8 THE OMAHA DAILY JBEBtf TUESDAY , JULY 14 , 1891 THE CITY. Thrco cnrs of ere from Mexico for tlio smelter were received by the customs olllcors yoHturdny. John Mitchell hns complained of his daughter l-il/.zlo n tin Incorrigible girl , and wants horHontto tlio reform scnool. George- McClure altumptud to unload his noisy jag in a quiet neighborhood but at the request of the police judge ho " won't t-y it again for ton days. In the letter of Hov. Warren Cochran - ran , published in TIM : UKB a few days ngo an error appeared which should uo corrected both in justice to Rov. Cochran - ran and his divorced wlfo , Mr. Cochran - ran wrote : "She Invited mo to coino and see her and sloop In the hop house with the hired man. " The typos inndo the sentence road : "She in vited mo to coino and see lior aalcop in the hop house with the hired man. " Mrs. .1. M. Gristle , druggist , corner 21th and Lake streets , cordially invites her lady patrons andlho ladles of Omaha generally , to call at her drug store and parlors on Monday , Tuesday and Wed nesday , the lIHh , 1-tth and loth inst. , to meet Mrs Oorvaiso Griihnm , the noted ' 'Heauly Doctor" of San Francisco , who will bo pleased to give ladles the bonollt of her advlco and experience in all mat ters pertaining to personal beauty. Mrs. Graham 'treats for all defects efface face and figure. She also manufactures the most superior cosmetic and toilol articles on the market. Consultation free. A sample of Mrs. Graham's cele brated cucumber and older llowor cream will alto bo presented to each lady who calls. _ _ Furniture. Visit S. A. Orchard's special sale do- pp.rtmont , as you may llnd just what you need in the furniture line at very much reduced prices. Continental block , 16th and Douglas street. All persons who expect to attend the police picnic are requested to bo at the Webster street depot promptly at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning. Those who may not huvo tickets can purchase them from the committee at the depot Arrangements have been made with the Fremont. Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railway to hr.vo a sufliclont number of coaches to curry all who wish to attend the picnic. Tlio excursion tickets will not bo good going or returning on any train except the excursion train. COM.MITTEI : OK AUKANGKMUNTS. OJI.lllA. At 2 o'clock yesterday nf tcrnoon nt tlio rosi- dctico of tlio bruin's parents , ! ! Dli ) Burt street Oirmtm , Miss Mary 13. Spnulding , eldest daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. A. V. Spauldlng , ntitl Mr. Alexander A. Munroe , superintend ent of the olty schools , of this city , were married. Uov. Mr. Ho tort , L. Wheeler olllcititliiK. Mr. and Mrs. Mnnroo left on tlio afternoon train for Toronto , Canada , mid after attending the teachers' convention will spend the summer In the Now England states. Miss SpuuldiiiK was one of the teacher heroes of the blbznrd of January 12 , 1SSS , Is a woman with every grace of person und ac complishment of mind and Is as popular as she Is accomplished. Superintendent Mnnroo is 0110 of the recognised educators of the state , to whom tlio high standard of tlio cltv schools Is duo , and Is a man of merit and promise. All who know them will Join In congratula tions and good wishes. Hwlr to a Fort lino. AVorU has Just been received by the do- vlsces that John nnd Daniel Condon of this city , their sister , Mrs. John McCann of Omnha , nnd four other brothers and sisters , that by the death of Daniel Unohan of Now Now York city they huvo bccomo possessed of a fortune of SHM.OOO. Among the prop erty ownud by Mr. Llnelian was the Bowery theater. _ Tlic Gun Olul ) Shoot. At the regular gun club shoot , 23 blue rock from Ilvo unknown traps , Charles M. Banford got 20 ; L. Blanchard , IS ; F. J. Eggor , 13 ; Thomas Kully , 12. In a sweepstakes shoot , live pairs of blno rook , $ i.W ) entrance , Charles M. Stuiford took first money with 0 birus and l < \ J , Eggors second moncv on 4. A Hoard of K < iiiill/ition. : Thu city council will sit as a board of equal ization from now till Friday evening. AH complaints must bo In writing. Friday the mayor and all councilman will sit to take Until action on complaints. Xoti-H Aliout tlio City. Jonathan II , Johnson has gene to Atcblson , Kan. , on business. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Powers are the par ents of a now girl. A daughter has boon born unto Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Farnsworth. C. T. Van Alien has gone to Hillsdnlo , Mich. , and will return about August 1. Peter A. Llndcll , who loft bore March 17 tor Hot Springs , Ark. , ulod a few day * ago i . 'l was burled there. A .lozon or fifteen persons will bo Initiated lute Citizens' alllanco No. 11 this ovcnlng. All members are urged to bo present. Thu report that a woman Iiad boon serl- uiisly stubbed Sunday evening near the on- tnmco to Syndicate park proved fulso. Mrs. E. U. Smith , who has been visiting friends In Lincoln and was accompanied by her guest , Mrs. J. F. Goddurd , has returned. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Tenner , Twenty-Ural and J streets , Friday afternoon. Herbert Brondwcll nnd W. B. Berry have gone to Plattsburg , N. Y. , to visit friends. From Plnttsburg Mr. Berry will go to Gard iner , Mo. , to visit bis wlfo und Mrs. Berry's parents , Fritz Fuurnor pleaded guilty before Judge King of robbing Frank D. Jan- konsky's till and was fined $ . ' ! 