THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , jlULY 2(5 ( , 1801-SlXTJfiEtf PAGES. WHO WILL STIR THE CHIP ? European Powers Reedy to Fight at the Drop of the Hat. GORY HORISCOPE RECENTLY CAST. x Nations Awaiting llie Word to Strcnlc I lie lOnrlli it ltd Hull , Hod Jllud nml HiiliJi-clH lor the Coroner. l > < m > oT.Tul2.5 } Notstnco England many years nj'o begun ( by chartering a number , of swift ocean steamships , as auxiliary cruis ers ) to buckle on her armor for n struggle with Russia bus the situation of affairs In Ktiropo been so turnatonlni ; as at tlio present moment. This U no Idle theory , but It U n statement which can bo backed up by undeniable facts. A platieo over the situ ation Is nil that U neccai iry to convince thn unboliovrr. The nations of Kuropo arc , fig uratively speaking , slinking their fists at each other In n most dangerous manner. This state of affairs which has loni ? been elumbprltif. , reached Its outward and visible signs when some three weeks npo thu em peror of Germany publicly announced that the drlobuud , ortriplo alliance of defence ( if not of offcnco ) , which had existed for yearn between Germany , Austria und Italy , had been renewed. Hut it must bo remembered this triple alliance is , in effect - foct , a quadruple alliance , which iu addition to the powers mentioned , practically includes IT * I England , her most powerful ally. To besuro , this renewal of warlike bundi between power ful nations had long boon looked foiward to , nnd as an offset to It , UiHslan and French newspapers had , forsomo considerable time previously , boon loudly and repeatedly slrummliJK the tune of u Franco-Russian alliance. 4 KniMcr llliclin'H Detlnnuo. The enemies of the drcibund know that there wcro dlfllcultics in thu way and hoped that the bond would riot be ronowcd. It was renewed aad being soiled , \Villlain flaunted it in the face of his enemies by his ostenta tious visit to England , DV his welcome by the powerful iron clad lleet , Dy his review of England's citizen soldiery and by his ro- uowcd friendly actions with tils rayul craudmotbur , 'Queen Victoria , with her inmllv und with the queen's nsttito pntno J.1 minister , Lord Salisbury. While the Ger man empeior was thus shoiving the enumies of the driebund how friendly he was with Kncland , the latter country was also shaking her list at thcHO enemies. She did it oy sending a powerful Ironclad fleet to Fume , whore it was rovlewed by the emperor of Austria , who , on board the ling ship ( Her Majesty's Snip Hen BOA- ) , uttered words which "echoed very distinctly throughout Kuropo. Ho Billet that ho hoped that in case of war the terrible British array of war vessels - sols would bo found lighting nn the side of Austria. And ns if this was not significant enough , Kngland sent the same great Hoot to Venice , where it was present when King Humbert of Italy launched n now Italian Hag ship , the Citllia. I'Vnnuc nml Ktissin. Awakened. There wcro uttered most significant words ; King Humbert addressing the British com manding officer made n bpeech which startled Europe , for Its plain talking was unex pected. The substance of it was that it was pleasant to contemplate the fact that in case of war the British war vessels and the Ital ian ironclads would bo lighting a common cnumy. Hussia nnd Finnco had to notice this very threatening aspect of affairs. The reply commenced with the decoration cnn- lorrod upon President Carnet of Franco by the C7ar of liussia and this , was followed by the visit of the Fionch fleet , now at Croti- stndt , to Kussinn shotes There nt St. Pot- crsbttrg tbo French admiral , Gcurvais , und his ofltccts nro bolug banqitottod and other wise welcomed with open nrms. The people - plo of St. Petersburg and Cronstadt have presented silver plate to the French ofllccrs and the latter are now the "luius of the diy" in Hussia. Hut this la not nil. Just ns the French oftlcors roach St. Petersburg the Huss Kij Invalid , the orean of tno Russian wnroftlco , nnnoiinccs that n military depot Is to bo formed nt ICneschk , a short distance from Herat ( the "gate of India" ) , in Afghanistan. A Russian military depot nt tbo "gate of India" is a fact too signlllcant to bu passed over In silence. It is an open threat , another atop forward in Russia's inarch upon the Hrllish possessions in India , nn'l these who have rend that stoiy entitled "Tho Russians ot the Gates of Herat , " well know the real - value , the real meaning of this movement. In days gene by the establishment of this depot would have amounted to n casus bolll between England mid Russia. Franco Will ItliifT 11 Lilttlo. Folio whig close upon this announcement comes the news from Paris that President Carnal has intimated that the French gov ernment will return the Kussinn and other Hags which were captured by the French troops ( duriiiL.