c THE OMAHA DAILY BEjg FlUDAY , JULY 31 , 1801. Ono Ocnt Advance the Net Result of tbo Wheat Dealings. PRIVATE CABLES WERE MORE HOPEFUL Corn Opened llntlipr Klrin on tlio Htrenntli In Otlinr Cori-nU Outs Hlroiijr PtookH iinil Iloiulf ) . O. July 30. Tlicnot result of today's trailing In wheat was an lulvanco of about lo In pilccs. Tlio market opened strong and higher nun run of decidedly bullish news. To begin with Now York reported that yes terday's export clearances reached tlio plio- tiotnlnal total of nbotit S.OIO.OOO bilshoUi that market win lo higher iitul liud numerous orders here. In ndilltlon to Oils tlio public London cable itlotcd | cargoes for prompt ship- tiiontH 10'Jd ' higher and 11 prlvalo Paris cable Bald that the weather In'ranee ( was bad : that tlio i-st hunted crop dnmaso was40pcrcentand that prices were If higher. Hoeolpls hero were also below estimates. Tlio re- nilt was that December oioncil | ' 4f.\o \ higher at Di'itMO'io o and quickly sold to i 3o ( About this time Iogan .t Co'H Purls cable quoted u decline of If and Immediately com menced Boiling. Now Voik and Kt. l.onls also turned to tlio HOlllnir sldo anil tlio sculping element soon tailed on and tlio prlco quickly began to sl'do ' downward. It did not take De cember long lo cot to Ml'iP and It hung for a considerable tlnio around liOe. ! - . V. Wlillu ft ( Jo began buying around this flgine and were Joined by tchwarlDupoo. . Mllmlno llo < liuan and GIITord. Tim Now Vorkcis also began liuvnr , prl- vale r'ulilrs worn nioro hopeful and tlicro was sn'd ' to be a rc niiintlnn of aftlvltj In export buying In Now 'oru and tbo iniirki't tiirni'il up a trllle , Duootnber sol - IIIK lo0'i't'U1 ! ' ' ' ( ' e , Later , continental c.ib'esto tbo board of trade emoted weak , wltb Paris | i ) ® TiC lower. Dutlnc tbo lu t hour wheat wns dull and steady ; lleeeinber U'jiip- In ; : at tliftmi'jifor'a time , thun sold tel ) > } e and c-losed at fXe. ) A dlspatub from New York ropoilfd I'ower ft f-on as eltiliiilni ; to baM' an order for a c.vrco of wbe.it for Ht , Petol-Hbiirs. As Mils as rou'arded imcriulva- lent to slilpplriK eoal to NoneaHtle It w .s ro- celvod wltli Inurediihtv. Corn openoil rutber IInil on tbo scroii'.Mh In wln"it. Contlniio i L'ool no.itbor . and tbo fact that tin ) recelptw wore nl > oiit so\onty ears bo- lou tlio estlinalo tbeio wits aNo a xnsplulon th.it a Now York olliino : is disposed lo ut a blKber market to sell on Koplniuljer Htartcd r.icpud at Wlt'El.'iS'aC ' ' and sold up to MUe. Ottering tbiMi became plenty and wheat neakonliiKcorn ( juleUlv broKe to Ml c. Tlion raiiie a prediction of frost InVI cons n. Mleh- liriin and Minnesota tonight , and that with tliu rinvlnnatl IVIco Current's statoinent that low temperamo ! s keeplni back tbo devel opment of the corn plant caused a relotion to ti'i'ic. TblH was followed by a drop to ft'i > o and that by a rally to5TaC , at which It closed linn. linn.Oats were quiet and easy during most of the session but turned up wltb the closing rally In corn. HOK meats were strong around tbo opening ati'l tlio deeroiiM ) of over Si percent In tlio hojs paeklnK of the country for the past week com- pateil With the corresponding week last vear , but later wciilicned wltboorn and rallied with It near the close , closing at al'out tlio hlKbest Usurps of the day. Pork hewn an ad\aocoof lS14l.1i' and ribs of r > i ; 'S.e. ' Lard was stonily tbioilKbout the session and scored a ualn of aliout . 'c. The lead tu futures tanged as follows : AUTIll.S. IIIW. CIOSE. WlllAT No 2 July B'l Sslj $ Ml Annum . . . BT'f Hc'idt'inbur . . . Deiombi-r . . . CHUN No 2 July rax dl.2K0 < Alivllxt f ' 9J K0 | September 67 OA ruNe 2 July September. . . . 27H 28' ' Ml-ss I'OIIK r-opU'tiibijr. . . . III 1.1 11 M II .17 Otto tier. II 6' ' 11 14) ) 11 M Heptcinbor ( ! 7S ( I 75 Orlober 0 85 I , M > < 087li Bniiur llii.s Hoitembcr | n m fi ! I7 > { Oitulivr 707k- 15 7 05 7 10 Cash iinntatloiiH were as follow H : I'l.oi'it Nominally unoliaiiKed. WMIAT--NO. : 'Jsiinnir wheat , h STJit ; No. J rliiK wheat , nominal : No. 'i red , tVJe. CoitN-No. ' . ' , Ol ic. OAT-NO. 2 , : ilo ; No , Swlilto. 3GJ74c ! ! No. 3 HVK No. 2. ? 'c. IlAHl.Ky No. 2 , no sales. KI.A.XMCKPNo. . I , ( l.UMQln.1) ) ) ( . Tijioriiv Pr.nn I'rltno. (1 SK3I.24. 1'onit Moss uorU , per liarrol. tll.i7'll.40. : I/nnl , per o t. , } fi.u"iri0.ari ( ( ; short rllis Bides ( loose ) . HtWillXOfljilry Hiiltod Hhonldorsdioxod ) . fftiXlftllOO : fllinrt o'.eur Hlilci ( bovcd ) . fd.irjil40. : WiiiMCiv--llsillIerj' : ) llnlshiid k'i' ' < > d.s , nor Kill. , f 1.17. BilDAiis- Out loaf , nnchanucd , Kecoluts and shipments today were ng rol- IOWH : On HID 1'rodncu oxelianuoil today tlio Ijuttor iniirUotsas stonily and uuuli.iiiKod. KKKS New York Markets. NEW VOHK. July . ' 10. Pi. uit Itccolpts 0,167 ; experts liIU ) liarro'.s , in,9ii ! ) snoUsj market - kot lot-s aetlvo and eisler ; Hull's , 24.000 hariols : low extras * I.Cr ) < a4 IS ; fair to f.uiuy , fl.4 ® 3.10 : Mlnnestita oloar , iM..ir 4.llO ; Minnesota p.uonts , Jl 60iitA.n } ; wlutor wlumt. low trr.tdes fj.05a 4 Ilii patonth , f I.VWW1.2'S : str.ilts , Jl 503i5. HVK Mixtures H.tvai 75. COHN MKII > iiiill and nncliaiiKcd ; yellow we-toin , * . ! .2. > ® .I.R3. WltKAr UteolpU , Hf..OiO liuslioli : oxnorts 101,4 1'lbnsliols ' ; sales , : i'l20OOOIusliols of ft ! tnro : 4t81.uon linshols of spot , Spot market itnsoulod and lower , loss aotlvo. closing stoadlor ; No 2 redlW % eiftl.iio ( In olovutor ntul store ; 03Ui < uft ll.uOalloaf lf.IV4ttl.01' , , f. ( ) . bj iniciadod red. IM'.iiKLi.il.i.v . , ! No. I norlhorn to arrl\o , tMM'i < ai.O'l'i ' : .No. 1 haul lo arrlxo , tl.lO'4i ( ? l.ll'i ; No 2 nilriiKO. Jl.n : < il.OM } . Uptlous inoiloiately actl\c. opontni ; ' ( al'4e ) np on hlrotiK caliics , wet weatlior west and liialior wostotn maiKotH , roaotodjli ' c on larso ro- coliitH and wonkcr oahlos , talllod ' 8iii'jc on lUlitolTorlnuH and reports of frosts In tlio nortliwest. eloslni : llrni and ao down on July anil Vicl'siup on other months from yesterday - torday No. 2 rod. July. ! h > ii < flf l.lio. plosliie at We ; AtiKiist. 