8 THE OMAHA DAILY FKIDAY , JULY 17 , 1801. CONSUMES CASH IP NOT SMOKE ProtesU Against a Recent Expomlva Ex periment Ordered by the Council , EXPERT OPINIONS OF THE NEW DEVICE , Smoke CoiiMumerH That Do Not Con- Hume nud Some That Have MUCH Found All UlKht lictltlon Wanted Last Tuesday night the city council voted to enter into n contract with the Herbert smoke consumer company of SU Joe , Mo. , to furnish four smoke consumers for the now city hall. Thcso consumers put In place will cost the city the sum of 1,300. ThU Is not a largo sum of money , and the councilman who opposed the contract would not kick If it could he sho.vn thru the devices would do nwny with tno smoke nuisance , and save hundreds of tons of co.d each year , ns U claimed. Thcso objectors allege that there Is some thing behind all of this. Last winter , Herbert visited the city,1 plnced hli patent smoke consumers In the hollers nt Uoyd's opera house nnd then Invited the members of the city council to sco the test , The gentlemen went , nnd n short tlmo thereafter It was decided to put In the con sumers. The matter rested until six weeks ngo , when It wns again brought ueforo the city council. The matter of purchasing smoke consumers wns referred to the committee on puolloprop- crty nnu buildings. Mr. Moreurty moved the committee bo given power to act. This proposition was knocked out by Mr. Elsnsser , und the matter was simply re ferred. ' Nothing moro was heard of smoke consum ers until last Tuesday night , when n contract for fourof tlio machines was presented , they to coat I'IOO. A bond came along nnd wns approved , three of the members voting in the negative. Again Mr. Elsasser opposed such liusty nction , but ho was hopelessly in the minority. Ho stood up nnd clnmorcd for rec ognition , but ho could not get It. Then ho nskcd to road the following letter from Mor timer C. Sweeney , the head engineer at the Murray hotel : OMAHA , Neb , July II. To the Honorable tlio Mayor and the t'Hy Council or Iliu C'lty ( if Onmliit Uunllpnun : 1 pic"-ontiilyoiir honor able liody u t'oniiiiniiluiiUim some thnu IIKO. on boiler the I.D.V dcvlioj , and rt'coniiiiunilud llio boiler srlKap , lockliiK prnto bars astliu most ctllulunl und economising grate liar on thu Aiiiuilcan market and ciirtalnly the safest and best steam Kcnoralor In this country. In tlioHald communication , Reiitloiiion. I Invited thu Ht. , ! < > o smoke consumer man to an ovupo- ratlvo test tli tl nilxht bo lib o to show J on the illllai luce of the two devices In the saving of fni'l. Your lionmnhlo bo ly tuforrcd It to a committee1 for Investigation. At that very time , Kuiitlcnicnoiu > of your mini ! crdlsplayud n/eul seldom niunlfiMlO'l ' only when nun Is personally Intmcstud , by adding to thu mo tion to ruier. ( that they bo umnouereil to act , ) lint by ; i quick net of u conscientious member of your body , who objected , the amendment WIIH knnclud out. ( Jcntlcmcn , I could .sco then thut sonic of your number \voiu personally In- toiested mul so I watuhud the outcome , until your last meeting on Juno : i ( ) , uliun the samu committee to whom said communication was referred woio hundnix In their leports , and theiu was a motion made for udjournn.ont. and all of the inomlei.s of your body then prf-enl , wi > ro on their feet , liath In hands , the same over.il - ons councilman before referred to , made a motion lli.it all reports of the n foresild com- mlttci ) hi < appunc'd. and It carried. Hut. KCII- tlumeii , tliuiu WITU a few outside who know tlio motlvoof thu Motion at that very tlnii1 , when It could bo easiest cnrr.ed. Gentlemun , I put this In this way because I know that thoioaio honest Kmitlotnun In your council und many of them , hut they did not know the trick that was then hulnv : played. It was for the solo purpose of electing the smoke con- HUmer. because there was money In It. And If the crate bar.s would command as their prlco WHJ ( ) or $1,00,1 Instead of $ iOO , thuy too. could , .ind possibly won d , ImvoHvmp.ithUnrs In yourcouncll aentlvmon , If jonrcommlt- tro. or thu vealous ( 'entlonum rufi'rred to above , would taUo the trouble In the Interest of his constituents and o. " Hie taxpayers of Omaha , peiiL'rally , ho could 1 otloi- serve them by Iniiulrlng into tlio merits mid mechanical c.onstinotion of thu smoke burner of John Howe , who Is using onu und H.iys It's no ; ; oed und that It will destroy any holler It is attached to ; that It Is h.ul enou.-h to s.iy It Is no good In Itbolf , 'but that It itusttoys , Jho llnlsh of the holler. Gentlemen. I want to suy rlcht hero as u man who bus spent IIH ! whole llfetlmo nt the Htuum business that the Idea , tbo system nnd thu mechanical construction of thu smoke consumer Is had and will always provo such , despltu thuMWKH they sins In Its iir.ilsus anil the hamlsomt ) prleo they charge for It. And It may he wi'll to Inform ycvt Unit thu smoke consumer company Is having two lawsuits now In Chicago as a , very bad result of tholr ui'vleo. In conclusion , irentlomon , the moro yon In vestigate the moro you will beconio convinced of the worthlt'ssnuss ot the smoke consumer. Tlimo aio suvertil other smoke consumers anil they are all failures In thu samu inspect , ' . e. : they all proviInulllelont and . provi- e\cccdliigly o.