Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Bulls in Wheat Mpot with Quito a
Oats Were Wcnk In SyniiiatJiy with
Corn HOB I'roilticts on tlio
DccrnnHO Stooks
nnd IJoiids.
CntCAflO , .Tuly 31 , The biiltn In wheat wcro
Jlimppolntod today. They were loaded with
grain nnd expected to Bell out at a good profit.
The opportunity was not furnished th"in. however -
over , for at no tlmo during the session did
prices po us high ns the clpslng figures hint
night mid the close wai TtIUc lower than the
prices for the varioiiH futures. Some of Iho
cany news win rather favorable to tlielr
hoppi : Liverpool wan 1(1 hlEhoron npot wheat
and Ijil on futinct and I'arls wan iiuotcd
lOft.'lOc higher according to omo private
advlcoH , hut London cargoes were 2'/id lower.
Kucelpls were 81 car loads In excess of the es
timates , the weather was line for harvesting
nnd corn was tvcak and lower.
Tic , ) o latter pieces of news undermined
confidence a little and when It was dlscovoiod
that all domestic markets wore starling off at
n decline and that New York , which has for
Bomo days furnished most of the hull stlimi-
lant , was . oiling heavily through l.ogan and
White , the crowd ditlcklv tailed on ami In
anxiety to get rid of tholr holdings began
makln : concessions.
The later cab'.cs ' quoted Liverpool as
lower and Paris riinio 2. > lower with
good weather In tlio Tnllcd Klngdon and on
the continent , when the lluldallon ( | hcuamo
tnoru eager. There was not much In
dividuality In the selling , but everybody
Rcunifd lo have some uroporly ho did not
want and others scorned to he indlll'crent
about gaining possession of It. The result was
a season of much weakness and a drop of
about Ic from the early figures. December
opened at \tf'MVc < \ and gradually receded
toMi'uffMi'it1. The in irl.ot ruled dull and nar
row during the last hour and December was
most of the tlmo lit MlHiMitid s'ii' : ) . The boaid
of trade's closing cable fiom Paris was IUl. " > o
higher than yesterday and Mvcipool
also higher. Ibis nown helped the mar
ket a little and the close was atM > ? c.
Nearly nil private cables from tlio continent
quoted lower prices : oven the hoard's ciible
gave the decline at llerlln at 'I marks on .Inly
wlicat. Crop prospects cnntlnuo brilliant and
home dispatches report threshing already
commenced in Minnesota , with yields ranging
from twenty-iilno to thlrty-ono bushels per
acre. Honth Dakota reported the wheat crop
Hssuied n ml North Dakota reported that two
weeks more would bring the crop to maturity.
The prediction of frost In the northwest ,
which gavo'tho corn market a boost near the
close yesterday , was not fulfilled : on Iho con
trary , the weather In that section was clear
nnd warmer. As a consequence corn had
a bad break today. Sales of Septem
ber wcro mndo n roil ml the opening at
anywhere between Wilic and Mf-ic , and It noon
sold lie-low the former price. Tlio weakness In
wheat mid heavy estimates for tomorrow were
also keen factors. At the start P.-ir.lrldgo ,
Ryan and Congdon were free sellers and the
Ion H Km o quick to catch tlio Infection , and
free short selling ami rapid liquidation wiis
the rule. Rccehers bud heavy soiling orders
and the clique nmdo liutii feeble cirort to
stop tile ( lecllno. Ilaldw'n bought a little
early , hut when he saw the pace It hid stnicn
he li'fl lhat side and sold moderately. Sep
tember bioko to.MiHc , reacted to We , dropped
to .W/ic , advnncc.d to Wi'ic , again touched
fpllj.ic , reacted tor > ( i7 o. at which itclrsed.
Oats were eak In sympathy with corn and
an o.xeess of sixty cars In the receipts above
the estimates. Mho close was Jio below yes
terday's IImil figures.
Hog products were lower , largely In sym
pathy with the weakness In the grain ults
especially In corn. Mllmlnn Hodman bought
pork on tlio decline but ICyan , Ilatoly Broth
ers mid the packers generally sold. Septem
ber pork sold from $ ll.4i ! $ to II1..T7JJ and closed
at ill,4. ' , ; a loss oT lOccomparcd with yester
I/ard and ribs lost lie.
Cash quntatlons were as follows :
I'l.oun Steady.
WHEAT -snring'wheat , 8Soj No.spring ; )
wheat , nominal ; No. 'i red , Me.
COHN No. 3 , ( ViffWIc.
OATW-NO. H , ' .Tlioi No. 2 white. 34MGJc $ ; NO.
8 white , 'Kj ! i : c.
Ilvn No. 2. r.'c.
ItAiir.uv No. 2. no sales ; No. a February. 62c ;
No. 4. nominal.
l''lA.\HKii ' : > NO. 1. 11,03.
TIMOTHY Hi : n I'rlmo. J1.2@l5. :
I'oitK Mess uork , per buirul , JI1.30. Lard ,
per cwt. , iftl.110 : short ribs sides ( loose ) . $ LWia
0.8,5 ; dry salted shoulders ( hexed ) . SJ-HOSiaoO ;
Eliort Clear sides ( hexed ) . } il.ri < ! & ? ,00.
WntsKBY Dlstlllors' llnlshed goods , per gal , ,
SuOAns Cut loaf , unchanged.
Keceluts and shipments today wcro as fol
lows :
On Iho 1'rodnco exchanged today the butter
market was steady and unchanged , ttgirs.
Now York .Markets.
Nr.w YOIIK , July 31.-l''roiw-Itecolpts
IJ.OIh packages ; export * . 1.41M barrels. 17.729
sucks : market easy , moderate business ; sales ,
22..I.M ) barrels.
COHN M tub Dull and steady.
WiiKAT-Ucoolpts , lu.\lrj ! imshols : exports ,
147OWibushels : sales. 5,100.000 bushels of fu-
tuios : Iii7ooo ( : bushels ot spot. Spot market
Irregular and lower , netlvo export demand ,
closing stoiuly : No. 2 red , 680 In elevator ; Oil ®
UWo nllont ; l ) ! ; c(2 ( l.01M f. o. b. ; ungraded
red , t)8'4e ) < > H : No 1 northern to arrive ,
* ! .04 ; fso. 1 hard tonrrlvc. * l.m { : No. 2 Chicago -
cage , tl.OiJJ No. 2 Milwaukee. $1.02 } { . Options
easy and unchanged to ! io higher. KreoolTer-
Ings and roallng advanced U5i ? o on shorts
cover n-- : closed steady ! JifA\u under yes-
torday. No. 3 red , July , WttlWSioi August. H7i
( BWie ! , closing at D7 ? 'e ; epiembor , U7UOtlSBC ,
ohnlng at r iu ; October , INiiflOOc , ole lng at
asye ; Novemluir , IKliWJJic. closing at as'jo ;
December. UO , ' cffil.iiOi . closing at Dl.fiO- ! ! ;
Janiinry. ll.lllVftl.oi'i. olosliis. < I.01J ! : Ma'y ,
ll.oiliiMi. : closlngatJI.OS.
