Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1891, Image 1

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Preparations Completed for1 tbo Reunion of
Nebraska's ' Grand Army ,
J'oHtH In Various Parts of tlio State
Sending In Application ) * for Ac-
-oinmoclntloiiH Qiinrtord
for All.
IsiAxn , Neb. , July 81. [ Special
Telegram to Tin ; Bnn.J A largo number of
applications nro now In tor quarters during
thoC3rand ; Army of thoUopuultc reunion from
posts In various parts of ihu stale. Many of
the applications wcro received today.
The indications are that this will bo Ibo
largest attended reunion of any yet held In
the st.ilo. Several po. < ls have expressed Iholr
Intention of sending from ono to two carloads
Twelve hundred tents Lnvc been ordered
Ij Ufor the accommodation of the veterans and
their families alone , and It is thought Iho
order will bo supplemented by u much larger
ono. The announcement of speaker , whlcn
is the only part of the programme not fully
completed , will ho rondo soon.
Conuivssmen Moltelglmn and Kom have
signified their willingness to bo present nnd
others will respond to invitations In a few
days. _ . _
Ijonv Pine Cluintaiiiin | Opnnc < l.
Lu.vo Pise , Neb , July ! ! . [ Special to
Tin : Br.c.J The Chautauqua tents arrived
last night and today families are engaged in
transporting Ihclr camping oullits to the
grounds where many will camp tonight. The
cool delightful nights devoid of the friendly
mosquito malto sleep a luxury thero. A great
deal of taste and rivalry Is displayed In Iho
nrrangomcnt of Kites for tents and camping
grounds. Some will have their lenls pitched
upon clllT twcnly-llvo to thirty feet above
the paths and others upon the
water's edge with promenades constructed
nbovo the river ; some In thu beds of canyons ,
others near the mill dam with the rushing
water lo lull Ibern to sleep. Arches and
lanes nro made through the trees and all
sorts of rustic seals arranged from natural
tree stumns , twin trees and In arbor. * ,
.Tomorrow the Chaulauqun opens. At 8
oVloclc p. in. tbo nddrcss of welcome will bo
tflvon byV. . W. Young , Slnnton's prominent
lawyer , with a humorous lecture , "Does it
Take. " by Uev. Hindlty of Weeping Water. '
Sunday morning the rising boll will bo rung
for the llrst time nnd Iho Chaulnuqua will bo
in force for slxleen days. On Sunday there
will bo two sermons by Hev. John CJallagher ,
Ph.D. of Tecumseh and ttov. J. S. Ostrandor ,
D.D. ot Brooklyn , N. Y. , besides the olhor
auxiliary services.
11 Is rumored that the railroad company
/vvill run nn excursion train fiom Norfolk ,
which will nrrlvu here at ID a. in. Sunday
and return at ( ) : : < U p. in.
Getting OII-H Uuntly for Crops.
PMTTSMOUTII , Nob. , July 31. [ Special to
'I'm : Din : . | The freight car rooair shops of
the Ii. & M. railroad at this point were thu
scene of unusual activity yesterday , the re
sult of an order from headquarters to Increase
tbo present force of men , and to expedite as
much as possible the repairs of all the freight
cars In the yard. Foreman Stolmker wanted
forty morn men at once and this demand cre
ated quite a stir In the local labor market.
Thorn nro about ihreo hundred and fifty
freight cars laid up hero for repairs and nil
will ho needed as soon as Nebraska's Im-
inenso crops begin to move. It is given out
that the H. & AI. intends to bo right on deck
nnd In readiness and as n consequence the
force In each department will bo greatly In
creased in n few days. The merchants nero
nro feeling very happy at Iho prospect of such
good tlmos as seem now assured.
\Yntcrrtpoiit at T
TAI.MAOE. Neb. , July 31. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BcB.J Ono ot iho most tcrrlllo
Xraln slorms over experienced In Ihls locality ,
< n'outiling to Iittlu loss than a waterspout ,
occurred here this afternoon between 5 nnd 0
o'clock. A very Insignificant looking cloud'
came up from the west , and when about over
this place mot with a counter current , and
the drops seemed to congeal Into n blinding
( sheet , and for about forty-llvo minutes the
ntreols were cpnvorlod Inlo a rushing lor-
rent. Tl-o low" lauds about the city nro at
this hour huge lakes. As yet no damage is
reported , but to growing crops and grain in
i-the llclds the damage will undoubtedly bu
groal. -
Kotncinbornd an Attorney.
Wunnso WATKU , Nob. , July 31. [ Special
to THE Bin ; . ] Mrs. Annlo Allison , formerly
of Cass county , died Mny 8 at Meskelf ,
England. She loft a will , in which , among
other gifts she bequeaths to Attorney J. H.
Huldomnti of Ihls city $ , " > ( X ) in cash , and
makes him sole executor of her estate ,
amounting lo something like f 10,000 , consist
ing of realty and personal property in this
-county. Tins -will , togelhor with a drain
corulicate , was sent by her husband , Joseph
Allison , and was received by Mr. Haldomnn
today. _
Accident on tlio Kllchorn.
UINI\M : : , Neb. , July 31. [ Special Telsgram
to TniBr.K. : | Train No. 17 on the Fremont ,
Klkhorn & Missouri Valley line , going south ,
mot with an accident two miles north of
hero Thursday afternoon which caused a
delay of four hours. The trouble was a
broiton driver , which destroyed one-half of
the cab , but as luck would have It the tire-
man was not silting on his seat when the
break occurred , thereby escaping injury. It
was a close call for him.
Suotln'H I'.iiKturn star
SCOTIA. Nob. , July 31. [ Special to TUB
Hinc.J The worthy matron and worthy pal-
ron of the grand chapter of the Order of the
wtorii Star , instituted Crvlal Chapter ,
U. I ) . , on July ' 'S , at this placo. The oftlcers
of the chapter aroMUs Kllleda 13. Wright ,
worthy matron ; Mrs. Leu U. Love , associate-
malron ami it. S. Spreohor , worthy natron ;
with a full quota of subordinate officers.
I'ho chapter lias thlrty-lhroo members nnd
meets In the Mnsonlo hall.
AVII1 Hoe i lie Kuutnry Opened.
NoimnK , Nob. , July 31. [ Special Tolo-
grnni to TUB BiiK.J-Il. T. Oxnard loft today
for California to bo present at the opening of
the sugar beet factory In that slnto which
commences operation about August 15.
F. T. Campbell , railroad commissioner of
Iowa , Ii In the city visiting his son , Frank.
Mr. Campbell says Iowa will roll out an old
tlmo majority fur the republican ticket this
OIXKVA : , Neb. , July 31. [ Special Tele-
urani to THIS BKK.I The hardest rain of the
Bcntou paused over this section this after
noon. U rained for three hours us luyk as it
could. The probabllltlcj are Unit thu grain
which is not In the stack will bo badly dam-
ugod and It will take some tlmo lo dry 11.
The streets were perfect hikes nearly all the
time It ruined.
