Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1891, Part Two, Page 16, Image 16

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Not a Single Dollar's Worth of Goods will be Moved. . .
Must be Closed Out at any Sacrifice !
The People's Mammoth Installment House has leased the large double building , No. 1318 and 13J7 Farnam St. The
building formerly occupied by the S. P. Morse Dry Goods Co. and they will occupy same about July 16th. $1OOOO.OO
\vill be expended for improvements , and when completed will be the finest Furniture , Carpet and Stove House in the
west. They are determined to close out the remaincfer of their stock so that they can open in their large and elegant
quarters with a stock entirely new from beginning to end , and with that end in view they shall dispose of the remainder
of their stock at about one third of former prices. During past week $2OOOO worth of bright new goods were brought
from the different depots. These goods were in transit at the time of the fire and they also will be slaughtered along
with the other goods. In order that everybody can buy whether they have the ready cash or not , all these goods will be
sold on easy weekly or.monthly payments , without any extra charge whatever. Call at once and avoid the rush. No
trouble to show goods. Car tickets furnished those living at a distance. Open evenings until 7 o'clock. -
or MON'THl Y
200 pairs Portieres , usual price $8.50 slightly
87 pairs Pillows , usual price $1.50 slightly
C4 pairs Irith Point Lace Curtains , usual price$15..slightly
2,000 yj.rds . Rug Fringe , usual price 85c per yaid. . . .slightly
4COO yards Ingiain , umnl price 6Cc per yard slightly
lOCOyarda DrussolH , visual price SI i or yard slightly
2OCO yards Linoleum , usual price $1 | : cr jard slightly
4,010 yards Stair Carpet , usual price See | or yiir.l. . . .slightly
7,4CO jmds Hemp Carpet , usual price 35c per yard , .slightly
fc'O BcdslenciH , usual j rice $4 slightly
CCO Bedsteads , usual price 47.SO slightly
001 Bedsteads , visual price $12.50 slightly
60 Chamber Suits , usual price $ 0 slightly
760 Mattresses , usual price $3.50 slightly
640 Springs , usual price $3 . ' slightly
Cl Decorated Toilet Sots , usual price $4.50 fal'ghtly
No Goods Exchanged During This Great Closing Out Sale.
613-615-617-619-621 North 16th St.'Between California and Webster ,
Breezy Gossip for the Orauks of the D a-
Tile Men with Cropped Hair The
ItykcrH * I5iid 0t--Ito < l , Gun and
and Questions
New YOIIK , Juno 20. Billy Wilson , the
jolorod boayywoicht of tbo northwest , Is
"flfff wftli' 2 CrtlHo snys : "My inntcti
with Jerry SlallcrySnn Francisco , Cul. ,
bol ig off , through the falluYCOf.Sluttory's
backers to go on with the maicuTxI now
stand ronily to arrange a match for $ lOdfy-3.
slilo with Jack Kelly of Port Hlctimonil. Pa. ,
Jim Duly of Philadelphia , or George Godfrey
pt Boston , Mass. I will ratify a match with
any of the ubovo pugilists to fight ut catch
weights , according to Police Giizutte rules ,
( our or six weeks from signing articles , for
M,000 a side , Uicharcl 1C. Fox to bo tlnol
itnkclioldor. My backer , Frank Stevenson ,
Will tlnd the stakes , also a nurse , if any of
llio above pugilists accept. 1 moan fighting
tnd not talking. "
TlioiiHimdH of MIleH < > u 11 Ityk.
Mr. Arpuil Barothy of Fremont , who is
well known In this city and who passed
through here on the IDih of last May on a
bicycle journey to his birtliplnca in Hungary ,
Is now uenring the shores of Urn old world.
Ho travulcd through 1T5 miles of mud in
Iowa and then rushed along indifferent roads
In Illinois and Indiana , making thu Journey
across these states by May Ul , Ills best road
was found between Cleveland and Buffalo ,
on which tie nuulo ns many as 1U5 miles per
day. Ho reached Now Yon : Juno ! l , having
uiado the run of 1 , , " > : ! ( ) miles in : il days , an
average of T'J miles per day. Ho limned l-
atcly took the sto.unor for his homo In Grand
Wnrdoln , Hungary. Upon landing , however ,
Up Is to use his byk until ho reaches his des
tination. The trip Is a long ono , and only a
young limn of energy and physical dotonnl-
nation would bo able to accomplish It.