HYE Unn , quiet ; wcbtcrn , September de
livery , 7hS.SIo.
llAIII.RV AlAl.T Dull.
COHN ltecelptsBSr03buRholsexports ; , 47V50 (
btiBhels ; halci. nw.too bushels of futures ;
. i. eosiK o ; op
tombor. ( i.vanoUc , closing 65aO ! ; October. KIU
We , closing OJ ! jo ; December , 63JiMc , closin
M ? o.
OATS Hocolpts , : i7ODObu iliols ; exports , 01,000
bushels ; sales. K"OOJ bushels of futures and
UMHHHiiiblii'lKotHnot , Spot market lower , un
settled. oulct ; opttonx dull , lower , weak ;
August. 'CH414C. ; ? { closing at ICHic ; Septem
ber. : fc' , closliu at : BU S : spot , No. S.
white , ; mixed western , aTOIOc ; whlto
western. 4Mt.M'ui ' No. : Chicago , 3 iic.
Hvi-Keod , Jl.15. tn
llAv-Stoady , ( inlet ; ahlpplni ; , C5e ; Rood to
choice , 'Ai&lOo.
Horsgn'et , weak ; state , common to choice ,
155t20o ; 1'aolllc coast. l 'itiOc. f i
l.'ot'KKii-Oiitumsonciied steady , fi points up
toft points down , closed ttioady , unchanged
to 10 polntHdowiii union li.TIU bags. Including
August , JUU.'vaia.V ) ; Soptembor. fl3.45QI.YSO ;
October , ! ii.t : : > i Decoinber , * 14,4f JiH.50 ; Jan.
nary. JKUIU : March , } ia.lh < Qii..M ) : ; spot Ulo ,
on let , Ilrm ; fair cargoes , llki ; No. 7 , 17Nc ,
KlHlAU Idiw. quiet , steady ; ( nilc " , Ui'jbags ' :
centrifugals , m degrees test at U 5-lGC lc.
MOI.ASSKS New Orleuiii , Ilrm.
ItlCK--l < 'lnn. iiuli't.
I'ETimi.uuM lluslnoss confined to sv/ltchlng
from August to Soutemlior contracts. The
market opened steady and remained so until
the close. I'unnsylvanlnoll for August opened
IXo ) ; highest , We ; lowest , OOol closing , Wo.
rorroN SKKII Oiir-Slcady.
TAI.I.OW I'lrin , good demnnd.
ItiiHiMKasy. .
n'uiti'kKTiNK-null : offered nt 35 < 4ao. ( !
Koosyulel ; western , 17O17icj ! receipts ,
I.UCI packages.
Wooi.-Ktttr demand : domostto fleeces , 30 ®
7i : pulled , SKWloi TOMIK , 17a''lc.
I'OIIKHull , Kteiidy ; old iiit * s , ( ll.avarS ;
new mvssi fr.,7r 'vf.jWj | : oxtru urlmw , tll.OCO
MttiDi.ESQnlol and easy ; ihort clean
SoptomljorW.lx ) .
l.Aiii-Kusy and dull ; western steam , M.8iU ;
tales , 400 tlorccs ; outlons mica , 750
Uorccaj August , closed tJ.W bid ; tioutouibcr ,
< ! .U7Si'.03 ' ! October , VIM , closing , tr.OSO 7.07i
Douemlict closed 17,24.
lltMTEit I'atr demand ! western dairy.
llftUc : ncstorn creamery , IRc.
( ; ilKKSE-Knney. rxitil'4u ; full nklms , S-as - o.
I'ld luoN-gulet and unchanged , , .
Comm-KaAyi lake July , tl2.2.j lake ,
August , ll'ASS.
I.KAH Nomlnnli donicstlc , 14.i7i. : !
Tl.s-Dulland hoavyt straits. lii.OO.
Ijlrci'iool | Mnrkctn.
litvEitfoot. July 3i. WHEAT I'lrm : holders
orTursparliiglstfiillfornla ! No. 1 , 81 4iiffii" ) 'I' ' J
per cental ; red western , spring , 7i UdSi * ll'id '
percental ; Kansas winter , hard , ' * Mud's.- ' *
per cental : receipts of wheat for the past
threis days wurO''M.oOO centals , Including 70-
OCO American. '
OottN Steady ; domnnd ImprovltiR ! receipts
of American corn for the past throe day * were
17,000 centals.
1'KAf t'anadlan. Bs ll'Jd ' per cental.
KXTIIA IIKKK India mess. Mind per tlorcc.
I'oiiK 1'rlmi' mess western , Ms ; id per bar
rel ,
IltJTTEii-Unltcd Stales nnost , Ma per cwt. :
United States good , 70s.
TAU.OW 1'lno Amorlcan , SB < Cd per c > vt.
A.MKIIICA.S HKnilflK-'ATOll HCKKI'OrCllir | ! -
tors. mi til ; hindquarters , 4s 'M per S pounds by
the carcass.
Bleady ; No. B hard , cash , bOo ; August , TJlic
bid ; No , 2 red , cash , Wlc.
CoUN-Dull , lo\v r ; No. 3 ctii.ii , 62SSOM { !
AngiiRt , . , ? , bid.
tJATS-Weak and lower ; No , 2 cash , 27'i ®
Si4 < 'l Auguit. 24'SWriC.
rl.otlli Dull and unchanged.
HAV Weak ; fancy timothy , S8 ; fancy now
hay. * "i.Hl ! ) < UO ; choice. $ l.00 ® . " > .00 ; low grades ,
. . .
HliTTKit Steady and unchanged.
Koos Steady at I'Hic. '
WOON ytcailr and itnch 'iiged.
HKCKii'Ta Wheat. IlO.Si'O bushels ; corn , 111.400
bushels : oats.00 bushels ,
Hitii'MUMTSWheat , lli.MO bushels : corn , 2,500
bushels ; oats , 4,000 bushels.
St. I.ouln
ST. Iot't. , Mo. , July 31. WIIKAT T.ower ;
No. 2. cash. Sdic : September. SSHJMTio. ,
C'oii.v Weak : No. a , cash , Sl e ; Suptomber ,
fUc.OATS Dull ; No. 2 , cash , V'8ic ! ; September ,
2liie ! bid.
IMIIII ? ( i2 , ' > .
MllwnttUco Mnrkot.
Mir.wAtiKEK. WIs. . July ni. WIIHAT Kasy ;
o. 2 spring , I'tnli. V'c ; Seiilembcr , HIJic.
