then an op
portunity was given republicans to sign tin
enrollment Two rcspondc-l to the call , on <
of them being a foioigner who declared tha
ho had not been here lung enough to ( lucid
what party was right except on the prohlbl
lion question. Ono democrat olio ted to sign
but was promptly refused the piivllego , i
being retained for ronublieans strictly.
Mr. Askweth docitucd it was the lack o
courage that kept signers back. Ho ocllovci
that seven out of ten of the republicans \ver
against prohibition , but they were afraid o
the party leaders ,
The colored glee club gave n rousing goo.
nluhtsong , anil adjournment was taken unti
Tuesday evening of next week.
Uuilroml iVoplo Will Hold a Con
Icrcnuo U Ith the City Olllcials.
The city council held its regular month ) ;
meeting last evening , with the mayor ami ai
the members excepting Brown and Pac
After allowing the regular monthly batcl
of bills , n communication was road fron
Chief of Police Gary , asking that nil mem
hers of the department who huvo served on
year bo allowed llvo days' vacation cacl
year , with full pay. The request wn
A letter was read from E. C. Sweet , chio
engineer of the Un'on ' Pacific , statlhg thn
the company has ordered n now Iron girdo
01 idgo Instead of the ono which the counci
Imsoidmcd removed.
City tittornny Stewart presented a com mil
mention from the Northwestern oniclals s > tat
ing that the bridge on Eleventh .street eve :
Indian creek was not the eauso of the recen
Hoods , but that the channel of the creel
should bo widened. A desire was expressed
for an inteniow between the ropresonta
lives of Hie company and these of this city
The committee on streets and alleys , the cltj
engineer , the inavor ahd the city attorney
were appointed as a committee to meet tlu
railroad otllcials.
The conunitteo of the w'holo reported favor
ably on the request of John N Baldwin thai
tho" curb oppo > .lto the building on Pear !
street bo moved six Inches west of where II
now is on condition that the area way bo ro >
dnci-il to thrco feet. The report wa
The petition for an extension ofvatoi
maliiK on Thirty-fourth street was referred
back with an adverse recommendation.
The committee from tue school board
agieed to deed to the city n strip of land six
and ono-lmlf feet wide along Little Prank
street , and the council ordered the paving
tux on Iho .strip BO deeded transferred to the
lntoreotion fund.
City Attorney Stewart was authorised to
secure any legal assistance necessary lu de
fend ! i.g Iowa's claim to Cut-Olf UlinO.
A number of ltlowalk ordinances were
road and passed
Alderman Casnor called attention to the
[ act that the Alderman Wtnu kno\\ where
iomo butter paving blocks coulit bo bought
Lhan the city Is now getting , and he moved
Lhat Alderman Wind bo Instructed to buy
: ho blocks AtderaiaiiVlid blushed anil
ookcd innoctiut and the motion wiu carried ,
The city engineer and the committee on
itrvuU ami alloys \\uro authorised to widen
thn bed of Indian crook whcrovor necessary
The clerk was authorised to ndvertlso for
bids for a thousand feet of tire hose
Petition of E. W Hart for the location of
an arc light on the terrace at the waterworks
regnrvolr was referred to the committee on
Complaint of Mrs. M , J. Dalrd with refer
ence to a growth of wci'iU on Btoidwny between -
tweon Tenth and Eleventh streets was read
The weeds were ordered out down.
Complaint of V C. loiiee ! over a lake ol
Mending water near the Rock Island round
hnusa was laid on the table , ai the city en *
glneer is already considering the question.
The matter of the refusal 6f the motor
company to put in crossings at Nincth am
Twenty-second streets was referred to the
city attorney.
Petition for the abatement of a nulsanco
maintained bv R. C. Phillip * near the corner
of avenue B and Twelfth street was referred
to the city marshal and the bo.ira of health
with power to act.
Petition for the grading of Graham nvonuo
was referred.
Bonds of Robert O. Graham as eitv bil
poster , and B. S. Harrington as policeman ,
were approved.
"Oh , If I had only taken this medicine
earlier In llfo , what years of suffering tl
would have saved mo I" was the touching ox-
claniiitlon of one who had been cured ol
rheumatism by the use of Ayor's Sarsa-
parllla. Scores of such cases are on record.
Council HIiKTu Special Cost Sale.
The tjt'u it cost Halo at the Boston
store , C'ouiiull BhilTs , hus boon an tin-
boutulod siu'foss the puat three ilivyn , the
tliouiiiimls tliut lutvo KOIIO iiwuy liuppy
is soniotliiiiff mtirvolou3. The commit
still greater ) ) ar'iiliH ( , will bo olToroil In
ovcry ( lopartinont , costcuttln no ll < ; uro ,
in order to clear muninoi1 stoclc. A few
of the prices quoted below may sorvd as
an imU"c to tlio astounding valitos now
on our counters.
! ! 2-In 8e summer cashmeres at cost
price , w.
Yard wide 12Jo suiting ( plaid only ) at
cost price , Oo.
Kronuli hatoens , rejruliir2o poods ,
beautiful designs , half jirice , Do.
