Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1891, Image 1

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    St t ( , , I , X ) 1 I , V
Veterans at Oreiqhton Chlsbrato in Spio of
the Big Storm ,
Another Delude Visited the Klkhorn
Valley Idnc Great. DamtiKO Denote
to Crops Near Tllden
Ktate NewH.
Ciir.inrtTO.v , Neb. , Jely a [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Dee. | Last Friday night this
region wns visited by ono of iho ir.ost terrific
electric niul ruin storms of the season. It
Roomed that the sky nt times wns ono luild
sheet of nro. The niln foil In a perfect
deluge three nnd ouo-hiilf inches in two
hours mill three quarter * . Luckily , there
wns llttlo wind , nnd the touts wcro not blown
over.Ycstorday morning the ntmosphcro of
, Crclghton wns rather blue , but It cleared of !
nnd n dcspcrnto resolve wns mndo to onrry
out the programme If it had to bo done on
rafts. At 11 : 'M the town was again deluged ,
this tlmo with humanity. It soonied Hint
whnt had been looked upon as n disaster , hnd
really been n benefit , as the rain fall-
l'ig quickly bad run oft with-
ont soaking up the rends , ntid
tlio hot sun had soon mndo them passable.
At noon the parade formed , which consisted
of the speaker , city council , iroddess of lib
erty nnd forty-four young Indies on horseback
representing the forty.four states. Grand
Army of the Republic In carrluccs , civic so
cieties , ministers , business men's curnivnl.
Sevonty-nlno linns wcro represented nnd fol
lowed by UKl wagons nnd carriages contnln-
Irig citizens on the ground.
In the afternoon ox-Lloutonant-Govornor
Mclklcjolm made ono of the most masterly
orations over listened to In this county. It
wns bv lonir odds the most piofound In
thought and in expression ever listened to In
Crolghton. It was non-political In Its char-
neter , and breathing such purity of patriotism
nnd devotion to the country , It scoms that the
entire audience cnught the infection nnd will
stop cussing the government long enough to
cntch n breath anyway.
Tlio races on the fair grounds were de
clared off on account of the condition of the
track. The third pnmo of ball wns played
between the Browns of Nlobmrn nnd the
Athletes of Creichton on the grounds , nnd
wns won by the Drowns In a score of 11 to 14.
the three runs necessary to win being made
in thp last half of the ninth Inning.
Last night fi.OOO people witnossca &I.V ) no
up in smoke in the shupo of fireworks. Tlio
gatekeepers estimated the attendance at
llf > 00Vhllo the weather has been moit
Unfavorable , the old soldiers' reunion at
Croluliton this year will go down in history
ns n success , nnd while there nro many good
towns in Nebraska , the fact was demon
strated tnat there Is nnd can bo but ono
Creighton , the biggest little city In tbo
///lift AT TMI.ltKA\
Frlilny'H Storm 1)1(1 Great Damage in
Growing Crops There.
TII.IIBX , Nob. , July fi. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : DEB. | Further reports of the storm
Friday night' show that besides the damage
done by the Mood that the most disastrous
linil storm that over visited this part of the
country fell about four miles south of Tllden ,
covering nn nren of country two miles long
nnd eight miles wide. Corn nnd snmll grain
crops nro nltnost totally destroyed. Some of
our most prosperous farmers' crops nro so
badly damaged' that they will be n totnl
failure. Mr. Orson Fields tins n Held
of 100 acres of flue wheat that Is
beaten In the eround nnd will not rnnko
anything. A party of our citizens drove out
today and brougtit inJi quantity of hailstones
that will measure an Inch In diameter uftcr
laying In the hot sun for two days. Corn
1 ptalks that nro nn Inch In diameter are
ilsod nnd bo'itcn into pulp. Branches sev
eral feet in length nro stripped from the
tines. Jack rabbits nnd birds uro found dead
in largo qunutttlcs. The dnmngo us yet can
not bo esti muted.
Two Farmnrs Drink nn Acoiilto Com
pound with Fatal ItcsultN.
NASIIVIM.K , Tonn. , July S. John Boasloy
nnd Aznrlnh Klrnbro , two prominent and
wealthy farmers , residing throu miles from
Murfrecsboro , Ituthcrford county , drank n
solution of nconlto last evening , thinking It
was whisky. Doasloy died soon nftorwnrd
nnd Klmbro Is nt death's door. Kimbro
bought a bottle of medicine n few dnys
ngo anil on the name day obtained n bottle of
whisky from his mother , using n portion of
the whisky In diluting the medicine. The
bottle of whisky wns sent back the sumo day ,
but this fact wns not Known to IClmbro , who ,
whllo nropnrln'g to go on a fishing expedition
T with lioiisloy , placed the bottle of medicine
In his noekot , thinking It was whisky. Going
to Hcnsloy's residence IClmbro produced the
bottle nnd suggested that thuy talto n drink ,
lloth men drank some of the contents of the
bottle , Klmbro tatting n loss quantity than
Dunsloy , In n few minutes Ueusloy com
plained ot n burning sensation in bis mouth
and throat and took KOIIIO silt nnd mustard
mixed In water. Klmbro also drank nomoof
the omotla Shortly afterward both began to
Buffer greatly mid Dr. Huckor wns sun'inonod
to their aid. Donslev snnk rapidly and died In
two hours in terrible unony. Klmbro was
somewhat relieved by the aid of Dr. Kucker ,
but Is In a very precarious condition. Dr.
Murfrca mndo < in examination of the con
tents of the bottle nnd found that It con
tained nconlto , which had been diluted with
whisky. Uoasloy leaves n widow and four
children. His oldest dnuuhtor , who arrived
homo today from n visit to relatives In
tU'iytus. knew nothing of her father's death
in til her arrival. Doasloy was 0110 of the
loading farmers In his county and much
sympathy Is felt for his family. Klmbro was
ouo ot the best known mon In this section.
,1J1 .IT I
IlreaklHstf with fie lloyal Family and
AtteudH Dlvlnu Service.