OOHN IJis'er ' : No. U. cash. tilie. !
OAiH-Loxrurs No. V. white.
I'lio VISIONS Kasler.
I'oitK September , ill. CO.
IMiiincnpolfH U'li'ont
MINNEAPOMH. Minn. . Julv III. Hamplo wheat
very dull on all grades. Lower. Uecclpts , 70
curs ; shlpn.cnts H ) ear ? . ( 'IOHCI : No. 1 hard ,
July , IW'ic ; on track , U7c : No. I northern , July ,
04o ; on track. U4c ; No. 2 northern , July , Die ;
on Iraok , i/ia'J'ic. ' _
Cincinnati Grain .Haricot.
CINCINNATI. O. , July 31. WIIIAT : Strong ;
No. 2 red , Me.
COHN Weak ; No. 2 mixed. fi4c.
O\TS Kasler : No. 2 mixed , u2c.
Winsiccr Sl.IT.
Toledo Ornln Jlnrlcct.
Tor.nno , O. , July 31. WIIKAT Steady : cash ,
90 iiv.
C'OIIN Steady : cash. 04c.
OATS- Quiet : cash , COc.
KO Grain
, July III. Chicago grain shippers
have had the advantage of extremely low
rates on grain by water to HulTaio this season ,
but of late the lake marine has found more
profitable freight , and as a consequence gra.n
rates have been aduanolng. Shippers were
squeezed today on an Immense amount of
wheat held for shipment the first half of Au
gust. Kstlinuti'3 place the amount all the
way from 1,0 0.000 to 2. ' 00.0 10 bushels. When
the lake rate was 2io ! Wednesday I hey held off ,
but yesterday the pinch began when r.itcs
jumped from 2l.ic to 24c. Today they are up
to.'lu with a demand much In excess of the
boats olVercd. The through wheat rate to
Now Yor jnmpea up tos'ic and there was a
fair amount of bus ness. All that the Hue
would take was placed at tint figure.
STOCKS -t.fJ > JiOf.'J S.
NEW YOIIK , July : il. The stock market to
day was again moderately active und while
there was a continued bearish pressure upon
the list together with considerable liquida
tion of long accounts , no material Impression
was made among the leading shares outsldo
of Kock Island and in the afternoon some of
the stocks developed more strength , with the
olToct of recovering n portion of the losses of
the last few days , lly the action of the market
kot yesterday afternoon and this morning
many were led to believe that the downward
movement was nearly at an end.
The circulation of rumors reflecting on the
standing of some of the houses In the street
were looked upon In some quarters as an Indi
cation that tlio promulgators of the stories
had about come to tlio end of tholr rope and
more disposition was evinced to take a chance
on tlie other side of the market , which was
encouraged also by purchases for foreign ac
count estimated at 2M.OOOshares. Thosmaller
shorts to cover but the larger Interests
maintained their attitude and sold.tho list us
usual , concent rating their early efforts
upon Hock Island and .Northern I'uclflo
preferred though the unusually large gain
of tlio latter ui 1110 opening gave
opportunity for ofTeetlvo hammering In It.
The Hock Island , however , was the only stock
In which any Important decline was oiroi'tcd
among the leading shares. Later In the day
some of the specialties made dips , which were
generally quickly neutralized and prices as a
rule were well held throughout the day.
Tlio foreign demand , with tlio covering of
tlio shorts , made a decidedly strong opening ,
flrst prices being from ! i to fi per cent higher
with Northern I'aclllc up ? . per cent. The
demand , however , wus not sufllclent to
overpower at once tlio pressure still
brought to leiir : , and especially upon Rock Is
land and Northern 1'aclflc preferred , and these
stocks declined materially , dragging the rest
of the list down. The downward movement
was checked before noon , and after that time
decided stiength was shown In parts of the
list , all the actlvo stocks rising over 1 percent
with the Industrials leading. The host prices
were made at about 2 p. in. , when realizations
on the advance made o.ui.sed the list to sag oir
slowly , Imttlio usual results of a check to the
selling were seen In the dullness. The market
finally closed dull but steady to firm at the
close to tlio highest figures of the day. The
final changes are Irregular , while the major
ity of advances In most stocks uro only frac
tionally changed from last evening. Colorado
Coal Is up21J per cent : Chloago Oas. 28 ! per
cent ; Tennessee Coal , lit per cent : Chicago ,
Cleveland. Cincinnati & bt. Louis , IU percent ,
and i'aclflc Mull 1 per cent : while bugnr ( lo-
el I nod lj per cent nnd itock Island 1 percent.
Kullroud bonds were also more active , the
sales of all Issues reached 77r , nuO , but this In
crease In activity was all In two bonds , Oregon
Impiovotncntfi.s and Richmond & West Point
5s , thii latter Doing specially strong while the
former was equally so. Oregon Improvement
5s rose : i percent to 01 , The general list fol
lowed closely tlio changes In stocks.
Oovernment bonds were dull but steady.
State bonds were entirely neglected.
The following are the closing quotations for
the loading stocks on the New \ ork stock ex -
change today :
The total sales of stocks today wcro 212,1)3) ) )
shares , Including ; AtchUon , ' . ' 1 , 75 ; Chicago
( Ins , ln,45o : Delaware. Lackawannu&
M7UI Loulsvlllo & .Nashville , 11.100 ; MJsjOdr
I'acltlc. 5,100 ; Northern I'nclllc. preferred ,
IT.MJj lloadlng. ft,410 : UlehinoiiiKt West I'olnt ,
, | : ! Bt , t'uul , iWiOj Union 1'uclllo , ll,7a ) .
Financial Kavlow.
NEW YORK , July 31. Tlio 1'ost snyss It may
reasonably bo expected that so urn stories
about the cum crop which Happens to be u trlllo
lute will llguro In tpoculatlve circles from now
on. it uilibt ; bo wlso for holdom of vtuok lu
roads of that particular section to study the
corn market statistics nnd prices from day ta
day beforn taking nlarm , Thn llurllncton \
Qulncy'iitllrcclois look nijood dual of wind
out of the lietirs' sails by declaring consider
ably In advance of the usual time the regu
lar dividend on their stocks. Till * helped the
market , although It became dull ngnln and
prices continued to score inodorate gains.
Now Yorlr .Monnv Market.
N'p.w YOIIK. July ill , MIINCV ON
rattnliiK fintn 14 ! to2 per cent , last loan 2 pe
cent , closed olfcrcd at 2 per cent.
1'iiniK MEIICANTIU : I'Ai'Kit-riiiiaT iicrccnt.
