Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1891, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by Carrier In any part of the City.
flusliics * Onicc , No. 43.
Night Kdltor. No. 23.
N. V. t' . Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , ! ! 04 Sapp bloclc.
If you want water In your ynra or house
fo to lllxljy's. iiou Morrfam block.
In police court yesterday morning Joseph
Sexton was fltied for drunkenness.
Hovnl Neighbor * will hold their regular
meeting tomorrow evening at 7SO : o'clock.
Nick O'Hrlcn sold the Manhattan yester
day to Conrad Ouisu fi Son. The now owners
will tuko possession immediately ,
The funond of the lute Michael Olcason
will bo held tomorrow mornltiK at U o'clock
from Ht. Fratlcls Xavlcr's Catholic church.
A. J. McClnron had u hearing yesterday before -
fore Justice Swearlngon on the chnrgu of as
saulting Mrs. Stuck with n revolver and was
discharged ,
Frank ItlnMtl , the Hohornlan blacksmith ,
was kicked by a horse Friday night as ho was
putting n shoo on him , and sustained a broken
leg. The fracture was reduced.
The ofllco fixtures ol K.V. . Kappel were
sold by Deputy Marshal Fowler yesterday ,
to satisfy a cliilm for the rent of the ofllco
formerly occupied by Ktippelln the Merriatn
A ease of diphtheria was reported yester
day at the ofllco of the city clerk , Laura
Frederick , n fourteon-ycar-old girl living at
the corner of Tenth street and Nineteenth
avenue , being 'tho victim.
Mr. and Airs. .1. 12. Ford celebrated the see
end anniversary of their wedding hist Friday
evening at their residence on the corner of
Seventh street and Seventeenth nvunuo. A
Inrgo number of friends were invited , and a
pleasant evening was spent.
Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to
William T. Heft of Council Muffs and Kntlo
A. iioylo of Ncoln , J. F. Lunklo.v of this city
and Anna Miller of Holdregc , Neb. , ami to
James II. Sims of this city and Kathcrlno
Trotter of Stourbrldgc , Kng.
Al Hill , a driver for Gilbert Ill-others , was
badly injured a day or two ago whllu putting
n harness on a horse in the stable. The
horse had a sore neck , and became enraged
at having the collar put on. Ho knocked
Hill down and tramped on him , bruising nini
severely. Fortunately there were no bones
broken , , inM Hill was out yesterday for the
lirst time since the accident.
A boy named Arnold , who lives near the
corner of Avenue C and Fourteenth street ,
wns badly hurt day before yesterday while
playing in n barn. Ho Jumped out of a man-
pcr and lit on a rusty nail , which penetrated
his foot to a depth of about two inches. It
was feared at llrst that the boy would Imvo
an attack of lockjaw , but at last accounts ho
wns doing well , and the accident will not bo
likely to have any serious results.
The award of the contract for heating the
Harrison street school 'is likely to bo recon
sidered and given to another bidder. P , C.
DoVol claims his bid for the furnaces was
f7fi ( ! and that of Shugart & Co. Sti'.IO. The
contract was awarded the latter llrm for the
reason that DoVol had neglected to state
what kind of furnaces ho proposed to put in.
The specifications upon which the bids wore
based the Economy furnace. This is the
furnace that DoVol handles and is exclusive
agent for , and ho iincsHons the riglrt of tbo
board to assumu that ho contemplated tilling
th contract with any other. At the next
n.coting of the board ho will insist that hu is
the lowest bidder and is entitled to the work.
Tli < ! Chicago , Hook Island null I'aclflo
AVdl run trains to the Chnutnuijuii grounds
July lli to ill , inclusive , as lollow.t :
Leave Council Hlulfs : ( : ( a. m. , 7 : . " > 0 n.
m. , 10-J : ( ) a. in. , ll ) : : ) a. in. , 1:30 : p. in. , ! : ( ) ( > p.
m. , ( iII7 p. m. , 7IU : ! i > . m.
Leave Chautauqun : GMO n. m. , 8:20 : a. m. ,
8 : ! > ! i a. m. , 11 : " 0 n. m. , 4l0 : ! p. m. , r : & p. m. ,
0:15 : p. in. , 10:1 : ! ) p. in.
Drs. Stewart and 1'ntty , veterinary sur
geons ; ! ! > Fourth street , Council Bluffs' , la.
Drs. Woodbnry , dentists , 39 I'earl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High
grade work a specialty.
I'KltNOX.l t , t' < t H.l (3 It A I'HS.
Misses Anna Wright and Hello ICalb leave
tomorrow for Clear Lako.
Hov. Dr. Phclps has gone to Illinois to
spon his summer vacation. Ho will bo away
until the last week in August.
Mrs , O. Sprultt loft yesterday morning for
Colfax , where she will spend the summer.
Mr. Sprultt will follow next week.
Gasollno and oil ; coos , -wood and coal
prompt delivery. L. G. Knotts , 'J7 Main
tolophom 203.
N th.'e of I'ai-tntM-Hlilp DIsMolulloii.
The copartncrslilp beret of ere existing
tinder the 11 nil name of Misses Sprlnk &
Kugsdalo Is this day dissolved by mutual
consent , 1C. L , Kagsdalo retiring. All parties
Indebted to the late linn will mnko pavment
to Misses Sprlnk it Fearon , who will continuo -
tinuo the business at the old stand , itt'J '
Uroadway. HKI.KX SPHIN-K ,
Council Bluffs , July 15.
Itocloi-H at War.
The case of Or.V. . G. Bryson , charged
with conspiring with ono Hemming to break
up the business of Dr. F. I' . Bellinger , was
brought up In Justice Haimnor's court yes
terday , and n change of vimuo wns taken to
the court of Justice Swoaringcn. An linmc-
diato trial wns desired by the defendant , mid
the case was proceed with without delay.
The attorneys lor the defendant demurred io
the information , alleging that there were Im
perfections In It , .suftlclcnt to warrant the
case being thrown out of thu court. The do-
inurrer was i.rgned at length bv the attor
neys , and was llnnlly overruled by the court.
