Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1891, Image 1

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Ohio Democrats Eonominato tka Governor
on the lirst Eallot.
Tlio FrecColmiKO Men Onln the Vic
tory l > y Having Their IMntlorin
Adojilcd Harmony CoiiHi lcm-
Oovornnr JAMES P ,
Mrutcimiit Governor W. V. M
Auditor T. R. I'KQ.KIN. ! ,
Attorney General JOHN P.
Treasurer O. I' . AOKUIMAN
Com. Common Hcbools-OIIAlM.KS AMIM'lll ;
Hoard I'ubllo Works „ . . - .
Food and Dairy Com . .II. H. TKUMIIO'.i.ANi ) , O. , July 15. .fames E. Campbell -
boll Is rotiominatod for governor nnd the
anxiety of the party leaders is now directed
to tlio absorbing query , "Will Hamilton
" "Bounty support the ticket ! " If the Cincin
nati delegates In tholr manifestations of re
lentless opposition and hostility today truly
represented the fe'etlngs of tholr people , then
the conclusion Is general that a considerable
portion ot the democratic cohorts of Hamil
ton county will not rally to the support of
Governor Campbell In the next election.
On every possible occasion , ns well
nfter as before Campbell's nomination was
assured , the mere mention of his name was
BUfllclunt to provoke vigorous hisses from the
Cincinnati delegates. Even when his nomi
nation was formally announced , and Mr.
Kllno's friends , In accordance with the tlmo-
uonored custom moved to make the nomina
tion of James K. Campbell unanimous , the
Hamilton county friends of Mr. Nor.l pcr-
Istontly rafused to permit the seal of har
mony to bo stamped on the record , nnd
loudly voted "No1' ns they hissed the name
of the nominee.
It Is almost a proverb In the political lore
of the state that "As Hamilton county goes
In the autumnal elections , so goes tlio state
of Ohio.1' If this bo accepted as the infalli
ble rule the Importance of harmonizing the
discordant elements in Hamilton county may
j well merit the anxiety of the democratic
" TcMilors. Iho nomination of nClnclnnati man
for the ofllco of supreme Judge , It was hoped ,
would to some extent alloy the hostility of
the Hamilton county delegates to the candi
dacy of Campbell , but whether this do-
slrcd effect will be realized . is alto
gether problematical and can only bo de
termined by timo. It must bo stated
that the Campbell majority managed the
invention with consummate tact. The
kuottj parliamentary questions were quicltly
and decisively disposed of by rulings gencr-
cridly to the advantage of the dominant fac
tion nnd roll calls on points of oruer nnd ap
peals from the chair's decisions were averted.
At thn saino time thu majority received with
nil the philosophical resignation of tbo victor
the taunts and accusations that were thrown
nt them nnd their candidate oy the anti-
Campbell factions , thus probably avoiding u
row which would likely have resulted bad
nil tbeso glbos been returned in kind.
The persistent refusal of Nenl , Governor
Campbell's defeated opponent , to appear he-
fore tbo convention and to tell how ho stands ,
oven alter n committee had boon appointed
to convoy him the formal Invitation , has con
tributed moro than anything else to the Jcol-
ing of anxiety whicn provndos the democratic
hosts this availing. It Is generally the or
deal iiiilicted upon every defeated candidate
that ho must mount the stage nnd tell how
gratified ho Is after nil that such a good
man as his opponent has received the ncml-
nutlon , but Mr. Neal persistently refused to
_ dergo this ordeal , and the question now is ,
was'thls refusal actuated by mortlllcatlon
nnd wounded pride , or does it mean thatNcal
throws down the gauntlet and will permit
his Hamilton county friends to light Gov
ernor Campbell at the polls ? Upon thit
answer to this query largely depends the
question of democratic victory or In
the coming election.
Called to Order.
Promptly at 13:30 : Chairman Norton of the
state central commit tee called the convention
to order , and Rev , J. W. Campbell Invoked
the divlno blessing upon the convention.
Chairman Norton then formally opened the
convention In a brief but strong address. Ho
denounced the republican party and the McKinley -
Kinloy tariff pill In Iho usual terms , and as
sorted tbot everything good under the consti
tution was In Undemocratic p.irty. Ho closed
with a eulogy to llou. Allen G. Thurmnn and
Introduced his son , Allen W. Thurmnn , as
temporary chairman.
TIinrinan'H IMon to the Farmers.
Thurmnn , after a few preliminary remarks ,
launched forth with a denunciation of the re
publican party nnd Its methods. Ho paid
particular attention to the acts of the last
congress , which ho denounced for the enact
ment of the McICinloy tariff bill and tbo sub
sidy bills and its oTorts ( to pass the force bill.
Continuing hu said ;
The time H near wlmn the puop.lo will o\-
piess their bullet In .complete and not ru
st rioted reciprocity ! when tlioy will no longer
Fiistatu any party which levies und collects a
dollar In taxes over and above that which Is
retuilrod to wl-ioly and economically adiulnls-
, tor the affairs of government ; when thojr will
give duo notice that Infant Industries that
been nursed for a hundred years have
arrived at an ago when they must take care
of themselves ; when they will brand u uro-
tootlvo tarllT as sitoallnir , Its advocates as bog-
liars , and demand that wo must have a tarllT
for loven uu only.
I most earnestly beseech the farmerswhoso
Interests are identic.illy the sninu ax my own ,
to follow this course and give up thu wild
EChumi'H ot the government loaning money
upon warehouse eertltleates or upon the tak
ing possession f the railways and telegraphs
liy thu government , , thu Internal Improve
ments that they demand , and a dozen other
minor Issues that all lead nut only to
greater taxation , but to the rankest kind nf
socialism. 1 say to them , put them 10 ono
Hide nnd stick to the turlir Issue until you got
what Is duo you.
In closing , Thurmnn characterized the Mc-
Klnley law as class legislation ot most vicious
tendencies. As an Illustration ho instanced
tin which for fifteen years had been pro
tected by a 'M per cent duty.
Thn I'orwnni nt Organization.
The committee on permanent organization
reported that ox-Congressman l.ulUaiul bad
been selected ns permanent chairman of the
convention. Thu committee escorted La-
Bland to the chair. Chairman l.clllaud's
speech was brief and to the point. Ho
thanked tha convention for tbo houor con
ferred and then proceeded to denounce the
0 last republican congress for Its bad legisla
tion ana 1U attempts to pass thu force bill.
Gnnorul Armstrong of Cleveland moved
thnt the convention adopt tno picture of a
victorious rooster as the device to designate
the democratic ticket , the recent ballot re
form law requiring the selection of some
device. The motion was adopted by acclama-
"on ,
i ) glinting of llin Wrangling.