0.000 yards of PoUln cloth and fancy
Koihyr ) , bold for lOc at 12Jc , for OJc.
All our 8c and lOc outing ll.innol in
one lot at oo a yard.
All our dark nrints , inchiding best
quality Indigo , at 5o , just cost price.
oc best lifjht shirtinjr prints , Ic.
Lot 1 All our 1-Jc , Iflc. 10oorgandies
for Oc.
Lot 2 All organdies sold from 17c to
liic in ono lot for loc.
; ! 2-inch bastiso clbth sold for So and
12c , now 7c.
Wo only mention a few of the bar-
pains. Everything in this department ,
Including ginghams of every doscrip-
Linen of every grade , also ? napkins
nnd table sots , Turkey red danuihk ,
urashos , otc. , etc. , at cost price.
Shooting in all widths from the lowest
to the highest grades , in brown ,
bleached , half bleached , at net cost.
Also all our yard wide muslin at the fol
lowing prices :
L-iwronco LL , 5c ; Lonbditle , 7c ; Arrow
Brand , ( ic ; Hope , ( > 2c ; Artryle , ( ic ; La
dies' C'holco , Oc ; O-spio , 7c ; Wamsutti ,
lie ; Pride of the Wcbt , lljc ; Lonsd lie
Cambric , 10c ; White River cambric ,
8c ; Berkley Cambric , OJc.
All Ihumols , shirtings , blankets , tow
els , tick all under the same heading-
cost price for ton days only.
No side lino. Every ono of our brands
are just as popular all ever Europe as
they are in America. During this ton
days' sale wo put every pair of hose in
stock on sale nt cost price.
lc ! ) fancy hose , Inc.
25c balbriggan hose , lOc.
50o black hose , Me.
Everything goes in cotton , lisles and
silks at cost price.
Wo have oOO do/.on underwear , which
must bo removed durinp svlo , ami will
go regardless of cobt. Look at the fol-
owing prices :
7c ribbed vests , Ic.
12je ribbed vests , Oc.
17c ribbed vests , 12Jc.
2oc ribbed vests , lOc.
4. > c liblo vests , 27jc.
This includes everything in ladies' ,
gents' and children's underwear , all at
cost prico.
Loaders and promoters of low prices.
Unilrotul Itlazc.
An alarm of lire was sent in last evening
shortly after" o'clock from thi corner oi
Eleventh street and Broadway. A uln/.o had
started in the northwestern baggage/ room ,
west of the main depot , and was progressing
llnoly when the firemen arrived. The llatnes
were soon gotten under control , but the depot
was completely ruined , the wood being be
charred us to render its repair impossible.
The blao originated from the explosion ol
lamp which ono of the employes of the coia
pany had sot in the building. The burning
oil was thrown all over the building. Tnc
baggage room was tilled with smoke , but
some of the railroad man rushed In getting
all the bnggago out before the heat became
so strong as to drive thorn back. The dam-
OL'C to the building U estimated at a dollar
and a half.
Relieves the Peeling of Lassitude
so common in midsummer , and Imparts
vitality , _
Imstnrniiijj. .
These who have boon neglecting to
pay tholr poll tax had better repair to
the city building or to the poll tax col
lector and pay the biuno at onco. The
collector has entered suit in Justice
Cone's court against Hildltoir and
John Hlklitch and HIIVH ho intends to
make a vigorous prosecution of all these
who fail or neglect to pity after receiving
notice. Road the law relating to poll
tax and BOO if you doom it judicious to
further postpone the payment.
Section OS5. Chap , if , code of Iowa ,
Each person liable to perform labor on
the public high way as poll ta < c who shall
fail or neglect to attend either in port-on ,
or by satisfactory snbntitiito at the time
and place appointed , with the desig
nated tool or implement or toain , having
had three days notice thereof , or disobey
the supervisor , or fail to furnish baid
supervisor within llvo days thereafter ,
some satisfactory excuse fo. > not boat-
tending , shall forfeit and pay to said
bimorvibor the sum of M for each day's
delinquency , and in euso of failure to
pay mich forfeit within ton days , the
supervisor shall recover the same by
action in the courts and no propjrty or
wages belonging to s-iid person shr-l'l bo
nxomiit on execution. Take timely
warning and pay at once toavoid trouble
and cost.
Kull DriiH * Drill.
The Dodge light guards will vivo a full
dress dilll this evening In their armory. Cap
tain ScharIT of Omaha will bo present and
Inspect the men after the military ritual.
former occasion * of the kind have always
been very popular with the friends of the
giuiids and tin ) hall will probably bo well
Koport ol itic ItclVrci * .
