TUB OMAHA DAILY BJUE : MONDAY. AUGUST I * . 1801. 8PBQ1BL NOTICES. AnvnrriiirMKXTq von TIIKIK , will ti Inkrn until 12 O p m tor the ) Pvenlnit rmduntllR ; n > m ( or tlio morning or Sunday edl lions All ndvcrllfrmrnls In thrsp column * 3 font * n norit first "inn Mloii nmt m trnt * n word therinftir or n l pr line ppr month No advertisement Inkpn for Im * than 25 cents lor Um first Insertion Term * cash In ml vnttrp initials. fiiMirrs , ymlols ptc , ench count as n word All ndvrrtlM'nirnls must run constcu tlvply .Advertisers , by rprim-Mlnif n numbered rhrck cnn liavo thrlr nnanpis addressed to a "mini jprpd lelti r In carp of 1 UK IIM. Answc-rmond drcsrpil n ill bo delivered only on presentation of the check 'I > lt ASCII ofH ( t" > - M V I UTI"IS'fl KITHI'.SK ) | J ) n in ns will ho Inki'i ) on thp nhovo conditions til the rf ' ' < > Inp liusliipfs IIOIISPS , who nro author Irrd I * , it ke * l * clal nollcps tit ttiu snmo rates ns can IP bnit ni ft P mnln oil cc Sihitli i mnhn Ilrnnch Oil reNo 2C23 N trcct. LIs IcrbMk J > hi ) VV Hell riinrmnrlfl lltli and Ma on strPPts H It | .nrni < worth I'lmin nrlrt sllVCnmlnir street VV I Ilimhes rimrniBclft m } > Hthslrept ( I sniterllelit , rhniiiuieltt \ I euvenworth lli'u'lii's riinrmncy Hlh nnd Knrnnm HITUATIO.NS WANTi : nnlri , ilr. , rrr lop nf ml column oil Ihm i ctfc. ; \H MTrTi ; fAN'iTi"rTri.i.V < ' ; HiV. uVi : v- perli'tired tnnii KB tin Implement * preferred llox f I'll nKant DiliNVb ! > " > ! AHKil-.TKIlHI ) IMIAItMArisT , VVHOLKSALK or retail , accurate , rapid. Address V 2 , ! ! CP JHlt ) 3' AVVVSn.l ) SITUATIONS FOIt ( ildl ) ( , IIUM my u unit roums nronl iis full from 'J n m t t p m < nadlati Kmpluymelit otllcu , Jll'j ' H lr > th 'Ji > lf > fih n > si ' " ' AV WIDOW I.AIIY VVI'III I IVI ! VKAIIS IV ! port'mo asmnlron In putillp tnsiliiitlons wants to make a i hnn o nnd secure a position In the west Addiii-st 1,1 , Ilppollfci' i"1 "A vv vs i KD sm A i ios in LVOV srr.soc. Anphir uood rerereneos Address .VI U ) Iteo M7 * ) 7' \NIKD I'OSIIIOS IS' VVI10LKSALI. Illlf ) AW pcrv i > r iiiiiimlsslon l > \ pxpprlpiiieil man Can kcpp books AddrissCVUIN V l.lto hhl \VANTi : J ni inii , ilf. fffliiinf ) 11 * t minimi nn Hits " " 1 > \ \ \STCD""cioriiiNf ! SAT.K MAN wi : I > wniit nn nxcntor urni In nvery county of til" I nli < I siniui to linndlc nur Mnci of nicrrliniil tnllnrliiK Hunter Miiiiiifnrturlnit < ' rim Inmtl , Ohio I unlit to order ( IU ) Sult SI MX ) nnd up wardirlto lor minipU'i nnil rule for elf uienpureiiieiit .M8I1 I * ) W VS I IID'IODAV 1 i'iiifoss iincn VK Instruction to keep buuks 'Jli Now \ urk lKc Ml I- " \ 1VS1 III ) AN AfTIVK , IlKlilAIIlii : MAS' D-nlnry KU to ? W ) iiHinthly , with lurri'iinu to rnpri'iii'iit In lil1" own melton n resiionilhlo Sew ork hoi o HofertuiiH Mnnurntturer , lock box 11f , New \mk T > \\\sini > . A i r\v ( .ODD MH. lI.nrm > rniiiiiiliii > lnn pnlil nt once Only will ric ouiiuenilLiI URN netcl nipl | ) Address U M Hi u Olllce M7IW ! > IIVOSKIU ui > i VOUNO ourii Omaha n tuirtner or biicklux to liny a piiylnxalnrk Will , Ili-o MT.iU I * r\\ \SITI ) SKM.ItAlidOODJOll I'ltlS'l Tils , li ml } i i tploj inent und iiiilun w iiri" * Apply of flcooftlii iniiiihii lUpubllcnii I'rlnlliik'C'ouipiiiiy a i > vs'iKi ) A rouursi'OMiNT : AT PAC it I-pont ilk ! * to furulHh IM niiininto whoiuuoran mall rlrtnliii S < i ranvt Hln/ nor < < illef tliiK. Mb rral pnfull particular * * IU u'lilf Union Novelty To t > ov t } i Omaha Nib 7 it I * H \\ASIKD P\PI KIIM'II ; : > nuv c.oons Miih'Miinn uiiiHt fpeak I n llfih nnd dermaii Ian * ( ! Unui tlurntl ) , aNoperk IM i d iaTo < < iiaii Apply with n fi reuto to T 1 < Davles A. Co , tlry KOIMU Jerk Stb Ti.17' 1 > \ \ XMIII ) ( JPNIIItAI.ASDSI'I.CIAIiACIISTS J ) to leprenput the I lilellty M itual I.lfn IiiHiiranru ronipan > of I'hllidelnhl i I'a In Ntbri ka nud ( .ouncll HlulTn , evtrn llbernl ludmenient to rlifht imrtli n < all on 01 address ft itc iiiniuiRcr.ru7J'.ix ton block , Oillalia , Nub Wi " ( > - \ \ \S'l III ) SU.LSMKS OS SAT , \UVOIl ( OM J ) inln lon to hautllo the new patent chetnlri ! Ink mining pencil the cicnti it i MliiK ninelty ever proiliued erases Ink thoroughly In two mcnnils no nbrntdon of paper 'JDU to .i40 per cent profit one nuent s salt amounted to * t.CU hiHlYdajM another fU In two lioiirw'o want ono general tuient In onch Htatn nnd territory her term * aAil lull par tlculam Mihlrt'm the Monroe l.ratLr Mft ? to In CroHse Win i''l ' i > WAsrriI.INMI ) : \ is Ki.uv corsrv I > { 7" > OI ptr month mul erpeiiKca Outtlt lampli i etc frte iiooda inlii bs nnmples btpiuly position to proper p irty .So etperleme nicensury lull partli iilarn upon applUaLlon hetul Htiiiups S\orti' tir ferrule and maniifacturliiK compnii ) H2 Ilei mon street , \ \ ortt stor , MIIHS M7U 1AS'l I.I ) S\l.iMI : S' I'KIIMA.VP.NT IMV I 'liiffposllliim for IntellU'i tit norkurH U'lllunt enc Kllwnimer X Harry , Mt Hope Nuri'i'rleH llothcati r N V 61U ail * P MI'N OP ROOD \IMIHPm Mi : I'ltOl'OI.I- , tan Mt'KCo. , IUM Jluu.ml or U7 I.'tli , l.lntuiii n-WAvinn , SIKN vvini oo uKrnt J'enc * s to sell nnd collect In central anil wewtern IS'ibruplta I'riifer thoxi Innliii : a toiiin AcUcrtlMT will furnish wncon ( , oed ( ompeiisntlon puld to iMHTKetlt * rnllablo men Aililress ftatlnv referentos , nuoanil ctporlonce HOT 711 , HastltiK * , J > eb ( fli ) 1 * 1)'SALI 8SIA.N"lOSI'LLOOIS'IO.MI'ltClIA".TS : ! I 'by nniiuile biff | iay for Hiiki ( r , now Koods por- niaiient pltimtlon , cliunce to bullil u tlno trade Mmli'l Vf u t'o Sinitli llcnd Ind 7'JI aii * AVXT1J1 > " 'i' ' . rlc. , fee Ion nf 1 1 st column mi Hit * i > i " 1vv A N vim. norsu norK Mary's l MSI I 4 > VVVNIIID A coviiM.rr.Nr IIOUSIKLII'I.U : : 'Address Kith refirenies 1' O llox. 757 t4 11 rilKH. ftf , rf ( dji nf 11 vr inininn on J/ifx / | t nut niNi',5 : uoovi noi'si : AT sot/ru M street .Mill 5" T ) Kit nr.ST ] \ UOOM ( ori'Adi : IN I.OOD J'rvpnli fO > S ISth st I niulru | ono door soutli VK7S I \ 1 OU ItCN 1' , HLl'dAST 8 . . II UOOM IIOUSI S .1'modern toiivenlenios perfn t unit r , pa\od Btreetr motor ami within tlvo minutes wnlk of post olliio .Nathan Miellon 11.11 rarniiu ulreet Hit II ion uisrMHOOM : con'An : cnv Jl'water near car line Inquire corner SMh and Inko dlinn 3) IMODIIllN 10 UOOV1 HOLSi : , NO litl sin , it Apply next uoorest MT'U S * TV. I.OWIMl I'AUI' oK HOI "K , MVI3 .1'furnished , and Imth loom eoiitially located for rent I hds nnil centleuiaii lll lake board as part payment Imiulro It.JI I HKS si MsIS B ) H HSISHKD IIOII-i : II HOOVIS AM ) IIAIIN 'fortenl VV N. Nason , chamher coin mono mono.VIS18 8 i ) 5-UOOM H.AT , 1JU1LK , nwLIJAVIINWOHl if Jib 0 b' T > HT I OH Ill'AT OK d UOOVIS , 21) I LOtl7. J'I Inton bloik , raiiKO , nenly papered John llnmlln UI7 b Mlh it 7ul T ) " Vc'U ' WISH ' 10 Itn.STA . . . . ' J'jeoll I ) Cole , Continental block ton itr.NT.io itoovi Horsi : CP- 'lneateil modern Impiovements , 71J N Itllh too jj ion iiLM" , iitoovt cixrTAi : , CKNTUAL , RUMIIII intlnk'p , near motor ? I'X ( ) 4 room 4iittaKO near motor CIOUU > t mum * unliiriilshed JIuHI And the lust rtsldence tlatn In HIP cltv , fM to t.'V. no lures Jhe Jluid Inv t tu , 41. lleo lllilK. MM T ) H VI 7 UOOVIS. HANOI. , AVVNI.MiS AND * -'ull coinenleiiec" ) , J1J lieorKU Cluusur , uill at store , Ull s U th nt. .VI517 T ) H > U IlK r.NKVVSIIOOVI IIOINL'.S 17'IIIST , J.'l bluek iiuith of V'ltituii liiuulru In brick houxo 717 1' T ) roll UKM1. HIIICIC b'lOUY AND A II.VI.F 1'lioiiso larKii yard n e e-jr Istll und Webster Iiiiiilro | ( L ininuon , 1514 I arnam. VI7I3 nut UKS r.si'Li.NiiiiTMTv " U ii iioovi IUILM : , ' ' . 