THE OMAHA DAILY B15E , TIITJKSDAY. JULY 30 , IhOl. OMAHA BRACED UP A LITTLE , Sioux Oily Didn't ' Hnvo Quito tlio Snap Mil waukee Did. CORN IIUSKEMS WON THE GAMF , HOWEVER CoiiHldcrnhlr llnrd \ \ ork nnd Moro Ilnrd Ijuuk Fell to Oiinihn's Lot How tin- Other AVcnU Sioux City , S : Omaha , 3. Lincoln , II ; Mlnnr-apolls , 1 Kansas City , lil ; Oululh , 7. Milwaukee , ! ) ; Denver , 0 ; ( forfeited ) . Stoux OITI , la. , July 20. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tnr HIM : . ] The new Omaha team crossed swords with the Corn Huskers , nnd fora tlmo It looked ns If thov would bo vic torious The hr mo people did not score till the Blxth Inning , and the visitors hud thico runs to their credit at the cud of the fouith. They woiked hard nnd hem stlj * , but have not yet the confidence that comes from team work and common experience. The visitors went out In ono , two , throe order in the llr t Inning , but In the second , after Dungun went out on Meiltlu's pretty stop nnd throw to llrst , McClellnn got a single nnd went to second on a wild pitch. Walsh got to first Inso by Karlo's bad throw , but wa.s caught stealing second Then Whitchcaii got llrst base on Nicholson's error and UunL'an seated. Dug- date was thrown out at first base. In the foilHh Inning rianlgan got a single nnd scored on LVtngnn's three-bagger. Me- C'lollan How out and Walsh fanned -out , hut \Vhltehead got his base on balls , and while ho was skirmishing between llrst and second bases Dungan scored Dugilalo flow out. Tljls ended the visitors' runs , although they morothunomo got n man mound to third biso. In the sixth inning , with two men out , McClollan got his bisu on balls and advanced to third on Conins' ! wild throw , but Walsh was thrown out at llrst base. Ln the seventh inning Wiltchota got to second base with no one out , but could got no farther. In the eighth Dutiirnn r rule a nice hit , but was caught trying to make ltd two-bagger. In the ninth Inning the visitois did not gut to llrst base. The Corn Huskers transacted no prolltablo business with Mr Kccfo till the sixth In ning. Then Strauss got a biso on balls , ad vanced on VnnDvho's hit and scored on Nicholson's hit VaiiDvko scoicd on Schol- bcck's lacullco. Nicholson was caught nt tuo plate , but Monlssey got to second and scored on Genius' single. In tbo seventh inning Svvartwood got his nnso on balls , stole second nnd scored on Strauss'long lly , which Poormati muffed. Strauss scoied on VnnDjke's hit mid the latter got to second on Planagan's error und to third on Nicholson's lly out , and scored on SchcIbock'H hit. In the eighth liming fjflnins reached first by Flanagan's error , but Karl ciowdod him out. MeaKin's single put Karl to second b iso and both advanced on Svvaitwnod's bit and scored on Strauss' hit. Kccfo pitched a fairly good panic , but the visitors' Holding was rather ragged at criti cal points. Score- SIOUX CITV AD U. 111. I'O. A K S'J3. AHV. runs : Sioux City , 2 : Omuha , S. Two- busu hits : Mcho son. Threu-b isn hits : Dun- gun. htoli-n buses : Slon\ City , .t : Omaha , i llrst base on b dls : on Mu iklii , .1 ; Kcofo , 4. htruek out. lly Muakin , . ) ; ICeofo. 2. Wild pitches ! Meililn , I. Tlmo : Ono hour and forty-live iiilnote ! , : Knight. omiit Ijlnvoln Had nn Knsy Tlmo Ij Out the MfllorN. , Minn , Julv 20 Another miserable Holding game was put up by the Minneapolis team and they narrowly escaped being shut out. Score : IMInneapoUi . 0000 00 1 Unfoln . U 3 * -ll RUMVIAIIV. Fsrnnl rum Mlmicai'oH" 1 : 1 Iniuln 1 Two ImnolillH Trinilniiy Cmik. Klllcn Wunl Mnlun lm Ui Mutton ! Double | iln ItOKcrK to VAnril. Klllon tu llciitl tonril Hr t biisuun hulls lit Klllun.O , Hiri-t . ' I'axkiit biilla lluilliif. I VV Hit iiltihcn Kllleii , I , hhrt-t . ' 'llniu 'Iwo liourn Uniplri i .Vlliclu 11 mill o ) : ) What AIulliilo Han to Stand. DUIUTII , Minn. , July J. MoIIalo's wildness - ness gave the opening game to the Kansas City club The long-legged Uuluth frcnk gave eight men buses on balls , and also had a disastrous wild pitch which lot In a couple of runs Ftvo Cowbojs vvc'nt to llrst on balls in the second Inning. Both pitchers weru batted hard. Score : blllllt lir 1NMNU3 Dululll . 2300SOOOO-T Hnn i utr . i u i j a o o o u-u BUJIMAIIV Klirncil nun. Dnlllth , 4. KIIIIBUH City , 4 Two- uaMi Idln VVrlulit I nlteiiuc * . HIMIMT , hunter , ( inn xin 'llirutilinou lilta VVriKlit , Ijiltiiiiii | > , o uciiirku , l-e tcr Huuitt runai I.alluquu. HinUli. btulc'ii lU i > ! llentrr Double plii > O'llourku to lllr ID ' O'llrlun Hist Im.vfon liiill. : ( UT Vlolluln , 8 ; oil Hnntuol. I. Hlruik outi ll > llcllalo. 3j by Mwurt B | . 8 > VIIO pltclios MellulK Tlmu. Ono liuur nuil forty luluuiiiM llni | > lroi I-IUBI ) Got Anifry. MlUviUKl'EU. . , July 10 ! Captain Tobeuti of the Delivers rolused to pluy In the llrst Inning on account of n decision by Umpire Coicoran , which ho claimed was un- lust , aud thu gaino was given to Milwaukee" by a icoru of U to 0. AVtmturn At-Hoolntlou Stamllni- . I'luycU Won. Lost I'ur Ct. llllw&ukot ) W J2 &U Omuhjv , ,70 4J S7X , (111 Mlnneupolls 4(1 ( X ) Lincoln . TU J7 AB bloux Ultv . &l II kRUiHiUlty . M DenTer. . . . . . . . 81 32 49 Uuluth . „ . M 2J 57 Xf ! xir/o.v.a , M.K.HWK. Clnuliiiintl Jninnied I'ltloburi ; n Iilttlo Deeper Into tintH Pliice' . PiTTsniwo , Pa. , July 29. Tbo Cincinnati ! put up an elegant eanm of ball today ana easily defeated the homo team. Tony Mul- lane was Invlnclblu until the last Inning , when ho grow wild and allowed Pitt-shun ; to score two runs. Smith's work nt short was very lino. Score. I'lttflhiirtf 0 00000002 2 Olnclnnntl . . U0104S010-H lilts : I'ltlsbnrc. 8 : Cincinnati , 10. Errors ; I'ltlnuurs. 7 : Ulnelmmtl , a. Ilultortes ! Hald- wln nnd Mack : Mullamt and Harrington. Knrncd runs ! i'lttubiir. * . 1 ; Clnelnnutl , 4. IHlOnKf.TN' 1OOIC TIIK I.AHT. Nr.w YOUK , July 20 Today's gatno nt 1'a.storn pule , JJrookljn , Ixitwucn the Hrook- lyn and Philadelphia teams was n splendid exhibition. Score : llrrwiklyn ] 1 B rnllndelplila . 4 lilts llrookljn. I. ' ; I'hlladelphla , 10. Krrorn : Itrooklvn. : < : I'lillndelpbl i , II. llatterin : l.ovett nnd Khislow ; Oleasoii nnd Uloments. nurncd runs : llrooklyn , 4 ; Philadelphia , ! . Nntloiml l.e-iiniic Stuntllng. I'lnyod.Von. . Lost. I'or Ct. Oblcniro HO 48 'CJ fM llostoi 78 4 M /Ol NoW VorK 7" > 4J : < l tU Olovol'ind SJ 41 II 'iOO I'hlliidolnhla. . . . . . 71) ) . 41 .IM JlrooUyn 78 . ' 17 41 .474 Ulncliiiintl SI .r. 40 41. I'ltUburit 70 31 44 iiW AMI'.KWAX .I Only Ono Gnnrc IMnyoil nnd tlio fjcndei'H Ijoit Tlmt. nAi/riMOHB , Md. , July 29. The Daltlmorcs defeated the Ho.Uons today with the stick. From si art to finish they had nn easy tlmo of It and played well. Score : Ittltlmnro . . . * R Huston . . . 00 1-3 Hits : Jliiltlinoro , 10 ; Hoston. 