Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1891, Part One, Page 2, Image 2

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Shannon's Lambs Shamefully Mistreated by
, White Wings' Terrow.
Mncoln I'lnyn the JitmporM and Losce
' Two Dnliith Drops Two nnd
Milwaukee Hrenks
nt Home.
Denver , 10 ; Omaha , 2.
Kansas City , ! MO ; Lincoln , 2-3.
Minneapolis , G-l ! ; Duluth. 2-2.
Milwaukee , 8 ; Sioux City , 7.
Sioux City , 5 ; Milwaukee , . ' ) .
KSP1TJ3 the unfav
orable aspect of the
weather the largest
crowd of the season
assembled nt the oall
park yesterday nf-
turn eon to see
Whlto Wings To-
beau's rehabilitated
Denvorsxvallow the
Lambs In the mud.
It was an easy
victory lor the vis
itors , who put up
ono of these lively , hustling games the crauk
o admires , while that of the homo aggrega
tion was egregiously bum.
Of course thu sloppy grounds had much to
do with it. Still , what was sauce for the
geese was sauce for the gander , and the defeat -
feat cannot bo charged to that score nione.
Larry Twitchcll was in the box for Omaha
nnd the Mountaineer * hit him until they
loosened the lillinirs of hia teeth. On the
other hand. Kennedy was next to Invulner
I may bo mistaken , but I think the field is
plenty good enough place to keep the Com-
But you ought to have seen tbo crowd ,
there must have boon four thousand of them
nud they were out for something they didn't
got nud that was a good time.
Fickle fortune didn't toy with their feel
ings very long , for Denver took such a lead
before the game was half ever that there
was nothing loft for them to do but to pray.
Omaha made her llrst run In the second
nnlng , on Griffin's two bagger and an error
by McClellnn nnd their second mid last in the
.fifth on the Professor's sluglo nnd Walsh's '
So you see tlio vast throng had but little
chnnco to ventilate Its lunzs.
In the third the Toboaus run in three on a
base on balls , errors by Walsh mid Don
nelly excusable both of them and singles
by Worrick and Curtis.
In the fourth they doubled tbcir score on
"kits by McClellan , Bronnan , Kennedy and
/I'ewman In quick succession.
Thou In the sixth they repeated the dose
that Is they made tnrco more runs.
A base on bnlb , n bunt by Brcnnan , n two-
batrgor by Newman nnd a single by our old
friend Burns , the poet.
By this time thr crowd was very sore.
But it is all in a life time , and the best
teams must got licked once In a wnllc.
They added ono more In the seventh and
that ended the scoring.
They say that cvory cloud has n silver in-
Ing , and I guess It is true.
Kansas City and Sioux City bv whaling
the life out of Lincoln and Milwaukee fur
nished the sheeny trimmings to the gob of
vnpor that whelmed the Omahas yesterday.
Hero read the score ;
II. A. K.
Shannonl . > 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 n
Hnlllitan , rf 3 0 0
'Hutollffo , o
( I r 1111 n , m 4
MeCaiiloy , ll > , , 4 0 0 U 0 ft 0
TwItoholLjIr.- .
P inonv , 3I >
WalSTf , ssr.v 3 1 1
Trallloy. If'J 230
Total ' . 18 2 5 0 0 24 0 5
All. K. III. 811. 811. I'O. A. E.
Total 40 10 15 0 1 27 14 a
Omaha 0 2
Denver o o 3 : i o 3 1 0 * I1) )
Earned runs : Omaha , 1 ; Denver , 2. Two-
tiaso lilts : Orlllln. Walsh , Newman , Kennedy.
Double plays : Wnlsh to McUnuloy , - ' ! Hoard
to Newman , Werrlok to Newman , Hoard to
\\orrlok to Nowninn , B. I'lrNt liaso on balls :
Konnoily , 5 ; Twiti'holl. ' . ' . Struck out : Twlteh-
ell. 4 ; Kennedy , 3. Passed bulls : Hreiinan , 1.
Wild pitches : Twltclicll , 1 ; Kennedy. 1. Time :
One hour and thirty-live minutes. Umpire :
Lincoln 11 ays the Coutrnct JiiuipnrH
nud IJOHL-H Itoth.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , July 4. Almost nn
hour was spent In wrangling before calling
the morninggnuio ns to whether Raymond ,
who had been blacklisted , should play for the
LI n col us or not. It was finally agreed to on
the force of n telegram to Dave Howe
to lot Raymond play. O'Day's wildncss
In the tlrst Inning lost the gnmo. Ho
gave one base on balls , hit three men nud
with the assistance of three singles , a double
and an error , seven men crossed the plate.
Uurkott , who took his place was very affec
tive. Tno features of the game was a stop
by Carpenter. Score :
Kansa Cltjr. , . . , , . . T C 1 0 0 0 1 0 0-0
Lincoln 0 000 1 1 1 0 0-3
Hurni'it runt : Knntaa Cltjr , 2 , TiTO'tia a lilli :
I'lokutt. KiliMi Uiin'Bi MHIIIIIIIK , 'j ; Curpoutur ,
Wilton , ( I.lni'oln. ) Klrst lm o on luilis : Off Huivilpru ,
, 4 ! DHO'Duy , 1 ; ort llnrkt'll , I. lilt br liUchi'il bull :
HrO'Dar.H , Struck out. II-Muwilera , a ; lirllurkutt ,
4. Paniuu Imllsi ( iiiimon. Tlmoi Onu liotir unil
r lotlr iuliiuti > . Umpire : Btrluf.
Both Kaymond mid Ehrot , the two con
tract lumpers from the Louisville American
association team , plajcd with the Llncolns
today. lOhrot was in the box for the visitors
and lost them the game twice over , being
responsible. tor three of the runs
In the fourth inning nud two in
the sixth by throwing wild to
tlrst. Ills curves were too easy for thu locals ,
who lined them for ten safe hits. The nluo
bits off Swnrtzel were scattered so that they
uottod only two runs. The feature of the
umnu was a startling running catch by Cllue
In the 11 rat Inning. Attoiidauco , CUtiO , Score :
ncoiit 11 r ISMS-US.
lUni Clljr. . „ . ] 0041100 ( V-10
auiiuAur ,
Karmvl runt ; Kama ) Oltr. 3 ; Uncoln , t. Two.
b o liltc MaiinliiK. I ; amltli. Mtallortl , llurkett.
Tbtco-l > 8 lilln Wll ou. Utulvu batvai MnuulDV ,
fuilur. HuoTor. Hr t ba § ou ballit Off Hwartiel ,
I , off Klirui. 3. Struck ouii Mr Swaruul , 41 br
K'br l. . I'uood balli ) WlUou , 2 ; Uox n. t. Wild
KU rot. Tlujt ) ! Two hours. Umpr | ; Bttlef.
Urowora nnd Huskcrs Dlvldo.
MIMVAUKBB , Wa. ( , July 4. Meaklu was
hit nulto freely 07 the homo team In the
morning gamo. The feature of the gnmo was
Schclbeclt'.s pUy at short , accepting seven
dlfllcult chances. Score :
Milwaukee 0 t 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 R
SloitiCllr 0 I 0 0 0 0 3 07
I'nrne.l . riinn : Mllwniiket',7 ; Sioux City. 2. Two-
linno hits : Hhoch , Vlrkorr. ( ] pnlni , Tlireo-nn
liltK ! Knrln , Vlckcrr. CHHoii hunoi : IVlll.Ctlm ,
Sclirlrcr. Vnnll/ki > , \lpnkln. Double plays : Cam
pion to Sliiicli , Ktrnt Imso nn balls : Off Vlckcrr , 5 ;
.MriiUn. . ' , . Struck oiitl Mr Vlckprr , 7 ! Xcitkln. 2.
I'nmril hnlls ! Cubrlvcr , I ; Kntla , 2. Tlmoi Two
liuurs. Umpire ! Onifncr.
