Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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TcHvcrtd by Carrier In nny part of the City.
11. W. TIf/rON - - - MANAOEU.
iicss Ofl'ec , No. 4'J.
Night Killtor , No. 23.
ji j A o n .it i-x 11 .v ,
X. Y. P. Co.
Pnv your water rent before July 31.
Council flluffs Lumber Co. , coa\ \ .
Craft's chattel loans , 204 Sapp block.
If you want water In your ynra or house
( oto lllxby's. 3M Mcrrlam block ,
I-1 J. Day has commenced suit against the
Union depotcompnny to recover , $ V- : ! which
ho claims ! s n balance duo him on four lots
purchased of him a year ago last Murrh.
The rogulnr meeting of the Potluwnltajnlo
County Fruit ( Jrowers1 nnd Gardners' as-
relation will bo held this nftcrnoon n < > 2
o'clock In Farmers' hall nt tbo county court
Tim Pncllle house was closed Thursday
night on nn attachment for bacit rent , In the
BumorSXCl , proccodlnfis having been com-
nienred in thu district court. The homo Is
nnw In the hands of Sheriff O'Neill.
D. 1C. hhrcoves , who wai nrrostcd several
days aao on thu cliargo of larceny , was rearrested -
rested yesterday morning , his bandsman hav
ing withdrawn his ball , lie soon furnished
another bondsman nnd was again released.
The Council lllufN Uowlng association Is
ranking nrr.ingomunt.s for a ball , to ho given
nt Lake Mnnuwa on the evening of August
11. The yomit ; people of tbo city nro looking
forward to the event with great expectations.
1'liero will bo a regular mooting of Council
UlulTs council No. I , Commercial Pilgrims of
America , this ovcninirat is o'clock. All mem
bers nnd those who have sent In thotr names
for membership nro "ctiuestcd to bn present.
Ida Marie , Infant daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. K. A. Tucker , died last evening nt ( J
o'clock of choler.i infnntum , aired ten months.
The funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon
nt 'JiO : : o'clock from the residence , SOJ Eighth
A surprise party was given night before
last to Ucorgo and ] ! crtlm Smith at their
homo on Fifth nvcnuo by Mamlo Hill. About
thirty-llvo young people were present and
tbo evening was spent pleasantly in dancing ,
cards nnd other amusements.
lly n typographical error Tun Dir. : stated
yesterday that the reunion of the old settlers
of Pottiiwnttnmlo , Mills nnd Fremont coun
ties would bo held In Fnirmount park in this
city on August' . Instead it will bo held on
August yi ) , The programme Is now being nr-
ranges nnd will bo sent out In a few days.
A coloicd woman called nt the police sta
tion about mldnlght'Fhiirsdny night nnd com
plained that she had been nbtiscd by hoi
husband. Bho had been attending prayer
meeting on North Main street , and when she
went homo , B21 East IJro'ulway , her husband
throw her out of the house nnd struck her
with n whisky bottle which ho had been In-
dustilously emptying of its contents , Sim
lllod no information , nnd her dusky partner
\\us not arrested.
* In the police court ycsterdny morning
Oscar Jones , colored , was * lincil S U.'Ji ) for
drunkenness and disturbing the pcuco U.
1) . Wun/el , the "policy" man , was lined
$54.X ( ) for gambling , and "his appeal bond was
lixcd nt $11)0. ) Notice of appeal ' to
the district court was given. S. Johnson
was trivcn thirty days for vagrancy , M. Cro-
imn fourteen days for the same offense.
John Johnson was lined $ l.r .7 < ) for drunken
ness and vngrnncv , and Charles Jvoibon a
like amount for drunkenness.
Last evening's heavy rain storm cau o.l
another rise of Indian creek. The
waters were obstructed again ny the Northwestern -
western bridiro nt the corner of Eleventh
street , nnd wore sent in a Hood ncross lower
Brondwny for n block or two east. For tin-
iiloly but little damage wns done , nlthougli
the creek rose n distance of three feet li :
about on hour and a half. It Is thought thai
the damage suits which are -ibout to bo com
menced against the Northwestern railway
company will have the effect of bringing tin
company to terms , and putting n stop to sue ) :
Complaint Is being Indulged in on nil sides
on account of thn weeds ttint nro being
allowed to disgrace the public streets In all
parts of the city. Across from the court
bouso tbero is n luxuriant growth or. n
vacant lot between Main nnd Pearl street.
On the corner of Broadway and Tenth the
wco-ls are higher than a man's head , nnd as
an added misfortune , the ground Is very low ,
so that the moisture of the past summer has
gntnored there , it Is just the kind of place
to start nn epidemic of malaria and ngue ,
nnd the people of thnt vicinity will consider
themselves fortunnto if they oscnpo.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves
and household goods of Mandol & Klein ,
oam .BlulTs. Prices very low ; freight
prepaid to your city.
Gasoline and oil ; cobs , wood and coal ;
prompt delivery. L. G. Knotts , 27 Main ;
telephone .
Don't wear a heavy , ill-fitting suit
when you can got elegant summer suits
at eastern prices at Holler's , the tailor ,
810 Broadway.
I'KWAO.V.IlAH.WU.trilS. .
Dr. P. J. Montgomery started yesterday
for St. Joe tb ho gene until Monday ,
Sheriff .1. D. Garrison of Harrison county
wus in the city jostcrday on ofllulal business.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Franklin havoro-
turned from a visit of several months wlih
relatives in Indiana.
G. Snrtiltt loft yesterday for Colfnx , where
ho will visit n sHtor. Nuxt woolc ho will gc
to Clark county to talto part in a teachers'
Institute. Ho will ho Instructor In grammar.
