Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE . rmiHHDAY. JULY 30 , 1891 ,
.KM *
tFuslioo Brewer Donloa tba Union PaoiGo'a '
Application for a Supersedes ,
Sccrco Directing Tlint tlio Terms o
llio Contract Hi : Put In Korea
jit Once I'oiulcrctl
ljytlic | Court.
Juitlcn Brewer denied the application for n
( StipcModoas In the Hook Island-Union 1'a
cillc 0.110 yo tordny and madu n dccrco requiring
quiring the spooldo purforinanco ot the con
trnrt and crtimnandlng nil ofllcors and sorv
nut.i of the comf.nnloi concerned to refrain
from In any manner Intcrlcrlng with the
prompt enforcement of the terms of the con
tract , Tno request of the Hock Island , tha
tlm rules of the Union I'nclllu bo allowed to
Rovcrn In the raovarnont of trains until othei
rules and schedules could bo prepared , was
It w w 11:30 : a. m. when .Tustlco Brewer on
to rod the court room on his return
turn from Orlnncll. la. , wliorb ho had go note
to visit the family of liU docu.iscd brother.
Thn attorneys representing the parties In
the bit : railroad suit had boon walling slnco
10 o'clock for the Judge to appear ,
.As soon as .ludgo Hrowor asrond the bench
lie asked If the parties had agreed upon the
Jn resDoiiso to the Inquiry of the Judge Mr.
Low , puiiprnl uttornoy for Kansas for the
JCock Island , stated tlint u Uccreo had been
ngrced on except as to two points 0110 ns re
garded putting In force the present rules ol
tbo Union I'nmllo on the running of trains
until Joint rales could Do arranged and thu
other ns to a superseue.H. the llouk Island
holding that it was entitled tc Immediate entrance -
trance upon the use of the tracks of the
Union I'ucillo pending the arrangement ol
Judiro Tliurston , for the Union Pacific ,
called the attention or the court to thu terms
of the contract , which provided that trains
ehoule bo operated as agreed upon by all the
parties , and , In case of dlfllcultv in the ar
rangement of the .schedule nnd rules , the
matter was to bo submitted to arbitration.
The dccrco , as asked by tbo Hock
Island , provided that , until now
rules and regulations bo prepared , trains
should bo operated under the Union Pucilla
rules. To this the Union 1'iicillc objected on
the ground stated In a curtain Shakespearean
nnxiuulloc , that It was "not written In tlio
bond. " The contract did not provide that
trains should bt > operated until rules had been
prepared for such operation.
Another point urged by the Union Pacific ,
Judge Tliurston stated , was that they had a
right to a suipersodeas , conditional on giving
n bond in the sum llxcu by the court. AI-
tnough not certain that they would take
advantage of their right to n superscdeas ,
yet he would usktbo court to 11 x the amount
of the bond which would bo required in case
D Biipursuduui was granted.
In reply to this Mr. Low argued that the
Kook Island was entitled to the Imme
diate use of the Union Pacific tracks.
The rules of the Union Pacific
were ample for all purposes. The Hock
Island was now running trains between
Topeka and Kansas City under these same
rules and lie could not uniluivttnnd why trnlna
could not bo run nndor thu sumo rules Into
O mnli a.
General Attorney Pish of the Milwnulceo
suggested that ttiolr freight trains hud boon
operated throuRli Omaha Irom July last until
DocoinborL'7 last.
Judjro Tliurston replied that the Union Pa-
clfio had tnlcon such freight trains ns the Mil-
waukco hnd o ( To red , but the Hock Island hail
not olTorcd any frolcht trains. The Union
I'acillo had run n few passenger trains for
the Hock Island over thb biidpo. but now It
was usked to take all the trains of both
roads. The contract provided for the inalt-
Intfof rules lor the running ot trains and It
would bo dangerous to ruu trains without
Imvinj ; rules and a schedule. The employes
of thcso two roads were not under tlio con
trol of the Union Pacltlu nnd ho thought a
great risk would bo run to attempt to raovo
traliiH umlur these coudlllons.
Mr. Low admitted that It would bo dan
gerous to run trains without rules , but his
company was willing to run ttioir trains
under the rules of the Union Pacific until
others could be prepared.
Hero JuclKO Thurston Interjected the re
mark Unit no tlino tahlrs had boon arranged.
To this Mr , Low replied that it was not ab-
Bolutuly necessary to have tlino tables ; more
trains were run without tlino tables than
otherwise. The other side had not shown
any defects or objections to the rules as they
etood , and no claimed that until such objou
tions were mndo und substantiated his roa .
ehoulil bo allowed to use tlio tracks.
Mr. Low then proceeded to the considera
tion of the application for n suporsodeas , but
Justice Ilrowor said ho did not wish to hoar
111 m on that nnd Mr. Low took his seat.
Justice Drowcr than said ho hud been
thinking very seriously slnco Monday of the
matter and ho had comii to the conclusion
tbnt the powers of a court of equity would bo
virtually but at nnught by the granting of a
uui > or edeivs when the olToct of u suporsedoab
ivoulu bo to annul the decision ot the court ,
lie natou further , that ho would have grant
ed the Hiiporsedoas if tlio decision had en
tailed any additional burden upon the Union
Paclllo In the way of constructing now tracks
or acquiring now property , but ho should de
cline to grant the application for n
nupoMoilcas In view of the fact that
the decision did not entail any additional
twrdoiis upon the Union Pncillc. If the
appellate court should divide that the trial
court wns In error , that decision would sim
ply iloprLvo the Itoclc Island and Milwaukee
of the use of the Union PariHc.
On the question of operating the trains of
r the HOCK Island and tlio Milwaukee under
the present rules of the Union Paclllo Justice
Urowor siiid ho would take the matter under
consideration until U o'clock , when ho would
lioar further arguinenu on the question mid
outer a decree ,
DlHoiiflHliiK tlm Decree.
Shortly after . ' ) o'clock the Judge ascended
the bench and Immediately stated that ho
Imd carefully reviewed the decree prepared
by the parties. Ho suld ho suould object to
iig It until the fourth clause was stricken
This clauio was the one providing that the
rules of thu Union Pacillo should govern the
movement of trains until other rules could
bo arranged.
The judge stated that ho had made It n rule
novur to sign a decree which was not agreed
to by Ihu parties unless ho understood lu
full Import. Ho said ho Imd had sonmoxpor-
, Jence in railroad alTa'r.s ' but was not able to
ttay that rules such as the e In quustiou would
bo pi-oper rules for the movement of tralus
over the tracks of the Union Pacliia
Justice Brewer said further that ho was
hero to enforce a contract and ho had the
right to assume that tlio experienced railroad
\\hoiirowup that contract know what
they were doing. The fact that these men
Old not specify thaftho mini of the Union
J'ucillo should npply in tlio movement of
trains w.-.s proof positive to the court that
these rules were not fully adequate.