'II. InniKliKiitrett best loiiitlon In the city lu qiilrncf l.lubo Limn nnd Trust ( u , lull and IioiUu Bis or A II ( ilndstune , 1110 Duiiulasmreet. U4) ) Ul Ull lll.-.vr. 7 UOOM HOI SlI , tG | S 35T11 hi' _ _ _ _ _ U4S5' _ ' 1 ) I. Ui n Ut 1 1. AT w'l 1 H A LL JIODL-IIN CON J 'renleiui s 3105 l.catriiwurlh t soy , , 7. I" ) HUt HKNTlUl ) > hS Nlls Ml ! AND IM . t .N I. th MreU , W rooms , bntli , tax eti KtUUut'r month Apply f. 11 VVuudrun Neb Nat llauk hlili : T ) toil HKM6llOOM roTTAliK , 1U N .7111 . . . .f'.u''i ' ' * 10 a0" ' lOttBKo , fU and t'nrimni , I13M ) . Und .V bvlby , room U llo.ird ot 'trade I'll ' roil ii i ; XT K u 11 \ i s 111 : i i um-IYs. /MJfo. ft\ ( , ftc tn ) , o/ /li l in/limn / nil I/is / ( jui/c. / IP tUU.NIHUKD UOOVIS , VIUIY CIIKA1' , MODern - e-rn ( VJ N 17th ilre'et lit | lj IW3 C-UTTAL AV'ii * ' ' M8W-8' I ? toil UKNT. DOW N Vt'AIUS KIIOST UOVt ( ) . ' 'Inpihato IIOIIBU , > IU per month , lllti llonard tr cl. Ms.j a 1J1 H. U NIS11KD ItOOVI AND IIOAIID AT ToW JJruto U'-JBu 17th avenue .Man o' 1 ? Hlt.NlilliD ! : 1100JI , DAY IIOAUL ) , jTu"N _ JIHh. U7i' "ltim 1IK.NT , NinKl.t HMI.NI8HKD t'HOVI' -iJrooius all iuoilcriicunvoiile iuvs , nlSJI i Norlti i < 1Jlli itreet , flat C. AlbU. 1 ' ? NICiCLY KUU.NISIIKI ) UOOVIS. WITH Oil -JwllUout board. 811 bouth Will itriut. M8U 4 < KUUOI'KAN HOTKU COU . Dodge. wH | uiak low ratvs for rooms y tb M vk or uioutU , with ur wltUout board uu roil IUXT : ruuxisint ) HOOMH. f FIUNISKD ; | | ItOOVIS IN I'lttVATP. KAVIILY I Jl'lcnsant locnllon Ui ) Hutitli Mill st .Mill ) 3 * " " " TiTTioil ItKN'T , NICKI.Y KUtlN"l"s"lIKI ) ( OOf , Ijrooms nl nortlipnul corner lithnml Hnwnrdi lawn around btilldlnffi from 170) to fVW W a month SOUTH IIOO.VI 11)15 ) CAI'llOL AVlINt'i : I/-VKIIY I'LIIASANT FIIONT UOOM NlVU llivntu fnmlly ror jtcntleman S(3S ( a'th ' itreet. ail IIOO.'HH AM ) 0\ltl > I'or intef , tlf. , ft top nf frit column on i/iM / jjiy. l -'ltOOM AMlloAl ) ) ! On DOUI1LAS sritr.P.T 1 VISIJ SJ * I.-COOI , COVIHlltrAlILK UOOVIS AND I illST I class board at tn N t ith 101 all' _ ' \f \ IlOOit AND IIOAIll ) , 1321 PAUNAVI HT II 7 i 3 * IJ-NIIVVH H'UNIHHKIUOOM8 ) , UN 8UI 1 1 ! Oil I sliiKlu 1U4I ( ii ur ln avenue' .VIT7U 4' _ iT MTrNlsifl'T ) ilOOVt WITH IIO.Mtl ) . IlKI-KIl ' ences ' 'Jll Hirnain TJIO * l-HJUN8lliiTu6cVI8 | : ) AND ltOAHI > .20 IIAIl 1' ncy Wi il _ _ " " I-NICI : NP.WLY TruNi"si"iniruTovis. vvini 1 bunrd. 1707 lludto Urcet l 'U ' ' _ _ K1NICin UJNIsTflJI ) UOOVIS WITH IIOVIID rjOH.N I7lh street MWM _ _ _ iTltOOVia ANI ) lT.lY ItOAUD UX hOUTII 17th I < M 'M , ! I OIl UK.NT , UOOVI U ITH IIOAIll ) KU DODl.i : 1' street ! I'Olt I n.NT KOOM.SUNrUUMSII ! , ! ) / or rul s , ttc. , itelnjt nt ' rut n turn i mi Iliti " / i HIMl ) I'NFL'U.SiSlini ) UOOVIS I SOt'l'II v lUh | street m-i t' p-Kll ) IHI.ST SI If OK 1 tr.M Ult.Nli-II B ? 'rooms n lib clly wnler , .Vc. Aiply | y U corner Illh ind ( ass streets I..H i intcfi.rtc , iff tup nf lint column nn tlitt -I'tM.i i MAN I wind board nko rooms , moilern cunvun lences rates and location , It cannot bo excelled .Mrs Horn , I'rop V1U7 All * FOll KKXI'-HTimi S AM ) OI-M-'IOKS. J limit , etc. , t'f IOD of tiri' column > iits ( / t t'je i-oi i ici s i < oit UINT. : .SKCONDSTOUY CLOIIK llinlhlliitf w corner H th and Duduo ts Kleunnt loiatlun just opposite new pusuullee Cheap lent a Is ( ilobu Loan nml trust Company 755-5 J-Mlll ItKNI' 'llli ; 4 SIOUY IHIICK llIIILDINd , I with ur without power , formerly occupied by 'I he lleo I'ubllshliiK Cu 'ill ! 1 iiriiam st ' 1 he build IIIK has a llrcprouf cement basement eompleto sti am heatlni ; tlxtiires water on all Iho lluura , KIIS. etc. Apply at thn utllni or'Iho Hen V\S \ i rou niNr : ) u SALI : MV III'ILDINO ON 1 Jones stbet lOth.V lltli ( J A Llndciiilsl.aili S I ith irru I-LIIAsK 1011 SALK AND SIOIll ! Klt IllIN I' , I best location In the city < J'ill at 117 .North lull MAI J' i i on UIN : r 'IHISICO.ND : : noouoc OM : or Mho pilnelnil dry guilds slori s In Om ih i suit able for i lulnlm ; hats capf crorkery carpets ur furniture \\IIMintoltlicrthoenllro Hour ur part or It Address T II. Ilee -MlSi ! l-s'liuis : Kill HIM' IN ( , IIAM ) OI'KUA 1 IluiispbulldliiK F J fntclllTe , III Hrsl Niitlon il llauk bulldlnc - ' ' ' ' "i i on UKN r 1111 : OH in : louviniiLV ( KCIT 1 pled by Alexander .1 Smith In the Continental bloik corner loom , In purlect order Trcc'land , Loomls ( o M78J I'm rntci , ftc. , nfe tun of I tt < oliimu on Inn jwty. I -I Oil HKNT Oil s VLi ; CUCAI' . A I 1FTV ItAiv 'rol Killer mill A ( .i-tetter Illalr , Neb MTU 10 \ VAM'IT ] ( > K10.N I' J-ni-atrt rii rf ton of jlr < t i > ( uiiiii > i > i fftt mi ; ' " " " ' i"IIAVKriirvrLU : vvmi > VVANTS ii-itoovt huuso alNO renter fur 7 room huuso 1 red 'lorry , room 4U llamto bluek 7.1)4 ) X VVANIIJI ) 'IO Ul'N 1' , UV M VN AMIIK unly n nleo tl\u or six room eottaue In Kood lo cation state rent Address 1' O HOY . . ' 1,7 kill KIJXTAIj AGI3XCV. / or nitfK , fff. , tcf ton of tint column on f/i/s paye. I VviTl.SHAN XcO.NiAUiN'lltANcVi.itA.N'D : : : Jjoiern | house .vis 14 41 * r-Il K. COL11 UlINrAI. AOI.NCV , CON'II N KN" JJtal bluek MJ T-UIMAL : A.r.Nr i.ro j I'AIJL. luo KAU IJn.un street , holmes stores i tcpeelal ntteii tlon tu mantiKciiiont of rental tiruperty New lists Hist uf each month .VI5IS Aij -CIU'AI' ItLN P. LAHI.KSI' AND ClIIIAIM'Sr IJIIst In Iho elly , fl and upwards U 1 Hulls -.Tl N ICth t 2SSA17 * STdUAOK. / 01 mc ( < , etc , mien of i pit > lii mi on Iliti - ( IIOUKU In i Ity VVIIIlaiis | A. Cross , 1 ill llarnuj 072 -CLIIAN.DllY AND PIUVATK STOIlAfJU Ol' rnrnlluro , Oiiiahn Sluvo Ilvpalr VVurks , 1.1)7 ) Douglas 1,7) ) WANT Ml TO UaV\ I'm i ten ft , tectiip nf niL ( otiunn ( inthit pmi "vr vvANiii : > 'io ituv i lUvcKAiTfri nrhHTiiT 1 > .Dili or Jlth Must tin ( heap Owners address , rurelnsliu Aia'nt , 1' ( > l"x 71. .VISJ5 . { \F i rusTiiJuI : non.nr , SOLD , SIOUKD. 