Too SI null Italn.
HKVNOI.II.S , Neb , , July 31-Special [ Tele
gram to Tit is UBI : . | This vlcliilly was visited
by a heavy rain today wl.lcli will stop thresh
ing or stacking grain for at least three days.
Wheat mil eau are now growing In the
shock und Unless farmers got dry weather
con the entire crop will bo badly damaged.
JtutiliiuHH Man A ITCH ted.
Nouroi.K , Nob. , July ! U. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim HEE. ] W. U. Hammond of the
defunct 11 rm of Hammond & Palon was
urrc t d today on a warrant sworu out by
Palen , bis former partner , 'who charges htm
with cheating nnd defrauding his partner
nnd creditors. There nro six different counts
against him. Hammond made n voluntary
assignment a short tlmo ago giving a num
ber of chattel mortgages on Iho stock.
Narrowly Itaunpcd Dcntli.
WALLACE , Noli. , July 31. [ Special Tclo-
erom lo TUB BBC. ] P. L. Harper of the
Wallace Security bank mot with a frightful
experience today , and ono which ho will re
member to his dying day. Whllo out horse
back riding the saddle turned and his foot
was caught in the stirrup. The horse , a
powerful stallion , ran , dragging him omo
dlsinnco before bolns slopped. But for the
long strap which is used on such horses. Mr.
Harper would have undoubtedly been killed.
Luckily ho managed , while dragging at the
animal's hcoU , to grasp the strapi bringing the
horse to n standstill. Ho Is badly scratched
nnd bruised , and tls clothing wcro torn to
shreds , but his Injuries are not serious.
Itcpiinllunn Organ Tor St. Paul.
ST. PAUL'Neb. , July 31. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnu DEIS. ] St. Paul has at last n
republican paper. Since the Phonograph
Joined the independent party we have been
without un organ. Today the plant of the
Enterprise , Iho original alliance paper , was
sold to B. F. Thomas and Phillip Wlnler of
Wymoro , who will change the name to the
St. Paul Hotmbllcan. Additions will bo
mndo to Iho onlllt and they expect a first
class straight-out republican paper to bo the
result. It Is ass ii red a hearty support from
the stalwarls. This malccs three papers In
St. Paul , tno republicans , democrats nnd in
dependents each being represented.
Stock Killed liy M < ; litiilnK.
FAIIIMOU.NT , Nob. , Julytlil. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun linn. I Fuirmount was visited
today by n heavy rain and electric storm.
About two Inches of water toll In n very
short HIDO. The barn of L. II. Steigcr was
struck by lightning , causing slight damage
to iho barn nnd killing four mules and ono
ponoy. The Insurance will partially cover the
An Incli ofVater. .
tlisixo CITV , Nob. , July -Special [ Tolo-
grutn to Tun Bf.K.J There was a heavy
thunder shower hero this aflernoon and
about ono inch of water fell.
o.v mroncK
A. South Dakota JudKC Chanson tlio
IJIIW'H Interpretation.
Sioux FA i.i.i , S. D , July 31. It is ex
tremely probable that ninety-six applicants
for divorce now hero from other stales will
bo disappointed In the realization of tholr de
sires. Judge Aikon , who holds the sword at
J.he severing of unloving hearts , has con
cluded to Interpret the law according to the
spirit instead of the letter , and hereafter ap
plicants will have to furnish something
stronger than an aflldavit.
South Dalcotn Ijuiul Entries.
MITCIIKLL , S. D. . July 31. [ Special to Tnu
Buu. 1 Tlio Hopubllcan has Just compiled a
statement showing the amount of business
transacted at the different South Dakota
land ofllces during the llscal year Just closed ,
which , shows that n couilderaolo amount of
business has been dono.
The following entries were made : Pre
emption filings , 817 ; homestead entries , lVi5 : ;
timber culture entries , 723 ; cash entry proofs ,
( iW : ; homestead proofs , 1,8-15 ; timber culture
proofs , 1'JMl.
The number of entries acted on and allowed
by each olllco is as follows : Rapid City ,
1 , 4 ; Huron. 1,318 ; Mitchell , 1.SH3 ; Aber
deen , 1,070 ; Yankton , 7iV.I ; Pierre , 540 ; Cham
berlain , -131. The number of acres newly
Hied on is : Pierre , 114,473 , Chamberlain ,
; ) . " ) ,400 ; Uapld Cllv , 130,4'l ) ! ; Aberdeen , 83i07 : ;
Mitchell , 111,134 ; Yonkton , S2KJ7 , : ; Huron ,
fS,38l. The number of acres acquire' ! by
bv final proof Is : . Pierre , 17,7(50 ( ; Chunibcr-
laln , 28(1SI ( ! ; Hapid City , 33,091 ; Aberdeen ,
80,272 ; Mitchell , 131,020 ; Huron , 130,0(55 ( ;
Yunkton , 8I,4S8. , The business shows a
slight decrease from the previous year ,
nllhouph Iho Hapid City olllco shows nn In
crease in the number of now llling.- < , and iho
Mtlchell oflleo in Iho niunbar of timber cnl-
lure llnal proofs , over one-third of all such
proofs taken In the slate being made within
the Mitchell district.
S. D. , July 31. [ Special
Telegram to Tim Bnn.J The Sioux commis
sion , now nt Lower Brulo agency , to select anew
now location tor the agency and arrange
other matters , has already done much pro-
llmlnnrv work , but nothing doflnito has been
accomplished. Ono faction of Iho Indians
want the agency moved north on Iho Mis
souri river , while anolhor faction Insists on
ll Doing moved south of White river to the
Uosobun reservation. The feeling bolwron
Iho two factions Is so bitter that they do not
speak when nice : ing each other. A grand
council of all Indians at Lower Brulo will beheld
held tomorrow lo dolormlno Iho mailer.
Killed by Cattle
S. D. , July 3i. [ Special Tele
gram lo Tin ; Bii.l : : Uobert Bcgbtol of
Chadron , a brakemnn , was family Injured
Ihls moraine between Whitewood and Bcllo
Fourcuo by being knocked from the way car
of a stock train by cattle guurds that pro
jected too close to the trade. The Injured
man is highly spoken of by his friends.
II7.M Til Kit J'0/f EO.IST.
For Omaha nnd Vicinity Light showers ,
followed hi' fair ; stationary temperature.
WASHINGTON , July 31. Forecast till 8 p. m.
Saturday : For North Danoiu Showers ;
slightly warmer In cxtromo northwest ;
slightly cooler In soulhuust ; stationary torn-
poraturo ; variable winds.
For South Dakota Showers ; stationary
lomperaluro ; slightly cooler in the vicinity
of Pierre ; variable winds.
For Iowa Showers ; slightly cooler , except
warmer In the vicinity of Dc.s Monies , and
stationary lempornlnro ; variable winds.
For Nebraska Light showers ; stationary
tempuraturo ; variable winds.
