Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1891, Part 2, Page 10, Image 10

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A Eird't-Byo View of the Resources of n Pew
Promising Counties.
C Knl Stock Ulioro ifm IJiifTnlo
'd-Uinlilfff. KIcltlHitr Grain
nna Iluy KtoiirinliltiK Cities ,
rJ'iviiM and llnmlcts.
lirnwn County.
Brown county , n tow yann ape , was ttnown
H Sioux or uuonr.iulzed territory. The
prairie that win but n few yoiw : ago Inhab-
Hod by the wolf ntiil door , h today dotted
with farm homes and happy mid industrious
homo * . Jt M bounded on the east by Itock ,
on the noith by ICeya I'.ihn , on the soutli by
Loup nna on the west by Cherry. The Fre
mont , Klkhoru ft Missouri Valley road runs
through ttio county from east to wont.
The fore-runnors of civilization have given
way to n bettor clasi of husbandmen , who
foundations com-
nro now building upon
mcnccd by iMfliur pioneers , and who will In n
short tin.ii iiiuko liroivn county ono of the
most productive and attractive countlos In
the state.
Urown county In well sunpllcd with flour-
Inp mills , thi'ro being two on Pine creek ,
which arc1 ttofni ; a lucrative business , and are
located In the eastern portion of the county.
Thov ni-o driven by water power.
Afnsworth , the county seat , has a popula
tion of 1'JlNt , a number of llnu brick build
ings , fiao stocks of goods , a line now roller
mill of spvunty-llvo barrel capacity under
course of erection , a largo brick court house ,
and the only creamery In the county. All
trades nro well represented , and ihuro Is no
lack of good hotels. A line system of ivator
works the .stand-plpj system li In uso.
There are two line churches , Methodist and
The Urowit County Agricultural socloty
has flno grounds , with fair biillulnps and en
excellent r.ico track , adjoining this placo.
The society has hovcral atiinml exhibitions ,
which have been flattering successes , demon
strating the superior qualification * ot Brown
couuty as an agricultural and stock raising
The prospects of Brown rotinty were neVer
brighter than at the present timo.
Di'iiL-l County.
Deuol countalns an area of about twonty-
ono hundred and thirty-six square mlles , sev
enty miles north and south and thirty miles
east and west.
The county Is drained on the south by the
Lodge Polo and South Platto. along the val
ley of which runs the Union Paclllc railroad.
The two principal cities of the county are lo
cated on said road. Big Springs , a beautiful
town , Is situated In the south-east corner of
the county and surrounded by a splendid as-
rioaltural country In the valley of the South
Chaupell , the county seat , is located near
the south center , In ttio beautiful valley of
the Ledge Polo , contains two banks the
Ucuel County State bank , organized some
two years ago , with Hon. 15. R Clayton of
Macedonia , la. , at Its head , and the Commer
cial bank , with Jlrst class business mon'as its
managers , both of which are doing a good
business. It also contains two church organ
izations and three civic societies , all in Ilour-
ishlnr ; conditions. All lines of business ar > >
represented , as is also the press in the Chop-
pell Hcgistor , iindor the able management of
S. P. Morgan.
Through the center of the county from the
northwest to the southeast Hews the North
Platte river , which will soon bo bridged la
two places , the bonds having boon voted and
the contract let. Blue , Rush aud Lost creeks ,
wind their way from the north like streams
of molten silver , upon thn margins and In the
largo valleys of which there Is a most luxuri
ant growth of blue stem , where thousands of
tons of hay will bo harvested during thu
season. These streams wind their
way across the wide valley
and Into thn North Plntto. Their source is
in the north part of IDouel county , around
the numerous lakes of which feed largo
herds of which are now reauy for the butch
ers' block.
There is no resort in the west where
sportsmen can have a belter tlmo and where
came Is so plentiful and wl.ore the piscator
ial excursion can go with such confidence as
in north Dcuul county.
The North Plane valley running diago
nally through the county from live to sovou
miles wldo is u perfect piradiso.
The past two years has been a little dry
for the corcals and cattle , horses and shop :
have been thu object of attention and a source
of satisfactory revenue.
This season has boon remarkably good for
the farmer.
There will bo lumdvods of tons of hay cut
on the divides upon the North Platte and
Ledge Polo this season , where the "click" of
the mower was never hoard before.
Greeting the eye Trom every direction are
fields of golden gram consisting of wheat ,
oats , rye and barley Of Immense urowth , the
yield per aero of thcso corcals Is variously
estimated at from llftoon to forty bushels per
acre , and the corn crop looks equally well
where It has been cultivated.
Fully olchty-flvo per cent of this region is
first-class farm land , and the day is not far
distant when It will be ono of the richest
9arts of Nebraska.
In case of dry weather ncarlv the entire
county is susceptiablc of irrigation and while
water has not been ncodod this season and
may not be in the future iu years to coino.
thu various ditch companies have completed
arrangements by which they cau Hood the
Tho. Union Pacific railroad company has
completed a survey from North Platte up
this valluv on to Fort FoUorman. The 71.
it M. running parallel with the county on
the north lor a distance of thirty miles and
on to the Ulack Hills , and the main line of
the Union Padllo sweeping through thu
south and to Ueuvor , gives the county the
Dcst shipping facilities possible.
Kromlor County.
Frontier county , scorns to have been over
looked , In thu general report of the state and
some may have formed the Idea that there Is
no Frontier county In this state ; but there is ,
and a big ono , which has boon bora since wo
had n state , almost. It was organized many
years ago , when wo yet had the Indians
among us , in an Indian tepee down on the
famous Medicine river , famous for Its being
the homo of Dr. Carver , the great gunshot ,
its tall llnu gr.issos , heavy timber , wood
ticks and mosquitoes !
Frontier county Is fortv-two miles long
and twenty-four union wldo , and contalnos
within its boundsli'i.OSO ( acres of land.