1 > Wells , 1 11 1 1 amain street ( .71 AT WAN rii : ) 10 run * . A COOD HANKI.NC nus Illness Itox'iMl yiienandoah , lowii M7i.'i 5 AT foil CAM ! . UIMDINCI : : : i.oro.N WKSTSIDK 1 > neal motor Must ho u bargain Addreas U M Hoe 711) ) li' _ "XT VVAVJKD , 'IO ItUY I IIOM I , 'IO ID ACIIIIS , is ai eisitlblo by inotur cars Address , Klvlm ; do rcrlpliun and terms , ( ! VV Luumls oh , ( K ( m s A iii : m > i r KHTwTxoirNys.Trrd' ' / 01 tr > HIS , etc , HI lop of m s ! cinnm/i / onill plijt i ) ONM : I"A it ( iT : H i'"v N M tn , ns. " ci i f : AT iT' i taken at once part lime I'm , ) I urn am st 'b I' p-hoit SALK , SOLND HI'M.IHII AND n UN-ILK 1 drlvlmr hurso lluht top biik' y and harness Iloixuwell broken suitable fur surrey or buucy Lady can drl\o Address V I , lleo V1600 J' r > -HiHALKAT A IIAIuAlN I and phaeton , suitable fur ludy tu drive Address , "U M > and will ( all und show the rl MMI.I I DIHVI It 6 VIIAItS OLD ( 'KMLK and sound , only & 5. II , K Cole , Conllnental blUck M78JS i j-i on SALK , HAYiioitHK. IIAND--OMI ; , sr\i > I Ish nnd KOUI ! both In harness nnd raddle , nound and In Him cundltlun kind disposition and u per leet pet with laillt s nnd children , b ) whom ho has bi en used HIP past lliren jears Will ho nlM'ti on trial tu responsible parties Address U 6'J ' , Iteo of- lieu . .M7H. .1' p TlJiisi : , i'uTidY AND iiAiiM-bs , liw N uinT. 1 7J7 a * ) P I Oil SVLK. KAMH.Y CAltlllAdi : , l.KK t I Nichols stable , Xh and l.eavenworlh ( > 75 | > -IOIl SALL' < ItrAI'T LMrilT ( ILVSs | ticir. 1 nuay and Kuud piano box tup IIIIKI. ) both In Kuoil order Imiiilio al roomitii Om.ilm Nat bank building U7b "I ) I AVIILY HOIISi : toil 5.ALII , SI.NfiLK DIHV 1 ers ur carriage liams Can lurnli-h an ) kluduf horse desired Call at C D VVoudwurth A. Cu , or uddruis T J I liming , Cnlliouii. Ne b Ii77 TT-LKMH 5S 101mil.l.Y. . NKATlLY M\V. ! 1 I lop buuules i phaetons 2ex toplarrltik'i'i * canupy aurroy . ' lop delivery wacuns Druiuiiiuni ! ISth St upp court house Kit alJ KOK sAijK MISCIMJAMOUS. : f ormfM. tie. , te ton nfi t roliimu on tliii JMIJ Q sALi : , NH ) 'lOss OrllliUK lUYKIl leu 8 C llurllntiliii. toward , Neb nil I' vjbloiLO I'UI'l'lUS lOllhAI.n HDOM.II ) llAltKKIt v-jbloi . .viKid l > Q-Klll S\l.i : Cllli.Vl' , WINCH COLUM1I1A -llKlil roadster Addrets LTI , lleo .MTb J' foil SAJTl-lT'TKN H ) iFrrinS' THOI'SAND tons food Ice , fob ears , filutix City , la Jas K. HOOKU.V Sons . ' 57All ) Qi-ou HALlTTuTLTVfi : : TIIK yiM.srNIIVVS"- paper plant In llionuillmest l.ood imtroimno. Addrms U .Hi , Onuilm lloa -MiTU nii' f ) rOlt SALK ( .ODD AND COVIPLK.1K 1'IX vxiures uf meat market , uxeulluiit location nnd low rent VI A t ptun Cu HI ) Fnri-nlt * . tie. , tee top oflr < t coliimn on t/ih / Tin : nrLL Tiius "i'osiriVKi.Y cimk.s ruivltiro Oil and eo It ut Itoom H , .N VV cor ner Duuulas and 14th , rromltuSii in 11 Hick lima itatu aiicnt for I'utentcu 11SJ.I u < MASHAUK TUKVT.MKNT , KLKCTItOTHKIl nml baths , icalp and hulr Ireatnicnt , laanleiir * anilelilrupodUt. Mrs I'Oit.Jla S IJth.WllhliuH blk tU KS O STKVK.NSON , CAIH'KN I'KII 81101' 2s * I uavfimurtli ill b'llluiatei miulu on all car peutur work MG.M-A su f _ K.NllUAVlNOniU nAMCC.,80UTH OMAHA tUoJ a3l [ Pont'lined 1 U-l'ASTt'llK rOlt HOUGHS ANDMl'LKS ONLY Iti-aKonnhlochnrucit , will c-\ll nnd deliver , Rll I'axtnn hldit Telephone No I'SI. ' Good nhfltcr nnd rtinnlnu water M7I03 * -Kll HAIiK-riltl ICII IIUILDIN'O NOW" I/V catpd nn llnrner it. near 71th , to bo moved nfT. Apply to fnmnel KnU , 014 S lltli St. 1 ui , UIIVOVANTS. I"or ratrt , tie , , fff Inn nf fnt tnlumn < m _ _ _ C-AltlHVAf , r.TltAOItDI.NAltVVONDKItH'l. . > 'revelations ClmllenitiiK tlio world Vlrs. Dr VI I t'urnvidead trmufelalrvoynnt mlrnlniilM palmist nnd llfo renderi If Us your life from crmllo lo urnvp unites the spparntpil cniines niarrlaito with the olio you love tplls whprn yon will succeed and In what biKltipss bp t adapted for has the retobrnte'd Imptlnn breastplate for luck nnd to destroy bad Itilluences , cures Ills , Intcnippranco and all private complaints with massage baths nnd alcohol treat inent weml fi luck of hair natuo and date uf birth nnd receive nccurnUi life chart i cents In Mimps for circular nlves Initials or one you will tiiarr ) also photos of snnie Olllco 1017 south lltli Mreel hours. U am to II p | , t Come one come all nnd bo convinced uf this wonderful orlele .MT'.T ' 3 * U MIND ItrADIIIl AND S < KCOND SlliilT ' lir.It 'Iho iircat fortune teller In this clt ) has a'lillc of nt thn lluunrtl house fuutheast lurnerof IIII nnd Howard streets 'I Ills peculiarly Kitted persun has n manic mirror In which you um sco jour future husband "Ife enemy or friend All biisltipss strlilly contldenllal I'nrlora so ar ranged yuu will meet no atranfor The last wppk -M.'lJf C-MIl" NANNtnV VVAHUIIN. CLAIIIVOYANT. fc 'tranco speiklnir , writing and rcllatilo business tin ilium , four years In Omiua , IIO N loth t > 7j ( J Vl | ( % I OUT 1'ALVIIST A.NIXiM'SY lOUl'L'Ni ; * 'teller Tolls past nnd future from lines of tlio hand hee , (1UU ladles only l j N 34th Up stairs 4S.I niV ' CK. JtATMS , irj'C. , t tc , tecop / of Jlnl roliinin on ihti page SMI ni , 4.1) ) s ism. jo I'Loou JL V1.-78 8' 'H-vti MOWI : , MASSIILSI : , hLitrui : ( IAS 1 311 llnniro block M'U > ai > ' f | ' MAStfAl.K , MADAVlh DK1./.Ililt , OVLll MO S J 1 1th 201) ) Il7 1'JJKSOXAI.S. 1'orr ft * , tie. , nee tnjtnfflnt column nn thti ] ) ire ou-s'oNiiAViubMFN : rlmony , full partleularj ( aealcd ) IDceulH Ilux 3-i ( , Omaha. Neb Kii A'J" AlUbIC , AIIT AM ) I/ANOUAGlT I'm iiilei. flc , fff tn nf f rsf columnon llitt jtagf. " ) IIANJO "VlUSIC ' v Pieces read at Klance No kiiunlodKO uf music required bund for clr ( Jultar .Music Co .Atlantic , la I.5J Al' _ \r 1 1 K ! our. ni VINO A PIANO nvAMiNi : THI : > now scale Klmlmll piano. A Huspo,15M Douulai 1,71) ) 10 L.QAN HUM * HVi'AJK. I'or ntte'.etc , tee top of Usl column on Hits jxiyc. AV-i'J iiivATiMoNKV TOLOAN7 J' D JUTrLlT it : Y Lire ISO \\T-O U AI tASTKKI ) MOUTOACKS ON SAlll'V , > ' 'Ihajer , CnmliiL' nnd Hlantnn Co. hinds for silo by II T Clarke IU Ho ird of trade ( .81 Tir LOANb VV VI IIAUUIaU.20tUI3N/.UIl ULIC ' US' ' A\r ANTHONY T.O VN AND TIIUST CO , ,1H N Y ' Llfn , lend nt low rates fur choice security on Nebraska ur Iowa arms , ur Omaha city prupert ) 083 \\r-13ASTI3ltN MOXI3Y TO LOAN AT VIIllY I luw ratea II It Irej.SUt , N' \ Llfo 14 \ \ f MOItlCAdi : LOASS VVANl'liD , JlcCAll- ! Vi In\estment company. tt < 5 CI.OANSI ! : HOM tsco 'io AlPT Moore , 401 Hoe bulMIng USi > \ \ .r-MOSI'.V 'IO IOVN ON OMAII V I'UOI'IIIITY. I Idelll ) Trust company , lldl 1 a main t S7 \\r-IllTlLDINMOANS ( ( > 1O 7 ITU CKST NO ' additional charges fureumnilssion or attorney s feus VV 11 Vlelkle I Irst National bank bid K IM " \V-MOSLV os 'IIASD10 IOAN ON misr ' mortirnito on Omaha city property Chas VV Ilalne-y .115 Omaha Nut bank blilit M74I " \\rcn.SJUALLOAN AND'lltt Sl'COIIii : : HLDC > > 718 _ \\r-MOMn rio LOVN js ovi uiv I'ltoi'KitrY ' ' K. Neb nnd la farms 13 K Hinder , 151,1 Far m ! faj nil \\r-S 1OI'1'AMNfl ItKST , OWN A HOVIK WMJ ' will liny or lintu ono built for jou anywhcro nnd let the rent p ly for tlio property I or Infer n atlon call or address North American feivlnjis As soclatlon Itooiii 7JO , New \ork LlfohnlhlliiK Ofllcn open until 7 p m ' .H5 a UrI \\r-I 1' HICK. INV'blVI'T HhCUllirnilS. ! tt ! > Llfo llitl Id 7AI A 4' "VV-ii run cn.sr riusr MTCI : LOANS men nrd C I'atterson , 1KJ7 N Y Life 413 MOXKV TO IiOAN CH VTL'J.I.S. toi nitra. etc. , i ' tnn of htnl colitmnon thii V MO.NIIV ' 10 LOAN M tflANDi 001 DAS ON A. furniture etc Diitr(3rcenll - .Continental blk "Y-MONKY TO LOAN uv n r .MAHIKHS ON * * hoiiHehoId goods , pianos organs burses mules , warehuiiso receipts etc nt the lowest possible rates without publicity or removal of pioperty rllmo arranged lo suit borrower My loans arc * so arranged that you can make n payment at any time and reduce buth the prlncliml nnv Interest \ on will Und It to your ndvnntigo to see mo If you wnntii loan or If more convenient call up tel pphono ItfH nnd j our buslnoss can bo arr.iuied at homo Vlonpy alnaya on hand , no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates II 1' .Mailers , room 4 , VVitlincll block , IStli and Iliirnoy directs ( ,10 V CHA11 13LUANIC,319S IS I'll. LOANS MONI3Y -'Von chattels or collateral at reasonable rates b8J X MON13Y 'IO LOAN ON HOIlbllS , VVAOONS , furniture , pianos nnd collateral security Him ! ness confidential , tied'lorry , U 4At Uamgo bl k ( 1 X-MOSI1Y ON HTIIM'I ITIIP. IIOHSKS KTC , Ko > stone VtortitnKO Co , room ' "OS hheely blk . ( , ' 8 X - .MOS iY LOANHD , CIIA1Th3L SI3CtrilII'Y. f100toIOOOU . ' 115 Ciimlni ; st .VIJ.T ) a3 ! JJUSIVIJHS /'or tcitti. ftc. , ftf ( op of Jliist column OH ihti V-VVANTID : tiirlnv pjperlenconnneci'ssary , will Kiiarnniuo partner HW prollt monthly , $ jA ( ) to t.VAX ) required Vddreaa'l 41 lleo _ yr iti "V-MW ' AI.K , A CLKAN 8TOOK OK II A HI ) 1 warn tln are ami stoxos tnck will Invoice ubuiilflGOO to il 'W , fortaHh or part c isli Any ono mcanlni ; bualnemi addrcas U U , ULO Olllco 455A1 * VswK"ilsTT in i : AM ) IAU st-rciALiisr , A 1 Kradiiatn from a Htiiopoan iinlvcralty and tlio Vlaiylaiid unl\erslty wishes to form partnirnlilp or ciiKiiueaH an l tuit to n apei lallat la Omaha Ail Ureas Lock Box I. , Maratlian , la VI7I.3 . ! V-OLI ) L&rAltLlSIIii : ) KK l'AUUAM' UOOM I for rent , cleared ono yearf8IWJ urand cliancu for rluht limn Wrlto for full particulars to Her liolalielmor X C'o , Lincoln , Neb MT vi J V ' ° " ' "VLi : , SALOON , iioAuniMi iiou > , i : , I cheap , Ml 3j anil VI eliect , bouth OnmlmM7JJ J V -A ( loTwilAKKUY ANIIUUOl nilrOlt ItlJ.N 1' J sulo ortr ulo for Omalm or South Omalia prop erty. J VV Jolmaun , Albrlitlit , houUl Om ilia Neb AI68U .1 * Y-K > It SAI.H , 01. KAN KIITAIL STOCK OK OHO" I cerles In deslralilo location , Omnlia , at uarrltko Address I'ockollioa Mihl.1 5 K OP rWUOS. I'ltVhICIAVS Uisf : Lilenio and practlio In HMI town In central No braaka. nil cheap. Addreas U 4J , lleo M55 * V-Hll HKN I' TUB hKCON'DT'LOOIlOroNI1 : OP 1 tlio prlmlpnl dry oods stores In Oumlm Mint able for clolhln.- , hats cap * , crockery carpets or furniture Will runt either tlio entire Hour ur part of It Address T , ) ! . Ilee Mb ; V-IOUSALi : o.NK IILACK-iMini SHOP AND I tools complvto , pnay terms Uilwurd a Loan Aitcncy 1. ' llarker block uj KOJt H.XOHNGI. \ /'or mtef , clc , ter tnu of r t enlumii nn tltla jxiae. JtOUOSlOtKOK CIIDICK NKW irAUDVVAlTf ! ' 'In Omaha to oxclmnxo fur luml and cash , ur peed paper Alex Mooru , 401 Iteo bulldlni : WI 1 y-rOll TltADK. CLKAK INS1DK OMAHA ' property for luwu farm Addreas V d , lleo _ .VIS , ' ) S _ _ / IF V.OU It VVK AIOOI ) uT-lYiTiflTl'lANO V-OtT /J ant to exilmiiKo for clear lot worth | JJO , - ad lines T 21 , lleo olllce 1ST rKull K\CHAN(1K , JI.2U ) KQU1TV IN OMAHA fJ runliloutu and tlUH or * J 'i(0 ( cauli fur Ki-norM inerclianilliua Address Lock llo.i C.I , Council llliills , lowii rKirhllN NKIIIU8KA LANDTMK COMIMJ J-t biinniiia " 1 nin i prepared tu otler IU or muru nei'tlona of choice land In WiMeni Nebrniku fur mlo ur fur vxihaiiKO for deslrablo ejulttle In tin pruvuit properly In Omaha or elsewhere D U llomird. 4."J I'lixionblt : . Omiilia Neb. 701 4' AND lloilSKS 'IO KXCHAM ) ! ! r'tilt prupertr Call at room lu. ) llruwii biilldlnir , _ _ AIMI - A 15 / toil Tlt.VDi : TIHHTV IIKAI ) OP IIOIIHKH ' -Tor dry icuoil * clolhlni ; boots nnd alious , huts undcaps Mary Novotny , llurwell , Nub Mil 8 , ' ' /-VVA.N1 Kl ) It ) THADK , NKVV KUtlNirUllF 'Jfor akuuditrnng home Aildrvai 1'AI , Uuu. iH > u for ratei , ttc. Me topoflr t column nn thlt OVVNKU'H Ofrail.-lliobo 1 > IKCK 0T | 1N8IDK liropertr on paved ilrvtit for II.SOU onlyKUO cmU AdJrun V t U uisii J * 170H WALK CMKAP.rA SMAM , 4 UOOM f. I ) , I 1 Mory bnlldlntr. UypauMld , at IMh nml Capitol nvo can to added Iff another building O s Wood , M I ) J .1' 284 Al " Troll"wif I'll OMAIlXJ'llOI'KiniKM ' , IHNISKSS" I tracknitoor rcMdPil < f < t > 'BO to the l.iadln * real pstnlo dealers tn soitthrVrualm , IM Jolunton A Co , cornpt Jlth nnd N strce-li , out i.'ou SAI.H ninAn.vt v. . . . . * . story nnr it-niinil hqii'n , with bnth , ccllnr , ln full lot N sholton. IMtVatnnni tsu 1 Mil SALK liOOD WirUlHOINK LOI' , COIt.NCIl I paved streets iracknrf * . 3 blinks from depot very cheap N yluMturlil"H | Far mini tut | 4'Olt SALK. T(7vV'OUKrVIMK.N ( OSI.V'SI'IX'ULA ( 1 tors need not applyVl" . " time or monthly pay ments , n neat cottage al toss than ncttinl viluo In slitn properly only ono block lo elm trio llnp III qulro at room WI , Umahn National bank building 7 lot Mia voit SALKONKVSV ILUVIS HOI-SKS I 1 for rent. Address ( luriuan American t < nvlinis bnnk i7Ji ) iron ALK' ' nitHT cr.vss INIIDI : J lot 7U.ii ; f.1HMW ) ) Pnrtjr nelllm ; will io er vii tire Eriiund with wnrplintnio and other Imlhtlnus and lenne tnick for lOjears at KM ) per jvir and pav all Intes , nnd Is relliihlu beyond question lloifKs , t Hill. H03 Hiniiun nl .M74J a _ I/OK HALKKASV TKKMM HOMIH HW 70J. ' il UU ) , J I ; u ) II "XI nml up ' ) nko small cletr prop frty us giart payment. U. U Wallace1 , llrumi block , lull and Douglas f < ( i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iron MA LI : satoor LOT WITH IIUICK IIUH.D "inn on lloiluo near Uth , fj'oj Address .1 It SlmH.f.'UN Y Life mm * i7oit MALI : IHKKI : HOOD - . . 1 llpnchley n nddltlun. lli'atrlce , Neb , will ii-ll cheap ur iMclmiik-e for Umnha property A It Kelly , South Omaha M'.O ? ( I 1'Olt , SALK ON MONTHLY I'AYMK.SIS AND tcry cheap n number of houses In illtTen nt parts of the city , will trndo equities for tncnnt lots 'IhoO P DivlsCo. .1,1 Alii I.O.ST. l'ar ruin rlr. , tfrtaiiofjlrvt rn'nmil nil l/i/t / / i lc. ( -j cST-ON OKOUtllA AVKNl K N1IAH LIIVVIIN 1-Jnorth street , a K'Old nml platinum link i-utl lint tun I'leuto leave at Htar J.o.ui \ 'trust Co , N V Life hldii Tfi I I OS ! ' A I'AIU DIAMOND iAltltlNliS : THI3 iJIHiilcr will bo liberally rewarded by retiiriilnu them tu 7Ui S I'lth street. 