- the Crimean war ) from the Hussion church in the Crimea , nnd which liavo since been deposited in the church of Kotro Uiimo at Purls. Nor is this all. The nveragoHritishor , ns is well known , has a supreme contempt for "foreigners" In gen eral nnd for Frenchman In particular. For the French army ho may have a little re spect ( on account of tbo Crimea ) ; for tbo 1 touch navy ho has none ( by reason of the Trafalgar , etc ) . Franco knows this , nud In order to gtv& the moro sober minded class of Englishmen a chance to think over what they are doItiL' , to weigh the drelbund chances , she will , shortly , send u powerful nnd modern iron-clad Hoot on n visit to Port Smith , England's ' great naval stronghold , so that the class of Englishmen roferiod to can see that Finnco Is not to bo despised upon the water now that stimm. lion walls , breech loaders , electricity and skill have taken the place of the wooden walls , rough seamanship nud brute endurance of the sailors of old. And so the situation rests at piosent nnd the German emperor Is whulo tUliintr. It needs , however , but a spark of extra fierce- iicss to cause the explosion which must eventually result from this state of armed peaca and which will without doubt bo u relief to all concerned. AND Ho IilKos Omaha Prosperity , Hut Not Onto 1'olltiuH. Mr. J. S. Casement , at ono timn chief en- cinccr of the construction department of the Union Paclllo railway nnd n rosldont of " Omaha during the years 18(17 ( to 1870 , but now n citizen of Ohio , spout n faw hours in Omaha yoatorday and called tit Tim BKK ofllco. "I mn nlwnys pleased to see now evidences of prosperity In Omaha , " said Mr. Casement. "The changes that have been wrought hero since thu vears when I llrst mot Mr. Koso- water , and when TUB HUB was In its Infancy - fancy , aru , truly marvelous. I like to see men who stiivo industriously for success attain thu object of u laudable munition , nnd for that reason It always does mo good to visit Omaha and note the grand success that many of the enterprising pioneers linvo made in the different linen of business they came hoto to establish over twenty jours ago. Among all of those enter prises the prosperity of TUB UKK fllU mo with the greatest hutlsfuutton , "I remember when Mr. Hosowator built the old Ilii- : building down on Furnnm street , nnd now this last tremendous t > tep Into u structure that would do credit to any city In thu world is to mo a most striking illustra tion of the reward that comes to tliosu who possess the energy , Industry and business sagiiclty to make the most of uvory opportun ity. " "What is your opinion of the political situ ation In Ohlol" " 1 think Hint McKlnloy will bo elected , " sal i Mr. Casement In a tone which indicated t tin l ho was. not pleased with the situation , for ho would rather see a different result. "Hut I believe , " ho continued , "that if Ccinpl'oU ' would throw Cleveland to the bow wows und take n square stand on the free coinage plank of the Ohio democracy , ho -'would win the tight. Cnnuboll , has stopped on the free coinage plunk , but ho tint done It In a sort of tenderfoot style Ho should stand upon it tint footed ana help U > educate the ptoplo up to the doctrine of \ N. CONE 9 Fifth , and Probably Last Week , of the Great CASH CLEARING SALE. till Purifier Reduced Take advantage of these prices while you may , as a sale like this will.never occur again : Read this ad vertisement carefully , Great Plums will be Found In Dress Goods , Silks , Hosiery , Underwear , Linens , Wash Goods , Umbrellas and Parasols , Ladies' ' Shirt Waists , Laces , Millinery , Flannels , Comforts and Blankets , Books at an extraordinary sacrifice , and a big lot of Fancy Baskets that we are almost giving away. WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT. Monday uo will place on sale another case of thoie Itfi-in Armenian Suitings , worth IGc at 6e j ard Double Fold Chullls , worth ICc at 5c. Oriental Crepe 12 jc , regular priroSOc. This cloth is something entirely now , colots guaranteed absolutely fast. 'Mi-inch Batiste ! ) c , regular price 12c. 12jo Challls at 8Je. Hlaok and wnito French Sateens worth 35c and lOo at lOc. Colored ligurc black Saloon lOo worth 35c. 35c.25u Scotch Ginghams , at Ifiic. 