117 DluitUSHioloslns at UiUo ; r-optomhor. irT'iflusv. olinlnu at l)7'.o ) : tSo- veialior. wmtlH'.c. vlosltiK at Os'.o ; [ ) i crm- bor.l.iW , < ai.oO' . , oloslni : at * I.K ( ) ' , : January closing * I.U2'i May , * I.04OI.U5 MO , closing ut iliOV * * UYK Qulot , flrin ; western , September , 78HO 8I < * , llAitt.EV MAI.T- Dull ; Oanadn , country Hindu , f I.COTjil.OV CnilN UooolptH,37,0'OhUBliol8 ; oxnorts , 20,717 linahelb ; siilia. ( IIS.WHI uushols of futures ; 7.WK ) tiusholaof spot. Spot market Irregular and dull , eloslnc s k ndy ; No. 2 , 7ili ! < a7lo ; In oluvator ; 7IS172Q allo.it. Ungraded mixed. 7iHi6 72o ; Nix 2 while , KUksfl'io. Uptlous openeil o up with wheat , foil H o on larso receipts , milled "jlo on frost report anil elo od llriu at UB\oovir ( yesterday ; July , "OiTii'o'.c , oloi- lnu7Ho ; Aimist , imi > , olosliiK t ' ,0 ; boptom- her , B5 , < 3rimi' , 8Po ; October. O.l > 4 ® December , ' OATS ItoeoInK 77.000bushels ; exports , O..OOO bushels ; Miles. HiO.OOO bushelh of futures and rVT.OUo bushels of spot , Snot market null , lower , weak ; options dull , firmer ; .Inly , 37 Jtic , closing at 3so ; August. IHi llc. eloslm at U4c ; September , Iti CT.X' c , oloslng at 3.'io' spot , No. S. white , 4.U4iJoi No. 1 , lOo ; whlto. fxot _ mlxcd u-stein. jiTuclOoi white western , 47 HAQnlot , steady. * ' Hops I'tihV. union state , common to choice , lait'.voi Pacific eolit. IsW-'Oi- . iJiH'uu : Options opened steady , unclnii'-ed to 10 points down , closed sinuily , iiticlmnKod to 10 iiolnts iiji ; sales 18.7.V ) bags , including July , flT-OOttilT It ; Aiuust. Jill. iiltl.M ; hop- 10 m her. ll.v,0ith\rni : ) October. ( II ill No\oni- ber. flltno ; December , H.iViJii.M ! : : : January , fl.UMjux.'J'i ; M'irch , * I.,1I | ; spot Ilio , quiet , Btoady ; falroargoes , lOo ; No. i , ITSc. Kun MI Haw , dull but htoiuly ; rellned dull and weak , Moi.Ar-sKS-Niiw Orloain , iiulet but llrm. ICll'E Quiet but llrm. 1'KTiioi.tU'MOponeil Htoally , but gnvo way under forced siilea for weak accounts nnd de clined 3c In ihn llrst two hours ; u rally of So followed and the marketoiosed steady ; I'enn- rylvanlu oil , Au.'UKi option sales.yWKt \ bar- rels , opening , 1C' ; highest , U.'f.ei lowest , MI So : closing , > o. COTTON svi.n OIL -Steady but ijulot. TAI.I.OW rinn , HOSIN Dull anil weak. - l'KMiSK Dull and easier uta.Mii3irio. : Kin 4 ( Jutet mul iilmut Ktoudy i western , I7)i ) recolpn.IV.7rj paokagus. KN Hull , Ktenily. I'OIIKAetlve , llrm. Oiri1 MfATS-Qulot. llrm. MIDIII.KS Firmer , IllllCtj iliort clear , Bontcmbcr , ( * 1U7H . i. en Kair demand ; western dairy. . western creamery. IBc. .1) Quiet , limit wisterti itoum. Ju.67H ® ul i , IV ) tlcrvoi ) optloui lulvi , 'M tlorcesiuimt. . ctospil IM4 : September , fiii7 , rlo4lngfO.07Ofi.iH ; Oclnher , t-losed $ , .0 , ® CilErsr.-Qnlot , woakt partsltlms , y&Vtc. rui'i'Ml-gnlot , utoaily : lakn July , tl2.30 | lake AtipiiBt , II.MiO. I , KAI > Nominal ; ilome tl' ' , fl.11. TlN-Iilll , iiinlcr ; straits. tA'.a ) . Kansns City KANSAS CITV. Mo. . July : nVnr.AT - Ptoady to weak : No. 2 hard , cash , 7 ' { o bid : July. 7Ho bidNo. . 2 led cash , coo bid ; July. snuobld. , , CoiiN-Iowcr ; No. 2 cash , W&Wlvt .Inlv. - , No. 3 onsh , 87Ue bid ; July , 28Uc bid. 1 I.OMII Wr-ik. HAV IJnehiur.'eil. IlL'TTHi Munilv iinirunohanBcil ! creamery , MHVic ; dairy , l > TU2c. ( 'iirjsn 1'uli cream \oitn America , tci western , 7Ve { ; skim , 2lSft''c. iiils--Hloady : at To for strictly fresh can- dim ! . Woot.-Dtill nnchtucil. . I'lHVlsioX4-lull ) and unclrinceil. ItKCKins Whoat. 4VIWO bushels ; corn , UlOO bimhels : oit . n.'flll ushols. Hini'MKNT-i-Whoiit , ' ' 4.700 buthols ; corn , bushels ; oats , MX ) ljushels. Wheat > Inpkpt. .M" . Minn , July no. Wheat opened opened stioiuor on stroiu e-ihles nnd sntls- f in lory ox pott denrind. and bits ness sener- allv isonil thro i ' 1101111110 day exdepl for cast and low I'ndos. Hwrii'Tx l-iie irs : shipments ) i'ar . Oloso : No. I baid , July , lue ; No. I northern , July , lire ! September , ' H" > ! e ; No. 2 northern , July , St. I.i ) tlM ST. T.otTii , Mo. Julv in.IIVHT t'nsli , steady ; No. 2. fcl'ne : Hi'titomber. hlirher , f > l' c. COHNCash , lower ; No. 2 , SI'Jc ; S'jptembor , hltiher , Mp. OATS Stonily ; No. 2 , cash , 2rt4e ! ; rfoptembcr. 27e. 27e.I'OIIK Sleadv at fll.OT'J. LAItti-lllilie"rat1 2 * > . WllIrKEV-n.17. ( ii-iilii ilnrkot. r.Vis. . July : n.-\Vmur-Qulct ; No 2 , eash. ' ei September. M'c. ( Coii.v llasior ! N'o 'I. eash. (114'iWic. ( OA1SQuiet : No. 2 , while. 400. Cincinnati rtiv.l-i Slnrlcpt. CINCINNATI. O , July 21) ) . WIIRXT Ste.uly ; No. 2 retl , Mil * C'ritiN Lower ; N'o 3 mixed , ( llf S rirnior : No 2mlvod. : i ! ! ® > lic. ! Toll-ill ) ( Jrnln Slsir ct. Tot.Ktio , O. , July : : o.ViiBr t-'lrm ; cash nnd Julv. 'H'so. ( JOHN Ste.idy : No. ' . ' . vollow , RSj. OATSQiilot ; cash , : i.c. Ilavntin S vA July : bt'ANtsil Coi.t ! > $ . ' .IOi. ! IUMIE ( Jlllot. t Quiet. STOCKS - I.VHO.VIJ.V. . NEW YORK , July , ' ! 0. The stock market to day was more aetlvo and as in tal of Into when iicllvn , woik and demorall/ed , and tlio result of the day's tradliiK Is tolcivu prices materially lower than those last otenlnK. The reolliu In the street continues bearish In the miiln , lint marked uncertainty exists and positive opinions are us hard to not as a month ato. After the concess ons In prices soon iliirliii ; tlio month Just p.is-ed thete has arisen ,1 foi'llnn that some Hurt of a rally bhotild bo due , but no ono scorns to have the courage to hunk the opinion , and the traders and iiiofeoslonali who now have tlio making of prices slowly inoroiMO their shott lines as quotations mult away. This morning there were some soiling orders In the market from both London and the west , and this encour aged the bearish feeling among'tho piofes- shmals , who Immediately bouan to Increase their short linen , p'lvlng special attention to CJIile'igoGa" . I'nlon I'aclllo nnil St. I'anl , which cnntlnnud to bo the lo.'idlnt : aetho