Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MtlDAY , JULY 31 , 1801.
rcllveml by Carrier In nny part of the City.
H.V. . TII/rON - - - MANAGER.
nuslncs * Onicc , No. 13 ,
NIpht Editor. No. 'ii.
.tlii.V7JO.V ,
N. Y. P. Co.
Pay your wntcr rent before July 31.
Council llufT.s ! Lumber Co. , coal.
Crnffs chattel loans , 201 Bnpp block.
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bauer , 140
Horn ! street , a son.
1 f you want wntor In your yard or house
> -oto Blxby's. : WJ Mcrrmtn block.
Work lias been bcpun on the paving of
WufthltiKton avenue , of Main street.
The Models of this city and the Elliott
club of Strcotsvlllo will cross bats next Sun
day afternoon at the Manawa ball park.
, fudjo ( MeUeo has granted Joseph Mnss n
writ of tnandamus to compel the school direc
tors to build n auhool liousu In Lovelund
The adjourned' annual meotinnof tuoConn-
rll Binds in-I ( C'nrnhn Chiiutuiniun nsscnibly
\vlll bo hold In the board of trade rooms Mon
day evening next.
The old settlers of Pottnwattnrmo county
will hold their nnnuiil picnic and reunion In
Falrmount nnrlc , AnRiist U1Kpccchcs ,
music and a basket dinner will be the .
Important features of the day's entertain-
in ( 'lit ,
William Lowh hns replevlned the horao
formerly bclonlnp to I'1.V. . Jewell , which
was attac'hod by some of the lattor's ' cred
itors for dnbt. I.owis claims to have a lien
on thu animal for board In the sum of § .YJ ,
ntid wants Judgment for $10 damages.
Ed. Molt inot with an nccldnnt night before
last whllo at Maiuuva. He was running
down to thn hoach with a bathingsult on and
a pair of bare feet , when onoof his toes struck
the luird sldo of a plank which the darkness
corn-paled. The too cnmo out of the encounter
considerably the worse for wear , and ever
win co Mr. Mott has boon hardly able to walk.
Hincn the faro from Omulm to Manawa
bus been reduced to fiO cents , It has boon
found necessary to build moro bath houses
on .Mnnbattan beach. A section hns been snt
npart especially for the use of ladles. The
grounds'In the vlcinty of the la o are borom-
inir to bo used as a camping place. Several *
families arc there already , and moro are
expected next Monday.
E. II. Odell states that the pile of rubbish
which cauirht lire in hi.s collar night before
last , and which the llro department was
called out to extinguish , was & 11 in the stovo.
The Impression was given out that the rub
bish was lying about the Moor , and this im
pression ho wants done away with. The
srroko was caused by the draft in the steve
refusing to work in the right direction.
The Council Bluffs lawyers will nlay those
of I'apillion ( , hls afternoon at Manawa. The
ground was put in peed shape yesterday , and
If the weather remains good a line time is ox-
ported. A brass band will bo in attendance
nil day. The attorneys have been practicing
industriously for the pnst frw days , and
bruised thumbs and blistered palms have oc
cupied their attention in place of tenements
and horaditamonts. The I'apillion players
will arrive about noon , and the game will bo
called at ! 2 : " ( ) p. in.
The case of Mrs. Juliet. Dofrccs , charged
with prostitution , was on trial in Justice
Cones' court yesterday all day long. Kobort
Phillips , husuund of the prosecuting witness ,
was arrested Wednesday night on a charge
of adultery. At the conclusion of the tostl-
nuiny Mrs Dofroos was discharged on ac
count of a legal technicality , although sev
eral witnesses swore to facts which would
Indicate a very quustlotmblo state of affairs
between the two defendants. Mrs. Phillips
was not williiiL' that her husband should bo
prosecuted without the woman , and the case
ugalnst him was dismissed.
Ready TOP Hii.sinofl4.
I Imve rnnovntcd the old Hnrlo livery
barn of North Second wtrcot in first class
style , rollttiiicr .tho interior with a fine
nsKortinont of box stalls fftr the use of
hoarding horses. The j > lnco is supplied
with the best washing fiiuilitios in the
cith und all the appurtenances ot clean
liness. Boarding horses a specialty at
satisfactory prices. Call at onco.
Drs. Stewart & Patty , votorirmry sur
geons , -15 Fourth street , Council BhilTs , la.
> j
I'iimos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 539
XI A I' . I It.init. 1 1' IIS.
J. C. Blxby has returned from a business
tr'p to Whiting.
Miss Cecelia Mulnucen has returned from
n visit to Colfax.
Miss Hoburta Hattenhauer is visiting
fr ends in St. Louis , Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. R H. Evans and T. J. Evans
have returned from Okoboji.
Thomas Bowman returned yesterday mornIng -
Ing from a two months' ' trip to Maine.
M. Bloch of Mnscatino is in the city , the
puo't of Ids brother-in-law. L. Biedorman.
Henry Wells and daughter of Cleveland ,
O. , are the guests of Mr. Wells' son , Joseph
Miss Oraco Foster , who spent last year at
Wollcsloy college , has arrived homo after n
month's visit \Vniikesliii , WIs ,
Mrs. IS. J. Hancock Is confined to her borne.
8111 Avoiiuo C , with n severely sprained
nnklo , the result of a fall which she sulToroU
while going homo last evening.
Charles Sanderson of No. ! 1 hose house and
John Bate * of No. 1 leave next Sunday lor
Detroit to attend the Grand Army of the
Iti'public national encampment.
Union Park races , Omaha and Coun
cil UluiTH , September 8-11 , $0,500 ; Oc
tober liO-22 , $1,000. For prograininos
address Nut Brown , Mo.-chnnts hotel.
