Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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rellvcred by Carrier In any part of the City.
Business Onico , No. 43.
Night Kdltor. No. 23.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Crnft's chattel loans , 201 Snpp block.
6. If you want water In your yard or house
pete Blxby'g , JWJ Morrfam block.
J. M. Flngler Inw Just received a lot of
choice specimens of "mineral blossoms" from
Iron mountain , Mo.
A district ledge mooting of the Good
Tcmplurfl will ho hold In Archer hall this
forenoon and afternoon.
Adolf Krause teen out a building permit
yesterday for a $1,000 brick store room at the
corner of Frank street nnd Broadway.
The lowu Stale band will go to Omaha Sat
urday morning to give a street concert rind to
tiooni Chautauqua on the Nebraska sldo of
the river.
The Spooner comedy company will com
mence a week's engagement nt the Broad wnv
theater next Monday evening. Their first
pl.iy will bo "Inez. "
A sneak thlof broke into ono of Todd's now
housei in the western part of the cltv night
bofiiro last nnd carried away a lot of tools bo-
longlng to Frank Johnson.
The Western Iowa Veterans' association
\vlllhotdltsannual meeting at DunJap next
"Wednesday and Thuwlav. A number of
Veterans from this city will attend.
A meeting will bo held In the Baptist
church tomorrow evening for the purpose of
talking over the subject of their now church ,
and making further arrangements for its
Marshal ,1. L. Tcmnlaton has returned from
Col fax and will at once put all army ot doir
catchers into the Hold , who will gather up nil
untnggcd canines nnd prepare thorn for the
slaughter. There have been only 1011 dog
taxes paid so far.
Marrlago licenses were Issued yesterday to
William Spencer nnd Franklo Pruyno , both
of Omaha ; John U. Bchrends and .Maria II.
Kolntcr , both of Pottawattamlo county , and
Themes M. Henry nnd Sarah C. Long of
Pottawattamlo county.
Two runaway boys were arrested several
days ago , claimed to be from Sioux City.
Ati effort was made to find out who their
parents wore , so that thov might bo sent
back homo. The police have received no
word in regard to them , nnd they were ac
cordingly turned loose yesterday.
M. M. Marshall , who has been acting ns
passenger brakcman on the Wabash between
Moborly and Council Bluffs , loft last Sunday
to tnko'a position on a freight run between
Moherly and Kansas City. His first trip
was unlucky , he being laid up by a largo
epllntcr which ho ran into bis hand white
About twenty members of the Catholic
Mutual Benevolent association went to
Omaha night hoforo last to attend n recep
tion given under the auspices of the Omaha
branch of the order. A largo number were
present , nnd thn evening's entertainment was
highly enjoyed until the last mentor for the
Bluffs started.
An information was issued in the superior
court yesterdav charging Ed Fcgley with
Eteallng a lot of tools bolonglnc to E. S.
Fisher from the Bnlkwm bloclf , where they
wuro beliig used. Fcgley Is now in the city
Jail nerving out n sentence for drunkenness ,
and as soon as he Is released ho will ho con-
f i anted with the now charge.
In police court yesterday morning Gus
Miller was given seven days on the streets
for vagrancy and Joe Lyons was lined $10.80
for druiiKonnoss. J. P. "Davidson was ilned
(1 and costs for leaving his team standing
unhitched on the street. Thocasoof "Soapy"
Brooks , charged with stealing a check for
7.50 from his mother , was continued until
this morning.
The .Milwaukee company , nnd especially
Mr. J. M. Lane , the general agent , deserves
much credit for the satisfactory manner in
which the crowds who attend the exorcises
nt Chautauqua are handled. The late trains
comlnu into the city are uniformly hold nt
Chautauqua until the entertainments are
over , HO that the audiences are spared all un
easiness for four of missing the train.
O. Younkerman & Co. , feed and commis
sion , 103 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Tel. 77.
J'JilitiOXAI ; I'.l K.
Mrs. N. W. Green loft Inst evening for a
visit with relatives In St. Paul.
