Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Market Was Dull Dnrinr ; Most of
the Eccslon ,
Onts Improved on Uoporta of n Hcrtvy
Decrease In the Vlniblo Supply
Stocks and IJontlB Arc
CiftCAflO , JulvSO. The wheat market VIM
dull during most of the noxiton today. Karly
thcro wai n fooling of firmness duo lo tlio butter -
tor tnno In entiles. Mvoruool was quoted IH
higher on ftitures and Paris IdSlS centimes
higher. Tlio effect of tlio London Times' bull
ish smnnmry on tlio world's wheat crop was
larzoly counterbalanced by tlio lioavy ro-
colutsntall winter wheat markoU In this
country. The local sentiment wan still
bnnrlili , but there was no pressure to
gel ! In view of the cables and llio ro-
portud crop Injury , and l.amson Hiothi'is
and Milmlno Itodmnn were Rood buyers on
all the stiols. 1'oru tlmo the market bold
pretty firm , nnd rose from SGttc to Ki ! c.
PurdtldRO covered a little short wheat around
fBlSc. and the scalpers MHO took In sonic , but
trade as n rule was vciy sluggish. I'limlly ,
when It was known that the receipts for to
morrow were estimated : lt 010 ears , I'lirdrldgo
commenced to sell , and the crowd tailed on
to u considerable extent , and December fell
to f Ge.
KKtlmatt- : ) to I ho visible supply were KCII-
orally that It would show an Increase , and
this assisted In causing the weakness. In tlio
afternoon there were strong and higher
cables , llorlln reported an nilvanco of 74 !
nmrk.t In July wheat , there evidently being a
corner In that month , aa September ami Octo
ber only advanced ! J mark. 1'arls was 10320
centimes higher.
Around 80380 ijc i'nrdrldgcs brokers bought
In a great deal of short wheat for him. During
the day those purchases sustained the
market In the face of the heavy receipts. Tlio
close was at 80 ; e. The receipts here today
were MO ears , or seventy cars more than ex
pected. Toledo received 500 cars of new
wheat. St. Louis received 371,003 bushels and
Minneapolis got S90 ciin. Twenty boat loans
of wheat were reported taken at Now York
for export.
Corn was qulotbut shows n little strength.
On the cool woathcr and backward condition
reported In some sections thcro was nat mncn
pressure to sell , A few buying orders coming
In , September sold from Glj ; to 52Jio but with
out much business. Then on an estimate of
RIO cars for tomorrow , the market become
weak and September dropped back. Duriiu
the next half hour , the marknt. was firm and
thcro was a reaction to M ? ® Ti240 closing at
52J'e. Karly In the ( lay the market was ham
mered by sOvoral big operators whoso brokers
began to buy on the decline.
Oats wore easy until the visible supply re
port ciiino In showing a heavy decrease when
It Improved u trlflj und the close was near the
Provisions were strong early. In sympathy
with the hluhcr prices for hoes but weakened
later mi thu report that the French chamber
of deputies had adjourned for three months
without acting on the proposed reduction of
duties. Tlioro was a reaction Inter , nowevor ,
and tlio close was at about the highest prices
of the day. September pork opened at SILKS ,
sold up to Jll.a'J' ' ; , receded to ill.W \ rallied
to Jlhlf ? ! } and closed there , again over Satur
day's close of 17'c. '
Liird Is unchanged and ribs show u gain of
ZUffi.l cents.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were ns follows :
FLUUII Steady and nnnhan ed ; winter , pat
ents , J4.004.00j sprlnc , patents , J4.7f < Ji5.10.
WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat , 8S'io ; No. 3
iprlnz wheat , W3.K o : No. 2 rod , 65 c.
Conn No. 8 , DTW.vrye.
OAIB No. 2 , : i ! No. 2wbIto.U05iiO : O !
No. a. white , : ia < .
UVK Now.No. ! , lGGO > { e.
llAitr.Ev No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , nominal ;
FnAXBKED No. 1'jl.OHfc
TIMOTIIV SEED I'rline , * 1.2H1.24.
l'HK-Mois pork. uor barrel , Jlt.23.
Lard , per cwt. , Jfl.74. ! ! } Short riba sldoB , ( loose ) ,
W.n.vau.70. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , J5.CO
O5.05. Short clour sides ( boxed ) , Jfl.00a7.00.
Winsicv Distillers' finished goods , per ual-
lon. JI.IO.
SUOAIIS Out loaf , unchanzod ,
Kccelpts and shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the produce exchange today , the butter
market wus steady and unehaiiKcd. EBU'S ,
Now York Markets.
NEW YOHK , July 20. Fi.otm Uecoipti , 10,145
pnckaRos ; exports , l.MXi barrels , 1,030 sacks ;
lioavy , unsettled ; iimdoratoly active ; sales ,
21,100 bnrrela.
IIN MIAI. : Quiet and steady ; yellow *
ern. ? : i2.vai.85. :
WMKAT KocolptB , 145.100 bushels ; export !
IIVI.OKI hnshols ; sales , 2.UIO.OOO biibhols o [ fn-
tures ; ICH.OOO bushelH spot. Spot market Ir-
reL-ular ; fairly active ; closing steady ; No. 2
OIIKO. tl.OOVi. Options have been dull
after opening JSSiiJsO up on export
demand and forolRnors buyliiK. fell i < 3.'io on
full receipts and t-losed steady at jifajjo ho-
l ( ryaturday ; No. red. July. Ol 9iljo. elos-
Ini . 'W'.io ; August , ( iSll-liuaiaSo. cloilnc.
O.Oet ; Soptemtier. 02 ill- iai yo. closing , Ol ! o ;
Oetobor , oiJiatlc. : ) } oloslnir , lilo ; Novpinber.
cIoshiB , l ) e ; Ueceniber , n.H < BUOL'e , closlnir ,
HVK Ktdiulyj inlet | ,
Stocks of ruin In .store and afloat July 18 ;
Wheat , ( UKfiU ! ! ; corn , ItaMU ; oats , Xtl.iJd : ryu.
I 17.1MI ; malt , 1M.42J ; peas , lo.UOO.
iti.Kv nmi.
OOIIN Hoeolpts , 188.250 bush els ; exnorts , 54-
p 37U bushulu ; salua , 424,000 bushels of futures ,
I aT.OOO buNheU of spot. Spot market dull ,
lower ; No. 2 , G8 < ftul > o in ulovator ; GUo
alloat ; unirraded mixed , C'fiCUr. Oiitlons
are U ® > > ! o lower and weak with trading IlKht ;
deollmuluo to the free reeolnls both hero ami
oxpeutcd ; July OMlnOUc. clos4nrMUc ( ; Aueust.
CSMc. closlnir , Klio ! ; tfojitonibor , co.'iOille ,
olosliiK. Ole ; October 69Jic ! ) , closing , 5'JJio :
December , MJB68 * a. closlnijMMe.