Tno Mllwaukccs lost the afternoon game
through errors. Both pitchers did great
work. Genius played a wonderful game at
third base. Score :
. ' (1AMK.
BIOUX cirr.
Allllll'O A r All III PO A T.
ntirk * . rf. . . . o s o rlwartwood.cf4 0200
1'ftlll , 2h 4 0 J 2 0 rtlnuii" . rf. . . . < U 0 0 0
Hhoch , 5 1 1 .1 0 Vnn lko , lf.4 0000
Iliinidiii , If..2 0 0 U 0 MorrlMor. Hi.4 1 17 0 U
llnrlc , rf 4 0000 Mclinl9un.2b.4
CnmilnMlli..3 | I 10 0 I ? rJiplln'Ck , 3b..1 0240
Orlm. itb 4 1 U fi I Cvnlni , ss..3 2280
Sclirlrur. a..2 OHIO Karlp. o 3 1600
D.iTlci.p 4 2001 Donrnlil , p..3 0 0 1 0
Tolnl 32 52111 3 Totnl 32 S 27140
MHirniikcn 0 00300000-3
Bloui Cllr 0 2001020'-5
Knrnpil runs : Mllnnilkci- I : Slont City. . ' > . T ro-
bn o lilt' , ; Dnvloi. Tlirw-l'nso lilts : Nlcliol.'im.
Unmet riuis : ( icnlni. Ihiublu | > lnys : ( iunlnn.
Hchclltotk , .Murrhey. l'lr t bii > 3 on bnll.s : IIT
llenrnlil , 4. Strncit out : lly D.ivlos , Dcwnlil.
I'.TK IM | bnlh ; Hrlirlrer. Tluia : Ono hour furtr-llTC
nihiulus. Uuiplro ; ( inllney.
MIlinciipoIlH Won lloth.
MiNXKAroi.iH , Minn. , July 4. Minneapolis
won both gnmos today ngnlnsU Duluth.
Gross errors on the visitors part In the ninth
luuing lost the afternoon game. Scores :
All 111 ro AE AnIU I'O A E
Want , cf 5 1 U 0 I Wright , rf. . . a 2 0 0 I )
McCliini' , rf. & 0 0 10 O'lloiirko,3b.
MrOunld. If. . 4 1 0 I U Kly , M 41300
Mlnnulian. 3b 4 1 0 0 I ) O'llrlon , It ) . . 4 2 10 U 0
DnrllMK , c. . . . l.i : lti > < | ! . : , 4 0 2 IU 0
Shuviirt , s.1. . a I 2 li I llnlilivln. c. . . 30810
Mi'nulc.'Jl > . . . 32540 ( 41001) 3 I 0 0 0 llnmburit If. . U 0 3 0 0
Klilun , | 3 I 0 3 I Hurt , p 4 U 0 2 0
Total 'i.i 'J .7 l ! l Totals XI B 27 H I
M'nnfnpnlls 0 2 0 0 0 C 2 1 0-5
l.Ciutli. . . . , 1 U 0 U 0 0 0 1 U 2
Kamed runs : Mhincnpollx , u ; Dulilth. I , TITO-
IIHKO Mlnncliui. : yhilk-art , Wiinl , Klilun ,
\Vrlxht. Stdlun bn.Hpn : Shuitnrt , 3 : Munulp , 2 ;
TrcHrtwuy , WrlKht , Kly , O'llrlen. Double pluyn :
OiirlliiK to Ili'ntiln. First bnnuon India : Off Kllk'n.
2ll ; rt4. Illtby iillchvil tiall : llaldwln. Struck
out : lly ; Hurt , 4. 1'iissi'il hull : Darllui. ,
1 : Wllil pltolu's , Klllen , I. Tlmo : Hour mill tirty-
tliro niliiutvB. Umpire : Kini > llu.
.A111II l'O A R All 111 I'O A E
Wnnl.lh 5 I 8 U 0 WrlKht. rf..S 0 0 0 0
Mrdtdlif , rf..5 I I U 0 O'Kuurkc , 3b..4 0000
aicQualil. If..6 I 3 0 0 Kir , us 4 0 S I I
Mlnnolinn , : ib.4 0 I 0 0 O'Urlun. lb..2 I 10 0
Dnrllnc. c I 0700 lnltnqll ( > . 2b..4 2 4 2 0
RliiiKnrt. 8S..4 0 2 2 U Mc.Mnlion. p..4 043 0
llenulL' , ) . . . . ; 0 I A 0 Cnnd'n'iib. cf.4 0301
TrcaUwnr , cf.3 0 4 0 U I lain burn , If..4 0101
Duke , p 3 111 U , 3 2010
Total . 3.1 427i8 I Totnl . \ 5 W 10 4
Minneapolis 0 0000100 2 3
Duluth U 1 1 0 0 U 0 0 U-2
Knrned runs : Mlnm-npoUx , 0 ; Diilntli , 1. Two-
linoulilt : O'llrlcn. Stolen bnsus : Dnrllnx , 2 : Trcml-
way. O'llourke , LnUoiinc. Kli tl ) t ! mi Lull * : lly
Duku.'j ; by lilt by plh-liuil bull : O'llrlcn.
Struck out : lly Uukp. 5 ; by lnka,5. I'HSSUI ! bull :
DnrlliiK , 1. Wild pltcliea : Duke , 1 ; Inks , I. Time :
Two hours. Umpire : Kumlle.
Western Standlmi
I'layod Won. Lost. I'or Ot.
Omahn 58 M .621
Milwaukee. G5 ; 27 iSfl
Minneapolis GT > : I7 28 WO
I.lucoln IU ! 14 28 .MS
KunsamJlty G4 : 14ci ; il .111 !
Hloux Cltv 112 27 35 .4 :
Denver 02 1H 37 .4011
Duluth < . . . .Cj 21 44
Cowboys To tiny.
The Kansas City nnd Omaha teams meet at
McCormlck parU this afternoon for their fifth
pamn of the season. So far , Omuliti has n
clean scora with the Cowboys , and will make
every effort to add another victory to their
string this afternoon. Noboay should bo
misled , however , about the 1C. C's. They
are undoubtedly one of the strongest teams
in the association , aiU Just now are enjoying
a flue run of luck. They , of course , would
rather win from Omaha than any other
team , as Manager Manning declares that the
Lambs lire the only aggregation he fears. The
standing of the tennis this afternoon will bens
ns follows :
Omaha Positions Kansas City
Shannon Second Manning
MiillK'tin HlKht Hoover
Suiclllfo Catul Giuison
Orlllln Middle Foster
JMcl'auley Kirst Stearns
Tivitehell . . . .Left mlth
Donnelly. . : Third Carpenter
Walsh Short 1'lckott
EltolJorK. . . , . Pitch ilustcil
Kansas City also plays hero Monday , Tues
day and Wednesday.
Fnleonors Sliut Out.
BI.AIII , Nob. , July 4 [ Special Telegram to
TIIK BBK. ] The N. B. Falconer team came
up today to play n series of two games. The
homo team was very weak , having lost their
llrst baseman and short stop , but picked up
n couple o ( groan men und started at it , and
when the gnmo was over the Falconers were
without any scores whllo the homo team
could count up seven. Suyder pitched n good
game for the Falconers , but the support
given him was very poor , the team having
made ten big errors. Snyder did his part.
Ho struck out twelve .men , but ho could not
play it all alone. Score :
lllalr I ) I 1 0 2 0 3 1 7
Falconer * 0 UOOOOOOfl 0
linse hits : Itlalr. 5 ; Falconers , 2. Stolen
bases : Itlalr , 0 : l-'alconcis. 1. Struck out : Hv
Ilrott. 5 ; tinydor , 12. llaso on balls : On
Hrott , 3 ; Snyder. 2. lilt by pitcher : Tow ,
Brown. I'ussud balls : Llnnolian , 1 ; Howies ,
a. Two-h-iHo lilts : Nelson , Double play :
Ply to Ilrott to Tow. Krrrira : Falconers. | 0.
llattorliis : lllair , Ilrott and Llnnehan ; Ful-
conors , Suydor and lliiwlcs. Time : Ono hour
and llfty nilriutfls Umpire : Wuldo.