The court also called attention totho clause
lii the contract which provU'od ' tor referees
In ciisu of dlsagreoment between the parties
nnd gave tho-so referees | > ewer to award dam-
nges for n willful vlolatiim of the contract or
nny nu-ro tooluiirjil opposition to the plain In
tent of the contract.
Justice Brewer continued , saying that his
personal acquaintance with Cicnornl Manager
L'lurK und Mr. Holeomb led him to beiiovo
that they were men of too much intelligence
nnd fairness to lutorposo any technical ob
jection to the carrying out o ( the contract ,
ivli'uti ' would only tend to prejudleo thu easu
In the nppellato court. Ho then requested
that the chiuso objected to bu stricken out.
Judge VVIthrow at nnco eliminated the
clause referred to and the ilocroe was signed.
U'lio followlug is a full text of the dccroo as
Toxl of tlio Doi'rnn.
This caao comlnc on fur UN IImil hearing , the
ChlDiiirn , KooU Islrnd A Vai'lllc r.ilhviiy com-
imny , luil UK r inr < "H'nted liy lu solicitors , A. .1.
j'omilmim. J. M. WoolworUi , Tlioinai 1' .
> \lllm > w. .M. A. lx w und O. S , JIoiitKonit-ry ,
iiiMt tliudufDiidaiitii by tholr sullultors. Jnhu
K Hon. John M. riiiir on und Arehtlmld I , ,
it Illlaiiit , nnd Iho court ImvliiK Insncctuil thu
recur I mnl lionnl thu urtjnnients of eouiuol ,
Uoth IKIW JiulKo mid dci-ro-
I. Tlmt tliu contract ontcrod Into by and ho-
twocn thu t'lilciu '
I'ncltlernllwuy company , the
Uiniiliii . Iti'puhlluan Vutloy railway eain-
luny the t-ullnu Ac 8ontliwosiorii r.illuuy
\ loinjiany. the Chicago , Hock Ulund i I'aultlo
railway company and the Chlf azo. ICnnsiin k
Nehnisxa railway cotnpnny , hoarlnir date Jlay
1 , A I ) . Ib'JO. ' n ropy of which U ntlm-hed to the
putltlon or bill of comuiitlnt In Ihlsciiun- .
slioitld ho reformed by autMtltiitlnx In the
place nf th" word "iirOTfilon. " In tlio last nn-
tuneo nf ojtlon ' , of artloloU tlioruof. the
word "proviso" . " whlah win written In the
contract M settled by and bnlwoon thn P'ir-
tlu , nnd chained by limilvortauuo in tirlntlng
the s'lino. , , ,
S. That nalit contract , at so reformed , \ the
valid obligation of the pnrtliM IhiTOlo nnii
nhoiild be uvrforined In good faith by ciirh ol
tlii'tni thut ItsucuroH to tlio complainant tlio
full , equal nnd Joint ixiiiimlon nml mo "i Iho
iiiiiln anil p.i'slnit trucks of tlio dofon > liint.
tlio Union r.icltle railway conipiny , now lo
cated and ostiihllshed. or which may bo here
after located and established no-
twcen the points at wlilc-h the
track or trarks of the complainant
were comiooteil under thlsiwitrnet. with Mifh
tnaln trucks In the city of Council Ilinirs , to
the point nt which comtilaln nil's rallnay was
iliidur unld contract connected with a.ilil main
tracks south of the depot In the elty of South
Omaha , Ineludlir. the lirldso on whloh said
tracks cross the MHsmirl rlvi-r lintwenn suld
cltli-a of Counull IIIulTs n nd Omaha :
ronnncllons with thn union depot trucks
In Oniahti ; Iho sldu or spur truck IIMIIUIIK from
the mam track at a point at or noni1 rlilr-
ti-onth street In sild : elty of Oiniilia. by way of
the lower level , to a point wlnire It , aisaln con
nects with the main trucks at of noiir I won-
tloth Mrect , and surh oxteinlons thereof as
may bo lioro.iftor iniido ; coniii'Otlons wltli
the stotk yards In Hnnth Omahn. and
the oxcluslvo possession nnd use of thn
mounds soleoted by the pirtles In South
Omiilia. on which the complainant has
cmmiionci'd the construction of trarko ,
which m y iiKHroaato II.OIX ) fi'et In length.
to Do used bv the complainant for the storairo
of c'urs and other purposes ; the trucks , hiiild-
, stations , swltehes und Hidingsvhleh form
M p'Ulof or arc sltiinti'd along tne 1 nc of thu
Oinnlui.V Hi'iiiiiilli'iin Vulli-y riillwuy from the
noithern boiindiiry of the elty of Lincoln , to a
connection with tlio main trueks of said r.ill-
roud with tlio r.illwny heretofore known as
the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska rail
way nt Ho itrleo , In said state of
Nebraska , with the rl lit to connect
Its own line with those of thu said
Union I'uclfle rallnuy at anil butwenn Council
ItlulTs und South Omaha and at and between
Lincoln anil Ileatrlvo , ns provldud bys.ilil
contract , subject to thu following limita
tions :
That the onirlnes , cnrs and trains of com-
plalnnnt shall lie moved nn suld tracks under
r.iiles and regulations to be agreed upon by
and between the parties or ordained by refer-
eps selected und appointed In tlio manner nro-
vlded by s.ild contrurt , and si'i'iirlni ; ennnllty
ot right , privlluge und ail vantage to trains of
tlio HIIIIIO class operated bv botli parties , and
to tinins of a superior class operuted Tiy
oltlicr u profori'in'o over trains of an Inferior
class ODoratod by the other ; which rules and
regulations shall lie exei-uted aud all engines ,
ears und trains moved under thu immediate
direction of the superintendent or other olll-
cnr of tlio defendant , the Union I'atiille rail
way company.
'i'liat the Union I'aelflo railway company
may admit uny other company or companies
operating a coiinoctliiK railway or railways to
tlm joint possession and use of the railway or
any part thereof , at and between Council
Illn'Ts and South Oniuha , upon .substantially
the sumo terms as thine cranted to the com
plainant , and apply the coinponsutlon which
It may receive from such addition. il company
or companies to Its own UM1 , without account
ing for thn s.iinoor any part thereof , to the
The complainant shall not do any business
as a common carrier of porions or property to
or from any st itlons on suld line between said
cities of Lincoln and lleutrlce.
That the complainant shall tnako com
pensation for such possession und use us
provided by suld contract.