Dre. Stewart & Patty , veterinary sur
geons , -15 Fourth btroot.Council Blu'lTs , la.
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 53'J '
Broadway. _
Irnvyeivi on the Diamond.
Thn gnma at Mannwa yesterday was not
'exactly what could DO oiled Interesting from
a professional point of vlow , but judging
from the amount of nolso that was made by
the audience , thcro was moro real Interest
foil In the Kruno than In nny that has econ
played In this vicinity for u long time. The
grand stand was well tilled with spectators ,
and every good play was mot with applause ,
whllo had plays , which could have been
picked out by the do/on by anyone who was
inclined to stickle for the technical paints of
Jho national irnmo , were erected with do-
rthlvo , thoiiph good n at tired Jours.
The niQiulmri of the bar from Papllilon
arrived about noon accompanied by quite a
number of tholr friends who camo" along to
BCO that their friends hail fair piny. The
visitor * were not compelled tot'iaUoiihldavits
that they were all practising lawyers , as
was suggested , and therefore some doubts
\\crocxpioiRedastowhuthorsoino of thorn ,
who were apparently still In their teens ,
were i ocularly practising attoruevs. Hut
they were old enough to ulav a pretty fair
gumo of ball , anyway , and nobodv cured any
Ttio names of the players In both clubs
were as heretofore published , with the ex
ception of the niuffa catcher. Travis taking
thoplncooriCmll Sohur * . CJood work wns
done on thi > whole by the batterv , ( irovo and
Allen for I'amlllou and Tnivls and Askwltii
for Council liluffs. The main feature of the
game was Axlnvlth's slide to llrst biifo.
During the llrst half of the gumotho niufts
boys koot ahead of their rivals , but after the
sixth Inning the tables were turned , and the
I'apllilonlto ? took the lead. The last Inning ,
however , eamo very near evening things up ,
nnd nt the close the score stood IT to lh In
favor of Papllilon , The RIIIIIQ wat awarded
to Pnpllllnn uy Umpire V. W. Ncal , and u
line supper was served In the dlnlnx room of
the hotel Manawu , at the expense of the
lUuftltcs , Alter supper , on account of the
rain , the whole party decided to stay at the
hotel until mornlnc.
Union Park races , Omaha and Coun
cil Blurts , September S-l I , $0,600 ; Oc
tober 20-21T $ ,000. For programmes
Pddross Nut Brown , Merchants ' hotel '
'OmufwC " l '
Hotel Gordon , most centrally located ,
< ist class house iu city ; utraight $2.00 a
Anti-Probibitlonlfts Failed to Meet as
ProvSouily Agreed ,
City Council Scnslon of Nt Week
AVIII I'c ' I'oHtp.incd to Permit
Member * to Attend An-
otlicr Flood.
The mooting ot antl-prohlbltlonhts failed
to come off last ovcnliiK At Ibu court house ,
ni tinil been nnnouticod. Hail It not been for
thu rain tin room would hnvo boon crowded
In nil probability , but ns It was there were
not over fifty present. It was thought best
not to tnlio uny iictlon. In tbo liopo that by
postponlr.R the meeting n fuller expression ol
opinion could bo secured. An ndlournmcnt
. ' . In the
wiw taken until next Monday ovonnif.
superior court room at tho' county court
house , and the programme which had boon
arranged for last evening will bo carried out
to the letter. Monday night Is the tlino for
tbo regular monthly mooting of thu city
council , but it is suid that the meeting will
bo adjourned , In order to nllow the councilmen -
men to attend the anti-prohibition demon
stration ,
KverytlilttK I" tlio Store Ilns I'ccn
Marked Down to Cott Ten llnj'H
Only Xoo ( ' ( liovo I'rltiCH ,
f2-in ! 8c Butnmor cashmeres fit cost
price , fie.
Yard wide 12je suiting ( plaid only ) at
cost price , ( Jc.
French sateens , regular 22c goods ,
beautiful designs , half | ) rlce , lie.
6.000 yards of Pokin cltjth and fancy
zephyr , hold for lOo at12c { , for Ole.
All our 80 and lOo outing ll-uinol in
one lot at 6c a yard.
All our dark wintH , including beat
quality indigo , at 5c , just co-it price.
60 beat light shirting prints , -Jc.
Lot 1 All our 12c } , loo. IGo organdies
for ! ) c.
Lot 2 All organdies hold from l c to
2.H ! in one lot for 15c.
! ! 2-lncli bastiso cloth sold for. 8c and
12Jc , now 7c.
Wo only mention a few of the bar
gains. Everything in this department ,
including ginghams of every descrip
Linen of every grade , also napkins
and table sots , Turkey red damask ,
crashes , etc. , etc. , at eoit price.
Sheeting in all widths from the lowest
to the highest grades , in brown ,
bleached , half bleached , at net cost.
Also all our yard wide m\islin at the fol
lowing prices :
Lawrence LL , Co ; Lons-dalc , 7c ; Arrow
Brand , ( ic ; Hope , < > fc ; Argyle , Oc ; La
dies'Choice , ! ) c ; O-spiu , 7c ; Wamstttta ,
1 Ic ; Pride of the West , lllc ; Lonsdale
Cambric , 1 ( ic ; White Uiver cambric ,
Sic ; Berkley Cainhiic , 9Je.
All lliinnols , shirtings , blankets , tow
els , tick all under the same heading-
cost price for ten days only.
No side line. Every one of our brand
uro just as popular all over Europe a :
they are in America. During this tei
days' bale wo put every pair of hose ii
stock on sale at cost price.
lc ! ) fancy hose , loc.
25c b.ilbriggan hose , lOc.