It A motion vas then made for the reduction
of the bail bond and it was sustained , the
bond being reduced to . > ( X > , Instead of $1,000.
On account of the lute-ness of the hour , It was
decided to postpone the further trial of the
case until tomorrow morning , when It will bo
resumed ,
Ono queer fact In connection with the
present case lias been remarked upon by
many who witnessed the proceedings. Dr.
Bryson has been In close communication with
a number of the physicians of the city for
BOinu tiiuo past , who Imvo had a deep rooted
dlsllko tor Dr. Bellinger on account of his
advertising anil ether "unorthodox" ways of
wonting up trade. Ho wns promised
the assistance of these name physicians , but
when ho was placed behind the bars of the
county Jail on account of his Inability to lur-
ntsh $1,000 ball his friends suddenly took to
the woods nnd no onu umild bo found to help
him out. Seine of his friends from Omaha
rustled around yesterday afternoon nnd at
last succeeded In making arrangements for
his release.
A rumor has boon going the rounds for the
last week that thu doctors of the Omaha
medical Institute , who were run out of
Otiinlm n week or two ago In u somewhat un-
curuinonloug manner , Imvo come to this aide
of the river and been employed In Dr. Bel
linger's institute. Dr. Bellinger wns asked
about it yesterday nnd ho stated tlntt none of
the doctors of the Omaha institute were In
any way connected With , hU establishment.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves nnd
household goods of Alundol & Kloln , Council
Bluffs. Prices very low ; freight prepaid to
your city.
Dip ; laiiuiK Suit.
Fannto L. Patterson commenced a suit In
the district court yesterday afternoon to recover -
cover $20,000 damages from the Omaha and
Council Bluffs railway and bridge company
Jor InjuiIns received while alighting from u
motor train October 28. 18W. The plaintiff
claims that slio was riding on a motor on
that date , unit that sbo signalled thu conduc
tor to stop , which ho did. Whllu she was
alighting the car suddenly started up and
and she was thrown to the .pavement and
dragged quite a distance. She was severely
brulsod by her contact with the pavement ,
so that Mio has been unable to work over
since tint time , and she also rlniins that she
will never bo any moro nbla to work than
she now Is , In view of the fact that shn has
been compelled to pay 15 for doctor bills ,
ilio asks a Judgment for f0,000 damage * .
Traveling Men's Day at 0-autauqua n
Great Success.
John T. .Stewart ami lilt Frlcndd
Oct Hack nt Nat Hrowii
Charger * nnd Counter
It was traveling men's day nt the ChaU'
tauqua and tbo knlKbts of the grip turned
out on masse to greet each other and heat
speeches from 3uch of their number as could
talk on the stage. Three motor cars came
over from Omaha In the forenoon nnd went
to the grounds over the Hock Island. A com
pany of several hundred were In attendance
from this city , Including traveling men , their
wives , children nnd sweothcaits.
The programme was opened in the nfter-
noon by n musical nrcludo by the Iowa State
band , nfter whli-h , nt'J0 : : ! o'clock , thospcaic-
Ing commenced. W. J. Davenport of the
"Q" presided to the satisfaction of all thu
audience , nnd also made n brief address , at
the close of which ho was creeled with an-
pliiuso. An eloquent address wns then made
by Hov. T. J. AIiu-Hiiy nf Omaha , after which
Miss Smith sang n solo. C. Al. Lobeck spoke
on the subject' "Iowa Htato Travelers , " and
IJ. M. Simons answered with n speech In bo-
balf of the "Nebraska State Travelers. " II.
S. Hlinn of this city diluted on the universal
brotherhood of the drummers lit an address
on "Universal Travellers , " nnd Colonel J. J.
Stendman completed the programmo with n
speech on ' 'The Ladle . "
In the evening an Interesting programme
was rendered. H Included several selections
by the band , and n iluto , violin and plnno
trio by F. V. UndolietV. . L. Aluiphy nnd
Allsa Alnnd Cnvln. Prof. Byron King guvo
several humorous recitations , nnd an illus
trated lecturn was delivered by Dr. Lysamlor
DlcKcrinan on "Egyptian Art mid Architec
ture. "
This afternoon an address will bo mndo by
Airs. C. T. Cole , atl0 : : ; o'clock , on'Social
Purity. " In the evening Dr. Lysandcr Dick-
onnan will prcuch.
Tin : I/ntoMt Conundrum.
Why is Hallcr s Sarsnparllla and Burdock
like the most popular so.ip of the day I
liecausa they both cleanse the skin nnd
cave It softnudvelvety.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruitcough
tablets. They nro delicious.
Hotel Gordon , num ccntr.illy located first-
class house in city ; straight i * n day.
Drs. Stewart & Patty , veterinary sur
geons , -15 Fourth street , Council Bluffs , ta.
What Stewart's Ki-lemlH Say.
Considerable feeling has been awakened in
Council Bluffs by the publication of the
somewhat savage charges made against
President John T. Stewart by Secretary Nnt
Brown , of the Union Driving Park associa
tion. Air. Stewart's friends have been earn
estly urging him for the past two days to de
fend hluiself in the nowspauers , but ho has
steadfastly refused to do so. To a Br.i : re-
potter , who was urged to fret his side of the
unfortunate controversy among the olllcers
of the association , ho said : " 1 have no
statement to make and nothins ; to say. I
have boon a citizen of Council Bluff * for tnn
past thirty-live years , and I would move out
of town if I thought any reputable people
could bcllove , much less bo thr authors of
such slanderous attacks. "
"Nat Brown Is a pretty coed fellow and a
warm friend of mine , " said n former oflieer
In ttiu driving park , "but in his attack on
John T. Stewart ho is altogether wrong.