stouks of the dav , followed by Louisville .S. Nashvlllo and Northern I'.iellic preferred. The Important move of the day , however , was In the three stocks mentioned , and while the lost of the list weto wc'ik and iluellnlng. they took their tone fiom the operations In the Icadeis. The full Inlluonce of the lalo de cision In tlio Omaha bridge ease seems to liavo been felt on the other Hide of the water anil the foreign r.illw.iys were llbei.il sellers of Union 1'iicllle , m.iUIng that stoi-k the feature of the day , and to Its special weakness In the afternoon was due the material losses snf- feied dur'ng that portion of the duy In the rest of the list. As a tulo , however , the general market dis played considerable strength in the face of the adverse clieumstances and I.aekawanna and Burlington actually showed above the opening figures during the greater portion of the day but lost the strength to ward the close. The decline * were aided by the persistent circulation of a rumor of the Impending falluie of bomelmpott house and the liquidation done was In largo measure duo to the dlscouiaglng olTectof these stories. In the forenoon , after a weak opening , Ublcago G.is and I'll ' Ion 1'acllle led the downward mo\oment and thesi ) were lolned later by St. 1'aul and Hurlln-lon. while manv of the loss prominent slocus scored a marked loss with out heavy tr.ins'ietions. In this class Kvims- vlllo & Terre Haute. Chicago. Cincinnati , Uluvolnnil A. St. I.ouis and some others were conspicuous. The downward movement was Interrupted from time to time by slight rallies , but their continuance was of short duration , and still lower flumes were always reached afterward until the lust hour. The r.illy which took place then , however , fulled to ro.ieh all portions tions of v4rr- list anil the market dually closed fairly active and weak at or mvir the lowest prices of the day. The llual chan : > . - , am all losses , but while thov are In most oasis for fraction.il amounts Union 1'aclllc declined 2 per cent ! Chicago , Clnolnnutl. < lovolanU & St. l.onls , ljt percent : Sugar. P percent ! I .iku . MIOIO. li ! nor cent : Chicago Uas , ! ' „ percent , and Kncl , Island , Burlington and Loulsvlllo eacli i percent. Uallroad bonds veio also a lltt'e ' more ani mated , tno s.ilos of all Issues reachln ; : J < i75.U ( ) , but while the tone of the nruket was weak In close sympathy with sharos. Ihoonly material movement unions the tietho liomls was the decline In Oiotron Improvom nt 5s , which touched M per cent at the close , a loss of 2 percent. Government bonds have been dull and steady. The following are the closing ( imitations for the leading stocks on the New Yorif stock ex change today : rortVa > no 150 'luxns I'uclnc Chi .V Kant III UH < Tel All Cent. pfd. . . MocMiiK Valley . . . " 'Union ' I'aclllo llnilstnn . \'l'ivna . . U S K\pre llllnolH Central \Valia h , Mt I , A 1'ac. Ht Paul \ Duliith ilo profetred siw KanmiH X Tcvu's . . . . , Wells tark'O l.ti 1..S Lake Krlo A West. . . IV Wuttorn Union . do preferred . . . . 51 , Am Cotton Oil l.aki ) Slmro lOUitf Colorado Coal l.ouUvlllo \ Niifliv UN lloiiiculaki ) l.oiiU\lllo\ A . ItiSl'Irnn MUur Ml'limllU \ Clllir . . SI lOntarlo .Michigan Cential . . b7 yiili'knllvcr MH . I. 8 A. W 70 do ptolerred . . . . SO do prefurred 100 Siilro Mln A. SI 1. " do preferred. . . . 7Mi Klih \ W I'Ver" ! ! MlMiourl I'aelllc. . 8IH Wl con ln Central . Mobile , V Ohio . . . ( [ iire.it Northurapfd. . NaidivllloClmtt . 75 il'lilniKo Ias N J Central . . . IO , Mi Li-nil Tril > t Norfolk . .s.Vo t | fd n J suirar Trudt Northern I'lieltle lUHMiiitlii'rn I'lii'ltlc do pruturred .vyoreiioaf. 1 , \ U. N I' I * . Denver Miiilf UMIItlolirando West Northweaturn . . . . hl.'i l do priiferrud The total sales of stocks today woto 211,1)-.I ) shares. Including : Atchlson , 10. : K ; t'blengo ( i is , 12,1(10 ( : Delaware. Lackawanna & Western , l > , HH ) ; Lake bhore. 3,740 ; Lrmlsvlllo & Nash ville. l.,277t Missouri Pacllle. .1,100 ; Ninth American. 3.I4.1Northern I'aclllc. preferred , U.Mlj llo.idlng , ,1,000 ; Itlohmond.V West I'olnt , O.lrfTi bt. I'.iul , 17.a * ; I'nlon I'aelllo , 27.W Fliiniiuliil Kcvlovv. NKVV YoiiK.July Jt > . The I'ost says : When a strung bo ir coiablnat on Is In control of the market and the average mercurial Wall street man Udepteshcd and frti-'htonod. the experi enced observer will look for sens'itlonal sto- iles In every iiunrtcr and If helsuUe how H deduct about ,5 per emit fnyn the harrowing details of every rumoi' before hit glvis It son ous consideration. The substance and foun dation of the stoiicK now current on the mtu- Uet may ho frankly st ite | . HrM. the Invoituu puhlltf. the usual main stay of the markit. lotuses to buy either bonds or blocks Sectind London's re sources are i > o tied up that It can't conio Into tliu markoi as a heavy purchaser ami mav bo further embarrassed on Its own sooro Tlnnl. It Ibalmost Impossl hie tj borrow time money ntul consequently brokers and corporations are both worked clo > o to the wall and taklni no chances. I'ourth , several Wall street llrmsof cimsldor- ublo Importance are carrying the long stock on which It Is dllllctilt to borrow and expenses which are heavy 1,0 that the Inclination li to keep stop order * In the market fulrly cloto to current prices. Thou * ) aru tuo houtit lactoi * on tUo boar nlde of tno situation. Thdra are inidoubtcilly Homo Intrinsically weak snots In tbo stock lint , but time lias never been when there were not. The wild rumors which were circulated yester day and today are the ampliflatlonrt of thc u actual facts embellished by the Im.iginrUhm of operators for the decline. Kliiniiijlnl Not OH. NRW YOUK. July U-Oloarln8 ) , tS8,2SO,24s ; balances. $ l,7 > ! 4s' ! * . IIOSTiiv , Mass. , Julv KO.-O ourltMS tlS.SS'1- 6s ; i alanciH. ( I.4S7.I2I. Monty. 0 per cent. Kxchatigoou Now York , 2uc discount to 7ic ! premium , rmt.UiKM'iiM , July -Oloarltus , I7.7UI- 11(1 ( ; balances , JI/'IO.TM. Money. 