OATH Kccelnta , 1.7,330 bushoU ; exports , 2 S
bumiols : Bales , IM.uOO bushels of futures ;
: i7ooo bushels of hpot. Spot market dull ,
lower. Optlonsulot | ana woukori July , Jlc.
oiohhiR 4ie ; AuitiiHt , : sil , itxiic ! ! , olosim ; , : uwo ;
Heptemlor , aiUttaiUv. vIoHlnir , : tl io ; Nu 2
wlilto , Wes mixed westorn. : wijiii5o : ; whlto
wustorn. 4SVS44'.ro ! No , 2 Chicago , 42)iO. )
llAV-Slcuuy , nulot ,
lloi'.t ( julct. woak.
Co ritB Options opened steady mill Un-
chiuiRcd to 10 points down , closed stoudy 5
points up to 1 1 jKilnts down : sales. 10,250
bags. Including : July , ililli.ViDlT.Otit August.
* H.40 < ai4,45 ; r-optoinber. tI5.ftOai5.S5i October
$14.00 ; Decoinbor , Jii.WKSi.70 : ; ) March. * li.40 :
spot , Itlo , ( | iilot. fcteady ; fair cargoes , luuo ;
No. 7. 17f c.
SIIOAII Haw , quiet , atoady ; rollnod fairly
active , flrin.
Moi.ASBua 1'orclgn , nominal ; Now Orleans ,
HUT. Firm , good demand ,
I'CTiioi.KUM-Oponcd steady and moved up
! io on u few buying orders f mm thu west , clos
ing llrnii roiiiisylvanlii oil , August option
hales , 1H.OCO libls , opening at CO.So ; highest ,
l)7\u : lowest. UlSo ; eli lnir,07 io.
COTTON KKU cm , yulot ! criulo , off crude ,
75U.1H5J olT grade i .
TAU.OW I'lrin , ( julet : pity , (12 ( , for pack-
apcs)4iioi ) country ; 4 H-l535o as touuallly.
HOSIN Quiet , easy ; M nit neil , tl.2.Vt 1.40.
Tuiii'ENTiNK Dull , weak ; aiUJiiWTe.
Eons 1'ulr demand , Urm ; wosturn , I7o ; re-
colptH , 6.KII packageH.
I'OIIK Qiilut , Htoaity ; old uiess. fll.00dtll.75 ;
new mess , tl2.004 Uuj ; oxtru prime , JlO.soii
CUT MKATH Fair dointiul , llrm : mldillos ,
firin , quiet ; short clear , toptemtier. fX7'l ( .
JjAUii I'tilrUt'iiiund , Kloiuly ; western steam ,
KLK. ' > idtC.fii ; Biilen. KJ ) tioroes ; July , closing ,
K1.85iAuiuiit. f < L lcloslng ; , < l.C5 bid ; December ,
10,70 ; c'.oslng , K17U l.ldi October , cloalng , ( O.W ;
Dcvumbor , cloning. tV.05 ,
I'ltuer , fulr domauat part skims.
Qulot , Irregular ; vrcitorn dulry , It
western creamery , 1431Hci western fac
tory , WM4C ! ElRlns , 18c.
1'id ' Inorf Quiet , unchanged.
OOPPEII Nominal ; lnl < n. * I2. < XX
I.KAH Quiet , dtnady : domcsllp , < 4.40.
TIM Dull , oaMcr : straits , IM.'a.
Knnsns City Alnrkctfl.
KANSAS Cur , Mo. , July 20-l'i.oun Very
dull ; iinrhanzed. .
WIIKAT Woax and lower ; No. 2 hard , cash ,
74Ucbld ( July , 7Jyo bid ; No. 2 red , cash , 70o
COIIN Weak and lowers No. 2 , casn , 53o bld |
'OATH- Weak and lower ; No. 2 Cash , 30 o bldj
July , 27Mo.
lltJTTEitSteady and unchanged.
EoH Quiet ami woiiU at Uo. ,
HAVoak atl'.Oj for fancy pralrlo ; other
grades .
IlKCEH'TS-Wheut , 3.000 ; corn , 0,800 ; oats
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 0,300 ; corn , none ; oats ,
Or.iln .AIirkct. : > . Minn. , July 2. ) . WIIF.AT-
No , I northern , fairly goo.l denuind ; No. 2
northern and other grades slow ; prices steady
and unchanged. Kocolpts for two day * . , --M
ears ; shipments. 00 eais. Closing : No. 1
hard , July , Ii7iic ; on track , Mo : No. 1 north
ern , July. 04ic ? ; on track , KiW.itos ; o. 2
nortncrn , July , Wo ; on triiou , Oljjit'JIc. '
St. fjoitlH MurkctH.
FT. r.oiris. Mo. . July 20. WHEAT Firm ; No.
2 , cimli. ma Lid ; Septombor. M.'Jc-
COK.V Strong ; No. 2 , cash. tiJo ) ( ; September ,
6ic. :
6ic.OATS I'Mrrnar ; No. 2 , cash , 29 ? c ; September ,
Z Me.
I'oitK stonily : J 1 1.55.
iMItti-Qillut at tl.10.
July 2) , WHEAT Firm ; good
holders offer spat I ugly.
llAcox-Quli'l ; : t-'s fid per cwt for Ions and
short clunr mldd'cs ' about flS Ihs , : md 31s for
long clear middles nboitt 4'illH.
Cincinnati .Miirkc < < * .
OINCINXATI.O. , July 20. WHEAT Weak ; No.
2 red , SKa e.
COIIN Easier ; No. 2 mixed , file.
OAT. < Qulot ; o. 2 mixed , 41c.
WHISKY tl. 10.
Milwnukou Grain .Market.
MILWAUKEE , Wls. . July 20.Wit BAT Steady ;
No.2sprliiir. cash , Ufa ; beiteinl | > er , blc.
COKN Lnwofi No. a , cash , fWliu.
OATS Lower ; No. 2 white , 4Uu.
Toledo Grain Market.
Tot.r.Do , O. , July 20. WiiEAi-Soady ; cu h ,
6GR.COIIN Dull ; cash. Rlc.
OA-IS Quiet : mixed , lie.
Ilritlsli Grain Trndc Ilcvlrw.
LONDON , July 20. The Mark T.ano Kxpross In
Its weekly review of the llrltlsh gr.iln trade
says : Improving prospects have induced
holdi-rs of Kngllsli wheats to takn Is less.
The small qiiiinllty recently olTered averaged
'WsUd. Foreign ttheiil Is selling slowly , prices
fihow nil avorau'o docllno of ( id. A coodSeon-
tlncntal demand prevented a further weaken
ing , llarlov Is choapcr. The opurosslou Is
local am ! the market will Improve with the
arrivals of today.
English wheat was neglected millers Insist
ing upon a slight iKlvnntai'O In view of the
favorable prospects. The factories , however.
would make no concessions. Indian wheat
was llriner. Flour was Muudy though only a ,
trivial biislnoss was done. Oats were 3d
I'eas and rvo advanced Is. Ilarley was slow
though there was a steady trade.