Hotel Cordon , most cotitrally located ,
first class house in city ; straight $2.00 u
day. _
Swansea music company , 333 Broad
way. _
Smooth Pickpocket Arrest ed.
Harry ] W likens was arrested night before
last by Ofllcer IConip for vugranoy. The at
tention of the police- was called during the
Hi : y to the fact that one of the smoothest
pickpockets and all around rascals of Omaha
had come to this sldo of the river to ply
bis trade. A description was sent to the au
thorities and a few hours Inter the iirrost
was mado.VHUuns has been idcntillcd as
the man whose description was s'ont. In tip-
pearanco ho ib anything but a sharper , being
decidedly rustle. In his makeup and guileless
in his disposition. But this peculiarity
makes him all the moro dangerous , as it Is
said that with one hand ho can wring one's
heart with sympathy at his tale of inmuiimry
MllTerlng * whllo ho I * faking ono's poc'icot-
book with the other. Ilo was sentenced to
spend S.OVIMI days la the county Jail.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves
und household goods of Mandol & Kluln ,
tram .UlulTs. Prices very low ; freight
l > ro.Ud | ) to your city.
Gasoline and oil ; cobs , wood and coal ;
prompt delivery. L. G. Knotts , UTMain ;
tulephono J03. ! _
Don't wear n huuvy , lll-llttlng suit
whun you can gel elogiuit siiinnnjisuita
nt oiiBtern prices at Hoitor'u , the tailor ,
ail ) Broadway.
Ml CM Wntm't In II.
A local paper published a list of the signers
of the call for an nntl.prolilbitlon meeting
this evening. Among the names was that of
II. P. Kilos , Mr. Nllos states that bo gave
no one any authority to put Mn name down ,
, and he did not put it down hl.mclf , He
states that ho la neither a prohibitionist nor
u high license man ; that the saloon men have
been boycotting him for the last t.venty.two
years , and ho does not propose to have the
prohibitionists tiding likewise for the utuct
tweuty-iwo year * .
Much Important Business Transacted at
the School Board Mooting ,
ClalniH Tlmt Tlioy Were Not Awftrtlctl
to the IXIXVCHI Itidilcr l > y Several
Dollar * Cv.ptured n
The school board met last evening , with all
tha members present. After the minutes of
several previous meetings had been read , cor
rected and approved , the report of the secre
tary with reference to the general success of
the tonchliiLM in the schools of the effects of
alcoholic stimulants was read und approved.
The secretary was authorized to till out the
ono remaining blank , signifying the satis
faction of the board that the law had been
compiled with to the letter , und send the re
port to the stnto superintendent of Cubllc In
A communication was read from T. C.
Dovnl asking that the former action of the
board , In letting the contract for the hcntlnsf
apparatus of the Harrison otrcot school buildIng -
Ing lo Shtigart ft Co. bo rescinded , his bid
being iJI lower than that of the successful
biddor. Wnlto state I that the rea
son bo hud reported favorable on
Shugurt's bid was that Doval
had not made I.Is bid specific enough , and
that ho ( Wulto ) had not taken the time nor
trouble to investigate. The communication
was referred back to thu committee.
A petition was presented from property
owners asking the board to donate the city
a strip of hind six feet wide from Broadway
to 1'lcrco street along Little Frank street ,
for the purpose of widening tha stroot. lie-
furred to the chairman of the committee on
buildings and grounds.
Chairman Hchocntgcn reported the resig
nation of I'rof. Wyman of t'.io ' department of
languages. Ho stated that ho had been cor-
iwpondlng with several candidate ) tor the
position , among others with Miss Freda
Hubormaas , whoso name , ho informed the
board , was "strictly of Teutonic origin and
German construction.1 He recommended
her appointment to 1111 the vacancy atn salary
of i'.K ) pur month.
Mr. tichoeutcen stated that the department
of literature was vacant , and ho recom
mended that Miss Jnney Baldwin bq ap
pointed to fill the vacancy at a salary of $70
per month. Both recommendations were
Air. Stacy read a tabulated statement of
the bids ho had received for the scaling of
the Harrison street building. Ho recom
mended the awarding of the contract to the
Minneapolis ollleo and school furniture com
pany , und that the company bo required to
furnish a bond in the sum of STiOO for the per
formance of their obligation. The report
was adopted , it being stipulated that unless
the bond bo furnished forthwith , the chair
man of the committee bo ntithori/ed to place
the contract where he should see lit.
Chairman Hunter called attention to the
fact that the electors had voted to issuu bonds
in the sum of $10,000 for the erection of the
Harrison street school. lie offered n rosolu
lion that the board issue thu bonds as au
thorised , the bonds to be of ? . " > UOcach , bearing
0 per cent interest and payable at the end of
ten years. Thu resolution was adopted unan
On motion of Stacy the chairman of the
committee on heating \vas instructed to ad-
vortisu for bids for fuel for the vear of 1SU1- " .
Sup'irintendent Sawyer stated that about
live hundred school books had been loft in
his ollleo for examination and that ho hoped
to bu able to name the ones ho had selected
for use in the schools at the next meeting of
the board.
On motion of Hunter the committee on
heating was instructed to advertise for bids
for putting in a now double heating appar
atus in the Hill and Bloomer school houses ,
and to obtain from an architect plans and
specifications from which the work should bo
in tlic Store Una Been
Marked Dmvii to Cost Ton Days
Only Note 'Ilicxo Prices ,
S2-in 8c summer cashmeres at cost
price , 5c .
Yard wide 12e suiting ( plaid only ) tit
cost price , ( ic.
French sateens , regular 22c poods ,
boiuitifui designs , half price , lie.