The IS rat contest In the convention arose
over the report ot the committee on creden
tials. Tbu dispute In tbo Twonty-tlfth ward
of Cincinnati nud tbo Hamilton county dele-
cation wa-s the subject of the wrangle. No
body but the Hamilton county delegates ap-
tjturoil to fully understand tbo polnu in ills-
pute nnd T.J. Coognn * secretary of the con
vention , started to make an explanation.
' Sit down I You are not n delegate ! "
shouted ono of the Hamilton county men.
"Tho chair decides that the secretary , ns
an onicorof this convention , Is entitled to bo
heard , " said Iho Chairman , nnd nn appeal
from the decision of the chair was ruled out
of order.
Secretary Cooiran made his statement amid
many Interruptions from the Hamilton
county iloleg.iU's nnd was replied to bj Judge
Ermston of Cincinnati. 41oth factions used
many narsh words and thu chalt man finally
called upon the scaracnnt-ut-urmsto maintain
order by suppressing anv recalcitrant dole-
James E. Neat moved the qiiontlon , and the
minority report was overwhelmingly defeat
ed. and Iho majority report of the credentials
committee was tticn adopted.
The PI itl'orin.
The minority report of the committee on
resolutions was rejected byVM4 \ \ nays to
'MMWt yeas , nnd the following platform as re
ported by the majority of the committee was
adopted ,
Tbo administration of Governor Campbell
Is endorsed for its honesty and economy
nnd tbo last session f the general assembly
Is commended for Its economy and reform ,
anil especially for having provided for n
secret ballot. Continuing the report of the
majority roads :
Wo are opposed to all class legislation and
bullovu In a tarllT levied for tbo solo purpose
of producing revenue sulllolont to defray tbo
legitimate expenses of the covertum-nt 'econ
omically lulnilnlHtcicd. Wo accept the Issue
tendered to us by the republican party on the
subject of thu turllf , as ruiircsented by
the so-called McKlnli-y tariff nut. confident
that the verdict of thu people of Ohio will bo
recorded minium the Iniquitous policy of so-
callud promotion championed by the lopubll-
can party In the Intoiest of favored classes
apalnsl tbo masses. /
Wo favor a graded Income tax.
Wo denounce the demonetliitlon of silver
In 18" ) by the party then In power as an In
iquitous alteration of the money standard In
favor of creditors and against debtors , tax-
Iinyci.s and producers , null which by shutting
oil one source of supply of primary money ,
opei ales continually to incieaeu the vulne of
Kokl , depress prices , lnuiipcr Industry and clK-
pariigo enterprise ; und wo demand the ro-ln-
statumont of tbo constitutional Htandard of
hoth gold and silver , with equal right each to
fire and unlimited colnaue ,
Wo denounce the republican billion dollar
consiuss , which , by extra vngant expenditure ,
exhausted thu sniplus In thu national tieus-
nry left thoru by the democTiitlo administra
tion , und eiuiited a delicti : which substituted
despotic rule for free dlsuussUiii In the house
ot representatives and wo congratulate thu
people on thu dufuitt of the odious
forcn bill demanded bv the re
publican piusldent and championed by thu
republican party for the purpose pcrpoUiut'ni ;
Us rule by the purvcrslon of the constitu
tional powursof government , destroying free
oluotlons and placing thu ballot but In the
bands of nnforiipnlons paitisnns. In order , us
deulaird by Hpoukor Hued , "to register votum ,
supcrvlsu elections und count the ballots and
declare thu result. "
Wo oppose the enactment of all laws which
untieci'bsnilly interfere with the Imblts und
customs of any of our people which are not
ollunslve to tbo moral sentiments of thu clvil-
l/ed world.
We favor closer commercial relations with
our Canadian nulchhors.
Wu favor liber. il and just pensions to ile-
orvliigand disabled sol.iloiM and sailors and
tholr widows Mid nrnh.ins. ,
Thu pioiccutlnn of thu Jewish people by the
Kiissliin yovuiiimont justly dusnrves and ru-
rulvusour unqualified censure. Wo Iiollnvo
this K-ovcrnment , In connection with the on-
llKhtened governments of Europe disposed to
unlto with us , .should tatio tbo proper stops to
allovlutu tlioso wionis.
The mliioilty reported the following ua a
substitute for tlio sl.vur plunk In the plat
form :
Wu believe In honest money , the colnaso of
gold OIK ! silver , und a clienliitln' ' medium
convurtiililu Into such money without loss ;
and wu opuosu ml legislation which tends to
drive either gold or silver out of circulation :
and wu belluvu in maintaining the coinage of
both molalson a parity.
It also recommends that the resolution de
claring for a' graduated income , taxDO
stricken out of the platform.
Nominating ; Speeches.
The nominating speeches for governor
coniiribnccd at 1 o'clock.
Fallct of Cincinnati placed in nomination
Lawrence T. Neal , at the conclusion of
which the convention wont wild.
S. D. Dodge of Cleveland nominated Virgil
1J. Kline of Cuyahoga county.
Mlchnol Ryan of Cincinnati nominated
Governor Cufiipbell In tbo following
speech :
Mr. 1'rosldent and Koutlonion of tha conven
tion : I uiu a democrat from Hamilton county.
1 am here to contradict thu statumuut that all
democrats from Hamilton county uru opposed
to our piesent governor for a rcnumlmitlnn.
IC'hi'urs ] I am sent hero by a large body of
uoinocr.its from our county to say to this con
vention that they are In harmony , heart and
soul with thu Konoral'fcelln' , ' of the democracy
thiougliout thoxtate : that \\lsu.propur ,
patriotic tiling for tills convention to do Is to
renomlnato our present , worthy , excellent
governor lion , .lames V . Campbell. [ Pro
longed applause ] It bus been Intimated by
bis unemlus that Governor Campbell was not
always a That Is true. When a
youni ; man , In a. republican district. Mir-
roundud by republican Inllnenens , ho was n
republican , but. when his consciousness und
his reason taught him better he had thu eoui-
auo to become a democrat. Thousands of the
best mun III thu parly today are not demo
crats to thu manor born , but like Governor
Campbell are doiuoi-ruts ) ) orn of conscience ,
conviction and Intelligence.