40o Scotch Ginghams , at 25c. Wash Crcpo do Chino , 25e worth 40c and COo. French Orgnndios 25c worth -10c. Remnants of Wash Drejs > Gooda at ex actly half price. COLORED DRESS GOODS. HOCK BOTTOM PRICES REACHED AT LAST. The bargains appreciated by thous ands of happy buyers , but still the knife goes deeper. Every lady should road this ad. and tiiko advantage of the low prices. Just think of this. Full -10-inch all wool Henrietta , with bcr.uliful silk fin ish , always sold for 81)o ) , this week 50c. The very boat 40-inch Jlen i lotta made , 'ihov have been sold by Ub at $1.15 , tliis week UOc. Perfection reached at last in a54-meh all wool French Foulo , double faced and will outwear any weave in the market. This wook. * I.10. English Whipcord will bo one of the loading fabrics for Fall. By buying now , you save 3Uc on every yaid. This week $1.05. Wo have about 25 odd pieces all weaves and colorings , some of them sold for 90c and $1.00 per yard. Tlioy are odd and we have no room to carry them. This week , 39o. For traveling dresses there is nothing to beat a gray Melange Mohair , it sheds the dust and wears like iron. This week 48o. Wo also have Special Low Prices on the following gocds : English Cash meres , French Serges , Punjab Cords , Scotch Cheviots , Challis and Cleopatra Cloths. IIuvo you seen the pattern suita wo are helling for $9.95 ? They are worth $25. Ladies' wonder how wo can snll them so cheap. The becrot is , wo bought a manufacturer's stock for cash and cash always tells. The goods must bo scon to bo ajinre- ciated. Come in and wo will show you. MOVING SALE. f roe silver coinage. I believe that the United States can make of silver just about what it ( Hints too. Other nations will come to tlcno it the United States will stand flrmly for silver money , and with free coinage and the abundant crop now about to bo harvested , wo would see such nn era of prosperity ns this country has never before known. " Mr. Casement went west over the Union Pacific. He will visit Denver and go out to his horse ranch at Uuaweop canyon. NKW Some Important Mutters to Ho Con- Hiiloicd In UN Connection. OMUIA , Nob. , July 23. To the Editor of THE BEE : The following information is of fered through your widely circulated paper to the physicians of the state , in reply to the veiy numeious letters of inquiry which are being constantly received by the state board of health. Governor Thayer has called n meeting of the state board at Lincoln Fri day , August 1 , at which time applications for eertilicntcs under the new medical law will be considered. Each application should bo uccouipinicd with a sworn affidavit , blanks for which cun bo obtained nt the Alee & Ponfolcl drug store , or from any one of the secretaries of the board. Physicians having diplomas are icqulred to soiul them also. Those practicing without a , diploma must present a copy of their rogis- ttation from the county clerk's ofllco. The fee is $ 1 except in the case of those who have bugun piactlcoin this state sincoMarch " 7 of the present year To such it is So Papers ran bo sent direct to the Nebraska stnto board of health at the capital building , Lincoln. A line lithograph cortillcato wilt be Issued to all parsons entitled to prartiro modlcino , surgery nnd midwifery iu the state. The practice of medicine within the moaning of this not is regaidod ns applying to any "who shall operate on , profess to heal , prescribe for or otherwise treat any physical or mental ail ment of another , " except in the case of grat uitous services. It also applies to "any itiner ant vender of any drug , nostrum , ointment or appliance of any kind intended for the treat ment of disease or injury " The law gooi into effect September , and it behooves all law abiding physicians to secure their enrtltl- cntos early. \ \ Iillo the law is strict no qual- iIIeel pardon will bo debarred from the prac tice of the heating art , The secretaries of the board will he glad to furnish any informa tions and uid within their power. Kespoet- fully , K. T. AI.LIIV , M.D. , Secretary State Uoard of Health. c.trnoi.ic cnviwn .VOTIJ.S. Hoy. J. Tohan. S. J. , treasurer of St. Mary's collage , Kansas , is a guest at Crolgh- ton college. Hay. U. Hosswlnkcl , S. J. , rector of St. Charles' church , St. Charles , Mo. , is pro , eh- ing n retreat to the Poor Cluroi. Hay. James Sullivan , S. J. , professor ot anthropology ana psychology In St. Louis university , will preach tuo' sermon at St. John's tomorrow. Hov Uugona Mngovney , S. J. , professor of rholorlu and literature in St. Louis univer sity , preaches a retreat to the faUtors lot Father Monauiy's. Hov. H. Calmer , S. J. , is preaching the ex- < * rclsci of St. Ignatius at Park I'laco , Father Culmor h known as ono of the llrst Jesuit orators of the country , and Is oonsldored bv many ns a ocond Father Sniariuu. The festival of the great Loyola , the founder of the Jesuit order , will bo solemnly commemorated nt St. John's on Sunday , Au gust a. lit. Hov. Bishop bcunnoll will pro- s'de at the solemn services , and the reverend president of Crolghton college will deliver the panegyric. A. W. Scott , Adna Dobson and N. C. Ab bott of Lincoln are at the Murray. BLA K DRESS GOODS. THIS KIM/5 COMl'KTtTION' . 