Miss Lena Wallace is visiting friends in
Terra Haute , Ind.
Mrs. S. T. McAtco and Miss Cecilia Mul-
queen left yesterday forColfax.
Miss Kntio Boudor leaves today for Win-
tersot , wiioro she will spend a few weeks
visiting relatives.
Miss Eva Nnson leaves today for n visit
with friends In Davenport , Chicago 'and
other places in Iowa and Illinois. Sne will
be cone about two weeks.
Mrs. Al Cook nnd children leave next Sun
day tor Astoria , 111 , , to spimd several months
with relatives. They will return In Septem
ber , accompanied by Misn Essie Cook.
Dr. L. G. Patty , formerly of Carroll , la
tns associated himself with Dr. S. Stewart1'
the well known veterinary surgeon , nnd will'
hereafter bo a resident of Council BlulTfl.
The greater part of Dr. Stewart's tlmo Is
consumed in discharging his duties as federal
meat Inspector In Omaha and Dr. Patty will
DO nu actlvs wnrKlng member of the firm.
Mrs. D. J. O'Neill , Miss TInloy , MUs ICato
"Wickham and Miss Manguni , all teachers In
the publio schools , start tomorrow for To
ronto , Out. , where they will attend the
annual mooting of the National Educational
association , which conyonos in that city on
the Mth mid lusts four days. After the con
vention Mrs. O'Neill will return to Chicairo ,
where she will graduate in music. The
others will go to the Now York Chnutauuun ,
whoio they will spend a few weeks of their
The auction snto of C. A. Hlehnrdson &
Go's , jewelry stock at 40(1 ( Broadway , caused
no little excitement , as a largo crowd is in
attendance every evening. Watches , clocks
and blivorwaro are boing-sold at n sacrillco.
Their object Is to discontinue business and
dissolve partnership at onco.
Drs. Woodbury. dentists , 30 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 143. High
grade work a i > cciulty.
The lire department was called out yester
day afternoon at 3 o'clock by an alarm of fire
from Oakland avonuo. A blaze had stnrtcd
in the residence , of Chief ot Police Wndo
Cary , ! W > avenue F , and was getting In Its
work with n good deal of r.ipldlty when the
lire-men' arrived. It was soon put out , how
ever , nnd thu damage was inaliilv confined to
the kitchen , where it had originated. The
cause of the ilro was a gasoline explosion.
Mrs. Cory had been lllllnir the gasoline stove ,
nnd In so doing xomo of the fluid leaked out
on the door. When n few minutes later she
struck a mutch , the gas that hud been forming
Ignited , and In a second the whole nit- was
abhuo. The kitchen and all its con touts were
almost entirely ruined , and It is thought the
complete loss will amount tok ) .
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves und
household goods of Mundcl & Klein , Council
Bluffs. Prices very low ) freight prepaid to
yourclty. _
Picnioat Manhattan beach , LnkoManawa-
peed fishing , line bathing and boating ; plenty
of shade ; best place for camping out parties.
Try It. _
SiirotloN ItulrnHOil.
Jacob Howurth of thU city nnd Alouzo
Bassutt were tried nt the January term ol
district court on a charge of selling liquors
II legally , ana judgment was pronounced
niMtnst them. 'I hey appealed their cases to
thn supreme court , and their bauds for ap
peal , which were llxcd at $300 each , were
furnished by L , Klrscht & Co. of Omaha und
A. P , Laugmudo of this city , Judgment was
rendered against the defendants and their
bum tics on the bonds. Governor Boles was
Interceded with on behalf of the defendants ,
and at lust thu cases have been stilled uv tho.
receipt from Governor Holes of a document
releasing the sureties from liability In the
matter , provided thu defendants pay all cosU
that huvu accrued lu the courts ,
Olmntauqua Prosp ring Under the Bene
ficent Smile of Nature.