\- ponslve. And , gentlemen. I say ajjnln that all of thu Hiimku ncrpssury can ho \ > nrnt , nt least the Injurious anil oll'en.slvo properties con tained In It that Is thu gases and soot hy means of brick walls built in a certain way at u very small cost. The council was not In a listening mood , but not in the least daunted , Mr. Elsasser ngaln popped up nud proposed to road this letter from U. S. Jones , head engineer at the Mlllard : OMAHA , Nob. . July tl. To the Mayor nnd City Council of the City of Umnhn Gentle men : I examined the smoke burner In .Mr. Itowo's Inilldlna mm ouu In Hoyd's new opiir.i liou.su on l-'ovoiitecntli street , and I have spent my who.o Itfu nl this business nmlscuna great many smol.o and soot burners and L novoryet saw one that would ( III the bill all around. And I have soon othets 1 liked oven better than this , because from n thoroughly mechanicI point of vlmv ibis In thu lloyd opera house Is very complicated anil will piovu vuryo.xiienslvu In time , he-sides It can't help but Injure thu holler and the mud lugs will certainly In course of tlmo i-ealo and burn out. Then vou can onlv shut tloHii and get a new mud let- and I doubt very much , gentle men , If you will liny u second mud lug. In stead , 1 think you will bo. satlslled to eomo down to thu good , safe and ri'llutilu locklnt ; cruto bar. Von uan not yoursmokudustioyuil in connection with grutu liars so thatwhatof it escapes will not bonlVcnsIve. Soot and gasus nru all bin nod. Us done In 1'lttsburg , Pa. , und can bo dunu hem as well , There was nothing that would stop the vote , and wlulo three opposing memtjors , Messrs. Hruner , Klsu'soruml Olson , voted In tlio negative the bond was approved and the contract accepted. Whether the consumers nro of nny prnc- .tlcal value is n question to bo decided after they are put In opetaiion. Upon this subject II. M. Cirllllu. who worked In Horborfs factory , saidt "lama bo I lor maker nnd spoilt n number of vears in Herbert's shop nt St. Joe. Just bifore I left J. M. Love , the foreman , said to mo ; The consumers nro no good. ' As lie said this ho pointed to a consumer thnt had bcmi In use four weeks nnd remarked , 'That consumer has burned out.1 I looked nud found that whut ho said was the truth. "Tho consumers do the work while they nro new , but they huvo no lusting iiuuli- tlos. " Mr. Grlftln now resides In Omaha nnd boards at the Kllot house , UOU North Six teenth stri-ot. Mr. Coots , the superintendent of the city had , will not guarantee the consumers. Ho regards them in the Hunt of nn experiment , nnd In addition thinks they are too costly , considering the fact that they are nothing moro than cast-iron legs sot upon the bottom of tbo boiler. City nailer Inspector Stnndevon has no hesitancy in talking , Ho snys that the St. Joe consumers will work well whllo they are new , but he doubts If they can bo used in the city hull. They will burn the smoke and nt the same tlmo they will rust nnd burn out In n short tlmo. If they would not do this , they are so constructed that when placed In the city hull bailers It will bo itupos sible to get ui > enoueh itcnm to run the elevator * and heat the buildlni ; . In this case they will havu to bo taken out us soon ns cold weather sots In , A. I.Hunt ) , superintendent of the American waterworks company , knows us much about smoke consumers us any man In the city , as liU comtmny hoi tried und discarded hun dreds of the worthless patent coucertn. At the florcnco pumping station the company Eut in a smoke consumer designed and built y Its chief engineer , Captain Uoyaolds. last year , ThU cost 1100 nnd was dimply a brick wall through which the smoke passed nnd was consumed. The wall Is located at the rear of the furuueo , and not only acta as a consumer but also Increases tbo capacity of boiler at K'uat Quo-third , In operating this consumer last rear the company saved 3,000 tons of coal. With It In use the cheap- cst jrrado of real was used and not ns much smoke cscnpcd as from the average hotel of the citv. Hrtd'the the council desired to have adop ted this consumer , which nny mason could have built , M it is not patented , on four of the consumers , the city would nave snvori the neat little sum of ? JIKK , ) , besides having had somcthingiwhlch would have lasted for years. There Is nothing nrtlllclal nbout this design. It U simply a plan of btirnlntt the smoke nnd gas before it gets out of the furnace. Certain members of the council will make nn effort to hnvo the contract reconsidered nnd tuhnvosoiiio competition In the matter. The Ijatowt Conundrum. Why Is Halter s Sawaparllla nnd Burdock like llio most popular so ip of the day I Because they both clcanso the skin nnd leave it soft nnd velvety. NOT SATISI < MKD. Property OWIK-I-H on Twenty-Second Street \Vnnt I'avliitf. There tire some of the property owners who are In earnest nnd propose to light for the paving of South Twenty-second street from Leavenworlh to the government depot. Councilman Donnelly claims to haw made n personal study of thn affairs In this paving district and consequently knows whereof ho speaks. This Is the onlv stroct lending Into the southwestern portion of the city , nud ns soon , as it Is paved it will become ono of the main thorough fares loading in from the country. Close to thu south end of the street there are now in operation llvo larb'o brickyards , which now have to haul their products to Georgia nvcuuo and then down Lcavcnworth street , going n mile or more out of the way. With n paving of the gap a continuous nnvotl street nearly to Shcely station can bo ob tained. Mr. Donnelly denies the report nbout the water nnd gas mains. The gas mains are laid as far ns the government warehouse , whllo the sewer will com ? , ns nn ordinance is now before the council creating Twi'nty- sccoiid street n sewer district. It is claimed thnt the United Sta'es