Ilurvnril Downed Clny Center.
ilAitv.uti ) , Neb : , July 4. [ Special Toloerarn
to Tun UEB. ] Harvard and Clay Center
crossed bats today at Clay Center. The
game was called at the end of the seventh In
ning on account of rain. Score by Innings ;
Harvard 0 0 o o 0 I 0 1
OlayOimtor 0 01000 0 1
llatu-rlos : Harvard , I'erry and Itobortson ;
Olny Center , Campbell und Dunn.
A Hilton Lost at Home.
ST. PAUI , Minn. , July 4. [ Special Tolo-
grnm to TUB BEE. ] The St. Paul baseball
elub visited Ashton today nnd defeated their
nine. The scora stood ; St. Paul 23 , Aihton
13. The Ashton celebration was u success ,
mid the people enjoyed It to the fullest ox-
How Colorado I'ooplo Celetirnteri.
PUKIII.O , Colo. , Julv 4. The people of this
state celebrated the Fourth of July at Pueblo
by opening tha Colorado mineral palace. Gov
ernor Kouit mid all other state oniclals , to
gether with every military organization In
the stntu mid many clvlo societies , were con
veyed to Pueblo this morning by special
train. No such assemblage of people
baa over taken place In too state
before , The governor presided nt the open
ing ceremonies and the oration was delivered
by Thomas M. Patterson , The building is
unique unit most magnlllcout , aud this U said
to bo the only exclusive mineral exhibition
over attempted. It is intended to make this
u permanent exhibition , nuu rara minerals
will bo added to the collodion from time to
timo. The coat of thu building nnd display
Attend the Council BlufTn assembly
todnv und hour Jtvhu Duwltt Miller , U.
D. , o'f Puiladolphlu. This ouilnont dl-
vine will preach nt 2:3f : > this nfturnoon.
The lowu State band will discourse
Enured music throughout the duy.
They Oa ry Off Five Out of Stven Pr'zw
from York ,
Unlit Interfered but Mttlo with tlio
Pimm of the Dny-Hnmn Inter
esting HncoH Holly Con
VOIIK , Nob. , July > . ISpoolal Telegram to
Tin : Bii : : . ] The first annual meet of the
Nebraska division I oaKUO ot American
wheelman hold in the city today , proved to
bo a successful ono. Occasional showers In
the morning nmdo tno boys feel dublos till
10 clock , when the clouds broke away. The
following clubs were represented In the
moot : Omaha wbool club , Apollo Cycle of
Onmbn , Fremont Wheelmen's club , Lincoln
Wheel club , Grand Island IJt club , To'urlsts
of Omaha , Hastings wheel club and York
At IU o'clock the wheelmen fonnod in line
nnd beaded by n blind , started from the
headquarters nnd paraded the principal
streets of the city. Fifty-two
wheels were In line , mnong
which were several handsomely
decorated wheels. The Grand Island club
led the pnrndo , mounted entirely on ordi
naries , followed by the Omaha nnd Fremont
wheel duos , on safeties. The Apollo Cycle
club and Hastings' wheel club were next
with ordinaries , followed by the Lincoln boys
on both safeties and ordinaries.
After dinner n run was tnado to the track ,
and promptly at 1 o'clock too llrst ruco , a
one-mile ordinary novice was called. Throe
men started at the crack of tha pistol mid the
race was no walk-away for anyone. Time :
I. L. Holton of Apollo of Omaha , 4:4'JKi : '
Nelson of Oraud Island,4:25 : ; Hydor of York ,
4:51 % .
The second rnco was a mlle safety novlco ,
with four entries. ICastman of the Omaha
Wheel club took llrst place on n pneumatic.
Time : ! I14.S. : ; ) Morris captured second ,
mounted on n Victor B. Cushion. Tlmo : U:34. :
Morris and Ivastman fought hard nnd came
under thu vvlro almost hub nnd hub.
In the which followed
two-mile ordinary race ,
lowed , the entries mid time made were :
Mockott of Lincoln , 7:09 : ; Muontoforlng of
Omaha , 7:10 : ; Dcnmnn of Omaha , 7:10 : ; L.
Holton of Omaha. 7Mockott ( ) ! sot the
pace all through the boat.
In the next race , ono mlle , llvo entered and
came down tlio homo stretch. L , Bolton of
Omuhn took first placo. TimoH:40 : 1-5. Porter-
field of Omaha got socoud with : i:4UJ : < f. The
race was 11 hot one fro n . .tie start.
A qiiarterof a mlle orninnr.v spurt followed
with the following entries : Nelson of Grand
Island. Tlmo : 43. L. Ho'.ton of Omaha ,
45 : , Moi'kett of Lincoln and Denman of
Omaha , 44. Mocitett dam ul that ho
misunderstood the starter's slguai , or ho
would have won , but It was plain to those
who witnessed the race that the start had
nothing to do with the outcome. Nelson took
the lead from the first twentv yards nna kept
it to the finish.
In the two-mile safety race , which fol
lowed , five entered and tinishod ns fo'lows ' :
L. Hollon of Oinnhn , 7:11 ; Portorilold of
Omaha , 7:125 ; Morns and Wnldron of
Omaha. 7:111 : , and Elliek of Fremont , 7:13 1-5.
This race was n beauty nnd was close from
start to finish. Morris set the pace the entire -
tire stretch , but Holton won on n wonderful
The seventh event was n half mile ride
nnd run with four starters. Muontefering
of Omaha irot under Iho wlro in 'J:203-5 : ;
Frew of York , U:21 : S-5 ; Nelson of Grand
Island , 2:2(5. : (
This race was exciting and interesting and
shows that wheelmen can sprint ns well as
rido. Nelson got u header on his llrst mount ,
butplcKcdup in good , shape and plucklty
HXU | on.
The 3:20 : class , on mile ordinary , was won
by Muontoforing in 3:53 : 4-5 ; I. L. Holton
ook second place with 3:41) : ) .
Mockettwantod the quartcr-milo ordinary
race rode again on account of his misunder
standing the starter's signal , and his wishes
were complied with. The finish
gave the race to Holton of Omaha ,
time :43 : - - " > ; Moclcot got second
on 43 3-5.
The Apollo Cycle nlub of Omaha captured
five first and two second prizes in the events ,
and the Omaha wheel club got ono first and
three second.
Judgas : L. J. Hunnel , Omaha ; Dr. McCon-
nnughy , York. Tlmo keepers : 13. W.
Mcsho'r , York ; M. E. Wheeler , Lincoln.
Hefcrco : J. H. Kostman , Omaha.
The track was in a slow condition on
account of dust. After the racing photos
were taken of the visiting wheelmen , after
which short runs were indulged in until even
ing. After supiMjr short runs , dancing and a
general onjo.vnblo time was found und par
ticipated In. Tommorrow morning n ton
mlle run will bo made , which will close the
AA'l'IOXAf 1K.4.(3VK.
Chicago , Assisted by Brooklyn , Takes
a Good stnrt Down thu Slide.
CHICAGO , July 4. Brooklyn won the morn
ing gome in the first four innings on four
singles , a double nnd Luby's kindness in
prnsoDtlng them with three bases on balls ,
iiomin.u gpitched a finogamo , not n hit being
muclo off him untl e eighth. Coouoy led
off with ndoubla in the ninth , but was
thrown out In attempting to stretch it into a
three bagger. The beautiful weather at-
traotrd an nudioiico of 'something qver six
thousand. Score :
Chluiiiio 0 00000000 0
Urooklyn n 0 1 0 0 o I 0 8
Earned runs : Brooklyn , ! . ' . Hattorios : Luby
nnd Ilowinan ; Hemming and Klnsluw.
The afternoon name was'a pitchers' battle ,
only six bits-being made off each twlrler in
eleven innings. The Bridegrooms iravo the
nudloucc an unusual exhibition ofwhat
might bo termed olTonsivo partisanship.