L.V. . Boss , referee In the famous Henry-
Evans cuttle casu which has been pending lu
district court for so long , mi lu his ropjrt
yesterday afternoon. He lecommenda Judg
ment In favor of the plaintiff and against
U ocfendunti for the sum of flu , lliri.'U , and
that the costs , both of the main suit and of
tbo ref oreo's Investigations , bo divided
equitably bulwcoa tuj plaintiff and tuo dc-
fomlants , Too roforoo's ! Wport consists of
twelve pages of typo wrUton matter , nnd
was accompanied by SJWi Pgcs of testi
mony taken In the ca-io. f
The case was started In 18 4. n was the
rcuiltof a business ventpro In which the
Evans-Jackson cdmpi n < ' 'lwas the chief
participator. II. L. Hrmry , the plaintiff In
the nrosont suit , was a member of the com-
jiany , to the extent ol ojpht\-slx shai-os of
stock. VVhon the rompnriy 4oid out Hctirv's
stock wns sold tootlicr'wlth ) all the rest , It
bringing about ? H,0hJ.iAccording to the
testimony Evans , who * old the stock and
took the money In trnut , offered to pay
Henry's share to him. but that gentleman
declined to take It. Nothing mom was snld
about It until ho commenced the suit that
has been dragging along III court over since.
The refcroo llnds that Henry was n mem
ber of the llrm up to the close of thu Oregon
vi'tituro , nnd that the result of that venture
was a not loss of about M.HX ) . it has been n
standing mystery to the defendants In the
c.isohow lionry ever a member of
the company , and It will bo no less a mystery
to Henry how ho got out at the end of the ill-
fated enterprise. Such is thu decision , how
ever , and It Is a complete victory for the
Evens side of the business. In alt probability
this Is not thn end of the case , but It will bo
appealed to the supreme court.
Ue Witt's Little Uariy Risers , uost pill.
Gamblers Jailed.
Ed. Mahernnd Frank Carroll wcro brought
up In police court yesterday morning to
answer to the clnrgo of running n gambling
game on thu street a weoit ago last Saturday.
After some testimony had been Introduced
they woio found guilty nnd .sentenced to a
term of thirty days In the countv jail. They
gave notice of appeal to the district court ,
and gave bonds in the sum of ? JOii for their when the case comes up for trial.
The bonds were not satisfactory and the two
men were sent to Jail.
Carroll was also given a trial on the charge
of vagrancv. Testimony was introduced to
show that ho had been token from n bed in a
house of ill repute. Ho was found pullty
nnd placed under bonds of $100 to behave
himself In the future.
Ue Witt's Little Early Risers ; only pil ) to
cute sick hcadacho and regulate the be./els
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves
and household goods of Maiulol & ICleln ,
Council BlulTs. Prices very low ; freight
prepaid to your city.
Drs. "Woortbury , dentists , 30 Pearl
street , next to Grand hotel. Toleuhono
115. High irrado work a specialty.
Picnic at Manhattan bench. Round
trip tickets from Omaha , including boat
ride , f > 0c ; on sale at news stands at Millard -
lard and Murray hotels.
Hotel Goruon , most centrally located ,
( list class house in city straight $2.00 a
Knriiiern' Alliance I'ractlonlly Con
trols tlu : IjCKNIatiiro.
Lnimvii.i.R , ICy. , Aug. : i. With a quiet
election Kentucky has today elected a full
state ticket , adontod a constitution and
chosen a legislature to enforce it. The state
officers elected are : Govoraor , John Young
Brown of Henderson ; lieutenant governor ,
AI. C. Alford of Loxlngton ; attorney
general. W. J. Hndricks of Flem
ingsburg , and an auditor , treasuier
superintendent of public Instruction
register of the land office and clerk of tin
court of appeals. All are democrats mid g (
in by majorities from ' . . ' 0,0(10 ( to 40,000. Thi
republican party has noV hod In A. T. Wooi
of Mount Sterling so aggressive and populai
a candidate as Bradley was four years ago
and the democratic majority will probably
show an Increase. Returns are now in , how
ever , from only lifty out of 119 counties , um
returns are not full from thoso.
The now constitution has carried with i
sweep and the majority for It Is placed a
anything from 60,000 to 100,000. It was 110
lost In a sluglo county and In some cases tin
vote In its favor has been practically unani
mous. That it would carry has been conceded
coded ever since the Courier
Journal withdrew from active opposition
but the largo majority it a grca
surpiise to its opponents. Thcso havi
included some of the best known and nbles
public men in the state , including Senatoi
Carlisle and Governor Buckner. Oovornoi
Due .nor , though a delegate In the constitu
tlonal convention , said ho could not brinf
himself to vote for its work.
The people's party has polled only abou
twenty thousand votes. Thcso have conu
mostly from the republican party and from thi
cities. Wlulo the alliance wu's supposed Ube
bo back of the people's party , it 1ms dom
very little for It on account of the dissensiot
which aroio last January , nnd which causec
the retirement from the alliance prebldencj
of S. B. Erwln , the people's party candidate
The alliance has devoted itself to the legislature
turo and probably has practical control ol
that body nnd so will controll the revision ol
the laws under the now Tonstitutlon. In
only a few Instances has the alliances put
out candidates in onposion to the democratic
nominees and then it his takoa c re to con
trol the democratic nominations. So whlU
the legislature will bo nominally democratic ,
it will have strong alliance nnlliutions ant
tendencies. This may make Its intorprota.
tian of the anti-trust , the antl-corporatioi
and the railroad commission feature of the
now constitution very nearly what the alii
anco loaders desire.