government is inter ested in. the paving , but this Mr. Donnelly denies and states that government trams debut but little hauling in thnt direction , ns the work is nil performed by civilians nnd by contract. Ho thinks Shull has n scheme in socurinir the Injunction. IIo has a number of clay banks in thnt portion of the city nnd sells the clay to the brick mnkcrs. If the street wns paved l\\cto \ \ men could go out and get tlieir clay frco of cost , as there nro plenty of lot owners who would donate the clav In order to pet It carted nwnv. In this connection the councilman claims that Shull coerced Dick V'ithncll Into Joining with him in the injunction case. Withncll hns n brick yard in the locality and n lew di.vs ho was visited by Shull and In formed that unless ho signed ho could not have the clay at any price. UosJlor'sMaglcIIcndacne Wafers. Cures nl headaches inU minutes. At all druggist s "WANTS TO KNOW. Salcoi'thc Iloxvoll I'luiit to ChafTco to He Tested in Court. The First National bank of Chicago does not propose to submit to" the sale that the Howcll lumber company made to C L. Chaffcc Just before it went to the wall. It proposes to go into the courts and learn if the snlo was made in good faith. Last night a petition wns filed in the ollico of the clerk of the district court. The plnintitT , the bank , SOCKS to recover the sum of 5112,000 money advanced to Howclls to carry on their bus iness in Omaha , Chibago nnd Atchison. Aside from demanding judgment the plain tiff asks that the sale to Chalfeo bo set aside and its claim be declared a first lain. Another suit was commenced against the Howell lumber company yesterday. The plaintiff Is the Franklin b-inlc of St. Louis , and suit is brought for $17 , < " > 00. Judce Estollo took a hand nt criniinnl business yesterday niorniugand disposed of a number of cases. George Mnthews , the Now York chop house hasher who slashed Oflicer Koosor with a cleaver during a riot that occurred Apill 3 , was sentenced to two years and six months In the penitentiary , his sentence to date Irom Mav 11. George Williams , who robbed John Huteh- inson of McCook of his watch , was sen tenced to a term of three and a half years at hard Inbor. Lizzio Mitchell , the incorrigible rourteen- year-old daughter of John Mitchell , waa soht to the reform school. The court announced that n decision will bo handed down Saturday morning in the application for a new trial made by Tom Mc- Naniou , the man who was convicted of mur- dnring Elsie Williamson. The demurer to the information charging J. U. Kitchen with maintaining a dangerous wall was sustained. The court held that the city ordinance Is lame , as it falls to make the proper provisions for ordering such walls removed. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething softens tbo gums aim allays all puin.o cents a bottlo. liOST ON I.I2MOXS. Ito.sHo & Co. , Sqiu-czcd hy an Ovcr- Htoolc ol' Unsalable Goods. The wholesale fruit llrm of C. Ilosso & Co. , nt 1213 Howard street , passed Into the pos session of Sheriff Boyd yesterday on an assignment imulo for the benefit of creditors. No statement of the assets or liabilities of the iirm has yet boon secured. It is understood that the fniluro of the firm wns duo to nn overstock of lemons , which were boucht ut a reasonable figure in the winter In anticipation of the big demand and increased price usually Incident to tbo sum mer months. The continued cool weather during the spring and early summer killed the lemon trade , thus causing the llrm a loss from which It could not recover. The place wns closed on three executions aggregating ? liW ! ; , in favor of D. Hossn. This amount represents borrowed monoy. For the lust two weeks paper of the firm has been duo nnd the banks were asked to hold the parer until it could bo taken up by expected collections. July 1 the linn was known to bo hard up. Creditors were press ing their claims and even collectors of smnll local bills hurried around to got their money. On July 8 , Mr. Hosso made tho. statement thnt ho had $8,000 duo on collections nnd would hurry matters ns much ns possible. At thnt time ho nlso stnted that his total in debtedness wns only about ) ,200 , but this wns not given much credence. Louis BunussI , a SHU Francisco fruit dealer , came hero prepared to go Into part nership with Rosso , but after Investigation ho refused to put his money into the store and tbo lulluro followed. Constipation poisons the blood ; Do Witt's Little ha fly Risers euro consttuatlou. Tbo cause removed , the disease is liUUGIj.YUS AT WOHK. They Go 'tliroutcli a Meat Market with Pr.illt. Burglars took advantage ol the shorthanded - handed police Wednesday night , consequent upon the picnic , and entered the meat market of Samuel Droyfuss , In the Hituhccck block at Twentieth and Farnam. They blow tbo safe and went uwny $110 richer than they came , They entered through a roar window and nt once turned their attention to the scifo. Tha combination knob was knocked off nnd nitro glycerine Inserted , The explosion wrenched the door from its hinges nnd hurled it fully Of teen feet away. Tha inner drawers were torn open , nnd the cracksmen helped them selves to the contents , Mr. Uroy fuss says the money stolen Included f20 , $10 and $1 bills , fifteen silver halves , twelve quarters , thlity-thrco dimes , sixty- nickels and 200 pennies. There wns also u check for $ )0 ) drawn by C. 11 , Moore in favor of U. DroyfURs , which was taken , but pay ment on It was stopped as soon as the burglary was discovered , No ono beard the explosion , although It np- patently was a loud one , hence U Is not known at what hour the marauders made tholr call. . The tomperiUuro ns reported by the local signal service ollico was as follows : At 7 a. m. . 