50o black hose , ! > lc.
Everything goes in cotton , lislcs am
silks at cost price.
Wo have fiOO do/.on underwear , whicl
must bo removed during sale , and wil
go regardless of cost. Look at the fol
owing prices :
7e ribbed vests , -lc.
12o { ribbed vests , 9c.
17c ribbed vests , 12o. }
2oc ribbed vests , lOc.
4oe lisle vests , 27jc
This includes everything in ladies'
gents' and children's underwear , all a
cost price.
FOTHKHINOAAM , Wlimil.AW & Co. ,
Loaders and promoters of low prices.
IiivostiKatliiir Cut-Off.
The city council took a drive over to Cut
Off Island day before yostorduy uftornooi
for the purpose of looking over the ground li
order that In trio future when matters conn
up that need attention they can not under
standingly. They came back fully convince !
that If Iowa wins the suit now pending litho
the supreme court for the possession of tin
island tno city will got just what It wants
the opinion of seine of the citizens to the con
trury notwithstanding. According to i
statement made by ono of the nldermon UK
land which is the subject of litigation is tin
only part of the Island tnat Is worth any
thing , ii ml the council was unanimous in tin
feeling that Iowa must have it if such a thint
Is possible.
An Immense amount of grading is hc'lnt ;
done tluiro , over n thousand men bolnp otn
ployed hi the work by the ICust Omaha Luni
company. Many now buildings nro bclnj
constructed , and the place Is taking on n to
tally now appearance. City SurvoyorTosto
vin states that the grading now bcinc done
will bring the island up ton level with thai
In the business part ot Council Bluffs.
Another result of the ride will bo witnessed
in the course of u few days In the form of n
couple of law suits which ura to bo coia
menced in superior court to compel the
Union Pacific and the Northwestern rail
way cowpMilus to rnlbO their bridges in ac
cordance will' the orders of the city
council , some months ago. As stated in TUB
BKK , these companies have steadllv ignored
nil warnings glvnn them by the council anil
nn effort will now bo ma-Jo to Induce thoin b.v
moans of the order of n court to do what they
should already Imvo done at the council's re
quest. The city maislial served notice on
the companion yesterday that u suit would be
commenced ugnliibt them on or before August
15 to compel thorn to remove the Indian
crook bildtfos ut Eleventh street and Teutli
Swunson music company , 335 Broad
Itoinovat Sale.
Intending to discontinue our Omaha
store for the present and moving the
stock to Council BlulTs , w.e will have no
roomer , all the surplus stock , and in
order to reduce our now immense num
ber of Pianos and Organs wn will oiler
thoin ut a sacrifice for the next thirty
ilays. If you want u big bargain call
soon. MuKLUiit Music Co. ,
103 Main Struct.
Drs , Woodbury , dentists , 80 Pearl
street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone
145 , High grade work u specialty.
Mluci" ' I'.Milianuo.
\V. H. , bccretary of the Omaha Mm-
Jrs' iiud Ore Millers' exchange , has been In-
riled to speak next Wednesday evening ,
tMiKUst 5 , at the board of trade rooms. The
uvttatton has been extended to him by seine
jf the members or the board of trade , who
ire anxious that something should bo done
toward securing the co-operation ot the cltl-
: ons nf this city In the oxohtuiRO of Oimitui ,
which U hems pushed to the front among
ithor business enterprises of the city across
.ho river. A full uttcndanco or the citizens
s desired.
Now Directory.
A. T , Elwcll has received ft letter from J ,
? . Uushuoll , the compiler of the now city
llroctory , stating that tbo material Is all
gathered , nnd the hook Is ready for the
printer , before printing ho wants a thorough
revision to bo nmdo bv n committee of thrco
from the board of trade , so that nil possible
errors mny bo avoided. This committee will
bo appointed In adny or two , nnd the rovls-
Ion will bo made as soon ns possible. The
book Is larger than any that 1ms heretofore
been Issued , ns It contains not only a complete
but of I'ottawatta-
plete directory of the city
mlu county as well. Mr. Itushnell ntntea that
in the city purl Mono thcro are 2,500 names
more than In the last edition.
1'ni'cntH Huad Thh.
.Tuly nnd August are nnxTous months for
mothcn who carufullv watch over their little
ones , Hot days nnd frequent cMnacs ol
tompcrnturo n'ro llnblo to produce cholera
mornus. How satisfactory It should bo for
parents tohnow that Hallor's I'nln Paralyzor
is both a nlcnsant and effective remedy for
all summer complaints. It soothes nnd re-
lleves nil pain and griping nnd always effects
n complete cure. _
the .
Trn Johnson , mayor of Kearney , Nob. , aiu' '
Aldermen O. II. Cutting , Hichurd Hlbbnrd
nndV. . L. Cookc , nnd City Knglncor W. II.
Elliott , wore in the city yesterday morning
on n tour of Inspection. The , town of Kear
ney Is nbout to commence some important
public improvements In the way of street
paving , nnd their object was to got whut In
formation they could out of the city ofilolals
of Council 111 lifts on the subject. Mayor
Macrae showed them nbout the city , am !
they were very much pleased with what they
saw. They were esrcclnlly taken with the
results of Council Bluff's experiment with
brick paving , aim It seemed to bo the opinior
of most of them that this would be the klml
they would trv. The party took dinner nl
the Grand , together with a numlyr of
friends Irom this city , and they left for homo
in the iitlcrnoon.
The phenomenal success of Ayer's Sarsap-
nrllla started Into existence a host of compet
itors. This , of course , was to ho expected ,
nut the cITeet has been to demonstrate the
superior merits of Dr. Ayer's propnr.ition by
u constantly Incro.islng demand for It.