That the defendant , the Union Pacific rail
way company , also grants to complainants
the use of side tracks In Om.ilia , on which It
will receive from and deliver to complainant
freights which may ho handled through the
warehouses or switched by said defendant ,
and It Is Imtiml upon the request of comnlaln-
tint to receive , deliver und store local freights
transported to and from Unmha ny complain
ant , In the same manner and with the same-
promptness and cure with which it receives ,
delivers und Mores freights transported In its
on n ears and trains , for which service com
plainant undertakes to pay a reasonable com
pensation , not exceeding Unit charged at the
'time tlino to uny other railway company for
like service ; and It Is also bound to secure to
complainant the right of entering with Its en
gines , curs and trains the union depot to bo
erected In tlm city ot Umahu and to nso the
sumo In the transaction of Its business as a
common carrier , for which rlnht and use the
complainant Is bound to pay a reasonable
compensation us provided In said contract.
That the complainant also lias the right to
use thu tracks , depots nnd other structures
elected by It on tlio grounds of the Omaha .t
Republican Valley railway company In the
city of Lincoln , In the transaction of Its busi
ness as a common cairler.
a. Thut tjie defendants , the Union Pacific
railway company und the Omaha .t Uepnlv
lie in Valley railway company , are com
manded .severally to speeilleully perform ,
keep and observe tlio several eovenunus , prom
ises und agreements In suid contract sot out.
to bo by them , either jointly or severally ob
served , kept , or purfoiinud ; und that suld rall-
wuy companies , and the olllcors. uuonts. attor
neys and employes of each uro hciehy com
manded and enjoined to wholly lufruln from
dinctly or Indirectly Interposing any
obstacle , Interference. hindranceor
delay to the uerformunuo of the
several promises , covenants anil agreements
In said contract sot out , or to tlio enjoyment
of uny lights or privileges by said contract
granted , concerning the railway and railway
property above described , by any uuit all of
the parties to said contract , or by any of the
olllcers , UKeuts , attorneys or employes of suld
parties , or uny of them ; and especially from
In uny manner obstructing or Interfering with
suld complainant In restoring und maintain-
In the connections which have heretofore
buon constructed , or In constructing or inuln-
tuln'.ng , ut such point or points as may bo
determined under the contract , additional
necessary connections between the railways
of the UnlcuKO , Kansas & Nebraska railway
company anil the Omaha A : Republican Valley
railway company at lleutrleu , und between
the railway of complainant and that of
the Omuhu & Itepuullcan Valley railway
company ut Lincoln , lu the state of
NuOrusku , and bi'twcen the railway of com
plainant und the railway of said Union 1'a-
clllu railway company ut South Omaha and
Omuliii , In UioHtatuot Nebraska , und the elty
of Council Itlulfs , in tlio state of Iowa , and
from dolnu' any act or tlilnir. or uuimitlliig
the dolns of any act or tiling. If It shad have
power to prevent the same , whereby said
complainant may bo pruvontud from enjoying
uny und all of the benefits and advantages .se
cured to It by suld contract , or doing any act
or thlni ; which the complainant by the terms
of Hull ! contract Is authorised to do ; from In
terfering with the use of or from removing ,
Injuring or destroying buildings or other
structures erected oy the complainant upon
the grounds if the defendant , thu Omaha , S ;
Republican Valley railway company , In the
elty of Lincoln , In the slate of .Nebraska , with
out the consent of said complainant.
4. Tliat tvioh und every purty hereto Is com
manded to rofialn fiom Interposing tiny oj-
Htuo'eor ' lilndiunce to the establishment , or
alteration , or amendment In the manner pro
vided by said contract of time curds , rules
and regulations governing Iho operation of
enelnus , curs and trains ovorxuld railways
und every part thereof ; or to tlm execution
and enforcement of such time finds , rules und
regulations when so established , altered or
amended , otherwise than by nut proceedings
In a court , having competent jurisdiction.
Q. Thut nothing In this do-'ico contained
shall operate to stop uny pnrty hereto from
recovering utiamst another party or parties
bv iiDiiriiiirlntu timcttdliiLrs In luw < n *
equity , the compensation to which It Is
now or may ho hereafter entitled , for thu
nso of uny of the railway and appurtenant
properly between and at Council Hunts and
. oiith Omaha , between and ut South Omaha
and Lincoln.'between und at Lincoln and
lloutrluu , and betueen Mcl'herson and South
llulchlnson. or from uicuvcrlng In such pro-
ccedlnj.s damajos which It has sustained or
m iy sustain ticu'itisu of any bleach or viola
tion of said contract.
I ) . That whlio tlds decree Is final In determ-
[ nlnu' the rluhtsot tlio thirties under sahi con
tract , Iho oourt reserves th" ponertomuUu
iildltlonal orders from lime to tin.o , as may
bo nocessury to enforce such rl hls.
T. That tlm complainant have und recover
'rom HID defendant , the I'nlou I'acllle rail
way eomOany , all of Its tuxublu costs and dls-
jursenients in this cause made und expended ,
ind that the clerk tux the same.
X Thn defendants , the I'll on I'uclllu rail
way con.pun.V and the Oinahu A. Itepnbllc'iii '
Valley railway I'ompany pray an anneal from
he fnrck'olui : decree , which Is hereby allowed ,
hut It Is expressly ordeiol thut no super
sede. ahull bo allowed because of Hiieh ap-
luul , us to any in.indatory or roatrululn , ;
irdur In this duurou contained.
The cluiuo to which the court objected anil
vhlch was s'.rlciicn out road ns follows :
Thut until the name uro tillered , amended or
cancelled , In manner und form us provided by
am contract , the rules and regulations
heroin couUluml , und thu rules and nuula-
lens of the defendant , the Union 1'iiultlu r.ill-
vuv comnauy , now In force , concerning the
iiovement of engines , ears and trulns over Its
rael ; at and between Lincoln und llcatrlco.
hull bo observed and obeyed by all parties
lereto In thu n.oveinent of ciulnen , ears and
rains over suld tracks ; provided , however ,
lint U uny of Iho rules and regulations of suld
lofonilunt uro Inconsistent with these sot out
n the contract , thee set out In the contract
hall govern.
Tiiiiu to Appeal nranlinl.
\Vhenthodecreo\\nssIgncii tlio court In-
tructed the clerk not to outer It upon tlio
records until iho Union Pacitiu had tiled its
lotlco of apiMial and ulll of exceptions as It
md given notieo of so doing.
Court wns thoti adjourned und Justice
Irowor dryly ndvlsea Judga Tlurston to np-
> eal the ease to all the courts.
Judge Thurstou replied that ho wanted to
rot all the opinions on the case that ho pos-
ilbly could , ilo naded that ho wished to
icnrtlly thank the court for ilia one lone ,
olltary ruling la favor of tuo Union Pacllic ,
that ruling out the cliuna In the decree above
referred to.