01 ° ; ut 10 a. m. . 72 ° uud at 1 u. in. , 78 ® . HER POSITION IS A GOOD ONE , Nebraska in the Front Row on the World's ' Fair Site , COMMISSIONER MARTIN'S ' LATEST REPORT. He Snys Hvcrytlilnir Looks Now and that NclirnHkans Should J I limp TlicniHolvcH and lltilsn Mors Hon. Euclid Martin , one of the Nebraska commissioners of the world's fair , returned Wednesday morning from Chicago , where ho went with Commissioner Scott to select the site upon which to erect the building for the Nebraska exhibit. The locution shows up on the plat as a very choice one , nnd Mr. Martin says that it Is every whit ns line us , it looks. It is on a corner past which the bulk of the travel wllf How. It Is less than a block from the Illin ois Central depot , on Fifty-seventh street , and the motor trains will dlsehnrgo their loads directly past it. It is Inn section with Texas , Kansas and North Dakota , and is seemingly well worth the good-natured and friendly struggle that It took to tfot it. The only requirement is that a building shall bo erected that will preserve - servo the general symmetry of the whole , nnd this Mr. Martin guaranteed would bo done. done.Mr. . Martin favors expending half of the $ . " > 0KX ( ) In erecting a building , anil Is confi dent that with that amount NobrasUa can innko u creditable showing. That is nbout the siim that the other states propose to ex pend for that purpose , with the excep tion of ono or two of the larger ones. Texas , for instance , intends to put a $100,000 structure , nnd Now York will also do something - ' thing on a moro magniliceiit and elaborate scale. "Wo want to keep our end up , " said Mr. Martin , "nnd wo can do it if we only think so. Wo will have i" , UUO loft even after put ting up our building , and that is n good starter. Of course wo will got moro money , for wo Intend to ask something from each county. That is the way most of the other states are doing. The county boards nnd fair associations can well afford to give ? 100 each , or some such amount , and in the ag gregate it makes n pretty little sum. Now , Texas can't ' make an appropriation , nnd they have gene to work through the school children , They are evidently getting along all right , judging from the building they are planning for. " "What do you think of Mr. Scott's idea in urging the farmers to begin at once selecting only the boat grain for seed next year in or der to sceuro u choice exhibit to bo made in ' I endorse it most heartily. There Is no ques tion but that this Is the way to secure line grain und it is none too soon to begin at onco. That matter ought to bo imitated and brought to the attention of the farmers. "Tho stuto world's fair bo.ird will bo ap pointed by the governor about August 1 , and they wili'probably act in this direction. The board will consist of six members nnd a director general who will have no vote. They have ten days in which to qualify after ap pointment , and I expect to see tno governor request them to meet about August 10. They would have gone to Chicago to have selected the site had they been appointed soon enough. I am better pleased now with the outlook than 1 have over been before. The grounds now begin to look like something , and work Is under way. The foundations for three immense buildings nro already completed. Our lot includes about an acre , and is cov ered with as line trees ns can bo found in Hanscom park. Tli'o whole grounds could not bo better adapted to the purpose If made expressly to order. Tboy are simply per fect , and ono has only to sea them to realize it. "The board of control will meet every month , but as there are sixteen members it is not expected that over half will bo present at n meeting. The fair is bound to bo the biggest over held , and work In every partic ular is now going along satisfactorily. " I'nrcntR llrnil This. July and August are anxious months for mothers who carefully watch over their little ones. Hot days and frequent clnngcs of temperature are liable to produce cholera mortius. How satisfactory it should bo for parents to know that Hallcr's Pain Paralyzor is both a pleasant and effective remedy for all summer complaints. It soothes and re lieves all pain and griping nnd always effects n complete cuie. 1VAIIIXG KOIt HULKS. Hoard of i'oaltli Discuss matters for Their Guidance. The board of health held n meeting in the room of the police commission yesterday with all the members present. The city physician presented his ropurt of births and deaths as follows : Births , lit'J ; deaths , 75. The latter included 3 deaths from diphtheria , 1 from typhoid fever and 4 from whooping cough. The question of an ofllco for the board of health was taken up , and It was stated that a suitable ofllco had not been tound for the rent allowed by the council. It was decided to USD the ollico of Dr. Uupen until other arrange ments could bo mado. Chief Soavoy reported that the hauling of garbage had been divided among the various applicants ns follows : Westergnrd , First. Second and Third wards ; Combs , Third and Fifth ; Travis , Third and Filth : Ole Fredor- ickson. Eighth ; William Kuowlton , Sixth nnd Ninth. The chief reported : Ole Fredericltson , No. 2. nnd Albert Hanks , have taken out permits for hauling garbage , and woio hauling from any place where they found the host ground , and aio underbidding the other men on the most remunerative business. The chief said