Picnic at Manhattan boach. Round
trip tickets from Omaha , including boat
ride , 6Uc ; on sale nt no\vs stands at Millard -
lard and Murray hotels.
S. rioiiHly Injured.
Henry Maxwell , who works nt Bosen'j
nlnlnlng mill , was the victim ot a bad acci
dent yesterday.Vhllo operating a joiner ,
his hand was caught , and his Index linger
torn off. The n t of his hand was badly
mangled , and it was feared yesterday after
noon that the whole hand would have to be
taken off. Ho Is resting ns easily ns could bo
expected , at tis homo on soutn Madison
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup U the best
of nil remedies for children teething. Jj cunts
a bottle.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit
coug'h tablet's. - They are delicious.
O. Younkerman & Co. , focd and com
mission , 108 Broad w.iy , Council BLutls.
Tel. 77 ,
Matrimonial Itccord.
Marriage licenses were issued yesterday
to the following : E. M. Jones , Nettie M.
Hildre b , Unionberp , Harrison county ;
Clcorgu Klos. Snrnh Green , Omaha ; C. J.
Illckey , Omaha , Amanda Slater , Helena
siiT ui * in' GiiosrijY FINGERS.
V Typesetter's Story of News Gettiitjj
Tlwt IJ--at the TolcKraph.
"In the summer of 1881 , " said a com
positor in the Cleveland World , "I was
running a paper in a little backwoods
town in Pennsylvania. The paper was
not so motropolitian in its make-up
but that I was able to do all the
work nfyself with the exception ol
the printing. Publication days I
called in the service of a half
witted follow , who , under ray instruc
tion , had developed into an expert roll
er. I was the only man within a radius
of twenty miles who knew how to bet
typo , and if I had fallen sick the paper
would not have coino out until J was
well ngain. Naturally I am not a super
stitious man , but an incident occurred
while I had charge of that piper which
I cannot explain , and until it is ex
plained , I shall believe that anything is
possible in the way of ghosts , spooks ,
wraiths , etc.
"It was the morning of Juno 10. I
had locked up my forms the night bo
fore so that I could begin printing ? earlj
in the morning. I was pulling the ok
lever at 7 o'clock , and at 0 the local lisl
was in the postoflico. Soon after the de
livery hail begun ono of the merchant !
of the hamlet a very intimate friend-
came into the olllco.
" 'How did you coino to hear of the
death of your * brother so soon'i" said ho ,
( There was no telegraph station withir
fifteen miles. )
. " 'What do you mo'in V said I.
" 'MoanV said ho. 'You ought tc
know what is in your own paper. Have
you forgotten that you hoard this morn
ing your brother is doad'i1 Have you
forgotten that you sot up a notice of il
an hour or two ago ? '
" 'Are you craayV said I , 'I bwoai
that I do not know what you uro driving
"At this juncture ho opened the damp
shoot that 1 had so recently printed and
folded , and pointed mo to the following
item at the bottom of the third column
of the local page :
" 'John Jones , brother of William
Jones was killed at Peoria , 111. , at E
o'clock this morning.1
"My breath was fairly taken away
from me. The merchant was right.
Tlioro was the notice of my brother's
death in my own paper , and I hud not
sot it up nor heard of it.
' "Youaro right , ' said I ; 'but this is
the first that I have known of it. If
there over was a mystery tills IB it. '
"I wont over to the 'form. ' Thcro
was the three line item. The moment I
saw the typo I was more amazed than
over. It was the typesetting of my
brother , who like mo , had boon bred to
the printer's trade. I could toll his
work from that of a thousand. Ho was
a marvellously oven spacer , and ho car
ried his taste BO far that lie always put
less space after a comma ,
"But how wore the line
nut into the locked form
No item had boon taken out. I oxnm
ined the form closely. Yes , there
was Homo moro of my brother's work.
To gain the space leads had been taken
from hero and there just as he used to
tuko them. He was a great stickler for
good looks in a page , and was very
fastidious as to wliero ho pulled his
loads. It struck mo right away that the
notice of the death would not have boon
so short , would have gene into details
more , but for the fact that my brother
did not wish to remove any of the matter -
tor nor any lead which could not bo
spared as well as not.
"Though utterly skeptical about su-
nornatural visitations. from Unit moment
1 believed that my brothor'sdibombodlcd
so'ul had made its way hundreds of miles ,
tiad entered my olllco in the early duwn ,
liad set up the notice of his death and
| ) ut it in tlie 'form. '
"Lato that afternoon a despatch came
; o the olToot that William Jones was
filled at Peoria , 111. , at C o'clock that
norning. "
Antiquity Til' tliu
An KiiL'lish imttirullst has discovered
iroofs thut the bedbug was quite com-
non in the armies of the world at least
120 years before the Chrlbtlan era , and
.hat ho was oven a sea rover , as the
loots of that day had their timbers
stocked with this breed ol uocturmil
prowlers ,
They Can No Lonsor Rib OlatmAnta ol
the Oovarnmo'iit ,
_ _ _ ' ! 'J
It UnCi lends Scttleyi , " > . ' Patentees
\Vldo\VH , Orphans ami .Soldier.- )
and IH CotuiniMKli'U by the
Illuhc4t Authority ,
Men who have had claims against the gov
eminent nnd employed professional agents to
represent them before the departments In
Washington , tell slranso stories of tricks
nnd rasrullty to which they were subjected
at the hands of thcjo merciless creatures
Thcro nro of course , some honest men nmong
these agents ; but thcro nro so many that are
notoriously corrupt , that It la almost Im
possible for a claimant , unless ho bo direct
ed by n well-informed Individual , to find one
In whom ho can place Implicit confidence.