For Missouri and Kansas Showers ; sta
tionary temperature ; sllghilv cooler In extreme -
tromo northwestern Missouri and slightly
warmer In tlu vicinity of Sprlnglicld ; varf-
able winds.
For Colorado-Fair Saturday ; stationary
temperature , except slightly warmer In west
portion ; variable winds.
isucvr..iTiii cuixcn HUGH.
They Carry Dentil to the Wlieut He-
MAIIISON , U'ls. , July 31. Experiments
have been made In Dane county wllh iho In
oculated chinch bugs from Kansas. Reports
have boon received from Iho operations on
the farm of Frank Sink In College Grove. A
box of dead bugs was brought to the city
which were picked up near a single stalk of
whoil on Mr. SlniOs farm. The Inoculated
bugs wore placed in thu Held on July 8 and
Ihu Insects are dvltig by the million , ( jut so
late Hint although tno experiment tins proved
to bo a great success , thu wheat was so far
gone beforethu inoculated bugs were put In
that but lltilo of It can bu saved. The In
fected bilgJ were brought from ICansas and
thu belief Is belt ) by thosn Interested in the
experiment that It is n sura success If tried
early In the sonson. The box of bugs was
scoopjd up at the base of a wheat stalk , and
although It Is but u small size 1 capsule box ,
it contains huudreds ot those dead insects.
Two Youthful ViiRiilw i tin.
DBXVEU , Colo. , July 31 , Louis Post , as.
slstant cashier of the U. U. \ \ euuor litho
graphing company at Akron , O , , aged eigh
teen , and Fred J. Duncan and Chilrles Ii.
Stewart , aged sixteen , wcro a i rest oil In this
city this evening. A few days ago during
the absence of Iho cashier they stole fu',000
from the safe of the lithographing company
and at once started for Denver. Fittecu
hundred dollars and two flue gold watches
nave boon recovered.
Secretary Noble's ' Resignation Said to bo in
the President's Hands.
TIic ficncrnl May l > o Sent Abroad or
Appointed to tlio Circuit Ilcticlt
- IIH ! SnoucsRor Not
Yet. CllOHCIl.
WASHINGTON , July 31. It Is said that Sec
retary Noble's resignation Is In tno bands of
the president. General Noble Is not hero to
confirm this announcement. Ho Is at Ktch-
lleld Springs , N. Y. , but the Information
comes from such a source that Us truth Is
accepted. It can bo said that ttio secretary
retires from the cabinet with the best of
feelings between the president and himself.
The stop Is tnkon uftor duo considerationand
the resignation U accepted with regret by
tho-prcsident. What General Noble's future
will be , cannot bo stated positively. Ho may
go abroad to Illl a mission , or ho may bo ap
pointed to 1111 the new Judgeshlp In the
Eighth circuit. It Is possible that General
Noblo's mind Is not yet made up as to what
will suit him best. There Is ono story cur
rent that ho will not return to Washington ,
but go to Europe for three or four month's
travel , returning after the judicial appoint
ments are made There seems to bo no
doubt that General Noble can have this Ju
dicial appointment If ho will take It. His
personal Inclinations nro said to be in favor
nf the bench. The ladles of his family , however -
over , are said to look upon an ofllclnl resi
dence nt ono of the European capitals as de
One thing which seems to point to the
European appointment Is the manner In
which General isoble's effects have been
packed. Strong cases have been made , such
as would be used for removal abroad. In
these have been placed the cenoral's Books ,
and such belongings as would naturally bo
shipped if the family were going to Europe
for an extended stay. As against the Idea
of the acceptance of a foreign mission Is held
out thu fact that the bench appointment Is
for life , nnd that It ranks next to the supreme
Even those who stand In the closest rela
tions to General Noble do not venture to ex
press a decided opinion about his future. It
has been stated already that there Is no fric
tion between the president nnd General
Noblo. They nro the host of friends. Gen
eral Noble retires , according to these Who
are in a position to speak , because there is
nothing more in the secretaryship for him.
Ho has administered the duties nearly two-
nnd n half years. He has worked as have
few other men connected with the adminis
tration. Ho leaves no legacies of scandals.
The resignation has been in tno president's
hands for some time , In fact , as to show the
president's unwillincness to accept , and at
the same time the dlfllculty which the presi
dent llnds in reaching a conclusion iipon the
It Is stated by n certain high ofllcial that
the president has known of General Noblo's
desire to retire for several weeks and had the
resignation before ho left for Capo May.
The secret bus been well kept. It might
have been preserved still longer but for the
meeting of tlio executive committee of the re
publican national committee in this city. In
strict conlldcncc the information was Im
parted to the members of the executive com
mittee bv ono who had brought It from Capo
May. The president consulted about the ap
pointment , but so far as can bo learned ho
did not intimate upon whom the choice will
Denied l > ythe President.
CAPE MAT , N. J. , July 31. The reported
resignation of Secretary Noble is absolutely
and emphatically denied this morning by
Private Secretary Halford on behalf of the
president , nnd as far as ha knows Noble has
no Intention of doing so.
WASHINGTON , July ill. Acting Secretary
Chandler nf the interior department stated
very , positively that Secretary Noble
had not tendered his resignation. Ho
said it was simply a revival of previous ru
mors which had been denied by the secretary
Comptroller of Currency Issues u Cir
cular ol * Instruction. '
WASHINGTON , July 31. The books of the
IK per cent loan , kept In the oOlco of the
register of the treasury , will not bo closed
during the month of August for the prepara
tion of the September schedule as has been
the custom heretofore. This change is
caused by the fact that the schedules will
not bo required for the llnal d Ivl-
dcnd of 1'jf Per cent on the loan ,
as ttio last interest on the bonds
being redeemed for continuation nt 2 per
cent will bo prepaid to Septembers , l&ill ,
while tno interest on bonds not continued
will cease on that day and bo paid only when
bonds arc presented for redemption ,
The redemption of 4U , per cent bonds will
not beeln until September 2 , IS'JI , the date of
the maturity. Up to date about $11,000,000
of these bonds have been continued at - per
cent. The comptroller of the currency has
issued the following circular to national
banks in regard to this loan :
Sir : Your attention Is respectfully called
to tlio circular of July ! J , 1HU1. Issued by the
secretary of the treasury authorizing tenders
of 4'.J ' percent bonds to present them for con
tinuance atli percent. This option will e.vplru
on September" , 1SUI , uftor wnlch dn.v my of
wild bonds outstanding and not cont.nued by
request of the holder , will CUIINO to hear Inter
est by virtue of thu call for redemption Issued
Jnnu ? . 1MI ) , rendurlm : ttii'in unavailable us
security for circulation after that date. It
will lie absolutely necessury , therefore , as fur
us minimum dunoMt bond : ) are concerned , for
national banks having 4J ! pur cent bonds on
deposit as security for circulation to llrst se
cure the cnntinntiiicu of these bonds , or second
to deposit other United States Interest bear-
In : ; bonds In their place.