Orniul Concert In the HvctiiMg Ic-
lljlil | Many hovers of Good
Music The I'lntiH Tor
The cool , pleasant wcathor nnd the good
roads took many pcoplo to chautiiuqua yc
tcrilny , and the hopes of the management ,
who have had the weather nRnltiit thoin
durlnp nltnoit the on tire season so far , took
n now lease of hfo. Loon II. Vincent deliv
ered a lecture on Dickens In the morning tea
a good audience. Ill * clear delineations of
character and hli power of combining the
interesting with the Instructive have huen
nowhcro bettor shown than In this lecture ,
and It was listened to with great interest.
The afternoon session was given up to the
temperance pcoplo , nnd llioy had a very en
thusiastic tiuio. J. lillcn Foster , the patr on
poddcss of Iowa prohibitionists , was prcieot
and delivered one of her characteristic ad
dresses. At the eloso of Mrs. Foster's effort ,
which was received with many manifesta
tions of enthusiasm , Uev. Allan Clark ad
dressed the people.
In the evening ; a grand concert was given
hy the Iowa Btato bund and the Swedish
inulo quartette , assisted by Miss Dortha
Bayllss of Omaha and other well itnown
soloists. The selections by the band were
rendered with the same precision and
brilliancy of execution that has character
ized Its performances all during the season ,
and from the tlino the first strains of the
' 1'oot and PeasantOverture" were heard
until the clo oottho "Star Spangled Ban
ner1 the closest attention was given them. ,
Tno program included "La Oltana Waltzes , "
by Uucalossi , and "A wakening of the Lion , "
by DoIContzlti. Mr. John Salmon , the soloh.t
of the band , pluycd a cornet solo entitled
"Weber's Last Waltz. " In an elegant man
ner. Probably the greatest hit of the occa
sion was the descrlp live piece , "Tho Night
Alarm , " bv D. W. Reeves , In which the
scenes that accompany a midnight lire worn
portrayed most vividly.
Tno members of the Swedish male quar
tette acquitted themselves nobly , and only
increased the good opinion that the audlcnco
formed of them on their ilrst appearance.
The chorus did some excellent work under
the direction of Prof. Case.
The following is the programme for to
day :
8 it. ni. Junior normal clnss. Klocntlon.
On. m. Senior normal clnss. Elocution.
10 n. -Wmmm'B Christian Teinpur.ineo
union tnitnlnK chins. Itinerants'club. 1C lo
cution. Voice Culture and Il.mnony. Tab-
11 a. in. Lecture , "ironic. " Loon 11. V ncont.
" : 'M p. in. Swedish Mule Qunrtutte.
4 ix in , VOIIIIR People's Meeting ,
fi p. m.-J. I , . S. O. Hound Table.
7 p. in. Chorus class.
8 p m. Lecture , "Views Afoot In Ireland , "
James A. Green.
Council fluffs souvenir spoons at Burhorn's.
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 539 B'way.
Union Park races , Omaha and Councl
BlnfN , September 8-11 , $0,3UJ ; Octooer'JO-23
$ 1,000. For programmes address Nat Brown
Merchants hotel , Omaha.
Will Kntcr lor the lluccs.
There will bo something of an emigration
for Spirit Lake during the Ilrst part of the
coming week. The regatta to take place
next week will draw a largo crowd from this
city as well as from other places , nnd the
attendance from this city will bo increased
very materially by the fact that the Council
Bluffs rowing association hfls decided to
send a couple of crews to tulio part in the
The following gentlemen will cotnposo the
four-oared crow : Harry Haas , how ; C , E.
Hold , second ; Harrv Bowman , third ; P. A.
Buckman , stroke ; J. N. Bowman , substitute.
The craw for the single pair race
will consist of F. A. Buckmuu and Harry
Bowman. There is only one entry so far as
is known now. In the four oar race , Cedar
Uapids having frightened all other competi
tors out by the strong work It did last year.
The Bluffs' crow has done no practicing , and
does not expect to win , but only outers in
order that the rncn may como off as an
Among the Bluffitcs who will accompany
the boat club to the lake are Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Sherman , Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar ICeollno ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. II. Kvans , Mibs Adaie Sher
man , Miss Anna Bowman , Miss Mmnio Mor-
Itel , Charles Hummel and Uoorgo Kvans.
