Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA DAILY 33JEE , 'UJHUKSDAY , JULY 30 , 1891.
No News of a Decided Oh&raotor in Any
thing ou 'Onaiigo. ' '
Corn Quite Wrnk a n llcniitt of I'x-
connive Sellliij ! OrtlcrH l'rot I--
Ions In Kjinp.uliy wltli
Other Cereals.
CmrAno. July 29 The nlirit market win
wabbling trxluy. Tlio nowq was not of u chnr-
netf-r to ilvo a decided Impetus In olllicr ill-
ri'ctluu so It varied up nml down within roin-
paritlvoly n irrow limits , according to tlio
trmponry tutnporof the p t. closing no ir tlui
lowc st prices of tlio day. December opunod it
M'ji ! MKiilnst WHO nt the i-'oso yesterday
Cab,09 were somewhat rolillh'tln' . but rn-
ported wet vvp.ithur on tin-continent. The
wo-ithrrln thlicountry was rnnsldprod favorable -
able nml ro ulpts wore about us estimated.
Tlicre Was a weak tendency font tlnio but
Rood buylni.'v > on KIVO tlio inur rt a turn uu-
wnrd Drroml oradvaui IIIK to OO'jo. the top
prlconf the day.
Now York was strong curly ind had line
buying orders lierns the ennfllnnt fpplltu
tlioie w-is attrlhiilo.l to the big export pur
chases mi'ilo them yistenliiy. The local buy
ing was led by CllfTonl. While , F.n an A. Conn-
Rolmnn nml Diy The sc.ilpliu crowd was , us
a rule disposed to soil I'or , i tlino the onYr-
Incswcro re iillly ntisor' cd mid the fcellnj !
kept flrtn but they ( In.illy hoc vine too lionvy
for thfi bu N , mid lite uables showing some
nppi1 iriuoo of wo iknoss 'tliroiil , the market
hoc in to wibblo : tnen e inio Ilr.idstreot's re
port ? lv Ing an turn1 iso of I.VO.OOO bushels In
the available supply last week and
flomtt of the InadluK houses turned
Keller , Mllmlnn Ilndurin he'tu conspicuous
In tli it Inio I'here was n spasm of weakness
umli r which December fell to " > ' < u Tlion
private advices hrouiln a strong l-ondnnm ir-
Upl Urn ness In I'arls anil vety nnf.ivor ill o
woathi r In KiMsri nml largo export buying
nt Nc'v.orkand sliorls 1 oriin to eovor hond-
) nu' December li ielf to Wc The nilvnmi *
wiHonlv teinioriry however , as the c'ibios
lonlr.idletoii the reported stretiL'th on the
continent In tlio afternoon Ihoro was con-
nldi r ib e tin ssure to sell , but us the hi' . ' bnv-
crs hnd filled up and withdrawn It w is veiy
illllli'lilt to 1) ) iiiid weakness \vnsthoresult.
December sold oir to Wl'u-and elo-ied ntlii'ii1 ' ,
a loss of Ic conpan d with jestorday's elose
Corn was weak earlv owing to an excess of
snlllnir niilois OMT the demand The tent -
t lined line corn wo ithi-r induced the loius to
throw over tluilr boldln 's , ospocl illy In view
of the fact that the shorts had , ipn nontly
at outrovoiud their de.ils. September ohl
off to ri7V mil rested for a time at about .IT'iC.
Iiiitir on. wheat making a pirtlal recovery ,
corn ra I'ed ' some , Ii ) comber soiling b ick to
fiMii- then broke to Tii'ic. ' 'I hero was , i llttlo
spurt In luly c.iused by an attempt to coor a
small hhort Hue and It Hold from HI'-c
up to lite , while September \vis on
tbo down gride There was a 10-
iietlon later mid It sold to'e (
find closed nt We In the nfli rnotin t-eptom-
liei was very weak ami dually touched 5daBc.
helling against puts disposed of yesterday at
f > 7'ic domorali/od the market when It reached
that liiMirn Tow n 1 tbn idnsn Ihdrn IVIIH t\
rilly and thu close HOH it RT'io ngalnstM'jC
O its were weik dining most of the session
In symp ithv with and corn mill be-
cnutiiuf lather hoify receipts .VI cais were
1'rovis'ons were \\eik In svmpithy with
priln iliirlm : a conslder.iblo portion of the
d iy The openliu for imrK WAS slightly lowei
than vestirday's elose , bet the loss wun
quickly rt'coveied. 'I hen then ) was a recis-
Blon to a point I c below the opening , followed
by an advance to the highest point of the d iy
anil then another decllno to medium lluuros ,
nt which It closed. It ird and ribs win o somo-
wh it tinner and close 1 at about top ll-'inca.
The lead nrf futnies raiiKed as follows :
Onsb iiuotntlous wore us follows :
ri.ouit Sti-.idy. unch.inpi'd.
WIIKAT No. 2 snriiu wheat , 83'Jc ; No. a
sprlni ; , SOo ; No. 2 rod ,
C'OHN No. a , d.V.
OATS No. 2 , 33o ; No. 2 white. SOVic ; No. 3
white. II7c.
HvnNo 3. 7lc.
I'I.AX.SI m No. I , 1 OH.
TtMOTin n i-I'ilini > . tl S'liai.St.
I'OIIK Moss nork. pji hairel , $11.33. Tjiird.
out. , tiUA Short ilhs sldos ( louse ) .
.S"7n.iri div R ilto I shoulders ( hovod ) . ? . " > \
WIIISKLV Ulstlllors' llulhhod goods.poi gull. ,
BUOAIIS Unclniucil.
Ui'coluts mid Hhlpiuonts todny ucro : ts fol
lows :
Htrui'is hI'\irNTH. | | |
Tlour barri'l * * 7HX ( )
\VlllMlt bll lK'l . . . . IA4 WHt
Corn bushels . . . . .1MIHIO
Oiitn butilielH , 174 ODD
n > i , buttliulH . . .
lliirlcj. luisliulH 2JUOU 4U.UOO
On Iho Produce exchanged todny the butter
market was steady and unchanged. K.'gs ,
Nt w York
Nr.vv YDIIK , July -rr.ouii-lrroBular ,
closing oasierj hales , 37lKi ) ) banols.
COII.N SlbjAi , bteuly , yellow vveatorn , JJ.35 ®
U.K .
WIIKAT Hceolpts , KP.O'-O bushels : exports ,
M.OVJ , wiles 4s s.ODO hushols : opot inurkol de
cidedly Invvi'r , very active for oxpirt : No 3
red , UOi ® * l.l In elevator and stores 3 1 lioftl.Olli
nlloat : * 1.00 > 44l.OJ ! ) f. o. b ; unladed red ,
IWefMl.05 : Jso. 1 noithern to arrive ,
f.-O1) ) ; No. 1 bird to nrihe. ifl.ll ;
K" . S t'lilciiKO , tl.OS : No. 3 Milwaukee ,
91 Ck OptliuiH fall Iy active early , " ( ' , c up
ou bud weather ropuits. llrm oablis null Hhorts
covoiliiB , ilcollned I\,16l'ioou free solllnj of
IOIIKH and reacted ' © ' , on toverluz and
cliBedHloiuly al \l'to ' , under yesloiday No
2 red. Julv. U.cSM l.tWU. closing at 07'jcj Auir-
ust , 117511 1,0 , olosiiiR nt ll'Uci i-optomher , 117 ©
( WaO , eloslni ; at Ul'iCi Oi'lohor. IC Ci'ls'.e ' clos-
InuutU'Su ; Novomlior , OS O'itl c , elmlnK at
I'S'.oi ' Uucombor , Ol'.cttJI.ill'i , , closlii" at'.ci c ;
January , * I.OpHfJl ( ( U.olosliu at tl.uiv May ,
II.U4 , lin.L'JosliiKiitIOP , .