Hanks di-slrliitf to continue their bonds
should perfect the papers which have already
been sent from this ilop irtmcnt and forward
them , accompanied by tlio treasurer' dupli
cate rt-ciilpu representing thu bonds , to the
ollleo of the suerotnry nf the treasury. Hanks
deslrliiK to substitute other bonds ur return
thelrelruulutlng notes , should apply to the
comptroller of the currency for the necessary
b links.
Your attention Is also called to the fact that
under the act of July 14. IS.'O , the lust bond U-
mifd thereunder must bu llrst called , and Unit
Is , therefore , to bo ontalncd by eurly implica
tion for thu continuance of thuso bonds , us
the new bonds will bu Issued In the order nf
receipt of perfected p'ipttrs. Very respect
fully , 1' . S. iMOt'V , Cumptrullur.
JIKCKXT .111.11 V OllllKltS.
N'uinoroiiH Cli : nu' " AIIIOIIK tlio Mom-
IIIMH ol' tlio Kogular Service.
WASHINGTON , July ! H. { Special Telegram
to Tun Uni : . ] The following army orders
wore Issued today ; General Service
Clerk Christian Koch U transferred
ftom headquarters , department of the
Missouri at Chicago to headquarters
of the recruiting service , at Now
York city. General Servlco Clern David D.
Williams is transferred from Chicago to
headquarters department of the Platte ,
Omaha , Neb. General Service Messenger
Adelph Kceso , now supposed to bo at Chi
cane , is transforrcU to beadquartois depart
ment of California , San Francisco ,
The major general commanding
the department of the Missou rl
will order tho. respective general service
clerks and messengers transferred to other
commands to proceed August I to join them
and the assistant adjutant general of that de
partment will look to tholr muster and pay.
inont for the month of July. The quarter-
mailer's department will furnish transporta
tion and sleeping car berth. Commissary
Sergeant Henry S. Amosbury will , upon the
abandonment of Fort Abraham Lincoln , N.
D. , or a * loou as hU orvlcc at that post can
bo spared , proceed' wllhou delay to Fort
Sherman , Idaho , reporting upon'hls arrival to
the commanding ofllcor of that port to
rcllovo Cotamlsoary SorgcantGoorgo Webber.
Colonel Edward P. Vollunj , chief medical
purveyor , will proceed from Now York city
toSt.'Louls. Mo. , for thopurnoso of Inspect
ing the medical purveying depot In that city
nnd upon the completion of this duly will re
turn to bis proper station. Major James P.
Can by , paymaster , Is relieved from duty as
chief paymaster , department of the Colum
bia , nnd will proceed to Los Angelas , Cal. ,
and report in person to the commanding gen
eral , department of Arizona , for duty as chief
paymaster of that department , relieving
Major John P. Wlllard , paymaster.
Columbian Celebration In Italy.
WASHINGTON' , July Ul. The fourth centen
nial of the discovery of America is to bo cel
ebrated nt Genoa , the birthplace of Colum
bus , with many festivities. Letters Just re
ceived hy the Latin-American department
of the world's fair describes thn attractions
proposed and confirm the information that
there will bo held In Genoa in 18DJ an llnllan
exposition to which the klhgof Italy has con
sented to give his patronage and for which
ho allows the use of bis name as honorary
president. *
The programme announced Includes tno
following features : 1. A now opera. 2.
Monuments will bo erected and unveiled dur
ing the year In memory of Garibaldi and of
the late duke of Calllcrn , the nobleman who
planned Fort Fine , the now harbor of Genoa
and who gave the sum of ? J,000,000 toward
the construction of Iho now breakwater
which protects the port. ! ) . A Columbian
museum will be established in the old Hunart
porfof San Andrea which the father of Co
lumbus bought In 1-157 and In which the great
navigator Is supposed to have passed his
early jouth.
Lowest Itlddcr Not Competent ,
WASHINGTON , July 8L Secretary Tracy
has finally decided to award the contract for
building cruiser No. 13 to Cramp & Sons of
Philadelphia , although the | lath Iron works
of Maine were the lowest bidders. In ex
planation of his action thO secretary says
that the Bath company cannot build the en
gines , that they proposed to sub-lot part of
the work , and that It would bo inconvenient
to have the hull and engines built nt dilfor-
ent places. Further , that the ' Bath company
cannot complete the vessel'within the con
tract time , and finally , that It would bo too
great a risk to glvo ttid building of ono of
the most Important ships in the navy to anew
now and inexperienced lirhi.
Movements ol'the IJcIirliiK Sea Patrol.
WASHINGTON , July 31. Secretary Traccy
today received the followlpg telegram from
Commander Colton of Iho Hnis from Ouna-
luskn , dated July 12 , viaSanjFrancisco :
lion. Secretary of the Treasury : The Thetis
arrived nt Hand Point June si , and reached
hero July : i from 1'rlbylolT Island. She warned
eight vessels. The Nymph arrived on the Uth
lust. , the Mohican on tlio 10th and the Aicrt
onthoUth , The Nympn ffods to I'rlbylotr to
day , the Thetis tomorrow and the Alert Tues
day , for a two weeks' cruise. A Russian
cruiser warned four vessnls and seized the
Urltlsh schooner K. E. Marvin. The Marvin
will bo sent to Victoria ly'tio ) lirlt sh coui-
mandur. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Js'tckol Stcol lor Armored Vessels.
WASHINGTON" , July 31. Inivicw of the ex
haustive trials made by the navy department
with the result of demonstrating the superi
ority and greater tensile strength of nickel
steel as a resistant armor for naval vessels ,
the secretary of the nayy. , has contracted
with Carnegie , Phlpps & ; Co. , for ten three
Inch protective dock plhtw , upper layers.
The relative cost of thoso. ilatcs as compared
with pure steel will bo- studied and if satisfactory -
factory terms can bo mrfdo't s kind of armor
will bo adopted in the construction of the
ai'iuorcd cruiser , . .Now ' Ybilt " 'and cruiser
No. IS.
Increase in Treasury Cnsh.
WASHINGTON , July 31' . It Is estimated at
the treasury department that there has been
an Increase of 4,500,000 , In the treasury cash
available for the payment of the public debt
since the 1st inst. Under the old form of the
debt statement this would be slated as a re
duction of the dobt.
onicinlly llcnlrd.
WASHINGTON , July 31. Acting Secretary
Wharton assorts positively that the depart
ment of state is without any Information re
specting the alleged suspension of the Rus
sian edict against the .lows.
Passenger Train leaves' tlio Trade and
Severn ! People Injured.
BKIXMHE , O. , July 31. Another horror
has been added to the late list of accidents in
Ohio. At about 10 o'clock this morning pas
senger train No. 4 on the Bellairo , Zancsvlllo
& Cincinnati Narrow Guago road loft the
track three miles south of Bellairo , two cars
being overturned and drugged some distance
by the engine.
There were seventy nixssengors on the
train and the two cars that turned over in
the ditch wcro crowded with young people
from thls-sectlon. When the train loft the
track somebody cried out that everybody
should cling to their "cats , put the shock was
so awful many were hurled from one side to
the o. her , these not badly injured being ter
ribly shaken up. Assistance was soon nt
ha'nd from other passengers and the train
men , and when all wcro finally taken out of
the wreck It was found that fourteen people
had been Injured , four of them seriously and
ono fatally.
