Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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l by Carrier In nny part of the City.
nusliii'sS Ofllcc , No. 4U.
Nlpht Edltoi. No. 23.
3lM\tUt MKXMOX ,
N. Y. 1' . Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , CO-I Sapp block.
Jf you wnnt water In your yard or house
fc to Bixby's , J W .Morrlam block.
The county convention of the peoplo's
party will bo held today in Avocn ,
An Infant child of C. U. Tyler , 221 Blult
utrcot , wus reported 111 with diphtheria yes
The Models of this city nnd the Views of
Omalin will play bull at Munawn tomorrow
Dr tt.O Bryson of Omaha will have n
hrnrlng todav before Justice Swcarlngen on
tlio clinrgo of conspiracy.
On account of the recent wet weather It
hns been found nccossary to change the loon-
tlon of Forepaugh's circus from the show
grounds on Thirteenth street to the Union
driving park.
Soverlim , the four-month-old daughter of
Mr and Mrs. L. IiendrlcUson , died Thurs
day of cholarn infiintuni. The funeral took
place yesterday nftoriioon at 5 o'clock from
ttie residence , ! ( iMi ( Sixth street.
A set of screens bus been purchased by the
city authorities and will bu put up on the
windows of the city Jail to keep outsiders
frytn handing bottles of whlskv through the
bars to their friends on the Inside.
\V Duncan , who was defeated by Fred
Fuller of Omnlin lust Wednesday in n rlllo
sl-not , is about to challenge Fuller to another
i nntest Ho claims hn wns suffering from an
attack of illness last tlmo and was unnblo to
fclioot ns well ns ho otherwise would.
An Information wns Hied In Justice Swear-
Ingon'H court yesterday by Airs. Helen
Havens , churning Anna Defrees with ns-
snult nnd battery. Slio claimed that thu de
fendant administered n whipping to Jessie
Havens , the daughter of the coniplnluunt ,
and threw dirt In her 0303.
City Treasurer Kinnclmn turned ever
11,000 worth of voucher * to the auditor ninl
the linnnco committee of the council yestor-
tluy , reprascnting the expenditures of Juno.
Chairman Wood of the ilnnnra committee nnd
Auditor Lange wcro busilv engaged yester
day aftfriioon checking up the city's finances.
A ball is to DO given in Peterson's hall on
Wednesday evening , August I' ' , under the
nuspiccs of the Anti-Prohibition Colored
longuo. The object ot the entertainment is
to raise funds to send two delegates to the
nntl-problbition convention which Is to beheld
held In Cedar Kapids August 17 and IS.
Speeches will bo mndo by Joshua Boyingor
nnd Charles Curtis. A gold bonded umbrella
will bo ( riven to the finest dressed lady in the
hall , nnd n cold ring to the couple that waltzes
most graceful ly.
Lost-Last evening , on Sixth street , be
tween Filth nveiiuo and Wrny's landing ,
Lake Mnnawa , ladj's black fur cap. Leave
at Kink barn.
Union Park races , Omaha and Council
Hinds , September MI , ? < iroO , ; October SO-U'J ,
$1,000. For programmes address Nat Brown ,
Merchants hotel , Omaha.
O Younkcrmnn & Co. , feed and commis
sion , 10t > Broadway , Council Bluffs. Tel. 77.
You arc not trying to economize if you do
not lake advantage of Sargent's discount
solo Remember this is no faue. nnd only
lasts twenty days. The old Phillips shoo
t'KKSOX.i t. 1M It.I .l / UN.
P. M. Hunter hat gone to Ottumwn.
Miss Ernostlnn Stephan has gone to Col-
fax. .
Dr. George C. Brown has returned from
Spirit Liko.
Misa Mary Davenport 'ins gone to Atlantic ,
where she will visit friends.
Mrs. W. II. Troynor nrnvod homo from a
western trip Thursday evening.
Miss Lou Mcisner of St. Joseph , Mo. , is
the gust of Mrs. Minnie Shnw.
Mrs. N. W. Williams mid daughtersEmma ,
nnd Uuth , have returned from a trip to Col-
John Wllllo of the Wells-Farso express
company's supply deportment in Jursoy City ,
is visiting his parents on Olon nvonuo.
Ur. J. C. Waterman loft last evening for a
visit to Dos Molncs nnd Amos. Mrs. Water-
Is visiting relatives in the central part
< pf the btato.
'Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Sherman , Miss Mln-
nio Morklo , nnd Miss Addle Sherman , re
turned yesterday morning from n week's
outing at Spirit Lake.
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , now
nro making great preparations for the llfth
scmi-nnnnnl clearing snlo whicn will com-
inuncu Thursday , July HO. Store will bo
closed Wednesday nftoriioon , Julv'J ! ) , preparing -
paring for sale. The great feature of this
nnlo is that everything in the store will bo
Bold nt actual cost , and n irood ninny goods at
even less than cost in order to reduce the
stock previous to inventory. No other .houso
in the west over offered Mich genuine Induce
ments to ready money purchasers. Evorv
nrticlo In their immense stock offered at ac
tual cost for ton days. Boston Store , Foth-
m-lnghnni , Whltolnw & Co. . Council BlulTs.
Watch dally papers for prlco list.
All Ahoiml fnrColthx.
For health and recreation seek the waters
nnd rest of Colfnx Spring , Iowa. The Chicago
cage t Hock Island is selling round trip
tickets from Council Buffs nnd return for
$7.W > . A. T. Elwell , ticket nfont. No. It !
Pearl street.
Polioo Court Pickings.
A hard looking crowd wns arrested about 4
o'clock yesterday morning by Ofllcors Box-
wick and Harrington In the vicinity of the
Northwestern round houso. It consisted of
mmi men and n small boy who gave his nunio
ns Sam Jones. Thu boy told a horrible story
of tlio Indlcnitlcs to which ho had been sub
jected by somu of his companions , Ho
claimed that seine of thorn had knocked him
down and stolen some money from him , and
two of the men , Jnmus Clark and James
ICo. imn , wera slated with the charge of high
way robbery , but after Jones hud had ri chance
to think the matter over ho decided ho could
liot tell positively whether it wns they Hint
"hiul done thu deed. The names nf thu rust of
t he gang were J. Bought , F. Partridge , U.
