Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1891, Part Two, Page 11, Image 12

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jjho Usual Mid-Summer Qniot Prevails in
f Most Lines of Business
I'rrpnrliii ; for1 n Lively Trade
as Soon HH tlic Sonsou Tor
Winter Goods
I v
I The Jobbing trade of Omaha ts experienc
ing the usual midsummer quiet. The move
ment of goo Is 11 about equal to thut of pro-
yloui years during the month of July , and
dealers have no can so to complain. July
Is really the ' 'between" season , too late for
trade In spring nndoarly summer iroods uud
too early for fall Roods. As a dealer put It ,
"wo uic now laying hack nnd letting business
run Itself , hut about the 10th of August wo
\vlll wnko up nnd start the ball rolling. "
Ttio orders coming In now are mostly
ntnall If for Immcdlato shipment , or
eiso they nro to bo held until later In
the season before being filled. The
country retail trade Is very conseivatlvo In
the matter of bui Ing , and though there nro
good crop prospects the crop Is not lot har
vested , and until then they ate not disposed
to tnko any chances.
Jobbers In the grocery line report n fair
tr.ido , In fact , a bettor trade than they nntlc-
'Ipatcd ' for this month. The sugar market
shows moro strength. ColToo has regained
what It lost about ton days ago. Dealers uro
of the opinion that there may bo higher prices
In coffco In the next month or two , but that on
account of the enormous Bnwlllmi crop cof
fco will bo cheaper during the latter part of
the The bettor grades of canned fruits
remain about the same , but the cheaper
grades and seconds nro n llttlo lower.
At Now York operations In bulk lots of
staple groceries continue somewhat Irregular ,
nml It Is not a market of general animation ,
nor do mtinv changes of n pronounced charac
ter como to light. The over noticeable tend
ency to take n hopeful view of matters con
tinues , however , nnd there Is scirccly an
article on the list for which owners
nro not predicting n bettor market dur
ing the month. Some admit the proba
bility of only n temporary Hurry , and
then a quiet spell until the fall trade sets In ,
but nil dependent custom must hatidln some
stock , It Is calculated , In order to keep
up wonting assortment. has thus far
been n llttlo slow , but the actual consumption
Is probably Increasing rather than diminish-
in i ? , anil the market for bulk lots open to a
i onowal of demand at any moment. ColToo
has many uncertain elements , though tha
average Inclination Is to look upon the posi
tion as pretty firm for n month or two at Teas glvo hotter promise to holders ;
rice ts selling steadily , and thcro is some
tiopo for spices , but ns yet the call for
innlassos and syrups has failed to glvo good
Omuhn's Jobbing trade Is reported fair for
diy goods nnd all that dealers expected for
the seubon. The Bulletin speaking of the
past week in- the dry goods trudo In New
York savs : The week's business has suf
fered fiom the Inlluonco of the holiday cele
bration of the "Fourth , " nnd the inactivity
Induced thereby In the days Immediately
preceding nnd following the holld.iv Itself.
There wus n considerable ) number of buj era
icsontln the miitkot In the early part of
J > week and again at thu close , but the at
tendance was small lu the interval between
thu ! two. Spot transactions were , on that
account , generally slow , and the aggregate
business recorded through these of indif
ferent extent. Orders by mall and wire
were , however , numerous daily , although ,
i1th the exception of nil prints , they were
confined to small lots as n rule. In dark prints
n stoutly demand of very fair proportions was
noted , and loading agents report business
In these ns being up to expectations.
Further prices were made during the wcok
on the same basis as these previously an -
nounccd. Fall gmghuns and dross goods
were in steady. If moderato request. For
seasonable styles of printed fabrics , glng-
bums nnd woven wash fabrics nnd all wool ,
worsted and cotton-warp drosa goods , there
was but a hand-to-mouth call nt 11 rat hands ,
nnd the Jobbing trade was decidedly quiet
computed with the previous week's'experi
ence. Business In domestics in commission
circles was generally quint. At the close of
the wcok the tnnn of the mnntot is steady.
Stocks of brown and bleached cottons In leadIng -
Ing makes are reported tn very fulr shape ,
yell style ginghams and dress gocds nro well
under orders , and the prospects for fall prints
nro encouraging. Trade reports from West
ern sections and collections there uro favora
ble , and a somowhnt bettor fooling Is stated
i prevailing in Southern sections.
The supply of California fruits has boon
Unlit on this market during the wcok.
California cherries have about plnved out ,
Oregon mid homo grown stock taking ihelr
place. The tendency of the market on
California fruit Is higher. Poaches
aio nnlvlng but tbo early Crawfords are not
expected to put in an appearance for about a
week or ton das yet.
Southern melons nro arriving qulto freely
but many of thorn are small and tha weather
ts too cool to make thntn sell readily.
The cool woatbor Is also Inter
fering with the movement of lemons
nnd stocks In the hunds of dealers are mostly
largo , which will tend to keep the in.irttct
down , The receipts of berries have been
fair , though there has been no very largo run.
Some very good blackberries h.ivo been com
Ing In the past week.
The market on now potatoes is consider
ably lower than It was n week or two ago ,
but they mo Htlll commanding good pilcos.
Thcro Is some complaint on the part of local
prowors that the ho.ivy rains have damitrod
the early varieties , but the reports from all
over the country favor n heavy yield for the
COUNTIIV rnouuci : .
The market In country produce has not
shown any especially Inteiestlng feature *
during the past six days. Kggs have sold
right around I'J cents the most of the time ,
nnd n very considerable proportion of the
snles went at exactly that llgiiro.
The butter market luu boon low but the
demand has boon pjood at tlio
prices , the packers balng willing
to take all that came nt Do Sotno of tha top
packages wont to the retail trade ut a llttlo
moro money , but the demand from that
BOtirco was very limited.
The receipts of poultry have boon light nnd
the market has been fairly nctlvo nt Ilrm
prices. Old fowls have sold all the way from
-tn.MftJI.00 but with the bulk at
f-l.Tfi © 1.00. Spring chickens have also com
manded good prices , large and fancy Plym
outh Hocks going ns high ns fl.DO. Small
chickens , houovor , nro very slow nt nny
price anil sales of such have boon reported as
low oa $ , > ,00@3r > 0.
OJI.l M.I I.I i 11 H COCK.
, . OUUIA. July II 1S1I.