20 pieces Black Goods , in cxtromo novelties , Brocades , Striped , Figures , Plaids , etc. , finest imported goods , usually $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 nnd $2 for this sale only 81 per yard. 5 moro pioeos ( positively the last of the lot ) of these all wool Nun's Veil ings , with side band , 42 inches wide , would bo cheap at 75c for this sale only 42Jc. Best quality puroMohair Brilliantine sold this season at 31.25 and $1.50on sale Monday at $1 per yard. Black French Serge , JG inches wide , our 31.15 quality on sale Monday OOc. Black Gloria , 42 inches wide no bet tor sold in , the city nt $1.75 for this sale only $1.35. All lemnnnta of Black and Cream Wool Dress Goods at a great sacrifice. An advantageous opportunity to se cure fine goods at less than cost of oiditiary fabrics. BILK DEPARTMENT. Plaid Wash Surahs , suitable for children's dresaos , worth $1 a yard , for 60u. 22-inch wide Colored Surahs for 45o. Wash Silks for waists and dresses , 85c and $1 ; worth $1 and $1.25. India and China Silks , with colored figures , 50c and OOc , worth $1 and $1.25 , . Pongee , very suitable for skirts , 37jo. 19 inches wide , worth 50e. Pongee , very desirable for skirts , 27 Inches wide , 75e , worth OOc. AJulllinoof Grenadines at very low prices. Still a few Silic Remnants loft , prices away below our regular remnant price. FALCONER'S Oareful Investigation Fails to Discover Anything Wrong There. CHARGES BELIEVED TO BE MALICIOUS. MvportH * Work nt the JliHtln < * 8' Insti tution Will bo Completed Next Wot'k Governor Tli.iyor nt Grand iNlantl. Li.vcoi.v , NoU , July 2 , " ) . f Special to TIIK IJrB.I The board of public lands and build ings has returned from Norfolk and reports the improvements nt the hospital making satlslactory progress. They consist of a storehouse nnd of a mammoth eibtorn for storing rain w.itcr for the boilers , on account of the unsuitableness of Jho well water. While at Norfolk the board gave an nudlcuco to John T. Leo , the discharged employe who has bcon making charges of mismanagement against the institution. Leo wants nn investigation of the treatment of n patient who died eigh teen months ago. According to the testi mony of Leo himself the patient , was a vicious case who uoodod force for his control. The unfortunate had a mania for lighting , and when ho came in contact with the at tendants the latter occasionally had to strike htm to defend themselves. The members of the board called on the coroner , who is also an undertaker , and nskod for his opinion. The coroner said there wore bruises on the body of the dead p.Ulout , but apparently none of them nt nil serious , nnd the case exulted no particular comment at the time , Lee nlsn charges that Superintendent \Vilktnson drew money for thu expanse of patients before It was needed. From thu examination of the board It seems that the superintendent once draw $10 for the travel ing xponses of several patients , but the lat ter Id not leave thu hospital as soon as was expected , bocnuso tbo persons designated to take charge of thorn delayed their coming. Superintendent U'illtinson made no effort to conceal nn > thing , but frankly invited thu board to inako thu fullest Investigation. He opened the books nnd showed that thu $10 re ferred to was used for the purpose for which it was drnvui , The board made a minute of Leo's charges nnd will look Into them , but none of Us mem bers tnko miy stock In ttio man. Ho was a ward supervisor , but made no complaint until notitled of bis discharge n short time ngo. Ills looks uro against him , and the board found no ono at Norfolk who had n good word for him , On the ether hand , the board found abundant evidence l-i the hospital of careful mnnngoment. They In spected the building thoroughly and exam ined the books freely , lludlug an excellent system of accounts in use. The visiting oftl- cials express thomsalvus as moro than onli- narlly well pleased with the condition und the management of the hospital--except that they cannot fathom the reasons which prompted the location of the Institution on the top of n sand hill. IMI.U HEroiiT SBXT WEEK , Accountant I.oavltt. the export nt work on the books of the Hustings hospital , notified the board today that bo would not bo nblo to report buforo next Thursday. His instruc tions from the attorney general were to re- GENTS' GOODS. HOSE. Gents' fancy striped Lisle Thread Hose at 3 pairs for $1 ; worth 05c a pair. Fancy striped Cotton IIoso , 25c ; worth -I5c. Medium weight Cotton IIoso , 21c ; worth tiOo. HANDKERCHIEFS. Colored border Cotton Handkerchiefs , 85c ; worth Idle. Colored border Ltncn Hand kerchiefs , 12ic ; usually sold from 25e to 35c. SUSPENDERS. Wo have a lot of extra quality Sus penders , worth from 45c to 03c. Closing them out at 25c. NEOKWEAR. A full line of Four-ln-IIand and Took Scarfs which wo oiler at 39c ; worth 50c to 75c. SHIRTS. Gents' well made Dourot Negligee Shirts , all sizes , big variety to cheese from , for 90c. ) * Gents' fine silK striped Madias Shirts , originally sold at $3.50. Will oloso what sues are loft for $2 ench. These aie ex traordinary value. ' See them. LADIES' HOSIERY AND UNDER