0 and coats , and was committed to the county jail In default of payment. Tj pographlcal union No. ' . ' 09 has appointed A. C. Powers and J. P. Webb , a commjttco to nut with committees from other luuor organizations to arrange for the proper observance of Labor day. John Kelly , who approached Peter Wag gen Saturday night for a loan of growler money , and almost kicked the life out of Peter because ho was not a nionov leaner , was fined fi" > by Judge King and committed to the county Jail. ' A team of mules bclonglne to William Cottmoyor , hauling dirt to the dump at Twenty-fourth nnd L streets , wont over the dump yesterday afternoon with a load of dirt and onn of the animals was drowned before It could bo pulled out. Thalotof crystals , quartz , rocks and rare specimens sent by Charles F. Durand from Hot Springs. S. I ) , , to Charles A. Pnyunk , now on exhibition in Samuel ( J. Shrlglov's barber hop , nro attracting many visitors. Mr. Pnyunk prizes his gift very much. A strangu woman In a wagon on Thirty- third struct near the Cudnhy retail moat market , was suddenly overcome and fell out nf the wagon , receiving a painful cut on tlio chin , lighting on the stone pavement and had several tooth knocked out. She was picked up und well cared for. " \Vhcn your heart Is trod , and your he.id Is bad. and you are bud clean through , what Is ucndodl" asked a Sunday school teacher of lior class. "I know Avar's Sursapanlla , " answered a ilttlo girl , whoso mother had re cently been restored to health by that med icine. Ituiltllnj ; 1'crmlts , The following permits were Issued yoitor- day by the Superintendent of buildings ; W. K. I.nrenio , twn-itory brloU store und llulc. Kim and Vlntim utruots 18,000 U K. I'luncli , otio-story fritnio cotUifo , U'ortv-llrst and Charles iitreeta . . . . . . , 1,600 Louis a.1 Ivy-brook , two-story brick toro nnd lints. Hod Howard ( trout 8OrO A > H. Knuluuor , uno-atory frumncnttngo Twetity-ttxtli awt tJumKiio street * . , , . . 1,000 Three minor poriults. , . . . , . . , . . . 7-5 FOUND DEATH IN THE SHAFT , Qeorgo Bradbury , rm Engineer , Killed lu. the Ptuton Hotel Elevator , HOW HE WAS CAUGHT IS NOT KNOWN , Ilo WnH Fixing n Cylinder AVhioli AV H Out of Order t'nto of nil Apia Sur vivor. Gcorgo Bradbury , the nltjht engineer at the Paxton hotel , lost his llfo In the elevator shaft last evening. Bradbury wont to work at 0 o'clock. About 7 ho was killed to flxuvalvoon the steam cylinder In the shaft botwcon the first and second lloow. The olovntor boy took Ur.nl- bury up to the top of tlio cylinder , where there Is n foot board to stand upon whllo oil ing the machinery. After leaving the en gineer the boy went on to the top with thu elevator. It Is supposed that when the lift started down Bradbury was raucht between the counter balance nnd the cylinder nnd crushed. Ono scream wns all any ono hoard. The elevator was stopped nnd n long ladder brought. On the top pf the shaft machinery lay the body of the engineer. As ciuiehly as possible the man was taken to a room nnd Dr. Ullmoro summoned. Bradbury was unconscious and remained in that state until death c.imo a half hour lator. The proprietor ! of the P.ixton have no Idea how the accident happened , as a man goes to the shaft nearly every day to oil the machinery. Dr. Gllmoro made n hasty examination nnd fonnd that the loft sldo had been crushed and that death was the result of Internal Injuries. ' Bradbury wns am.trdoil man , but had no family living hero. It is understood that the dead man was an engineer on the Ill-fatod German corvette Apia , which was lost In the great storm at Samoa. Deceased was taken to San Francisco with some of the survlvow , nnd drifted eastward. Ho nrrlvcd hero last winter and had boon In the employ of the Paxton people for about seven months. The dead nun is a member of several iocrot societies , and they will probibly take charge of the remains , \vhich are at Mlko Maul's undertaking rooms. A bald headed woman is something unu sual before she Is forty , but gray hair is com mon with them earlier. Baldness nnd cruy- ncss may bo prevented by using Hall' Hair Kcmowor. A'AII'S OF THE A OKI'11WEST. Ni'br.tHk'i. North Plutto log owners have paid 5173 In taxes this year. Alllanco men have subscribed SI.OOO' to build an elevator at Mlnden. An nntl-nlllanco association has boon or ganized by the young ladles of Bassott. The Independents of Custor county will hold their county convention at Broken Bow August 12. The old settlors' association of Dakota county will hold its annual reunion at Da kota City August 'J'J. Ono hundred and twenty-five teachers at tended the Wobstcr county Institute which closed last week. Everything points to a successful race mooting at Beatrice August 'M , 27 and 23. The purses are liberal and the track fast. If all signs do not fail the reunion of the Neuraska Grand Army at Grand Island , August 31 to September 5 will bo a rousing success. F. M. Wnlcott , county Judge of Cherry connty , rays that the total amount received from the county by him during the last uino months Is only 572 45. C. G. Dorsoy has taken charge of the lied Cloud National bank as receiver , and it Is said finds the affairs of the Institution In bad shape. Depositors may lose considerable. Suit has been begun against Herman Kuoggo