73 per cent of which ls tillable and
and all Is good grass land. The soil Is a
black loam of four to sovoii foot dopth. No
batter producing soil iu the state. Only
about Si ! per cent of the tillable land Is
under cultivation today.
Ttio Inhabitants of the county are mostly
af American birth , a few ( ioniums and
Scandinavians are scattered over the county.
As a cluss the Inhabitants of the county are
Industrious aud thrift } ' and , ns wo lie near
the western portion of the great rain belt of
the state the industries are diversified.
Crops of all Kinds grow In abundance and
stock of all kinds are thrifty and liud good
pasturogo on the natural grasses of the
ri'gton. This gives double advantage to the
man who locates hero for agricultural
pursuit * , ns ho can graze his stock cheap
during the summer and food his grain pro
ducts at homo.
It is true that this portion of the state was
In distress last year on account of the drouth
but the experiences of last year was so much
apart from what the people wuro used to
that It was very hard on us. For seven or
eight years the farmer * had ccopod their
lauds and every year harvested good crops
Mid no ouo believed that tlu < y could loose
any year , anil with this Idea tuoy would soil
off everything they raised oxcopt. jwrhaps
enough for seed and feed for stoca during the
curly part of the following season , and when
the failure came It caught people out of
everything aud loft the majority of the home
steaders subjects of charity. It is hard to
think that .1 year llko last year might bo u
blessing ton county ; hut such It was to
Frontier , as the people hereafter will have u
llttlu laid by for "a rainy day" ( or a "dry
day" ) would probably bo better.
The crops In Frontier county this year nro
limply immense. The acreage will exceed
any former year by at least 11) per ccut uud
thoylotdpor aero li ono-flfth bettor than ,
nvof boloro. Sample * of outs 0 to 0.5 foot In
hlght Is a very commou thing , and the ,
burloynnd llax Holds show up finely. No
proltler sight can bo seen than a look at the
grout fields of small grain as they stand all
over the county , and the western part of
the state for that matter. No threshing has
boon donoyet , but experienced farmers bilk
of twenty-two to thirty bushels of wheat to
the acre and all other cereals In proportion.
Com Is a little behind ns the rains * In .Juno
kept It back and word so froqucnl that fann
ers could not properly cultivate It and the
weeds got qulto n start , but in arulo the corn
U good bettor than the average.
.Tho county has many stock fecdors.
There nro poruaps 1,0JO steers , to bo pre
pared lor the market , within the couuty , ns
corn was so high last year , and fat cattle so
cheap , that the most of our stockmen carried
tin' ' * cattle nvor and tills year have au extra
lot of cattle to put on the market as soon m
they can fat them. Frontier county has
thtoo line flouring mills , ouo at May wood , of
fifty barrels capacity , ono at Curtis of 100
barrels capatlty and ono on the Mcilclno
two miles north of Stockvlllo of llfty barrels
capacltv , all roller process and operated by
wntor power. The mill and power at Curtis
Is the best Iu the western half of the state ;
having a twonty-two and run by
water from the lake , which covers over 125
acres of ground and cannot bo surpassed ,
The county has many living streams of
water which afford the dest of opportunity
for stock and guarantee at all times a good
rain fall. Among the streams is the Medicine ,
which runs from the north-west'to the south
west , the spring midway between the Mudl-
clnu and Willow , In the center of the county ;
from the north are the Curtis and Fox cruoks
mid In the east and south-cist nro the IJocr ,
Plum , Kastand West Muddy crcoki , allnoo.l
substanclal streams , and any of them fur
nish enough water to operate a llfty to 10J
barrel mill.
The towns of the county are F.nstlsStock-
vlllo , Curtis , Moorlluld and Maywoort , all
Bood towns and doing fair business. Curtis
is the most important both in sl/o aud bus
iness transacted , baiag u freight division
town anil located iu a very pretty portion of
the Medicine valley and on the b.inks of ino
lake , 0110 of thu 11 nest .sheets of water in the
The O. ft , M. traverses the county from east
to west.
There are six batiks In the county , about
eighteen general stores , eight hardware
stores , six drug stores , and many other minor
businesses carried on at the several towns ,
yet there are many places to bo tilled by livolv ,
cuorgotlo ner-jons whom wo would bo glad to
sou cast their lot with us. Wo need good
men In all brunches of trade , and wo have
four or flvu newspapers in the county.
There Is still room for u good lively paper
that can publish something msru than "Hot ,
hotter , hottest. "
The assessed valuation of the county ( at 4
per cent of the actual value ) Is about S'J.IO.UOO.
Uoya Palm County.
Ivpyu Pah a county Is located between the
Niobrara river and forty-third parallel or the
South Dakota state line ; the county was cut
off from Urown and organized Iu 1831.
Spriiigvlow the county seat. Is located about
the center , and upon a beautiful piece of
table land ; to the south Is the Niobrara
river , skirted with timber and wild fruit , to
the north is the Koya Paha river with Us
dozens of tributaries , heading the cen
ter of Hi o ounty where they spread out ,
making largo hay flats and fertile valleys ; on
the west , as a ? the eye can carry , is
prairie and to the east the same. There are
but two towns in this county , viz. , Spring-
view and Nordon ; the former having about
live hundred and the latter about two hun
dred population. Koya Paha county is bet
ter adapted to stock raising than any ether
Industry , although fanning has paid from
the tirst croaking on the boat lands , as
wheat this year will miiko from fifteen to
thirty-live bushels to the acre , and has al
ways been good if properly cultivated ; rye ,
oats , corn and potatoes nro also good. There
bus been two or three years since the organ
ization of the bounty , that crops were short
and the cause traced to hot winds , which
which will bo a thing of the past when the
broad prairies are brought undA1 cultivation ,
and green vegetation takes the place of dead
Tliero Is not to extent , ono-tenth of the
land In this county under cultivation aud
there is government land yet to bo had , some
of it very good.