There Is absolutely no justilluntlon for the
assault whatever. If all the facts connected
with the management of the driving park ,
and particularly the connection of several ol
the Omaha men with it were made public
they would bo placed In a very undesirable
light. It would show that some of the gen
tlemen possess an amount of pure , unadulter
ated gall that is slmiilj paralyzing. I know
the whole history of the troublonnd its cause ,
and no blame can possibly bo attached to
Stewart. Neither Secretary Brown nor any
of the other Omaha gentlemen who came
over hero to run the track has really the
right to say a word about the management.
They are not in it ntall. Not ono of them has
paid n cent of the stuck thuj all obligated
themselves to pay for. For six
months past they have been given
gentle , courteous hints that tha asso
ciation would Hko to see the color of
tholr money , but nothing moro valuable than
an an oft broken promise was forthcoinini ; .
Tno meeting called the other dav that ended
In such n row was illegally called. Accord
ing to the rules President Stewart was the
only ono who could call a meeting , the secre
tary having the power when the president is
not In the city. I don't think Nat called the
meeting and brought the boys over hero for
thu pnrnose of having n row , hut it came
when Stewart raised the point of order that
Nat and his friends had no right to vote until
thov had madu some attempt to discharge
their financial obligations. SUuvnrt and all
the , Council Bluffs stockholders paid for their
stock when H was issued to them , nnd they
thought It n pretty irood time to llnd out wha't
the Omaim fellows Intended to do. It was
extremely gaily for them to call n .meeting
and attempt to tnko the entire management
of affairs when they hadn't n cent Invested. "
A Good Itonson.
Dr. A. T. Doll , who hns been in the prac
tice of medicine ut North English , la. , silica
IKtill , says ho often prescribes Chambnrlain '
Colic , Cholera and Dlnrrhoao Hemody , because
cause he knows It to ho reliable.
Swansea music company , : t33 Broadway.
Don't wear a heavy , ill-Mtting suit when
you can get elegant summorsults and eastern
prices ut Heller's Iho tullor , ! 110 Broadway.
Plcnlo nt Manhattan bench. Hound Irlp
tickets from Omaha InclnOlni ; boat ride , fide ,
on sale at news stands at Allllard nnd Mur
ray hotels.
AVIioro to Worship
Congregational Prcanhinf ? in Iho morning
Iho . "Blind Leader
ing by pastor. Subject ,
ship. " Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor at T :00 : p. m.
Bureau Baptist -Preaching at 10,0 : o. m.
by the pastor , In the evening by Hov. P. C.
Nelson. Sunday school , 1 i : 15.
Young Alon's Christian Ashoclntlon \ \ .
P. Olllcor will lend the nun's meeting nt
4 p. 111.
St. Paul's Episcopal Preaching hv Uov.
S.V. . J. Hoyt. D.D. . of Wnvurly at IU(0 : : (
a , in. The full choir will bo in attendance.
All Saints' ' Episcopal Preaching utU:00 :
p. in. by Dr. Hoyt of Wuvorly.
Broadway Alethodist Preaching In the
morning at 10tO : ! o'clock. Subject , "Tho
Church , the Pillar and Ground of the Truth. "
Sunday school at 1'J ui. Enworth league at
T p. in.
First Baptist Alornlng subject , "May n
Alan Once Saved Bo Finally Lost ! " EvenIng -
Ing subject , "A Hovtow of the Baptist Con
vention ot Young People. "
Trinity Alothodlst Hogulur services muni-
Ing and evening.
Keoy a boltlo of Cook's Extra Dry Cham-
pncno In your leu chest to entertain your
friends. It is splendid.
All Ahourd CorColfav.
For health and recreation seek the waters
nnd rest of Col fax Spring , Iowa. The Chi-
cngo&Hock Inland Is selling round trip
tickoU from Council UuIts nnd return for
JT.WI. A. T. Elwell , ticket agent. No. 10
Pearl street.
iMunos , organs , C. 11. Aluslo Co. , 51)9 ) B'way.
Superior Court NRWH.
Judge AlcGeo hold u session of superior
; burt yesterday morning , ut which hu dis
posed of a number of matters that have been
uunglng on for some time past. In the case
of Junuto Vi'hllo against Kobert Wilson and
David Gray a decision wa rendered In favor
sftho plaintiff lor tlio possession ol tbo
property in question , together with the
costs ,
A. motion to reinstate the case of Muchoff
ft Porter against J.V. . Lcako was sustained ,
In the case of Joseph AIoss against John H.
Boldcn and the other directors of the school
district of itockford township , a writ of man
damus was granted the plaintiff to compel ]
the defendants to build n school house , as
voted by the electors last fall.
Tuo'ilomurrcr of the defendants In the case
of the Consolidated Tank Line company
against Joseph AlcWilllnms wai overruled.
A Judgment was awarded thu defendant In
the cnso of Edward Burke against John \Val-
lace.Court was then adjourned until next
Wednesday. _
A very small pill , but n very goo3 cr.o.
DoWitt's Lltllo Early Hlsers.
Social KvcntH.
The Allsses Oliver cntcrtulued n party ol
tholr friends last Wednesday evening at
their home on Park avenue , nt a card party ,
In honor of Aliases Alurgnrct Alooro and
Alary Duryca of Omaha , who wore visiting
them. The rooms were beautifully dcconucil
In honor of thu occasion , and the affair was
highly enjoyed by all who were present. The
following were among the guests : Alissos
Cilcason , Bennotl , Wright , Bowman , Helen
Bowman , Fiirnsworth , Jeaslo Furnsworth ,
Hociavell , Brown. Hultard , Stella Bullnrd ,
Bulls , Allller of Omahn , and Crllllts of Iowa
City , .Messrs. Frank and Ucorgii Wright ,
T. C. DUWSOII , D. Macrae , Bowman , Patter
son , Camerson Patterson , D. Uoss , Bndollet ,
John Keating , J. L. Puxtun and C. L. Hunt ,
of this city ; II. Y. Cook , Chat Heddlck ,
Harry ' Driscoll nnd Maurice Duryua of
Alfa. E. Burhorn entertained n party of
friends last Friday evening nt her Home on
SlxtU avenue. Tbo evening was passed in
dancing and Into in the evening refreshments
wore served. Tno following guests were
present : Air. Pillsbury of Fremont , Alessrs.