Daly nnd Ward wera the principal actors ,
the hitter's Interference with VfelTcr In the
eleventh causing n lai-go-slzbd argument with
Umpire Powers and delaying the play for
nearly tlftcen minutes. On tills same play ,
the visitor ; } won the game vyltti tlio assis
tance of Dahlon's unfortunate throw. The
exact attendance at the morning' garnoivas
O.liS'2 ; afternoon. 13,117. Score ' : '
ohiciiKn l l n o o o'i'b o".n 2-n
Urooklyn 3 0000000003-0
Bits : tthlcngp , 6 : Urouklvn.O. Errorsr C'hl-
eago. L' : Urooklyn. 0. Harnod runs : Uhlciu'o. :
: i Itntterlos : llutehlnson and Klttreiltfe ,
Lovctlnnd Daly.
CINCINNATI , O. , July 4. Errors by Smith
and Browning gave the game to Now York.
Knnk playing by the ileus In ono or two In
stances lost opportunities to score runs which
would have changed tno seoro cdrialdarablv.
Attendance , 3,723. Score :
Cincinnati 0 0 2
Now York 1 0000300 * 3
lilts : Cincinnati , ft ! Now York. S. Errors :
Cincinnati. 1 : New York. 1. ilattnrlos : Mul-
lanoand Harrington ; Uuslo and Uluhards.
Earned Kilns : Now York , I.
Smith lost the afternoon game for Cincin
nati , hia error In tlio eighth Inning laving
Now York n start Which' was improved by
making live'runs , snatching victory from the
very jaws of defeat. Attendance , 5,113 ,
Score :
Cincinnati 0 00200200-4
New York 0 0000000 6 5
Hits : Cincinnati , 5 | Now York , 7. Errors :
Cincinnati. ' . ' : New York , ft , llatterioi ;
Uhlnus. Harrington ; Kwlnit and Iluukluy ,
Prrrsinwo , Pa , July 4. Wllkos fumbled
and n missed fly In tno flflh Innun ; 104t the
gnma this morning. Both pitchers were in
tlno form and the teams played with vim.
Attendance 5,400.
I'tttsburK 0 00013010-4
lioston 0 0014000 * 5
Hits : I'ltuburg. 0 ; lloston , 0. Errors :
Pittsbnrg , 3 : lioston. 1. llattorles : Kins and
Muck , ( JlarkHon und lloiinett , Kurnod rum :
VUUburc. U ; Huston , 3.
Slaloy was presented with a diamond pin
nud a largo basket of ( lowers by his 1'lttsburg
admirers this afternoon , and ho in return
succeeded In defeating his old club by his
line pitching. The play on both aides was
sharp and brilliant , Mlllor's low throw in the
seventh being the ouly ui la play in the gamo.
Baldwin pitched a great gamo. Attendance ,
S.OOO. Score ;
IMUsburs 0 00100000-1
lloslon 00100010 0-3
lllu ; I'Utauurg , I ) ; IJostou. 3. Errors ; 1'itU-
burir. Is liostonft llnttorlea : llnhlwln nnd
How Staler nmLUcnnot , Earned runs : Pltts-
burtr. 1 ; lioston , ft ?
i-j.m'qi ' AT ci.Kvr.t.Asn.
Ci.KVKiiNi , .pjfJuly 4. The homo loam
won the mornfijzjpimo by good batting , but
cnmo v ry near losing In the ninth inning by
errors nnd hsrd- hitting by Philadelphia.
The llrst three mWn for the Phillies In the
ninth reached llrst. Then BOVOII hits sent In
the runs. Scoro- ) ,
Cleveland i.t..1..0 o 3 2 1 1 R 0 4 1.1
Philadelphia. . . ; . . ! 0 IO-H
Earned runs 'lilovolarHl. fl ; Philadelphia , 2.
natterlos : Ylnti'iatid.linnicr ' ; Ksper and
Clements. , JH
The afternoon , game was won cosily by the
Phillies , owliur 16' Cleveland's inability to
connect hits oil rlvornton. Kumiss pitched
his first game for Cleveland and showed IncK
of practice. Flno Holding was douo by To-
beau , Allen and Movers. Attendance , 8,000.
Score :
Cleveland o 1
1'hlliidolphla 0 30 1. 8 0 0 3 0
lilts : Cleveland 8 ; Philadelphia. H. Errors :
Cleveland , ; Philadelphia. nuttorlem
/Immor and Knaiiss ; Clements and Thornton.
Earned runs : Cleveland 1.
Nntlonnl League rftnndliiff.
Plarod. Won. Lost. I'or O't.
Now York 58 3 } 23 XKI
Chicago ni M 25W
lioston m 34 27 AW
I'niindolnhla oo : io .to IM
Urooklyn ta III 81 ' 'OO '
Cleveland < J | lit XI .484
PltUburjr tiO 24 : i .400
Clncinnall Gi ! > 3 U ) l
Washington Oeftho Ilcst of Louis
ville Twice in One Dny.
WASIIINOTO.V , July 4 , Thirty-ilvo hun
dred ontnuslastic people witnessed a
ten-Inning game this morning between
the homo club nud the Loulsvillos ,
nnd until tlio last man was out the game was
miybodys. After two men were out the
Louisville tied the score in the seventh on
Alvord's error. Weaver's fly and Jennings1
hit , and In the tenth the homo team ma-Jo the
winning run on a base on balls and Slattor-
lio's lilt.
Washington 0 1 S
Louisville 2 4
Ilatterlcs : Foreman nnd McOulre. Kllz orn
nnd Cnhll. Earned runs : . W.ishlniUou , !
I.ouiHvlllc , none.
The homo club outbatted the visitors two
to ono In the afternoon game and had a very
close shave to win , but McGuire repented his
all-around playing of the morning game aud
virtually won it for his sido. Attendance ,
5,700. Score :
Washington 0 8
Louisville 0 0400 1 020 7
Hits : Washington. 18 ; Louisville. 7. Errors :
Washington. ! ! ; Louisville , 3. llntterlos : Koro-
riKin and McGnlre : l'lterild : and Cahlll.
Earned runs : Washington , I ; Louisville , 1.
KVKN IlltEAK AT rilll.ADlU.rlllA.
PHILADELPHIA , July 4. The St. Louis
Browns won the morning game by bunching
four hits In the til'th inning which , with n
base on balls and a muff by Chamberlain ,
netted four runs. Stivetls pitched great ball
and was invincible when a bit meant runs.
A one-hand catch by Beocbor was the llcld-
ine feature. Attendance , 5,150. Score :
Athletics 0 0000020 1 a
St. Louis i /.I 0004030 * 8
Hattcrlov. CUam'burs and Mllllzan ; Stl-
vetts anil Munyuu. ' Earned runs : Athletic ? .
1 ; St. Louis , I.
The Athletics won the afternoon game
rattier easily , i Weyhing was very effective ,
only flvo hits boinjj secured by the visitors ,
scattered many innings. Score :
Athletics . ' . .2 5 12
St. Louis , : . 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 a
lilts : Athletics , 10 ; St. Louis. C. Krrora :
Athletics. 4 ; ft. Louis. 2. Hatterlcs : Woyh-
liiK and Milliwatt , Orlflith and .Munyun. Earned
runs : Athletics , , ! ! , ,
BOSTON , Mass..Jidy 4. At the end of the
seventh inning'.this morning it looked like
a Columbus victory , for they had sneaked
in three runs oh' tlire'o'ltits and Boston bad
only one , In the aigbtti Boston changed tlio
aspect , making tivevlnts and taking a winning
lead. Attendaiico'1',703. Scoro.