The ontclnls from the onortttlng depart
mfnts of the Hock Island nnd Milwaukee
roads tire In the city nnd the wortc ot milk-
Ink' up Joint rules nnd tlmu tables was com
mcuccd yesterday as soon as the decree by
the court wns entered. President Cable n
tbo Hook Island stated that only n few day :
would bo required to nrrnngo rules ntu
schedule ! , nnd thcio would bo completed nni
trains running by Saturday , the 1st ult. , K
no opposition was encountered from the
Unlou Pacific.
( Tonics Today.
After Justice Brewer's decision of the ap
plication for a suporsodeas In the Union
PnclllivKock Island bridge case In the United
Statei court yesterday afternoon , the repre
sentatives of the Union PnciUo and Milwau
kee roads held n conference over tuo per
formance of the contract between them rela
tive to the use of the Union Pncillo bridge
nnd depot by the Milwaukee road.
Superintendent Ooodriough of the Milwau
kee was present with authority to represent
his road. The conference wns n brief one.
Kuproscntnttves nf the Union Paclllo ex
pressed n desire to eomo to terms nt oneo ntn ]
nil details were arranged for the running of
Milwaukee trains solid into Otnnhn over the
Union Pncillo bridge commencing this morn
The Rock Island trains will not ho brought
In for several days ns some work remains to
bo done In preparing the necessary track
facilities. _
nt.irxi : .STOHT cuniticnn.
Intcrcstliifj TnctH ol'n Stran o Cure or
-Developed In Chicago.
CHICAOO Oman or Tnr. Bun , )
C'mciGO , July SO. f
A locnl paper says ; In the dispatches pub
lished In yesterday's papers was n story
about the discovery of his true parents by
Actor Frank I. Frnyuo. The story was true
in most particulars , but It indirectly wronged
the memory of the original Frank Frayno.
Instead of attempting to conceal the Identity
of his adopted son , Mr. Frayno did every
thing in his power to discover the boy's rela
tives. The following account of the peculiar
circumstances surrounding tno lifo of young
Frayno wns written by Fray no's wife ; At
the time Mr. Frnyuo ntlontod'tha bny ho was
an inmate of mi orphan asylum. This was
on January 17 , 1S72. The boy hud been loft
nt the hospital with three other children by
his oldest slitor. Mr. Fruyno afterward
married MrUoQinson and regarded the boy
ns his own. Mrs. Frnyno died in this city in
ISS'J , nt Mr. Frayno's home near the corner
of Wabush avenue nnd Thirty-Ninth street.
The boy always know that ho was an adopted
child , nnd ns ho was curious to learn of his
relatives , his foster father did everything to
solve for him the mystery surrounding his
very early life. It was llnally di covered
that his nnmo was Cieorgo McCormlck , and
that his sister was the wlfo of T. J. Gannon , .
Wlnslow Brothers have made another
move In their light on the iron workers'
union. Thov appeared before the grand
jury and had oicht members of the union
indicted for conspiracy. The members of
the union express no alarm over the action of
the jury. A rumor Is prevalent in laoor
circles "ttiat the movement Is an effort to
prccimtalo a big strike in the fall for political
purposes. It is said that such a strike would
bo a splendid weapon In the hands of cor'aiti
political leaders connected with various
public boards. Plans are said to bo already
laid for the nurposo. Disgruntled labor men
who lost ofllco when Cruglor went oy the
board are accused of being at the bottom of
the scheme.
William P. Taubmun , a South Dakota
hotel keeper nud lumber man. ngod sixty-live ,
advertised for a wlfo Mrs. ICuto Holland of
417 West Randolph , aged lifty-livc , responded.
Tutibman caino to Chicago and took posses
sion of the residence- Mr.s. Holland pend
ing the marriage , but got to coming homo
drunk every night and his llancee tooic
possession of his moiioy and valuables. He
liad her arrested , charged with larceny aud
now the wedding has been declared olT.
sciioFinui AND ins nuin : : .
Major General John M. Seholield nnd his
bride reached Chicago todav on their way to
Washington from an extended tour through
Oregon and Washington aud Yellowstone
wn.STEitx I'Eori.K IN ciucnoo.
The following western people tire In the
city :
At the Grand Pacific Ernest G. Lee ,
Cedar Kapids , in. ; Jacob Sims , Council
Bluffs , la. ; W. C. McNnmara , Jonas M.
Clcland , J. 13. Boogo. Sioux City , In. ; C. C.
Wannn , Salt Lake , Utah ; George M. Tibbs ,
At the Auditorium Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
nroeksmlt , John S. Brocksmit , Eugcnio
Brocksmit. Helen Brockstnlt , Cedar Rap
ids , la.
At the Lolaud E. G. Bnrtlott. Omaha.
At the Palmer J. Chnnvln , Butte , Mont. ;
Mr. and Mrs. William Schug , Helena , Mont. ;
W. T. Hunter , Wyoming ; Charles A. Bishop ,
Des Moincs , la. ; P. Campbell , Montana.
Dr. GniiRti hns no Authority for Doln < ;
Anything Use.
What Dr. Clarke Uapon is dolncr , or rather ,
what ho Is not doing is causing considerable
commotion In municipal circles.
Lust year , before the now city charter
went into effect , Omaha had a full-llodgoa
city physician in the person of Dr. Gapen ,
tut since that time the city's sick ,
and ( 'specially the emergency coses
have been comnelled to work out tiiolr own
During the early months of the present
year. Dr. Gapeu 'drew the snlnry ot city
physician , In accordance with the provisions
of the old charter and was also entitled to a
salary of $ L',000 per annum ns commissioner
ot health under the provisions of the amended
charter. Finally the former pull was cut off
by the council ut Dr. Capen's suggestion , re
pealing tno old ordinance relating to tha
oflica of city physician. Slnco that tlino his
olllce has boon n snap , us hn has uctod in
strict accordance with the amended charter ,
which provides that ho shall execute anil en
force r.ll laws of thu state and ontlnatiYos of
the city relating to matters of health nnd
sanitation and all rules and regulations of the
board of health concerning matters within
their jurisdiction und control. Ho shall riiako
reports to the board of health as by them
directed of his acts , doings nnd proceedings
as such commissioner nnd receive and exe
cute the order. ! , directions nnd instructions
of said board.
If ho did this there would bo no kick
coming , but ns ho does not trouble is brow
ing. Months ago the doctor gathered
Lhu members of the board about
him for the purpose of formulating
rules for the government of the board of
health. These rules , nftor weeks of dilatory
work , were adopted and sent to the council ,
liit tucro soinu ono juggled with the records ,
as they have never been approved or ro-
ected , nnd In ttio meantime the commissioner
nas drawn his salary for doing nothing.
