THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : /WEDNESDAY / , JULY 22. 180 ] , 8PEOIHL NOTICES. ' A IVKHTtSK.MKNTH. VOH TI I Kr. COLUMNS _ . | 1I It' taken unlll I2au | > m fof the oronlnij nil until 8 , ] ) | for Hie nionilnt or Hundny o < ll A" ? nrtvrrtlFemer > t In Ihf P rolutuni 2 contu n word llr'l Inn'HIon nd 1(4 ( rrnK n word thereafter , or W r" line frr month , No tlmn Sftconld mlTcrtlM'ini'nt takrn for I'M for the lltnl ln ortlnn. Tftrnn cn li In art- rnncn. Inlllnli" . flunrri > , nymboln , etc. , rnclicouhlna n word All nilTrrtlfcinriits tmint run rfln een > tlroly ArttcillMTf , by toqiirMInK numbered - ndilrr fofl to n "mint- rl'pck , rnr , have their nnnwi-rn lierrrt letter In euro of Till : 1IKK , Annworann nrt- ( IrpMCil Blilboilcllveioilunlyon presentation oJtlio check. TiA N ( 1 1 J ) colun r.s will li ; > Inkon on tlm nliovu condition * nt HIP rollimlnK limdnr-fa liouneis wlio nro author- linl lo InVr rpcclal nnttrcs ut tlic snuio rnlci in can IP bail nt the ninln onirot Hoitth Oinahn llrnncli OrliceNo. . K23 N trect , Lis ter block .Iiihn W Jlcll , I'harmnrlft , lllh nnd Mitann trppt H. II. KninMiortli. rimrmnrliit.JIISC'imlng etrpct W J IIimliPK , I'linririirlrt. nt N. Ir.tli Mrpct. ( icoreoW. I'nrr , I'linrnincUU 1718 lA-nrenworth ttcrl , Uiiplics' riinnnncj' . Iltli iinil T-'nninm. ' ( nf frrt ctilimn on lhi rag'- , ( r artltf. fte. . rte op - - HITIJATI'INS KOH C.Kl ) A-WANTIill roomn nro iilwayn full from 9 n. m. to f.p , m. I'nnnillnn KuiilonniMit | ollltc , 3HW 3. 15th. Telephone t l. * ' * WAXTUD jr iTir , dr. . tctop / nf firt column on lh' ' p"/- ( ' " ' > Ali.Vr : . "SoHTWON'lKllr < ii.AIVKUTIHINf ; iluvloi' ever known. Snlln to pvi-ry niprchant. IIIK jiay Sttmly work. Arc J. itf . Co. . Hnclno W H 1J WBOKKKHAIIBNTS WO .MONBV IN BAt'LU J 'slvo territory. < lnr new pntrnt silfes sell nt nlxhl In city or country. New nirpnlii llrst In Held nctunlly ci'tllnurlpli. One n piit In ono day cleared tM. Ho can you. CntnlouiiP five. ' 'li11 ' ! Safe coin- jiany. , " ( i.'l-7l Clark street , Cincinnati . IJ.HALKSMKN WANTKI10 HKLL OIIll KIM- J > cnnt fnmlly oil portraits. No experience re quired llexlnners nnrn tut weekly. 14 oiitllt fico. Rend for oiitilt nnd pnrllculnrs. A rnio clmnrn. Hnfforil , Ailnms A Co. , 41 ( It. Jones St. . N. V. mil-15 * T > - WASTKII AN KXI'KHIKNCKI ) DHY fiOODS , JJolotldliK. boot nnd nlmn nalestuan. Don't npply unlennyou enn 1111 tbo nbovu branches. ( I. Adlor. fewiird. Noli. MI1.UW n-AOKNTrl MAKK $1' . 1'ICIl DAY BKLLINf. J Jl'ortfnllo of Llfn. A work wnnted Iu every liomo , Kxqulsltcly Illustrated. Contains wnrnlnns to boysnnrt vlrls. Aids parents In training children. J'nll paten plrtos nhnwtni ; ouVcH of nlrnliol unit clcnretlo nmoklntr , etc. Address O. W. Clone , 31ft Wobnsli are. , Clilcimo. 111. M.'KB 21 * TVAJ TK1 > , AN KXl'KHII'.NCKD SALKSMAN. JAddroin , stating experience , T 13 , lice olilco. 21)1 20 T > -WANTKI > , A FIHST CLASS CAHHIACIK JJlrliiinior nt once nt 2bth and I/envcmvortli stn. 414-21 * > -WANTl".n. F1VK ( ! 0'I ) SIIOH SALKSJIKN. > Ilrnndles , ( S3 N. Ilitli St. 412-23 T > WANTKI ) . (1RNKIIALAND SI'KOIAL AOKNTrf J 'to roprercnt thn Fidelity Mutual Llfn Insiirnnco company of Phllndelidila , 1'n. , In Nchrnsku and Council lllnirs ; cxtrn llbcrnl liulucn.iient to rlcht pnrtles. Call on or nddreas state manager. 637 1'ax- ton block. Omnlm. Neb. _ 840 p-HALKHMANTOHKLLtiOODHTOMKHCIIAJvTS J'hy samiilo : bl pny for workers ; new itnods ; per- ninnpnt situation ; chnnco to bnlld n line trndo. Model Mf'n I'a. . South llend. Ind. 791 ill ! ' pWANTKI ) HALKS.MKN ON 9ALAH V OR COM"- J 'mission to handle Ibo new pntcnt chemical Ink crastnitpcpcll : thn crentest Kelllnu novelty ever produced ; rraics Ink thorouchly In two seconds ; no nnrnslon of paper ; niHoHi ) percent profit ; ono npcnt's Mill s amounted to f I * ' 0 In six days , another IH2 In two hours. Wo wnnt oreccnernl ncent In rncli tnto "ill territory. Tor terms and full par ticulars Idress thu MonrouKrasur Mfx 'o. , La Crosse.Y 4'.il _ TJ-WANTKD , 200 LA11OHHHS KOH WYOMINO J'nnil South Dakota. Kreo tran portalion. Al- lirlKht Ijibor Accncy , ll20Kaniam street. M.V.a \VANTKi ) ii'KjflA I jK IIIOIil * . Jor ralrf. ttr. . fee lop / first rohunn nit thin jxiyc C -WANTII : ) , A noon COOK AN ! ) i ut once In small family. Z201 Cuss st. -OIHL WANTKI ) FOH OKNKKAL IlOtlSK C work In nmnll fnmlly. 1S05 Chlciuio St. , up ntnlrn M45J ' . ' : C 1- WANT11D , VOtJNO LADY TO ' 1'OSB KOH artist. I.W.I Karnam St. , room 13. MI2li 22 C-WANTii : ) A YOUNU OIHL TO ASSIST AT Iniimuwork. Call 637 S. 2. > th avonno. MI0922' fl litL I'OH OKNKHAL 1 WU'SnWOIlK. NO v'wnnlilnuor Ironlnit. N. K. corner Slut and Web ster streets , 88 < i-22' C - ) , 8TI1ONO TlIIIIj" Voii KITCHKN work. California hotel. 1024 Douxlas st. 9UI-21 * K < 1R KNT HOUSIOS. FornlffK. etc. , see ( op nf rniimi ( unthtx 1) I tioOM 'FLAl'r IHUCKT 1I W LKAYHN- Hortlu M3S02S * B-Hilt-HKNT CIIKAI' , NLNK HOOM I1OUSK. furnished or nnfurnlxbed nnd bnru , convenient locntlon. llolbrook , 4 lieu bulldlni : , MRT7 -FOH HKNT , A COTTAOH Ftnt.NISlIKD OH unfuriilsbcd , Knqulro ill 'il'M St. .Mary's uvo. 1 J'KNT , A a-HOOM KHAN- -'cIs stn-et , with city water , west ldo of Hnnscom park. V-FOH HKNT , LAHC.K MODKHN 1HUCIC -'boiibe. eenlrally locntml. special terms If taken Jicforo Ammtt 1. Adrtresn T 111 , lleo Olilco. 41ii-2.1 B FOH JtKNT , KLKdANTS .V.1I-HOOM HOIi'SK. modern conveniences , perfect ordenpaved ; Btreets ; mnlor und within A minutes wnlk of post- olilco. Natlinn Sliulton , Hill Fninnni Btrect. Siro.1 -FOH HKNT HOtl.SKS NOH. 1.147 AND ISKiU. N. Kill Mici't : li rooms , bath , ens. etc ; J.'O.CU per month. Apply F. 11. Woodrow , Neb. Nat. Hunk Milt' . 31225 B-FOH HKNT. 6-HOO.M COTTAfiK , 1R5 N. JI7TH street , 11(1 ( ; S-room cottiiK" . 2.d ! nnd Fnriinm , II2.HI. Hoi d .V Solby , roiim III. Hoard of Trade. 1111 -HOl'SKFoll ' HKNT 720 N. 18TH ; MODKHN 'couvenle.iees. IV11' Vlt ! W1HI1 'l' ° II1'NT : A 1IOUSK OHSTOHK J see II. K. Cole , Continental block. V.'J -FOH HKNT 10-HOOM 1IOUSI2 CUNTHALLY locatedmodern Improve iUMits , ? l2N.lUth , t'M KOIl HKNT , NKW VOUK 1IOTKL ON WK1I- sti'r sti 't and stores now IVoplo'it Mammoth Instnllmunt Houso. Inquire of t-uars , H. 1X18. N. V. Life. k FOH HKNT , 7-HXV ( 11OUSK , 2U22 1IAHNKV. 'Inqulru A. If. Ultidatonu , liu ; Doutilas street.MMJ MMJ HKNT , D-HOOM COTTAUH , 6-1 ( mm eottnEo. near motor , f I'-.oa 4.100111 cc.ttnuo nenr motor. siu.UO. H rooms vnlurnlsbed , no.l ( ) . And the I e t ri'nlrivnrn Hutu In thn city. RO toR5 No sin res. The Mend Inv't. Co. , 443 lloo Hide. CIS 7V C01TAUU FOH HKNT ITl's. 2IT11 AVKNUK. J-f ' liOj 1 V - IIOFSKS , ALL KINDS T1IHKK NICK . .Y FDH- J nlnbod. Hiiudy A Co. . | t14 ! Cnpllol nvenu ft a T\-NKW MODKHN AND MOST DKSIHAHLK IS J-/tlicrttjr. Hor4 nxini KUltoi. rompleto for lionnn- keeplntt. bin 8 22d street , F. U Ynn Horn. MiUi TV 'STKAM ' ilKATKD MODKHN FLATS. 7IT7 AND J-/ IW U 10th ntieuU K. F. Hinder , )5I'J Farnam. 