and Ulrlch Huber , Falls City .saloon keepers , by Mrs. Ida E. Stone" , who asks for $5,01)0 ) damages on the ground that the defen dants sold her husband liquor , causing or hastening his death. While pulling weeds In her garden. Mrs. Barbara Drown of Nebraska City was bitten by a rattlosnako. Her arm immediately began swelling nnd turned black , but a phy sician was quickly called nnd succeeded in counteracting the effects of the poison. A monstrosity or freak of nnturo wns ox- hlbltcd In Mlnden , says the Gnzotto , In the shape of n child , born near Holdrugo last winter , n description of which would bo hard to give so that ono who did not see it could understand Just what it was. There were two apparently perfect bodies as far down as the navel , with perfect heads , shoulders , chests , lungs , hearts , arms and Hands. Hero tbo two bodies joined , nnd ona sldo were two natural logs and foot nnd on the other sldo but ono log nnd ono deformed foot with ton toes. Ono end wns born dead and the other llvod.but about lour hours. It Is indeed a curiosity und will bo exhibited In the princi pal cities of this country nnd Europe. The parents , well known to some of our citizens , have refused the offer of ? 1OOJ for it , or to oven have n post mortem examination made of It. Iowa. Sholdon's water works plant Is to bo com pleted by SoptomDor 13. The corner stone of a now Methodist Epis copal church will DO laid nt Perry Wednes day. day.James James Nugent , a prisoner , dug his way out of the Crcston Jail nnd made good his os- capo. TCsthorvillo butchers nro engaged In a lively war , having put the uricoof mo.it way down. The colored poopln of Burlington will celebrate - obrato the emancipation of the slaves in Lincoln park August 1. Frank Evans , nrrestod at Btoomilold for stealing cattle , was found to bo insane and has been sent to the asylum , John Wilklo nnd wlfo and Miss Nelson of Cherokee were poisoned by eating dried hoof , nnd had a narrow escape from death. The safe In ttio drug store of U W. Hlno & Co. , In Stnntou , wns cracked nnd the thlovos secured $ : ) ,000 lu notes , besides considerable jewelry. Of the more thmi three hundred pioneers of the Old Settlors' association of Leo county , which was organized twenty years ago , less than sixty remain. Eugene llohlnson , proprietor of a floating theater , who wa.s sued by n Kuokuk colored man for (10,000 damages for refusing to sell him a reserve seat , bus compromised iho case for S < > 0. Three young follows who have boon ox- tonslvoly ongaccd In the poultry business at Missouri Valley linvo boon found guilty of stealing their warm from fanners' hon houses and sent to jail , Hampton Is to huvo n mlle track. A company of citizens , headed by the mayor , have bought slxty-sovon acres of ground near the town and a driving park will bo made second to none In tbo stato. The body of an unknown man was found on the river bank six miles south of Hod Oak by some boys who wcro In bathing. An In quest was held and n verdict returned that tun man died of starvation und exposure , Ho was about slxty-Hvo years old and wns evidently Insane. A seventeen-yc.ir-oUl girl from Ottumwa went to Dos Molnes fully determined to outer upon n life of hnaino , Sbo applied for ad- inUsion to a notorious house , and , contrary to tho.uiunl custom , the landlady called In the rbiof of pelico and bad tbo runaway girl returned to her friends. State Treasurer U. A. Booson volunteers the Information that iho Iowa Knights of Pythias Insurance association Is taking stops to ctiungo Its imiiui , la order to comply wltb a resolution of the supreme lodge In ib'.H ) . This action will cud the bitter controversy In which the association baa been Involved , ana will avert a threatened legRl battle. The soft glow of the tea rose U acquired by ladies vrho use I'ouoal'i Complexion Powdor. Try it. I' OK HUPUBMi : JUDOI3. NotnlnccM for Dcninornln and Itopnhllcaiifl. Mayor Frank P. Ireland of Nebraska City wns at tlio Paxton hotel last night. Ho claims that ho ta practically out of politics , not oven being n member of the democratic state central committee. Ho has boon nway from the state so frequently of late that ho known Ilttlo or nothing of what has been donoby these actively engaged in politics. Ho had heard , However , that Mr. Broody's name had boon mentioned as n candidate fur supreme premo Judge , but did not Know whether or not ho would bo nominated or accept the nomination If tendered him. Walt Scaly of Bennett , secretary of tiio re publican state central committee , was In town yesterday. Ilo was n.skod whom the republicans would nominate for supreme Judge and replied that ho thought Meikiojohn would secure the position. "Thoro U a question , " continued Mr. Sccly , "whether Mr. Molklnjohn will accept the nomination , A number of letters bnvo been written tn him on the subject and to all of them ho has made about tbo same answer , that ho didn't think ho was competent. Ho Is one of the most modest men I know of. It was about the sumo way when ho wns nskod to run for lieutenant governor. He said ha was too young nnd didn't 1'noxv enough. He's not n very showy man , but ho's pretty deep. Thcro Isn't n brighter young man In the state. He's n close student. " "Wouldn't his nomination for tho' supreme bench take him out of the race for congress 1" "Well , that's It. Ho very likely would