LONDON , July fi. Emperor William rose
early at Windsor today and took a short ride ,
returning to breakfast with Uie queen and
the royal family. Immediately afterwards
be started In a carriage for Victoria barracks ,
accompanied by too prince of Wales , the
duke of Conuuught and the duke of Clur-
onco. Tbo emperor was in the undress uni
form of the corps guards , bedecked with
Prussian orders , nnd were n plume and hel
met. The prlnco ot Wales was In tlio uni
form of a colonel of the life guards. It
being n Homl-stato occasion , only the military
attaches of the Gorman embassy and tbo
Kngllsh quorrlo * attendant upon the em
peror followed the royalties. The carriages
of the royal party wore pre
ceded by mounted police and out
riders. On arriving at tbo barracks the
emperor found the life guards drawn up In
Hue with the Scots guards In the rear. Ho
shook bunds with the commanding o flic era
and then Inspected tuo troops , passing up nnd
down the lines and minutely scrutinizing the
equipment of the soldiers. This business
over , the troops escorted the royalties to
Trjnlty church. Tha onuioror , onterlinr , oo-
/flplcd the royal new lu tbo center aisle , the
other royalties and a number of members of
the emperor's aud queen's households filling
the powt in tbo rear , and the troops and
guards occupying the gallerloi.
The Interior ot the church presented a brll-
Hunt ipocudo of diversified yet harmonious
Ui wb'to-robod choir lu from of the
niter nnd the rows of glittering uniforms In
the center , with the sombro background of
civilian nttlres. The guard's band played
Mendelssohn's March whllo the royalties
were entering. The succeeding hymns were
sung to the band's accompaniment.
Alter the singing o ( "Onward , Christian
Soldiers , " the sermon was delivered by tno
' Unbind who referred
quern's chnplnln , Arthur ,
ferred to the self-denying llvos of ehrlstlnn
record , mentioning G.nioral Grant , Count
Von Moltke , General Gordon nnd Father
Dumlrim , , ,
The service ever , the congregation stood
whllo the royalties loft , the cmncror and tbo
royal p-irty driving back to the castle , \ \ hllo
the emperor was nt Trinity Iho queen , the
mid Princess Bc.ilrlco drove to the
prtvnto chapel nt Froitmore , attended by the
ladies of tlio household. The bishop of Uipon
oniclnted. ,
At luncheon , which wns served In the ban-
queuing hall In the castle , the Oornnn oin-
poror and empress met the bride nnd bride
groom of tomorrow Prlnco Arlbart of Han-
hall and Princess Loulso of .SchUBlghoIz-
stein. Tlio great tnblo was Inld with mosslvo
gold pinto , which the queen allows to bo pre
sented only oil special occasions.
After luncheon the queen nnd the imperial
pnrly proceeded to the enst terrace of the
cnstlo to listen to the guards' band. Some
fifteen thousand people hnd assembled there ,
among whom the prince of Wales nnd the
duke of Connnught moved , the emperor , too.
looking on beside the queen nt tto window of
the tcrrnce.
In the afternoon the emperor nnd empress
nnd the prince nnd princess ot Wnles drove
to Cumberland ledge to visit the prlnco and
Princess Christian , returning in tlmo for tbo
family dinner pnrty. The day concluded
with p snored concert nt St. Georgo's hall.
Mine. A lln nl nnd the principal soloists re
ceived the porsonnl congratulations of the
cmpi'ror nnd empress. It Is reported that
tbo Wimbledon review has been rcarrnnped ,
the emperor , gratified at yesterday's recep
tion , accepting the nrogrammo without fur
ther cnvll.
The Times nnd Standard emphasize the
fiictthnttho emperorupon the occasion of his
visit to England is the tuestof the nation
ns well ns of tbo'-onrt. The newspapers also
dllnto upon Iho friendship existing between
thn two nations , which , they say , amounts tea
a tnclt alliance. The Standard adds that It
can only bo of advantage to the peace of tbo
world that It should bo known that any con
spiracy against the stability of tho-oxisting
European system would bo met bythe union
of England's naval nnd Germany's inllltnry
strength. "To proclnim this fact , " the Stand-
nrd continues , "Inlllcta neither humiliation
nor injury on nny stnto sharing n regard for
public- treaties and for peace. " The Stan
dard then proceeds to defend the Immense
armament of Germany on the ground that no
other method of Insuring peace Is known ,
saying : "It is for the dissatisfied countries
to disarm : the pcuco loving countries nro
quite ready to follow. "
\ \ Illiiim P
BOSTONMass. . , July 5. Dr. Von Stephen ,
minister of posts nnd telegraphs , has sent n
telegram to Emperor William announc
ing the success of the postnl con
gress. The emperor telegraphed his thanks
from Windsor , adding : "I rejolco nt the
further cnlnrgomdnt of the great work so
important for the development of commerclnl
Intercourse , with the establishment nnd suc
cess of which our iiatno Is so closely con
nected. "
DitHturdly Deott of a Kfjuctoil Lover
nt Mope , I ul.
Coi.u.Mnua , Ind. , July f > . Thora was n most
dastardly attempt nt murder at Hope , this
county , lastnluht. George Uothroek , a young
faniicr , well known and rotpjcted and re
cently married , ivus shot three times whllo In
his own residence , three miles east of that
place , by William Dullard , who ts a very
tough chnrnctcr. Bullqrd drove to Hath-
rock's residence at midnight , and , on a pretense -
tense that some frlom ) was sick , asked him
to accompany him to ilopo. Knturock disbe
lieved bis story nnd refused to accompany
him. Dullard turned to leave the residence
and Huthrock retired. Bullard then returned
to a window near which Hut brock slept , and
which was raised but the shutters closed ,
and opened fire. Two balls took effect , ono
In the loft arm nuu the other In the
neck , making flesh wounds. Sprlnglne
from his bed , Hatbrock ran from
his residence and was root at the
door by Bullard , who hoped to complete his
murderous work , and who ngnlu opened ilro
upon him. This time the ball outcrcd Hath-
rock's face , below tbo right eye , and rnnpod
downward nnd could not bo found. This shot
knocked young Knthrock down , and , think
ing ho hud finished his work , Bullard lloJ.
Neighbors wcro summoned , and a farmer by
the name of Gcorgo HnlTiimSter sent for a
physician. Dullard was In n buggy and Huff-
: : mstcr was taking across n Held. Not knowIng -
Ing Dullard , bo asked a rldo to town. On
the way ho made known his .mission , when
Dullard drew his revolver und began to flro.