Oppcrmai' , M. Twomoy , Leo Copporbneknnd
James Murphy. Ho was unable to point out
any of them as the ours who had abused him
nnd the whole outllt wns given a square meal
nnd discharged on condition that they luft
thu city within an hour.
W H. MuMation , U. S. Sutton ntid Peter
Hill were lined for drunkenness and M.
Dugin wns lined * . ' 0.70 for drunkenness nnd
disturbing ttiu peace.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves nnd
household goods of Mnndel & Klein , Council
Bluffs. Prices very low ; freight prepaid to
Drs. Woodbury , ilontlsts , SO Pearl street ,
next to Clrund hotel , Tulophono tfi. High
grade work u specialty.
Bund concert and prize bawling at Peter
Hell's , LaUc Mtiimwn , Sunday , July ' . ' 0.
Don't wear n heavy , lll-llttlng suit when
you cna gut elegant summor.sulis and eastern
prices at Roller's thu tailor , 310 Droadwuy.
Tlioy Lost Money.
The Chniitnuiiua assembly directors hold a
a meeting Thursdcy night to talk over affairs
In general and hear Iho report of thu treas
urer as to the present lluanclal standing of
the association. As already stated , thu re
port wns not of such a nuturo as to till the
directors with self-coiik-rittulntloii , the condi
tion now worse than before the assem
bly opened. The expenses for the year have
Ix-en f Iliu.i5 ; : , and tlio receipts ft,4b2,75 ; , In
cluding the Into assembly , leaving a dellcitof
f 1.-HIUJO. An Indobtednos of $1,102 Is duo the
treasurer , nud there U u deficit on this year's
Programme of fJ.MO. The total indebtodnesi
Is , which U tu Increase of 10,000 over
that of last ycur.
An Enthusiastic Meeting in the Interest of
Securing the Encampment ,
IOWII'H MotropolN Will .Mnkcn Onllnnt
Fight for the Ni'xt National Grand
Army KnuiimpmciiU
The superior court room of the county
court house was well filled last evening with
enthusiastic citizens who had gathered to
discuss the question of sending an invitation
to the Grand Army to hold its next annual
encampment In this city , In August , Is'.i2. '
If the meeting had boon talked up for a
longer tlmo the court room would not have
been largo enough to bold the crowds , but
owing to the fact that the call published In
yesterday's BRI : was the first thing the pub
lic had hoard of the matter , the moating wns
so well attended as It would otherwise have
been. What It lacked in numbers , however ,
was more than made up In enthusiasm.
The meeting was called to order by Colonel
D. H Dalloy. Aldermun Peter Smith was
appointed chairman and C. ( ! . Hautiders sec
retary. After those preliminaries had been
gone tnrough with , Colonel Duilov statcil the
object of tno meeting. The national encamp
ment of the ( irand Army of thu Kepublio
takes place August I. Of the places which
have sent invitations to the Grand Army to
bold Its next encampment with
thc'n , Washington , Lincoln and Council
Bluffs are the three prominently mentioned.
He regarded Lincoln ns practically out of
the race , so far as nny opposition to Council
Bluffs was concerned , on account of the
stand Iowa had taken with reference to the
demand of Omaha and the state of Nebraska
for the republican national convention In
Ib'.U. Washington , so far as could bo judged
Irom newspaper accounts , was showing no
particular enthusiasm in the matter. Coun
cil ItlulTs accordingly stood a capital
chance of gutting the encampment licr/telf. /
Wisconsin , Indiana , Michigan and Illinois ,
could in all piobability bo relied upon to
assist Council BlnlTs In her efforts.
Judge H. C. Hubbard was then called upon.
In n short , though eloquent and enthusiastic
speech , ho showed the benefits that would
accrue to the city from a national meeting of
the kind under consideration and urged the
citi/.uus to get to work.
Hon. B. F. Clayton , Judge W. I. Smith and
Dr. C. II , Pinnoy wcro called on and each
one responded In remarks along the sumo
lino. On motion of the last named gentleman
a committee of six was appointed , whoso
business It should bo to make all necessary
arrangements for the presentation of the
claims of Council BlulTs at the Detroit en
campment , including the raising of funds to
send a delegation there. This committee
consisted of M. F. Kohrer , A. B. Walker. L.
A. Casper , K. W. Hart , T. J. Evans and John
A committee consisting of Dr. F. S.
Thomas , Colonel D B. Unlloy and Hon. B.
F. Clayton was appointed to draft a circular
letter to bo sent to tbo Grand Armv posts
nil over the country. C. M. Had sug
gested that an invitation should bo
sent from the city council and the board
of trade in addition io that from the citbens
in general. On motion ot Judge Smith , the
committee was instructed to request Mayor
Maerao to call a meeting of the city council
for tlio purpose of extending such an invita
tion , in casosuftlcicnt funds should bo raised
to render the plan feasnhlu.
The secretary was instructed to notify nil
the member * of the Unnnco committee to
meet this morning nt 0 o'clock iu the oftlco of
Sims & Saunders.
Prof. H. W. Sawyer , Prof. J. W. McClol-
lan of Vinlon and C. M. Hare o ( this city
were called unon for speeches. After they
had spoken enthusiastically on the subject
that was uppermost in everyone's mind , the
meeting adjourned until next Monday eve
ning , when another mooting will bo held in
the court House to hear the reports of the
committees. _
Lost A ladies' jacket , in Fail-mount parker
or on the street. Finder please leave at Boo
ofllco. _
For Saturday and Monday ut the Bos
ton 'tire. Council ItlulTs , la.
The following genuine bargains will bo on
our counters Saturday and Monday , besides
many others not mentioned here. Follow
the crowd and got n share of them while
they last. Extra help hired for Saturdays
and Mondays' , so that every one can get
promptly and properly waited on.