4 per cent. IIALTIMOUK. Mil. July -Uloarlngs. . $ l,9a3- 02U : b.ilancoH , JJI2.3.IU. Money , n per cent. C'incAii ) , July 30 New York exchange , Me discount Money , steady an I unchanged. Cle-irlii2 , t 2.V > i.OJO. ) MCI ling exchange , steady and unchanged , flMiNNAit , O. , July 30. Money fi1 per cent ; Now York exchange , OOaTUo discount ; clear.n , . JIri.4OJO. New York MOIIPV Mnrkot. New YOIIK. July . -Mo.Nr.v ) ON UAt.r. Hasy. ranging from I'i to2'j ' pel cent , last loan 2 per cent , closed olTerod at 2 per cent. I'IIIMI : Mr.iirAsm.K I'Ai'iiH-.liJ'tl" percent. hTi.UMNO KXCIIAMIICjulet and limn * i.l'i ' for sixty-day bills and J4.8UH for de mand T Ini following were the closing prices on bonds : a . . . . . . si II ( i r. c I ) A It ( \\VtlMs I . 7 i < I'nliin I'aclllelels . Krh-Zds . ! ! | \Ve l8lioro 100 M K. A T lien 11,9. . . 7.1 Huston Stoulc Mitfkot. Ilos-Tox , Mass. , July 'lo. The follovvlnz were the closing prices on the Iloston stock nun keU Atchlioii X'l'opuka. . : il' ' ( Caliiinot A llecla.4i Huston A Albiny . . .21) ) Irankllii l.i < llii ton A .Maine 171 Huron 75 Cli , Hurl A yiilnry 7'.M Koanarta 11 Ijontlon Stock viarkot. LOMIO.V. July HO. The following were the London stook quotations e.oslng at 4 p. m. : Consols iiioncv . ' .i.'iUI Illinois Central . in , ConsolH acLOimt . li'i'H MexUan . UJ < ll.s.la . 1I ! 4 St. 1'aul coin . ! > m U H m * . 10.Ml'eniiHyvanla ( ! | . fd > 4 N. V. I' A.O. tlrsta . . 2.l'il | Iteadlnu . 1 1'M Canaill.ui I'aclllc. . . . S7'HI.Mexitaii Cen now 4s 7Ui ljrlu _ _ . _ . _ . . . 18''J ' _ lUtt SII.VRII l.r 13-IGd per ounce. Kate of discount In the open marliot for both short and thrcn months bills , 1'/315B per cent. Itnnk of lOiiKliintl Hiillion. LONDON , July 30.The bullion In the Bunk of England Increased .t24n il during the past wenl ( , The proportion of the H.IHK of nngland's icservo to liability , which last week was 42.5 percent. Is now 4J 7 per cent. Amount of bul lion gone Into the Hani ; of England on balance today , 120,000 , PnrN Hcnti'H. TAIIIS , July TO. Three per cent rentes 0" > f 12'ic for the account. The weekly statement of the It ink of Franco shows a decrease of 1,000.000 f r.incs gold and an increase of 1.100.0JO francs silver. DOIIVOP 'vilnniit stocks. nr.NVEH. Cole . July 30. There was a lifeless business In mining stocks today , only 13.I10J sh lies changing hanJs The following are the closing quotations on tbo stook exchange to day : San Kraiicisun 'Miniii- ; Quotation * ) . SAN KIIANCISCO. July , ! 0. Thoolllolal oloslns ; jnol itlon.s for mining atouks ted ly wuio as ro.lows : Now York .ulnln QiintatfoiiH. NB\V YOUK. .Inly . : o.The following uro tlio muling stook iuotatlons | ; Trail ! ' 'InIk. FT. Iotii , Mo . .ItilvSO I.angenburg Ilrothors loCoukioll Hrotliers : The following was the ranue of prices on the leading options at this point today ; CIUCAOO , July 0. SehwarlDuiiuo \ . Me- [ 'ormlek to I' , 0. SwartCo : Our wheat market has been act \o and has shown de cided strength. Kail } cables weio quiet and iinchanu'ed with the exception of London which noted an advance of .Id to ud for the Illlerent varieties. Our market.started strong mul the strength w.is continued thioughout the day , although we had some reaction on selling of Ionwhoit. . Uecelpt ] at cloven urlmaiy points were 1,1 .OUI ; shlpmonts , 7.OUO. L'urlots were In f.ilr demand at 'Jo for No. 2 rod Now Voik ropoi ts < fi loads tiiUon for uxpoit today and stories come of jueh larjonniintltlos taken yesterday aftei- iioonthutwii look upon them with Incrod- iiallty. It Is certain , however , that the actual export domain ! Is very largo. Corn has been filrly active mil oulte erratic. Local scalpels nro w.iteliliii the New Vork holdings of eorn wltb nn e.iglu eye and being very bearish are iiwnltlng an oppeitunluy to mtiiie Now Vork soil Its corn very cheap when the time oomes to lot go. So f.ir , however , the o ist seems to liave the tiest of It. 'lliu oat deilshoucd some Independence today and did not follow In the wake of corn. Under r.ilhor heavy ro- L-olpt-i the July option was weak while ren- tomboi was quilti ntrnng. 1'rovlshms , al though not active , were llrm In spile of tlio sales of ono or two prominent packers The jutsdo wor'd ' Is not tr.ulliu actively In pto- vlhlons ul present which tender" It easy for local Hc.ilpers who are generally bullish to advance prices fiacthmally. I'IIIL vim , July , -Logan \ Co. to Tonoray A , llryan. The trading In wheat at the open ing w.is ho ivy The llrst price was IKl'io for Docon.liet , but rilildly hold up tolKJ4e. ) On lower Trench cables It wild oil to * 'i'Be. This pi Ice btought snino goo I buy In { orders which soon absorbed Ilio ollerln s. The closing price U llu'ie. southwestern advices are that locelpts will continue , Northwestern an vices are tnal the cropof apiliu who it Is fully up to n\pei.'t.itlon and harvesting is progressing satisfactorily. lluiolptH bore show Mime fal ling oil , but the suppy eijuals the demand and cash tod.iy Is selling at ( i cent illscount under December. The price Is low ci'iisidei Ing foreign \alues , but tosustnln ptlcos wo must have a more aetlvo demand for inunu.llatu shipment. The Inc.ilc In tbo Ir ) eciinaj hahhoinowh.it In terfered with bhlp nents. Iu'llsh ! and ciintl- nontal eables are easier. In the near futuio wo look for a dec'lno. SoptombiM corn opened at fkso , with modoiato offer IUH. On t.onio K'lin- KIIS ciop reports It was sold ulf to .Ml'iii4"i ' < l1uc ; , The biiylnt : at tbo do'lino was good and the closing Is at fi7'ic. The future de pends on ret elnts anderop prospe'ts. I'hoilo- mands for shipment 1'ontlniien , o.its fairly aellvei September opened -T'c ' , sold up to IVto. and olosod at 2sile.Vltli corn at Mo , oils me too low. The piovl&lon market Is without any special fn.ituu * . The iindortonu IK llrm. I ho eloio about . ' 'Jo over yesterday's eliisoon pork , lard and ribs. QMw : VUIIK , Julv la. Kennctt. Hopkins St. l o. to f. A. McWhorter : 'Ilioxtuek marld't today has been morn active thin of late. \Veuli and depressed room traders have pounded the market to the host < if their abil ity , llrst In