5.000 yards of Poldn cloth und fancy
zephyr , sold for lOc at 12Jc , for OJc.
All our 8e and lUe outing flannel in
one lot at 5o a yard.
All our dark prints , including best
quality indigo , at 6e , just cost price.
fie best light shirting prints , 4e.
Lot 1 All our 12 je , 15c. 1G < ) organdies
for Oc.
Lot 2 All organdies sold from 17c to
2"o in one lot for loc1.
, ' ! 2-iueli bastiso eloth sold for So and
12Jc , now 7c.
Wo only mention a few of the bar
gains. Kvorything in this department ,
including ginghams of every descrip
Linen of every grade , also napkins
and table sets , Turkey red damask ,
crashes , ote. , ote. , at cost price.
Sheeting in all widths from the lowest
to the highest grades , in brown.
bleached , half bleached , at not cost.
Also all our yard wide muslin at the fol
lowing prices :
Lawrence LL , 6c ; I.oiihdnlo , 7c ; Arrow
Brand , fle ; Hope , lije ; Argylc , Gc ; Lu-
dies'C'holco , DC ; Cutjplo , "e ; Wainsutta ,
lie ; Pride of the West. llc } ; Lonsdalo
Cambric , h'o } ; While Kiver cambric ,
Sjc ; Berkley Cambric , 9a }
All llannols , shirtings , blankets , tow
els , tick all under the sumo heading
cost price for ton days only.
No side lino. Hvory ono of our brands
are just as popular all ever Kuropo as
they are in America. During this ton
days' Halo wo put every pair of hose in
stock on sale at cost price.
lc ! ) fancy hose , l/ic. /
25c balbriggan hose , lOc ,
5lo ) blnelc hose , 'IOc.
Everything goes in cotton , lislea and
silks at cost price.
Wo have 500 dozen underwear , which
must bo removed during s.ilo , anil will
ijo regardless of cost. Look at the ( ol-
owing prices :
7e ribbed Vests , -le.
12Jo ribbed vests , Oc.
17c ribbed vests , 12jc.
Uoo ribbed vests , lOc.
toe lisle vests , 27jo.
This Includes everything in ladies' ,
gontn' and children's underwear , all at
cost price.
Loaders and promoters of low prices ,
The Actual Cost Halo at the Host on
Store , Council HIiifl'H.
Ladies , recollect that the great cost '
sale at the Boston store commences this !
morning. Not an article him been re
marked , and everything In the store
goes at actual price for the next ten days , i
This is your opportunity to got genuine ,
bargains at real sucrlllco prices. Foth- :
orlngham , Whltolaw & Co. , Council
Worked tti'i rorpso Haotcct.
A conlldcnco game was played on an Inno
cent granger from Nebraska yesterday morn
ing. Hu was traveling from his Home to this
city when ho foil in with n melancholy look-
lug Individual who was on UU way to Sioux
City with the body of a very dear brother
whom ho had lost the day before. Wlu'ii ho
reached tbo transfer bis doleful condition
was rendered more doleful by the arrival of
n man who was apparently In the umplov of
the Northwestern railway company , who
informed htm that the transportation
of the body would have to bo paid for In ad
vance before it could bo loaded on to the
train. The faro was { - " > , which was Just fT >
moro than the mourning brother had about
him. The sympathetic granger offered to
loan htm the necessary amount. The offer
was accepted and n check for $ . ' was given
him as security. The brother hastened away
to itot Ills corpse put on board ho train and
ho novnr returned. Where ho went to no
body knows , and the granger vinrated all
day between the transfer and the North
western depot looking for a melancholy lookIng -
Ing mun with a * . > cornso.
Ladle * , Attention.
Mr. Chapman , who was for some thno
with Mosso of Omaha , Is now nt " 08
Morriani block , this city , with ills cake
baking. Give htm an early call and
lenrn some line points in cake making
free of charge , or order your cakes for
parties , etc. , at very reasonable prices.
W. 0. A.
The greatest sale ever witnessed In
the dry goods business will start Thurs
day IIrat at the Hostou Store , Council
UlufTs , when everything in the store
will bo offered at actual cost price for
ten days. Homembor the sale com
mences this morning. See daily papers
for prices. Boston Store , Council LJlulTs ,
la. , FoUieringhnni , Wnitelaw & Co.
for .War.
A newspaper published an article last
evening in which it was stated thnt there
was serious trouble in the First Baptist
church on account of a failure of thu pastor.
Hov. LA. . Hall , to jibe with some of the
members. A couple of prominent members
were excluded at the covenant meeting night
before last , and according to the newspaper
report the expulsion was caused by the vic
tims having told some of the church secrets.
A prominent member was aslced last evening
what ground th'iro was for this report. In
reply he said :
"Tho reason for the expulsion was simply
that the parties refused to stay lu the church.
About a week ago thuy got up in meeting
and denounced the pastor and most of the
members , statiutr that they never could have
any feelings of fellowship for them any moro.
They then asked for letters of dismission.
Of course , after such statements as they had
made about the other members wo could do
nothing but exclude them. "
Uev. Hall's affable manners have secured
for him many warm friends in the church
and iii the community as well , whllo his out
spoken way has stirred things up In the
church anil made an enemy now and then out
of some ono who disliked to hear the truth.
As a whole , however , tbo church Is , united
and all rumors of a prospective split are
denied by the members.
Picnic at Manhattan beach. Round
trip tickets from Omaha , including boat
ride , 50c ; on sale at news stands at Millard -
lard and Murray hotels.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit
cough tablets. They are delicious.
Giiinbliii : ; CaKcs Continued.