7. Errors- l al- tlinore , 1 : HoHton , l ! ( latteries : McMahon and Koblnson ; 1'lt/Ker.iUl , HaddocU. Murphy and lioiiabuo. Karnud runs , 11 iltlmoie , 1 ; Hoston. _ Ainurican Asmx'iationtiniHn : < ; . I'liiVoJ Won. l.oau I'or Ot , Boston . W fi7 27 . ( - ? > ht Louis . M .VT Jt .MS Ilultlmoro . HI 47 Jl .V < 0 Columbus . 87 44 4" . Athletics . 81 41 4J 4'll ' Olnclnn itl . HI ( " > 40 .417 Lnulsvllio . . . .nil .11 m , l.ll Wash lu-lon . 81 -T XU TlilH la AIoCtonnlKlo'N I/ay. PITTIILW ) , Pa , July 2' ) . The directors of the Pitlsburg bascuill club met this after noon and again reversed their decision by slgnintr McUonnlglu of Piovidenco for man ager. Hniilon will remain as a player. bi'.ut IIA or .s NnnpnrcllH Lost. PiATTSMot'Tii , Neb , July 20. [ Special Telegram to Tnu Bru.J-Tho greatest game of tbu season was played here today between the Nonpiroils of Omaha and the Burllng- tons of this city. It was only by great team vvoik and the bunching of hi Us in the eighth Inning that thu Hurlinirtons defeated their clover opjioiieiiU. In the fhst Inuii.ft , the second man at the bnt for the visitors , batted ji very hot ball vvnlth struck Pitcher Yapp below the bleep of tbo right aim , but according to the outcome of the game his Ditching was not much nlfectod bj' the mishap , as bis pertonmnco In tbo box wns immense. Catcher CroiKbton also huit his lame ankle uiraln in the fourth , but continued thu game , not letting u ball pass him. Tom Patter-son at short plnj'ed n splendid came , innklnc seven assists Hert Dunn made his debut in Plattsmoutn today and held down litst in fjro-vt shape The Uurllngtous Old creat work , only two errors being charged neainst them. They play again to- rnorro'w. Score- Nonpuells . . . 2 Iturlliutons. . . . 14 * 0 Hits : Noup irol s. .1 ; lliirllngtons , 8 Krrora : N'onp noils. A : Itiiilliutons. J Two base lilts : Holler , Torn 1'itter-on. UralKlitou. It ittorles : Jullon and Lucy ; V. upn atidOrolKbton btruulv dilllly Jollon. 8 ; by Yapp. K Hases on b ills : Ity Jellen. .1 ; hy'Vapp , I , I'lmeof gamut Two hours LTinnlrn : Pr inic MeCov. Jtlalr Ijoht A nln. PIUVIONT , Neb. , July 2 ! ) [ Special Tele gram to Tin : DLK. ] The Blair sports came over to Fremont todiy with their ball tonrn and dropped another game and all their money to Fremont , The vrsitors had llxed up a team to plaj- oven for the four succos- siv o defeats given them by Fremont , Howe nnd Ke-ofo , ttio crack battorv- from LoMnrs , la..were ttio men who were to do the deadly work , and so positive were the nccompany- inir BInir clanks that these men would do It that thuso same cranks were compelled to walk home. The trnrro was hotly contested from start to finish , and was as pretty a ono as has been soon hero this season. Howe was very of- fcctivo in the box , striking out ei ht men. The homo team bunched its hits und a two- bagger bj' Patterson in the seventh won the game for Fremont. Score : rromont 4 lllalr 2 00 100000 ' 1 Hiitlurlcs : ICImmel und Palmer : Ilonoand Iveofe. htrucK out : lly Klmmel , .1 ; by Mono. 0 Ktrors : rremont , 5 : lllulr. , ( . Passed hulls : Palmer , 1. Double pbiyH : K'lmmol t Tlck- nor to Palmer , lliiao lilts : Piuiiiont , 4 : lil.ilr , L' . Two-buso lilt : 1'attoison Umplro11I : - liiins of Omaha. Tlmu : Onu hour and forty minutes. I'lnttsmoitth SliooturH. Pi.TTSMOUTII , Neb , July 29. ISpocitil to TUB Bi F.I Ycstoiffav afternoon the gun club enjoyed their weekly shoot , In which Max Lemon carried oft the honors by win ning the badge with ten straight kills. The score : .Tones 01111 10011 7 \Vuhor 00111 11101 7 Itleliey 1C011 11011 7 llyors 00101 HUM 4 I'lloKo 10111 11110-8 1'olloek 10111 11011 7 Mirnim 01010 11111-7 llolmos 11011 01111-8 Johns 11111 01111-t ) Uospaln 11110 01000 5 UltirU lllll 10(111) ( ) 7 Lei ion lllll 11111 10 Knhney 01010 11011 U Pollowing the bailee shoot three sweep stakes were made up In the lirst ICuhnoj- took llrst inoncj' , Holmes second and Weber third. In tbo second .Johns took llrst , Dcs- pain second and Claik third. In the third Lemon took llrst , Holmes second and Pol lock third. Kovvoll LONDON' , July 29. Charles Uowoll called nt the Sporting Llfo to Jay , posted JL' . " > 0 and accepted the challenge of John Hughes to ruir any distance from twenty-four hours to six days for $ "iUj ) a side and the champion ship of the world. IIo status that If Hughes will deposit the same amount with Itlchard 1C Pox and forward articles the mutch will bu arranged. Should ho fail to back up his challenge Ho well will run uny man in tbo world upon the sanio conditions , Used Iron in llln Glovo. WAI.I.A WAI.I.A , Wash .JulySa. Ctuly thin morning Billy Poole of St. Paul and Jack Iluno , an unknown , fought seven rounds with gloves In n twenty-four foot ring Just across the Oregon lino. At tbu end of the eleventh round the light was awauled to Poole , the referee having discovered that Bane had been using n piece of iron In hfs light glove. Hani ) was terribly punished. Prlluhai-d New Yoiii ; , July 2 < ) . The Police Oazqtto has n special cable from London saying that Ted Prltchiml has challenged Charlov Mitch ell to light for f-\UOO and the championship of I'ngltind. Pritchard SRJS bo is not going to the United States , but is willlui' to light either. Fit/slmnions or Hull for $3,000 a sldo and allow expenses , OntolnsHcd l > y Kuiirncy. Ki'Aiixhl , Nob. , July 29. [ Spnclal Telegram - gram to THU Hi.r.,1 The Kearney StowarU and tbu Lexington bnaoball clubs played a good umo this afternoon , resulting lu u score of tu to 2 In favor of Kearney. Thu game was a good ono , but the Keainey boys \vvro too active for the Lexington club , Illddlni ; for tlio Svs Fiuscisco , Cnl. , July 2l > . The Pa- clflo Athletic club last night telegraphed Jimmy Carroll offering n purse of W.5QO for Hall aud Fluslmmous to right here. The olTor was refused , Cm roll domundinir 112.IXKJ The California club offered $0UUO. The clubs will uot glvo $12,000. Imtonln'H Pull Pi-OKi-niruuo. CINCINNATI , O. , July 29. Advance sheets of the Latonla Jockey club progrannuo book fall meeting show that flue races are down for each day , which excel all ot the post meetIngs - Ings , $ . ' 100 and fcflO purses being the smallest given , and thu uddid money will amount to dolly. POSTPONED THE BIG HATCH , Kaco Botwcon Inngstroet and Tonny Put Cva Until Enlurday. EXPELLED FOR PULLING HIS IIORSF. Ornnd Clictilt < Itidiof Make t-lioit Wink of a Crooked Driver and Ovv ner al riovolnnd Other NCVVM. K , N. , T. , July 9. This wns the day originally set for the match race be tween Tenny nnd Longstrcot , and It was fully expected that onn of thu largest ciowds of the snason would be present to witness the struggle Hut the rain came down In tor rents this morning , and somu ono spread broadcast that the races had been postponed. The track olllclaU rectified this mistake nt once , but the mischief had nlre idy been done , nnd Instead of the surging crowds that had been expected about two thousand poisons were present. In one sense It Was well that It was so , for the track wa heavy and holdIng - Ing , and it was decided to postpone the match until next Saturday. Notwithstanding the bad condition of the track somu goon racing was witnessed. rirst nice , slv furlongs. 