100 dozen ladles' ribbed vests worth 123 < c
for 5c.
ISO dozen ladies' ribbed vests worth 15c
for lOc.
' GO do/en ladies' ribbed vests worth lOc
for 12 to c.
100 dozen ladies' fancy solid colors and
black hosiery. l'-l c and l.'o goods , for lOc.
00 dozen children's seamless ribbed fast
black hose , lOc goods , tor 1'J' ' c.
100 pieces yard-wido clmlties worth 12 > < fc
for fie.
75 pieces yO-inch plaid suitings , former price
liji.0 , for lc. !
17c , lOc and --c plain black lawns and
checked orgrndies in one lot for 15c.
100 dozen of our O'Jo puarantod summer
corsets for Wc. )
500 do/en ladies' black silk mitts which
will bo put on sale nt the following special
price ? , lOc , 'J. > e , y'Jo ' and . " > 0c.
1200 parasols and sun umbrellas , all nt
actual cost , for Saturday and Monday , July
Jo and 27. BOSTON STOUH ,
FOTIIGHIN'OHAM , Wllim.VW .t Co. ,
Council Bluffs , la.
It Saved His Mfo
The appearance on the streets yesterday of
II. O , Mead , the plumber who was so fright
fully burned by an explosion ot a easollno
fill-mice in the Council BlulTs pldmblng com
pany's establishment two weeks ago , caused
pretty nearly a sensation among his Jcllow
workmen and iicqurintnnccs. When It was
seen that ho was without a scar or mark and
was as smiling as over and ready to go to
work the wonder partook somewhat of u su
perstitious nature , and thu boys eyed the vic
tim of the treacherous gasoline , whom they
supposed to bo still hovering botwoeu
life and death , .with a chilly , uncanny foaling.
The nature of Mead's injuries can only bo
appreciated by u physician , and the medical
me'n who examined him a few hours after the
accident could give his friends but little en
couragement to hoi > u for his recovery. They
reasoned according to the old rule that xvhuro
one-third of the suriaeo of thu body is burned
medical science Is helpless and death Is the
almost inevitable rgsiut of the few davs of
horrible torture that follow. The furtmco
that exploded was the Kind usually used by
plumbers , holding about n gallon of the
llulil. Mead had just finished tilling it and
had pumped In the necessary air nroasurc.
The explosion followed the ( ir i touch of the
mutch , and the unfortunate man was envel
oped lu u blnzo that tilled the little room
whuro he was working. Ho was dressed only
In light summer clothes made of cation
goods , Largo quantities of thu bla/ing Hum
wcro thrown upon his back , falling In a
shower as ho was ben dim ; over thu furnace.
The thin cloth wns instantly burned away
mid he was burned from hU ankles to the
baui ! of his neck , over more than one-half of
thu surface of the body. When ho was taken
from the blazing building bu was carried into
the roar ontrntico of A. D. Foster's drug
store , and within three minutes from thu
time of the accident was enveloped from head
to foot In sheets of Hut covered half an Inch
think with Foster's Mecca coiiipour.d , a simple
preparation that thu pnysicinns and many
citizens of Council BlulTs Know has been I ho
savior of life in many other cases of severe
burning that would have been fatal uuderthe
usual treatment. U was 11 o'clock when the
lust application was made , aim bv 3 o'clock
nearly all p.tln hid ceased. Dr. Macrae and
other physicians who wcro present delicately
bttrayod tholr npprnvul of the Mecca com
pound and their contidunco In its olUcacy bv
refraining from making any other rucomineii-
datlons than the plentiful use of thu com
pound. No other remeo.v was used , and after
thu ttrst sting of tlio bums wus uvor , the uu-
fortunate man suffered little or no puin. Not
a blister appeared on the burned surface , and
consequently not u scar or murk 1s left.
lion Marks , who wu near by
and assisted lu getting Mead from
the building , was also nuvcroly burned
about thu bands. Thick pouttlc'u
of the Mecca were put on uud by thy middle
of the afternoon there was not even a llltlo
redness to show where lillstors would have
formed with the best remedies commonly
used. These gentlemen and their friends
cannot speak too highly of Mr. Foster's sim
ple preparation.
The above case Is only one of many where
tbo prompt application of Mr. Foster's Mecca
compound has cot only prevented fatal ter
mination to dreadful burns but has relieved
the anguish almost instantly and carried the
sufferers through without leaving a scar or
visible mark. The Mecca Is not a
patented article , but is a simple pre
paration with the formula for the use
of the phvslcian. There Is no question
that If It Is applied at once n majority of the
cases of severe burning which terminate
fatullv would be saved. This can onlv bo
done of course where It Is kept In the house
ready for Instant use. If Mr. Foster wcro
disposed lo oo so bo could publish more
gonulnn testimonials than nny of the much
vaunted patent medicines , but hols a modest ,
conscientious Christian gentleman , very re
luctant to resort to nny method of advertis
ing , but still anxious to do all be can toward
saving life and preventing suffering. Hut
without advertising or any ulTort made to
push It the M < > cca Is making Its way. Yes
terday orders aggregating nearly six gross
were received from Colorado where a few
packages had found their way.
Over Crops.
A special session of the district court was
held yesterday with Judge W. I. Smith on
the bench. The object of the session was to
hear the case of Peter Wlese , John Clausen
and H. Cornelson against Matthias Kuhl ,
Gertrude Kuhl and J. B. Sweet , in which
the plaintiffs have made application for the
appointment of a receiver for the property of
Mrs. Kuhl. Mr. and Mrs. Kuhl have been
before the public before recently , a divorce
suit having been commenced by the latter
some tlmo ago , which is still pending.
In ISSH Kuhl gave n note for SiOJ to Wicse ,
and Clausen and Cornulson signed the note
with him ns sureties. Last May ho loft his
wife and stayed away for a month
or more. When ho rolurned Clausen
and Cornelson Immediately took bun
In hand and Induced him to glvo a mortgage
on his crops in favor of them and \Vieso. to
secure the payment of the note. This mort
gage was executed July 17 , and four days
later Mrs. Kuhl executed n similar instru
ment on the same property , in favor ot' J. B.