Seeing his dangerous position , UufTirnstcr
grubbed his hand and , by so doing , saved his
life , but received n bullet through his loft
arm. In the scufllo Dullard received from
his own pistol , either purposely or ac
cidentally , a ball through bis loft lung , but
the wound Is not futal. The wounds of
Hat brock uro thought to be fatal , as two balls
are In his neck and cannot bo probed for.
Whllo the wound of Huffmustor is very pain
ful , It Is not dangerous. Nothing In all the
history of Hope has so thoroughly aroused
the citizens there as last night's bloody work ,
nnd ns there WHS a bitter feeling already
existing against Dullard , it is thought
ho will bo lynched. Dullard bus boon in bad
repute In bis homo town for some tlmo ; and
talk was loud against him at the tlmo of the
lute fires at that place , and soico very dnm-
aclng ovldcni'O wai secured against liltn.
He Is about twenty-three years of ngo nnd
addicted to drink , and when under the influ
ence of It has always been considered a very
dangerous man , not that ho was bold with
his meanness , but that ho wns sulking and
deceitful. Ho is nt the residence of his par
ents , and closely guarded by olllrers , who
will not permit of his uscupo. Ho a reJected -
Jectod lover of young Hathrock's wlfo.
WHIl.K . ! { / * > J.WJ .4 /JfcfcJ'/l.lAT. .
Flight fill Ftitoof a Child iu Its Moth
er's Presence.
DKNVEH , Colo. , July 5.--Sp3clal [ Telegram
to TUB DIK. : ] A very distressing nccldont
occurred at Manhattan Douch , a now subur
ban resort near this city , this afternoon. The
management hnvo an elephant and somoothor
animals on exhibition and n balloon asconslon
waj also being mndo. There wni a very largo
crowd and the .children were doing nmusod
by allowing them to rldo on tbo elephant ,
souls fop three on each sldo having bftjn ar
ranged by strapping thorn to the animal's
At last the elephant was led up to within
souio thirty feet of the balloon , which
wns being tilled , when ho suddenly
begun trampling and showing blgns
of four , The keeper attempted
to calm the boast but was struck ever the
head with the animal's trunk. A panto en
sued , during which the elephant ran up
among some loose timber near the cages ,
where ono of tbo children fell off and before
he could get up the beast turned and placed
ono of his ponderous foot upon him crushing
out his llttlo Ufa in an instant. The other
children fortunately escaped unhurt by
The child who mot so terrible n fate was
George W. Eaton , the six-year-old son of
Mr. niul Mrs , Presley Eaton. To add to the
horrors of the accident it occurred right before
fore tbo eyes of the parents who were agon
ized with grlof. It Is loured Mrs. Eaten may
lose hoi mind. The elephant was finally cap
tured nod subdued.
HoululUtlc Programme.
UEUUX , July 5. The socialists have pub-
llshud an official programme which Is moro
llko a scheme of radical reform than a so
cialistic manifesto. In it they domund uni
versal suffrage for both men nnd women , a
cupitul and succession tax , the abolition of
the standing army , the abolition of fees In
courts of law and tbo eranUug ot free tncdi-
cal aiiUuaco.
Story Told Oonojrnitl : ; the Passage of the
Hastings Dafioionoy Bill ,
U'lint n Member of the Wnyrt nnd
McntiM Committee Toll * About
the History of the Llttlo
Aunuiiv , Nob. , July 5. [ Special to TUB
Bm.J : Tlio investigation which U being
made into the nnnatjoinjiit of the Hastings
asylum for the Insane , his , of course , at-
tr.ictod a deal of attention hero. A
few dnys ago , a member of the legislature ,
commenting upon the Jtory of tbo passngo of
the dollcloncy appropriation for the Institu
tion In question , chur.vjtcrlheJ It 111 a steal of
giMut proportion ) .
"I saw , " suld ho , "in TUB Bnn that nt
least two mambars of the conrulttoo on ways
and of the homo had boon bribed. I
think the story Is truo. If Tun Bic : Invosti-
nates the matter still further , It will find that
oven more of the m'jmbjn of that commlttoo
were Influenced. ' "
TUB Br.E man asked for moro Information
nnd ho was glvsn It ns follows : "I wusamom-
her of the house committee on ways and means.
Wo bad eleven members. Sometimes wo
wcro n bio to huvo a full mooting. Some
times wo worn't. 1 recall nil the names
of tbo committee except two. There were
Mlchols , of Buffalo , chairman ; Glllilan , Lun-
c.'Htor ; Cram , JolTerson ; Shryock , CaSs ;
Guflln , Adams ; Storms , Nonviha ; Stuart ,
York ; Sodermun , Phclps , mid Stevens , of
Flllmoro. All tncso were present nt the
mooting nt which tbo commllteo decided to
recommend the passage of J4,400 to pay thn
dnllclency which hnd been occasioned during
the first year of the management.
"At the first mooting of the commlttoa
when the deficit appropriation was
reached , I demanded nu itemized
statement of tbo deficiency.Vo
were asked formerly $30,000 and 1. could see
no Justification in voting for such an ox-
pendlturo unless I could bo convinced that
that amount of money hnd really been ex
pended , or rather that such n debt had been
contracted in the interest of the stnto.
"Dr. Test was then present. Ho did not
socm prepared for my demand , and , In nn
embarrassed manner , 'snld that bo did not
bnvo such a statement with him , but that ho
could easily procure one , und would hnvo it
brouuht from the asylum insldo of two days.
"Well , we hold another meeting. There
wcro nine members of thocommltto3 present.
Test wns tbcro. I made n demand again for
nn itemized account of the deficiency , but
Test simply smiled , looked significantly nt a
certain member' of the committee , nnd at the
snmo tlmo some Irrelevant question was In
troduced. As a consequence the domund
made upon Tnst was forgotten , and in a mln-
ute the matter of nllowlnir the deficiency np-
proprintlon for the Hastings asylum was put
to the vote of the commlttoo. Several mem
bers of the committee who had bucked with
mo against the appropriation , I was sur
prised to find , nt the last moment voted for
what I now consider to have been n stcnl. "
"Our sldo was outvoted. Wo resolved to
fight against ttio appropriation on the floor of
the house , not because we wcro not willing to
give the Institution what it required bill be
cause wo wnntcd to bo within the luw. The
law you know Insists that the legislature
shall make no appropriation for a deficiency
unless because of catastrophe , and oven
then nn Itomited account is demanded. Wo
could not got that statement , . I concluded
there wns something wrong and voted ugalust
the appropriation.