In several instances where the alliance ha ;
mude legislative nominations it has won ,
This is notably true at Owensboro , where
Petit and Borkhcnd , the alliance nominees ,
h ivo boon ol-cted by 200 to 500 majorities
Petit is the former reading clerk of the
national house of representatives. As t
bonotloiary of the democratic party ho is
bitterly condemned for his defection to the
alliance. He has never bcnn a farmer and I :
not a member of the iilllunco. I'etlt is a
candidate for speaker of the house of ropro
sentatlvos and may get It.
Of'JAJ candidates for the legislature 12.
are fanners. In twonty-throo legislative dis <
trlcts nil the candidates were fanners. Ii
thirty-one other districts thu nominees won
of tlio dominant party , so that there Is ul
most absolute certainty that ilfty-fonr far
mere , more than half the whole number o
members , have been elected to the house
In addition to Po'lt and Borkhoad the
alllanc-o has elected state candidates , Brunei
at Lltchtleld , J. K Durham at Grootisburg
and W. E. Stewart of Hogenville , and thi
farmers will have a good majority. On Joint
session the legislature will stand about a-
follows : Farmers and democrats , 711
straight democrats , fit ) ; republicans , 15.
Utah Election.
Oiiiv. ) : Utah , Aug. ilj The llrst election Ii :
Utah on national purty lines came oft today.
Thcro were throe tickets In the Held
however , the remnant of the lib
eral paity being tnqdo up mostly of
republicans nominating a full ticket. Thi
Monr.on vote pas about equally divided bo
twcon the republicans and democrats. Th <
former won by a small plurality over the lib
erals who who were sightly ut-oad of the re
publicans. V' '
Do Witt's Little harty "Risers ; boit little
pills for dyspepsia , bour.stomaeh , baJ breath.
Itrcinitlon to Ilii'-Umu OIHcotM.
Cnriiiioi-ito , Aug. it. JiVatlvltloa In this cltj
yosteiday in honor of tile ofllcora and crow
of the Russian cruiser KorlnlolT , were con-
.Inucd to a late hour. After a reception nt
.he town hull , n grand bill was given In
lonorof the Russlm vlsitow. O.llcori of
the American and ( iruon war ships now In
the harbnr were "present In laryii number * ,
A very piotty effect had boon arr.ignnd In
.he ball loom which was the subject of much
iralso from all present Bosldes too usual
lecoiatlous of Mat's , bunting and lloweri ,
in Immense number of varl-colorcd lamps
iad been so arranged that they rom-ooiited
ho national colors of Rusih. the United
States and Crecce.
For Schlltz beer apply to R. ft. Grotto ,
: ; u Parnam.
WniitN llrlnkorrt lo Prooiiro n
KVSSAS CIT , Mo. , Aug M Councilman
lowes Introduce an unique ordinance In the
ewer bouse of the common council touight.
The ordinance requires too purchase from
the city of n license by all drinkers
of Intoxicating liquors , the licenses
to vary In tholr cost from fJO to
$ .V ) according to the oxpenslvoncss of
the liquor which the purchaser drink * . The
ordinance further provides that each applica
tion for n drinkoM' license shall bo counter
signed by the applicant's wife , In present
ing the ordinance Mr. Boww explained that
an enforcement of Its provisions would yield
a revenue to the city ot ? I,00)OIX ) ) n year and
nt the same time would greatly promote the
cause of temparance.
1'OKl Ut'hSUIjlj liHADS.
l-'lvo of llor Men Among the Ton
Iratlin ; ; .Marksmen at llellcvue.
Yesterday the rillo competition of the de
partment of the Platte commenced nt the
beautiful range at Bcllovuc. The day was
clear , bright and warm , and would have been
n model day for shooting had it not been for
shadows which fleecy clouds kept moving nil
day acioss the range. Notwithstanding , the
men did excellent work , the flilmr being at
known distances , la the morning , the shoot
ing took place at 200 and ! ! 00 vnrds , and In
the afternoon , the men shot at " 00 and iMO
yards. The last shot was not IIred until 4 : IO
p. in. neatly nn hour later than was occupied
in the preliminary practice. This fact shows
that Iho men took a great dual more time ami
pains to make gnoa seoios , and It Is felt that
the ellcct of this will be noticeable in the
final returns.
The i _ .uii of yesterday's shooting
but bo satisfactory to Fo'rt Russell , because
llvo of her men are enumerated among the
ten lending mirksmcn. If the name of
Scrccant Dletz of the distinguished marks
men , whoso score is next to that of Corporal
Ohionbtirg of the Second , were included ,
Fort Russell would have six representa
If the ton men who were leaders yesterday
should maintain their advantage and secure
places m the team , Port Uuchcsno would bo
represented by two men , Fort Douglas by
one man and Fort Omaha by two men. This
would conllno the team to four posts of the
department. With such n monopoly It Is not
thought the representatives of the other
posts will 1)3 satisllcd. They want .to , lo
something creditable for themselves and
their regiments and will today endeavor to
break up the slate which yesterday's llring
It will bo noted that there is quite n num
ber ot marksmnii who made tlos. The rel
ative standing of these may bo determined In
.several ways , but thus far It has boon de
cided by giving the precedence to the man
who made the best score at liOO yards' llring.