Sweut , who was her attorney in the divorce
suit which had been commenced u short time
She suit as It stands at present , is a fight
to see which of the parties are entitled to the
mortgage on the crops. Wicse , Clausen and
Cornelson have the advantage so far ns pri
ority of claim is concerned , hut Sweet claims
on his side that when Mr. and Mrs. Kulit
separated the former gave his wlfo the crops ,
with permission to do what she. pleased with
them , so that Kuhl thereby waived all right
ho might otherwise have had. The plaintiff's
claim that Sweet and Mrs. Kuhl are gather
ing the ci-ops ns fust as they can , and putting
them nut of the plaintiffs' reach , so that un
less something is done in the near future
they ill be left holding the bag. They ask
that a receiver ot the crop bo appointed , and
an injunction Issued restraining Swcot and
Mrs. Iluhl frotn gathering the crops. The
decision of the court will bo rendered this
moruintr. One peculiarity of tl.o trial was
that all of Mrs. Kuhl's testimony was elvon
in German , as she was unabld to speak a
word of Knglish. John Limit asked the ques
tions in Gorman for the defendants , and I. N.
Fllckinger for tlio plaintiff.
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co.r : iO B'way.
Drs. Stewart & Patty , veterinary sur
gcons , 4.1 Fourth street , Council BlulTs. la.
Swunson music company , 335 Broadway.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruitcough
tablets. Thev are delicious.
l Challenge.
The lawyers of this city have put on their
feathers and warpalntnnd uionowunxious to
sculp some one. The following challenge has
been sent by them to the lawyers of Omaha :
To the Secretary of the Omaha Bar Asso
ciation : The lawyers of Council HlulTs
hi'iiihy challenge thu lawyers of Omaha to
piny a matuh viinin of Ixisobatl , the losers to
pay for a supper for both teams , time and
place to bu doturmlnud by the Oinahas. Two
umpires , one a judge of the district court
from this side and one a judge of thu district
court from the Nebraska side.
If tlio challunga Is accepted name your com-
mltteu on arr'uiKctnentsuiid nut them In com
munication with tlio umlur.-ilRiied. Vours
11 uly ,
Secretary I'ottawattaiiilo County liar Asso
ciation. July 21 , IfcU : .
Hotel Gordon , most centrally located first-
class bouse in city ; straight $ ) a day.
Gasoline and oil ; coos , wooa and coal
prompt delivery. L. G. KnotU , 27 Main
telephone 203. _
Picnic at Manhattan beach. Hound trip
tickets from Omaha Including boat lide. ftOc ,
on sale nt news stands ut Millard and Mur
ray hotels.
St. Pnul'H Now Hactor.
Rev. E. J. Babcock of Canandagun , N.
Y. , has sent a letter to the vestry of St.
Paul's ' church , notifying them of lib accept
ance of their call to the pastorate of the
church. Ho will arrive in the city during
next month , and will enter upon the active
duties of his new position September I. Ho
is very highly spoken of by the churches of
which ho has been rector. Ho is a native of
Now York , and u graduate of Union college
and the General theological seminar. ' of Now
A A XO V * < 'I.11
Thatcher's minstrels and thoHico & Harris
coieedj company in "Tuxedo" return hero to
tbo Grand opera housu tonight. They left
hero on Thursday for Lincoln , with a prac
tically untried piece. They comu bad : with
the endorsement of merit and success.
"Tuxedo , " both In Lincoln and Sioux City ,
madu u hit. The cxperiinentof uniting farce
comedy and minstrelsy has proven a com
plete and brilliant success. During tno
three weeks that the "Tuxedo" company
were rchuar.smg bore thnv made n multitude
of friends , and they will bo heartily wel
comed back tonight. H Is a singular fact
that might also bo noticed In connection
with this organization , that they will toavu
more money In Omaha than they
take away from it , no matter how
great their business mnv bo. The
company has paid the various city hotels , in-
cluding'tho Millard , Paxton , Uichciieu and
Burlier , about i,000 for board , thu American
tailors $ l,2oO for costumus , Kraesel , the boot
and shoo man , $10. ! for font wour , carpenter's
and lumber merchants M7."i for miiluniil lor
scenery and properties ; drv goods housoa
SlfiO for goods , and at the small average of $1
per head pur day , about $000 of ordinary
spending money . And , lot it huru bu quietly
whispered , that short horses and beaten fa
vorites got away with a couploof hundred
dollars of Investments m.u'o by M inager
William Harris and Comudian Hughoy
Owing to the elaborate nature of the enter
tainment , no mutlncu purformuneos will bo
Kivcn , but the company will eonllne itself to
appearing on Saturday and Sunday evenings
only. Tno advance sale is extromelv lurgu
for both performances , and it look ) us though
the Grand opera house would got back a portion
tion of the aggregate sum of # .VOJ ! left huru
by the organization during the "Tuxodo" ro-
hoarsal. Certain It is that no brighter ,
cleaner , or moro ontortamlng progranimo has
ever been offered in Omaha. The company
arrived from Sioux City this morning bv
special train. The performances | u Uncolii
and lu thu latter cltv were triumphs success
ful beyond nil expectations.
A very small pill , but a very gooa or.o ,
Du Witt's Llttln Early UUori.
No Joy lor > loyuo <
John Joyce is In durunco vile charged with
palit larceny. Ho was out Thursday for a
tlmo and apparently had It , as ho wound up
dead broke. Ho pawned bis watch with one
of the fumalo residents of thu Third ward ,
but experienced some dlfllcultv In collecting
pay for it , and Dually stele a b/ammouk to gut
square. Tiiu maiden wouldn't have it that
way , therefore Jotin languishes.
SiiHtaliH-d u Hrokeu Neolc.
ATLANTA , Ga. , July 24. Charles M. Os-
born , who murdered James M , Bradley In
this city M y \ wus hanged hero this after
noon. HU . oo ; was broken.