"When the appropriation came upon the
house , these who hnd fought It iu commlttoo
fought it there also. Wo showed that tbo
supcriutcndont was afraid to muko an item
ized account , nnd yet this statement was
contradicted by ono member of tbo commit
tee , who said bo hnd seen such n statement.
I can produce you four of the eight members
of thnt committee who were present nt the
last mooting who never saw such
a statement. I understnnd , however , how
thut wns nccomplished. Wo hoard that there
were n couple of meetings of tbo committee
held of which we were not , notified. At these
meetings there may have been nn alleged
showing of Items , but If so it was to a crowd
who hnd been 'influenced. ' It was never
shown to us , oven when wo demanded it.
"Wo got nbout fifty Votes In the house , but
wo could see whcro the manipulators got in
their work. "
' How largo nn appropriation would j-ou
hnvo favorcdi"
"Not a penny without a showing. I ox-
nmlned the records of the nudltor myself
nnd , to save mo , I could not find that the in
stitution had run more than from $18,000 to
20,000 behind. And yet Test asked for
$28,000 nnd got It. Ho worked the deal him
self , although I think ho hnd a couple of cap
pers with him. 1 know where they dropped
soina of the boodle that was raised to lobby
the thing through nnd where tbey gave away
the snap. Hero , In my mind , wns a
deliberate steal of $3.000. toeetber with the
assessment paid by the Hastings merchants ,
and you can readily see how much of the
sinews of war they worked with.
"I'll say this more , there was no appropri
ation rushed through with moro haste than
were those of Hastings. They got what they
wanted. Dr. Test , I can safely say , wns
down there four days and nights a
week. And I snld a number of times
that if the asylum could get along without
him for that length of time for two or three
months , I couldn't see the necessity of hav-
Ine a superintendent at nil. "
"Did you over learn whnt had occusloncd
the deficiency I"
"Yes. When the asylum was opened , the
appropriation was intended to euro for only
100 patients. It became necessary , however ,
to shelter UU ) . The appropriation , us a consequence -
sequence , was Inadequate. Dosldcs , some of
it had been expended to provide sleeping
rooms for attendants und In other ways to
keep the bulldlntl from falling down. Not
withstanding I am satisfied from $18,000 to
$20,000 would hnvo sutUced. Yes , I nm satis
fied members were fixed nnd you may refer
to mo those who may think they are sus
pected. I am not surprised thut a manage
ment so full of trickery and deceit has at
last boon found out. "
Tennessee Negro Lynched.
TIICNTON , Tcnn. , July 5. News reached
hers yesterday that n negro had been killed
at Dye , a small town several miles south of
hero , by n mob of white men. Tbo details of
the affair are as follows : The negro , whoso
name was Thompson , hnd a quarrel with a
white man named Taylor about nn account
presented by Taylor to the negro , who de
nied tbo account and abused nnd cursed Tay
lor , threatening violence to him. Ho pulled
out a pistol and fired two shots at Taylor ,
The negro Is a regular tough aud quite a des
perate character ,
On Monday night n mob of unknown white
men broke into tbo negro's bouso and snot
him four times. Today telegrams have boon
received from the citizens of Dye , saying
that the negroes uro congregating in the
town , also that there are a number of un
known negroes In the town. Parties came
hero this afternoon verifying the report nnd
asking assistance from the people bore , The
white people In Dyer outnumber the negroes
two to one und conservative people think there
will bo no serious trouble , but the citizens of
Dyer are much excited and somewhat fright
ened ,
Itnoo Jnd OH Hurt.
GUIY , S. D , , July 5. The Judges stand at
the nice course fell yesterday. In dropping
the Judge * fell fully twelve feet. A Harklns ,
a ono-lcugcd soldier , and N. G. Gray , known
throughout the northwest us an auctioneer ,
ware hurl internally , and their injuries may
prove fatal. Two others had bones broken.
Firemen Injnrod.
Mixxiurouit , Minn. , July 5. Whllo re-
inoadlui ; to aa tlanu from tuo coruor of
Washington nnd Bocamj streoM , Wott Side ,
last night shortly after , . ! o'cl&ctr , No. 3 truck
nnd No. n lioae cart collided tn turning a
corner und two of the firemen were Injured.
James Piersou was slightly Injured and
Thutuas JofTcrson was seriously bruised about
the body nnd legs and It' is feared that ho is
injured 'internally. ,
" " " "
John Sllvcr'H Conn.cotlon with the
Washington National ( lank.
Nnw YOIIK , July 5. John Silver stnto
thnt ho ha-vudjustod nud.pild his Indebted
ness on the Washington .Naltonol bink , nnd
in connection with the matter says : "Tho report
port circulated that I controlled the executive
committee nnd board Of directors of the
American loan and trust company and nm
therefore responsible for tho. failure of that ,
company Is absolutely faUo and every mom-
berof the board knows it ? to bo > falso. It is
not true that I nm responsible for Jjbts mad
by the trust company to Messrs' Doldcn nnd
McTlKho , who had the contract .for the con
struction of the Decatur , UliojapoiUto.A . ; Now
Orleans road , Nor is It true that that
railroad company borrowed -$300,000 or any
other amount from tbo trust "cojnp.iiiy. The
contractors , Messrs. Doldon and MoTIgho.
borrowed that amount ou the bonds and
stocks of the company. It wns not till then
that I became Identified with the road and
my object In becoming Identified with it wns
to protect the trust company ; A close money
market Inst full prevented the .completion of
the road , but negotiations pending
for Its completion , and there is no doubt that
the trust company will receive all moneys ml-
vauced It. It has boon reported that I was
connected with Simmons , Boll in
their dealings with the Sixth National bank.
This is absolutely falso. " I do not know
either Simmons or Classen and never had
any dealing. ! with them directly or indirectly.
The only business transactions I over bad
with George II. Poll was when ho wns n
member of the firm of Grovestoon & Pell.
I was a customer of the firm and
loaned them money on some pf the bonds of
the Homo & Docutur road nnd the Eust & ,
Wo-t railway of Alabama , 'and , llko many
others who made similar , loans to them , I
lost some of It. 1 wns not .Identified with
them in the construction of cither of thoio
roads. It Is not true thut I was rejected as a
bondsman for Gcorgo II , Pull in u civil suit
brought against htm by a firm of biokurs.
