THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUN DAYS JULY 19 , -TWELVE PAGES. PREPARING FOR THE FIGHT , Alllanoa Organizitlons In Nebraska Act ively Arranging For the Campaign. \ SECURING ELEVATORS FOR FARMERS , IJtiHlnr' H Slon Korin a 'or- lioralloii to Aut Unilci' tlio New ( rain Iiiiw Itonils For Norlbllc. AtxswoitTii , Nob. , July IS. tSpodnl to Tim Ur.r.J - In the Issue of July lit your cor respondent from this place makes some very sweeping assertions concerning the expert investigation of our county records , nnd as his report nt least intimates that nil were short In their accounts I ask you , In Justice to myself , to publish the following , which Is n part of Mr. Hrugh's report to the county commissioners : "I am Klacl to state that the treasurer's ac counts have been correctly kept. A small difference In our fees account for the year Ib&S of f IS.IO to the county funds and $ I5.IB to the Insnno fund being overcharged , and nn error in charging warrants to the county general fund nnd county road fund would onumcruto the difference in our accounts , which errors ho bus corrected , making the balances upon his bonks January I , ISIU correspond with inv balances , as per folio i > In my report. " W. F. Ci.nvrM.r.ii , Treasurer Urown county , Nebraska. In connection with the above article 1 beg Icnvo to add that Export Hrugh's report was not received under locked doors ns reported by your correspondent from this place. It is n fuel nevertheless that the commissioners' door was closed tlurinir the time of the read ing of the report by Mr. Ilrugh. There has been no cnah turned over by any ofllcer to Btimro | up their shortage. I think the expert will bear out the above statement concerning the cash part of the transaction. 1 will ad mit that all the ollicers were given until July BO to mnko good the several amounts they were short or show cause. II. C. AXSTIV , Chairman Commissioners. IiHloi > otnl < MitM III Convention. PAI'IIIUIIV , Nob. , July IS. ( Spenlnl Tolo- grum to Tin : HII : : . | The independents he'd ' their county convention this evening at the opera house. There were sixty-eigbtdelegntos present from the various precincts nnd about two hundred spectators. Dr. W. T. Jeffreys of Stcolo City was appointed chairman nnd C. G. Dofrnncoof Hewer was made secretary. The nominees are : Treasurer , James Quinn ; county clerk , C. G. Dofranco ; county commissioner , Joseph Jnrchow ; sheriff , J. H. DOWIIOV ; county Judge. W. It. Barnes ; superintendent , .1. D. Uoweu ; dork of the district court , J. / . Schell ; coroner , W. T. Jeff roles. The delegates to the Judicial convention nro Joseph ICrebeck , Jv. . Jays , William McVoy , John SehulU , T. E. Doty , G. W. Hlce and A. P. Uattcn. Though these dele gates co to the convention uninstruoted they are suppaspd to favor John Saxou of Fair- bury for district Judge. Kpvvortli League. KHAIINIV : , Nob. , July 18. | Special Tele gram to Tin : BKI : . | The Nebraska State JOwvorth league was jn session hero today with 'JOO delegates present. Key. II. S. Mer rill of Omaha addressed the convention last night. Thu olllcers elected todii } are as fol lows : J. N. Dryden , Kearney , president ; H. I. . . Robinson , North Pintle , vice president ; Kminn Brown , Itud Cloud , recording secro- tocy ; Carrie O. Stewart , Beatrice , corresponding spending secretary ; W. 15. Fee , Fullerton , treasurer ; directors , J. L. Barton , St. Paul : Hov. D. C. Hidgway , Kearney ; U T. Guild , Greenwood. Hastings was selected ns the place for holding tbo convention next year. Reports were made showing tli'.i ' Inaguos. It was a great gathcrlntrof enthusiastic young people nnd they were delighted with their reception in Kearney. The convention concluded Its business tohlght , but the relig ious meetings attending it will last over Sun day. Fatally In. | < ire < l. Noui'oi.K , Nob. , July IS. [ Special to Tin : BIK. : ] W. J. Chapman , n brakemnn on the Fremont , lillchorn it Missouri Valley rail road , was seriously if not fatally injured nt Atkinson about-1 p. m. yesterday. Tbo train with eight , cars wns pulling out of the gravel pit. Chapman stepped upon tlio brake of the of the moving train. A telegraph polo struck him , knocking him under the train wnlch passed over his right arm diagonally * crush ing the elbow and lower third of same , also breaking three ribs and rupturing the upper rlobo of the right lung. His arm was ampu tated six inches below the elbow. II. C. Brome of Omaha arrived in Norfolk Inst evening preparatory to accompanying his wife and sister to Hot Springs , S. U. , where they will spend a portion of the summer. Mrs. Brome has been In the city the past week visiting relatives. Alllancf C'uliK Disagree. Tirt'.Msiii : : , Nob. , July IS. [ Special to Tnu Ur.i ; . ] The Johnson county central com- mlllee of the farmers' alliance met today and elected the following delegates to the Judicial convention to bo held In Beatrice July & > : C. F. McAuliff , Lewis Winters , Thomas Dyson. John Williams , Scott Whit ney , ICC. NewtiMin , C. R. Robinson , W. G. Stone nud C. W. Williams , The citizens' alliance und Knights of Labor wore refused a voice in the conven tion , for which they feel very sore , L. C. ( , 'hapman and D. F. Osgood , both members of the citizens' nlllnnco , uro aspirants for the nomination of district Judge on the alliance ticket , and both claim to have the above delegation solid. Citly.ciiN' Alliance Movement. TAI.MAOK , Neb. , July 18. [ Special Tele- pram to Tin : Bin : . ] For weeks pnst O. II. Thompson and others interested In tlio citi zens' nlllnnco movement have been soliciting signers for the purpose of organizing n club in this city. Tonight those interested in the movement mot In Cash's opera house where Dr. Brooks , ono of the leading agllnlors of Johnson county , delivered a rousing speech In the Interest of reform , nnd organized a lodno of some fifty members , comprising ninny of the loading business men In town. ArraiiKint ; for tlio Campaign- AiNswoitTii , Nob. , July IS. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bii.j : : The Brown county -republican central committee met at this place today and elected T. J. Smith as chairman to 111 ! the vacancy existing. The apportionment for delegates to the county convention was mndo on a basis of ono for every twelve votes cast for George 11. Hustings , for attorney geniirnl nnd major traction , nnd ono nt largo. They called the convention for August : . ' ! > . l''olli > tl n Iturglnr. NOIU-OI.K , Nob. , July 18. ( Special Tele gram to Tins Hiu : . ] A thief made an unsuc cessful attempt to crack the safe In the ICd- wnrd McOulloch lumber ofllco lust night. Night Watrhinnn Miller hoard a noise , und stepping , to the window , Unshed his dark lantern In the thief's fuce , who Jumped through n window and oscapud. The .vatch- man suys his nuniu Is Hurt Uafargo , n local tough. Ho loft behind n brace und drill , which his wife Identified. Cor T.ilinago'H Alliance JCeb. , July 18. [ Special Telo- giiim to TUB HUE. I Negotiations nro now pending which , if consummntcd , will nluco the O. T. iliibburd grain elevator of this city In the hands of a f-tock company cnmposeil of the leading merchants and fanners of Tnlinngo und vicinity. Some of the farmers nro very piominent < n ulliunco circles nnd the elt'vntor will doubtless be run on iho co operative plan. * _ State lloiiso Not OK. Utsi'oi.x , Nob. , July IS. [ Special to Tim HBB.JGovernor Thnyor Is uxpcctctl baclc from Hoyd county tomorrow. The superintendent of Instruction has re ceived complaints of the non-receipt Of school moneys apportioned for Juno. I The disappearance ot young Callahan. cleric ot the relief commission , ban delayed the closing of its affairs , ns his records needed overhauling. The commission pro poses to Imvo nil Its records In such perfect order that future legislative committees may Investigate to their heart's content. That Knmtinlent Dlvori'c. LiNrot.x , Neb , July IS. [ Special to Tin ; Hm : . | Another turn has been tnken In the Knloy divorce case. It will bo remembered that the divorce was set nsule on the peti tion of the wife , who alleged that sno had been sent to another state for the purpose , mid the notice was published In nn obscure paper nt Hcnnott. Jnnnlo Knloy has * Hied nn answer nnd cross petition , relterntlnc her former charges of fraud. She also alleges that her husband repeatedly ordered her to leave the house , that ho refused to discharge a prostitute employed In Ills ofllco , that he accused her of Immorality In the presence of neigh bors , that ho remained away from home nt night nnd once for n whole wcclc nnd that ho once tried to trnp her by sending an un signed letter which purported to como from nn admirer nnd said she was too good for her husband. She asks for an nosoluto divorca and one-half of his property. The c.iso Is of special Interest because of the prominence of the parties. C. W. Knloy is mnnnger of the Sultan cart nnd carriage company. \\omcrii Nt'bniHka He-union. Gcmsri , Neb. , July IS. Special to TIIIJ Uii.j : The arrangements nro now well under way for the proposed .soldiers' reunion to bo held nt Goring on October 7 , S nnd 0. The following is the list of olllcers : J. P. Rnloy , commander ; \V. H. Johnson , adjutant ; Martin Goring , fjunrlcrmnstur. U'lillo Iho reunion Is Intended - tended primarily to accommodate Iho old boys in tlio western part of the state who cannot reach the other reunions , all the vet erans who can attend and fool so disposed will Do cordially invited ; No lovelier spot In the state than Goring , shadowed on one side by the loltlest monument ment of nature in the state , Scotts lilnlT , and Hanked on the other l > y the beautiful North I'lattu river , could bo selected for n gathering of this kind. Thoarrange'iients ' will be pushed ns rapidly us possible , nnd announcements made during thelr.protfress. Vomit ; Horse TliieT. ( foiiroi.K , Neb. , July IS. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HII : : . | Night Watchman Miller captured a horse thief hero this morning giv ing the unmo of Henry Wilson. Ho stele n horse In Uutler county Thursday evening , tiiking It to Schuyler , Colfax county , and from there to West Point , where ho traded it to M. J. Hughes for n watch nnd $30. Ho then took the train for Norfolk , expecting to go to Sioux City. This morning Night Watchman Miller re ceived a telegram ordering his arrest , which was complied with. Kmll Hulub of Schuyler and .Sir. lluehes arrived this morning and took the bird back with thorn. Ho Is less than twenty years of ago. The watch and money wore recovered. liOft Prison WallH Koliind. Lixcoi.v , Neb. , July IS. [ Special to Tun IJic.J : A convict named John Nelson es caped from the penitentiary Thursday even ing. Ho was somewhat demented , and as n "trusty" was allowed considerable liberty. Ho was sent out to the garden Thursday evening to gather tiio plant and is supposed to have bid in the neighboring brush. Ills absence was not noticed until Friday morn ing. Nelson is n burly Swede nnd was sent up from Buffalo county for arson. Ho was sentenced for llftecu years , but hail mndo about two years good time , and his term would have expired in October. Warden Hopkins has offered n reward of $50 for his capture. _ Grand Army Arrangements.- LINCOLN , Neb. , July 18. ( Special to Tin : linn. I The business men who have taken the most active part in efforts to secure the Na tional Grand Army of the Republic oncamn- mcnt for 1S')2 ' ) decided to organize as a stock company , the receipts from the sale of the slock lo bo used for Hie promotion of the de sired object. Accordingly li. II. Oakley. J. II. McOlay. P. W. Little , A. O. Jilomer , C. A. Atkinson. J. D. MeFurland , H. M. Bushnell , E. H. Sl/er and C. E. Montgomery have In corporated as the National Grand Aruiy of the Hepublic Encampment association. The authorized capital is $7r > ,000 , divided into shares of $2 : i each. It Is proposed to raUo at least $25,000 In this manner. I'rcpnriiij ; for a Ituvivnl. HAUTINGTOX , Neb. , July 18. [ Special to Tin : 13in. : ] The annual Methodist camp meeting of northeast Nonraskn will bo held on the camp grounds , eight miles northoastof this city , commencing August 'M , nnd con tinuing two weeks. A number of noted evangelists from abroad will bo in nttond- nnco to assist ttio preachers of the Norlh Nenrasku conference , under whoso auspices iho meeting will bo conducted. Several ai- viuos from South Dakota will also bo pres ent , It promises to bo the most successful meeting held in several years. I'nltiiii ; on Hit ! Sorpws. LINCOLN , Nob. , July 18. [ Special to Tun Br.u.l The mdoocndcnts have called n county convention for August Ifi. In tlio ease of n challenge nt the urimiiries the fol lowing questions will bo put : 1. Po you Intend to votn for th nominees of the ( ( invention. doli'Katt's to which uio being voted Co"1 nt this primary election ? S. Are you now a member of or do you In tend tounillutcwlih the peuplu's Indt'iiomlcnt party of Nebraska ? In addition to the above the voter shall lie required to slun the ill duration of prlnclilcs | tiniiii which the cull for the state convention ut Ifc'Jj ' wits made. lllnlr NotUH. nuvnt , Nob. , July 18. ( Special to Tin ; HiiTho : : | Keeloy institute hero has re ceived a proposition from Lincoln , Nob. , of n bonus of $17,0(10 ( If the stockholders will re- inovu it to Lincoln. Propositions from other towns have been mmle , but they can rest easy , ns It will not bo removed very soon , us its stockholders are all too much interested In Iho real oslnlo nud growth of Ulatr to ac cept , They will probably organize a stock com pany and billd | a Inree hotel soon to accom modate tlio patients that artuUlly arriving. Too Trnsi I'nl. LINCOLN , Nob. , July IS. [ Special to TIIK Her. JII. . U. and Elizabeth I Ionian have asked the courts to set aside a mortgage for $2,000 given to Alonzo Harnos. They allege that they employed Hnrnes to sell some property , and , placing implicit confidence In his honesty , they signed n document on n representation that it wns n simple agree ment nnd n matter of form. It turned out to bo n inortgugo on two lots In East Lincoln ' owned by'tlio Homans , and Harncs has re fused to cancel It. Now Hotel for Nowton. CINTKAL : CITV , Nob. , July 18. [ Specinl to Tin : llii.l : ) The Newton hotel of this city re cently passed to the mannKcmcnt of L. 1) . Proper it Co. . Into of Grand Island , who have rotltted it In lirat class style , and it will now compare favorably .with the best In the state. The Newton is n large , three-story brick , Is a handsome building , nnd Is pleasantly nnd conveniently located. Thu proprietors uro ivell kuown and their mnnnuoinout of the Newton Is a guarantee of excellence. llllten hy a Knttlcsniiko. LINCOLN , Nob. , July IS. ( Special to TIIK BKK 1 The daughter of Jacob Hull , a farmer living seven miles west of the city , was bitten In the ankle by n rattlesnake wh'llo out walking this morning. A physi cian was called from town , hut the result is not known at this time. The girl's father was In the city but the messenger could not llnil him. I 'oi' .Norfolk , NOIIPOI.K , Neb , July is. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hii.l : : Norfolk voted $15,000 in bonds today for the purpose of refunding the city debts and purchasing additional tire ap paratus. The vote .win ! M ) for to t > 0 against. The bond- had been defeated two or tin co times before , but \\nn under the Australian system. Citizens uro very Jubi lant. _ An Alliamio I'lunlo. Lnriinr.u * , Neb. , July IS. ( Special Tele gram to Tin ; Hun. ] Tlio ulllanoi held a pie- nic today about four miles west of this place. About three hundred were present. Including women und children. They were addressed by Hon. 0. M. Kern , and Mr. Painter of lirobon How. The picnic was evidently not the success anticipated. Effects of the Amondnnnt ! Mvla tail Spring to the Liquor Law. CHANGES AFFECT THE WHOLE STATE , Now Itcgtilntlons Coitocriilitff tlic Slfj- natures lo IVtlMonn " Two Mile" SaloonlMtH HIiiHt Proouro tO Suit. At the Inst legislature , the Slocumb liquor law was called up for consideration and amended In two places. One of the amendments provides Hint snloonkcepers In the "two-mile limit" around Onmha shall pay an annual license Of $500. $500.Tho The other Is much moro sweeping. It covers every precinct In the state , outsldo of Incorporated cities and villages. It provides that , hereafter , the petition of the liquor seller for a license shall bo signed by a ma jority , Instead of thirty of the resident freeholders of the precinct. This require ment will undouotcdly drive a largo number of saloonkeepers out of ttia business. In some sections of the state , If insisted upon , it will have the elToct of prohibition. Under the original law saloonkeepers experienced a great deal of trouble In securing on their petitions the jiumos of thirty resident free holders , but that trouble will bo greatly Increased now that they must obtain the names of moro than half the freeholders of their precinct. The amendment does not affect saloon man now in business , btit must bo en forced at the commencement of the next license year , nnd Its enforcement will devolve upon the com missioners of the county. Hut few people know when the bill , in the Inttor days of the legislature , was rushed through that It had ucen changed In this respect. Neither did the fact become known to the ofllcmls of the county until Clerk G'Mnlloy ' secured a cer- tllied copy of the document from the secre tary of state. This copy ho has tiled with Iho county commissioners , who in turn have referred it to their committee on judiciary. What , the Noiv Provision Hcails. With respect to the people who may desire this year to go into the liquor business in country precincts , the law Is to bo enforced nnd It will bo necessary for Iho county ofll cmls therefore to acquaint themselves with the provisions of the act , which roads as fol lows : He It enacted b.v the legislature of the state of Ni'brus'.iit. Section 1. That section onn (1) ( ) of chapter lift v ( M ) or the fomplled statutes of Nebraska of 1S 7 be anil the sumo Is hereby amended HO as to reud ns follows : St'ctlmi I. The county board of each county may grant license for the sile : of mult , spirit uous und vliuius liquors. If deumed expedi ent , upon thn uppliculloii by u pntltlon of a majority of the resident freeholders of the town , it the county N under township or- Kuul/.utlon , und If not under township orjiun- l7.ttlon : , then a majority of the resident freeholders of tlio precinct. wln < re the sulo of such liquor Is proposed to tuko nl.'ui , ' , settiiri forth I hut Urn applicant Is a man of respect able character and standing und u resident of this stute , and pruylni : that llcrnsr may Issue to him ; such application to be filed In the olllco of the couuly cleric and U | > . .n payment. Into the co.mty treasury of such sum as the hoard 'nav require , not less Hum live hundred dolluis ( f.VW ) for uufh liceiibo and I he compli ance with the provisions of this act. Provided , sui'h board shall not have power to Issiio any license for the sale of any liquors in any city or Incorporated villaKoor within two miles of the same : Provided , In coiuules bavlne 151,010 Inliubl- tunts , the county commissioners may also Iss'iio license within two miles of nny city In suld count y. Se > 'tl < m 'J. Sout'tm I , chapter t. > . of compiled statutes ot 1 S7 Is hereby repealed. The amendment in Its effect will bo a sur prise oven to those who favored it , and it is not known to n certainty by whom it was made. Under tbo old law , requiring thirty signatures , it was Impossible for some of the sparsely settled precincts to secure a saloon license at all , because they did not have that number of resident freeholders. Among those precincts was Clontarf , in this county. The majority amendment , therefore , suited them , but it will have n contrary effect upon the moro thickly settled precincts. Two-Mile Ijiinlt Saloons. The second amendment embraced in the latter of the two provisos above printed was agitated by Douglas county people. It was incorporated Into a bill introduced in the house by Mr. George Stornsdorff and in the senate by Mr. Switzlcr. The object was to compel men , who , for years , had been selling liquor v.'lthin two miles of this city to pay something for the " privilege. This" was sought because these mpn enjoyed the protection of tl > o county as did other denlors In llouor ; also in justice to city saloonkeepers who paid ? l.OOO yenrly Into the city treasury mid whoso saloons were perhaps not more than llfty feet distant from those of men who paid nothing to either city or county ; also , bo- cuuso this luck of control led to thu estab lishment of demoralizing grogcerio.s which were a source of annoyance and scandal to law abiding communities. The primary Intention of ttio Sloctimb laxv was that within the two-mile limit of cities and villages no liquor nt nil could or should bo sold. This