1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY Part 1. H Pages 1 to 8 r T . . J 7fr.L , * ; i T TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , AtfglKJST 2 , 1801-SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 45. CURIOUS CONTRASTS , Ancient and Modern Oharaotorist'ci ' Elbowing - ing Each Other at Holland. SKETCHES OF CITY AND COUNTRY , Commercial Push and Energy Fringed with the Mass of Antiquity. IRRIGATION ON THE GREAT PLAINS. Frugality , Happiness and Content the Eulo Among the PeopU FROM AMSTERDAM TO BRUSSELS. Mr. IloNewntcr'H OhnrrvnttonH In the Netherlands Public liiiildini ; " and Pnlillc AVorlcs Marvelous Growth of CltieH. IIII.H , July 18. [ Editorial Correspond ence. ] You toke the Great Eastern railway train nt London nt 8 p. m. , embark on the steamer two hours later , and when you get on deck by ( I o'clock next morning , you are sailing up the river Scheldt , through n land scape dotted with windmills and interlined with canals nnd irrigating ditches , with here and there a village , with those quaint steep-roofed , rod tiled cottages. And when the steamer drops Its anchor bv 0 n. m. , at ( the docks of Rotterdamyon realize that "the Dutch hnvo taken Holland , " and are still holding jt. True , the porters , baggauo smashers nnd professional guides assail you from all sides In pigeon-English and try to make you'eel nt homo , but the clatter of wooden shoes on the brick pavement , the Jabber nnd chatter of the haekmen and huck sters , and the outlandish appearance of everything nnd everybody Impress you forcl- .tty 'vith the fact that you are 110 longer , nniong nnglo-Suxon peoplo. The first tulng that struck mo as sugges tive , upon setting foot in Rotterdam , was the extensive use of brick for street pavements , The brick in use for this purpose is very hard , almost vitrified , These bricks nre only IJf inches thick , and set up edgewise in two layers over a sand nnd gravel base. At Amsterdam there nro miles upon miles of tins pavemetit , which I presume is given preference over stone by reason of its cheapness The Plains or Holland. Holland is as level as a barn floor. The great plains of America , bettor known as the Platte Valley , would suffer by comparison with the plains of the Netherlands. The valleys of the Platte nnd Republican are nearly everywhere bounded by bluffs nnd high bills , but Holland is simply a dead level in which the monotony is only vnrled by groves oftroos find thousands of windmills' that are perpetually pumping water from rivers into canals , nnd from canals into irri gating ditches , that enable the cultivation of the land to its utmost productive capacity. You sco no fences or hedcos in Holland. Irrigating ditches traverse the country in every direction. They not only , diffuse abundant moisture to the soil , nnd afford an Inexhaustible supply for watering the hun dreds of thousands of cattle and sheep , that grnzo upon these plains , but they effectually keep these herds within the bounds allotted to them , thus saving the farmer the expense 3f .hording , and servo n boundary lines be- voon each fnrm nnd parcel of land. It goes without saying that this irrigating system has reached perfection in the Netherlands nnd affords a profitable study for the promoters of irrigation In our Trans-Missouri states. Transportation and Product" . Whllo the Inland canals nnd waterways of England have been to a great , extent super- , ,4jjcded by the rnllroadu , I Hud that in Holland and Belgium , the inland transportation is carried on by river and canal. At Rotter dam , Amsterdam and Antwerp vast quanti ties of garden-truck , butter , eggs , cheese nnd farm products generally , are landed by canal boats and vessels that ply up nnd down the rivers , and this traffic by wa ter ways is carried on almost nil the year round , a : the winters in this region nro com paratively mild. With every inch of ground cultivated to petfection by bund labor ; for I noticed very llttlo harvest machinery any where , and with every acre made available by irrigation nnd fertilization , Holland and Belgium do not , ns I am informed , raise food products enough to supply their dense popu lation. Belgium with over llvo millions of people , occupying an area smaller than that of Custer county , Nebraska , Is obliged to im port food products from foreign lauds. As far ns Iean _ learn the people of Holland and Belgium nro not discontented , and but very few of them have any disposition to migrate. ; J Their cities certainly show u great deal of on- il terprlbo nnd vitality. How Hollander ? ) Iilvo. How do these people llvo I Huvo they food L enough to keep soul and body together ! Are BF ) * * > - i lFJihpv comfortably housed and decently " "clofhtdl These questions naturally presented themselves to me , and I have endeavored , so fur ns possible during a week's Junket in the Netherlands , to ascertain the facts by per sonal Inspection nnd contact. To my own surprise I found that the common people of the country , embracing workmen In cities and farm laborois , enjoy llfo as well and in some respects have moro real enjoyment than the same class of our people. I have seen nothing that would Indicate leal want. There is n marked difference In the dross of the farmer nnd common laborer nnd that of the mercantile nnd wealthier class , but every body , men , women and children , appear com fortably clothed at all times , and on Sunday the masses going to worship In churches o'r seeking nmujcmcnt on excursion boats and ut the great galleries of art and zoological gar dens and parks are us well dressed as nre the mass of people you meet in New York , Phil adelphia and Chicago. Wooden shoos are worn by porters nnd wo men scrubbing Ihesldowalks nnd front stoops and field hands on the farms wear tbo clumsy footgear , but 1 hixva soon nobody barefooted and nobody In rags , The houses of the working people are very plainly fuiuUhcd , but kept moro cleanly than these in crowded streets of American factory