I very reluctantly wont.hU bond temporarily
until ho could procure a permanent bonds
man. I wns accepted and subsequently
notified Mr. Pell that ho must substitute
some-ono else in my pluco , which was dono. "
TtlKATltldAJj 111.1'tE.
St. Paul's Popular AmuHoinent Place
Completely 'Uc'sr'royed. '
ST. P.vur. , Minn. , Julys. Early this morn
ing the Park theater caught flro and was en
tirely consumed , the flro deportment having
bard work to keep the flro from spreading to
adjoining buildings. The , loss ou the buildIng -
Ing Is ever ? 30,000 und the stage .properties
$5.000 and it is mostly covered by insurance.
This theater was n romodoiing of the old
Turner hall. It was built by the turners
twelve years ago at n cost of § 28,0JO. In 18ST
Trask , Whltomoro & vValkor secured u ton
years lease on the hall hnd'remodeled ' It. It
was called the People's theater and remained
so until the People's theater stock company
broke up In 1SSO. Then tad structure was
sublet to Mr. Pat Harrijj-ond called the Har
ris theater. After Hacrlsdcath ! ; his exec
utors throw up thg sub-loaio : ' ' Some months
ngo Mr. Trask changed It * "name to that of
the Park theater. Durlng"tho past , two
weeks Mr. Trask has beonr operating.a stock-
company In that place. . . -A
_ , - . ' ( - " - - ii
Three of Them Klliutl While Making
Anconslons in Ohio.
CI.CVEMND , O. , July 5. ' There were two
fatal baleen nscenslonstin Ohio yesterday.
At New Lisbon Charles J. Jones of Cleveland
was mnklag an asconslon. M. M. Hcnnossy ,
an assistant , was caught In tbo ropas und car
ried ono thousand feet in tbs nir. Doth men
fell , Hennessy being instantly killed and
Jones fatally Injured.
At Elyrln Mllo. Zocttn Dontloy of Cleve
land attempted to make an ascent while a
strong wind wns blowing. She was dragged
through several trees und fell when sixty
feet from tbo ground. She was Instantly
Kansas and Missouri Crops.
TOI'B.'CA , Kan. , July 5 , 5fio ? report of Sec
retary Mohler of the stuto board of ngrlcul-
turo gives tbo following summary of crop
conditions , the percentages being arrived nt
by comparing the present condition with the
full nverago : Corn , S'J percent ; oats , OS :
barley , 08 ; rye , 93 ; bruom corn , 80 ; flux , 04 ;
millet , 03 : tame grasses , 103 : prairie grasses ,
107 ; sorghum , S3 ; potatoes , 08 ; poaches , 107.
The report snys the winter wheat crop Is
nearly harvested. The acreage wns ! ! ,472SO ! !
acres , or nu Increase of OJ per cent ever last
year. The yield average * fifteen bushels to
the acre , making a totu'l yield of S'JOS5,700
bushels. Spring wheat will make t,1-- ! , , 175
bushels moro , givlns u total wheat product
for the state of 51,807,905 bushels.
Damage to crops excepting corn was very
slight last month. Continuous rains dam-
ngod corn considerably , making cultivation
Impossible. The average was reduced to 80
per cent.
Sr. Lot'ic , July 5. The secretary of the
state board of agriculture furnishes the As
sociated Press with the following weather
crop bulletin for tbo week ending yesterday :
Tbo temperature and sunshine wns normal.
Rainfall abovn In the northwest and sllghtlv
below In southern sections ; normal else
where. Except in the extreme northwest
section nearly ullof the wheat Is in the shock.
The yield is estimated ubovo what was ex
pected a few weeks ngo. The oat harvest
has commenced , and the crop is of good qual
ity. Corn is being cultivated ns fast ns pos
sible ; whore cleaned is growing rapidly.
Peaches and small fruits uro abundant und in
fine condition.
Lead and ZlnuQOres. .
WASIIIKOTOX , July 5. The census bureau
has Issued a bulletin on tlio lead and zinc
mining and smelting Industries of the United
States. The principal producing states in
the order of rank ns to quantity of produc
tion given nro as follows ! Load ore , Colorado
rado , 70,788 shprt tons ; { Missouri , 44,482
short tons ; Idaho , ! ! 3,172 short tons ; titah ,
10,075 short tons ; Montana , 10UW short
tons ; Arizona , 81,153. X.lno ores , Missouri ,
G.'illl ! short tons ; Now Jersey and Pennsyl
vania , ( Ul339 ! short tons ; Kansas , ! )9r ) > 7r > :
Wisconsin , ! ! lb.13 short tons ; Virginia and
Tennessee , l'JWO , short tons" ; Iowa , 450 short
tons ,
' ;
Army or the Polomao ,
BUFFALO , N. Y. , July 5. The Army of tbo
Potomac yesterday had pleasant woathor.
The first feature was a grand parade in the
morning. It was an Imposing ono mid wns
witnessed by an Immense throng that lined
Main street for miles. Tire military organi
zations proceeded to the parade ground , where
brigade drill was bold , At Its conclusion
the vlsitlnc. mllltla partook of luncheon and
their distinguished gijests were given u car
riage rldo through ; hu ' principal uvcnuos und
purus , _
Klllod Ills Ilrothcr.
SAX FuAXCidCQ , July 5. Herman and Al
exander Anderson , brothers , wont on n spree
Friday night , both becoming Intoxicated ,
They wont to bed togothur and quarrelled.
Alexander struck his brother In the face and
the latter pluncrod a long knlfa into Alexan
der' ! ) back , killing him1 Instantly.
Fatally Bhotllltt Sweetheart. !
CLKVBLASI > , O. , July D. At Fownrk , O. ,
last night a girl named Delia Imbodcn was
shot twice with u revolver by Fred Kidwoll ,
her lover , because she mfusea to accompany
him. Tno girl will dlo. Kidwoll bus uol
bceu arrcitod.
President Chrnot Pays a Visit to the Dwell
ings of Belleville Laborers.
Loading Paris Pnporit 1'lc idlnu for
the Abandonment ol' the I'ro.c-
ontlon of Do LosHCpH
Kmpi-ror U Illlum.