Ed Manor and Frank Carroll were to have
had a hearing in police court yesterday
moraine on the charge of gambling had it
not been fora motion for a continuance which
was made by Ucorgo A. Holmes , their
attorney , and granted by Judge McGco. In
bis argument Mr. Holmes stated that the
defense of his clients would bo that they had
been arrested previously on the same charge
and had been discharged by order of. the
chief of police. They accordingly thought
they would bo allowed to proceed with the
game so they commenced operations again.
In speaking of the affair Chief Cary
stated to a reporter yesterday that ho had
not ooen so anxious to arrest men of the
Manor-Carroll .stripo us.ho used to bo , from
the fact that whenever they were arrested
they were always turned loose. Ho stated
that when the the two men were arrested ho
was Informed by ono of his captains , that
they were selling whips and pens and giving
cacti purchaser n chance in n lottery prize
drawing. Ho sent word to thoofllcer as soon
as ho learned this , not to place the charge of
gambling against them , and they were dis
O. Younkcrman & Co. , food and com
mission , 108 Broadway , Council Blulls.
Tel. 77.
Sunday School Convention.
A Sunday school convention will bo held at
the Hazel Dell church August 0. The com
mittee on arrangements is miking-elaborata
preparations for the reception of visitors ,
and a largo attendance from this city is
expected. The programme will include
addresses by Joseph Wells , Sunday school
secretary of this city , J. G. Lemon , Ilev. J.
L. Springer of Taylor , Hov. M. T. Tweedy ,
Emma Main of Boone , Captain D. B. Clarlc ,
A. A. Hart , and Ilev. T. McK. Stewart.
Song services will bo led by Mrs. L. J.
Osborn of Hazell Doll.
Arrest d n 1'olley Sinn.
R. D. Wan/.cl , who hns boon running n
gnmo of policy in the city for several months
pnst , having had his headquarters for the
last four months in the "Columbia , " was ar
rested yesterday afternoon by Oflicor O'Con-
nell , on the charge of gambling. Ho gave a
bond of fTiO for his appearance and was re
leased until this morning , when he will have
a hearing before Judge McGoo.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl
street , next to Grand hotol. Telephone
145. High grade work a specialty"
Mimm a Wutuh.
Will F. Schroth lost a fine gold watch
night before last at Blair's saloon , 1010
Broadway. Ho loft it lying on the rear
counter ot tbo saloon and stopped to thu
front door for a mlnuto. When ho returned
it was gone , und there isaio clue to thu thief.
\Vlio Compos Its Counsel and How
It Is
About sixty days ago a new departure was
inaugurated by the San Francisco Examiner ,
now the leading paper on tha coast. Its pro
prietor , Mr.Iearst , son of the late Senator
Hearst of California , who has a very la'go
fortune at his command , conceived the idea
of establishing a bureau of claims at Wash
ington , manned by the ablest lawyers
and specialists conversant with the routine
woric In thu various departments and bureaus
of the government.
When the nnnounccmntof this now depart
ure was made negotiations were at once en
tered into between Tin : BII : and the proprie
tor of the Examiner to Join hands and mu
ually share In the enterprise. These ar-
rangumuntH huvo bcui : perfected and agree
ments entered into by which TUB lin : | s to
prosecute all claims nrrUInc in the territory
where Tin : Br.u enjoys so extensive a sub
scription patronise.
Under this agreement all applications for
claims , either for pensions , Indian depreda
tions , land or mining chums , patent or pos
tal claims in the states of Iowa , Kansas ,
South Dakota and Nebraska , will bo taken
In hand by TIIK BEE Bn.tuu or CLAIMS in
Omaha und through it fowardod to head
quarters at Washington whcro they will be
prosecuted to a tinal and speedy conclusion ,
TIIK BIE : takes pleasure In offering to all
its patrons and particularly to subscribers to
TIIK WKIKI.V : BLE , the services of Its new
bureau which , we have no doubt , will prey o
of gruit advantage tq thorn , both in prosecu
ting new claims to a succo.ssful issuu and in
expediting all claims entrusted to Tun Bii : :
TIIK BKI : BUUK\U or Ct. UMJ baa frequently
b3 ( > n referred to in thuso columns , but up to
the present time , no reference tus boon made ,
to the manner in which its important work 1st
performed. Ttils is ouo of the mo interest
ing features connected with the iwtcrprUo ,
The Iliir ; iu'H COIIIIHI ; ! .
To begin with , tbo services of three most
eminent councilors huyo Leou retained.
Those are A. I. . . Hughes , A , E. Wcllcr , and
I' . J. Butler. They are denominated "gen
eral counsel. " Thov arc'men ; of mature
years and learned in lr $ law , They have
made a specialty of practising In the
the United States suprcmoy circuit and dis
trict courts , tlio United Statescourtof claims
flnd before all the departments and bureaus
of tbo government. Tlttyjnre qualified to
pass upon the general mcrltjf of any claim as
soon as it is presented. This save * a great
deal of time , because , when n claim has been
passed upon by thorn , It Is generally one
which is entitled to n standing in court.
When a claim U rejected1 by them , it menus
that it is cither outlawed or that It lacks cer
tain elements which would load to its final
approval , , <
Kxiimlitcrs mid l < ? xpertH.
Besides these gentlemen thnro nro also n
practising attorney , an examiner and expert
in each department in which Tnu Br.K pro
poses to prosecute claims , namely , those of
patents , pensions , postal und land claims and
Indian depredations , in fact In any depart
ment In wnlch a claim may arise ugalnst the
federal government. These attorneys pre
pare the petitions and tend to the claims be
fore the several courts , whllo the examiners
and experts make u specialty of searching the
records and arranging the evidence neces
sary to strengthen the claim ,
g The gentleman charged with this duty re
garding Indian depredations has boon the nt-
listant chief examiner of these claims in the
ndinn bureau of the Interior department for
many years. HU comprehensive Hiowledgo
of details , facts , status of and evidence in
the cases heretofore filed or the outbreaks
out of which others yet to bo filed have
arisen , renders his services extremely valu
able.Then there is n general manager , John
Wedderburn. Fur years he was private sec
retary to Senator Hearst , thu father of lion.