HTKHMNO KTCttANrinQulot and firm
II.H4'i ' for sixty-day bills nmlil.Sil ? * for do
. The following were the closing prices on
bonds :
IT. S. ts , registered..II , M. K. KT , ( loirifis. . ; i7
V. S. 4 , coupons 117 Mutual Union fis. . . , .101
* 4H , registered WM N..I. Cent Int Cert. , .losH
4 ! < , coupons. . \xAl \ ( Nitrthnrtil'ne tots. . . .HIM
do yds .11.1
I.ollWana Stamp if. . 84 Northwest' consols , , IM
Tennessee N. a , tit..lot do debenture Cx. . .loiiu
do r , * 101 St , I. . * I. .M. ( Jen fin . Kl
do 3s tn St , Ii. AS. ! ' . lien M , .It)1 ) ;
Canada Southern'Is 115 St. I'aiil conjoin
Central I'aclllc lalg..lun ( St. ! . . ( : . & I' , lulu. . . .110
1) . .V It. II. Ist.i 11:04 : T. I' . I , . tl.Tr. Itcls. . . Kf ? <
do 4 7S'tl ' T. I' . It. ( ! . Tr. Itctj. , ! ;
1 > . & . U. f ) . West Isls. . 7 Hl Union 1'nelllclstn. . , .Km' r
WestShoro . ! ! >
' ' ' '
M. K. .VT.'iileii-'l'lis.1. ! 75
ex. Int.
I'Miinnolal NotoB.
llOSTO.v. Mass. , Julv 3l.-Coarlngs ! , ? I3.2 > . -
OVl ; lialitnccs. { ( . ( Helena. Money. 0 per cent.
Kxchangoon Now York , lc ( discount to par.
I'or the month , clearings , { 40'U > 1'UIS ; balances ,
} 4. > ,41ll.74S. for the corresponding month of
1MK ) , clearings. JiiS,7Sl.tLM. : balances , M7.-iil.fiSi. .
l'iiiiAiiKi.i > iiiA , July III. Clearings. is.4st > , -
311 ; balnnces , $ I.B.V > ,74f. Monov , I per cent.
ItAi.TiMOHK. Mil. , .Inly HI.Ulb arings , JI.908-
02 , " > : balances , $ . ' 81,170. Money , 0 per cent.
KANSAS OITV , JloJuly31. Clearings , $ i,153-
' '
'c'nirAoo , July 31. Now York exchtiuco
steady lo par to 2Vi dliconnt Clearings. i.U-
4il.Ui. : ( Money easy atri1 , } . ! ! ' ! percent. Hterl-
llng exhangestcady for uo day bills and J4.H7
for sight drafts.
CINCINNATI , t ) . , July 31. Money fi1 per
emit : Now York e.\"hange. 7r > o discount ;
rlearlii s. $ l,7P..i ( ) : for July , } .Vi,3lllIBO , and a
year ago JTJ,17SIOO.
Ni\v : YOIIK- . July 31. Clearings , t&J,0 U'CI ;
balances. $4.0. > 4nill.
SAN KitANt'isco , Cal. , July 31. Clearings for
the month of July. J72l7ioi)0. ; )
Itostou Kto-jk
UOSTO.V , Mass. , July III. The following were
the closing prices on the Boston stock market.
Atclil.'on A Topeka. . llo ton , V Mont . 41
lioston .V : Albany..2JII Calumet & Hecln. . . .240
lU.jlon . fi Mnlne 170 Franklin IIH
I'll. . Hurl. .V Qulncy. . SO Huron l
Kastern U. It. I'H 7lii ! Keurnnrgo 11
Flint & I'oru M. p'f'd. i"i Oseeola . . . . 31
Mass. Cell 1lri < Qutiicy 31Ml
Max. rcn. coin 1"K Santii Ko Copper MlW
N. Y. AN. ling H5 | < Tunmraek US
N. Y. * Kng.7 llfiM Annlslon I/ind Co. . . : > 0
Old Colony lre > jj Went Km ) Land Co. I5M
Hutlnnd eonuuon. . . ! ! > ( Hull Telephone 178
llulland p'fM M I.amson Sloru S
WlM. Cen.eom 1S Water I'owor
AllouezMlnCo ( new ) 2 C. M
Allanlle Ill H. & H.C
Ijondon Stoulc .Ittifkct.
LONDON. July 31. The following wcro the
London stock quotations closing at 4 p , m. :
Ciiimdliin 1'nclllc WKj.MoxIcnn Cen. new 4s. 70-H
Mrlo lb > a |
HAH nn.vEii ICd per ounce.
Ktito of discount , in the open market for
short bills. Hi bcrcont.
Rank oriOn latKl HulIUm.
LONDON' . July III. Amount of bullion gone
into the Hank of England on balance today ,
I'nris KcntCH.
PAIIIS , July 31. Three per cent routes Kit
for the account.
DiMivor .Mining Stocks.
DENVEII , Colo. July III. There was a decid
edly dull bnslno-s In mining stocks today.
Sales , 12,001 shares. The following arc the clos
ing quotation ! ) on the stock exchange today :
St. IvOttlH Milling Quot it Ions.
ST. Louis. Mo. , July ai Six hundred shares
of the stock changed hands on the Mining ex
change today. The following bids were nmdo
on call :
Kll/nbcth 170 Adams llij
( iranllo .Mountain..24.000 Aiuorlcun Nettlo. . . . "Hi (
Montrose C2 )
Silver Ago 8 > 2M Central Silver 2o
Vuma 41if
\ow Vdflc . .nluluQuotations. .
Nr.w VURK. July 31. The following are the
closing mining stock quotations :
Alice 155 Iron Sliver luu
Con. Cnln. & Va 47 .Mexican 2-j5
Deudwood M7 Ontario BSUU
Kurckacon SIH ) I'lyinouth IS-'i
llomoslnko 1UO Sk-rr.i Nevada K0 !
Horn Silver 2 Yullow Jacket 11U
Hnston Wool Alnrkct
HOSTON. Mass. . July III. Tliero Is an .tctivo
demand for wool , with prices steady to Ilrm.
The sales for the week amount to 11,531,000
pounds of all kinds. Largo sales , amounting
In all to over I,0 < 0OOJ pounds , of lorrllory have
been made at l.V&24c. or abonl GOu for line at
075t.'Sc for line medium , and at KVilKa for
medium. Fair sales of spring California , Texas
and Oregon wools were nmdo at previous
prices. Kail California has sold at ISc for host.
Ohio lleeccs hayo been quiet at jUQU'Jo ' for X ,
IllQJL'o for XX and IMillOo for No. I. Michigan
X has sold at 2T < B'7Hc. and No. 1 ati4 : < SCc. : In
No. 1 combing woo.s there have been sales at
3.Si44nc. Ohio line dola no has sold at ; ! 4i1c : ,
and Michigan flue delaine at 'Ml'.ttc. Un
washed combing wools soil at 'UO-'ITc for ono-
( luarter and i.7.8o for three-eighths. I'ulled
wools are In steady demand , choice supers
helling at4071l.c , fair to good supers at ; ; WKo
nnd extra 'iii. . ' . Aubtrallan wools are In de
mand , with sales to good axtcnt at IWiil'-c.