PAIIIH , July ( " . President Carnet visited
the workmen's dwellings at Bollovlllo today ,
accompanied by his aldoj , Drycrn
nnd Colonel Toulsea , bath of whom were
civilians' dross. The president wns heartily
greeted by the populace. After ho dlstrb-
utcd prizes nt the schools bo ml -
dressed the pupils nnd suoko of the value of
an art education ,
Lottery from Sardinia say that brigands
attacked the railway station at ChlllvanI , the
principal station of the line botwoan Port
Ferris and Cagilarl. The railroad employes
state that the band numbered fifty nud wcro
armed with rlllos. The brigands were kept
nt bay during an hour's tiring and the em
ployes then fled. The brigands blocked the
line , ransacked tbo depot and disappeared.
The Gaulols , the Figaro aud other papers
are pleading for the abandonment of the pros
ecution of M. Do Lcssops on the ground
that ho has accomplished his scheme of plorc-
Inir the Isthmus of Suez with a canal , that ho
wears the cross of tbo lesion of honor und
that ho Is nu academician and a ' 'Grande
Francois. "
The Htuto athletic school today received
the members of the Manhattan athletic- club
of Now York on their grounds nt Dols do
Vineennes. In the evening the athletic
societies of Franco linvo them a dinner at the
club house on tbo island In the lake
In the Dois do Boulogne. There wns
much speechmuklug and the Aiuoricnns
returned warm thanks for thnlr cordial
troatmoiit. The prizes won by the Manhat
tan representative ! yesterday nro worth
$ , " > 00. A special prize will bo presented to
Qtiackonbiirner. The parly will return to
London on Tuesday.
Mr. nnd MM. Potter Palmar hnvo been on-
tortnlncd by Minister Guoyot , nnd wlfo. They
have also hnd un audience with Minister
Hocho , accompanied by Mrs. J. A. Logun.
M. Hocho intimated his willingness to ap
point an ofllclnl woman's commission for the
Chicago fnlr.
Mrs. Hussell Harrison and Mrs. McICeo
hnvo made a Ion ? excursion on tbo Seine lu
Mr. James Gordon Br-nuett's yacht.
GctH the Next Interstate 13'tcampmont
and Mill lord Made Temporary
IxniAXAi' , Ind. , July 5. The Judges
decision In the intorjtnto drill tournament
which has been held hero during the past
week were mndo public this evening nt the
dress parade hnd [ brigadier review. In the
free-for-all infantry drill the prizes were as
follows : First prize of,500 nnd Galveston
championship cup , branch guards , Company
G , St. Louis ; second prize $1,000 , Dolknap
rifles , Saa Antonio. .Texas ; third prize $500 ,
Scaly rifles , Gnlvoston , Texas.
Artillery First prize , ? 750 , Dallns , Texas ,
artillery ; second prize , $250. Rockville , Ind. ,
button- ; ' t'Vii'siirize ' , S . 'fli.Vtasou ' battery - '
Maiden Infantry First prize , $7. > 9 , Dcalln
cadets , Jnckson. Mich. ; second prize , $ > ! ) ,
Fletcher Hlflos , Little Hock.
7ou live Drill First prize , -51,090 , Aurora
zouaves , Aurora , 111. ; second prize , & 300 ,
Walsh zouaves.
The free-for-all Infantry result is a sur
prise to everybody , and pools sold last night
100 to 1 against the winners. Fully * 15,000
was loft , in the pool boxes by backers of the
Bolkunps southerner * of Macon and McCar
thys of Llttlo Hock , the lunt two of which
wcro distanced. The only Tennessee com
pany wns the Chlciiasaw guards of Memphis ,
who ranked seventh in tbo free-for-all.
Tonight n mooting of officers of the various
companies tn attendance was bold and stops
taken to organize the national competitive
drill association. The organization will hold
tbo next encampment In Omaha In 180 : . ' .
Cnptnln Mulford of Omaha was elected
temporary president until the encampment
next year.
Four New York Murderers May Dlo
ThiH Morning.
SINO SINO , N. Y. , July fi. Preparations
for the clcdtrocutlon of the four condemned
criminals nro nil completed and the death
sentence will probably bo carried out
tomorrow morning. The men eat and sleep
well and appear to bo in good spirits.
Spiritual advisers have been with
them roost of the day. The death
watch was placed around the prison walls this
evening. Guards armed with rllles also
patrol the walls outside the portion of the
prison where tno execution Is to take place
and a canvass screen has been stretched ever
the windows , presumably so that If the exe
cution should take place anxious watchers
nutsldo could not see the light raised.
A New York evening paper hud secured
the lease of the lima works trestle running
along outside , but a guard Is there tonight
nnd reporters bnvo to remain nt a distance
nnd watch. One reporter who came with u
lineman to run a wire up to the prison wall
hnd a narrow escape , a guard threatened to
shoot him , whereupon the reporter fled ,
Mattel's were explained to the guard by tbo
keeper inter nnd tbo wire run.
The warden went to Nowburgh with-his
tamllv this afternoon , and us fur as Is known
hasn't returned toduy. This is almost a cer
tain indication that the execution will not
take place before S or 9 In the morning.
DlH ricoful Frac-fitr-All Fl ht.
CIIICAOO , July fi. A disgraceful fr o-for-all
light was the feature of the regular weekly
meeting of the trade and labor assembly to
day. For about two UOUM the assembly had
been discussing tbo report of labor day and
tbo entertainment commlttoo with reference
to the letting of the contract for printIng -
Ing a souvenir. Fraud was ohirgod nnd
finally tbo llo was exchanged between two
delegates , when the fighting commenced. The
utmost confusion reigned , nnd for u tlmo it
seemed that everybody In the hull except the
women were mixed up In the moioo. Black
eyes nnd broken beans were numerous , and
ut least ono kntfo was drawn , though Its
owner was tripped up and disarmed before
murder could be committed. Tommy Mor
gan , lute rnndlduto for mayor on the socialist
ticket and a member of the committee whobo
report caused the trouble , disappeared while
the row was in progress ,
GraNHliopperH stop a Train ,
TOITKA , ICun. , July 5. Last night about 12
o'clock grasshoppers stopped the Kock Is
land passenger train east of Lymnn Junction
In Colorado and about fifty miles west of th'o
Kansas state Hue. They covered the truck
for u distance of five miles , nnd tbo wheels
of the engine rolled helplessly. An
other engine was procured ut Ly-
man , which pushed the train through
Iho live mile column , It taking two hours to
accomplish this , oven with the two engines.