UK Klriu : vvestorn. September , 770.SOO.
llAiu.Ka 1A.T Dull ; Oaiiada , country
Hindu , JI.ClKai.O.'i ; elty , couutiy made , JI.lDni
'I'onx Uecolpts , ; tSOJO bushels ; exoorts , S.fllD
bnsholN : Kiiks , l.lOs'.iKX ) bushelH of futures ;
4,0(4) ( ) bushuU of spot. Spot m irket quiet
nmt htiady ; Nu. 3 , TiiMl'lo ; cluvatur ,
73 7tc. Uiiirrailod mt\od , 7iKa7'c. Optloim
lehs active , doolluud with wheat lliISc , re-
u- ted UW i' ' and elosod stonily tfilo liolow
yesterday : July , 7uv/J7 > ie. ulohlimTiia ; Atuust ,
W aiih'ic , ulosint ; O7' o : boptomhur. M QO'l ' c ,
closlni : BS'io : October , fkl WU'Hic. closliu : 67'ici
hoptomhor , liS tamiUe , clos iu u' 140i October ,
DeconiLor ,
OATS Iecopts.57,300bnshols { | ; evports , none :
hiiliH. t.iO.WiO bushels of futuies nnd I.7.000
liUhhels of hpot. r-pot market lower , unset
tled and uulet ; options dull , lovvuraiid heavy ;
July a d'Hil1 , uliishuut ana ; Auituat.
ill'ic , elus n.'at : U" c : optomber. , tiii (
cIosluB at .li * o : spot. No. 3 , nhlto , 4lilii47o !
inUed western. J7 i l.le ; white vvestorii , 4749
IlAV Htetuly ; ijulct.
Hups1 ijnlut ; easy ; state common to choice ,
1KS3I01 I'aclllo coast , l4t2Sc.
fiu'H'K-Oiiiuuis opcuud steady , 5 point * up
ton down , closing Htoiuly ; unehangod to to
points down ; sales 37.75J bags , 1'icliiilluK July.
(1730 ; August , $ lit.4tl ; Uulober , $11 , LVcil 10 ;
November , Jl HOCf lUA ; llocember , } | J.4XQi ( ) I.V ) ;
January. H.IM ; March , * U.30 < ai.Utl ; spot Hlo.
dull and steady ; fair carrot's , IHo ; No. 7 , l ? , o.
him \H-Uuvr , moio active and htetidy ; s.ilei
11,35-lU } .
JloissK8 ririu , fair demand.
KICK rirm , fair demand.
I'CTitoi.Ki'M-Diill ; I'ulteil closed at 63o for
AiiL-usii erudo In hariels. I'arkorN , M.n5 ;
urudi ) In bulk , * l.5l ; PuiuiHyivunliv oil , Aueint
option. Miles 33nju hniruls ; oponlne. t.'io ;
lilBhest , ( kli'j luue.Ht , li.e ; closliib' , Uo.
COTTON hi hi ) Oiir-tjulot.
TAI.IOH btrongur.
HUMS \\Val , . .
Ttlltl'KNTlNK Dull ami wculc at ! i. < fr'lflc.
Ki.ds yii et unit steady ; 17)i ) < iilt-o. Itucolpts ,
8liU7 pncknues.
llllif.s - Sieady nnd quiet ,
I'oilK Dull and steady ; old mcbj , tll.Jili
* "
i"t'T MKATS rirm uml active.
Miiuit.KS I'lrui : short clear , b'oulomhor ,
I.AUIV Quiet , steady ; vvrttcru btoam. taE3' , ;
tales , 350 tlurocbi options sales , KOCO tl rce ;
H'i'iO.til , clusiug t3.bO bill ; buytuiu-
bcr. MUiaiM. closlttl Jtf.O I10M October.
17.01X117,04 , closing ! 7.Uviir.iili December , S73J.
llurrr.u Moderate doninnd ; iincli intfcil.
C'llPl'MK Qulul , cany ; part BKlms , IHSI'le.
I'm litns yulDt , unchanged.
Ooi'l'Ktt Dnll iin.l weak ; lake July , (13.30 ( ;
August , 1 1. . ; t- > .
I.KAD Sicndy ; ilomestlc , $ < 41.
Ti.v-Qulct , steady ; it raits. t.'O.IO.
City StarkotM.
KANSAS firv , Mo , July S-I-.WHKAT
Ptronitur ; Nu. 3 hard , cish , Tito : July , 78'ic ' bill ;
No. 3 red. cash , sue ! July , 7i'io ) ' bid.
COII.N Lower ; No. " . cash , B-l'ioj July , Kl'io
OATS- Weaker ; No. 2 cash , SS c bids July ,
M'/.c bhl.
I lilL'V iik ,
HAV IJueh iiiicd. _ . .
HttTTKii btumlyt crcaniory , HOI'i'ic ; dairy ,
CHFIUC rail eroain YotiiiR America , Fc ;
westorn. 7'ic. '
l > lfl Meady at We.
\\oitl.-Dull mi I uiH'Imnirpil
„ „
HKI i nrsS heat , -il.v 0 bushoN ; corn , 12 , WO
buihels : oat . .1101 bushels.
yiili' , ll. uo bushels ; corn , 2.1. TOO
St. I o Is
ST. I.nitiH , Mo.Julj 31)vilKAT Loner ; No.
2. cash , Wiic : ' eptemhcr , R'i'ic '
( DUN Weak ; .No 3 , cash , 5l o : September ,
OATS Dull ; No , 3 , cash , 20 c ; Soptcmbcr ,
I'DIIK n.islcr at fll.OT'i ,
I , MIII I oivcr at 10 30 ,
v 11.10.
OiMin Mnrkot.
. Win . July 20 WIIIJAT rirm :
No 3 , sprliiK , cash. DKii'Uc ' ; Soitombur | , 8 'i'i6
1'iw.v ytouly : No .1. c ish Kk : '
OATS-Qiilct : ' .o. 3 , white , old , 40c.
thi'iu .Market.
MINSK vi'ous. Minn , July if ) OlTurhii ! of
sample who it vvero not lar e ; the market was
Hhnv , especially low crudes
Ul CHITS Hue IM : shipments 30 c ir * . Close :
No. 1 haul , July , IHo ; ou tr .ek , tti-1Wi.oo. ) '
No i northern , July , life ; im track , U74 © '
No. 3 northern , .Itiiy. Ole ; on track Ul < iftc. ;
Tolctlo CJiMln 'Miif'tl't.
Tot.fiio , O. , July ' "J , WIIBVT C.ish and
Julv , HiPfe.
COIIN- Dull : cash , l.VJu.
OATS stu.idy ; c ishia. .
Cliioinnutl Gi-.tln .Alni'kct.