OATTI.K O.llclal rocolnts of cuttle. .11.1.
us compared with | , IM yostordnv nnd 1171
rJaturduyof lint week. Tliomaikotwus aitho
and Htroiiuuron ull useful grades of homos
nnd butcher stock. rory thlni ; was sold. The
quality wus good. Thu local nnd shipping do-
limnd was itooil. I coders \veru Mow unit un-
chunKod. dinners were slow. I'ulrtovnol
beovon and butcherHtook liavo advanced lie
to 2.1o during the week , The receipts during
the wonk wore 0,221 , us com pared wfthT.tVSI the
week prior. Of receiptsia : > J wore consumed
In looitl pueUIni ; houses.
lloos Olllelnl receipts of hoe * 4,0.21. ns
compared with 7,272 joitordiiy and 2,574
baturduyof lust wook. Tlio market was ao-
tl\u and 5o to lOo liluher anil closed Ilrm at
tlio mlvunco. All were hold o.irly. The runiro
of the prices paid wus * l itlQi stho
bulk soiling at fl.70.Ttl.75. Thu timllty ] was
only fair. Uzlit , f I ftVJI 73 ; heavy. * l,7.\iM M ;
mixed. * l 7CXiJ4,75. The luerano of thu pi Ices
paid wus 11.72. us compurod with llfi.3' , ji'stor-
day and fl.5.3 Saturday of lust week ,
Tlio n\oruiu of the price * paid wus
t .27 hlulior than on the corresponding
day lust yourflic- higher than In ISM,7io ) lower
t'inn ' In lSt < 8 , nnd I4o lower than In 1S 7. 'llio
rccid tits dm Inn the week were .7,07. ' . as com
pared with the week prior. Of receipts ,
10,407 were consumed In local pucklnc hniibcs.
Mittr There wtiro no fresn rocolntn of
sheen. Thu domain ! continues good ami prices
rule Ilrm Nutlvo * . ti7.Vi-\W : westerns , * iW
{ /AM : KOO J GOto 70 111 lambs , f.1.0 © ' 123. The
, receipts durlnu thu week were Oil as compared
with N-O thu prior wenk. Of rocolpts , UJ were
ftluuKhtorud In local puoUluK house * .
Prevailing 1'rloos 4111 Cattle ,
ThofollavrlniU a ttblo of prices paid on
thlamnrkotfor the tiradoof utook montlonodi
Kiinoy teow. 1350 to IfiOO lus 15.25
I'rlmo tcur , 1250 to 1475 Ib 4.B3
flood itaori. UN to 135J Hi. 4.W
Stock Kcuclpti.
Ofllclal Today. onicla' Yesterday.
Caltlei. . r > can. Ml Cuttlo. . . SI cars. I.ISI
Hog * . . . . S7 e-irs , 4,031 lloifs . 101 cars. 7,272
Horses. . 1 cur , 1 Sheep. . . . 1 car , 103
III .cliO'jt mill IjjvviMl S.I'IM of llo l.
Todar. Yesterday.
Illtfhest . SI.W Illttlicst . * 43
LowuU . 4.IU 1/owest . < 4.i'i
Average of the prices paid ycslorJny..M n > 'i '
Averageof the prices paid today . Si.iJ
: uul | jo\vc > > t S ilou of
Tlio following condensed table showj the
hlKhostand lowest M lies and highest and low-
cituvoiiKOOt thosilo'of ho-"iii ! I the d.itps
at thU tn.irkot Inuieh month durliu the
muntlis stated !
183 } . 3' 3 *
Mnrch . tl 30 M 41) II VI \
April . . 1 OS 4 in'i '
' 4 03 1 M 4 oni
Juno . 3 M 3 .TI ItfiU
July . J77' ' < 1 .17' '
Anoint 4 13 3 41
Hoptvinbur 4 M i ) 70 4 .17
Ootolior 4 15 3 41) 4 21
November 4 15 2 7i ,1 81) ) .1 2J
December 3 75 3 4Tti 31
Jnntmry 373 273 331
ICi 1 HO
Mureli . . . 4 41 2 9) 4 27 -
April . . . 4 SO 4 W ii- ,
4 WI 4 UU 4 I ? ) 4 IS
in no 4 M 4 IX ) 4 4 H < i 4 214
July . . . . 4,1 , i 4i < i
of I'riuiM ol'Hlic p.
The ( ollowlni table shows the prices p-xld
forshcop :
1'rlmo fut slioop , shorn It 00 ( ii'i 0"i
Oood fat Eliuoi ) . shorn II r > > Gil ' >
Ooiiinion to Miodlnm shccp.shurn. U U Wl ' 'J
Westerns , shorn 2 UO CW 00
Good W to7Jlb. lamlH S 00 ( SUM
It.uiK'i of I'rlcos t'alil for Hoirs.
The following table shows the rin o of
the prices p ild for ho s on thu d.iyd Indl-
catud :
\Vedii'-s lay. July 1 4 . ' 10 ® 4 B5
riiuisdny. .lulya 4 : tO > 4 W
I'rldny.ulv a 4 40 fflt 57'i
Siiturday , July 4 445 < M 05
Monday. July 4 r.5 © 4 5'i
Tuesday. July 7 4 M ftj 75
Wednesday , Julys 450 Ml 75
Thursday , July U 4.15 © 175
I'rldny , July 10 4 G7'/ffo4 75
Saturday , July 11 4 03 © I So
Receipts n id Deposition of Stock.
OHlclal rocolutsand disposition of stock at
shown by the boo'cs ' of the Union stockyards
ooi.ipany for tlio Iwtmty-four hours oudlns at
Oo'clouk p. in. . July II , 1891 :
Receipts mi 1 Disposition I'or tlio Wcok.
Ulllclul receipts and disposition of stock as
Hhown by the books of the Union stojkyards
company for the week endlngat 0 o'clock p.
m. fa.iturd.iy , July II , 1 91.
lltiyera | Cuttle. | lto. | aiioop.
Avcrntro I'rico of Hogs.
Showing the average pnco paid for loads
of ho-fa on the days Indicated in 1833 , 1839 ,
1800 and IbOl.
ItcoolptH anil Slilpiuciits.
Showing the official receipts and shipments
of cattle , ho.'s and sheep on the dates Indi
cated !
I Uiuila lltim | Shuop.
Ueculptii ICnllle I UU.M. I Sheep
I lUttlJ | ll'Ut I 8'JD.
Kopromjiitntlvu Snlcw.
51. . . . . .120 40 4 in U7 . 212 120 443
U . . . .ISO 40 4 25
No Av. Pr
M native stock cwcs . . . . . .TO $ J 50
Mvc Stock .Market.
Ciltouio.July II. ( Special Tolexrani toTiti ?
1 IK E.I The Evening Journal siys :
CATTi.B--Ilecolpn , 4OJO ; shipment * . 1,000.
Market atcudy : oitra steeM , frt.oiviJGn.3 ! ox-
port. t.1.lHxafl.'lO ! others. il 'iVaVT.'i ! Tuxnni.
I..r > 'Kt& 1.7.3 ! HtOoUors , Uf > > > iH75 ; cows nuil holf-
HnoH-Kocolpt' , ll.OM : shipment6.000. .
Market ucttvo mill stoidy : rou.'li and com-
ninn , Jl.4034.10 ! mltuil and packers , fl7.r&
4 ! M > ! prime heavy ntiil butchers weights , II.Dj
.1.15 ; light. * 4 80t2.Utf.
SIIKKIHccelpts 2.003 ! shipments. none.