Columbus .Ti'.fKOi.O . 1 ff 1 0 1 0 1 4
Huston . . . " . . . .jjr .J.flr.'l' 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 7
liltsColumbus. : . ' 4 : Boston , II. Errors :
Columbus , ft ; Itoitoir , * . Uatlories : Kenn nnd
I > owso. O'llrlcn "iid Jmirphy. Karned runs :
Uoston , 3 ; Columbus , - ' . "
In the afternoon Co.Uitnbua was beaten In a
ono-sideil contest. Ubatqn bad no difficulty
in securing run oft Dolan"whp. pitched four
innings for Enslon , who finished tlio gamo.
Attendance , 0,750.
Uoston 2 4-10
Uolumlms 1 ( il
Hits : lioston. 14 ; , Columbus , 5. Errors ;
Uoston , 4 ; Columbus , 1. Hattcrlos : Ilaililock
and Murphy : Dolaii , Eastou and Dunonuo.
Earned runs : lloston,7.
BAI.TI.MORU , Md , , July 4. The game this
morning was won by tbo homo team In the
third nnd fourth innings by timely stick
work nnd wildness en the part of Pitcher
Dwyer nnu errors by Seery and Hobmson.
Attendance , 4,5'J1. Score :
Oliioliinatl 1 0001020 3-T
Ualtlmoro 0 0 a 4 0 0 1 2 10
lilts : lliiltlmnre , IS ; Clnolnnutl. 10. Krrors :
Baltimore , U ; Oliieliiiitl. | : 0. DuUorlos : Crane
and Kelly ; MuMahon nnd Itoblnson. Earned
runs : Cincinnati , 2 ; > llultlmoro , 4.
The Cincinnati aggregation suffered an
other defeat this afternoon at the bands of
the Baltlmores because of Bnkeloy's ofloetivo
work In the box and sharp Holding at critical
times by the homo team. Attendance , 3,071) ) .
Score :
Italtimoro * 0
Cincinnati 0 2
Hits : Ualtlmoro. 10 ; Cincinnati , 8. Errors :
Halllmore , 5 ; Cincinnati , li. Hatterlos : liaKn-
Iny and Townsnnd ; Crane , Vaughn und Kelly.
Earned runs : Ilaltlmore , I ; Cincinnati , 1 ,
American ABSouiiuion Standing.
1'IavocL Won. Lost. I'or Ot.
23 .l ! 7
2B .1544
28 .Ml )
37 .47 ! )
35 .40:1 :
M .4KI
41 .WJ
44 .UJ.I
Crnneu Get n RcniitlCul IjIckliiK front
the I'roinoiUH.
FIIKMONT , Nob. , July ! . [ Special Tele
gram to Tun HEC.I Tno Cranes of Omaha
went down with tcrrlllc force this afternoon
before the heavy slugging mid splendid play
ing of the home team. Tioro | were n thousand
people present to cheer the elegant work and
to rejoice over the defeat 01 the Omaha team ,
which two weeks ago gave Fremont Its first
defeat Iri a fourteeu-lnplnK game , Fremont's
batting was phenomenal , nnd its fielding
almost without an" error. Williams was no
puzzle , and wnsOpouhdod all ever the field ,
The visitors wovqu hoodooed by Kimmol's
pitching , gottlnu < yily two base hits oft of
him. They were ' twoso-oggod to the eighth
Inning , up tb'r nvhich time only ouo
man reached J/se6oiid , In the eighth
Monaghan mid'1. Watts cnmo in on a
long hit to cantoV'by Butler , and this was
the end of the sctfrtf getting for the visitors ,
the game ending ! Pto 2 for the homo team ,
which has now ivoiKuino out ot olevcn games
this season. ScOre :
Kromont. . . .2,1 0231300 1-11
Uriinus ' . " -.JKo 00000020-2
llattorlen : Kremont. Klmmol and I'almnr ;
Cruno.s. WIllhuiiH jiml.SwurtStruukont : lly
Klniinel , 7 ; by wlllMniH,2. Karned runs : Kn > -
mont , il. Errors : fuinont , 3 ; ( Jrnnos. 7. llnso
hlU : Fremont , lOiUcanvn. - Tnreu-biisi ) tills :
Patterson and 1'arnior. Passed balls : I'nliiier ,
0 ; Swnrtz. 2.
Hu tfgj | ) < " \Yoii Two.
lUsTisns , Noh/i'July 4. [ Special Tel-
ogmm lo TIIK Bui : . ) Two hundred sports of
this city witnessed two pretty exhibitions of
ball today between Grand Island nnd Hus
tings at Gruml Island. Hustings
won both by .a score of 0 to ! l
mid 8 to 4. Thn excellent fielding of tbo
Hastings team , the battery work of Huhror
and Bulger for Hustings and the pitching of
Hourke and Hofmelstor for Grand Island
were the featured of the two games , The
Hastings team butted llko veterans and re
ceived a perfect ovation tonight on Its return
homo. Tula makes nine straight games for
Coohrnnos Won.
WiLiiEii , Nob. , July 4. ( Special to TIIH
BBS. ] A flue game of ball was played at
Beatrice yesterday. Cochrane Pharmacy
nine of Wllbor against Beatrice Mints. Score :
Uoatrlco , ,0 0090000 4-U
Wllbor. . . 0 3113030
UtlorlMi WllUcr : Abbott * aud Itlpa ;
lloatrlcc ; Oary und True ,
Unknown Man DroppoJ Dead Yesterday in
the Washington Park Betting Ring.
Kingston ICnslly Outrun ly ) ttio Llltlo
Sivnybnuk at fllorrln Pnrk
Close nt Kaunas City
Utiior IlnccH.
CHICAGO , July 4. A great holiday crowd
found their way to Washington parlt today ,
' 'ho weather was all that could bo asked for
by the most ardent admirer of equlno sport.
The track while not very fast was dry and
good. Tlioro were eight races on the pro
gram including the Shorldau stnkos and a
boat race , and as the latter was split ten
races were con tested during the afternoon.
When the first was called 20,000 people were
in attendance.
Thofoaturo of the day's sport was the
Sheridan stakes for throo-yoar-olds , nt a mlle
and a quarter. Poet Scout was Installed
nu even money favorite , Klngmnn
heavily weighted was second choice
at 5 to 2 and long odds could
bo obtained on the chances of the
other starters. The race was a good one ,
Poet Scout after making the running from
the half mtlo post , winning easily from Pom-
fret , a rank outsider. Klngmaii ran a fairly
good race but the great horse evidently
needs a long rest. Just before the llrst race
was called a well dressed man , supposed to
bo C. ii. Blnckwell , dropped dead in the
betting ring from heart disease. Thcro
were no letters found on the dead man , but
the name "C L. Blackwell" was stamped
under the inpol of his coat. The police took
charge of tlio body. Details follow :
First raco. purse IfiOO for maiden two-year-
olds , entrance $15 , fivo-cUhlhs nf a mite , ton
starters : Ksplrito Santo ; I as (10 ( to I/ , came
with a rush from the run and won by half a
JcniUli from Annorlan. 1US (10 ( to 1) ) . who boat
Clementine , 108 ( , ' 1 to II a length. Time : IOV :
Scuona race , purse JTOO. for throo-yoar-oids
and upwards , entrance 410 each , one and one-
elglith miles. Six starters : Whitney , 103(4 ( to
1) ) . won In aeantur by throe lengths : I'rinco ,
108 ( W ) toll , boat Homer. 10.5 ( II to 1) ) , a length
for second money. Time : 1AO. :
Third race , pnrcu IGOJ for tliroe-j ear-olds
and upwards ; nolllng one mlle ; 8 starters.
Ilorealls. 102(11 ( to I ) , won by a length from 1'at
Conloy. 1U.I ( IS to 1) ) . who beat Van llnren , OS (8 (
to I ) , two letiKlhs for place. Tlmo : 1.41
I'onrth race , IhoSheridan slakes ; n swoop-
stakcs for three-year-olds. S100 each with JIflOO
added , one and a quarter miles , l-'ivo start
ers. root seout ll.ieven ( )
. , . , won by a loniuh
before I'roinfret , US ( HO to 1) ) . who boat San
Jonqulii. IIS (4 ( lo 1) ) . two lengths for Iho place.