They will leave Sunday ovoniug by special
Gasoline and oil ; epos , wood and coal :
prompt delivery. L. G. Kuotts , V7 ! Main ,
tolophom . _
For Cliarokttu MifTorers.
The ladies of C'.ilantho assembly No. 1 will
give a line ontertainmnnt this evening for the
henolit of the Cherokee Hood sufferers ; licit-
ots -"I cents. In addition to the regular
programme there will bo dancing , The fol
lowing is the programme :
PlnnoSolo "liohotnlunOIrl" P. Uoyor
Miss S. UolVman.
Viollu Solo "Sulnnlnzrious"Uu ! > tiv : Ilullemlor
C. A. UlgKliis.
llccitatlon "OurKallroiids" John Hold
Sonj ; "In Sunny Spring" O. frohloltritrth
Mrs. KuiKsbury.
Tuntonlo Ticklers Ed Coslov
I'mmi -i-oluotlons from "liohomlun
Ulrl" Cramorl
MUs Kmma Kultor.
Sonir-Heleotod .Miss LunaSlmo !
Violin tfoio "Plzzluattl" Dullbes
C. A. Hlgclns.
Song Selootm )
Misses Lillian and Jessica.Iaokson
1'lano Solo "Jesus. Ldvur of My Soul" . . .
Miss Sylvia Snydor.
Hi'cltutlon W. Soars
Violin t-olo-Scloetud O. A. Illgulns
1'luiio Ihiut Selected
Mlssai Theresa , and Toulo Nuiiniiiyr
Sonti "Sing , Sweet llird'1 Ciaiiz
MM Sylvia Snydor.
Guitar Duet Selected
Messrs. Stephun and Atkins
Don't wear n heavy , Ill-llttlng suit when
you can got elegant summorsults and eastern
prices at Roller's the tailor , 31U Broadway.
Hotel Gordon , most contr.iliy located first-
class house in city ; straight Ja day.
Stole lu Itrond Dayllulit.
The rcsldcncu of II. C. Addis on Plainer
street was entered hy thieves yesterday
morning. The member * of the family were
all out In the buck p.irt of the house during
the morning , mid when they uont into the
front part they found that some ono had
taken advantage ; of their nbsenca to go
through all tbo availaolu rooms. The articles
In the various closets and dressers bad been
thoroughly overhauled , and several rings and
otlur articles ot Jewelry were missing. Upon
investigation it was learned that one of the
neighbors had seen u man enter tno house ,
during the morning by the front door , \vhleu
had been loft open. Shu was ablu to dvo u
description of the offender , nnd upon this
description n man who gave bis name n % F.
Allen was arrested yonordav afternoon by
O 111 cur Kelly. None of the stolen articles
were found upon him but ho was idonlitled
as the man who had been soon entering the
front door of the houso.
All A lion ril lor Col I'u v.
For health nnd recreation seek the waters
and rest of Colfax Spring , Iowa. The Chi-
cngo & Koclc Island Is selling round trip
tickets from Council Buffs and return for
f'.lKI , A. T. Elwell , ticket ugout. No. 10
Pearl street. _
Dcolnroil a Votidottn.
Justice Hammer' * oftleo was filled yester
day afternoon with a crowd of chattering
Italian * , who afforded the spectators moro
amusement in a hrlof half hour than ls
usually crowded Into a lifetime. There were
about a dozen lu the company , nnd they have
boeu living in tents cu the bottoms and trav
eling over ttie city for several days past ex
hibiting thrco mangy brown bean aud a bob-
tailed monkey , The can so of their visit to
the Justice's ofllco was a quarrel which htu !
arisen among thorn as to ilVH ) , which ono ol
them claimed ho bad loaned the father of
another of the company , and which had never
boon paid back.