Hut how did ho prove his democracy. When
the llntlur county district wua republican ,
when the democrats wore looking for a man
to put up against II , \ > . .Morry , they pluked up
Jimmy Campbell and ho showed such fluhtini ;
qualities us a democrat us to wrest thu dis
trict fiom the gninp of the republicans. And
then these woouy goody republicans , who are
maklii ! ? such a tuirlblo fuss about what wu
h. ivu done. Kerryiiiiindurud that district and
In older to keep our gallant young leader
from getting to congress again , they put up
lr > CO republican majority against him , Hut
hu did not weaken woith a cent. 1 stood by
his sldu when hu accepted a renumlnatlnn ,
and In a speech to an enthusiastic gathering
of democrats , hu promised to overcome that
I.MO mjijorlty. And It was no idle boast , lie
did ovuruumu It and won the election , boating
one of their strongest lupublleans , John Mt-
tle , by two votQs. [ Alipluuyu. ] Was not that
a pretty good test of his democracy ?
lint why noi'd I go bank MI tar ? Two years
; > KO Ilioxreat republican dictator was in HIM
full tldu of his power tiiid glory In this state.
Kin rounded by his cohorts , an army of olllce-
hnldurx of his own maklni ; , and backed by thu
d wmilth of the national republi
can machine. It did. Indued , seem a vain ut-
tumpt to seek to defeat I'or.ikur. Hut never
theless wo put up James K. Campbell a.-alnsl
him , Why. It was like putting up David to
titfht Goliath , but tlio light e.inui elf till thu
same and Goliath was not In It ,
A banded-lip editor and a patent ballot box
weru all that was luft to commemorate thu
memory of thu mighty Korakur , [ ijuughtur , ]
Now , my friends , lion many moro h.intlsms
ot lire must our uovorunr go through before
wo will christen htm a democrat ? Well , when
ho lias Knocked out MuKluluy ami high turllT
by'Jfl.ouo nrijorlty In November wu M hi con
cede that hu is a piotty good after
liy thu nomination of MeKlnloy the republi
cans have Hindu thu tnrlir an Issnu In our state
election. It Is u desperate attempt of their
party toMuKlnlovlsu on the uvu of a presi
dential contest. Thuy fear tbo verdict of the
state next year , They dread u recurruncoof
last year's defeat , for they sen thu warpaint
on tbu faces of tbo people. Therefore they
will have locourso to thu most desperate
menus to attain their ends. Well , wu accept
the gauntlet of battle thrown down and cheer
fully , willingly will wu llk'ht them on thu lines
they ba\u marked out : for It will bu tbu most
nstonndliiK occurrence of the century If tbu
progressive , the intelligent , thu oiiturprlatnK
people ot Ohio do not put tbu seal of tbolr
condemnation on class legislation , high tiirllf
robbery mid MeKluley at thu coming election.
Hut what wu are most Interested In this year
Id iic.od government for our state. Wo want to
put Kuod men In oltlce and wu want to lieep
those In olllco who liavu been faithful to their
trusts. Honesty , economy , ability a clean
handed administration. We want a governor
who has the. conniRO to stand by thu people ,
Irruapuutlvu ot friend or foe. Wo want a nov-
urnor who cannot L'u ' cajoled. seduced or brow
beaten In thu dlschari'o of his duty. Wo want
a liiun who possesses flrmnus. * of cnnniviur.ex-
ivutlvo ability and thu Ntrom ; rluht arm to
Hinltudown corruption whenever It rears Its
head. Thwniru we want James K. Campbell ,
( Cheer- . . ) Ills numlnat'iin ' hero today will bo
rutllli'd by tbu lieopluln November , Ills nom
ination by this convention will bu nn en
dorsement of all thut Is honorable , decent ami
dunl lied In our polities. It Is our duty tosay
to him. "Well ( lone , then food and faithful
servant , llecauso Ihou hast been truu mid
loyal to every trust reposed In thee , wo Invite
theo locator again Into the kurvlcu of tbu
people. " [ Applause. ]
ticntlemen ot tbo convention , with mi lion *
pjjt littart , whoso every throb Is for my party ,
hi thu n imu of ijood government , In the numn
ami on behalf of pure , unsullied democracy , I
pri'ipiit to you \hu uamu of a niau who baa
j ( ira-m
Plattsraoutli Oitizan Assists in Capturing a
Slick Criminal.
Confronted by OlIiulalH nt nn Uncx-
.pccted 'Moment and Compelled
to Kel'mitl Stmitf to Death
ly licet * .
PI.ATTSMOUTII , Neb. . July It" . [ Special
Telegram to Tnn BKK.J Landlord HncKnoy
of the Hotel Ulloy of this city made a for-
tunnto recovery today of a sum of money
out of wbich ho bad been swindled by u
guest of the name of T. H. dadd , who
claimed to bo a real estate man of Lincoln.
Gadd came hero about a month nsjo nnd reg
istered as from Wyoming. Ho represented
himself ns in the real estate business In
Chcyonno and also in Lincoln.
In company with his father und brother ,
ho stopped hero off and on until last
Monday nnd during that tlino had
Induced Landlord Hackney to endorse -
dorso some forged drafts drawn on
J. U. Chandler of Tacoma , nnd a check drawn
on J. O. White of Hochoster , N. Y. , the total
amount , aggregating $177.i3. !
On Tuesday ono of the drafts came back
protested , with the statement that there was
no such man ns Chandler living in Tacoma ,
and slnco then the landlord has been quietly
looking around for the gay and festive Gadd.
Ills efforts were successful today when Gadd
was arrested in Chicago on the charge of
Durlnir Gndd's sojourn in this city bis tlma
and attentions had bean engrossed
by n dashing young grass \vidow
of this city who Is well known
In Lincoln and It was through this woman
that Uaud's ' arrest was secured , "mine host"
doing a llttlo line detective work on tils own
account. The fair young widow wont to
Omaha , and ho quickly followed and learned
there that she had bought a ticket for Chicago
cage , and becoming satisfied that she was
going to that city to meet Gadd , ho toolc
stops to have him arrested as soon as he put
in his npocaranco.
The surmise was correct and Mr. Hackney
received u message this afternoon informing
him of the arrest. Deputy Sheriff
Tigho was going to Chicago tonighi
to bring him back but shortly before startIng -
Ing Hackney received n remittance by tele
gram for WJ5 in llquldatlon.of his claim nnd
costs ot arrest , and in all probability the man
will go free fqrnonuppenranceof prosecution.
Gaud Is described as a tall man of about
thirty-three with a light moustache and
wearing a light blue suit , cut in the latest
stylo. It Is claimed that this is not his ilrst
or only offense us he had mortgaged a piano
and team belonging to bis sister at Lincoln ,
only two weeks ago.
Grand Jury's Entire Scsuloii Declared
Void nnd All CIINCH DlHiiilHsed.
KEAUNCV , Nob. , July 1C.--Special [ Tele
gram to TUB Bnu.l A big sonsatlon was
produced In the district court this afternoon
when the case of the State vs. Birdsall was
culled. The case was the fifth and last of
the celebrated perjury cases us published In
yesterday's Blip. W. L. Greene , attorney
for the defense , moved to quash the indict
ment found by the grand jury on the ground
that the jury was selected irregularly from
tbo voting precincts , and therefore its work
was illegal.