Men have bcon cut , maimed nud brul.son ,
nnd medical and surglcu' ' attendance has bcon
tented because of n difference of opinion
that exists between the commissioner
md the county physician over the question
of jurisdiction , Dr. Gnpen contending that
the cases tire for Dr. ICcogh , and Keogtt
contending that they are for Gupon.
The commissioners of thu county hold tbnt
regular cases cotnu under the jurisdiction of
ICoogh , out that all emergency cases should
i o taken euro of by Dr. ( Jupen , who Is pnld
uy the city.
Dr. tiuptm makes another point , nnd that Is
that he does not know what ho Is expected to
tin. ns the council has failed so far to adopt
rules nnd regulations dellnlug the duties of
his ofllco ,
LiLJirnoy ) ouro3 oauirrti.
BJlt'ii ClinrKOll with Theft.
W. II. Warden , a driver for Oliver Mag-
gand\vho lives nt HUH South Twenty-fourth
street , mndo complaint to the police last
light that ho bud been robbed of $10 on tbo
light of July -7 at the corner ot Fourteenth
and Dodge.
SVurden was standing on the corner talk-
ng with some friends when Frank Khea , n
lasher nnd all round crook and tough ,
sneaked his hand into vYurden's pocket , got
told of the bill und ran.
A irood description of Shorx was given to
lie pollconud ho was arrested and Ideutitlod.
lo will bo charged with robbery.
Dr. lilrnoy euros catarrh , Boo bldjj.
An Investment That Will Double in Twelve Months.
Paying Semi-Annual Dividends April and October.
Stock of the Georgia-Alabama Investment and Development Co ,
Cnpltnl Stock , $4OOOOOO. Shni-cs , $1O cnch , par vnluo , full pnid nnd Subject to no Assessments.
( Jon. HKX.I. IJUTLCK , of .ttiis-ucliiisotts I'n-slileut. Hon. J.V.MKS . HYATT , Lute Tronstirer of U. S. Treasure *
rion. ItonJ. P. Butler , of Ma-Hndinsottx. lion. Jas. W. Hyatt. ov-Trnas. of IT. S. of Conn. Hnii John It , Onrdon ox-Uovernor i Ilonry I'ciii'litwiiivor , .Moiiibor N. V.PlD'U Ki
lion. Logan II. JtooN , of Arkim-ms. ( ! IMI ( . ' , SHinllold , I'rrs. N. Y. Con , Co. of N , V. lion. Kii'h. II. IIrl lit of Winhliiuton , II. 0 _ _
J. W. OaspldliU' . Uiuhiur Muiehants fe. Mlnurs1 'I hiM.USinlthl'rL"i. 17thVnrd IHnU llrouklvn. Hon. K' R Mann SupU 0. .t .M. K. It. of N. 11. I K.Y. ltiil > crtmm.l'ri < sr Nut. IliumKVirm : > yNol
Hank , Tallapoota , On. Ij. SI Sanford. Pros. Hunk of New C'nstle of Ky. i : . U.TrueCii-ili. U.S.Trolls WuslihiBton , l > . C. \ 1) , 0. Si-ovlllc , of New York City. IN. V.
SUFFOLK TRUST GDMPflNY , Transfer Hgents , Exchange Building , Boston , Mass ,
FIUST. P.OrtlClty Lnl oraOKarrci of Imd In Iho city of Talliponmi , HaraNon County , ( loorgln , tlio roililuo romiliilnx umoM of 2.01 norm , on thoconfer ofrliloh thn rlty win orUlnally hullt. KtllinMoit rnlnoon
orRanlzttloni of comjnny , IVI. I , IMH ) } | , tHC'i | ; , tmt lariri-ly Inoruntvd III nmniint nmt priwnl value nliion tlint time by luMlllniml piirehiUJi of clt Inniliniul Improvement * and ilnvi'lopmont niliUvl
HI , ) tlM ) . 2 , l.vSncri's of rahiatilu mineral Innil ailjicont to tlio city at Tnllipiimi nil I initoil within n rnitlns of lmllm from the editor of Iho city , rroent vnluufl . ' , tHM
Til I III ) . Tlipi | neilCnpllal Mock of thofii'urKln , Temu' ee .V. Illinois Unllread Comimiiy , chnrturoil for the purpose of btillilln a rnllruiul from Tnllnpnixn , ( in , to siuvomon , A In. , 120 nillm. tint will not Iho com-
imhy nrnrl ) f. .00).i1U r Mockut r.illroKl. psylne 7 PIT rout clldilemlt
I'lH'ltril. Tlie'liillnpiNMn Kurn.irt' . mi the llnu of the Oooridn-raclllc llallronit. III Iliuclty of Tallapoosa , ( ! n. the sahl furnace lioliiu of M tons capacity , ninnufiictnrlnK the hlshoit urailoof oolil ami hot blast charcoal -
coal cir-nheel Iron. l'rt > M'nt viliinf . ' .WO ) .
riFTJI. The Pli'iliniiiiti.l.Ki Works , ° < ltuntoil on thu line of the Ruoniln-l'icltlo Itullroml , In the city of Tnllnpooi , (2n , salil plnnt being 13-pot furnice cipnclly , nml mniiiifncturlnii Hint Klnn tlask nml proscrip
tion wnre. 1'ro'ont vnhip fli ) , i )
SIXTH. The Tnll ipoon Uecllnlim riinlr Factory on the line of tliodaorirln-l'nulllo It'illro l In the city of TnllnpiuMn , ( , n , maniifaclurlna li.imninck , ropllniiu nncl otlinr chain. l'rn pn ( value , fJUIX )
WKVIINTH. Siimlry Inicrc t l > earlnu boiul , nolo , montane * , JoaiK , mucks , otr. , acqiilrril idnco the urKanliiitlou of vuiiipnny 111 nocurinif the location on IM iiropurtr of ni'w manufacliirlni ; Iniluitrloi ami frrm
s.iloi ill Ita city loin aiulcili In bank , received from the sale of trcimiry stock for linprovoiiuinM not vet lnve toil.
There l already Inrnioil on the jiroporty of thoeompiny , In tl.oclty of Tallnpoma. fmni2HO lu .I.KO Inhnblinnt" , tlirpc-nnarlcrs of whom nro .Vorlhern people , who hnvi > upttlfil there within the la t three reiri
nlmiit OJ liouxpi , ' 0 btultipii hotioix nml bluck < , public Dirk * , free public nclinoli , chili chut , hulu ! < . water nrk , electric Unlit' . > 7. > 00) hotel , now bullilliiK. to be open In October. Slre't rill way nnd 13 now manufacturing
ndiiJtrlu.i under contract anil building ; ( hat will employ fully l.UiUailitltlonal opt > r.ttlrc9 , roiilrlnit fiOJnew ilwulllnt ; liousci , nnd Inert ) uo Hie present population of thu city from 3.5U ) to 5.UOJ.