STOCiiti AX It IHt. \ ItS ,
NEWYOHK. July 2a The advices today from
abroad were not encouraging and the stock
market mot with another sot baekl n the
shape of a further export of gold to the
amount of $01.0)0 ) , The tradln ; Is still al
most purely professional and this at .1 tlmo
when many confidentially expected to see a
bettor state of affairs In the streot. Is partle-
larly discouraging. The outsldo conditions
nro as favor.iblo aa expected but the foreign
situation oven though there appears to bo n
disposition to support the weakening houses
there , remains as a monnco to the stability of
prices and seems to bo llio principal check to
operations In a speculative line hero.
It Is felt that any further trouble there will
bo followed by a heavy return of American
securities to these shores and the pressure to
sell , which to some extent emanates even now
from foreign holders , prevents any appreci
able Improvement In prices. The bulls In the
street are not disposed to take such a cont.n-
gcncy Into consideration and say that the
crop conditions will bo felt sooner or later In
Wall street unless a stringency In money
which Is now unexpected should occur.
The shipment of gold was the most otfectivo
factor on the boar side today and the trading
clement no longer hesitated to sell the leading
stocks short , Iturlliigton , St. Paul. Atchlson ,
Richmond k West Point and Lackawanna
bolng specially conspicuous for the Imprvsslon
made upon tholr figures. The selling pressure -
sure brought more activity which , however ,
was eonilned almost entirely to the few Etooks
mentioned and while there was no Increase
the tendency to trudo In the low priced t-htiro.i
such transactions resulted In no Important
Improvement. The market was Urm at the
opening hut the traders sold Iturlliigton. and
a few others alCod by foreign sales and f ruo-
tlonal losses were scored In all tlio loading
stocks In the early trading.
A very promising rally from these prices
was in progrw-iS when the announcement of
the export of gold was niiulu uad the stock
bought In for the short account were thrown
over Immediately ami now lines putoutull
along the lines , lloforo delivery hour , most of
the prominent shaios were down about 1 per
cent , und llurlington , which bore the brunt
of the prossuie , nearly 2 per cont.
The most demoralizing spectacle of the
day , however , was to see Kast Tennessee
llrbt preferred Mill at 41 percent , and on the
marketing of liOlslmros declined to ii percent.
Lat trading was marked by a sharp docllno
In silver certificates to ! ) : ) per cent , but the
stock list under the Inlluonco or covering ,
rallied fractionally , and most shares were
brougnt within ashado of Saturday's figures.
The close , howover. wns again heavy atcloao
to lowest prices. The llnal uhnn ; os generally
show luwo fractional losses for must of the
lending shares , wlillo Ilurllngton Is off l5 per
cent , Jersey Central 1 per cent , and Olovor
certificates i'S per cent , while most stocks
hhow only Insl nlllcant losses for the day.
Hallroad bonds were a little more active but
without any material ulitui'.o In temper from
that ruling for thu last two weeks , but the
transactions were enlivened by lioavy trading
In the Atchlson Incomes , which was the result
ot the declaration of it dividend of 2por cent
upon them. Thny rose , however , only J { per
cent on sales of & . ' 4\ Oil out of a total day's
business of t'Kl.tiOO. The rest of the market
showed a widening tendency but with a firm
tone. No Important changes were made.
Government bonds dull and heavy. State
bonds have boon dull and steady.
The following are the closing quotations
for thn loading stocks on tlic Now York stock
exchange today :
Financial Uuvluw.
NKW YOHK , July SO. The Post says : U Is
asserted on Kood authority that tlio Hank of
Franco Is ut present practically refusing thn
payment of chocks In gold , a pulley duo to Its
own wish to uutlolpalo or prevent u general
hoarding of tlio precious metal by prlvata
holders. Thn step would bo unusual for the
tendency of the French people In thU direc
tion bus always been marked. Thu assertion
U rendered more plaualblo from the foot that
for nearly u mouth , the weekly statements of
the lliuiK of I'runeu huvo shown a nut loss In
thu silver tmlanco. coincidental- ! a gain
In gold. On this theory the past uad recent
Dhlyuiouts of gold to It'rauce liavo nothing
whntorcr to do with the foreign oxcanfto mar
ket. So long as the bankers nctln ? for the
Hank of Krnneo have French credits on which
to draw against this country , and they nro not
yet exhausted , thu transaction woiikf amount
utmply to a sale of silver against purchases of
Uf course there would be n lo 9 In the trans
actions , but If thu situation were regarded ns
critical the Institution would certilnly not
stop for that. Along with this curious condi
tion of n Hairs In I'urls thcro canio n steady
und rapid mnr.dng up of the street rate on
lime money In London. Today both short and
thrromonlh bills uro nuotetratZ'i ' per cent oren
on a par with the olllelr.l minimum tils our
raloof tlio Hank of England. This Is un advance
of more Wiau 1 per cent within u week - - , ( .
probably foreshadows nn early advance.i tno
bank rati. The peculiar situation In relation
tn the gold Btlpply 19 responsible for this. Even
If Itinslu's demand Is soon to bo satisfied In
full. It Is bellnved among the London hankers
that Spain wilt bo forced to draw gold from
London In considerable quantities to protect
Its own bank In the now Iseuo of note circula
tion. At the sumo time In spile of the dishu-
llcf existing hern In a re turn of gold tout from
England , thn London financial authorities
show singular unanimity tn taking such ship
ments for grunted.
Now York Slo'cy Mnrkot.
NKW YOHK. July 2J. MONEV o.v OAM , Easy ,
ranging from 1J ! to ' 'per cent ; lust loaned.'J
per cent : close oll'ered at'- percent ,
1'lllMR MiURAXTtl.u : I'Ai'KU Wt3 , " per cent
HTRKt.tyi KXCHASOK Oiilet and stoaily at
$4.S4'i ' for sixty day bills und $ l.8.y ; for do-
1'ho following were the closing prices on
bonds :
U. S. 4 . . . .M. K. AT. 5
II. y. 4i , coupons M7' < Mutual Unliin Hi
41,1 , rctiMluruil HW N. J. Cent Inl cort. . .
> . coupuni. , Northern 1'uc. 1
I'.iclllc , Ciof 'US IIO iluZili I
l.ouH.inn SUinp 4 . . S. " > Nnrthwoit' consols. . !
Touiicpsuu N. S. lii.,1011 iloilcbuntiiroSi. . . . !
ilo ! > s HI St. U .V I. .M. Con. 69.
ilo 3i ( ls' ' _ St. I , . .VS. K. Civil. M.I
Cunadn Sou thorn ! < lt tl'tii.Ht. I'aul connoli. . .
LVntral P.iclllc Ists..lO. > 1st. P. C. A P. Isti. . . .
1) . .tit. I ) . IstJ llimT. : | P. I. . (1. Tr. Itcts. .
ill ) H 7.SSS 'I' . P. U. ( I. Tr. llcts. .
I ) . \ It. ( ! . West IsH W Union I'.iclllc 1)H..I
Hrloliil * Sir Wuit Hhoro 1' '
M. K. &T. Uon'Ib'H. . . TIP
CIIICAOO. July 2 , ' . Now York exchange , 12 ! $
© ISo premium. Kates for money unchanged.