In the following table the aggregate score
of each competitor appears , ns does also bis
standing in the shoot. The char.ictois which
appear before each of tlio unmet of the dis
tinguished mnikMiien Indicate the order of
the latter with reference to the other com
petitors. Thus "lia" Indicates , that the sol
dier before whoso name it appears ranks next
to the man who stood sKtli In yesterday's
shooting , while " 7a" indicates that the
marksman stands llr t of tor the seventh man.
Today will bo devoted to skirmish llring.
Tomorrow the programme will comprise llr
ing at known distances and on Thursday the
competition will bo brought to a close by
bklrmish work. The scores made during the
four days will be added and the medals will
bo awarded to the successful marksmen.
The presentation will take place in the after
noon and will bo a very interesting ceremony
o which the public is invited. The medals
will bo awarded by n well known and ills-
tingu.shou ofllcer , and the occasion will be
graced bv the presence of a number of cele
brated military gentlemen and their social
acquaintances in the city.
In the following table the company and
legimcnt of each competitor appear , Iho
marksmen being all of the infantry arm of
the service :
1 Corporal Socncer , U ITth. I't. Unssoll ITU
' . ' C'orporal WINon , A , 1Mb , I't. PucheMio .Id'l '
J Sow "it Mayor. C , 17th , I't ltusull . ! ( , ' !
4 Corporal Merrill , 117th. . I't. Uussull. tr.0
! i Private Drexlrr. C. IMh. I't. Ducliesne IWI
b Corp'iial Snoll , 0 , ' . ' ( I , I't Omaha . . . . tM
7 Coip > ral Ohtonberc , L'd , I't. Omaha . .Id ?
8 Corporal Dniney. I ) , llith , Kt Douglas 1(1 ( !
0 Corporal I , inghlln , O. 17th. I't Uussull Id. )
10 Sergeant 'MeCalfruy. A , 7th. I't Uiusoll Id'J
11 Private Davidson. U , Idth. I't. Doulas Id I
15 Mmltls , I ) . 17th , I't. Kithsiill tdfl
1.1 C' Kulu'orc. A , 8lh. b'U MoKlnnoy I .VI
14 Pilvato Itussoll. K. 2d. M Omaha . . . IM
1 ! > t-er ean' Norton. O , flth. I't. Neobrara. ISO
16 I'rlvite Hill. O , 7th. I't. I.ottim . 1VJ
17 Corporal DIcKson , I ) . 7th. I't Loian . .IIS
18 Private Hiennan. IZ. SI , I't. Onialiii. . . 153
1U 1'rlvalo Wllcov , O. 8th. I't. Kohlnsnn. . 158
2J Piiviite Itla/olc , 11. 1Mb , I't , Dmiclas . .IIS
21 Corporal Palmer , H , btb. I't. MoKlnnoy 1 57
22 Private Wr.iy , II. 2nd , 1't.Omulia . . . r > 7
' . ! I'rlvutoJnnson , Ii 7th , I't. T.ociin . . I.VI
2 Sor.-eant Sblrlook , A , iilst. I't. Sidney .
25 t'llv ito llovd. O.i'nil. ' I't. Omaha
'M Uunlon.intCliynowltli , 17th. I't Hussoll IM
27 Private Iltichatmii , It. 21st. I't. Douglas 1)4
28 Coipnral Hlloy. V , Idth , I't. Duchcstio 151
! ) Corporal C.isey , C , 71 h. I't I/oi'ii . . . lr > 2
'Ml C.orpor.1 .Smith , ! ' , Mh. Kt Wasliaklo . 1VJ
III Lieutenant .tones , 6th. 1't McKlnnov I4U
: B I.leiitiinitnt llrnwn. inth , Kt. Diichusno 111
III UtmtcimntliyoiiM. 17th. I't. llnssell . . 140
.14 Musician I'ellon II. Idtb. I't. Douglas U'l '
.15 Sergeant Harker. K , loth , l > 't. Doiulas . 147
: id Sergeant Arlleh , H , 17th , Kt. auoll . . . .140
: i" Seiroant Mcl'inilny , 11,7th. Kt. I.owan .140
as Private hat kin , I ) . 21st. I't Douglas . - . 145
! ! 9 Soruoant C itnplH-ll. I : , loth. I't. F.owis . 14" )
40 Corporal KnrKo , II , 17lh , I't. Knssoll 14
41 Morrison , U 21st , Tort Hdnuy 142
4J 1'ihiite Ann ible. O. Jlst. I-'oit lUndiill 141
41 Private Keirney. It. 2nd. Fort Umiiha. . . . Ill
41 Ser/cant lllaek. C. 21st. Toil Lewis . 140
4i Private llort/oll , I' , inf. . Tort l.o .in . I4U
40 Private Tlllman , A , 7th , ( Jump 1'llot
llutto . . . 1.17
47 Serjeant Merrill , I ! 8th. I'oit Itoblnson ia."i
4h Sergeant I'uarion , I' , 21st , I'ort Douglas 1'U
40 1'ilv.itu I'lioinas. D , lni\ \ . Port Omaha . 1. " )