204-J3T * roll UHNT KUHMSMKI ) UOOMN. I'nr r.itta , fc. , fee too of fitttolumn nn thin i tHt ) OMr ' and also uthvr furnlshud rooms. l'J Capitol uvo. Ml'.l ) il DI'SlltAllLi ; HOOMS , ALL CUNVKNIKNC KJ. l Wi llouchis street. liiU l ? Ft HNI8IIKI ) , OSK FHONT lioo.M , L1IT ( | 4JhonH'ki'i > plliBi IS I'lT muiitli. 4IU S. IV street. third Hour. \f \ FOH HKNT , N1CKI.Y FI'HNISllKI ' ) COOL J-Jrooms nt northeast corner liUli nnd llowiird. I iwn mound bulldlni ; . From 17.UU to t'AI n montli. 343 P Fl'HNISHKI ) OH tNFL'HNlSHKD ! HOOMS , Jenn do IlKht housekeeping. AddrenTi'O , 11 ee. SM 21' -THK ST. ciaiu KIIHOI > IAN HOTKU con l.1h | nud DodKo , < illl mnku low rntesforruoms by tbo eek or iiiontli ullli or ultboiit board. 200 17-VKHY 'I'l.KASANT FHONT HOOM IN 1'HI- /inlu fftiuly | fur Konlloiuim , h25 S"Jtb street. ,121 -NICKLY FUHNISHKI ) HOOMS , MODKHN oimmloncos. 11U1 Capitol avenue. MM2J HOOMS AM ) liOAltl ) . J'nr in/in / , itc. , fte ( op uffnt column nn tltti jMi/t. Jt sulluWo for two ; excellent board , modern con- Tenleneeni ilrst-clnm In utery respect , private fauilly , I2J.U ) per mouth each. Address T 57 , lieu cillee. a&J If > , AHIK : FUHNISHKD KHONT HOOM , MODern - ern fonvenleuces. Al o day board , tV3 S , 17th st. IU-a 1 ? XOH IIKNT , HOOM WITH liOAitl ) . im DOIXiK JL uttvet. 2U4 Ii1TWtJ FUHNISHK BOUTH HOOMS WITH bo.rd , 1721 DttTenport. 8'U X7 JiHOOMS AN1I1IOAHD. IttStUOIHJK STKKKT. IJOAltDING. _ . . ] 1'UU.MAN HOU8K. IJIO IHIKK ) , * tor noou tiainl , nleo ruuiin. muclurn conron- eiuvi. r tv ona lucutlou , u cannot bu eicallea. n. Horn , 1'rop. juitr All * Foil IlHXT-STOjlKSAXn OFI'MCKH. , rlr. , ft tun nf fr ' , tnlitmn nn thtt I-STOHKf FOH HKNT IN ( lltAMI OI'KIIA I llciiuo Millillntf. K. J. Sulclino , .111 Flrat Nntlonnl Ilnlik liiilldlMK. fta _ f KOIt IIK.NT. TlIKSiOON : KLOOHOK ONK OK I tlm iirlncltml ilrr cooiln ntori-s In Omnlm. rlnlt- nliln for rlotlilnir. liatu , rnpii , crorkcrjr cnricts | or fnrnltiirc. Will rent Htlior tu > vntlru lluor or tmrt ii fit. . \ < MrcMT.tll , lion. .MlN ) _ _ -FOU IIKNT , THK DKKiri" nIIMiiltA' : OCCU- J | > lpil lir Alpxnnili'r , V fnillli In IlioContlnrntiil tilnrk , cnrniT room , hi | ivrfcct uulvr. Frvulnml , Loom In IV ) . Mi 83 _ l-KOIt HK.NT Oil CAI.K. MY IIIIIMXNO ON J Junes > t. , liut. IClh A Iltli. < > .A.l.lnU < ! UlBt,31li S l. ' < tli. 1-KOIl IIKNT Till : 4-jTOIir IIIIK'K IIUIMI.NJ ) ( 1 with or without power , formerly orrnplpit hr tha Hoc rnlillftlilnu Co. , kUB Fnrnnin nt. Tlio liullil- jnu lins n llrppouf i-vmrnt tinncmoiit , complcto ulcnni'liontlntf nxlurcn , wntcr nn nil tliu Hours , ens etc. Apply nt tlio olilco of Tlio lloo nl" < UHXTAIi AOUXOV. T -rilKAI * HKNT. I.AHOKST AND ( 'IIIIAI'KST J-ilUt In tlm city ; $4 and upwards. U. K. Huttx. tU .N. mint. KOA17' _ - . K. COLE HK.NTAL AOKNCY , CONT1NKN- L-1I. till block. KTOKARK. - \ . M. nilHIIMA.V. LOWKST ItATKS , 101.1 M-\V. . _ _ M1HI - . . CUKAI'IWT AND 11KHT STOHAfl M-ol.DKST. housu In city. Williams .V Crons. Hill Hiirnoy.M51 M51 -CLIIA.V , IIHV AND 1'HIVATH STOIlAd'H < ) ! ' fiiniHiiro Omnlm ftovu ltu | > : ilr Works , I'JU7 W.\NTKI > TO UUV. t'tirr > itt , etc. , ttetoii column TVVANTKI ) . i > Kvnornl mcrclinndlxc. ono of Imnlivnri' , nnd n prliitlnx nllli'o. Hnru fur nnrni * clonr run ) cntnto nnd cuxli. Oniiura only. Lock box KH , .StiKirt. Noli. _ _ _ _ JIJ2S AJWANTKI ) TO 11UV , ONK YOKNO. POt'NII i ' nd xi'iitlo liorfc ; bo n K'ooil drlvur. Ail' ilrcus 1'utL'DHin , 113(1 N IStii nt. IIT-W \r-FlfHNlTUHK ItOUiiHT BOLD , BTOKKI ) . i > Wullii. 1111 rnrnmn ft. _ AT WANTHI ) 'IX ) 1U.1Y. ( iOOI ) UKSIDKNCK LOT -1 1 01huimo nml lot , or pcvrrul loin locntod BO nf to innko n Kooil Inilldliii ; sit" , iiniflt bu In cliixs roslili'nco purl of tlio city. I'urtlcn nnswcrlna tliln nliould ittvo full ilcncrlptlon of proi > crty , lowcut prlctC tormt , whctlivr liicumborud , audit BO bow much. O I'.i , HUP. 'Jit FOU HA IjtC IIOIISKH , WAGONS , KTO For term * , etc . He t < > ] > nf Hr t cuiumn on tna 7)135 IJ-MOHTfl-STOI1 IllindY , NHAHLY NUW. J . ' ) top bniiKli'.i. ' > | > liuotoii9. 2 x-top currlazcH. cunopy snrroy. 2 top delivery wmon * . IlruinliiiliHl. 18tli M opp. court houso. Zll nl.1 ] > FOU SALK , fi-YKA H-OLI ) HOItSK , i)00 ) I'OIIN'Da , line trnvolcr or for lltlit work , t'lionp for cnsli or will oxt'liuiiKO nnd pny illlluruucc for heavy currlneo liorao. Inqulro 14I2H'.ith ; st. 4I5-'S < 1)-FOIt SALK. FAMILY CAItlUAUK. LKK A Nichols * Htnhlo , 28th and LoavL'tiwortli. M51I SALK CIIKAI' , LHJIIT ULAS3 HOCK- - nway nml uood pliiuo box top bucxy , both Iu KOoil order , luiiulru ut room'-VJ , Omuliii Nnt. lliuik biilldlni ; . SM p-HKAVY SI'IIINO WACO.N FOH SALK AT -L STWiLenvcnwortli nt. Wl _ p-FAMILY IIOK.UK3 FOIlflALK. SINOLK DlllV J cr or cnrrln o H'IUIIH. Cnn furnish any kind of lior o desired. Call nt C. I ) . Wooduorth A Co. . or nddres.i. T. J. Flemlntr. Cnllioun , Neb. 7Gl Fur rales , dc. , rc ( o of flrtt column on tlit.i jx HTIFFI'UI'I'IKS FOU SALK. rKlIiltK ) . Q Address K. L. Mnrston , cnro 1'aclllc. , Oiunilii. M.ilU Tf -FOH SALK , TKN TO KII-TKKN THOUSAND toiiH Kood Ice , f. o. b. cnra , Sioux City , In. Jnu. K. lloogo .V SOIIB. _ 25TA10 Q-FOH 8ALK ( iOOI ) AND COMl'LKTK FIX- tures of meat market ; excellent location nnd low rent. M. A. Upton Co. 107 M ISCI'ITi L AX * KO US. Fi > rratefrte.teetniofjlrtcaluinnan ] tilts ilALDNKSS I'OSITIVKLY C1IIIKI ) ; NO MlS- tnko nbout It ; nend for de.scriptlvo circular. Ad dress "Autl-Itald " box 2'J1. ; Davenport , In , R WANTKI ) . A COOD LOCATION FOU DltUO store. Address 1. Kbert. Superior , Neb. M3ri 1) WANT TO CONT11ACT 1S&0 ACHKS ( J It ASS TO -Ivbo put up. Thu Btuntou UreodliiK Farm Co. . Creeton , Neb. SKt-W -MASSAJK ( THKATMKNT , KLKCTltO-TIIKH- Ivi baths. Bcnlp und balr treatment , manicure nnd chiropodist. Mrs. I'ost , 3 1 UK S 15tbWltlinell blk. 871 ! 11 FOB 8ALK-C1IU ICH IIUILDINC. NOW LO- J Vented on lliirney t. . nenr'-'Jtli , to bu moved off. Apply to Sumiiel Kntz , U14 S. Iltli si. DJT 1J Hll. LONSDALK'3 SI'KCIFlC .MKDIC1NKS -Lvfordlnenses pcculmr to women. tilO b. KHh street. U7I HUB 2 * _ 11 LlHTiVIN ! ( ! HODS. WJIOL1WALK AND UK- IVtiill. J. J. MeLaln , ? M ) Bpencer St. , Omnlm. - OljAiltVOYAXTS. forrnfcx , rfo. , fee tui > of first column on tins vnue. S --ill Nil UKA1)KH ) AN1 > SKCONlTsionT SKKIt , - The great lurtuiio teller In this city IUIH n Miilto ot pnrlorn nt tbo llownrd house , aouthrnst corner of lUth and llownrd Btreets. This peculiarly Kitted person has n mnxla mirror in which > ou can ceo your futiiro husband or wife , enemy or friend. No mnssMiiii treatment or nny other qiientlonablo business. The better classes nro Invited to call. All business strictly eonlldentlnl. You will meet no struniier. Ilounru of those who make claims. M 215 22 * O MllS. F1HTMKD1U.M FOU INDKl'KNDKNT Oiiplrlt voices nud mntcrlalUation , 602 N."Jth btreet. Klttllius ? ! . _ SS'-ai * O MH8. NANNIK V. WAHIIKN , CLAIHYOYANT , Otraiico BpcnkliiK , wrltluu und rellnble business medium , four years In Omnlnt , III ) N. Kith. 615 - MADAM KLl7lTil > < iK , CLA IHVOYANT , S1Z3 , over bnnk ; junrinjit oxcepted. 