At tint .Nonpareil Park.
The Nonpareils and Snowllakos play this
iftornoon on the Nonpareils' grounds , Fif.
Icouth and Vlnton streets. Following are
the positions ; Snowfiakos : Parson , center ;
Bowles , left ; Jones , first base ; Smith , third
base ; Nelson , shorstop ; Crolghton , catcher ;
Mlnlcus. right : Snyder , pitcher ; Kelley , Nonpareils : Bradford , center' ,
F. Mahoney , loft , Flvnn , first liaso ; J. Mahoney -
honey , third Uaso ; Shnnuhnii , shortstop ;
Mortal ty , right ; MoAulllT , pitcher ; Brady ,
second buso. _
All Day Shoot on tlio Fourth.
There will bo an all day shoot on the Omaha
Gun club ground : ) across the river Fourth of
July , The nmnugamont has secured 1,000
good live birds and sotno Interesting sweep
stakes and special matches will bo shot.
There will aUo bo kept running all dav two
sou of traps for artltlclal targets , and alto
gether the shooters are preparing for u big
day's spot t , _
All , There , Waterloo !
Ai.umiUT , Juno 1'iJ. To the Sporting 15di-
tor of TUB BUBS I hereby challenge the
Waterloo nlno to play us a match gamu of
ball on the Waterloo grounds , July 4 , for JO
aside and rallroau faro Included.
F. A. Mt'i.i.EK ,
Captain of the Albright Basounll Team.
"Munty" Accepts.
I hereby accept Mr. C. Sexauor's challenge
of the " 1st Inst. I will give him ono-nutirtor
mlle btart In a two-iullo race to bo ridden
July 11 on the Council Bluffs course.
Food IX ) r the CrankH.
Dad Clarke has boon relnstatoJ.
Kunsas City dubbed the Omaha toim the
"Census Stuffers. " That's not such a bad
The club will not bo sold , that Is , to out-
sldo parties.
Jack Sneed is again on the cold , cold world
played out.
Hilly Alvord's mother died at Pitlsburg
a few days ago.
Flanagan is hitting "her out" in great style
for the Alliance people.
Lincoln showed Kansas City that it know
a little nuout baseball its own self.
Kansas City is drawing excellently. It
has ! tUOO , and 4,1)00 ) frequently ut woeit day
Some of that advance money which la
being BO lavishly sent to the west ought to
bo kept.
The Poet Is holding his own with the Don-
vcrs ; in fact , ho Is outclassing TobeaU by a
length or two.
The league club In Philadelphia , because of
its poor work , is not drawing a corporal's
guard per game.
Wllmot's is feature of
base-running a every
game , and ho manages to purloin twoormoro
bases each game.
- - Though the Now Yorks hit Hutchinson
freely , it does not follow that they will bo
able to dolt .
Wonoor why the AinarlC < " _ association
agent did not appioach "Old Undo Asa "
and "Littlo Burkol"
Umpire Lynch has a pretty wlfo who trav
els around with him. She attends nearly all
the games ho umpires.
Bcccher may leave Washington for Omaha.
Ho Is sick of his lay-out at the national cupl-
tal. Now York Sun.
Bostonlans want ice water tanks put In
their grand stand. Wo hoar of no such re
quest from Louisviilo.
The trouble with Pitcher King , so far this
season , has bcon that ho has been unable to
produce his usual speed.
Schult/.o , the Phillies' amateur , was given
a chance to open ono of the Cincinnati games
and ho wont all to pieces ,
Kltner Smith Is the only man who has
hammered the ball over the right Hold fence
at Kansas City this season.
Fournler of Cleveland made seven errors
in a game against Brooklyn , besides leaving
ten men steal bases on him.