1'orelgn carpet wools are qulot.
Now Vorlc Dry ( ioodH Market.
NEW YOIIK , July III , Nothing now devel
oped In the dry goods market. Homo of the
manufactiirliu trades , hilt particularly the
clothing woolen line , were more active and
there was Interested buying In clothes. The
Improvement Is ( luu to tlio favorable accounts
now coming In as to the wholesale trade in
Havana Markets.
" '
London Oil Market.
LONDON , Ju'y at. LINSEUD CAitu i'Gl 12s 2d
per ton for western ,
Ki'KttM OIL i'48 jier ton.
Traclors' Tallc.
ST. Louis , > IoIiiIyai. Langenburgllrotliors
t o L'oukrell llrothers ;
COMMOIilTV | Open , | High. I Low. | Close. I Vest.
December. 6'J ! < 6'J HO
ii'it | .1 6S.H 6.1 MM
.Inly. .
CitiCAii ) , July fcl , Keniiott Ilop'clus fc Co.
to y. A. MoWhortor : Wheat room traders were
generally long last night expecting bettor
cables this mornln. and a higher market.
I'orel-Mi markets were not particularly strong ,
Itecolpts over run estimates. Cash slnir was
oirercd heavily at a consldorabludlscountand
scalpers found u tame market to unload.
Their sales carried the price down move than
lo below yesterday's close , butbomo covering
by shorts caused a lit tie rally Just at thu close.
Idirjocncagomunts for export are again re
ported , but experience alonu shows tills
will not hold prices In thu face of such
Inr.'o receipts , The farmers' alliance schema
to hold ImcU wheat , may bo working to their
satisfaction , but wiion they let go It's to bo
hoped tlio Ujod will bo no gioitor. Specula
tion Is pretty evenly divided between bulls
and bears. Pardrhuo Is no longer preying on
light iiiar"lucd holder * , an I for the pio.unt It
seems as sife to to buy on breaks as It 1st to
cell on ralllc4 , The market Is very n'irrow ,
and but little Iliiotnatlon uan bo oxpcctud for
u time. Corn and oats are heavy. Itlsclalmcd
trades nmdo with houses employed by thu New
Vork corn ollinio do not nettleup / , und
hence It In argued tnoy are still holding on to
their This deters boar * from sell-
liik't but It U urobablu that the oily uu will tell
through other brokers and no keep the mar
ket tiu.l up , It U tluMdilnloii of fotlservatlvo
houses tint Iho market will liroaK fdiarplj
when the deal IH nhuwloncd and It l tiollovci
It will bo within n fmr/tnino nays of heaVy ro
cclpts and good wt'lithor. ' .Inly oats roll
pretty nt-ar August , the premium ot Idm8o
dUiipncarlng with tlinfral rceulils. | Provisions
have been dull iuul'fftaluiulcbs and promlso
to remain so for n tllno.
TiiiOAdo. July ill , S-hvrnrtr. Duped .t Mc-
Cormlck to I0. . fwa'rtz ft Co : tjulet ealiles
largo receipts and it'l/lbk / of outsldo trade pro
duced their luftltlitmW result , a lower win-tit
nitirkct , London , 1'nrls and Liverpool were
( inlut wlille licrlln sbuwed mlec'lliie of ; im rk
The receipts at eleven primary points wort
I.M',0 0 : 5liliinciitsrl,4nl.VUJ. | Ted ay's receipts
were SI cars over cMtllnates nnd tomorrow's
estlmato wasMUcats. "So fardurlng .Iiilywu
have ieeolvo.1 , % . ; ! , , agal nst , ' .vil list year
C.-H ( in.liily.ti'h'J ' , thulftrKestJiily receipts null
this year , i ho export sales at tlio Atlantic
seaboard woreonly m to " 0 loads. A telogran
from Minneapolis says that some when
Holds harvested near Olcncoo turned on
: il bushels , an eiioniiuiis | yield for spring
wheat. The receipts ol corn were 15 $ ears ever
expectations and the estimate for tomorrow
( MM cars. Our market has been weak. Oats
were weak , the .Inly deal having collapsed
that option selling from Ulo lo alioui. L'f'ic
HecelpiH today were about one-half new oats
The provisions deal has been dull and weak
with no Interesting features. Thu high price
of hogs mav support prleei of provisions for i
while , but It will take a decided increase It
speculation to give us any material advance.
NKW YORK , July III. Kcnnott , Hopkins &
f'o. to tf. A. McWhorter : The strength of Iho
London market and some buying by Lou .on
In this market gave our stock market a mucl
firmer opening than yesterday's weak close
promise. ! . After early orders on arbitrage
stocks had been executed the market got
weak under the load of Itouk Island and At-
chlsoti , tn both of which thole was largo sell-
Itu of long slock. The orders in Atchlson
came from Host m. Hock Island was sold by
largo room traders and by one liouso witn
Chicago connections. The stock broke 'J
per cent , an unusual move these dull times
and closed 1'i per cent below the opening.
Current reports speak of the tralllc and nl o
earnings being largo and Increasing , but such
favorable features arc subordinated now to
tlm prevailing distrust of the financial out
look. Chicago , llurllngton * ijulney 1ms held
well today , milking after fteuiienl moves a
net gain of I'J per cent. Thu company de
clared Its usual quarterly dividend of 1 per
cent. Sugar rellnerles have been heavy and
Chicago tins strong. The latter wus bid up by
room traders and reports are again around
that the company will soon declare n
dividend. Thu sugar trade Is not In
peed shape. re lined Is one-sixteenth
lower and supply Is so excessive that rellners
nro obliged to store some of It. There has not
been any gold engaged for tomorrow , both
commercial and bankers' bills are In fair sup
ply and about uiiiinl to the demand of oll'er-
ings , and commercial bills tire expected to be
larger soon. The banks lost J1. , ! i.lUll since
last 1'rlday In sub-treasury dealings. Tlio
market closed Weak and steady.