Clearings were $ Iiill,0 : 0. Sterling exchange.
.Mi ( for sixty-day bills , and $ l.b"i ! for sight
HO.VTO.V , Mass. , July 20. Clearings. 114,427,42:1 : ;
balances. J.rj,0"i. | Money. lH5ffit : per cent.
Exchange on New York , 10 to I7c discount.
A. July ) . Clearings ,
2c. : ! balances. JI.Iluti.tMl. Money. 4 per cent.
IIAI.TIM IKLMil. . . July LU Clearings , $ ' . ' ,570-
108 : balunees , $ . ' 167.211. Money , ( > per cent.
CINOIN.VATI , O. , July i0. ! Money. 4(5 ( per cent :
New York exchange , lic ! discount. Clearings ,
Sl..SiO.OOO. _
Denver jMlniiifj StooUs.
DCXVEII. Colo. . July 23. Iluslness In mining
stocks today was qulto active. Total sales ,
Il'MKK ' ) shares. Following are thooloslnsquota-
tlons of the stouk exchange :
Hostou MOCK Market.
BOSTON. Mass. , July a ) . The following wore
the closing prices on the Boston stock market.
liontloii Stouic Alnrkct.
LONDON. July SO. Closlns ; at 4 p. m. :
IfAii SILVCU 4 : > J d per ounce.
Mosnv Easy at UOli percent. The rate of
discount In the onon market for both short
and three months bills Is 'JH per cent.
Kan It of I u laiKl Itullloii.
LONDON , July 20. Amount of bullion pone
Into the bank of England on balance today
is A'ia.000.
PATHS , July 20. Three per cent rentes 03f
IJJo for the account.
San KrtiuulHco Iliiin Quotations.
SAN KIIAKCISCO , July 20. The olllclul olosins
quotations for milling stooks today wore as
follows :
St. IJOIIH | itlinlii' ; ( jiiotntlons.
ST. Louis , Mo. , July 20. The nilnliiK mar
ket was dull today and stock1 * were Inactive.
The following bids woromadoon call :
Illniotul ! ! 4UO .M. llreen 4i ; ) (
Central Silver 100 Silver AKO . ' . . 1A
Crunllo . . C'.M. 172
I.lttlc ( iriiiul 2h Vuiim U7W
Montrotio C'- !
Now York Mining Qiiotntions.
NEwYoitK. July 20. The following lira the
closing iiilciln j stock ( imitations :
Alice 130 Horn Sliver I ) ' . " )
AdamsCon ISO Ontario fOO
Aspen. , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 20 riymoiith 175
Con. . Cain. & Vii. . . . 44'J Hlorrn Nuvaila 175
Deadwood IOJ Velow Jacket 1UJ
Homestaku 110)
New York Dry ( Jooils ftljirkot.
Ncvr Youic , July 20. lluslnoss In dry Koods
opened without change. Thu mall order ro-
( | itoit WIIH very ( air lint transactions on the
snot wore moderate though in sonio Kiioelal-
tlos there was moru activity. Cottons have a
peed share In the movement and are In ( rood
shauo as a rule. Johhers also were having
very fair mall returns from salesmen on the
road liandllnK fall falirlc.i.
The spot trade was fair for the period.
Jobbers m-saii the openliu of now uoods In
Kion- , hut the showlir. did not extend beyond
prints and a few dross Koods. No very iiotlvo
trade Is looked for this month at either llrst
or second hands. Clothiers were buy UK inoro
gonurally but the orders were rather llglit ,
II ivnita narkotH.
HAVANA. July 20. SPANISH Qoi.n K.SOij
( SJ.i'.i : ' .
KXOIIANOE Steady on the United States
short al''ht ; uold HU per cent premium ; on
London , 1HJ ; < 3)1 ) ! > per cent proiiiluin ,
SUGAII Holders uro too hlu'h for huyorj ; on
S'lturday 5oo : : barrels molasses simar 05 do-
Krecssold ; it J-.V-Hift , ' . ' . ; ! . ' ) iol < l per iiulntul.
I-'oroifj' ! Oil ALarkot.
A.NTWKlll' , Jllly 20. t'ETUOI.KUM 12f J4o paid
uiul Hlf aii'l .Ve ) sellers.
per quarter. _
ST. IUiRMo.July ( ) 23. r.ansonhiirKHrothors
to Cock rull llrothors : Tim following was the
prluoa la this market today !
Oiitc.MHi. July a ) . I.osiin * : Oo. to Tonor.iy
k llryan : The wheat inarkot hus lieou iiulet
today , The InotciiSJ o ( over six hundred
thousand hutihuU In the vlslhlo supply , heavy
receipts for tomorrow with line weather In tlio
northwcHi had a dopreislni : oll'oct. The slilp-
p liiKdoiiiand uonttiuioH Kood and all receipts
il lna a ready inarkot , Nu „ Kallliu at Kl'.ii1. '
'orelu'ii advices uroKtroni ; with hlirhor prices.
Weather In KiiKlund Is unxottled. The north-
wohtorn crops are reported us all that could
ho wished lint two weeks Inter than u year
IIKO. Corn closes strong at the top prlcoot the
day. Thu old bull party wan sellers ut the
oponlni ; , all uf which was ropurchuscd on the
tidvanuo. The lowest prlco was 5 Pic. Outa
( airly aotlvo. Notmuoh doliiKlnhoiiiroduut
OIIIOAIIO. July Si. Scnw. rt ; , Uupco Si
Mcl'oriiiloK to K. 0. Swartz ft Co. ! Our wheat
market has lieon dull and trading Inis uoon
lurKuly conllncd lo local Hcalplng. The re-
colptK all around were lioavy a ml have nutlro-
ly ovvrooiiio tholntluoncu of HtninKer foreign
inurkots. ulvorpool was ruporto'l from half
penny to u penny hlKhor for both spot und
future , I'urls vrunTO centimes hU'hnr on Hour
and 'M coiitlinou on wheat , llorlln WUH 7i (
innrki hlKhur 'on July wheat und 1 mark on
the deferred futures. Thirty loads were re
ported for export. Tuo vinlUo luarousad COO-
( XX ) bushels which wriRi loss than
Ki'ticrally o\ttctod | , A'temporary rcnctton
tooK ulaco from thotmrller break but the
bullish Inllupiices wctdinot fining enouaii to
AUstnln It , Itccolpls fortomorrow nro esti
mated nt Ole cars. Tiitf'trouble sqoms to bo
thu lark of otiftlifo bull specula
tion which will lo ncccssnry toBiistnln prices
In the face of pu-scnt ( largo receipts. Com
Iris been activu nti i.iiii | ! shown dee ( led
a "on lh. Thn rccolpu of the morning were
not heavy and stlmat > 9 for tomorrow were
810 ears , somewhat Icss'OtAu expected. There
bus boon mi uciivudcnfAnd for near opt tons to
cover shorts. The ducre Mo In the visible 0 U-
000 was unovpecli'd. The vlslblo aiit | ) < ly of
nit snowed a ( lecren'so'of over a million
ushcN , which lent dyctded strength to ( ho
pcculullvc muikot. A. uod dcmiind for July
to cover shorts was /livvolopcd during thu
morning , tn hplto ot f.lot that recoluts of
hoiss wore 4.00J over tlio ottlntiitm ,
prices were G cents higher with shippers ac-
tlvu buyers , The result of this was a sharp
advance In provisions at the opening. From
this they gradually sagged elf until about
noon , when the strength In the corn market
started buying of provisions. Hilii nnd lard
worn heavy and showed Indications of good
wo will need boltor siicculatlon In
thin deal If prices are to bo sustained.