1'lvu stirters : Slcliiner IJJl'toL1) ) , won by n nose Chesa peake. I4U ( l > to , bnat .Mary Monc IIS ( ID ( o I ) , eight lengths for the pi tec ' 1 line III1 ; Second rue llvo fiirlomrs Mno starters : \ \ ulcott. KM (4 ( to I ) , won easily by two lengths fiom ( oriectlnn , 101 C > to I ) who bo it Klrk- ovup. 1011(11) ( ) to 1) ) , a length Tinin' 'l-OO'-i ' Third lace. Milling , one mllu 1'oitr stnrters : Itlot. KM ( T to 1) ) drew nw.iy und won easily by a lon.'tb anil a h ilf from Colin , "JlS to I ) , who beat Mur liprlla. 'II ( ,0 to 1) ) , thosaliie distance forthlxl rime : 1-4 t't ronith race , f.'i.OOO one mlle and quarter IKHtiioni'd till baturdnj. rinlr rnet' , handicap for two-yo'ir-olds , slv furlongs , taevnn starters : Ciiloncu , colt. 111' ' . ( ' ) to ! > > , won easily by two lungths from I'an- ( lellir.i. lid , ( I , to I ) , second , who bu it Alcalde. 100. (10 ( to I ) , two lengths Time : 1:14. Mvth rac'u. sK furlongs Klgbt starters : Koqiicforlc , 10' ' ( .Ito 1) ) . won by a nose , hulls- Imry. tr > . (7 ( to3) ) . bo ( ting 1'utnior , jr , 1U2. (11 ( to 1) ) twenty lengths for place. Tune : 1 14. buMiiith race , purse f 1,000 for two-year-olds , soiling half milo. Mno st irtors : St. I'lincreas , O'i. ' ( .Itol ) won easily by three lungths. Little bandy , lO'i. ( Tto.'ii , butt 111)1111)111011.104 ) , (4 ( tel ) , a heul forsucond place. Time : I8'4. pvruit Several Sensational Episodes on tlic 'J'rauk at Cleveland. CIKVIIAM > , O. . July 20. The granil cir cuit races ut the Cleveland driving park to day developed nianj' sensations. The crowd was big , the weather cool and pluisant and the track fast. There weto four events the 2:21 : class trotting unfinished yestord.iy , the 2 10 class trotUntr , the free-for-all pace and the 2:27 : class trotting. In the 2:10 : class Templobar was the favor ite , and it soon became apparent that his driver , George C. Spear , was not trying to win. After the third heat drivers were changed nnd Templobar won in straight heats. At thu conclusion of the race the horse , his ill Ivor aud his owner , Dr. M. Silo of Ken tucky were expelled from the National trot ting association. In the llrst race St. Elmo's sulky collided with that of Leicester , and the former ran avvnj' . SplaH , his driver , was thrown to the ground nnd the horse was hcnt to the burn. The performance of Halpointer in the free- for-all pace was remarkable. llo not only broke tlio track record for pacers , 2:1IJ , Put made the three fastest heats ever paced in a race. Past time was made in the 2:27 : class also. Following are the results : ! i:21 : class trotting , purse S2.000 , unfinished yesterday. LuKuuood I'rlncs first , Ivow York Central second. Trim third , Kbby fourth IttHttlmo2.154. . Jl' : ' ) class trotting , purse$2.000. Tnmnlobar first , Leicester sec-oml. Alliui third , Junomont fourth Hcstllmo : 2:18. : I rc'e-for-nll puce , pnrsu $ . ' ,000. Ilalpolnter first , Yolo Maid .second , Dallas third. Heat time : 2li : ) < 4. 2:27 : class trotting , purse $2,000 Happy Ileo llrst , N. T. 11. second , Jerry I third , King Chester fourth. Host time : 2:1714. Twin City H.ICCH. ST. PAUL , Minn , , July 29. A fine day and a good list of entries more than doubled the attendance at tno Hamllno tract today. The track was still a trifle heavy , but some ex citing sport was seen , and especially t ho last 'race In which Klugman won after n sharp contest. Catnlpa won the first race , galoping after Louis M and Harry Hiy had tried hard but unsuccessfullj' for first place. The light for the second ruco lay between Pat Conloy and Polornus and the latter won. The third rate , Merchants' hotel handicap , was won easily uj' Minnie L. In the heat race Sympathetic Last won two straight heats without trouble. King- man won the fifth race In a drive by a nock from Eh , who was two lengths in f"ont of W. G. Morns. I'libl race , piuse WOO. for all ages , ono mile. Twelve starteis : Oat ilp.i , ' 01 , first , Harry Uay , 01 , bucoii'l. ' Louise M , 10'J ' , third. Time : 1:45 btcond race , pursu $100 , for throo-j ear-ollls and npwnrdH , onumllti and fifty yards. Twelvu starteisI'olunius , 111. llrst , I'at t'onluy , lir > . second , Itoyul ( inrtor , tIJ , third. 'lime : 1:1 : ? ' , Thlid race. Mou bants hotel handicap , for two-voar-oUis , IIvu furlongs Twelve' utartuis : Jllniilo I11. . ' . llrst , Luna 1'rej. 103. hueond , Newton , 1IR , third , Time : l.o.'y. 1'ourth rneu. pursu IJUO , thruu-fourths mile , heats 'len btarters : 1'lrst bout , bj'inpathut- ! e-t I.iiHt , 111) ) , first ; GloeKner , lit * second and Leader , 101 , third. Time , I : IIIL. S-coiid heat : Sympathetic * Iat , 111) ) , llrst ; Itllly I'lnkuilnn 111) ) , second , and Oloukiiur , III ) , third. Time , l:17 : ? ( . 1'lfth race , free handicap sweepstakes for thioo-yoar-olds and upwards , onu mile and u sixteenth. Tlireu ( arturs : Kliiginan IDS ) IS toi'i ) , won from IU1. 101 ( . ' to 1) ) , second , W. U. Morris. Ill 17 lo 5) ) . third. Time , 1:51 : > 4 , On .Saratofriv'H Track. SVUA.TOOA , N , Y. , July 29. The races wore continued here todaj' . There was a benvj' shower at 10 : UO o'clock which laid the dust , but did not stiffen the track , which is ir. good form. The sun shone hi ightlj * during thu larger part of thu day. Attendance good. 1'list race , six fur.ongs Hloven sturtors : Onllnda , 111 ( U to I ) , won In I.Iim by a nook from Clmiuilo I IS (4 ( to 1) ) , a bead hotter than foreigner. 111(5 ( to 1. ) Second race , one nnd one-sixteenth miles. Klovcn starters- Unroll , 1 2 ( I to I ) , won in 1 : ' > 0'4 a half length from linlly lloo , liJi4 ) to 1) ) . KlncC'rxh , lUdOto I ) , third. Third race , xlv furlongs. Seven staitors : M ibul ( ihinn , 1U'too ( ! ) , won In 1 in by a length froiu Oilnoto , 118 < b tu 1) ) , with Little .Mlntli , lur > ( .0 to I ) third ronrlh race , live furlongs. NInu starters : Tom Toiljh , too Ci to . ' ) , won In I.OJU. with Mount MulJroKOi. lU.'l.'to J ) , second and Ilev- erwluu , 105IIU to 1) ) . third 1'lfth race- , for threu-j uar-olds and upwards , ono mllu. l.lKhtHtarturs : Outtysburg , 11. (13 ( to Til , won In 1.1IJ4 , u lun * tli fiuiii ( iolden Keel , 104 ( D to 1) ) , and VMIII bands down. ( Jalgary , 10J (4J ( to 1) ) , was thlid llankiiiH * Itnoes. OIIICAUO , July 2'J. At Oarllold park today Drandolotto with Jockey Cioodalo In the saddle Hindu the record for u mile and seventy j'uids , covering dUtunco In I : I5 Hat. Ucsults : 1'lrst race , thlrtooii-slxtconth ! > of a mile. Neva d won , Ilirry Wo ivur second , Annie CJlurK third , Time : IJI'4. : Seeond race , one mlle Hosomont won , SU Olee second , Duster third Tlmu : 1.12. Third race , tlvu-uluhths nf a mllu. Addle won. Minnie fee second , Unidllla third. Tlmu : IU1. : 1'uiirth race ono mlle and seventy yards : llrundoletto won , Krnust Ituuo second , Mar tin ItiiKsell third TlmuIIV : 1'lflh nice , one-half mile. Out nf Sight won , Oiiuen DeteUer hoconil , M.iKo'le Ullnu third Time : f-IH Sixth ruco , thlrtoan-Hlxtcoiith of n mlle Armlel won. Spaldln second , btartur Uald- wull third. Time : l-'Hi. Trottiui ; at Dnvonporl. U. , July 2t > . Tniok good. Results : J.M : trot. VM > ; I'rlnco S won , Star Ilushavr second , Nellie Ktltlson third , May Verden fourth lleaitlnit' ! 