if this could not bo stopped In someway there would soon bo no ono hauling garbage in the outlying districts. The ordinance penults this sort of thing nnd it would bp neces sary for the council to correct the evil. In the Informal discussion which followed It developed that the rules for the board pro vided for this state of affairs and could bo put into effect ns soon ns passed by the council. Health Inspector Shcornr reported that the cess pool nt the county hospital was In horri- bla condition. The vault wns full and the contents ran down the hank , causing the en tire neighborhood to bo polluted nnd creating n stench which could bo smcllcd for blocks , Ho was instructed to notify the county com missioners to abatotho nulsanco. The question of hauling garbage was taken up again , nnd it was decided to not issue anymore moro permits to haul garbngo until further orders , In order to prove tit the complete de moralization of the business , Ayor's Hair Vigor has long hold its first place , us a hair dressing , ia the estimation of the public. Ladles tind this preparation gives n beautiful gloss to the hair , and gen tlemen use It to uruvcut baldness and euro humors in tbo scalp. AVostorii INiHHoiiKor Matters. The Trans-Missouri Passenger association considered the question of harvest excursion rates at its mooting at Kansas City \Vednoj- day , but the matter was dropped without any rates being mado. The use of unlimited tickets from Colorado points to the Paclllc const was abolished and It was ordered that tickets bo limited to agree with the limits on trans-contlnontnl tickets. A special rate of ono faro was made for the Sioux City corn palace , October 1 to 17 , from points In Nebraska , Jowu , Wyoming nud South Dakota , Special rates of ono nnd ono-thlrd faro were nlso made to the Knights of Pythias encampment at Beatrice , August 17 to , from points In Nebraska and from St. Joseph , Mo. Information Knio. Do yon know that any old sere or cut can bo absolutely cured by the intelligent use of Halter's Hat bed Wire Llnltnont ; 13o mere ! ' ful to your horse and try It. Fifth Ward Meeting. . The Fifth ward taxpayers nro requested to meet at Krlling's hall on Friday night , July 17 , for the transaction of important business. No gripping , no nausea , no pain when DoWlU'a Little Early Risers are taicen. Small pill , Sato pill. U cat pill. Victor UniowAecr nt Even If "ago dods wither nod custom stale , " thcru Is always a delightful Interest clustering nbout ihd"llfo of Adellnca Pattl , the world's groatosfedwa , and the descrip tion which Mr. Victor Kosowutor gives In SUNDAY'S UKB of nor beautiful homo amid the mountains of Wales , Crnlg-y-Nos. will bo read with enthusiasm by thousands. A guest of the fair mlhtross of song for llvo or six days , ho hai haitun excellent opportunity to see the fair woman In her homo life , a privilege vouchsafed but few people In this work-n-day world ot-ours. Trained to oloso observation , with the enthusiasm of routh to glvo color to his pictures , Mr. Hosowatcr will on Sunday glvo his impressions of thomngntilcept homo of In diva. Nor does ho conllno his letter to the moro description of the place but even goes so far ns to give n graphic outlines of the beautiful gowns she were during his stay n guest of the inndnmo nnd her tenor husband , Slgnor Nicplinl. This will prove of pleasing interest to the fair readers of Tin : Hut : , for the writer says Mme. Pattl could chnnso her gowns every day for two months mid than notexhnust her wnrdrobo. The hitter is delightfully written und shows the qneon of song In now aspects such ns only the privileged few nro nllowcd to see. Wo know of Pattl , the famous so prano , but In Mr. Victor KoJowntor's letter In Tin : Si'Nim IIK : wo will bo brought face to face with Pattl , the charming hostess , the incomparable urtlsto , tno delightful woman. COXMOIjIj OX INSUIIAXGI3. He SUCH the Now York IjICcaiid Makes Sumo Spicy Statements. An Interesting nnd somowhatsplcy petition was Hied In the district court yesterday bj ox-Congressman Conncll ngainst the Now York Life insurance company. It is claimed by Mr. Conncll that in the year 1871 , by rea son of the untrue and fraudulent representa tives of an ngcnt of the company to the effect that after payment of premiums for ten or fifteen years the dividends ho would receive would equal the premiums to bo paid und would thereafter bo n source of revenue , ho took out a policy with the company for&l.OOO. Ho further says that bo has continued to pay his premiums for twenty years nnd hns turned over to the company n sum of money , which at simple interest from dntes of payment amounts to $ l,8b9. Ho also says that in place of the dividends over equaling the premium required , or making his policy a source of revenue , they have always been for a mere nominal or In- signillcant sum and that ho Inn paid sub stantially the full amount of the original premium each year. Mr. Conncll nlso alleges in his petition that in 187- the year after taking out his policy of Insurance ho decided to drop it and no longer pay premiums , owing to an objectionable provision in the policy , authorizing its can cellation should any premium not bo piomptly paid ton the day It became - came due. To meet the objections of Mr. Conncll on this point ho was told by the agents of the company that the company would never take advantage of a delay or oversight in the naymont of premiums and was assured thnt his policy i would never bo cancelled until after n refusal to pay or it was shown that ho no longer desired - sired to continue it in