cities , Beyond noticing the scljool buildings in tbo larger cities I am unable to nay to what extent edu. catlanal facilities are furnished , but I a'm as- lured that an elementary education is within .yi-ench of at ) . For the higher branches , ospo- jr dally what pertains to art and science , there V Is greater opportunity for thorough Instruc tion than on our fcldo of the Atlantic. One thing strikes the traveler everywhere In Holland and Belgium , and that Is the extensive - tensive cultivation of flowers and their gen eral appreciation. Everybody , men , women and children , worklngmon and tradespeople , alt Invest In flowers and wear bouquets on the promenades. Qnnlnt Amsterdam. Amsterdam stilt retains much of the an- tlqua nnd medieval , by reason of her peculiar location and environment , with canals run ning in every direction through the very heart of the city nnd all .buildings resting upon piles driven into the innrsh-Hlta soil , she is another Venice , A reconstruction of any largo building Involves enormous outlay. In marked contr.ist to Amsterdam , Ant werp is rapidly modernizing , while Brussels has become a mlnlnturo Paris. These who desire to sou the architecture of the middle ages , and the characteristic Dutch nnd Flemish styles of architecture of the six teenth nnd seventeenth centuries must not poitpono their visit moro than anotucrdccado. Antwerp nnd MriiHiclH. I have viewed miles of painted canvas In museums , art g.ilteiles and churches , and ga/cd upon hundreds of celebrated pictures by the most famous Dutch masters. Ant werp , the homo of Rubens and Van Dyok , outdoes herself In..displaying a prodigious number of portraits from their prolific brush es. I have traversed the great zoological gar dens , which iii some respects exceed these of London. The aquarium of Amsterdam , with its wonderful aggregation of fresh and salt water ilshcs , ns well us seaweed , mollusks , crabs and shell llsh , and marvelled at the Ingenious contrivances improvised for tlio care nnd feeding of this collection. A de scription of theio places vlsltod by nearly all American touiists , would scarcely bo inter esting , I will not , however , close this letter without calling attention to the fact that both Antwerp and Brussels have had as rapid n growth within the past twenty-five jcars ns any of our most progressive American cities. Ithin thattimoAntworphasincreased fiom ir.,00il ( ) to 2J.'iOfJ ) population , nnd Brus sels , which in 1S5 ( ! h.ul a population of less than " . " 0X)0 , ( ) , now contains over half a million population. And Brussels boasts the most magnificent public building croctod in mod ern times. Her palnis do Justice ( court house ) covers on nroa fifteen times ns largo as the Douglas county court house qunro at Omaha , nnd the monumental struc ture was erected at a cost of $10,000,000 , which"in America would mean double that sum. A less modern tut mnro interesting public building at Brussels Is the Hotel do Vlllo ( city hall ) which contains the historic banquetttng hall of which Byron wrote : "There was ft sound of nnelrv by night , And Ilclu-lnm'.s capital li.ul gathered there llor beauty and hi r chivalry. " The night referred to wns that preceding lune 15 , 1815 , on which the battle of Waterloo was fought , nnd from the tower of this city hall , \\ltli Its gorgeous council chamber more magnificent than the chamber of the house of lords , may be viewed the lion monument on the top of the pyramid of earth erected over the re mains of the heroic dead on the battle field of Waterloo ten miles distant. E. R"SIWATJH. : Visitors Find the .French Un- , l . „ > < . -w j. . _ , . „ . , , , Capital . . t- > r-xoM" - plciiHiuit During tTuly. lCoji/i | luht 1S ! > 1 IniJiinm ( laritan Hewlett , " ] P\uic , Aug. 1. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun BII.J : Wo nro Just on the verge of the bain denier season , and-nlreudy hundreds of Parisians are flitting off to Trouville , Dieppe , Cabourg nnd Houlgnto. Tlio Paris edition of the Herald most em phatically denies the movement and Pignrro and Gaulos publish ontrefllots announcing the Foraln notre excellent artiste. The Parisian will commence Sun day In the Herald an amusing series of sketches and caricatures of scenes on pluro ntTrouvillo. Foi'ain is u young artist who possesses the truthfulness of Hocrnrth with the inspiriting dash of ttio Parisian im pressionist , Vervo. His drawings nro looked forward to with great interest. The Herald is also about to publish during the Trouvillo racing week , n colored illustrated supple ment especially devoted to Trouvillo which will bo Iargel3' contributed to by G. M. Foraln and for which many really good life like sketches are all ready. An innovation has been made In the delivery service. The Paris Herald together with other Paris papers only reached that popular watering plnco by the oxnrcss train arriving at 4 in the afternoon but now the Herald's bioyclo service brings the Herald from Llslont , n Junction on the Cherbourg line and the news boys sell them on the plazo ut 2 o'clock. ArrivulH nnd Departures Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurry Legrand Cannon of Now York have arrived in Paris from Lon don , and nro at the hotel Westminster. Charles Wnrburton , proprietor of the Phila delphia EvoninR Tologr.ibh , and Miss \Var- burton have arrived at the Hotel Continental. Dr. M. L. Ituthfa surgeon of the Amoiican navy ut Washington , Is nt the Hotel Athonoe. John H. Harjes nnd family are making n tour In Swit/orlund. Mrs. John H. Mitch ell and Miss Mitchell , wife and daughter of Senator Mitchell of Oregon , uro at the Koynl. Miss Sara Hallowoll of Chicago is spending a few voelcs at Morot Sur Lolng. Miss Hal- lowell bus recently been offered n position ns assistant director in the world's fuir art department , but declined unless her conditions nre accepted by tbo committee. Mrs. John Monroe , wife of the Paris banker , has taken n villa at Etrato for the summer. Air. and Mrs. Fail-man