TITF OMAHA HAFhY RTilE. KATt TODAY AUGTTRT I. 1801 TWIG JjVJffi FAG1QS. 11 WHERE TOIL REAPS REWARDS. Nature's Bounteous Stores Yield Generously to the Magic Lance of Energy. VALUli OF PRECIOUS MHTAI AND COST OP PRODUCTION TJnusunl Actlvlly in All Departments of Industry In the Northwest Gold nnd Grit Galor-e Agrlculturol and Mineral Pros- pecto in xhe Imperial Domain The Week's Summary of News. City mid Oninlin. Cur , Mont. , July 24. [ Correspond ence of TUB Up.r..1 A lively Interest in the proposed visit of lending business men of Omaiia to Montmiu IH felt by the people of this town. A movement Is on foot among the principal citizens , the newspapers , dally anil weekly , towards nhiduclnff the Rontloinen from Omaha to stop oft hero if they KO tb Helena via the Northern Pacific railroad , or if they KO by the Union I'aclllc , to return by the former route. Their wishes will proba bly bo nut In the shape of nn Invitation from the Miles City chamber of commorco. Some of the leading clti/ciis of the town. IcnowliiK of your correspondent's relations with Oiim- ha , requested mo to communicate this intern- fienco while measures aio being taken to put. the matter in proper formal nnd ofilciai It will not do for the Omalin visitor * to Montana to sco only half or one-fourth of It the northwestern portion -mid KO back with out arcing eastern Montana. Hero lira the the great cattle and hor-io ranchm-In this big connty of Custor , as well ' as the great sheep ranges , Allies City , the 'county zoat , is the eattlo center of ( Mstern Montana. If the South Omaha live stock delegation should bi > olitisod to return with out a visit to thl * nortlon their trip to Mon tana would undoubtedly bo good for their ' health , but there wouUl'lia no business in It for them. For men Interested in beef anil mutton to visit Montana nnd not look over the custom and southeastern portion of the state , would bo Jlku HI-MI intm-caten iu co.il nvoldlnp Newcastle They would certainly bo in Montana for their health only. For the other intore ts represented bv the Omaha visitors Ihi'twinutiirturhift interests , the provision men , the clothing men , the boot nnd shoo men a p.irilal visit would perhaps have partial results , liusti-rn Montana con- BUmos vast , quantities of provisions , wiars n great many clothes , huts , boots and shot's , uses much sadtllory nnd liorso-poar. Mlles City is the center of this vast trade and the most important shipping point for live stock on the Northern 1'aclllc railroad. It Is the point for collection nnd shipment of the entire wool crou of this region nnd the great Now England bouses have all tliolr agents , here in the wool harvest buying the great staple. Why cannot Omaha got her share of the trade In supplies , provisions and clothing , instead of letting it go past her to Chicago ! There is plenty of ncca in this great eattlo and horse region for Joe Oarneau's Omaha made crackers , lor W. V. Morso's Omaha made boots nnd shoes , for Max Meyer's cigars , tobacco , time-pieces stop-watches for horse timing purposes oven for hi ? diamonds and jewelry nnd the objects of art with Vrhlch his shelves nro lilted , for your c.ittlo- man is a generous and princely buyer arm wonts the best of everything regardless of price. Why cannot the South Omaha stock yards and packing nouses got the beef and mutton raised in this region nnd now shipped from hero to St. I'aul and Chlcaifol Here Is the trade , nd nil Omaha needs to get it is direct rail communication. The way to got tnat trade is to push right through the heart of the ranges by the extension of the Fre mont < fc Elkhorn road , and as it will rintr the boll of the target aimed at by pushing It by Altada across the i'owder river valley to Powdorvillo.thonco across the Pumpkin creek nnd down the valley of the Tongue with its big horse farms owned by wealthy and en terprising young Englishmen , Irishmen and Scotchmen of the very best families of Ciro.it Britain its cattle ranches and its model farms now mndo independent of tbo clerk of the weather by the Miles City Irrigating ditch. I regret that the excursionists will bo too late fur the local strawberry , which is about closed out now. Next year this crop will un doubtedly assume proportions that will ad- rait of considerable exportation. We nro How eating up the Oallatin valley berry , which is good , largo and luscious as our own , but ours has the advantage of being ready for consumption two or.throo weeks ahead of the aallatln berry , MONTANA. Rainfall l > y Concussion. The production of rainfall by concussion In the arid regions of the United States , says „ Engineering , is just now a'favorlto topic for the "funny man" of the dally press. But the ezporiment is to bo actually made under the auspices of the United States agricultural de partment , and while wo have the very tnin- est hopes that any results of value will fol low , it will bo interesting as a selontiilc ex periment. Dynamite or rack-a-rock wore at flrst proposed as the explosive agents , but those wore found to bo too heavy , and to ada too much to the uo.stof the balloon to bo used for raising them to the moisturo-charged air ktratum. The latest experiments have bean conducted with an explosive gas compounded of oxygen nnd hydroeon. The tremendous force of this explosive when fired by au cloe- trlo spark : sent up in the wira In the anchor ing cables , has been demonstrated in the pre liminary tests made near Washington , I ) . C. While rain did not follow the explosion , and was not expected with the quantity used , Dr. Dvronfurtb , who conducted the test , was officially requested to move his experimental Btatioii to some point more remote from the housed of these residing near the testing ground , Sorno arid spot in Kansas-Is now to bo selected , and Dr. Dyrenfurth there pro poses to plant balloons along a line two miles , long , and to explode the gas by an oloutrlo current and await results under un urn- broiin , pornaps. The long hold theory that the great battles , In our own wars were immediately followed by heavy rainfall , has been vorv thoroughly investigated by Mr. Edward Powers , C. E. , In his "War and Woatbor , " and as far as the records hold this theory is backed by fact In our own war. This Mr. I'owors , by the by , Is directly responsible for the present export- mants. As long ago as 1ST I ho Interested Bun ut or C. B. Fanvell , of Illinois , in his pro- I''ct , and through him presented a petition to congress asking that body to appropriate u turn suftlciout to make an experiment un an extended scale. Mr. Powers now seems to " bu forgotten , and Senator Farwell is gener ally regarded as the father of the scheme. Mr. Powers suggested artillery as a means of producing the desired concussion ; but whllu it is well Known bv the records of vari ous wars that rain very often follows heavy artillery tiring , tno later project for produc ing Uio nirlal commotion required In the immediate neighborhood of the moisture- laden stratum pi-onuses more encouraging results. The