Ti-iJil OMAHA DAILY BJEE& MONDAY JUNE 22 , 189J. 8PEB1RL NOT1GE8. . KOII TIIKHK COLUMNS AnVKIlTIHK.SiKNT8 12:30 : p.m. for tlio nrcnlnu find until : .10 p.m. for the morning or Hnndny cdl- lutes"Situation * Wantrd , " "Mala llelpWantPd. " "Komaln llolp Wanted , " 1H ronln tt wnnl flriit Inser tion nm ! I cenl * word thnronfler , All oilier adver tisement * In tlieoe column * t cents n word Mr t In. er- lion and m fontnn word tliornaftor , or n per linn per month. No ad . crtlnemcnt taken for Ion tlmn Sicpntii for llio flmt In. iTtlon. Tcnm ranh In m ) . Tanco. Initial * , llnurrv ny mbol. , etc. . cachcountn i n word. All ndrerlUt'inptit * muni run conwcn- llrcly. AdVcrtlM-rii , l > r rrmlrMInK numlioroil check , ran IIBTO lliwlr ninvfora addrcmed tn a "mint- tiered letter In cnronf THE IIKR. An wor n > nil- dren.eil will l > o dcllTcredi.nly presentation uftlio choc ic , - column * will bo taken on tlio above condition * nttho fDllowliiKlnnlnem Ininnm , who are aiilhor- l ed to take Kpoclnl notlcen nt tlie nauio ralei. n * cnn be Imd Bl Ihn nmln olllce. Houtli Oniahn llrniich onice No. 2(0) ( ) N dtrcut , I.I- John W. Hell , I'hnrmnelnt , Illli nnd Mnnnn street * . H. II. I'nrnntyortli. riiimimrl't , 7II. > Cumlni ; utreet. W. .LlIim.M-s , riiarmurliitl34N. Illtli utreBt. ( JoorKi ) W. I'arr , i'barmncl it , 113 Lcarenworlh trrct. a' I'harmany , 21th nnd Knrnam. SITUATIONS AVAXTKI ) Vornntft , etc. , nee top of first column on l/iin / row. YotJNii wfnow"WITH A LiTTLK nor , ii A rears , wtnlicn n poiiltlon nn liounekeopor for a widower In tlie city , or wmild tnko u few boarder * at liomo. Afldrem II71 , lleo. 127 'J ) _ ' IIOTii : , COOK ( WII1TK MAN ) WANT.8.T ? - nation nn incut nnd paltry cook. Addresn It 12 IJeo. WfM 2S WANTKI ) SITUATION HV TOtNJ : ( MAN AS A liook'kecper In n wliolciule house or clerk Vlth cliancu of promotion. Address It 10 , Hco omrc. ' ) SITUATIONS FOIl rlOOl ) OIHI.Mi AWANTKI ronntH nrn always full from I ) a.m. to 8 p. m. ( .annillan liniploynient oillco , ZHH 8. lil'i- ' Tolephomi Ml. 243 AVANTKI ) MAI.H IIHIYP. For rater , etc. , see top of fl'st enlumn on this > I 'A NTS MA K K 1 1 S WANTKII. OadborB Hros. . IIO South 13th street. M2.13 23' T > AIKNTS ; , K TO no I'KII nAV roLi.KcnNO J sinall pictures for ns to ropy and enlarge. Hot- Infliction Kiiarantecd and n II outllt freo. A. Dunuo & Co. , W lined street , Nen York. T > LAIIOUKllH WANTKI ) AT NOUKOLK TO JJwork In the beet llelds. Tlio special train which . .as to have started yesterday will start today aa peen as tl sufficient number of reliable hand * ran ho ( . ( 'cured. Apply to Mr. J. U. Hamilton or Mr. Guy 11 u tier , .Mllliml hotel. T ) WANTKI ) CO.MI'KTKNT IIUU.J CLKIHC. WHO JJ Is also a Kood cornet player. C.ooil position to rlKUt man. Address V , U. Klutchcr , Hebron. Neb. M1.1V22 * 7 > MKNOK GXD ( ) AIIDKKSS. MKTIIOI'OLITAN 4) M'fg Co. , IWJ Howard , Omaha , or 1J7 N. 12th I.livcoln. l&VjylS * BWKWANTONK III.'NDIIKI ) AOK.VTS I.M.MK- dlalely ; f.'t per ilny or eond commission ; par- tlcnlars frro. Address Kxcclslor Manufacturing Co. , LaCro.iso , WIs. .iti'.l 34 * WANTKD 100 MKN KOIt It. U. WO11K IN WV- timliiK and I. onth Dakota ; good wanes. M- bright Ijibor agency , 1120 Karnam street. M ! a fiOO SA LKSSIKN7ANTlcirTO SKLL OUlt I'll- ! in I n m nursery slock ; thn lamest nursery r Tfrnt of the Mississippi river : the IInest stock ; nil the lieir and old fruits ; the lowest prices and biggest pay to niipnt. ; money advanced every week ; outllt free. Write us at onco. 11. J. Carpen ter CO. , Kalrbury , Neb. 87 ? Jyl4 OUCANIKKKS WANTIJD-iro AND $100 IN live months ; llrst . 'i.rtlMratt. in , VO clasi date July 1 , 18tll ; llrst-class orimnlri-rs wanted ; write for terms. Supreme lodge , the Universal progressive loaglio , 12 Washington street , Uoslon , Mass.Mt'.O Mt'.O Jyl2 TJ' WANTKI ) MEN TO TIIAVHI , KOH OlIIl CAN- J' adlan nurseries , ritonu & Wellington , Madison , Man : BA YOUNO TAILOIt Oil TAILOUKSS CAN nnd permanent employment In a KOOI ! live town In western Nebraska by culling on or addrcislnjt I * . 11. Ol-x-m , l.oup City , Neb. SIIW 22' - T ) OKNI.IIAL AC1KNT3 ANI ) CANVASHKIt. ) JJ looklilK for n permanent inonoy-maklnK busi ness , no competition , should socura the sale of the patent adjustable shoo. Address with stamp. Con solidated Shoo Co. , HiiU'in , .Mn.n. M71722 * B 111(1 ( MONKY ai.LLIN ( ! THK I.I KB OK I' . T. Illinium ; only fl.M. Agents wanted. American Book Co. , New York l.lfo bulldlna , Omaha , Neb. 732 Jy9 11 WANTKD OHCAM/.IIltS IIY Till ! KlllKNI- JJ ly Aid society. 1'ays Its members fldOevory six months. Han paldf.'iOO.Omi In beiicllta , Iteservo nnd bcilellt fund hi'hl In trunt by the Ktnto of Ma. sa- chunotts. Terms liberal. Address Krlendly Aid so ciety , Waltliam , Jlass. .M..IO Jy3 * T > WANTKI ) 8AL1CS.MKN ON SAr AUV Oil J- > cciiiinil. nloii tohandlo the now iiatcnt chemi cal Ink crnMnfr pencil ; thn Kreatest selllni ; novelty overproduced ; erases Ink tho.-oa.-'hly in two seconds ends : no nitration of paper ; 200 to 000 per cent profit ; one nKCnt'n sales ainountod to $ CBO In nit days , another C)2 ) In two hours. We want one Ken- oral aeent In each state and territory. Kor tenim nnd full particulars address the Monroe Kraser Mfg. Co , , Ln Crossn , WIs. 3 7 AVANTKD-FlCarAIjlS lIlOFiP. For rate * . rlo. , cetn\i \ offlnt column on this paae. ( ) WAN-I'KI ) no6l > AMlntlCAlsr bll GKIIMAN v glrl for itcueral housework.'Xi \ \ acorKla uvo. 1180 20 OlllL VOK ( IKNHIIAL 11OUSKWO11K , TIIIIKH In family , ono who can cook preferred. Apply at No. 422 N. HHtli street- 157 Vl WANTKI ) SAL1.SLADIKS AND 8ALH8MKN v/\ . every where on salary or commission. Cull or addrcsj Mcljuliton M'f'K Co. , room 32 llurkcr block. MbH7 yj C WANTKI ) A C.IUL KOU QKNKUAL 110ITH1.