10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JULY 10 , 1801-TWELVE PAGES. THE CONDITION OF TRADE , Hot a Vorj Heavy Dcmn-d for Money for Business Purposes DISCUSSING RECENT BUSINESS FAILURES , Tlio Uim.il Amount of Gittxii Muring for tlil < * BfUHoti of thn Year iind ilol liiM-4 fully S.-Ulsllctl. The flguros volattng to the amount of inonoy on ili-pmlt III the hank of the sUite which Here i > io iiiteil In TUB HIT. of 5 vuok o have boon tlu subject of much dUuusslon among tie ! c'Ussea nf business mon and the niluutiOM his boon vavSov/fiiln various Hunts. Wlillo the sl/oof tlii'io llKuroi w.w rcully n lurptlso to the majority of people they * vuo looked upon oy miiny as colu r to proxo that Nubraska Is on n very solid basis ' 'rnrclallr. Others were disposed to ice In the larijo amount of Kilo tnonexIn thobinUs adispo-tl- tlon on the patt of capitalists to hold aloof fiom business oiilerpnses These taking that vloxx of the case are Inclined to roinet that so much inoni'j should bo placed In the hands of the uankers for snfo itooplnj , ' and thov would urofei to son It dia\\n out and put Into otioral circulation The loc it mono.x market Is clmrnrtcrlrcd by the baukois as' boinj. in very fair shape. Thoio Is not n very heavy demand for money and the snpplv Is fully equal to any demands likely to bo made IHSPirsS HIIVTUSIS The fnllmes of the past week ortwohavo occasioned some talk in business circles , but a close mmlysls of the different case * will ' show that the majority of the iccontallures have been the lestilt of conditions of IOIIR standing As a banker lomarked , they are linns which tm\o been practically bankiupt for months , bjt which have managed to ( ret an extension of tirno fiom creditors and in thU way hang on from month to month. A jjood many of these linns llrst pot Into tioublo throuuh the abuse of tlmciedit system which Is true ospcclalh of the lotail grocery failures A great number of these who ire Into this misi- ness have nooxpoilonco and but little cap ital to start \\ith What capital they have i , under the ciodlt svstoin , soon transferred to the book accounts and then they are forced to KO deeper in debt to the jobbers from month to month until a time comes when their ci edit U exhausted and they are closed up If they are fortunate in their credits and the majority of their customois pav tholr bills at the end of each month tlioy may succeed quite well for some tlmo but if times not lather close and thulr customers pot out of work and neglect to piy It Is only a question of a little time when they must cloio their doors. A jobber in speaking of gi'ocory failures remarks that theio must bo a revolution In the manner nf conducting the business before thcro will bo any security In It. Ac- coidlngto his Idea the system of selling on credit and giving the customer until tno lltst of thn month Id pay must , bo entirely done away with. It will bo a difficult thing to accomplish mid retail dealers will doubtless go on selling goods on tiast. Tin : jonmvi TIIXPB. The conditions prevailing In the Jobbing trade are about the same as noted a week ago. The movement of goods Is up to the standard usual at the mid-summer season and Jobbers generally are s.itisllod. As the season ad vances It Is only natural that the continued favorable prospect for largo crops should SPI vo to stimulate trade to some extent and dealers will lay in larger stocks of goods than they would nndor other conditions In Now Yoik the dry goods business dur ing the week under review , says the Bulletin , has shown an improvement "In vol- limo on recent experiences , but not of a ro- uiarkablo chat actor In such lines as fall ginghams and dross goods there is no reason to look for an expansion of buying , but the reverse , as the great bulk of the business in Ihoso has been alieady transacted , and pro duction Is well under control In loading maKOs for some tlmo to coum and fall prints are gradually woiking into the same condition. The fall demand for brown , bleached and colored cottons has yet to bo proleirod by the gioat majority of buyers. The number of these in the market during the week has shown a considerable increase , but tbcv have in no way dcpaitod fiom the conservative lines followed so long The incic.iscd trade on the spot has thciofoto been made up of an expan sion in the number and not In the volume of Individual oidois. Some largo transactions have , It is tine , boon mooted between buyots and sellers , but variance in the views of the two has prevented these passing beyond the .negotiatoiy stage. The demand for staple cotton was Irregular during the week , but In the aegrogato business was on a broader scale than for some tlmo past. Transactions on the spot by package ouycrs showed an in crease in numbers , and inill orders woio plentiful If Individually light. In brown sheetings and drills the demand for export was decidedly moderate , but Jobbers and converters were operating to a fair extent. Export grades aio well under control , four and flvo yard sheetings in light snpplv , and In few Instances are tjiero evidences of heavy stocks. In bleached shirtings tbero weio fair ordcts lecoided fiom time to time , but no large engagements noted. Hardware in Now York has experienced only a moderately active demand , and , while doaleis insist that there is an increas ing tendency to tr.ulo , the development Is so gradual as to make the