most curious proof of the effect of concussion upon rainfall 1 brought forward by Senator Stanford. When this gentleman , with Mr. Iluutlngtou was build- inir the Central Padlle railway through an arid bolt , In which rlan 1ms novorbofora known to fall , the heavy blasting required was fol lowed by rain , and the rain lasted as long as the actual work of construction was being carried on. When nutlvu work of this nature ceased the rain sioppixl , and the region ii now as dry as before. As this evidence comes from a most excelluiu authority , It is butter proof oven than the record of battles. II rain can be produced by the explosion of gaseous compounds , or by any other agent , ' the results would 'warrant a very considerable - able expenditure , for in.itiy millions of acres of fertile soil In the far west only need mois ture. to make them productive. But wo fear there nro too many conditions to be tilled to make this artificial downpour certain and oniclent , oven if It can be produced by the moans now to be tested. IIIIOH .Mining Pay ? . The assertion Is frequently made that for every dollar tin precious metals dug out of the earth , its equivalent in toll , energy or means Is expended. The absurdity of tbo as- ertlon la BO apparent that refutation is uu- n % ccjary , yet there are these who actually bollevo it it to bo a fact , and the absence , heretofore , of accurate data ou production \ capital Invested , vatuo of plants and the amount paid to labor , lend to it considerable force. Statistics complied by the census ofllco furnish Information omitted from the annualVejHirtH of the mint , on the rela tion of cost to production. The coin value of gold and silver produced during ISSil was SMV-'sy.TiW , divided as follows : Gold , S.'l..SSi- ! 7-11 , or 3 percent , of the world's product ; silver , fciW.auO.O'sS , or II per cent , of the pro duct of the world. The value of the lead and coppar which are a component part of the product , Is not given , leaving n considerable item of iirolit from the grind total product of gold and silver mines. The cost of pro duction , Including .snicking , wajjos nnd sup plies , was $ th.t ) : > 1,1 till , leaving n not profit of f.J.5SWr : > yt.and ! this Is oxc.luslvo of the load and ooppor output , whlco. swell the total to at least ? 10.01)0,000. ) The total value of mining plants Is placed at f 4lV ) , ! ( ; ( ) ir.M ( ! , made up of buildings , railroads , machinery , under ground improvements , mlno supplies nnd cnsh , while the actual vnluo of the mines ex clusive of the above items Is SKW.ODJ.S'JI. The difference between the Improvements and the cash valuoof thu mines is8l)7lSi'il7ir ! ) ! > , and on this sum the owners netted In 18S9 a clear profit of 110,000,000. Who dare say mining does not pay } Of the 0,001 mines on which returns of pro duction In labor statistics were made , iJ3 ! ( wore reported Idle ; 1,000 were reported working but not producing bullion : 28ns pro ducing over S. " > ( XUX ! ) worth of bullion ; 4t as producing ? 'J50,000 to $ .V)0.000 ) : 107 as produc ing * 100OOJ to &i.0,000 ; tr from $ i\000 to $100,000 : 4117 from $10,000 to SiO.OUO ; 1,10-j from f 1,000 to $10,000 , and 1,010 loss thau SI,000. From the statistics it appears that the labor employed in the actual production of " the precious"metals is better paid , and more productive In f.ict , than an } " other Industry thus far ( May , Ib'.ll ) , reported iu the bulletin by the eleventh census. The average earnings of all the persons employed at the gold and silver mines , 57,0:3. : ) , was $ T'r : > a year , while the average output per man amounted to $ l,7i' ) a year. Twenty-eight gold , silver , copper and quicksilver mining companies , which make public statements , paid dividends during Juno of this year to the amount of S1H1,0'J1 : , and sixty-six companies paid 37,152 , ! > l in div idends during the first , six months of the present year. This amount is considerably in excess of that paid during the same time last year , nnd there is n prospect that it will bo surpassed during the second half of this yu.ir. Montana anil tin ; Teachers. The decision of the National Educational association to meet In Helena in 1802 , caused surprise m many quarters. No great effort was made to secure the honor , yut the city had a walkaway iu the contest. Why was thlsthuslyi Wore the wioldor.s of the rod foscinatod by the magio name of Montana's canltoli To be sure the delightful location of the city , its charming urr.iy of tree topped mountains and emerald valleys , its famed Broadwater bath , the hospitality nnd enterprise of its people , are consideration : , of great , moment , but these alone would not outweigh the attractions of less distant cities. Weightier reasons swing the pendulum of popularity toward Helena. The city clusters around Last Chance gulch. In that ravine some twenty years ago , a party of prospectors , wearied "of the cliaso for gold , pitched their .shacks , nnd vowed that If the prospect did not pan out they would face about and take the trail for homo. Fortune smiled upon their labors and the lake christened Helena grow strong nnd vigorous , blossomed into a radiant beauty and became the acknowledged belle of the northwest. The potent power of Last Chance is not limited to glittering gold. It has other at tractions. Montana contains more bachelors to the square auro than any state iu the union. They are fairly well fixed in the world's goods , and Helena is their Mecca. Putting this nnd that together the foresight of the bchoolma'anu stands out in bold ro- lioi. Tunir visit to Helena may prove a lost chance in the matrimonial lino. The significance of the mooting Is thor oughly understood In the mountain stato. Wliilo the .masculine spinsters of Helena calmly await the bnsot , hoping to monopolize the matrimonial market , Bntto's aggregation of singles are on the nlort. The Butte Minor avers that "there are several thousand hand some , prosperous and chivalrio young bach elors in that citv who would bo good 'catches' for the best girls In Christendom. With the meeting in Helena a committee from the Butte bachelor club will go over In disguise , to look at the intellectual aggregation and re port. If the ma'ams are as wo believe they are the genuine , bright-oyed , sunny-faced darlings who are com poll eel to wear masks to prevent the big boys In school from falling in love with them , tuon will Butte's young gal lants sally forth and do the honors , which means of course , that Helena's well moaning , * butunfortunato youths will bo relegated to the rear In short order. " The Helena meeting promises to bo the most successful yet held by the association , oven though the membership suffer a decided falling off. In .Alan's Attire. For the past month Contractor Owens of San Francisco has had a largo gang of labor ers employed in making excavations for the erection of residences on Park Hill. Among them was one whose offominnto actions nnd appearance aroused the suspicions of the laborers that they