Kinsman. 1M ) ( . " > to 2) ) . was fourth , and Vale.
' 01. J22 (8 ( to 1) ) . last. Time : : . ' : liy.
1' Ifth race , purse J.SOO for three-year-olds and
upwards , throe-quartos mlle heats. Klgho
starters. Kirst heat. Joslo M. 114 (7 ( to 5) ) , won
by a nock from Ulllo Cmle 111 ! ( G to 1) ) , Joe
Carlor 108 ( li lo 1) ) , was third. Tlmo : 1:1' ) .
Second heatoslo : .M. led to thu stretch.
whenTrust. . Ill (10U ( > I ) , came up and won by
neck. Joslo M. boat Ills Throe , 110 (4 ( to 1) ) a
head lornlaco. Time : 1:18. Kim off : Trust
won by six lengths. Tlmo : 1:1H.
Pistil race , handicap for three-year-olds and
upwards , of IL"0 each , with # 700 ndrlod , ono
mile. Twelve starters : lluslnasa. 100 (20 ( to 1) ) ,
took tlio load at tlio .start and held it to the
stretch whore there was a general eloslns up.
In a beautiful finish Santiago. l ± l (4 ( lo 1) ) . won
by n head from Forerunner. IKS (111 ( to 1) ) . who
beat Itrazos , 112 (10 ( lo 1) ) , a neck for place
Time : IW/ : .
Seventh nice , pursoof .JOOO for maiden two-
year-olds. flve-el'-'htiis of a mile. Tonstnrl-
ers : I'or Illr.lso. Ill (5 ( to I ) , was never eauL'la
und won by a length from Illume. Ill ( IS to I ) ,
who beat Mariien , 1 1 ( "to- ) , a lenslh for
uluce. Tlmo : 1:04. :
Klplilh race , nurse $000 for
and njiwards. soiling , one mile. Ten starters.
I'M Hell 107 ( U to 1) ) . won , O.irns , 114 ( I ! to 1) )
second. Kli Kcndlge. 107 (10 ( to 1) ) , third.
Time : 1:14 :
Toiiny Itunts
Moitius PARK , N. J. , July 4. The Monmouth -
mouth Park association coniuioncod its moot
ing hero today before ono of the largest
crowds that lias attended the races this
The star event of the day was the mooting
of Kingston and Tonny nt the oven weights
in the Ocean stakes , and everybody looked to
see the Dwyer horse defeat Tcnny , as the
latter was meeting him at his favorite- dis
tance , ono mid one-eighth miles. This opin
ion was not berne out by the race , however.
Tonny jumped away in the front at the start
and was soon loading by two lengths. This
advantage ho held until the stretch was
reached , when Hamilton on Kingston began
to deride his mount , and by dint of hard
work got us for as Tonny's saddle. At the
Head of the grand stand Hamilton went to
the wliip , but it was of no avail , ns McLaughlin -
lin lot out the pull ho had on Tonny , who
won In a gallop by four lengths amid the
wildest enthusiasm.
First raco. three-fourth of a mlle : Chosa-
poaku won , Judge Post second. Surplus third.
Tlmo : IMS.
Second raco. Independence stakes , three-
quarters of a mile : Air I'liint won , Vostlbulo
.sofond. Anna II. third. Time : 1:14. :
Third race , I'onrtb of July handicap , one
mlle ( llrst division ) : Kaeelanu won , Clarendon
second , Diablo third. Time : 1:41.
Fourth race , Ocean stakes , ono and one-
olghth miles : Tonny won , Kingston second ,
Tlmo : 1S5. :
Fifth raoo , ( second division ) Fourth of July
handicap , onn mile : llormmla won , Nelly
Illy second. San Ju in third. Tlmo : l:4Ui. :
Sixth race , seven-eighths of a mile : Arab
won. Vardco second , Adventurer third. Time :
Suvonth race , suvon and one-half furlongs :
Little Sandr won , Casauvona second , Exhibi
tion third. Tlmo IMIPi.
Klghth race , ono mlle : Longstroot won ,
1'apan soeond , Hcadsy third. Time : l:4'.Hi. :
City's Close.
KANSAS Crrv , Mo. , July 4. This was the
last day of the racing meeting nt Exposition
park. The crowd was a typical holiday
gathering and numbered about six thousand
peojilo. The weather was pleasant and the
racing good. Favorites In Gold Dust , School
Girl aud Deb Paxtou won Just half of the
events. The details :
l''irnt race , solflni. . four and a half furlongs ;
Gold Dual won , Tramp .second , Dluk third.
Tlmo : oS7. : , " . , . ,
Second race , seven and n half furlonirs :
Kmmett won , Urrlol ; second , Crisplno third.
ThriHi l:3H'i. : '
Third raco. Fourth of July stakes , mile and
anulhth : Dan MeukH won. Underwater sue-
ond. Mfty Hlirdy third. Tlmo : 1.Y : ) .
Fonrlh race , live and a half fur. ones : School
Girl won. Manila 11 second , Colonel C'ox third.
Tlmoi 1:1114. :
Fifth raee , seven and one-half furlongs
] lo | > l > ; ixton won. Tamerlane second , Kureka
third. 'Time : Ii7. : :
Sixth race , seven furloius : John O. won ,
Lola W. second , King Klchard third , Tlmo ;
1:3) ) .
: _ _ _ _ _
Driving at KvniiBvillo.
EvAN3Vii.LK , Ind. , July . Itosults of to
day's rnccs :
Flrt race for roadsters : JV O of Olarks-
vlllo won In straluht heats , Knby uocond.
Time : ' 'MOlj.
St-conil race , trotting for three-year-olds :
Kiilo Karl won , Dim Corbcau srcond. Time.
"Third racii. 2'iO : trot ; Wonder won , Green
Itlvur second. Tlmo : tf : ! l .
Foiirto race , pacing : Hay Henry won : Count
Hal sncnnd. Host time : ' 'I'-'S
Fifth raco. running ; mlle and ropmit. llopo-
dale won. Adalr iiocoiul. Time : U7
Uoliiioiit Ilauin .
PnimnKi.i'iiiA , July 4. Delmont driving
club's nielng resulted today :
' . ' : in iinolng elans , UM < lnl hed from Friday :
MuronloH llrst , Sitllle U second , lllackyork
third. Tlmu : 2ilHii.
2"J ; elms , trotting : Problem first. Aland
Mullu.r bucond , i'rlnco A third. Heat time :
. panln ; ; . pursu MO : Indv Sliorldan
first , Neddy II Bi-cnnd , Delaware Hey third.
Tlmo : asliH.
_ _
TrottitiK nt liiliiHiiliiot ] ! ) .
IMIKI-KNIIBXCI : , Iu. . July 4. Track good.
L':45 : trot Hilly Gurton. won , Lnoy May soo.
onrt. Major Thornburg third. Host time : Si'.U
2-0 ; trot Idolnh won , Iliiby Mine sucond ,
JudBoHldor third. Iluit tlimu Sitfl'A
Allurton. to bout record , -'iMi , trotted In
"Mary Manhall , to buut3:17 : , trotted In 3:15.
anil Clinruiix.
Robert Uobbs , late of Butte City , now of
Lincoln , and Aaron Cttoraux of this city
are matched for a finish flght to take place at
South Omaha next Saturday night. The
Uiiht U for t-00 a side pud the eato money.
Dobb is a very clever man , toaving whipped
Roddy Brcunan In flvo rounds at Salt Lake
two niontha ( ro , nnd the Montana Kid in
olcht rounds recently , Choraux li also con
sidered a v ry handyman , and It will roo.ulro
considerable pluck ana mow hard blows for
any man of bis dimensions to best him. Jim
HlKhto.wor has tha management of the affair ,
and promises the followers cf Flstlana a good
hard bnttlo.
Fourth of July Tournnmont Which
the ShotKUttKxiturts Kitjoycd.