7" > l J * f Osr-LAlU.K , UNI ! , MULKV MILK CO\V Jjl Inder notify i : H. Jester , VIS N 3oth Htreet Omaha and get reward. MJ4I I * l < MATlTiTu J"o > rn < c < , rr. , tf lop nf Jint cnlitmii on Uili ] vi ( > f , DvriMwvNMprov ers bought Mall onlom promptly tilled VV'urk called fur and delivered 1 rankAin > oii,3lst\l ranklln t7 1'ATKXT SOIjICITOUS. Vomitix fir. , fee ( op nfjlitt column nnthu VV J Mies X Cu Ilee bulldlmr , Omaha , Neb llninch ollleu at VVashlnulun D U Consultation free O'JS SI nCUAMUAIj DltAU.H FS.MKN. Toj ratr * , etc , tee ( op nl [ fir-it column on HiM " iN r"T i ici : AND s urepared by ( VV hues , V Co Omaha .Neb 177 PATTHKNS AND tatex.de , tectoiiot Jrsteniuntnim Hit * I > SANOLUbON. COUNKll lolll AND , IA ( K6O.V t o.'J A & rou BKionoN or nriiii- ! . U. S. Indian bcliool borvke , Ui'iio.i Iiull.in Industrhiloliool , Neb. ( 'Clio i. Noli , .Inlj : o , isyi. Senlwl'iiiopos ' ils.'inlorsi'd1l'io- ] ) Osils for Lioi'tloii' of Hiillillnan I ; ul- IIL" | > SI ( i to tlio iiii'luiiiKiii'il at donna , Jsi'bi.is- k.i , \\lll bo reu'lM.'i ! lit this sohonl until ono o'cloi l t > inif MonilliyIIR 17. Ib'Jl ' , for fnr- nNliln the in ttuilals. : ui 11 LMoettnu , it ( llnlim- looiii. Ultoln.'M nnil juKlltoiliiiii bnllilln it thli school , in : iei oiil'iiicttth ) pl.tns and spe- L'lllc.itlotis th it inuy bo iiv.iinliH'il at the ollluo of the ' Hcf , " of Omaha , Neb . and at thlssuhool. Illddurs will stitu In tholr bids the length of tlniu rc'inlrud ' In the construc tion of s lid bnlldlni ; < Thu light Is nscrtod to rolout any or .ill bills , in any p irt of any bid. It dctiincil for tlio best inltsrost of Ihohci- vic'o. OntTinn ) CIIKCKSi.icli ; bid must ho ncconip inic'il by a i rlllli'd chcuk or dr.ift uponsonii ) United Stl.tus Dopnsllorv 01 MI ! \ out National Itiuilt In thu % lulnlty of Ilic rusl- doiiL'o of the bklilor. m ulo payable to the order of the OonimlsMonor of Indian Allans , foi it U1 isl n\ i : rruci\T : of thnaiuoniit of the propo 'il. which uliruU or dr.if I will bo for- folltd lo tlio United Sf.ltos In o.no any blddor or bidders ruooHlns all award slialf fall li > proinntly oxounto a rontnuit Kith Rood nnd Hiifllelent suintlus. othoinlMu to bo rotnrnud to the 1 iddor. lilds aceotnnanloil by cash In lion of a curtlllod oheck will not , bu consliloro I. Tor further Information apply to W. It. 11AOKU& Ssuporlntoiidcnt. Jy2.d.MtM JtltlH tot' Illds ulll bo roeolvi-d by the State Ho ird of Printing atthoolllco of thoSoerotary of t ito , on or brforoSocloeli. p. in , Atunst ( Ith , IS'll ' , for printing ! l l1 blndlnic In cloth , aim thous and [ l.OOJ ] copies of Vol. 111. , of the Transac tions and Ko ] > orts of tlio Ni'br.isKii btato His toric il Society , to bo delivered complete at thoolllco of the Secret irv of thn Soi loty , in tin-btato Imlvorslty llulldlnj ; . lylncoln. To contain .tOl pases , more or less The sl/o of p uo. wolcht , and quality of p ipor , style and iiuallt ) of binding , style of lottorlns ; on cover , and in all respects thu work to ho the samn as the sample to bo seen In the ollloo of the bcc- let.iry ofStito Tlio right to reject any and all olds Is H'surveil. jylfKlJOtin JOHN C. AU.EV , Secretary. RM1LWHY TIME CARD Ixnivo ) I C , h I' I' . . .VI A O pmiilii. I Depot 15thnnd Webster.sis 8 10 n to" Sloui city Accemuuodntlon p m 1 ( I ) p m Sioux City hxpr-ss ( Hx Sunday ) 13 ID p in 645 p 01 St. IViul " - - ' ! 'i n m 515 u lujllAiicroft l'assl < n (6r ( ( KxHntnl.iy ) K 15 a m Loavoi i , I'ALltlu. I Arrivoi Onmha. I Depo LWob tir 8t I Omaha 10 tl n ml .H. I.UUU .V K U ifi ) a m" V 10 p ml HI IxinU VK t ! . Irpross I & .1) ) p m I.cnvui I K C. rtrJJlK Jt C. It i Arrivoi Transfer ! 1'nlon lH'pot.lHftiincll Ilium rirumfar 10 OU u m , K li l I Ity Day hi" | > rc-n I & 7l TTm 10 15 p nil Kun. in i ltyNlh.jitJ zprem | 030 n m i Htl'A < JOTM jri'AcTl'l li Ar-lva j Tranfer | _ Union Depot. Council lllurti Tranifor lj.HI p m , I ( i JJ a in I ) , V > a in I Atlintlu Kxprnis . | A U p m .00 | i m Vuntlbulo Limited llO.k ) li m I javei U 'Ilv Allot SUItmwKSI'HUS I Arrivoi Imniie-rl Jiilon Duput. Council Dluin iTrinifu Ixiavo. lUIICAIJO , IIUUL'N A ( JUINUY I wrlvoT Tn ii ferl Union Depot. I ouncll lllurti I I'r.unlur U ID a iu i iM i > m 10 U ) p in' ' thlciuo 40 u in J05 p uii , , . ( ruiion lxjc.il 15 a u HIOUX Cll'Y A I'AI int ? I VrrlvuT" ' 'Iraniur' _ . . _ _ _ _ 7 45 a m bluux I Ity Aceoiutnodallun t UU 4JU UUl 1'au , IOU p AWrlllcn Guaranloolo CURE EVERY CASE or MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro Is prmnncnl and not | > atclilnit Up. CA O trrftt d flvn ycart ngo hivs norrf wen a symptom lac * Iiydfifrlblnitc sofiilly n ) can trr t vou hy mull , and wi Bltoth Mm itroiiiiRu rantf < > to cur or ri-rund all money. The e h p cfor to coiio hero fortrontpicnlcindoio ml owllt juy rnllrosd Mro both wnyii nnd hotel Mils while liors If d fall tn cur * . Ww Phsllcniro the world f r ft car * Ihtt our JItllO llKUlDY will not cure. VV rlto for fn'l | iarlliulari nnd Bet the evidence. VVo know tlmt you are tkriillcal , Juntlr to , tea , ns the most eminent pnTilcliiu Invo never titnablo to Klto moro than temiwrary rillrf. In our nvo years' practice * lth tiio M U11C Itr.MrDY It ln < been most difficult to overcome the prcjudlc-s airilnst all soKjnllrd n > clncs. Hut under oar utronj Binrinleo you fhouM not he ltato to try this remedy. You tnko no cli < uu not losin * your money. VVo Rimr atileo to euro or lefun t every dollar , ami iva wn have a reputation to protect , al o llninelal backlasof 3CO , . 000 , It 1 perfectly ntfn to all who will try the treat ment. Ilerotoforoyoiili'xvo been puttlnitup ami paylna out yo-ir money for different notlnienti and nlthuuKh jrouaninotyetcurisllioonolias pill blekyour mon ey. Iionotvu'oauymaromoncyun'Uyotttryu * ' u'd ' chronic , dorp sotted c < wo4 cuu din 30 lo 59 days. In- vrslluntoour llnanelal ttindlnir , our repitallm n builnoi * men. Wrlto us for names and address 8 of the o wo Into cun d who have Riven pennlMlon to ro- fertothem. It costs jou only l > os ao to ituthNilt will sivo j on n. world of > ufTerlrit from nii-nt il striln , and If you are married wlmt may your ofl-prlnu surer thtouahyourowiinecllsenco. lfour jnipt 'insuro ere throat , imni'us p.1 ehis In inutith , rlicunntl-m In boned and Jiduti" , h-vlr ratlin t out cnipilous on any jartof Iho body , ficllngol ir mral diin sl n , ) ii\lni In dead or bonrs , joit havono time lo wiidc. Tlioso who arn constantly Mklnff morctn y on I piiUsh slioui I dlnconlinuo It , C onttiat USD of ihi so diut ; < wllliurily brln boitsondoutltitulieralnthnord lfon tfa ltt > write. A'l ' eomipnn ienro i ntri-Mrdln | liinr-iv < I- open. Wo i iTiwthomo trlirut InvcitieitlvMinmlwlII do all In our power to ntd y < u In It , Address , COOli Jtjiil'I > r CO. , Omnlm , 4Vrbr < M/.n. Ortleo Uth nndf ainnm. second Hour , eatraaeo 131ULI. FOR MEN ONLY. $500 for u c so of Li M o Fail up Minhoo.li Qeneral or Nervous Debility , waltnosa of boJyor mln 1 , th * o I.