Tin : lhr has received hundreds of com
plaints from soldiers and others who had
advanced monov when so desired nnd who
waited for years and yet failed to receive any
Information ns regards what the sharks had
done with either money or claim.
TIIC llr.nhas also been requested to recom
mend reliable agents and has , in this wny
served to protect the people from fraud and
robbery , Ilut that did no good to the people
who had fallen Into the hands of sharks. As
rapidly ns the latter were shown up , new
ones with now tricks and rascality took their
place : ,
Thcro wns but ono means loft nad that waste
to establish a great bureau of claims. This
idea was suggested to a number of people but
was put Into practice llrat bv the Sna Fran-
cuco Examiner.
With the Exnminor , Tun Uiihas : co-opera-
tedl n the great work of aiTord.lng relief to
worthy claimants.
Tbo Washington correspondent of the Bx
nmincr , Mr. John \Vcddcrburn , who has also
clod as urivuto secretary to Senator Hearst ,
was detailed to organize ana talto charge of
thu bureau. His long service in Washington
In both these capacities had given him n largo
acquaintance with government ofliclals and
government methoiis. idiowing the inon
ana the proper procedure to follow , ho wns
chosen ns well quallllcd to pusn claims
through In the shortest time if they Were
Justly duo.
The best lawyers to bo had were then cm-
gated nnd n full clerical force put into the
bureau. In every instance the men were
chosen for their knowledge of the work to bo
Congress was not less nnxious to protect
claimants from robbery. The same kind of
complaints nad come to Tar. Dun nnd gene to
the members of congress as well. The com
mittees thnt tuul the Indian depredations bill
under consideration investigated the opera
tions of thu claim agents and attorneys in
connection with the Indian depredations
claims. Thev found that the claim agents
had demanded 33 } $ ' to .7J par coat from the
men holding the claims , and in hundreds of
cases held contracts at these llpurcs. While
the bill was still In congress , with little ap
parent chance of passage , they were nblo , by
methods dangerously near the line of fulso
pictenses. to induce the claimants to sign the
exorbitant demands.
There appeared to be qnly ono way to pro
tect the claimants. That was to cancel all
contracts by law and limit the fees that at
torneys might collect. Tbo claimants would
thus bo enabled to cheese another agent if
the one they nad first engaged had attempted
to defraud them , and the contracts could not
demand more than the specified rate.
The ninth section of the bill wns thus
drawn to nnnul "nil sales , transfers or us-
signments of claims" and "all contracts here
tofore made. " The maximum fee to bo al
lowed was put at 15 per cent of the amount
collected except in case of claims under foOO
or where unusual work had to bo done , when
20 per cent might bo allowed.
The amount of business received imme
diately nftor the opening of the bureau is a
proof of the contldciico In which the people
hold it nnd of the distrust which the ordi
nary claim agent has aroused. In thn six
weeks , from April I to May 15 , claims to the
nmountof $4H)5'i41.li5k ! ) were filed with the
bureau on account of Indian depredation
clnimsnlono. All these go to the court of
clnims under the act and are in various
stages of nnd prosecution. Be
sides tbo claims unner the Indian depreda
tion net thcro had been filed nt that date
treasury claims to the nmount of
French spoliation claims to the amount of
riM.S&l : laud claim" , fcS9,3.)0 ! ; and pnicnt
and other claims to n largo amount , tiinco
that date some $ .i,0X,000 ( ) of clnims have been
Hied with the bureau , and It Is now attending
over$5,000,000of clnims.
The need lor the bureau may well bo seen
bv the fact , that it now has on band more
claims than all of the claim attorneys of
Washington combined.
The efforts of congress nnd the establish
ment of the burenti was not appreciated by
the claim agents. They wanted to continue
to thrive in their business of fleecing the
needy claimant. They accordingly denounced
the uovcriimont and the bureau. Thov held
that the former could not cancel the contracts
they hud , maUa with their victims. Hut the
cancellation was made in the interest and
nutno of the people. And it need not bo
doubted that the eminent constitutional Inw-
years who framet * the act in question did not
do so without knowing what they were
doing. The throats of the sharks undoubtedly
had a'i effect upon somu men who desired to
make no\v contracts nnd secure the services
of some other attorney , but this effect will
soon bo destroyed and the emancipation of
tha claimant from the tyranny of the shark-
will bo complete.
The nmount of monov that will bo saved to
the people by this work of TIIK IIm : HCKKAI'
oi'Ci.UMsmay not bocalculatcd. It will cer
tainly bo very great. The work will be done
ns near actual cost as possible. Some of it ,
will not cost more than 5 per cent , while
much of it can be done within the 15 nnd A )
per com allowed by law. In some c.isc.the
L'O per cent may bo required. It is the inten
tion , however , to give the claimant tbo bone-
ill of the lowest charges that will cover the
expenses of thu service.
Tin : BEK Bimruu will prosecute claims In
thu supreme court of the United States , tlu
court of clnims , tlie several courts of the Dis
trict of Columbia , before the committees of
congress nnd the oxeoutlvo departments. It
will secure tyo payment of Just Indian depre
dation claims , land claims , pension claims ,
mining pre-emption and nomostnad cases and
obtain patents at minimum cost and the
greatest despatch. , '
There are thousands yet who are entitled
to pensions. Thosa should write immedi
ately to the bureau. There are thousands of
heirs , widows , minor 'children ' , dependent
mothers , futhcra und minor dependents ,
brothers nnd sisters who are ontl'lcd to pen
sions and should write to Tin : DUB btircnu
concerning them. Undo ? recent legislation u
liberal increase in pen's'Ions has been allowed
nnd those who nro entitled to this should
write to TIIK Hi : Unreal ! Claim nsaoclntlon.