Cole , Howe , Cartau , DosperoMor , King , Alont-
gomery , Urahn and Alontmorcney of Omaha ,
Sehoentgen , Casudy , Underwood , Spotmau ,
Hughes , Kealing , Xurmuehlen and Chupln of
this city , Alibses Fletcher , Gnus nnd Banner
of Onmha , Hull' , Clarke , Jacobs , Alergoii.Van
Order , Snjder , Hughes , Gilbert , Schoentgon
and Keating of the Blulfs.
DoWitt's Little Early Hiscrs ; only pil ) to
euro sick headache and regulate Iho besol
TH13 V 11 A" ) A TI > ! 13.
Kanmi.s City Kailrond .Moil Kctud hy
( Jin ilia Conl'rere. .
A delegation of seventeen men from the
city railroad olllcos of Kansas City arrived
in the city yesterday morning nnd were re
ceived by n committee Irom the organization
of railroad men of Omaha and escorted to Iho
Allllard. From there they proceeded to the
Dollono , where tally-ho coaches were
mounted , and ttio party nuido u tour of the
city , visiting South Omaha , where they
were pleasantly entertained by Manager
Babcock of the stockyards.
In thu evening the visitors nnd the Omaha
freight men at the Dcllonc , where
at S o'clock Uio entire rnrty , numbering
about soventy-ilvo , were gathered in the par
lor and marched to the banquet hull , headed
by the veteran railroader , Jules G. Lumbard.
The tables had been arranged about three
sides of tlio bpacipus room and were
prettily decorated with pyramids of fruit
and polled plants. At the sta-
lion of the toast , master was placed
a miniature freight train decorated with
llowera. After the sovcuty-Ilvp cuests had
occn seated Air. Lumbard welcomed the
guests of the day in u brief address , nfter
which the delicious menu was served in n
faultless manner , while an orchestra dis
coursed sweet music.
After the important duty of disposing of
everything in sight hud been discharged , Mr.
Jules Lumbard proposed the health of Itio
guests of the evening , which wns urank b3"
all standing. Ho then made a short address
in which ho paid n glowing tribute to the
well known kindly feeling which prevails
among the railroad fraternity.Vhether
this feeling of goodfcllowship existed only
among western railroad men Iho speaker wns
not preuared to say , but ho know from long
experience that such feeling existed univer
sally among Iho. fraternity In this waitorn
1. G. Alitcholl of Kansas City responded to
the address of Air. Lumbard on behalf of the
Kansas City guests.
Telegrams of regret from Jay Gould.
CKiuncoy Depow , President U. K. Cable of
the Hock Island , S. H. H. Clark , and many
other prominent railroad man were read amid
loud applause.
Toastmaster Lumbnrd Ihcn called upon J.
G. Smith of Kansas City lo respond to Iho
least "Tho Day nnd the Event Wo Cele
brate , " which ho did in a brict manner , after
which A. J. VamUandingham responded to
the toast , "Kansas City. "
J. O. Phlllippi was called on to talk about
' The Freight Department. " Ho fought shy
of the subject , but discussed baseball , bu-
cnuso , ns husaid , ho didn't know anything
about it. Before ho concluded , however ,
Air. Philllppi delivered n high encomium
upon the employes of the freight department.
During his remarks ho made many humorous
comments upon the prevailing habits of the
freight man when business was at stake. Ho
closed by inviting all present to attend
church with him today , and upon the motion
of Air. Drinker of Kansas City the invitation
was unanimously accepted.
| JJ. D. Krusoof Kansas City responded to Iho
toast. "Our Patrons. " Joh'u S. Knox spoKe
on "Tho Pucker , the Itlght Bower of Iho
Hailroad. " J. II. Beach of Kansas City re
sponded to Iho least , "To Our Better Ac
quaintance. "
At theconclusion of the toasts I. G. Alitchell
of Kansas City , on behalf of the guests , ex
tended hearty thanks to the hosts for the
magnificent manner in which they had been
Mr. Lumbard was called upon for a song
and responded by singing "A Warrior Bold"
In a manner which elicited long continued
The evening closed by nil joining in slng-
iiiL' "Auld Lang Svno , " and thus ended a
day which the visitors nro unanimous In de
claring to have been ono of unalloyed enjoy
Pri'to.xton Which u Detective
Mndo an Arrest.
About 10 o'clocK last night the name of
Bon _ A. Cramer was placed upon the blotter
al Iho central police station and the words
"suspicions cliaractorr" were placed after 11.
During Saturday forenoon Airs. K. C.
Whitmoro , whose husband is the proprietor
of a Dodge street art store , drove up
to "C. O. D. " Brown's grocery store to
mnko some purchases. Before leaving her
homo Iho lady placed her money and
some of her valuable jewelry in a small
velvet pouch which answered the purposeof
u purse. Airs. Wliltmoro is not in the habit
of carrying her Jewelry about , but took the
precaution to do so this time because she did
not euro lo leave It alone at the houso.
Upon arriving at the grocery store Airs.
Whlimoro did not leave her carriage , but
gave her order for provisions to Bon Cramer.
The purohnso was paid for from money in
the pouch , mid the carrlau'o drove nwny.
Later on Airs. U'hllmore missed her purse ,
and an Investigation was started by tlio po
lice. All thu clerks at the Brown store were
questioned about finding any Jewelry on the
sidewalk , but without any clue until Cramer
was reached.
When the question was put to Cramer he
asked If they meant the velvet pouch fast
ened with a safety pin. Ho was told that
such an article was missing and stated that
ho suw It lying In the gutter but did not
think It amounted to anything and so did not
touch It. Cramer's actions and conversation
looked exceedingly suspicious to Detective
HHZO and so the grocery clerk was placed behind -
hind the bais. There Is really no evidence
ngulnil him but his knowledge of the missing
package which ho described perfectly.