Do Witt's LHtlo Early IllseM , boat pill.
il i
Further Slashing of Rites ty'tho Detroit En
campment ; , ;
Indication Tli.U tlio W j rn P.IS < * ( MI-
K < < r Association HUH Initially Struuk
tlin Hook on U'liiuii It Will
Ho Wrcok'cd ,
Cittr\nn , July 21. Tlio situation In regard
to rates for the Grand Army encampment at
Detroit seems to bo growing every
day. vVtion the Western Passenger associa
tion meets tomorrow It will Hnd that the
complications hnvo Increased and that It will
bo no oasv task to straighten out the snarls
resulting from tha controversies between
Chairman Fluloy and the Chicago & Alton
( .lOiicrnl Piissongor Agent Churltoti ex
ploded another bombshell today in the fol
lowing brief tioto to Mr. Flnloy : "Tin
Wubasti has notified us that It has milo n
rate of J.S from St. Louis to Dotrolt
and return and under the rules of
that company nil tickets reading via the
direct line in cither direction bjtwccn St.
Louis and Detroit , may Do honored via Chi
cago. To meet ttils wo shall have to make n
rate from St. Louis to Chicago and roturu of
? . " > , tickets to bo sold July 31 and August 1 and
2 , good going on date of sale and good for return -
turn passage tp August 18 inclusive. The
rule of the Wabash , that its excursion tickets
to Detroit and return nro good either direct
or via Chicago , Is prominently announced In
circulars issued by Grand Army posts in St.
Louis. "
Chairman Flnloy has authorized the as
sociation lines to moot any rates mndo by tbo
Alton. The Atchison gave notice today that
It would maKe a round trip rate of $3 between
St. Louis and Detroit by way of Chicago.
A report was current to thu effect that
both the Illinois Central and the Wnlush had
decided to withdraw from the Western Pas
senger association , but thu oflieials of these
roads deny that thcro Is any truth in the
The Wnbash has withdrawn the coal tariff
by which it made a rate from Toledo to the
Missouri river 70 cents per ton less than the
rate via Chlugo. The publication of the fact
that thcro was such a inriff in existence
caused the Wabasb people to send n hasty
message to Chairman Flnloy of the Western
Freight association asstuing him thut the
tariff would bo. shortly withdrawn and that a
mistake had been made. Ho explained that
the tarilT had boon issued as long ago ns last ,
Soptemb'T and that when now rates were
agreed upon In January , they forgot to with
draw the old rates.
Discriminating A nliist Omnliit.
The general passenger agents of the roads
in the Western Passenger association met
Wednesday , says the Chicago Tribune , to
consider the advisability of meeting the
Alton's ' round-trip ? 10 rate between Kansas
and Chicago It was decided that inasmuch
as one of the association roads had met the
Alton's rate the -10 rate should apply on all
lines between southwestern Missouri points
and Chic.igo , but that no necessity exists at
tuesent for applying that ate between
Omaha and Chicigo. This action will arouse
bitter fooling on thu part of thu Omaha poo-
Die , < iml it is not probable the discrimination
against them will bo allowed to exist long.
Thcro was also a discussion regarding the
notice of tlui Santa Fo that it would make a
§ 7.50 round-trio rate from Peoria to Niagara
Falls , via Chicago , August H , to meet the
rate announced for that date by the Lake
Shore and Big Four. Effprts were made to
induce the Santa Fo to withdraw that rate ,
but without avail. The Alton announced
yesterday a rate of $0. , " > 0 for the round trip
between Kansas City and St. Louis. The
Missouri Pacific uslcoii that this rate bo made
and the Alton was willing.
No gripping , no nausea , no pain when
DoWitt's Little Early Hlsori nro taiteu.
Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill.
It Travels nt ( lie Il'ito of Sixty Slilo
Per Hour.
THE OMUII Buu. on Sunday , in the west
ern , northwestern , and many places in the
southwestern part of the state , reaches Ha
readers from eight to twenty-four hours
ahead of all Its competitors. In fact , when
the latter reach their destination they are
like back numbers. They are not used fo
reading , but for wrapping and carpet pad
ding purposes. Jn each of these respects
they are quite valuable.
How is TUB Biu : able to so distance Its
competitors i
Because it has established a number of
horse routes throughout tno state I
BncauhO It ha its. own special train which
makes a run to Urand Island , 15-1 miles dis
tant from Omaha , in four hours I
Malting allowance for the stops at rail
aoad crossings , this train travels at the re
mark able speed of .sixty mlloj an hour.
It stops nt only two"stations. . Tun Bin : ,
howevi'rstops at oven station. It is thrown
from the train as the latter iiios past each
town In bundles and quantities of all the
way from live up to 500 copies.
This HUB contains every line of news dis
tributed to subscribers within the shadow of
TinBIK ; : ImiHItig in Omaha.
When the subscriber In this city Is unfold
ing Ins paper at breakfast , ttio subscriber In
Grand Island U doing the same thing , the
great paper bcingplaccd In his hands at 7:10 :
This enterprise costs money. It is , hnw
ever , appreciated by Tin : Rcu's readers. No
other paper in this section could stand the
expense. No other paper could stand half
the expense. Some of them have tried It and
given it up.
Tin : Bui : nlono sends out n apodal train.
This is something which is done by no other
paper In the country.
This train leaves Omaha nti : o'clock in the
morning. It reaches the other stations cm
the Union Paclllo as appears belov > .
Cut out this time table arid past It upon the
wall. It will tell you when your Sunday
impor Is duo , It will toll you also when to
look from your door or window and see Tin :
Bui : Plyor rushing through your town with
tbo swittnoss of the wind ;
Tin : nr.i : .TIMK CMID.
At Cirand Island 'I'liBj UKK'SI Flyer con
neets with the early train n the St. Joseph
and Grand Island road und H 1:1:3 : arc sent lly-
\\\K \ \ \ in sacks to Helvldiw , Davenport ,
Donlphan , Hdirar , FidH/irv , Kairllohi and
Steelu City. Tobias. McL'ool Junction and
Milllvan ni-o re.ichod l y frpilii ) ; on tl.o Kan
sas Cltv , Si Om hi railroad. . Hohron is sup
plied from UoiVidoro b/hoi-so rotito giving
tlioin thu only Sunday paper they ever had.