Al Heach wants Smiling Mlckoy , but
Mlt'key says nay : why dou'tMauagor Mutrio
glvoLong ' John" Ewlng.
Jerry Donny Is playing brilliantly at third ,
now that the crudoncss caused by lack of
practice has been worked off.
The Western association players know
they have a sura thing now. They had bet
tor stay right where they are.
Stein Is not at nil well , which accounts for
his poor work Saturday , but when ho docs
got m shape look out for him.
The Phillies have only two pitchers , Gleu-
sou and Thornton , who can bo depended upon
to pitch good bull at all times ,
Why is it that Harden Is sore on "Shorty"
Miller ) Probably because Miller proved loyal
during the Brotnotuood tlasco.
Joe VIsnor , an old-tlmo Omaha tossor , has
bcon relocated to the minor ranks at last.
Ho is In the Hold at Kochestor.
Pfeffer's ' work nt second was In his old-
tlmo form , anyone thinking Pfeffcr is a back
uumbor makes wonderful error.
Opinions among the Plttsburg cranks nro
much divided as to whether or not Hunlon U
a HUitablo manager for the team.
Jimmy Hyan Is putting up a phenomenal
Holding game this season. Jim takes to the
lenguo management very kindly ,
J. Karlo Wagner does not speak so much of
his invincible pitchers now. Cullhan has
fallen deon under bis displeasure.
Virtue will make some of the League cranks
open their eyes by his line playing at 11 rat
base when ho rounds in good form.
Well , what will the American association *
want next ) It Its nerve and gall don't carry
it through the season , nothing will.
Johnson U batting batter as the weather
growi warmer , and will bo a great help to
Cleveland when ho strikes bin gait.
Milwaukee scorns to consider Itsjlf In the
race or very near U Captain Shock and his
mon are pluylug ball for ml there la in It.
It is noticeable , by the way. that the Amor-
icon association haven't tackled the Kansas
City players yot. Con It bo that they ore
afraid to cross sword * witaMetsn. KrauthoCI
and tipeas ] Both of these gentlemen nro
fighters , bv the way.
Plttsburg players want It to rain in the
east so their club will not have n chance to
lose any games , since they can't-win any.
Thompson Is not hitting In keeping with
his reputation. It is said of him ho never
made an intentional sacrifice hit in his life.
The report that Gaffnoy is going to desert
to the American association Is pretty gaily
even for the American association to start.
The Pittsburg Elks strongly condemn the
action of the Columbus ledge In expelling
Rollly ol the Plttsburg team from the order.
Childs appears to have caught on every
where , and will bo ono of the most popular
players over a member of the Cleveland team.
Harry Wright was Interviewed by New
York Sun reporters on Thursday. Hurry
thinks the Now Yorks will win the pennant.
Coonoy was married the oveninir of Juno
11 , and brought his wife to New York with
him. Mrs. Coonoy will accompany him to
There Is no man In the country that can
piny second base like Billy McPhoo. In the
slatur phraseology , why , ho simply "eats"
Did anybody ever make moro homo runs in
ono game than Del Darling did at Minneapo
lis last week I Ho got tbreo of them in ono
slnglo gamo.
Luby is the hardest-hitting pitcher Anson
"lift T-SP-any other team , for that matter. Four
hits in five times at bat was bis record in
Monday's gtlnio.
Honan , who caught for the Whiting team
of the Chicago City longuo , Is Alison's latest
find , and will blossonj" Out no\t season us u
full Hedged star.
Charlie Reilly may lake the Elks matter to
the grand lodgo. Times-Star. If ho does it
is money to mud the action of Iho Columbus
ledge doesn't go.
No pitcher in the business , ' unless it bo
Jnnn Clarkson , can stand it to go in every
game , except "Hutch'and it don't seem to
worry him , either.
With all the big attendance In Iho League
up to ( lute there is no assured guarantee as
yet that tbo teams are all going to finish
financial winners.
Watklns had his first good luck for nlno
years doun at Lincoln last weak. His
tullondors took the Rowe family Into camp
three straight times.