At midnight Airs. Cramer culled ut police
headquarters to see her husband but was de
nied Iho privilege ami loft , weeping bitterly.
Another "Paik" lluilt.
Citizens In the vicinity of Spaldmg and
Thirtieth streets held another indignation
mentlng last night and l&ld out another park
in the middle of Spuldlng street where the
liiivoinent has been washed away. The board
jf public works hat failed thus fur to have
the street repaired , and the people are bu-
tuning thoroughly oxuspuruiod over the
inexcusable neglect. Several speeches were
mudo lu which the board of public works
Was warmly denounced.
FIIIST tucin.l
over n report that Ii ) > JUo Biltwood , n concorl
hall singer , Is golngto _ sue the duke of Alan-
Chester for money lonThtm. ( t trao It will
bo n sensation In mdiitfUvny.
I can deny the report that Mrs. Hodgson
Burnett's son , the original Little Lori
Fauntelroy , Is dying ) OAIra. Burnett hnrself
is exhausted from overwork. She has taken
n country house In , Y/jrkshlro with AIlss Hull
n young American singer.
( Icraldlno Nomer { "going on the continent
with her husband at the cud of her engage
Chevalier Scovol has ended his engage
ment and will Join his wlfo on the continent
Ho has made a great success.
Wilton Alackayc sailed for Now Yoric today
Ho says ho likes London theaters and wll
return In flvo weeks.
Augustln Daly lias bought n new play , "A
Paper Chnso , " by Hlclmrd Davoynnd Walter
Ralph Doltnoro nud Lewis Hnkor have
gonO ou n trip to the Netherlands.
Tom Ochlltrco , who 1ms returned from n
yachting tour , has not told ono llsh story yet.
Johann Strauss has arranged with Aronsnn
for a composition oporotto on the style of the
"Merry War'1 for the Casino. Ho has also
serured Carl Keller's opcrcttc , "Dor Vogol-
handier. "
Agnes Huntlngton has signed n contract
with Aronsoti.
Mrs. Alackay entertained at dinner today
the Spanish ambassador , Danish minister ,
Connies1 * Shrewsbury and many other nota
Mrs. Kendall gave n reception to Marshall
P. Wilder Wednesday. Flvo hundred people
attended. The llttlo'humorist loft for Man
chester to see BulT.ilo Bill's debut nt Man
chester Monday. Wilder signed n contract
today for a British tour next year.
Airs. Frank Leslie has gene to Boulogne.
Laura Sclnrmer , wlfo of Henry Mupleson ,
hails for America on the Ari/.ona Septem
ber in.
Niittioodwln wants some ono to start with
htm on a race around the world for § 1,000 n
side. He challenges Dixoy. Hu is now in
Grain Ijiw : nud Helena Mxcnr.sion
An adjourned meeting of the directors of
the board of trade wns held yesterday niter-
noon at Ii o'clock.
A committee of the South Omahn live stock
exchange , consisting of J. Jl. Blanchard , W.
N. Unbeock , T. 13. McPhcrson , L. C Uodlng-
ton nnd W. 13. Wood , mot with the board and
assured them that they were ready and will
ing to Join in any undertaking to entertain
the shippers of this state and represented
that their people are heartily in sympathy
with Omaha's proposition to have an active
grain and provision mnrkeb and are
ready to give their1 co-operation both in
time and money to , accomplish this end.
The board of trade Suggested Hint they call
n meeting of those interested for next Tues
day ut ' . ! o'clock to scl Jet such names ns they
might wisti to represent thorn on the differ
ent committees , nnd appointe.lC. II. Fowler ,
Alax Aleyer anil W. N. Nnson , a com mitt , : o
to attend this meeting at South Omaha and
explain moro fully tup : plan and receive any
suggestions that wlll ( assist in making this
occasion a grand success.
The committee hp'pointcd ' to consider the
subject of u shipper. * ' reception nnd banquet ,
consisting of L. D. Ifowlor , C. II. Fowler ,
II. G. Clarke , J. A. Connor and II. T. Clarke ,
made the following' report :
Yoiirconimltloo appointed on shippers' re-
cuptlon anil bamintit. Would recommend that
you appoint the , following committees :
Arrangements , 5 ; , transportation , : > ; priiitinz ,
II ; InvimUtuu , 5 ; lintinco , f ; bamiubt , 'J ; re
ception , l.r > ; entertainment , n.
Having li.sed thu ( Into for August SO wo Mud
this will glvu nmplu time to have our exchange
prouorly opened. The governor by that time
will have 'ippolntod llioulilcr Inspector. The
boanl ot transportation will have Its rules
regulating gr.idus uiiil Inspection adopted ,
print I'd and loidy fin-distribution. Wu would
suggest that thu suurctary of your board bo
Instructed to extend at this time an Invitation
to the governor and state board of transpor
tation to participate and become part of this
tMitertaliimunU would further recommend
t hut the secretary he Instructed to proenro
grain samples of grades from the chief IIISIIDJ-
tors of .Minnesota. Illinois. Missouri ami Kan
sas so us to bo ublu to allow thu board of trans
portation , the chief Inspector ami the grain
men of the state an opportunity to confer
toui-tlier and adopt grades by samples.
There Is nothing In connection with this now
law of such Kioat Importance to thu state as
thu adopt Ion of standar.l grades In keeping
with the InsDi-ctloii of other states with whom
we come In direct competition.
After the reading of this report tbo board
look up the subject of the proposed excursion
to Helena. The committee having this matter -
tor in charge reported- that nt this season a
good ninny jobbers were ul ready away on
their vacations nnd that it would bo nl'ir.ost
impossible to get up an excursion of repre
sentative business men nt the present time
On this representation the board decided
that it would bo batter to postpone the ex
cursion until fall.
The next meeting will bo held on Wednes
day of next week when ttie proposed onler-
tnlumont for the shippers will bo still further
Ijule Dr. Darroxv.