I iterlvel principally from lx
IMllNt'll'AIinbiolutPljr stfcuro nnitcr rlrcutnitnnci" , the property IIOIIIK palil for In full
KIHMT KirnlnKS of
nKIHMT Us iiianulacturliiit estnblHlimcnt' , now In operntlon nnd to bo built ( now
DIVIDKNIIS , to Include unrnliig * nml nil rct'i'lpts from snlo of city Iol , p.ili1 rcsiil.irly Aprllnml October
HKCONI ) HentaH of < " " . .
lt farmlne landi ntul nlei nf timber In "itnnipniio" ( csllmaiPd J.I ( XMyeirly )
Til I It I ) S"al04Of " city lol In Tallapoo a.ia. . forliiiuro\oinviitnti < l Invontini'M d" < tlniateclf iOlO yearly ) 1'ltnilAllll.irY of n InudJlncrpa'Pln oicli soml-nnmml illvUeiiil lijr Iniri'inoil ( mriilnx' mnlnlm
KOUUTII. WotkliiKuf Its mines and < | uairlcg , by lhcm > ul\ca or on "royalties" loatliiintvil $ ! UtM )
yparly ) rilHTAlNTY of n rnplil liicren o monthly In the Intrinsic viiliiuiuul it'lllim prlry nf thu itock Itnelr.
KthTII. , timber nid | town alto options on line of (3a , Tonn. Jt III. It. It ( ostlnmtoJ Totnt c'tlmateil yenrly Income of rompnuy niter construction of riillron > lIU.ii.VlOI
} MOOJoirly )
SlATll. KarnlnK * of stock of Oeorcli , Tennessee A Illinois It. It. ( estimated f 1SC.103 yearly ) . Toinl estimated yenrly Income of compimy prior to construction of railroad , MJV.XU 01.
The Company olFer to the Pub Ic. until Augnqf 1 , a spo-Mal repistprod issue of
FULL , PAID SHAUEs of Us Capital .Stock , forever unasiesslble , .
Right roaorvod to "Withdraw Stock from fmlo without Notice nftor August 1 , or ndvnuco price to pnr.
The Directors of UioKOHniAAI.AIlAM.INVIMTMKST ( ! A.N'll nnVIILOl'MKN't' COS ! PA NY have clcchlei ! loolTorti ) the public until Saturday , AUK. 1 , n limited amount of the full-paid capltil stoc * of the com
pany nt f.l.'V ' ) per shire ( par raluoilOO K ind after that dniu to either withdraw the stuck entire from * .ilo < ir advamo the price to Jl W per lriro
If taken as rnpMljr as was tho. I HUB Issue , the stock will be withdrawn from tale after Au . 1 , unit price advanced to par , as only enoiiiih wl't ' bo oHered to coniplctu Iho extensive developments InnUKurnto.l on tha
company a property nt Tallipooia.
The < tock H full paid , and iube < t In no fnturo assessments umler any clrrumstaiiee . . . . . .
One million dull.irt of the f 4 . ' ( HOW capital stock was plnicd In tlu truiiiii > ol the company for thn development of Its properties , anil the cnlnncemont anit protection of the InlornsU of tlm stockholders
tmtor ; the plan of the ork'.ml/atlon of the company all luculpts from the saleof the Treasury stock of the compinv are oxpon led at once for Improving nnd ileveloplnw the properly of the company , Increasing 111
asset" to the etlentot the amount received . . . . , , , . . ,
Tlie entire properties of the bolnu pnld for In full , all the receipts from the sale of city lots go at once to the dividend fund of the company. In addition to the earning of Its niaiiufnctiirlnK ostabllshmonH
In operation and Its Income from otlu r'nurci .
The slock of the lonipany will nut inily earn crntlfylnK dividends for the Invr-tor. but nlll Increase rapidly In the m.irkot value , with the development of the company property.
The stock will shortly be listed on the New York , Chli > .tiii , rhll.idelplila anil llosloneonsollil itu I stock oichanies. , . . . . , , . . , . , . . . . ,
Orders for slocks will bo Illicit us received , In any amount from line hnro upward , ns It lu desired lo have an many small holders In nil sections of the country ns possible , who will , by tholr Interest In the company
nllut'iiLU Immigration tn Tnlbipooaa and r.Uvancu the Interests of the cump.iny.
The Gompanu GUarantse Purchasers Immediate Gash for Stock Bought ,
At an Advance of J cents per share per month ( or i ? ] per cent per annum. )
At nny tuna ( after the month follT-vinc nnrchiselthT ilosiro tbi11 > nrlor tolls bolng listed on the exclmu'je ? In October , or will secure a pur Jhaser for the stoclc nt tholr own sollluj
price les 2 par cent commission for in Mtluc tli tr.i'isfer as the stou' holrter may elect. . . . . . , , , .
Stoclc purcha39il now : nul holil until nff-r lh pnvment of the October dividend ( probably 20o per share ) will not tlio purchasar an advance oqu-valent , to 40 par cent par annum.
Sloe's purchaed or tin company d iriu ; M.iy or Juno .it S3.50 p r shara will bacashod by tha syndluite if d slrod Immoaiatoly after AUQIU.I 1st fit$3.JD p'rahn-o. and stock purchased -
chased durinic Julv ( also stoclc pur'Insert in Hay and Juno ) will be cashe 1 after Sept 1st at $ J.O J or sold for $3.02 per share 0:1 : commission a thostosklioldur m ly eloot.
$ 2O Par Value of Stock Clicclts for the April dividend , which
included earnings of the manufacturing
establishments owned by the Company ,
and receipts from the sale of City Lots ,
for the first six months of bnsincss.wcre .
mailed April 15. andclicclis for the Octo
ber dividend ( probably 20c per share )
will be mailed to stockholders by the
Suffolk Trust Company , Transfer Agents ,
Oct. 15.
No orders will be received at thp present price of $3.00 per share after 12 o'clock midnight Aug. 1 , and all orders forstocli should bo mails J as soon as possible , and In no event
later than several days prior to that date to insure delivery nt present price of $3.00 per share.
TOiTlfiWtf S TIMTO Pnn'l llfnc'tnnn ' iVInnoffnn Room 313 , Stock Exchange Building ,
PllfiUMllllV II , lUluMllli uCHI vVGSlCril ffillW , 167 Dearborn-st. , Chicago , 111.
SOUTIIKHN OI'KICKS. Tullnpoo a. llnrrNon Ooiint v. On. NEW YORK OKl-'ICE' , U Wall-st. . Ilooms .T ) St IB. ItOSTON OFKIOF.S. SH Washlnistnii-st. . llnniiis B. 0 nnd 1(11. ( I'll I LA DK .