170 25 * MASSAGK , 11AT1IS , KTO. For rules , etc. , fee fop / .first e fi < mii on IMi jmie. ri' MADAME SMITH , 42U S. 15TI1 , 31) FLOOH. i. M273 25' r I' MISS STOWK , MASSnUSK , KLKCTH1CIA.N. L 313 HnnKO block. M2IO-2.1 * riv-SIMll MACK OF ClllCAliO ( J1VKS KLKCTUIC , 1 UUIS91IKU tieatments nnd nlcobollo sulibiirlnu | baths. Hill DodKu St. , Iront pnrlor. 212 21 * ' ! < MASSAOK , MADAMK DKL/.IKH. OVEH BIOS. -1 Mill. VOU n7 * Fur rtitet.ctc. , sec loji of frsl column on Iliti i " Tt6xv"rKAiis " i LOS irYotfAS CANNOT w del to Omaha before AUKUHt. How uru the birds ? I'lctiBu write n few lines glvlux more Inter matlcin. Address lloxy , cnruof Harvey's roatau runt. Wubnsli live. , Clileatio , I1L ; IJ7 2J < -COHHKSI'ONI ) FOH AMU8KMF.NT OH MAT- rlmony ; lull particulars denied ) IU cents , Ilex ; r.'il. Omnlnt , Nub. TOl Alt * _ music. AIM' AND IJ/VXOUACK. / For rates , ttr , , tee toit of fint f < iln in < m this imge. ' > Douidus. KW-Jy21 V-KO. ! F. ( IKLLKNIIKCK , TKACHKH OF THK I banjo : with lloapu , 1513 Doimlna. 2IJ IIDYINU A PIANO KXAMINK TIIK nun BCulo Kbuball piano A. Hospe.lMJ DouKlns. 510 V-OU1TAK AND11ANJO MUSIC SIMl'LIFIKl ) . ' l'lece rend nt ulnncu. No knowledxe of iiiuslo required. Bond lur dr. tiultnr Music Co.Atluntlcln. KM Al M3Y TO IjQAX Itn.VIj KSTAM3. Fin'mfe * . rfc. , * f fop utirnt colinm on I/U / < puj ; , AV"- ON It Y TO LOAN ON OM vTfA'PHoi'KHTY' > i H. Neb. nnd Iu. furius. K. F. KliiKer , 131'J Far'in IWO-iill \\r-WANTKII. SMALLUANSON ) UNIMI'HOVKD 'I proporty. Fidelity Trust compuny. 17321 \\r-HUII.IllNO LOANS IN SUMS OF J.VX ) TOI1..TO. M wanted. Fidelity Trust company. 17U 21 \\r-J. Ji. HICK , INV'bTM'T SKCUHKTIKS. 1122 < > Lite llul'ld. 72:1 : A 4 * AVUJAHANTIKD : MoimiAdKS ON s.vui'r. 11 Tlmyur , Cumluu nnd Stanton Co , lands tor sale. by II , T. Clarke , a Hoard of Trado. 4W \\r-8T01'I'AYINi ; HUNT , OWN A 1IOMB. WK " ' will buy or Imvoono built for you nnywhoro , and let Iho rent pny for tliu property. For Information mation call or address North American Savings As sociation , Htiom 720 , Now York Llfo bulldlni : , Ollieo open until 7 p.m. IU5-4 U \\r-OIIKAl' MONKY I'HILA. MOUTH All K AND i Trust Co. , wnnts Kllt-eduu loans , ( leu. W. 1' . Contcs , representative , 7 Hoard of Trade , f > ! U y-LOANS. W.M. HAHHlti , H. ai.FHKNZKH HI.K \\r-MOHTlAtlK ( IXANS WANTKI ) . MeCAUIJK ' Investment company. MJ \\r-l'HlVATKMONKY'VO LOAN. J. 11. ZITTLK. ' PUN. Y. Life. K } \\r-KA8TKHN MONKY TO 1XAN AT VKHY > low rules. H. 11. l.-ey.ICON. V. Life. MM6 \\r-MONKYTOLOANON OMAHA 1'HOl'KHTV. ' ttdollty Trust company. 1CI4 Fnrnam. tCI \V MOUTHAOEB WANTKI ! . IXDNI1 OH SHOUT II time. Oeort ( > . Wallaceall ! J.J , Urownbullrt- tag , 161U and IKiuitUi. BU \\r-fi I'KII CKNT K1HST MT K , rd U. I' iu.r.uu. U7 N. Y Llf * . TO ijQA x UIAT < KSTATI- ; . [ C'iinllniifil.1 \-ANTlONY U AN I ANTHUST Ca.MS N Y. Life , lend nl low rnto for cholrn nernrlty on Nebrniknor Iowa tnrmn , or Umnhn city proporty. \\r SECOND MOHT < JA IK LOANS FHOM taw TO > IU.UUO. Alex Moore , 401 Heo building. MM ! \\r-Hl'ILIlNO LOAN8I ! TO T I'KH TKNT : NO ' ' adilltlonnl olinrirosforcotumlnslonornttoriicy'fl fooa. W. H. Melklo. Urtt Nnllnnnl lunik bldtt , KM afOXKY TO iroA.V-UliATTKJjS. For rule * , clc. , ' Inp of Ant column nn tht * VMONKV TO LOAN IV ! II.'P. M -Ahoniiplioht Ku < l * > | ilmi < 4 nrenn * . lior o wnrehoino rrvt'lpU. Pti'.i nt tli IOWIMI posOlila rntoii wlthoiit publicity or removal of property , jlmo nrrnnxpil lo milt borrowpr. My loiina nro no nrrnnueil Hint you can mnkn n pnynipnt nt nny tlino mid rixluco both the prlnclpnl iinil Inlprent. Von will Unit It to your mlvnntnKii to i"on mo If you nnnt n limn , or If nioroconruiilitnt rnll uptulu- phonu 1131 nnd yuur lnmlnu.ii can bo nrrnnxoil nt Iionic. Alonpy nlvrnya on hnnd ; no publlnlty ; lowpit rntex. II. F .Mmturn , room I , Wlthnoll block , IDth nml llarnuy atrcetn. fi''l X MONBV IOANKi > ; ClIATl'lilj SEClMtlTVi Xr J1. JO to IIIM.OJ. 21l5Cnniln et. MS20 n3 ! -MONBV TO LOAN ON lIOItHKS , WAOONS -'Vfurnlturo. plnnni nml collnturnl sccnrlty. Hud Krutl Terry , U. Wl Hnnu-ublk. Itli " \r MONKV ON FUIINITUHK. luTltSIW , BTC. , -i-Kcy toiiu MortRiiKO Co. , room KH Sliuely blk. ' Y-CHATTBr.itANK.3ISS. ISTlt. LOAN.MONBV - ' onclmttels or uollntcrnl nt ronKimnliln rules. 530 -MONKV LOANKI ) ON ALL KINDS OK SBCUIt .Alty. irji Nuir York l.lfu. It. A. Morris 639 ly-aa * for ratct. rtc. , weep / of f.tvt column on tlilit i'iui' ' . \r rm"Ql-TrK ( aAiT:7)H : vi.vafANc K I u A VK L 1 .010 ncrea cholcu Intnl. well tlnibercil ultHrhlto nnd red onk , njh , hickory urn I red num. A. r. nnil ( I. Cooper portnblo suw mill , with Mi Inch circular , nil In perfect running order , two and one-hnir nillen to Htntlonon Iron.Monntnln rnllrond.nltlihor.seil.oM'ii , lumber truck * , wnuoui , chnlnx. lo ylnu. toiiene. . emit hookn. hlnckninltli tool * , trnm rend with train cjtr. nil In : ooil onlnr. ( . 'nn dell lumber for cali nd fnut n It li : iw eil. This 1 a f4pli > iidlil level trnct of Imul. n-nll IncaUvl. title perfect. Kood fnnns ncnr It located In ( ireen county In the northern mid bent iinrt ofrknniis. : . anil betivoen tire rallroniln. Thli it a nplendbl chuncu to KO Into the lumber btmlnesi. Can't heli [ but < Io well nntl iiiiiku money. Ape nnd wl.ihlim to to out of biiHlnevH rcninn for Kellliiu. Address U. II. Wntermnn , 1'each Urcbnrd , Arknn.ta . .MCT T. _ Ar-JOOI ) MANITKACTUHINd IWPINBSS KOH 1 nlu orpxchanwe. A need pnylnjf bui liie i will lie old urn.xclinnied for unencumbered or Hllehtly encumbered property either In thoclty or country. ( lu.Ml ruinous fur Mcllliu' . Stnlo wlint you hnvuto trnilo. Adilre.u T I" , lieu olilco. _ M4W JS ) \f-WANT-nT | : MAN TO TAKB INTIIUHST IN I now tiinn put In KOnerul ntoro and niaiinuo tin ) tonn. Jll tnducuiuunt to light man. Aililre t T W ! , lieu. M lffl V KOK SAI.B , A SALOON DOINO A ( JOOl ) 1IUHI- 1 ncn. ItcnMinn for selllUK trouble In family. 1'rlco t2.dOU. Address TO" , lleo. JIISIA'JU * \f-rou MXCiiAXiiH. ci ioTciKIJSIIIKNCB : LOT I CK ! feet , on pnveil street , on bout resldeneu Htruct In Council lllnlT. < . for stock uooiln. I'or rilit ! kind of stock In uood town would put In , sny from $1UOO to tl.r > CU canli. I. U. llonhmu , Council Illulls. > 13b7 21 V-WANTKI ) , rAHTNBIl , LICIIT MANIIKAC- .1 turlnc : cxperleiiei1 uiinecOHinry. will uunrnnleo partner Jl.'il ) pi-olit monthly ! JjOO to $ : , OUO required. lildruns T 4i ! , lloo KIT - > ' -KOIIHAI.K KIltST CLASS STOCK CKOfBUIKS L at n b.iri.'alii to cisi : ! buyer. Klrat clasa locution. ' . " .Till rftrnam street. MS 21 Ar KtI I HAI.K , OOOI ) I'AVISO IIAKBUV IN 1 CnusB for follln . sickness. Address K. II. Allan , Denlson. In. JK.