It must make Puisburg club officials feel
bad when they see the account of Alton's
brilliant playing for Iho Phillies. Their weak
est spot Is snort stop.
Busobull patrons nil over the country will
be glnd to learn of the convulesi-onco of O.
P. Cnylor , the brilliant editor of the spark
ling Sporting Times.
Tim ICecfn has pitched ono pamo so far this
season , und Tim is gelling something like
150 per wceic. How I wish I wcro a baseball -
ball slave of Ibis kind.
Si. Paul is "oui of baseball " Duluth has
the old club and Lincoln will slick , for Dave
Rowe unloaded thu controlling Interest upon
an electric railway king.
Who says baseball Is dond ] Twenty-two
thousand two hundred andolRhty-ninopeople
nt the Now York-Chicago game on Saturday ,
with various counter attractions.
Catcher Honan , who was overcome by the
heat in Monday's game at Now York , is In n
bad condition. It will bo some tlmo before
ho will bo able to go behind the bat.
Cliff Carroll has lost none of tils usefulness
as u Holder and batter , and tbo Chicago man
agement would look long and anxiously for
a man to cover his territory as well.
Anson has given up his efforts to sooura
Brown of Albany to go behind the bat , nnd
has comuloted negotiations for Bowman , the
crack back stop of the Rochester club.
Coin ml ) us onloyod moro plo at Louisville
and tboy took their third slice. No club over
harbored strnlghlout contract breakers and
was than blessed with good luck. Ren Mul-
Numerous patrons of the Plttsburg team
want Miller sent to the outfield Instead of
Carroll or Browning ; Hanion scut to the
bench and Maul played regularly in center
Catcher Bowman's release from Rochester
cost Chicago f 1,500. and Cblrogo paid it with
out a murmur. Still some of thee ducks say
the national agreement does not protect 1
Tbo transfer was a bie thing for Bowman
and a profitable thing for Rochester. In his
first game in a Chicago uniform at Cleveland
yesterday Bowman made a hit and accepted
cleht chances without an error. Hen Mul-
Anson wont away very much disappointed
nt his defeat by the Now Yorks , but no : in
the least di hc.irtcncd , and promises to make
things hot for Ewing when ho returns his
Yesterday was the one hundred and third
anniversary of Deacon'Whito's birthday and
he celebrated it by taking charge of the Elmira -
mira , N. Y. , team. Jack Rowe sent him a
Harry Raymond , Itho contract jumping
captain of the Louisvilles , was fined $5U
nud placed on the bench bv Umpire Jim
D , -wis at Louisviilo yesterday. Mr. Davis
begins woll.
In case the association desires to inaugu
rate more war there are some very likely
players in that organization , who would
make excellent men for clubs In need of a
little moro talent.
Vickery is working hard for the Brewers.
Ho pitched three of the four u'lirnes at Min
neapolis and did not complain. The Phila
delphia boy Is an honest worker , and does
notsnlrk his duty.
The desertion of Raymond and Meokln
didn't create ono hundredth part of the stir
In the western association that some people
Imagine. In fact , Raymond's departure was
a happy rlddanco.
So fur this season Pete Browning has boon
ono of the greatest disappointments over
known to the club , lo } ivas signed to "lino
'om out. " ami regulurlv strikes out. But Polo
may como out all right you
It Is Interesting to note that the Plttsburg
team wore gotten together entirely to bo an
aggregation of hitters. This was the great
object and the team now are among the
poorest hlttors in the league.
It is no secret that numerous little "scraps'
nro taking place among the directors of the
Plttsburg club. This will only augment t'io
troubles of defeat. Cool heads niul even
lumpers when reverses como are always
President O'Nell says ho has Investigated
matters among his team , mm finds that all
rumors regarding a conspiracy among the
playersto down Hunlon are false. Ho says
that Hanion is willing to do anything for the
good of the team.
Since examining the case of Jack Plckott ,
the Kansas Citv player , who Jumped his con
tract and signed with the Philadelphia club ,
the managers of thu Western association feel
moro than over confident that players can bo
compelled to llvo upjto their contracts.