Rogers and Mrs. William Hilton of Boston have arrived at the hotel Bristol. John Davis and Miss Davis , Now York , h'ft Paris to tike euro at Spa. Mrs. John Lowry of New York has left Paris for Baden-Baden. Charles Slngo'nnd family , Mr , nnd Mrs. Rudolph Aronson and Fay Tomploton nro en route to Now York. Fred erick Coudert and family of Now York have returned to Paris from Germany nnd are at the hotel Meurico. They sail August 8 for America. Mrs. S. T. Gorman , wife of the president of the Anglo-AniorlCiin bnnk , Mrs. Edmund A , Smith and Miss Irene Smith of New York have uriived at the Hotel Continental on route to Hamburg. Mr. 0. P. Clark , presl- dent of the Now Haven railway , who has been spending a few days at the Grand hotel has loft Purls for London. Mr. M. E. In- Rails , president of the Big Four railway ; ar rived by the Lufcrne , reaching Purls Tues day , J. NoiUon Howard of Newport has nr * rived at Paris. After n brief visit to Eng land Mr. nnd Mrs. U. H. Galbralth and Miss Dnhme , of Clncii.natl , havn arrived at the hotel Bi'lleme. Mrs. T. D. Broad man of Boston has loft Paris for Dlvonno Los Bulns , Mrs. Jr.mes Brown Potter arrived iu Paris Thursday night from Marseilles , and is stopping with her parents at tbo Hotel do Holhindo. Miss Urquhnrt has gene to S" . Morltz to visit Princess Hatstlold , neo Miss Huntlngton. Ivyrlo Bellow bat loft for Lon don. Mrs. Potter's plans nro to visit her father and mother fur a short tliaa before I.oauou. EXILED TO SIBERIA. 8. Gerber of Omaha Sentenced to the Hints for Life , ALL HIS PROPERTY IS CONFISCATED , From a Well-to-Do State , His Family is Reduojd to Want. AND YET , HE HAD COMMITTED NO CRIME. Ho Had Absented Himsalf from Russia for Five Tears. APRIL 6 SOLOMON GERBER GOT A PASSPORT The Hnnlslmicnt Ordered Notwith standing Gcrbur Had hliown Declaration to Ilccomo a Citi zen or tlio United States. THE BRE , several days ago , published an article tolling of the arrest in Kussian- Polund of Solomon Gcrber , a citizen of Omaha , bis imprisonment in Lomzy , the capital of his native province , and .of his eventual life banishment to Siberia. The information on which the article was based was rather meager. It consisted simply of the recollection of a party who had road in the letter of a friend a short refer ence to the subject. Since then but few ad ditional facts have been brought to light al though THE BIB : has studiously endeavored to obtain all the points In the case In this respect It will continue until all tbo features shall have been laid before its readers. \Vlio and Wlmt Me Wnn. Gerber was n peddler. Ho was well known throughout the stato. Ho was especially well known in this city , doing business with several of the banks and regularly remitting money to his family , all of whom save two boys , ono about sixteen years of ago , ro- malncd in their native place. _ , Gerber came to this country about tlvo years ago and immediately settled in Nebraska. Ho made his headquarters in this city and returned hither several times u year in order to replenish his stock. In the latter part of January of this year , Gerber made up his mind to return to his native place. Ho desired , ho said , to sell some property ho hold there nna return with his wife and children to America. Ho made application for steamer tickets at the B. & M. city office and was accompanied thither by Mr. A. Bernstein of this city. The latter remonstrated with him regarding his journey. Ho advised him to scnd.for his family and authorize an agent to dispose of the property at.homo. Gerber , however , would not hearken to the remonstrance. , "I will go back , " ho sni < 3. ' 'soo ' my.wifo and"children"onco moro in my native laud nnd I will bo nblo to got moro money for the land which I own thoro. If I should change my mind nnd remain at home , I have money enough to support mo the rest of my life. " As ho said this he displayed a roll of bills of several denominations which contained $3,000. Prophetic Words. ' 'Yes , " exclaimed City Passenger Agent Uowling , you'll go homo and the first thing you know they'll throw you into prison and keep you there the royt of your life. " , . Mr. Dowllng didn't know that ho was a prophet. Ho scarcely believed what ho had assorted. He simply gave expression to thcf belief that the czar of all the Russians was a dangerous customer with whom to have deal ing. At the present writing , Mr. Bowling's prophecy is in n fair way to bo realized , if in deed it has not been realized already. Gerber bought passiigo for himself and son on the Hamburg-American packet line nnd also bought tickets to Mishonitza , Rus sian Poland , February 0. The presumption is that ho bailed in the first steamer after his arrival In Now York. Last May his son fol lowed. Up to the receipt of the news of Gerber's arrest , nothing had been heard from him by his friends. The latter information mation was contained in a letter to Mr. B. Schomborg. Graf , Nob. , and of that latter Tin : 13ru has obtained a translation. The missive was written by Mrs. Schomborg at Mishonitza , who still resides in Hussinn-Po- land , nnd the part relating to the point at issue Is as follows : Story of His Arrest. That man Oorbor Is arrested , and If you want to come homo you must come pretty soon. If you'lon't coma right nwity you will cct the same us Gcrher. When ho WHS IIfit arrested ho got away from the police and went to Uormany. The Russian authorities then telegraphed to the Uerninn officials of the taut and requesting that bo lie delivered to thimi as Mien as possible. In the meantime Clurbcr sent his father to a Russian lawyer and authorized him to olTur the latter COD rubles If ho would soonro his liberty. Tlio attorney , however , said that ho could do nothing for Unrber. The Hermans Hum cuiiuht Ueiber and conducted him to the frontier , where they surrendered him to the Russian police. Tlio latter bound him hand and foot with chains and drairucd him to tlio Jail In I.om/a , uhvio ho will loin.iln for