CINCINN\TI. O , July 31) ) . WIIKVT Weaker ;
No J rod , M5e
COIINVe iker ; No 3 mlxciil.liTiTlCT'ic. '
O\TS-1 Inner : No 3 mixed. J3&UC.
Ilitvun.i 'Mar.d'ts.
HAVANA July 2' ' Si-Avibii ( JOM > J2.IO ! ©
3.40' .
K\chanKC on Unite 1 States sto idy.
NKVV YOIIK , July 3' ) . The stock market to
il iy had a moro professional look and vvas
narrower than durlnir the last few days ,
while ou the whole It displayed a we ilc tone ,
though huro and there sluing stocks were
found. The bears oie active In Ilurllncton ,
Northern 1'aclllc , Noithern 1'acllle pruferied.
Louisville ami St I1ml , while specialties llko
Touuesseo Coal showed a material ilccllnc on
small transaction.
The bo.'lnnlns of shipments of ourioncy to
thu west Is heliu lookol at moio closely , but
Iho position of the banks at present docs not
vvarianl any uneasiness on that point for
some time to come , oven though the deposits
at thosiib-treasuiv for the I ist two iluyb for
transfer to western points HIrelated neaily
JIUO.OoO. The bears for the present are cer
tainly on top , hut they can't press tuoir tiu-
vaiita o too far , and their foMowers amoni ;
tradeis are easily frUhtoncd and driven
to cover. I'ho oxplanath n of thu dull-
m SH a , id coiisoiiuunt v\etknus < i Is ollered
that there Is more money In lending funds ou
uuod security thin In buying sccuiltlos. but
were Iheio suih a demand foi funds the lar-'o
HIU plus icseivo non liuld by thu banks would
not l o In existence
'Iho market Is u.mow and the Iluetuations
either way aiesm ill , vvhllo thodu Inuss makes
the general tendency In thudownward direc
tion pi ndlii sumo dceaied action by these
whoso Inttrosts ho In blither prices for sooutl-
tles. Today's maikot was excesnlvolv narrow ,
four stocks furnishing by far the ro iter poi-
tlou of thu buslnos-j ilono and the movements
In these stocks KIIVO charactei to the
whole list. Thu tradeis raided the
luadliiK stocks , making a weak opcalirj but
the extent of the decline was Insignificant
outside of three or four stocks and the temper
of the inarUot continued rithur unsettled
thtoughout thu dny though showing a weak
feeling dniliit ; most of the fine The hears
attacked dllfeiont stocks lu tuin and oaeh
yielded materially before the piossuro was
rou.ovml , so that wh lu the Until ch uuos In
most of the list are confined to small fractions
the few actlv e shares sullerod largo losses for
thu day.
The oarllci efforts were nlnu'd at Ilurlln-
ton and Northern 1'aulllc preferred , but Lou
isville , Lackawann i and ( Inilly St. 1'avl and
Chlcauo Oas felt the pressure to sell. There
were ficqiicut small rallies but no material
progress was made toward hlghor figures In
any of thuni and the maikot dually closed
dull but weak at or near the lowest prices of
the day. The Important losses Include Ten
nessee Coal , 2'4 ' pui * cunt ; Chlca.'o Gas , 3U per
cent : Northern I'aclllo profoircd. 1" < per lent ;
Colorado Coal and Whoellnj & Lake Crlo pro-
foried , each 1 > 4 per cent ; Louisville & . Na li-
vlllc. 1 > 4 per tout , and bt. I'aul. I per cent.
Railroad bonds were unusually dull nnd the
trading extended to a sin ill number of Issues
and thoduiilliiKH w ere do void of feature hcvond
the drop of 1 per cent In Ulchnuind & West
I'oint trusts fs to 511 pur cunt , and the subse
quent recovery and the decl no lu Louisville ,
Nuw Albany & Ulileago consols toOO'j per
cunt with a recovery to ! rj'8 percent. Tbo
tone of the market w is In heavy nnd
most Issues are slightly lower this ovenliu.
The tiadln. roachi'd only $ .I.M,0)i ) with no ani
mation visible lu any poi I im of the list ,
tioveminent bonds have been dull but
Hie idy.
btato bonds nave been cutlro'y mvloeted.
' 1 ho following am tlio closing limitations for
the leading stocks ou the New YorK stock ux-
chatuo today :
The total sales of stocks today wore 14SW
shares , liieliulln : Atchlsnu , ,0.5 ; Chk-tgo
tins , u.JOO : Delaware , Laekavvaiiim iV Western ,
5'i,000 ' ; Louisville X Nashville , 11,50 ; Ninth
American , 3 4s. > i Northern 1'aelflc. . ' , Tu % ; Nm th
orn I'aclllo ineferrcd , 10,2suj Itlehnionil iV West
1'olut 4h 5 I'uul 1.'SOJ5 Union 1'aclllc
, , ; at , , , ; ,
irillllllf , lt I Vfitihu
Ntw YOIIK. July 3D. Clenrluss , } fv,8JOOll ) ;
llosroN , Mass. , Julv 30. O oiirlngR , } | 4.I8.I-
01. ' ; Uulauces , * l.U4d 5 5. Mouoy. I ) to 7 pel cent.
UYchaugu on Now Vork. to in U'U ' dlsutiiint.
I'liii.uiM.i'iiiA. July ; 0.-Cloaring , W.701-
017 ; balaiuib , I1,345I3. > , Money , pur cunt.
CiiicAdo , Jul ) 30 i\ihango : ou Nuw Vork ,
SOodlbcount Money , unchanged. Cluarliu-s ,
tr.,4fii.OOO bturllng uxulmiiju , stonily und un
llAi.iiMOUK , .Mil. July -Clearings , SJ.U'J-
613 ; balances , j.V > .l)5'j. ) .Money , o per cent ,
rinuiioliU llovluvv.
NEW YOIIK , July' * . ) . The 1'ostsiys. Louls-
vlllu X .NaMiv Illo dlrootor-i am fortunate In
having raised the fiiuiN neujo.l , uvuu thmuh
the clicuiiiDtances of thu new stock s ibscrlp-
tlou were bominvhat ninisiial A Illtlo moiu
than halt of thu t4t > JiiOOd of now stouKvias
taken by shiiro holders In u\imlso uf their
right to sulscrlptlons. Thu ivst failed tu bo
placed mid was taken mulct the terms of
giiaiantcuby hanklm : houses in , uulatdd with
thu management , The ( list muiit lined
el iss ami possibly the ticcimil as well ,
prepared for the sub crilithni by t > ull-
ii'g their uwu Ltiulsvllle stouka
c. month ugu at 7U per cent. Thu "outside pub
lic" anilscattered shareholder ! ! obv loiisly did
nut subscribe at all. The whole iiltalr was an
unusually good piece ot tlimnclul tluanceer-
Ini.- .
That the company tried to put out new
bunds of Ha addition Instead of Its share of
uuuliul , was u w iso uud conacrrutlvo cholco of
alteration. Wluv'.svor cmbarr.iMinont the
failure nf the new stock to earn u illvldcml
ni'iy ' hrltu upon the shareholders It cannot
bring a rcrotvor-ihlp. Ibis Is a point Which
railway directoiH with their eye ou Iho stock
mnrkot are altogether too apt to forgot.