had among them n woman wearing u man's clothes und doing a man's \rnrlr _ Lust \vootc Air. Owens had occasion to in crease his force , und ho assigned a man named Wolland to work with the gang iu which the laborer of doubtful gender was. When the coon hour caino the suspect , who was known as ' 'Fritz ' , " was observed to shun the rest and rotlro to a secluded spot. After eating their dinner the men filled and lit their pipes , whila "Fritz , " sitting apart from the others , read u letter. Wetland is a , Ciorman , uud recognizing Iu 'Frltz"a follow country man ho walued ever to where "Fritz" lay stretched out on the hillside and asked carelessly ; " \\'io gohts , Inntlsmi u i i" On hearing this salutation "Fritz" turned toward Weiland , but , 'immediately turned away again. Although ' -Fritz's " face was turned toward Wolland for only a moment , ho recognized it as that of Aliss Uatherinn Bauer Stopping closer to Catherine , ho called her by name , when ttiu unhappy "Fritz" burat Into tears , Comprehending her situation , Wolland asked bur to go to tbo foot of the hill to as sist him In carrying up sou.o tools. When they wnro well away from their fellow work men Wetland asked Catherine why she was masquerading In male attire nnd working as a laborer. She said her falhor had died about four months ago , nnd that $ hu bad ills- gulsod herself to earn a llvllhood and support hur aged mother , who lives ou the outskirts of Ukiah. She said sliu had been working for Contraittor Owens for three months and boeitod Weiland to keep her secret. Wetland , who knew Catherine , and her parents when they were in bettor circum stances , told thn foreman , Blnuchard , of Ids discovery , and a purse was raised among the laborers to assist Catherine. As soon ns the contractor arrived in the evening he was Informed - formed of the discovery and ho at once took Mls llnuor to his home , where she will bo elveu employment ns a domestic. Miss Bauer U rather good looking and Is about twenty-four years of awe. She says that prior to working for Air. Owens she was om ployed us 11 servant girl ut 1418 Howard street. Coal Pile. The claim is boldly made that there U more coal Iu the state of Washington than In all the AUantlo states combined. Workable I veins of coal exist In eighteen counties in Washington and cover an nroa of over 1,000- 000 acres. Toward the development of thh ercat source of wealth but llttlo has boon done and much remains to bo done. Twenty- four veins are being worked , comprising an area of about 10,000 acres , which gave an out put of coal In 1890 of 1,750,000 tons and n probable output In 1391 of 2,500,000 tons , while the area worked out U loss than 2,010 ncros. Other companies are nt work devel oping DO other veins , comprising an area of about.Trt.OOO acres , some of which will bo among the producers of 1S9J. Tims ono and six-tenths per cent of the known coal lands of the state Is held by compnnlos which nro shipping coal and three per cent more Is held by companies preparing to make shipments. What of the other 05 4-10 percent qf coal lands ? They nro held under claims by tiros- Doctors who have made the discoveries , faomo Tf these prospectors lack oven money to pay the government prlco for the. land. Others who have their lands nro awaiting means of transportation to take their product to mar- kot. The dtscovoiios already made show Washlncton to possess the largest coal Held in the United Stales probably the lareost in the woild , nnd a large part of the territory has not yet been prospected. The coal exists In ton dflToront measures , or distinct groups of veins , which show distinct-characters of coal varying over a wide range of usefulness and chemical composition ; from true cannel , showing 88 per cent volatile hydrocarbons , to n soinl-anthraclto of 91 per cent llxod combustible - tiblo carbon. Between these two extremes are found all grades of gas , domestic , steam , coxing and blacksmith coals. A Foi'ttumto ( Jlcan-Up. In un Interview Iu the St. Louis Globo- Domocrat. n San Fr.mclsco millionaire tolls the story of his start on the road to ollluonco. "Ton years ago , " ho sayn , "I stood without n nickel in my pocket outside'of a restaurant door In San Fr.vncisco. I was Indulging In nn optical feast and wondering how all these good4hincs in the window would taste if they were sliding down my hungry palate. I was trying to think how I could cot the prlco of a meal , honestly or dishonestly , It mattered little. Bolero I had evolved a plan of action a prosperous looking man , who was Hipping a half-dollar In his hand dropped it through nn iron grating , nnd It fell Into a subway below. Ho gave an almost uncon cerned glauco In the direction the coin had gone nnd then walked away. It was n "groiind-hog-casn" for mo , and I determined to secure that coin , so I walked Into the res taurant and asked the proprietor If 1 might retrieve a ? 5 gold piece which I nad dropped into the collar. Ho replied , "Certainly , " and gave mo a hatchet with which I might remove a wooden bar that had been nailed across a door leading from the basement to the opening under the grato. There was much litter nnd dirt down there , and In searching for the coin I found many others , which had been dropped In a similar way. I cleaned up W from that dirt , an amount suf ficient to dwarf an able-bodied appetite , secure - cure a clean shirt and a proportionate amount of self-esteem and reliance. I visited men of inllucnco whom I had not suQlcient cour.igo to visit before , and I have not been seriously insolvent smco that time. Thus you may see on what a slender thread often hangs u chance in life. Montnnu'H Greatest Year. The long continued rains which have made It somewhat unpleasant for pedestrians In the cities , have been a God-send to the stato. A trip through the Gallatin , the Flathead and the Deer Lodge valleys , says the Butte Alinor. will onoii the oycs of the man who has been crying for immigration , and a climpsc of the ranges in eastern and northern Montana is a reminder of the value of rain. Never did Aloiitana present a more inviting appearance to tuo farmer , the rancher or tbo miner. The streams which furnish water for the mines and smelters nro swollen bank full ; the valleys nro gardens of luxuriant vcrduro and the ranges are adorned with a heavy growth of succulent , meat-producing grass. The rains have given proof of the richness of Montana's soil , for in sections where It was feared that oven with irrigation the land would not bo productive , the grass is from MX inches to two foot In height. Tourists and business men traveling through the state on the lines of railroad which traverse her wonderful valleys and cross her oro-Hlled mountains are treated to n delight ful surprise , and all of them agree that this is not only the ilchcjt mineral state in the world , but that its agricultural and grazing lands are the finest that over yielded golden grain or fattened n romping steer. The rain is all right. It has added millions of dollars to the