was virtual prohibition so far as that territory was concerned. In this re spect In almost every part of the state pro hibition docs obtain. When , therefore , Sen ator SwiUler spoke in favor of blotting out thO limit referred to , ho was opposed by the country members. They claimed tbat it would deprive their localities of tbo im munity they now enjoyed from objectionable resorts. Ilo accordingly tacked on tbo second end proviso confining the operation of the law to counties having IfiO.OOO inhabitants In which respect Its operation is confined to Douglas county. This bill did not have an emergency clause. Under the constitution , it could not , there fore , co Into effect until "threo calendar months" had elapsed after the adjournment of the legislature. The session ciimo to nu end about April 0. According to excellent lecnl authority , ttio "throe calender months" expired on the Oth of Ahis month. If such no the case , the saloonkeepers of the county within the two-milo limit , are now belling liquor In violation of law. The attorney general , however , hold In the mutter of the warehouse law und appoint ment of world's fnlr commissioners that "three calendar months" mount three full months after the month In which the legis lature adjourned. If this is the correct man ner of interpreting the statute the law cun- not bo enforced until tbo end of this month. How to Gut a IjlctMiHO. UiUor the law ns amended the man who wishes to sell liquors in any part of Douglas not Included In cltios nnd incorporated vil lages , must take out a license for which , for ono year , ho must pay $ .VM ) . He must call at the olllco of the county clerk In Omaha , where ho will bo given a blank petition , to which he must secure the signatures of a majority of the free holders In the precinct in which bo expects to vend his liquors. These petitions now are made to accommo date the signatures of only thirty names , but under the present law they must bo made large enough to nccorumoda'.o the names of a majority of the resident freeholders in each precinct. This tuct has pot boon attended to by the commissioners , and Indeed it is be lieved , as has been intimated , tins escaped intention throughout the state. This petition sots forth thnt the petitioner Is n resident of the state , of rcspectubu chnrncter nnd a proper person to whom to issue u license to sell liquors. Attached U a blank bond for the signatures of three bonds men In the sum of Ki.OOO. These guarantee that the petitioner shall not violate any of the provisions of the law regarding the sulo of liquors , and that ho will pay nit tines nnd forfeitures which may bo adjudged against mm. This bond must bo signed in thu presence of u number of witnesses. On another page nru several blanks which must bo tilled out by the county treasurer und clurK ami county commissioners. J'hus far , only thrco saloonkeepers Ic the two-mile limit have m.ide application for these blanks. They were riven the.H but have not yet returned them. Kii'orcliiK Iho Law. Commissioner Tim mo wns naked how the board proposed to make the saloonkeepers In question take out their licenses , and replied : "Tho county commissioners hisvo done nothing to apprise the saloonKcopers in the strip referred to that the latter must take out a license or else close up. "Wo have nothing to do , that 1 cun see , ex- cent to grant the llceiiscxivhon the snloon men apply for them after complying with the law with respect to signatures and bonds. It Is not our duty to go out in the county nnd 11 nil out whether these jpiini have tfot tfiolr llcensos. If tlioy don't comply with the lr.w , It is the duty of the county attorney to prose cute them. " Commissioner Dorllti wns Interrogated on the subject and answoccd-p follows : "Wo nre golmr to eiiforootnoluw. Wo have done nothing In thnt respect yet because nobody has complained against the saloons which nro run til UK' , because wo haveima nil wo could do In equalizing nnd because wo did not seek moro new work. " On this question Commissioner O'KeclTo snltl : "I f ono saloonkeeper takes out n license you may bo sure ho will not allow another snloon man near him to sell without taking out n license also. Ho will tlio complaint and then the snloon man can bo prosecuted. " County Attorney Mahoney wns told what Commissioner Tlnnnu had said nnd answered ; "It Is not my duty to play detective on these men. I can't ' go down to a Ilv- cry stable , hire n buggy nnd traverse the county to look out for violators of this law. It Is my dutywhen Information is llled with mo , to make out the complaint nnd pros ecute thu offender. I cannot make the com plaint myself and prosecute it. It would bo unprofessional. These , however , who pay licenses will , I think , be willing to complain against these who do not. " Commissioners O'lveoffo nnd Tlmmo esti mate that there nro about forty saloon men In the two mile limit who are selling liquor without n license. If all of should comply with the law It would ndd $ W,000 to the school fund. These snioons nro strung nlong the Mili tary rend , Dotk'O , Farnnm and Thirteenth streets. In the vicinity of Husor's park , on Cut-Off island nnd In Florence precinct. Some of them , of course , will close up nnd the law will in this respect have the com mendable effect It has had In tlio city. Parents Kt-atl Tills. July nnd August nro nnxlous months for mothers who carefully watch over tholr little ones. Hot days and frequent changes of toinperaturo are liable to produce cholera mortms. How satisfactory it should bo'for parents to know that Haller's Pain Paralyzi-r is both a pleasant nnd effective remedy for nil summer complaints. It soothes and re lieves all pain and griping and always effects u complete cure. KOUTIK ONI A" . County CommlHHlom-ri round Many l.lttlo Matters to AdjiiHt. The regular weekly meeting of the county commissioners was hold yesterday nftornoon with Messrs. O'Keeffo ' , Berlin nnd Timmo in attendance. The bids for constructing tbo brick culvert over Mill creek at Florence were opened nnd referred. This culvert will cost between f.