ono spot , then In another , and In many Instances reaching stoli orders , Theru has no doubt been home liquidation ot longs , and t'spoel'illy when coitun prices were touched , which had been pushed theru by the olliiue. This was cimsplciuitisly the case In Union I'nolllc , In which the soiling was large when the stock touched 40 , which li uUo as low as It went iu tlio ouulo lull lull. Tlicro wus u coo U dual of nlock inlil hehnT iiibsciiuontlv. which Ji'iU been strong In 'Uft ' forenoon. While the bilancnof the Ilst.tiu/Koillt was an object of attack later and iiukldy mnr\ed down ll'i | ier tent. The street lias been full of rumors of illlllcitltlex , both .tin llnanelal olr-Ies hero [ Hill In Puropo. I'liio nnni" of prominent banking bouses harnUeeit fnely mentioned In the trouble , but , \vlihniit any source of foundation. jH \ it time of Uls- ttust anil ItiJnHifus rumors nro IIP- cept-d more readily than In other times. llolh Louisville \ Kanhvlllc anil Northern raelflo liavo been atrcvtcd by these rumors. The former It Is bolillv iKRiiiod will not p.iy Its next dlvidond. U Is plc.ivtnt to torn from the gloomy sldo to thb'rccord ' of the railroad earnings which are ctiu ilnly more encourag ing. The Atehlson b6nimiiy | for the month of June shows an Im'ro.isoin hot earnings of Mio.uoi. l ho Immense gr.iln tonnage that western roads ate now enjoying must soon show up woll. Lon Ion bus done very little In the market today. Speculation In London Is ll.i t and dead. OiiKAno , Inly , io. _ Konnctt Hopkins ft Co. to S. A. McWhorter : Scilpors were generally short of wheat and mmlo h.isto to cover , com mission houses which bought yesterday being the sellers. Dullness followed nnd prices eased oil slowly , but Now Vork was a goo I buyer on the decline and succeeded In linking most calls good at the close. After the boll lapped HID pit was full oflvvhoat and docre.iclng soul atuo'iu which would Indicate that a good do il of long stuff bud been unloaded on c.tllH. It Is claimed that I'ardrldgc. who put out a largo line yesterday. was a big buyer near tlio close , lie bus recently been whlppodsiiwed so badly ho Is Rotting timid , nnd Is celling so ho runs as nimbly as an avetage trader. The battle for twenty-four hours has boon between New tori , and Chicago , and the former has won. Clearances have been large , bat not largo enough to absorb current receipts , and this week will show another Increase In the visible supply. Snrlng wheat will begin to move shortly. I fit comes as freelv as the winter wheat the mu : kel will probably sell olT tem porarily , and we don't liellovo In 11 bull imno tit present. Corn and oats were heavy at the milM > t. but grow stronger under Improved demand , nnd closed well. New Vork sold feptemher corn early , but bought later. Hceelving houses are quite confident that the ilellvorlcs at country Hta- tlons will soon Incro.iso Buying of oatu rji liroukH Is bocoinliu n ore fashionable. Many traders think the dlllerenco between them and corn altogothci too great , bmaller re ceipts of IIOKH and a better market at the yaids helped prices on provisions. Lenis who b.ivo Uton lealiilng for some days show an Inclination to pick upstair on Immksnnd iilvo the bears another whirl. Tlio manlniila- tlon In coin gives some advantage and bulls for tomorrow may score a point or two , o.M.iii.1 srucit. OMAHA. July 30. tsit. OATTt.n Onicliil receipts of cattle 1.513. as compared with l.oul yesterday and 2,5\l Thurs lay of last week The maiket was steady on beeves of all grades , slow and easier on till but the best grades of butcher stock and iinlcton feeders , The bulk of the iccelpts was feeders. lions olllclal receipts of bozs 2.BG7 , as compared with 4,00" ) , yesterday and 3,145 Thursday of last week. The market was active and 5e higher with sales of 5 to 10o higher on the best heavy and light hogs. There WHS considerable sorting lone. All were sold early. The runita of the prices nalil was Jj.lOfVi.HO : light , { - > . ! oa" ' . 0 ; heavy. & > 2 < i-iO ; mixed. $ . " > .2 KiV > 2J. The avor.igo of tlio in Ices p.ikl was ! i.2 > > ii , ns compiled with * . " > .lb'5 yesterday and Jj.J."ii ! Thuisday of last week , SilRKi' Olllclal lecelptH of sheep : i.4'i5 ' , as compared with R78 yesterday , and ISO Thurs- dnv of last week. The market was active and steady. Natives. $ J.7 , " > ® "iOO ; westerns , JJ.50 ® "i.OU ; good 03 to 70-11) . lambs. tl.75a3.CK ) . IccoiitH | nnil Disposition oi'-touk. Ofllolal receipts ami disposition of stock as shown by the books of the Union stockyards company for the twenty-four hours ending at 5 o'clock , p. in. , JulyM , 1SJI ; Dlhl'tWlTION. Kcprcsciitative Siilc.s. BTEKIIS. * No. Av. Tr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. 17..1044 fj r > 9 U..1150 * 4 00 37. . 1200 & 40 3..113J a ou 20 .ISI7 5 00 COWS. 2. . 730 1 40 7. . 02s 1 UO 24. . 8.V ) 200 1 1070 1 40 10. . Win 1 00 14. . 200 1 . SliO 1 40 1 110 ao 203 J . 070 1 40 3. 5J 1 0 4 U- ) 205 1 II'JO ' 1 BO 1 ll.-ij 1 00 1 UDM 210 0 . 818 1 75 1..1W20 1 03 8. 210 2. . U85 1 83 2. . 753 1 UO 8.Z . tub 210 1 M 4.1. II ! 0 1 ! .4 1147 2 10 1 6" 4. SO 2 UO .4IB. . 100. ) 215 4.a 10. , 804 1 IX ) a Klto 2 00 20. . U45 225 1 IK ) 27 ( -57 2 00 1. . 1040 2bO u ; ; erf 1 UJ 2 00 STOCKEHS AND FKEOEHS. 2. . 715 3C5 28. . Wll 315 21 .1218 333 10..1013 3:13 : 45. 1110 345 2. 1390 223 2..1UJ3 200 5. . 203 203 1. . 120 300 I'KIR AU > IIOUOII. 1 103 4 13 , . . filll'.KI' , No , i"J Av. I'r. 'II western wethers.VI ! .inl fi 35 1HI western wethers . : . ' " . .10J 4 33 lb western wethers tu .10J 4 33 ljyi | > , Slock Mnrket. C'IIICAIIO. July JlflT-fSpeolalTelegram toTliK lti5.J The receipt , cun > > lslcd of about six thousand natives and live thousand rangers. In addition to the tiJiuVp theie woie about four thousand stale cuttU ; , making the supply r > , ( HK ) head. A coiislilurably smaller number would luivo hcon muru In aei'ordance wltb the demand , which do\elolo.l | very little activity either for the locnf-fir snliiliiu- | | account , consequently the generil market again showed a want ot ' 'tone. " I'uinnum to good grass euttlo were ipjIUi vvoax. In fact the only class showing posltlvij' strength was cnnners stock which Includes lliopixiroi cl.it-sof natlvo cows nnd low gr.ido of Tos.is iiittlo. Consider ng tliu fact that this week's re ceipts have been h,000 head less than for the h ime llmo last week the utter f allure of kcllers to work out any consluor.ible advance Is r.ithorillsoiiiir.igfiu. The rangoof quot.Ulons for natives win , jl.WiJttl.2ii. for westerns t-iWtO 6.00 , and forToMins Jl H/i ! , 1'i'i. Not much of today's business was done at bottoi th.in j.'i.W. 