The train was running at the least calcula
tion at the ratn of thirty-five miles an hour
and as It reached a curve the cars were no
ticed to sway violently , and unheeded the
cries from the passenger * a rush was made
for the doors. Many of the frightened pas-
Kongors had reached the platform when Iho
cars Jumped the rails and when they turned
over In another mlnuto these were hurled
Into the ditch. The list af injured are as fol
lows :
a JOHN Mount ? , baggngcmostor. hurt intern
ally , badly bruised and will probably die.
CIIAHI.EH McEi-uov , leg broken and other
wise bruised. j
WII.UAM McEi.noT , head hurt nnd Inter
nally Injured. '
JOHN Iitwix of Bethel , 0. , head crushed
nnd scalp in Hired. i
G. P. Wii-cox of York , , ! ' . . brad badly In
In addition lo those there were many badly
bruised , but they were ablp to lake care of
themselves , and this aftonioou. they went to
tholr several destinations : p'
Physicians were telegraphed for from this
city and Plttsburg and ' were soon on the
ground doing overythin'gj 'possible for the
moit seriously Injure , ) ' . 'J'omght. all were ro-
portcd to bo In a fair way'to recovery with
tha ono exception. * j '
AVostiirn People liiiNow York.
Nu\v YOKK , July 31SpccIal [ to Tim
BKE. ] Mrs. W. Cornish , lo'ux City , is nt
the Union Square hotel.
Miss Louise Kuyrlss , Lcavonworth , is at
Mad DOK Pnnlc.
MT. PI.IUSAXT , In. , July 31. ( Special Tele
gram to/fim BKK.I The country west of
hero is wild today over a mad dog scare , A
rabid animal passed' through that section
nnd bit ( i woman unit a boy and quite a num
ber of cattle and horses. An armed posse Is
on the hunt for It. The full extent of tha
dog's ravages uinongit stock is not yet
known. *
AVhon the Campaign Openn.
CouJMiit's , O. , July 31. William McKInley -
loy , republican candidate for governor , was
in consultation with Chairman Hnhn of the
stale committee tonight , and It was decided
to open the campaign ou tbo weaieru icsorvo
August . ' .
Treatj with Spain is Officially Announced
to the People.
Cothitlcto 1.1st of tlio Articles Ulilcli
the United StateH Mny ICxport
to the Spanish Islands
WASHINGTON , July 31. The Spanish re
ciprocity treaty and the diplomatic corro-
spondcnco'In regard lo It were made public
today. The following Is the proclamation :
Krolproelty with Spain. Hy thu president of
the United atatoa of America. A pioelaina-
tlon :
Whcrciis. Pursuant to section ! l of the act of
COIIKIOSH approved October I , ISO ) , entitled ,
"An act to reduce thu revenues und ciuatl7u |
duties on Imports nnd for other purpose * , " the
secretary of state of the United SUtcs of.
America communicated to tlio government of
.Spain the action of thu congress of thu United
States of America with a view to secure re
ciprocity trade. In declaring tbu articles
enumerated In said section X to w.t . : Sir.-ars ,
inolnssus , culfee and hides , tobu oviMiipt from
any duty upon tliulrlmportatlon In the Unllud
States nt America ! and
Whereas , The envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary of Spain at Washing
ton lias communicated to tno secretary of
state tlio ( net tliat In view of reelproe.ty and
compensation for the admission Into tlio
Unlt'-'d States of America free of all duties of
tlio articles enumerated In section U of s.ild
act , the government of Spain will by duo enactment -
actmont and as a provisional measure admit
from and after September I , 18111. Into all thu
established ports of entry of the Spanish Is
lands of Cuba and Porto Klco the articles of
merchandise named In thu following transi
tory schedule upon the terms stated therein ,
provided tint the Name bu the product or
munnfiictnruof the United States and pro
ceeded directly from the ports of uald states :
Products and manufactures of the United
.States to bu admitted Into Cuba and 1'orto
Klco free of duty :
1 , Meats In brine , salted or smoked. Includ
ing bacon , hums and meats preserved In cans.
In lard or by extraction of air ; jurked beef
2. Lurd.
II. Tallow and other animal greases , melted
or crude , unmanufactured.
4. 1'lsli nnd shollllsh , live , fresh , dried In
brine , smoked or pickled ; oysters nnd salmon
In cans.
5. Oats , barley , rye , buckwheat and flour of
these ccrjal.s.
( I Starch , imilzenn and other alimentary
products of corn , uxeupt corn meal.
7. Cotton seed oil and meal cake of said seed
for cuttle.
8. Hay , straw , for.igo nnd hrnn.
0. Krn.ts , fresh , dried and preserved ? except
11) . Vegetables and garden products , fresh
and dried.
11. Itosln or pine tar , pitch and turpentine.
12. Woods of all kinds , trunks. IORS. joists ,
rafters , planks , bo'ims , boards , rough or cylln-
drlo musts and all out , planed , tongned und
grooved lumber , Including flooring.
111. Woods for cooperate ; Including staves ,
heading and woodun hoops.
14. Wooden boxes , mounted or unmounted ,
except of cedar.
15. Woods , ordinary , manufactured Into
doors , frames , windows nnd shutters without
paint or varn'sh , and woodun houses , un-
mounted , without paint or varnish.
10. Wagons and carts for ordinary rouds
17. Sewing machine ? .
18. Petroleum , raw or unrefined , according
to ihu classification fixed In theoxlstlni ; orders
for the Importation of this article In Haul
1 ! ) . Coal , mineral ,
20. Ire.
. Products and mnnnfaotnros of the United
Status to bo admitted Into Cuba and Porto
Klco on payment of duties slated.
21. Corn'or inalzo , 25 cents per 100 kllo-
rrams ,
22. Corn and men ) , 25 cents per 103 kilograms.
2U. Wheat , from January 1 , 18U3U cents per
100 Ullosrarns.
24. Wheat flour , from January 1 , 189. ' , 11.00
per 100 kilograms.
Products and manufactures of the United
Stales to no admitted Into Cuba and Porto
Klco nt n reduction of 2. > per cent.
M. liutter and chee > o.
2G. Petroleum , refined.
27. Hoots or shoes , In whole or In part of
leather or.skins.
Whereas. Tlio envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary of Spain In Washing
ton has further communicated to thu secre
tary of state that the government of Spuln
will In u like manner and us a definite ar-
nuiKemcnt admit from and after .July 1 , 1ML' ,
Into all thu established ports of entry of the
Spanish Islands of Cuba and Porto Klca the
articles or merchandise named In the follow
ing schedules A. 1) ) . O and D on the terms
Htnted therein , provided that tha same bu the
product or manufacture of the United States
nnd proceed directly from the portsofsald
status :
Products and manufactures of the United
States to bu admitted Into Cuba and Porto
Klco free of duties.