- work. 8123.18th. MD70 c UIIII. WANTKI ) KOU ( JKNKUAL HOI.SK- work. IGlOBbermnn nvo. Mrs.J. > I.Counsiiinn. MWJ S2 KOH UKNT I10USKS. For rate * , etri. teetop of first rotiimri outfit. , jiut/e. " ' ' " ' "TOir'iiYtNTV'i'uiiNwrrKiV'irdiiaK JL'bulh and piano , MS.UO. S2ii California street. 313.17 24 * UKNT A OOOI ) 5-UOOM 7IOUHI5 , 3020 PKOIl ' street. Inquire Ut 2014 Chnrlox street. IM4 TO * DKOH UKNT-170,311 NOUTH 13TH t 'TTJ ' rooms. (70,2IHI7 St. .Mary's nvenue , 11 rooms , laigo yard. ( . , 2IU. Cass street , 14 looms. M ) , KM South 20th street. 10 rooms. (55 , UH ) Cans street , 10 rooms. - ( M , 2025 St. Mary's avenue. 9 rooms , yard. I.V ) , 2021 California street , 9 rooms , (17.50 , Cnllfornla street , 9 rooms. (50 , ri South 20tli street , 10 looms. ( . ' 10 , Itith and Nicholas streets , I ! room Mat. (23 , Vlnton street , U-room eottago. I''i , California street , ii rooms. (15 , ISth and Nicholas streets , 3 rooms and hath. Inquire Nethorton Hull , loomXHJ Klrst National bank. SSI-1 DTWO il-HOOM NKW HHICHfllOUSK ! . . 257:1. : 2575 Hnrnoy street. Snienton & AllenIWXi Karnam trect. MCT.i 24 * 11 DKSlUAIlLl ! IMUXUI 1IOUSKKO11 IlKNTTfiii ) -1- ' per uioutli ; gas , hot and cold water , bath ami furnace ; Dodge and 31th streets. Fred J. llorth- wlck , 213 , S. llth bt. i i. 8-HOO.M COTTAfiK , CIIKAP. 1NO. 2518 I'iTp. 2.D . av" . M833Jyl3 D t'OIt UKNT 10 HOOM HOUSK CKNTH.U.LY locatedmodern Improvements. 712 N. 1'Jth. ' TKOH HKNT 10 HOO.M HOUSK , ALL MODKUN JlJ improvements , or ulll sell furniture. N. U. cor. 22d and Illnntiy ts , Kountio Place , (50 month. _ itu _ \X \ > 1-'M * BKOH UKNT 1IANDSOMK 1I-HOOM I1O1ISK nil modern oonvedlences , In perfect order ; | inv il streets ; motor nnd within 5 minutes walk of postollleu. Nathan Shelton , Hill Kuriiam otrei't MI51 _ -T NKW MODKUN AND MOST DKSIHALLK IN Jtlie city. Three or four rooms suites , Com plete for housekeeping. 81S S 22d street. T. U Yon "urn. BW > UKNT COUNKIl KLAT , SIX rooms ; reforunce required. Wrlghl A , Lasburg. 1001 Howard. _ 15 ! tj 1 KOH UKNT rUUNISHKD HOUSK , JULY AND J-'August , 7 rooms , bath , etc. , dpslrnblo location , roferencus required. Inquire 111 , JlvuMdg. | 5il HuIllKNT KlWNlSnKI."llOlI8K , B HOO.MS and bath , on motor Hue , near llmii.com park July 1 to Sept. la. Address UU : , lleo. Mti.123 * BA niXD , NKW KlllHT-UOOM I1OUSK 1N Lincoln to tradn for poods , In wrltlog plnato Into amount of goods. Lock-box 14 , Hebron , Nt > . . MIDI 24 * _ _ TKOH UKNT.8KVKN-HOOM IIOUSK ; MODKUN JL/convunlimcctsi clitern and wolli In good order ; SllvSoward itroot , K. K. Cook , 931 Nww York l.lfo Uulhllnit , _ MOT 3ii fTKNUOOM UOUSI3 WITH IIAUNi DKHIK- J. ' ablu location , muderato rent. Heard Urns. 1410 Duuglnsilreut. B KOrlHOOM KLAT KOU HKNT , 14703.lt.TH . , - itriHit , Jlltx ) pur month , luuulre In store. / / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T8J-2V Tl OU UUNT8HOOM HOUSK.II HOOM COTTAOK , J bath , cto. Apply 0. 