William Hearst , the projector of the present
enterprise. He has ids > o been for years the
Washington correspondent of the San Fran
cisco Examiner , with which TUB BIE : is no v
co-operating. Ho is a man of universal In
formation and is especially adapted to the
responsible position ho now holds.
Than this force nolio moro capable could
bo found in the country. Its services have
been retained at great expense by the
bureau , the salaries alone reaching ut the
present time ? l,8l ( ( ) per month.
As has been stated , the San Francisco Ex-
innlnur inaugurated the enterprise , and
through It Tlli : DISK was allowed to establish
its bureau for tbo accommodation of claim
ants in South D.ikota , Iowa , Nebraska und
Kansas. This privilege was first , of all the
papers In the country , extended to Tin : BKI : ,
because of its known pluck , enterprise and
The undertaking , however , has at
tracted so much attention throughout
the country and been so greatly appreciated"
by old soldiers , Indian victims , and dofruudod
government claimants , that leading papers
elsewhere have asked to bo admitted to
enjoy the privileges of the bureau. Among
those papers there is n leading ono In Minnesota
seta and others In Boston , Cincinnati , St.
Louis , Atlanta and Now Orleans. It is
thought that Mr. Hearst , the proprietor of
The Examiner , and the gentleman who In
augurated the system , will grant the applica
CInimH Coining In.
TIIR BEI : CLAIM BL'IICAU has not been in
existence ono month and yet it has listed
Indian dcpridution claims aggregating
$8' > , l)00 ) and the is being con
stantly added to. .This is a remark-
ublo showing , and yet it U but a fraction of
thu claims which remain Unrecorded und un
paid In the state ? controlled by Tin : BEI :
Bt'HCAU or CI.UMS , namely , South Dakota ,
NebrasKa , Iowa and Kansas.
On March U , of this year , an act for the
payment of Indian depredation claims was
approved. To this act , it is neces
sary to direct the attention of every
claimant who has suffered ut the hands of
Indians. This refers to those victims whose
claims huvo already been Hied as well us to
these who still contemplate filing thorn. Up
to the datu in question , thousands of
sufferers had filed theirclaims with attorneys
in all parts of the country ana were in most
cases charged excessive fees. Many of the
claims , too , had been pending for years.
SntUllcd that , in many cases , the claimants
had contracted with the attorneys in ques
tion and , wittout fear of prosecution for
annulment , could not transfer their claims to
other ugunts or attorneys' who might expedite -
dito the collection , 'congress unucrtook to
afford the desired relief. This it did in the
act in question.
Auniilliiif ; Exorbitant Contracts.
Jurisdiction in t hesp matters was trans
furred to the court of claims where the ser
vices of au attorney are Indispensable. Under
this law , all agreements made by claimants
with attorneys , prior to March 'J , 18111 , are
expresslv declared null and void. This was
dotio as has been intimated to release claim
ants from exorbitant fee contracts.
Every claimant is , tncrcforo , free to em
ploy as his attorney whomsoever ho p'eases.
Under these circumstances , it would appear
to bo to the advantage of every person hav
ing a claim to place the same with the bu
reau guaranteed by such a reliable and re
sponsible paper as TIIK BEE , rather than
with unknown parties.
The disappointed attorneys whom the law
in question has deprived of exorbitant fees
have boon flooding the country threatening
their former clients with suit should they
take their claims from them and place them
in the bands of other attorneys. But this
should not discourage claimants , because an
act of congress is paramount to any and all
agreements entered into with nny attorney
prior to the timu named in the said law.
To Ucuovor To Indian DcprudationH
Parties desiring to avail themselves of the
benefits of thu act in Question re
garding the recovery ot claims
crowing out of Indian depredations
should forward to Tin ; Ban or
CI.UMS power of attorney , granting author
ity to appear In their case in the court of
claims. They should also furnish a detailed
statement of loss. including each
specific article lost , its value ,
date , county and stito , band or tribe
of Indians committing depredations , names
mid present addresses of witnesses whoso
testimony they expect to use in substantia
tion of their claim , and such other informa
tion bearing , upon the case us they may
Upon receipt of this simple information ,
Tin : 11 UK BL-UKAU or CLAIMS will Immediately
attend to the more Intricate or dilllctilt por-
ion of the preparation.
The claims must not bo based on depreda
tions extending back beyond 1805.
Headers of Tin : Iliiu or these who may file
clidtns for collection , nro respectfully re
quested to furnish Tin : BISK BUIKA'U OF
CI.UMS with the n nines and addresses of any
other parties who h.iva suffered similar
losses nt the lianas of Indians. Many people
are as yet unaware of the recent favorable
loglslution by which these claims can now , if
properly prepared and presented bo collected.
But Indian depredation claims are not the
only ones which TUB BKI : BUHKAU or
CLAIMS proposes to handle. In brief , it will
look after any claim which any citizen
against the government or any department of
the government. It will bg specially service
able to soldiers of the Int.o . war.
IVn-toiiH lor AKOI ! SoldlcrH.
Strange as it may appear , there are thou
sands of veterans of tlia . rebellion , who are
old , weary , Infirm and. beyond the skill of
physician or surgeon lo restore to health.