William London , the well known grain
dealer of Omalia , has returned from an ex
tended trip through lliy grain growing stales
and makc-s the following report of his obser
vations : " 1 leturncd last evening , having
spent thu past fifteen ( lavs In traveling
through thu stales of Missouri , Illinois ,
Indiana , Ohio , Michigan , Iowa and Nebraska ,
for the purpose of Investigating as far as IKH-
slljlo the prob.iblo outturn of the small grain
and i.'Orn crop ? of this great grain glowing
region. I have made this trip by daylight
and after seeing what I have and from the
numerous enquiries made at various points
throughout this territory , 1 have arrived at
the following conclusions : The yield of
winter wheat exceeds nl ! expectations
and should the weather from this
out prove favorable for the harvesting
of the spring wheat , und the yield came up to
recent entltnates , I expect to sec the combined
totals of thu winter and spring wheat crops of'
this country reach iSO.OOO.WK ) bushels. I make
this statement fully rpalizlng that the trade
will consider the ttbpVo llgnrcs , as a rule , too
high , but It Is my honest opinion that In the
end they will be found too low. The trade as
yet fails to ruall/.o the magnitude of this crop ,
as will be ascertained later on The same can
lie said of oats , but not to such a great extent.
The oat crop Is much hotter than generally
expected , and In my judgment will reach a
total exceeding 7lX,00)oOJ ) ) bushels. As to corn ,
when I Htartcd out on this trip I was
of thu Impression that the country had not
the promlso of oven an average crop.
After making these rounds , howover. I am of
a very different opinion , and bollovo that with
seasonable weather from now until September
15 , the country has the promlso of one of the
largest crops over raised not falling under
2,000'iOOOl)0 ' ) of bushels. ' I arrived at fig
ures , which will look large to many In the
trade , after having made due allowance for
damage done to thu growing crop throughout
this und other western stiites by excessive
rains , and on the other hand for the lack of
moisture In Isolated localities in Indiana und
0110 or two other states. In conclusion I may
say that the hay cro'plsit largo one through
out nearly the entire country. 1'asturago
Is seldom bettor than now a.t this tlmo of thn
year. At present values for above staples ,
coupled with thu enormous foreign demand , a
prosperous year for this country , to the
writer , seems assured. "
OMAHA , July 31.
CATTLE Official receipts of cattlu 8fiO ,
as compared with lAVl yesteidav. and ! , ' . !
1'riday of last week. The market was about
steady on all grades of bath beeves and
butcher stock. Thobuluof the receipts was
cows and feeders. Feeders were slow and un
changed. The lecolptsof cattle during July
lias been : io"Cf > as compared witli lit,0X5 ( last
month , and 47,402 durng July , IfcDJ. The re
ceipts of cattle slnco January l have boon
J8riOi as compared with ii.V.tOT for the corre-
snondlng seven months In 1SUO.
lloas-Olllclal receipts ot hogs 2,2n , as
comp ircd with 2.8 ! > 7jestorday und 5,200 Friday
of lust week. The muruot was active and fie to
1U higher , some sales werolOo tolSc. Consldor-
iblo sorting was done. The range of the prices
paid was $ . "i.25 < & 5.40. Light , $ -.2. > S5.40 ; heavy , : . : t. ) ! mixed , J.Vi'j ® . " ) . : ) . " > ; roiuh heavy ,
! l.635.10. The average of the prices paid was
< . " > . ; il as compared with $ . " > . .M ! yesterday , if.VJO.'s
h'rlday of last week , J1.4I ? , ; July 1 , anil UH.Mon
, lie corresponding day last year. The reclpts
of hogs during July were 114.i02 : us com
pared with 142,105 during last month
mil ISM.l.M during July Ih'JJ. ' The receipts
of hogs during the first seven months of tlio
rear have bcou lllli.415 , as compared with 804-
91 during the corresponding mouths In IsM.
SllKKi1 Olllclal receipts of slieop 107 , as
compared wltha.40) yesterday and 1.5 Friday
of last week , The market was actlvo and
steady. Natives , J2.7'i.00 : westerns , K.S'J ®
5.00 : good OJ to 70-lb. lambs , tl,7.ViiU.OI ) .
I'ho receipts of sheep during July have
) cen MAS as compared willi 5,0' ) . " ) during lust
nonth and 0.iU7 : during July 180) ) . The receipts
if sheep curing the flrst'sovon months of this
voiir have been S'.VOT as compared with I/ ! ' !
during tlio corresponding period of 18'JJ.
Ipoelitn | nnd HlHiio ftlon oftook. .
Olllclnl receipts and disposition of stock as
shown by thu books of the Union stockyards
company for the twenty-four hours ending at
5 o'clock , p. m. , July. ) ! , It-Ul :
tcoolptH and Disposition I'or July ,
Olliclal receipts ati'ti'dlspotltlou ' ' of stock as
hewn by the the Union stockyards
company for the month undlng at 5 o clojk
p. m. Saturday , JulyHi , 18U1.
It'll.S'.H.lM'l.lM ,
Can. Head. t'arn. Head Cars. lluml.
1,713 IH.XK 4S 1,010
ItoproHutitntlvo Suloa.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. t'r. Na Av.
7..1120 JII 03 SO..1331 tl CO
1 59 0. , 021 1 B5 1. 630 2 10
' 1 53 21. nai 1 HO 0. uo 2 ID
3 ! . Ulu 1 BO (1 ( 7 2 U ) 7. . 014. 210
1. . I two 1 fi ) JO. 7SU7 21-0 1 . 12l ) 2 10
I..10M 1 50 15. MM 2 00 ' .1070 210
1..1070 1 M 200 & , Ml 210
2. . OJO 1 60 SI. . lOta 2 00 ia 010 2 10
Kl. . 753 1 75 2. . IvlO 2 00 19 012 220
1. . 11)40 ) 1 83 83. 8U3 2 00 20. 1018 221
81. . 7UI 1 69 4. . SI ? X 00 22.i . 00 245
33. . 003 1 U a. . TM 2 03 i , 245
27 filU I M 3 013 510 8 1010 2 70
24 , 8W I fCi ? 07D Z 10
i Tin 2 oj o , KB s d'i ' 3.iixi sos
i . . ( iia 2 M a ( i'.n a its i . . MO : i to
a. , nn aw i , . 010 275 20. IOTI > no. )
1..IIIO 2M 82. . H10 2 7S 3d . 7011 3 I'l '
27. . 8Jfl 2 IW 1. . WO 2 1)3 ) 21. .1510 3 15
2J. . hOT 2 OJ
I. . 1530 1 BO L.lyitf 1 M ) 1..1400 1M
4. . 103 3.T > 3. . 223 4 00
1..12:0 : 30)
1 svrlnuor. . , . , . $20 00
1 cow mid calf . , . 27 HO
I cow ami calf . S8 ! uo
I cow and calf . 30 tO
Nii. Av. 1'r.
I ) . H. Tlsdalo & Co.-
42 cows . 1014 $ J 00
AicOorklc A : Taylor
0 cows . , . Ml t OS
2 bulls . J475 175
18 feeders. . . ; . KM 300
2i ) feeders . 1052 325
nons ,
No , Av , Ph. I'r. No , Av. Ph. I'r.