one year. After that hu will lo sent to Slboila for life. Ills wife and children ory all the time and nobody can alTotd them any cense lation. It Is only by Inference that the reader will bo able to determine why Gerber has been consigned to a living tomb. The missive must therefore bo explained. The Russian omplro does not recognize ex patriation. It never relinquishes its hold upon ono of Its subjects unless It bo these whom it expels from thocountrynnd woo bo to them if they are detected upon their return. Why Ho WUH Arrested. It is equally sovorc upon a subject who , without permission , absents himself from the umpire for moro than three years. This was the offense charged against poor Gorbcr. Ho had left his native land tlvo years or moro ago , nnd his absence had not been excused. This was a heinous offense In the oyoa of the government. Gerber , however , was not aware of the fuct. Innocontlv ho returned to his uatlvo land , hoping to depart tlicnco with his family for these shores. The rest is known. Gerber is doomed to the horrors of Siberia , his property has been confiscated and his family are paupers. There is no doubt that the minions of the Russian despot takoespnclal delight In en forcing this tyratiic.il law or custom. It is to their Interest to bo vigilant and unrelent ing. To them comes a lurgo proportion of the chattels and money confiscated. In Geroer , with his ancestral farm and homo , nnd I ho fKH ) ( ) which ho had acquired in this country , thev found sufficient incentive to n &tt let compliance with the robber luw. As a consequent ) , while they are revolliif In the ixjsession of their illgottenealth , the man who created it will bo plodding along on the droury treadmill ot death In dreaded Siberia. It is uiltlcult for an American to believe that any government JMII have such author ity or rather inllli't such n penalty for such an alleged offense. The opening lines of the extract In ques tion show that tbe snmo futo stares Shorn * berg In the face : "If you don't ' como right awuy , you will get the same as Gerber , " From this , It may bo Inferred that Mr. Shomberg has been in this country very UL'urlv tbreo years and that , as a consequence quence , before long his excusable leave of absence will have expired. With Gerber's futo before him. Shombarc would be an ad venturous mortal Indeed to run auy risk ot ' 'going homo , " csDOclaliyjwBenMho uhances are that bo would have to go'tiSiberia. ' BO\tr nussuK uifMoiu In another part of thti loiter In question It Is explained that the yeitrVbonnnoinent of Gorbcr nt Lomza U In 'punishment for his escaping from-the officers and running into Germany. This is ono of * thd humors of the case. The govern men tsoks to inlllcterratcr punishment by an imprisonment which in so * verity is not to bo metttidtiod In connection with that of Siberiaa * There uro few pcopleTfvho could not eom * mlscrato uny mortal , ofvmt ! race .soever , who , for so trivial nn offoosp If indeed it bent nt nil nn offense should bo consigned to such everlasting punishment , , What must bo the feeling , therefore , of' the.Atnerlcati citizen , when Informed that thls'pUnlshmcnt ' is about to bo meted out to a mau.who had renounced allegiance to the czar of Russia. According to the records of Uouglofl county Gorbcr had not yet acquired citizenship , but bad taken the first step In that direction. It Is thought , however , that ho perfected his citi zenship in Now YorK in 1889. The record in tbo district court of Douglas county is as follows : ' ' , Declaration of Intention ! I , P. Oerber. do declare on oath , that It Is'bona Ido my Inten tion to become n citizen tit < the United States , and to renounce and abjure forever all allegi ance and fidelity to all ami any foreign prince , potentate , state or sovcrolsnty what ever , and nartlcularly to.i'tho czar of Kussla , of whom 1 was a flubjcct , ' S. OKiiimu. .Subscribed In my presence nnd sworn to before fore me , at my ofllco In Omaha , this Mth day of September , A. D. , 1800. ft * , FiUftK E. Moonr.R. Clerk of the Dlstrloti'Court for Douglas County. Nebraska. JjL When GerDer was arrested ho declared that ho was u citizen of this country and pro duced bis paper. But It had no effect. In fact , it simply attested " that ho hud abjured bis allegiance to the czar , a circumstance not calculated to sweeten tup disposition of a po tentate whoso hold of a subject is never re laxed. - " $ Solomon GcrljorWns Nnturall7.nl. WASHINGTON , 'Aug. l. [ Spcclal Telegram to TUB Bui : . ] On Anrll f ) , 1801 , Solomon Gorbor. n native of Polaifd , took out a pass port. Ho was naturalized in the superior court ot New York in 18S9. There is nothing Ifi the record to show whether or not ho is the Oniahn man. * , The state department officials will not sny whether or not the fact , that S. Gerber ab jured allegiances to the czar will entitle him to the protection of this "government. If ho merely declared his intentions to become n citizen ho is not a citizen. ' If ho secured his full citizen nanors , commonly known as "sec end papers , " bo is a citlian of the United States and entitled to the protection of this government. Ho could no't secure n passport unless ho had taken out his second or full citizen papers. If ho Is n ci'i/on ho should appeal to the noarcst Unlto < i States consul in Russia or to the United State ) legation at St. Petersburg. There has nothing 'been brought to the attention of the state department as yet regarding any trouble that S. Gorbcr may have gotten into in Russia. Who Got the Passport ? WhlloIt is not absolutely clear that S. Gerbi-r , who loft Omaha in February , and Solomon Gorbor-who secured a passport in April of this year , nro/idontlcal , it is cer tainly a reraarKablo coincidence that two men of the same name , 'both ' natives of Poland , should almost at. the same time take passage to the fatherland ; THE Bnn will endeavor to 'ascertain the .identity of the man who secured the pass port. , M t > , ' HOLY CO.tr OFTllIKIt. . .Garment Supposed * Jto' Have Decu Worn by the Savior Nottr on. Exhibition TUIEII , Aug. 1.