1. iMarble , jasper and alabaster , natural or
artificial , rouph ur In pieces , dressed , Mimred |
and prepared for takltiK shape.
2. Other.stones nnd earthv matters. Includ
ing cement , employed In building , the arts
and Industries.
U. Waters , mineral or medicine.
4. Ice.
f > . Coal , mineral.
G. Ko.sin , tur , pitch , turpentine , asphalt ,
schist nnd bitumen.
7. Petroleum , raw orrrudo , In accordance
with the classification fixed In the tan If of
said IslnndK.
8. Clnv , ordinary , In paving tiles , Inrso and
small bricks and ruof tiles , unglnzud , for the
construction of buildings , ovens und other
similar purpose.- * .
! ) . ( Sold ami silver coin.
1' ' . Iron cast lu pl 's. and old Iron and steel.
11. Iron cast In pipes , beams , rafters nnd
similar articles for thu construction of bulld-
Iir.'s , and In ordinary manufacture ( sou reper
tory ) .
12. Iron. wroiiRht and steel. In bnrp , rails
and bars of all Iclndu , plates , bourns , rafters
mid other similar articles for construction of
K ! . Iron , wrought nnd steel. In wire , nulls ,
screws , nuts and pipes.
14. Iron , wrought and steel , In ordinary man
ufactures , nnd wire cloth unmanufuutnrud
( seu repertory ) .
15 , Cotton , ri\v , with or without seed.
in. Cotton seed oil and muni oaku of same
fur oattln.
17. Tallow and other animal greases , moltud
or crude , unmanufactured.
18. Hooks nnd pamphluts , printed , bound
und unbound.
II ) . Woods of all kinds , In trunk ! ) or IOJJH ,
Joists , ruflurs , beams , boards und rouirli or
cyllndrlii masts and nil cut , planed , tongncd
nnd grooved lumliur. Including flooring.
20. Woodun coopuraKc. Including slaves ,
headings nnd woodun Hoops.
21. Woodun boxus. mounted or unmounted ,
except of cedar.
22. Woods , ordinary , manufactured Into
doorh , frami'B , windows and Bliuttnrn , without
P'llnt or varnish , nnd wooden houses , un
mounted , without paint or varnish.
ji. ; Woods , ordinary , manufactured Into ( ill
kinds of articles turned or unturned , palntoil
or varnished , oxccpt furniture , ( Sue reper
tory. ) -
24. Manures , natural orartlflclnl ,
2 * > . Implements , utensils and tools for agri
culture , tbu arts nnd mechanical trades.
2tl. Machines and apparatuses , agricultural ,
motive' , Industrial and S'dcntllloof nil classes ,
nnd materials nnd lousu pieces for Iho same ,
Including wagons , carts nnd handcartH for or
dinary roads and axrluiilluro.
27. Materials ami articles for public works ,
such as nillroads , tramways , roads , canals for
Irrigation and navigation , use of waters ,
ports. lIxlilhniiHi'S and civil construction when
Introduced by authorization of the govern
ment , or If free admission U obtained In ac-
conlanco with local laws.
28. Mat'.irhilsof all ulahses for the construc
tion or repair In whole or III part of vehsuls ,
subject to spi'clllu regulations to avoid abuse
In thn Importations ,
2J. Meats In brine , salted and smoked , In
cluding hncnh , humx und meals preserved In
cans , ) u lurd or by extraction of air , jerked
il1. nnd butter.
Ul. Chei'so ,
: t2. I'lsltnnd Rhollllsh , live , fresh , dried , In
brine , Halted , smoked and pickled , oystera
and salmon In cans.
; a Oats , hurluy , rye and buckwheat and
Hour of thosu cumuli.
ai. .Starch , mnl/im nnd other u'.lmontary
products of coin , except continual.
IB. I'tult.s , frvkh , dried and preserved , ex
cept nitslns.
U'l. Vegetables and garden products , fresh
and dried.
ii7. May , straw , foruo and bran ,
its. Trues , plants , Kbruba and garden toodj ,
W , Tun bark ,
Products tud manufacturer * of the United
State * to bo admitted | , , to Oubn nnd Porto
Klco on payment of Urn duties MMriC t
44. ( . arrlaxrs , cars and other vohlernr
rnllronds and tramways , where authorf.V i-i
of the povprnmunt for free admission h\C \ '
been obtained , 1 per cent ad valorem. \ " > \
BCIIKDUI.K 0. \ * . \l
Products and mniiufacturers of thoUilT
ftntM to be admitted Into Cuba and Pi
Klco at a reduction of duty of r. per cciilui
. " " .nr.V'0' ' JajP'T and alabaster of all klnf
cut Into Unit , slabs or steps and the same
worked or curved In all kinds of articles , pol
ished or not.
40. Olass nnd crystal ware , plutu and window
J' ' ' "I'd ' Ihu aniiiosilvered , nnlekhllverod and
47. Clay In tl'cs ' , largo nnd small , anil moslno
for pavements , tvlurod tiles , roof tiles , gliuod
and pipes.
45. Stonnwaro and fine earlhuawaro and
49 , Iron onm In fine manufactures or those
polished with a coailnt ; of porcelain ir part of
other' ' metals ( see repertory ) .
50. Iron , wrought and steel. In nxlos. tires ,
springs and wheels fur carriages , rivets and
t'lolr washers.
61. Iron , wrought nnd steel , In line manufac
tures of ilunn polished witlincoating of porce
lain or part of other inutnK not evprrssly
comprised In other numbers of thesu sched
ules , nnd platform .scales for weighing ( seu
! W. Needles , pins , knives , table and curving ,
rnirorx. pen knlvcB , scissors , pieces for watuhc.s
nnd other similar articles of Iron and Hleul.
! > . ) . I In platu In shuuls or manufactured.
nl. Copper , bronze , brass und nlcklu and
alloys of same with common metuls , In lumps
or Uirs , nnd all manufactures of the iitmn.
> .i. All other common metals and ores of thn
same , In lumps or bars , anil maiufactun : > s of
the lame , plain , varnished , gill , silvered or
Ml. Furniture of all uln-ls of wood or mi-tal
Including school furniture , blackboards and
materials for schools and all kinds ot articles
of fine woods not expressly comprised In
olhcr numbers of these schedules. ( See reper
tory ) .
fii. Kuslies. esparto , vegetable hair , broom
corn , willow , strnw , palm nnd other similar
tmitorltils , manufactured Into articles of all
fA Pastes for soups , rve. flour , bread and
crackers and alimentary farinas , not com
prised In other numbers- thusu scheduled.
fi1) ) . Preserved alimentary siibsti'nci's and
canned goods mil comprised In oilier minihurH
of llicsu schedules , Includlnz snusnires , slulfcd
meats , mustards , sauces , pickles , jams nnd
Oi. Ituunor and cuttn poruha and manufac
tures thereof , tilono or mixed with other Mib-
stanci's , uxeupt silk , und oil cloths and tar
Gl. lllce , hulled or shelled.