2.I2. : 3rt : pace , tioi ) : Iliillmont won. Hello llrown ocond , dray Itllly third. lUut time : 2 , "US. Tliroo-yuar-old fret , * iW : Mudrona won. Madoriv Kucond , St. Heli v third , llelter tikeltor fourth. Host timer l.MU ! , Colonel Cot Hgnir'H Unces. Ciiicuoo.JulySO , Hawthorn o Track good , t'lrtt niou , Mlrabenu won. llutikriipt lucond , HolterHkullur third. Tlmo : lIJVi : hocuud ruee , sevon-uU'htlis of a mlle : Nero won. Mnrinosu second. Tonloon third lltmi ! Third rnco : T.nko handicap , ( mo and ono- fourth tnlle-s : ( lovnrnor Adiitns xron , llrook- M'od mtcond. AfilctM third , TlmuM ) - ( ' . ( ronith nillp' rnecifceUlntrthree-foilrtlnnf u Ml tin Itock won , lion McUnrt m.'cond , U - tiniiiicT < tlilnl.n > rrrii , > ! Id ? ' } . I If Hi race , illtpn. ono und one-olithth miles ; Noanu won. , Uydjr second , Ituveul third. " ' v Time : lifts. _ I'ontlno'H Suuond. PONTIAC , Ili.i'.Tuly ' 29. Results of today's ' p > races : Throe-veir-old' ' trot , IVW. Major won In three ntrul hC Mount Sherbet , second ; ( Jen- end , third ; utpblck , fourth. Host time : 2:4" : > puce , f , < Ai I'ord Kuyt won three itraUht hentHjt ; I'niil. eeond : Mllv , third ; Hilly Uoldeii. fourth He-it tlmo : 2-4. 2i1 : trol , iHuo Hhalbui . won : Madgn llut- ton. second ; Hello Wilson , third ; Junior , fouitb. llcMt timeTtU. . 3i mint /r/s w. licHtod by Danny Nccdliiiiu In tlio Klfjlrt at M-VlHUo. bvv FIUNCIXCO , Cul. , July 29. Danny Need- ham of St. Paul nnd Billy Mahnrof San Pianclaco met lu a light to n llnlsh for a Sl.fiW ) purse at the Occidental club tonight. This was their second meeting , Needham hav Ing bofoio defeated Maher In forty-thtcu rounds at Seattle last fall. Maher weighed iyf > pounds. Ills seconds were Paddy ( ionium and Jack Klordan. Nuedham's weight was 13S pounds nnd his seconds were Tom O'Kotirko nnd Sam Plt7- patrlck. The bottloholder was Oeorgo DIxon. Thu men lost no tlmo in getting to work , Maher setting the pice , while NeoIlium walled to got In a right mind knock out. Need him caught n corker nn the nose In the llrst , but stopped n rush in the econd with n right bunder that nearly lloored Muhcr. Maher punished Neudbam with both bands in the succeodlnit rounds , landing on portions tions of the ht Paul hoy's anatomy , while the latter ntill waited with his right. Maher was warned several times against punishing too low , but claimed that Ncudham knocked his hand down. Need hum landed two hard rlchts In the ninth , bringing blood from Mahor'H ' nose The latter continued to lead and good exchange came in on the IStb. Maher was then bleeding at the ear nnd exasperated at Ncodlmm's Thu was a hot round nnd it looked us if Muhor would light himself out. In the twentieth Noodham mot blur with loft and right , swelling Manor's loft oje nnd bringing blood from his mouth. Muhor was apparently groggy when the round closed , while Ncedbam seemed ircsh as at the be ginning. Maher gave up in the twentieth round Needham retrained Horn pushing mutters , but Mahor's jolts did loss harm than Need- ham's occasional countern , which seldom failed to raise a lump or draw blood. Manor several times dionped , iippucntlv to avoid punishment , and at the close of the t\v only-ninth round ho came to the center Of the rintr und said ho had a terrible pain under the ne.itland it was Im possible for him to stand the piinisb'iient longerand ho would sivo Up thn light. Ho was cheered bj- many of the spectutois on leaving the ring for the g.imoncss ho had shown. Ills face boiitraces of considerable punishment , while Nccdham's , save for a swelling of the left cheek and n slight mill ing on his ribs , was apparently unmarked. xjin ft or r/.snn/ r. Hull ruined the 'tobieco crop around Lan caster , I'u. Italy has cone-Hided n loan of 10 0)0.000 ) with a llurlln syndicate Thn annual spiritual conference of minis ter ! , of thu Hefomiud church began at L ui- eiistor , IM , Thomas 11 Kited , late spo iker of thu honso of represent itfvos , .irrhid from Knropo on thu Ulty of New York. rurnaco No . . thu Cambria lion company at Hollld.iysntirff 1'a. . wfii Htartud up. Two hundred men aru/lvcii employment , At Port Worth , T \ . , do ith ohe itod thn gul lows of. ) . W. UurjB , who \ % is to lie hanged August 10 for thu iiinrdui of It. ( J Cv ins. During the pnrido of a circus In bag Har bor , L I. , a thluf unturoil the back door of the 1'ceonlu b ink and titolu a igo confiliilng WKM. I 'i In New Yorl.'i ttudgmouts for $15,104 ngnlnst tbu piiotimatlu d ) nimllu gun company were obtained In thn J > upcilor court on piomlssory notes. Thu I'oniisylvtinla grand lodge of Good Templar's. In xc'sslon at l.oeldi.uen. eluded ollicurs LMttsbuig was soloutod for the next meeting. Delegates of.the- American I'apor Manufac turers association at Saratoga , fv. Y. , adopted resolutions against thu free coinage of silver and favoring a nnlfona baiiKriiplcj law. The tlrst car of thu now crop of A its was n- culvud at liuitimore. Md , and sold on 'chuiuo for 45 cunts. It was from northern llllnolH. prlniu white nnd In vury line condition for now. In thoontsklrlsof Dlooktou. Ala. thn dead body o' Henry Smith , u eltlren of bcottvlllc Ala. , was found. ' 1 lie map had bcon tiken there and shot last night. No clue to the pci - potrators. I ) . II. I Isk. onojof the vvoiltlilent mu'iehaiits in Ohio igo , died after two weeks Illness Hu was thubunloi member of U II I'lsk&Co Mr. risk WHS sevuntv-slx yuars Old , Ho was bom In Uph mi. Muss. At Vlcksburg , Miss , thn Sprangler sav\ mill , sash factory , mid a huge quantity of lumber burned. Loss. KiO.OOJ ; liiHiiriiiLU. J 0,000 About three hundred feet of the Mississippi Yulluy radio id trcstlu were binned. ' Thu Chilian uniisur I'lusldunt Pinto , which went nshon ) u fuw daysaioatToiilon , ( 'ranee , h in hi en U'lloated und bus buen ( locked at Lasene. Her hull Is d im.ue.l. bhe will DO nnahlu to sail fet son.u time. Senator III rckhnrn says lu > will tuko ploas- nro In Introdneltu ex-sen itoi In.