NKW Yomc , July JJ.-Keiiiiett , Hopkins St
Co. toS. A. Mo\\hortcr ! The opening of the
took tnnrkot was Inlluonccd by a bettor tone
for American securities , hut shortly after thn
OMonliiR it Whs plvun out that WO'.O.iO Kohl had
been unpaged for tomorrow's steamer , and
that the uold was taken at a loss bccauso of
the dlstrlctof bankcrV bills. It Is this feat
ure of strained credit which nlfccts the s'ttia-
tlon inoro than any other , and thu mrukct ?
sold off sharply under It. There wore plenty
of reasons why stojk should net hti\o dc-
cllnod. The recu'pls of craln In the west
are IncreiisliiK. nnd It Is estimated there
will bo over ! . ' . 'l)0 ) curs at C'hleuso for
tomorrow. A number of roads are already
complaining of bo'tis ' short of cirvuncl ; all lu
ll If .thins uro that the movement has scarcely
bmun. and that the carrying capacity of the
roiida will ho tnxe.l to thulr utmost later In
In the season. London bought u few stocks ,
chlolly I.onlsvlllo , t Nashville , Atchlson
and St. I'aul. Thn purchases of At
chlson were probably because the
company has felt uhlo to declare 2 per
cent Interest on the Income bonds for the
year ending Juno HO. Chicago lias although In-
acllvu hroue l , ' , per cent when It was Riven out
tlnit the Economic. Fuel Gas comuitny had
Klven out outers for irus pipe and would begin
laying thoi.i at once , but inter recovered and
was steady. Shvor was heavy on account of
thn report that the treasury had bougnt Its
full quota for th R month and that no inoro
purchases would ho made until August. The
offerings of silver to the government Is much
In excess of purchases. There Is u feeling In
the street Unit llitaiii'Ial affairs In London nro
less nervous. Money rates thcro uro hmher.
Moneyon call hero Is easy. Thostock market
was closed with somethlngof a rally , but con
siderably below last Saturday's close.
I'lllt'AdO. July 80. Konnnlt Hopkins gt Co.
in S. A. Me Whorter : There Is a growing friend
liness to wheat hut the heavy receipts and
increase In the visible blocks had a depressing
effect today. In splto of the excellent export
demand und gioomy rnports from Uusslu and
India. It Is feared that tlio new crop will bo
dollvorcd faster than it cau bo conveniently
cared for. It is remembered , too , that for
eigners will have to take at least u half mil
lion wheat every day in tlio year to absorb
our surplus , and financial alTalrs abroad
Indicate that orders will bo hold
back as long as possible. Eastern markets
reflected less urgent demand for both corn
and oats. They were materially lower In New
York , especially for the current months. The
grain with which to ( III July contracts being
on route , and the chief demand for It bolntt to
111 ! short sales , actual commercial values hud
something to do with the making of prices.
The dlfllculty of getting bids on new oats to
arrive , and the fact , that now reolpts are get
ting rather common on our sample tables ,
had a weakening effect on that market.
July was notnnly weak , and It Is be
lieved will sell close' to August soon.
Provisions continue nervous and hard to soil
at. times and quite us hard to buy at other
times. Hecclptsof hogs uro running light and
prices keep working upward us they are likely
to Ho until the farmers got through harvest
ing and have tlmo to market tholr hogs. Even
then they may not be In condition to sell aud
the marketing bo deferred In consequence ,
OJfAltA J.ltl ? STOCK ,
OMAHA , July 20. isni.
OATTLE-Oniclul rooomts of cattle. 1.S45 ,
as computed with 1.1C7" Saturday und 1,1110
Monday o last week. > ffho market was ac
tive ano strong on desirable grades of beeves
und steady on other' grades. Hulcher
stock was firm on good and slow on common
grades. Good feeders were In demand at tirm
prices , other grades unch'uuged.
lions Ollleial receipts of liozs , S.IMI. as
compared with CWiU tiuturtltiy aud lr > 41 Mon
day of lust weok. was active
and steady on packingMiogs und a shade
higher on other grade" , Uio rauio of prices
paid was ? . 'i.0.5.0 : ! , the bulk so.lin ? at $3.05
4f..l."i. The quality generally was not as good
as SutuiQiiy. Two loads of very flue bogs sold
at fci.oU Light. $ . > .O.vaU5 : houvy. > < 33.i : ) ;
mixed , M.lO.Qi-'i.ia. Tlio average of the prices
pikl wus S.'i.l.'l ? as compared with Jo.HJj
Saturday andSS.ITiii Monday of last week.
SilHEi' Ollleial receipts of sluop iliti. us
compared with O Saturday ana 1J1 Mon
day of last week. The market was active
and llrm. Natives. Ki.753.05 ; westerns , 42.30
® o.0o : gooUCO to 70-lb. lambs. $5.03li..S.
IlccolptM a id OispusltuKi o. Stoolc ,
O.llclul reeolots ami disposition of stock as
shown by the boiksof tha Union stockyards
coi.ipany for the twiMity-four hours ending at
So'olockp. m. , July2iItOl :
Ul5tKll ! > m-
UciiroHontnttvo Sales.
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. l > r. No. Av. Pr
1. . 410 200 1. . 280 4 00
1. . 090 303
No. Av , Pr.