Market steady ; native owes. * i.1J < SI Mt mixed
anil wothera , JI.IOiW.3 ; Tex m . JIC.1TU . .1 |
western wethers , tl.75ai.fO > lamb * , $3.75' < J0.50.
St. IjotilH Mvo Htiok Market.
ST. f.otjn , Mo , July It. OATTMS ItocolpU ,
600 ! shipment * , 2IOOj tnurkot steady ; fulr to
oxtri uutlvo steers , I\OJ ® " 00 ! nrdlnarv tn
good , W 6J < 2h > 10i Tox.iti ! ) anil Indiana , t-OOS
4411.lions Ucco'pts. ' 310 ; shlpmnnts , 2,500s mar
ket strong ; fulr In choice licavy. tl.Wft.3a3 :
mixed grades , (45)31.1)0 ) ) : light ( air to best ,
tl.OJ'BJ.OO. '
bltKKi' Receipts , 3,000 ; shipment * , OOOj mar
ket steady ; f.ilr to fancy , Mooat.tX ) .
City liive Stock 'Market ,
KANHAH CiTir. Mo , July it. OATTLK Tie-
coluts. 5,120 ! shipments , I.IIW ; market nuthos
stoutly : Toxuns , Kvijliio lowers steers , $ .1.0 ®
(1(10 ( ( ! eowH $ . ' .5oaa. . ' > 0 ; stockera and ( coders ,
. .
Hoes Receipts 3,140 ; shipments 11,520 : mar-
kotflc higher ; bulk , $ l.0vai.7.3 ; ull grades. tl.uO
BiiKEp Uocclpts , 4'JOi shipment , 1,870 ; mar
ket bendy. _
Hunk Clearing * .
The bank clearings for the past week wcro
ns follows :
Monclnv . 870OTftl )
Tui'sdn'v . . 578.4V > .
Wednesday . f > ID.4722t !
Thursday . 50 ,1HU3
1'rldav . 6IW.I2IU1
Saturday . 4'JO. 740.4 1
Total . U5
A decrease of .11. 1 per cent frotn tbo corresponding
spending \\oolc of last year.
* Claimants atul Attorneys.
It Is important that claimants under the
Indian depredations law should understand
that all contracts made by them with attor
neys were cancelled and annulled by that
net. Section 0 of the law explicitly savs
that "all contracts heretofore made for fees
and allowances to claimants' attorneys nro
hereby declared void , " and the secretary of
the treasury tn issuing warrants for judg
ments js required to make them payable
only to claimants , their lawful hi rs or other
representatives specified in the act , "except
so much thereof ns bhall bo allowed tao
claimants' attorneys by tbo court for prose
cuting said claim , which may bo paid direct
to such attorneys , " and the amount of the
allowance which shall be rnudo is spccillcrt ,
The Uaim agents and attorneys are making
a light on the law upon the ground that con
gress has no power to annul private con
tracts , ana hold that contracts involving a
contingent fee nro irrevocable. Claimants
who are thus informed should pay no atten
tion to it. Their obviously wlso and proper
course is to bo guided by the provlilons of
the law , which nro so plain and explicit
that no ono can err as to their mean
ing , and to pay no regard to op
inions or representations of men
whoso interest it is to defeat the intent of the
law. The evident purpose of congress in do-
elating contracts with attorneys void was to
protect claimants , and oven if it bo granted
that thoio is n question as to the power of
congress to do this , until that question is
judicially determined claimants will make a
mistake not to take the advantage which the
law allows them , and by failure to do so sub
ject themselves to the exactions of the
greedy claim ngcnU and attorneys. But it
is highly Drobablo that the power of con
gress In this matter will never bo tested in
the courts , since it is hardly to bo supposed
that the many able lawyers in congress
would have allowed so important a feature of
the Indian depredations act to remain in it if
thcio was a reasonable doubt regarding the
right of congress to so legislate.
The thing to be understood by claimants
under the above act Is that contracts made
with attorneys for fees ana allowance wore
rendered void by the act , and that they are
at liberty to place their claims in other hands
and to refuse in all respects to be bound by
such contracts.
DoWltt's Little Karly Risers ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
A Devototl Soldlor.
Nnpolcon mot tin old soldier who hnd
lost iiti arm. "My friend , how did you
lese that arm ? " "Fightlnp for you
sire. " Nnpoloon , moved , responded
with a handful of coins. "Siro , " bivid
the veteran , eagerly , "what would you
give if I had lost the other too'r1" "I
would give you the cross of the Legion
of Honor. " "With your own hand ? "
"With my own hand. " Quick as thought
the soldier drew his saber and slashed
oil his remaining arm at the shoulder.
Very alTectingt But then the question
arises , how on earth did ho manage to
do It ?
Von arc Entitled to n Pension and
Should Got It.
Ninety days is not n long tlmo to servo iti
the army. Nevertheless , n n'an who has
served ninety dais and who has been honor
ably discharged , if ho suffers from physical
disability which renders bun unable to sup
port hlmselt , is entitled to a pension.
There Is not ono .soldier in three who is en
titled to this relief who is aware of the ox-
Istnnco of the law which was passed for his
bcnolit. This is doing Injustice to himself
and to his people.
A man who has served ninety days either
tn the military or naval service of the United
States , during the late war who has been
honotnoly discharged and who c.ui make
proof of the fact that ho Is physically In
capacitated from supporting himself Is en
titled to icccivo a pension of not more than
$12 and not less than ft ! pnr month.
The pension shall commence from the data
of the filing of tha application. It is not re
quired to prove that the bolaler's Incapacity
is the outgrowth of Injuries sustained in tbo
war. It must bo shown ( simply that it Is not
the lesult of vicious conduct.
Uvct-y soldier and sailor who is entitled to
this pension should move immediately to so-
euro It. Ho can and should do this with Tun
Br.B BuiiuvuorCiAiM" . This is the cheap-
cst and best moans of having your claims
against the government collected. All you
have to do Is to send $1 to Tut : lir.i : Bimiuu
or CI.VIMS in Omahaas n condition precedent.
That entitles you to a subscription for ono
year to Tin : WnMCiw Dm : and to member
ship in Tim IJut.'a CI.UM Iltmmu ASSOCIA
In order to moro fully ro.illzo what you are
entitled to , wrlto to
M \xuiiiit OMAIU lieu UUIIGAU or CI.UMS ,
Omaha , Neb ,
Il'.IollIIHOIl IjlVL'll NOW.
It is lucky for Dr. Johiibon that with
his idiosyncraoy of touching the posts in
the sti cot as ho passed along , that lie
lived u century ago. Otherwise , if ho
lived now , ho might bo do id before this.
Think not only of the worry it would bo
to him to start him down Niagara at root ,
for instance bays tiio Buffalo Kxpro s ,
with his deposition to touch all the
poles ho su\v , hut inmgino him llgurinc
In the Coroner's report thus :
"Dr. Satnuol Johnson , the eminent
loxlcograuhor , imprudently bluok his
linger against a wet electric light pole
iast night and was instantly killed by a
dlbchargo of ! t,000 volts of electricity. '
Di'Corniltii'H of tlio Nose.