gain quite difllcnlt of discovery in any ono branch of the market. However , more chooiful rojorts certainly fuinish a hcilthful feature , and it is to bo hoped it maybecomo quite pronounced bofoio the month goes out. bouthern custom is pretty nearly duo , and is apt to bo followed soon by an incieasu of orders from other sec tions In the matter of prices , beyond the usual gossip nbout piobablo changes , there Is nothing paiticulaifysuggestive Nails are still somowh.U it regular , Theio is the usual report about dom \ml Just ready to revive and take off pieltv full bunches of btook to ward dependent points , but nothing of that kind matcimli/os , r.nd most of the trade Is of the uncertain hand-to-mouth character , with a slightly shifting scale of pi Ices to suit Im mediate deals In hand. The pulsations of the general stioet mar ket for staple procotlos In Now York are eottlng bioader and deeper , and operators commence to iculuo expectations of a fuller trade this month. Pretty much the ontlio call , too , is of thoroughly legitimate character and represents the natural wants of tegular dependent trade as developed nt the mo ment. With the growth of demand comes a stiffening on Him of value , with some slight tendency to advance , all of. which Is also In natural course , and especially on goods for some limo umior nogloot. , Sellers are , how ever , too well posted upon the narrow chnnco for any protiacted trailing at this juncture , and while seeking all the advantage nir- patently fully duo them , are raioful not to ovoidraw the line of valuation and nip some of the piomtlng moods of custom. Tno apoculatlNO element In coffee U at the mo ment a set lous deti Iment to development of natural features on the iraikot , but it looks as though sellers had consldeiablo temporary advantage. rot'sTHi 1'iionui'K. The market for the past six days has shown almost mi change and quotations have ranged \ery neai Iv steady Kggs have sold mostly at l''c , a few luiuplng > o moro and about the same number IjO loss. Receipts have been about equal to the demand , which has helped to keep the market In the same notcn. Thn butter inarkot has also bcrni very steady. The packers' pi Ice has boon DC , and as thu retail irado has been largely sup plied by ilia local farmers , the most of the butter shipped IP has gene to the packers. The poultry market has shown moro strutgtti than unj thing else in the line of produco. The receipts have boon light and anlvals have mot with prompt sale , Old fowls have gene largely at 11,00 and spring chlekotis at fJ.50@-lUO and even St.fi ) . FIIUITS VM > VI'Or.TUII.hS. The action of the futlt nurkot has been routined * principally to the movement o ( blackberries , which have been qulto plenty and In good demand. Other kinds nf berrloj hnvo been scarce , the cnip boinir light. vVutermolons are urilyingquito frouly and are of bet tor size and quality than was thu case a week ago. Uoports from ( Jcorgla say that the urospecu that existed at thu begin ning of the Ho.ison that this Boat's would bo the largest watermelon crop over raised In thu statu bids fair to bo realized. The season Is still at its height , notwithstanding it nearly a mouth ago , uud the water melons are Rein ; ; north and wait hjr the hun dreds of cat loads , ( allfornln fruit * havd boon lit very light fcuuply for.sonm little limn , but thcro nru ' llUel.v'to be moro llbortt at rivals before long. lit the wiy of vegetable ! , potatoes have nttrartod the most atti'Utlon The imr kot has boon t , ipldly declining , tm Ing to the largo number of potatoes formula In by loc.il giuvvors ntjil sold to thu lotuli stoies and to tiio consumers direct , thin o.uting off the demind for stock shipped In rioiu the coun- tt v . Other kinds of vegetables have not pro- sen led any notuwoithy features. O.U.I II. I I.I K iftfCfC. OVIAIU. July I * m\ \ . OATII.F Ofllctil rccoiuts tit cuttli * I.W' , as eomimrufl with 1 015 yesterday nnd * > I5 i-ulnrdnv of lint nvuk The iniirket WHS iu'- tivo and slronu' mi itood gndc'sof l > "o\ei and fttc idy on other r ulcs Coml hnU'hor tick ) was sttaily , othir grades wni o s i. lnv I'ciul- nrs were linn. I'lio receipts of u.ittln durliu thuvrek \ were , lol as rompiied with t ! , 'l Iho week prior. Hods OHIelal rr > ralpt ( of ho < rt.W ) as coinu irud with tM > VDili'rd i v .ind I VJI "nun * dn > of I ist wpiik. Thu tuatki't oiipiiod nctlvu iml * > o higher , uiisod Olf anil thin closed \vlth ill sold aotlvo anil .liiloo higher thin y < > stoi- day Thuritijn of pnous puld WAI WiwJM''V thu bulk suilhu ut lOiJ'01 l.ltfht. Ufft 5 ID ; he ivy } ' . lYV.n , ; mixivl , fi IU W 30. Tin ) nver.iceot thn prli is pulil wns 1 > l"i ! ni 10111- turud wltlil'iU * j ynstoidiiy mil t < T. S.uur- Hay of last wen. . . I'lm roroinu of IIOKS dnrlns tin' work wt ru7 V'l. us comp mid wllh J'UJ thii pluv IOIH uciik Siirri' OllU'lil rn o.nts of nh ei ) , U ) , .is cniiiii irud with 'ifi \ < 'ilerdu > and none1 bat- day of last wi o ! < I lie nuirl.ot w i > . mtivo mil linn Natives iJ-T 'O'i. wisturns , * . ' V3 4MOV Kood ( id to"0-ll > Inn. I s iiUIUbL'i The ii'i'ulpls of slii'i ; i diirlitl.o wuok WITO 24' , as cump ired with Ml thu prcvli us week. Moulc KIMI' | nts. Oflk'tnl Ted ly. Olllcla ! Ynsteritny. ( Jittio Ml cart. MB ? Cattlu. . M a irs. 1,015 S' ' ) c-kr > . f. D ; ' llojs V > otrs , .l)00 ' ) Miuop . 1 e ir , UJ Sheep. 2 c.us , 1' Morses . 