llko tn go to congrois , because he bus been a can- dldato a couple of times. ' What about the chances of Judge Cobb for securing the nomination ) " "Thoro Is n fe.ir that ho could not bo elected. That decision ( regarding Boyd's citizenship ) would cost him n number of Votes. " "Those , however , would bo mainly demo cratic votes , would they not ! " "No , there nro many republicans ever the state who were dissatisfied with It. Melklo- John would got a largo number of democratic votes , and Independents also. Ho spoka on the Fourth of July nnd a number of alliance people hoard him. They were agreeably dis appointed. They had thought that ho was a man with horns. But they were nil pleased with him. They recognized that ho would render n decision upon the merits of n case find not bo affected by any personal or politi cal motives. If Mulklcjohn Is nominated I don't think the democrats will make any nomination. " _ OLD KING PI LATH. He IjnndB In the Oinnlm Jail After AKCS of Misfortune. If Hick Carpenter , the venerable third baseman of the Kansas Cltys , had been at the police station yesterday morning , ho would certainly have rooallcd the days nnd scenes of his childhood , unil that , too , by renewing his acquaintance with n personage who has been erroneously supposed to have died several hundred years ago. Vou may not bollovo It , but It was King Pilnto , the very same identical old dulTcr , whoso ancient cussedness Is known to all who nro familiar with biblical lore. A few skoDtlcs about the station wora In clined to disbelieve It at first , but thcro was old Pilate himsolf.and there was bis word for It , too. It was evident , oven before ho said so , that ho had experienced sad reverses slnco ho was Urst heard of in the palmy days of Jerusalem , and he had gene from bad to worse , taking big tumbles nt each succeeding descent. Timn had dealt harshly with his royal jags , and ho acknowledged that the events of the old days of purple and line linen could be recalled - . called only nt long Intervals ns the mental phantasmagoria of a pleasant dream. On top of his other mUfortunos the cruel and long continued buffctings of failure had de stroyed hh reason and the old fellow was as cra y as a bedbug. Weak , half starved , sick and demented , Pilate was a sad relic when tbo officers fished him out of the weeds in the rear of Hello Brandon's disorderly house in the Third ward. He was literally ulivo with vermin , nnd ho was therefore taken up more tenderly nnd handled with greater cnro tnan was Thomas Hood's ooor unfortunate , who hastened madly to death In the swim. Ho was taken to the station and placed on n cot to await consideration nt the doctor's bands , whllo a quartette of his disconsolate body guards , that had been outwitted by the vigilance and agility of the Jailer , climbed up on a bench nlonsldo and forgot their sorrows In n game of high five. DoWitt's Llttlo barly Ulsors ; host Ilttlo pills for dyspepsia , sour atomach , bad breath. . AVestcrn I'cns'ong. WASHIXOTO.V , July 13. [ Special Telegram to THE Bi'.L-.J The following list of pensions granted is reported by Tuu Bcc nnd Exam iner Bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Original James D. Finloy , Benjamin F. Thorn , George Fisner , John Hess , George W. Snipcee , Daniel C. Miller , \bijau Brlsca , George Wathin , Isaac Smith , Clinton H. Alden , Joseph Littleflold , Jojoph H. Graham , William L. D.xvls , Obadlah Scott , John N. Holliday , Benjamin F. Barry , Lymnn Blowers , Peter Schnoidorwlnd , Charles L. Long , Louis Bennovora. Addi tional Albert H. Hall. Original widows- Josephine Mountain , Mar.a Wright. Iowa Original : Ivor Prott , Tnomas Fullerton - lorton , Ernstus L. Bean , Dennis Cloonoy , Lnfayotto Blnkoly. Daniel King , Puilllu Hombo , Oscar H. Whltcomb , Miles Holton , John Small , James M. Evans , Ell Jay , Empy M. Santee , Francis M , Berry , William Bash- ford , Noel M. Adams. James Gonldon , Will- lam C. Tyler , Henry Brockman , Frank Rich- nrdson , Reuben B. Lambert , William F. Ward , George B. Bladon , William H. Van- ness , James D. Gray , Samuel N. Bishop , Lovl Terwilllger. Jefferson Gregg , John A. Holsaplo , Peter Henry , Michael J. Kelley , Albert Sherman , Cyrcl D. Cooper , David Tipton , James E. Batomen , HoU Us M. Cass , Phillip M. Stone , Gcorgo M. Williams , John Brun- son , Dennis Duff , Charles C. Adams , Edward C. Davis , Daniel U. Jones , Abraham Eshcllman , Samuel S. Johnson , William F. Atkinson. Asa Pay , Elijah S. Wlno , David Solos , Benjamin Hashbrouk , Nathaniel Grimes. Charles W. Cook , Henry Crawford , Jobn A. Dover , Henry Illian. Almon K. Haff , John F. Frlos , John Dalloy. Frank Wilson , Molvlllo Hlchardson , James D. Tay lor , Xavlor A. Belcher. Restoring nnd in crease Thomas T. Adams. Original widow Phojbo M. Stowart. Mexican widow Surah Kondull. Usn Hnller's Gorman Pills , the great con stlpatlon and llvor regulator. Military Matters. Major John V. Furoy , chief quartermaster of the department of Dakota , spent Sunday In Omaha visiting with friends. Major Furey wns stationed at these headquarters for six years and has many friends In the city. Ho loft today for Fort Mcado on official business. Lieutenant C. D. Vance , of the Sixteenth Infantry arrived yesterday from Fort Du Chosno and will report at once for duty at Bcllovuo rllle range. Miss Florence Stnnton , daughter of