A London genius has invented n
machine to reduce the varied deformi
ties of the noao. The deformity aomo
people have of sticking their noses into
other pooplo'a bualuc-83 will still go on
Dullest Daj in Many Mqptjia in All the
Board Pita ,
V n
Fnvorablo Crop AVcutlxu- AVonlccn-
liiK Factor In Corn-iKIrm Oats
with Provisions IlAthcr Strong
Stockd nml Uoiuls.
CincAno. July It. It was the dullest day In
many months In alt the pits on thu board
today. There was nospoulnl occasion for It
that wasdlscovor.Uilo , as the situation has not
materially changed ; but It lust came about
that oiislde orders wore scarce and local trad
ers were tn a muting mood. So the pits during
most of the day wcro about as deserted as a
last year's bird's nest ,
Wheat opened at about last night's prices ,
was Inclined to firmness for a time , soiling up
a good fraction , but llnally weakened and lost
all of the advance and something more There
< vns an Inclination that cimld bo called bull
ish , the government report WIH : not iiulto so
Mattering ns many expected , lint the promise
of u month ago was fully sustained.
( . 'allies showed the Kngllsh markets rather
Him advices Indicated lower
prices duo riodjiiht to the fact that the re
duction of Trench duties on wheat and Hour
went Into olToct yesterday. The nunther mnp
showed rain In some portions of the winter
wheat country with a low barometer all
through the region Indicating coining storms
As nincti of the wheat Is still In shook , rain
would bo rocardod as unfortunate and this
ImlpiHl top.iuso a little strength and sllinit-
lulod the buying , hut there was xery llttlo for
sale and the backwardness of sellers was a
strengthening feature.
The cable advices of fiinilno In portions of
Russia and India and drought mm scorching
Moithor In bpaln were about the only
encouraging pieces of nous for the bulls.
On the other hand recolptsof iew nhcatuoro
generally liberal , 106 cars r idling Toledo of
which 104 wore contract and im c irs of now
wheat were loci'lved here , 17 of tlipm being
contract. Now York bought some and
f.ogan had buying orik'is from bt Louis
where the receipts are not as lun'o as yester
lliadstrccts reported alight Incrpisoln experts -
ports compared with the woo < pnnlous. The
av iM.ib'o supuly at wheat In Kitiopo nnd
Ainuilca reported at s.1,100.000 ugaliift
fAl OOO ut this tlmo Instjenr. Dccombu
opened at bSls c , sold up to SS'.c. off
KS 4c , bioko tobS c. hung around b85.sajo
fora while during the afternoon , touched
. reacted to M < c .mil closed at SS c on a
1'nrls c.iblo quoting a docllno In prloca eiiual
to 4c per bushel because of vestorilay's reduc
tion In the duty.
There was only a moderate business In corn.
the market ruling Inactive , fluctuations cov
ering " © . range. The feeling was Inclined
to bo culler. The government report \ \ as gen
erally Interpreted as "bearish" but the
scnrulty and high prices of hl--li class in.ido
the local tra lo timid about boiling short. The
trade figured the n-port to moan a crop of
about two billion Imsliols.
The Ilrin tone In whvnt gave some strength
to t'Orn early In the day but ( ho wt'atlior In
tlio corn belt was f.ivorahlo for the growing
crop and that condition proved .1 wp.ikonlnz
factor later. September ( Mivncd at fll c. i-old
up to 51sc. broUo to Sl'SffijI c , strengthened
MIIMU but closed ntSlc.
Outs were quiet and linn caily. but ea ed off
later with corn , thou.'h the llnctuatlons woio
coiiflned to a range ofc <
1'iovlslons were rather strong on smaller ro-
colpts of hogs than expected , and firm prices
at the yards but trade WHS very dull , Indeed ,
with lluctiiiitlons confined to an exceedingly
narrow r.ingc.
The leading futures range 1 as follows :
Will AT NO. 2
July t I J UC f
September 87
December , 6SH
Cons .So. 2
July ,
OATS No. 2
July , 85' j
September 10 m 10 6 10 45 10 50
Oclober 10 10 15 10 U )
r.Aiin '
September. . . . . . 6M e ro 8 41 ! e 474
October 6MS7Jt l > (74 6674 C 57M
September 6 40 0 45 0374 0 40
October , CM 060 OMH
Cnah quotations were as follows :
rn.uu Steady , unchanged.
WIIBAT No. 2sprlngwhoat,0)U ) < 'tOOJo ! ; No. a ,
spring wheat , 82b8oj No. 2 rod , tttijc.
CoilN No. 2. flSc.
OATS-NO. 2. sol jo ; No. 2 , white , 41'/iffil3c ;
No. .1 , white , 3'Hfc4l'5c.
live No. V. 7fi70ic. !
IlAiu.EV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , nominal ;
No 4 , nominal.
PLAXSKKD No. 1. J1.04JJ-
TIMOTHY&EEU Prime , 11.20.
Pome Mess pork , nor barrel , I10.2.V310.35 ;
lard , per owt. , $ tl.7i,5J0.30 ; short ribs sides ,
( loose ) . rTi.20n.25 ; dry salted shoulders
( boxed ) , t5.20&o2.i ; short clear sldoa ( boxed ) ,
Jfl WclO CO.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal
lon. J1.1G.
buoAiis Cut loaf , unchanged ,
Itecclpts aud shipments tod.iy were as fol
lows :
On the produce exchange todny , the butter
matUut was steady and unchanged : fanoy
creamery. IftOlTc ; tine western , I4Q13c ; Quo
daliy , UQlJo. CKBH. r > Bio.
York Markets.
New VOHK , July 11. KLOUII Keceipts , 18,4 13
packages ! ovports. S.Wl barrels ; i,570 sacks ;
unchanged and dull : salcH , 1.1.400 barrels.
COII.N MBAL Dull anil steady.
WHEAT Keceipts , 6K5JO hnshels : 01 polls ,
111.1S7 bushels ; sales , 8. > 0OOU bitkhels of fu-
tuios ; 104,000 bushels spot. Spot market firmer
and dull ; .No. 2 roil , tl,02 ® l.0.l In btoro end
elevator ; tl.O.I = U&101 atiout ; JI.MJ4I.047 , f
o. h. ; unzradodicd , l'Jc < Qtl.OO ; No 1 north-
urn to urrivo , tl.uii ; No. t hard to uirlvo ,
iti.10 ; No 2Uliloaio , tl O.'Mil.O ! . Options woio
dull and 'nft'ic higher anil Bte.idy ; the trud- No f rod , July. 11.00'
@ 101 , closing , Jl.ooy ; AiiKiist , Ui'tJiW'gC.
closliiK. lir'do ; Soptumbnr. OUUc , closlnp , Oil'io ;
Uciobor. OGY-B'fi'ic , oloslne. l)7o ) ; Deceiuboi ,
! ' 85-li S S\o { , closlnc , U8lio ; May. $1.0.1.