8. lilguttur , 601 N. Y , Ufu blilR. c.o TJL' IK YttU WISH TO UKNT A HOUSK OU STOHK JL' twi H. li. Cole , Coutluciilal block. 2.'O UllOOM HOUSK. IlKW N , UTH BT.i SAND 4 room house , IW N. 13th > t. MS97-33 * FOIl UfcriiT B llH)5t ( KLAT , LANUK III.OI'K , an * . 13th , cor Jackiou , 'f ) ItllOtm 110U8K. NICK YAHD , BIIADK J-7 IruiM , city Hint clitvrn water , I'li'uant iii'Uli' korhoud. t blocks from ilrrct cam. llll B 7lh uvo- DUU , or lkl | ' pharmacy , ourllth und .M .on. 2J2 ] " ) > Xll ) UKNT Hl6oll HOt'HK , SI01)KHN ) C1ON" vvalcncn , M4 Uavoiiuurl troou Imiulru Ka luTDiiport itrcut. 4sj KOH UKNT For raittttc. , * 'cwv nf fl > i eotumn nn thin p KwfiYKNTmtn : Ni'iMnKii or . . I / More * , Hat . .cto. , l-iOD per month ami up. .No Iliil lilt of each month , UeorneJ. I'aul , VHi harni tired. NKW 12-ltOOM HOUSK , WITH At.lt DKINK modern lmpriivvmi > nl < and barn , linn loca tion for a pliyslclan. J. II. I'arrotto rrntal nuency , .MI28-J2. STKAM HI.'ATK.I ) MODKUN KLATS. 707 AN1 70U M inth streel. K. K. Itltmer , 151V Karnam. 20I-.I27 * TKOIl 11KST KI.KfJAXT 10-IHMM ) IIIIH'K 1' tionnacor Wtli nnd Hurt trcnt' . modern Im- proTonipntB. Apply to J. II. I'nrrotto. . c. cor. Ifith and DodKi . UTS KirrKKjnU ) ( .M 1IUICK 1H tJrtKH. AI.I. modern , rxrept fnrnncp , tlW per month , near Sherman avumin motor. C. K. Harrison , I3 N. V. Mm. V1I-J22 DiiousiTToii HKXT-TTOHV H'OUSK , a rooms , with nil modern iMiprnTCni'nt.i. Vl\ \ Iako street. C. I ) . Wooilwurtli. IMl Donglns. Wl KOIt 11KNT B-llOOjf iToUSK AND 1IAIIN\MI _ BKth struct. Apply on prcml-K-'s. 1II'S.V ) KOIt IIKNT NKW 7-HOO.M IIUIJHK. WITH all moilorn lmirovaiiicntn. I block from Will- nut Hill motor , ftt.OU. Tbco. Olncn , 2UI N. V. Life 2.15 KOH IIKNT T-lin < ) M HOUSK. 3K2 IIAUNKY. D Inquire A. II. Uladitolie , 1310 Douglas street. .M''l 1"8HOOM IllllCIC HOnSK , AM , CONVKN- I- ' Icncei , I2.VOO ; li-room brick house , I20.W ) . II , 15. Cole , 0 Continental. KM IlllIHK.r7\7,7. ( KINDS TlltlKK SICKLY KUIt- nlslicd. llunily A Co. , Kill Capitol avenue S07 i-'on iinxT Ktmxisnui ) itooaiH. for ritex , etc. , fee ton of fint column on thtiaoe . blocks from postolllce ; references. 2H > NKjth 1 ? KOH UKNT. K1KST KJ.OOH. 4 I.AHC.K I all conveniences , handsomely furnished , for housekeeping. Ilest location la city. Address Hil. : lleo oltlce. MliU ' ' KU11N1HIIUI ) 11OOM.1103 'CAl'lTOL AVKNIM. . IM ) 2ii' 1 I.AItHKKUONT HOO.M , KUKN1SHI.I > . KIltST JJIloor ; all conveniences ; north , south nnd east exposure. ! > 34 fonth 20th street. MIW 21' VKHY I'MtASANT KltONT HOO.M IN I'll ? vato family for gentleman , 6238 ! Wth street. "P HOOM3 Ji , f8 , 112 , W , U/7 N 19th. 17 KintNISIIKI ) AND UNKUIINISIIKI ) IIOOMS , I J modern Louvcnloncei. llourd If deslreil. 