Many of these are incapacitated because of
exposure or Injuries sustained in the Into war ,
und yet , many of thuso' ure unprovided with
1'ciiHloiiH Tor Infirm Sohlicrx.
There lire thousands of poor fellows who
nro permanently disabled- having served ut
least ninety days in the -war. They were
also honorably dischurfiad. These nro enti
tled to a pension ovun though the Infirmity
from which they suffer was not thu result of
exposure in the war. The only condition is
that their prostration U not tbo result of
Vicious habits. .1
PoiiHloiiH for Holdlors' \Vldo\vx.
Ttiero are thousands of soldiers' and sail
ors' widows in this country who do not know
that they nro entitled to pensions. And yet ,
by writing Tun BIK : BUIIKAU orCniM-t.wnoii
their case Is Just , they will bo ublu to bucuro
those pensions. All that is rcqiiiroj U that
each widow show that she is wittout other
means of support thun her dully labor and
that her husbiind served at least ninety dius
in the army and was honorably discharged ;
that she married the soldier prior to Juno -7 ,
Itj'JO. Proof of his daath must also bo ad
vanced , but his ilomlso neeU not huvo been
the result of army svrvlcu.
Sciirlnjc Patent ltl lilH ,
There are thousand ? of inventive men and
women in this country who have Inventions
which ure known only to their friends. Yet
in those invention ! ) there are sometime * for
tunes to be found. Vet , comparatively
speuklig , but few of these Inventors over
seek u patent , Thev do not know how to do
It. They fcur the cost and the delay. TUB
llKKUuiKiu or CLAIM * ) has reduced these
almost to a minimum.
Sensational Olinm to n Row in a Ohurcii * '
Homer , la ,
Pntnl Fn'l nf h Proiiolirr'n AVIfo nt
AliiHcntlnu ( UirjjIarH nt. IliirlliiK-
ton Htnto TrcnHttrci-'H Hlcii-
illal Heiiort.
POUT Domir , In. , July 30. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Br.K.j The climax to a church
row between tbo liberal and conservative
factions in the United Brethren church nt
I lomot * was reached nt prayer mooting last
night , The pastors openly oppressed liberal
tendencies precipitated affairs.
A number of the nutl-liborals reached the
church before the pastor , and after entering ,
barred thu door. The preacher and his fam
ily wore refused admittance , and stood on the
stoos all evening while the services wore
conducted by an opposition deacon. Many
church members side with the pastor , aui
moro trouble Is threatened.
Brm.ixoTox , la. , July IK ) . ' [ Special Tele
gram toTiiP. Hut : . ] A number of bold burg-
lanes were perpetrated in this city last night
and mucli valuables taken. Miss Martin ,
who was tleeplng alone In one of thu houses
entered , was waked up by a follow who stood
with a largo knife pressing her throat. She
neatly fainted with fright , but when the fel
low movotl away to search for valuables stu
screamed and trighlunud him away. He
dropp'd his hat In his ( light. By moans ol
this Charles Schontz , a tough case of this
city , was arrested and is now in jail. A long
scries of burglaries have occurred In thi-
citv , and It is now believed the ring leader i
apprehended. Stro'ig suspicion points k
Sclionlz as the murderer of young Reiser twv.
months ago by an unknown burglar.
Iowa TrcnHiiror'M Kuport.
Dis : MOIXKS , fa. , July ! ! 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKI : . ] The bienniol report ot
State Ircnsuror Beeson Is completed and
will bo ready for distribution in a few days.
It shows the following1 receipts for thu twc
years ended Juno HO last : From counties ,
$ 'VilT'JI ) ; ' , Insane hospitals , fr > : w,7H3 ; orphans'
home , Sj'J.MSS ; feeble minded institution ,
fiiTU : ( ; deaf and dumb asylum , fl.'J.'J : ! ;
blind asylum , $1S ( > S ; insurance companies.
174,000 ; foes , state ofllcors , SIS.TlX ) : miscel-
laueo'us s-ouroes , STIi.lTb ; transfers temporary
school fund , $ . " > ; > 7 ; balance last report.
$5,1S1 ; total , $ , 'lfilllhil , ; warrants redeemed ,
$ . ! , ( M'il5'interest ' ! ; on same , § 7,430 ; cash bal
ance , § ISS,0."iS.
Gobbled by the Trust
Curuu UVIMDS , la. , July 30. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TIIK Bii-.J : The Shaver and Dow.-
cracker factory in this city , recently pur
chased by the Now York biscuit company ,
has passed Into the hands of the National
crncKcr company. TUO lactory cuangeti
hands today and was shut down until the ar
rival of Frank Sommcrs of St. Joseph , cmoof
the head men in both companies , who will
take an invontoryof both concerns. Nothing
can bu learned at present what course will be
pursued in the luture.
Minister's ' .Vil'o Hilled.
In. , July 30. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; Bii.J : : Mrs. Ira O. Klinbie ,
wife of the presiding older of the Muscatine
Methodist conference , whllo asleep , fell
down stairs at 3 o'clock this morning and
was instantly killed. Her nujband * was not
aware that she was up until ho had hoard
the fall. Ho found bur missing from bed
and rushed to thu hall to find her a corpse.
She was secretary of a branch of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary society of
Knits Against tlin North we stern.
Sioux CITV , la. , July 30. [ Special to Trie
Br.i.J : The attorney for the Livestock Ship-
ucrs" " association to prosecute illegal over
charges against the Chicago & Northwostcrr
railroad company , says tnat about lifty new
llrms of shippers have joined the associatio. .
within the past ten days. 'Grain shipper. *
are also becoming members. Shippers 01
merchandise and particularly of lumber an
making application to join. Within sixty
dr.ys hundreds of new suits will bo bugu'n
against the company.