-r-Tho "Ktotj , Caat of Trier , " the garment supposed to n th6 Savior , will co exhlbptji here for sir > Jvc l > c < > r4. . Fully two million pilgrims ore 'expected to visit Trier during that timo. An earnest and long controversy has been waged regarding the genuineness of the relic- Chaplain Dasbascb , member of tbe Prussian diet and ouo of the committee for the exhibition of the holy robe , think that there can bo no possible doubt as to its gen uineness. It has been exhibited only twice * during this century in1810 and in 1844. Many miracles are claimed to have been per formed Dy this garment and it is said to still possess great merit. The relic is said to have bepn given as a present to tbo bishopric , pf Trier by St. Helen , the mother of Emperor Constantine , upon the latter's conversion to Christianity. The robe itself is it tumla about flvo fcotlong , cut narrow at the shoulders : nnd gradually widening toward the knees. " It is woven out of ono pleco without any seams whatever. The material is .supposed o have been linen , but Its great ago prevents any exact exami nation. It is enclosed in an outer casing of purple and gold cloth , supposed to have been some time in ihe seventh century in order to preserve the relic. During the exhibition extra trains will bo run dally to Trier from Coblozo and Cologne. Ilniilc of Home in Trouble. PAUIS , Aug. 1. A dispatch to the Figaro from Rome says that some excitement was occasioned in banking circles in that city to day by the threatened suspension of tlio BnnK of Rome , ono of thotCatholio Institu tions. The trouble nroso ov.or an order from the pope for the withdrawal of $2,000,000 de posited In the bank to the credit of St. Peter's pence. Not having the necessary funds on hand to meet this order when it was received the Bank of Rome notified his holiness of the state of affalrs , and requested that he Issue nn order countermanding the first ono. For a tlmo It was feared that serious trouble would result from the sudden demand for such n largo sura , but huppilv a crisis wns averted bv the pdpo delaying the withdrawal of the ? . ' ,000,000. A financial paper hero says that the Bank of Rome would have been compelled to ask for n moratorium but. for the assistance rendered by n French financial syndicate. The collapse of the Bunk'of Rome , the paper continues , would not affeot they general credit because the bank had tak n no "active share in general business affair.Tho clerical papers of this city nnitber confirm nor deny the truth of the report of thn threatened sus pension of tbo Bank ot I Rflmo by a largo order made on the Institutldirby the pope , WK.ITIIJCH For Omaha nnd Viclnitjt- > Fair ; station ary temperature. * i WASHINGTON * August 1 , forecast till 8 p. tn. Sunday : A storm attendo by cloudiness nnd rains over the country from Missouri to Virginia. In the Curo\Inas \ < the rain has been very heavy , Considerable 'rain ' has fallen on the Now Jersey coast , r Showers have occurred from Colorado to Iv1ehigan. | For Missouri Generally - fair Sunday : slightlv cooler ; westerly winds. For Iowa Generally fair Sunday ; westerly winds ; stationary tompnraturo : For North Dakota and South Dakoto Fair ; variable winds ; slightly warmer by Monday. For Nouraska GeneraUyi fair Sunday ; stationary temperature ; northwesterly winds , For Kansas nnd Colorado Generally fair Sunday : variable wind stationary \ toinoora- turo , except cooler. Swl s Centennl * llOnluliratlnn GKNFV * , Aug. I. The celebration of the sixth contonnary of tho. Swiss confederation WAN commenced toJay by u series of fetes in Bchw/ , ono of the four forest cantons situ ated near the center of the confederation. Delegates from all the cantons nnd cities of the republic , herded by President Wtltlas.omlcd In Schywz today and witiicxuvi a beautiful historical procession. ; Iu the evening the delegates attended a gala concert perform ance and were afterwards entertained at a suoclal splendid banquet given In their honor. Tonight the whole place was brilliantly illu minated by u display of fireworks and a num- bvr of huge bonfires , which wora lighted on the various height * In the environs of the town , HAY RESULT IN WAR. TranqniHty of E.iropain Politics May Bo Suddenly Disturbjd , FRANCE AND RUSSIA ARE PREPARED , English Visit of the German Emperor Caused Dissatisfaction WILD RUMORS OF THE SITUATION , Great Britian to Be Foroad to Desert Egyp tian Territory. GENERAL PLANS FOR COALITION , Prevailing Discord Deeper Than Sup posed Solution ol' tlio Problem with the People Ministry Perplexed. [ CopurtaMcil ISO ! l > u James Onitlim Ilennett , " ] LONIIOX , Aug. 1. | Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Dr.n. | The close and intimate relations which have been estab lished between Great Britain and Germany in consequence ot the emperor's recent visit have given great umbrage to Franco. Sumo purblind persons supposed that when Em peror \Vllllam went to visit Lord Salisbury at Hatfiolds it was only to talk about Queen Elizabeth. the weather and crops. It was said by some nt thc > time that the occasion was of high politi cal Importance and Franco mid Russia have now become fully alive to the fuct , hence tbo treaty or agreement just signed by the French and Hussiun minister , the exact pur pose of which cannot bo made known , but I loaru by excellent au thority that the object is to make a formidable counter movement ntrainst Brltuinize-German alliance and to bold In reserve a severe check for England should events call for it. Your readers will see what sort of a check and how it can bo delivered. Lot them remember the position of England in Egypt. She remains there against repeated protests from Franco. Over and over again the French government has made known its disuporoval of English occupation and Insisted that it must look upon it as an unfriendly act. Still Enelnnd sticks fast and the sultan