-cts ifrr irs or ox- ctiB oi tn old or youn ; thit w cannot i uro. Wo guarantee ov rv cuse or rnltind every ilollir K vo ilnystri.il trnntnunt $1 , ' " 'I course $5 Porco'itiblo bju liwroalizul In three divs By mill. B i urcly picltod Irom obtrivation C001C UEMEDY CO. , OMAHA. NER LADIES ONLY MARIP FEMALE REGULATOR , Safe ind IIIMUIU Certa'titonaay JrmoncyrofU'uluJ. Price by imll $ U woa n t from observation COOIC UEMEDY CO. , Om im , Net ) IMPROVEIIEST the OKDER of the AGE. FOR 15 YEARS All tisor" of TYl'nWKITniJS ha\o felt thn neii'ssityot their bulna Improved. You will lln. : In the The 1 itc'st.ind beat. Wo claim ; and Insure- thin and tilnl pro\o It , "I'lio Most Dnrablo III AlUmnunt , I' islust KunniiiK , and Most Mlunt. Allt > pe cleaned In ton seconds \lthoitt soiling thu h mils , bend for cataloKiiu. The binilli J'rcinicr Tvpc Mrllcr Co. i : II. Al\l IIKW , Manager. IdlU'j riitiiini stiooU Uniuhi , Nob. sALs ion nitr.cnoN or t-onooi , htilldliiK lup itment of iho Intorlor. Olllco of Indian Atlalrs. \ \ .isliln.'ton. I ) U , July 'JO , ivll. su iled proposals , undorsi'd , "Proposals for eteethm of ' chool Ilulliliius , " nnd addressed to the Commissioner of him in AITairs. ntV ishlncton. I ) ( ' . will bo receh t d nt this Olllco until 1 o'clnuU of August 17. Ih'M ' , for thu eroetlon of one l.irje stone school hulldlnz on thu I'lpestonu Inclj in Iteserx at Ion in bonthutsttiin Mliinesot.i , in aecoid inco with plans and spcclllcatlons that may he uv- amlnud at the otlli cs of the "i'ress nnd Di- Kotiin , " Ynnkton. fa I ) , "The Ilee" of Omaha , hub , mid tlio "linlldoi's Ilond of Tride , " cornerTth and C'oil.ir stiecls , bt. I'.iul. Minn Thu hnlldlin : stonuon the reset \ it Ion Is to Ito used In the erection of the building. I'or fnrthet Information , as to loc itlon of build- Inc , me.ins of tr ui.sioi | l.alon , l.iboi , etc. , a | > - ply to 1 , \V Poster bulled bt.itcs Iiidiin Aielit , OreuiiMOod. bonth Dakota. CK1MI- ril.l ) ClICl'KS. rich bid must bo accom- p inlcd bv a certified check or draft upon Mimu United bt itus depository , or solM'iit Nation il II ink. In the \lelnity of the bid der's place of Lmslnos , n iv.iblo to the older of the Commissioner of tndlin All ilrs for at least ll\o per cent of the amount ofthopto- posal , which eheclf or draft sii il [ be forfeited to the United Mates In case any hi Idei or bidders receiving an award sh ill fall in OY- ecuto a contract with peed and sulllcli'nt suretlos , otherwise to bo rot timed to the bid- dor. T. J. MOUGAN. Com misloner. July ai o 1 t July 25 m 20 t. AljAS ! TOO Ho Tried to Save a IJa.sli Vaunt ; Man , tut Fnllcil. The justice of the peace had just fin ished the ceremony which inado two yountf ) ) eolo ] wliobo njipenfiinco was uninibtalfably ruralman and wife , says the San Francisco C.ill , wlion a middle- ag-od man aipoared on tlio scono. Tlio bride murmured "Par ! " and then east her { fl.inco toward the Iloor. Tlio jounp ; fellow bhirted his weight from ono foot to the other , and exclaimed in n way that \\ould Imvo seemed quite hearty if his voice had not faltered &o : "Evonin1 toyo , neighbor ; ovciiin'I" By this time the { jirl had recovered her balance , and smoothing a lock of icddibh hair fiom her temple with the palm of her hand , she said : "I'd like fur to know whut brings jou all these hoi o miles , intorforin' with othof folk8nhon the Lord ltno\vj there's nuir hoin' an' thing's to do to kcop any man busy , if ho'b got ord'n'ry ambi tion. " "Vos. " "An' I done my best to keep ye from marryin' that mil. didn't I ? " "Von did , fatiro. " "Why1" and ho inado a rhetorical Eauso , ' "Caiibo I knowod hor. I brung or up , an' it was all mo and her mother an' all the test of the f.im'ly could do to manage hor. " The girl tossed her lioad and BnilTod. "And I toll you , " the old man went on "that w ithout no ono to help you but your self , jotiv'o got u mighty big contract on your hands. I'd uv s.i\od you if could , and now , things boin' as they air I'll stand by you boat I Inn. " lie extended his hand to the young man , and after the grim semblance of congratulations the pai ty passed down the street toward tlio depot. I'nroiilH Hoiul This. July and August are anxious monttis for iiioiliors who carefully watch ever ttielr little onus Hot da\s and frequent dunces of temperature are liable to produce cholera mourns. How satisfactory it should Im for puri'iita toknow itiat Hnllor's I'aiu P.iraly/i'r is both a pleasant and oflVctivo tonicdy for all suininur coiiiyl.ilnts. It seethes and ro > llovos all piht and griping and always uffouU a comiiluto euro. lii thn The largest amount of jewelry known 10 bo in a binglo grave is said to liuvo been buried several years ago in Green wood cemetery , in Brooklyn , N. V. The undertaker who had charge of the fu- oral protested against it , but was severe- lv snubbed for his intorforonco. The family had its way , and in that grave are fully $ ) ,000 worth of diamonds , with which the body was decked when pro- parcel for burial. Sometimes families who desire to bury tlioir dead in the flotlmii. worn in life in evening or wedding dresses , for in- Btanco sulwtituto IOHS costly iintt'itions for the jewelry worn in life , partly from motives of thrift and partly from n su perstitious fear that an\ tiling taken oil 11 body when It lu ready for the tomb will bring ill tuck to future wuaroro. DoWlU's Llttla Eirly Uuon for the liver ATVO ll ACUIN' . Dr. Krnnk IHIIItiKM Itpsuntcs ( tin In- rcnllcntlonot' Animal Dlsonso . As Is well known to the roailcM of Titn I3tR ; , the tnve.itlK'ntlon of the dlsnn.ioi of llvo stock In Nebraska at the stnto university was Klvon up aoino two years since throuKh the rotltvnioat of Dr. 1'r.uik H. UllliiiKs. Last April , liowovor , nt tlio dcinaiul of a inajoilty of the breeders of Improved stock in the state , tlio reports of ttio university ra ddled Ur. Hillings to aRaltt take up the work and provided for the satno m as liberal a manner as the futuls at their eoinummi per * inltteti. H may as well bo stated , as there si'otns to bo oven jot a penoial Imioraneo as to the source from which these funds coino , that thi'V are supplied by the United States ITOVormnent ami are n pirt of tlio Sl.\000 pivoa each state for experiment In mutters of vltul Interest to ( Dtili'ultiiro. Oftnls ? iH)0 ( ) the laboratory for InvpstlKiitliiR diseases of livestock h.ii been allowed $10u ; > 0 lor the ensuing > ear. ' 1'ho late lecislaturo liavini' failed to make an appiopilatlon lor a suitable bullillu 10 conduct ttieso nivestlLMitioiis at the e < pon- mental state faun , and the university proper belli ? n decided lv uiisultanlo place , the 10- wctits Imvo icntoii oulto a commodious linllit- Inir on tlio corner or K and Tenth streets In Lincoln , opposite the couit house , which Is now lilted up for t lieu or , ; In a manner su perior lo that of at\ other institution of the Kind at atn uinveisit > In the counlr > As this woik has an Intltn.uo tclatlon to the prosperity of tlio fanners and brooders of 11o stoclt in Nebtasku , they ate Invited to show their InteroMt bv \ isiliti ) ; the laboratory. In conductiii ) ; the uoik an impoitiuit chant-o has been tnado at the Instigation of Hr liillin s and with tlio consent of tlio lo gouts , which Is an advisory committee of llvo stocu tiiPii appointed by the State litvedeis' association , w no Have authnrU > to make any suuKOstlims they UIIH sco lit and to oierrlsoa sort of gi-noi-al supcn Ision of tlio win 1 < or in other words , tho-to parties most illioctly in- tetostod now hn\o contiol of the woik Not only ha\o the labolatory facili ties been tnuro than doubled what they woto foiiuerU , bt.t the winking corps hits been ciiinillv increased. It In cludes Dr liilliiiKS as ctiuHtor , about whom so much is