50 I'rlviito I'ood. 11.21st , I'ort Douglas . .12T
51 Uentonant ItuttH. 21st. I'ort DoiiKlas 124
5J Private Iliann. 11. Sth. I'nit N obrira . 118
5.1 C'oi)0ial | ) laiiioll. 1) ) , titb. Tort Uoblnson 118
fi.v Her DullV , 17th. Port Uussell . . Ifi7
7.1 Corpoial I/oyd. O , 2nd , I'oit Omaha. . . .ld ( !
7a beiuc-int I'lwoll. O , 2nd. I'ort Oinah-i . IfiO
in. i Corporal ! Ilolen. 0. 7th. Purl l.o/an Id' '
27 Sergeant Davlb , 11 lOih , Poit Ionslas..l5l )
KrncHt Stulit ItcpllcH to
Atrainst tlio KUIISMH Stono.
Mr. Krnest Stuht has a word or two In
replv to the charge of Mr. .lohn Urant that
thn now specllicatlons tor permanent stdo-
walks , adopted by the board of public works ,
are In the interest of the Hylnnd , ICan. .
stone , which Is represented by two agents In
Omaha Mr. Grant states that by requiring
the cast iron specifications the Hylnnd stone ,
whien is merely a soft clay and co.Us com
paratively nothing , will bo forced UDOU the
property owners. Air. Grant holds to the
Idea Unit the board mis declaicd war on Iho
artificial stone and has taken this stop to
drive it out of the market , notwithstanding
thu fact that it Is a homo production
To thlb Mr. Stuht replies that the Hyland
stone is a Kansas stone of thu same quality
as the Bo-idera and Gilllllan stones of which
thousands of vnrds have boon laid in Omaha.
Among the clti/ens who have used this stone
and lound in highly satisfactory are the park
commissioners who have used it around
Hanscom and Jollcrson parks , Herman
Kounlze , J. II. and Pied Alllhu-d , Barber
Brothers , S. R Brown , Byron Reed com
pany , John Giecn , W. F. Sweeny , H II.
Medav. Bishop Worthlngton , Fred Drexel ,
John F. Coots , L. O. Drake , Ij Woodworth ,
C. R. Scott , \V. W. MarUi. .1. A. Croighton ,
Theodore Olson. Judge Neville , C b Raj-
mend , J It. Buchanan and others The
stone is also used for walks around the court
house ,
Air. Fred Drexel uses the Kansas stone ,
says Air. Stuht , and prefers It to the Ohio
stone because It Is Just as good and is
cheaper. The Colorado stone bus been laid
atouud the Union Paclllo headquarters and
comparison of that work in Its sealv condi
tion with the walks around llnnscom 11 irk ,
JolToison square and the court house is all
that Is necessary to show the supjtlor qual
ity of the Kansas stone , which ii , according
to the bids , more than : tO per cent cheaper
than the Colorado stono.
Ilrniiill | IH Not Murdor-il.
CiiAin.rsros- . Vn , Aug. : i. The sensa
tional dUpatchos sent out from C'nttlettsburg ,
IC\ . , about tlio murder of the Brumlli-ld
family In Wayne countv , West Virginia , by
Italians are without foundation , the fnc.s ox-
"A hsap Bargain Takes Money
From the Puno. "
Imitations may bo ulioai ) , but
tlioj nro wiii'lhlosH. Ho sui'o to
butbo , " 'iiuino Jutiann HolfH
Mai' l.xlinctonlv. It uill 'ivo
you the bi-nt Hiitihf iction. Tlio
rnuiiitiiui t bavo tbo Ki na-
? j turo of "Johnnn Hotl" ou the
necU'of every buttlo.
istlngonlyln the imagination of a correspondent
pendent , A special to the Garotte from it
gentleman In Huiitliigton whoso voracity Is
beyond question onvs that the mall carrier
from \Vayno Courthouse to Huntlngton who
passed Brutnlleld's house this mourning says
the entire story Is a falsification. Parties
from the sumo locality say there Is no truth
lu It.
Iteaton liy N
Thomas Joncck was assaulted on Ninth
street about 3 o'clock thU morning by four
negroes. Ho was terilbly beaten and $ JO
taken from him Ono negro was arrested.
Moro Inlk Pi ) > li ( .
Fiuvrisco , Cal. . Aug. n , A dispatch
received hero : "Fltzslmmons and Hall have
ncreed to light In the California club rooms
for a purse of f < ! , ( XK ) . " President Pnlda of
the California club said this evening that ho
had been telegraphing all day to bring
about n match and expected an answer
tonight when it will be considered
nt n meeting of the club directors. The club
wants the light for this month.
Cnii uio , Aug.4. -Parson Uavles said to
night ho would refuse the California club's
offer ; the. purse was too small.
Ciillftmilu'HK \ * ' 'cat Cioji.