This fell llko a comet over the bar and
Judge Hamer adjourned court for the time
being and took counsel with the leading at
torneys present.
In a fbw minutes court was called to order
and the judge sustained tbo motion , and all of
the Indictments of the grand jury were then
declared annulled , but the ruling * would not
effect the persons who bad boon
tried and found guilty. Birdsall , who
has boon held with four others , was
discharged , the others being found guilty
yesterday. Each of thorn , Joseph Baltzor ,
George A. Uoyco , Thomas Comstock. and J.
B. B. McWerthy were sentenced to ono year
In the penitentiary nud to pay the costs of
the prosecution.
Gustavo Schanck , who was found guilty of
obtaining money under false pretenses , re
ceived n llko sentence. All of the men have
families. Several other criminal cases were
stricken from the docket by the order. '
A mandamus case brought hero from
Broken Bow , In which the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union sought to compel the
city council to revoke a saloon granted to
Henry Horseman , was tried today before
Judge Humor. The mandamus was granted
the plntntilts.
Just before the ndjournraentof court u long
decision was handed down in the Kearney &
Black Hl"s bond injunction case in favor
of the railroad company. The matter
Involves $75OUO which the city voted to
aid In building the road. The road was
built per agreement and when tno bonds
were asked for an Injunction suit was
brought , restraining the city from issuing
them on the ground of fraud in the election ,
charging that money bad been used , to buy
votes and other Irregularities. The trial
took piico in May and the litigants have
been in suspense as to the outcome of it , The
chances are that it will bo appealed to the
supreme court.
Fire nt Dakota Cltr.
DMSOTA CmNob. . , July 10. [ Special Tel
egram to Tun BEE. ] The Jay block , in which
was located the law oOlco of .lay & Bock' A.
L. Broyhlll's barber sbop and W. U. Kin-
koad's justice of the peace oftlco , was dis
covered on lire between 11 and 4 o'clock this
morning. Whor. the alarm was sounded the
building was nblnzo inside and out. Atten
tion was paid to saving the law oftlca adjoin
ing , occupied by Attorney Evans. The bar
ber's outfit was all saved , but uot a paper was
saved In Jay & Bock'd ofllco.
The Dakota City and Covlngton town
records were destroyed ; also a number of dis
trict court papnrs , The law library was ono
of the host and largest In northern Nebraska
being the accumulation of nearly forty years.
A Covingtonlte Is suspected of setting the
lira n& a buggy was soon coming from' there
before nnd leaving hero after the tiro.
Onicers are using every effort to apprehend
the scapegoat , The building and library
was insured , but ttio insurance cannot re
place one side of the business block.
Killed l > y liees.
* BisATittcE , Neb , , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.J Word was received
bore this afternoon that the two-year-old
child of Dr. Daniel Freeman was fatally stung
by bees at the family homo , five miles west of
this city.
The llttlo ono was playing out In the yard ,
and getting near the hive managed to enrage
tbo bees.
When found her bead , face and arms were
literally covered with the savage Insects.
Medical assistance was summoned from this
city , but wltnout results.
An old family horse belonging to W. A.
\\aguerof this city was grazing about tbo
lawn on Mr. Wagner's promises and over
turned a bee hivo. The boos swarmed on to
the hortiO and stung it so severely that it
Arrested nt Bellovno.
BRLI.EVUI : , Nob. , July 15 , [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tim BKK.J Sargent Fprbos was ar
rested yesterday by Sheriff Whitney on the
charge of selling Itnuor on the rillo range
without a license. Tno Information was tiled
by Deputy Sheriff Victor McCarty.
Klled | nt Mitton.
SurroN , Neb. , July 15. [ Special to TUB
DEE. ] This morning while Mr. und Mrs ,
Conrad Green were in a grocery store , tboir
son suddenly came Into the store from the
country saying the team bitched to the
mower had been frightened and ran over
their little daughter nbouR eight years of ngo ,
complctsly severing her llmbi. The parents
were nearly frnntto over , the , sad affair.
.School lloiiio How.
PMTTSMOUTH , Nobi , JJily 15. [ Special to
Tnn Bun. ] School district number twenty-
eight Is torn up with .dlssanslons , nnd the
other evening the bndf.'Wood nnd bitter
feeling between the two ( factions culminated
In a sanguinary engagement. The school
house , generally known as tbo
Stull school , Is locate.d on the Platte
bottom. The occasion was the adjourned
meeting of the bqard of trustees ,
and the contemplated , ro-locntlon of the
school house WHS tlio cnusus belli. Tbo
battle was commenced iwlu-n Director Mc-
Croskoy , with his ludoxiflnpor upon nn out-
iipreail map , declared the intention was to relocate -
locate the school house upon the spot indi
At this Juncture Charles Vandevontcr in
sinuated that McCroskby was misleading
them In regard to the cxdct spot of the now
site. McCrpjkoy Indignantly denied tno
charge , whereupon Vnndoventor by n
well-directed blow struck him down.
McCroskor was up V In n moment
nnd seizing the large 511 lamp upon the
deck raised It-above his Jicad with the inten
tion of hurling It nt his assailant , but finally
replaced the lamp in its proper place. Mean
while the friends of the two principals had
taken up cudgels In behalf of their respective
chiefs nnd for a short space tno theatre of
learning was turned Into a pdndemonlum of
disputants and the air was filled with Hying
missiles and rent with the yells and shnoks
of the assaulting nnd asnaultcd. Ttio result
was n battered community and n summons
sworn out against Vnndovcntor on three dif
ferent counts by DlrcctorJMcCrosklo.
South Nfolmirn.
ftioiutAiiA , Nob. , Juljviti.- [ Special to THE
BKC. ] A deal has just bodn closed by which
the Fremont , Elkhorn & ' Missouri Valley
railroad company bos come into possession
of the land nt the mouth' the Verdigris ,
tbieo miles south of Niobrara , It moans the
extension of the Elkhorn Valley from Vcr-
digro to NIobraru. and this now station will
bo called South Niobrara. , Emissaries of tlio
Elkhorn Valley and the Omaha line nt
Bloomficld have been In 'town for the past
few days and everything goes to show that
early extensions of both'Ijnos nro contem
plated. " * ' '
Pursuing KOobovH.
AunuiiN , Nob. , July lb. [ Special to Tun
Bun.J Some time last night robbers entered
the general merchandise store of W. M. Hobl-
son by breaking to pieces the rear door.