005 N 19th. 101-21' _ KOH IH.NT TWO KUUNISIIKI ) KIIONT rooms , 181 S llh. ! ) illl 2 ' _ KUItNlSHUI ) UOOMS , MHHT UOUSKKliKI'- Ing , yrn'i St. Mary's uvenuo. 8711 'I ? I. A IK ! 1C UOOMS , SINK MS Oil K.V SUITK. I'AIl- Jlilor Hoer , all conveniences , 222J Hurt. M32 'i ! cable. fi57-Jy7 * I.A1K1E KIIONT HOOM , 1701 Capitol nvenue. 418 FUUMSIIJOI ) UOOMS AM ) liOAHl ) . For rate * , etc. , see top of first column on this jxi0 . FDKliIUAULK HOOMS ANO UOAHDTs22 CHI- cago. MiBi 27' 17 KOU UKNT KUUN1S1IKI ) UOOM WITH A board ; day board. 1910 Capitol avenue. DM 2,1 TWO SOUTH HOOMS WITH 1IOAUI ) . WU IP Doutflas. 91522' FUllNISHKI ) PAllLOIl KOU TWO OUTIIHKl. , all modern conveniences , board If desired. 701 South lUth ttreet , Hut C. . US 2.1' N1CKLY KUItNISIIKI ) KltONT UOOM , IIOAUI ) for two , MOO per week. 2011 Hnrnoy. MHS 34 * 1'LKASANT UOOMa AND GOOD llOAIin. 210.1 DouKlaa. M20U 2 : ) ' DKRIHAIILKSKCONDKLOOIIUOOMS.KITIIKII furnished or unfurnished , and board at the Krenzer. 110 N. 35th street. M571-Jy5 17 HOOMS AND IIOAUI ) AT YOUNO WOMKN'H i. homo , I0a S. 17th street. TBU-JylB * 17 HOOMS AND KIUST-CLAHS IIOAUI ) , 1(01 CAIiI- -L fornla. & 83-Jy5 FUllNISHKI ) HOOMS , IIOAUI ) , ! ST ! Mary's avenue. 62l-Jy3 17 THU ST. CLA1H KI.HOIM.AN I10TKL , COH -L 13th and l > od e , will make low rates for rooms by tlio week or month with or without board. 2JO 1 ? LAUGH SOUTH KIIONT UOOM WITH A LCOVK , I single or en suite ; with board. Uefcrcnccs. 2214 Karnam. lhi-23 * 411 NOIITII1SITH 8T. , KLKHANT KUIINISIIKD apartments ; can accommodate a number of table boarders. MU7524 * VOll UKNT HOOMS UNFUUNISHKI ) For rates , etc. , fee top of first-column on tMi page. KIHSTKLOOH I'llIVATKliOUSuV YAH I ) AND shade. C12 H lilth street. 833 23 * G SUNKUiTNlHH'JDHOOMS.MODKnNCONVKN- ' lonccs , . 6211 lllth btreet , Hat I ) . W3 22- TWO I > L1..t-ANT UNFUHN1SHKD HOOMS a at an North HHh street , J7.00. 1IX1-22 * HUNT 4 UNKUUNI3HKD HOOMS KOU housekeeping to family without children. City water , etc. 1'rlco $15.1)0. ) 1701 Webster street. 760 iioAiimxa. Forrnln , cle , , nee top of first column on tMa jxiyc. Hl'ULLMAN HOUSK,1310 DODO 1'ISTKI.KT , KOU Rood bourd , nice rooms , modern conveni ences ; rates and locution In cannot bo c.vrcllpd. Mrs. Horn , 1'rop. MUSI Jy2' KOIlTjIlONlv-STOilKS AND oT ICKS. Vorrntcs , etc. , sec toit of firs' column on Hits r KOH"HKN DKSKuoaMiN""iiKST"fxicATKKV J- In the city ; ground floor. U. K. Hulls , 220 South l.r > th street. Mil ; ' . 20 * STOKK HOOMS AT 707 ANDWJ SOUTH 1QT1I , steam hunted. K. K Hinder , lil'J Karnum. 