-,000 nnd $0,000 nnd will bo constructed ncnr the slto of the old frame bridge. County Attorney Mahoney wrote n letter regarding the controversy over the numerical indices in the ofllco of , the register of deeds. As a result of this the books will bo rebound. The county clerk of Cass county wrote re lative to the voting booth question , Ho has a patent booth and wants to supply Douglas county with election outfits. County Agent Mahoney ndviscd contract ing for liny for the poor. farm. Chief Seavy of the city , police force notified the commissioners to nt once nbnto the nuis ance , the cess pool at .tho poor farm. The mutter wns tnken up aad an order issued that unless Chairman- Van Camp of the poor farm committee nbatos the nul- sauce , the line bo levied against him und the amount ba taken out of bis sal ary. Subsequently the commissioners adopted a resolution asking tlio city council to establish n sewer district in the vicinity of Thirty-sixth and Francis streets in order thnt the county hospital sewer may bo con nected with the city so\vorago system. The resolution provides that the , county will pay all sums in excess of $1 per liucral foot for the cost of the constructing of the city sewer In the proposed district. By reso.ution Commissioner Tlmmo dis posed of ono man , the assistant county physi cian. The resolution provides thnt after August 1 this man's services shall be dis pensed with. Daniel Berro bid on furnishing sand for the Mill creek culvort. His price was 1)1 ) cents per cubic yard delivered on track at Florence orjl.10 at the culvort. John Dale asked to bo appointed as finan cial agent of the county to dispose of the 51."iSou ; ) of bridge bouds. He agreed to du the advertising nnd dispose of the bonds for } 4 of 1 per cent , providing they sell at n premium sufllcicnt to pay the commission. This wns referred. County Attorney Mahoney furnished nn opinion in which ho stated thnt the eommls- mlssioners have no authority to designate the kind of currency In which the bonds'shall bo made payable. Kev. E P. Quevery , of the Iowa branch oi the American Educational association , asked that ho bo allowed to care for the homeless orphan children of the county. His proposi tion wns to charge f. > 0 for each child so taken. His idea Is to place them among Iowa farmers. The proposition was referred. The county clerk was instructed to adver tise for ono week for the sloping ot banks at the county hospital. It is figured that Iho contemplated work will require the removal of li.OOO yards of earth. The semi-annual report of Adam Snyder was presented and placed on lilo. It shows the following balances on hand July : State fund . J IH..W > SI I'ounty general fund . 41 , ! fi M ) Special school fund . IIMBO 71 ! .School apportionment , fund . 'l'T8 lil School bund fund . : IH17 ( il Railroad sinking fund . T.IU'.III Uuuil fund . Illl.littS C.1I llrld0 fund . S..VJ 71 Hospital hiil'.illng fund . 1141 07 Poor farm fund . S3.WU 'IS Soldiers' relief fund . S..Y.H ) ( M City of Omaha fund . 1,117 0(1 ( I'lty of South Omaha fund . inn (17 ( City of Florence fund . EC ! ) II ) C.ty oi Florence sidewalk fund . 1S1 Hi Village of Valley fund . ( i'l W ) Village of Waterloo fund . (17 ( ih Vllluoof Mlllunl fund . Ittl 28 Village of KlUhorn fund . 4' ' Ucdfciiiptlon money . , . in:9l : : 01 Feefund . 4,05'J 01 Total . J2CO.Mii ; 88 The bills of the assessors , amounting to $ S,2ii7.70 , were presented nnd allowed , with the exception of those bills of the deputies of tbo Third wnrd of the city , which were hold for further In vosticiitlon. In the suit of the county nenmst Charles P. Noedhum , his nttornoy offered to settle the matter nnd confess judgment for the sum of The original claim was $ -100. The proposition is to bo considered. Pauper Stiumpfh , who has a wlfo and six children , through County Agent Mahoney , asked 'or transportation to Boston. The vorldly effects of this man consists of a bed ami a i > ? wlng machine. The committee on chat Ity will look Into the matter. Thn Benson mid Halcyon Heights street roil- way company was granted permission to lay a track and operate an electric motor Hub nlong the Military road from Clifton Hill to Benson Place , and the committee en roads will prepare the necessary bond and contract. Dr. Birney cures ciittil-rn. Bco bldj' . Talcon Under llcplcvln. The validity of the soloof the local stock of the Howbl lumber company to C. L. ChalTeo will bo tested In the courts. When the sale was llrst commenced the Chicago nnd Atchlsoii numbers of the em > barru.vscd company slatuit that Manager Jawett of the Omalia house had exceeded his authority In selling the stock to Chuffco. ' Yesterday evening tho/1 stock was roplov- Ined by the First National Lank ol Chicago and ICrt Allen , ex-deputy United Stntos mar shal , plncod In chnrgo pending n hearing of the action in replevin. An Old Timer's W. W. Moore of the opera house , DCS Moines , is an early settler In that part of Iowa , and has had n deal of ex perience In hts time. He says : "At various times I have had acute attacks of bilious colie nnd violent pains In the stomach , nnd found nothing that gave mo relief like Cham berlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlurrhoaj Horn- cdy. Every person , " ho hays , "should have alottlo. " _ . Itrluklnyi I'H' Plcnlr. The Omaha Briculayors' union will hold n picnic at Arlington on Sunday July 'JO. A great day of duncliiL' , boating end various kinds of sport will bo enjoyed , The train Willie wo the Webster street depot next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock , and will re turn at 7 in the evening. Do Witt's Little Early UUera tor tUo llvor. TALKING OF CARL SCI10RZ , HoisSugiosted for Orator in the Celebra tion of German's ' Day. HIS COMING TO Bl DISCUSSED TODAY , Prol1. Henelt'ld Hi-tiros From itio Di re U tors li I p of tliu Tiirnverelii lie- Hiill of tlio Krcniont l < ' Not OH Kroin Hit ; Vuroln.H. This nftornoon nt 'J o'clock there will bo n meeting of delegates from Ml the Ourman societies of tlio city for the purpose for mak ing arrangements for tlio colouration of Gor man clay , October t , no.xt. The llwt observation of this festival , which commemorates ttio first landing In this country of Germans , October , HVM , took place a ago. A magnificent enter- talnmcnt of vocal and Instrumental music combined with oratory was given In lOxposlt- Ion hull. It was liirccly attended by Uer- mans of all ages and conditions and thoalTair was pronounced a great success. At the time , an organization was formed with a vlow to perpetuating the commemora tion of the day. Several \\eoks ago tlio members of this society mot again and elect ed temporary ollli'crs for the pui'inne of cull ing a general mooting to perfect arrange ments for the great festival. Tlio tn'osl'lcnt ' is II. Buseklst , nr.U secretary , J. A.Veselo. . This call was i.ssucd on Monday nnd has found us way presumably to all the German societies in the city. Homo of these , It Is Known , have elected delegates , but the name * of the full delegation will not bo available until after this after noon's meeting. The delegate * so far known are as follows : Concordat GeorgO Helmrod , T. Slnnhold and G. 10. Ktratman. Liederkrnnz-Julius Ivriesel , John Uoeseh- mann and George Schrolbcr. I'lattedeutscher voroln Peter Iviutcr , Peter Schroedcr and John Iliiumer. Lamlwehr Fred Mittnucht , G. Walter aiid Fred Knudt. The other societies which will undoubt edly bo represented will bo the Turners , Schwabenverein , Ariou Ges.uicvurcln , Bnlorveroin , Scliwoit/.or gesanitvorcin , Tur ner vocal quartette , Schiitzcnveroin , Mou- ncrchor and Cemucthlehkoit. ! ! There is a dilTeronco of opinion as to how the day should bo celebrated. Sotuo prefer a picnic , others a piirudo with an address de livered in the afternoon by a distinguished orator'from abroad. Others favor only a night entertainment. Those who fr.vor tlio idea of a speaker from outsldo mention the name of Carl Schur/ and say