Funeral services over the remains ol the
late Dr. liichard H. D.irrow were observed
yesterday at the rosldoneo of his brother ,
Air. George M. Darrow , at 5 1 1 South Twen
ty-second street. A largo number of the
friends of .tho deceased and his family at
tended the solemn ritos.
Dr. W. J. Harslm dellvorai the address ,
whicu was very appropriate , The deceased
was a member ot the Presbyterian church.
The remains were interred ut Prospect Hill
Dr. Hiclinrd H. Darrow ivas n native of
Virginia and graduated at the University of
Virginia in iSTJI. Ho CUIMO to Omaha in ISTS
and entered up in the practice of medicine.
Ho had many very warm personal friends
nnd was quito successful in his practice.
Small In sbo , great in result * . DoWitt's
Liltlo Early HHurs. Best pill for constipa-
lon , best for sick headache , best for sour
_ _ _
Koltlo ) < a Scnmp-
Mrs. A. D. Keltic of Central Park tolls n
tale of woo and proposes to have her husband
put behind the bars , , She charges that ho is
n worthless fellow liu'iT has deserted his homo
and family to live with n Mrs. Smith , At
the central station ; , her story was given to
the poll co. '
She told how sho'llnd even had to bog coal
from railway engineers nnd llromon when
nor husband was donlg nothing whatever to
support her. She said she would not euro so
much about his leaving home If no would go
nwny and stay out i of nor sight , but she
thought tli ere nugh.tjto hu some law to com
pel him to either support his throe children
or keep him from . 'parading his depravity
before them. , "
Don't LftUt U at All.
lu nil probability 1th"o convict labor ques
tion , which U agitating the stonecutters and
bricklayers nt Lincoln , will bo hotly ills-
cussed at the labor mooting In Boyd's opera
housa tomorrow nlubL Speaking of the matter -
tor last night , Mr. J. H. Wlthnoll , onoof the
leading brlcn layers , haul : "U'o have road
In Tin ; DM : about the condition of
u Hairs at the penitentiary In Lincoln , nnd wo
shall have considerable to say about the matter -
tor Monday night. There nro lots of jklllod
workmen In Omaha who would bo very glad
lo got the work those convicts are doing.
You may look out for some ringing resolu
tions next Alonday niuht. "
DoWIU's Llttlo Karly IlUors ; host little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath ,
Ciinvlct KsiMipiMl.
John -Nelson , u convict at the state peni
tentiary sent up from Buffalo county , es
caped on July If ) and is now at largo , A
description of the man has boon telegraphed
ill over the state and a reward ot $30 it > of
fered for his capture.
Caught ( Mime Moro
Sergeants Gravoj and Ormsby and acouplo
of officers wont to U'3 South Tenth street
lost night to pull a disorderly house. After
arresting the Inmates a gambling layout and
several players were found In the back room ,
Ihc UDles and chips nlonff with the proprie
tor , Albert Swnnson , was loaded into the
wagon and taken to pollen headquarters.
Cases Willed ilio Have IM- |
Allies & Evcrott of Now York today
brought suit In the district court against C.
Hosso & Co. , claiming that the defendants
ewe the sum of'J ) on n shipment of lemons
bought last February.
The Cascade lumber company of Clinton ,
In. , has brought attachment proceedings
against the Howcll lumber company. In the
petition the plaintiff avers that the Howcll
people are Indebted for lumber sold last
March. The amount claimed is f.,047. IU.
The Missouri lumber company Is among
the Howcll creditors and his brought suit
to recover the sum of J ) , ! i | : > for goods sold
and delivered. The plaintiff attacks ho
validity of the mortgage ! given to the First
National bank of Chicago nnd the bill of snlo
to C. L. OhafToo , alleging that they arc both
fraudulent nnd given to prevent the credi
tors from collecting the amounts duo them.
Attorney Will Gurloy will next week lllo
Ins motion for n roheurlnir and the brief in
support of the same in thu Nenl caso. Ho ex
pects n decision early in September.
The South Omaha paving case in which
an injunction was issued to restrain the city
council from awarding the contract was
called before Judge Donno nnd con
tinued for ono week. In this case the
Strndamnnt asphalt company was the lowest
bidder for paving a number of the streets.
The city council failed , or refused to consider
Its bid , and upon its stowing , several days
ngo Judge Doano issued the temporary re
straining order. In the Hon/.on case , Air * .
Hcn/.oii was granted n divorce and given all
property held in her own name , including
the block of Hats at Nineteenth nnd Nicholas
Tun Knowlcs case wns deeldod. The hus
band , J , K. ICnowlos , was granted n divorce
from his wlfo on the grounds that
she Is nnd wns an habitual
drunkard. The property goes to the
husband nnd the attorneys for Dora Knowles
will hnvo to look to her for their pay , the
court refusing to issue an order that they bo
paid out of the property owned by J . E.
Judge Estelloovcrrulnd the motion for n now
trial In thocasoof the state against Tom AIc-
Nnmec. AIcNnnieo Is the man who last winter
murdered a woman of the town in u house
of prostitution. At the early part of the-
present term ho was convlctod'of the charge.
AlcNamoo was scnteneoJ to n term of ten
years in the penitentiary , the term to date
froniAInyll. An order was issued suspend
ing the carrying out of tlio sentence for a
period of ninety days in order to give the de
fendant nu opportunity to appeal.
County Attorney Alahonoy Hied his bill of
exceptions in the case of Hyan it
Walsh against the county. The document
consisted of 1,1171 pages of type written
manuscript. In this case Hyan"it Walsh
sued for $ CiO,000 , claiming that amount
duo on extras furnished at the county
ho-iltnl. ) The county admitted an indebted
ness of S2.VMK ) . At the trial Judgment was
rendered for 17,000 and costs.
The Ilcrsbcy lumber company has Drought
attachment proceedings against the Howell
lumber company , claiming the sum offer
for lumber sold and delivered.
Attcnlion A. O. II.
The members of Division 1 , Ancient Order
of Hibernians , are requested to meet at the
hall of the Young Men's Institute. Four
teenth and Douglas streets , nt2)0 : ! ) p. in. , to
make arrangements for the lunernl ot our
late brother , Daniel Hagerty.