1 oir , 2 Horses I our , .mil , HIM fit' Uo ; < . Ted iv. Yutlerd vy , lltfl.i-st . f > r. lllchpst . r > J ) lji vnst J1 ; ! ) ! ) Lowest 100 A ; er IRP of the prices p ild vostntd iy..J" ' 0 ( ) ' ( . Avorngu of the prices p ild to I ly . .5 IlJi. i I'riups on Cattle. Thofolloivlnj l < k tkble of prices pntd on thlsmarltnt for the Krada of stojU mentioned : Ijovvost S ili-s of The following ( omlonsod table shows the hlgluist mil lowest silos ind highest and low est avDiu o of the s vies of ho.'s und th. ] dutos nt this mil kot In u mil month duiln the months statud : HccoiptH and KhlpnveiitH. Showing the olllelul receipts , ind shipments of e ittlo , ho s und sheep on tin ) d itun Indl- c.itcd : I Unttlu Snoop HHII'XIbNTR KncoltHiin | 1 Disposition for tlioVook. . otllclal rooulpts and disposition of stock as shoxvn by the books of the Union stookyurds company for the xvoQk ending ut 5 o'clock p m biiturday , July Is. IR'H ' ItKCKUMS of I'rloo-i of Slionp , Thofollowlin ; t.xhlo t > how4 thu prluoi pah ] foi sheep : Prime tut sheep , Hhorn $103 ffj'i 05 ( lood f.it kheuii. shorn . , . . ,1 50 $ $121 Common to medium sheon.shorn a M do I 50 Westerns , shorn . . . 200 Hal 00 Uood W ) toTiMI ) lambs 300 4411 35 11 id Deposition oT Stouk. Otllclal rajolnts und dlspoiltlou of atnok us shown by the hoo'ts ' of thu Union atoo'trirds cohipany for tlio twiMity-four hours ondliu at ao'olouk p. m .July 18,18J11 UKOKIITS. a. 1I4J 2 CO 2. 17.IU 4 00 lirirRHS. I 410 2 00 1 4) ) ) 2 10 No. Av mi I'r. No. Av. Ph. I'r. C'l IS7 ' 1(1) ( 180 I.S -II SO 510 - ' 2X - 4 IW \a \ . . 121 110 5 10 1.7 111 210 4 1(9 ( l . . .219 200 5 IU S . -21 i 40 I 111 (17 ( .211 .W 0 10 81 221 400 500 58 244 1211 510 u J08 - 5 00 I. , ' a.'l 81 5 10 71 101 ICO 5 DO 71 . . . 222 IU ) 5 10 .1 C.11 5 00 HO 2.IS 21)0 ) 5 10 II ) 1 171 1JO 5 00 74 . . 2)U 200 5 10 4 .110 5 no Ii5 . . .221 . ' 10 5 III 72 ! 2H 240 500 71 . 2H IU ) 5 12' ' $ 7J 2.12 200 100 1J7 101 Id ) ft l."i 7. ' Ml 120 5 01 7(1 ( . 11)1 ) 80 1 U" 87 IM.I 80 501 dj .IH'I ' 80 r > lH , fiS 2.'V 200 501 ( . ' ) 241 100 5 I2'j ' 8il IU1 80 501 7 200 1JJ ri IJ'i 74 .20.1 4(1 ( il ni 40 215 200 511 r > 1 JI2 210 ri 01 71 . 241 80 5 II 11 172 101 ( .0 . . . .2J7 80 511 78 . H7 20U 5 OT 51 . 2111 iO 111 12 183 5 01 71 22" 8) .1 Iri 70 220 120 5 01 74 2.10 80 5 11 11 . 200 5 07' { 81 178 O-'d fill ai 22(1 ( 2M ) 10"iS 5 . 20S 515 fil 2 ! I IW ) 5 07' ' } 01 241 80 111 11 . . 2I ( . 510 5S 211 1(10 ( 511 BO . . .212 80 110 51 . . .21(1 ( 11.0 515 W 2 > 2 240 5 10 01 .181 240 511 Id 2V ) 280 510 K2 . .210 40 511 1.8 22S I JO 510 IB . . . 2-.11 120 511 71 27 210 510 RS . .211 111 70 211 2 > 0 510 4(1 ( . . .228 80 "ill GI ( . 201. 40 5 10 Id . 2.U 40 5 II 77 .201 11.0 510 01 . . .Sl < ) 80 5 I5 01 24. ! U ) 510 71 . . . .222 80 511 18. . .2,1.1 IM 110 ft ) . . . . LV14 80 111 fi'l ' . 240 80 1 10 59 . . 2S4 80 12) 70 2J8 400 1 10 M . . . .21)7 ) UO * .120 ill . 1st 200 110 07 . .201 4D 120 " 2 . 107 40 1 10 7J . .2I'l 80 520 71 . . 2H 120 5 10 04 . . .2J1) ) 510 (11 ( 24U 80 5 10 70 . . . .248 120 520 .Ml 221 1JO 5 10 74 2.1S 120 (14 ( . . 207 IfiO 510 f ) . . . .818 1-0 ! 520 27 277 10J 510 42 . . 2.0 40 52.1 31 . I'll 1 10 M . . .23' ' ) ICO 52-1 03 221 ICO 5 10 M . .284 121 PIOS AND HOUOII. 12 . . . .1(14 ( 2 2.1 2 270 80 4 00 1 . . ISO 2 50 4 117 400 1 . . .170 .1 70 7 140 40 483 4 1JO 41 3 71 Chicago IJIVP Stock ninrket. CHICAGO. July 18 [ Special Toloffrim to THE HKE 1 riio frush urrfviilsof e.ittlo wiroostl- iniitcd nt .1000 head of which number about 2 000 xvoro frum Tois There w.is not much under demand from uny quarter , but buyers ivrru found for ull the oirorlns und nt xvnll- snst lined prices s iloinukliiK a Insls of $110 @I10 for Inferior to choice coxvs , holfcra and bulls ; tJoomtlTI for stockurs and ftjodira : lf'.7V3040 ' for coininon to oxtr.v shlpptni ; steers ; * I.71J7 > for Texas < oixs .nut J27V3J71 for Tex is steers. Ve.il c.ilves xx ore quoted atJ. 0 ® . > 00. The week opened most tllsconr mlngty for the solllni ; Intorcbt. but uniloi the excep tionally heavy rocolpts recorded forMonduy die irlv 20,000 lioud ) tliero xvas a more or loss serious shrinkage In values. The decline varied from lOc In good | to choice qualities to 2" C In c 111- | nors' stock- , und the feeling iippourcd fax orable to still loxvcr prices As the xveok udvinccd , hotvoxer , the situation Improved , und before the close the loss sustained at the bc'zliinln of the xvook wis fully rocoxored. Indeed , choice and extri stccid lire higher tliuii they xvero i xvook .IKO I ho latter did not enter \ory 1 irsoly Into thu supply. This Is evident enough from the fnet thut xx bile extra grades commundi'd $ i-"i ( iji40 ( und oliolco poodi ol'l freely atG 00 © 8 10. there xvoro not foi the ontlro xveok sales apKri'tfatliiK 1.100 houd ut the rinpe. Texas crass uuttlo comprised nearly one- third of ill the c itt'oreceUed und u xeiy con- slderab'e ' pint of the natives w is composed of u alass thut did not rado a whit higher , Hut hetxveen the dressed ooef men and tl.o . dinners thu mormons supply of common stock xvas reudlly absorbed , und , as Indie itc'd ubovo , ut prices .lionising only a little loxxor than for lust xveok The Konor.il fo-itures of today's nog market were not essentially dllTerent from those pro- vallltiK earlier In the xxoeU. The demiind xvas unabated , the supply limited and prices still pointing upward. Ihero xxeru enough