PHIA OKKICKS. Itooni n > 4 Uroxul llull'llns. IMIDVIDEN'OE OKKICK. lliiom 1. Uutloi Exi-hanso. O1IIOAUO OKKIUK , Hooin iia. ritooK l.volun o liulllln ( . HALn.MOKK OH'MOIx UounN ,
Hiinlc of Haltlmoro Hullillng. KUUKICN OKI K'KS , .No. 'J Tolteiihousu IliillillnsLondon , Kug ,
tay KlBhty-page Illustrated Prospectus ol Tallipoosa , Stock Probpectti 5 of Company an I Plat of City with Price-List of Building Lots , Mineral Maps of the section , Engineers' Ho
orts , Particulars of the fcyndicato'n Plan of Purchasing Stock , etc. , mul > d frioon apilication to any of tna above-named olHoaa of the company.
Result of the Discussion by tlio Interested
Parties at Lincoln Yesterday ,
Clilcnjio Inspection Union tor AVlicnt ,
Hurley , llyo and Flax Scotl ,
nnd St. l.oulH 011 torn
nnd Oats.
LINCOLN , Nob. , July 23. [ Special to Tin ;
Hun. ] A feathering of the raproscutntlvo
grain men of the state was hold ut the rooms
of the btnto board of transportation this
afternoon. The object of the mooting was , as
Mr. Johnson , of the hoard , explained as no
took the chair , to discuss the quontlon of
grauiiic Nebraska grain. According to the
provisions of flTo warehouse bill It becomes
the duty of tbo board of transportation to
establish the grades of grains nnd nilopt
rules und regulations for the inspection. Tlio
board being anxious to adopt such rules as
would work to the best inlorosts of the state ,
oxtoiulcd na invitation to all grain men ,
producers and dcalors to moot and talk the
matter over In un informal ivny.
The attendance ut today's meeting was
larger even than was nntlclpatod , showing
the Interest tukou In the subject. Among
these present were : S. C. Smith , cashier
First National bank , Iloatrlco ; L. E.
WnlKor , Beatrice ; \V. K. Vundorveor ,
McCool JunctionV. ; . M. Knapp , Her-
tranil ; O. K. Brown -of Brown Brothers ,
Omaha ; D. S. A'an iValkonburg , MimlonO. ;
W. Oockroll , Lincoln ; Mason Gregg , Lin
coln ; George F. .MllboUrn of Sowull it Co. ,
Mlmlcn ; ( , ' . D. Bessie of Scott .t Bo lo.
Konrnov ; Kouort Uorcnu of Browstcr ; S. I * .
Anderson , lieatrlco ; G , W. U'irt , York ; O.
1C. Kloker , Lincoln ; K. T. Scott. Holilriigo ;
A. U. Jnqulth , U. tl. Fowler andV , N.
Nnson of Onrinn.
K. I' . Thompson , nn Inspector of St. Louis
and ono of the best judges of grain In the
country , was proswit. and on invitation
opened the meeting with n few remarks on
the advantages to .bp dorlvod from n ware
house law and state insiectlon. ] This sot the
ball rolling nnd ii febtioral interchange of
ideas followod. It appeared to bo generally
agreed that n wnrohoilbo law and good , honest -
est Inspection wns aiivmiiflBeods to the best
Interests of tuo stattv-nml at the request of
the chairman dilToriwt .grain men gave tholr
Idea of what inspection should bo adopted In
Nebraska ,
Mr. Orogg of Lincoln , who was the flrit to
express an opinion , was in favor of adopting
Chicago's stnndiml of livipcctlon for both
winter and spring wheat aim the St. Louis
grades for corn anil onut.
C. W. CocUrull , also of Lincoln , agreed
with Mr. Ctri'gg.
Mr. Scott of Kcnrnov was In favor of Chicago
cage liisoction [ on wheat anil ht , Louh on
corn and oats , mlvuhcmg good ruinous In
suiiport of bis opinion.
Mr. Kendall of Lincoln agreed with Mr.
Mr. Van Vulkeiiburgli of Mltuloii was
afraid that Chicago Inspection was rath IT
rigid on wheat , but would not think it any
great objection.
A. H. JmiiiHli nf Omaha , In rcspouso to a
quostlon , said that ho hello veil Chicago grades
woulil bo best for Nebraska on wheat , but
AUggosted that Minnonotu had u very good
provision. Uudor the Inspection rule of
that state , wheal whicU would grudo No. : . ' ,
for example , if uleanod would bo graded
No. 2 with a dockage to allow for the dirt.
This is nn advantage to the seller who is not
in shape to clean his wheat oeforo shipping.
The suggestion met with general approval
from the grain men nrosont who thought that
a similar provision should bo made in the
Nebraska inspection.
At this point the talk became general and
the grain men gathered about the tables
whora W. N. NSison , secretary of the Omaha
board of trade , nnd K. P. Thompson , the St.
Louis inspector , had placed in tins samples
of the different grades of grains ns inspected
In Chicago nnd St. Louis. The examination
of these samples and the discussion
of different topics connected with
the grain business in nn informal
way , occupied the attention of the company
the balance Of the lime. Meanwhile Mr.
ICoontz of the board of transportation ob
tained the written opinion of these of the
grain men who had not already expressed
themselves , but it was found that there was
piMcticnllv no difTereni'o in their ideas ns to
what grades should be established in Ne
braska. The board has some time yet in
which to makn up the rules governing the
inspection , but it Is generally understood that
they will follow the plan suggested by the
gram mon and adopt Chicago inspection on
wheat anil St , Louis on corn and oa'.s.
Barley , rye and flax did not receive much
attention us there is not much dillercnco in
the grades on those grains at the different
points , but the general opinion was that
Chicaco inspection should bo followed.
It might bo added that the board of trans
portation has now printed capias of the ware
house bill which can bo obtained on applica
tion to the board.
The Howoscalo took llrstpremium ntPhlln
delphUi , Paris , Sydney nnd other exhibitions.
Boiden & Sclleck Co. , AgUs. , Chicago.
.luck son HIIN n I'll per.
The Utah American is n now Journalistic
venture that has blossomed out In four-pago
glory In the Salt Lake Hold , with C. M. Jack
son at the holm. Mr. Jackson was formerly
connected with Tnc HIK : , and Is well known
In Omaha. The American is decidedly racy ,
and will undoubtedly nrovo vorv interesting
reading , especially for the opposition. It Is
published In the interest of the liberal party ,
and the management assures the public that
it has coma to stay.
Do Witt's Little Hnrly Klsors. flpstllttto
pill OVIT made. Cure constipation every
tune. Nona equal. Usa thorn now.
Vanilla A Of porfoot purity.
Lemon - Of great strongth.