wealth of Montana and attracted the attention of the Investor nnd the horasseoker. As n result next year's immigration to this state will bo greater than that of any previous year. Wyoming's Coal Protluct , The report of the directors of the Union Pacific railway shows that during the year ISSOtho total output mined and sold from the six coal camps operated by the company amounted to 1,050,074 tons , of which Hock Springs furnished about throe-fourths , or 095,204 tons. In 1S90 Rock Springs furnished 052,408 tons , although the total output from all the camps was 1,278,178 tons. Hiinna and Pleasant Valley supplied most of the In creased output. In 1890 , as they were not in operation the previous vonr. The total re ceipts for coal in 1839 were Si",1 ! ! ; , 187 a very pretty amount and ono upon which the casual reader would say the company reaped n hand some profit. As n matter of fact their coal business that year was conducted at a loss of $47,923. The gross receipts for the coal mined nt Hock Springs in 1889 was $591,933 , but it actually cost the company $ 91 i,47U to got that coal out. Bringing it down to the price and cost per ton they sold their coal In ISb'Jfornn average ol 1. 54 8-10 per ton aim It cost * them ? 1.59 4-10 per ton to got it out. It was very llttlo bettor in 1890 , although the profits were small. Tliolr total receipts for coal sold in 1890 woroSI.9'J,99J ) , of which Hock Sprinirs furnished WS5,711. ! Their total profit on this largo business was only $75 , 13J ! , of which Hock Springs furnished $10,80i. ! The price per ton In 1890 was ? 150 0-10 a de crease of nearly 5 cents per ton over 1889. Ttio cost per ton was $1.447-10 a decroasa of nearly 15 cents of 18S9. Tim Coyote Uoimty. California's coyote bounty law , which was passed last winter for the benefit of the sheep owners , nnd which wont into operation on May H'J , la operating In n manner that is fill ing the taxpayers and the fruit growers of the state with dismay. It provides that for each coyote killed ? 5 shall bo paid out of tbo stnto treasury to the person presenting the scalp to the clerk of the board of supervisors of each county. Although only eleven of fifty-four counties in the stnto have boon heard from , the claims for bounty negro- gated , on July 1 1 , $10,890. A banking flrm in Tularo count ) ' , which has not yet reported , has notified the state comptroller that it holds claims for $4,000. Wore all these chums based on the scalps of coyotes killed In Cali fornia the case would not be so scandalous. But It has been learned that enterprising Cnllfornlans are importing scalps from Arl- /ona , Now Mexico uud Lower California. A customs Inspector on the lookout toe Chinese on the Mexican frontier recently seized a package of fifty coyote sulns thut'iho owner was trying to smuggle Into the stato. It Is learned , furthermore , that tno bounty has called Into existence a now and profitable In dustry that of brooding coyotes. A a female coyote can produce throe litters of seven pups n year , she is worth something like $100 to her owner. Kdiicntlnnnl To the national government's bounty the western states are largely Indebted for tuo magnificent condition of their educational Interests. Lavish donations of publto lands together with a per cent , of the receipts' from sales have helped to roar substantial buildings and liberally eiuiow tlio public schools. % Cougross has donated to South Daxota ( 0,000 acres of laud for different purposes ns follows : Olio hundred and twenty thousand acres for agricultural colleges , 40,000 acres for the reform school , 40,000 acres for the school of iniiios , 10,000 acres to the deaf and dumb asylum , 40,000 acres for the university , 40,000 acres for ( bo normal schools , 50,000 ncros for publlu building * . 170,000 acres for other educational and charitable Institutions , If the amount realized from all these many acres could bo put Into one Institution what n gr\nd one It would trmkol Something like , that nt Ann Arbor , Michigan. The donated land Is to be taken from the counties north of the Hills. Commissioner Thomns U. Hutu U Instructed not to sell school lands for less than ten dollars per1 ncro nnd ho has sold some for fourteen dollars per aero , O'nniortiln lioTdlc. California political circles ara sttrrod to their depth by ft case now on trial In San Fninclico which promises to expose the boodla method * of legislators , Oeorgo E. F.iytori , n lobbyist , sues Stnto Senators W , O. Banks , Thomas Alayor , nnd John F. Broderlck of San Fr.Hicisco county , nnd twenty other state senators , for p.iy for his services in eiiRlnooring through the legis lature what was known ns the Llleun county bill. bill.Fay ton alleges that the twenty-four defen dants formed it combination at the lust ses sion of the legislature for the furtherance of this moaturc and that tor the services per formed ns lobbyist In April last they ac knowledged Indebtedness to htm In the sum of $ t,0 ) < K ) but failed to pay that amount. Couusol for Fayton stated In court that ho proposed to show that the combine had divided 3100,000 among Its moniboM. Irrigation In Cnlifbruln. The organization of irrigation districts and the formation of incorporations for engaging In Irrigating operations is proceeding nt n rapid pace all over California , says the Cnronlclo. Never , Indeed , was there so much activity In this Hue of development. Yesterday an Irrigation district election was bold ut Tlpton , Tularo county , and two others will shortly bo hold farther south. During the past week an incorporation was formed at Los Anitolos with n capital of $1,000,000 , for the purpose of irrigating a Innto tract on the border of the Mojave desert in San Bernardino county. Irrigation enterprises nro under way throughout the entire - tire length of the state , from Lasson to San Diego county. No other element will enter so largely Into the future prosperity of the state as tbo extension of irrigation. Unenviable Notoriety. South Dakota , as a place of refuge for per sons who have found marriage a failure and are seeking release from their bonds , has achieved international renown. The procure ment of a divorce alter six months' residence nnd for almost any cause under the sun "in compatibility of temper" being enough nnd to spare Is ramloring the state justly popu lar with a great many people In every part of the continent. Already Sioux Falls has re ceived and entertained thrones of people more or loss prominent In society , and its prowiug4mporUnco both as a summer and winter resort for visitors with more money than domestic happiness Is said to be on chancine real estate values , and booming' things generally. Gold In Washington. The town of Ellcnsburg , Wash. , Is excited over the discovery of gold In Alonatash Canyon , llftccn miles from the city. Fine nuggets nnd dust are found daily and the gold Is of high grade. Several good silver lodges have also been discovered in this canon. Gold has also bemi picked up In the hills north of this city. The whole country