The loan which lay at the bottom of the
whole troublaiwa * made fifteen years OHO ,
when the ioaucr and lha loanco were boson :
friends. Tbo former had ofllcltUcc
a god-father of the son o :
the latter , and as the money hnc
never been repaid , ho nought to take it out 01
the godson In the form of bright , rod gore
The godson could not sou It in that light , ant
ho accordingly put In n vigorous resistance ,
so vigorous , In fact , that the aggressive cred
itor was compelled to beg for quarter , and to
suegcst that they submit to arbitration.
Justice Hammer was selected as the judge. ,
on account of his knowledge of the Italian
language , and the case was laid before him.
Ilo'was unable to quote any law that author
ized him to give Judgment against the son of
n debtor , especially ns there was no proof In
troduced to show that the debtor himself
was dead yet , nnd after a ions parley the
dhputantn loft , threatening to light the mat
ter out with short swords.
Try Duquette ft Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco
tablets. Thov are delicious.
Drs. Stewart & ' Patty , veterinary sur
geons , 45 Fourth street , Council Bluffs , la.
I Nil K1M3M ) KM1" CON V EXT I ON .
I'coplc'H Party Will .Meet at
on August 1H.
The people's Independent party will moot
In convention by Us regularly appointed
delegates , Tuesday , August 18 , 1331 , nt Hast
ings , Neb. , at t o'clock p. in. , for the purpose
of placing In nomination ono candidate for
associate Justice of the supreme court , and
two candidates for regents of tno state uni
versity , and to transact any other business
that may properly como before the conven
tion. The ratio of representation in the state
convention will bo one delegate for every 100
votes or major fraction thereof cast for Hon.
John II. Powers for governor In IfcOO. Coun
ties will tie entitled to representation ns
follows :
rurnas II Nnckolls 1.1
Antolupo . Otoe l.t
ll.'innor . ( iarnel.l I'unrncc 5
llialne ( ! dier | Perkins 5
lloonu ( .runt I'lorcc 5
Iluv lluttu . 2 ( Jri'oloy . . " I'lll'lps 1C ,
llrown . il Hull . . .13 I'lntto 13
lltiirnlo . 2J IIimiHKm. . . . .II 1'olk 14
llutler . h Ilnrliin .1ft Ili-il Willow. . . il
Hurt . II llnyus . . . 3 ItlclmrilBOii. . . . ! !
Cms . II Hitchcock. . . " '
CVilnr . i Hooker . . 1 fnlltio 9
Clinso . 4 Unit , .13 Harpy 2
Cheyenne . 1 Howard. . . . . Satuulers. . . . . ' 4
Cliurry . 3 .Ii'ITcrpon Scottx llltill. 1
Clay . 17 Johnson ' ' ' ' 1U
Colfnx . 7 Kenrney HUerliliin . . . . 8
( 'timing . 2 Keyn 1'aliii. Shcrmnn
Ciistcr . 211 Keith . . . 'i .Sioux 2
Dakota . 1 Klmbull Stunton 2
Dimes . fi Knox Tlinjrcr 0
Dnnson. .12 r.ulicnutcr. . . Thoiiion 1
DuiicI . 1 Lincoln . .10 TIllllHlOll 1
Dlxon . 4 I.OKIII , Valley 8
DudKO . fi I.onp WnshlUKlon
.12 Madison. . . . Wnyno 8
Duucly 4 Morrlrk Webster 12
Flllmoro IT Mcl'licraon. , Wlicolcr 2
Franklin 8 Nuiicn York 14
Frontier 10 Nemnlm
The state committee would respectfully
recommend that county conventions for tno
elect ion of delegates to the state con volition
ho held on Saturday , August 15 , 1801 , and
the primaries for the election of delegates to
the county convention bo hold on the pre
ceding Thursday , where arrangements have
not already been made to hold them on
other dates.
The state committee would also recom
mend that no proxies bo admitted , out that
the delegates present bo permitted to cost the
full vote of their delegation.
Guonau W. BLXKB.
Chairman State Central Committee.
Secretary Stuto Central Committee.