Almond [ Economy In thoiruao
Rose etc.r F'avor ' ns dollcntoly
nncl dellclously ao the fresh f rulU
.ft. T. FKI.I.X '
. . . . . t.OlTIEAUD'H OKIKNTAl *
, Knck.
* o < - 7 fi lUuasvBanil every bltluhh ull
25 "
? Mti r2" ! : : * -xl'i'iuty. nud ( l.Hi'j
1.0 % V f-f /7tJ < lcUc on. It Iii
ajiJ ; R-'Sr - n //rKtioo ? < l Clio t t of u
SSsfii 5f\fi * fefe-M1 - ? .
2g | 3/ | / . SSSi"iKSK ?
M rt o i * v crno counu-rft'it of
similar iitiino. Dr.I * .
A. Biijtr wil < t to a
lody of Uu'lmut-ton
" " "Asyuu
nil * ( Jou-
ItniiC Imi infill of all
tin * nLIn pi-cp-im-
llon * " 1'nr wilb y
all iJii'twUU niul
ernlnthotrnltMStnt * * . rAnfidi'nnd Ennil *
tKU'i.T IH"CINs. ' J'ron'r 7Oint JouwSL N Y
A POSITIVE and permanent CURE lor a"
ilcoasor.ol Iho URINARY ORGANS. Ciiros
where olliertroatmentlalls. Full directions with each
battle. Price , one dollar. See signature of E. I ,
STAHU FOV Bnlo By All DruEzefatit- _
CA11IN , J.V ) to W. Aivurilliu to Sto.nuar
mnl locution of HtiitiTiinni.
Intcrineilliitu nml Mtu > riun tit low ratoi.
Ml CATTU ; ( AltlllKII.
via I.undoiiilerry , ovorr TurtulKlit.
i.trilJilly.tiTA'ri : UK ( iiiHUIA : , II A.SL
AllKllst lith , H'l ATK ( ) ! ' NKVADA. 10 A. M.
AUK. - ' th. STA n : 01. ' MIIUbKA.o : A. M.
CAI11N , > .i5 np. Ilotiirn. MV UtatirnKU it
Apiilto Al.l.A.N' A TO. . ClilciiKi > .
II. K. MOOItKI. Wnbnsh Ticket Olllco.
W. R VA1U llurllnutiiii Tlcxot nitlra
T ho M urray , cor. 14th au.l Ilarnoy , is the
most substantially constructou hotel build
ing in Omaha. Several heavy brick firownlh
running from basoinont tj roof. All coiling. ?
and floors lined" with Asbestoi fire proof lin
ing , making it imposaib'o to burn quick. Fire
escapes and fire alarms throughout the build
ing. Steam heat , hot and cola water uudsuu-
shine in every room , Table uusurpassoJ any
where. B. BILLOW AY , Proprietor.
Corner lltli nmlMnnon Strnott , Unit block iruit of
Union ruclllu unit II \ M Duputi
Now bullilHik' . n w fiirnlturu , uvurr tiling llrit-
cli > , coolo't luontlon In ( l.oalia , vluw u ( ontiru
urrounUliik'ouuiitrr , uui Uittlitilnvlrlocnll l > ulli i'tc
Ualu , II.IU an.l . 11 li Kvurr llnu or valilu ami luxlur . i"u within ono hlock uio'iii riheriaan \ DUU
ami linn. cum I'nrk llnu. 4 blucki nw jf untl jfuu cau
truuiui to tUuiu Kruu
Parnam StreBt Theater
Tonight nnd Every Kvuin'lis tills Week ,
I'opnlur I'rlcoi lot1 , 25c , ttiic , fiOc , 75c.
Reals now on suln
Wfiluusday and S.ituid.iy Mitlmo. :
GB AHB Opera House
Wt'diH'sday , July 'JO ,
Will loport lo tlm | > iMiiloof ; Omiilm on liH recent -
cent "Trlii AIUIIII I thu Wnrlil , ' mid "III tuuuli up
nn > subject MiUKt'ttti'il 1 < J linn
lli" > rvi l St-aln U ) , .14 mnl & conts. On Halo
Wuilnuailii ) iniirnliiK . A.
National Bank
Capitnl . $ /iOOOOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , i89O. 02OOO
Ollld'rs mnl DlrpctiirHllonrr W. Viitcn , I'lCHIdunti
Lu\\Ub. Ituoil. Vlru I'rtMlilunt : JainoiV HHVIUMI W
V. .Mnri.0. .lulin .S. Colllni , It. C. Ciiildni ; , J .N. U.
I'ntrlrk.V. . II. ri. IIiivliiH , Cnihliir.
Corner l.'tli ami rnriinin rim
Ooiivral llanklni ; Hnslnuss Trunsurtod
ISItnnlluin procurn for Krailu
| | ( | ( ) < Wrlti'for < 'lrciilnrs
IIARDIH LAOIE3 COLJ.ROP. 1O Hfhonl. , 14I'r .
AMDMOIAST COIISfRy VATORlilVMor. . 10th tiur ,
MEXICO ratronilnlSMtBlrn.
MO Strum li t , rliclrio
llchtu cli.irtfri * < l ojr
Ilinhluli * . t iH'Upvttt
Hint Collrgu lu
. ,
riinkmiMJimi , iniuKii OK. * JU-KHIIS HT.
JLtl bmiehe * * * f A1u ia , Pututtie Art J > t > | .4rtt IVitWr1 Tnfn *
fur bcliool UlituriMifccd Jvint f i * t mixteralo c < > * l ( t
. j. j , turrrirAKur , i > irr ur.
. ] ) . lloartllnu
HclKMil fur ( ilrln and Vnunir I.u.ilen. For
culnlouiinudilrcHl ] Til A VKIt. J.I. . It ,
Morgan 1'nrk , 111. , or 77 Madiaunbiruut , Cldcavo , III
i l Inn ! > < -llna in all , lri rt-
irifiiu r MiKlmlMmly Mm
AlLUtc X Mialtl'lidauritlajil
jcir. AdJruaK K liuLlaltl ) , burl. Jai-kMinvllIu , i.L
nwir KliANKfoin , Kv
OPKN Tuuouuiuur raw Y "Aft.
'I'lin turunil tunu ut thin uc.ul rilu yoir ouxl'ii ' lint
Mninlij : In Juljr nnil cluiui llilnl Wu'luunl ' ijr ID
IMM'utnuur next
Co i li F IU > \ D. HuptI'lijtOtllcu , \IIIMIM.I ; . Ky
Illinois Military Academyteh , ' , ' - & rullon ,
Cor College ur Jf < i tous4 > orc &Uloifiiwnp | > llo 1'j iicirul *
\VlLBUN.rrt-nu1onl. .
" J IJ lll.ANTOH , I'rtnldcnl
> > H HKI.I.BUH , Bii | rllHind ) nl