12. . . . 821 210 4 SO 12 . : i37 CO 5 IB )
II . 870 810 4 M ) M . 805 2iW f > 'i2'J '
12 . ira 8J 4 N > K815 \ I ( VI 832' ' }
'I . 2211 4 SO 31 . 221 KW fill' . " , }
1) ) . 270 4 M ) M . 8W 00 5 Il5
8 . ' . ' ( VS 4J 480 CO . 217 535
1 . 421 4 SO 40 . .Ml ISO B ! I5
II. . . . Ml 840 4 hO 81 . 2J4 KM fi 35
1(1 ( . 2J5 4 SO 40 . . . . ESO 100 BBS
1.5 . ; ; . ) ice 4 KJ M . 27:1 : HI Bin
17 . . . . am U'fl 4 85 12 . iKI 80 53.1
2- > . 871 U'O 485 08 . 204 liJB
18 . 875 4 K > 44 . 840 ft 35
4S . 810 40 4 IK ) fi. . . . 82J C > 35
( i . 8H ! 2fO 4(10 ( 6'J . 11 5IO
o. . . . imt so 4 in fis . 8in too r > 35
15 . 3'ti ' so B 05 07 . iso 120 BBS
41 . V55 fi 10 Wl . 80S M ) ABB
ID . aci 20 o. . 2n tin fiift :
. . . . 12) ) fi 8J f > 8 . . . . 272 40 fi 3"
7 . ritt BO 625 37 . 827 I2J fi as
n . BOI 525 1.1. . . . I'D BBS
70 . 211 Iffl 525 04 . llll 2uO 635
71 . 2V7 200 fi 27'J ' M . IIH1 180 637'i '
( I' . . "M 2IJ 527i ! 07 . SI7 2 HI 6 37H
17 . 11.0 . 1,1 6 31 00 . 1- ! ) 8i > 540
71. . . .231 240 630 0' ) . I8 : 120 640
4 . 212 630 65 . H 540
( W . . . . I5S 530 3C . 101 640
81 . ! J 40 fi 30
I'ltlS AND ItOltnif.
1 . 400 275 4 . 200 40 450
3 . 2UO 40 300
No. Av. I'r.
107 Dakota mixed . 81 340
Cltk'nio Mvc Stock AInrkct.
CniCAno. July 31. [ Special Telegram to Tilt :
llui : . ] The cattle innrkot wan wiiliout any
pronounced change today. Quietude prevailed
In all Its branches and values were not sub
jected to any quotable variation. They were
fairly linn for choice shipping sorts , while for
other dlscrlptlons buvor.s had r.ithcr tlio best
of It. Ordinary natUo grass cattle especially
wore In bad odor. They cntno into eompotf-
tlon with rnneo cattle and HufTorod by con
tact , the latter being given preference by both
custom anil local buyers , while common native -
tivo grass steers were a tlruir at J3.40I34.1)1. ) ff.OO
Cl4.r > 0 was being paid for good western rangers.
Of today's arrivals less tlian four thousand
were natives , the romulndorconslstlng ofTox-
ans and westerns In about biual | parts.
The of quotations was $1.609.0.80 for
natives , ! 1.5'jQ-l.2j for Texans and J' for
western. Slackers ami feeders received some
attention and wore quoted at }
Veal calves were active at * ' . ' . ( )0'ii. ) > .oO. Thin
od ) cows sold lower. The continued light re
ceipts are beginning to make themselves felt
A fracllun was added to values yesterday and
again today prices showed an inclination to
go higher. There were only about T > ,000 boss
In the pens , fully one-halt of which number
was required tn llll eastern orders , leaving a
scanty 7,000 to be illvlclod among eight local
packers who are now In the Held.
The Evening Journal reports : CATTI.B He-
colpts , 11,000 head : shipments , 4)0'J ( ) bead.
.Market fair , steady ; top price * . * 5.005.0J : no
prime .steers on sain ; others. * l.7. > © . > .r > u ; native
feeders. ii.2.'i4.25 { : Toxans. 4'i'iK8)3.3'l ( ) ; rangers ,
$4.40511.75 : stockers , $ -.7D'J.50j butchers' cows ,
Hoas Receipts , 15.000 ; shipments.8,000 ; rnnr-
Ki.2. > @ 5. : > 0.
Siimi' lioeelpts,4,000 head ; shipments. 2.000
head ; miukotsteady : native-owes , $1.504.05 ;
mixed and wethers , il.0j5.25 ; Toxans. J1.203
4.00 ; westerns. $ l.404.45 ; lambs , $ ) .75 < i > .6' ) .
Hogs wore all bought up curly at prices av
eraging about5c higher than for Thursday ;
best heavy grades going at $5.555.K ( ) ami
cliolcc llL'ht weights be'ng bought at $5.0 : ®
5.05. Tiiorewas some trading at $4.755.00 for
poor stuff and at i..SO ® I.Od for culls , but $ . " > .25it
5.50 carried away the bulk of the hogs.
KnnsnR City lAvc Stock Market.
KANSAS Crrv. .Mo. , July 31. CATTI.K Kc-
colnts , 4 , : W ; Bhlpmonts , i',300 ; market quiet
and steady to lOc lower ; steers. } : i.00'i.05 ;
cows , 81.SO'J.50 ; stockers and feeders , J2.503
3.50.lions Kecolpts. 4,200 ; shipments , 1,700 ; mar
ket steady to 5c higher ; bulk , I5.155.25 ; all
grades. * l.5fl5.o. : :
S.IEKIKecolpts. . 700 ; shlpinouts , 1.030 ; mar
ket steady to strong.
St. Ijouls lAvc Stock Market.
ST. Louis. JIo. , July 31. CATTLE Receipts.
S.KOjsblpinents , 3.100 ; market lower ; fair to
< 0ioleo export natives , $2.00J.03 ; Texans and
Indians. J..0.05. : !
Hoas Reco'pts. ' 3,100 ; shlpmnnlH , 4,000 ;
market lower ; butchers , & > .505.00 ; mixed ,
Jj.OO5.5J ; light. $ \ 5xn5.
Frosli FrultB.
APPLES Per H bushel box , green , 40c ; red ,
50Uc ( ; per barrel , $2.50.
1'KAiis California Ifurtlott , J2.50.
1'EACiiEa California. Halo'-i early , per box ,
$1.25 ; Crawford. J1.50 ; Nebraska Block. We per
Liaskot ; Michigan , ( iJc per basket ,
OHANO'KS Koll.n.OJitfl.50 ( : Sorrento , $5.50.
WATISIIMIII.ONS Hhlppln , ' stooif , liQilSc ,
I'r.UMS California .stock , $1.75.
OANT.u.ourKS - I'er crate. $1.25.