Although the morillng opouou up with rain
It did not keen away n good number of shoot
ers from the club grounds. Amonc the entries
were several from out of town. Mr. Morrw
of Shelton , Neb. , wr > n llrst money on a clean
score in the third rnco nnd wnlkod away with
$37 on the credit sldo. Kvery one enjoyed
htnuolf and went homo tired , hungry nnd
well satisfied with the day's sport.
first rnco was for sovcn birds , J5 to eomo
In. Nnson nnd Pnrmeloo lovided llrst. Tlas
on six divided second , nnd H rower nud
Blanchnrd divided third. Score :
Montinoroncy 1 1 0 1 I 2 1 n
Ih-ckny , o 202002 3
Hrnwer 1 1 20 1 1 0 5
Mt'Karland. . . < 3 201111 6
Smith 2 I 1 1 2 0 1 fl
Hughes 1 111110-8
I'oifR , J 1 2 1 I 1 0-
Nason . . . . .1 112111 7
HIanchard 1001121 6
1'armoice I 1211 12 7
Morris 0111211-0
Second rnco was also nt seven birds , & to
come In. Tics on seven divided llrst ,
Brewer won second in shoot-oft nnd ties on
llvo divided third. Score :
I'nrinVIco 2 11222 1 7
Cliubbock , 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 7
Dickey l 2 7
Montgomery l 21202 1--0
I It'll let t . . . . .1 2 2 ' , ' 2 0 0 5
Nnson [ 1 u 2 I 1 1 0
Jwlnn 1 I 1 1 0 1 1-f.
"ray i i i | 0 1-fi
Kaufman 001220 U 3
Cross. | 10121 2-1 !
Jol'iirlaml i | i i 100-5
2lor.ri9 2 11010 2-5
nnilth o 0 I I 1 0 0 3
Tohannos 2 2 I 2 1 U 1 < 1
l' ! ° SK 1 211111-7
Hrower. i 122111-7
Hnnford l 10112 1-0
I'Ullur ' o l o u 2 0 1 3
Third rnco was nt ton birds , ? T.50 to eomo
in , out In four. S. Morris of Shelton , Neb. ,
took 11 rat with straight ton. Others were
divided. Score :
Pitrnmloo 22201 02112 S
J'OKB 21101 11121-S
Moiitmorenoy 20202 11211 R
Chuttnck IU21 ( UI2I-II
Ileiliot 01223 r,0.l ( 5
Hryant 1)2.1)0 ) ) I110I 0
Uray Mioi 02121 I !
Kaufman OHIO U01II 0
Hughes 00111 10IU1 ( i
McKarland 10121 10121 8
Smith 11100 11101 7
Dlekuy 021S3 221 ID S
llruwur 12211 110IM 7
( iu-lna LMIIII 01 III I. -7
H infiiril 011IW 112 , ) . ' 0
Morris 12111 1220 111
Johannes 11122 12J0 II
Nason 21120 01110 7
Bedford 11110 01102 7
Ickon OIKO OIIC2 5
Fourth race was nt flvo birds , 1 to come
in. Three monies , all divided. Score :
Parinoleo 1 2 2
Kesler 1 1 1 2 5
Dickey 1 1 0 2-4
Smith 1 1 1 1-5
CJwInn 021 1 3
.lolmnnas 0 1 2 1 t
Chubbock 1 1 2 1 5
Sanford 012 T 4
Montiuorcncy 2 2 I 1-5
Gross 1 20 0 1-3
Dundy 0 000 1-1
Nuson 1 1 2 ' 2-5
Token 1 12 0-4
llonlett 0 0 1
McFarland 121 1 1 5
KOSB 1 2 1 1 1-5
A f2 miss and out with ten in closed the
afternoon. After gras'ing nine birds each
lilauchard und Nason divided the money.
Ifarcl Alter Klllott.
KANSAS CmMo. . , July ( ! . J. A. K. Elliott
is still the owner of the American Field cup.
Ho and Will Crosby of Ofullon , 111. , snot for
it nt Elliott's park this morning and Elliott
won by the remarkable score of fifty straight
birds. Crosby also did a remarlcaolo line
picco of shooting and killed forty-eight out of
mill ( Jow.sip or Ofllco mid
' 1'rnok.
A heavy rain nt Tildcn on tne Ellthorn road
west of Fremont Friday night washed out
the gravel with which u former washout had
been tilled , throwing thn track out of line
and delaying- trains several hours. It was
repaired yesterday.
A severe hailstorm passed ever the Black
Hills Friday night doing considerable dam
age to window lights and damaging crops.
The report of the purchase of the Hock
Island's interest in tha Burlington , Cedar
Hapids & Northern road by the Burlington ,
and the report that tlio Burlington intends
purchasing the Pacific Short Line are not
given much credence at B. & M. headquar
ters. Nothing in the nature of a continuation
of such reports has been received by the
otlicials hero.
The coal department of the Union Pacific
has boon removed to Omaha from IJonvor ,
and will be established in its old oflico on the
socoud floor of the headquarters building at
tlio north end , next the olllces occupied by
the general manager and clerks. The clerks
In the coal department will bo brought hero
from Denver.
Special rates have been authorized from
points in Arkansas to Chicago for the meet
ing of a society with the soul-harrowing title
of "United Brothers of Friendship and Sisters -
tors of the Mysterious Ten , " which meets In
Chicago July yo to 25.
The burning of a bridge on tlio Union Pa
cific west ot Lnramio delayed passenger
trains Nos. 2 and -1 about twelve hours. No.
i arrived yesterday morning and No. 1 ! about
noon. Tlio oriijln of the lira has not boon
E. C. Connor has been appointed tie and
timber agent on the Union Pacific with head
quarters at Omaha , to succeed Ceorgo
Fabyan , resigned.
Annual Showing to iho Public l > y the
Hoard of Trade.
Tlio fourteenth annual report of the Omaha
Board of Trade has Juit made its appearance.
It Is a good sized pamphlet of ever 150 pages
und Is gotten up on a mcro elaborate scale
than any of Its predecessors. It announces
Omaha's population , according to tho.cunsus
of IS'JO , as 140-15'i , nnd thin covers nil inter
esting topics down to the re.portof thq plumb
ing inspector. Koports submitted by the
secretary of the state board of agriculture ,
compiled from reports of district
nnd county agricultural associations ,
shown in detail thu values , average and gen
eral , of lands , both improved mid unim
proved. Tno stock yards , railroads , banks
and wholesale business of thu city all come
In for their ahuro of careful treatment in
making Omaha's showing for US'.io ' , The
publlo improvements und street railway mid
water works extensions make n highly credItable -
Itablo showing.
Koal estate transfers aggregating SlS.itOO-
BTJ , and building permits amounting to $3-
Dlil.OO.'i , show what wa-i going on in the city
the lirst year , exclusive of the ifI.OlCi.HlO.OII
expended on public streets. Uecclpts
amounting to Mi7S.oM ( and disbursements
aggregating S'-YI IIUK.73 , represent the busl-
ness of the city treasurer's olllco ,
DThe city's bonded indebtedness Is ? l,0t)0 : ( ) : ( ) ,
mid none of It is duo until I'.HH ) .
Concerning the showing made the snoro-
tary says : "By comparison with former
publications it will DO found that , notwith
standing tiio many nnd varied antngonistio
Influences nud untoward circumstances , the
city has durlne the year made substantial
gains ir. Its wholesale trado. manufacturing
establishments , monetary Institutions , cap
ital , population nnd importance us a distrib
uting center nnd commercial metropolis , with
the brightest of pro * | > ccts for future development
mont and accumulation of elements which
will olovnto Omaha among the most prosper
ous and leading cities of America. "
Miss Pearl Strooto I had n terrible dream
last nliht ; , I dreamed 1 was In heaven. Miss
Sherman Why , there wai nothing terrible
In that , my dear. Miss HtreotoNo ; not
about being In heavenbut I was so mortified
my hut was on wiong.