Col. F. H. Stnnton , chief paymaster of the de partment of the Pintto , nan gone to spend a month with Miss Joslo Furoy of St. Paul. The second assistant In the United States treasurer's office Is maklnc It very unpleas ant for army officials just now by suspending all Items upon bills of expense which are turned In for sleeping cars where ono day's ride Is included. liosjlor's MagicHcadacna Wafers. Cures al headaches in 20 minutes. At ull druggls ts ChrlHllnii KxourslonlNls Coming. An excursion party of about sixty people from the Now England states , who have been attending the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor convention at Minne apolis , will arrlvo In the city at 8:33 : o'clock this morning , and will leave at lO.'IPJ a. in. on the regular union Pnclfio train for Colorado. Tbo party will bo In charge of M. J , Groovy traveling passenger agent of the Union Pacific west of Omaha. DoWitt's Llttlo Early Ktscra ; only pill to euro sick headache and regulate the bi-.csol Gliuroli Ntfiiiik by During tbo storm Saturday morning light ning struck St. Mary's Episcopal church at Florence , demolishing the chimney and gable , breaking windows and bndty damag ing the plastering and papering. The lots will Amount to 1 00 , PRICE IS HELD FOR MURDER , Ooroner'B Jury Ohai oi Him witb Killing Mrs , Tanny Tato. STORY DEVELOPED AT THE INQUEST. Strong ClruuniRliuitliil Kvldonco Ajjulnnt tlio AtottHO : < l Ho WIIH Drunk and doted Strnncoly Seen to Blip Into tlio Vnrtl. Thrco o'clock yesterday afternoon was the hour sot by the coroner for the Inquest on the body of Fnnnlo Tuto , the murdered woman. By2io : ; rjulto a crowd of curious people nnd collected on the sidewalk In front of Hunfoy , t Hoafoy's , nnd made a patrol man's ' Ufa miserable keeping the space cleared. At ! ) :30 : the coroner arrived , and Constable Dlngmnti brought In the last Jurymnn. Count > Attorney Mahony sat on the right of Dr. Hum KUII and questioned the wit nesses. Attorney D. L. Lupsloy wns present as a representative of Prlco and cross-oxnm- Incd most of the witnesses. Dr. Charles C. Allison was first placed upon the stand. The physician .stated that ho had tnado a post mortem examination of the body whllo It was yet warm. On the loft sldo of the neck was a discoloration nnd also two distinct marks a couple of inches In length. There were black spots near each nye , but no abrasion of the sidn. The lungs were deeply congested nnd "thoro wns a largo amount of bloody , frothy mucus In the bron chial tubes. The other organs of the body were normal. An Internal examination of the nock shownd a rupture of the blood ves sels nnd n contusion of the muscles. Dr. Allison was unable to state positively whether the woman Uad been assaulted or not. not.Dan Tatc , husband of the dond woman said that ha loft homo about liiUO o'clock for his work. At 10:45 : word reached him that his wlfo was dead and ho hurried homo. Mr. Mahoney mudo n diagram of the house nnd surroundlnrs and Tate explained to the Jury the position of the woodshed and out buildings. His wlfo was in the habit of locking up his dog * In the woodshed every night before she went to bed. So von-.v car-old Charlpy Tate told his story ngaln. When ho first wont on the stand ho wns bauly frightened , but soon cooled down and answered all questions in n .straight forward manner. Ho said that his motnor came homo about dark nnd that Price was with hor. A lump was lit nnd ho was sent for boor. In n Ilttlo whllo ho was again sent for beer nnd then Price wont nway. When ho was gene his mother said she was going to Gertie Kelly's , and loft Charley on the front step eating n plcco of broad. ' The lad said bo saw Price go down toward the tracks and then coino up and outer the yard through a hole In the fence. Deforo long Nelson Turklason came to iho door and asked what the nolsoiwas in the wood shod. They wont there tojjqthor. As they stopped into the alloy a man was seen running cast ioward the railroad track. Was sure Price was tno man ho saw.running. On cross-examination the boy told the same story. Chris Thompson , twelve years old , lives next door to the Tate houso. Ho said that ho was ready for bed whan ho hoard someone ono scream and sa3V"Stop , you nro choking me. " At first ho thought It was the dogs , but then ho hoardithc screams repeated fol lowed by n counlo of kicks against the sides of the shod. After this the boy wont to bed. but got up when ho hoard people talking in the alloy. Christina Thompson , mother of Chris , told about hearing the screams , but as she docs not understand Encllbh she paid no particular atteutlonito them. Nelson Turkelson lives across tbo alloy in a house fronting on Sixth street. Ho saw Fannie Tate and n colored man drinking boor in the house during the evening. Ho was talking with Mrs. Tnto during tnoovoning. She said she was going up to the saloon where her husband worked and make trouble , but did not say what the trouble was. Ho saw Price on Sixth street alone about 90 : : ! o'clock. About 10 o'clock ho was in the yard uack of his homo nnd sav a colored man in the nllov , who disappeared through a hole In the Tate fence. Ho then went to IHtlo Cbnrloy Tnte anil asked who the man in the back yard was. Together they wont out nnd looked In the woodshod. While there Prod Nelson came along , and by lighting matches they saw the woman lying on the floor. Ho