WEAR. ' ' Ladies' neatly fin'ished ' Jot-soy Ribbed Vests , in ecru and white , worth 25c to 35c ; will close for lOc. Ladies' high nock , sleeveless , knit Balbriggan Vests , formerly sold at $1.25. To close , the line wo will bell them on Monday at 19c oaclu , Ladies' line crocheted openwork front , soft finished Lisle Yosts for 90c ; former ly sold at $1.25. Ladies' Fast Black Hose , Onyx Dye , for 21c a pair. A largo line of fancy stripes and solid colors for 39c , worth 50c to 75e. MOVING SALE port bv yesterday , but ho says it was nn im possibility , and ho oven may not bo qulto ready by next Thursday. Members of the board are somewhat chagrined because the public may think thorn slack in pushing the investigation , but as the financial maungo- montof the institution Is the most important thing involved In the charges they fool It ibcuinboiit on themselves as well as duo to the accused to have a competent investiga tion of the accounts before closing the caso. AlTI/ilNO FOR I-KKMIT3. Only two loan and building associations have iccolvod permits to do business under the new law , but the following Nebraska companies have lllod their papers and made application : Imptovouiont society , Newman ( Jrovc ; Citizens' , Superior ; Central Nu- tlomil , Omaha ; Co-operative , MoUook ; Homo , York ; Mutual , Strnusburg ; Provident , Omaha ; Kijuitablo , Vietnam ; Kiiuitablo , Grand Island , Elkhoru , Norfolk ; Nobr.iskn , Omaha , also one each named after the following places : Weeping Water , Crete , Kopublican City , Kdgar. Nelson , Hooper , NubrusKU City , Omaha , Norfolk , StocUvillo , Co/aid , Albion , Grand Island , Fiumont , Wood Itivor , West Point , York and II rotten I5ow. Examiner Gnrbor has been desig nated by the banking board to examine the p.ipors and report to the board with his 10- coimnendatlons. He is now out of the citv. hut will take up the work or. his return , and will examine the papers in the order In which they were tiled. l.OCTIXq THE C MI' . Governor Thuyor wont to Grand Island today to inspect the location ottered by that city for the annual encampment of the Ne braska national guards. Nebraska Oily is another candidate for the encampment , but it has been the policy in the post to select Lcntial points In order to accommodate all companies , and it is assumed tnal Gtand Island will got the plum. Uoforo going the governor denounced the story in an Omaha paper of his piospoetivo resignation us n fane too absurd to bo npticed. The members of the lnn of II. H Nlssloy & Co. have compromised their partnmship troubles. Nissloy anu > Wells have bought the interest of Krug , pvho accused them ot trying to freeze him out The iccelvur will bo discharged and thii linn will resume busi ness at onto. ii i A guy wlro connecting.lth the olecliio street car system utltllovunth and N streets became allvo today'Throo ' horses that rubbed against the wire , \voio knocked down by the shock , and OIICLWHS laid out for Ufa-oil minutes. The prohibitionists hbvo started the ball rolling by uoinlmitiufMi full county ticket nnd have distinguished , tuoimolvos' further by naming womou for two -of thu principal olllces. Mrs , Ada IM.iHUtenbonder was nom inated for county JU'Jtfo ' and Miss Leonora Perky , M. D. , for coroner. As n result of a neighborhood quarrel a Mrs. Graham , MnwLou Hanger , Jessie Hook , Alice Cameron nnd a railroad man named J. J. Uarkholdor were nr- roatcd today The lint two women live in the Iluiculns block at Twoutloth and O stioots and have had a feud of souio standing. Today Mrs. Hanger tore down Mrs. Graham's screen door. The lat ter got a revolver nud Jlrod two shots to frighten heroiiomy. The other throe people got mixed up In the fuss and ofoitomont wtiich followed. F J. Hush on the part of the Capital Heights direct railway , and George K liigo- levy on behalf of the Lincoln city uicutiiu , have sued the Shoody estate for damages. the former for $7VJ nud the latter for ? I,500. Uoforo bhcoily's Ouath thcso two companies tried to lay a track on Twelfth street , along Sheedy's property. Ho objootod because there were nlro > iiiy two track * on UIB street , nnd got a temporary Injunction. Ho gnvo a bond , nnd now that , the injunction Imi been dh-iolvod Hush and Blu'elow will uj to recover data i ua on thu bond , LINEN DEPARTMENT ; SPECIAL VALUE IN TOWELS. Pure linen huck towelsSic ouch worth 12c. $ I'uro linen huck towels lOo each , worth 15c. Pure linen huck lowols 12oeach } , worth 18c. Pure linen crcpo towels IGIccach , worth 25c. Pure linen huck towels lOc each ; worth 30c. Our sale on impkh.s is still going on. Wo have yet a good ussortmont loft. See our bleached damask at Too , 85c and $1.10 , worth cloublo. Bed Spreads , a now shipment. This week wo sell A $2 spread for $1.50. A $3 spread for $2.25. A $4 spread for $2.03. See our spreads at $3.50 , S3.75 , $1 , $4.50 , $5 and upwards. CORSETS. LOT