Klttrldgo was badly hurt Sunday by being
thrown out of a currlago , tbo team bnlng
frightened , but ho > plucklly caught the last
game of the series. Klttndgo throws to second
end like Mlko Ki-llyvln his palmiest days
and Is ono of Alison's brightest Jewels.
It is strange thatnvlth ull tno prairies and
Indian reservation * ( I ) surrounding Min
neapolis they cannot get u baseball park
where homo runs cannot run no Into double
figures fii a slnglorgamo. The band-box they
now have Is dead ORulnst any team but their
own ,
Gcorgo HogrlevDr , who wouldn't nulto
"do" at Kunsas City is raising Ned In Wis
consin. The poopla > of Appleton have circu
lated n pollution to ohangu the name of ono
of the streets In Jits honor. His batting ,
Holding and base running is a revelation to
thorn ,
The Cyclones htuL moro of the contract
breakers' 111 luck yesterday. Pltisburgh has
( jjoon a mark for retribution this year , and
The money paid Raymond and Meokln to
break their obligations to Lincoln and St.
Paul Is not likely to bring the team much
favor. Louisville Post.
A. G. Spaldlng bus a now project in view.
While out in Now Moxlco recently ho pur
chased -,100 acres between Las Yo rns and
Silver City. Ho Intends to build a big hotel
out thoro. A mlle ruco truck , baseball
grounds and fields laid out for all kinds of
sports as well as a boiling spring , will bo the
lending attractions ,
Macullar , doubtless , bad a pleasant trip up
to St. Paul and Mlunnapolis , but It can hardly
bo presumed that he paid expenses. He is
considered a very lucky man tnvlowoftho
scheme that was sot up for him , as had thu
plans carried ho would , doubtless , have
dropped a little roll and gene away a wiser
though unhapplor man.
What a cama baseball is 1 Nlno bits icat-
tcrod through as many innings wouldn't net
a run , while tbrco bunched might mean vic
tory. There was a funny contest up at
Calumet , Mich. , this week. The Mnrquottcs
didn't got u single lilt off Ronwlck , the Calumet -
mot pitcher , while the hitter team had a
basketful. Still Marquette won 1 to 0.
Every time any of the Columbus deserters
makes an error they hold n Jollification meet-
Inr up at Beofor's Roost. The , how
ever , of Ralph Johnson Is cowardly and un
called for. Ho did nothing moro than did
Knell or JACK Dolan the best pitchers Colum
bus possesses. Ho oroko the reserve- did
half the best mon in the association todav.
That's all , Ron Mulford.
Boforon ball was picked up nt Pendloton
yesterday said the Times-Star of yesterday ,
a crank in the stands made the prediction
"Kol will lust about carry off four straight
from Louisville.Vhyl Because I never
linc'W n club that harbored contract breakers
to have any luck Fortune refuses to smile
upon them. LOOK at Lucas' Black Diamond's '
Where are Palmer O'Ncil's Pittsburgsl Go
back over the list. History will bear me
out. " When the Louisvlllos had piled up
three runs to Cincinnati's none , a skeptical gave the prophetic crank thclaugh.
Then tno tldo turned and bushels of luck
camo'thoway of Kel's Killers. "Wuat u
fool a man is who will jump n contract" ob
served Manager Frank Bancroft , "Who
likes Uiom7 1 toll you that sort of work will
not do. The public doesn't like to see it. A
new national agreement will bo made some
of these days It Is bound to come and then
the whole Jumping cabodlo Is likely to bo
laid on the shelf for good. There will have
to bo an end to this sort of thlnggontlomcn. "
Apollo ClulNott'H. .
Mears has retired from the wheel.
Muentofcrlng Is riding liku the wind.
Denman will ride a Hfty-four-lnch racer at
With a little training Plxloy would imiuon
good actor.
Flescho and Plxloy will not ride at York
on account of Illness.
The pneumatic tires are not In it on the
Council Bluffs course.
The Onmha Athletic club will have a rac
ing teair on the path this fall.
Ilolton bus glvon up the ordinary and Is
breaking the wind on a safety.