These grasshoppers huvo been hutching out
for two weeKs and nro not yet matured
enough to rise. They were in such quanti
ties that tloy | covered the rails. It is not
known how much territory they extended
Conference of American ItnhhlH.
Du.TiMOiiK , Md , , July 6 , The delegates to
thu central conference of American rabbis
i today at the rooms of thu Youug Mtni'
City of Newark Crowd .ul by Over
Fifty Thousand People.
NnWAitK , N. J , Juno 5. Never In the his
tory of Newark has there boon such an out
pouring of people us today. The northwest
ern Saungorfost brought over fifty thousand
visitors to tbo city. From early
morning each incoming train
brought big loads. All the usual
Sunday indications were noticeably absent.
The streets were thronged with pooplo. Tlio
street cars were filled to overflowing. Tbo
saloons were wide open , doing a thriving
business , notwithstanding the strict lawsand
the law nnd order louguo nttomptod to have
, the saloonkeepers indicted. Couoy Island In
the palmiest times could not compare with
Springfield avonno , the strcot lending to
Siioiitcrfo'st park , -Fakirs of all known do-
scripllons.wero there doing n rushing busi
ness. Within the park enclosure the scene
wns beyond all description. The finance
committee estimated that there were 50,000
people in town. There were big delegations
from Now York , Drooiclyn , Philadelphia and
Daltiinoro. The tents of tno different sing
ing societies were thronged with visitor. ! nil
day. Merriment nnd harmony reigned nnd
not nn accident marred tha pleasure of the
day. Hehoarsnls were hold in the morning
and n mooting of the delegates wns held , at
which it was decided to hold the next na
tional saongcrfost iu New York , three yours
The prize singing commenced this after
tornoon. There wcro 10,00 ! ) people in the
hall. The audience went wild with enthus
iasm over the Philadelphia si iging. The
Now York and Brooklyn societies made fav
orable Impressions. There were but n small
mi'iibcriu many societies , yet their voices
filled the halt. Their singing wns loudly np-
pluudcd. Several well known musical critic ?
were loud iu praise of the slnslng. Among
the singers in tbo third class the Iloboken ,
Wilmington nnd AllcghnnyCity chorus made
n good impression.
(1 < IIV AT 1SA1.VE8TOX.
Gulf Turbulent and Inundating Por-
tloiiR ol' tlio City.
GALVKSTOX , Tox. , July 5. As darkness
deepened last night the wind , which had boon
blowing nearly all day , accompanied by rain ,
increased In velocity aud by 10 p. m. was
blowing nt tbo rnto of twenty-six miles per
hour. This continued to Increase , accompa
nied by a driving , blinding rain until 0:15 :
this morning , when it reached a velocity of
forty miles per hour , which was main
tained for five minutes , when It gradually sub
sided. During tha prevalence of the gnlo the
gulf wns uiiusu'dly ' turbulent nnd the surf
was Inundating the lower portions of the
city In the oust end , whllo along the gulf
side It threatened the underpinning of nouses
near the beach and washed away about two
blocks of the llalvcston & Northwestern
narrow gunge road , tore up und demolished
the street railway track extending from
Twenty-second strcot west to the beach
hotel , undermined und broke up portion * of
lha breakwater protecting the beach hotel
lawn and carried away tlie temporary approaches
preaches to the pagodu bulb house und gulf
side resorts , besides wrecking n number of
temporary stands In front of the beach
The damage thus fnr hns not been serious ,
and will not exceed .3,000 , but the slgnul
service predicts that the worst weather is
not over , and this prediction , from present In
dications , will be verifiedus tlio velocity of the
wind Is reported by the slgnul service at
forty miles an hour , with the barometer con
stantly dropping , while the gulf is rolling in
ward with an angry , sullen roar that is emi
It Is reported at 3 o'clock this mornintr that
a foiir-mustod schooner wns .sighted off tbo
beach hotel with signals of distress flying ,
nnd that thu life saving crew bad gene to her
rescue and saved four of her crew nnd were
attempting to save the others , but all of-
foru to trace the authenticity of this report
has proven fruitless. The storm has knocked
the electric lights out and tonight the city Is
wrapped In darkness , with the wind wills-
tllng and the rain fulling In torrents.
Claim * Him Is llin Wlfo.
KVVINXA : , O. , July fi. James Gasior nr-
rlvod with his father from Chicago today and
claimed the body of the supposed murdered
girl , Mllly ICeonan , ns that of bU wife. She
nud their llttlo children boarded the train
and nothing has been hoard of them since
the accident. Ho thinks the body shipped to
Drooklyn ni that of Willie Knln Is that of his
child und bus t'one on to Identify it.
Franco and thu World' * Fair.
PAIIIH , July fi. The commission on the
Columbian world's fair has held a mooting ul
the ministry of commerce and decided to ink
tbo chamber of deputies tor an appropriation
of fOOO.OOO. . _
Two Fatally Stahhcd.
HAXI.KTOX , Pa , , July 5.In A row between
a party of Hungarians and Italians lust nlirht
Peter Mazollo and John Dudash were fututly
stubbed , Trouble U feared between tbo two
America's ' GreiU Statesman Presents Ills
Resignation and Prepares for the End.
g Memory of cho Patient ltc
ini' . li-il as nn Infalllhlo in-
dlu'Ullon of Fatal
Kc'HIlltH ,
WASIIIS-OTON Htninui opTni : Den , 1
Mil FoiwTHi'NTii STIIKKT , >
WASIIIXOTON , I ) . O. , July 5. J
Prlvntn dispatches from Dar Harbor to
friends lu this city con linn the statement
that Secretary of Stale Junto * G. Hl.ilno Is
.suiTorliig from Bright * dlso.isa and that Ills
condition Is alarming , tils loss of memory
Is In Itself regarded as an infallible symptom
that the dlsuaso is wall under wny and nil
thnt physician.1 ; can do Is nothing moro than
to prolong , for n short time , the lire so event
ful nnd so useful.