HVE I1 Inn , quid ; western , tjoptumbor i\o- \
11 \ cry , 7CO770.
HAHI.UV .MAI.T Qtilot ; Canada country
miulc. $1.0031.03.
Cons HecelptH , 107,800 bushels ; oxnortn ,
19,71 , ' ) bushels : sales , I2J,000 bushels of futures ,
,11,000 bushels of spot. Spot market dull ,
loner ; No. 2 , O'lft'Oo In elevator ; 70o
ullo tt ; ungraded mixed , ( iS > 4@Jc. No. 2 while ,
options are 'i\olilKhori ; ery dull but bteiuly ;
July Co'jc. closing , ( il' c ; August , closliu ,
Gl u ; Septemhor , SD'aSiWyc , aloslng , fl'JJfe ' ;
Uutober tojc , closing , uSKo ; Uocombor OiSi
® .WJ.iC , closing W c.
OATS Keceipts , 10.000 busheli ; exports , 324
bnsliels ; sales , 1)0,000 ) bnthols of fntiiroH ; 5)- )
000 tnibhelu of Hpot. Spot marUot dull , weaker.
Options dull. IrruiEiilnr : JulyK\ lo. clo-diu ,
4lc ; AtiKiist , tW l.Ti p , cloning , 35io ; f-eptem-
bor. 32".C1Io ! , > oloslnK ItifiC ! npot , No. 2 , white ,
4Mt4S' o : mixed western. 40CDIOo ; white west-
orn. 4h'ilfllc ; No2UhluaKv > 4Uio.
llAV Qnlot , stonily.
Hops Qnlct , oiiby : Rtuto common to clrolco ,
20Jfte ; I'aolllo const , 8l J&SSo.
Uoi'KER Options opunixl stonily nnd 105JI5
points down , closlntr stoutly anil unchanged to
io points down. Sales.u,7fx ) hugx. Including :
July , Jill SOftlb 8,3 ; AlUUt-t , IG.a3 llI.ll ; bop-
teniber , $11.IOitr > .1.3 ; Oeuiber. t4 ! 1VHI4.2.3 ; No-
\emhci , il'LV ( > i 117 1 ! llocemher , iM.VJ'iiKIU ) ;
Juntiury. * l.l.tvaU43 : ; I'ohruury , < I3 33 ® .143.
broi Hiti Dull , but llnni fulr cargoes , Ib o ;
No 7 , 17ai7'ie <
huutli Uuw , Ilrm. but ( julct : roflnud firm.
.MOIASSKS I'orulKii iniuiliiiil ; New Or.cuns ,
tinlot ) common to fanuy. UKt'Mc.
KVK bcurco anil linn ; domestic , fulr to
oMru , ,1'ic ' ; .lupun. 5iQ ! > i34U.
rr.Titoi.KUH Quiet Knd stoudy ; tinltod
closed ut too for Auuiuu
LOTT ( btKi ) on. Dull : crude orferlnj , 25 ©
-Oo : jollow. elf gratlos , ilVttillc.
TAI.I.OW htoudy unit , dull ; city , ( I'.OO for
, ,
HOSIN Quiet and weak ; Btrnlnod common
to good. * l..i7'4l.4'J'i. !
' 1 Ulti'KNTiNh hteuily , dull nt 37'i5Wc.
KimsQnlot ; western , 17'io ; receipts , 11,100
HiiifH Dull , firm : wet salted Now Orleans
solcctod. 43107.1 p juiuU , Wiixj ; Texas baited ,
50 toliOpoiindg , Uu-i o ,
I'OIIK Hteiuly , tiulot ; old iiiessfl0.rA3II.OO ;
now 1110 * $ til.'fi'iilia ; extra prime , * lo.r > 0 < ifill.iO.
CUT MKAT.S Qulot , btu.tdy ; pickled bolllUH.
O'iauSio ! iilckluil 8huiiduu.6ViU.lI4c | ; ptcklod
hams , lOHUllc.
Miiinr.K Dull , iteudy ; short clour , Sup-
ton.bor , Jfi37' < 304 ! ) .
I.AIIII Oulet , western steam , (41 10 1
ontlon sales , nonu ; Auuiut closed , liI.MJt.ii CD :
fceptemlier oloted , ( &CU20.7I ; October , ( Utoti
lltiTTEtt-Qulot , weak ; woitorn . dairy ,
CBHo ; woKtern croamory. ItQ c , western
factory. ll'illo ; Rlgln , isc.
OiuE8U : Quiet , slond > ; two part hl.lms. U'iffl '
I'm Iiios-Qiilel ; beotch , tJl.OtXQ.'l.'JO )
American , 10.mxjH . ( X ) .
. Mlnm-npollr VVhuut > furket.
Minn. , July 11. Cash wheat
Farnam Sf , , NEW STORE , in Paxfoa Block , Cor. ISfh Sf.
Anyone bringing this acid to the store can get , this week ,
a pair of ladies' lUifober Gloves for only 75c.
was dull and steady. There was a fair de
mand for No. 1 noithorn. both for spot dc-
llvory and to arrive , sit * 1.0 > , about Icover
.lulv. A few fancy cars brought a fraction
inori' Good No.vis : In moderato demand at
( Hi'iSW'o , toft No. 2 was In llttlo liettor de
mand , but WHS still called alow. Top prices
woio In about thu same general ningu as yes
Receipts of wheat for twenty-four hours ,
148 cars : shipments , none. Closing : No. 1 hard ,
July. . < ' } : on truck * 1. ! K I.OI : No 1
northern. July. 9o ! ) : September , b4nac : Do-
cemln-r. S5'j(3S" ( > 5loi on traeu. SI Ul ; No.1. nortu-
ein , July , 0'iu : on trae , OJ5lOs'Bo. '
Knnsis Clty ( r.iln .llurkct'i.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , July 11. ri.ouu Dull ,
WiifAT-Stronger and higher ; No. 2 linrrt ,
cash , 7l > HSOo ; Jny. 7B'tO bid ! No. 2 rod , cash.
bOHo bid.
( JOHN Actho and higher ; No. 2 cash , Wic
bid ; Julv , M'5c.
OATS Strong , higher ; No. ' . ' , cash , 3Jo bid ;
July , M\c.
llAY 1'Irni , iinohnngrd. Hteatiy to Hi in , unchanged.
I'cios Weak at lie.
1'no VISIONS Steady , unchanged.
Woor , Dull. uiifhniiKcd.
liKCKii'TS Wheat , 1S.JOO bushels ; corn , 3,800
faiui'MKNTS Wheat , 12.401 biibhols ; corn , 7,000
bushels ; oats , liO.UOJ bushels ,
. Milwaukee larkots.
MILWAUKEE , WIs . July ll.-li'i.ouu Quiet.