The seasons are seasonable , the winters
short and mild , the summers pleasant and
healthy , the altitude being high , there is no
stagnation , nor malaria.
Building material , such as stone , briok aud
sand are plentiful ; native lumber sawed out
of pine , which grows In" abundance on the
Niobrara river , is cut and sold on the market
at SurlnRviow from § 12 to $10 per thousand
feet. Wild fruit in the canyons of the Nio
brara , such as plums , raspberries , strawber
ries , grapes , etc. , are to bo had for the gath
ering. Game , pr.iirio chickens , grouse ,
quail , ducks , geese , jack-.snipo and Jack rab
bits , are under every bush ; the streams
abound with llsh , such as cat , pike , buffalo ,
sun-Hsu aud truut.
Springviow has two daily and a half dozen
mail routes , thioo general stores , two hotels ,
two newspapers , two drug stores , two banks
and other business establishments in proportion
tion : n good school ; Congrega
tional , Methodist and Catholic churches.
As yet there is not a railroad in the county
but ara in hopes there soon will bo. Politic
ally the county is republican.
Stimtoii ( ounty.
Stauton county is twenty-four miles north
and south by eighteen miles east and west.
While occupying some loss area than the
average county in Nobr.isk.i , Stanlou county
has its full share of fertile lands.
The county Uos about ono hundroJ and
twenty-seven milo ? northwest of 011.1)1.1 ) , on
the Fromout , Elkhorn and Missouri Valley
railroad , and passing through the center of
the county is the famed Klkhorn valley ,
whoso lands and those lying adjacent thereto
are attracting the uttuntlon of the entire
Wild lauds arc still for sale Iu this county
at very low prices , as compared with the
price of lands iu the adjoining countlos.
Good tillable farm lands can bo bought at
prices ranging trom $ S to $15 poracro , and on
easy terms. Improved lauds , of course , sell
at a higher figure , but considering the
quality of soil and the general advantages
of good markets , they are cheaper than in
most parts of thustuto.
Away back Iu the 70s the crops ouo
year were nearly destroyed by the
grasshoppers. Since that tune , how
ever , there has not been n crop
failure. When It has boon very dry It did
not scoui to affect the crops to any visible
extent , and whou it win too wet for crops in
many portions of Nebraska still crops were
good with us.
li'cncrnl farming and stock raising are the
chief pursuits. As line cattle , hogs and
sheep are shipped out of this county as from
itny point In the west , aud stock raisers claim
that their sleek Is freer from disease than
any place they over raised stock.
Our county Is practically free from debt
aud has a goodly supply of bulldlurs. A line
court liousu and a borvicablo Jail , all 'paid
for , and a good suftlclcnov .of roads and
bridges , all in excellent condition , po to show
the steady uud material progress thu county
is making.
TtiomuH County.
This county was orgaulzad hi 1SS7. Pcovl-
ous to that tlmo.catUu men hail undisputed
control of this territory.
The Urund Island A Wyoming Central rail
road was built through tlo county In the
same year , and with Its advent emigration
"began to pour Into the country and the fertile
uralrles began to be changed from a glgiiutio
pasture to farming and grazing. Now , In
stead ot largo droves of ranch cattle roamlug
over the prairie , smaller herds , owned by the
Mttlors , are-fed from thosu lauds.
Tbo couuty is traversed from west to east
by the Middle Loup and Dismal rivers , both
affording uovor falliug aud pure soft water ,
Tliedfurd , the county seat. Is situated on the
rallrcud about the central imrt ot thu county ,
and contains two general" " stores , ono hard
ware store , ono'bank , two newspapers , one
blacksmith shop , onn llvory and food barn ,
one meatmarkot , ono drug stare , ono physi
Seneca , situated Iu the extreme western
part of the county Is n division station on the
railroad and U already a town of consider
able importauuo.
Thu funning land Is found in the fertile
valleys which abound throughout thocounty ,
' 1 ho hills afford the best grazing to bo found
anywhere. Cattle will do well It. winter with
out uuy or a very little feod.
Crops of all kinds this year promise un
abundant yield.
Land horu is still cheap , owlnir to the fact
so much govcrutucut laud U btlll lying out.
Wharo Froodom's SturJy Light Pieroad
Oontutiaj of Qlcom ,
Thrones Toppled ntul Dynasties Jls-
appeared , Vet SwItzerland'H Intlo-
pcnilniiiio Ilomiitned Unshaken
Anniversary oi'tlic Kvonl.
Six hundred years of sclf-povornmontt
That Iu brief measures the life of the old
est living republic of the world Switzer
Today , August I , Is reckoned the anniver
sary of the Indopundenca peacefully achieved
Iu i-JUt.
A century and a halt before Columbus was
bom the republic of Switzerland was , and It
shod iti feeble light over the old world -ISI
years before the American Declaration of
Independence sent tidings of great Joy to
men and filled tyrants with dismay.
The parents of the Swiss republic were
Walter Furst YOU Atttnghiiusen , Werner
Staufochor IUK' ' Arnold Von Molchthal.
Standing together on the Hutil , writes
Tracey L. Ujbinson In the Now York He-
cordor- they swore a solemn oath to save
their country from rulers ns shameless as
they were cruel.
Six hundred years have pawed away and
the llttlo republic stands frco amid her snow-
clad mountains , iu the very midst of inon-
urcmes which havn seldom boon for long at
p-saco with each other free , self-governing ,
self-respecting and oy all respected , wealthy , and honored above all nations ; for
Switzerland moro than once boon called
upon to arbitrate ( as In our own Alabama
case ) between angry nations and has never
failed to accept the by no means grateful
Although the story of Switzerland's push
for freedom has been told over and over
again , It Is so good a story , and In to many
respects rosumblos our own , that at this
Important epoch In her history it may well
bear a brief reiteration. The three
cantons of Uulerwalden ( divided Into
two unequal sections by the Kornswald ,
and now known as Obmildcu and
Nidwalden , or nbovo and below the wood ) ,
Sohwytzmid Uri were thu centers of the revolution
elution which gave Switzerland her freedom.