that ho once promised to como here anu speak if de sired. A number of lending Germans are opposed to a street parade , especially so Un less the procession could comprise a largo number of societies and bo made both inter esting and imposing. These are matters , howeverupon which the meeting today must docido. Tin * Turner.StatiiM. . Prof. Bonofolil , who , for some months pas I has had direction of the Omaha turnverein - vorein , has severed his relation with that body. Ills successor has not as yet been elected. This Is a most important position and as soon as it becomes known that there is a vacancy , applications will doubtless be re ceived from athletes In the east. The verein will be satislied only with a good , competent and reliable instructor. It is composed of excellent material and aims at still greater proficiency in physical culture. The younger class of the verein which did not cuke the lirst. prize at the Fremont fost is not 'Hcouraged. It claims it unit to work uiulur discouraging circumstances , as also that the more successful competitors were older and moro experienced in thn work. This award will give outsldo turnverclns courage to hope for even greater distinction and thus tend to strengthen nnd perpetuate the bund. The fest in question has Inspired the younger vereins with conlldonco , some thing which they had not experienced before , because nearly all of tboni feared that it would bo useless to turn against Omaha , as she had achieved so many victories. The members congratulate the turners of both Plattsmouth anil Lincoln and hope they may long display the energy and ability which characterized them during the last competition. Hut the outside towns must work for their laurels next year. Tlio baiiKorfcst. Owing to n variety of clrcumstnncns it has been deemed advisable to defer the proposed fest of the Nebraska Sangcrbund until the inttor part of August or the middle of Sep tember. There will then take place In this city a grand sanger picnic rather than u fest , in which , however , many of tlio leading towns of the state will bo represented. Among them will bo Columbus , Hastings , Lincoln , 1'lattsmouth , Fremont , U'ahoo , Grand Island and Scrlbnor. The gathering will occupy one day , Sun day , the delegates returning homo on Mou- day. , An attempt will then bo made to make ar rangements fora state sangerfest to bo held the lollowing year. The societies under whoso auspices the pic nic will bo given are tlio Lied'orkranz and the Schweitzer gosangveroin. All the other singing societies of the city , however , will aid in making the visit of their brother singers as pleasant as possible. PlntKlriHhcher VolkHfost. The national convention of Plitttdoutschor societies will meet in Denver July III , and among the delegates will bo those from Omaha whoso names have already appeared In I'IIB BKK. After the eloso of the convention tlio Omaha PluttdeuUchors will hold a great voiles fest at Huser's park. These fests are of annual occurrence. Tnoy-afford old and young an opportunity ot enjoying the open air of the country and engaging In the pleasures and games peculiar to fatherland which cannot bo participated in tlio city. A number of games nro unknown among Americans. Thov are peculiarly of low Gorman origin and are heartily enjoyed by old and young of Doth soxcs , The verein has designed a iiuin ber of beautiful prizes which will bo awarded to the successtul contestants. Picnics. Every Gorman society of this city makes u specialty of its annua'l ulcnlc. while some hie themselves to neighboring groves and parks several times during the summer season. The last week has witnessed a num ber of these gatherings , all of which were productive of both rest and enjoyment. The Concordla gave a most successful basket pic nic at Pries' lake on Sunday last , and on the same day. In the lualy section at the corner of Eighth und Haneroft streets , the Lieder- Krann passed the hours with mirth and song , the latter being rendered under the direction of Prof. Dworzak. The Hitter vernin also entertained its friends and members on the same day In Hoseman's park. Today GemuoUiliehkoll is picmclng at Surpy Mills. Concnrdia'h TwoiitvTIilril War. Tlio Concordla Singing society Is one of the few organizations of tub city whoso history extends back alinoit to the early days of Omaha. It has maintained an uninterrupted existence tor twenty-three years. It Is as proud of Its antiquity as It Is of Its musical and social successor which it has achieved duriiiK tho-io years. It Is now preparing to puss its twenty-third milestone , wnieh It will reach on September "U of this year. This event it will celebrate with a grand Jubilea and concert , In which some most beautiful new music , which Is now being rohenrbcd under thn direction of Prof. Peterson , will bo muttered. The members of the ( 'oncordlu propose making this anniversary the most memorable in their career. Ofl'IO I'JIU'O , ) ! ! . There nro now In Kuropo probably moro well known German citizens of Omaha than there has been at any time smc'i ( iermuns commenced to return to the Fatherland. Among them may bo mentioned Mr. Louis Schroedor. Fred Stuhbendorf , William Segclko , Fred AJetz , all of whom , with the exception of the last mentioned , were ac companied with their families. Mrs. George IloTmrod and children , Mrs. and daughter nro aba among tt-o t > ojouruor.s across the ocean and will remain therefor borne months. Trriilnmil ( ami The United Order of Druibund will hold Us grand lodge iu this city uu Tuesday ucxt , The meetings will bo hold In the hall o' Planet lodge. Kniehti of Pythins , Douglas street , between Twelfth nnd Thirteenth. The organ Uatlon has been moil successful since Its Introduction Into tins noction. There nro thrco lodges In tliU city , one In South Omuhn and another In Plattsmouth. There are three In the western part of kuvu , ono of thorn being ut Council Bluffs. All of the lodges across the river will also bo In attend ance. The object Is purely benevolent and the transactions of the lodge wilt bo of Inter est to many Germans In this toctlon. sovnt o tf.i/M. Postollloo Showing. Postmaster John M. Glasgow makes the following gratifying showing of the business of the olllco : IIKCtill'Tfl , O.Mobi-r . ISM . Jl.tWItt November Is ! ' ) . . . 2,1 0 41 Huecmbur ISJJ . S.sfiy 71 Total for throe months . M.JIS8 44 .tiimmry I3H ! . . . i.\.W \ fi7 l-'ohniurv KSJ1 . l.fWT fil ' March i s > 'iit . i.n : : m Total fur II Hi quarter . M.IIO 83 April 1801 . fc.Via.1tM .May IS'Jt . ! ! , fS HI .Inne IS'Jl ' . , . S.tfvi } Total forsdcond quart Or. . .1 . $7,1113 8 ? MA II , IIAMH.llll. by carrier" . April . IIO.'SI Collected by carrier ; " , April. : . IW.77A " Total pieces handled . . _ SO'.VM ' Delivered by carriers. Mny . J1S.BI : I'olloutoil by vnrrli'M , Mny . IMI.4M Total plcpi-s him. Ik-it . Hil.TSO llol Ivor ml hy currier * . Juno . lfil.010 Collected by earlier' . . June . , li 'l.ilii7 Total pieces handled . IK..VJI7 The total nunibornf pieces bundled during the three months was vtd.o.VI , and this does not , include 'iil.OOO circular loiters sent out each week. This wonderful Increase Is us in teresting mid gratifying to rlil/ons as the successful management of the oftlce Is to the croditof Postmaster Glasgow nnd his assist ants. _ Church NotoH. Kev. David Krrltt , state Sunday school ovaugolistof tlio Christian chuivh , will lill Kev. Marion Doles' pulpit this forenoon and evening. The evening .subject will no "The relations of the Sunday school to the church. " Kov. II. A. Trniber , pastor of the German Methodist church , Twenty-clghtu and 11 streets , will have services' in : ! 