has thus far acqui esced but ho will not run any risk of quar reling with the czar to accommodate England. Ho has no desire to get another squee/o from the Russian boar. What moro natural than ttiat Franco and Uussia should put their heads togothcr to incite the sultan to clean England out of Egypt ! Of course the sul tan would not" say to England in so many words "You must go1 for that would pro- "voko bittcrnessondporhops' hostilities be- 'tween hlmsdf.imd the greatest naval power ! * ih tho" world , .but roundabout method * . can * 1" * * * ' & There is nothing to prevent his pondatory , Towfik Pasha , from making it unpleasant for England to remain in Egypt or supercede Tewfik altogether and establish the Ithedivo who would promptly obey orders. This scheme is now agitating the various courts of Europe. It was observed that Lord Salisbury at the Mansion house was laboriously effusive in his expressions of good will for Franco and of his delight at the approaching visit of the French fleet. AUo It was noticed that ho declared ha had never known foreign poli tics to bo In a moro tranquil condition. When Lord Salisbury talks In this waj1 there is gen erally mischief iu the wind. Ho knows well that tlio czar is greatly disgusted by the re cent demonstration bore , popular as well as official , in favor of the Gorman omporor. France has looked on witu ill-disguisod dis pleasure. Both powers undoubtedly think that this now approachmont is a menace to them. But what would England do if the sultan , through his khedive , gnvo her notice to quit Egypt ! Would parliament and the people go to war for the sake of holding Egypt , knowing well the constitution of our great parties hero ? I say that if parliament would utterly decline the embarkation of an army in such an enter prise there arc many conservatives and liberals - orals who would contend that England has no real right to bo in Egypt. No Kitflit in Egypt. Some say she is there in the interest of Egyptian bond holders. It would ho Impos sible to pot 100 voted in parliament for fresh warlike operations In Egvpt , no mat ter how they might bo disguised , for it would rouse the whole country against another expedition. If , then , Hus- sia and Franco persist in their present intrigue , great humiliation would bo Inflicted on the English and that would not only bo Inviting , but an encour agement to the Gorman emperor to persevere iu cultivating close relations with Great Britain. He would naturullv interpret it as n sharp reminder that it Is not safe for him to cheese nn ally without the con sent of Kussla or Franca and that England is but a broken reed , to loan upon. Such Is the problem before Laid Salisbury. It will not tonJ to sweeten his holidays. Uneasy lies the head of England's foreign minister. Those ticklish times ono fulso move in foreign politics and the pres ent ministry Is gone , The undercurrent in favorj of Gladstone is always in motion. The conservatives In Eng land are prominently outnumbered by the liberals and It is only when dissensions break out among the latter that the former over got into office. The liberals nro now closing up their ranks in all directions , In stead of union , they are talking of a great reunion which next year is to witness. If they hold together the con servatives must inevitably bo thrown out of power , How , then , can Lord Salisbury decldo on a permanent foreign policy , or how long can tbo Gorman emperor place depend ence on the English alliance ! Those are questions which have to bo weighed in Lon don and Berlin as well as at St. Petersburg and Paris , Momentous Interest clusters thickly around thorn. .Uy M'i co 11 San i itl3 i. Wnon the American Immigration commis sioners now on an Investigation In Europe get through their work they will ceriulnly bo in a position to make a sensation. They have found many organised systems which are unloading poverty stricken humanity on the tvoatcrn continent. Half tlio truth Is not yet known. If the commissioners huvo the nerve to toll 'til the facts without regard to whom they hurt it will open the eyes of the blatant demagogues who have so far prevented - vented sensible legislation. Tbo subject ot a general strike among [ Welsh tin plato matters , which Is to ' decide whether the men will go to America or not has been partly postponed. The Herald's special correspondent at Swan sea , telegraphs today that the men are furious nt the treatment of the masters , but they roeognlro tllat the present Is the wrong' tlmo to tight , so have they resumed tholy places , but the Mi'lyncrythnn worlcs , ownln/ / eight mills and ' ' producing l-.O'JO box/ / of tin plato per week , will stop Mi' tlav. This will give Americans n ctmCv , , to got the licit ofVcNh \ labor If they acilto such soi vice. The editor of the Welsh In dustrial Times lias received applications for the unities of American ngonts , so that the men can make arrangements to go. The American Tin Plato Workers union propose to stop a half day every Monday and so make a reduction of 810,000 boxes per year. The masters have mot and determined to oppose the plan to the utmost. The members of the British Steel Mill Men's union have decided to refuse tlio prices offered by the Forest works at Swansea , so that the largest tin plate works in Wales is Indefinitely closed. I am satis- fled that Americans can get all the Welsh workmen they want , although the rumor that Secretary Foster has revoked the de cision exempting the tin plate men from the operation of the contract labor law has created great excitement. The London edition of the Herald bus received by mall a sheet of tin plato with the following letter : To the Editor of the Herald : The enclosed piece of tin WHS made In St. 1-ouls. Mo. , re cently , and there were no Welshmen at the ba rilng. A lave YANKICK. Purncll anil Ills Pinna. "Purnoll is said to hnvp still another card up his sleeve , " the London correspondent of the Yorkshire Dally Uhroniclo wrote his paper n few days ago. "A