Linked together by a lake of exquisite beauty
l ho Viorwaldstattonsee , the Forest Cantons
term together n singularly picturesque stretch
of country. Velvety slopes , groou meadows ,
clusters of nut trees , broad terraces and red
and sunburnt cottages linu the Valleys , while
above lowering mountains and inaccessible
rocki hem in portions of the laxe and give an
Imposing and magnificent variety to what is
justly acknowledged as the most beautiful
scenery in the old world. Tre inhabitants
are of true Alpine mold. Sinewy , robust ,
quick and snrowd , as well as self-reliant , fear
less and full of dauntless courage and perse
verance. Withal they nro simple iu their hab
its , pious and strongly conservative , the poo-
Elo of each canton possessing characteristics
orn in them which are sufficiently strong to
produce marked differences botwosn them.
This is shown iu a remarkable degree to this
day in their fashions in dr.ns. From neoplo
such as those arose thu three famed Kldgonos-
bon , Walthor Furat , Werner Staufachor and
Arnold von Molchthal. „
-Todav is not the time to question the truth
of the story of William Tell. Truth or fable ,
it is a gloriously conceived Idea and worthy
of the fame which history , song and story
has given it. Hero is the tradition : King
Albrecht , * on ot Kudolph von Habsburtr
( Hawk's Mountain ) , greatly oppressed the
three Forest Cantons In the endeavor to reduce -
duce tno people to bondaco. Ho gave bis
stowarts and lieutenant-governors strict or-
.dors to keep thorn well in check , and as a
result they were taxed , flned.imprisonod and
otherwise ill-used in n most tyrannical man
ner. Gossler of Schwytz , was ono ot the
worst. How ho stuck his hat on a polo in
the market place of Altorf in Uri , and com
manded that nil passers by should do it reverence -
orenco ; how Toil passed by and failed to
raise his hat ; how ho was seized and as pun
ishment was ordered to shoot nn apple from
the head of his son ; how ho kept a second
arrow under his coat with the intention of
shooting Gossler if ho had failed ; how Goss
ler had him seized , chained and rowed with
him to Axcnstoiu ; was caught in a storm
from which Tell extricated thorn , and after
ward did shoot Gesslcr in the Kusnach "hol
low way" havu wo not all road and ap
plauded a thousand timosf True or not
true , the story illustrates a period during
which a high spirited people were establish
ing a confederation , and maintaining it
against a powerful ouomy ; it illustrates n
long effort to secure emancipation from
Habsburg tyrauuy ; it illustrates an epoch
which opened with thn acquisition of tbo
charter of liberties of Uri and closed with
the brilliant victory over the Austrlaus at
Mogartun in l.'lin.
Thnueathof Kudolf of Habiburs In 12111
was the real signal for the outburst of patri
otism which led to the llnnl declaration. The
men of Schwytz undoubtedly took the load ,
but all , dreading now dangers from the now
govornor.i. had to move with the utmost cau
tion. Within two wncks of the death of Hu-
dolf , Uri , Schwytz and Unterwaldeu had en
tered into the Ewlgor Bund.or perpetual alli
ance , which was probably the renewal of
some previous paoi. It Is also probable that
tucy melon thu Uutll to swear fealty to this al
liance , and hence ills Uiattliocelebrants datu
their independence from that tlmo. At any
rate it is certain that the various acts of the
agreement were then drawn up in Latin the
MagnaChartaof the Eidgonosscnschatt-aml
thu'uocumcnt Is treasured up to this day in
bchwytz , and is hold in the deepest venera
tion by iho whole Swiss nation. Ainouir ils
enactments it enjoins that overv OHO shall
obey aud servo his master according to his
standing ; that no Judge shall be appointed
who has bdughl his olllco with gold , nor un
less bo bo a native ; that if quarrels shall
arise between the Kidgenosson , the moro scu-
siulo shall settle the difference , and if ono
pa-t.v does not submit , the opposition shall
dculdo thc > matter.
Tlo : freedom of the country was finally
reached at thu famous battle of Morgarton.
The antagonism of the Forest Cantons to
Frederick of Austria , who succeeded
Albrecht , HO enraged thai monarch lhat ho
determined to wlpo out the recalcitrant
Waldincn. Ho deputed his brother , Duke
Loopoid , to do the business. That doughty
warrior , superciliously regarding the moun
taineers as moro pcas'aiits , took hardly any
precautions agulnslburpris ? , marched with a
hastily gathered army which closely re
sembled a hunting party ( they actually car
ried with them a supply of ropes with which
to fasten the cattle they expected to seize )
rlghl Into the mountain fastnesses of the foo.
Very soon they became hemmed t i by lake
and mountain nn thu stoop and frozen slope *
of Morgarten , when without a warning cry
of any kind Ihoro came down from the pre
cipices on every side upon the densely massed
horsemen , hugo boulders , Jagccd uleilj.s of
rock and trunks of trees. They hud been
hurled down by a handful of men posted on
the mountain ridge , and dlro confusion fol
lowed the unoxpoclod onslaught. Almo.U
immediately upon thin uvalaucho , before
Leopold had llmo to recover , a band of
mountaineers and hlllsidurs rushed down
the hill upon thu terrified uud bewildered
Austrians and mowed down all before them
with their terrlblo halberds. The rout was
decisive. The number of the killed bus never
been computed , but iho victory of Mqrgartou ,
which lias oftcu been called thu Swiss
Tbnruioplu ! , continued the national spirit ot
resistance to tbo Habsburg rule , and de
termined the work which thu three original
ICldgonosson had bcftuu.