S IN t-'ii ksi isi o , Cal , Aug. : i The Journal
of Commerce says : The wheat ciop of Call-
foinla this year will equal : U,000OJO ) cental' ,
which at nn nverngo selling price of Sl.tKJ
per cental will ulvo MstX.i,0K ) ) for the cereal
year , or exactly double the value of last
year's yield. This would bring up the cash
value of the output of wheat , gold nnd silver
In California and Nevada to $1X1,000,000.
Brcmci haven : Arilved Fulda from Ne\\
Glasgow : Arrived -State of Georgia from
Now York.
The follow Ing permits were issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
Klvhard Wilde , one-story frame addl-
tllon ocjs mill n.lileenth sticet . . . ! I , ' .00
Two mliKir perm ts . , ! 03
Total. . . . . . . H.SOO
Mothers will timl Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing
S > rup the best lomody for their children.
'Si cents a bottle
Positively curoil
these Mttlc Pills.
Thov also reucvo Dls
tress rromUjspcpsla , In
dlgi stlon and Too Hearty
Kntlng. A perfect rcm
eily for Dizziness. Nausea , , llaa Tnste
In the Mouth , coated
Tongue , i > aln Ui the Side ,
TOHI'II ) UVEIi , They
regulate the Dowels. Purely Vegetable.
ACn-To 1)0 hul at the dilvlnv
Jpnrk hy applying to Ch irlos OrcKory , l".l
Main street.
' . ) la Tiado-1'lvo-roo n house , full
lot InUinali i fur house liii'l lot In Council
HlulTs. I ) llrown , 1112 Ilro.ulnay.
171OU Valour Tradi > riiinlly eiirrt.itic horse
-L andsniroy. uiti Third a\unuo.
Al.rSMANVANTRI ) - Tor "Hoiisuhnlcl
Hccoril of Kxpeimus. " l.noriiiniis sales.
His nioiiuy. Wrlto linincilliitoly. Box Ois ,
\\7IMjtrido sooil iosliluiu-0 lot , clear , for
> family hnrso uilU curriu o Apply at 5.U
ranUlln .nenne.
SALL Good fiirm. 10 miles from C'onn-
FOH IMiilTs , with \oiy lar o on-hard , $ ! . " > uer
tie 10. LI rhty noiu farm , no , 11 rallro ill station.
atiTM per neie Johnstot , & Van ratten ,
Council Hlnlls.
UnXT A nlco 0-rooin house with
lurgp yard lo deslr.iblo paitv free of
J , \V. snnlro , i01 I'oirl sticet.
Hyc-hoinolrlc ! . or chiir-
nutur ro tilings ; also diagnosis of dlso.iso
nciid lock of hair for ru.ullntts liy letter bini-
b.iys and o\cn n s Mrs R Hooper. 1422 Avo-
duo I-X near corner iJtli btreut. Council IHuir
Terms , 5 o and $ l OJ. _
' ' uero oropoity In llvc-ac-ro
MAON'iriOKN'P 2' { miles fiom postolllc-e.
for sale on n-asonablo terms Some line tusl-
dcnco property for runt bv U.iy& Hess.
or Itont ainlan land with
- houiai , oJ. . U. Uiua WJ ilj.ln it , OouaoU
The l oliiiiilihi I5li-y-c.
Wo have the best cushion tire in nln. lint
this is not the only good feature of tbo old
reliable an 1 populai Cu.iirnDl i. InviHtl''ato
wliiitsomo unsciupiiloiis dealers Inue to say
for their HlicuN.
Thu C'oluiiiliH Is north Its nolxht In K"U1 ,
o\en with "freoMlher. "
Uoillioiit a Iti-l'rljiorutor.
In hot WDiithei It Is Iniposslblo to do so and
preserve your he ilth and comfort. I'ood can
not , beprcfiiirxud wltlion Ida tueioim deteriora
tion. In a i-ooUod or r in st ite. without refrln-
er.itlon. You will Und It more Impossible than
e\er to do without this 1m port an lad | u net when
you look at Mio North Stir nnd Inain the
pilcosvo will maUo fet the ne\t tlili ty daya ,
Stovcx , Im\vu MOXVCI-K ,
And ennlun hose at lowei UKUIOS th'in you
o\or Rot before. Kvury article void Is thuhub-
est Krado muilo. Hereen doois and window
hi-ieens ut cost. Makoyoiir homus comfoita-
ble at little expense.
I > . C. DcVnl. no I Ill-midway.
They SIiiHt flo at Cost.
There Is no use of youi endeavor n % to not
aloiiK and eeonoml/u by dohiK ultboiit a ref -
f i Iterator. Health and comfort cannot bo
tniiltit ilnod In the hot summer weatbei and
food propi-t y presjrved without some inoins
of | irrsoi vltu' u cool , dry atmosphere. The
now ( iiiernsey ref rluer.itor U tbo world beater
In u\ cry essential point , nnd from this time
on wo propose to put them Into your houses at
absolute coit. Tfi'n ' Is a boiiii lido ollur that
It niu pay you to Investigate.