-allsut l.ot- Inutoii. Ky. . provided there Is no politics In his address which liewlll deliver on August IU , on thu pioblmnsof our pieMint generation The Consolidated ollconip my of It dtlmoro , Md , . will lose alxmt lifty-ouht thoux did bar- ruU of oil from tbu tno tanks at Canton which wuru Ignltud by llRhtnlng I'liesday ovenlng. This Is valutd ut $ , ' 2UO. ' . The tanks weru vul- ned at $ l1UOo.ieh. At lloiibton , Tex. , while prunuhlng to alaiKO andlencu and v\hei | lu the midst of his ills- cfiurso Homo people on thu outside turned out the lights nnd Kitten og i d Ituv. b im Jones and h suiidlemo. most of whom wore ladles There Is great Indignation. iht'seoroiai v or thu tiDiiHiuy nas directed thu pay men tof fi.OUD tn James Mel n tosh of bnn rrniielsuo us u rouui.l foi Inform itlon which resulted In the si Iznro it San 1'iaiulsio of oilnm | valued at fn.iDO This Is thu maximum informer' fuit allowed bv luw. ThoSt Petersburg polku iccontlv n nested twenty-six oIllcuiH tuunty-fonrof vvhoin were nllilllslH i oniieetudith a conspiriuy lo kill thu C7iir and foicu the cvurowltch to establish u constitutional monarch ) The nihilists wore arrested after ollemu' desperitu reslstancu .So\en nihilists were killed In thu struggle und suvun escaped At I'otsvlllp , 1'a. , notices bav been pub lished I n t hu diil ly piipon giving thu hi)0 striking hands of the ! 'otis\le | | Iron and stoul com- pnnv'sinlll two wonkH In which I o lutiirn to work. Thu strikers \\vro notItlu I that If they did not return In that , time the mills would bu elosed to them forever and non-union men will bo secured ami put to woilc under police protection ' Thucoiisusolllcu has Issued a bnllutlon In relation to the liflitHn-tlOM of coal lu thu status ofVst Vlrginl.i , Konluok > . Teniiosaee , Vir ginia , ( Jeer l i midi oiili Carolina I'ho total production of ci > U Ju thuso states In HM ) Is re ported ut ll.ttlrt.'Jc Hiort tonv lined at tID.- iini.DL1) ) . Tbu prodtu * Jon of the s line htutes In thu tenth eensds ] was , t,4GVJiU : short IOIIK , valued at JI.IK'.lbil Noir OrNsoiiipofftofllco , N. U , n few days HRO a [ inrty of mentfallliiK themselves whlte- capsand urmed nirU iiUtolslnltud the hoiisu ofiiuoiuan nutiifl.J Jlurv ( Jreun. who lived alnno with hurl t ) il nnd uiirrlid her to the woods , vvlioru IJtus whipped bur nuarly to death. There wfciflil thu time In thu house- , vlsltlni. a hrothtr-ln-luw named llonrj JMer- rltt , and thu inaskoii men returned , heut him also terribly laeoWfln , , ' his bixly 1 bu pilvata ' l * 'it' < m committee of tbo irllfv.yWit | met toilitv and Ituy Mctlroivv rulutsil , the history of liN falllu ? out with ilnn. Thui\lis \ ) Mutlruiivy'ln .innuary , ISs'l. ltaro-o fniiinlhi ) refusal of Thomas lo allotv thu witnes .ti ) biicoinu a director of the Kluhulluil tV OntUrfn niylgiitlon coinp my. At thut lime'I'homus'e illecl l.obnrt a thief. say- In , ' hu refused to ni-coiiut for prollts due 'I lioinus In conneotlon wlthhirKIn C'onnolly A. Co. Joel Moore , u wealthy cltUen of luannntto. 1'a , who mysteriously ills ippuircd ricenlly. was found In an old cave- , half famished und almost deud from uxpoiiire Thu old man bud been tuKon to tliu CUM ) hy Joseph and Madi son Johnstown , twode t > erato olnrauiurs , and robbc-d. It has been said th it during thu past Hit months four or IIMI people of Joaiuiotto hiive myslorloiisly dlH ippearod and nothlnu has since been heard of them A searching pirty h it beun formed. Tbu tronhln at thn uiuiti mill of John and Jamtd Del son. 1'hllnduliihla. which liroxo out ufresh when tbu Ilnn refined to mlotr Ihlrty- tlneo o.i\ers whu hud been leaders of thu strike to return to work , wtia doflnltoly ut- llui Oturlnres looking to settlement worn Hindu by thu thirty-three vveuvers and UICMI wbo utruvk yciturdny out of Hjmpalhv with them Thu sQ\en-four men and three women will not bu allowed to ro-iiime work until I hey apologize to the members of tbo Unit. I'hu strlker.1 accepted thu terms of the em ployers and went biek to thulr loomi. TRAIN THOUGHTS AND TALK , Somolhicg About A'tnoU Ev.pthing and Evcr/bjdy Uuilor the Sun. US NEXT TRIP AROUND THE WORLD It. Is AtltMUtlni ; Attention from IX- tOIINltl * AmtlHrmi'nl nlll'OtOIH ( Jiiittlia Ulll llnvo tlio Na tional Capitol XtM. Several hundred people assembled nt the Grnmt opera liotiso last night to lliton to ( tcorgo l-YnncIs Train In ono of his ehnne torlstie panoramas of mental and Intulluctun brlti-n-brac. The Intense heat did not appear to Interfere with tlio earnestness of the speaker ntui for inoro Itian two hours ho cnlQitnlncd the nuulenou In a manner Urn scuinod to bo quiet satisfactory. Mr Tialn wasdressml Inn suit of diuk bluo. The cout wns of the claw Irnmmor piUturn nnd was llhenilly bespangled will bras' * buttons "I suppose von all know what I nm colnr. to talk about , " said Mr Train as ho came upon the stage and thu inidletvco began to applaud. CliDDtlni ; Hln Hnl-Jeot , "I am told tlmt the whole city has bcon strung with dodger * telling the people my suhlcct. Hero is a dodger was handci mo as I came in the door. Lot mo see It says oh this must bo n mistake this Is some doctor'b ' hnndblil. It sn\t 'the trans mission of thought. ' Well , now , that is i pretty good subject after nil , oven If It isn' the dodger I thought Itas. . That's a gooi subject. Think of that now for a moment. Thought Is cvorj whore , goes bj olectrlutj' My thought is everywhere. The traiismls sion of thought , the transmission of ftelght , the trans mission of a union depot throuuh the courts In Oniuha for Instauco. ( Laughter - tor J "Hero is an old booir , " said the great psyenie philosopher , "that I picked up in a second hand bookstore a few weeks ago The bookseller said it might interest mo It Is a boolcthatl wrote In 1S > 7. It tolls about the joung America lu New York. Itprcdictel the great disasters that befell the country soon after , Just us I an : predicting that winch is soon to c oino This book also tells of my first trip around the world I never went to Yale college and for that reason t weigh more than six ounces to the pound. " Air. Tialn tlmu entered upon a talk about his foui dlffeient trips nround the world. Ho said that Jules Vcino wioto his famous book "Aiound the World In night ) Dujs" after borrowing thu Idea fiom his llrst lapul vojnio aiound the world. On the third trip he beat the time timilo by Nellie Uly , and then ho ran against himself Mid lowered tlio ici old to sixtv-ono dnjs. Then tuniiiiK to the blackboard Mr. Train placed twelve small circles in a line across thobo.ud. , "Those twelve circles repiosont the twelve great ships upon which I have crossed the ocean. And here is the largest , ono , " and ho enclosed the vvholo twelve circles In an elliptical ilguro representing the large-it steamship nlloat. ICcmstcd KJIIK Solomon. Then making otio of those sudden diverg encies for which his lectures aie pi incipally noted , he loterred at length to his experience in loundlng up tlio spoiting bouses into which a couple \Vorld-IIeiald reporters tmd tbo audacity to lead him. IIo thought that tncro was nothing in Omaha half so giddy and depraved as the orgies that King Solomon nnd King David indulged in Qaceouling to dcsuiptions given in thu bible IIo then proceeded to toll