10 o'clock. Sunday school will bo held at 0iO : : o'clock. St. Martin's Kpiscopal Free church , Twen ty-third and ( ! stivots , Uev. Canon White- marsh , rector : Holy communion , 10 a.m. ; morning prayer , litunv , borinon and holy baptism , 11 o'clock. Evensong and sermon to the Second regiment , uniform rank , IvnlghU of Pythias , 5 o'clock. The public cannot bo admitted to the auditorium till after the members of the regiment have been seated. Holy communion every Thurs day morning nl H o'clock. The church is open every day for private prayer. Methodist Twenty-tlnrd and N streets , Kev. C. N. Dawson , pastor , Sunday school at 11:4. : ! o'clock n. in. Preaching by the pastor 11 o'clock. Class meeting , I'J o'clock , tip- worth leiigue , 7 p. m. Preaching , S o'clock. Gospel meeting overv ovcninc next week. Tuesday evening will bo younc people's evening. Kev. H. C. Dayholt of Tekamah will proacti a sermon. Xoti-H Aliout tli ( ! ( ity. Charles Leo is on the sick list. The gun club will hold a shoot today. Mrs. Nelson , wife of John A. Nelson , is convalescing. Miss Lli/lo Foster of Greenwood Is visit ing Mrs. IS. O. Muylleld. The Drowns will go to Sheoloy this after noon to play a game of baseball. Mrs.Vaugh , twifp ol D. H. Wailgh , who has been visiting friends In Sbcnanduah , la. , has returned. A meeting will bo held at 2 o'clock this afternoon in National hall to organl/.o n Uohcinian singing society. Charles D.ivis has returned after visiting friends in Central t'ity , Ciarks and other places in that section of the state. Mrs. Adams , wife of City Attorney IJon- Jamin S. Adams , with her two children , has gone to Stuart , la. , to visit friends. John Hastio of Auburn , ono of the largest shippers in the state , was in with liftcon cur loads of stock and topped the cattle market , .selling I.'IT head of steers at $ . > .70. Persons Interested in labor matters are arranging to have a delegation go to Omaha Monday evening to attend the eight-hour meeting in the Grand opera house. Messrs. Hudolph llartz , John Frey and Jacob Jaskalek will go to Omaha this fore noon to attend the mcotimr of the United Order of Triobuml grand ledge In Knights of Pythian hall , Donclus street. John Ward of Ashland , arrested on a com plaint made by the commission 11 rm of Slotor , Savage & Kelly , charging him with obtaining some $ fiJU ( under false pretence , after laying in jail several days , was let out yesterday on bail. Alexander Lafferty. post master at Ashland , entering into a $1 , ( KID re cognizance for Mr. Ward's appearance Mon day ut fi o'clock. At the mooting of the live s'ock exchange the Invitation of the Omaha board of trade to Join in the proposed .Montana excursion and to participate in the banquet on the opening of the grain exchange August 'JO was road and Messrs. Joseph H. Hlanclmrd . N. Uabcock , Thomas 1 ! . McPlier.- . Walter \V. Wood and L. C. KoUinutoli were appointed a committee to meet with the board of trade. Use Haller's Gorman Pills , tlio great con , stlpation and liver regulator. I'KHSIiX.l I. I a IC.t < 1 It.t t'll.t. , T. M. Scott of Lincoln is at the Alillard. II. II. Franof Norlolk is at the Casoy. D. C. Harris Of Hastings Is at the Cusoy. Dr. A. C. Sabln ot Deatrico is at tlio Casey. H. fl. Townloy of Lincoln is at the Paxton. S. E. Phelps of Plattsmouth is at the Pax- ton. Charles Spencer of Plattsmoulh is at tno Casoy. F. M , Prick of Hastings Is u guostattho Casoy. W. II. Harrison of Grand Island is at the Muriay. James Teeter of Lincoln is a guest at the Murray. J. P.'i'rlpp ' of Fremont Is u guoU at the Dcllono. L. N. Thomas of Plattsmouth Is at the Upllono. George W. Martin of Kearney is at the Mlllard. F. L. Ackorman of Stnnton la a guest nt the Casey. Frank P. Ireland of Nebraska City Is at the Paxton. W. II. Clements and wife of Fremont are at the Dcllono , Albert Offut and Wlduoy Cobt ) Imvo gone to Lexington , Ky. U.S. llerlln started for St. Paul yoitordny via the Northwestern. Mrs. S. F. Sears and family started for Doston via the Dnrlington. John Dvvycr and wife and Miss L. M. Chase of licatnco are at the Murray. D. Sntphen and family nnd N. H. Falconer and fiimilv liuvo gone to Spirit Lake. \V. E. Hamilton , editor of the Chronicle , Odobolt , la. , Is In the city visiting friends. Mrs. J..I. Illlss leaves tor Now York toJuy ami sails on the " "ith on the Umhrla for 1C u rope. U. li. Ultehlo , general mjout of the North western railway , atarto , ! west accompanied by his wife. Mr , and Mrs. W. T. Hussott or Koehuster , N. Y. . are visiting thulr rolaiive * , Mr. and Mrs. ! ' . H. Drynnt. .VIM South Twenty-llfth avenue. Dr. D. A. Footo , who has been suandlng a couple of months in Euro | > o , has landed in Now York nnd will bo home the latter part of this week. H. C. Hock , formerly chlof clerk In the judge ndvocuto'K nlllc. ) at the army head quarters , Is now n Pullman car conductor on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul. Mrs. David Patterson of Pittshurg , Pa. , with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patterson of Platts mouth , vlsltlntr with J. U. Campbell , South Twenty-ninth street , the past week. Kov. Charles W. Savidgo hasruturnod from his western trip and Is ut Ills place in the country. All loiters and messaged will reach him through the mull ut Walnut Hill , Omaha , euro Kov. C. H. Savidgo. Do Witt's LitUo KarlyKuuN , boat mil. HARD ON NEBRASKA FARMERS , Irregularities May O.-xnso the Loss of Maple Bounties. THOUSANDS ARE BARRED BY THE LAW , Application * \Voro l Mloil IV. or fo July on Xt'vt Yoai-'w Pi-otluc- no Will bo Paid. \V.