.Mr. Hl.itno'a condition has beoa tbo sonrco
of much co.umont lu Washington for the
past few day-i , nud moro than ono opinion
hns boon offered as to whether or not ho
would recover. It , 1-4 stated on the highest
nuthority that when the Washington physi
cians diagnosed Mr Dlalno'.t cuso they fount ]
thnt wherever a swelling occurred there were
Liuall callouses or corns ,
A physician said tonight that the very fnct
that Mr. Dlnitio hud boon placed on a milk
diet wns proof positive that his kidneys wcra
nlTocted. Of course Dlalno'.s family Is fully
aware of the nlnrmlng slnto of bis health , but
It is doubtful If Mr.'Dlalno knows himself
what his trouble is , Some tlmo ago Congress
man Mlllikcn said that Mr. Illalno wns a
thorough hypocondrlno and thnt ho gave up
on the slightest attack of illness. At that
time Mr. Mllllkon snld thnt If tlio secretary
really know what , his trouble wns It would
nlmost cause his death.
Not later than two days neo John H. Mc
Lean of tbo Cincinnati lOuqulrer , who Is now
at Dar Harbor and who Is n life long friend
of Mr. Dlalne , wrote to n friend In this city
that tbo secretary of state was n very sick :
man and be feared that n permanent recov
ery wns out of the question. In his letter
Mr. McLean Intimated thut on previous oc
casions when Mr. Dlnluo wns attacked bo
bad rallied quickly , but now he seemed to
lose ground continually.
True Condition Withhold.
There is no question about the true state of
Mr. Dlamo's health boinu' withhold from the
public , it has always boon the purpose of
attending physicians to Issue encouraging ?
bulletins concerning his health , und they uro
partluulurly careful to see the proas as
sociations are furnished with cheerful re
ports. Tuko the case of Samuel J. Randall ,
for instance , while ho was lying on his death
bed his friends and tbo physicians circulated
the most oncour.iglng reports. Even two
days before his death ono ol the modlcil men
declared there was absolutely no danger , and
they tried to spread the impression thut Mr.
Hundnll would recover.
It is claimed thnt all of Mr. Dlnlno's symp
toms . polut to Dright's disease tha
puffy sacs under . his eyes , hU
ghastly pillor and the abstemious
life ho his led for ninny years. So firm Is the
conviction that this dreadful m\luly : has
tn'Ucn possession of Mr. Dlnlno , that bis suc
cessor us secretary of state is being discussed
and the name ot ox-Minister John W. Foster
Is being passed from lip to lip.
Wrote HIM Kortlfjnatlon.
A close friend of Secretary Dlalno said to
night that Just before Mr. Dlalno left Now
York for Bur Harbor ho wrote out his resig
nation ns secretary of state nnd forwurded it
to President Harrison. At that time ho
was low spirited und despondent nnd ho told
his fpinlly that his lust public net hnd been
accomplished. The rusignntlon wns rocolved
atul the president was disposed to accept It at , but concluded that he would lay It before
fore bis cabinet o Ulcers. When ho did so
Mr. Dlnlno's friends urged him not to accept
It because when the secretary realized for
certain that ho could not return to his duties
his hypochondria \vould assert Itself nnd ho
would give up to the disease that Is slowly
but surely sapping his life away. It was dfi
elded not to consider tbc resignation , and
President Harrison wrote Mr. Dluino a very
cheerful declination , In which ho said that a
few months In the bracing air of Dar Harbor
would restore bin : to bis wonted activity.
P. S. H.
From a Sixteen Years' Sleep.
Sr. PAUI , Minn , , July fi. Herman Harms ,
the Minnesota ttlcopor , Is awake. His casa
was probably the most poculiuv known to the
physicians , whose skill It has ballled for tbo
past dozen years. Ho hnd slept almost Inces
santly for the past sixteen yrurs. A few days
ago ho awoke and hns taken only an ordinary
umount of sleoi ) since. His recovery , how
ever , Is doubtful. Mr. Harms Is now living
on a farm about midway between St. Charles
and Qulnoy , Minn. Ho moved there nbout a
year and a half ngo. Some sixteen yours ngo
ho wns attacked by a severe fever and had
Intense pains shooting through his head. Ho
wns then In Illinois. His physlclnu advised
his removal to n colder cllmuto. To Minnesota
seta ho accordingly moved some thirteen
years ngo. During Ills stay In Illinois ho did
not sleep all of the tlmo. but slnco ho came to
this state ho hns slept nil of the time except
an interval ot n year and a half , beginning
with Ibi'.l , nnd two months of 1889 nnd 1S90.
When'bo Is sleeping he can only bo a wakened
by his wife touching him on tbo head. Call
ing bus no effect on him. Ho takes no nour
ishment at all to speak of , and then only
when ho Is aroused from bis comatose condi
tion. Harms wns born In Germany lu 18:13. :
Ho was married In ISlU. His faithful wife
has zealously guarded him through ull tboia
years of torpidity.
Fourth 4i ( .Inly ItcHitltH.
CMIVKMND , O. , July 5. During a sham
battle at Youngstown , Ohio , yesterday ,
Dessio Croutn , aged seven , was Instantl y
killed , her sister terribly burned nnd Katie
Fleming , nged fourteen , had an eye blown
out by n signal rocket. Mrs. Kllza Dozol
was also badly Injured and Dr. Jones
seriously snot lu the side by one of the
SIN FIUXOISCO , Gal , July 5.-Asa result
of yesterday's celebration fires last night
wore numerous. The Contcnnury M. U.
church anil four handsome residences were to
tally destroyed and Itwus with diltlculty that
tlio Ilro was kept from snroadlng to larger
proportions. During the lire six firemen full
from the ladder. One was futuily Injured ,
nnd thu other live badly bruised. The total
IOSH Is nbout 1100,000.
TIII ; ir/tviTIIKU i'-oitKVAHT.
For Oinnha and vicinity Fulr , followed by
showers ; wanner.
WAMIINCUON , July fi. Forermst till 8 p. ra.
Monday : For North Dukotu Frequent show
er * ; glU'liUy clour ; variable winds.
For South Dal < otu > Showcpi ; stationary
temperature ; variable winds.
For Iowa and Nebraska Generally fair ;
stationary temperature ; southeast winds.
For Missouri nnd Kan/ias / Generally fair ;
stationary temperature ; slightly cooler at St.
( 'jiLingrudo Fair Monday j slightly
couier , vuriuulo wiuds.