what ho thought of Solo mon's. frivolity , and making a sudden turn bo gave the Omaha churches a smash or two because the Open Dooi is not nioro liberally supported by church members. "How much aio the churches of Omaha paying for tlio support ot tbo Open Door ! " ho asked dramatically. "I have not tioaid of tboir sending in anv very liberal subcrlp - tions , " and then the audience applauded. After quoting at length fiom bolomon and telling of the peculiarities of the Jewish king and his : ! , ( )00 ) wives , Mr. Trnm said : "Tint was worse than Mormoulsm. That was big- amv. MormuiiismisiJtighamv. " [ Applause ] "Now , how do vou like the lecture so fur as vou have igono ? " ask"d the great hypno- "Good ! Good ! " shouted half a score of voices. "Well , what I have said Is only a side show. Now I will give jou something about the Majostlc' nnd about Omaha. Look at tins , " and Mr. Train drew a largo circle on the blackboard and ui rounded it with smaller circles. Onutlin nnd Other > leH. "Hero wo have Omaha , " ho continued , pointing to a largo circle In the center. "Look at the coidon of towns alt around that must become simply suburban feeders for Omaha. Then hero is another thing. The tirno haa come when the presidents should bo selected from this sldo ot the MIsMssIppi. Aio jou going to allow n lot of rapscallions down east to elect all jour presidents } I toll jou the May ( lower is plnjcd out You re member rnj' distinguished friend , George Washington J Well , what did ho amount tof Ho couldn't tell a lie. Ho engaged In the hatchet business. Ho didn't have snap enough to have the measles when tie was > oung. [ Applause. ] "Now I would move all that Mount Version business right here to Omaha. [ Applause. ) "Will vou open some moiewiudows back there , Mr. .Janitor ! " the speaker usltod , lookIng - Ing about the sides of the stage. "Hero's the thini ; . " ho continued , "You people in the back seats come rlcht up here In the front and everybody in the galloiy come down. Wo are going to have a regular- old fashioned town neotlng richt hoio. " The invitation was accepted ami the entire audience w as soon seated close to thu foot lights. Mr. Train then proceeded to explain his latest scheme of going uioiind thuwoildln forty davs. "Mv idea is to take the steamship Majostlc , a ninth of u mile long , and take along MX ) to 1,01)1) ) ) people , all Amcricms , with a mlnlatuio world's fair on board and bail around the globe , calling upon all the crowned heads and giving them an invitation to attend the great wet Id's ' fair Wo should cable ahead and have i grand reception ut every port. Wo should all ( .airy American Hags and boom the woihl's fair and capture the national capital for Omaha , rf the enterprise should start from : iero. All wo need is 1,000 men at 8500 iplcco and the thing is donn If wo cans tint from Omaha wo wilt simply have the world n our hands. You need not worry about notes falling duo. I don't You don't see no fretting about the fact that 1 do not own .wenty million's worth of pioportj in Omaha Lot us go round the world in the Majestic and then I will have thu national capital re moved to Omaha. ( Applause. J A\ lint Do You Think ot 'IldnV "Now I want to show you the world boiled down , " the speaker suid , turning to u hoapof charts that lay upun the stage. "Ilia how do you like the introduction to my U-otiiio' What I have said has been somowtiat dUcon- lucted. I will now give jou the lectuie. " 'Laughter. ] "Hero are some of the r.nwspupor notices I lave received."tie sold , holding up a largo shoal ot caul board completely covered with clippings. "Hoio Tun Htr says that I am ecccutrio. What does it mean , that woul ec centric ) Is thoie engineer in the house ) Can , -ou run an engine without an eccentric I I ; uoss not , I nm all right if I am eccentric " He then rcud the following telegram t'wiov DEPOT. KA.NS\K I'm July .fl To Ion. UeorKo 1'r nun Train , Omaha Curifid consideration convinces HIM of tluii iillro fous- hliltv of xonr scheme for it Uujuitliiirldu fair expo Hrlon arunnd thu norm n forty dujs is outlined by you on ovorhind I'jer yuslor- lay. Will pi ) oxpunxos IIIK ! ffco service of and A htitnt A.'cnt I'oroy h Miitlox , I iiiih < oyie , Uoor/o A lut ( > inMn. , " \v Itoi in- HOII I. II MudlKiin , \ \ I llnjd. I V htiiiblK , W N I'oeK ( icorxut Si-arr. Vthllln , ! Allunund thri o special iirtHls to uccompiiiij und nmUt vou In tin ) tromoiidous iiiidorlaUni : If thi ) \iiam I' eun havu uioliisUo roprosuntat on of amusement Interest * , wo vill iftrry and exhibit niodols of oitorlor and Hterlor ofuhnw H traveling imox lo world * fair. Will utllhtu cruml tunr 'or ejllunt UK material , etc. for exhibit. 1'h.i pruijunltion bus the atiproval of Jainos K C'oopur , irons- jlri'rand.I. T , MtCiddnn , m in usiirof Adam 1 or piiun'Hsliuiv H.I' UAMi'iin.i. Tim reading of the message was received with nppluiMo. "Now will some OHO give mo n subject to talk about ! " "Transmigration of the soul , " shouted some ono. " 1 should rather talk about the transporta tion of body , " was the toply that created u general laugh. I'NJ etiology Don't Co. "I don't bcllevo In psychology , for I don't believe theiu Is any such thing as a soul. It Is time people were learning that thov should live today , not after they hnvo died Wocomo into thu world without belne consulted , nnd wo are kicked out at last with very Httlo coiemonv. Live toda.v , not tomorrow. " "How about cMfctroeutlonl" came the ncvt ( ueillon from thu audience. "O , you mean Killing bv electricity. It IH Bclutitiilr murder 1 am opposed to capital punishment In any form , hlinply because n poor drunken fool kills n man that does not give the "into thn right to make n murderer out of some other man , oven If ho is only a sheriff , nnd call Itcvipital punishment " In answer to questions about reciprocity and froonllvor ( oiimgo ho simplj' said they were bo'h d d frauds. "What about the labor problem' " shouted some son of toll In the back pirt of the room "Pnv bv the hour , " responded the energetic geticspeaker. . "Did Prancis Uaeou write thoSliako-sporro pKusf" " .Shiiif spe.iro dl I not wilte the pl ys , that U ono thing sine , " replied Cltf/en Train , and then plrltucd William Sir ikiMpearo as an lg- uoiant , druuKcn loafsr who had not bialiii enough to wilto a letter , much loss tragedy , llo thought that Shakespeare's plajs wore written hj n number of brilliant men , 1 lands Hacon among thorn. M'1 Train answered a seoro of questions and kept the audience lutenseiv Interested Hu told how to tnlto c.uo of babies , how to settle thu prohibition question , what part the woman should bo permitted to tain In poli tics , and llnallv at 10 ) ho asked the audi ence if ho had given the worth of the admis sion "Yes , jes,1'camo fiom nil parts of the house , and promising that If ho over came to Omaha again ho would deliver nnother lec ture , the good imtur