FOUR. C. P. $4.50 ; S. B. $0.50 ; Satin now 82. LOT TIIRKE , Ronsan. French woven , P. D. , C. P. S2.25 , $2 , $3.25 , nowlloo. LOT TWO. Madam Warren's French Woven , $1.23 , $1.50 , now G'Jo. LOT ONE. Sunrise , Good Luck Erench Woven , style 72 , $1 , 75c , now 38c. BROKEN LOTS. A now lot of corset covers now on sale , 38c , 48c and 69c. WAISTS. Ladies' ready made Shirt Waists only 35c , worth 85c. Shawls , in black , tan , blue & cream , only 31.47 , worth up to $4.50. Wo oiler special bargains : ladies jackets at $3 , 33.75 and $5. FALCONER'S 11IS LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE. Governor Boies Thanks Iowa Democrats for tbo Nomination. MUST ABANDON PROHIBITION IDEAS. Full Text of the Tjettci National Is sues Included In the Douiimciit Many Holorins De manded. Di's MOINKS In. , July 25. Governor Holes' letter accepting the domocr.itlc nomination , was given to the press today. It reads : DBS MoiNhs. In. , July % Jb'll. ' John I ) . M. Hamilton , lluury Mhois , C. II , Whltlnj ; , C'lmrlei A. I'l.irK ' , Nntli. I roneh , J imus I' , Doii.ihue. eoinniltlou. utu : l.ientloinen Vonr form ul not leu of my selection by thu duino- er.ule puty of low.i as Its ciiiidfdiilu for tliu ofllco of KottMiier of my stntu Ims revolted thu eonsidur.itlon due o ahiili- jeet , til iituful for the honor thus conferred I lies to now asMiru you and tlnoiiKli you thu purty you ropiosuntof my iii'cunt-ineu of thu iioinf- n.itlon bo cunuiousfy lendered. In doing this I inn not unmindful of thu re sponsibility tliu decision nnoess.irlly Imposes , I Know that to .isiiune. tlieoietically o\en , tlie lo.idenlili ) of a politicil p.iity In'u eontust tluit Invohes to any extent the \uilibtiln ; ; of u ( oiuinonwe.Utli , Is u inuttur of suuli gni\u Importitnco that I am sum 1 should heiltato 10 nocupt It If I did not bullututhu hiioeeKn of thu iiilnulplus It will Im my prlvl- leui ) to ndtouutu 111 promotu thu best Intur- e lhof tliu neoplu of our stittu us u uliolo. I'lin lead 1111 ; Issues \\llldlvldetliuuluet- - oi.sof Iowa In the eomliiK uuiiipaUnuiuuiislly nniluislood , and so fat nn tliu duniounillo party Is conuoined. Ha jiosltlon upon uvory linpoitant qiieitlon Is 01 pressed In Its plat form In most coiuieheiiil\o | and unequivocal tOIIIIH. I p in the absorbing stihjuct of I lie niohlbl- tlon or legnl.tlun of thu m inufaetnru and s.ilcof Intoxicating liquor * that Instrument iilllimstliu right of ellli * . towns und town- shins to control lliu s.unu us in the JudginLiit of thnlroun eltl/uus. gnldud by mi lumillKeiit iiliileislandlnt ; of tlielrounmut - , they shall deteiinliui by a Mite of the eleciois thert-of It Instly deiiiiind- it lit cusu where s lies lite antlioil/uu.lliuhnilnusshliuilho subjected touarufiilly gniirdod loifiil.itlons uliluh Khali unions oilers uxaet from those miunswl In snuh business an annual Heensu feeor MJJ to bo piild Into thu Lonnty nu isuiy. and tnuh udUI- tlonalhiim as tliu inunlL'lp ilfty In whluh the the Mime N earned on may Imp > io for Us onn blMIOllt. This ptoposltlon Is met by otii opponents vith the snu'lo demand thut thu suite sh ill retain und unforeeonr ptesunt law ; a imiuiro- munt tb itu\porlnmn has duiuonstriilod Is In eonllict with tlio u Mies of it l.n u ni.ijorlty of tliu ultizunnof iiiniy of Uio innnlulptlltl s of tliu stale , and thut e.innol possibly lie earrled Into eirot't. uveoiit through lliu Instriiiiiontul- Ity of axcnulentfiiit are furnl n lo our system or L'O\eminent nud at \ arlance wih | thu fun- daniental principles on uliluh It Is founded Ills nuu plain beyond contnnei-iy that uu must ah indon pixililblliou as .1 uiu.uis of eon- troltliiK the liquor tralllc. In many localliles In tliu statu or we iiiiistsiibstltutu fur "u gov ern mcnt by the people" In u lur.'u num'ier of our oltlesand towns somu outside for u nliosu inliiUterj uru lo bu suluctud by other * ibosu they uru eominUslunud t iKouirn lletwueu the two It U lliu liupur.ilhu duty of every eltUeii of the slate to ehoino for hliiHulf. Hols itlllfillly blind who hits not alreuly illscoveied that an honust ( leni.iud for thu enforcuniiiiil of this law In lei > tllilu where publlu Hciitlnient Is stroiuly oppo-.ud lo It ; a lienianil thai means what It s.iiil , and that Is not designed lo mlileu.I tiny one. Ma deiniind for tliosnppriisslun In purl uiloiHt. of popular government Inuvuiy oneof tbuse lon.tllt us , nud for the Hiibstllut on In lluu thereof usy&tum that has Its prlnulpul If not its om v uounturpiirts In thn adnilnlsl r itlon of the ulfulrs of thu most dunpotiD 1'overninuuta ( in lliu fuc-uof thuK olui ' ueilluiHof fair ml uq i il UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. 21 nnd 120 inch luiportod Gloria Silk Utnbrolltis , A'ith ntiturul wood handles nnd old caps , at $1.2-5 ; worth.