shlp- jilnR orders In bund to nearly exhuust the uo jK > irly supply , ind us there xvus shurp coin- pi'tltlon from loc il puckers prices xvoro easily advanced. Poor to medium irradcs xxcnt to fv 00 .1 10 , und good to extra qualities to $14V3 5GO Tliero xvus not unit It tiudlnK boloxv J320 and $ ,121,110 were the po | > nlar prices. This indicates u jnln us compired xvltli ycs- tordav's quotations of vaioo. Kxerythlni ! xvus out of the s ilosmiMi's bunds before 0 o'clooU. and the close xvus linn. DulliiR the pro ent xxoek nothing lus oc- cuiieil to cheek the upxvuid couise of prices. Miniothlii xx is added to the \allies oxory day of thu last Mix und the aSKresuto udxunco Is 40Ii41o per 1 0 Ibs. The best iirulos uio now solllnj : around % i.H und to ull uppi irances the murkel Is us htions today us at uny tlmo since prices bc'Jiin toc'llmb lloxv much hUhei they will co is slmpl } conjeotur il. All depends upon the oxtontof siipnlit s , tliechuriicterof tlioeustorn dein mil and the foreign outlet for ho , : produuts If one may .inline of futuiosnp- jilli'S by the qunntlty and quality of tliu cur rent receipts , then those who iinmo ? ( ' > us a possible price bofoio the end of August may notbi'bo xvldely 'out of their rcokonhu. " hould the consnmptlvo dem mil suddenly full oir as u consequence of thu reeout mix unco of nearly $ \ per 10) ) pounds , the probability of u further enhancement of x nines would of course , ho me isnreably diminished The inooniont eastward fiom this point keens up surprisingly Mote than one-half ( .1,8 . , ) ) head ) ot the presimt week's loeolpttt xxoit ) sent for- xx urd. leuvlii ) ; only nbout 47,500 head for the local Irado Miico Mai oh I , the beginning ; of the summer ] > acUliu HOUSOII , the number of hos pucked In the xxest Is In round numbers 4IHO.HX ( ) , , i.s iualnst.1,1 iH.liiK ) for the same peilod lust vuur , u decrease of li.V , W ( ! hogs. The receipts ut Uhlc.uo slnoa Jnniiiiry 1 have been l.hO..K ) ) , us tualnst.l , il.ouo for the sumo period I ist yeur , an Increase of ! ) IIT > JJ head. The Lvonlnu Journal reports : OATTf.h--Ko- cclpts , IH.uiH ) ; shipments , I.IKJO. Market ale idy : pilniu to extra htooi41'HliiU ' 11 ; otheis. $ I 2. ) ® . ' ) 7.1 : Toxuns , Woo l Ji ; Hookers , J..8.1 ® IOUi imtlxocoxxs.J.'OJ © 41 Iloos HecelptH , y.OOO ; shlnmonts. 4.00) ) . Mm kot net ixc , higher ; rouih anil cominon. < 1.71 C'A" ' 1" > ! mixed and p icUers , $ , > 2 > ® .1 10 , inline heavv uud butcher xvnlghts , 911 KiS5 10. Siu.Ki1 Kucelpts 1,001 ; Hhlpmunts , none , Murkot stead v ; nutlvo xxylbertl 75JJ5''i- ' mixed. $ ! 4Uf&l7U , veiirllnKS. J5.J ) < 14.1 H ) ; xvest- erns. JLI'iitlS'i ; Tuxulis. J.lai ( ) 71 ; lambs , MOOffilW ) . KUIISIIH City Ijlvo Stock Murlcot. KANSAS Oiiv. Mo. July -OATn.s Uo- culpts. l.niO ; shipments , 2,8.10 ; 'best steers stniiiRi others xvcuk , cows und Tux ins woik und mo lower ; steers , JUOTsio ; ) ; epws , tl,5Kift ( , IW : Hloelieis und foixlors. U0l5.ti.'i. ! . lions UocelptH J.8SQ : slilpmont .i-l70 ; marl - l < \t ) .Viho ) hlL-her : bulh , W.OjlW.lli all 1'radu.H , UI.O il 25. , Ml ) H' Itocolpts , 1,120 ; Hhlnmonts , 2'J ( } ; murket htoudy _ _ _ _ _ _ Now York Kxport ; . Nhxx VOIIK , July 18 The ospgrts of spct'lo from theportof Now YorlvthlsVciikamoiinlc'd to * G01.8J , of xvlilch If UO.IUU was ) n weld und IJ8 , ' . h7 sllxor Tlio Imports of specie durln ? the voek amount to } . ' 0,278 , ot xvliluli i-4,4Wwas In gold and t-MLaPlHllxor X w Y < irk"Oil\aiiTrUoi. \ NEXT YOIIK'July is. I'KTIIOI.UUH Op.'noil sto uly , deollnod ku on small iialon and uloied ( lull. l'hNNsvi.vA- On , Aujiist option sales , 7,001 ; openingUiUu , hlKlicst , or'.iu ; linxcut , Ii7 i People In Kononil aaould kuovv what's boil to do In uasu of u sudden attack of bou el complnlnt. Itts n well ostabhshod fact that prompt lollof may bo had In un.v case of colic , cholera morbus , dysontury or dlarihooii by ( -tvlnff n fovv doius of Oliumbjrlniu'.s Colic , Uholoia and UUirhooa Uumedy. It aoU Inulckly , can always bo dopuudod upon and is pleasant to tuku. Wheat Mora Aotiva During tha Entlro Ses sion on 'Ohingo ' , CCO FIRM FOR A TIM : , THEN FLATTENED , i Onili Ocnutml for IMovlsloin l > y No HO Uixontus Yostoriluy Uniisuiil iu Pork. CtPAto. July 18. Who it was moroactlvo most of HID soislon. Tor tbo llMt few minutes It seemed lii"llnud to ho wo ik , then wab bled n Ittt'e , but dually struck Its Kiilt and sold 'ic ' up and hnld llrm most of thu day. Corn held llrm for u short tlmoand then Hut- toned out , September Closed 'Jo lower than on I'tld iy. 1'ork , 1 ird and ribs had an early ad vance and a subsequent decline , le ivItiK them at ulKint yesterday's rinsing quo tations 'I ho very general and In some places verv heavy rains together with stoud- lei foreign markers Mid in iidlvo demand for export reported from Now York iind other seuboiird cities RIIVU to the who.it market its ctronsor tonu The demand for the near months vv us better tluiii It has ruled of lute , moro I'speelully for August 'ind September It was'iis/eitcd that probably 75 per cent of the receipts to ho expected here for the no\t two months woio alre idy placed for shipment tooistcrn mlllors uud fniiMgn countries Chip ivo received tudiir471 curs , Mlnno ipolls 11)7 ) curs , bt l.ouls I'U.iioo ' bushels and Toledo I4S.OOO bushels Tliu opening price for Decuin- bor was Ml'r-l ' iiv followed Imiiiodlutoly by u drop to 8l > 'Oc ' It stllToned up thun and reacted SSV In about an hour from thu start with u stiong feeling on the advance It hold up well , lietng supported by an acthe demand foi cash whe it and a decided Improvement In July and August which vvuro both In good request In I ho pit. A sudden drop In the price of corn und an estimate of .1.11 ours for Monday woiUouen wheat some , while toHiuds the close December sold off to 8 ( > 'jC. ' but thu reported situs from Now York of sixty bo it lo ids and the ictlvo Inquiry for cash wheat hero steidled the murkut , and thu oliMo was llrm ut Mj'jO for December and Si4u ( for. Inly. Corn wus stoudy and seemed Inclined to firmness oirlyln the session , shorts t iMn hold very free i , und .suptoinbor opunud ' 10 hotter tuin il clo-eil last nU'ht. selling ut "ilift M'sC. hut thu cash deiu.lnd was not so indent und prices were uasici owing Inr elj to the fear thut shipments'in ule by lake und c in il c in't ru ich the souhoird In time to till sales for July. I'liiMi c inio the ustlm.ito for 5.1 ours for Monday mil thuro was i suason of free suiting , under wh oh eptuinber bioke to U'ac. ' u duullni1 of i'u. ' ru icted some and it the-elos. . ) was about 12'jc1. July sold at Do eai I v , off to 114O , while August fell from 5j3j to 54'ic. ' Oats ruled lower , mulnly on the lucre islng receipts of now oils. Twulvo ours hiving been Inspei'tcn todiy. .Inly w is Haded In sparingly and sold from Al\a to He. August sold from 274o to 27'8c. and buptc'inbnr from 27c to2li4u. Two hiindrod and thlrtj-llvo cars are uxpected Mend iy. I'ork wus norvonslj strong mm hlghei , but lurd and ribs did not shire in the strength In pork. The receipts of 1 ogs it thu stock yards were only 1'J.OW ' head , ugulnst un estlmnto ot 2.1 CO' ' , und prices ut the y irds wore I0c higher. This started shorts to covorlng. and beptum- ber pork sold from JIl..O to ill GO. full lo ? 11 2.1. roiiUodtoll.1. ! then broke to $11.11 , but at 12 o'clock vvaiSII.li yepteinher lurd stoidv ut JrtlWidfO , while boptunilur ribs sold at $0.70 © $ ( . 7.1 , ind ut 12 o'clock was at $ il.70 bid. Thu leidlng futures ranged as follows : Ciibli ( juot itlons were as follows : Kr. UK Stoidy ; winter , putents , $4 004 00 ; sprlnir , patents. 84.7" 3.r > 10. WHEAT No. 2 spilnit wheat , 8Go : No. 3 sprltu wheat. 8l8 o ; No 2 rod , SbJic. COHN No ' . ' , Dh'jc. ' OATS No. 2. Jjo ; No 2 , whlto , JOUJO o ; No. 1 , white , .We HVK Now.No 2 , fCc. ItAiti.Kv No 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , I'obruaiy , C c : No 4 , no silo rijiXSfcH ) No 1 , $101 . TIMOTIIV bUKD Prime , * l.37'l I'OUK Mess porlc , Rer barrel , $11001110. Laiil. peri'wt , tdiT'i Short ribs aldus.loose ( ) , J ( > V ) ( ljj. ( Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , 43.00 ® . " > ( Hhort clu ir sides ( boxed ) , M < ) ) & ' 00 WHISKY Distillers' finished good * , uer gal lon , fl.io. buoAiis Cut loif. nnchansod. Kecelpts .ind shipments ted iy wore us fol lows : On the produce oxohinuo today , the butter market wus steady. Exgs , o islur ; fresh , 15 c\v Yorlc ainrlcots. NEW YOIIK , Julv IS 1'r.oiiu Itoceipts , 11'iJO packiiKos : oxpoits. 4.1j" ( ) burols , 22J sacUsj iiilot. | iinc'hiin.'od : silijs 14 , IS ) barrels Conv JlKAi , Qulut und stoudy ; yellow vost- ern. ? .liva I.S.K WiibAr Kocolnts , 41,200 bushels : exports. H,4ti.l bn hols ; siles .1,107.000 bushels of fu- tuios ; 4UiOil hiishols spot , &pot in irKol nc the , unsott'od ' and wouknr : No ' . ' , 7i4ffi' | c htoiiiner .ml olm.itor ; OT.TcOT'jo ullo.it : Di G'H ' o f o.b. ; uii.'radod led , fOi8ctl | HI1 , ; .No 1 northern to urmo , $1.04 : .No 1 liurd to urilvo , JI.Ol.j { o 2 Chic ice $1 OVj. Options fulrly iiethe , closing stead } , advanced on true piiifhiisos by foroluners und liu IIMS- IIIR o\i tt biislnc'ssj o " rod. July , Ol'i © O'i'.c. ' closing , 'Jlvao ; AilRiist , i2T ffi'l.'iC ' ) ' , clos- Ini , ttl'ii' : SoptemDor. llliil'M llfic. l . oloslnsr , 0e : Octohor , OI'JtfDIV. ' closln. , IH'io ; llo- eenilmr , Odl 4i4 ( % U Klo closing , 'Ki'n" ' ' : Jiinnurv. IT , ( i ? < ) Taii. ' . closlns UT o : May , SI.01ftfll OHa , olosluc. 1I.01J . HtK Husv , quloti wostoui , September de livery , 745i"ic. llAiirKMalt , dull ; Canada country made. $ lOJl.t."i ; city mudi > , 81.nvai.IO OOUN Itooolpts , l.M.llo bushels- exports , Ifi- ) OS bnsholHi s ilio , UiS.OOJ bushels of futures , 11,000 bushels of Knot. Spot mitrUot dull , lower ; No 2 , TO'jo ' In uloitor : 71' & " 2a ulloiit : niu'iadod mixed , 707sc Options \ery low at ( sa'jodecllno ' on caily and liWiO up on lute months , closing weak : July fl7'ic. ' closlui ; , fi7'4e ; Au nst , OKitlU'iC' ' , closln ' . , blej M.ptombor , HlVitiiPic , olosliiB. ( ICSiOi October ftlj ) © ' > 0e , closlni : , f.'l'ac. OAls Heculpts , 00000 biislii'la : exports , 18.- 000 bushels ; .sultvs , 70.WW hnshols or fiiture-i ; i 000 bushels of spot. Spot miuKet dull , lower Options dull , aniljwe il or ; Inly , closing ut J.'c ' : Auitnst. lHJe , cMOsliiu. .1 'ic1 ! beptem- 1 or , , llls < 3 l.'c. olosliiR , lli'ao ; No S. white , July , 47o ; spot No J white , file , mixed western. nhlto Western. 