23 cows , 1108 13 25
: w steers i.'l ' IOU7 U 40
21 steam ; , j lllfl : i vo
23 steers „ , . 1273 3 13
Standard Cuttlo C'oiunany
B7 feeders . . . ' . . . . . . . . BSO 2 00
Scows riVT. . . . . WK ) 2 00
13 holfnrs . ' { } } ; 03i a &o
J' ' "
O. W. Long-
85 cows ! . 'A ' * . 010 220
John llr.itt & Co. Wi
25 cows My 1028 235
60 calves ! ' , ? 2.-7 : i 10
i ca.f , . ; ? . ' aoo 2M
Ournoy '
i 'jiv ' , ; , loao 8 25
S 25
Prlco & Co. ' 'Wtf '
n cows , . . . " , ' . ' . ' . ' 1011 2 40
75 cows .V ' . ' . 020 3 85
Ul steers , jH''i H30 4 5
60 fowlers JtWjf B3J U UO
Diiucau & Smith. ' * < >
Istoer /A' / ' . 720 275
10 steers { if } . lor. 4 15
i'O steers ' . ' , * * , , UVT 4 M
It. U. Peters. , ' ' " ]
CO steoi-H , Texans . * > ' . ' 1151 2 75
71 steers , Tuxans. . . . 1151 2 75
30 steers. Colorado Toxana. , . .1133 a U7K
Thomas Davenport ,
2 bulls 1410 3 25
0 bulls ItSI BH
2 feeders 1145 325
41 feeders 1071 U 0
1 fooJer. I2GO a 10
61 hteu'r.s . . . . .I''IT 4 UO
2 feeders , 1135 3 10
6fcddcrs 1100 3 0
fifi'o lors Itl3 3 80
2focdoM , . , 110) 3 20
: i feeders , WM 325
Ufuudorrt 1030 385
ft mixed W4 325
T mixed , 1M7 3 4'J
4bteors , , , 1107 3 40
4 steers , - . . .1215 3 40
l-'htuurs. , . .112) ) 3 40
7ulcoru 1117 3 40
10 gteers , I ISO 3 40
7ntoois 10'J 385
No , Av. 8h. 1'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r.
73 213 00 H 05 01 213 .bO (510
12 l.Vi 40 4 85 IQ l ! ta 610 i
4 IH ) 485 76 210 W & m4
s 175 teg to IBS
7 srs so ROD Tn. , . . . 210 80 sis
5 100 5 CO 70 224 140 SIS
2 375 BO S 00 CO 818 120 SIS
6.870 R 00 M 813 1ZO SIS
8..I.H 40 BOO 83 SOI 40 SIS
! l 440 M S 00 f.7 800 40 fi 15
Jill. , . ,8(3 ( WM 605 72 205 8J SIS
1:1. : . . wi - * 5m ro 21:1 : BI sms
U 2.13 280 S 05 CtJ. . . , .2M SO S I'M
0 2IS 200 505 ( M 2M IliO 580
C BID ICO S 07' , { 4fi 1'43 180 S81
77 IK' . 180 S O7'i 50 805 40 B20
85 ll 210 S 07i ! 74 210 180 680
7(1 ( 280 MO B 10 C S.VJ 62'i
fi2 IfH 10' ' ) B 10 B4 30J B33
71 820 100 610 M 850 630
No Av. 1'r.
220western mUcd 83 373
Chicago Jjlvo Stock fllnrkct.
CitiCAdo. July 9) ) . [ Special ToleRrain to Tun
IlK.l ) : Although tlio general supply of etittlo
was largo today there was no .evidence In
weakness of a market for good native steers.
llio cMxirtcrs and shippers were out early
with liberal orders In hand und lust wood's
latest prices were freely offered for anything
of suitable quality ,
T hero wits also u good demand from dressed
beef concerns nnd fair grades of steer stock
were closed at steady prices , romulo stock If
fairly well ileshed was wanted by local
butcliers and sold at prices fully up to Into
( imitations , hut low grade cunning cow , to
gether with thin grassy steers , met with llttlo
demand , as buyers of such material turned
their attention to liberal ( iirorlngs of Texans.
Kceolptsof Texas euttlo amounted to up
ward of AIM ) heud. With Ibis liberal supply
ut batiJ und reports of heavy lecelpts at
wesloru points buyer * found Hit In trouble In
forcing a decline of ll > © 'Mc. Toduys sales In
cluded good to choice shipping and export
steeis. I.-WJ to I.STO HM ut t.V7.Vftil.lS ; fair to
good dressed beef l0 : ) to 1.41K ) Ihs. * 3.v.pi ® . ' > M ) :
and common to fair lleht grades Incliidliig
gr'iNsy stock at fl''iKW , Cows und helfeis
sold chiefly ut ( l,7.iii'A : and Texas euttlo at
? . ' .0 ; (54 ( ' . , " ) ' . Jlns'iiess was brisk In hogs today
with pilco ) ruling sttong to IOC higher.
The supply was not 'is liberal ns had been
anticipated and buyers of choice light and
medium shipping gra'dus were comiulled to
add fitolUc to Saturday's prices In order toob-
tiln deslieil qnallt/ . Local speculators ult-o
bought freely during tlio morning hours and
the bulk ol the day's receipts had left lirst
hands long before the noon hour. The mar
ket. although unusually ucllve , was decidedly
uneven us a whole.
Prices in N'orthwestorn branch steady
to strom , while ,11 Kock Island u general ad
vance of 5c was obtained and In HiirllngUm
Instances of lOc advances on best oirerlni-'n
were freuuent. Uood light medium and
heavy weight shipping IHVS sold ut S : > . .r > OQVli' ) ,
rough packing ami Inferior mixed lots at
ut , fnir mixed and roughish inodl-
ttms $ t.8.'i.40 and good smooth weights
around iM-.V ) .
The Kvenlng Journal reports : CATTi.E Ite-
celpts , 10,000 : shipments , none , Market steady
to higher ; Toxiins. lower , top prices , Iv.'Bi no
extra steers on sale ; others. | ( .25iP.85 ;
Texans , K.SWJ.GQ ; Kockcrs , J2.W4. ) CO ; native
cows , fc'.00LM. :
lions Receipts , 24.030 ; shipments , none :
Market , higher ; rouuh and common , $4. NO
® 5.2.'i ; mixed nnd jiaekers , f4.405.6 > ; heavy
and butcher weights , $ j.Ul < ® 5.75 ; prime light ,
$ j.f > aa5.7,1i.
SitnKi1 Hecolpts 0,000 : shipments , none ,
Market uctlve , steady to stronger ! niitlvo
owes , $ .7SQI.BO : mixed and wethers , $4. " . " > i6
S.ftU ; Texaiifl. I.G2J4.60 ; wobtcrns , M.75 :
lambs , $ j.lOQ.r.75.
New Yoric Mvo Stock Market.
NEW YOHK , July 23. HEEVBS llocelpts for
two days , 4,340 head , including 53 ours for sale.
Market active , lOc. hlghor ; natlvo steers ,
Jl.S4Wi.00 ; bulls and cows , $ -.30'l.r > 0 ; dressed
beef llrm , 8ii'JHo ' : shipments tomorrow 475
CAt.VES Hecolpts for two days wore 2,400
head. Market ! ic higher ; veal , JJ.MffiT.OO ;
buttermilk calves , Sl.2."xSI.O'J.
SIIKUI Kcoclpts for two days , 1.800 head ;
Iambs yo hlghor ; hheop. f4.255.li2li ; lambs.
J5.2 , " > ® . " > .75 ; dressed muttou. low , aOlOc ; dressed
lambs , steady.
lloas Hecolpts for two days. 7.50J head , In
cluding 20 cats for sale.
City Ijivc it ick .llnrlcot-
colpts. 8.COO : shliiments , 4,010 ; marl ot for
natives steady : Toxuiis slow and lee lower ;
steers , * l.3.VJ ! . ( > ai cows. S-l.50au.40 : stackers and
feeders. J2.00i.25. :
lions Kccelpts. 1.800 : shipments 2.010 ; mar
ket Be higher ; bulk. J5.15J.'j ; all grades , IM.OO
® 5.iO. :
yinii' Receipts , 400 ; shipments , TOD ; market
weak. _ .