known that nothing need bo said , but thodoctoi is "linn" mid Intends to bo heard ftoiii. Ho will do most of the outsidti woik , visithiK infected herds and coming in direct contact with tlio fatmeis and wilto thotopoits Lr ) I1V Urower , lalo bactor- iolopical assistant to 1'rof. VaiiKhon , the noted chemist of tlio Univcislty of Michigan , will do most of the inside or laboratory worn. On account of shortness of funds to lit up the l.ibotatorv for tlio piupose , a chemist - ist could not DC called this jear , butsatisfac tormiangemunts have been tuado with Prof. Kovy , also of Ann Arbor , the ablest chemist In this country , on the subject of cetm pioducts , who will work tlicio til con junction with the ! estimations hero The lusultsof Piof. Novv's work will bo tlr t published in Xi'brablta. As to the woik to bo done , first and of the most impoi t.i'ico comes tlio Beneral applica tion o < Inoculation against s\\lno plnguo , which Ir Hillings inaintiuns has boon pio- vin hinco lie loft Nubrask i , to ! > o successful beyond a question Inoculation will bo Irco to every fanner in Nebraska , except that ho must pay ole sa 'o on the vims and for thu loturn of the implements to the labt.itory in Li'icoln Or. Illlltiis assctts that the thine ; is so simnlo that every farmer can inoctilato hisown ho s , anil ho hopes In lime to ha\o it so that cveiy intelligent far mer can tnakohis own vans as woll. Ho says 1,000,000 hojs ; should bo Inoculated In Nobtaska tnis j car. Ono of the Jlrat now studios undertaken will be on "lump jaw" In cattle , in order to show tbat where utheuMso healthy the so- ca'led ' lump javva In no wav inteileros with the marlioiHuic value or the animals , and that condemnation , as now practiced , is a innk piece of robbety of the fanner and of Injury to the consumer Ktporlments uilt also bo m.ido looking tow.iul a euro for glanders , though nothing Is ptomisca in that diiectioti Along the river bottoms is a disease known to the fauneis ius the "bottom disease , " which is nrcvnlllne at pri'sent , and will soon receive the attention of the laboiatory , as well as the prculiir paralysis ol the hind logs in young pigs. Tlio "coinstall : disease , " hydrophobia in cattle , and , espocijllj , Texas fever In cattle , will all leceivoattentlon as oc casion giveb oppoitunityund la time the pub lic mnv look for some pr.ictlcal results , but the ( list Ihing of impoitanco is the general introduction of inoculation against swine plague. Dr Hillings desires to impress upon the farmois the fact that the luooiutoi v istnoirs ; that ho and his associates aio p.utlcularly their servants , and that without their aid but little can bo done Hence , ho doMioi the earliest possible notification of infectious dis eases 'o bo sent to him , so that the work can bo conducted to the best possible advantage of all conceincd The distension of the stomach which many people feel after catlnir , may bo duo to im- nionor in.lstic.itlnn of thn fnnd. but. In innst. cases , it iiuiiintcs a weakness of the digestive organs , the best remedy lor which is ono of Ayor'a pills , to bo taken after dinner. Kui'iiltm o. Visit S. A. Orchard'b special sale de partment , as you may 11 nd just whut you need in the furmtuio line at very much i educed prices Continental block. 15th and Doutrlas streot. tinNovels. . The Denver Sun utters a wild whoop for a novel which will gho the cold ahouldor to thobo old familiar phrase ? ' She looked into his eyes and road lu- > thoughts" "lie had no money , but was young1 , hopeful and ambitious. " "For ( iei.ild ( iorvalv.ise was a good boy and came from poor , but. honest pa rents. " "Tho rod sun glinted on the mountain tops. " D"Vou must have scon , Ktholtnda Montgomery , that i have long looked upon \ on with more than ft friend's re gard. D"l love you , but I cannot nvirry you thoi o is a gulf between us. " "blio gave a low , piteous moan and sob " "Merciful heaven ! " slio exclaimed , as with a wild , frightened look she bounded like iv young fawn down tiie path that cd to the old mill ' "Hor head sank low upon his breast. " "You will learn to hate and to despise " mo "Tlio moonbeam foil athwart llio gar don. " "blio was a lithe , willowy blonde , with n wealth of golden hair. " "No tongue can toll the agony I sulToicd ( luring tho.se terrible hours ; sit down , and 1 will toll it to jou. " _ "lie watched her like a snake "charm ing a biid. " "Hubert ! 1'gboit ! she screamed , in a wild agony of despair , 'whim you mar ried mo , I became your , vifo ; your ti no und lovinir wife ; do not desert me now that you aio leaving mo foiovor. " "Ho sank low upon the ground ( for ho had that tned fui < ling ) . " "Hor costume was a mass of filmy laeo that hung in graceful fouls about her willowv form , exposing a throat that rivaled the Mvan's in snowy whiteness. " "At last ! At hint ! " Tlio Ii.ilcst CniiiiiKlrum. Why Is Hallers Kauaparllhv and Hurdock lllio the most popular soip of the day ) liecauso they hoth cloansa the V.tiu and leave it soft und velvety. Vmnilloii The oxponso.H of the average vacation ist are just about what ho ohoosoH to malce thorn whurovor ho goes. They may bo 820 a mlnuto or ? i0 ! n vvook. ft all depends upon whether lie indulges cixtiavagtint tahtos or not. If he does the olmnccs uro that his vacation will not do him any particular good , and it would bo just as well if ho staid at home , except for the comfort ho atlords the summer hotel landlord. Ilowo .scales , trucks , roiTca mills , car- starters , IlarrHor. conveyor Catalogues of HoiUun X bollix.k Co. , ugeuu , UUnago til G HIE SHARKS , liny Unn No Longer Rob Claimtnta of the Qovornmont TIIE BEE'S ' GREAT BUREAU OF CL-AIM3 , It Ml'TrU'lllIs Sl'ttll'IN , PllttMlU'OH , U'litouH , Oi-phatiH anil Solillors ntul Is OimintMUlrd Ii ) tlio llluhcst Authority. Men who have had claims against the cov eminent and otnplincd professional agents to loprusont them before the dcnutmoius la Washington , tell strange stories of tricks and rascality to which they wore subjected nl the hands of these tnorclless croitur > 'S There are of course , some lioncU mon among thou agents , but there are so many that ate notoriously corrupt , that It Is almost im possible for a cliltnant , unless ln bo direct- oil by u uell Informed Individual , to llnd ono in uhom ho can plmv Implicit conlldntuo Tin1 HBK has locoivod liundreds of com- phlut-s from soldiers anil othuri who had advanced money when bo desired and who waited for vo irs and vet failed to ivc Ivo unv infoimation a.s nvii'its vvh it 'Iio sh.uks hail done with either innnov or claim. Tin H r. h is also been riiiutuio ! > l to ivi itii- mcnd reliable agents and his , in HIM w iv sen mi to protect the people fiom fiaud and robucrv. Hut that did no irnod to the ( 'i > [ ilo who hud fallun into the h mils of shailtss tapidly us iho laltcr were shown up u < 'W OIIIM with new tricks and rascality took their places Theio was but ono means loft and that u is to establish a gieat buicau of claims Tins Idea w is suggested to a numOiMof peopln