H. Mt'ICUNDIl ) ,
President Division 1.
Members of the Emmet Monument associa
tion are requested to meet at the same hall.
Western People in Clilua' o.
Ciiic.ifio , July 18. [ Special Telegram to
THE Bui.1 : The following western people
are in the City :
At the Auditorium Arthur Shivonck ,
Omnlui ; Charles B. Collins , Dos Moines , la. ;
C. W. Kinor , Cboj iiino , Wyo.
At the [ .eland W. It. Human , Omalia.
At the Wellington Mr. mid Mrs. W. W.
Hancock , Homer Adams , Omaha.
At the I'aimer Mr. mid Mrs. C. O. Pearso ,
Beatrice ; Fred Allen , Creston , la.
At the Grand Pacilic Mr. nnd Mrs. John
M. Thurston , D. Newman , Miss Fanniu
Newman , W. J. Carroll , Mr. nnd Airs. O. A.
Rogers , Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Sudborough ,
Omaha ; George F. Henry , T. i < \ McAvoy ,
Dos Moines , la.
Death Itoll.
LOUISVIM.I : , Ky. , July 18. Colonel John
Polk Prior died ut Frankfort , Ky. , lust
night. Ho was u relative of President Polk
mid before the war edited the Eagle and
Enquirer ut Memphis. Ho was in Forrest's
command in the confederate army nnd
wrote the "Lifo of Forrest. " Ho had been
in Frankfort for twenty years as a news
paper editor.
DoWitt's Little Harly Itlsers. Bestlittlo
pill over mado. Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Use them now.
Hosloii Stool ; M-.irlcct.
HOSTON. Muss. , July in. Tim folln'vlnt ; were
the oloilng prices on the Huston stock markut. , llltK * ITIK8.
The Tticosophlcnl society moots every Sun-
doj ovenltii ; at 8 o'clocK on room tl , Krunzcr's
block. Kiirncst students invited.
An omiiloyo of the pound master , yester
day , in an attempt to capttiro a vow , drove
her Into a pond at Thirty-lint and Knrimm ,
ivhuro she drowned.
The railroads have decided to run harvest
oxcurslonx a/jalu / this season. The llrst ex
cursion will start about Aupust 20. This
will ho followed hy two others that will come
west some tlmo In September.
The Central Labor union will hold a mass
mcntlng nt the ( ! rnnd opera house tomorrow
evening , to which all laboring men nro In
vited. Good speakers xvlll bo lu attendance
to discuss the eight hour law.
The police have declared war on the snldo
auction rooms and propose to drlvo them out
of the city. Sam Hnvder and A. Ctoulen ,
proprietors of a lower Kariinm street joint ,
were arrested yesterday on the charge of
obtaining money under false prolongs.
Omaha camp No. 120 , Modern Woodmen of
Amerlcii , will plvo a basket plcnlu ou Tues
day evonltiK at Lnko park , corner of Slier
man avcnuo and Lake street. There will bo
a pamo of baseball fn the afternoon between
teams from Omahn camp and Mnplu camp
No. U.-.I.
The members of the Voniii : Men's Institute
and their Irlends are cordially invltod to at
tend u literary entertainment nnd soclablo to
be given Thursday evening , July ' . ' . 't , nt their
parlors on Fourteenth street , between Dodge
nnu Douglas M recta. Bvory iirr.inguniutit Is
perfect to mnko this occasion a most enjov-
nblo att'alr , and every member Is expected to
participate In It.
Isaac A. lllgby of Concordla , Kan. , Is In
the city. Mr. Illguy is loud In tnu praises of
his country and the prospects. Ho states
that the small grain m Cloud and adjoining
counties is nil harvested nnd that , the yield Is
much greater than was expected. Tlio corn
crop Is looking well and umreliants nro lookIng -
Ing forward In anticipation of a heavy fall
Constipation poisons the blood ; DoWitt's
Little Knrly Uiscrs cure constipation. The
caus > o removed , the disease is gono.
WAM'KD-A conuhman by Dr.V. . II.
lliineliott , xil I'lno stieet , Omaha. Kef- '
erenees lequlit'd.
1/OK SAI.Kl. ! l.lie.ul of horsus three mnlrs.
Jwamins liarness , plows and .scrapers. ' Ill ; ;
bargain tjir.iioU purchaser. Inquire ut Kiel's
hotel , Council llluirs.
G1 j wanted 113 CJlen Avenue.
\\7AXTUI ) In private family , a nicely fur-
T nhhed room for slirjlo gentleman. Must
bo facliu or Itavllss park. Address I' .
O. box 4.L' , Council llluirs.
IjlOU KKNT A nice fi-room hoiiho with
Jlargo yard to desirable party frou of
charge. J.V. . Squirt1 , IU1 t'uarl street.
W ilrl at boardlni ; house , 5."U
Seventh avenue. Council llluirs.
HOHSK that can beat 'Jiin , line bred. Will
sell or trade. Address or call on 1) ,
Brown , l.a.'j west Hronilwuy. Council lllnir.s.
I'Oll HAIjK A line piece of irnrdun and
fruit land , tit fc > 0 per ucio. Johnston A : Van-
Put ton.
GI.A IIIVOVANT and Byi-hometrli' . or chiir-
netor reading ; also diagnosis of disease ,
neml lock of hair for readings by letter. Huu-
Says and evenings. Mrs. Ii Hooper. U'JJ Avo-
dmi K. neareorner IJth street , Council lllntr .
Terms , .lie and il.OJ.
MAONII'K'KNT nero property In live-aero
tracts located i' ' miles from pnstoftloe.
for bulu on reasonable terms Some line resi
dence property for rent by Day .t lloss.
TpOKSALB or Uont 'JJnlan land. "wftU
* - houtun. oJ. . U. Uma. IUJ Main > t. , Oouuoli
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
Attractions : Tlno Klshhi'i ' , Hunting , Huth-
Inir ami IC.xcellent Mlnui-al Water.