The following ( juotutlons represent the
prices at which cholco stock is billed out on
orders unlos ? otherwise stated :
NEW POTATOES The market Is weaic and
sales of stock from local growers are be.lng
nimlo at all prices. It would not bo safe to
< juoto them ubovo 50iiliOc.
ItKANS Navy..2. . i < ii2.f > 0 per bushol.
TOMATOES f'ox box , one-third bushel , 00c@
CUCUMUEIIB Per doz. , 30c.
OKtKitv : i.ri@4'c ( per do/ .
Nmv HEETS Per bu. , 0 " .i
ONIONS California , 2tfc per Ib.
OAHIIAOK Homo grown , 80 per Ib.
Fresh l-'ruits.
T r iTv.a _ Q/ifflt pn o.iBnu 9. > m nnr 51 nunrt.
cases ; Collfornla , J2.00JS2.25.
Ciiiiiins ! ! Oregon , $1.50 ; homo grown , $1.23
per Yi bushel basket ,
Ai'iT.i a per Vi bushel box' , green , 40c ; roa ,
50Ke ( ) : per bill. , * 'I.O < ili.r,0. :
OUANOIR-LOS : Angeles , per box , 84.00.
At'lliCOTB Per box. * l.7ft2.00.
OANTALotli'K8 1'or crate , 8 to 12 dozen , $1.50
© 1.75.
Ht.ACKiiEiwiES Good Missouri stock. $ , ' .CO
per 24 quart cases.
Itr.AcK KAsi'iiuiililES $1.75 per 10 qt. cases.
ItHU HABi'iiEiiuiDS for 24 ( it. , S3.7.O
MELONS Shipping stock. l.ri20c ,
LEMONS Per l.ox , W.2.'iU.r > 0.
llANANAB Per bunch , lfi.002.50 for good
shipping stock. _ _
Country IMotluoe.
HUTTnit The bulk of the country butter
goes to tlio puckers at ! > o und some dealers uro
prodlotlng even a lower price for next. week.
Kens Majority of the sales uro ut 12c.
Pour/mv The market Is llrm. Old fowls ,
$ 'I.7.'VT2)4.00 ) ; spring chickens , SJ.OUiQl.OO ; fancy ,
Omaha milling company. Holluneo. 1'utcnt
12.8-1 Invincible Patent. J2.70 ; I < ono Star. Su
poriatlve..10 ; Hnowllako , J2.0J ; Fancy Fain
lly , $1.00.
K. T. Davis milling company. High Patent.
No.l and Uroum , 68. 5u : lllno U. , full iiatent ,
82.00 ; llawkeye. half patent , M.30 ; fpoclal
Royal. Patent No. I'D. W.OO ; Minnesota patent ,
} 2. 0 ; Kansas I la id Wheat , patent , S8.05 ; No-
hr'iska Spring Wheat , patent , S2.CO.
H. K Oilman's Hold Medal. fJ.80 ; Snow
White. $2.5'i ; Snowllake , J2.IO ; low grade , Jl.O'l ' ;
Queen of thu Pantry. J2.80 ; bran , fll.OO ;
chopped feed , J21.00 ; Minnesota Superlative.
E. L. Welch & Co. , Host , $2.b5 ; Crown I'rlnne ,
$ . ' .70 ; Minnesota Chief. J2.40 ; Splendid Family ,
12.10 ; Str.tlght , 81.UO. _
CHOI'S / ' 'rilK II
The Sltiiiitlon Suniinnrl/.ca by the
Ijondoit TinioH.
LONDON , July 20. Tlio Times' summary of
the Harvest prospects of the world Is as fol
lows : In Russia there is n grave deficit.
The peasantry are harvesting aud lliero is
small hope of relief. In India thcro is seri
ous anxiety and n famine provulls over a con
siderable portion of the country. There Is n
drought in Bengal aud the ueoii of moro rain
Is urgent. Bombay alone promises a good
harvest. The American harvest will bo good
In quality ami amount , but with the failure
or the Indian uiul Uusslan supplies it is of
the utmost importance that the Kuglish crop
bo not short. The prospect on the whole is
good. In the chief wheat oountios
Kssox , Norfolk and Suffolk the crop is
above the average , and in the other counties
[ t Is up to the average. The Imrvo-t will bo
late and prices high , ana consequently there
Is u good outlook for the English farmer to
break the long series of disastrous yours.
Mntnufn Koriisoil to Ohoy OrdcrH
IKKIIOI ! liy .Mullotoa.
Misi.notmxK , July 20. Advices from Samoa
state that King Multotoa ordered Chief Mil-
taafa to come to Apia. Mataafn refused to
obey the order , declaring that ho feared
Mnlietoa would cause him to ho arrestcil.
Crowds of malcontents gathered around
Mu taafa and It was feared they contem
plated a raid upon Apia. The au
thorities consequently took vigorous
measures to prevent such a riild. The fJer-
man gunboat Sperger assisted to maintain
order. The United States , British und Gor
man consuls have issued a proclamation sus
taining King Mnllotoa. Tlio uneasiness
which prevailed was tberounon relieved , aud
nt last ailvlcos Mitaafa's followers were pay
ing Uixca duo to King Mullotoa.
McShane & Condon ,
300 S. 13th St. , First National Bank Build-
ins , Omaha , Neb.
Deal la > lock , bjiuli , toaurlflot , couimcrclnl pa
per , eta Nenutlalo luuni on ImtirOTw-t Onmlia run ;
eitato. riliort tliuo luuus , on bank ituck , or ua all
collateral nocuillr.
Omaha Tout & Awn-
mg Co.
Kl * < r < , 'Hammocks. Oil and
ItithliorClollilnif. Hi-mi ( or
CatnloKno. 1113 Fiirnam ,
Bamia' Omaha B.itrOo-
Importers ntul nmuufiiC'
tutor. ' ,
Flour Sacks llurl.ips nnit
A. H. Perrigo&Oo. M , 0 , Daxatif
14W DoiliiO Street , Illcyclcs Sold on Monthlr
Send for our Catalogue
nml Price * . IIV17VS Knrnnm St. , Om.ih.v
Omaha Republican Printing Oo. ,
Law briars , bank niipplloi , nn.l ororytiiln/ the
printing Una.
ICtli nml Doiivl n strajti.
Ackermann Bros. & Roiutzs ,
Printer ? , blmlefj , cloctrotrpen , blank booi manu-
incturiTi ,
Itintlnwnrl street , Onnha.
Oliarles A. Ooo & Oo. , Kirkendall.Jonoi & 0o
Manufacturers ana Job- \Vhole nlo Mnmifacliir'i
ben. AKIMUB for Ilostnn Hub-
lierShooCo. , IIU * , ItUI ,
110 ! ) Ilow.inl stroot. and DIM liiirncy St.