WHEAT Dull ; No. 2 spring , on track , cash.
89',4e : beptcmber , Sl c : No. I northern , lSi c.
C'ous htondy : No. ! l , on track , cash , fl'lc.
CIATS I'lrm : No. 2 hltc , on tr ink , 4lJJe.
11AUI.RV Steady : No 2 , In Htovo. 70o.
HVE Inactho ; No. 1 , In slore , bJc.
I'liovihioNS Steady.
J'oiiK i-opteiiibor. JI0.47U-
LAIIII boptoinhcr , N 4"
KfCEii'TS Klour , 2.000 barrels : who it , 5.M3
Siiii'MCNTS riour , l.OJO barrels ; wheat , 43,000
St. limits
Louis. Mo. July" 11. WliEAT-IIIgher ;
LAUD Higher at .
WiiisKV Steady ; Jl.10.
DiilutliVIiont IVfarkct.
DUI.UTII , Minn. . July II. Wheat was strong
toduy , opunlng at 68. : . sellliu up to SS' c , clos
ing atOSc. toptomljor opened at 87u and hold
there most of the d ly. closing atSI' c. Cuah closed Jl.OOJi ; N'o. 1 hard , O7'ic ; No. 1
northern , UJ c ; No. 2 northern , UJSic.
Liverpool "MarkctH.
LIVKIIPOOI > , July U. WIIKAT ririn , demand
poor ; holders olTor sparingly ; Uallfoinla No. 1
7s I Hid nor cental.
Cou.v 1'lrm ; demand fair.
. : ils owt. clo ir , nor
LAitii Western , U-'s per cwt.
1'EAS Canadian , Os 4d per contal.
Toledo SInrkets.
TOLEDO , O. , July 11. WIIEVT Lower ; cash ,
COIIN Ilrm ; rash , 61'tC.
OATb Quiet ; No. 2 white. 42o.
Clnolniiiitl .Markets.
CINCINNATI. O. , July 11. WHEAT Stronger ;
No. 2 red. txxaoie.
COILS Good demand ; No 2 mixed. 50ic. !
OAT Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 403.
New York Bio icy Marker.
NEW YOIIK , July 11. MOMIV ox CALL Easy
I'liiMi : MRIIOANTII.K lUi-Eii 5 < { ffi7 per cent
STKUM > > nxciiAVOK Quiet and Him ut
' bills and S4 87 for de-
} 4.a' > H for sixty-day
' 1 ho' following were the closing prices on
bonds :
hTOCILS It It X It.1.
YOIIK , July II. The stock market
today wus u fitting end to a most Intensely
and uninteresting week at the stock oxch ingo
and the dealings wore restricted to tlio sin ill-
est limits , while nlmoit utterly devoid of fea
ture. The demand from the shorts , with a
little now buying , sorio.l to keep prices mov
ing upward In a llstlois sort ut m. inner until
the Issue of the bunk statement , whluh cre
ated rather a ( Us ippolntlng Impression with
Its small loss on surplus reserve uud Imma
terial losses In other Items. Thu only move
ment of note was that In Olovoland , Colum
bus , Cincinnati A. St. Louis which IDSO ? pur
cent on rather largo business for that stock
but afterwards lo-it tlio Improvement.
The rout of the list was hold within the nur-
rowcst limit and only Alclilson , Iliirlltigton
and I.ouisvlllobhowod any animation what-
The Industrials and silver certificates which
lm\u monopolized HO largo a proportion of at
tention lately wuiu qulto neglected. The open
ing WIIH Ilrm , and fuithur advances of from '
to 4 pur cent were bcorud , but thu Into trud-
li.g neutralized these gains lo u laigo o\tent ,
and thu close was ruthur huiivy ut Inslgnlll-
cant advances over Hist lirkus.
Thu final changes nrulii ull cases Inslgnlll-
canU Itallroud bonds wuru moiu actlvu than
stocks nnd displayed a moro decided Ilrm tone
rer.nltliu In KOIIIO material gains
amoiu thu Inacllvo Ibbiius. Amoiu
these , Houston k Is rose li'i to
WVJ per cent. Thu sales wore JISI.OOO.
( eminent bonds h.i\u been dull and firm.
hiuto bondH woruiioilectcd.
Thu I'ost sivs : Atthuprthont moment thu
financial markets are practically becalmed
The out look n it n rally fuvois the bull Hide , but
the bulls uro showing no disposition to tuku
udvanfigu of thu situation , and thuru Is prac
tically no outuldo Inturost. The oithu In the
loa'i miirUut Is largely uiiolfootumUllustr.ies !
the ruliictanco of bull operatom to
\untnro fur Into the mnrkot , nnd honeu is not
altogether u lefltlnmto argument on thu bull
Thus far thu only real noteworthy rosurtof
thu heavy .Inly disbursements Is u tendency
iimoiu lenders of hlx montliH money lo lower
their rules. 'I Ilia change lias bo-Mi t-lUlit hut
porceptlblo and doen not Indlcato u bullof on
the part of the loudors In great Kpecnlatho
nelh Ity later on and u conneiUunt | HIIUOIVO In
inonuv. Toilay'ii banu statement an wus fore
shadowed In nils column Acsturdiiy ufturnoon
uliowcd rolntlolv smu I clmiiKes for the week
In cash holdings. A brief nummary of thu
statement will bu found ultfuwhuroon tills
pa. e ,
To the strotit the Ktatomunt was n dlsap-
pulnlmunt , for a consltliiralilu Incro-nu wuu
very gunerally predicted. The market , how-
o\ur , wus tooiluad to rolled any micli feultni ; .
.Much curiosity IIIIH boon uxprossed us lo thu
rounon for limiting the jlferof now Loulsv Ilo
stouk for Hharvholduri , ' sulm. rliitlop to * IH * ) , -
( xxi when (7.UOU.OO ) hud liuon aiitfiorUed. There
ought to IHI no wondoriiiunl un this Bcoro ,
thu # i. HAWO whluh will insult from thu
present subscription will n llttlo moro than
pay for tb < > KuiitnoUy Central Meek recently
uciiiilred , which WUH thu only Immudlatu ro-
iiufrument. Thuru U reason to xupposu that
the LuuUvlllo wlllhuvuoceiijlon befurolouijto
pay for other slock similarly acquired , but It
would bo ot ) > lously bud policy to hull tlio rest
of the uuthorlrcu stock at thu prusuiit low
prlcis whou tlie cash Is not now needed.
NK\V YOIIK. July II The following mo the
closing quotations for the lu.iillug stocks on
tliu Now York stock uxiOmiuo todny :
The total sales of stocks todav were 4AM5
shares. Including Atchlson. 0.7MI : Cnlcago Gas ,
1,700 ; Loulsvlllo & . Nnshvlllo , 11,328. orthoru
Pacific preferred , 1.8JO : St , I'.lul , O.UI.
Financial Notes.
NnwOitLEANS , La. , July II. Clearings today ,
$1 , 103.4.7.