\SII1\OTOV IlllHRUTTlIK FlrtU , ) fill ) FtiiiriiNTii ( : : SmrKT , f U't-mxciTox , I ) . O. , July 18. ) Up to July 1 tlio total number ot manu facturers of mnplo sugar who had applied for tl.o license which would entitle them to a bounty next spring was something under four thousand. Contrary toovpoctattmis tlW into of New York , Wisconsin , Ohio and Michigan , which noM tb Vermont , are the principal mnplo sugar producing states , nro very poorly represented among those who claim the bounty. Ail farmers who are to receive the pro.n * lums on sugar produced next season have mndo application , but U Is believed that thousands are barred because of a misunder standing of the law. Under tlio sugar bounty clause of the McKlnloy art , It is held that applications iimsl be filed on the "growing crop" by July I , preceding the production of the sugar. Tills construction , therefore , bars all who failed to apply before the beginning of the current month , oven though It will bi > March next before the sap will run. Seven beet sugar manufacturers hao taken tlio iHvcssnry stops to secure the bounty and the sugar crop from this sourceIs estimated at nearly thirty million pounds , upon which bounties to the amount of JtitHI.DlKi will bo piid. : Nebraska and Calilornia will get the greater pottlou of nils. Itt't't'iit Army Orders. The following army orders were Issued today Extension of leave of absontv granted Captain Wells Willard , commissary of sub- sisti'iioi ! , is furthflr extended ono munth. The following transfers in the Fifth artillery aiv mndo : Second Lieutenant John I ) Mlley. from battery I1 to light battery I ) ; Second Lieutenant Kdwnrd P. McGlnchlln , jr. , from light battery I ) to battery V. H\ direction of the president the detail of First Lieuten ant Joseph E. Marollcld , signal corps , is re voked. t'ho extension of Icavo of absence on sur geon's gr.mtcd Lieutenant Colonel William P. Penroso , Sixteenth In fantry , is still further extended two months. The following assignments to regiments ot olllcers recently promoted are ordered : First Lleuteni.nt Carl Keichmnnu ( promoted from second lieutenant , Second Infantry ) , to the Seventh Infantry , company 1C , to date from Juno HI , is'.ll. vice liootli , promoted ; First Lieutenant Alfred S. Frost ( promoted from second lieutenant , Twontv-llfth in fantry ) , to the Seventh infantry , company E , to dulo from July 111 , ib'.M ' , vice" Warden , promoted meted : First Lieutenant Frank O. Ferris , ( promoted from second lieutenant , First In fantry ) , to the Eighteenth mlantrv , company F , to date from July 10 , IS'.ll ' , vied OihnnKs , retired ; First Lieutenant George W Kiithers ( promoted from second lieutenant , Eighth Infantry ) , to the Eighth infantry , company 1C , to date from July 10. IMII , vice Hutton , promoted. Tlio order ! ing SsfonM Lieu tenant Floyd W. Harris , Fourth u.iv.dry , leave of absence for two months to lake effect September 1. is'.ll , Is ivvolted. The order detailing First Lieutenant Jonas A. Emery. Eleventh In Inn try , at. the Alabama Agricultural Mechanical college of Auburn , Ala. , Is revolted ; First Lieutenant John Willis , Twelfth infantry , is detailed as pro fessor of military science airl turtles at the institution named to talce elToct September 1 , Ihill , to relieve First , Lieutenant John1 15. Mo- Douald , Tdnth cavalry ; Second Lieutenant Georiro IV. Guteholl , Fourth artillery , Is de tailed as professor of military scli-nco and tactics nt the Louisville state university , Baton Hougo. La. , to tuko effect August 1 , 18M ! , and will report in person for duty ac cordingly. The resignation of Cadet Walter T. Schmidt , fourth class United States military academy , has been accepted bv tlio secretary of war to take effect July IB , 1801. Charles Lucas of Nebraska has been ap pointed a copyist , at $1)00 ) per annum in the record nnd pension division of thn war de partment. P. S. H. Families not already supplied should loocs no time in procuring a boltlo of Cht.mber- Inin's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemody. It is the only remedy that can always bo de pended iiiion for bowel complaint in all its forms. S5 and 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. The following mirriiu li.niui wjra Is- Rucdby Jul o Shields yjsturJiy : Name and a Idross. Aco. ) It , A. oito , Uiiiuim . L'8 I Antonio X.iiiotanv. Onmha . M I Anton Siitorle , Om-ilin . 24 I Antonln Vodolvl , Oinuliii . "II ) C. It. Hers , South Omaha . W I Jrsslo UUP , South Omaha . 1 ! ) t I'rlno ( J , ( luunon. Oinabu . " 7 I U'lsliart , Omaha . 113 No gripping , no nausea , no pain when OeWIU's Little Early Klsori are tnicun. Small pill. Safe pill. Uost pill. / ; . ! T/J.S- . Pt'iitlcr * of / InIfmunr Itn nil lf.r tlth Ifillt / / tents ; etii'li iiiMfMniinl line ten ccnta. OlI'.AUDHt'iii , iiKcd 8 weeks , sun ( if Mr. iinil .Mis. SIHII ( ) n/inl ; , KlKlitctMith und Q streets , dlrd ut I'-'o'clorli yuslurduy afternoon , und will bti hnrli'd In St Mary's cemetery ut 10 o'clocli ihls forenoon. KUItlM'SII Kiamn R , ujriid I ft nionUis. July IB. Knnerul Monilay at U p. in. from family resldt'in't' , > M)0 ) I'rankiln Ktrcrt. to Korust I.awn t'omotfry. I'Vlemls Invltod. TORTURING ECZEMA Bdi'.or Iowa PJn'n Dealer Ourocl of I .Bufferablo Itoh'iiB and Fnln by the Outicunv Romodios. No Lee Than Plvo Phya'a nns Con sult d. Tholr Combined W ar- dom Pol owed Wl hout I I inn nlxtr-Hlx yuan oht. In AtiuiiHt , Ixs'j. wai trmililuil * vlili thu puLMillnr Hklu itltcaio to wliicli | ii > o | > lo uf my au't nro mibjoit , knoirn 11111,111 , IIKH- | cnl men us ( H'/uMiit. Itfi llrxt iiptHMiruncti WCIH nuur thu nnleiin. ll r.iphlly uxtuiulodnior Iliti ! > mur i"c- triiiiiutlix until my li'tf wurt * nuaily one rw , natu ; Iniin luiii Hi > tniulilo u > t"mloil IIITHHH I lie Inps , tfliniilili'ri uiul thu LMI Ini Iftnut'i of III iirm tin ) U'Ui nnil ainn irreitllv Hwnllun with mi ilelil'iu Inirniiitf pain , witliiuilrt * Matioii Althuiiuh tint liot tni'dicnl iiilrli-ii.'itt.'iln.u'ilii ' win m ilnyuil mi II H Hum llvn jih ) lil nun I Din pi 10 t.iulim ( ' "n-ulli',1 mnl tlio IMO- ci litlnii | lioliiu ttio iixnlluf tliulrv nnliioil wiin | , IhiMll-H i i . ItiiuiKli IIJMI trvntly t-hoc > ril , w , ulil ru- t'ur In n ft'W ilnyB ut liailn < ever ; during Iti | nxri' my Mtii lit fell invty u'jiiut ' twonty-itvo iiniiniU AA an IIXHTIIU | nt I ho'iri the iiBiinf cr ru ni \ ttil < > w- nu liiu Bum.i an I ptidn liiHli'iiftiiMM ilvn w.tli llio ICi : > IKIills. uiul In ( our wouki luiimi un elf Hull , nltli Kkln milt anil iiaturnl In u ilur. lli.i It li inr null IPHIII uiuiioly rMllcvvil W. II MK Ml , Killlur lnwa I'liiln lloalvr , ' iim' , In , Cuticura Resolvent Tlio now Itluo I n i < l Sklu I'unllur , itiit ) KfMUtst "t llmiKir Itiuiii'illuInlurnulty. . ttit cltuntiu i m > iil uil III ft'l lllllMll I | U Illl'l llulHIIIIO'H ( tltnillMIlM lltl'l 1)1114 ) rHiiinvu iliuritiiio ) . uiul Ci'lK I'll t. Hi" tr a Hun Curo. ami triiiriiA Ko.\l > . nml iixiii , t" sxm I'urllUr ami lluaiillllur. ixli'nrilly itnvli' n t n > km mill cili. ; ; itud re t < < ru tint hnl ) . Niicuilllt i i < u > i-nrv hiimiir mnl dliu'iiiiu uf iho aklit , itnljt art ) hl-Mil ui U ol hiilr. itlii'lliitr ItuldiiK uurnliu.nU < i > iun , . mi.I liliiK-li- . nliL'thvr arrutuldiiii , huro Hiu y , , r , n- luKliiun wliun | > : iv U'luns umlnll uiliu rimiun , lull , Coil tivurywlicru I'rlurt. f I'TIi ' UIIA. .Mr "IMI- , ' . ' . ' lti ; < iiv isi : * l. l'ruiirc | : i | liy Hi I'oiitii IllirO AMI ( 'Olll'Olt.vriOV. II-I , ,11 CiTttuinl f r "Ilnw tu l.'lliuhkla DHt'in i. : HI lul I'l.lN. t > nck'liD ulN , fhuppoil mnl oily 041 i mrvtt rllll ' ' HA MKiili'ATt.'li HtiAl * % S FREE F o iEUMATISfnT fl jar , ! OMB MisriB TIIK t r-ri. i u * . \ gft tuHUi : cl lc , hip. k'litntiy % * r iiiuii ulnr [ iitUiN HiiU > Tlju Urtt uuU vulf i > am ktillatf ylungtb