$1.0.r . i.0-lnch Twilled SilU Unibrellns , li-inch gold caps , at $2.09 ; worth $3.25. LADIES' COLORED PARASOLS. Lot 1 at 7oc Colored Parusols that sold for 82. Lot 2 at S1.95Colored Parasols worth S3.00. Lot 8 at $1. Black and Colored Para sols that sold for SO , $7 and $ S. CHILDREN'S COLORED PARA SOLS. Lot 1 , 15e Children' Colored Para sols worth 2oc. Lot 2 , ( Vie Children's Colored Para sols , worth 90c. LACES. IS-inch Not nt 85c ; worth SI.25. JS-inch Not at Sl.lo ; worth $1.75. All of our1 Ltomtmnts of Drapery Nets , Plottnciti" ; and Narrow Laces marked below coat. LADIES' SILK MITTS. I5c ! and He Silk Mitts , 15c. 75c and 9oo Silk MHtsJOr. . GLOVES. 15o nnd 50c Silk Gloves , 23c. 85c Silk Gloves , 50c. 81.25 Silk Gloves , 75c. Odd lots of Ladies' Kid Gloves , ranff- inff in nrico from SI up to $1.75 , all at 50e ptir. 1 lot of Men's Kid Gloves , regular SI.25 quality , Monday 75c per pair. FLANNEL DEP'T. SKCOXD rnooit. Special Jew prices on all our Outing , French Twills and .Ballard Valea. COMFORTS AND BLANKETS. Cheese Cloth and Silkiiloon at re duced prices. Italian Silk Blankets in a great va riety. PILLOWS. Eider-down and Feather , in round or square , much reduced. MOVING SALE. tlun of the property of the stite , of the adoption of measures to guard tlio oluotlvo fr.inuhlsu against Improper inlluonuos. of the regulation of railroad and othur corporations and the suppression of pools and trusts , of the protection of labor against thu oncroaoliinonts of capital and the adoption of practical mausnrn- : > for the huiinlltof the bihorln ; class es , of UiBOblljjat onsof tlit > n it Ion todopuiul out soldiers of the union nrmv , nnd so luc lion by tlio massus of lupro ontathus of tlio Mutus In the most uxiiltod hrnnoh ot otirmi- tloniil Io4lslatnto. tlio nlatforin of our Dirty Is n model of Intelligent anil li iriiiotiliins con clusions to whluli inury cm point ulth tmiUint. pride , and ulileh fair minds ( ivoiywhi'ri ) must conuodu would , If g\im | tlio foicu of lugUlntlxu uiiiiutiiiunts , promote the public H'OO 1. Turning to national questions as presented by ( .nut Instrument wo li.uo no loss uunso for giutlllu.itlon In thu Infancy of this rupnlillo Itvruson- acti'd by tliosu nho I'stablKliud It that gold and sllxi-t should enjoy ripi il and nniu- stilctud lights In thu uoliiasu of our mints. Aftui a lapsoof inoio Hi in uklity yuir-i , ( liirliu all of whlt'li Him ) thn two mutais ere nujotdoj prnulsiily thusiimo | iih Ilivus In the inonutiiiy hystuni of our ( 'ovei unienl , at a tlinuliun our people were liuidened ulth unoi moils n itlon.ii , inuniulpiil .mil Indlvldiiiil ilubls , by mi act that H.IS mivnr iluinnniJi'd b > tlio i IUS4US and that wis tliniit upon Ilium \\ltlioiit any IntellU'ent dKuiis-.ltn ) of Its merits , slhoi us dupihcd ot Its colna'ju lights An aroused people h ivo compelled a pirtlal roitoratl3ii of thu rights of this but it is still hunipi'roil by st.ilnlory pun islons Hint me u In the lntere-t of the creditor , lit the ov ponsn of the debtor rl.isius Tim duinoerituy of Iowa dem.ind that silver shall bo iiistort'd to Its aiiL-k'nt ujl.itu iindur thu lawn ot the nation. If on iiucount of uhiuu'ed conditions , ns HOIIIO bolle\o , the oiroct of Oils will bo to re duce tlio iiint.'illocnuent'y of the country to a silver Hinmlnnl .I'unc. ' or otliorwisu Injnro the J biislnoss Inturosts of the country , tlio piioplo i tie s.ifely ti listen to de\lso somu me , inn lo uiiilntalnliiK thu tuo ni'Jtali In tliu rotative liotlllmiii u--sl4nu 1 them liy thu fonndui-i of our govoniiin nt Upon the snbj > i-i of t iilff roforni tlio posi tion til.en Is nut only In ai-ionl lth the natuiiil lights of men , but Ills especially so with the bust Intuiuits of the people of our state. Tlie L'leit Industry of Iov > a la , and must coutl inu to li . a.'ii ult HID , upon III" uiiecess- ful puiseciillon ot w'i'c'h ill iithei biisliu-st In the itnti' In I ir elj dopon Ion' . In no uiH-bin inn mui can this In Instry he liiinolliiud bv out | r sunt tarlir I iw.s. Tor iii'iny ye -.0111 jieop e line bea i uimooos- harlly MibJi'i'Uil Ion MVHlem of lui ill/nil ex- tor I on I hat. hits luitrletod i nr in irUots and diminished the piiec-s of aim Ht uvery- ih ! ! „ WD hull. nnd Inera iswl the co t of vi'iy iiineh uo buy. Wo liuvu Mib- mltUd to this WIOIIM mull In nunsiins of plenlj. the produi IH of tin soil , Hl- bo untiful beyond anvoth r country of thu k'lobe , , ue. by reaHon of tbnlr deprc.i-ieit iniirUiit value , liiMilllflent to fuiily compeu- Hate tha r. inner foi hlInboi in piodnuln them \\lih united \olce the grii'itcst Is now thiinilc'rliu' In tl.u uiusof tliiisn who h IMI lire > ed upon lior rusunrues M > lon , Its demand for relief. In tliKitrngsIu fur the emancipation of a clai-tto uhfoli mini of our piinjile hiilon ; , ' , luw.i dein n'l.its , iiu | iiluy .it the fiont IMKUIC In their pmltloii bee. HIM ) they lira rJ lil. tlii-v aru duslln id lo net an Important Dirt in i sinbllhliliu a lufoim In our KOMIIII- inunt