VVinilow Sirc'iiH and DoiirH
Go at the H line price until our present lar e
stoeU IK exhiiiiste I. This U your opportunity
to provide your homus with thesj necessary
All modern little labor-savin : anil comfort-
proilnelnK novelties In the hardware line for
summer tiae will be disposed of in the same
Si S"i > t > > < ' - 11 Ainiit Htfui > t ,
Counull '
, ,
with your
Blood ,
Dolny In ilmiRn-ou" In * ifw
mw i UKtitfclnllt Iminrtloui
In ( ll onii > t tlin liUixl Cor >
, .
Into Incuritlilo chronic
O MniAip
8n N mire euro for all
Ui UiCi > nlnil
. Inherit.
ptl Bcnifutn , Hkln Kruplloni.
nml IIKK rurnl tlio\unuiU ot
CM not 1'it nrrr.
Him | Min crful tnldc for itrtl.
onto IH-IHOII * . ) ct In hnrinlrM
nml lnrn | > Rtij of Injuring tin
ino't ncniHI\ ) loin.
A trpntt ( i on lllo < vl nnd Skin
| II MM mnllrtl I UKK on
Druggists Bell It.
Brattor 3 Atlandi. < 2n.
Lake Manawa HoLel ,
Attrnellons Pine I'lshlns , lloatlnj , II ith-
IIIL' an I r.M'ctlont Mlnitrnl Water.
On v DfltHMi mlnutm rl.lo frnn > Council
ItliitTs Mcilm trans meiy half hniir , illreat
to i-enti-r-i ( Ciinnell ItlulTs an I Onih i
Must del I e hiful und uteesslbu ptaoo for
plinle Dartljs.
Eye , Ear , Nosa and TlirjJl
Council lUulTs , Ii.
Sluiyarl-Hcno H'lc.
Kooni 1 U to 11 ! in
7 and S p. in.
Ol Council Uluffa.
Dm * roils I A. Mlllor , ff Q aio\ian , K. f *
Shuvnrt.Il E. llirUJ. U Ednuinilson. OH irlei
It. llannan Cr ini\ol uonor it iMiiklnt Uim-
nen Lir cst cnpltil and iurpliu ot au ?
banlcln Sjutliwjiloni Ij v.
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly AppolntsA Hotel
Is Now Oosn.
N. A. Taylor , Manager
Gas Heating Stores.
No Asiicsl No SMOICR.
Just the thin ; forbnth rooms , lied rno ns , otl
Cull and see our iar0-o a.ssoiliuent.
C. B. Gas nnd Elestrls Ltglat Co.
"It I'o irl and ' . ' 10 Main Street.
FirstNational : - : - Bank
Paid Up CaiHtl ; : , . . . . $10-ODD
Dhluit orKinUod bmlc In tlio cltr borol a mill
ilmneitlc oxtli uuo an , I loot ) 9U3irltji | Ut.mU
nttunllon p il > l tj cjllucili ) n. Aiiaiu < nC lojull
imN ba k bitilcorii.inloorp3ralljiii JjtlJltjL Jo (
ru poiulu con \ Itml
ULO I' . SANroill ) . I'roildont
A. W. IIIKKMAN. C.nhlar
A. T. lUUi : . Aiiliti t ' > V3f
Centrnlly located In the business
portion of Council Bluffs , all the
street car lines In the city passing
the door. Modern nnd conven
ient ; thoroughly fire proof ; 120
guest chambers. The best $2 a
day house in the west.
Board and room from $8O per
month up. Table board $0 pep
week. G. M. WHITNEY , Mgr.
Medical and Surgical Instituta
mis nnu-i.NGEus. i'uoi'3.
Chronlo diseases of nil kinds and deform-
Ith s hpeolnlttos. No1.01 uud a.'J llro.uiway ,
Cuunull Itlnlls. In.
cou.Ncii ,
Galvanized Iron Cornice Works ,
11 CHAIII , A SO.V , ; ' 1101"3
1O15 nncl 1O17 CroriHvatj ,
KstlinatOH furnl-tlioil on all klntli of ( liilvnnlioil
Iron C < rnlcoVnrk , Iron Hoofing , store KrunlH un < ]
Clipper \ \ nrk. Artlitlu work it npnc-lnltjr ( Virruj-
piinilviKUHollcltuil trura polnta JOO inllui ( rum Ouun
ill llluHa unit Oiiinluu
OlTirn 41 % Ilroadw.iv , Couii'ill lllulTri , la
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid Pats rj1 Suijlljj ,
Mamt Fixturas , Casing ,
piers and Saiisa o MakorV Maohlnory 87)
i-J.MUn Ht. , Uonnell Uluifi , lit. Also uuilurj
n lllduB and IMITA
Stgr z&Zs&Z
G. A. bonuod , noK , Propi'iotor , Otfiuea (3JI ( Dr'onclway , Gounatl
Bluffs and 1621 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and rofini li goo J3
of every description. Packages received nt either ofl'ico or nt tha
Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Morchanta who have hhop-worn or boiled ( auricd o ( any uliaracter cua hiivn
thoin r.-dvud and lluhhod equal to ni-w
lutout nnd mobt approved muchuiory , ul losa cost than you over paid bufo-