Now York .Money SInrkct ,
NEW YoitK. July 2) ) . MONKY ov OAt.t. Emy ,
ranging fiom I'J to 3 per cunt , last loan 'I per
cent , tinned offered at 3 per cunt ,
I'IIIVIK MKitPANriiiK I'Ai'Kie-fiiitt" per cent.
bTLitt.i.Nd KYCIIANIIUQuiet and steady ;'i for alxty-div bills nuiU4.titl'i for do-
'Iho following were the closing prices nu
bonds :
Stocik 'Markut.
v , Mass. , July 'J ! ) The following were
the closing pi Ices on the lloston stock market.
Ijiiloii ( Stock niirket.
IOMIONJuly s. " ) . The followlnerotbo
Jjondon stojc "inotnt'ons ' c oslns nH p. m. :
HAU S n.t ti fi 1,1-lbd i or ounce.
MtiNKV ' 4/j pereent
Itato of i.lHoount In the open mnrUct for
both ahull and tlueo months bill , 1S per cent.
l > : ink oCnnuliiii I Hulllon
f.oviios , July ' "I Amount of bullion pone
Into the I ! ink of Kngl mil on ha'.inco tod.iy ,
ilW.O 0.
Doiivor > 'lniii
, Colo. July L l Very f.tlr business
today h.ilos 'JI.4JJ The following a to the
eloslnj ! quotations on the stock exchange to
day :
XcVnik > Ininfj QiiotiitioiiR.
NEW YOIIK. July WTho following arc the
oling ; mining slock ( | uotttlins ; ( :
St. I.ouiH Mining Quot itlons.
PT. l.ouis Mo . July 20-Tlioro was not much
tr ulliu on the Mlnlnv oxchanne today. Tlio
folio \ liu" bids wore m ido on u.ill :
Foreign OH Slarkot.
ASTWEIII- , July 29. 1'ETUOLKUJt 10nf paid
I'jirls Kcntos.
I'Aiits , July 3D. Three per i-ent rontos 05f for
Sail Francisco Mining QnotittiaiiH.
SAN TIIANCISCO. July 20. The olliclil closing
quotitlons for nilniii } , ' blocks tod..y were as
fo lows :
Trailers' Talk.
CHICAGO , July 20 Schwartz. Dupoo & Mc-
Oorinlok to I'MU SwartCo ; In snlto of Him
uublrs , which reported Ul iidv.inco In London ,
and I'iris uuirkcts a turn dcircr , our \\hont
tnarUot hns boon notl\u and weak tliioughiiiit
tnodiiy. Very Inrpo OAporlh were lojiortod
from the Atlantic soahoard , uo.irlv 101 loads ,
but this failed to loud strength tooui ,
tlio lar o roc'olpta soointni ! to o\crrldo ovi'ry
other Item of news. The rortjlpts ut eleven
piInitiry points ere lfiO'OJO bushels ; shlp-
inonls , 87tiOuO Ilridstrcot reported nn In-
cii'tiso In the avallahlu supply east . .nil west
of the KocUia nt 1,0.0,000 hnsliols. llecclnts
for tomorrow woio vstlinatoil at ( uO earn , The
abseni'o of shorts In the market Is shown In a
InoU of buyers when anv round lots iiro beliiK
olTortd , It would not surprise us to see a still
lonur inarUot tomorrow. Corn , quiet , active
nndwoiK. Or loti of No. 2 sold c.irly at lilo.
but di'cllnod lc Inter when futures
broke. Thori1 seems to have boon ( 'cneial
unload UK of coin bought during the Into nd-
vtincu of tint innrkot. Oats , on estimated re-
colpts. 4M ) cars Outs weio wi-ik , fillowln ?
com clo o. 1'rovlslons were dull , with fioo
sollhiK of loin stulV Dy e im ntsslon houses.
Kecolptu of lilies woio only 17,010. with 13,000
ostlnmU'd for tomorrow , but paokois ate not
fn o buj'ois of Inns and look for lower prices
bofoio the iMid of the \\colc The result was
rntlurfri'o hollln by two or ( luce houses ,
bpocuhitlon In prinfslons Is ll ht at present ,
which should result lu lower pi Ices boloio any
fuithor advance.
( JnifAni ) . July'-0. Kenni-tt. Hopkins & Cc.
to b. A , Mohortor : On quite liberal huvliif ;
for .Nins Vork aieiuint the maikot inlodllini
at the oiitsut , hut Lot'tiu to soil olT as soon us
thi'so orders \ > ere Illicit. lAcollimt loports
from the northttost were In clrculntlon. It U
h ltd that harvi-slliu ulll boKenoial nc\t week
in tlio llieat Heil Hivnr valloy. and piospects
ncMir were butter for acrcat crop I oioUm'is
contliiuo to niakn laruo eiiKi.Runionts horu for
future shipment , and heroin lies the only us-
hiiiancu that wheat may not diop to under the presume of e\traordluar > > e-
eelpts. It is certain that Luroponu wants
will be lartto. but whim It H romomboictl
that wo exported o\or lOO.ui/O.UiHJ bushels
from a 4UO.MX,000 ( ) bushel crop last
year and that vvo mny raise this
year .VU.OJO.OOO bushels , the oxpeetullun Is not
unreasonable that our exports must be over
4 , < OiiiKjii neokly to ot rid of our surplus anil
pri'Miit our inarkotsln.liiK materially lower
undir Its onu womht. 1'hls Is why reported
l.irn'o oliunKuiuents do not htlmnlato prices.
It Ib artiuod tliat much larger hhlpn.eiits must
ho made than now seem inohablo to hold
prices at thu present level. Admitting thu
iiiiiKiittudo and urgency of Knropoaii
\Miuls , thu fact should not be overlooked
that America will piobnbly IUINO a iniich
larger tnrplus foi export than In
any prtn Ions } oar and It must bo shipped out
promptly to keen our marUotH fioni lieln
overstocked. Indications show lower prlcos
xuio fir the near future. That the Now Vork
elliiie | uuloidi'd MIIHU of thor com and
u lilted a sharp Ino ik lu coiiseiiiuuou | Is piob-
ub \\iuther IH cottlni : miiio fa\nrablo and
receipts are InoroasliiK uiulei the htlinulu- We look for much hmot prUes
when iniinliiiilntliiii ceases , but HL-III stni's
area constaut I'licoiiiauemcut to manipula
tion and sharp rallies occasional y aio
to ho i-Npicled. Thu only feature
111 oats has bueii the liquidation of thu July
IOIIKS. 1'liuy lime tevii t-e1llii , ' freely and
still lower prices mny ho uxpuctet for cash
sin It. 1'iuvliloiiif mo Inaethe ltli a ilouu
ward tendi iK-y. ' 1 ho disposition of Ion , ; * to
re ilizo on all rallies Is boconilni : more con
spicuous. Items are HIM ) pliieliiiiu up a llttlo
iinin o and jiuttin ; out moderate Hues of
aiiurt sales , llie matktt looks hea\y and
.Ikely to sell lower.