'the provalllng prkeii wore ( l.7 > i.540 foi n i- tlves , J.OJOr,4 | , 75 for vvt btcriis , and ll.lK < li . J for lexins. tin id to eholcitgr.idcs of hogs aver aged a slmdi'hUher than on yesterday. In Pool and common grader * there was nocliaiuo. I'nr the slUht Impiovi'inent In tbo m r.ot sellers wi'ro ludohtol to the combined light iimvals , the frosli iceolpts bo nil barely in.U ) ) and the total for the List live days being only ui,5oo , as against . .lo" I fur the same time last week. Everything changed hands early In the day , and the market HnMioit at tl.Mi * i.V ! > for poor to choice he ivy grades , it " .Vifrl. * ' > fur medium wol.'hth , and at IVHV&.170 for light. ( Irass hogs could nut easily he sold at 2iii > Oo oft from the prleos pnld for corn fed The Evening Journal reports CUTri.RIto - colptii.10.00 > head : shipments , not roiiorted Murliet slow and weakt top prices. J.W > uft. 10 : uuuxtr4 uutlvvaoubului Kood to choice , U.vJ fl'.M ; others. M.SOHI.Mi Tcx ns , Rtookors , t\MHuiQ ! \ , > native cows. f2.fi03.'l.iS ( , HODS Kccetpls , I\WO ( nlilpiiicntMi.voai mar ket ntraily ; rough and nommon , Ji.Wtl.Wi mixed and packers , I.100CV4) : prlmo heavy and bnU'lurs' wolghts , Jo.l.V Si ; prlmo light , * . , . ( ! 4M.70. HIICKP HecelpU , (1,000 ( ; mnrknt steady ani niichaiitredt native ewe . tl.0I.V > : mixed and wctheri , tt. : > QV-tti Texans , Jl.OJttl.'Sj westfrn-i. $ l.4i > a < .5fl : lambs , $ I.75a.'i.ri0. Vow Vork Ijlvo Stook Mnrket. NRW YOUK , July 3ii. UKKVKS Hccolpts , liSrj head , all for export and staught rers ; IK trade ; fooling WO.'IK ; diessed beef sto.idy al u'K. ' ! shipments today , 5J4 beeves and 30 fchccp. t'Ai.vr.s-HtfCplpts , Oil lionil ; market stoailyi ve.tls. W.Udan.75 ! buttermilks , $ , 'LV ) l.oo. SliBKl' ISecelpts 2,451 ho.ul. "heop. steady ; lamlm , 'ic hlahor ; sheep. $ l.2.Vi4V40 ; lambs. ? l.r , < : > .7Ji dressed mutton , slo.idy , atW6lOe ; ilro-seil lambs , llrm at P'iUlOo. ' llotis Hccolpts , I,4M ! ho id. consigned direct ; noii.tnally steady itt j * > . : iKil'.2o. ' ; < Ity Jiivo Stock Mnrket. IVAVSAM CITV. Mo. , July 30. CATTI.K lie- celnts , 4,1,00 : shipments. ; i.800 ; market fair and steatly ; steers. { .l.OlrJti.o.'i ; cows , JI.MX3.I.M ; ytot-kors and feeders. } 2.riOffi'l 80. llotis Kecolpts , fi.ooii shlpmcntH , I. OO ; mar ket steady ; bulk , (5.2 : < 23. is ; all grades , ft.OO 56" ,40 , SiiKKP Hecolpts , 830 ; shipments , 300 ; market unchanged St. KotilH l/lvo Stoi'k Market. PT. Lot ; IK , Mo. July 30. UATTI.K Ito-alpts , ri.100 ; shipments , nonoi natives stead v : Te\ins ! lower ; fair to choice natives. Mil ( ftUH : Tex ans anil Indians , ? ' . .Wot ' . .4e.inners ; , Jl.702 ( H ) . llodH Koce'pt * . tl.'ii'1 : Rhlpmonts. none ! market hluher ; butchers , t" > . > 0 ( & > . ' , ; ml veil , J.'i.ILKiiJ.M ; light , i' < . : > Q.15.00. Mnrlcot. Minn. . July 30. The North western Jllllor says : The mills last week ground a total of IM.Mr ) biincls , averaging SI.2SJ barrels dally , against Kix.n.i.'i btine'.s the week before. 1,0. ( > 81 barrels for the corresponding spending time In IS'W ' , and 12I.OOJ banols In 18-9. 189.About About the same capacity Is at work the cunentweck. There were seventeen mills In operation Wednesday an 1 wore grinding tu the late of about 2'i.OjO barrels per fv only- four hours. The watei power Is holding up Well , though If more mills were running there might not bo enough to go around. There has been more doing In llour the last week , and millers appear to bo In a little more confl lent and happy state of mind. Spot business has experienced moro or loss Improvement , while pretty ho. ivy sales have been ma ie for Septembei delivery. I orelpn- ers are p.iylng the must attention lo bakers and are fieo buyers. In tbo aggregate s , ties of patents show up pretty well. Low gr.idus aio In good roqn 'M , but with the production light , millers tuo cautious abnut selling too far ahead. The export hales for lorw.ird de livery are understood to have been at lowei liguroi , wheat options being bought to cover them. borne firms liavo refrained from doing this on account , of the uncertainty of freight , and the same cl as argue that with a lar.'o crop of wheat , us now seems certain to bo routzed , there will lo a good market for flour at a liberal margin and they don't sco the neces sity of taking such chances wnen so little s to oo gained by It. Local millers continue to cot the boncllt of cheap ficlght rates on flour and mill stuff. Taking elTcct July 27. the Pee ro id made an all rail r.ito of 27',4o per 10J pounds to Huston and New England points and a lake and rail rate of 25o to Now York. This was mot by the Lake Superior lines , they piiltlnz Into effect similar rates by lake and rail. The Chlca''o ro.ids have so far taken no notice of the cut , and tills places thocoiintiy millers , nottiblv shippers via Mlnnoaiiol s. nt bomothlngof u disadvantage. The dltect expert - port shipments last week were 4iU8. > u.iriels , against M.8.5 ' barrels the proceeding week. London qnotat ons for 2UO-poun < l elf are : T.itents , 21)s ) Odi3ls ( : bakora , 20s OdS27s ; low- grades , 15sbd17sGd. XIMV York Dry Goods Market. NEW YOIIK. July .10. The demand for dry goods continues modenite with Improving tendencies In some selections. Agents all aloiu the line , however , were making blind shipments on buck order * , though the move ment as well as spot dom.ind w as cheeked by be ivy rain later In tlio day The nun ket w as unchanged and prices for cotton as well as woolen goods remained sto.uly. Jjlvorpool Mnrkets. Livnuroou July ! W. WHEAT r rin but do- innnil poor : holders offer sparlir/ly. UoiiN Quiet and lowei ; mixed western. 