Hank ole.irlngs , ? ll.r > SO,000. Sterling o\-
ch.ingo unchanged.
OniUACO. July 11. Now York exchange ,
easy at Ko dlbcount Money , flrm and un-
212,151 : for the week , $ -i,4JOor7. IJecro.ise , 00
pel cent.
MKMPIIII , Tcnn. , July II Now York o\-
ch.inio sull'ii ; at $1.00 pienilnm ; clearings ,
S.81,051 ; balances , 7Ul98 ] ,
CiNCiy.iATr , O , July 11. Money , 0 per
cent. Now York I'xchauiro , "i cents discount
at par. Oloarluss today , J--'SL'-'lJ. Tor the
wcok , flJ,09i , > 3 : corresponding wcou lust year ,
NRW Yoint. July II. Clo-irlng" . Jini,2'8,100i
balances. MIO" ,4Nr > 1'or tlio wojU : Cle.irlngs.
tOri.lW.VOi balances , JJO,1H.1I)0. ( )
Ito iON , Mass .July 11. Clearings , 110,009.279 !
balances , { | ,4VTKl. ) Money. 4'i per cent.
Kxchaugo on Now York , 27 percent discount.
1'or the week : Cloarm.R , JIU.IOI.Hl. ' : u.ilancos ,
JIO.io0.9 ) 4. 1'or the corresponding wcok last
year : Olo.irlnns , JU7,0.8r > 41 ; balance ! , , S10.U.J-
ItAr.TiMOiiE , Mil. , July U. Clearings , $2.140-
670 ; baliviiccs , $ J38I4T. Money , 0 per cent.
I'nti.AiiUMMiiA. July 11. 0 oirlngs , IIO.ITH-
13 ; balances , J , : 7,47fl. Money. 4 per cent. Tor
the week ended today , clearings , JGI.WT.IM ;
balances , JIO.I28iflO. :
Sr. Louis. Mo , July 11. file irlngs. f.1,891-
fiOfi ; biliinccs , lfi44,8"i. ( ( ) Money , ( -3 percent.
r\eliungo : on Now York. 8" > e piomliiin. I'or
the woo' , eloar.ngs , $ Jl 178,401' ;'tnces. 52.-
4'Sftt7. ' ) 1'or tlio last week , clearings , $ l7- ( . " > . -
701 ; balances , 9.ii.K : , | ) ) | Kor tlio corresiiniid-
\ns \ week last , olo.irlngs , U2OI,2bO ; bal-
I'Aitts , July II. Throe per cent rentes O.'if
for the account.
DrsVEii. Colo. . July 11. There wnscnmp tra
thulybilsk business un the mining exchange
to lay. wllh nales , ,0OJO shares. Quotations
closed us follows :
.Now York .Mining ( Jiiot.itlnnH.
Nr.w YOIIK , July II. Thu following uro the
closing inliiliK aUiulc iiiotut | ons ;
IV ) UnmChtiTCu Ill )
AilamaUon 10 llnrn Hlhur 315
AHIIIMI . OKI ftiln Hher 1(10 (
llnlilitir ' . ' 10 Ontitrlo ; IM I IN ) Oplilr ' . " )
Crown Point 110 iiintli 17. ,
Con Vn Pi."i II IIM ) . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ( < 0
-Inniliiril IUU
Kim-kit fun an I'tiliin Con I'D '
( iuiilil.l Curry . ! . " > Vullun JuLkut 170
llulu K. Norcrom . h.'i
Ht. IjonlH . '
BT. liOtiiH. Mo. . July II. There was \ery
llttlo trad ni ; on the m nlng ii\eliangu today
and no llnnl chniu'ea In qnotutluiiHvorere -
cuided. 'I he folio win'hldb wurumiidoon call :
Ailttum I1 * ) Mkkey Ilituu 40
AmurlCHii iVS .silver Ana 10U
Illmitulllc 340U niUtiliutll H7N
llopo \fi' \ < Vuiuu 7B )
.Muiilrnoo . . . . IU
Now York Dry ( < o : > il llnrkot.
NI.W VOUK. July 11. Thoio was no now
feature In the dry KOOIH initrkut today ,
thoiuh there sonmed to bo a hotter f col Ing ,
mure Inquliy uud moiu cunlliluiuu.
Aiit\vt-r | > 1'til rolou in.
AKT\VKlll' , July H. I'KIIIUI.UUM IClif Cell
ing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ijonilon Wool Importn.
I.OMION , July II- The linportH of wool ilur-
Inz tlio past week were us followx
I'rom Now bouth Wulurf , bU bulus- , Victoria ,
020 : New X.oa'.and , .ISSfli Capo of Oood Hope
and Natal. ' > , IJ7 : from various ol her phicos ,
.ill bales The total of arrivals to date for
the next --erlesof 8 lies Is 8M\851 bales.
A s.iloof HheepsUIns will bo hold hero on
J n I y 8 J ,
Trailers' Talk.
ST I.oum , July U. l.anuunburg tlrothurs to
OocUrell llrothors : The following was the
olllelal rnngoof prices at thla point today ,
COMMOIIITI | Open | lllith | Low. | C'loso j \att.
U ) 49M
84 34 SI 34
Cilirxoo. July 11. Logan A. Co. to Tonorny
ix llr > an ; This has boon the dullest day of
the your and what llttlo inurkuto luivolmd
has been featureless. The government re
port was gononilly liitorprotod ns linnrlsh on
coin nnd about wh it had boon oxpoutod on
wheat. Cash w ho it was again In good do-
innnd lit u premium of 2 > ( oovcr Inly. New
VoiUand llaltlmoro reported fair exportdo-
mandwhl'o ' bt. Louis renortod ffl'.OOO ' loaded
out on barges for export , The oar lot esti
mates for .Monday. .103 wheat , 67.1 corn , 200 oatis
aru largo and uausoil some selling. Indica
tions point lo largo receipts uoxt wcolc and
unless outside Irado Incro isos materially
should drag prlcus some louoron both wheat
and coin. Provisions after the spurt of JOR-
tord.iy \ \orylnacllvoandclosoil
d.ill U.iti steady , with the exception of July
option which was weak on free offerings by
Ion.-FI December wheat opened BS'ic. sold to
bSTmVVc. ) closed HS3 a Soptumbor corn opened
MUi' . sold tor > PiO and closed 31o.