AH letters will bo promptly answered nnd
all Information concerning form of applica
tions for clnims , tcrir)8uoto ) , will bo given
withns little Jelay ns practicable. No letter
will be answered unless. ' tluj sender em-loses
requisite stamps for rojfly. ( No information
concerning any particular claim will bo Im
parted ' until thu applicant has become u mom-
I'1 or of Tut : jli.K Bureau association.
Parties desiring In formation should address
Tin : liuKlinrean of ClulmsWi ( : 0.u b'llldinir ,
Otnabu , Neb. , the manager of which Is Ed
ward P. Hoj.tb'ou.
SHAitKS AltK ft
How They Fool Over tlio liurcau nf
( lulniH tVorlc.
During the past mouth the Exnmlncr-nr.K
bureau of clnims has boon In receipt of a
lumber of letters from clients enclosing
; hicutcnlns and argumentative circulars
'roin attorneys formerly employed , nnd ask-
ng If the asset tIons therein made were true.
1'liosald clients are parties who , having been
previously robbed by claim ngcnts , eagerly
rrnspod the opportunity for relief oy transferring -
ferring their cases to this bureau when congress -
gross opened tbo door t > y annulling previous
contracts. Now , the aforesaid claim agent
cormorants , fearing they may bo balked of
the prey they have so lone entangled In their
meshes , hiivo begun to Hood the country with
circular letters In which they constantly
harp on two themes , vU t That congress has
no power to annul private contracts , and thnt
their powers of attorney are Irrevocable bo-
cuuso coupled with an interest , tiainclya
contingent fco.
Wo do not propose at the present tlmo to
advertise the tininoH of these parties who now
musnuonulo under the cognomen of nttor
noys , though strongly tempted to glvo them
the celebrity tholr atnvsi'lltorniy-loijai en
deavors so richly merit. Ono la particular
deserves special recognition , by a maudlin
communication of eight pages In which ha
Jumbles useless fuels with fanciful theories ,
garbles Judicial decisions , nnd .so Inextricably
entangles his words thnt In many instances
the closing part of his sentences have no ap
parent connection with the beginning.
To any ono versed In the law of the Innd
such Idiotic letters nro n matter only of ridi
cule nnd amusc'iicnt. Hut when wo consider
that thu average claimant in the west is nee-
cssnrlly Ignorant of the law governing the
prosecution of claims in the city of Washing
ton , wo uro prone to treat the matter more
The question of extent to which congress
may go In Its Interference with private con
tracts , Is undoubtedly one on which some of
the most eminent legal minds have differed ,
ntul it were easy to write a volume on either
side. However , the philosophical nnd politi
cal arguments pro and con nro something
with which wo nt present have no concern.
We confine ourselves to the cold , hard logic
of facts. That the last congress did speclll-
c.dly cancel and nnnul nil existing contracts
between claimants nnd attorneys In the Ir
illan depredation net of March 3 , 1VJI , Is n
fnct which not even the squirming claim
agents dcnv , and which anyone Interested
may rend for himself ny applying to us ttu a
copy of the law. Possibly the eminent con
stitutional lawyers and Jurists In the senate
and liouso of representatives should have
consulted these obscure claim agents before
passing the net which so soriouslv
curtailed their Shyiock propensities.
Hut wo apprehend that moro reliance
wns placed upon the recent decision of the
U. S. supreme court , case of Mitchell ns
clerk , reported In 110 U. S. reports , Page 11:13 :
whore in the highest tribunal In thu land
asserts "no provision of the constitution
piohiblts congress from interfering with the
validity of contracts. "
The second local problem Involved Is thnt
of revocation of powers of attorney. When
and under what circumstances the claimant
can recall nn existing power and employ
another attorney. Our eight page friend
lends oft with duosolumlty by quoting .ludgu
Storey : "Whoa nn authority or power is
coupled with nn Interest It is from Its own
nature ami character In contemplation ot law
irrevocable : " then proceeds to argue that the
retaining of nn attorney on u contlnuent
fee is equivalent to coupling the power
with an interest. This Is absolutely false
from u legal standpoint , but It is nn assertion
well calculated to mislead the ordinary read
er. What is really meant by nn "Interest" Is
nn Interest or right in the thing Itself. Thus ,
if nn estate is convoyed to u trustee , with
to sell , this power cannot bo revoked
Eowcr the trustee has nu Interest in the estate -
tate Itself ; bo holds the egul right to the
property. Again , if the o cr of a patent
assigns one-tenth of it to a second party and
gives him power of attorney in connection ,
said [ lower of attorney cannot bo revoked because -
cause the assignee has an interest ir the pat
ent Itself. IJut If n claimant gives a power
of attorney to tin ngont to prosecute his claim
for u contingent foo.thls power is not coupled
with an interest and can be revoked at the
plcasuioof the claimant. When the agent
agrees to work for a contingent fee , ho nc-
copts n very serious part of the "contingen
cy , " the possibility of having his power re
voked. And a feu contingent on the success
ful prosecution of n claim can. In no wav , bo
construed as an "interest" in the claim which
would render a power of attorney irrevoc
Origin o ! the Kan.
This is the Chinese legend of the
origin of the fan. One oveninjj , when
the beautiful Kau Si , daughter of a pow
erful Chineao mndarin , was assisting at
the great Feast of Lanterns , bho was bo
overcome with the heat that she was
obliged to take off her mask. But to
expose her face to the eyes of the
profane and vulgar was a serious offence
against thu law ; so holding her ni'bk
as close as possible to her features slip
lluttorod it tapidlyto give herself air ,
and the rapidity of the movement served
Do not suppose opportunity will knock
twice at your door. Now is your-time
to use the genuine Carlsbtid Sprudcl Salt.