c-d orator of the ov oning bid the people coed niuht Mr Train leaves todaj for Now York. iu.virKotir\ mi > i A *\io. A Treaty Xciotiitcil , mitl Anpiovcd by liolli Countries. NFYOUK , Julv 20. A Washington dls- pitc'i ' announces the conclusion of an impor tant treaty of reciprocity between the United Stales and the republic of San Domingo The ttcntj- was negotiated by Manuel Do J Galvin , minister plenipotentiary nnd envoy extraordinary , on the pirt of Sin Domingo , and John W. 1'oster , special commissioner , on the part of thu United States , and wns cignod on Juno I's Under the toi ms of the McKlu- loj bill the treity does not reqiiiio tatillca- tlon bj' thesonate. As bunorGalvin was speci ally authorised by his government to carry on the negotiations and was granted full power to sign the convention , the truatj will go into fotco without delay. September 1 is the date IKed upon. I'ho full to\t will bu olllcinlly published within a few dajs Uoth * Seciot.uv IJhiino and the president have ap proved the ticatj feocretaijbuuniox , of the Dominican legntio-i , has Just rotmncd to this cltv from a llj Ing trip to ban Domineo , vvheio ho laid the text of thu convention be fore President I'ouraux , and received his en dorsement on July b The treatj follows closely the lines laid down in the convention with Hrazil. In the opening sections the authoiitj- the Mc- Kinlcv aot for the fr o entry of sugar , mo- Ittbscs , colTee , cocoa and hides is refencd to , and in reciprocity for those concessions , the admission into Dominican ports is iiuthon/od of goods enumerated in two schedules which are appended , the ono schedule without anj' dutv- and the other with a i eduction of > pur cent upon the dutj' now levied. In the free schedule ) aio onumcr.ttod various broad&tuuS , potatoes , hav and oats , pork and cotton seed oil , agricultural implements , mining and mechanical tools and material for the con struction ; imt equipment of railways. The admission into Dominican poits of a largo number of articles with a reduction of i"i ? per cent on the present dutv , is authorized by a clause of the ticuty , and thu sdiedulo ap pended includes cured and canned meats and vegetables , manufactures of cotton , iron und steel not included in the fieu schedule , un manufactured leather , lumber and manufact- Jios of wood , etc As In tha Bra/llian treatj' this convention stipulates that neither gov ernment shall , bjr administrative regulations adopted topi otcct its revenue , place nnj undtio restrictions on the Importer , nor Impose uny ulditioual chatgC' > In fees Neither Confirmed or Denied. Cvr-i. Mvv , N. J , July U ! > General Jonn W. Poster loft hero oilly this morning for Washington No conflimation or denial of the lepoitcd bigning of the rocipiocitv igiecnicnt between the United States ami San Domlnco could bo obtained here. The > rusidont stated that all iiuch infoimation mist come from thu state dcpaitment. Cuiiidinn ! > > Won't Have * It. OTTAW v , Out. , Jtilj2U. . The nouso of com- non- , this morning voted down the reclp- ocitv amendment to thu gnveinmont's reso- ullon to consider tariff changes yeas , SS ; HIJS , 114. _ rw/vj/r.s / * / IA Axn ritii > iciio\ . low to Get Alone } ' and ICounco tlic hiiprenic Court. Sti.i'iiuii Si'itiNos Tex. , Julv 2't. Senator 'offer was the orator of the faimots' en campment last night. Four thousand people vore piesont. lie wanted the government to oan people monov at 1 pur cent to lift 0,000- 01) ) mortgages. Ho proposed to dn this with nonoj' Issued diiccllj' to thu people who had nor tgngc'd their homos Ho closed by siy- ng the people's pirtv would hnallv elect a ) iosideit : , congioss and senate , and if the su- nemo court was not with them thoj- would uako another. Snnbor n and Ills Indian Claim CIIAMIII in us , S D. . July 2Spocl ! ) | l to 'IIK Hrf | Much Inlorost is taken through- ut this section of the northwest In the pi > riont of the money to the Slssuton and Wan- lotnn bands of Sioux Thu full particulars > f the dllllculty caused by the contract of Juncral banborn of St. Paul have not jot ) cen | iubllstnd , and as It makes Intciestlng eadintr n brlot history of the in ittur may bo f Interest , About Jlftuen years ago Gcnuial Siuiboin eiitoioil Into acontiaut with thase ndians to lobby thiough congto s an iippro iriatlon tn pnv thu annnltle- , due them , and f successful was to receive 10 per cnnt of the imonnt paid to e ich Indian. Ho win to have .welvo joirs' time in which to eomnleto the ob. but at thn expiration of the tinio had ut- orly failed Last week , however , whonpaj- ncntH to thn Indlutu commenced , the gunoial tejipod in and attempted to culled the 10 lorcunt , but thn Indiam objected and the ir tier was cai ricd to Washington. 'I ho do- ) artment decided that the general should 10- : ervo his 10 pur cunt from ontv those Indians vho had to entered Into a contract with him \fter his fiiiliiru to lobby a bill through eon- TOSS some of thu whltu [ icnplo In the towns ( ordering on the btsioton roiorvatlon who vero IntoroHtod in having it opuiud to settle- nent , took the mallei up , anil finally secured ho appolntmunt of a commission to tieat vlth thu Indians This effort proved sue- ( ssfuland shortly afterward binborn rovls- ted the reservation and In some way man- gcd to secure the signatures of a number of Indians ton now agieomcnt giving him 10 percent upon thu amount cadi was to re ceive The decision of the department now makes It binding upon the part of thn Indians who signed thu last agrceiiont to pay thu general his 10 per cent , but the old agree ment is annulled nnd Instead of getting In the neighborhood of $70,000 , the general will receive Ion than f U ) 000 Thu pay menus that were susended | during the Investigation have now bcon resumed , and all U quiet at the ueency. I'nvU vIII IU r IT , Mont , , July 20 Toduv In the Davis trial was occupied bj the closing of Colonel IiiKordoll s address for the contestants and the examination of the llrU witness for the proponent , J. C Scnunco , tlio only living wit- nois 01 the alleged will Ho testified to hav ing sumi A J iJavis , thu late mllllonulrn , Mgn the will in his presence and others lu 1MX ) at the farm of Jamo * Duvli , In ( own Hm toitiinony was not shaken oil cross examination FAVORED THE ROCK ISLAND , Chairman Fiuloy Falls to Sustain the Ohargo of tlm Atchison , ANOTHER RATE QUESTION SETTLED , NIolcM Plato OIllclaN Coino to tlis AsslHiirncu of 'Iliolr UVsloin Connection Victory lor thu Mnplo lical' . Cntrino , July 2 < -Ulnlrnmn handed down nnothur decision today , dis missing thuehargcs of llu > Atchlson against thu 1 took Island A complaint was made that tickets used on the latter road from Chicago to Denver was purchased from n city bioker May for VS ! M , the tariff rate being $ . )0.tlT ) , AS the ticket bore the stamp of the local oillco of the Uock Island und was dated April .M , Itwasaigund