Information Free.
Do you know that any old sere or cut Mn
bo absolutely cured by the intelligent use of
Hnller's Barbed Wire Liniment. Bo merci
ful to your horse and try it.
Charged With Kohlilng the Dcul ,
KnBlly Kcllcvccl Court Notes.
The case of the state against Charles Car-
Bonier is on trial in Jtultro Estello's court
: oday. The defendant has boon in jail for
several months on the charge of robulng the
dead. All of the old citizens of'Omaha ro-
momuer Colonel William b. Jones , a harmless
old man , who was ono of the early settlers of
the state. For a number of years prior to his
death ho made his homo at Eleventh and Far-
niun streets. Last fall ho was taken sick and
died November 2. For n number of weeks
prior to his death Carpenter had administered
lo his wants. Death came suddenly and nt
the same time the watcher disappeared. It
was known that Jones was the owner of a
cold watch and considerable money. After
death a search was made for this property ,
but it was not to bo found. On account of
Carpenter's sudden disappearance , sus
picion rested unon him to such
iin extent that detectives wore
placed upon his trail. A few days later he
returned to Omaha and was arrostcd by De
tective Savage. Upon being searched at the
central station , ho yielded up the watch
formerly owned by the dead man nnd a largo
sum of money. His defense now is , that
Jones gave him the property prior to his
The case against Carpenter was closed and
submitted to the jury at 5 o'clock last even
ing. An hour later u verdict ot "not guilty"
was rott'rnod. Carpenter was at once re
leased from custoav and given possession of
the property that was taken from him nt the
time of his arrest.
Judge Doano disposed of a vast amount of
business yesterday. Last season W. J.
Paul put up a unmoor of line brick houses at
Twenty-sixth and Harnoy streets. Case &
IConnudy were the contractors. In the con
struction of those houses thcro was a larce
sum of money that was never paid. Mort-
gatros to the amount of $ ,15,000 were executed
ind liens amounting to S'O.UOJ were filed ,
the defendants claiming pay for labor and
material. It was agreed that the cases ,
soma thirty in number should bo tried at , this
term , and with this understanding 150 law
yers were before Judge Doano
tojay. Some of the parties to
the suits were not. ready , while others
wanted to take judgments. As a compromise ,
and to make all Interested parties fool satis-
lied , the cases were continued until the next
term of court.
Lee Hart has commenced suit and asks to
bo divorced from his wifo. Ellen. The couple
nave been married slnco 1ST > 7. The husband
now charges that his wife Is a drunkard and
upon many occasions has threatened to take
his life.
William Cassuly who haa boon in the
county jail for several weeks on the charge
of rescuing a prisoner was released this
morning nnd the case dismissed from the
criminal docket. Cassldy resides In South
Omaha. Ono evening he was sitting in a
saloon wnon an ofllcor entered ana with his
club coniiuencod to boat a small boy about
the head and face. C.issldy denounced the
beating and intimated that the policeman
was drunk. Whllo this was going on the lad
went up stairs , Jumped out of thn window
nnd escaped. To square himself the ollicor
arrested Cassidy nnd sent him to Jail.
No griping , no nausea , no pain when Do
Witts Little Earlv KUow arc ta.con. Small
pill. Safe pdl. Best pill.
nntl iloldroxo Acquitted.
ST. Pvui. , Minn. , July 0. In the case of
the United States vs J. M. Egnn and II.
floldrego , of the Chicago , St. Paul & ICansas
3ity road , on trial for alleged violation of the
interstate commerce law , Judge Thayar this
mot nlng Instructed the jury to llnd for the
defendants , /
Are caused by u dlsortlorod Btoimiah.
The nonuino Carlsbad Spriidul Suit Is n
positive remedy forndlborderud stotmioh
[ t olours the conipluxion and tuiriflus
Lhu hloo.l. Secure only thu comiina im
ported urticlo , which must have the bif
nature of "Klauor it Mundolson Co. , "
s , Now Yorl , oii every puokago.