fresh scandal is whispered in connection with the parlia mentary party. There is , of course , n woman in the case , but no Implication of the guiltv party has been made yet. The member whoso name has been mentioned has simply boon a victim of misfortune , the story being , with n slight difference , similar to that of Enoch Ardcn. " Naturally the first question Is , who is it ! I A member of the Irish parliamentary party says Purnoll has passed through the lire and como out considerably charred. I think the Yorltshlio Chronicle's correspondent only has a slight inkling of the truth. If my information is correct there is no Enoch Arden in the i-aso. The story as told to mo is that a member of the Irish parliamentary party married his wife some years ago and the union produced two children. Thole separation is credited to incompatibility but the separation was described to mo as de sertion on the man's part. Not long ago the man married again , now it is said the first wife Is alive and if such is the case and Par- nell has the necessary evidence there is llttlo hope that ho will keep silent , for In spite of closperato efforts on his part , ho is unublo to hold the member in question to his side. The bugle blast biown by the Chicago world's fair commissioners in London i echo ing throughout Great Britain. The serious utterances of Sir Richard Webster and Viscount - count Cross shows that the government has taken up the matter in earnest and that Great Britain wllUprobably-.ti ke4bo lead.of the world in manyexhibits. , Xho most im pressive" ' fact is that India is to duz io Atuorina with her treasures. I-am able to announce - nounco that the Indian government will make n huge display. The American con sul at Bristol , Lorin A. Lathi op , has written an official letter calling attention that Bristol was the homo ot the Cabots. who discovered the American main land , and for that reason their achievements ought to rank with those of Columbus. It is proposed that Bristol shall have separate room for exhibit ing her anoiont charters , memorials of an tiquity , municipal regalias and everything illustrating the time of the Cabots. WafllilngtcmN Autograph. A Bristol firm of tobacconists , Messolur Wills , have an autograph loHer signed by George Washincton , notifying them of a shipment from Virginia of four hogshead of tobacco. The Ancient Navigation Guild of Merchant Venturers still exists. It's first gov ernor was Sebastian Cubot. The guild wishes to be represented at Chicago and it is likely the mayor of Bristol and several depu tations will attend the openlnir ceremonies. Koborf McCormick , the resident commis sioner Iu London for the fair , haf resigned to accept the secretaryship of the American le gation , and yesterday began his duties , a magnificent suite of rooms in Victoria street being fitted up for him. The tremendous winnings of nn English man named Boll nt Monte Carlo is exciting interest. Correspondent Nottingham GuardIan - Ian is authority for the story that during three days ho won $100,00. ) . Ho sat at the table eleven hours ouch dav without food and sent all his winnings to England so hp could not bo tempted to lose them. Grouse shooting opens August 12. Experts state that England young birds suffered se verely through heavy thunder showers. Part of the birds were drowned In the nest during the hatching period. Cold weather in Scot land injured the hatching. The second nest ing has been good , A report from Caithness states that birds are numerous mid tnoru is no disease. There is nn extra stock on the Shurroy , Webster and Westllold moors. There "is magnificent grouse prospects on lower moors. The bitter quarrel and separation of Actor Harry Leo and bis newly married wife is talked of by All Americans in London. It is said that Leo this week locked his wife in her room for three hours and threatened her with death if she did not llvo with him n/aln. The throats had no effect on Mrs. Lee , who yesterday consulted an emi nent solicitor with a view to bringing n suit against her husband In connection with the pawning of her diamond necklace. Leo is said to bo uttering threats against any man \vho associates with his wife while she Is separated front him. I have luuostlgatcd the report that Brown & Shipley , umikers , are in trouble and find that it is absolutely false. Whllo General Booth is on his way to as tonish the Africans London Is being flooded with Salvation armv looters labeled "Light in Darkest England. " The following reasons nro given why the publlo should buy army matohes ! "First To raUo the wngca of tamtoh nnd box makers. Second To llph't against the sweating. Third To help tuo poor to help thomselvoi. " The other labels on the boards are : "Lovo thy neighbor as thyself , " "Provide things hon est In the sight of men , " "A my of houo lor ttio match workers , " "Hub lightly and strike quickly.1' General Booth claims to pay his match makers higher figures than any other other manufacturer. The Herald is authorized to deny the cabled story that till- Augustus Huirls , Gcorgo Edwards and Horace < Sedgor propose ta build a combined theater and hotel on Broadway. Edwards says there lt > no foun dation for the story. There Is widespread Interest in the do- cUlon of Judge Buploy in the Westminster [ tO.vriMJKU ON SIXTH if MED THE BANK. ' /i itscho ' ; < , tscho Bank is Heavily Djfnuutod by Two of Its Gloria ALMOST PRODUCED A FINANCIAL CRISIS , Other Berlin Banks nro iu a Vj y V/cak Condition , TOO MANY DRUNK \RD3 FOR THE EMPEROR Poor Quality of Alcoholic Drhki R > spnt- ) ble for the Increase of Suicides. SURE CURE FOR SURGICAL TUBERCULOSIS , Ii of. Suluilter Springs New Itemed ) ' Wliloli lie Callrt "Gimlcol" t > r r. Kooli Ileliif ; Asnlsel ; by tlio Government , ni the AVic I'urft Awiclute-l Ail ) , ' . 