force. Mr. Council snys that relying on thcso statements and promises ho continued paying his premiums , sometimes when duo and frequently some after due. and until the present year such pavmonts were always received by the com pany without objection. Ho further states in his petition that on July I of the present year nnd within sixty days from the nnulversnrj date of his policy ho remitted to the company So9.07 , the full amount of the premium for the coming year loss the sum of fl.'l.S'J which had been allowed to him as n dividend and which , ho .was . authorized to apply in that way. . Up.to this time Mr. Cou ncil claims that no dainand or claim had been made on him for his premium nor bad any notillcution been civon him that the company bad or intended to cancel his policy , and the first intimation ho had of any such purpose was a letter from the company stating that hK remittance had been received , but owing to its failure to arrive in time bis policy had been cancelled. This letter , however , ns Mr. Conncll states in his petition , did not mention any return of the funds ho bad re mitted , but the money ho had sent to cover bis lust premium with all that ho hud pro- ' vlously paid was converted to the use of the company. This in substance Is the grievance of Mr. Council against the Now York Lifo. and by reason of its alleged unfair , fraudulent and wrongful doings the j : ; . .in tiff demands n judgment for 81,889. For the purpose of ascertaining Mr. Con- noils' personal views regarding the action ho has commenced n Bm : reporter-had an inter view with him. Mr. Conncll is much in censed over the action of the company , and said : "Hero I have been paving this concern pre miums for twenty long years , which , accord ing to the representations of Its agents. should have ceased live years ago. Had I put that money in Omaha real estate I would now have something to show for It. As it is , I have only a lot of worthless premium re ceipts of the New York lifo insurance com pany. What makes me especially warm under the collar is the return of the money 1 re cently remitted to tbo company to cover my premium for the coming year. After appropriating my premiums with their accumulations for over twenty years this company hns the audacity and high-handed chcok to retain the money 1 last remitted ns nTirereium nnd coolly inform mo that my policy has been cancelled. If this is not adding outrugo to wrong and insult to injury , I would like to know whut would constitute such an olTonco. "To bo served ns I have been bv the Now York lifo insurance company is the taking advantage of n confidence reposed la n con cern which makes claim to fair nnd honest dealings. I propose to lind out If the courts will sustain such a transaction. Tlio cnso will bo contested by mo for nil there is in it nnd if necessary , will bo carried to the supreme premo court. If the position taken by the insurance company can bo sustained , I pro pose that any decision to that effect shall bo bound In calf , so that hereafter when per sons insure in the Now York llfo insurance company they may know just whut they nro Furniture. Vlhit S. A. Orchard's special sale do- vnrtmont , as you may llnd just what you need In the furniture line at very much reduced prices. . ( Continental block , loth nnd Douglas street. Kxournloii to Detroit. July 31 , August 1 and 2 , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.Paul railway will sell round trip ticKdtfi to Detroit and loturn for ONE FARE. For further Informa tion apply to F. A. NASH , J. E. PiuiSTON ; General Agent. City Passenger Agent. 1501 Farnam Btroot , Omaha , WaiitN to Dome to Oiunhn. The advisory board of tho' real estate own ers exchange held a special meeting last night to consider' proposition to locate a manufacturing establishment In Omaha. A representative of the establishment was present and stated the situation to the board , explaining the nature und extent of the busi ness dona and the fact Unit 100 men are OMI- Eloycd. The matter was thorougly discussed y the board but no conclusion reached. FOUND HIS OLD SWEETIIEARF Koal Lifo Romance in Which a Former Omahan ia Principal STANZELLE TO WED HIS FIRST LOVE HcimrtitiMl from Her for- Sixteen Yours by n Cruel Fate , He Discovers Her AYlicrenlHHitH TliroiiKli nil Advertisement. Nr.w YOIIK , July 10. When Frank fatnn zollo sutTomleixHl llio woman lie lovoil to nu- otbor boenuio ho was poor nnd tlio [ mrunts ol tlio girl frowned upon Ills suite , lie tiltl not expect that after sixteen years they would meet to lovenRiiln umlor conditions moro favorftulo to the fiilllllmcnt of tlieir ilcslrus. Prank Stanzolto nnd the woman ho wooed nnd relinquished in Chill so many years ago are now In tlio city nnd in October they will bo married. Stnuzcllo Is forty-tnroa years old now and his bnJoti few years younger. Tholr's was Indeed n romance. Statizollo has boon a newspaper man , publisher and theatrical manager. In 1974 ho loft St. Lout * for old Mexico , whorotiis | ventures were successful until ho was induced to take n company of strolling players to South America. Ho was soon stranded in Santiago , Chili. Tlioro Stnnrcllo made tlio acquaintance of O. H. Lansing of Unth , Kng. , who was traveling with his family. Lanslntt became Interested in the American and introduced him to his wife nnd daughter. With the latter Stan- zollo promptly full In love. Mary Lansing ac cepted him nnd nn engatjomcnt of marringo resulted nftcr the young people had over come the objections which Mr. Lnr.slug made to the match. Staiucllc , whoso fortunes improved under the