4BOOui ( No"'C'hl- ciiuo , 4 1'iwl.l'iU ' UAV Quiet , steady : nhlpplu ? , flOe ; coed to choice , 7VJ4U iu. lloi'S Weak , iiiilnt ; htito. cojiimon to choleo , 18.V ; I'liolllo const IMaiJo OOH-KK Options tipunod steady and un- chuiiKod tofi points down , closed stou.ly . and uncliunui'd to M pofpts up. Bales. l'J.v > IIUKS , Inuluilliu" Aim-list. ' Jlii 41 ; M0toiilher. | , ? H I : ® nftOctoler. : 414,4 414 ( ST. ; March. * l ill ) ; spot , Klo. iiulut. tlrin ; f ili.oar oos , lUUo : No 7 , l. ' c. fiiKMii Ituw , niilut , ilriii : fulr lelinliu 'J n-l ( Tf le Uuiitrlfiiiriil , mi test , .i 7-llle. hiiles nf u htu imoreur o'iil.uo ) , Mut inis , ' ) J decrees lost , .I'uo tol'lilladAlphtu. KefliiDd Him ; itood demand , * .MOLASSPS rorol ti , nominal : New Orleans. stoutly ; fulr dc-mand ; common to fancy Site I.BO I.BOUK n I'n I r , deyimul firm : domontlc fair to o\tr i ri'tf.7o ' ; Jupau A'tOto I'KTUoi.Ktnt United closed at 07o for Auirust nmoN SFPD on. ( julet : crude , oil Krado , S74i.lio ( ; otrKrulo ctfi-Xic- . TAI.I.OW ( Julot : nltj , ( J ) , for packages , ) l o , coinitrj ; 4 Il-r p.UH toiiiullty. | Itosiv llusy , quiet : sir ilnod , $1 "Aft10 \ Tuill-hNTlNh Kusy iind qulot nt F.fliis Dull und wo ik ! western K/iilU'iO ) 10- CDlpth , .l/ll" P lcllllS | ) linn--- Dull Ntuiidv. wet sillod Now Orleans mileoti d , l" > to " 1 ponnils , Uiifei Toxin selected , SO to 1.0 pounds , r4i.su. I'OIIK Quint , stouty ; ohl mess. ? ll OIV76I ! . ' " > : now muss , fU'00lJ.oiJ ; extra prime , J10.VH& ll.iiO CUT MKATS Quint , llrm : plokled bultlos , 7ii , iilukloil shoulders. OifilUo : ploklud hums. lOUQAllo ; middles ijulot. tirmi short clour ti'lilemhi-r. til 70. 1. Mtn-Qiiliit. sUiady wi'storn stuam , { HILV options sales. VJ ) tioi IDS of Inly. M HI ; AiiKiHt Mtl.i * > uiti | > mb < > r. * 17H. o mini : at { < i78nsO ( ! Uotobur eloshiK at WhSftlOJ. Du-onunir , $701 , closln. utJT ui litmhii Oiill. woik : wo ti'riidulry , tlv'lo : western cro n.iory , ilQISo , wenturu fuotory , 1144141niKlns , iso. , UnhhSb Qulul. llrnii pirt l.lnnftv.lv. . I'll ) IIION Dull ) AnnirlciMi. * 10CUi5IS.i , Cltyiiiiuii 'Miirhot. KAMJAS CITV , Mo. , July 18. WHBAT fateady No. 2 hard , o.iah , " ' ( o ; July , 7Jei Ntt 3 r d , oish , TI/HO hid , COHN Weak and lower ; No 2 , onsn , 53Hot July , M' , d blil. OiTsVoik nnd lower : So. 2onsh , Ko bids July. SstiRJH'sc. IjUTTni-bti'iuly und itnchaneod. KtiniVil , ut loc. HAV I'lrni and unchntmod HKOFIITS WhiMt , tl.UOOs corn. .M.OCOj oixts nonu. Hiili'\rNTS-\Vlieit ( , ; iMO ; corn , 3,503 ; oats , IOJ. SI. I.oulH ST. I.ouifi , Mo , Julv 18 cnsh. ( ClUc ; optomhor , "H'go bid. Conv irrotfiiliir : cash , OATS U'eiiki cimh. .lie. I'otiK stronit ; $11 l"'t. l.nwor ut $ ,10. - At $1.1(5 ( Mliini'ipill U'tinnt Mnrlccf. MINSK U'oi.ts. Minn. . Julv H WIIEIT Cash , slow , lower. Koi'ulpt" , 20) rirs : ship ments , - ! : > c-irs. Closluj : No 1 hard , July , UT'jci ' on trick. OSes No 1 northern , Inly. O."ic ; on track , uvf > t'Ktc ' ; No. 2 nortliern , July , Vic ; on true , Oinuliiiiiitl MarkotH. CiNt IVNATI.O , July IS. WilKAr firm : No 2 rod. 844JVie. COHN MIDORI No 2 mixed. 02" " , o. OATN Quloti No J mixed , lie. \\HISIv\- * I 10 < > i-nlii > lnrkots. . \Vls \ . July -WHBVT > < loidy : No 'sprinit. r ish , s' ii1. S'ptL'iuhiM. tl'e. COUNe lUrr. No I , cash , ( > , )7ll'c. ) ' OATS Deli ressed , No 2 white , ! ® llc. Toledo ( ii'iiin Market. TOI.FIIO. O , Iitl ) HVliET Kislor ; cash. July and Atuust Hike- | . I.OHN Dull , c ish , 0 c. OArs Quiet , cnsh. Hi' A TO OlS .I.W > I tit \ It V. Ni-w YOIIK July IS. The failure of the English bink of thu Itlvor I'lutlo w is un- nounced In London this iiiDiiilns undciused laterlully lower prices for ull kinds of stooks tliero. Our market felt tin ) uuYuts of this du- cllno und , wlillo the opening pi lees were iibmo ho London eiiililents | , lurnfo fi ictlons were knocked oh * most their actUo shales. The opportunltv to soil the market rdown w is not to bo ne'jrliH'tod by thoboirs , hoiv- oxer , iiiul they lolued with the foreign sellois n piosslii the miiKet down. I'hi ) stocks which hint1 in Intel n itlou il mar-Lot , In the n iln sntlercd most under the i Ircunistuncox , nit llni llngtnu and Lic'kawinni led the lownwiird ntoMHiicnt. thn bo ir pressure belnf especially soxoro on the 1 liter . .n . iccount of some supposed trouhle in the eo il ti ado I'uch ) f those stouUs lost I per cent , whl'e ' tlu > lost of the list declined frictloti.il u'mounts The dowiiHiird moiomont wus < heoKo 1 before - fore the expiration of the llrst half hour , how- oxer , und xvblle thorowas , nodlspo-dtlomto buy ' 01 tliDKniK iiccoiint , the covirin of shorts lolped prices up u little , und later when the jank statement was Issued showlnj ; mutuiliil ruins In uisli and surplus r"snrxu. tlio huylriR ) ocumo nuru prononncud und tlio upward iioxomont wis ucceleiatoil. Prices In the list foxx minutes weio hion ht to iihout thee eel of these of the opening , but closed < iulut it the lOLOxoiy. The llniil chiiiHOs aio InslRnlllc1 ml In all cases , bHlniriTinoially the losses made at the opmilni ? of business only. Tno trading In ruilro id bonds xvent to the srnallost proportions tions iiBiiln today , the two hours of business yielding sales of only fJl'1,000 ' , xvhllo the lluo- , u itlons were conllned to u corropondioRly larroxv raruo and no decided tendency of prices In either direction xvus lobe dotettcd ( Jovornmont bonds liuxe ucon dull und stoutly. St lie bonds have boon neglected The following ar ° the olosliu nuotntlons for the loidlnir stocks on tue Now York stock uxohangutoday : Atchlson i do preferred IU Adams IUpro I4i > N V Central I HI Alton A lurro llnuto . ' ) N V Ohio A St. I. 11 do preferred . . . 