Products and mannfueturcs of the United
States to bo admitted Into Cuba and Porto
Klco at a reduction of 2.1 pur centum.
US. Petroleum , rellnod and hcn/.liiu.
0 , ' ! . Cotton , manufactured , spun or twisted ,
and In goods of nil kinds , woven or knit , nnd
the same mixed with other vegetable or nnl-
mnl fibres in which cotton Is mi equal or
greater component part , und clothing exclu
sively of cotton.
GJ. Hone , cordagu and twine of all kinds.
G3. Colors , crude and prepared , with or with
out oil. Ink * of all kinds , shoe blacking and
tifi. Soap , toilet articles nnd perfumery.
G7. Jledlolnes , pioprlotary or patunl and all
others nnd drugs.
V8. Stcarlno and tallow manufactured In
G'J. Paper for printing , for decorating rooms ,
of wood or straw for sweeping and packing In
baps and boxes of same , sund paper and paste
70. Leather and skins , tanned , dressed , var
nished or Japanned of ull kinds , Inc'udlng ' solo
leather or bulling.
71. Hoots and shoes In whole or In part of
leather or skin.
72. Trunks , valises , traveling bags , port
folios and other similar articles In whole or
p.irt of leather.
T.l. Harness und saddlury of all kinds.
74. Watches and cloaks of gold , sliver or
othur metals , with cases of fitone , wood or
other material , plain or ornamented.
75. Carriages of two or four wheels and
pieces of thu same.
It Is understood that flour , which , on Its ex
portation from the United Status has bi'on
favored with draw backs shall not share. In
thn foruiolng reduction of duty.
The provisional arrnngoiiiont as sot forth In
the trunsltorv schedule , shall come to an end
on July 1,1892 , and on that date bo substi
tuted by thu definitive arrangement us set
forth In schedules A , II , O and I ) . And that
tlio government ot Spain has further provided
that the laws und regulations adopted to pro
tect Its revenue and prevent fraud In the
declarations ami proof that articles mentioned
In the foruuolng schedules are the products of
manufactures of the United Status of Amer
ica , shall place no undue restrictions on the
Importer nor Impose any additional charges
or fees therefor In the articles Imported ; and
Whereas. Tlio secretary of statu has , by my
direction , given nssurnnco to tlio envoy extra
ordinary and minister plenipotentiary of
Spain nt Washington , that this action of tlio
government of Spain , in granting exemption
of duties to the products nnd manufactures
of the Unltod States of America on their Im
portation In Cuba and Porto Klco , Is accepted
for those Islands as u duo roo'proulty for thu
action of congress us set forth In section ; ! of
said net.
Now , therefore , bo It known that 1 , Hen.lamln
Harrison , president of the United States of
America , luivu caused the ubovu stated
mo'llllcatlonsof the tariff laws of Cuba nnd
Porto Klco to bu made public for the bunullt.
of thu citizens ot the United States of Amer
ica. In testimony whereof , I have hereunto
sut my hand nnd caused thu seal of thn
United St-itcs to bo alllxed.
Done at thu city of Washington , this tbu
thirty-first day of Jnlv , one thousand ek'ht
hundred and ninety-one , and of thu imle <
pomluncu of thu United Status of America
the ono hundred and sixteenth.
Hy the president : Wllllan Wharton , acting
secretary of stale.
The correspondence preceding Iho publlca-
llon of Iho treaty was b-jRiin by Secretary
lilalno , who , in ii loiter boarintr unle of Janu
ary it , 1801. transmitted a copy of the exist
ing tariff law to Senor Suarc i Uuanes , the
Spanish minister , nnd requested that the at
tention of his government be called to It.
with a view lo Ihu adjustment of commercial
relations between the two countries on a per
manent basis of reciprocity , profitable alike
to both.
In the course of the correspondence , follow
ing this letter , which refers to details of Iho
treaty , the Spanish minister , under special
instructions from his government , submitted
lo Iho consideration of Iho secretary of t > late
Iho scrioiiB Injuries which have been occa-
sloned lo Iho tobacco production of the
Islands In Cuba and Porto Hico In conso-
iiuonco of 1113 increase of duties imposed on
arllclos by Iho now lariff law of Ihe Unilotl
States and cherished the hope that whllo
it may not be possible to di
mmish thorn at once In the pres
ent arrangement because the president
of the United Stales has not the power to dose
so , the latter will recognize his constitutional
powers 10 recommend lo congress a reduc-
llon of dulles on Iho lobacco of said Island.
The correspondence closed with a luttor
from Secretary Hlnlno under dnto of June 10 ,
Iti'Jl ' , In which ho states that the suggestion
contained In Iho minister's note respecting
tobacco will have the direful consideration
of ibo president and Unit It shall bo the sub
ject of a separate note. '
Tron ! > loH.
Nnw YOIIK , July 31. It was admitted at
the onico of the Continental land and secur
ity company today that the company had
failed , but it was impossible lo got other
ihan meagre particulars. The assignment ,
though signed In Denver on July 1 , was not
filed la Now York till Thuriday last. The
company owns l.UOO acres of land In Denver.
Its liabilities are said to bo $ .VJO'JO ( , but this
could no' , bo confirmed at the ofllcu In this
city. It Is said that the company had
otllcos nt KiHisns City , Denver , Hos-
ton and Newburyport and dealt In
western lands , municipal bonds and
Denver build Ing lots. A statement ol the
company In May showed assets in real os-
lalo , 81,4,0(1 ( , 1MI ; treasury slocks , fc'iiO.OUO ' ;
bills rocolvlibln secured by trust deeds on
real estate , fS. > , ; ilt ) ; othur assets , live stock ,
etc. , fX'.UU ; a total ot fl.TTo.lU'i ; total sur
plus ,
HotnuiTKii , N. Y. , July ill. K. Holland &
Co. , heavy manufacturers of ladles' shoes ,
assigned , AisuU and liabilities not stated ,
I'ntiliiroliH Militant Kluct.
MONTICKI.I.O , III , , July 31. ( Special Telegram -
gram toTiiK IHi : ; . ] Brigadier ( Jenoral Julius
A. llrown ot Moutlcollo , III. , was elected
major general of the Patriarchs militant In
dependent Order ol Oddfellows , division of
the Lakes , Ills command Includes the stales
of Illinois , Michigan. Wisconsin , Minnesota ,
North and South Dakota and Montana Tim
brlgado commanders elect the major general
couinjaadlDg thu division.
Dillon and O'Brien Will Not Listen to
Overtures of Poaoj.
KO Did Not Itollovo HIM l-'lniui-
clul Kmtmrnissmoiit-U'orld'H
- Kiilr
CoinmlHslon in 1'at-lM-Oiliur
1'JitrOpoan .Mutters.
tni Hie jYciD I'orK Ammehittil
LONDON , July Ml. Mows. Dillon anil
O'Uricti's ropuilmtioii of Pnrnoll , though a
foregone conclusion , has profoundly de
pressed the Parnollltoa who rolloil tipon a
teller that both would suspend ix public pro
nouncement. Mr. Parnoll sought through
private communications made on the eve of
thulr rolono to resume negotiations , but
noltbur responded * to the secret overtures.