--.U * V HANK OK OUAKTON FOlt SALH. DOING A J. coed business ; gooil reasons for selllni : . Ad dress J. T. Hlnkley , cashier , Urafton , rillmuro coun ty , Neb. JK'77 24 _ \f TXH SAI.K OK TKAI1K. AN K.VrAHI.lSHKI J. commission business. What hnvo you to otTcr , Address T 51 , lleo. MJ12 25' V KOU BALB , ONKOK TUB OLDKST SALOONS J. InOuialin. Inis Inul a loitnlur run of tradu for ovcr2. > years , close to U. 1 * . shops.V11I sell Kronnil ami bulldliiKS. llcenso imld till 1SJ2 : cause of soIIInK , retlrliiK from bualnesa. Apply Sirs. S. Dnllow , 1UII \ -rOIl SALK STOCK AND KIXTUIIK3 OK KI UST JL clnss huki'ry nnd Ice erenm parlor : overythlnK complete mid new ; the only bakery In thticlty doing ; n Kourt business ; owner must co to Knrope on ac count of his health. Address J. II. Uccker , Crete , Neb. 2J'.I 21 V KOH SALK 1IALK INTCHKSTIN ONI3 OKT11K -I- best paying Krocery storm In Omabn. An ele- Kiint , clean stock ; centrally located nnddoliiKn llnu buslnens. Onlythnso uiccntng buslnchn ileeil answer. TM Uco. MXB23 * Ar-KOH HKNT. TUB SBCONI > KLOOH OK ONI ! OV J the prlnclpnl dry KOods stores In Oiu.ilm. Slut- nblo for clothing , lints , caps , crockery , carpets or furniture. Will rent either the cntlru tloor or part of It. Address T SI. Iteo. J1W7 \r-KOH SALH , MILLINBIIV STOHU. IN C.OOD L locatlou. Klrst-class opening for n competent milliner. Addiess Milliners , box 81U , yyr.ieuse. Neb. SB-2Z * " \r-THK I1KST IIUSINIISSOI'HNINC IN OMAHA X for sale ; from HUOO to $5.000 reiiulretl. Address T til , lieu. M400 23 Ar KOIl SALH A SMALL COHNTIIV HANK.llKlNf ! L the only bunk In town and no other within 12 miles , llest of reasons ulvcn for sclllni ; . Call at or address room tilS , New York Llfu building , Omaha , Neb. 4'.r.-2i , r-MKKCIIANT TA1LOH 11USINKSS. KHANIv Y ' Kochor , David City , Neb. tMS-jyU * V I''O" SALH. STOCK OK IIAHDWA11B AND L stoves Involclnt ! about $ .l.riO.OII ) and In llrst-cluss condition , In ono of the best locations In Omaha. No trade , but will arraiiKU satisfactory termu with responsible purchaser. Address T HI lleo. V.u-Sl y KOIl SALB , ONB III.ACKSM1TII SHOP AND X tools cotnpletn ; easy terms. Kdward's Loan Ak'ency , 12 Darker block. 1'1'J Ar KOH SALH , M.OOO water bonds of the city of .1. Missouri Valley , la. , for extension of waterworks system , bearbiK 5 per cent Interest and to tun for 20 years. Interest payahlu suiiil-anniinlly. Hlds close July Hist , Ib'Jl. ' Address all bids and ciimmuulca- tlons too. 11. Walker , city clerk , Mo. Valley , lown. KOH EXCHANGE. Formtef. etc. , see ton of trst column nn tills ) M < ie. /Jsmall lot that will always bo oed rental proper ty , which 1 want to trade for vacant lots or house and lot farther from business. Address T 47 , lleo ollieo. SUi y-KAHMS AND IIOHSBS TO BXCUANCB KOH /JOnniba property. Call at room Wl Hrown Inilldlni ; . M ! I.AI3 y-CIIOICIC UBSIDBNCB IN COUNQIL HLUKKS AJand cash to exehmmu for merchandise ; hardware preferred. Address L' . ( i. llartlctt , 741 Uroadway. Council lllullt m 78.1 fWANTKI ) TO TUADB , NB\V /Jfor iiKood strong horse. Addieas T 'M , Hue. M13 : > y-roii UXCIIANOB KIHST JJLASS OMAHA property , clear land and cash for If 10.IXJO to ) . ( ) ) stock ut dry uoods. , room SA. 10 Krenrcr block. 'JOS 2.1 y-TO THADK KOHfiOOD DHUJ STOCK INiOOl ( ) Allocation. Addreis , T03 lleo. M410 2 ! * y IK YOU HA VB A GOOD UPKHillT PIANO YOU /Jwunttii oichanito for clear lot north iJOO , ad dress , T21 , llouolilco. 167 y-.DlYllKND PAY1NO STOCKS KOH GOOD /Jfarm lands or Uualrablo city property. W. , P. o. box ( Mi. MUM ul roil SAhK-HICAIi KSTAT13. For rates , etc. , net tonof frtl column mi thlt T/o S A M'.N o rlH K 1 m loth street , lot U , block 3.11 , city ; 'IOIK S. 10th street. MiilliK. " DO YOU WANT A llOMBl TIIHNl-ilKS : your chance : A Devon room house , two inllos from postolllcu ; price , f . ' , ' . " X ) ; terms. ilOU casli unit fi.1.00 every three months. This Is k > i thun ptiylni ; rout. No trouhlo to show property , ( iuortio .1. Paul , WU Kurnam street. 251 2U * | ? OH SALB CUBA ! ' , A S.MALI , 1-ltDOM r.'l ) . 1 J. story bulhllnu , 12 years old , nt llth and Capitol nvo.i can bo addoU to another building. U.S. Wood , M. I ) . 281 Al 1OH SALB , ON MONTHLY PAYMKNTS AND -l very cheap , n number of houses In tlllToront pnrt > of the city ; will trade eiiulllos for vncnnt lots. The O. K. Davis Co. 2iil AH ) l OH SOUTH OMAHA PHOl'KHTIKH. HUSINKSS l tracknk'oor residence , no to the leudlnit run ! es Into dealers In South Onmba , Kd Johnston A Co. corner 21th and N streets. WO BLKGANT 15AST KHONT LOTS IN W1JST CumhiKs Hddltloni Illicit pluoo for a homo In thu city. Must soil , Clenr. Non-resident. Wants olfer rltht awjy. A. K. Klloy , roiitu 40 , llurkur block. . IUO 11 1JHU ) SALK OOOD WAHBHOIHB 1XT , ( UIINKIt - > paved utrix-ti , trnckaEn , 2 blocks from depot ; Tory cheap. N. Shelton , IUU Kuruaiu. 400 " 1 ? . ( I. MBHHILL DKALBH IN HBAL BSTATB , 4-jContniolur unj llnlHier , resldunce , llakur Plaoo Walnut Hill , CottaK.-i for tradu or naJoon month ly imyniinitu In llnliukens ndd. A IliiiielianKh's ndd. , "Clifton IUU" and "llnkt'r rinoe , " nil nuw nnd convunlunt to motor. Prlco wity down. Improved and unlmproveU farms In Murrlck Co. , Nub , Kornalu or trado. Cash for lots. 670Jy2 * 7IVK-HOOM IIOUSHS IN OUCIIAUD HII.U tl.00 cacti on Monthly payment * . Tliomiu V , Hull , 311 l-axton block. MJ lll 1 < ALB CIIKAP , KASV PAYMBNTS. : 1H- tlory now tf-ruom hoinj. with b lh , collar , etc. : full lot. N , Shelton , IMt Kirn urn. 'M 1JHJH rlAf.i : , TO WOKKINCMKN ONLY ( SPKCU- I Utorj oet-4 not npil/i. ou tluio nr uniutlily pay- luent , n nun ) cult -u nt ! > than nctuul v.'lluo. In lilt > property ! only onobhtik to electric Iliio. In. quire nt room 103 , Om U National baak butlJIng butlJIngKM FOU HATjE H3AT < KSTATK. I.'Oll HALK-RASY S , IIOMKS FOH ITIW , 1'II.UU ) . 11,200.11,101 run Tnko small clear prop1 orty i > ' part payment . .M. Wallace , Drown block li'.lll and Douglas , .Oik OUdKH TOIl rUl.BOSPIlASTTKilMSt liniTSKj fur runt. Ailtlrrat Ifeirtanii American 8nriii lnnk , STKAM KKATIIBU UKNUVATOIl , For rate * , ftc , , > e top nf frit column nn till * ) xig ( , TJKIW. Tlt'lCS AND I'lIiMWH WASIIHI ) . FKATII- J T tioniilit. Hull orrt c promptly tllloil Work called for mid ilnllrcretl Krnrik AnsonilntFrnnk ; tin . . - , [ M74J PATIvXT PATKNT I.AWVIIIW AND SOLICITOUS , o. w. 1 SUM . < . Co. , Hen bnlldlnjt , Omnlm. Nebr. llrnncli ulllce r.t Washington. 1' . U. Consultation Iroo. tM ) for ntc. , rtc , , KC too of Ural column nn f/ij ( i > ( r ; . ! 7i.MF.N"rrfTOlKTltKSS.MAKINl INY'AM- NlA ( < : . . ( - Jellies solicited. Mlsi Sturdy , 'JUIJ Hartley street. M to 1.1 y 37' " MKOHAXIOAh DllAUGI ! For miff , etc. , ttr. fiilnnm nil tlili > ATKNT orrc'i AND si'Ki'.u. IIUAWINUH prepared liy ( ! . W. Sue X Co. , Omaha , Neb. 177 J'ATTJOUNS AM ) pSANDKHSON. COKNBIl liTU AND JACKSON. RBiLWHY TIME CRRD Lcarbi CIIICAIJO. IIL'HLINtiTON A Q , Arrive ) Omalia. _ Depot 10th nnd Maion Stii. _ Omnhn. " p m n..rr..ihicau'o veitiiiuio.T.Trrrr 8.0) n in ' .I. ; . I a m . < Illcauo Kvpreii . 111 ll.i n iu K.2J p m . I hlcaxo Kxprnti . ll..M p m O.fi0 p m l . . . . Chlc.iiiii A lown Irficnl. . . . . . S I."i a m i/iavoi r .1 .Mil. HlVr.H. \ i rl v os ( imiilia. I llepot IIKIi and M-KO-I Mti. _ Olltlll ! ; . : 111 lieuver Duy Licpron 4.0) p 111 10.2) n in Deadwood I'xpreis 4.'i.i p m 1U.7.I a m l > , 'nver KxproHs n..M p m 7.10 p m Denver Nljtlil Kxpress .i..k > a m , > M p m Llnrdn Limited II.