is wrought up to a high pitch , and m.my pros pectors are fitting out and starting for the fields. These who Jiavo returned nro en thusiastic over the prospects and have duster or nuggets to back uptheir , stories. A great deal of Iron is also Doing uncovered by the gold hunters. A Potato Glut. Potatoes are a drug in the market In San Francisco. There jts practically no sale , and tons of thousands of them are rotting on the wharves of the city. Ono million sar-ks are already stored on the water front , and this Is bolng increased daily , while the local con sumption amounts to but 3,000 sacus per day. There are enough pptatoes tboro now to feed 10oyo hungry persons every day for a month , but no ono appears toavant the tubers oven at 40 cents a hundred pounds , about half the regulation price. \i yoniing. Newcastle has an oil exchange In full blast. Bulldlncs are multiplying rapidly at Gold Hill. Hill.All All roads In Wyoming now lead to mining camps. Flattering rsports of rich mineral como from all camps. The Buckeye mine at Atlantic has been sold for ? 35,000 spot cash. Clntsrost In the coming state mining con vention is increasing. Uhoyonno has added n building inspector to her metropolitan trills. The Swedish society nt Laramlo is about to ornct a now church building. Ah Coon , o Chinese minor atRock Springs , took the opium route to the hereafter. Two Omaha business men are in. Bonanza sockinir n desirable site for a flour mill. The Union Pacific returns Pullman prop erty valued at § 34,735 for state taxation. Thh Union & Elkhorn Valley road have put ou a passenger tram between Deadwood and Denver. Deposits of gnlond hove boon discovered near Casper , in the same vicinity as the asbestos fields. The state encampment on the Fort San- dero reservation is assured. State troops will bo ordered into camp September 1. James F. Aloskcll , a member of the Mill creel ; placer company , brought to Laramlo a small saclc of gold nuggets as big as peas. Attention is being directed to the recent discoveries of plaeors in the Tongue river region in the northwestern part of this ter ritory. The Platte Valley Lyre of Saratoga 'gives forth sweet music to the touch of two women Gertrude Al. and Laura C. Hunt- ington. The Wyoming commissioners to the world's ' fair havo'docldod to erect a state buildlug and will use Wyoming material , stone , etc , as far as possible. The Deer Creek Coal company's ' mines at Glonrock , nro on lire. It is believed the lire started In the stables under ground , though possibly the work of an Incendiary. The mines will bo Hooded. Isaac Nelson , a shop omployo at Cheyenne , Is In big luck , having received uotillc.Ulon from Boston , Alnss. , tjiat his wife , lately de ceased , has loft him and his daughter the sum of 8100,000 , mostly cash. In the Brush creek placer mines , owned by Colonel Downey and Captain Alulllson , nt a depth of sixty feet , another mystery bus been encountered. While timbering ono side of the shaft caved In , disclosing an Immense cavern , the dltnouslous of which were too great to bo ascorlaijldd at the time. TrnckJoylng on thpBuffaio extension of the B. As Al. U procoedlUK-at the rate of a mile and a half per dav. Nine miles nro down west of Aloorcroft , and the tr.ick will bo completed to the now town on , th ( ) head of Donkey creek by Augusts , when thu company ox poet , to bo ready to ship stoolc to that place. It will shorten the stage riljv'to ' Buffalo to seventy miles , , The Hnwlms Jourpaj advocates n fund for tno erection of a mouutnent over the grave of Aianagl , the Samp-iu chief who died on the train and was burled at that place last week. jManagi was ono of thUjSamoans who assisted In roiculns eighty drowning soldiers from the wrecked United S.tatos man-of-war ou the coast of ono of. tbo Sumoan islands , nnd his grave should notrgo unnoticed by tbo patriotic people of Wyoming. California. The osossed value of LOJ Angeles , Cal. , is $3,000,01)0 ) loss than last year. The Chlnoso restriction act has raised the wages paid to Chliinmnn on the Pacific coast almost double. The Humboldt county school census shuwa a total of 4,570 chlldron A loss of about liOO since last year ; but there is a gain of UOi chjldren under live years of ago. The Allisons of Heading have decided to lay the corner stone of their now temple on Fri day , August 7. The event will bo ono of great ceremony and tbo day will bo generally ob served there us u holiday. Boring for natural gas In Stockton isan enterprise that has become too common them to excite remark , The now $ . ' 100,000 court house is lichted und heated throughout by gas from a well bored by the county. Apples are as profitable a crop In California as oranges. A grower , whoso ranch is up 4,000 foot in thn Slorra Nevadas , ttguroi out a return of JlOtl per aero gross nt the rate of 0 > | cents per pound , which bu received. Tno citrus belt seems to be able to raise something besides organs mortgages , for Instauci ) . Property in Ulronldo Is mortga ged to the extent of WIU7,110.81 , nnd In San Bernardino the mortgage crop amounts to MttJia-.l3. The rcglitor of the laud ofllco in Los An geles tins cotifplled statistics showing that thnro nro many thousand acres of public arable land us yet unsold In the district , the principal drawback bolng the lack of water for Irrigating purposes. A peculiar feature ) of development soon within the past year or two iu California has boon the orir.inlratUm of incorporated com panies tor the purpose of plantlnir trees anil vinos. There must bo several hundred of such Institutions now In operation. Hlvorsldo has completed the shipment of her orange crop for the season of 18K-9I. ! ) It rcncbcd 11)75 ) carloads , nnd rcturnrd to the producers upward of ? 1,250,000. There are something Into 4.IXXJ acres of bearing ornngo trees nt Hlvorsldo , which would give nn nverogo return of over 100 to the ncro. Ono hundred nnd twenty thousand dollars have passed over the counter of the Bank of Vacnvlllo , according to the statement of Ed ward Fisher , the cashier , for the payment of fruit shipped to eastern points , as against J9J.OOO tip to the same time last yc.ir. Ono hundred and sixty-ono caw ofijreon fruit nnd four cars of dried fruit woroshlppcd east this year , as against nlnctv-throo up to the same time last year. A Tulnro county , California , paper springs this storvon its readers : A number of bees selected the garret of n local church for n hive , storing In it many tons of tioney. The recent hot weatner caused the wax to melt , which loosened the store of sweetness. The weight was too heavy for the church rafters to hold and the whole partition of thu roof caved Iu over the pulpit. The church paivs and pulpit were completely burled In honey and melting wax. Montana. Great Falls is negotiating for n glass fac tory. tory.Park Park county's assessment roll foots up $8,000,000. GMlatln county shows an assessed vuht- ntlon of f5,970,0'.K ' ) . A slice of Great Falls real cstato was sold to Seattle parties for $112,000. The Moscow