ttuit shall liriiu It ( UK U In nn ocoiioml- c i | iiiliiilnistr.itlnn uf Its niriilrs ; bint fiomoiir xnitiites mer u stlue of law U m.ide In the Interest of InUh Idn ils or classes , imdls- tin'nUiied fioin fli > puoplu ut u , nnd n < > - tabllsli us oiio of Its fund , uaenliil prlnelplu-t. as miilinliiK as thu nation ilself , thu iloctrlnn , ulthoiil which ri'pnblles cnn nu\or end mo. that HID rlKht of tiiv illon he limited lo pnbllo needs iilone , nnd ran ne\ui bu exuruls > j < I to promote lliu welfareof onuolass at thuoxponsu of .inutliur. UOIUUK lluit.s. lllillllhiK I'crinlH The following punnlu were Isiuo I by the Hupcrintcnddiit of bulldln H yustoril.ty : Iiiiiils Max , I'i storr frumu dwulun/ ; , Titi'ntyftti and Mnnli * streets . . t 1,000 A. I * . I iiUof , 1 t ry frumu TottaKO , ( ' . 1,011 hlx minor perm is . , , . . l.l'io Total . . . . 4J.4JO MILLINERY DEP'T. SPECIAL. Your choice for $1 ouch. Ladies' Pine Milan Hats. Ladies' Fine Fanov HriiitlH , Ladies' Leghorn Ilats , All Children's Ilats , former price $1.75 to $3.00 , your choice for 81. All Trimmed Goods at your own prico. Fine Mourning Goods a speeialty. BOOK DEP'T. (2ND ( FLOOR. ) A Largo assortment of books , worth from SOc to $1.75 , go at 25o each. 50c Paper Novels at 23e. Big Reductions in Stationery. Encyclopaedia Britannica ( Allen Edi tion. } 1C volumes (2 ( vols in one ) cloth.$33. . 30 volumes , cloth , $40. 30 volumes , } Russia , $52. 30 volumes , Sheep , $ G8. BASKETS. Wo have a largo lot of Indian Baskets made of fancy grasses interwoven with sweet grass. They are taking up too much room. Wo will uiako 4 lots of thorn : Lot 1 at 25c Baskets worth 350 to 50e. Lot 2 at15c Baskets worth SOc , OOo and 75o. Lot 3 at 95c Baskets worth up to $1.50. Lot 4 at $1.93 Baskets worth up to Those are all choice now goods. FALCONER'S SUICIDE STORY IS DOUBTFUL. Friends of Mrs , Schneider Not Inclined to Believe Her Husoand. WHAT GIVES SUSPr.lON SOME COLOR. Her MarriiiKC - > s a Will fill liit Not a Jflippy One Tulle of nil Ollluliil Investiga tion. The father of Mrs. Tilllo Schnonlor , the woman who was drowned In the Klkhoru river near her homo ton miles west of Mil lard stntlon Tliiusd.iy nftornoon , ontortnlns serious doubts that it was a case of sutuldo as at Hist loported , and intliiutos that someone ono else may huvo bojn icsponilblu for her death. Deceased was a daughter of Mr and Mr * . Herman H.iumor of Woil Omaha , both of whom nro Ki'uJtly excited ovur tbo unfortu nate occurronco. Mr. Baumor pama into the city \estorday morning mid con sulted with a number of his relatives and frlunds. He reared that the story of the woman's ' death was not ns mid bcon circulated and that it was unlikely n young married woman of twunty-ono would , wlillo In thu onjovmont of good health , unless other wise impelled , think of committing suidilo. Ho was strongly Inclined to the belief that the voting woman bud been duliburutuly pushed or thrown Into the river , Ito co.ilil not say that ho had anv pursonal knowledge of the occurrence , lie bated his opinion upon .surmise. Mis , Schneider , it seems , mntrlml her husband about lour je.irs nuo , whnn she was but seventeen ycais old. At tbo llmo she 10- sidud with her parents In West Uiiintm , whom Si lineldurvolkrd Ilolh father nnd uiothur oppoiod the nuptials. Finding , however , that the girl was dutoi mined to wed , thu old folks withdraw their objection. Since the maiilagi ) , thu duuirhtor , It is as serted , lias not visited the old homo , It bolnir thu linpie sion that hur husband was opposed to such familiarity. Last Sunday Mr and Mrs. Schneider spoilt the day In the nolgli- burnood nf her pit en u1 homo lint did not visit them , ruiimlntng at lliu Itouso of n filuud. H is nssortud Kelmutilor has been stionglv aiidicUid to drink and , when miner thu liilluon--a of the same , 1ms , wit'i ' Ire- iiuuncy , treated his wife with gi-uat suv r'ty ' Friends of the l.t'tor sny that this tiuiitmont might have nlTcclud thu young uomun's mind and impellud her to bc'lf-destruution. Schneider lives on thu Kluliorn and spmuls n grant of time In lulling , thu cau > h of which lie sells In Grntnn and Hurrunndini ; loc.illtiiH. lie owns u niimhiH of luios on nno of thu builds. A brother uf bin lives in the nulj'liboihood , nnd it Is sunl It was the luttur who liuard lliu cnm of thu drowning woman Mid who , wnmi ho ran to thu river to see what had occasioned them , bubuid thn hnsbtnd of the unfortunate fum ilo in tiio stroni. iMuivnt of thu river. C'nuutv Aitoinov Mnhonny said nothinu could bo done In tliu promises until thu body should l > u found. In tin meimllmt1 , If uny pioof could bo pro cured that the womnir.s ilo.itli had boon at- Uimlod by violencu on the part of any olhor purion , the fact would bu used ut the proper timo. The nuarch was continued yesterday hut , up to last nielli , thu body bud not liuuu rucovorod.