Where , oh , where , does our captain keep
himself these pleasant Juno evenings I
A six-day race Is the next event on the
string the week after the York moot.
The called run for today is Papllilon In the
morning und Irvlngton In the afternoon.
It is rumored that Pixloy went down to
Lincoln last week. Ask Fleschcr about it.
Mucntcformg has given up his job with the
B , it M. , and gone to painting Indian clgur
The Plxloy and Wcrtz race did not como
oft yesterday on account of the sickness of
Wcrtz and his cnglonro getting along lino.
A few weeks moro and Deal will bo light
with 'em.
Fleschcr and Wertz both rode n mlle on the
Lincoln track In'J.SO , nnd then did not do
their best.
BIcndoitT and his Englo are out of sight ,
but they will appear ono of these days like a
Hush of lightning.
Mockctt Is now singing "They're After
Mo , Thoy'ro After Mo. " Of course ho means
Flpschor and Wertz.
DcnnUon of Chicago nnd Wnlsh of Min
neapolis will bo at York to try conclusions
with the Nebraska boys.
Mockolt will under no circumstances comate
to Omtiba and race with our boys. Ho will
ride only u hero ho has got a sura thing.
Several of the boys rode to Blair by moon
light last Satuiday night. They soy the
ohcrrUs are getting rlpo in that suction.
They say tbo old ordinaries are not "In It , "
but you should have been them do the pneu
matics und cushions on the C. B. course the
othoi evening.
Wertz and F'loscher challenged Mockett In
Inst Sunday's Issue of the Journal , but as
yet they have heard nothing from that so-
called Lincoln ctinmplon Now Is your
chance , Mr MocKott , to como up to Omaha
and show us farmers how to ride a mlle m
J:5I. :
The next tlmo Mr Mockott trios for tlma
for a nllo ho had bettor know for certain
that hU friends hold the watch , no that ho
nlll bo sure of making some sort of a showIng -
Ing , H is said by the man who hold u stop
watch on him the night ho made it in 2:51 : ,
that ho made It in li:57' : , and this person
lives in Lincoln , too. How docs this strike
you , Mr. Mockott (
WhlHperiiiKri ol the Wheel.
Are you going down to York !
Look out for Morris and his cushioned
"Victor B. "
The club shower baths are In great demand
thcso warm evenings.
NobrusKU division Is credited with soon
new inembetships this week. Somebody Is
"rustling" among the cyclists.
\ \ nldron Is rounding to In fine form nnd
has developed considerable speed upon his
"Balloon. " Ho will bo strictly in it at Yoru ,
Run to Blair today In conjunction with the
Council Bluffs boys. Lot every man turn
out and make this ono of the best runs of the
Charles W. U nlnwright and lirjonoo * , Miss
Craft , n Norrlstown ( Pa , ) .buplo , started
oil last wecic to enjoy their honeymoon on
bicycles. .
Rumor bath circulated the report that
Pcrrigo has u couple of unknowns who will
capture everything in sight at York. Per
haps they will.
Some of our racers are making some prcttv
fast time ever tno Council Bluffs courso.
Peubody paced a couplu of tbo boys last
Tuesday evening nndJs satisfied that they
are staj era.
Clipped from the Rofcreo of Juno 19 : "J.
H. Kiibtman will gather In some local road
records when tbo weather settles. It is said
his records will all bo 'pneumatic. ' Is tills a
reflection on his voracity I"
Prof. E. B. Smith Is solo proprietor and
instructor of the Smith sommury for lady
cvcllsts. His several pupils are advancing
rapldlj under his tutorship and will bo able
to give the professor points before long.
The tennis auxilllary shows signs of 11 lo
again. Petry liadolot and Gould DioU nro
fostering n sebomo wtileh may give the club
tha use of n fiiiu court. There are several
good tennis men among the wncclmcn who
will lake an active part in the gnmo.
Chairman Eliersolo of tno house committee
Is working like n heio endeavoring to sccnin
the thorough renovation of the club quar
ters. When ho and his mon gel through
with their task tbo loungers at the club will
imagine they have stiaycd into u brand now.