mlno nt Butte has boon sold to the P.irrot company for $ HO,0IO. ( Irrigation ditches In Gallatin county nro now used to carry off the surplus of water. The national government proposes to es tablish n fish hatchery in northern Montana. The tramp who murdered .Too Clancoy at Billings , decorated a telegraph polo a few hours alter the crime. His stated that a loading Boston firm has purchased over 1OJO(100 ( pounds of Alontana wool at from 17 to IS cents. Burglars and sneak thieves have become ai. unbearable nulsauco In Helena. A vigil ance committee Is threatened. The number of tourists visiting the park this season falls 00 short of the number who arrived in Livingston to date last summer. J. T. Woldridgo , formerly operator at the depot at Missouia , but more recently agent and operator at Stevcnsvlllo , was thrown from his horse at Stovonsvlllo and almost in stantly killed. It Is reported that two men recently did n profitable piece of work in the Ivnnboe , In the Olrunngon country. In three hours' work they broke off the ledge and scored sixty sacks of ore , worth $1,000 a ton. The lessee has made another important strike in the Blue Bird , near Wickos , n clean streak of galena being encountered that will run over two ounces in silver. This mine will certainly become an important producer. A now vein was recently struck bv the Herr canal company. The mlno was opened up 3.000 feet , nnd an Immense supply of coal has been uncovered. Sixty more coke ovens will soon bo added , giving .1 capacity ot 150 tons per day. During a terrific thunder-storm In Deer Lodge valley lightning struck the house of Evan P. Thomas. The man and wife wore in bed , with n little child between them. The father and mother were killed , but the child was not harmed. The Omaha lode , located on Carpenter Creek , is owned by II. Alatthes et nl. The vein Is now throe nnd one-half to four feet wide nnd carries pay ere onfl foot in width in a shaft of twenty foot. The assays hove given seventeen , twenty-seven nnd thirty- two ounces ot silver , $ J in gold per ton , and 08.7 and 70 per cent lead. Butte parties offered to pay $ JOOJ and sink a shaft 100 feet for a one-third interest. Tno Omaha is u bonanza. Utah The mercury and politics are in the ascen dant. A find of almost pure Galena ere has been made about'oight mlles from Paradise. The Bingliam mining exchange is now in a flourishing condition , and is doing a rushing business. A sianlinir phenomenon was witnessed In Salt Lake recently. The Tribune commend ed the project to rear a monument to Brigham - ham Young. A number of prominent Salt Lake and Prove business men have become interested in the establishing of a new bathing resort at the mouth of Provo rivor. The Utah canning factory at Ogden ex pects to can 30,000 casoj of jollies , fruits , etc. Throe thousand barrels of pickets will bo put up , and n llko amount of vinegar manufac tured. The Samson property at Bingliam , n bul lion producer , is to bo incorporated nnd Its stock placed upon the market. Tno Samson was recently sold for$05,000 , the bargain of Into years in this territory. Stockmen sav that more eattlo hnvo boon shipped from Utah this season than any pre vious year. Forty-ulna car loads of southern Utah cattle , 1,501) ) head , divided Into four trains , started east recently. Tno steers nro from the ranch of Wooloy , Ltnd and Jueld , and were sold to Air. Swan of Chicago. For the llrst six months qf the present year the mines of Utah hnvo paid dividends as fol lows : Daly , * 2 > I5MO , ( ; Horn Silver , $100,000 ; Ontario , $ l5dOJO ; PotroU,60l , ) ; Contonninl- Eure.ika , $ I20OJ ( ) ; Champion , 600.000 ; Mnm- ii.oth , S10,000. ! . Total , $757,500 , with a score or more mines of lesser note to hear from , The shipments of metals from Salt Lake city for the week ending July were as fol lows : 01 cars of silver and lead ores , 2,229- 180 pounds ; 9cars bullion , 272.471 ; tola ! 70 cars , or 2,501,051 pounds. The receipts of ere anil bullion for the week eliding the 22d instant , inclusive were to the total value of $10:1,791.08. : of which $83,550.50 was in ere and $80,238.IS In bullion. Hecont arrivals from Deep Creole coiiutrv brought in ere from a noiv place which is said to bo a line strike. It conies from ' 1 linin- as Creek , on the cast side of tbo Deep Crook valley , In the Deep Cruok range , In wiint is known asDurs t's Canyon. The ore brought in came from the surface , and is rich in gold. IllllllO. Bishop Talbot Is trying to raise $5,003 , for the purpose of erecting an Episcopal female seminary nt Boise. News comes from Smoky that a four-foot vein ot high-grade ere has lately been struck in the Carrie Leonard. This mine Is bolng worked by leasers , and they are jubilar . over their good luclt. Unless Komo unforacen difficulty arisen within the next few dav.s n train will bo run through the Northern Paeltlo tunuol on the Cojur il1 Alone cut-off , thus completing the connection between Mullan , Idaho , ami Mis souia , Mont. The Alullau Tribune states that a rich strike ot opals was made by' Jotopn Davis near the head of Alin crook recently , no brought several of them with him Into Mill- Ian nnd n jeweler at once purchased them In the rough for $ sO. Davis says there are gunny sacks full of the gems whore ho got his sample- * , Aaron P. Parker , n JournnlUt of Idaho , telegraphs from Orangovllln as follows : "Tholbort Walls nas Just arrived hero from Elk City with news that Dr. Poynur of Palermo , Wash. , has made a fabulous gold strike on the Hed rivor. lie has a four-loot lodge absolutely thick all over with gold. From all accounts It Is u genuine and won derful striko. " It is u delicate subject with UH , crlos the Idaho Falls Times , but wo are very much em- harassed financially , and as free from incnoy as u frog U of feathers. If some of you folks that owe us on uubscrlptlon could hnvo a photograph of our empty nt pockets you would hustle a dollar or so aud changa tuo picture. Our cash receipts have been BO light the last month that n llosilan fly could cast them up in ten seconds Wo dislike this contraction of the currency very much , and you , one and all , should extend a hand to help us out of the money panic wo are uudor- going. P. S. Don't forgot to hnvo some sil ver In your hand when oxtondod. South Dakota. President Cooper of the Iron Hill mjnos has made arrangements to ship ere to the Omahn smelter. A detailed statement of public land In the Hnpld City land olllco district shows a total of 8.87"SsO acres , of which only 1,2 > 7,7SO are surveyed. In nn open cut on thn Caroline nnd Bavaria lodes , situated within thn city limits of Deadwood - wood , n strike of ere body assaying W3 in gold nnd silver was mndo on Thursday nnd has created a great deal of excitement. The total valuation of property In Deadwood - wood as returned by the asiouor and equal ized bv the hoard of county commlssloaori Is $ l,7JItW5 , divided into real estate , $ I,200MiV por.ional property , $511,820. The total Is In round lleuros but $120,000 greater