It is Nature's remedy , Buy the genuine
importcel article and do not bo imposed
upon by unscrupulous dealers who will
try to soli you worthless imitations , to
increase their own nrolit only.
Pimples on the Pace J
Breaking Oat )
BkinTionblea )
Llttlo Bores | Hot Skin |
Boilsl Blotches )
Gold Sorci ) Bad Breath )
If 3 u iuffi-r from OUT of
tntito MjniptomA , tnk
WHY ? BEOARffi vP0uuRflflLOOD
lUvo ou over uneil mercury I It so. did you
j the nocilfil utt. ntlon at the time I
\ yourself
El\o Wu n'oil not tell you t'mt you rc-qalio a bluoil
nftcr cf-
fle.ilom froin the
medicine , tocmuro
r ta l > r. Ackrr' . KiiKll'l' ' . : " . * . . ' ' ? " , ' , " .
MurU by a NhiRln npiillratli > n of tliH ! ) } < .
It ImpiirtH a nut iirnl color , IICH ln-.lant.iiir-
oilHly aniliiiitaliimint hint ; liiiirlouri ) to tlio
Imlr. Hold bv all < 1niil-.tx , or hrnt liy o\--
rrcss on r.H--lpt < if prlci' , IS 1. 00. Uilluv , UU
& II 1'arlt I'lacc. Haw York.
Medical and Surical Institut3
nus. iin
Chronic diseases of all kinds and dofnrm-
Itlos spocliilttL's. Xoi > U)1 ) and -iijJ llroadwuy ,
founull ItlulU. I.u
to concotil lior cotintonnnco. The other
Indies \irc.iont. \ Nvltncswlnjj this himly
but uhnrinlnpr Innoviitlon , Imitated it ,
niitl nt once 10,000 htiiitls were lltitlorlni ;
10X)0 ( ) masks. Thus the fun was ovoUcd ,
nnd took the phico of the mask.
To I'rtMoi-vo HIP Uyc-4.
A shnplo nml excellent pltin to preserve -
servo nml strengthen the eyes Is tills :
Every morning poor some cold wntor
Into your \vnshlng bowl ; nt the bottom
of the bowl place a silver coin or some
ether bright object ; then put your face
in the water with your eyes open ami
llxcil on the object at the bottom ; move
your head from slilo to side gently , ami
you will lliul that this morning bath will
muko your eyes brighter und stronger ,
ami preserve them beyond the ordinarily
allotted timo.
Contt'txllylocntocl in the business
portion ol' Council Bluffs , nil the
sti'eol cat1 lines in the city passing
tlie door. Modern and conven
ient ; thoroughly fire proof ; 120
quest chambers. The best $2 n
dny hotiso In the west.
Board und room from $3O per
month up. Tnblo bonrcl $ D per
week. G. M. WHITNEY , Mgr.
Galvanized Iron Cornice Works ,
1O1D and 1O17 BrontUvntj.
Ultimate'fiirnMii-M on nil kliuU of ( inlrnnltol
Iron Corulco WnrX , Iron llnoflni ? . store Kr < ini' nml
Copper Work. Artt'tln work ti pocljilty ( 'orrja-
liiinilunccioltcltuil from potm.i.MJ uuloi from Conn
ell llliHTanmt Oni.iln.
UAI.r.sjfAN WANTED - l'or "Household"
V 7 llccord of i\H'iise : | . " Knorimms siilc * .
lllji inoiioi.VrIlu Immediately. Hot UiS ,
trade < md losldvitco lot , clear , for
family horse mid currniKo. Apply ut 5,10
r imkllii
"IJ1OH SALI > . ( iiHHl farm. 10 miles from ( ' 01111-
Joil UlulTs. with ory lirio : oivlmrd , KB nor
acre , l-.l-'hty i.cro farm , nitlroml < ttutlon.
in J 7 TO per acre. Johnston & Van 1'attt'ii ,
Council HlufK
IfOK ISKNT A nice ( l-rooin hou o with
ilurRC yard to dt'slr.ililn partv frco of
cliiu o. J.V. . Squire , 101 1'o.irl street.
, ) syc'hoinotrlu , or elmr-
actor leadliiiti ; also diagnosis of disease.
ticntl lojk of hair for roadlniM by letter. Sim-
Siyn nnd even HIM. Mrs II Hooper. 14ii Avo-
duu H. no tr t-ornur l.'itli street. Council ItlulT .
Tornis , fno and I..O ) .
' IIITO oroporty In llvo-aero
MAUNll'MCKNT im inllu- * from postollli-e ,
forsalo nn reasonable tonns fcomu line msl-
tlenco property for rent by I.iy& Hess.
TTOK 3.VLB or Uant JKrdoa iand. "with"
4. houitfi. oJ U. Rloo. U < .djUn it. , OouooU
'I'lio i olunililu Ilicycfc.
Wo have the best cushion tire made. Hut
this is not thu only trooil feature of the old
rellablu.ini popular Co utiiol i. liiMHll-'alo snniti tittsfrupulous dualerb have to say
foi Ihultwheels. .
' 1 he Columbia Is uoith Its wolcht In Hold ,
" . "
oven with "frcosilver.
Do V illiout n Itcl'rlucrator.
In hot uoather It Is Impossible to do so and
picsorvo your health and comfort. 1'ood can-
no t be preserved without d u nacrous deteriora
tion. In 111-ool.od inr.uv st ito. without rcfrlir-
cratlon. You will lln-l It more Imptisslhlo than
ovui-todo u Ilium t this Import : uit act huu't when
yon look ut 'ho North Star and learn the
prices \\u will make for thu no\t thirty days.