They helped themselves to a jlargo quantity
of clothing , hats , etc. 1 i
Early this mornlnir John OldHcld , a fisher
man , discovered two negroes in the woods
along the river north Of town , They had In
tholr possession several suits pf clothes and a
few valises. Ho lmmedlatelygavo , the alarm
and tbo sheriff , with a posse , has gone in
pursuit. , . j
Harvesting in Pitman County.
BCAVRK CITT , July ,15. , [ Special to TUB
Bri.J Wheat harvest has begun and the
largest crop over known in * Furnas county
is being gathered. Owlrig to the inability of
implement dealers to fill orders for binders ,
there will not bo machines enough to harvest
the grain nndorno fields will of necessity ,
go partially to waste. Farmers are utilizing
every moment of time , tffrnl pven on Sunday
the hum of the binders jlid notceaso and thu
machines could 60 seen in the wheat Holds in
all directions. . '
Child , Found.
ANSGLMO , Neb. , . Jul * i5. * JSjieelal * to'ICnn
BEL-.J About 9 o'clo.ckji'jsf .evening volunteers -
teors were called for "berp , to hunt for a'lost'
child , It being the lltjltf son of William
White , a farmer residing about ono milo
southwest of tbis plnco.5 The parents nnd
eldest son were absent until after dark. On
their return ono of the llocknvas missing
a llttlo boy loss than two years of ago. Many
men wore out all night with lanterns. The
little fellow was found about sunrlso on a
sand hill.
Sliernuiu Conntr Crops.
Lour- City , July 15. [ Special to Tim BBE. ]
The crops of all kinds In Sherman county.
Nebraska , nro unprecedented in Us history
Wheat Is yielding on ad average of twenty-
tlvo bushels to the ncrp , oats , sixty , rye ,
thirty-live , barley , thirty-five , mid corn , llax ,
potatoes , and in fact every article of produce
and all kinds of vegetables were never so
promising In the history of 'the ' county , and
it is doubtful If they wero'over excelled In
the history of the .state.
Alliance Members Nat Controlled.
Buoicr.N Bow , Nob. , Julv ) / ! . [ Special Tel
egram to Tnc BEE. | The -'board of super
visors Is In session hero tills week. The
board consists of twonty-Uvo members. They
scorn to bo combining politics with business.
Tbo pins are being set up for the independ
ent convention , which will bo held August
1C. Tno slate Is fixed , bat It Is not bellovcd
that the bosses can control the rank and file
of the alliance. _
Vln ted by Thieves.
COUIMIIUS. Nob. , July 15. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEE , ] McDonald Brothers
saloon was robbed of about $ > in cash and
goods , Abts & Call's Wholesale house nf
goods , money nnd checks to the value of $ li)0 )
und the Homo rnstaurnnt of ? . ' ! ( ) cash und
jewelry valued nt S75. Those robberies oc
curred In broad daylight , slnco this morninir
at 10 o'clock. There is no.clUo to the thieves'
.Mad lou Sunrc.
EI.KUOIIN , Nob. , July 15 , [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Owing1 to the fact that
M. G. Jeffries killed a dog with the rabies on
East Atlantic strcot tub morning , the an
nual mad dog scare is on. Mr , Jeffries was
attacked by the cur fis ho was entering his
yard early this morning. The slogan has
been sounded and all unlicensed dogs in the
city limits roust go.
Cut with a
LINCOLN , Nob. , July' 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BUB. ] This evening Frank E.
Sharpe , n lad of fourteen , was arrested for
attempting to murder George Crow , n man
with whom ho had a dispute. Tbo assault
was made with a knife. Crow's Injuries nro
not fatal. i
STANTON , Nob. , July 15. - Special to Tun
BEE. ] Today the county > oommtsslonors lot
the contract for building an iron bridge
across the Elkhorn river west of this city
about two miles to thu wrought Iron bridge
company of Chicago for i' W.
Ilntilo Creek Hunk Closed
BATTLE CHEEK , Neb , , Jul $ IS. [ Special to
TUB BHK. ] State Examiner Garbcr today
closed the doors of the Farmers' and Drovers'
bank , The Institution 'had a capital of
* -3,000. ! _ J |
count A no .IIIIH.'A'M ) intKcit.
Another Accident onThnt Hond
Knglnror nnd Flrpman Killed ,
Coi.ouuio CITV , Colo. , July 15. A terrible
freight wreck occurred on the Colorado Mid
land at Ute pass about 1 o'clock this mo ru
ing , which resulted In the death of the en
gineer nnd fireman of. the train and the total
destruction of eleven curs , loaned with ore
and bullion. Fireman James Wilson was
burled beneath the wreck and his body bus
not yet been recovered.
The accident occurred just after the train
had left the tunnel and started to descend
tbo stoop gralo. Tbn brakes refused to work
und the heavily loaded cars rushed down the
steep declivity at affrlghlful rate of speed
and at the llrst curTo jumped the track.
Fearfully ( turned UOliint Powder ,
DENVEII , Colo. , July 15. Flvo workman at
the oloctrio works were fearfully burned , ona
fatally , by the oxploilou of a can of gUnt
powder which they wore uttomullnt ; to open
by striking with a pick.
Persons Filling Now Positions Must Rocmvo
Senatorial Confirmation ,
Heo-I-'vaiiilncr Hiircnii Securing Cm *
quiillllctl Support Throughout
the Country Leading Kantcm
Journals Favor thuIdea.
\VASIHNOTOS Bunr.iu OP Tin i : Bun , )
Clil FouiiTiiKN'Tii STIIEBT , }
WASHINGTON , D. C. , July 15. |
Attorney General Mjllcr has rendered n de
cision which will deprive Assistant Secretary
Crounso of all compensation until nftor his *
nomination shall have been confirmed by thu
The attorney general holds that persons
appointed to ofllces during the recess of con
gress , which places have not been before
filled , cannot bo paid until nftor the senate
has had an opportunity to confirm the ap
Tun BKK-Exanuncr Bureau of Claims , re
cently established hero , will soon have the
influence nnd backing of half a dozen loading
journals , In as many of the great centers nf
the country , und is likely to become a form
idable rival to the hundreds of claim agents
in Washlngtoiuongagod In the prosecution of
Indlau depredation , pension , patent , postal
and land claims.
Mr. Hearst of the San Francisco Examiner
Is expected here In n fovv days to close con
tracts with influential journals at Boston ,
Cincinnati , St. Louis , St. Paul , Atlanta und
Now Orleans with n view to strengthening
the buroiu nnd extending Its field of opera
tion to every section of the country.