than for 1S1H ) . Dr. Hcaddon , president of the Dakota school of mines , is now making an examina tion of the galena deposits | in Canyon dis trict , Pennlnu'ton county. If hli report proves favornhlo n local symllcata stands ready to erect laivo concentrating warns in the district. A oivu occurred in the Illgntnml ono of the Homastnko group mines , at Lead City , on Wednesday night , tearing out all iloors from the fourteenth down to tbo tenth and bringing down several thousand tons of oro. Dotrls is now being removed , so that this ore can bu reached und molted. Washington. O.iblo cars will bo running at Tacoma next month. Tbo Ton AIllo region near Wtiotcom Is overrun with boars. At a recent sale of public school land n ar Seattle , KMSaeroi hotted the co.unty $31l'il ! ) . The transfers of real oitato at Tncomn , Wash. , so far this yo.ir amount to $ J,9I9,170. At Keith , a bridegroom of a wecic Is trying to recover his bride , who has been Induced by hur mother to forsake him and return to the parental roof. Ore has boon shipped from the Fourth of July mine , at Coneommlly , by the way of Coulee City , to Tacoma , which has gone as high as $5UO to thu ton. L. W. Hohonsoe , a prospector , has located new and splendid fields of coal , iron and asbestos , all within eight miles of Hamilton. The samples of abastos brought In by Him show n liber thrcii to ttvo inches long nnd as touch as cotton warp. It was taken from beneath n high bowlder , the weight of which gave p.iossuru to the deposit. The Hallway Age savs : " 'Snohomlsh Skv- komlsh and Spokane' is the name of a new railway in Washington. What a splendid title for exorcising the advertising .nbllltloi of the general passenger agouti 'Take the great S. , S. and S. , the cro.il Sno-Sky-Sho ' line ; hardest name and shortest route o'n tlie continent ; the original and only Shoh-Skylt- Spok Hoad. ' etc. etc. " iSoviuli. Horso-ownors on the Hoes river ranges complain of the work of vandals in denuding the animals of the hair of tliolr manes aud tails. tails.The The berry crop on the ranches surrounding Carson is magnificent this year , nnd if the weight of tbo apples don't ' break the trees down Carson will have apples for the stato. Small parties are being made up in Carson to go to thn Pine Nut region , twenty-live mlles from that city , where recent gold dis coveries have been made. A thunder storm Fridnv afternoon came near wlplnc out the mountain town of Genoa. About 3 o'clock a cloud burst near where the bhf snowslldo occurred years ago. In a few moments a great flood came down three sepa rate canyons , swecpincr everything before it. The best paving property in Nevada Is n mine , whoso history Is thus told by tbo Cen tral Noiradan : "Simeon Wonbaii had run the Garrison tunnel at great expense and was left a poor man , owing his creditors $150,000 There was not n pound of ere in sight whereby the debt might bo paid. As n last resort , with a forlorn hope , after the mlno nad been closed , .Simoon VVcnban'drill- cd u hole in the hanging wall and blasted out n hugo piece of rock , which ho found to bo almost a solid block of metal and pirt of an Immcnso vein which had boon paralleled hundreds of feet. This fortunate last effort marked n sudden change that seldom falls to the lot of man. It was Won ban , the poor man , tbo laborer , before that blast was fired ; It was Simeon Wenban , the millionaire , but n second thereafter. The first month's run of his little mill gave him $30,000 , and over since ho has grown moro wealthy. " Idaho. Idaho secures $35,000 for the survey of pub- lin lauds. The MuthoJlsts are building a church at Pocatollo. boim-annual reports or tbo slate treasurer show receipts , $173,083 ; expenses , $75,834. Alalad valley , exclaims the Enterprise , has the best agricultural lauds , the best horses , the prettiest girls , the sweetest babies , the kindest wives , the noblest husbands in thu land. All wo lack is n good public school to compute with heaven and the angels. The silver vein on the 500 foot level of the "Washington mine , near Idaho City , is five feet wide , and promises to be the biggest bo nanza In Idaho. It caries crystalizod ruby silver , native silver nnd n llttlo bromide. Tbo ere is very rich , some of it running 1,30J ounces per ton. Further developments will have to bo tuado to determine Its extent. The l junUlar Snarl. The mnn was cni-ryiny tv Inrgo basket covered with u nowapupcr , says tlio Detroit - troit Frc'o Press , nnd the woman curried nimby. There wns a , cry of nil aboard ! ns they hurried through the gulo at the railroad stutioa nnd they ran forward us f.'ist us they could with their burtloiib. "Next timo'.you'll boyin to-got ready hoonoiI guosrf , " f-rrowlcd tlio man hur riedly tossing hit ) biihkot on to the car platform and pubhini , ' hits wife up nftor it. it."I "I guosa you'll walk faster , Unit's what I puobs , " she replied , reaching down for tlio babv's blanket , which had slipped oil "I told .you nil tho.timo you'd hnvo to hurry. " "Y-a-iiH , von did. " " "Y-a-as , "l did. " "A good doul you did ; you told mo nothing , that's what yon told mo. Now wo'vo got to Imvo that trunk como by express. Wo'vo got no chock and no time to got no chock. ThoroV 7fi con Us lost through your dilly-dallying. " "Through my dllly nothing. "Why don't you got into ono of UIPHO BoatsV Doyen yon w'ant mo to Ing this bnby through Ilia whole train. " They bundled into a seat and the man looked ut his watch. "Say , " ho biiid , "it was tlio conductor of the other train Unit hollered all aboard. Wo'vo got liftoon minutoH yut , " "Well , why don't you go and got the trunk checked , tliuni" ' You'.ro ulowor'n mohi&bos anyway. " " 1'a-jm I am. " "Ya-as , you aro. " Tlio man bhnlllod out of tliocnr _ at thin point and left the passengers without any amusement to upoalc of until ho ro- turned. An Kiilm | > .lolccr. A Munsflolil , Ohio , doctor It the owner of n hor.-tu which has a fondness for play ing practical jokns. Recently the phy sician drove out into the country to an- Bwor n Kiel ; call. Arriving ut his des tination , ho tied Ills lior.so to a po-it noiu * whh'h hung a rope attached to u largo boll used iu a dlnnoi'hignal for employed on tlio place , and went iribldo. Shortly after the hell rung violently. The doctor nnd thu man of the liouso both looked out , but could MOO nothing oxcopl ttio liorto. They had Imrilly turned away , however1 , before tlio boll rangngnin , nnd again they looked but could w o nothing. This WHS repeated , nnd the doctor do- turmined to Bolve tlio mystery , heat tlio third ring , instead of going into tlio hotibo , ho ntepnud out and hid in the yard. _ Ho kept ills oyoH on the boll rope , nnd in about n ininulo was auriirisod to bco liis horse lift up Ills ho.nl , siniio Hlyly nnd glvo the rope n good , hard tug.Vhon tile physician .sprung out nnd confronted tlio homo , the animal In stantly tried to put on u look of Inno cence , but wus OVIt COVXTKV , > TtS 1ttf TitKK , The largest spring In the world Is nt Mnmmoth Spring , Ark. , from whlfrh 1)0,000 ) gallons of water gvlsh forth nvory inlnulo , making n total of lft ) , 00,00'J ' gallons n day. There ! s so milch rook suit In tlio Col orado closort Ihuf the Southern 1'm'lllo railway poonlo hnvo at ono place bil- : lasted .1,000 foot of tliolr track with it , "Andrew Jackson" will soon bo hanjod nt Memphis. AlHiuico , O. , n prohibition town of 8,000 population , hus ninety open six- loona. Now York city's nldormantc budget for IS'.H shown nn IncrwiM.'d valuation on ronl I'stato of $ ir,05T,8tn ) ami on tnrconal estate of S'J'J.IWI.KW , a total iiiorca o of $ HS,87 , ! ) I3 ever the valuation for 18J. ! ) Iu the twelve months ending , luno 1 , 18DI , the ntnount of money in lurculatloit in the United Static nwo from * 1.