-IJ n tu f.U a m Lincoln Local ' . ' .W p in ) < envo K. i'sr. J. , tu. II. Arrival' Omah.i. | Depot loth and M i < nn 3ti. Om ill i. _ 11'SJ n ni . . . .Knns.14 i'lty l > : iy Kxpro-in i i p m .l.lj p m K. C. Nlirhl Kvp. Tla f. I' . .l i 11 m 1 c.iv et ] UNION I'ACIKIC. I Arrlvois OmnhiuJ Depot 10th nnd Mnrcy Sti. I Onulii. ; _ lOJIl'n m . .H.nvii City Kxnrnii ( ox Sun. ) . IM p m Ill.SO n m . Dnnvcr Kxpresi. . . . . 4.U ) p m y.M p m . Overland Klycr . .i.ii.i p m : p ( n . .Grand Island Kxp. ( ox. Bun ) . . 11.S. ) a m 7.20 p in . racitlo ICiproii . 3.0 : ! p m Iavo < t'UICAliO. Mil * A ST. 1'AUL.I Arrlva Omilin. IJ. I' , depot. nn I M tror - < t . I Oniah.t I P uif rciilc.iRO Kxnrim | 11.5) O.IS nnil i.lilc.ito ; _ li.U LeJivoTI cTiTi\\riO. H. I. A I'ACIFIC. I ArrivoT" Oiu.ibn. | t ; . I' , depot. 10th nnd Mtr.-r Sis. I Onubjv _ p in , N It'll t Utprcis ' . ) . > ) n m ,1.15 a m Atlantic llxprou'i p m I..g p ml ViMtllinlo Ll'jiltod 10..Vi a m Leavoil SIOUX CITY ft I'ACIKIC. I Arrivoi Omnhtt J Depot I Ith and Marey Htv | Omalia. .15 a nil . . . .Slnux 'lty pTiiionitor 110.'JO p in ft.i.S : p . . . . . . . . . . l'aiilKxuru _ i llO.fti a m LcavuTj SIOU.X flA'k'.V I'ACIKIC. TArrfvioT maha. I Dupot IH'i nnd Wuhstor ati. | Omaha. IJupnil . . . . .St. I'alil Llmllml. . . . . . . . | ' .1.8.1 a m IMPllOVEMEST FOR 15 YEARS Allusiirs of TVl'K\VltlTEUS IIIIVQ full tlio iifcc'-.sity of tliulr being Improved. You will tin. : : In the The latest and 1at. 1 . Wo claim ; anil IIISDOO- tlon nnd trial jiruvu It. "I'lio Most Dnrablo In Ali iuniiiit , ICnslo-U KiiniiliiK , and Most Slluut. Alllypo ulcanud in ton seconds vltliinit hUllliiK thu liands. Sund for catalogui ; , Thu SniHli I'ronilpr 'l'vir | > Writer Co. R II. AIAYIIBW. MaiuiKor. lUHD't Kurnam struot. Oinulia. N' h. KOK EKKUTIOX Ol' SCIIUOI , , DKi'AiirMKNTOK Tin : INTKIUDU , UK INDIAN AKKAIHS , .liny loth , IMII , Kouli'd | iroiosiiU | , utuloraod "I'roixiiali for crootlon of sulionl uiuldlnvH , " mid addrobsod to tlio oomiiilsslonor of Indian uiTitlm. Wasli- liuion. I ) . I' . , lll no-rot'iilveil at tlil.s ofilco until I o'cloul ; of August lUth , IS' ) > , for llio unuitlonof three lai'K'i ' soliool buildings on the Slioslnim. Indian n'Sorx'a'Uun tu Wyoming at a point , tobosolectod by the Inillan HKIMII , tlio main Inilldlni ; to lie lii ) ) > 4l.thi ) girls' dormitory 4i.\7l : , and tlio boys' diin'/iltory ; . ( i.'J ; also fur the oruL'lloii of ( hi ) Kurt Hull Indian Indus trial school noir lllui'U'foot. Idaho , a frninu dormitory buUdlim S'/tll. ' nil In noi-ordunun with pluns and hpccllloiitlons that innv bo u\- iimlnod at thuolllem of tlio' llnpubllcan" of Dunvor. - < ! ol.i "TllK ll : r. " of Omalia , Nob. ; "Trlbiino" of Salt I.ako Ully ; the "Sun" of Choyuiinc , Wyo..und thu Joiirnnl" of Helena , Mont. ; also at thu Hiuilionu Ajuiioy ; , Wyo. , and I ho I'ort Hall .school. Idaho , lllddt'rs will bo ruiiulroi ! to submit -.op'trato bids for oiuh ; butldluK , and to Hlutn thn luimth of tltiHi proposoil to lui I' niiimcd In thalr con struct Inn. CHHTiriEIIfJIKCKB. Kuril bid muni bu aofomnunlnil by a ot'rtl- fleil vhcukordfutt IIDOM HOIIIU I'n I led Statin iiL'iioiltorv or sumo solvunt national bank In the vicinity of thu blddou's plai'o of buslnuss , tiayablu to thuordorof tlm commissioner of Indian atl'alri , for at least n per cunt of the amount i.1 thu proposal , which uhrtuk or draft Hlnill bu forfeited to the L'nltud .States In ( uisn any bliliioror blddtirsrucelvliiK an award shall fall to promptly uxm'Mto contract with KOOI ! and Millldciit surL'tU-s , othorwlio , to bu ro- lurniMl to thublddor. The rlRbt Is rrsarved to reject uny or all olds or any part nf any bid , If doomed for HID bust Interest of thu xurvlco. THOMAS J. MOUU.VN , Commlssionnr. JylMiautm ltliln fur I'i'Intiiiii , IlliU will bo rui-ulvuil by thu htatu Hoard of I'rintliiK utthuollU'O of theSoorutiiry of iSlate. ouorbuforifUoulouU n. nt. , Atnsust Iltli. 1KI ) , for printing und hlmlliis In cloth , ouu tlioiis- und [ I.IKKJ ] copies of Vol. III. , ot thu Tnuihac- tloiiHund , IteporU of the Nebriiaicu Miilo IIIs- lorleul Society , to bu iltillriirod complnlo ut thuolllcu of thu Secretary of ttin Society , In tliu Hluto t'nlvurslly llulldliu , Lincoln. To contain 301 pu es , nioro or less. Thu sUe of | iaue , wiilKlu and quality of paimr , ulyleuiid lUiilliy cf blii' ilyloof loiturlui ; on cover , mil In nil rr..rm. . U tbo wcrk to bu the suiiui as the MHI.O to bo aenn In the olllru fit the Hoc- rotary of Stnto. The rliflit to rojt-ct uny nud all bid * U rfkurvod , JOHN 0. ALLEN , Secretary. AWrlllon Guaranloolo CURE EVERY CASE or , MONEY REFUNDED. Our cure U prrnunrnt mid not n patching up. Cawi trratol flto yc r KKO h ra nprcr siwrt a symptom Inco. ly : dJJOrlblnzcuso fully wo c n treat > o * jr mall , nndwoRlTO the mn lrouitRU.inintoo to euro or refund nil money. The o who prefer to como hero forln > tmentc ndo o i iul wo will p\y faro both w y nnd hotel bills while here If wo fall lo cure. > Vn chiMlcncK tlio worhl for A caitf that our MAOIO ItKMKDY will notciiro. Vrlto for full pirtlcul r and pttthoorUcnro. We know that you m fkepllcal , jusllo. . toj. ai the moil eminent phyilclins Imvo never been nbio to plro more tlmn temporary relief. In our flvo years' pricllca with tlio Jl AfHU HK1IKUY It liai been mo t difficult tu o iTcomo the prejudices niralnit nil so-called i | > ocincs. Out unJor our slronit Btmranteo > ou rliouM not he ltnlo to try thh irmeily. You take no i luinvo of luilng yuur money. Wo miar. ntco to euro or refund ovcry dollnr , nnd ns wo hnvo a reputation to protect. lo financial backlnjof ! CO , COO.Itliporfeellysafoto all who will trr tlio treat ment. HoretoferoyouMTT. been pultlnRUpnnd pay Ing out year money fur different trottmenti ! and nlthouRli ToiiaronotyctcuriMiioonoha * pnld back your mon ey , I'onotw.-ntonnynioromoneyunlllyi'U tryus. Old rhronlcdeepsealo > le.i > o4cureUliiSiU ) > vO days. In- Tritleato our financial fUudlnu , our reputation as tiinlno smen. Wrllo u.1 for name * ami nd.lrrMi'9 of lliono wo have cunnl who hare Riven permission to ro- fartothnn. Itco tsyotionly | io l.\go to dolhUilt will SAVO yon a , world of sutferlnic from mtntnl ( train , mid If ) ou nro nmrrlM whst umy yuur ollsprlni ; "liter tbroiish your o n noRllscnco , J f your sj niptmiM nrj fore throat , mtK-oui jvnches In mouth , rheumntlsm In bon -B and Jul-u , linlr falling out , eruptions on any rartof the body , feellnK of cuioral < lfpro lon , palnj in head or bones , you have no tlmo to Tmrto. The o w ho nro conntantly taVIn mercury nn.t potash BliouM dl eontnuo ! It , Conntnn t u o ot theto dnigs w 111 mrcly brlnkoic9nnde > tlniTUlr ralntliocnil. Don't fall to rll . Alloirreipondenco pentfo.ihilIn plalncuvrl. opes. Wolnrltothomo-trlitld Invcftlentlonnnilwlll do nil In our power to old jrmt In It. Addn'ss , Ctli Itr.Ml'.DV CO , , tlmahn , ffrbraikii. ORli-o 13th and f'nrnnm. soconil floor , cntranco 13th li. "FOR "MEN ONLY. $000 for a oiso of Lo > s Failing Manhao 1 Uom-ral or Norrous Debility , \vea\cnon3 \ of boJyo-mlnl , the oif-iots ol errors or ox- o B CB in o d or j-ouns th tvo cannot cure. W uiia'nntee every case or rt-luud ovary doll.r. F vi ) da > s trial treat nont $1 , full ooursj $ C i orcontlblo ban'tits ranlia'tl iu Kir-3" cl . 