1.25 do prefoire I . trt American Kiprosi. 117 lO'ilo Mississippi , . 13' II C. It * N ii I do preferred S'l Canadian IMclflo . . Bl1 Ontirlo t Western Can-Milan Southern 13 Orc'Kou Iinprovumont 2 < i Central 1'iclfla . . . . . ! 0' ( Oregon .N n v . . . 70 dins A Ohio II. Oregon -Irani . . 1JH do Ut pruferrud 4i. il'icllloMHll . . dl'- rte 2nd preferred iili I I'eoriu Dee ft Brans ll. } ( Chlcnuo * Alkm . . l.'i. I'lttiburK . . . IV ) G H * 0 BoV , I'lillninn 1'nlaco . .1M ) C.O. C. ASt I . . W llloadlnit . . . . l\t Delaware A Hud'ou U7X HOCK lilnnd . 7iMi Ilol L AW ll.Hit I , VS 1 liit ptil 70 D & It U preferred 4i i9t I'aul Kast'lenn n't doproforrpl 111U do lit preferred . . . 41 bt 1'nul Mill V Man 1U1 do iml preferred 1- St Paul x Omaha . . 124 * Erie 1SU do preferred m doproferred 43 Tonn ( oul A Iron Fort \V uyno I'M ) 1 exaa 1'nrldc Chi. k Fatl III. . 'I til A O Con [ ifd HocklnK Valley 24 Union I'ncltlc . . . . Houston A 'lexas I H Kxpruu . . . 57 Illinois Contnl IV St I ; A I' . . . . 10 SI 1'iul A Duluth do preferred . . . Kansas A 'Joins . Wells-1nri0 h.x . . . .140 I.ako Krlo.t W. . . Western Union 7' ! ' doproforrod. . . . . Am ( ottnn Oil il' I.ako Shore . . . Color iilo Coal dl' ' lloniestako . . . . . . . U I/oulsvllIoA X A. . . , Iron Silver ? < ) Moniphls ACInr . . . . Onliulo 3) ) Mlcliluiiti Central . . . SS yulcksllvor 1' ' Mil IH A W 70 do preferred M dopruforrud 10S Sntro S Minn A hi. I 4 Itnlner 20 20UK do preferred 8" " illlch A W I' 'lor . . . UK MUfourl I'acllic . . . . fit iVl i OJn ln Central . ISM Mobllo t Ohio " " ( .rlnt orthe ll pfd 87'u ' Noahvlllu Urntt 64 4 IL N J Lontrnl . " . . . , 111 I ond/rnnt Norfolk \\tutpfd 8uxartrust . . . , Northern I'aclllo . . southern I'ai Ifle SOS-l do preforrcil . . 64' < Ore Sh 1 < t U Nor 24 H U I' Denver .lUulf - lllo dnuidn U'i'Bt. . . . Northwestern . . . ilo prefered The total siles of stocks ted iy . hares. Including ; Atchlson , 10,1. ! ) ; Del iw lie , jiickuxxunna it Western , 5.SSO ; Clilcmo Gus. .IEi ; IxHilsxillo & Nashville. 4. ' ) > 0 : Missouri 'aciOc , 1,0-'S , ; bt. I'uiil. 1UJ ; Union I'iclllc , ,480. Now Yoilc Bio icy fllarkot. NKW YOIIK. July 18 MONEY ON L'lt.t , I'asy. vlth nil loins at 2 per cunt ; closing olferitd it 2 per cont. 1'iilMK Mi nrANTir B I'APnii V'G1 , per oont. HTi Kit > T RXCIIANOE Quiet ind "asv at ISUtfoi sixty day bills and J4 851S for den - n ind. 1 ho following wore the closing prices on Minis ; J S 49 , rtulitnroi ! IKJi M K S. 'I Si . I ) J b 4LOUpDIU 1I7H Mutual Union li. . IOIH l s , ro laterod . . ! ( ' . . V I Cent int ( crt L , , con pout . . ,1011'j Northern 1'ao Ists 'ncltlc , lit of Mi. .Ill ) do .Ms .onlolnniStninp U H > Northwo-U e.m ols IU ouiiensco N. b tin 101 dodcbuutuio ta llllSI do C4 JI St U A I M don 5) SIMi do .la l. | St l < t S I' ( .on M Mi 'niindn Soiilliiirii Zdi U7' ' ( St I' i ll console , . . lit V ntral I1 u lllo Inti lOi st I' 0 A r Iitl 1IH4 ) A U ( IsU ir > 1' 1' I < ( f Tr Itcti sH < to IH . , , 71) ) 1 I' It ( ! I'r llett il Kilo .Ml ' 17 Union 1'aaitlo Mti IIW1 { M K AT Oon'lUi 7I.1 ( \ \ 041 Slioro . . . . IDOH I'illllllUlllI NotlM. NPW YOIIK. July -Cleuiliu" , ! OO.S03,7I. ; iiluncos J'l.l'HIii ' ; for the wcok eloirlngs , ilS,70ij.lO ( ; bul.inees , $ ! 0pll ) 810 HOiTON , Muss .July 18 t'lourlnc- i,0 ( ) l ; ) iluncos , II,1IM , " > .V Monox' . lVtf ivs pui cent : \Llnui--i ) on Xow Vork , 17 to-'Oo discount I or ho xvook , ole.irlngs , flll.'ijH.VsO ! baluneos , $15- JI.1S8 I'HII.Uiiu.i'lliA. July 11-Moirings. Ill.bOO- 71 ; biilanceh. f.MIJ.bs | ) I'or tin ) xxu > k C'lc ir ngH , $ ( I.87lbb ; bilunces , HO,4Jto:0 : Money , 4 ) r cent , lUi.TiMOitr , Aid. , July Is Ole.ulncs , fi"iU- Id : halhiicoM. $ . VI17 Xlonoy , Opel emit. CiilCAdO July H Money , firm ; foi call onus , fifth per cont. sturlfiu mchaiige dull ind ho.ivy , sixty day bills flsi , , demand 1 B7. H ink. oluiiifngs. IIJ.M7.00' ) . [ jondon Moolc Murker. . July" ) * . Ulosliu nt 4 p. in. : lUlt hii.VKHind pur ounce Monoy. iiiliit | , t purcint lower Tlio i ito of discount in thu ipun m irket for both short und thruu months itlls Is ' "i per cont. I'm IH KontcH. I'AHIS , July 18 Tlnuo jioi cent rentes 9"if S-,0. DonvurAliiiln : ; , ' SionUH. DKNX'Bit. Colo. July 18 Tollowlng tire the oloslni ; guotutlous of thu stouk oxc'hungo , Niiw V < rk 'Mi n i ii : iNK i NKVOIIK. . liilvis rim fnllDwInuru the ohnlni ; niliilii ! utoalv iiuntiit ons HI , IioulH MlnltiK ST , I.ouia , Mo , July 1 $ . There wa * not am. witJ ? FreigJjt From" fye.golden gats. To MIOS across % Sea. " I carry &weeUiope ' "HfeJAhlTA Q AUS SOAP As a cargo clear as can be. Made only by CHICAGO . , A5K YOUR GROCER FOR IT A NEW T INVENTION * UtlllcHl to.Mh . w tliont plain. , . , , . , ! rr-nov.hlo brldgo work .1 lie < n y n II iblo n i-lliod foi l.o.dliu . the teeth In Un iniiiith without tin 11 dumping vvlillo | Qitliitr. spi'ikln. , slngliu or whim u-lo > p Mlnlsturs public spuiki is luwyuis and in tots no roiiticstcd loIimstUait ) OALJTION. No other onieo In the cltv 01 county Ins the right , P TEMT nor do thov know how to make this p itenli-d woik t GOLD h ivosi'oiiro I the snle right from lr ) Throckmorton , No. CLASPS 4U sivth Avenue. Ne\v Vork. who piteutodlt 1 nb 11 , Poi-sons dt-slrliu pirtl il sot ot teeth lirereiin | > sti > d to cill and -co spec linens of th s kind of work und ludgo foi thoniselvcs. 