M.wiuih. . . Julv 30 Kunnett Hopkins iCe ,
Co to S A McWhorlor : Thu market Unlay
lius been quite Irio tlar , some stocks shon u '
much si a llness hut a number of the active
list declvieilly wo ik. Anumust the former wo
mention Qnlncy aud Hook Isl mil liith of
which h nu tieeu well biipp irtod Surface In
die illons am that tlio nhort Interest in Quliiuy
which wuk mailo at mil h higher prices has
hi en co\crltu n' aln today l.'juNMilo .V
Nash\llto hut lost thcsipport which It ob
tained previous to the expiration of the tlmo
forsubburilJiiu the now Isauo of stock 1'hu
annouiiecmcnt madu that the whole
t,0 U blmics were pluuul , thu to k-
hohlerH taxliiK iibuut half and the fileniiu of
the company the other half It could no doubt
with ujiial truth hate been stated Unit the
bhares had also been sold. Thu market for
the slock Is homy and them IH a Lellef that
the prices will decline. The .Northern I'acllles
have commanded as much attention ; is any
other Hharua today 'I he preferred uto-lf haa
followed Its break of U > per cent of yiuterdur
by u further uuclluu ut uuurly 2 per ccut.
The street eitieels ] n boitr nttixlysls of
the condition or this to he published soon ,
The marnot forsecurltii 'ucner.illy Is In n
illHCOtir.igmit position FM'rtir llvoluwu rail-
w n ysyhlctiiH which stihiPin need of money
are unable to sell DomUnftil nro tempted to
burro/ collateral whlfli Is not reKaneil aa
Kilt eiuo lu UUMU e.ose JJnics w hen tuich close
security Is Hhuwu us now nnd weakness of the
liuiiil market Is a ili'prcifthix feituro nt thu
whole situation Thonnthrncltoooiil iiL-enlsaro
lu session today , hut It Is not uoto I th it they
will attempt to nilMiiiA' ' prices On the con
trary. they will try to rt li.ettho produetluu
nnd relieve the m irUuj , of thu condition
which Is makltu prices of coal mi wcnk.
ChloiKO ( Jas In tlio 1'iltir pirt of the day
hoc imo ncthe and lionvy. It looks an If the
Insldots had maiKeled u larKo purl of their
ImlillniHinil that the sttoet uns holdliutho
blip , Thu market closed weak. nlthniiKh In
some Instances prices were somowlint abmo
thu lowest for tin dav. Slonov is easy on eall.
t'iiic\nn , July yi t , van A. " Co to Toucray
t llrynn. Wheat opened notlvi' atlWHc , sold
up tolH'ic mid closed at SHjc The receipts
at winter \\ poiiin eou'luuo heavy nnd
reports from the sprlnu wheat Holds could not
be more tlullorltu PorelRii advices are llrm
on unscttlt'd we.ither , hut there Is an absence
of ncthe sppculatliin While wo look for
hltfher prices when forol u imps are p'Ui-
ered. wo ovpcot H further decline In this mar
ket unless something ocv'urs to chanso the
conditions of the crops of the Northwest.
soptemlci eoru sold as low as "C > 1 and closed
utoT'i-U Thosijlllnson tbo dee Ino was prin
cipally by the eleventh hour bulls who bou.'lit
vesterday Puturo v aluos will ho reirnl ited
by crop prospects and rocolpls. The shipping
demand continues K < > o I , Oats are moderately
active Com will no lower than o iK but rel
atively they nro eho 10 Thu crop Is poor In
many sections , but the uver.iKO Klves irood
promho Very llttlo Is dolnu In ho products ,
with llb'hl Iluetuations.
" '
OM uTT" / , / > / : t
OMAHA. July 29. isoi.
CATTMJ Ofllclal roceiuts of cattle. t.'Ol
as eompired with 2,0 17 yesterday and 2,475
Wednea lay of lust wick 'I ho market was
aetlvn and llrm on coed beeves nnd slow nnd
vsoiik on other ( rades ; slow nu 1 lower on all
jr. ides of biitchi r slock ami net ho nnd stumper
tin irnoil crudes of feeders , with other Kradea
unchaiixod ,
Hods Olllelal rtcoliils of hiu" . 4.0011 , as
comnareil with 4 , nu , yesteiday uml 4'J'O
Wedncsdiy of lust week , Tito mnrkot was
active niid5 nnd Itiu lower on thu bestheavv
and llthl ho s. and 5e lowei on commoii
urides. All sold. Tlio ranuo of the pi Ices
p.i III wasll'JJiii.'iS.'i : the bulk selllni : at * > IVJ ,
) . . " > : Unlit , fl.UOT i.r > : ho ' > ' . ' ' 20 ; inKod.
f"i nff'i2i The averairo of the prices paid v , as
Si.lti'i , as complied w th $ > . 'l vesterday and
$ 'i 4'i ' i Wcdni's lay of last week
JMintr tecipis of sheep S78 as
conip irod vv Ith "il yesteiday , and none Wednes
day of last week The m irket was active anil
steady. Natives. t7"ntVJO : westerns * . ' . .r < 0
© .i.OO ; good 00 to 70Ib. . lambs. * l 7V2000.
Ucrrljits and Dispa-itliin of Mode.
Olllclnl receipts nnd disposition of stock ns
shown by t hu books of the Unlo'i stockyards
comp inv for twetitv-foiir hours ending at
5 o'clock , p m. , July vt. 18J1 :
' ' .
IJcnrcseutntlve Sales.
A > D ri.nueits.
Chi < t\K li\\i \ > tstoulc
CiliUAiio. July 3U [ Sjp'eblalTolc ram to Till !
lm.J There vvas uoUfiri. ; the mutter w.tli the
imriiiU for i oed eattlty and not too manv of
that IIUAUI Iption have lirrivod this v\ouk , and
prices aru ltU ( > 15u , | IIU.T | than List I'll-
day , thu advaiue liiylng been made
ou Monday. 1'tltes were baiuly steady
yesterday nnd vwni no mine than
steady to.lay. Thoio wuro fully 0,00
riiiiL-e cattle huro , of iluehl,0 ) 0 weie uodltul
to'luMiH , and as a lai-irupait of the natives
weie of about the samutuality ) us the ranu-
ers , it will be suuu the htrpn , ln ot the market
fur common and mcdluiu grades was pioily
buveroly tetilcdi It withstood thu niraln
- Don't
K Monkey"
with your
Blood ,
Delay la dancrrnus In BICK-
i ltli ? MUall > liirarclou
waua nt tbe Ulmwl Cor-
ruiillon bin il * ciirruiitliin nml
mllilcuM-iITmgUii titl ilfiUnp
Into livturublu tliroulc ilu-
n IxaBafr.eprpil ) anil
Sn V lurti iuri foi nil
U , Oil"Ilt'Kl'u | ' > hlioNl
e < l Scrufulu , t < kln t'riiplltmii !
anil 11' ' cmtil llioiuunUa of
iiiFt-Hf f d niir.
It In n | o rrful tonla for tlcll
cam | IIM > II , > ci In imrmlco
anil tiii'upal > l > < ft Injurtnu lliu
IllOit HLIUllh o h ) Kit 111 ,
A trintUe nu Illootl and Bklrt
PlsfiurH iimllecl FREE ou apulc
Druggists Sell It ,
JOruivcr 3t Allautai Gu (
well , the movement lioliiR fnlrly actlvo at
Tupftday'fl quotation * . Thu i iloi of natives
viTuunri unsls of 11.30 ® MX ) for Inferior to
eholcocovvs , hclfoM anil hulls. JI.7M6.150 for
Btocltori and feeileri nnd JJ..VKW.70 for com-
tniiii to fancy Mnpphil ? stcera , Western rang
ers vuiro nuotoil at tA7r i6l,33 for con * nnd nt
* .l2SiV 03 forsteors. uml Tinas cattle at $1.5048
8,30 for cows anil $3,2VIJ 1.3.5 for steer * .