8. By mail , sacuruly packed from ob > rvat oa COOK URMEDYCO. , OMA A , NEB. LADIES ONLY MARIP FEMALE REGULATOR , Safe and IIIHUIU Ctrti n to a day > rmoii"yr3lu > doJ. P.'ico bvma'l A2.oaied from on .Tvatiou. COO K HEMEO Y CO. , Omaha , Neb. PHREYS' nn. IIUMriioma'SrBciKicj nreBClentlOenlly nud cnrefull.r prepared proscriptions ; used for many yenra Iu prlvfato iiract Ice with Bueeeis.and forovey thlrlyyoara used hytbo people. Kvery nliiRloSp - clllo In a special euro for the dlseano named. Thow Specifics euro without ilrupKlnc , purif > lntorreduelmtho ( system , mid nro Iu fnct nud ileed the aovorclBiirtinicillcmiftUo. Wiii-lil. LIST or rmncirAr. NOI. CUIIKS. rnicrs. I I'cvurN , ConKeetlon , lullniumatlon. . . . ' .15 2 Win-ins. Worm Fever , Worm O > llc . .V5 ; t Cryluir CnMe.orTeethliiKoflufanU .V5 < l IIIiirrTirn. of Children or Adnlta. . . .VJ5 ft llyKfMorrt arlpliiB.HIllotwCollc- II I'hiilprn WorbiiH. Noiiiltlng ' 2.5 7 IIouuliH , Cold , llronrhllli ' 25 H Neurnlslu , Toolbnclio.Fncenche ' 25 1) ) m-ndiichcH. SIckllendnche , Vertlyo . ' 25 Ut IlynpopHlii , Illlliius Rininacli. . . . . . . . . . ' 25 11 rMipiirt'H-inilor I'liluTiil 1'crlods. . ' 25 " " J'J Wlilli'Hi too 1'rofiiMi 1'erliMls . . . I / I'llllH * J1I111U or JIIC-1.-UHIK ; - - ' " I'.l Cntiirrht Inllnenrn , Cold In the Hond .50 ill ! M'lioopinir 'oiich. Violent Coughs. . ( SO 2 Crnernl Ilelillltyl'hy lcaI\VfnkiiciiS .All KldanylHaciifin - JH Nrrious Doblllty ; l. JJ I'rlnurrVvnkncni , Wpttlnul'pd. .all BO niNOiutu.sof 111 < Henri , 1'alpllatlon 1.IHI Hol.1 ryTniKphis. or rput postpaid on receipt of prlc. , . Zn. VlUHPimKiB' MANI'AI , (144 ( pnijes ) rlciily lionnil in cloth and uold , mailed free. iinMpnnETS1 MEDICINE oo. . Cor. WiUiam and John Streets , Hew York. BAD BLOOD ! : Pimples on the Face | ; Brooking Oat | i Skin Troubles ) ; LlttloBorcai Hot Skin | : Boils I Blotches | ! Gold Bores ) Bad Breath ) ! Saro HoatU or lips | : Ifyou urfiT frum onr or ; tUCAO Mj-inptOIII * , tUl.U i KV KUHN & CO. . Omalia. ( iOIKIITllOI'tl. tltfKt Illld . turoil lii icluys by the Kroniih Huinoily 1:11- cllloil thu 1C1NU. It ( llsxolvos iiRiilnst nnd Is ubsurbcd Into Uiu tiifluniuJ pirK ; Will roTund money If It iloi-t ) not euro or causes strictiiro , ( , horn Is a rcllablo urtluln. f.'l a paukiiu'D or u fur $ r > per man prepaid. Mc- Cornilck & Lund , Omalia. " ANATIVO. " thr AVondurrm bpoulili Ki'incily , U cold vtlthu v'rltlcnvlunrnnlro to cure all Nervous Dis tance , euch as Wcik Mcniarr , i-va of Ilrobi Power , Lea do che , Wnkcf uluera. Lost Mar- hood , VcrvoupncEB , Lna- oltudo. nil drolaa and DoforoA After Use. Iocs of power of the life. Generative Orpins , In either BCX. caused by over-exertion , youthful Indcecrctioui , or the exccstlvc niii of tobacco , opium , or jtlmulantii , which ultimately load to lunrmlty , Consumption and Irwiulty. J'lit up In couvcDlout form to carry In the ve t pocket Prlco 81 a pickr.Ko , or 8 for (5. with every ? J order we plvo Q-.Trltton t'uarantiM ) to euro or refund thu iimiiiiy. Sent by mall to eny address. Clrculirfrcc. MenUon tlilJ paptr. Address , MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Brunch Office for U. S. A. 417 Deirhnrn Sirocr. CIUCAOO. II.I * KOIt BALK IN OMAHA. NEIL , IJV Kuhn & Co. , Cor , 15th , t Douxlan Sts. J. A. Fuller ft 'To. , Cor. ! 4th .t Dini A. U KiKicr ACu. . Cmim-il lllnfh kes 6 eall < ii3. * : , mid . by i.U donleni.'alxmutiful I'icluru Uook end cords Bent tn any ono nddre.-i'i/ " a , ir. limns * cc. . UHADICATOH-Cure. * all dlsiia oi bocanio HUlllt the mlcrobo or Korm. I'utup and mulled In fj , ts nnU tJ sUe , the latter } 12 1 gallons Hunt nny- wlicro propald on ruuulpt of prlou orC. O I ) . \Vo l uu nunniuntca to euro. Thu nuhllc. trndo nn.l lobhurs Hiippllud by Iho ( joodinin Druv Cn . Mu- CiirmlckJ ; Lund , Omnhai C. A. Mclchor , Howard Myers and K. J. Hoykorm South Oiuahi A. I ) . FOH ter and M. I * . Kills , Council HIiilN. Not lee tu Contract DIM. I niu prepared In fnrnlih promptly Hu'ihlu Hip- Itap Dlmontlon Htono and Cru hni HocXof It'jtl quality ut lowest prloa For lluurui call or mldmss I' . L. MONUOII , IM Nuw York Llfo nulldlnv , Omnh.i , Nob. Al'.cr Fitkc Notwitlistaiidliig iiiimurous complaints uml arrests , Mosisrs. Snydur & Ooilun , the auo- .Ion Joint faulra contiuuo to do a prosperous business at the old stand. A younK man m mud Bur no , employed at tlm smollniK \vorus , Is their latent victim. Ho cntutvd tliulr place yastorday ut tlio solicitation of u capper mid WAS iiulticod to pay iH for a ladies' "Kola" watch ana chain and $ 1'J for a similar plcco of furnlturo for hla own uso. Thirty cunts would huvo been u 1)1 K' price for thu proporty. When liui'Uo realized how ho luitl boon swindled , bo roinplaincd to thu po ll eo and a warrant was issued for ttio of the fakirs. When the patrol wagon pulled up In front of the place , bowuvur , It was found that the proprietors and their clerk * 111.a rappers Imuruttou In the sale had "alcppod o-it u minute. " Iturke saw the eiii- ] ] ier .vurr.tliiK n\\tiy iu Iho crowd , but did not call thu olilrors1 attcntlou to it until the fel low was out of Bight. To overcome tbo marks of age , all who bavogrny b-urda inoutd use Bui'KliiKunm'H Dye for the WbUkors , the best and cleanest Uyu inndo for colorlu browu or ulack. sr Anon ns. AVhnt Will bo Done ( o Kocp tlio Sol- tilers Itcnltliy. General Brooke ba n general onlor setting forth tbo character of the pacttuo nmrche.i nnd other c.xorclsos to bo taken by the troop nt nearly every post In the department of the I'lattoduring the Miinmer. The troop nt fort Unmtia , Camp Pilot But to , Catnp Pine Hulk-o uml Fort Low Is are not Included In the programmo ol inurcho . It is o.xpectoil Unit the troop * at Fort Oitmlm tuny bo pormltted to attend the oitcunipment nt Ottuinwn , Iu. , nnd II so they will hnvo sulllcieut marehliiL . Following U the proK'raiuino ns sot forth In the order ; The prnctleo mnrcbo.i nre not to exceed 100 mlles from the po t nnmcJ. The troops nt Fort Douglas will march on or about September 1. All the Held olllcers , regimental staff , companies H , 1) , K , ( i nnd A of the Sixteenth Infantry will par ticipate. Ono oulcinl will bu left at thu imst and from unch company ono noncommissioned missioned ofllrer nnd four privates. Tlio sumo rule will bo observed at till other posts. From Fort Logan companies H , C. D , K , F nnd U of the Seventh Infantry will march about September 1. From Fort Nlo- brarn , tbo Sixth cavalry , two companions of the KUhth Infantry , with nil the Ilulil olllcors nid ; the ro luiuntnl stall will participate. From Fort Hoblnson nil the Hold onicor. , the ixx'lmcntal