called Ofllcer Fields at onco. His motive In going to the shod was that ho thought somebody was trying to steal some of Tato's pups. Tbo woman was lying on her back with her clothing considerably mussed and Iho pups ware linking her face. Ofllcor Vance Fields said that ho was standing near the front of Turkloson's ' saloon when Nels came up and told him that there was a dead woman in the alloy. Ho stepped at Tato's house and got a lamp , than went on to the shod ; where ho found the body. An alarm was sent In for the patrol wacon and the coroner , Dr. Swanson , who was In a drugstore near by , was called and pro nounced the woman dead. Ida Crown-Nelson said that Mrs. Tate was her aunt , nnd that Prlco and Mrs. Tate had been at her house during the availing. Price wanted logo homo with Mrs. Tate , but as ho was drunk her aunt did not want him to. They both loft the house together. Prlco ciimo back about 10:30 : p. in. and acted stranger , besides talking In a foolish way. After considerable talk ho started for homo , and witness walked to Sixteenth street with him. him.Mlko McCarthy , Mary Johnson and Will iam Hiloy testified , but nothing now was de veloped. The case was then given to the Jury , and after about five minutes' deliberation it re turned a verdict , of stragulatlon at the hands of Jake Prlco. _ DoWitt's Llttlo Early Risers. Best Ilttlo pill over mado. Cure constipation every timo. None equal. Use them now. Too Knrly 1'or Them. At the mooting of the board of public works hold InsJ Friday , the members agreed to moot C. E. Squires , the street sweeping contractor , and Inspect the workings of anew now four-horse sweeper that has boon re cently purchased. The meeting was to have boon held nt 1 : UO o'clock yesterday morning Thosweopor was on the streets doing Us work , but owing to > the early hour none of the Interested partial were present. Constipation potions the blood ; DoWitt's Little Karly Itlsorir euro constipation. The cause removed , the disease Is gone. \Vnnt TliolrnKo-incr Tonolior. Some of the Central Park citizens are up In arms over the nctloir of the board of educa tion In dropping Mis Kl\\o \ Heed's name from the teachers' list. They will present a pretest - test to the board tonight and ii.sk that Miss Hoou bo ro-olootodutnd assigned to duty nt the Contra ! Park chool for iho next school year. _ _ Mrs. Wlnslow's -Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething softens the 'gums and allays all pain. S3 contt n bottlo. 1'ont pound. Owing to ttio Illness of Key , Dr. Hamllii of Washington , D. C. , who was to have been the principal speaker of the occasion , the Prosbyterlau banquet to have beun given at the Mlllurd hotel tonight , has been post- Donod. ARE YOU A WAITER ? , Do you deftly balance a tray full ( of dishes ) on your fingers as you sing that beautiful song : "Roast-beef-pork-veal- c-o-r-n-b-e-e-f-a-n-d-m-u-t-t-o-n-h-a-a-s-s-s-h " bartender - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? Are- you a tender ? and do you juggle the glasses down the bar and draw the amber fluid in the glistening glass at a dime a draw ? Are you a barber ? and clo you gently whisper in your victim's ear : "Bay rum ? Shampoo ? Luster , sir ? " as you cut a gash in his oxidyzed cheek ? If you belong tO " any of these professions , you've always had to pay too 'much for your professional coats and jackets haven't you ? That's because wp didn't sell'em. We do now. We've put in a full line of them on our second floor , and if you'll take the pains to compare our prices with what you've been paying , you'll find a big difference. Overalls too. That's another thing we never kept till lately. We've just made a ne.w department in our basement , for the sale of Overalls , Jumpers and Jeans Pants. Our Overalls and Jean pants are made expressly for us and we warrant every pair. That means if you buy a pair and wear them and the stitches rip , or the buttons come off , or the goods are notsatisfactory you get a new WE CLOSE AT 6:30 : P.M. SATURDAYS , 10 O'CLOCK IN Til K COUHTS. CIoKinjr Up Itusiiiess Prior to a Suiiinioi-'H Host. The district court rooms presented a lonesome - some appearance yesterday , as most of the Judges , bailiffs , attorneys and Jurors had deserted the apartments they have occupied slnco May 11 , the date upon which the term of court Just closed convened. For a short time this morning Judges Irvine , Doano and Ferguson wcro on the bench to ho.ir ex parto motions , but It was not long , for they soon laid aside the Judicial robes and went out to soolc recreation. In the case of C. N. Ulctz and a dozen In surance companies against tno Missouri Pa cific railroad , the Jury returned n verdict , finding for the defendant , the railroad com pany. This was n case of long standing. Some tlirco years ao Ulotz's lumber yard , situated along the Missouri Pacillc tr.iclts nn the north bottoms , caught tire and burnod. DIctz ana the insurance companies brought suit against the railroad company , claiming that tlio lira caught from coals dropped from the engine , and that the same was the result of carelessness. Suit was then Drought to recover the sum of $ . ' 7,0(53 ( , the vuluo of the lumbar destroyed , Judge Estcllo issued a stay of execu tion in the case ugninst Euwnrd Hocks- hlmor , who was convicted of forgery nnd sentenced to a term of four years in the peni tentiary. The