No. 1OO Main St. , Cor. 1st Ave. Council Bluffs , la.
We shall offer the largest line of Ladies' Oxfords and Slippers ever shown in this city at
50c , 75c , $1 , $1.25 and up.
Ladies' House Slippers , hand-sewed , 35c.
Ladies' Carpet Slippers , leather bottoms , 25c.
Ladies' Kid Button Boots , $1 , $1.25 , $1,50 and up.
100 pairs Ladies' Kid Button Boots , patent leather tip , flexible sole , all solid , $1.25. -
100 pairs Ladies' Cloth Top Button Boots at $3.00. These are fine goods and a great bar-
, .
Men's Canvas Lace Shoes , 55c.
Boys' Canvas Lace Shoes , 50c ,
Men's fine Dress Shoes [ lace only ] , all solid , no shoddy , $1.25.
Men's Working Shoes , $1 , $1.25 and up.
Men's Wigwam Slippers , sizes 9 to 11 , 50c.
All our men's $6 Kangaroo Shoes go at this sale at $4.50. These goods are all fresh stock.
No old rats' to catch suckers , but every pair guaranteed to be as represented , and we shall
be here in the future as in the past to make all we promise good.
Keep Your Eye on the Number , 100 Main Street , Corner first Avenue ,
Elliot ton the Stand.
COLUMBUS , O. . July 0. Elliott , defendant
n tbo murder trial , took the witness stand
oday in his own behalf. Ho touched briefly
on his career in the army during the war of
he rebellion and later as a feniaii. Ho us-
sdrtcd that on the Sunday before the murder
10 was watching the newsboys instead of
vailing for Osborno , his victim. His exam-
nation was still in progress when the court
eec ! a recess at noon.
A very small pill but a very good ono. Do
Witt's Llttlo Earlv Risers.
Must Answer Other Charges.
Dnoo ; , Cola , , July 9. United States
Marshal Card has taken charge of the Clill-
an steamer Itata on instructions from DLs-
nct Attorney Cole at Los Angeles , who
stated that papers would bo filed today. The
e sol will bo libeled on the charge of vlolat-
n ' , the neutrality laws in talcing on arms in
American waters. As far as the charge of
iolation of navigation laws Is concerned the
collector of customs , Mr. Berry , today re
ceived instructions from the treasury dopart-
nent to release thu Itata on that charge on
xiymont of f" > 00 flue Commandant TJedata
s in Los Angeles , hut it is expected that on
ils return the line will bo paid. This will
end the matter as far as the treasury dopnrt-
notit is concerned , ns the other charges con
cern the department of justice.
Gosalor's MnglcIIcadacno Wafers. Cures nl
leadcchcs In0 minutes. At all druggists
OKSK that can boiitSiM. " line bred , will
soil or trade. Address or call on 1) .
Irown , l.iU.Mvost liroadway , Council Illnirs.
' "t KADKIt wiintfd to tuke contract for irruil-
JT ln a half mile truck. Adclrubs W. II.
Oaks , Sliver City , lowu.
I'OK SALE A flue ploco of garden and
mil land , at { .V ) per ncro. Johnston & Vun-
nl ten.
' "lljAIKVOYANTiind syclinmntrlc. or char-
< J nuter reading" : also iliiiKiiosis of dlsonbo ,
lend look of Imlr for readings by letter. Him-
Jays and evenings. Mra li Hooper , U'iJ Avu-
luu 1C , near corner 15th street , Con neil lUiiM" . " .
L'erms , OJo and 31 , OJ.
MAG.Nll'MOENT aero uroperty In flvr-noro
tracts located "li nilltis from posUilllut1 ,
or bale on reasonable torfriH. Some line resi
dence property fijr runt by Day .V lleas.
"Spoil KENT The MoMalion block. I ! story
J- ' brick , with basement upd elevator. J , w
' rc- lei I'Qtrl strouL
IIOH a , V L K or Koat nUn Uad. witli
ft ? uoniaj , uy J. It. lllos , till ilala it , Oaunoii
Centrally located Ito the business
portion or Council Bluffs , all the
street car lines in the city passinq
the door. Modern , nnd conven-
ent ; thoroughly ' fire proof ; 12O
Hiest chambers. The best $2 a
iay house In the west.