First Lieutenant Alfred B. Jackson , Ninth
cavalry , Is granted Icavo of absence for four
months to take effect Augusts , 1801. with
permission to go bovond the sea. Second
Lieutenant William M. Wright , Second In
fantry , now on leave of absence , will report
In person to Colonel Elwoll S. Otis , Twen
tieth Infantry , president of the examining
board convened at the army building in New
York , at such time as bo may designate , for
examination by the board as to bis fitness for
Private James L. Caruth , troop A , Ninth
cavalry , now serving sont2nco of a general
court martial at tlio station of his troop , at
Hobinson , Nob. , having enlisted under false
pretenses , will bo discharged from the ser
vice of tbo United States by the commanding
ofllcor of that post , to take effect upon the
expiration of the sentence.
The postmaster general today appointed
J. S. Wysock postmaster at Amherst , BulTulo
Count\ ' , vice J. W. Haaso resigned.
P. S. II.
An Old-Tlmo Fighter Snys They Are
Undertho Sod.
ST. .TOSCPII , Mo. , July 15. 1C. D. Randolph ,
an attorney of this city , who has just re
turned from Nlckorson , Kan. , says that ho
made tbo acquaintance of Tom Doollttlo , an
old-tlmo fighter , who told him a story of the
fatnousJJendcr family , which if true settles
all question as to tbo whereabouts of that
family .of murderers ,
Doollttlo says that after > the murder of
York n band of searchers , headed by the
murdered man's brother , went to the Bender
house nnd extorted a confession from tha old
woman. They then quietly procccdod to
hang Old man Bender , his wife and
sou to the ratters of the house. Dur
ing this proceeding Kate Bender uttered
some protest and was shot to death. After
the family had been despatched York's
avengers took the bodies to the crock bed
some yards distant from the house and burled
thorn. The attention ot a family living on an
adjacent ranch was attracted to the Bender
place some days after by u starving calf and
then the absence of the family was lirst made
known to the public. This guvo rlso to the
report trial the murderous family had fled to
avoid punishment nnd caused prolonged
search after them by the olllcors of tbo law.
ElUTOillAl , CVJ.v VliXTIOX.
James W. Suott Delivers nn Address
on the Metr < > ] > Tlitau Daily.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , July 15. The second
day's session of tbo National Editorial asso
ciation was called to order at 10 o'clock this
morning. Andrew Hutcllo of Toronto , ono
of tbo Canadian delegation , extended greet
The first address of the day was by James
W. Scott of the Chicago Herald on the
"Metropolitan Dally. ' Ho considered the
problems of circulation , stereotype processes ,
printing from the roll , telegraph franchises
nnd facilities and advertising by the lino.
S. Ochs of the Chattanooga Times followed
address the "Intsrior . "
with an on D/illy.
Mr. Ochs' paper was discussed at some
length tonight. Quito a discussion arose
over plate vs press reports , the general
opinion being that it depended on the locality.
Editor Glbbs of the Norwalk , O. , Hollector
spolto bnolly.
Colonel J. B. Hoytof the Greenville , S. C. ,
Courier road a paper on the "Country
Weekly , " describing a model weekly and
how it should bo conducted.
At the conclusion of Colonel Hoyt's address
It was past U o'clock and the convention ad
journed until morning without discussion. l\TO A VltAlll t'Utt.
Nine People Injured in a Accident at
Fort Keott , Kan.
FOIIT SCOTT , ICon. , July 15. At the crossIng -
Ing of the Missouri Pacific and the Missouri ,
Kansas & Texas railroads this morning a
frolgnt train crashed Into the chair car of the
Missouri PaclHo passenger ' , raln , knocking It
off the trucks and turning it on its side ,
The following persons were Injured more
or loss seriously :
Mus. W. II. TAYLOH , Salt Lake City.
MICH. W. fc > . NICKSON , Klngman , Kan.
JEFF PAHKEII , Eldorado , Kan ,
L. F , SHELDON , Sedulla , Mo.
Mus. NANNIE PAIIKEII , Sodalla , Mo.
M'H , JBNNIB GonbEit , Sedalla , Mo.
A CHILD or Mus. S , H. HAU.INOKK , Walker ,
J. W. ROIHNSOS , Walker , Kan ,
Nona of tbo Injuries are thought to bo fatal ,
Informed Tor a Hit ; Stake.
AitiuNM * Crrv , Kan , , July 15 An old
section of the United States statutes pro
vides that wnon any Individual or corpora
tion shall graze cattle on Indian lands with
out authority they shall be liable to a line of
$100 per bead for all cattle so grazed , half of
the line to go to tbo person Informing , the
other half to the Indian trlbo owning the
lands , W. D. Ransom of El Rino , taking
advantage of tbo law , has filed Information
against cattle men grazing tholr hards on the
Cherokee strip and the Cheyenne and Ariip-
ahoo reservations. The cases are filed In the
United States court at Elklus and Beaver ,
Okl , , and aggregate $140,000 , The govern
ment will prosecute the cases.
WcHtln jliouso leortnnl/.ntlon.
PiTTsni'ito , Pu. , July 15. At a mooting of
tbo stockholders of \Vostlnghouse elec
tric company today It was unanimously de
cided to accept the plan of reorganization re
cently proposed. A new board of directors
was elected. _
Paying tlio SHHOOIIH ! \VnhpulonM. .
BnowsbVlLLE , Minn , , July IB.Tbo dis
bursement of the * 3S,000 appropriated by
the last congress ft * * xpayinent of back an
nuities to the Sl\ - . \ and Wnhpcton In
dians has begun ami * I continue till com
pleted. General Si\ \ v i of St. Paul Is nt
Uio agency to secure \ ? per cent duo him
on contracts with the v , ns for services ns
nttor.ioy , but the In\ ' . have become
greatlv excited over v * p him anything
nnd trouble Is feared In tig them ,
it vnv i\ s// : > .
Colored MmV s a Itn/.or
with Deadly l < \
In\nwaon , H. D. , July in. iripcclal Tele
gram to Tin : Br.i.J : Lead City was the scene
of what came being a double tragedy
about 0 o'clock last night. 0. H. Brown ,
colored , became jealous of tl0 | affections
of his loving wife , and alter several
warnings clvcn her to walk In the
straight and narrow path , gave her ? CO with
which to go back homo to her mother , which
money she nt once appropriated for the usiof
herself and her now iovor. This so enraged
Brown that lie secured njrazor and attempted
to end the existence of Mrs. Brown , Ho
made a vicious attack , cutting a number
of small gashes on her body and
ono very deep and long gash across
the back of the neck. Ho next tried to sever
his own jugular vein , but made a failure ,
although ho succeeded In almost severing his
wlndplpo nnd is nt present nt the point of
death. Mrs. Brown Is not dangerously hurt ,
but Is badly used up.
Hot Kiirinua MnrvclH.