5s lid per cental. Next Saturday and Monday will be ho hl.iys In the grain market here. HUTIKII United States II nest. R4e ; good. 70c. Ne\t Monday w 111 be a holiday In the pro- vis ons market hero. Korclsin Oil Market. LONDON , July 30. LINE > IKD : On , 20s , Gil per cwt. _ OJI.lll.l WUOi KHAlt. MAttliKTS Freud Kruitn. AriT.F.'s Per i bushel box , green , 40c ; red. MXBiilc ; per hanul , J..SO. I'KAIIS Callfornlti llartlott , $2.r,0. I'BACiius Oullfornlu , Halo' * early , per box , ? l.2."i : Uravvfor.1. flfiO ; Nebraska btocfa bOc per basket ; Michigan. ( Vc ) nor basket. OHA.NO S Kodi. n.O &H.50 : Sorrento , fr > .r > 0. WATEIIMKWIMS Shlppln j stou i , I5Qil8c , I'I.UMS California block. $1.75. CANI Ai.ours I'er oralc. 41..V ) . lil.ACKlit.KltlLs Uoocl stock. J2.00 po r 24 quart cases. LKMONS I'er box , $ G.OCi.f ( > 0. ItANANts I'er bunch , $ .1.OU2.M for good sto-ik. shipping - _ Vejet'illes. The following quotations represent the prUes in which choice stock Is billed out on orders unless othorwlso stale 1 : NKW 1'OTATOiis The market Is veiy weak and pretty fair stock has been ollered as low as , r > ® He , Loc.il producers are supplvlnz tlio demand lo hitch an extent that shipments from a distance would not nuvo very le.ullly. NKW IIBKTS Per liu . , , ' ® 'c. ' Hi-ANs Navy. t2,2V32.f > J per bushel. TOMATOKS I'or box. one-third bushel , K © 7.-ic. ( HicuMiiKits I'or do3Dp , Om.Biir : ss4'o ' ) per do/on. ONIONS Oallfornln , 2'4'ii2't(1 ' ' peril ) . OA1IIIAI1K-- Homo giown , lirit'-'opor Ib. Country Produce. I'oiti.Tiiv The market continues weak and f ' . ( ) ( ) Q.i.M la the outside for good old fowls while $ ,1.00 Is about the outside for spring uhlckonb. A good many springs boll at $ . ' .00 a2.M. HAV The market Is glutted and alargo pro portion of the receipts Is made up of poor ntock , htiv Ing boon InsullU'Iently cured befoio being baled. The best upland brings only tO.fi" , and bottom land hay H.OO up. Tons The light lecolplsot thop.ist fowilays liavo ulven the maikot more stiength , and yestorday'8 sales were made at 12'iT ' l3o. BurrKii Tliu m irkot does not show any ma terial change , and tlio bulk of the country stock goes at Biic. Flour. Omaha milling company. Kollanco , Patent , F.bl ) ; Invine bio I'.itenl , l..7i ) : Lone Mar. Sit- lierlatlvo , IJ.40 ; bnowllake , UOO ; I'ancy l-'am- ily. i\.W\ \ 1 { . T. Davis milling company. High Patent , No. 1 and t'roiun , i-'iO ; Hliiu I ) . , full p itent. F200 ; llawkeye. half pitont , $ . ' . : n ) ; bpcclai Koy.il , I'atent No. 10. J.I.K ) ; Minnesota patent , F2.IX ) ! Ivans is Hard \\heal , pitenl , t , b. > ; No- lir.ihka Hprlng Who it , p itont , f-.rtl. P. I' . Oilman's Hold Modal. S..SO : Hnow Whlto , SJ.M ; Snow llako. $2.10 : low uriulo. Jl.fiO ; [ Jtioon of the Pantry. t280i Mlnnos.na Uiipor- latlve , f..SOj bran , til UO : chopped food , t.'I.OJ. II. L Wiiluh & l'o. , llest , S..rn Orown Prlnco , f'.MJij Mlnnosot.i Uhlo . M.2J ; Hplendld Kiimlly , i'.UO ; StralK'hl.tl Ml _ Avor's Cnthartlo Pills mo rccoinmondoil by the best physicians , because they are free from caloinei and other injurious imiBs.bclntf iotnposcil of purely vegetable Ingiedlcnts. Whllo through their nctlou they Htltnuliite * ml btrciiKtben tlio bowels unU bccrotory or- uns. The following permits \voro Issued by the mpcrlnteiiilent of buildings yesterday ; i U Itogeiti. two-story brick dwelling , Kins South Slxtli Htieot . 13,000 5amo , l ! ll r-outh SUth btieot . II.OJO 'lime , 1,1 n Ninth Sixth Mioot . 3.0JO < imo , 1.IOS South Hlxthhtreot . .WW intiii ) , 1310 South Sixth street . 3.1m aine , 1114 South Sixth street . 3,000 Hugh McCalVrey , tliroo-sti.ry brlok elub house , Twonty-thlid and Ilarney streets . . 20,000 Mrs. M. A. Tonner , two-story framn dwelling , Thlily-booond and Pacllle stieelH . 6OiiO 1 II. Willis , ono and one-half story frame dwelling. Twenty-second and ( ir.int stieots . 2,500 'our minor penults . , . I , ICQ Total . HO.SOO DoWttt's Mttlo tturly Kisori ; opiy pill to : uro sluk headache ami roguiato the bi-.csol lOIIS A. SIlBIIAM ! . I-IIANK U. CON IMIS McShane & Condon , INYliSTMIiNT HAXKHRS , 300 S. 13th St. , Fust National lluulc Building - ing , Omaha , Nub. IK > nl In itocki bjii'l ' * . o-iirlilo > coaimurclal pn- ) cr utu "Ncunlliilu lo.mi ua laipruru I O mil i run : italo Klmrl tliuu luaui. on biuk ituuk , ur uu ul | OMAHA ( U'lUlUlS ' ( DIRECTORY. IS AM ) TENTH. Omaha Tenf & Awn ing do. , Klnm lininmniks , o'l itiul r'lbliT slolhltiit S-nil fur cnni , RUIN 111.1 111111.1111. HAGS AND TWINES. Bamis Onmlm Ba Oo. Impjrtor' niul .Mrri.ifuc- I n l era. I'luurSa kg IliirliU1" niul Tnlnu. n'CYCLES. A. II. Pcrri ; o & Co. M. 0 , Daxon , not ! s i > old on monthly p ijincuts. . Scnil ( or i-iir i.itnlojnio Mini prices. st. , Omnhn STATIONERS Oranlia fteimbliom Priutinp ; Po. law url. f bl'ik ' mi | > | dli < 4 nnil uiei-jtlilnj ; In Ihii piliillrm line Illlli ami IKnuliu mil ) t Acktirman Brothers & Hein'zj , I'rlntcri , Mnili-rn , ih-di , tOM , blank huok iimnu * fi ctnri' B Illi. lluH.inl ntrni t , Onmlm HOOTS AND SHOES Ohas. A. ' "on&C'o. ' KirkomlnllJones&Oo Mniinra-tiir'M ami Job UliM'o ' al < \ anur.ftiir rs bt'i . Alton M Tor llo'on lluli- liorMoo C > IIH. , MOi. Ilin Howard street. niul HOil. llnrnor xticot Williams , Van Aer- W. V. MOISJ & Oo , , nnm & Hnrto Shoo I not" ry Corner llth nnil Oouulii * * at * Onmlm l'i\i \ lla'nov street Mcrchniit * Intltuil lo Onm a Noli. tall mlilot ini n > W. T. Seaman , Oiiuiliii's I.nrfci'st Viir ely WACUNS A.vi ) CAHI1IAJ1C3. CA RPETS. CLOTHING. Oiiuha Onrpet Oo , , Gilmore & Euhl , ( 'union , oil rlothfl ra it- Mtiinifncturar * and tlntf uir aln uood-ctc Wliohinalp Clnthlom , 1511 HouKla * ntlo.it llin Ilarney ftrect. CIGAItS. West & Fritseher , M.inurnc'nrps ' tlnoclL'.irs , Jo'iliers of Ipiif tnbncco. 