The oldest republic In the world , ouca
among the most aggressive- and pugnacious
of European nations , has now * become a laud
of peace , who deems it part of her mission of
neutrality to prouioto the general pcuco and
welfare of Iho world as far as It lies Iu her
powor. Very muuy of tno luiport'int lutor-
imtIonal , institutions owe their successful ot-
lablUhmcnt to Switzerland. Thu Geneva
convention , started in lilH tinder the presi
dency of General Dufour , haviug for its ob
ject the mltlgallon of the horrors of war , and
rcsulilng In the ducluralloiiof iho neutrality
of nil nurses , medical moil , hoipltalg uud hos
pital corps and the adoption of ttio familiar
distinguishing bJdgo , the Geneva Cross , may
bu mentioned. Too International postal
union was founded at Boruo. Switzerland
considers it one of her most precious privil
eges to bo ublo to offer asylum in time of war ,
but though on account of numerous In-
tttuucuj In which this right has boeu abused
flho may find It nocnssary to Iniposo restric
tions , ho is notllKoly to walvo the right.
Switzerland hits given to the world many
great , men of Intellect and diameter , of nr >
tUtlc , scloullllo and literary nklll. The name
of Agassi/ stands Ju the foremost ranks ol
scientists , and 1Ii6 unities of Sludor , Doser ,
Morlaii nud FonUuand Keller are also groat.
Ootfrlod Kollur , offon spoken of a the tier-
Minn Shnkoipoare.'was norn In Zurich , and
Zichokko , Mounter , Louthold are world re
nowned. Olduv , ( Ijr.inict , Viuttlornml UocU-
Un , whom Germans claim as ono of their
greatest Hvinc p.jlutors , are all Swiss , whlla
Gustavo Weber and .touchRit Uiiff , among
musicians , nro household tmmcs , as U also
that of liatnntjifrlricr , who has ral od Got-
fried Keller's ipni ni , "Oh , Mom Helnmth-
land , " to the position of a second national
Primary education in Switzerland Is en
tirely ftvo , and to It by far the givator part
of the education vote Is assigned. Attend
ance is cotntmt < orv n. . yoirly average of half
a million chlldrcirgo to the primary schools.
For tiio hlchor of education thn
great Polytechnic of Zurich , the , prldo of thu
country , stands tlMt , and holdoi there nro
mayoralties at Basel , Zurich , Berne , Gcnova
and Lausanne , aud nu academy at Nou-
Tin : i'T..irin t-or.itu iff
Who I * bolter fitted for creating a scone
than nsconluarllsll
Borlha Hlecl , has made n decided lilt as
Lucille In "Tho Sholk. "
Eleanor Carey will play the loading fomnlo
role In "Nlobo" when It goes on the road.
Miss Marie I ) cca , soprano , Is recovering
from a sovcro Illness at her homo In Wash
tfellio do Hussian , who Is credited with
many triumphs abroad , is expected homo in
"The Uoll of the Drum" la thonnmo sclocl-
od for iho now melodrama written by Sims
and Buchanan for iho London Adelphl.
Hoslnu Vokcs Is now in England. Shu will
return In iho autumn lo present a group of
now ono-act pieces with the assistance of her
clover llttlo company.
Minnie Mauden Fisko Is enjoying life at
her sumir.or home at Larchmont manor. In
a letter to a friend iu Omaha she states she
anticipates making a western tour for pleas
ure next winter , and will not forgot her good
friends hero.
II. Uootel , the hlgh-C tenor , has-lately delighted -
lighted the lovers of musical clap-trap iu
Berlin , in the same city a now opera bouse
Is to bo built , at which llrst-class operas are
to bo given under Aneclo Neumann's direc
tion , nt popular prices.
It Is intcivstiiig to know that Hcnrv
Arthur Jones 1ms decided lo publishthrough
Messrs. M.iunililnn. the text of the series of
"social dramas" from his pen , beginning
with "Saints and Sinners , " and ending with
"Tho Dancing Girl. "
Tno proud aspirations of Lillian Hussell , ll
is said , Ho in tno direction of grand opera ,
and iu that connection awoll knowndrntnntic
writer uses the homolv comparison that "it
is butter to bo the biggest tadpole in a mud-
puddle than a minnow in the sea. "
Actors always play kings as though kings
.slept In their robes and were their crowns for
nightcaps. Actresses always play queens as
if qurons spent their time silting in hiuh-
backed chairs and never talked about the
weather. San Francisco Chronicle.
Miss Lizzie Annaiidalo has succeeded In
perfecting an organization of her own , which
is to be known ns the Antiandalo-Haniilton
opera company. Some of the Abbott people
are being engaged inoludluar Signer Michal-
ona and iho principal chorus singers.
The English crlt'ics are not yet quito deter
mined that Messrs , Dance and Solomon , with
their now opcrqtta "Tho Naucht Girl. " have
made Mr. Gilborl , and Sir Arthur Sullivan
superfluous , and are inclined to consider the
former pair as ' 'understudies" of the latter.
Klsio Leslie will1 open her season on Octo-
oor 12 iu DaiticlFrohman's production of
Mark Twain's "Princo and Pauper. " The
season will contlpuo thirly-four weeks , and
will include all Iho principal cillo" . The dls-
linguished yoiiuir artislo will visit the south
ern states for tie ( iirst tlmo.
Mrs. Ole Bull played the piano accompani
ment for a songstress at a concert in Minne
apolis the other evenintr , aud it was boliovrd
that the applause bestowed was meant for
her rather than for the vocalist , altbouch
slio did not recognize tbo compliment by
moro than a faint inclination of her head.
Her Blonder figure was attired in black.
"Jane" is expected to capture the heart of
Iho public at the .Madison Square theater on
Monday evening. August It. Charles Froh-
man and "Al" Hayinan are making every
preparation for a brilliant production of
"Jano , " A. M. Palmer has postponed his
vacation to Saratoga until after this now
piece has been produced.