Hr.ACKHUIUtlKS-aooU stock. 82.00 per 24quart
ca es.
JjK.MONs Per box , $ ( ! .00i30.50.
HANANAH I'ur bunch , t-.OOttJ.M for good
shipping block.
ArCKCtillcs. :
The following quotations ronrcsout tlio
prices ai which choice stock Is billed out on
jrder.s unless otherwise stated :
NBWl'OTAYOBS The market Is very weak
ind prelty fair stock has been olVered as low
is354il''c ' , Local 111 oducers are supplying the
lomand to such an extent that shipments
'Mini a distance would not m > vo very icadlly ,
Nr.w HBKM 1'or bu. , 5UfflOc. )
HIANS : Navy , $2.252.60 per bushel.
TO.MATOES I'or box. one-third bushel , 03
CUCU.MIIEHS I'or doz , 30c.
OKfiKUV : t.vraiOo per do/.en.
ONIONS-OnllfornIn. 2H2lc nor ID.
OAiiuAau Uomo grown , lH-'oier ) In.
Country I'rotlnco.
Potir.Tiiv The market continues weak and
91.WWI.M IB the outside for good old fowls
while JJI.OO Is about the outsldo for spring
chickens. A good many springs sell at * . ' .oo
© 8.60.
HAY The market Is glutted and alargo pro-
> ortlon of the receipts Is 'nmdo uu of poor
slock , having boon Insiilllclontly cured before
jolng balccl. The bust uplnnd brings only
aMi , ml bottom land hay 44.00 up.
Koos Tliu market does not show much
change , sales being nrndo lit lUiiWHIe.
IlUTTEii The market , docs not show any ma-
orlal cliiingo. and the bulk of the country
stock goes at 8io. !
Omaha milling company. Rollnnco. Patent ,
f2.SO ; Invlneiblo Patonl , i..7i ) : Iiono btar. Ku-
lorluttvu , $2.49 ; Hnowllako , J2.00 ; Fancy Kum-
'It.T. Uavls milling company. High Patent ,
No. 1 and Cruam , f-.W : llluo ! > . , full patent ,
:2.K : ( ) ; llawkoyo , half patent , J2. : ) i Special
toyal. Patent No. 10. HOD ; Minnesota patent ,
2.00 ; . Kurd Wheat , piilont , t .05 ; IHO-
inibkit Soring Wlioat , patent , f..ttfl.
H. K. Ollinan's Oold Modal , I-J.SO : Snow
White , * 8.50 | tinowtliiko. (3.10 : low grade. $1.00 ;
liiouu of the Pantry. iiM ) ; Minnesota SUiper-
atlvo , $2.8' ) ; bran , fll.OO ; ehoppcd food , l.'I.Oi.
K. I. . Welch .t fo. . llest. $ . ' .75 ; Orown Prince ,
. ' . ( ; Minnesota Chlo.r , JJ.-J ; Splendid Finally ,
8'J.OO ; KlraUhl. $ ! . . ' > ( )
Complexion powder is un nbsomto
y of ttio roflnoit toilet In this cllnmto. Voz-
bill's combines every oloiuont of bounty and
roiis A. MrSiiANE. KIIANIC C. co.vno.v
McShane & Condon ,
300 S. 13th ft. , First National Dnnlr Building -
ing , Omaha , Nob.
Deal In utocln. bimli , noaurltlo , coninierolal ps.
per , etc. Nuwtluto louu : ( in Iniprovoil O.iiulri roil
ontatu. Hliurt tlnio luuni , on banH Block , or on all
eollularul noourlti
I nm offering stock In a ijood , sound com
pany that will pay a 20 par cent dividend.
5100 shares for $86. Write for prospectus
fioom 0 , Ger , Am. B'k ' DldgSt. , Josopb , Mo.
llaiiiifactiii'crs' ' Jobks' '
G it. i IN A ffi ) rno yisioxs ,
Toucray & Bryan , S. A. MoWhortor
llrnkprii , itrnln , proTtx. .1111st N.-vt'l HinV , ltrok >
lon < mill Hocks. 315 > 4. cm. I'rlTHtn wires td
Kill St. 1'rUnto wlra New York , Chlrngo nnd
lo Chlc.iRo , Bt. St. I.oulj. Cnuli Krnln
mid Now Vork. bomibtfornll ntnrkctt.
Cockrell Bros | F. 0. Swnrta & Qo. (
Itroken. 1'rlvntn wlros , ltroki rstlr ln.lroTlsloni
to Now York , CMcmtci , , V nte. I'rlTnto wlro to St.
Ht. l/ouls. peclnl alienI I Iinls nnd Clilo.iKO. Onic <
tlon Blren to trnck bliU In lt N'nt'l lUnk , Onmlin ,
on grain. IstNnt'l llnnk , ( KxcliiMKO 1 > MV , H.OmAi
I. Randazzo & Son ,
211 S , 12th Street ,
Foreign * DouiosllcKrults
I'lorldaOranges andSlelly
Kriilf. Ur.mcli liouso 7
N IVtersSt.NowOrlenns
Carpenter Paper Co. , Omaha Rubier Oo. ,
Curry n full atock of Mniiiifnctnrcra nnd JnA-
prlnllng , wrapping and ber.s all kinds rubber
writing paper , card pa goods.
per , etc. 1.20 Fnrnftin Street.
Il'o Offer You it Jlemtily
ic/ilo/i lut urea Nufctu to
1A fe of Mother anil Child ,
Jtnb * Coiiflneinrnt of ilt
J'titn , Jlorror anil Jtlttc ,
A.'trruilnRonolMtlloof " .lliiihcr'N I'rlend" I
Biilfervd 1m l llttlu fain , and did uut uxpcrlunco lhat
wuaUni's * afterward tivml la fiieli coacs. Ur > .
ANMK UiOtt , iJiinar , Mo. , Juii. 15th , Irtl.
Kent Iiy ei press , chirm ? * piepald.ou receipt of
price , Ql. M pur bu'tle , li X lu Mullier4mallrd free.
im.YI > I < 'II.r. > KIICJl'J.A'fi'Oll CO. ,
ATI-ANTA , . \ ,
\ V'lMm AKenti tn neil too I'lnlcin
All I 1'vM. Clothes l.lno : the onlr line over
Inveiilud that holdi tlio clollioi without plni ; n for-
feet BUCcu Bi patent rucunlljr luiioili ulil onlj lij
nuontf. to whom the eicluilvu rUbt In Hlvuni on ro-
culpt of WcunU wo wllliond a Bamplu Una bj
ulio circular * ! prlcollit unatoriut toai < eiitit nccurp
tour tiirrltorr at oncaAddruBiTlltt I'INI.liHd
CLOTHEb LINK CXX , U Uoruiaa 9k , W rcu < t >