Board nnd room from $3O per
month up. Table board $5 per
week. G. M. WHITNEY , Mgr.
Or Council Bluff ; } ,
-I. A. Miller. P. U Olaiion , M U
ihiuart. rl E.llirUJ. U Edinuudnon. Ulnrloi
t , lluinan. 't'r.insaot uenoril baakla ; UUHI *
nen. Lircoit capital nnd nurplu < ut an/
baniln buuttiwosturu lovra.
31A Jt HI ED.
BtUE NGTIM3iiA"CE 7T miTy'united In the
Saludln Uaad Wimon , in the presence of
thousands of admirers. All Ktren.'tli and
True Giaco. At homo with Welr-bhu urt
Oi. . nftcr June 1st.
For the vtsnlt of this happy union look at this e.\qnlsltoly boaiillfu new novelty , the Mght , Oracofu ritron .
4 4
With either grained body and gear or carmine soar and black body , solid panel under the seat leather orolith f.inoy trimmings , long
springs with heavy ourves thu whole overcoiiiinsabjolntoly the great objection to road wagons their heavy and clumsy appearance , and iinlf
hiL' Hlrnmrth , beauty and grace.
Send for for catalogue and description or the New Rico Celled Spring Carriage , "The Urn miner's 1'rlend , " and other new und taking novel *
ties. We guarantee bettor values than any other honso In the west ,
WEIR SHUGART CO. , Council Bluffs , la
Council Bluffs. la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotat
is Now Open.
George T. Phelps , Manager.
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
Attractions : I'lno nshlnr , Hoatln ? , Ilath-
Inc and KM-ollont Mineral Water.
Only llftcun minute * rlilu from Council
mull's. .Motnr trains nvnry half hour , dliect
to centers of Council ! llhtil's and Umaha.
Most dull Bhtf nl and ucceo.-tlUlu place for
plcnto parties.
Sims & Saundcrs-Aeoor.1oyuot"Hl . , ? !
federal conns , lUnnn ; ! , 4 und 5
llunu bloek , Council llliilTs. l.i.
rinmhprc Attorney nt Law , No. 10
, J. llhlllllJUb , pour | Htreet , over IIinli-
null's storo. Ttilephunu No.VL lliilnui
hoius. d u. in. to J p , in. Council III n IK I u
D. H. McDanold & Co. ,
Butchers1'aid. . Pas ri' ' Su ilin ,
Markat FixtyrJi
, Casing ,
plecs and Suimxo MukorV Maohlnary. Si-
SJMuIn St. . Counoll Uiuiu lu. Alto UuAlurj
a llldei und I'uri.
14 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs
Funeral Director anil Em'-alnw.
. . .
Eye , Ear , Nosa and Tfiroai
Council lllull's , In.
Kliurirt-Hunu ( , li'k.
Kouiii 1. 0 to 1in
7 iuid 8 p. in.
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just the tiling fur li.'itli nHtins , liu.l rooms , ot < x
Cull and coonriurn'o a suitinunU
C. B. Gas nnd Elocjtrla Light Co.
211 I'o.irl anltna .Main Stroot.
First--National--Bank : :
1'nlil U | ) Capital , . . . . $100,009
UliUxl ur iiiiltuU bank In Iliu cllf. I'uteU'n au4
duinvtlo uxclmiuu unit luail ijajrUlui. Hiyaalk
uluintlon inlil u < ujluailuii | < . Auajuntt of lallrlt
uali. Ijiinka , liiiikuMuinlogrpuMUuiiJ > olliiUiil 0 < Jf
ruiiuiuluncu | Invllud.
UtO. 1 * . riAM'JUI ) . I'roildunu
A.Y. . 1UKKHAN. L'nihlur
A. T. UlCK. AJilsU tCubtM