Bobby Mathews lias do crted the bikers
and now appears rcsplendant In inssot boots ,
leggings , English rlulng suit , whip and all.
Instead of tbo G. O. O. , ho now rides u bobtailed -
tailed cob nnd takes his morning canter In
regular swell stylo. Great smoke , wliutii
drop ! From uu ordinary bicycle to an
English cob.
Julv 4 will generally bo observed among
tbo American wheelmen ns a iud-lottur day.
With the annual meets of California , Ten
nessee , Illinois , Nebraska and Missouri di
visions , the Poormnn rend race ut Cincinnati
and dozens of tournaments at different
points , the day will bo well icmembercd In
the history of cycling.
The Tourists hold ono of their enjoyable
runs last Sutuulay night , starting lor the
Bluffs nt II o'clock nnd returning to Omaha
during the wco small hours of Sunday morn
ing. The moon was as bright as a second
sun and tbo roads wcrolnfinoshupo. Messrs.
Rhodes and Slofkon of the Omiihu Wheel
club were the guests of the club , Bob Young
did himself proud as genoral-ln-chlef of tbo
run.What a nlco. pleasant tlmo visiting racing
mon have ut .Mobile , Ala. On the bill Ipst. ,
so says ono of the New Orleans papers ,
Frank and Julius Mchllng wera attacked by
a mob of men und boyn and severely handled
bccuusn they happened to win u few racas
from the Mobile hi club men. The police
made nourrosts nnd the clubmen were pow
erless to quell the wild uprising.
Captain Townscnd Is back among thu boys
again and spirts > urns a furlow in length
about \ \ iLshlnt'ton , Now York City , Haiti-
more , Boston , und other small villages buck
east. IlillvsujH It Is uwful haul work to
mount bis wheel und resume command of ins
legion ( I ) of hard riders again. Jack Con-
radt deserves a great deal of credit for the
praiseworthy manner in winch ho has filled
the gallant capluln'u position \\hllo the fern -
n < or wus nwuy.
A celebrated nnd exceedingly fast racing
imir advises aspiring "ll\er " to train on
foot , using ino murhlno only for developing a
"spurt. " Ho eluiuia that u man can gut into
condition quicker and bolter by nllorntlng
his training by running , walking und riding.
Ho suys mnnv a race lias boon lost simply
because the rider failed to train the proper
muscles. "A man should tram his hcarl and
lungs ns wall us Iho mnsHos of bis legn , and
Ibis can only bo done by a llltlo running , a
little walking nnd weight lilting. "
Australia is malting u great hubbub about
the fiist appearance of a lady cyclist who
had dared to overs top Ilia English slilt-
necked decorum nnd ride her wheel in pub- , # * ' *
Ho. What would some of these old fossils
do if they should happen to drop downtirwu
any ono of the eastern citlos nnd bofiold Ibo
throng of American girls us ttioy skim alons
o\cr the smooth surface of boulevard or
highway ) vVhatu holding up of hands lliora
would bol The Australians will become
progressive if given nlenty of tlmo.
Last Sunday the club pedaled to Bunnlng-
ton although the run was scheduled for Kilt
City , and spent the duy fishing and boating ,
Rummell , Kustinun , Livosey nnd Conrudt
constituted the party , und report a good
tlmo. lOmcrson and Pottorllcld rodu to Flor
ence In tin ; morning. Hurry Smith nnd P'oii
body attempted Iho Luke Munuwa roads , iq '
Iho I'flurnoon Slefkon tame down from Blalf
with thoApollos ; Perrigo spent Iho nflor-
noon at Fail-mount park. And thus Iho
truly active members put in the day.
Questions and Answer.- ; .
SOUTH OMAHA Nob. Juno ' To
, , I'V thu Sport
ing Kdltor of Till ) llr.B , To di-nldo a lint , will
yon ploiino Htuto whothin Now's day Is a
national holiday or not'Hwlf t & ( Jo.
Ans. U Is not.