Ualves were In active demand anil lu full
supply ut I8.ocxjw.oo.
' 1 ho hoi ; market nvcr.tRcil about5c lower
tlmii for TticsilttVi bolus especially vvualt for
common iiiatltlcs. ] Trading ilrniiKoil inure or
leis In till divisions of the yardt and siiletiui-u
illil not Riiccceil In all c'loet In clos.nK out
tholr hohlliics Cominnn to prime heavy IIO.-H
KOliI nt 81 OKil.5.5,5 ; tiieilluin wt'lKhts. H "MM 03.
null poor to choice ( I'llit nt IIOufftSG ) . Thoio
vvim not lunch tr idliiB below $31 Omul itlll
lest lit hotter than f5f > 3. The ran e nt which
thu largest p irt of the supply changed htiuiU
vv as at W. I(4fc5 15. ThB If to iili8 ere less s it-
Isfnctory than these nmdo early In the day.
lly reference to the followlnir miles It will no
seen that KOOI ! , heavy ho s sold nhout ui vos-
terlay , wnllewiles of ll ht vvoUhts ivero Hi
innny eases too lower.
'Iho hvonlii.r Journal ropirts : OArrt.KHo -
celpts. l5Kj ( ) hond ; shlpnicnts , none. Market
BHIVV , VM > al < to 'otter ; prlntu to extra natives ,
J.i.hOifll.'O ; ( tooil to choice , $ l.75ii5 Vi ; feeders.
triVa3,75j Toxaiis , W.IO ; unlive cons , U.OOiJ
Iloi ItocclpK 15.0JO ; shipments.7,000 ; iniir-
Let s ow. rronular ami vvo il > ; rouKh ami com-
inon , Ti . "lOOI.OI : mixed and packers. * . " > icift 40 ;
prime heavy und hutclnri' ueUlits } 5.4 55i ;
Histclass llplit , J3.5VS3.70 ; HCCOIII ! eiass , W.33
liafl1 Hi'colpt7,000 ; shipments S.SWl ; mar
ket fair and stonily : nallvo ewi > s. if l.'KKftl "i" !
ml\cd nml vvi'thi'r < . tl , " > la-KJI ; Toxaus. * 1,0 , ®
4.2) , westerns , JI.JI ( ) 50 , 1 nubs , $ ; < .su
< It ) lilvi- Stuck Marlcot.
IfNSAS CITV , Mo , July 3D LHrrt t Kc-
celnt , " , dOj ; shlpineiim , ' , W > ; choieo "ti-i'is
steady , oiheis and westerns 104ol."io lower ;
Texan steers IOS31C lower ; steeis. iM.OXitl.00 ;
cons' , stonily , JI.7.VSJ.30 ; tocUors and feeders ,
lions Itecolpts , 5.700 : qhlpmrnU , 1,000 ; IOJ5
lric lowei ; bull , , Sj.axtio. M ; all KiadoJ , JI.U04S
; " 40.
40.SHEI i' HecolpH 1.0)0 ) ; shipments , 1,300 ;
inlet. _
NYu' Vork Dry OootlH Alarkrt.
NBVV YOIIK. July 30. The demand for dry
coeds was moio e\ti'ndcd and lu some
Instances transactions moio liberal than
of late , paitlculany lu bleached wliltlius- .
Operations In blown iMid I'olorud cottons wcio
more numerous , but so far conservative.
Dii'SH Koods nnd blaiiKots vvoio ho nR dnpli-
c ited mure freely. Most all demands pre
sented were ac , oinpanloil by requests for
prompt delivery. C'lotlilns woolens worn lu
steady demand during the p ist few dajs ,
The market only v\as slo.ulyand thepios-
ncttstond to hrlKliton. The jobbliij ! trade
Improves favorably.
ii xsruiix' 1'ACKixa ixi inis m.
Great KalliiiK ° " ' f" ' ! < > Killing Still
Oi.vriN.v\Tr , O. , July 30 [ Special Tolo-
Kram to THE lltr I Tomoriow's 1'rlco Cur
rent will say : Theio Is no enlargement lu
iniirketliiK ot ho s , the week showing a
total of U',000 hHiidlid by westoin pacKers
nKaln't : ilO,0U ( last , niaklni ; a total of
4 , HO.OOO since March 1 , aRalnst r.,7.iOOK ) u year
aito. Thu mtinufactuio of pioduct Is only 40
percent of the lorrt'spondliiK week of last Leading places compare as follows for
the season : n' Jl.lttKl.TS
Ari'MN Per > j 1/nshol bov , green , 40c : red ,
WKiWilc : nei h.inel , f. " > 0.
I1 PAHS California Ilartlett , J3.'iO.
1'KACiirs Uallfoiiila , lla'o's ' early , per box.
$1 5,1 ; Criwforil , * .73 : Nebraska stocU. 70"Jo
pei basket ; Mlehlirau. 75c per basket.
GliAi'KS Southern Dor erato of six G-lb.
baskets. Sl.tK )
OIIANOI.S KKorslilo anil
btteets. , * 1.7..00i Hoill , 5bOO0.rK ) : fcorreuto ,
WATIMIMM.ONS Shipping stock , 163lc.
PLUMS Southern , $ . ' .00 per 'i quart
cases ; O illfornl i. $ -.OJ.
OAJtrAT.oui's 1'er crate. Sl.'iO.
lliMCklii.ll iua Gooclstouk. S3.00 per 34 quart
I.KMONSPer heM 0xan.50. (
ItANANAs 1'or bunch , S.003.50 for gooil
shipping stoolc. _
The follow Ine quotations represent the
prices ut which choice stock la billed out on
orders unless othorwl-o state 1 :
Ntw 1'OTATOns Tl.o market Is very weak
and pretty fair stock has been ollered as low
asiVMOc : , Local producers are supplying the
demand to Mich an extent shipments
from a dlatancu would not m jvoery loadlly.
Nhw HEI.TS I'oi Im . oil ® ' ! c.
IlBANs Navv , K.3vax' 5 ) per bushel.
TOMATOES I'or box. one-thlrct bushel , 05
© 7Sc.
GucuMiiEiis Per doiflc. : .
Cht.EinS.VIJ40C per clo/un.
OMOSb-Oallfornhi. 3'ifiWtCUerlt ) .
OAiiiiAiib--llonio grown , lUSJ-'oper ib.
Country I'roducc.
I'Ojr.Tiiv The tnnrknt Iscry weak , and
good old fowls unil * ) ) rliu chickens have hail
to sell us low na MOO.
HAY The market Is glutted and alarcn pro-
Dot lion of the it'Lcipts Is made up of poor
stoek , havliiKbeen Insulllclently ouriil bofoio
being bnlcil. The best upland bilngs only
{ a.ri ( , and bottom land hay f4.00 up.