At Columbus connection Is also made with
a train for i'lntto Centre
, Humphrey , Madi
son , Norfolk , Unynonnd WaUi'lluld.
At U rand Island also n fast frelKht H
cauirht which sunpllo < Kim Civok , ( Jibbon ,
( iottimibor ? , ICearnov , Lexington , Shelton ,
Woou itivor nnd North 1'lattu. Tin : HUB
reaches the last mentioned placu nt 'JrJO p. in.
Its would-bo rivals Uimblo in there nt 0:41 : nt
niKht , seven UOIUM laturl It U too latu to
rend them then , and thuv are uceordliiKiy de-
Iverud next mornlnt' , wnon tnov uro libout
twontv-ulght liours old I At Silver
for the etnimiuh than Htroiifj purgatives
and iiDurlontH. Tlio jrciniino CnrUhud
ripniilul Suit is a natuiMl pleus'iiit upjri-
unt , hualivo anil diuretic. H > > sure and
secure only thu uonuiiio , which must
have the bitfiialuro of "Klbiior& Mondol-
ton C'o. , Admits , Now York , " on osory
Creek p.ncioicos are thrown off for Strotnv
bur and Oscooln which nns transferred liy
special \VIIKOII I route , tivlnjr Htromiburf ; and
Osceola the only tupor they ean pet on day
of publlratlon. At Clark's n lxr ( o packaso l"i
loft for Fiilicrton which Is earrien by horse
ronto plvlnp Fullerton the only paper they
can gut on Sutulav.
( it-oso Lost In HitI'DK. .
The fo ( , ' from the 1'uclllc wus so thick
Thur.sday that millions of wild gnofo bo-
cuino bcwlldorod and lit in Hartlo'a
meadow , wlioro tht y were caught by Ilio
Backfill , says the Mi'i'loud UlviT 1'ioiioor.
The fojif was MO thick n man's bund could
not bo soon before his face , but everybody -
body caupht lar o numbers of dooso ,
bolny nttractod to Ihom by the panting
of tlio oxhutistod bird1 * . Uy ovt'iitnp a
cold simp occurred , and the next morn-
injf the gocso were found in vast quanti
ties , tholr foot frozen to fences , trees ,
etc. , on which the birds hud lit. Jnrume
Hurtle and Uncle Ocor o ( Aix estimated
they hud nine mtlos of rail fencing
broken down by the weight of the pcoto
Positively Mirc ( !
these Little IMilH.
Thev nlao relieve DLs
treps from Dyspepsia , In
dlRcstlon and Too llmrtyjj
Eattnff. A perfect rem
edy for Dlzdness , Nausea ,
DrowBlnebs , Hnd Taste
In the Xlouth , Coated jj
Tongue , Pain hi the Stdo , J
TOIU'ID I.IVKIJ , They1 * '
regulate tlio Dowcla. 1'urelj Vegetable.
Th3 Liebig COMPANY
Hnvo fur tnonty-IUo jours liecn putllni ;
up tilt * fu IIUIM proiluc't u hi. li Hiirroil nut 1 -
leal circles n lien Mitt Inwn'fil mill K MMI
tutliu wnrlil l tlio rcnonnchemist , , ) in-
tui von > Ul3 Thi'lr
\ & *
Is known nrouml ( h orld and him latc'ly
been c.irricil Imn 'M nrktMt Afilci'1 liy
Stanley It Nun ipprn.ic'iabk1 Cor purity ,
tlivtiriitnlliom'Hrl.ilulIiM t * . A lit Kt'Ti : \ ,
ilolli'lou" : unl rrfroilihi ; : In llipeni.iblolii
Impruvoil ntul Kroimmlc'"uokiry
G31U.\ > SJ - Of
w.t'.i j f Z&L * * B--Cst Justus
signature Jvon
T. FKLIX ft.oi'Fttrn" *
" " OH M.VtilU.VL 1 !
ItemovfsTun , I'impk-.n , eU-
lp ? , Ituth 1'iitclit" * , Kavh nml bUn
id e\uy hltiuifch uii
. lieatltv , mill de-fit
aiUUitJun. It has
iNtood the tot of 10
//5tJIM / / , pni | ( H SO
Ht.iimUf * atr It
tu III ! MHO ItH ) HOl-
. .
ln > ci.iihtt if. It uf
fclnil ! u n tint1. llr.L.
A , hat I Kild to u
Iml ) ol tla hunt ton
( u pntl'-ntj "A * jou
1 ullfyulMlM'thrlil ,
I itioninienil ' ( iuu-
inu < r t n nm'nutlia
l < at ! im infill nf all
tlio fUin pifinua *
lion * " For Nik-l > y
oil Hn peMi nml
Fnnr ) liimtis Dial-
ere In the tTnlti > I Kt itt-j , r.inAiltiinnd Km > IH'
I'UU ) . r. HOI'MNS. l-iou'r.s ; Gimt Junta St. N. Y
1\ \ ( J'inrj cor. 14th aul Harnoy , is tbo
most substantially cons' mctail botal build
ing in Omaba. Several heavy brick firowalh
rnuniug from basement tj roof All ceiling
and floors lined Asbestos fire proof lin
ing1 , making it impossib'e to burn quick. Fira
escapes and fire alarms throughout the build
ing. Steam heat , hot and cold water and sun
shine in every room. Table unsurpassed any
where. B. SILLOWAY , Proprietor.
Corner lllli ii lid Mii'on Stro ti ; Half htock wo t of
Union Piioltlciiiid U. & .M. Dcpu i.
New bullitln * ; , no.v furniture , ovt'ry tiling flrst-
chttx , cnolc t loc.itluri fn O nail i , vlo\v of onttio.
surrount'nnr ' country , KHS , b.itli olectrlu call ticllf etc.