( lUiolInc StovoIjuwit Mowers ,
And cnrdon hose at lower lignies tlrm you
ovorRot bofoto. Kvory article sold Is the lifah-
vkt urado maile. Screen dooi-.s and window
sereens at cost. Make your homes comforta
ble at little o\penso.
I . C. DcVol , no I ISrnmlwtiy.
They .Must Go at Cost.
There Is no use of your endeavor us to pot
nlon ; ! and economise by doliiK without u re
frigerator , lluilth and comfort cannot be
malm lined In the hot summer we.ithor and
food proper.y preserved without.somo inuans
of preservlni ; a cool , dry atmosphere. Thu
new Guernsey refrigerator Is the world boater
In every essential point , ami from this time
on wo propose tn put thorn Into your houses at
absolute coat. Tli s Is a bonii lido offer that
It wl.l pay you to Investigate.
Window Screens aiul Peers
Go nt the s imo price until our present lurso
stock is cxhauslo I. Tills Is your opportunity
to provide your homes with thosy necessary
All modern llttlo labor-savin : and comfort-
pro'lneln ; ; novelties In thu hardware line for
hummer use will ho disposed of lu the same
& Son , No. 11 Main Htruct ,
Council muffs.
cured by
' these Little IMild.
They also relieve Ila
rcM from Djrspcpsln , In
ITTkE dlgvstlon and Too lloiutj
Bating. A perfect rcnv
edjr for nittlness , Nausea ,
Drowsiness , llnd Taste
in the Mouth , Contoi ]
Tongnci. I'din In the Side ,
regulate tfco Bowels , liirely Vegetable.
A Summer
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
Attractions. Tlno I'ishln ? , lloalliu , H.ith-
Incanl Kxcellont Water.
Ou'y ' fifteen minutes rldo from Council
Illnffs. Motor trains every half hour , direct
to centers of Council Illutls and Ourih u
Most ilellK Infill und accessible place for
picnic i
Of Council Bluffd.
DmirTOHt : A Mlllnr. V O Olaivin. R I *
Bhuisnrt. 11 K. IlivrU J D Kdmuudvm. On irloi
It , llannan. Tr.insiot sonaral tianklnt tiiui
necs L.-\r.ieU and aurpUu ot auf
banklu 3oilUiwolorii IO\T.L
oN XIMi DE333 TJ
Eye , Ear , Nosa and Thmi
Council HlulTs , la.
Shugtirt-Hoiio IJ'Ic.
Room 1. I ) to 1nv
7 und 3 p. in.
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appolnt3i Hotel
is Now Opsn.
N. A. Taylor , Manager
First--National--Bank : :
I'nlil Up Cinltiil , . . . . ! MO,0)3' ! ) ! )
OUleit ori.mluil bmk In Uio city. 1'uiuUnnAl
dome tic uxcli uuo .tail looil 3joirltl3i ICiujlb
utit'ntlniip.iM t ) ojlloj'Iimi. V'joilU > f lilull
imHbtk-i Innkor * nnlojrpjrulom utljtUL Jo.
roiioiiln | ( oo 111 vl toil
GUO l > . bANKUItl ) . l'ro lilont.
A. W. U1UIOUN , Ciuhlor
A. T. IllOH. Aailitu t "ithUr
Gas Heating Stores.
Just the thlii4 for h.ith 1-001:13 : , bed roe in , ota.-
Call and sue our lurxo assortment.
C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co.
811 I'oarl and 210 Main Struct.
OFFICE 4tfi llroadway. Council Hluffs , Is.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid Pacers' Suli35r , ) )
Market Fixtures , Casing ,
nlccs aad Eatisaio Make ' Maohlnory. Kit
rJM.iln St. , Counull It lulls , lu. AUa Uoilori
n Illdus and l''ur&
G. A. Scnoedsack , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broadway , Council
Bluffs and 1321 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and refinish goods
of every description. Packages received at either office or at the
Works , Cor. Ave. A and 26th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who Imvo shop-worn or soiled fabrics of any character can Imvo
them rcdyod and Iliiishod equal to now.
latcbt and most approved machinery , at less cost than you over paid boforo.
M.I Itltlt.ll.
STltl NfiTII-CHAi n-IIanp ly united In the
nladln Kouil Wiou : , ( n thJ luosutifo of
IhoiiianiN of mini rnri. All MrmiUh and
'I'rnu fii.icti. AI honiu with Wulr-Kliu Ait
( i. aft1 r luno IKI.
jsc ? Six sssz ? * * * * '
I'ortho rostiltof thu hiiiipy u.nua lee ! < nt th s oxiiiilto | ! y huautifu now aoVD.f/ . the M ht , Or.iooful , St-ou
I 3
4 4
. . , . iinilurtho Boat Inatliororulith f.inoy trlinin n ? < , loin
WIthnlthor Kralnod body and K < "ir or onrnilno coir and hlauk noId ii.tnol , lid unit ,
Hiirlnii1 * with houvy onrvt-s the whole ovori-oiuliualjiO.ntoly tno ohjuutlon to roa I WIHUIH tholr liuavy and uluinyy apiiuaranuo
liu : Ktrriuth. liuauty and Kraon. " ' Frlund , " and ether now anJ tal < uu norol
Hund for forcatalo no and dusorlptlon of the Now Uko CollQd ijjirln ; Carriage , "Tho
tlcu. Wo uiiaratitiio tiottur vulutis tldtn nny ether house In the wost.
WEIR SHUGART CO. , Council Bluffs , la