stnft of the Ninth cavnlry , except the qtinrtcirmnstor , tbo Ninth cavalry , nnd Company U of the Highlit Infantry will march. From Fort Shinny Companies A , U , C nnd E of the Twenty-first Infantry will nmrSh. From Fort Douglas nil the companies or the Seventeenth infantry will march. From Fort DnChcstio two troops of the Ninth cavnlry , under command of Major .tames F. Pumllctt , will o out on thu iimtvh about September l.'i. From Fort Wuslmklo Troop II of the Sixth cavalry , and Company V of the Kiirhth In fantry timlur command of Major K. P. ICol- IOKUO ! the Eighth Infuntrv , will tnko thu Hold. Hold.From From Fort McKlnloy all the Held ofllcer.s nnd the regimental stuff. uxcoptitiK the quartermaster , with three troops of the Sixth cavalry , nnd three companies of the Eighth infantry will tnko the march. From Fort Knmlall companies F , O and II of the Twunty-llrst infantry will tnlco Hold exorcise twlco n week during the month of Suptembor , in lieu of the prac tice march. Thu troop will bo armed with twenty rounds of % ervico ammunition for each carbine. Subsistence , fuel , forage , nmbulnnccs , and every necessary equipment for active work In tbo Held will bo "supplied. The troop will bo out for the tlmo as though they wcra actually called into the Hold to defend the pcuco nud honor of the country. I'nrcnts Jtcnd Tills. July and August are anxious months for mothers who carefully watch over their little ones. Hot days and frequent changes of temperature nro liable to produce cholera morhus. How satisfactory It should bo for pnrontstoknow that Haller's Pain Paralyzcr is both a pleasant , and olToctivo remedy for all summer complaints. It soothus nnd ro- lluvos nil pain nnd griping mid always effects n complete cure. For sale ; first-clttss saloon and restaur ant. M10 Farnmn street , Ed , Wottig , proprietor. Vou Can Itcauli Snrntopra 0:55 : a. m. , Now York 2:10p. : m. , Uoston : ! : ! ( ) p. in. , Portland 8:00 : p. m. , And intorincdittto points at n corre spondingly convenient hour tlio after leaving1 Chicago by taking" the "Boston and Now York Special , " leav ing Chicago daily at 10iO : ; a. in. via the Lake Shore route. Five other splendid trains also leave at convenient hours. No other eastern line affords an equal train service. Send for complete sched ule , also summer tourist folder. M. S. GILES , T. P. A. , Chicago. C. K. Wir.nuu , W. P. A. , Chicago. IJOUNI > TO ilKAT 1JIOHI3A. A Nuw Dcnl in the Curbing Contract Mmldlc. The board of public works lias it in for the Berca stone people , nnd again yusterdny morning made another move to freeze thorn out. out.AVhon AVhon the curbing contracts were lot a few days ago the Boroa people plo wcro 2 to B cents lower on each lineal foot of curbing that it Is pro posed to use this season. The bids were rejected , but the next day tUo vote was reconsidered and the contract awarded to the lowest bidder. Yesterday the board sent the bid of the Colorado snndstono people to Comptroller Goodrich tunf ho might certify that there will bo money available to pay for the curb ing ns soon ns the special levy is made. Ho having no ofilclul knowledge of the award to the Borea people , the ccrtlllcato was attached to the contract for Colorado stono. A short time after this happened the Boroa contract covering the same stone was sent to tlm comptroller for his certificate. This ho refused to glvo and as a result only the Colorado stone contract ivill go before the council. Mr. Goodrich fouls that some person is try ing to work n double-header on him by gut ting him to certify that thcru is money uvall- nblo to do n double amount of curbing on the streets. Tno owner of the Berca stone qnnrrioi ar rived yesterday and will nt once take legal stops to prevent himself from being beaten out of his contract. of Kii s , produced from Iho Inxatlvo and nutritions julco of California tigs , comUlncd with the medicinal virtues of plants known to bo most bcnullulal to the human systum , nets gently on the kidneys , liver und bowels , effectually cleansing the system , dispelling colds and hoadauhua and curing habitual cons tipatiou G. A. R. To Detroit. On July 31 , August 1 and 2 the Wa- hasli will soil tickets to Detroit at one faro for the round trip. For ticlcots ami further information call at Wahash of- llco , 1502 Fnrnnro street or write to G. N. CLAYTON , Northwestern Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nob. The Iturulai'H' Jlimy Night. Burglars raided Frank Saultor's saloon nt Tenth nnd Bancroft Monday night nnd hclpoil thomsolvcs to all the wet goods they could carry away. They broke open an Ice box : from which they abstracted u Iccg nnd u hnlf of beer which ttioy took nwny with thorn. Midnight marauders nlso vUltud P. Sunberg'H ' saloon ut Eighteenth and Mason strooto. They entered through an open tran som anil took about $8 worth of cigars. Thuy found nnothor open tr.msom ut Will- lam Uiiuhman's store , lliOU Lcavonworth utrcot , nnd wont in und stele about three hundred cigars. A Now Movo. Leslie & Leslie , tilth nnd Douglai. ( J. J. Frlco , Mllluni I fotul. W. J. Hughos. ' . ' .Tit Farnam. ( VJI N. 10th. J. U' . Clark , S. ti.ith & Wooiworth uvo. A. Shrotor , 15'iJ Furnam. All thu above mimed loading druggists hnndlo the famous Excelsior Springs , MU- ourl , waters and Sotonan U Ingur Alo. i\c'ui'Hlou : to Detroit. July ! M , August 1 and 2 , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will boll round trip tiuicuts to Detroit und return forONIO FAKE. For further Informa tion apply to F. A. NASU , J. R PHKSTON , General Agent. City Passenger Agent. 1C01 Farnam Street , Omaha. lor 'llioatrnt. At 10 o'clock this morning Judge Ir- vlno will hear nrcu inents and docldu whether the loiioes of Hoytl's old theuter .shall be ullowod to rutuin the uumu of Boyd'ii ojera " house , In conducting their buMuws. _ Ciosilcr'sMuglolict4acno ; Wafers. Cures nil boaiuicuc * In 'M luluuUn. At all OF \OIITHn'KST. . Nclirnokn , Hastings Is to hnvo n washing nmchlna manufactory. Pierce county'ii fair will bo hold Septont' bor 17 , 13 and'It ) , Lightning killed top nones In n pasture near Bnnvor City. Alliance Mot hod Mi hnvc let the contract for n now church building to co l tiJM. The S-numlers t-onntv teachers' nmtltuto will bo hold nt Wnhoo from August IS to ! il ) . A balloon nt Falls ( My frightened n horse so biully that It ran Into the rlvor and was tlrowium. Hull ilostroyoil ' ; " > .000 colerv plants belong ing to Scott PhltliM ) of Ayr. lie will bo obliged to n-plant the i-rop. ' The sl.u'itlng of llmo , caused bv rain , set lira to tlio coal sheds of YOUIIU . Ivnoiiu it Co. nt Hebron , causing a loss of $ .VJO. Broken Bow oitl/ens will vote August 13 on the quuitlon of Issuing boml.s to purc'nnso tbo wntor works plant by the city. Mrs. Gust Bitrkus , wlfo of ono of tlm wealthiest larmur * In the neighborhood of Oakland , has applied for n dlvoivo on the grounds of drunkenness nnd cruelty. About ten davs ngo settlers in tiio Basin , ton miles west of lltitto CItv , Bovd