O \IIA. Nob. , .Inno' ' . " > . To the Sporting id >
Itor of Tin ; HKIS : To iluuldu a hut , will you
plvaso suite If the Iilneoln loam hits won tun
MiL'ccsslvu games ut any llnio this suuson- *
Ans. They have.
OMAHA , Nob. , Juiio'JT.-.To the Sporting Till ,
tor of Tin : HKI : : A < iuoHtUm uhout lunn ten-
n's. ' A serves u ball pioporly lo It , who ro-
tin us It In lll.e inunni'i lo A's court. A Humls
II l > ac.U by ghlngltu BiMuiitlhu uut stroke In
older to PUIISU It to bound baukwuid ami
utvuv fiom II : but In this Instance the bull
( Imps In H'H court so olosu to thu nut that thu
Hint bound entries It liarl < ovur the net Into
A's L'onit , JUKI whnu II ( ItHliuil to haw It no.
and sodoi'h not toia-h it. Question : Una not
A , by too line u sliol.e of HUIUIIUU , scored onu
for lt'/--l. !
Ans. No. It is n point for A.
OM MIA , Juno M. To the .Sporting I.dltor of
Till ! 111 : ! . : I'lt'UM ) iinstti'r thu followlni ; niioi *
lion In HID sporting columns of Sunday H lliu : ;
I iocs u tray , dunce , llvti und four , played in
thu ordui named , uonstltiilu a run In erllili.ineT" 1
h-poil , ulty.
Ans. No.
II\INOTON. : Noh. , Juno SO. To thoHport-
luit l.dllorof Tun IIBKIi. . A. Dunn v , II , O.
Mnv , Imiulry. Uutau iln//.ln the play , 75 lu
KIIIIIU ; Ihu holdurof trump called Is partner ;
HtunUlnnof plujtirsOl and M , innUo U on Ihu
hand ; htuUn suek of lioiins ; pluyt-rn w OH tern
.NolnaHl.a HiilTurcis. Who Hum 'inn. IA ,
Dunn. 11. U. Muy. Ueor e lllacUwell , li. Mo-
Ans. Do you fellows know beans when
youseo'uml I doubt It. You all win , now
eat your beuns.
TKKAMAII. Nub , , Jnno i.7. To thu Sportlni ?
frllloi iif Tin : UUK : At uguniuur ball huro
yi'Hlurduy u man had tu < j MtrlkiNiinil thrim
nulls uml UH thi ) p.teliur thiuw the uuxt hull
hu dioppud his bul and ran lo llrst , knowlna
thai this hull would ho ulthur four Halls o
tliruu hirlkuH. Wus he lon'ully a liusu runner ?
" "J i I J *
Ans If no struck at the ball und th <
backstop fulled to hold It , hu wan.
( UiiMANrnwx , Nub Jnno 27 , To th (
Hpurtlni ? Killtor of THK IlKt. Will
yon Kindly Inform mo at your oarlivsl eon.
\onlimo htlhi'i hnllniin und Kymi , un (
Sullivan und KdralnorutlKhl llttlliK u'lovei
( l.ld. . din Ing Ihulr lUlil * . I had ( | iillea djuput *
with a man huro to-day ImclaimsIhoy fonghj
biui'-llHliid , nnd I claim not. I always liuuri
thai Hnlllvan In not ullown I to ll 'ht without
L'lovissiiH his hands ani too hony. ( ' .in yet
Infoiin mo wilh Ihu oMiot fuctH In aiuh UUH
I. u. . so thai I can H truly lii'l on u. lluplni ; tg f rom you very soon , I remain yuiirs ,
It K. heemann.
AtiHwer. The bare Itiiueklus.
Molbors will find that ilalior's Pn
nly/or is a sure und uuro for dn
Pony Moore wont to Sheopslioad Boy th .
other duy und look a soil on the musla
Htund , uml when the band struck up "Th
UarKy's Urouiu" ho pruvcil to tbo crowd thai
ho Irtd not forgol'on how to use his foot , llq
wus vigorously uppluuded. AH hu nut dowit
bo suid "Ne\er mind tbo collection ) ma
boys , L'hargo It up to tbo love 1 bear foi
Ibis blootulu' country , "