No Hoppers \VntnrInn. .
CEDAU HAIMD-I , la. , July 30. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Inn Bui : . ] A dispatch received
hero today says the report sent out fron.
Waterloo that the oat crop was being seri-
ous'y injured by grasshoppers was entirely
erroneous. Grain men and farmers wlthoiit
exception deny the statement. Tuuro arc
not as many hoppers in thu meadows us
Sioux City Stock Yards Conm > ! ld-tc
Sioux CITV , la. , July 30. Arrangements
have been completed for the consolidation ol
the Union and Central stock yards of this
city. The former yards have a capital stock
of $10,500,000 , but thuir business has boon
greatly interfered with by the existence of
the Central stock yards company.
Kilns IN Hiinkfli * Caught.
Sioux Crrv , In , July ! ) , F. T. Brown has
been arrested hero on a requisition from the
governor of Kansas. Brown is charged with
fraud in connection with the failura of a bank
he was running ut Qrainlleld , Kan. , lour
years ago. _
Horrible * - > uiuido.
Cnni.suA , la. , July ISO. [ Spaclal Tolog ram
to TUB BBC. | Frank Adams , a young man ,
committed suicidu today by cutting bis
bowels open with a knlfo. lie is though' , to
have been insano.
A Kly .lul > .
A southern grocer , being greatly an-
anrioyod by Ilios , distributed twenty-one
sheets of sticky lly paper about his store.
In the oyoning ho gathered them tip
nnil , noticing how iniiuh heavier they
they were , concluded to weigh tlioin.
Ho accordingly placed the twonty-ono
shoots with their loads of dead Hies upon
the scales. They tipped tlio beam
lit exactly seven pounds. Then ho
placed twonty-ono fresh sheets
on the scales and found that they
weighed but four pounds and four
ounces. Thus tlio Hies were bhown to
weigh two pounds and twelve ounces.
He next commenced to figure on the
matter and found that there were twenty
Ilios to each square inch of the lly paper ;
each sheet Had H.ili r-quaro Inches and
( i,7UO Iliey , the twenty-ono f hoots con
taining In ail Hl.lJJU Hies. Thus it is
plain that ono can easily ascertain the
exact weight of a single lly ; for if 111-
1"0 Hies weight two pounds and twelve
ounces it is easy to calculate what one
would weigh.
; ssssssss ;
SivivJ's Specific S
A Tested Remedy
For All
A reliable cure far Contagious
nioocl Poison Inherited Scrofula -
fula and Skin Cancer.
As n tonic for delicate Women
and Children It hna no equal.
DcIng purely vegetable , la harmless -
less In Its cffccti.
A treatise on Illood nn < l Skin Dla-
luailiil ntn : on n | > iilliMiiun.
l > r r// ( ( r * licit It ,
Drov/sf / 3 , Atlanta , Ga.
issssssss !
Carriage Repository ,
iVhulesalc Dealer in Carriages , Ihiggles , Spring Wagons , Carts and
Road Wagons.
sunics and phaetons. Hon.inz.i
binjgie * an I phaetons. All styles
spring wagons. Van Brunt an I
Alichigin nul an.l farm wagons ,
carts an 1 harness in great variety.
( - ' ° -'ri' > p Miilence solicited. Catalog-
lies and price lists on application.
12 , 14 and 16 , Fourth St. , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa.
is th. < ?
< li > i > ofrlnn-ii. ( Ht'vt und J.i-ni'ofi'Ji o 's
oured in L'dnys by Hie Kronen Itumudy en
tilluil the KINO. It dissolves against and I
absorbed Into tlio Intlamc 1 parts. Will refund
money If It docs not euro or causes striutiirL' ,
Uentlciiien , hero 's a reliable article. 1 a
pnekuKo or l ! for $ ! i per man prepaid. Mc-
Uormlulc & I.nnil , Omaha.
Bfl9c flS4r ! n/jlpRl / ) Bnrrorinft from
Ttfll By E'PAt& BB3rlra tlio eitocta c/
' 3i9 611 Eai BH SHa H H y yoiitliful erron
early docny.wiwtlnrjwonkni'Bis , lost UIUUIUKM ! , ole.
I will noiul a valuable trtullse ( wnlnll cuutalnln ;
full particulars for homo euro , Fill : ! ; or rli.irpi
A.plen < lkl motllcal woric ; fiboulil liu icadbyover )
mqn whn In nprvoti * nnd dehllllnted. A'lt'rcft '
Prof. S. ' . C. FO V/IKIt. IVIoodUR. Con a
Council Bluffs , fa.
This Elegantly Appolnt3i Hotel
is Now Opjn.
N. A. Taylor , Manager
Eya , Ear , Nos3 anJ Tirt ! }
Council BlulTs , TV.
aiuigfirt-Hono M'lc.
Room 1. I ) to 12 in
7 and S p. in.
First--National--Bank : :
Paid Up Cii' , . . . . $10l,0 ) < n
OMust orifmil/ml bin' < In thu city. ForoUa nil I
Uomo-tto etulMiuu un I lojil uj irltl 11. Kipj'U
: tUontlon piliUo c'lljjM.m. AL'jiliU ) f lil./ll
uaU , bi : h.inki'riiifi.lajr Jr.ulJii.t jjlljUjl Jj.1
rutixJ ml n coil-riled.
UliO. I1. SANl'Olll ) . I'roililimt.
A. W. U1KK.MAN , Cmhlor
A. T. KICK. Aitlitii -iXiVjr
Gas Heating Sto'/es.
.fust the thins for bath rooms , lie 1 roomi , ot i
Cull und kuo our larn'o avsortmijnt.