countv , took up IHO bond of catllo bolom-Ing to Jolin Wright for dam.iKO to ci-ops , Wrlxlit is nn oxtunslvocnttlu mnn of that countv und ro- fnsos to admit that Iho settlers hnvo any legal rights thnro ns yet , nnd bns persisted In ranging his hunts without regarding pro tests. The other night , with nn tinned fotvo , ho overpowoivd the borders nnd took biu-k his cattle bv force. The outcome will bu looked for with Interest. The Cnlbortson Irrigating nnd wntcr power company has boon nay Ing this wo-lt ) for wont done on thodltcbiM during the mniilh of Juno , says tbo Hitchcock County Keiiublluan.'o ntiilor.stand that thrlr inoiitiily payments amount to from ? < oni ) to $10,000. The total amount , expended in the constnictlon of thcso ditches nlrenily bavins rcnchi'il $ r-lOUO nnd that thei-o will bo yet requlri'd Iho sum nf Srj."i,000 to tha giivit system of Irrlintt Ing canaN now under cotirso ot construction 4n thu vicinity of Culbi-rUoii. Labor nml capital nro accomplishing wonders for south western Nobrasha. This ontorprlseotipled with thu largest nnd most prolltabln crop ever Rfown In this part of thu sttito , will at tract the attention of immigration , for when the product of the land In n .single ytmr will pny the purclmso prluo of thu sumo. Immigra tion must and will comu. Don't forget it , nu era of prosperity Is Just dawning. Iowa. Thieves nnd thugs nro numerous In Bur lington. A camp meeting for Bible study will beheld hold ut Lisbon , August 11 to 'M. The Nineteenth Iowa infantry will hold Us annual reunion ut Kldon October T nml S. While plnyiiifir circus John Kourkp , n six- tocn-yenr-old Dubuque boy , full nnd broke his nrm. nrm.Tho The reunion of Tama county veterans will bo hula ut Traor this year , during the latter part of August. The rUht leg of the editor of tlio Uollanco Record has become parnlizcd and for that reason the paper bus suspended publication for a time. While boring a well on the farm of ,1.11. Hooblng , ono-luilf mllu from Brcdo , n 'I'ij- ' foot vein of load ere was struck. Old miners of the mlnurul prononncu it n good specimen On the farm of J. S. Bellamy , six mlle south of Knoxville , ono man hud two lingers tulcen from ono Imnrl , nnd nnothor man had ono hand cruscd In n buy forlc arrangement. A traveling man by the tmmo of Carlisle , claiming to represent nn eastern millinery linn , lias been working thu state and has suc ceeded in roping In n number of retail mil linery Hrms. .Tnmlu Myers , the nine-year-old son of William H. Myers , n lending citizen of Knox- villu , whllu riding a horse in thn hay Hold , was thrown off by the horsu running nway. When ho fell his head struck on the hay sluil und bis skull was crubbud. Ho only lived u few hours. Forty mail pouches hnvo boon Hsbod out of the river at Coon Hapids , which wont down in thu recent wreck Numerous other arti cles were recovered nnd turned over to the proper authorities. The river will budrmlged , ns it is thought thcro is some express money burl'jd thoro. Ninety mall sucks nru yet missing. United States Internal IJoventio Collector Lothrop of the Third lown district has dur ing the llrst half of this month issued govern ment licenses to 1,404 retail liquor dealers In northern lown , nn increase of 40J ns com pared with the record of n year ngo. An In crease Is also reported In Iho southern portion tion of the otnto. Do not tnko any ctmnco of being poisoned or burned to death with liquid steve polish , paints or enamels in bottles. The "Hising Sun Steve Polish" Issmfo , odorless , brilliant , the cheapest and best steve polish made , nml the couiumor pays for no expensive tin or glass package with ovcry purclmso. JeclHiii In Favor or tlio Chicago , Milwaukee Jt SI , Paul Ky. The now imlneo sleeping ears of the Chicago , Milwaukee A St. Paul Hy. , with electric lights in every berth , will continue to leave tha Union depot , Oinahnt ; 0:20 : p. in. , daily. Passengers taking this train avoid transfer at ( Joun- ell Bluffs , and arrive in OhieaKO at 0:30 : n. in. , in ample time to maice all eastern connections. Ticket ollioo , 101 / Farnam street. F. A. NASH , E. J. PiucsTON' , General Agent. City Passenger Agent About tlio ( iraln Men. Secretary Nnson of the board of trade Is rapidly gutting things Into shape for thu grand banquet to the grain men of the state the occasion of the oponlng of the tr.xdlng board on August So. The board of trade rooms will soon present a very attractive appearance as tbo result of the froscour'.s nrt. The two tclugniph com- nloi , the Western Union and the Postal , iiiuo been unsigned space In the trading room , nnd will put In wires. This will nut Omaha In close communication with other marketsnnd the Chicago and St. Louis grain and provision markets will bo posted on blackboards put up for that purpose. In ad dition to this four brokerage linns hava already ongngod rooms In the building , nud thay will each put In a private wlro to Chicago cage and St. Louis and post the marlcuts from ( .hoso points on their boards , Information Froo. Do you know t'int nny old nero or cut can bo nbsoluloly cured by the Intnlllffonl use of Hullcr's Barbed Wlro Llnlinout.1 Bo merci ful to your horse and try It. 111K Ilbi.UjTY MA.11ILIST. TN8TIIUMKNTS pliwoa an rooorj July 29 , L 1HJI. WAHIt\NTV I1EKD1 H M Brown to H ( ; Strlnuhani , lot 15 , hlk 0. Ainblur plauii , tuid land In Unjoin ciniiity . $ ll.rO Joseph and d K llnrkor to Mixs.Iminor - maii , lot -I , blk 1 , rihurmun Avuniiu park . IDO 111' ( Judy innl wlfo to II I' ICulin , lot II , bll ; I ) , Oruhjliton Knights . H'f ) ) t Carlt-on to Oharlits Nordrnluirg , n'l ' lot < 8 , blkt. . UiiiiipbiiU'ii add . . . . 1175 0V and > 'lfn to W A Ky mcr , lot I. blk I' ' , Crclxlitoii llnU'hts . . ' 1.7) ) UnitaviiH llaiiuiland wife to'l' lM'all'rey , loin , Oak Hill . 700 Frank Heller to flint l.omi nmlTruHl company. loti > 10. It and IS. blk 1 ; lots 1 to II , blk'J ; lint , 13 to ' 'I. blk 4 , Howling Ureon . 8.000 llultlins Juttnr nnd wlfu to A O l.dim , n t'h fiuitof lota , blk IK , Jotler'H udil to South Omaha . COT I , M .li'iinuy to O W llarnuiii. mimillan. .sj of luts > > , 0 nnd IU , A Kinint/u'ti add l.HCO II I * Kuhn and hiiiband to 1 < II Shunlng , lull I blkU , CrulBhton liolshl * . . . ( ' 'rodcrluk MiulliorNt and wtfnto .1 W Ihirrls. H li lot n blkfi. hliliin'H add. , lot t lill ; 4. I'urkur'a add. , and lot , 7 blk 4 , ' ' ndd . . . 1'ntrluk' - " " - ' : i-- ; , ami ) tonamii , lotsll , Gaud W , May fluid add . I'atrii'li Miu'donnM to K A ( 'inn p. und ' 1 M ) fool lot ? blk 7H. HonthUnialiii. . . . NorthwuHtnrn Itivimtiiiunt uoinpany tn O I ) Woodworth. loUL'innilil blk I loU I. Hand blk 5 , lot : i blk 0 , Orululilon . Wllllum I'rnston and wlfu lo N I. On k- urt. o r > 'i fet lot 13 nii'l w 6U fi-ut lot 16 blk 8 , Khnll'n y ; cond ndd . 19,000 DUIT CLAIM PKKIM. J W Harris and wlfo to I.ona I.lndliorst , litaar. ( , SO , Mityflultl add . 1 I1K.KI1S. J K Iloyd , Hhoriff , to Oscar llnrlman , lot ' add . Total uniountof tranifora. . , . . . . . .1