William1 ? , Van Aor-
nam & Hurts , rinn Fnctory , Corner II tb
Mill Donulu n. , ti'ii i-
12l2llnrnor strost , lin. Merelmnts Invllo.l
Omaha , Neb. to call ant oxnmliu.
John L. Wilkie , Louis Holler ,
Onmlmpaper box factor/ liitohpM' nnrt Pucker'1
1317-131'J n.mvlii. Tools , t Siippllos. Hoof ,
, r.itlniri.
liotf V nhet p
Onlors promptly tlllo.l. lllC-lllS.Jnr'kiim SL
, W. T. Seaman ,
Oninhn'H I.nrsoit V rlotr
Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Giltuora & Ruht.
Carpets , ol ! cloths , raf Manufacturers & Wliolo-
tingctirtiln.o3lioiJ. rnlo Clothleri ,
1511 1)01131.11 stroi' 1IKI Harney St.
West & Pritscher ,
Manufacturers tlnocH.irs
Jobbers of leaf tobacco s.
1011 Karnam street
Kennartl Gloss and J. A. Tullar & 03 , ,
Paint Oo , , BtDlt ,
KOS-HU HarnoyntrJit.
( Jiuilii , Nub. Omaha ,
Williair Oumrninsi , Blakj , Bruoa & Oj
C17 and C19 Soutli llith Ht.
Onmtin , .Ncti. Omaha. Nob.
Paxtou & ; Gallagher , Meyer & Roapke ,
70i-7llS. I0th ttrutlt. llOi llarnujr itrait ,
Omaha. Nub. Omaha , Nub.
D. M. Steele & Oo. , Bloan , Johnson & Oo.
1SJ1-UMJ Jonui , Hill and LciiTutiwortU
trucU ,
Omaha , Nob. Omaha , N'ub ,
Allen Bros. , MoOord , Brady & Oo.
1111 Humor utruot , 13th ana IxjarcnwortU
Omabo , Meb. Omalia , Ngbruka.
Hugh 0. Olarlf ,
OcnlVc tcro AKOIII of
Ilupont's Hportlnit ( Inn-
pnmlar , AtlM IllKh oiplo-
, ,
mS llnrnotrooU -i/
Tonsray & Bryan , S. A , MoWhortor
llrokcrs , ittaln , proTlstom 3U l t Natl Ilink , Broker *
and flocks. ] 5 8. lull 1'rlvato nlroi to N
Pt. 1'rlTatoiTlro to Chi. Vork , Cliloco iind St.
.ito.8U lAiuli aua Now Ixiuls , Cn > h grain
boiixlit for nil martoli
Oookroll Bros. ' F. 0. Sw.irtz & Oo ,
llrokcrs. I'rlTato wlrm Ilrokrndrain '
, , l'rOTl lon
HI. * " ; . OIT.Vork' t-'iucnKo A etc. I'rlrnte rrlro to tit.
l.oulv Hpocialntton- Ixiulj '
and t'lilo IRQ. onica
tlon slvon to track bIJi In lit Nail tlank.Oinaba.
on grain , lit '
Nat'l Hank. '
chaiiKO bld'ir , y. Omaha
Rector & \VilholmyOo \ [ ico-"lark-Audrao33U
Cor. 10th niu Jaclcjon sti Haraw.xrj Oo.
103-1110 Ilnrnnr 'treat ,
Uio.lh.i Vi\ ,
Paxton & Viorlinjr. Cmrtha Snfo & Iron
Iron Worki , Works
\Vroucht and cast Iron ,
tinllillnv work , onKlnoi , Mamif'r * flra and burglar
brim work , proof pnfcs , vaults , jail
fonnilrr , iiiaclilna and work , Iron nhuttori ar.J
lilaCkmilth work. U. I * . lire ocapoi. ( J. An-
H/.MIHl 17111 3U drcon.luliA Jackson ill
Wilsbn & Drake ,
M'f'i ' : tubular duos , tlra
box boilers , tnnki , otu.
ricironml 19th Iroots.
Uor & Oo , , William Darat ,
Manor March tnti. .Vlnoj . , Mquon and Cl-
IIU llnriii > r itiMit.
* Karj.
i : t liiill.-i Illttori. 1:113 : Karnam 8U , Omali %
L. Kirscht & Co. , Prick & Herberts
Wliolosalo I.lquor Uoalon Wholesale I.lquorto Ur
407-400 South 10th St , SOI - F03 S. Ifltli St.
MaxMoyor & Bro , Oo. A. Hospa , Jr. ,
ewelers , dealers In Pianos , Organs , Artists'
musical Instruinunrj ,
etc. , Materials , Ktc. ,
Farnatn and ICth. 1513 DoiiKlas Street.
Oonsolidatod Tank
Line Oo ,
Itorined and lubrloitlnr
oils , aTlo Krcnso , oto.
U. II. Until , .Muri-3r.
Oarpontor Papar Oo. , Omaha Eubbor
Carry a full atoclc of Manufacturing ant JJ'J
printing , wrapping unit bordull klmli ruDDjr
writingimpor , oarj p.i- KOiliI * .
pcr , do. 1520 Fnrn mi 'troot.
Emorsou Saol : Oo. ,
Socd uroweri , dollar * 11 , uralii ill
trou Hood i.
C'I-CI ! South 15th.
Btovo ropnlrg of nil
kind * . Cooks nml lloiv-
Steve Mimtfao'T 3) tora for slo.
lanufactiir'g ntoroi ml James Hughes
BtllVU | llp > . ,
21.1-1315 Ixiavenwortli at , T07 8. 13th St.
tf. A , Disbrow & Oo. , Bjlm Bash & Door On
Manufacturer. ! of ainh. MaimfuottirGra of inoit
do ( i rrt. bl 1 ntl i a nil \nxi \ , Ijllrutn , illurn ,
iloulillnkM. llranoli of etc. , ctdl
Hco , 12tli iiml Iinr.l. nti Idth ami Clark utroots.
U. S. Wind Engine & A , L. Stran & Som ,
Pump Oo , ,
Halllclajr irlncl mllK 91) lOO.-IJH Karnuin street ,
nml UIJ .101101 HU ( I. K
lto , acthu iu.inaiur. Omaha , Nub.
Oompany ,
HUamlllM llarn
Omaha. .Nub.
II , Hardy dc Oo. , The Branswiok-Balk
Tojm , ilolls , ulbiimsfaa9r Collendor Oo.
KUOIH , housofurnlshlnc Illltrl lujruii th ) .
KGO'li , ohlldron'J oar-
(07. ( OOH. lUtlntruju
rlaitos. 1'Jlu Furnamit. Omaha
A. D , Boyer & Oo Hunter & Groan ,
IS-KI lltcuanva llullJhu , W Uxcuaiuo HulUlaj
Bouth Omaha. Buuth Onmnii.
I am oirorlim stoo'i In a good satmd com
pany that will pay a 20 par cent dividend.
$100 sharea for $86. Wrlto tor proupectuv
fiooiu 0 , Gor , Am , B'k ' Bldg , , St , Josopbi Ho.