Niw VOUK. Jnlv 11. Ki-ntiott , Hopkins A
Co. to S. A. MuWhortur : The stock innrkot
opLMicd with conslderablo strongtn on the
fiiMiuiblo Inlluonco of ciop reports , ursteiu
stocks Lolng fa\oiltos , but dealings worocDti-
llni'il to piotussson il onoiators Latoron the
publU'utlon of thu bank Htatomont lliomniKot
eased oil' . The bank statement was
a disappointment In that It did not
conllrin i-stlni itosof financial writers as to
movements of money. They Indicated that
the bunks had gained money , but the state
ment shows that the hanks lost $ lth-.lJO. : ( ) AI-
. though deposits decreased $1BUMK.O It caused
a loss In the surplus reserve of flf.'U'OJ. ' The
contr tctlon In loans of $1,300.000 Is also unfav-
orab e , as It shows loss demand far money
from the inoiiMiitllo community. The coal
tradu IM lopoi led fiom Philadelphia to bo dull
and uotultlistnndlng the advance In pilcos for
July delhoilcs are still being m.uluon Juno
rates Uallwav e irnlngs are iiullo Irregular ,
homo showing h imlsomo gains and ethers
loshes. In the latter class la the Northern I'a-
clllc. whlrh shows a docrcaso for the llrst woolc
In I uly of } l\i : U. There has boon no London
miiiUet today , It being a holiday , 'llio mar-
Ketclosed dull with all the early gains la
prices lost. Total sales , 43,277.
CHICAGO. July 11. Schwartz. Dupeo & Me-
CormlcU to lC. . Swartz & . Co : Tlio wheat
market IUIH been dull and unlntorestlnn' . The
last imports show cry llttlo ehango from lust
month. Winter wheat condition Hlions n do-
clitic of 'i ' per cent and spring an Improvement
ofH. Oiu lio.ird niathoniatlcl'ins llgiiio the
ciop as iipproNlmatlng .142,000,000 , This seemed
to pioducu no chnngo In the Idonn of our local
traders Cash demand for wheat IH good ,
ne rod wlnior soiling fiooly at Ulo Hpot , U''o
to arrl\o during July. Now Voik reported
Rales for export and Italtlmoro llftoen
loads. Private o iblos reported % ory poor
ciop In both India and Hungary. 1'urls ro-
poiled a di'cllno of 70 centimes In wlioiitnnd
llour , which was understood to bo the olivet of
thu reduction In duty , which wont Into effect
yesterday amounting to 10j.Ju per biishol.
KecolptH were heavy , tlio cstlmatoa for Mon
day hclng.lOOcars. Hocolplsat eleven primary
nolnts , 440'JOJ ; ulilpinonts , .JIS.OJl ) . Clearances
from four ports 234u < )0 ) , of wheat , -'IMO ' pack
ages of Hour. The close of thu market was
tame , and without Indications as to Us nioba-
blo ( ouiso next WOOK. Corn under lull lonro
of lie.ivv receipts today and an cstunato of
f > 70 cars for Monday was dull and weak. The
sli pplng demand , which has lately been to
good , shickoiu'd today , cur lots so ling it
ris"iS'jo for No. 2 inlxod , .WiiB.W o
foi o. 2 yellow. Receipts from
nlovon primary points , M..IKK ) ; uhlpmenta
.USOUQ. Oats \orydtilland marliot fo.ituro-
less. Piovlslons altlioiigh Ilrm were dull ,
Thcio were Indications of a desire on tinp irt
of tlmM ) who bought yosterdiiy to Mill out
todav but tlio great dullness of tnemarUoi did
notiilTonl a favorable opportunity. KoiolplH ,
ho H for the day were 2,00J under estimates ,
KstlmaloH for Monday 21,000 , and lruUJi ; for
next wiuk. 'I ho day's trading In piovlulona
wits without feature.
CHICAGO , Ju y II. ( Connott , Hopkins A Co.
to S. A MtWnortor : The early llnnni'ss In
wheat WIIAOII coioruu of short Hales mil out
josterdiy In antlHpatiou of a moro bear bh
L-DMiriimcnt roport. 1'or a while tlio fcat-
Ing waij rather bullish , It looked like a
belter m irltot. but there was no outside busi
ness Itoom tridois saw no oncouiagement
to advance ) prices on thomsolvoM , and when
the 1'ailH closing cubic came In r > c louer with
out anv oxplaiuitlon of the drop , the llttlo
llmsof loiu wheat went overboard. Tim m ir-
kDlelosed about where It did yi'sleidav. Thu
\oluiiioof now wheat receipts is Kleadlly In
creasing and bearish nculporH who never
linn to a busliol of cash HtulT are
souly dlftiossed for four tlioso who
do handle It will como to grief , Meanwhllu a
liandsomo preniliini over July Is bid for the
new itculpts and locolvlng IIOIIKCH nro putting
fiuLli uxuiy I'Mort to socnro all they
can of It while forolgnarx scorn n
o'tgor as over to contract for future
ilolh cry. The situation would Indicate better
prices , but the sentiment Is the other way
Corn and OIIIH holu pretty well , lonsldorlnH
that the govi'tnmonl toport Is Intorpiuted to
Indifitu a com crop of nearly u > o billion
busliuls and ono of the largest cropH of oats
CMi ! inlsod In the country. It IH generally
agreed , honoci , that later reports miiut
lower thu condition of corn , possibly very
niatoilally. As to OIIIH It Is urobublo
they will bo bocurod In good Hhapo , l.rneo-
the feeling reinniiiH consurvatl\oly bnarUh.
'llio IHOV H on imtrliot ban been dull and
pi Ices baioly sustained. Tim pronlse of a
Loon corn uiop iHoirsot by light receipts of
hogs ami a beilof thatHiipptlos may not In-
crinihu until Iliuy can uo followed on now
corn. Tlio bnidunsomo HtookH of prov ulons
fti Into consii'iiptKm very slowly and unless
ci nditiims change for thu hotter In thin ro-
biiutl wo can see no eiicour igement to buy
iJdHOJ illlStltO.
An oinbo//llii ( . ' collector who hail ni > -
] ) i'Oriutuil | ) W8 WIIH hoiitonccd to Blx
iiionthh liripi'lbontnunt by a Canuliiii , N.
.1. , ( Mnii't durtiito [ tlio pluathut the money
hud buuu loturncd ; the juil o holdlntr
that tliu return o [ the inuucy ufloi- the
fuel of in rout WIIH not Bucli a rostttutlon
us nhould inovo tlio court to loniuncy.
AH ti i ulo , the quality of jusilco dis
pensed by No\y Jotuoy courts lu not
A cubic fool of aluminum wolglin 157
poundn. A cublo foot of copper woi
5.08 pouiulH. A shout of aluminum 12
inches hiiiiaro and ono Inch thick ,
uoi 'liri II pounds. A bar of aluminum
ono Inch bquiiro and 1" Inches thick ,
will weigh 1,17 ( lonndn. A cubic inch of
cibt : aluminum weighs 0,002.
McShane & Condon ,
SOU g. lath St. First Natlonul I ) nlc i uiia-
In ; ; , Omaha. Nob.
Uoid lu ti'Ck ' < . bunili , ucurlttm , Cdinmcr 'I'll pif
l > or , etc , Nc' ullalu liiani on lnipriivu < l Om iliu ruil
o.lnlb. Hliurtllino tomi < , wltU bunk > lgiH , orou ull
lipruvuil uillalur oln-curltj.