order came about on account of the attorney for the defense having taken the case to the siiDromo court on a writ of error. As the case will not bo heard for some months , this gives the defendant a chance to remain nn inmate at the county Jail. Minnie nnd Theodora Wodrig , who reside on n farm near Florence and operate a gar den , have had trouble. Mtnnio now asks for a divorce and a division of the property , both real and personal. In her petition the wife charges that she und the defendant united their hands and fortunes Juno 14 , 1873. The husband was loving and kind for a number of years , but of late has been considerably on the brute order. Ho made her do a man's work in the field , besides driving n cart to soil vegetables. July U .sho brouirht a loa d of vegetables to Omaha , and nt night when she returned homo Theodora proceeded to whip nor , simply because the amonntof money she received did not ngroo with his ideas. . Judge Irvine will bo on the bench today for the purpose of hearing motion. * for now trials. Judge Davis departed for Colorado yester day , where ho will remain several weeks , do- votlng bis energies to climbing mountains. The Howoscalo took llrstpromicm at Phila dclphla , Paris , Sydney and other exhibitions. Dordon & Sollock Uo. , Agts. , Chicago. West I'oiut GonsipH. WEST POIXT , Nob. , July 13. [ Special to Tin : Bin : . ] Ualn has boon the order of ttio day tor the past month. Uov. Father Ilnvalburg has gene to Atkin son to assume charge of the Catholic parish thcro. Jlmmlo Larson , ono of the Juvonllo band bovs. was severely injured whllo sculling with homo of the boys at Hooper last Satur day. William Mayor of Cumin ? Creak died last Monday. Mr. Mayor was In his seventy-ninth year , nnd loaves n largo finally of grown-up children. Mosdnmes W. U. Arttnan , Long , Person nnd Miss Lizzie Long loft for Pennsylvania Tuesday where they will spend several weeks visiting old friends. Mrs. Siniuol Miller has gene to Madison to visit her daucthtors , Mrs. F. A. Long und Mrs , M. Garret. Alexis Schott , who wns nil through the Crimean war In ISM and hns several wounds to show for his services nt Sabastopol , lias recently received n pension of $ llJO ) from the French government. Nearly all the farmers will cominonco cut- Una grain this week. Mrs. Charles Uoonthnl will Iwo for a week's sojourn at Hot Springs , S. D. Oscar Springer , a former West Point boy , Is Implicated in n stabbing affray nt Seattle , Wash. Ho plunged n dirk knlfo through the loft lung of n man nuniuit Uobans for nllonat- ing the affections of the young lady to whom he had been paving his attention. Young Springer , who is about inonty years old , succeeded In effecting an escape. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. linker and family loft Tuesday on n visit to Bo.toii. They will bo absent about six weeks. The dimming County Teachers' associa tion will bu hold harp July-Uth. The reg ular county Institute will commanco the following day. Two sisters of Minnie Doflln , Misses Emma and Hoslo , of Kansas City are hero visiting. The C. S. P. S. will have a grand picnic at HIvorsldo park on the 12th Inst. George Hey , who delivered the oration to our people on the Fourth , is a former West Point boy and attended the high school. For pure patriotism and zeal ho Is to bo com mended to these tifnocd of public oniters for all public occasions. Paul ICaso has gene to the western part of the state to visit a brother and will bo genoa a couple of weeks. Dun Thompson left for Mtnnuapolls Wod- noulny afternoon , accompanied by Miss Lily Thompson. Cook's Extra Dry Chnmpagnb is ono of the most delicious beverages in the market. Once tried It will always be on your tubto. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard , MO GUREX ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Many years'experience. A regular craduuta In medicine ( . mpiomns snow. Is still treating with the rroatcst success , all Nervous , Chronic and Private Dho nes A permanent euro KUarauteed for Catarrh , i Hpcrmatorrhroa , Lost Mnnhood , Seminal Weakness , Nlitlit I.OSK s , Impottticy , Hyphllls. Stricture , and all : diseases of the Illnoil , tfkln nnd Urinary Oricini. N. 11 I EUarantco I'M for every c.uo I undertake nnd fall | to euro. Consultation free , llnok. iMvsterles of I.lfu ) stint free , Oillcu hours U u. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday i 10 a in. to 12 m. Send stamp for reply. ' HOTEL. The Murray , cor , 14th nnd Harnoy , is the most substantially cons'ructotl hotel build ing in Omaha. Several heavy brick firewall s running from basement to roof All ceilings and floors lined with Asbestos fira proof liii- ing , making it impossib'u to burn quick , Fire escape ? and fire alarms throughout tlio build ing. Steam heat , hot and cold water and sun shine in every room , Table unsurpassed any where. B. SILLOWAY , Proprietor. njNioN 1)EPOT HOTEL ] Corner lllli iindMnson Strooti ; lliilf blnrk nest of Union Pncllloniid II X M Depots. Now bullillne , now furniture , every thlnjr llrnt- nrondwnyl < i 4l-t St. . New VnrU. * " - v ' > - A.LLAN LINE , HOYAL .MAIL STEAMSHIPS. MONTREAL , and QUEBEC To DEHUY line ! LIVERPOOL CAIIIN , f50 lo fSI ) . AccorUliiB to Steamer and location of btntcroom. Intermediate und Steerage at low rates. NO CATTI.U OAK III II I ) . SKKV1OB Oti1 A Z Li A N L.I LINE. I STEAMSHIPS. NKW YORK and QLA QOSV. via Londonderry , o ory KortnlKht. 