On'y fifteen minutes ride from Council
HlnlTs. Motor trains every half hour , direut
to centers of Council llluirs and Omaha.
Most dell K htf nl and uccosslbto place for
picnic parties.
FirstNational : - : - Bank
Pnltl Up Ciutfliil , . . . . $100,00 ; )
OUUiit orKnnUuil b\nk : In lliu olty. I''urcl4ii un 1
ctoiunitio ttxchnn u im 1 loj.ll sjo irltl'ii. Utpjoli
nlluntlon p.ilil to olljjlluni. Au3)litiu ( lnJuMl
iml-t. h'liik . b'lakurduniluurpviMltoa * iJllJlCjl Jo ;
U15O. I' . ijANKOUI ) . I'rotlilimt. .
A. W. UIUKMAN , Cashier
A. T. HICK. A-ulm
Co. ,
Butchors' ' aid Pas rj' '
Markat Fixtures , Casing ,
ploni and Sansa o Makers' Machinery. S'J-
K.Maln Ht. , Counoll Blnir. . lu. Also doiluri
u Hides and l''uri
Gas Heating Stores.
Just the tiling for bath rooms' , bed rooms , uto.
Call and hce our lar u assurlmenU
C. B. Gns nnd Elootria Light Co.
" 11 I'oarl anil 210 Main Streot.
Council Bluffj , lu.
This Elegantly Appolntol Hotel
is Now Opan.
George T. Phclps , Manager
iiiW > iAnfirV/d . ' WS 'C
For niRonsos of the IIvor HBO Mooro'a
Tree of Life.
For the Blood , use Alooro'a Tree of
For Catarrh use Alooix-'s Tree of Lifo
Catarrh Curo.
Mooro's Tree of I.lfrt. n poiltlro earn lor KMnur
nnd I.Ivor I'ompl dttt ntul all U eel iIHono * . l > xn < tt
Vnr la "iitTor "Hun Ton o.m uro.l l > / in hi ; Mouni'i
Truuur 1.1ft ) . MM ItoaiuJr ?
3 o
S )
0 cjP
0S P
S 53 2W 2W
3U ( H
U ) W
_ CJMAM : on M.uiu\L itr.Aii : iriiit. ;
" IcH.MulliV/aclnV , Knj-lmihlSkln
1 every btriuish on
htutity , niiU tlcflt *
tlttfrtlon. U IIAS
Uiiod HIM tent uf 10
uvf * n < l IB so
to ML-nil 10 Ills tirt'p-
t-rly ninilf. Acctpt
iu couiili rfi-it uC
himltai'ii.uuc. DrU
A. lSnir Miitl to A
laily iirtholMiiMon
( n tintl * nt ) "A * you
la < lfflwltlii ( i'tlifin ,
I n-coinini ml ' ( ion-
rfUKi'rU H'lUU'OHlllO
ji-itst harmful uf all
Iho i > kln pi-rpaia-
tlonn. " For will1 "T
J'ntu-y UtHiila IJca >
ernlntlic Uniti'il StAtt- , ( ' < irmtt" nn < l Knroptf _ ,
rKKD.T. HOI'KINH. rion'r.37Uiva.v . Jones St. N. Y.
We ppml Ihi , mnrvplmiN Kroncli
Ilcmuly CALTHOS f r-- , ninl a
lcjMl < ; iiuniiiti'nllint ( AI.TIIOS will F
HTIll' lll.cliurcr. A iml..lons : I
CrUKHpfrmiilnrrhcn.Vurlcocvlo f
and UK VI O UK l.l Vlcor.
Use it anil fay f/iatis/icit ,
Adlr , i. VCN MOHLCO. , .
Salf iurrlran A mU , CUclmilU , Ohio. I
| Snfforl : ( { frorn/
Iho rVecU 01
I youthful orrort
early docny. wn tliin woakncsfl , lout mitiiliuCMl , etc ,
I will donil avaluablu trenllMi ( hi'alc < lj cnntalnlnj
full particular * for homo cure , l-ll'.K | r cluirBO
ABplcnilld medical worki Blinuhl lie read bycverj
man who U nrrvnu * nn'l ilfhllllati'il. Ailnruri
Vrof. JP. C. I'O\VLKIt. ItluodUB. CujlUi
Or Council Bluffo.
CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 ,
nmicrroilH I. A. Mlllur. I' . U Oln.inn , II f *
Bhuitart. li K. llarU J I ) Cdiiiundsim , Ulitirloi
It. llannan. biiiklu ; < binl-
ncn I .irioit cnpltil and surpliu ut aii
Eye , Ear , Nosa and Throal
Council niulTs , In.
Sliuf'iirt-Uono li'lc.
Itooin 1. U to 1m
7 nnd 8 p. in.
31. t it lit Kit.
jriiTMiTII- | ( K-flimpliy'unltud liiTTi ? )
S.'iladln KoadVu''im , la the prusimuo of
tlionsands of adm.rurs. All Strrnitli and
Trno ( iriii-ii. At liomu with Wulr-ShiiKiirt
( . ' > . , uftrr Juno 1st.
Tor the result of this happy union look at this ox < | utiltoy ! hoaullfu new novollv , the Ll 'lit , ( Jr.icoful , Stnm
cralneil body and gear or carmlno soar and blai-U limly , so'.ld ' punol und'-rtlin situt loiithur l on-l ith fan-y tr mmln „ s. Ion ?
BtirlliMWlth with houvy eurvi-s tinwliule overuomlniah.solutoly tlio sruat ulijuvtlon to ioid : wiwonthulr iH.avy nnd ulumay and unit-
' ' ' SuTid ' < " the Now Itlco Celled Spring Carrltu'u , "Thu Driimiuor's I'rlund , " un.l oilier now and tnkln nuvctv
ties' \Vu KiiurantfO o uottor vuluos lh..n any ether house In the wont. V '
WEIR SHUGART CO. , Council Bluffs , la "