11)11 ) l-ninim S-ropt. COAL , COKE , ETC. Omaha Goal , Ooke & Ooutant & Squires , Lime Oo. , Hnril mul toft co.il vlilp Ha-il nnil snitcoil. S per1 * K ' ] TO I'nrn . un ti02t > lith ami . i r II.IUKI.IH Omnlm flirtoii. American Fuel Oo , . Howell & Co. , fclilpl criinil ilralpr In nntlirnciio iiml him- 2i : H UtliStrOL't , mniis real -'ITi b. l.'itl ; sir , i'L. Oman i , Nob. Nebraska Fuel Co. , Johnson Brcs. , 21. > S. nth Strcit , 914 Kuril , ru Street , Onniliit , I\ob CORNICE. Eagle Oornice Works , F. Enemping , Mmmfiii lure s nl ( ! nlv in j 'it ' Iron tornlco * , C'llumU ' Ml Irmi Curiilpn Durm'i wlnilowi , itnnr Wliulon oiis | , meinlllo c.iptlnlnl < ctp. 'Iln oktllulitx , etc. 1110 nail , Iron mul l to roofer. 1112 DoilKeSt | til liiiriiiiai St. CEMEXT A Nj J. J. Johnson & Oo , , Oady &Gray , 213 S Kith Street , Lime , cement , etc , etc. Oinalin , Neb Cor nth in d Douglas Sts DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatrick - Koch Dry Dry KI " | notion" , fur- Goods Co. , nhlilii , . ' K'Knls. ' Dry irntidi , notline * u ( nts' f irnNliliii : w il' Corner lltli nnil llnwanl cur. Illli mul Hi n ml Sin G11. t IN A Nf ) PllO r Toncray & Bryan , S. A , MoWhortor , crnln , provli .117 lot Nnt'l loin ntul ptork.i. Jlli ! , ft" I'rlTMo wlrra to llth Ml. I'rlvate wlro Now Votk , ChlcitKO mill to Chicago , St. I.onli ft I.ouln. Until Krnln ml New York. boiiKhtromll nmrkcti. f'ookrcll Bros F. P. Swartz & Co. , llrokcru ' . ' - " "I. I I'rlMitn wires llrokorn.llrftlii.l'roTlMoin lo Now \nrk 111ago , \ I me I'rirnlo wlro l Mt. SI l.onn hpoclnl niton l iuli anil Chloiito OfUo * tloa Blroii tn truck bliH In b < t Nnl'l Itink. Oruikhit. oa vrittii. l l Nnt'l It.tnk ' H cli inno blil'ir , 8 Ouinhi llAItVWAHM. Rector & Wilhulmy Oo LeO'O'aik-Andrccscn ' Ckir. loth niul JncknnnSI * Hardware Oo I'jr. ' mi-12211 turner Omnlm O uitin , Nob. 1HOX U'OKKS. Pastou fc Viorling Omaha Safu Ac Iron Iron Works , Works , Wnumlit nn.l p.mt Iron IxilMliiK work , oiidiiu * , Mnniif ri rlrn nnil biimli\f tir s wi.rk . , Kunornl proof nfe * . Tniilt" . Jull fouidrj. mirtilno unit wnrk. I on illllltors niul Mncktiiulli wnrk. U. 1' Ilia cMrniu'ii li An- lly. niul Htli St. ilri'on. HtliAJ.-i.'kion st Wilson & Drake , Mfk tlibuUr iluc . flro box boilers , tinHt , cto. 1'ierco nail tilth Blrouto. Her & Oo. , R. R. Grotto , Iliiior ) Mi'ii-liniits , Imp Tier iiml Jobber of HIS Iliirno Mri-ot. WHIP * niul MIJIIOIH Mlili'ifnctin ra KciuiiHljr'i , lOMmiil0ti \ Knrii.im t. I'.ifl Inilln lllllo.l. I'rlc o II-K on | 'pllLillun > L , Kiischt & Oo , , Frick & Herberts , U'liulc'iiU1 Lliiior | Doiil'ri Wlmlu or Dnnlcri 40r-tir.is luth st . luth St G. W. Douglass & Oo John A Wakofiehl , Iniportoil.Ami'rloiiii l' rt- Ilnnlnooil tumber , Ilinil Tun at , M11MUI - koo lltiltniille ( iMiivnt 1.110 North H'lli Street. AiiilQiilncy White l.lmo. Olmrles R. Leo , Wyatt-Bullard Lumber Ilnrilirnoil I unto , * , wood c.irolimill | | iiiiiict | ber Oo. llonrliiK. ftli nnil llouiilns 3 > > li .iiul Itnnl Struct ! Louis Bradford , Lumber , Itino.ccmiMit etc. SC'J lUlaaatreet ) ( MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stouehill , I. Oberfeldor & Oo. , Millinery , Nntluns.ClonkJ Impurtorn nnil Jnlitora la itu. : .Milliner ) 20S 210 anil ! tl2t > oiitli lltU 1IIS-113S Idllirit , Om.ilin hiioet. MUSICAL ' ' ' JNSTIlI'MKNTS , E'll' . Max Me/or & Bro Oo A. Hospe , Jr. , ' M'f K Jenelcr" . ilcalcrs la ' ' iiuu-lcul Inilruii.eiil'H , I'luioi Orsmn , Artist * ' t'tr Mnturlili , Klo , Knrnnia anil IGtli 151.1 lloUh'las Htrcit. OILS. Oons lidated Tank Line Oo , Itellncil unit lubil allnc oils nxl ( > UIPUHP , ele. II II Until , .Mmmtior PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Ribbel & Smith , S llroedur & Oo. , DonUriln piiiinlr ) proilCIIKI | btijorn biilter and i'w , mil vciiuml toiu- I. EandacTO & Son , 211 s , UthSt-eot. toreltn ( . I ) ' inuai oKrulta FlorlilaUimiucsmiilSiclly Kinlt . llr.iiub IIOIIHO 7 N I * ters hi , No v Orleans PAPER. It Ull H Lit GOODS Oarpcnter Paper Co. , Omaha Rubber Go. , Can ) n full clock of Manulnctniera and job- printing , wrapping mid bum all kinds rubber n Itliiu paper , card pa- Hi oils I er , ele I 20 Mrrani Hlioi't SEEDS. Emercon Seed Oo , pcil mowf r ilr'ilor1 * In 'miltii ! M , - . , Kctil'i ' anil rco B'pdM MlnilHi \ \ \ 15th. STO I'/l'N. James Hughes , BHu ei rnpnlrn of all kindi Kinks anil I'vatcr for BI > 10 , S I.UI' JticPt SASH , DOORS , JiLlXDK , ETC. M. A. Disbrow & Oo , Bohn Sash & Door Oo MmnifiK luiort of nMi , .MminrfO'irer ' of nioulil- ,1 n o i n. u 11 a it * n nil IIKI , * I ml * ilnorH etu till ! lIlllMUH III .IIGll l.f ( Illlie lice , l.'tli and li..nl Kti lloo n 42.1 lite Iln Mill SIEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES. U. S. Wind E gino & A. L. Strang & So is , Pump Oi. , 100' ! ICUI Farimui Htrcct. II.illIdDWlml Mill ) UIB and ' .0 lomn Mrdct Onmlm Neb i r' Hutu nc'lntf IIIAIIIIK r TKA , COFFEE , Sl'lCES. Consol dated OofFeo Company , IMand UH > llnrnoy Bt , Omaha , Nob. II. Hii'dy Oo , TlioB.unswiok- ro\ . dulli n ll > li inn , Balke-Oollouer Oo. , micy ( jiMiiH liouaofur- llllllird in rclianillne iMllNK BiiOlH. Ollllll- Nilomi Hxtnrea. MI i earring" " 107 , 409 K. lOlliHtruot , Illi ) rnrnaia ritreet. Oinalin " "SOUTH OMAHA. JNION STOCK YARDS CO. , LIMITtO. A. D. Borer & Oq. , Hunter & Qrco , S-W Ultlianilo HulldliiK , . 0 Uiilinlliiu llulldllilf , Houth Uiunlia Goath Oiunha WAITED Totil li.uis of CITIEG , COIJHTIF-B , QCIIOOL. _ DISTrjIOTB. WATER OOMfAIIIE8BTR.R.COMPAHIE8 , Ul Currfwpotuli IKU noiicitid H.WHflRniS&COIVIPANYfBankers. IOH-163 Ooorhorn Olroot , CHICAGO 13 Wa'l Stroot. HEVYOIIK _ 70 Ktato Or.BOSTON - , TCTINVI-STORS. I nm ofiurlne Htoot In a RooJ aJUnU com- > any th u will pay a , S ° P " nt iUvnlun4. glOO eh.iroa lur $ d6. Wrtto lor nruspuctas ° HARRY ICBENa , loom 0 , Ger. Am. B'k ' Bill ? , St. Jo ph , Mo. Ti X 'SO H I CSCi INTHtWOBlOWIlTt BX iJ VyCSncTAIH AHUPtUFIt "rKl Brclluf llko"Ur. I'lerce'n ' MiwDrtlo KUillo l'ru Ithairurrdttiuuianiliil If you w ntth IIKnl' > end lolmutnp * lor fri'el'xni.ld [ t No. l. II > u llo liliutloTruii Co , , bau FraoLUcot t i