23rd July , bT ATI : OF ( JKOIKilA , 11 A. M. ll , 8TATJ5 OK NKVAIIA , 10 A. SI. AUK. ! i th. STA I'R OK NKHHMCAf > A. M. CAIIIN , CIS up. Hi-turn , f'a. SlocrnKn (1 Apply to II. A. A. ALLAN , Montreal , or lu II. I ! . MOOKiS.Viibnnli : Ticket Olllco. W K. VAIIi , UtirllMlftonTICifet Olllco : DOCTOR Those Celvhiattd KNOMSII ; IMlla arc a roilllto Cure for KlrL ; HradtietiCt IlllloiiMC i And ! Cuimtlputlon. hinall , pcnft. ] unt anil n fuvarlto with the * Imllcn , Sold in England for Is. ; lld.i In America for S.r c , Out ; thorn from your Ilrueil t , or ; send to W. II. llunULU * ( I ) . , < 0 "fit IlroxUir , .V < f Yuri. I I-'orSiiloliy IUJIIN & CO. , Oinnlm. Wo ecnd the marvelous French Itcrnt'cly CALTHOS free , ami n lomlKuarantru that ( . A I.TIIOStlll STOP lllvliiirL'i * . .1Kinl lnnii , 41 ltKtinrnaf rrlit'ii.iirlcoci'lu und Itl > liur. ( 1.0.1 Mfor. L'seit ami fa v ifsatisjieil. AJln. , . . VCN MOIILCO. , Rule Auarlrta Ayt-nU , llatlonatl , Otilo. WRITE TO HER ! " 1 wnKiiotahla toile my hoim'work for IS years , vnynMnt Nlchohi Wilson,7628. Divisional. , llulinlo. N V , Doctored with ninny physicians for lu'imlo wo.ikui'ss , nnil used many remedies without benellt. I lioxe.t NKHVK MLANbouroil mo : lam HtroiiKns over ! do all my own work. " fl per box .Six boxes fur J5. Address , NIJHVi ; IIKA.N CO. . IHJITALO , N V riuld br ( iooduiati Drim Co ,1110 Kuril nn St. . uiimbn SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES . . . . t Inrlruction In nil ilri rt- Sliirnt" of Mllfli-alhtudy , flnu ' Art , Die. WlllialUlldaliijtlast year. Addrvmi : f nUI.UMlPui.t ! . Jaxkiaiivlllv , 111. _ HARDIN LADItS COLLEGE 10 SchooK 1-II'ro- AKDMfltAUT COHSES A YArOmfrc. or. . ISIU year. MEXICO I-lRa , 1 l' tronilnIJStatci. MO.L M . UMUgJ. Colltco lu KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE uvm I-HANM cmr. KV OCKN TliuOUuIIQLT 1'rfiS VKAU. 'I lie ec. nd term i < l tills ncndonii" > e.ir bviiini Ulrt .Monday In July mid cloiei Umd tVudnuidiy III December next Oil. I ) K.IIOVD , supl I'osl-Olllce , FAlimiAti : , Kir. ti i Jt 7 v " rii a 'i7t it n I'Trn o / , . lU-4il Ouarbnm Avo. , nilciiKo. III. Smc'enlh rear bi'k"n Hniii. Ittli llnanlliiu anil dm stliuul for \oun > < I itdiu und I'lilldren I'ull courrei of t iy ini'liiduiK propuratl > u furtul Kli'ellont douses llioruiitibly lltUM up Cuuiluclvil ) MUl Hi'lieiTiS Illfc , A U ( i. . by i Mi Marry K Ueedv A M , SCMUO1.S fit * lKXINUTuNT.MO. LE FBANGAiS. French Monthly Mtrxlni * . An Invnliitiblu htlp t'J Frencbttudcnlt mid n < t < uar > . trou inuiplo uupr W. M Jl > oa S rinw Vg < k DOCTOR McGrBEW THE SPECIALIST Morctliun 13 yo.iri niperloncj In the troit'uont Jt PRIVATE DISEASES. Acuro Kunrnuloeil In .1 to 5 diiyi , wllhont holoii Jt tin hour's tlmu GLEET. The mo t complete and nbjolitto cure for gleet nn4 nil annoying illsclmrnoj over known to the moJlcal proteaslun. Permanently cured In from3 to Uiliyi STRICTURE Or pnln In relieving tlio bladder cured without piln or InHtruinoiils , no cutting , no diluting. The uioit rcmurktiblo remedy known to modern acleuco. SYPHILIS. Cured In SO In H ) dny Dr. McJrow' troatmerrffor ( bis terrlblo blooilillio.no hu : been pronounced U most successful remedy ovordlicovornd for tin1 lib- tolulo euro of the illioiso. lllJ nuccon with. ItiH disease hni never been uiuulloJ. A complete cura Kuuruntcod. LOST MA.NHOOD nejs.nll u-O'iknosioi of tl o soxunl onzani. norroui * And timidity nnd despondency nbiolutely enrol. Tb orellef U Immediate and complete. SKIN'DISEASES , nnd nil ( llfonioi of tbo blood , llvor , kidney * , nnj bhidder permanently cured. FEMALE DISEASES Tbo doctor n "Homo Treatment" for ladles la pro nonncud by ull who have use.l It to be the moat com plutoand convenient remedy ever oircrod for Iba trcatmentof female disease * . It Is truly n wonderful remedy. Hours for Imlloi , from 'I to I only. DR. MoGrREW'3 Marvellous success In the treatment of private dlt. eases has won for him n reputation which Is trulp national In character , nnd his imnt army of patlont < reaches from thu Atlantic to the I'nrlilo. Tba doctor In n urndiiato of "roKulir" medli-lna and has hay loni ; nnd careful oxporlenro In hospital practloa , nnd Is clasaud nmoiiK thu leaillni ; ipeclallats In moil * . , rrn science. Tro itmont by correspondence. Writ * for circulars about each of thu above dlienei , frea. Olticu Mth and Kuril tm StrjoW , Oinalu Nob. Entninoa on otthor Btraot. MOORE'S For DisciiBos of the Liver use Mooro'i Tree of Lifo. For the Blood , use Mooro'a Tree o ! Lifu. For Catarrh use Mooro's Tnie of Lifo Criturrh Cure. Monre's 'Irooof Ilf . n | > o ltlto earn tar Kldnnr nd l.lror fomplilnt and all b u'jd illsnaie. . Don lit i > y lo snlTiir whan you can lira I by mln < Maori ) ' * Trtioof l.lfu , thullro.it l.lfu Tet'th wlllio'it ' pliitus , reinovatjlo work , "Hr. Thro-Kwortwi'ii putunt" No ilrnpplNKiliiwn of pi HI OH , lilto unytliliu you I Ik D. Ir.clh niiuulli Hun , JilHt tin ) llilnu for minister * , lunyurHiiixl publicnpeuknrs. 1'rlca ii lltiln niiirii tiiiin rubliur plikti'i , wltliln roach nf'iill Or. llnllcy Di-iiiMt.liiiB lliu nolo t-Mln tn Uinitlin unil llonulus Cuiiuty , Olllco 3rd llo > t l'iton : block , Uinuliu * , ' T AT TIi1 J LjA , , ,1 * " nioftl p / * iful fsi - pVtVituYi 'jmi'i.V ' r V/KUG / O tloTiV.'r ! Fur fale bjr Ouoaman UruK Co ,