Mr. Purnolt hoped until the Ian moment
yesterday Mint ho woitla again entangle thorn
Hi iniinouvro3 for a reunion. Tlu-lr prompt
and decisive declarations na soon as they
were outsldo the prison doors and tholr ro-
fiunl to listen to any advances from the Par-
ncltltcs foil lllto a deathblow upon the fao-
The last lllcknr of nope wont out when the
lord imiyorof Dublin and other devoted Par-
nellltos vainly Irlod lo induce Mr. O'Brieu ,
who was supposed to bo moro ductile than
Mr. Dillon , to reconsider the uosllioti. Mr.
O'Brlen bin Illy dceltnod to listen to atfy no-
gotiations. , Wnoiituo attitude df the re
leased leaders became dellnltcly Known the
chief Dublin Pariiellltes hold n meeting pri
vately and hud a warntitno dlsmitlnir over
the course thov should take. An Intimation
reached them of the desertion of the pirty
organs In Dublin and Belfast. There was a
steadfast uilhorenco to pass a resolution do-
noiinclng Dillon ami O'Briun ' and urging Mr.
IMrnoll iiqt to ylold.
Today Mr. Paruell telegraphed to the
committee that defections on ovorv sldo
would not make htm alter his course a hair's
breadth. lie proposed on Sunday to spoalc
at Thurls. the strongest ecclesiastical contra
In Ii-ohmd , probably to give anew hurl of dell-
anccattho bishops and to prophecy his future
triumph. To llil up the gaps loft In the com
mittee by the deserters another directorate
Is forming aspiring to found a daily paper on
"Parnell hence" principles. The one Dublin
evening orpin remaining faithful appeals to
the party to not succumb to stage fright be
cause they have lost O'Brlcn , but the truth
now penetrating the stoutest Parnellito
hearts Is that their case Is nigh extinct anil
that , It will bo usclcbs to conttnuo Uio strug
gle. If continued it will no longer have a
constitutional character.
The composition of the league sections now
adhering to Parnell Is the reversion of the
faction of the old Fonian typo. It is safe to
predict that Parnell will soon appeal for the
support of tlio revolutionary partlsians at
homo and abroad.
The government training college bill.whlcli
practically proposes to endow two largo
Catholic colleges In Dublin and emi very
minor protestant college , has caused a revolt
In the conservative ranks. In principle , the
bill Is so sectional with jealousies that It
threatened to protract the session. Mr. Balfour -
four , however , skillfully resorted to u plan to
provi'lo ' the capital for the colleges from the
funds at the disposition of the Irish eduoa-
tlon board. The bill therefore can be post
Mr. William O'Brion was flnully adju dl
cnted a _ bankrupt today at the Instance of
Lord Salisbury. lie will como to London on
Monday to try to arrange a conference with
Messrs. Parnoll and McCarthy in regard to
the Paris fund. Mr. McCarthy at the In
stance of Mr. Parnell , already airreos to the
withdrawal of 3,000 to meet legal expenses
Incurred whim the party was united. What
ever Mr. O'Brion's plan may bo , there Is
small liopo that Mr. Parnell will assent to
the use Of the fund unless he shall bo per
mitted to control Its disposal.
Parnell's personal ombarrasiincnt does not
appear to have been relieved by marriage ,
lie has made an extraordinary claim against
Captain O'Shoa ' for JKi.OOO advanced to him
Between September , 18S9 , and November ,
l&OO. partly during the period of tlio divorce
proceedings. Captain O'bhea ' denies the
debt. Curious-disclosures are expected on
Mr. Parnell's attempt to prove thn claim.
The Chicago fair commissit tiers have ar
ranged to proceed from Paris to Berlin to"
morrow. Minister Phelps has made an en
gagement to present them to CJoncral Von
Caprlvl on Tuesday. Subsequently u recep
tion will bo clvon to tlio commissioners.
Minister Von Boctlich , Char.ri-llor Vou
Caprlvl , Count Hottenburg and Imperial
Commissioner Woruph have accepted Invita
tions to a dinner In honor of the commission
ers , to be given at the house of Minister
Phelps. Preparations are lining made to
give the commissioners n hearty wclcomo at
all thu German centers.
The ofllclalu of the board of trade are
watching tlio methods of Inquiry of the
United States emigration commissioners. It
Is believed that inquiry will result In the
appointment of American Inspectors at all
the leading English ports , with some system
of consular supervision.
The olllclul inquiry has resulted In the dis
closure of systematic frauds on the part , of
Jewish emigrants from Russia. Passports
manufactured bora have boon sent to Kussla
to enable Jews to evade the payment of 10
levied on each permit to emigrate. Fradu-
lent addresses have also been sent to enable
emigrants on nrrival to evade investigation
of the English olllelaU.
Parnoll Will Answer.
ll-Ol tin Juinen Uanloii Itrniictt. ]
Loxpo.v , July ill. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB HBI : . | Parnell an
nounces through the Herald that ho will not
say one word In reply to his enemies until
Sunday , when ho will speak at Thurby.
Those In the loader's confidence say Ills utter
ances will be very linportnnt. This an
nouncement Is the only nuthoratlvo state
ment by Parnoll , und all others are false.
Powdcrly and Cross , Immigration commis
sioners , today have discovered Buandalou *
evidence showing the shipment of pauper
children to America from Liverpool , Two
hundred have just been sent under the euro
of a matron. The real secret ! of Dad immi
gration are being discovered one by ono.
Commissioiiors Webber and ICoinpstor have
gone to Franco.
Marie Gordon Ravmoud , tlio di
vorced wlfo of John S. Raymond ,
died hero Tuesday from the effect of an oper
ation on a tumor In her throat , HUpposed to
bo from the effect of Inlluon/.a , She was re
covering when a second tumor was discov
ered. The doctors agreed that It would
choke her In a couple of months If It wan not
removed. She was unconscious from the be
ginning of the second operation until death.
The torn ilns will bo buried temporarily at
Kcnsnl ( ! reen Tuesday. The body will nf.
tqrwards bo sent to America , hho died la
the house of a friend In West Kensington.
Humor That .JinvlHli ICvlutlo H C'OIIHO.
LONDON , July ill. The Ounlnp-Dalziel
news agency has several tlmo.i given cur
rency to the report that the slate department
of the United States has boon Informed that
the czar of Kimln , at the lustincoof tUo
United States , ban ordered a icmp'ir.iry ' re
laxation of the luw for the expulsion of
Jews , Those sttuomonts hnvo been each
tlmo pronounced untrue. They were re
pealed again today. A St. Petersburg corre
spondent to the Times soys these torli nro
circulated In the Interest of certain ofltclnlj.
The correspondent says nothing of the Hinil
has occurred. Private advice * say thlngi
are worse tbau over.