The "fako" correspondents are getting in
their woi'k with a vengeance this summer.
According lo ono of them " . 'ullo ' Murlowo
and her mother are in London. At Julia
felt ashamed of her mother , who kept a
boarding house in „ Cincinnati , butshohas
wisely gotten over It. " Miss Marlowe hap
pens to bo an orphan.
Miss Easthiko , the favorite English actress ,
will present three great plays during her tour
of America as a star. "Thoy are "A York
shire Lass , " by Wilton.Tones ; "What Women
Will Do , " by Jerome 1C. Jerome , and "Clito , "
by Wilson Uarrottand Sydnoj Grundy. Miss
Eastlake , who will bo supported by her own
company , will begin her American season on
October fi at the Walnut Street theater In
The old "guff" about Mary Anderson is
being , retailed agala IP the newspapers.
"Miss Anderson is not writing a book ; "
"Misstulorson is indignant , " etc. ; "Miss
Anderson savs that slio will never appear on
the stairo again. " Well , what of It ? The
world will go on in the same old way even ff
Mary does not appear. But it is iirst rate
free advertising , all the saiuo.
Mlnnio Gale , so far as plavs are concerned ,
is well equipped , aud Mr. Bromloy , who is
to bo her manager , can congratulate himself
on his star's repertory. Not , content with
the Barrett programme , she 1ms now added
"Tho Wonder" to her list , a coinedv well
suited for u good stock thcalro and stoclc
company , but not particularly well adapted
for atravcllug road organization.
Young Joseph K. Emmot proposes to play
hN father's part , and thus keep nlivo the
"Fritz1 drama after the death of its founder.
Young Emmet is to revive next season "Fritz
In Ireland , " which has been rewritten for
him , and. his manager claims , is now a much
hotter play than that presented by his father ,
which it easily may bo. Mr. Emmet has en
gaged a company headed bv Helen Sodgwick ,
lormerly loading lady for his father.
Green room reminiscences uro nlwnys In
order and outerlalniiig. Away back in 1S , * > 0 ,
while Jenny Ltud was on her Iirst tour with
P. T. Barnutn. slio was singing In a small In
diana town. The lost line one of her favor ! to
.songs was "I know not why 1 am singing.1
At thu finish of the song a young farmer rose
up and said : ' ) Y6u don't know why you uro
singln' , eh ) ( josh , I unow , if you don't.
You'ro singln' to the tune of ? ! a hnad , uud I
reckon dad's hogsi will have to suffer for my
ticket. " ' -
Mine. nornhard.t U to bo "clrcused" in her
forthcoming American tour Iu a previously
unheard of fashion. The aclross Is to liavoa
perfectly uqulppod car of. her own uud Is lo
play during the llrst year iu nil of ibo llrsl ,
second ami ihirt class cities of thu country.
She will demaijd ( ho very highest percent
ages from tho'tWialors ' , and she will get
them , for It Is n'ow eslnbllshcd lhat she Is
a strong and pay Jug attraction. When the
second year coinei around Mmo. Burnhardt
1s to enter upoh'U'Ycar'of ' barn storming lhat
will outclass thu idost niiinblo and uuforlun-
ate professional ihut the Ulalto has over
kuowu. SUoMvjll pluv for tlfty weeks In
the smallest tovVna of the country , appearing
at a different place ovcry nlnht , and coverlug
the whole torrltorj' from Oregon to Maine
and down to the gulf.
Musical folk In Europe are still discussing
eagerly the young Italian composer Muscat'-
IU , whoso opera "Cavalloria Hustlcanu , " has
attracted so much attention. Nuvur before ,
probably , in the history of operatic art has
a work by an unknown writer bon perform
ed In all the principal content of Europe
within six months uf its Jlrst upprurancu.
Mascagnl Is only twenty-four or twenty-five
year * of ugu , nud this , hU Unit work , was
composed Iu competition for u prize otTorod
by the Milan conservatory. A Berlin letter
save : ' 'Thowork , produced at Mllancroated
n furore , and within three months from that
day Plotro Mascusui found himself famous ,
not only in all Italy , but also throughout a
laud musically his enemy-Germany. Nearly
every operatic cltv in Ihls oinplro has now
heard Ills work. Vienna him produced It.and
Paris a'id London have It In preparation , and
everywhere that H has l Jun given the recep
tion accorded bus Invariably boon ono of
greatest favor uud cnthuslustn. "
Frederick Pauldlng tolls a good story of hl
tint uioctlUB Wilh Miss Maggie Dean , his
Roubrotto. Thoyiuno lady is very pretty nml
remarkably potfto so small , In fact , that ono
of her efforts Iu life U to dross so as to Im
press the average beholder with the Idea that
she Is a person of much weight and dignity.
Being doubtful nt to the part she was to plav
In the " .Struggle for Llfo , " she were a dress
wltn n uoinl train , which made her look quite
tall , the effect bolug heightened by n wonder
ful hat. which towered nt thu hack of her
head , The majostlo offcct of this ntipnrol was
completely ruined , however , by n bowltcnlu *
gypsy fncf , laughing oyca and masses of dark
curls. Pauldlt.if , rather bowlldorod by the
contradictory appearance of the lady , re
quested her to stand up so that ho might
Judge of her height. Miss Doati then said
with the utmost gravity : "Which view do
you prefer my soubrette sldo or my Juvenile
Mdol I'm made up for both. " It was true ;
ns she faced her manager she looked a bright
llttio girl of fourteen , but as slio turned nsldo
mid the train came In view , the humor of It
overcame managerial dignity and Pauldlng
roared. Miss Dean was engaged at once.
A very Interacting exhibition Is proposed
to bo hold In Vienna next year , under the
protcctoralo of Arch Ouko Charles Louis ,
iho exhibition Iszonlouslv promote. ! by the
genial Princess Mottornlch , who appeals lo
all overs of mtisin mid the drama to aid and
ass si iho committee of management In
making the undertaking n great success.