When you aeo a very worthless man , and
hoar thiit ho is the father of the pretty mod-
est-looklni ; girl you ce with him , It does not
require a very active Imagination to picture
that the mother was a nlco , pretty girl who
throw herself away when she married ,
Vonsrablo Ez-Vica President Pusses Awaj
at Danger , Mo , &
William Henry Gladstone , Kldcnt Son
aftlio Great KnillHli Statesman ,
llc In London Comiumor
Gwoiit Doiid.
BAXOOII , Mo. , July 4. Hx-VIco President
Hannibal Himilin died today nt 8:15 o'clock.
Ho was down town this afternoon iiud wont
to the TnrrnUno club rooms , where ho win
playing pedro , when his ticnd foil forward on
his elicat.
A gentleman romnrkcd , "Tho sonntor
scorns to feel badly. "
Mr. Hnmlln said , "I do. "
The men gathered nroiind him nud ho was
taken to a lounge. Dr. Holilnsonvno was
In the next room , nttomlcd him , mid after
wards lrs. Mason mid 1'hllllps were called.
No pulse was vislblo for mi hour , mid It win
thought they could not bring him out.
Finally ho rovlvod somewhat and tnatiaL'od
to articulate frocly. The doctors worked
over him faithfully and his family was sent
Soon Mrs. Hamllii , General Charles Ham-
II11 , his son , mid his wife and other tnoinbors
were nt his slue. All was done for him in
human power , but It failed , and ho passed
away peacefully at8:15 p. m , Ho leaves a
widow and two sons General Charles Ham-
lln , Ksq. , a lawyer of lillsvrnrtli , and Frank
Ilnmtfn , now llvln ? In Chicago.
Mr. Hnmlln has ooen perceptibly falling'for
nyoar , but scorned to bo us usual this after
noon and walked down town.
The remains were roinovod from the Tnr-
ratlno club rooms , whcro ho died , to his resi
dence. The funeral will not occur until nftor
tno arrival of Frank Hnmlln from Chicago.
[ Hannibal llamlln was born at 1'aris , Mo. ,
August U7 , ISO ! ) . Ho prepared for college ,
l-ut the death of his father compelled him to
take charge of his farm. At the ago of
twunty-ono ho became u printer. Ho then
.studied law , was admitted to the bar In 18M ,
and practised until 1818. From IHHit to 1S40
ho was a member of the Miilno legislature ,
serving as speaker in 1X17 , 18IKI , and 1810.
Ho was a member of congress from ISIil to ,
1SI7 ; a state rcprosontatlvo again In ' , . .
1847 ; anil Unite' ! States senator from 1843 t-
tol8."i7. Ho was governor of Maine from
Tnnuiiry 7 to Febniary 20 , 1857 , resigning tlio
position on his re-election to thi ) sonato. Hu
was elected vlco president of tno United
States on the ticket with Mr. Lincoln in
IhiJU , and on the expiration of his term in
! ( ) . > was made collector of customs for the
port nf Boston. This position ho rotalund
until ho was again chosen to the senate in
ISli'J , whcro ho remained until 1831. Ho was * V
subsequently fora few years United States V
minister to Spain , but rotirea to spend his
last years in private lifo.J
Tliclr Drill Docs Credit to TIieiiiHclvo
and Their City.
INMHA.VAPOMS , Ind , , July ! . [ Special Tele-
cram to Tin : DDE. I Tins has boon a big dtiy
for Indianapolis. Fully twonty-llvo thousand N.
visitors from out of the city being in town to \ ,
celebrat the Fourth mid see the grand Inter
state tournament. From forty to
llfty thousand pcoplo visited camp
Curtis , some going early provided
with luncheons .so as to remain
all day and sco the fireworks at night. The
city is wide nwako tonight and , all Hinds of
business has boon much improved the past
week and many thousand of dollars will bo
left hero by the visitors. The visitors return
homo well repaid for their trip nmi > . .iill hands
are happy. The urogrammo for today1 was ns
follows :
8iOa. : ; m. , inspection.
11 a. m. , drill by MeCnrty light guard of
Little Hock.
1:15p. : m. , drill by Southern cadets.
2 p. m. , drill by Omaha guards.
2 :45 p. in. , drill by the Chickasaw guards
of Memphis , Tenn.
30 : ! ! p. m. , drill by the Hockvlllo Second
artillery company.
4:15 : p. m. , drill by the Belknap rides.
5 p. m. , drill by the Walsh /Couaves.
5:45 : , dress parade. s
The fireworks in the evening were \ \ \ < $ s'
finest ever scon in the city , the sot pieces
representing all manner of military subjects ,
and they were admired by about two thou
sand people from the graiul stand and camp.
The drilling of the companies today was the
best so far given , notwithstanding the fact
that there was a gale of wind blowing
and the companies were obliged to
face clouds of dust in executing
their movements. The Omaha guards were
promptly on the Held nt the hour specified for
ttiom todrill , but were obliged to retire and
wait for the southern cadets to complete !
their programme ns , under the rules , no
member of any command Is allowed to aoouny
part of the drill of any other company. The
guards had boon inspected In their full dress
uniform in the morning and had passed an
excellent inspection. When they appeared
on the drill Meld in their dross fatigue uni
form , wliito bolts mid leggings , they were
mot with an ovation which must have glad
dened their hearts as the proceeded to
put up a drill in an undeniably ubh ) iminncr ,
strictly according to Upton's tactics , and the
people of Omaha have every reason to bo
proud of their guards and Captain Mulford ,
who carried the hoys through thu drill with
out a stngiu c.iptuin's error.
The guards were somewhat handicapped
hv tlu * strnriL' xvliiil nml thn ilnstvhfph wim
blowing and the fact that three of their men
were nick and are now under euro of thu
surgoons. Nevertheless the boys did them
selves proud and are a credit to
their city. The opinion of all the
ofticors that weru at ICansas City last
year U that the Omaha guards drilled much
better , nil things considered , than the drill
made tiy them at Kansas City.
Among the notables on thn grounds today
> voro Messrs. Culp , Dlehoi'son mid Martin-
dale , a. committee of thu world's
fair commission , who came to wait
upon General Kucklo to arrange to
have all of the comp inlc.i now under his com
mand nttond the world's fair In October , IS'.U '
Among those who applauded the OiiinUn *
guards from the prois stand were Lieutenant
nml MM. Pickering of the Second United
States infantry , Governor Hovey ot Indiana ,
and General Low \Vnllaco , the author
of Hen Hur. General Wallace mot a number
of the Omaha pconln ami warmly congratu
lated thorn upon tno excellence of their drill.
General Uuclile , adjutant general of Indiana ,
mid General Carahan , commander-ln-chlef of
the uniformed rank of K. of 1' . both called
at the Omaha headquarters and spoke
In llattering terms of tlio drill , which , they
say , compares favorably with that of all of
the othorconimnics. Tlio Omaha guards to
day distributed the circulars supplied by the
Omaha board nf trade among the thousands
that vlsltou their headquarters nml are new
working hard to secure the encampment fur
The programme for tomorrow consists of
church nt 10ll : ! ) it. in. , tbu sermon to no
preached by Or Hondthulor , chaplain of tlio
Indianapolis light artillery mid the awarding
of prizes nt I ) o'clock.
Murder anil Nulolilo.
Siot-.x Crrv , la. , July 4. | Spotlal Telegram
toTiiKl nn.J While John KnnU was lying
asleep today John and Dan lircnimn , two
graders , attacked him mid pounded him to
death with an Iron clevis.
Mary Lnbord , on Inmate of n disreputable
house , suicided with polionthh morning , bo-
cmisonfa quarrel with her "solid man , "
Fred Hopkins , a gambler.
Stocking * Alndo of Hair , .
The iinthropohH'Iciil donnrtinont of
the Hinllhrtonlan institution linn rocolved
from Cliirti u pulr of Blocking iimmi-
fncturud from liuinun hulr. They iiro
worn by liHliunnun over cotton stouklnjra
( bolng too rough for the nukud sldn )
and unilur straw shoos ILH a protection
against moisture.