HOT Si'iiiNos , S. D , , July 11. I Special to
Tin : Bii.J : A. D. Kitchen of Lincoln , Nob. ,
arrived nt this place July 1 , almost helpless
with Inllnmatory rheumatism. The U. & M.
railroad did not run passenger trains to this
city until July U , so thnt Mr. Kltcben had to
make a twelve mlle trip by stage coach by
reason of which ho was on" bis arrival hero
perfectly helpless and had a high rheumatic.
fever. For several days ho had to be carried
by four men too and from the baths , but to
day ho said lie is entirely cured and Is going
homo In n few days well and happy. Tno
following guests registered today at the Hot
Springs hotel : II. II. Snundors , Atchinson ,
Nob. ; C. A. Hiusdnlo. wlfo nnd son , C. W.
Conkllng and wife. Mrs. J. P. Latta and son ,
Dr. D. C. Wallace and wlfo. Airs. W. W.
Latta and Mrs. G. P. Thomas , all of Tokam-
nb. Neb. , and C. McCr.icken of Sidney , Iowa.
jle for the Dayton Money.
AIIEHPEEN , S. D. , July 1C. The matter of
the appointment of nn administrator in tbo
estate of Mrs. May Dayton came up in the
county court yesterday. Ex-Attorney
General Helm of Minneapolis represented
James C. Reed of Now York , tro son , nn.l
Attorney Luzo of Aberdeen , Lyman C. Day
ton , the husband. After some wrangling the
matter was continued until September H ,
though a special administrator of the Dakota
property was appointed today.
To Itooni South Dakota.
MITCHELL , S. D. , July 15. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tnn BKK.J A largo number of real
estate operators from Yunkton , Canton ,
Bonhnnimp , Chamberlain , Scotland and
Sioux Falls arc in attendance In this city
this evening for the purpose 'of forming a
Real Estate association. The object of the
association is to boom South _ Dakota real es-
tutu and Induce immigration ,
A banquet was given the visitors in the
evening. _
Ordered to \ \ hlto Earth reservation.
MINDAK , N. D. , July 15. Major Powell
has just received a dispatch from General
Miles ordering him to proceed at once to in
vestigate the trouble at the White Earth res
ervation nnd report If It Is necessary to place
troops there to quiet the Indians.
Awarded to Oiunha. Contractors.
PourLVND , Ore. , Julj ; 15. Spaclal Telegram -
gram to THE BEE. ] The contract for erect
ing the chamber of commerce was awarded
today to Arthur Johnson & Bro. of
Oinuhu at $ < I2.,000. I. Hodgson , jr. , of
Omaha is the architect.
lie port nf Expertn Appointed to In
vestigate Ilin Accounts.
PiiiLVDBLriiiA , July 1C. The exports
appointed to investigate the accounts of John
Bardsloy , late city treasurer , have made n
dotulled'report to the mayor , In which thov
say that they have endeavored to discover
the total amount of money received each year
at ttio state desk In said ofilco , the share
therefrom belonging to the state and to the
city and expenses and other items deducted
therefrom , so that the not deficiency on the
accounts of the late treasurer may bo defi
nitely ascertained.
A recapitulation of tholr statement shows
the total balance duo the state nnd city to bo
? ,5)4f)51. ) Against this Is credited deposits
In various banks to May ! ! 0 last of flltl"i ! ! ( : ,
Keystone duo bills $9 > ,000 , nnd Keystone
bank checks paid by Bardsley In excess of
the city fund account ? 19ii,0it : , leaving a total
net deficiency In Bardsloy's accounts of $553-
Sr : . In addition to this deficiency the inter
est which Bardsloy received from various
banks , firms and individuals , together with
dividends on stock and securities in which ho
Invested with public money , amounting to nt
least JL'25.000 , should bo added , making tin
grand total of money misappropriated STTS t.1) .
Ttiat part of the exports' report purportIng -
Ing to show a division ot the spoils of office
with ox-State Treasurer Llvesoy and Auditor
MrCammant excites much Interest. Men
tion Is made of the payment of $ , " > 00 to
Livesoy for kindness shown. Thomas Me-
Cammuut , the auditor coneral , and one of
his * clerks , II. N. Griflln , slnco deceased ,
loom up nssharingly In the rebates from
advertising the appraisers' lists. Ono your
Bardsloy received from this source SIO.SSSI.O I ,
of which ho paid $3,000 to Mr. Grlilln for
some reason which does not appear , leaving
? I4,5S'.I.OI ' , which ho divided between himself
and tlm auditor general.
Ono of tha MostSuco8Hful G .
Kvor Held.
TORONTO , Ont. , July 15. The teachoM'
convention is now In full course nnd most of
the delegates concur that it Is as successful n
gathering ns any In the history of the asso
ciation. In fact ono of ttio loading officials
remarked this evening that all future meet
ings of the association would bo measured by
the great standard of succors attained this
yoar. About fifteen thousand teachers uro
In the city , nnd alt hough many enjoyed ex
cursions und short trips during thu day the
departments hold crowded moollngs simul
taneously this afternoon.
The mass mooting at Caledonian rink to
night was attended by nearly six thousand
The American visitor ! , are doing a big
dav's work cacti twenty-four hours beside
their pleasure seeking , beginning this morn-
lug nt ! l : 0 o'clock whoii the horticultural
pavilion was tilled to listen to papers road by
Superintendent J. R. Pioston of Mississippi
and Superintendent A , C. Mnokny of Hall-
fax , N. S. , on ttio tcacliiLg of patriotism In
public schools. Dr. Preston set forth that
though the old id DII of patriotism was to bo
ready to dlo for one's country , the modern
and truer Idea was to live and work for the
fatherland and strive to leave it better than
we found it. The greatest function of the
schools , said ho , was cltUon making , und the
surest way to do th'is was to inoculate the
love of homo , the nation , the world ut larijo
nnu a veneration for liberty , justice and good
Superintendent A. H. Muekay of Halifax
followed with u word from the Canadian
standpoint on the snmo subject.
Granted thu Petition.
MUIISON , WIs. , July 15 , Judge Slubrlckor
has granted the petition for a receiver for
the Rock Falls lumber company , which was
organized last winter at Tomahawk with n
capital stock of 15,000. Thu imets uro
5J-J.WO and ttio liabilities $15,000. ,
Russian Workmen Sent Here to Learn th
Pnoldnjy Business ,
Germany and Krnnoo Kneonrngo tin
Sale of thn liunslan Artlulo
\\lthln Their Territory
for That I'urpose.