C. B. Gas and ElestriLi : 3 lit Cj.
211 I'ourl an I 210 Main Street.
Centrally located in the business
portion ol' Council Bluffs , all the
street car lines in the city passing
the door. Modern nnd conven
ient ; thoroughly fire proof ; 123
guest chambers. The best $2 a
day house in the west.
Board and room Irom $3O per
month up. Table board $3 per
week. G. M. WHITNEY , Mgr.
' A.tlorlluJ""lt' luw , I'rae-
'sillK Rllllflnn : ' -
Ollllb U OilllllULlS tlco i , , the state mil
federal conns. Ho iins : i , 4 anil & Slni .irt.
liuno block , C.'uiinoll Dm ON , I i ,
ril'linhorcAttorney at. Law , No. 19
, J , tllilllllJlla , i-oarl Htnut , ever llusli-
null'H fituro. Telephone No. 'ill. Ituslno-n
hours. U a. in. to J p. in , ( Jumuli llliill.s , 1 i.
UAT.ks.M AN WAN'i'M ) - Kor "llousoholTl
> J llecord of IC.vpi > nsc.s. " KiinrmoiiH hales.
Bin money. Wrltu linna'dlatcly. llu.x U.S ,
\ , \ / AXTKII 1'imilsliod house of four or live
TI looms for two months or longer , lli'bt
referi'iicus. A'l-lri'hs .1. II. , lieu otllcu.
\\7II.I.trudo KOIII ! ios'dwi"o ' lot , olonr. for
> ' family horse and eurrm u. Apply at KW
r.inUIn aveniii' . _ _ _ _ _ _
ifoicAI.K ! tiood fiirm. IB mlk's from Coun
cil Illulf-i , with very lart-'oorolrir.l , ftt uur
uric , I-.i hty i. cie fann , near railroad htutloli.
mi " .Hi per ui'lo. Julnisloii Si Van I'alH'ii ,
Omntll limit * .
IIBNT A n lee 0-room IIOUHO with
rvid yard lo dtslr.ililti p.'iitv free of
cliarKi * . J. < V. Siulrc | ) , , VI'eirl \ stiuet.
C1THVOVA"NT and syi Iminutric , or ehur-
iit'tt'r roaUliiijsi also ilbiKHObls of disease.
nund louk ( if hair fur readings uy letter. Hun-
Kiys .mil even nits. Mrs K Hooper , lU ! Ave-
dueK. noiir rornci' lltli btieut , Cuiinu.l U.nlO
' 1 uriim , 3 : e and ti.U ) .
AT AUNII'K'KN'T ii'TO propprty In llvu-uuru
i'l Iraut-i lou.tle.l"i mllus from po-itollue. |
fur sale on reubunalilo terms Homo line resl-
dfiii'o property for rent by D.iy .V lleti.
TOOK 3 VLB or ll.iiiiJinljri . lint.
Jhout.ii , gf J , U. Ui34 , WJ JdJLia IU , OuuuaU
UluITt ,
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
Ait met Ions : Kino Klshlm , Iloatlnj , Il.ith-
iniinn I Kxc-ulluiit Water.
Only HftoLMi minutes rldo from Couiiul ]
IllufTs. Motor tra us every half hour , dlreol
to centers of Council Itliilfs ; m 1 Omah i.
Most delightful unil accessible plicu : ( or
picnic parties.
All kinds of Dylnx uiU Gleaning do no In tils
HlKheM , Style oftho Art , FadoJ und 3tUnoil :
Fabrics made to look us „ _ 113 now. Huil
Keutburs t'ioini'il ; lly Kluum , In I'Mrst Olasi
Manner. Work promptly done an'l ' delivered
In ult uaru ot the country. Sou ; ! ( or prloa
O. A. MAOIIAN , Prop. ,
10U Uroadwav. Near Northwostoru Uu
COUNCIL lIi.iin-M. I A.
3. Era.
DR. C. B. JUDD ,
606 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
Over C. II. Jaeiinomln feO . 'n Jewelry Storo.
Of Council Bluffe.
OliiB'-Tom-I. A Milter , K. O Olaiin , Ii U
Bhuitart. 11 K. ll.irt , J , U tCilmuiulirm , OH irlui
Ii. llunnun. Tr.niHi.a6 no' binUln : ( biui-
ne liruU : capita unJ mrplu * ut * u
banlcln Soutliwjstornrv (
INT bK Eal" U.M TIM iC3EP " ) 3 T ?
Tliiiy tMuHTTFo at t'oilT "
There Is no iiKoof your onileavor n > ! to go6
aloiiK anil uct > noml7.e by doliiK wlllmnt a ru-
frlKeratnr. llealth unit comfort auniit bo
malnt ilneil In thu hot summer we.ilhur uml
food piopT.y pruunrved without HIIIIIU meana
of ; a , reel , dry atmosphere. Tha
new llniTii-ny rufrluerator Is thu warld heated
In every iM-ttmtlal point , and from tills ttma
on wn propoio to put them Into your IIOUSCH at
absolute cost. Tli s Is a bima llilu ulTer tliuO
It wl.i pay you to Investigate.
\Viiiilo\v HdriMiiin null Doorn
CJu ill the fiiiio prlcu until our nrcHt'iit lur a
hlK'l ( is cixlia'istol. Thli11 * your opportunity
to provide your homui with theuo neuunuury
All iiMxIern llltli ) labor Hivln : and comfurt-
pioiluelnnovolllo.s In the llnu fof
hummer u o will bu dNiu * > u4 of In thu > amo
it Sou , No , I I Main utruut ,
( 'Olllioll lllllfl'M.
Ul t'iUE 41i ilroadwuy , Couuull Uluffs , I *