that the reduced i ate must have boon made with the kuowl- cdgo ami i onsen t of tlio utllclals of that road. The defense was that thu ticket bad boon Issued on the ouler of n traveling pissonger agent of the toad H , and that the traveling passenger agent on April I sold the ordur at full tariff into to the local ticket agent of thu Nlckul Plate line In I'lov eland and thu auditor's vouchurs"\vuiu produced to show that two tickets wore Issued In exchange for the order , the comp in v receiving the full rule ot $ il ID. Chairman Plnloy decided that thu chin go wns not sustained imtvi ST iu i IISIONS. The Westetn Passenger association mot today in special session and took Html action on the ( jiiodtlon of hni v cst excursion rates for the season of is'll ' The nrtatige'incMits made are in conformity with those of thu tiansinlssouil lines which decided to glvo tlneu such excursions , thu dates of which were llxod for August aft , September Ifi and - ! ' " Tickets will bu a laro and a third for thu roilllil tl-lti Anntltm m.iMor tki.fmn Mm imwif Ing was n complaint against the Chicago , Kansas CltvXSt Paul for transfnrrlng the baggage of its through p isiongoi-s from its own station In Kansas Cltj to tbo biggnga rooms'of Its western connections frco of cbatgo The Mnplo Leif has not vet oh tnlned nn uatiaiico to the union depot at tlmt point and thu frto transfer of lurggago Is a duvico to Dlaco Itsulf on nn oqualltj with its competitors Chatrninu Plnlov ruled that It was Justllled In so doing but some of the discontented roads took an appeal fiom his decision. SmiiK Jlailr , ad Olllclal. BOSTON , Muss. , July L".lA Ice President O'ShtiURhncMsj- the Canadian Pacific writes Ul'cctor Gooitro ll Harris , American dlicctor of tint load , In regard to the re ported consolidation of the1 Canadian Pacillc , thu Grand Tiunk , Hoston & Maine and Vnmloibilliiitoiosts us follows " 1 have been tied down hero since Mr. Van Horn left foi Hnglnnd , but ICiikputilck and I havu decided to pav vou n visit lu thu course " the next tun davs for the purpose of eonsl- eimg thu dosirubllitj' of acquiring all the rest of thu roads in Nuw Knglaiid or puihups In the United Status , so that the whole thing muv bu closed up In a single newspaper paragraph. " in : i j n i % j in : ri , i u./s. Frightful Acuidcnt to u Clicjuiino Woman lioin llni-nini * ; OH. Curiivsr , Vv'vo. , July 21) ) [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hi I'.J Mis. John Kuitz , wife" of n night watchman at the Union Paclflo yards , wns fut.illv binned this morning at her homo , corner Nineteenth ntid O'Neil stioets , under distressing circumstances About K ) ,10 o'clock she boguu to get breakfast ready for her bus band. The Ilia lu the sto.u had about died out , so she po-irod some coil oil In thu stove fiom thu can. Instantly a bl 170 shot up , limiting the oil in the can , causing an explosion which was hoard for several blocks around. Thu unloilnilaio woman lushed forth froui tbo house a mass -of flames and ilnrv liquid Her piercing shrluus star lied the neighborhood Her husbind , who had been asleep , was the first to reach the scene nnd ho ntt niptcd to tear the clothes off her but other cooler ones soon vv tupped her in their coits and extin guished the bln/lutr clothing Meantime an alarm of lire had been sent In and the niiviil of the department added to tlio excitement. There was no damage done to the house. The woman wns fiightfnllj' binned nnd suf- fcied agonies bofuru the niilval of physi cians , fler body was n mass of binned and quivcilnc llesh except for u few little spots on her back mid a na > row scrip around her waist whuio n bolt bad confined herdiess. Sht < died nt (5 ( o'eloJj " this evening. Mrs Kuitz was about nlnuteOl ! j o u s old , had been m u i led a j ear and lo iv cs 'no chlldicn. Sbo came hero with her huubind from linltimori ) seven months nijo. Hri iiiu'iiii" and . ' Svv PiiANCisto , Cal.Julj 2l ! - Thu steamer Monsorrnt , which loft IIOTO a few months ago with n cargo of provisions for Chill , ruttii ncd this morning with ucaigo of nltiato whiclr she found dlllkulty lu obtaining at Plsagun. whore the mines are mostly In the hands of lOnu-Hsh citpitallsts and aio hoing worked to their utmost cap iclty. Captain Hughes of the Monseri at says that much of thu information received In this country concuniliig alfuirs lu Chill has bc'un err ineotis and se.isational. There has been no lighting to speak of for thrcn mouths In summing up tbo situ itlon Captain Hughes saj s that the insurgents aio s ulljIn need of guncials and admirals , most of tbo gunuruls who couductcd the biilliuiit < umpalin against Peru being elf in Europe. Thuio seenm to bo no piospccts nf an immediate settlement unless Unlnmcoda's foiceswln In aid cf the now warships en louto from I'tnopo , which , if thuy reach Chi" without , falling into the hands of the Insurgents , will undoubtedly turn thu tldu of buttle in favor of Halnmcud i , NOVVH. Ni-vv Yonu , July J ! ) ISpocIal to Tnr Hu j Among the Ameilcan touilsts who havnnirivcd from Kumno are Mr Joseph HialecKl of Lciivenwoilh , Knn. , Mr. II ( Schmidt , Mrs. Louise Schmidt , Mr. Henry Schmidt. Mr Call Schmidt and Mr full Warnuboid , allot Davunpoil la Thuj ur- rived on llu Werr.r , ol the Ninth Gorman Lljod line Miss Kajuss , Luavcnwoith , Is nt the Albcrmaile hotm C H Stiattnn , Omaha , U at the Conti nental holul , and J. M Moouoy , Sioux City , Is at the Sweeney. At London- Sighted , the ( lei munlo , from New Yoik , thuMlubignii , fiom Huliimoie. Will .Not Allfdt the Itoad. NEW YOUK , Julv 2' ) C. P Huntington savs the death of Mrs Mark Hopkins Scarloj will In no way affect tbo management or policy of the Southern Puelllo railroad. Two I lioiiHiiud t'rlNpiiiH Out. Qi IM , Mass , July 29JJy n stilko of the ticers In the boot and xhoo factory of John 1' . Diakui,0l)0 hands are tin own out of oinploj'- incut The Shah of Persia Though advanced lu yean , has hair of raven ' .lie Cray hairs are stilctly pioliihlted In nls doiiilnions , and hi'iicu tint laigc ihlp * incuts to country of Aye i 'a Mgor , by thu use nf thu Ml ih s subjects H no hot only their hair but their In ails AJI'I'H Hair Vlgur ic-stiiiei thn natural mini of th * hair. U should be on uvcr ) toilet talik- . "Homo time ign in ) hnlr hcgan to f.nlw nnd to fall out so badly that I thoiitjlit I slmiilct 1m bald , but thu use of A ) i's Hull MKOF has restoicd the original color and maileinjr hair strong , abundant , and liiallh ) It dm t not f ill out any nioicAddle Hliaflur , 010 li.ic'cst . ( 'Inclnnitl , Ohio "My hair ( which hid partly turni'il gray ) wn reitond to Its jonthfnl culnr and lipanty by Iho ute of a few botllot of Aycr's ll.ilr Vigor I shall continue t > i HID It , as there Is nn hcltc-r druiiliig for the hair" lialih ) llapp , ( iourucana , Ala Ayer's Hair Vigor , ' DR , J C. AVER & CO. , Lownll , Mass. Suia bjr all Iirurnliti null rorfuincri ,