patronage of the rich Knglisntnan , began to associate with the young men nbout town , to one of whom ho introduced his afllanccd. lie was Don Allojaiulro Rodriguez , n young Spaniard whoso father was , nnd still Is , n nitrnto magnate , Rodriguez was twenty-lour years old , hnmlsoino nnd well born. Not being awnro of the engagement between his friend and Mary Lansing , bo also succumbad to the charms of the girl , with whom he fell deeply in love. lie loved with ITio passion of his race and nt once offered himself to Mary's father. The latter was pleased , and ufter a stormy Interview with his daughter , in which ho ordered her not to accept further attentions from her betrothed , ho forbade the young American his house. Stnnzclle , however , was not so o.isily als- poscd of. The girl loved him , nnd un elope ment was planned. At the last moment , however , his sense Of honor prevailed nnd he realized the sacritlco he , n penniless , home less wanderer , was ashing the girl to make' for him. Stanzcllu askcil Mr. Lansing for an interview. In the presence of the woman ho loved hoi enounced till claim to the English man's daughter and released the girl from her engagement. It was not long after Stanzello's sacrifice that Allojandro was formally accepted as the suitor for Mary Lansing's hand. Iii his joy ho rushed to his friend Stnnzclle , to whom ho told the story of his love. Hodriguewns guiltless of intentional treachery , and Stnn zclle , with tears that Allojandro did not un derstand , wished him godspeed in his suit. Frank Stanzcllo was best man a the wed ding. Since ho saw the woman ho loved married to another Stanzello hns been a rover. IIo has made frequent visits to the United Stntes , and in lb9 ho man led in Omaha and took his brulo to South America. Mrs. Htnnzello died in isSi. About a year npo Stniizello visited his mother in Lcadvillo , Colo. IIo remained longer than ho planned , nnd , combining business with pleasure , ho endeavored to interest American capitalists in the Inrco South American properties bo had acquired. IIo advertised in various newspapers , among them those of this city. Within the week after his advertisement appeared ho received n letter bearing the New York postmark. It was from Donna Kodriguez. Thooonnadul not wish to in vest in South American property , but she did want to tell her old lover of her lite. Her husband hud been dead two years , having been taken ill with consumption in Paris , where the couple had lived since their mar riage. The announcement was also made that Mr. Lansing I.ad been dead many years and that the widow was without encum brance of nn3' kind , her only child , n girl , having died. Two nieces , of whoso educa tion she has charge , lived with her. Donna Hoddgucz came to America because her mother was nn American woman , related tea a well known Now York family. Stunzello nt once icplied to the letter this was onlv a fnw weeks , ago and the old love was raived. . Tlioro was a proposal of mar riage , n quick acceptance and Stanzello came cast , arriving in this city Tuesday , July 7. Ho engaged rooms temporarily at Tenth and Oreenwiek streets , where he mot his old sweetheart , older by sixteen years than when ho had relinquished bar to his rival , but just as lovely in his eyes , which were thcno of a lover again. And that is tlio story of their romance which has ended so unexpectedly and so happily. Donna Kodricue/ living with relatives on West One Hundred and Fifth street and her lover has taken lodgings near by. Seine time in the lirst week In October they will bo married , and Stanzello will take h'.s ' bride to Buenos Ayres. After settling up his business there they will re turn to thi ) United States to settle in Wash ington. Donna Rodriguez Is wealthy and Stanzello is rich. A very small pill , but n very good one. DuWitt's Little Early Risers. Iiii'tiiiijj Hiilpliur. Smoke was discovered pouring from n cottage - tago nt 'Jl 10 Douglas street about ( itO : ! o'clock last evening. An alarm was sent In. A can of .sulphur in u closet was found to bo on lire , but there was moro smoke than anything elso. The house is owned by S. R. Johnson und L. C. Williams is tlio occupant. No loss. o - The K.xcMilHlor ? ] trlnfr Company. This company manufactures the now cele brated Soterian Ginger Ale , which fs in gen eral use on account of its purity of quality nnd delicacy of flavor. DeclHton In Favor or tlio Chicago , MilwauUco * St. Paul Ky. Tlio now iiiilucQ stooping cnra of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pnul Ry. , with olectrio lights In every berth , will continue to lonvo tlio Union depot , Omaha , at 0:20 : p. in. , dully. Passengers talcing this train avoid transfer ut Coun cil BlulTs , and arrive In Chicago at 0:30 : a. in. , in ample tlmo to intiiie all custom connections. Tlckot otllco , 1C01 Farnara street. P. A. NASH , E. J. PUKSTOX , General Agont. City Passenger Atront Now lilno to OCH Commencing Sunday , May 31 , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul railway will establish a through line of slooplng cars between Sioux City and Dos Monies via Madrid , Passengers from Omaha , iindtlio west can leave Omaha at 0-0 : p. m. , secure sleeping car accommodations and arrive In DCS Molnes at 0 a. in. He- turning , leave Dos Mollies 11:10 : p. in. , arrive Omaha ! ) : 15 a. in. Dining cars on both trains. Ticket olllco , 1301 Knrnam street. F. A. NASH , Con. AgU J. E. PUKSTO.V , City Pass. Agt. ffl Used ill Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard , ' Shoe dealers will be interested to know that they