1'ilec" for this kind of work sue within the reach of nil. All this woik fully wurrintod AVe huvo the WONDnitPUl * LOOAL ANPSTlln- TJ.I ( . ) " . ) , ' ' . " ' ' ! " ' < ) f < ' " > " ' " " ' make NO JATKA CIIAIHfn fornslngit. Afuilsotof teeth on rubber for tJold ( anil other fillings ut lowest prices Dr , ROLAND W. BAILEY , DENTIST OFFICES THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK. TELEPHONE , 1O88. - 1GTH and FARNAM STS. , OMAHA. NEW YORK DEJMTKL PARLORS , OMAHA SOUTH OMAHA N. E. Cor. 14lh mid Furntim. 231. ! N St-oot. JDR , F. L. BROWNEX. Olllco nstubllshod Twolvii Ve.irs Parents , Watch Your Children's Teeth School Is ( Hit , ind now Is the time to hive the little one's ti-cth looked ufter. You plan for tliolr pliMsine timing v.io itlon. vvhj not .iNo think of tholr fiituie i-omfoit At the Now York Uontal I'.ulois wo will tiKe Hpeci.ilcireof the chlldion and will bo putlent und guntlo with them Wo still muKe a full set of leeth , on HBsT inbbor , and OUAHANTKn u lit for * 1 TO Wn ulso m.iko the Morris thin Ilo\lllo pl.ito , the lightest rubber pluto ovei made , . .indV HA. NO C I1KI.AK In the month. PAINLESS EXTRACTION. Wo e in n\tr ict touth without the h ast piln by the usu of our now local anesthetic , the putlent rein lining conscious \\o also use g s mil vlt ill/ed air. n\.imln.itlon und estimates without ch.uge. Call uud see us liemonber the locutions NEW YORK DENTAL PRRLORS , OMAHA SOUTH OMAHA N. E Uor 1 llh and Fiiriuun. 231H N Sticct. DR. . K. Lx. BROWNEl Oppn cv enlngs until 8n , Sundays 10 a. in to I p in. We invite comparison of quality and prices of Modern Hardware. JAMES MORTOH & SON Co. , 1511 DODGE ST REET , NO GXJREX ! NO PAY. Street Omaha Neb. 1316 Douglas , , . Mnny yenrVoYperlomo. A r.'k'iilnr t-rmlimlc In niidleina i > mpimnns HIIDW I ullll trontliiK with tin trentcst nun 4fl , all NorvouH ( hriinlc uii.l . I'rlvaln DNO.IMMI . A purniniKHit cum Kuarnntti. . ) ft.r . I utnrrli. S'pirmtUorrlHiri l iat Maiihourl N.nnliml Wcnkncsit , Nlkht lm < , Impntuiry , S ) | > hllN strlcluni , mill nil dHuaius of the llloo.l , riiln anil Urlu try Orti IIIH N II I KUiiranluu HJ lor uvury CH O I iinitortnku luiO full tocnru. CoiHiiltitlon fri'u IK.oS . i Mv tcrl nT J.lu ) IHIII ( nio Ulllaa hours J 11 m to b p m HunJay 10 ii ui to 12 m Soiiil > timp for rojil ) . CmciiEsmi's EnoLiai. RFO Cnoss HIAMOND BRAND * THE ORIGINAL AMD CCNUINC Tin onlj Hnft , Hiirr , n1 r'lltlll 1 III for ! Lu.lll i , u k llru ( < l > l for 1 Siehntrr I injli./i Inaman I llraiul I.I . Itril I lal I n rlalllo I ) i Np . Ll if rlbl > oi ] Fc1 u n. . ol.ur Lll.il. . IttfUH tiubitUutiani an I Itntlnltoni All [ III * in rn'trboan ! tair * | lnk wrA.mr trr iliiojii ri.u * ( .ounl rO.lM. | AI Dr.iitlcUti . or BfiiA nl In. In < nin,4 | I r i irllcuhri uulluiooUli n1 IIill r lor l i.llo , " ( . . Itlttr I.T nlurn Mull. II ) (1(111 ( T Hlmo.jl.u . A i i I tper CHICMCSTCn CHLMICAL Co , Mn.ll.nii N < iurr , buhl lir ill I.IMII ! llrueicUlis I'llll.Alll 1,1'HIA. I-A , iniirli U ulliiK nn the mlnlnc iwolmiiRo todiiy ind pi Ii < > s us u ruin wurn unuhunKud I hu fidloxvlni ; lildh wuru iiiudnon on 11 | M lln-en 41) Ann rlc m 25 | Sllvur Auu IH'i ( irnnlte Mountain SIM ) jl.lUiibetli ll'i MuntroHu 1-0 i \iiiua u < H llcrlln Hi uk StnluiniMit Hi IIMN Tulv IS The btiitiiiiioiit of the Iin- liorlul Hank of Cerinuny shows un Inurouso In specie of 14 , > > ! > OOJ murks. Jims A McSIIiSK HIASK C cosnov McShane & Condon , INVlisTMHNM' HANKIiRS , 300 S. 13th t-t , FirHt National Bunlc Unllil- in" , Omihn , Dial In Hlock" Ii ndi oaiirltlnx roinmnrilal pa per etc. NeKutlnlv l m on Inipnivii I Omihit loil entate Short tlini ) loiinii cm bulk stuck or ull ull opprove.l . < olliternl ii.iirltr 10SEPH "BILLOTfS" STEEL GOLD MEDAL , "Anu FXPOSITIOM , 1889. ' kjlinFEOT OF PENS. APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. PERFECT IN FORM MATCHLESS IN WARI Bo KDiloui wert tl > .DCI..U . for .ulw rl men U.U I aaj boj at I Irtli cri put to U.iti. Ev.ry MAN ctn t BTROHO and V1QOROD8 In nil rtlp.ctl. YOUNG MEN OR OLD , ufftrlng from NEIWOUB DB > BILITY , Loit or railing Uin > hood , myilctl Eiceuci , MenUl Worry. BtDDUd DfvttopmiDt. or nr PEKSONAL WEAKMI83 cm tl riltortd to PEI1FEOT HEALTH aud th. MODLE VITALITY of BTHONO MCH , th Frldo ted Fowtrol Nttloni. " "o elalin t.y yearn of pmcllrn l > r T iirlunhn inrthodn n uniform MONOPOLY OF BUCCEB8" III treat- Incall plitMM , Weikneimand Amlctlooiof M n Tirllinonhlls from MHtntcs and Territories. FIND FJfllf nnnif < > III hr icnt/rer , Bpnled.pOHt- UUtt IStW UUUK pald.fnrallnillril Him' O.I ttwhll.youein mil ElpUnattODS for HOME TREAT * MEHT YoactDbt FULLY RESTORED tl TDouundi hftv.be.nbyn. R.adourt.itlmonUlf Adifr.iifttooot ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO N.Y. 'IIIK riiiiiidy for all tin iimialuir' d < i < ImiKen ami prlvatudlmuhiHDf u n A certain cure for the dDl.lIU tatniK weakutEa jiocullar lo xv Jin i n. prcKi r hoitnndoslssfa ( n rii" > " runullUK It ta ull mitrtriir * A ) STRNeR.MO D-cuun/u. il in iHiiL-Klnin. t'tlH " HI IM ) . I havnapoiHUo reniMJ/ fur Ilia tliovadiaaain ) brlU IIHU ttiutia nd nf cau < t4 of tli'i vroral khul ami atlnrnc ttandini ; IJITU boon curul , Indued 11 Hrun U in ] faltlt la UneHicacjr , that I will omul TWO liarrLKH ynir.wltll VAI.UAIU.l'.l ltr.ATI.SH ou tills dUeiMtoin/iuf. ferer who will wnilino tholr Fiprt > e and I'.O. addrux. T. A. blucuui , AI. C. | 1H1 1'corl Bl. , N. V ,