-iil- : IH-VWI to.-Mr > ( U,278.r > 0 < ) . An liu-roaso of $7ilOS 1,855 in a single yotu1. When the congressional library build ing Is llnlshod and oponud to the public in 18W ! , it will contain alcoves , stacks and iron shelving nulllelontto stow away 1.500,000 books nu mo IIIMV iiniuuuing nix iitnos as much wino as wo Import. The number of gallons of foreign wines imported lust year was only /j.orw.H" / . ! , whereas the number of gallons of homo production was ever ; iO,000liMi. ( The importations , moreover , are only "iIOOIHI gallons moi > than in IS 111 , when wo only produced 12" > ,00t > gallons of wine. Missouri.prodnci-s moro 7.ino than nn other two Htatos in tlio union , and tlm value of the annual output of its load and /.inc approximates io.OOO.OOO. Tlio snmlU-.t paper in the United States la tlio Ciu/.en , J'.ilntka. Ha. It isIx.i inches , four pugos and lias ttvo editors , vho part their names in the middle. TJiii remarkable feat -poi'Tormed by the Philadelphia Uocord in turning a poplar tree into newspapers within twenty-two ' hours Is a wonoorful example o'f tlio rapidity with which human ingc'iinity can take the raw material from tlio hand of nature and Imnsimtlo it into tlio highest product of civilisation. There are eighteen counties in I'eiin- sylvania that have no debt. The com bined debt of all the other counties is & 5H,07l)7I. ) ! ) ! Boston lias two moro'banks than Now York , 1'ittsburg has two more than Chicago and thirty-two moro than Phil- adelphia. Tlio largest republic in tl.o world , and tlio only ono that has ever lived a centu ry on a purely democratic basis , is the United States of America , which con tains : iL'0,000 ( ! square miles , being al most equal in extent to lOuropo , which has ( ifty-nino kingdoms , empires , prin cipalities and republics. IJy running a single thread of worsted through all the ailk ho imported , a Now Yoi'lc merchant saved more than $1,500- 000 in customs duty. His lawyer , with whom the idea originated , was remuner ated with $50,000. The output of whisky from the Ken tucky distilleries hibt year amounted to 5,000,000 gallons , or nearly 8,000,000 moro than the amoiit produced when the prohibition party was first formed. The hat which will top oil the statno of William I'enn on the dome of the Philadelphia city hull is four feet high and lias a brim twelve foot in circum ference. President Harrison will never see it without rejoicing that ills grnnd- fathor'a tas > to in lints was moro modest. A million mon standing close together , each not occupying moro than four square foot , could bo placed on a patch but little moro than n third of a square mile. A square milo will accommodate ! ) ( ! . At that the 7-5,000 mon. rate popula tion of the entire United States would hardly cover nine miles squaro. The census report on aluminium shows a remarkable development in obtaining that wonderful metal uilhin tlio hist few yours. The total product of the country in 183 ! ) was 471G3 pounds , val ued at il)7,3M. John Kuox owned a clock made in Paisley in loliO , Lawyer Woods of Iiuntiugtx > n , N , Y. , owns it now and John Wilhorson , ono of llio signers o ( the doularation , brought it to America. Hero's a "grandfather's clock" any of the grandchildren might bo proud of. The lire losses in May throughout tlio union amounted to $22OS.j,7-IO , of which $7,275,000 was caused by forest 11 res For the llrst five months of the year tlio losses aggregate $0,000,000 , against $14,000,000 for the same period last year. It is said there is a tract of forest trees in southern Oregon embracing about sixteen thousand square miles , which cut and . old at 810 nor 1,000 fcot would pay oiir national debt twice over' It is estimated that the amount of mor ehnntablo limber btanding will reach 100,01)0,000,000 ) feet. The .fifty-two ton now stool brooch- lending gun , the largest ever made in this country , was landed at Sandy Hook. It was cast at the Wntorviiot arsenal , West Troy , is JMJJ feet long , bore ill feet , and will bland n , charge of 410 pounds of powder. It is said that the gun will throw a distance of liflcen miles. ' Probably the only original I'onUnentnl Hug in existence is that in the posses sion of the City troop of Philadelphia. It was carried by that organization all through the revolutionary war. "It is spread , " says the PhiladoIphU Record , "between two largo pieces of plate glass , and is kept completely airtight. Tlio probabilities are that were it removed from this cnno it would fall to pieces. In design it is somuwhit similar to the KnfHish jack. The design was made by a committee , of which lionj'iuniii Frank lin was a member , in 177(1. ( A few years Inter the llrst American standard ac cepted hy congress was submitted and adopted. Ita known us the constella tion Hag , and was Himilar to the ono now in tibo , with the exception of the thir teen stats on a blue background. " AJIOUT UiYIlK ItlllDS And HKSN Thnt are Worth Tliolr "Weight In Ten-Dollar llillx. "Thoro arc only four eggs of the great auk now in thin country , " says u zoologist in tlio NowIYoi'k Tribuno"and they are valued nt WOO ouch , it booms odd to think of a bird becoming extinct , but no one lias seen a Labindor duck , either , since 1850. There are but live mounted specimen * In existence , and none of the oggH are in existence. Klrt- land's warbler is another bird that is rare , Until recently but seven had ever been captured , and these all weru found in a region near Cleveland , O. , tubs than u mile square. Specimens were worth $100 apiece. Hutu little while ago u naturalist who chanced to visit the ill- liama islands came upon a colony of the birds , nnd , knowlni ; what n mine he had struck , shot about twenty and took them to his country. When he began to un load tlio blory came out and the market sagged , so that now you can get u Kirt- land for $5 or W. "Tho t'onneelleut warbler IB another bird of interest to y.oologUls. bccnuuu no ono has yut noun Its eggs , it passes up the Mlx.sisilppl river in tlio early spring anil probably mates far In the interior of British North America nnd goes south in the fall by the way of the Atlnntlo seaboard , if any ono can 11 nd the nest of this little fellow with four eggd in it it will bo 3200 in his pocket. "