Hales , H.tOntnl $ t 'rJ. IJvcry llnw of c.itilu tin 1 motor
cart , pins within ono block , o\cupt Slurm-n Avenue
nnil llansco'ii I'.tik line , 4 hlouk uwa/niul you can
tniiMor lo the o If you \vhli
Ccntr.iMy | l All the Latest g u
Located Iniprovonicnta. J
& 11-t St. NinYork. .
\\T I TV'IM/n Auenti to poll the I'lnlPii
\ > YVi > 1 I1. ! U.ciothot Uno ; tlia only llnouvvr
Inventoil that lioliln tlio clothoi without iitn ; a pur-
fct't succors ; patent locoiitly HSIRM ! ; wolil only by
nfonlH , tonliom the exclusive rlnlit li Klvi'ii ; on ro-
culptof tOccnti wo wlilsunil u siiiuiile llnu by mull ;
iiljn clrcul iraj pilcu list .mil lprm to .tvenU ; ic'cura
your territory at oncoAihlross'I'HK I'lXI.KSS
( ' ] , ( ) I'llUd I.INU CO. , 17 Ilormon St. , Worooitor
r-i'VTAT-TA ISItuatlonH procured for rfrilu
( j.vui.i.J. < i.
SOHOOL Of siiiiitwoui ) linos. , 4111 Now
I Vork I.lfo Hlil'u , Omaha , Xi-li.
7/1OU S-AIjf. ( Jood farm. 10 miles fniin ( ' 111111-
JL ell Illulls with veiy lame urelrird , tti HIT
acio. l-.lhty ; ; ucru farm , ni'iir rallKiad station ,
at { I7.5H pur aeie. .loliiislnu & Van I'.iUi'ii ,
Council HIiilV- , .
I/\OH \ ItKXT A nlco ( i-iiiuin honin with
J-1 laW van ! to deslr.ihlo party free of
J.V. . Squire , , ul I'u irl Htiuot.
W ANTKD fllrl at boarding house , SS
Seventh avenue , Council Itlnll's.
1 I Ulti-K that ean beat Siin.liTio bred. WIU
1 1 M'll or trado. Address or vail on I ) ,
llioun , I."J-J west llto.idw.iy , C'Diincll IllulVs.
OljAIUVUVANTanil syrhiiinutilc. ur uh ir-
iiclcr ruiulliiK- . ; also dliiKiiosU nf disease.
neml lorli of hair for loaillncs liy leltur. Hun-
Says mill uvoii n's. Mrs C lloopur. ll.'i Avo-
dne E. nuar lomor 13th street , Council HlulTs.
Terms , rue and tl.UJ.
MAOXIKICENT ai'ro property In llve-noro
Iraets lou itud "i miles ( iota poitolllue ,
for saloon icason iblo icrms Mmio lluu lusl-
Ui'iico property for rent bv Dny.t lion.
"BIOKdVbS or Itont "JTraSa lanl""w"ltu"
X' bouso * , ur J. U. lUoj , WJ .JAlo it , OuuuaU
'I'lio i oliiiuliiii lllcycli' .
We have tlio host eiisirnn tlru in ido. lint
this is not thu only good [ ti.anro of thu old
reliable an I popular Conuiiili. InuHtl.Mlo
what NOIIIO ini-vriipiiloiiH dealers hnvo to say
for their u hcrls.
The Coliinilil i Isorth Its weight In gold ,
oven with "freosllvur. "
Do V. iiliout a ItolVlKorntor.
In hot fto.Uhi'r It Is linpos lblo to do so an 1
prcsi'rvit yc.iir . lio.ilth and comfort. Komi can
not ho prt'xerved without ilun YIMOUS ikitcr lor. i-
tlon. In a co. i1 , ii , I or i"iu st Ucllhout rofrl'-
rr.illuii , You M ill Ilii'l II iiioio Imp is-illilu tlian
uvi'rtoilo without Ihlsliuiiortant : uliin | ivliou
yon look nt 'hi ) North ht'ir and learn the
prices uu will inuno for thu no\t thirty d.iys.
( jiisollno Stovus , Imwn lowi'fri ,
And u'irden hnso at lonur llgnri'S you
mm M > I U'foro. Kvury in lli-losuld Is tliDlifih-
cbt KraOo Hindu. Screen doors and ninilow
ficiccns nt cost. Make your homes comfiirtu-
blu at I. ttio itYpunsi1.
P. ( . ' . Dt-Vol. HO
'I'lu.-y 'Must ( > o at Co , ( .
There Is no nso t > f your ondiutvur n { t/i not
alum ; and economl/u liy doing wllhouin ic-
frl iir.iior. lle-illh and uoinfurl i inn it liu
iiiiilut iinud In the hut Hiininiur wo ithur and
food piop r y preserved without somu HID uu
of prusorvliu a cool , iliy atmosphoru. Tlio
ne iv ( iiirrusoy rufrl'-'erdtor Is tint world hunter
In rvuiy t'hsonllal point , ami fioin this tlmo
on HU pruposu lo put thuni Into your
absolute con. Tins Is .1 lion i Ililo ulTur that
It wl i pay you to Investigate. .
\ \ inilow HI.TCIMIH anil DixirH
Oo at the H unc prlco until our present Inr o
btoi'U is exha'Htii ' I , T.ils U your iip.iiirtunfty
tu provide your homus with thusti necessary
co uforti.
All iiiiKlem llttlu labor s-ivln anil comfort-
pru hie irj novelties In the ti ir hf.iro Him fur
hiiiumur u olll bu dlsixnuU uf lu thu aim )
i\t Son , No. 1 1 Mnlll Htroct ,
Cuuuull '
The Majority
Of go-called coupli-curcs do little inure than
Impair tlio digestive ( unctions and cioato
bile , Aycr's Chert ) IVctornl , on thereon-
trary , while It CIIIM the Cough , does nut lu.
tcrfcre with the finietloiu of cither stonudi
or liver. No other nu'illdno Is so safe and
cflloacloiij In diseases uf the and
"Four > car.i ape 1 11. .k a scvciv eold , which
was followed by a terrible conch. I ai
U'ry . tick , and confined to my bed about four
months. I employed a physician most of
( lie time , who finally said I was in coimnnp-
llon , and ( lint he eonld not help me. One o (
inj nelghbois adMsed me to try Ayer's
Cheny IVetoral. 1 did so. and , before I had
finished tali Inn the flist bottle was nhlo to
sit up all the time , and to go out. lly the
time 1 had finished the bottle ' was well , and
liavc remained soeu'rslnec. " I. . 1) . Illxby ,
Itnrtonsvllle , Vt.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
DH. J. C. AYEIl & CO. , Lowell , Bins8.