hut was put into pt ictico HMI bv the ban FIMII- cisco I'.xanilncr With the I'Xatnlnor , Titr lln has co upon- ted lu thogtcnt woik of ailording runef to wet Hi v claimants Tlio Washington correspondent of the Ix ! amincr , Mr John \\Yddeilmrn , who his also cted as mlvuto secictarv to .Senator Hi-aist , was detailed to organi/o unit tuko ch irjc of the buiean. His long service in Washington In both these capacities luul given him a largo acquaintance- govotnment ortli mis and ovotnment methods Knowing the men nil Iho pioper procedure to follow , ho was chosen as well ( imilllied to pnsn claims thtoiigli In the shoitest time if the.v wuto Justly duo The best lawyers to bo had wrio then em- gaged and a full clotic.il foico put Into thu bnroui In every instance the men vvcro chosen for their knowIcdgo of tlio woik to bo done Congiessw.is not ! c anxious to piotect claimants fiom robbery. The same kind of complaints nad coino to Tin- fit i and gonn to the members of congicss as well Tin ) ram mittccs tli.it had the Indian depiedations bill under consideration Investigated the opera tions of the claim agents and attoinejsln connection with Iho Indian depredations claims. Thev found that the claim aui uts tiad demanded .fi'j ' to.lt ) percent fiom the men holding the claims , and in hundreds of cases held contiacts at these llguios While the bill was still in congress , witlt little , ip paient chance of passage , thoj wcro able , hy inotnods dangciouslv near the line of false pretenses , to induce tlio claim ints to sign tlio exorbitant demands. "here appealed to bo only one wav to pro tect the claim nits Thai was to cancel all contiacts bv law and limit the lees that at- toinevs might collect Tlio claimants would thus be enabled to choo3o another agent if the one I he } nad first engaged had attempted to defraud thorn , and tlio contr icts could not demand tnoie than the sj > eetlled tato. The ninth section ot the um was thin drawn to annul "all s lies , trinsfeis or as signments of ilnima" and "all contiacts here tofore m ulo " ' 1 ho maximum foe to bo al lowed was put at 1.1 per cent of the amount collected except in else of claims under flu ) or whore unusual woik had to be done , when 20 per cent might b i allowed Thu amount of business icceivcd Imme diate ) } after the opening of the bureau is i proof of the conlldenco in which the people hold it und of thu distiust which , the ordl- mil vf claim agent has aroused In the six w colts , from Apnl 1 to May in , claims to the amoiiiitol fl.'HM.HI ' ( n'j ' wore tiled with the uuieau on account of Jndiaii ilcprcditlon claims alone Allthesogo lo the court of claims under iho act and nio lu various stages of pieparation nnd prosecution He- sides the clnlms under the Indian dcpicda- tlou act ihero hail been Jllid at tint ditto tieasury claims to the amount of S-.l 1,0'H ' , French spoliation claims to ( ho amount of SJ&l.Ss.l ; land claims , WV.1.1.10 ; ana p-uont and other claims lo a largo amount , hlnco that date sotno $ J,00lOOl ( ) of claims have been Hied with the bureau , und it is now at'ondinu over 51,000.POO of claims. The neou for the bureau m ly well bo seen by the fact that it now has on hand moio claims than all of the claim attomoys of Washington combined The efforts of congress and the establish ment of the buieau was not appieei itoil by the claim agents 1'lioy wanted to con t hum to thtivo m their business of fleeting the needy claimant The } ' accordingly denounced the government and the bnreiu They held Hint the foimer could not cancel the contracts they hud made with their vii llms. Hut the cancellation was made In the Intucst and imino ol the peop'o And it rood nut bo doubtul that the eminent constitutional l.uv- .voars who ft imei' ' the act in question did not do so without kno-ving what thnv woto doing The Hue itsof the sharks undoiibtedlv had ti'i elfcet upon some men who desired to mnUonovv contracts and seem o the services of some other uttoriiov , but this effect will soon bo destroyed and the emancipation of the claimant fiom the tyianuv of tlio simile will bo complete. The amount of money that w 111 bo saved to the people by this woik of Till' Hi r IU iti ALT oi'd.uvsnny not ho calculated It will coi- tainlv bo very gioit. The work will bo done as uc aa.'timl co-it as possible Some of It will not cost moio than 5 per cent , while much of It can bo do > io within the 11 and -10 per cent allowed bv law In somu cases th L'll pei cent ma > be leijiiiic'il It is the Inten tion , liowovei , lo give iho cl iimant the bouo- flt of the lowest chaigus tli.it will cover the expenses of the serv ice Tin' Ui.i Hi iiiut will proreuto claims la the snpromo court of tlio United Hlates , the comt of claims , thusovoial courts of the lis tiiut of Columuia , buloro thu committees of congtoss and thooxeeutlvu deputmciits It will seeuio the piymentof Just Indian dupro- uatlon claims , land claim- . , pension Uatms , mining pto-ompUon and lioinosli'iul cases mul olitnln patents at ininiiimin cost and tlio gtoatest despatch. There aio thousan is vet who aio entitled to pensions These should write immoll ately lo the buieau. Thoieaio thousand ! of heirs , widows , minor ( iiildn-n , dependent motlieii , fai hot i and minor dopondi tits , biothois and sisteis who aio entitled 'o ' p n- hioni and should wi Ito to Tin : III v buieau concerning thorn. Under lecout legislation a libcial incieiisii m puiisions has DOOM allovvcit and these who ate en'itled lo this should vvilto to TinHi f liuioiu Claim association. All lotlms will l > o pioinptlv atisweii d ami nil Inform ilion conicrnlng loun of apnlica lions lor chiitns , toims , otc , will bo given within little .lulay as pi icllciiblo. No Ic'U-r will ho auswoied unless thu sender onelnsei teijitislto stamps for iely | ) No Infoimatiuii ( oncoming any paiticular claim will bo im p.iited until iho nppllianthas become a mom- uui of 'I MI ; lm ! Ituioan association. The Shah of Persia Though ailvam IM | in JIMM , has hilr of rave-n i.ue dray h ilrs aru siiii-tlj piuhlliite't ' m , , U ilniniiiions , anil liein-c the 1,11 ! ship , inunts to tli.it i uiinliy of Ayrr's IIininor , by the use of vvhn h thu bhah s sulijects s.ivo nut only their hair imt thi'lr he.uli Ayci Hair \ lK' ' > r ii'Htuii's thu n itnr.U color of ilia lialr. It shuiilil Ijo on evi i > tollct-laLlo "Homn Urni' n-o ( tnj Imlr hi'Knii to fade anrl to fall out su h.wlly that I thought I uliuulil bo haiil , but tliu use of Ajri's Hair Vigor lii. icstorpil the oilK'In.il coloi anil mailu my Im.rstroiiK , nlitmilant , anil lic.illhy II iloci not fall out any moro " Ailillu Hli.ilfur , MO J.UM : > .it , , Cincinnati , Ohio "My Inlr ( which hail pirtly tnriicil Kiay ) was ri'.stoiiMl to Its youthful vulot ami beauty by dm use of a few bottles of Ayer's Hair VlKor I ahall contlmio to IIHU It , an tlii'ro H no liuttvr ilrestlnu for tliu half. " . d.ihlo ( lapp , ( jvorceana , Ala. Ayer's Hair Vigor , I'ltKfAIH.I ) MT DH. J C AYHH&CO. , Lowell , Mass. Sold by > ! ! DrUKKliI * uml I'trfuru * ' *