Tons The light recolptsof the past few days
luno u'lven the mnUet more strength , and
yesterday's s.ilin woie m ide at U'ili
HuTTh u The im iket does not show any ma
terial change , anil the bulk of the country
stock aocsut fa'iC ' ,
Omaha milling company Uollnnco , 1'atent ,
$ . ' 80 ; Invliiu bio I'.itont , I..7H ; I.ono fctur. bn-
porlatlve , $ . ' .40 ; bnunlliiUc , IJOO ; Kanoy Tain-
lly. $ I.K ! ) .
H. T. Davis milling cnnip.itiv. High Patent ,
No. 1 and , t-)0j llliio I ) , full p itont ,
i.MW ; llawkoye. half patent , ; bpeelttl , Patent No 10 tl.OJ ; Minnesota patout ,
$ ( ; Kansas II mlheit. . p itont , $ .03 ; I\o-
brahka bprliu Who it , p itnut. t-.ti.l.
h. 1' . ( Jllm in's Cold Medal , t..M ) ; Pnow
Whlto. JJW : Snowlhiko f..10 : low crade. l.w ) ;
Queen of tlio I'.inlrv. JJ.M ; Mtnnesot i hupor-
hitlvn , J3.SQ ; bran fll.ull : ehopped feed. if.'I.OJ.
K.L Welch .It'o. Host. $ ' .7'i ; drown 1'rlnco ,
? , ' ill ; Minnesota C'hlo , t-I.W ; tiplondlil K .unity ,
J'JOO ; ' 0
Hotcriitti ( Jinm'r Ale
is sparlfllnp ; and delicious , pure anil healthful ,
it is a mild stimulant nnd r.tomnctilt.
Dhlu't Hit 'Km.
Ofllcor Druminv snw n couple of suspicious
strangers nt Twenty-fourth and Burdctto
streets , and Instead of stopping whonoidoted
to do so they started to run. The oftlccr
litod sovural shots at them aud blow hlb
whistle for assistance.
The demonstration aroused several people
lu that vicinity and caused considerable ox-
citoinout , but u search of the weed patches In
the neighborhood failed to disclose any warm
CJosjlor'sMnKloUeadacno Wafers. Cures al
in 'JO minutes. At all druggists.
McShane & Condon ,
300 8. 13th F.U , First National B.wlt Builcl-
lui ; , Omaha , Neb.
Deal In Mock * , b mils tojurltlo * . commorrlnl piper -
per etu. Nuuotliito luuni on I nprovuil U.nili i roil
uatate Hlmrl tlnm I inn * onbuilc Block , or on nil
npprnvoil toll iturnl iteciinli
" I1lio Best Pill OiTEurliiiT
Llttlo ,
VeKotulilo IMIU ucl
Komly yet T'rouintly on
* no HVHH , ftiS ! .
I-'UVVTH nml
clcannlngtbo STfttin Ihor-
ou hly neil tlioy cur
hr.bltual oanntli'iUlon.
Thvy nro tut-nr ,
di > not Brlpp , > ery
Dlualli eoty to tnko , ouo
, , lll ft dose , nna lira
purely vegetable. s pills In onrhvlnl. ! '
Wt dluestlon follown their UDV Tl.ey AIISO-
HIJTICL.V oritu sine III/IIA / < me ,
imlurii lleroiiinieiiiletl li ) leutlliiu I'll- *
tlcIuiiM , Porfiiloliy driii'KNtM nr icut b/uiall.
5 conti a vial or 0 for i 1 10. AdUrsaj
SD Francisco , Cal , Chicago , lit
Buffering front
tlio titittn i/
„ _ ) uutinul erro.
tarr decnr , WMtlna woaknr-cn , loit niHDlinoil , tto
I Mill wild lutiulo trvullw ( xnlidl couMInlii }
full iwrUcul for homo euro , I'ltUt ! "i rnar a
Atpkntld madlcal ark | iliuuld liu lead by ovi-r ]
mail vtlin li norrnui ami dchllUfttcd Addreri
L > ri > f. V. C' . VUXVLUlttOIoodui , Coua
Omaha Tent & Awn
ing no.
KIMJ ! . ltniinnnck < ( , Oil ami
Uiililicrciotlihm Sum ! for
Catnlumio. 1113 I'lirunin.
Bamis' ' Omaha Bag Co-
Importer ntut nmnufnc-
turor ,
Flour Siicki , llurlnps anil
A. II. Perrigo&Oo. M , 0. Daxon ,
ll > i Do. . U-o Street. lllcyclui Sold en Moathlr
Send far our
nml I'llcin IdO' ' rnrnunSt , Onnhi
Omaha Republican Printing Oo. ,
UI\T brlufs , bank supplloi , nn I overyc'ilru In the
rrln'init line
IQlli nml iotul ) M ' ( troot )
Ackermium Bros. Ileintzo ,
Printers , binders , rlc * rotvporii bl lu book rainii'
fiuturcrj ,
lllfllore.'irI ! stri > > t , Omilio.
Charles A. Ooo & Oo. , Kirkundall.Jonoi&Oj
Mnuufncturcra nail Jab \\holoilo Mnniifictiir'i
bers AKPiita for Iknton Huh-
lor linoro , lll , 11UI
unit IIUi llnmoT st
Williams , Van Aor- W. V. MOH3 & Oo. ,
nnm & Harts , Flioo Tnctory , rnrnnr lltti
nnd ln lu'ln t < O n i-
1212 Hnrncr 'trjot , ) m MorclmnH liivltul
Onmlin Neb tiC-\H na I uv vmlii )
John L. Wilkie , Louis Holler ,
Oninhnptporbot fnutor IlutcborV nnd I'ac'ior" '
Tools \ RtlpplI'M Hoof ,
1317-1 in DiAiulu
lioir.V lR > pp Pi'lnii
Orders promptly tlllol II1C.-I1IS Ju-k m St
W. T. Seaman ,
Omnlin's Inrsoit VnrlJtr
Omaha Oarpot Oo , , Gilmora & Huhl.
Carpet' , oil clotlu , uitt- Mnnnfnctiirpri V Wliolo-
tlnir < , ciutilnii > oti , i'.j rnlo Clntlilun
1511 Doiulii itro > ' . liauiirnoy St.
West & Priteohsr ,
Mnniifiicturers lln-si-Uiri
Joliberi of \ftobioco i.
1011 Pnrnirn street
Omaha Ooal , Ctoka ani Ooutait&
Lima Oo. llaritnnl oft cell jhl
Hnrrt nnd soft ai\\ .
B. K Cor. llitli mil l ) > 4 < - 1309 Knrn i-n itroou
Mount & P.n , Mahonaj&Oj.
llnrd-Conl Soft.
213 S UthJtrOJ
Oflros SIT N inth nnd cor
Omuhi , Xob. lOlli nnd DoilKlns t <
American Puol On. Howell & 03. (
Bhlppon an-1 rtoiliri ti
S17H 14th rlroat ,
BDtlirnclta nnl bill-
nilnou co il.
Omalii , Nob.
215 S lothatroot
Nebraska Fuel Oo. , Johnson
2U3. lJth atroat , D14 Inrnimbircet ,
OniihT , Nob. "Omitir , Ni > b.
Eaplo Oornico Works F. Euompin -
Manufacture offinlTan- finlvutilml Iron cornices ,
lied Iron Cornlca. Dorinor nlndimi * , door
Window capn.muUillo kr- cnp , Iln Inli elc Tin
llKlit-i etc. 1I1U and III- ! Iron .and ( * 1 ito roofer.