1. The shares of the Doiitscho bank wlilch Snturelay lust , wora quoted nt ISO closed todav at 110. Tlio frauds on the brink porpotr.itcd by Its clerk , Frmiako , mill tliu broker , Sohwoiger , h.ivo excited the \vholo Gorman world to a degree unknown since the ombozrlumonts of the two directors of the Lolpjlo Disconto GosscUch.ift. The full cxtotit of the frauds oti the Deutsche bank has not ooun disclosed. The admission inailo by Schwolgor , who is under arrest , covers only the operations carried on by himself anil Fr.mcko In paper roubles during the month of July. Doth of the men were well qualified to olToct tlio swimllo. Schwolgor , who Is nu ox-niauagor of the Berliner Handel Gnssclchnft , had a good con nection as a stock broker. Fruncko had boon tor llftcon years in the service of the Deutsche bank. Ho was entrusted with the duty of revising and stamping brokers' memoranda sent Into the bank. Couple of Inrinj * KOKIIPH. The manager of the Deutsche hank wai nwny on a prolonged Icnvo of absence when Scmwolgor nnd Franoko arranged the plnu to buy roubles for a rlso for the July settle ment and by means of forged momor.iudu represent tlio purchases as made on account of tlio bank. Fr.uicko falsified the b.inlc en tries to oniiblo him to carry over his or.gnge- monts. Ainonp these the July purchases nro discovered. Hut the contracts falling duo later , some of which nro now kno.vn us hav ing been carried over month after month , will swell the total amount involved In the frauds to an enormous sum. Franclto dealt largely in lottery specula tions arid carried on u general speculative game under the very noses of the bunk directors with an adroitness suggesting that Schwoiger is rigljj in his statement that. Frauoko originated the frauds nub used nlm us a tool. The hunk has offered a reward for Franckii's capture. Ho has boon traced to Bremen but there bo was lost sight of. The immediate effect ef tbe swindle threatened for a moment to produce a grave llnancinl crisis. I'iiinnuliil Situation Very Dollciitc. The position of several banks Involved In the South American collapse and weakened through the existing bourse embarrassment is so dollcato that any sudden strain may load to a hreali down. The press and public luckily accepted the Htutemonts of it reassur ing character issued by the various banks. It was uUo scon that isolated frauds , however gigantic , did not warrant a panic. The com mittee of the Hoich was appealed to and urged to ease the position by a i eduction of the nfllciul rate of discount. The iccontinflux of gold to the Helen bank from America , Franco and Eng land was so large that the hnpn ol a reduc tion In the discount was justified , The directors of the Uolch bank consideiod the request , hut utter deliberatlop decided against mailing uny alteration in the rate because , says a semi-olllcial communication tonight , though the bunk holds a lurgo stock of bullion Inlet national gold displacement would Inconvenience the lurire central hanks and the general position requires a. cautious policy. The imperial yacht Ilohcn/ollorn , with his majesty , the emperor , on board touched at Uionthclm today hoin wanl bound. All the party is in the best of health and are timed to arrive at Kiel on Wednesday. The emperor's projected measure for the depression of public drunkenness has become - come , under the manipulation of the minis ters , merely a proposal that the landtag should increase the penalties imposed on drunkards. Ministers llerilurth and Miquo and others concur in the belief that the public would not tolerate active legis lative Interference with drinking. The em peror thinks differently. A draft of the pro posed bill was sent to him and was re turned with suggestions concerning state supervis ion of the healthy quality of beverages. Kiid Liquor Causes KmuldeH. Impressed with statistics concerning the growth of criminal offenses and suicides aris ing from drink , the government has opened an Inquiry in regard thereto and is drawing evidence from hospitals and other medical sources concerning the increasing use of potato spirits and other Impura alcohols add how far the use of these spirits may bo regarded as a lead ing fhctor In crime. Tbo olllciul rut urns of suicldos committed in Berlin during the first fortnight of July shows a total of H7. The cause of this enormous self destruction Is at tributed chiefly to drink. The emperor Is a friend of good beer , but ho blames had drink for many of the viola tions of law throughout the omplro but more particularly in the great cities , especially Berlin. Ho moans to try to attach such , penalties to the sale of bud liquors , both malt and Hplrllous , that it will not bo worth while to run the risk of Incurring them , A fresh decision of the Russian govern ment concerning its policy towards the Jews debars the children of Hebrews from having the right of sojourn In Kussla without n per- mit. The Kovn Vromla today in announcing that this order will take effect at the begin ning of the next scholastic year , praises the regulation us assisting to reduce the Jews to their natural society level. Tlio inllux of Jewish emigrants into Gor- mnny Is rapidly abating. This is partly owing to the stt let oniclnl supervision , iluu- diods of those emigrants who succeeded In reaching Thorn huvo been sent back to Ru - sin on the ground that they have fraudulent passports or that they did not possess moans to proceed to their destination outside of Germany. The gioat number of Amcilcans who at tended the Duyrenth festival has been the subject of much remark on the part of tbo German pi-ess. It seems to bo generally ad mitted that the financial nuccess of the un dertaking was practically duo to the great American patronage. Another Cure for Tnberoulohls. 1'iof. Dr. Max Schullorof tlio Horlin uni versity has a now euro for tuberculosis. Mo says he has experimented with it fur the last twelve years , and that ho is perfectly sure ot his results. I'rof. Scbuller is a surgton and consequently hl experiments huvo mostly been imido In cases of so-called surgical tuberculosis , such a * affections of joints , bones , glands , lupus , otc , Ho says , however , [ CONFINUCU ox sum