The objects which are aimed at nro : To
provide nu exhibition Illustrating as completely -
plotoly as possible the history and progress
of music aud the drama. The oxhlblt.s are
to consist of portraits of eminent composers ,
pluv-wrights , actors and actresses ; p.Untliurs
and engravings i-oprosentliig Interesting epis
odes in theatrical annals or in the lives of
musical and dramatlo celebrities ; manus
cripts , musical scores and autograph letters ;
curiosities , such as costumes , stngo proper
ties , remarkable play bills , plans and pic
tures of thu actors , ancient and modern ; tes
timonials presented to dramatic and musical
"olobritlos ; books on musis and tbo drama
and musical Instruments of all ages. The ex
hibitions is to bo neld In the around * of
thu rotunda , and in the rotunda proper in
the prater. Several rooms will bo lilted up
to represent miscnscencs of theaters in this
and former centuries , beginning with the
performance of comedies by Aristophanes
and tragedies by Euripides at Athens. passIng -
Ing on to the mystery plays of the Middle
ages , thence lo iho iwrfornmnco ot Iho
' 1 heater Francais in Louis XlV's reign ,
when Content's "China" and "Augustus"
appeared in the perukes aud dresses of the
seventeenth century , und coming finally to
Shakespearean plays , with all correctness of
details , at Vienna or nt the Lyceum In Lon
don. Moreover , it is proposed to hold some
concerts and to organize some theatrical per
formances iu connection with the exhibition.
1 huso would comprise works either unper
formed or but llttlo known to the public. The
exhibition Is to bo Industrial ns well as ar
tistic. It is expected that the people of the
United States of America will participate in
this very interesting and unique exhibition.
When ruby wen nipt , wo garo her C6."torla ,
7henihu wna a Child , aha crlud f or Cnitorla ,
When kho bocnine MUa , she clung to Costorift ,
When slio luul ChlUruu , she gava thom Caslort ? ,
by dealers who try to sell
you worthless porous plas
ters pay them nioic
profit than tlm K ulne
UKNSON'H , which nro la-
dorsed liy tlio voluntary
testimonials of over S.OOC
pharmacists and phjsl-
clans ns llio best. Take
nothlnc but DUNbON'S.
f General and NERVOUS DEBILITY ,
Weakneis of Body and Mind , Effects
Llof ErroraorExceties in Old or Ycune ,
Itotmitchlf nAMHHin full ; nnlorrd. lion In f nlirrr nj
Blmi lbtnn > UKf.MKVKMrKlllllllt.iSJkl [ > tlllHl > nilUr )
Abiolulrlr DuMMnit IKDIK TIIKAIJILNT llrnrCli la B.lay ,
nculr llr7rr. in&OtillilrBiindFiirrUiirountrlr > . l > rllrlhrra.
DfRfrlptlie Jiook , njtUnalloa iHli > roof in3llrd ( < > alrdrrce. )
A POJTiy .andpjrmajen QiRE for 8ll
dlseasasottheURINARY ORGANS.
tvheroothortrostmonttalls. Full directions with each
bottle. Price , ono dollar. See signature or E. L
STAHL Fov Sals B'J All
The Turning .Point
With mnn mnn I' om trivial net , nnit n mcro
iwommrmlntl'iii of om > friend to try S ) . a. n.
linn luirnl tlio llrr ot liundritlii. . . .
SpcnklrmrtRixM for J * . s . ! * . Is nntnrat. fflr
whcrnvrr It IIM l ca trleU tlitro U o alway bicn
pcKxt roiiiiUi.
ALL SKI * DigcAsni.
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There is nothing its equal for relieving
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BEWARE of Imposition. Take POND'S ' EXTRACT
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Sold only In our own Lotties , All druggists ,
POND'S ' EXTRACT CO.,765th Ave.N.Y.
It's remarkable specific
notion upon the affected parts
gives it supreme uontrol over
riles , however sovcro.
Also for Hums , Scalds ,
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Tcstlmoninln from all classes
provo its ofllcncy. Pi ice OOc.
Sold by all Dnifjrgista or sent by mail
on receipt of priuu Put up only by
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CA BIN , f.W to Ml. ArrordlDK to Stuumur
mid locution of htntcruoin.
Intmm'illiitu mid StuoniKO * .
NO CATTI.I : cAituini ) .
eirn n BTiTpi i si.uvini ; : oi' '
Tin I < oniondurry , ovorj Fortnight.
August Ctli , STATK OK NKVADA. 10 A. M.
AUK. 'J th. .STATE Ol1 A. M.
CAIIIN. MS up. Itutnrn. KV HlooniKQ $1
Apply to AI.IjAN .V CO. . ChlciiKO.
11.13. JlOOIlliS. Walmsli Ticket Olllcc.
\V. f. VAlli , Hmllnston Tlo < ut Olllco
i > u u y o > * A > 7 t * ' u * CCM ftv
A Suifnaann'a Acthma Cure oner/aili t glvo
"i/ijrirf rci'ia / thu Tors5 caao ; Insures coin-
ili ! itocp ; cCecti curia \rberacllclaori Jail. A
I ropnnori tlio tiKHt floptical. I'rlcfl. i
01.00 , of Dnieslita cr by mall. Sicinl
amp.In. ft. SOJrrFFMANW. St. P :
LVGfiM c
ST.t MoNnocKT.CHICAGO. * (
wiumi0nte. ttiuir'iiB.lyt'ilvioil _ * _ /A
Ciuliuut of Uniul li.imaiiN iJ Sa'al
UDirnrmi nnj > l < jpnenU. 400 ,
Untf IttuiUittoni dtf > crlt4n2 v < 9'r li
ftrvlkld r iilrnly IVtmti or Drum \
Cnrra , tncl iJinz llrtnlilQir MkU- . 2iP&
tl ! i , Tilmn , nsv If. % 5ao * l * S >
CouUlii liKlrucllom for / J'JT
; Amit.ur , lji n.i nnl Sntei , / / 1\ \ ! ,
iDiinn Mvof'l Ti ltU Uni , nJ t JJt f M
SUtcon Yearn * Kxpcrlcncn In llio Treatment of
( lunorrtid'i , lilo'l. Stricture , Sr | > td'li ' l.'iU Mtm
liouil , oiiil till Disunion of tlio Hmtml OriMtH. tudn
DIn'mointiit rVmalo l > K > : nil ! l.iullci from 8 to I
nnlr. Dr. Mod row's iuceu In llui troMmont of
I'rlvnto Dlnu.Kui lim nuvur uuun oiiiinlluil lli > nki
nml rill.K. Troiitmunt by corr.xpontlo ' < "
Olllco , l lti nu I Farnam St-i. , Omaha , ro >
Kiitr.incu on vlllior street.