811 1 nrnnm St
J , J. Johnson & Oo. ,
116S. 13th atran.
Omnhi , NeS.
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatriok-Kosh Dry
Goods 0\ ,
Urr peed * , Dry Koodi , nntlo 11 'jntj
fuinlHhln < xoudt
Cor. llth nnd Ilomir ) < iti. Corner lltli anl Ilirney
Wolf Electrical Oo. Eleotrio Motors
llluntmtcd Cnt'ilo.'uj nml llyiiiiuiM CiitnliiKiin
fruo fruo. II A Kliinoir , iivn'I
IC14 Cnpltol Avonno. AKt W.f-3 N V l.lfo Itld U
Parlin , OreuibrIF & T. G. Nortbwall ,
Martin Oo. , Gcncrnl woitorn tuunt
Corner Junus and 'Jtli ati. Bknndln I'lo v I'o ,
Om On , Neb 13IJ-ljl Slicrmii iva.
E. L. Welch & Oo , , R. T. Davis Mill Co. ,
101JN loth struat , C. (1 UnJorwoi I ,
J \1cCrny. . Mntiimur Mannvor nt O ni'iv.
Mill at llendursion , Minn Cor 8th nn 1 Jackson ti.
Dewey & Stone Furniture Boebo & -
Oa nituro Oo.
niture ,
, BuccoBiorit to C.A. llcobo
Furniture nnd c.irpou , A To
' lllh sts.
UlS-lll'JFnrnnmiitroot , tirncoimd
" "
Toncray & Bryan , I S , A , MoWhrTrtor"
"ufkl' ' " ' ii&'s'i"1"f"1.1"Nntl llank' " > "
nd & ' ' '
JT' I'rHlti'wlro to CliV VorYl'ciilei ! ? n'nJ t.
W.81. 1.0UU nmj lNCw l nli ( .Sib srulu
1U'E i ' " all market *
Oookroll Bros.1 P. 0. Swarta & Oo ,
Ilrokcr . 1'rlTnto wlroi Itrukom.Oritln.l'rOTliilonl
\ork , rhicnito A - '
HI Ioul I'rlviit * wlro to rtt.
Spool u mton- '
loiiUninU'tilaiKrt Onic <
1 , , lmck , , , , , , In l < t S'nil llnnk.Omnlm
lit .SaCIMnnli cli into bid it , S , Umnlil
Rector &WilholmyOo
Cor IOllinndJicksoii3ti HarJwivj Oo.
i/uiha. 1M-I1IO Itarnoy straal ,
Ornnlil S'nh
Paxton & Viorlin- - ? Cn nlrn Safe & Iron
. . . Irn Wor Works
rontlit nml Iron ,
.Mnmif'n nro nnd biirulni
Irmi work , eon oral prt nf pnfes , vniitt .jnil
fuiiinlrt , mi'iilnu mil irnrk Iron Kluitlora nr. I
bhckHmltli work U ! llro < "CTpoi II An-
Ky nndlTtliiU du-in.lllliA-Jnckaotnti
Wilson & Drake ,
f tubiiHr num. flrJ
box bollcrj , Utnki , oto
I'lrnonnd l.nh
Her & Oo. , Williim
Untior M ) i"'i ititi i , Million nnil 'I-
I1U Itii n TV - < t
Mmilf irtnr n Ci
l'u l Inllillltturi. 1111 Knrn im at. , Onii'ii
E. Kinclit & Co. , Frick & Ucrbcrta
Wliolcinlo l.lquor Doileri Wliotesnlo Mqnorlt.l ) jrJ
407-41(1 South lOtli bu OIe
R. R. Grotto ,
Importer nnd lobbir of
\Vlnpi nn 1 MIII | > > M
IOJU and lii.'J t-iirtnm SL
1'rlcell ti on npplloitlon
Oharles R. Lao , Wyatt-BullarJ Lum
Ilnrilirond Imiher , wood ber Oo.
( .arpi'H nnd p
ItOOllllvt JOtli nnd Iznnl Strcoti ,
Oth nnd Dun
Gaily & Gray , Louis BradforJ ,
I.lme. cement , etc , etc Lumber , llnio , com iit.e
cor , Htli ami Iiouitl 11 W 1 DOIII : ! nstroat
0. A. Stonohill , I. Oberfultlor & Go , ,
Millinery , Notloni Importer * nnd .lobbcra U
Ulniki , ICt3 Millinery
KlS,5IUund2li huulti 1Kb
110-ilSS lull St. , Oimln etuct
Max Mayer & Bro. Oo. A. Hospo , Jr. ,
M'f'K jo voter * , ilenlorn In I'lnno' Ortfin . Artliti *
musical In truiuunli ,
utc , Materials , Utc ,
Ftrmin nnl Kith I'd ) DoiiKln Street.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo.
Itcflncd nnd Inlirlc-itlnj
oiM , axle Kronao. oto.
H II Until , Mnni.'or
L Eanda zo & Son ,
.Ml South 12th Street
rorplirii .VOomoitlo Prulti
1 lull1 * Hrnnt ti IUIIIHO , 7
N I'etertSl .NovOrlni
Carpenter Paper Oo. , Omaha Eubbor Oo. ,
Carry n full utoolt of Mnmifnrtnrtni ; nnd ]
Iirlntlni ; nriipliu | nnd bard nil kin Ijrublijr
nrltlnx pipur , curd pi K od < .
per oto IVii ) I'nrn im itroji.
Emerson SJQ ! Oo. ,
Secdirriwort , doilori li
Kiudun nr in , u'rilu ill
trios , olt ,
4.l-4.'i'uiltll IHh
Btnvo rflpnlrs of All
klndH. Cooki mid lluiv-
3to73 Mimifaj" tc'rs for i lu.
I'tOVU Pip )
Ult-li.'i LoiviMiiTorth nl , 107 S 1.1th St.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo. , Bolm Sash & Door Oa
Manufictnrori of * aih MnmifiiLttirorH of imiu
donri lillndt it ml lni , hllmli , dluri ,
.MouldliiKi Hr.uicli uf vto , vtdl
ULC l.'tli nnd l/nr I nt Ifth nml Cl irk trmti.
U. S. Wind Engine & A. L , String & So H ,
Finn1) ( Jo , ,
Ilnllldiy wlndmllM OU IIMMOJI Parniun
nnd yM lonot HL i , V
Items , nLtliii ; iiuniiicur Ouiiha. Neb
Company ,
Idlami III' ! I
Unithn .S
H , Hardy & Co. , The
Torn , doll * , iilbim Collondor Oo.
nooiln , liinnufurnlililiu Illlirl miin tin
Hnluiin nnuril
, clilldroa'i cur-
goiidt 497 WJH I'Jin ' irujL
rluiEui IllJ Knrnamit. Onlitia
A. D , Boyer & Oo Hunter & Groan , t
IS-M Usilmruu llullJliif , W I.'icliaiiL'D Hull Iln |
toiltli Dm lliv Houlh Dm in i.
I a'n o 1' rax ; nt , jo c In a good Bound com *
pany tint will pay u ! iO p > r cent chviUnul.
$1UO u iar..a for $ U6. Write lor proajiu t.i-j
ficoui 0 , Ger , Am. B'k ' Bldg , St. Joaopb , Mo.