can find fine assortment of tennis shoes at Four Ones , liurncy Street , I also give them notice that the MB - Have been greatly improved and will be very extensively ad vertised the coming fall and winter. My trade on the New Jersey Goods this season is "out of sight. " Take my advice and place your orders now for fall and win ter. I do not retail any goods , nor am 1 interested in any retail stores. Get your Rubber Boots , _ Shoes , Felt Boots , and German Sox at headquarters and save money. Z. T. LINDSEY. Omaha , Neb. A NO OUR.E1 ! MO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. aJnny year'1 , experience. A regular prndtiatu In medicine / > mpiomiu snow. la still trentlng with : li8 T > , jrroiitest Bucceii , all Xervoin , Chronic and I'rlvato Dhoascs A pQiiirincnt euro Kiinr.inteed for Catarrh , hperiuatorrhrui Iost Miinhood , Seminal \Veakneii , Night linn a , Impotoicr , Hyphllls. btrlcturo , mid all dlseimca of the niooil , kln anil Unn'ir > Orcina. N It 1 icunriin ee f. < JJ forovery case I nndcrtaka and fall tocuro. . Ciiniultallon . free ll.ink cMvaterlea of Life ) sunt ftaa Ollloj hourj 'J u m to 8 p. m. Sunday 10 a in. to 12 in. bend atimp for roily. ; , - McGH&EW i ; e > % v 5feas g i.it'rl n In thu Ticiitniant of OminrrlittM. ( iloit Strlriuiu. rtyplilln , Lint Mim- Kiiiil. nnd all ] ) l unlora uf tlio bouinl Orm n Skin llsuasoH mul Krm.ilo Dhua-un l.uilN'd tio.H 2 UP 4 inly. Dr. Mcd'ruu a emeu * * In thu treatment of 'rlvate. lijse.i ea ha < novur been equalled ItuuKs und ( Ire.ikirs f'.ll'.r. . Treatment by cinrj loiuleiic. . Olllca , l < lt i au ' Fa-iii m St. . , Omaha , Nob. l'ntr.inca on clthfr street SAVE YOUR BlfJJSIGHr OPTICAL HOUSE OK TUB ALOE & PESFOLD CO. , Practical Opticians And branch of world renowned optlnal ounnll'h- mentof A. H. A Ion A Co. , St. l.oul , Our niotliml li superior to nit others ; mir Imnei are nupcrlor : will nut weary or tire the oyisn. ' 1 UK frames properly nd- U'ted to the lui-o. Eyes Tested Free of Chano. Prices Low for Hirst-class Goods. THE ALOE < & PENFOLD CO. , 114 3. 15tn St. , Next ti Poatiffloo IIVi O/Vr ii-htch Jn urc fiiiffllt to JJju of Mother Hint C'/il// ( . "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Halm I'onflnemcHt of Ha J'li/n / , Horror mul Mali , AftertiKlniiiinoliotlloof " .Mnllmr'M I'l-lrnil" I BUlU-ri'illmt little | iulnaiidillilnotexperleiieollmt HCikniM urteruttrd II UK ! In Much eu > > ed. Mrtf. ANMU ( UUK , I.i.mur. Mo. , Jun. 15th , 1991. Sent liy express , charges piepuld.nri recclptof price , $1 super liuttU H-xJkto Motnem mallei ! free. . ATI-ANTA , ( ! , \ , KOI. U tiy AM. MtlUOIST.H. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PEWS. GOLD MEDAL , PARI3 FXPOSITIOM , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. MOORE'S For Diseases of the Liver use Mooro's Trco of Life. „ * . For the Blood , use Mooro's Tree ot Lifu. For Catarrh use Mooro's Tree of Lifo Oatarrh Cure. Mooru'n Tree of Ufo , n poittlvo euro for ICIdnor nnd I.Ivor Co'iiplilnt nnd ull b oo I Jlsa.ua , . Dnoilt pny ( o suirer whun you cun iirod br uitu Mooro's Ttcoof I.lfo. the Grout l.tfu Itumadr ? RESTORED. "SANATIVO" th Womlorfiil bpiniUh Kcinedy , In bold with a \VrlttcinJuarantiio to cure all Nervous Dls * COECII , euch m Wetk .Memory , i-oes of Drain 1'owor , Iiendache , \VAkcfulnc s , Loit Man hood , NVrvoiKncM , IM- Bltudc. all dralsB and Before & After Uso. lopa of potter of tlio licrt from life. ( IrncnUUu Organ" , In cither ecr. cawed by ovcrcwrllonouthful Indcscrctloiu , or the exctnilvo use of tobacco , opium , or jtimuloiitt , which ultimately lend to lullriiilty. Consumption und Insanity. 1'ut up In convenient form to carry In the vwt pocket J'r co (1 n rackPfje. or 6 for tt. With every 5 order wo tfUo awrltlim KuuranU-o ti > euro or rofunil Ilia nionnr. Sent by mall to any addrces. Urculir free. Mention thl ruiper. Address , MAiyilD CHEMICAL CO. , nrjnch Offlco for U. S. A. 417 Dpnrhorn Strrt I. CHICAGO. H. ! KOIl BALK IK OMAHA. NKl ) . , U5f Kiihn & Co. , Our , ISth A Douxlua ft * . J A Puller ft t'o. , Cor Ulhft llniiKlniBU. A tl. I ofcter & Co. . Council lllu7 ! . U. srnooLS AND COLLEOPS. _ FEMAuE ACADEMY CMi/fdr. I'ri'pHniwry , Collt-jrlato , Miulo mul Ftn Art Oonr.t-H riuriirWi'llraIfy Ken.lf.M lllu > trfttrdeutaoKua ) K. f. HUM. A lit ) . A. U. , l-i III. JaibronUIlo , III. ; ; i ! CM'0 FEMALE GOLLEG jMurtrunl'HrktncnrChlcavn ) . Hoarding ! fUchnol for Olrls nml Ynuntr Uidlos. Korl 'catalogue addrneii ( J. TIIAVKH.M. . I ) . . ' . . Uoruaui'iirlrlll.lor77MudlauutliruotClilcu o , III. 1'W YOIIK MILITAItY AOAHBMY. , N ( 'oU'.J.Wliimrr , I1.H..A.M. , Cornwall , N Y. or I.K FE1YIALE COLLEGE. BAPTIST . ( ynh > car ) e pent Sept. lelh. , l $ IB I iiully. Uieiature , LangUKet , Malliewatlcs , bcl'nte. Mutlc. I'lmlfnff. l.ltxuliun , limincu Ciwin etc I jctllijll llcjrn hcitrd and , t i hnkl'il , lot ! lo > 'i''Y''ll'J'n. ; . . . . ' \V. A. IIXI.N , A MM ! . , I.I.AI.NO'1 0. > , MO. ELIZABETH AULL SEMINARY , A CMolin Home School for 40 YounK Lndlei. jinil Set. llon pl B. Na | ithc eiluUllont Lllculuic , Huilc ni Ail. iKiulUct. Complete water imlco for cllilcgu. J , II. lll.A.VIO.N. l'ir . . l.i.VINUTON. : MO. WENTWilhin MiLIIARY ftCADEM ? IHWflTCM , flSI-S-JTSUSffi - { Jew liuilillngt A > lv nta t and term * yM' ii < Oi sr ixiiimY moo * | H MO Mal > r S M 1,1.1.Hi.il. > , v In Eilslencs , 41 rears. ' IMlVnTure , ' ArVS'u'ilY. b7'ip c"l Tlii "ro' rr i lUndiome building ! , nut wilrr. btnllnr. k th rooma. w irr clotttt , Hotnl tcu * ot BcliJU.ic.llnil. A OlllllhTIAN ! . ! ' - * ' : ! " . . yAi OUDHAM , President , COUUMDIA , MO.