fK.-3e < i- .
For troubling jinitis in small of
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For C ttiurh "so Mooro's Tree of Lifo.
For Constitution , use Tree of Ltfo.
The irrunt lifo remedy The Trco of
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nnii I.Ivor ro.nol ilnt nu.l lilt U oo.t dlioiio. . Dnoi It
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Treouf I.lfo. tnoliroit l.lfJ Homo IT ?
EoWs Nerve Toiiic Pilli"
' Ouriitn niuonii ; , > criouaiiiiill'lij l-
cftlUehlllty , VIU1 Exhaustion , Tain
In the Hack , t'olil llsnils or l'cc , llnl (
Clrcalatlon , IHua LlncH nnilcr the
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or Illood L'hoasci In Klthcr b'ox.
Hobb's Norye Tonic Pilla
They brim ? the rosy lint of Jlcalllita the
sallow cbook. If you nro Buffering from Io.
rnnRomontot the NorvoNIinpuro Ulooa or
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5Iolbs' Nerve Tonic Pills , tlio i rcai
Ufo Woiio\vcrnntheyidn cnrlcli your IJlootl
nd etrcnqthen your Norvofl. 1'rlco , 00 cents n VIM.
For aolo by dniitglata or eont by mall.
pnopniBiono *
Old Miin. WciiU Mikllo iiK il men , I'romu-
luri'lyolil YOUIIK Hi-ii , brlns IniuU Mjrluay
slriMinth , umliltlim and ili- !
Men. liriKht eye ,
UfaiiH. They rom'ct
shoby u-o j > { tsoivo
youth'hurroi-.cuioall uoivo Uoubli. " } . * ' ' ' " <
iibii'.sKi. | . Nerve Hoan Oo. . Itiillalii , N. V
Soly by Oooiliimn Ururf Co , lllu l-auitini bt
Only Exclusive
Special Newspaper Train West of
the Lakes.
- -
Mtyr = = 53SESH3 = EUjEraEavr < KKS1
Making all Union Pacific and 'Connecting Points Eight
to Twenty-four Hours Ahead of all Competitors.
Residents of Interior Points Want to Read a Sunday
Daily on Sunday.
They Must Have The Bee. All Newsdealers Sell It.
6:17 : a.m
3:2tf . BENTON
6:23 : u.m
MILLARD 3:37 : a.m COLUMBUS G:3O : a.m
THURSTON 3:42 : a.m CAYUQA 6:30 : u.m
ELKHORN 3:48 : a.m DUNCAN 6:46 : a m
WATERLOO 3:62 : a.m GARDNER 6:6O : a.m
MERCER 4:10 : u.m HAVENS 6:06 : a.m
FREMONT 4:10 : n.m CL A h KB O:13 : a.m
SANDBERa . . . . 4:23 : a.m THUMMEL O:23 : n.m
AME 3 4:30 : n.m CENTRAL CITY O:36 : a.m
NORTH BEND 4:4O : n.m PADDOCK O:4O : a.m
BAY STATE 4:46 : n.m OHAPMANS 0:60 : a.m
ROGERS 4:66 : n.m DOOKWOOD 6:68 : u.m
BOHUYLER 6O6.a.m : GRAND ISLAND 7:1O : a.m
LAMBERT 6:11 a.m
At Grand Island THE HEE'3 Flyer ooanoots with the early train on the St. Joseph and Grand
Island road and I3ees are Bent flylns In Haolci to Uolvldere , Davenport , Donlphan , Edmr , Fttlrbury ( Katr-
flcld , and Stoalo Ctty , MoCool Junotlon , & MUlltjin , U carried from Falrbury by frolcht twin o K.O.te O.
R. II ! ; Hebron i suppltoJ from Belvldere by horao route , u dlstaaod of 14 mllcH.
At Oolurobus connootioii la made with a train for Platte Cantor , Humphroy , Madison , Nnrf jilt ,
and Walcuflold ,
At Grand Island aho a fast freight Is caught which Hupplles Elm Croelt , Gibbon , aothonburg , Kear.
noy Lexington , Shol on , Wood River and North Platto. THE BEE reaches the last inuiittonod place at
8:20p : m. Its wouU-bo rivals tumbli In their at 0:86 : at night , woven hours lat r. It Is tou latu to read
delivered , when thfy are about twenty-oljjht hotiri old
thsin than , and they are aacordlngly next ingrnlns
At Silver Oruelclarso packages of THE HE E are thrown o-T for S.roaisburg and < scejla , whloh are
country a dlatanco of twenty-rtvo mlloa by TUB H E'8 wauon routo-thla tivlnj the
onveyed atTOJB
oonve . . Fullurtou i Hiipnlled by her route from
them the day of publication.
l > lily Sunday paper ro ichlnc b. ui.4 on * i
Clu kK , a cliHtunoy oftlHueu mllus , wttt lvej th j paoplo there tuo only Sunday paper they ever had on
thn clay of publication ,