Los'nov , July 15. In nn Interview ycstcr-
day with tlio secretary of the Russian bneon
company , which bus rocontty established
markets in Lomlon , Hamburg , Hnvro and Har-
culonu , ho sixld that the conifniiy win eon 11-
tlcnt that It would oust Amurlcnn tincon from
tlio ICuropuan market , ( Germany anil Franco ,
which disfavor the American nrtlclo , not
only pornjlt but oneourago tlio sale of Rus-
sliin bacon within tholr territory. "Soino
tnno ago , " bo said , "twenty workmen were
sent by Russia to Chicago , Oinilm ami ICan-
sns City , who obtained employment In pack
ing houses and manniod to lo.irn a good deal
noout tno general coiulttton nnd methods
of business in Amorlc.x. Upon the
strength of tholr representations the
government procccdod to erect nn Immense
factory near Or.ilzi. S00 ! miles from Moscow ,
at u cost of $ ir,0HX ( ) nnd loascil it at a nominal
llfjuro to the company for twonty-ono years.
The government also offoctcd railway fncll-
itlos whereby It is ublo to deliver Us product
In London In ton days at ( I pence per hun
dred less Hum the freight cost from
Chicago. Deliveries nro made in Hamburg
In seven diiys. Tlio company oin.yloys llfteon
Irish dressers , who receive JCJ per week. A
host of otncr otnployos/all Russians , recolvo
only 0 pence per day , so that the cost of labor
is mticliloss tniui In American cities. Gralzl
commands a proauct of 18OUUIKK ) hogs iinino-
illntoly , with double that number In prospect
tor tha near futuri ) . Tne company proposes
: a open markets In all the Important citlos of
Europe soon. The company's bacon sold In
the London market for Us per 100.
ItnltuhclV'N Aliiriloror
SoriA , July 1. . liver smco M. Constantine
tilatcholT , the Unitarian minister of llnauco ,
was murdered In this city on March 27 last ,
the government agents have steadily and
ucessanily foliownd up the clues which it
was hopjil would loaa to tlio arrest of the
murdcror. During this investigation
i number of arrests have boon made ,
jut in each case subsequent develop-
nionts have shown that the guilty parllco
were still at largo. In spite of tlioso discour
agements ttio government Kept up the hunt
ind two students were arrested in this city
upon suspicion of having boon concerned in
the murder of M. Baltrhoff. When charged
with the crime the students confessed that
Lhoy were the uctuul crtminnls , and further
they accused Dr. T/.iiclioff , Dr. Moloft nnd
Colonel Kissolf of having hired thorn to com
mit the deed. Tha throe last named persons ,
on the information furnished by the two
students , were placed under arrest todav.
M. Usiltclieff at the time ho was killed had
been out walking with M. StambulolT , the
Hulcitriun premier , nnd they were about to
enter their ofllcial residences , which ad
joined each otncr , when suddenly u man con
fronted them with a revolver and llrcd thrca
shots at M. Baltchorr , who fell dead. A
crowd quickly collnctod , but In the darkness
the murderer , who was supposed to have
been accompanied by an accomplice , man
aged to oscupo. _
London. GosHip.
* lCopi/i/ / ' mi btiJcimcx QonloiiIermtU.1
LONDON , July 16. ( Now York llorald
Cable Special to THIS Bi5i.J--Tho authors of
London will have u great banijuot , tomorrow
night to celebrate the American copyright
taw. Minister Lincoln will bo the principal
Sir Cordon Gumming wired the Herald
from Scotland , authorizing a denial of the
reports thnt be is to stand as conservative
cantlldato for parliament , Inverness district.
The Manhattan nthlotes did wonderful
things at the Manchester athletic club
Barnes tonight. In a 100 yard handicap ,
Hallock had ton yards start and beat Casey
by a scratcli by two yards , time ten seconds ,
Hallock won the third prize in a 20 yard
race. Ho had a fourteen yards start. Potter
won In twenty-two and four-llfth seconds.
Thrco Manhattans took places In a quarter
mile run. Mortimer Humlngton by a scratch
was first ; time , fifty seconds ; J. Koddy ,
twelve yards , second ; II. Dalman , ten yards ,
third. Qucekbiiriior throw tno hammer 13-1
foot \ % inches , beating the world's ' record.
Koualveil-AVIint Itcquentcd.
AMsmiiiAM , July IG. The municipal au
thorities today resumed the discussion of the
proposal to grant the Standard Oil company
i ten years louse of sites for the erection of
oil tanks. After considerable discussion
amendments were adopted refusing the
Standard t.ho right to roncnv ttio agreement
alter the ton years have olapsud and raising
the Icaso of the sites from ! ! 0 cents toID cents
> er square metro.
Subsequently the municipal authorities ,
after stipulating thnt the rent was to bo paid
in advance , decided to lease the necessary
ground to the Standard Oil company and
authorized the proper authorities to uiako ar-
ra.igemonts with thu Amsterdam harbor po-
iroleum company to nettle ) the complaint by
the latter against the Standard Oil com
SxvlsH llohul Sonlonood.
Kumcir , July 15. Tlio court of iniliotinont
today condemned Castronl , the man who Is
charged with murdorlng Counclllor Rossi la
the revolution in the Canton of Ticlno In
September , 1890 , to eight years Imprison
ment , twelve years loss of civil rights and
to pay a line of : iWt , ( : francs for taking part
In that rebellion. Castrotus Is still in
l" May Hottlo In .Scotland ,
GIASOOW , July 15. The Weekly Citizen of.
this city says that Mr. Andrew Curnoglo of
Now Yorit has boon Inspecting the saleable
estates at Karrllluo , Hoyors nnd Vorgeloy
nnd that it Is believed it is Mr. Carnegie's In-
tentlor. to settle down as a highland laird.
lltiyti Will IniloiiiiiH'y Franco.
Pvnifi , July 1C , The government of franco
hai come to an understanding with the Hay-
lion government by which the question
raised by thu shooting nf M , Klgnud has been
settled , lluvtl will pay tliu Indemnity de
manded by France for the Incident.
fijmln KiiHliiK Her I < ' | IIIIIIOCH ,
MAIIHID , July 1C , Laws empowering the
Dunk of Spain to Increase Its note issue and
to advance the treasury 150OQOOJO pesetas
end authorizing the government to Issue
aw.000.000 pesetas In 4 i > or cent bonds wcr
promulgated today. _
German KniproHH atY ( minor.
LONDON , July 10Tho empress of Urn-many
nnu her five sons arrived at Windsor this
morning from fellxstowii. The empress and
her family lunched with the queen and ru
turned to Folixstown this afternoon.
H'KA ' 1 JfKIt
For Omaha and Vicinity Fair ; warmer.
For Minnesota , North und South Dakota ,
Iowa and Nebraska - Fair ; slightly warmer ,
except cooler Thursday nigtit In North Da
kota and North Minnesota ; variable winds.
For Missouri , Kunsm und Colorado Fair
I'h-rsday ; slightly warmer ; wluds becoming