Qoklbyall DrUitir'tti. ' I'rlcjgl ; nil boltlji , ifi.
B1TE3 ,
from OVER-
PILE.3 ,
To Da"in < 2
FACE and
wh < w KeateA etc.
when iTarfini ) on
vacation TbTaKe JT"
with you Vov/ arc
jure , "to need if ;
pcrhapi VERY VCH
indeed ,
probably worthier Accept
rond'i Extract Co ,
Yor\\ \ and London.
mD > 1S O
- ' i nritaaisrff.Ol"
A POSITIVE and permanent CURE tor all
( Jlseassiotlhe URINARY ORGANS. Curse
where othortreatmontlalls. Full directions with each
bottle. Price , one dollar. See signature of E. I.
FOY Onto By All
& ? 31nflpr | ? Attorneys , at law. 1'rac-
oatiiium tL,0 | | n t10 | stilto U | , i
fiHinnil courts. Kinins : i , 4 and 5 "
lluno block. Council IllulN. la.
If I rilimll ! > r < ! Attorney at Iaw , No. in
11. J. VllillllDLlS , i > 0lri : slruut , over llusli-
null's Ntnre. Tnluphonu No. 2 > 'l lliislnujj
hours. 8 u. 111. to J p. in , Council lliull.s , 11.
Over 0. II. .I.icij noniln k Co. S Jewrliy Mo
IS Summer
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
Attractions ; I'lno Klshlnz , Hoallns , Hath-
liniunil Kxci'llcnt Mineral Water.
duly llfteen mlnntus rldo from Council
lllnnN Motor trains cvury half hour , dircol
to centers uf c'ounell Illuirs and Omaha'
Musi ilt-IlK litful und aeeusslb.u pi-it'U for
picnic1 Hurtles.
M- : < ? ( * W ! ! yM'lK'5v
x * &wfc& & $ $ t&r
* . . * f * N i ( l " * S *
DR. . . ,
oOo Mroadwav , Council Hluffs , la
O. Council Bluffj.
DiHK'Tom I .V Stlllor , If O OltiiDit. K. ft
Shunart. K. K. It rU .1 I ) Kdmunitsim , UU trial
It. llaunan Tnniiol li.iiiltin : bun-
nce l.iroU c.inlttl and mirpltu ut U7
tan . [ In Sjilttnvostoru Ijirv
Centrally loeatocl in the business
portion ol" Council Bin It's , all tlio
street cnr lines in the city passing
the door. Modern and conven
ient ; thoroughly fro proof ; ISO
guest chambers. The best $2 n
day house in the west.
Board and room from $ OO per
month up. Table board $0 per
week. G. M. WHITNEY , Mgr.
Council Bluffo. la.
This Elegantly Appolnt3-l Hotal
is Now Opsn.
George T. Phclps , Manager
Eye , Ear , Nos3 and Tliml
Council HlulTs , Ii. ;
Shuifhrt-Uuno U'lc.
Iluoiii 1. i ) tu 1- in
7 and S p. in.
Gas Heating Stores.
Just tlio tlilni ; for h.itli roo'iis , lioil rnr > us , uta
Call anil M.'O our lar o u
C. B. Gas and El33trl3 Ught CD.
-.11 I'o.irl and 210 Main rflreoU
FirstNational : - : - Bank
Paid Up Cnnlttil , . . . . $10 ! ) , 00 ! )
OMutt orKinlt'il In tlio city. KuroUn nnd
domicile uxcli.uuo tint looil na irltl n. Hi > ull
nttmitlon p ilil tu u illtjctlo 1 1. ACOJ t iti i' liijt/ll
uals. liink-j , b ui'iuri in 1 ujrpjr.tllo.M jjltJIlJL Jjf
rc ponilunculnvltuil.
OKO. I' . BANrollli. I'ro.hlcnt.
A.V. . UIKKMA.N , Caihlor
A. T. IIIOH , A Ut t Cm'ilar
14 N. Main St. , Couucil Bluffs.
Funeral Director and Em'-almer.
Kuull.b DUioun.l llion.l.
_ . „ ami Only Henutno.
BATE dlwar * relinlilfl tAOiCB &i
' l ( or CAfcA ( er Kn > ilb \ IHa ,
runeIn Hod u < 1 f'vM iiittalllo\
_ lo > 1 will blue rlMwH TnL
Jfl i tfc > Jll < l elli r. tUfutt Ju 3 roni ubirri (
fir"1'1" ' " " ' t' 'iudotn At Iirujtittiti.orirnd . In
W lu tamp > r r pirikuUra , triUtimnUh mi
L 'O IV " Itrtlfl * for ' , m1lfH , " i'i leder , tiy re tun
1 * * Mull. IO.OUO TiHlniouliili A'mni l'jpr
U V ill Ix/jut Dru Uti. I'liIUiIii. . I
G. A. Sc lood , ack , Pi'opriotop , Officoa G21 Bfoudwny , Oouncll
Blulfs and 15il ! Fnrnain St. , Oinnha. Dye , clonn nnd r-ol'inisL fjnoda
of every description. Packages received nt either orfice or at , tha
Works , Cor. A.VO. A and aoth St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who hnvo hliop-worn or soiled { uUrius of any oharuutor can have
thuin redvud and linishdil uqual to now.
latest and most approvud iniicliiiiury , at less than you ever paid boforo.
( S'allin.q ' 0 a