03 J27 * KOU HKNT THIS 4 STOHY UHICK HUILIUNC with or ulthout power , formerly occupied by the llee 1'ubllshlnii Co. , tlhi Knrnam st. The build- lim hus a llrepoof cement baseiucnt , completu 8toam-heatln.'llxiures , water on all the Hours , gas etc. Apply at the oltlcu of The lleo. 1113 KOIl HUNT TWO HOOMS , 8KCOND KI.OOH , I irth street , suitable for dres .making , doctor , dcntlut oritlllco purposes , .12 per inunUi. Wrliihttt Lanbury , l UI Ilowant. . 154-22 KOIt DKHI. OU OKK1CK HOOM IN N. Y. MKK bldk' . Apply at Star Loan and Trust Co. 'JSSI-'U KOH HKNT IIKSK HOOM Oil I'AHT OK OK- lice ; front room on Karnam stieet. Inquire nt ml lleo bld'K , 9 to 10 n. in , , and 4 to 5 p. m. "M-2.1 * TOIl HKNT OH BALK. .MY lllTlLDlNC ON Jones t. , bet , 10th and llth. , ( i. A. Llndqul .t , Sir. 8. 15th. ail f KOU HKNT DESK HOOM , AT till N. Y. LIKK J. buiiiUiiK. aa T KOH HKNT Till ! T1IIU.K STOHY HIUCIC L bnlldlnK , HIO Douelas street. Hiittablo for wliolesale purpo.i'n , 1110 per month. Chun. Kauf man , KSIU DOUKU | street. 2CI KOU llKXT-MISGHIjAXUOUS. For rates , ttf. , tee top of first column on this pane. T " ' "I'AS T ITllK-V HA V15 NKW"I'A SIT UK JUST ' fenced for homes nnd colts. ! . across of tame and wild grass ; will cull for and deliver ; charges reasonable. Inquire Kvans , IVII I'uxtoii block , or address tleorgo tl. ( inns , South Oninhn. Mill JylS * 1 KOH HUNT PYTHIAN HAM. PAXTON IIMc ! , ' Monday and Thursday evenings : rent (20 , Ineliid- ing light , elevator , janitor , Ice water , etc. Apply to K. J. Nackctt , mounter , 'Ml New York I.He bldg..M221 .M221 23 T ( iAUIKN KAHM TO UKNT. T. MUHHAY. MUHHAY.MS73 MS73 AG10NOV. For ratf , etc. , tee tnpoffirnt culiimn on Wild H. K J COLK UK NT AL Ali KSC Y , CON Tl N K N- J tal lllock. 50 STOUACI ; . For rates ttc , , rectopof first column on this IIKST STOHAOK IIUILDINO IN OJlAHA. Knvornmcnt bonded wurehouto : household Koods cared fori lowest ratua. WM. . lluthman , 1UI5 I.cavenworth. 21.5 CH1.AI'K.ST AND BKST STOHAOK KOU furnlturo. Well * . 111 ! Karnaiii troot. 2iiO MOI.DKST , CIli.Aii'KST AND IIKST STOHAHK homo In elly. William * i from , 1214 llurnuy .MIW \VAXTKYf rr6 nuv. Forrata.ttc. , tte top nf flrtt column on 1/iM Mae. AT WANTKli'VO HUY , .JOl.D IlKsTlKNCKl. ) . ? ] ? J. ' or house and lot , or several lots located no an to make good building site , must bo In dMt class roldimco part of llio city. Parties answering this ihould Klvo full description of property , lowest prlcu , terms , whether Incuuibered , and If o how much , o 19. lieu. _ MI AT WANTKD A OOfll ) HUsilNHSS , A PHOTo" - ! ' graph gallery , a printing bnilnvis , a rettau- rant or i > grocvry more. Aildresn U JO. llee , 997-M For _ ' ratn < , etc. , tee tap of flrtt column on this page , CKll 8ALK IIKD UOOM 8KT VOll 8 A1.K KOH \Jf > Jli at MfA Mason utreet. 1C I sp _ KOU SA1.K TWO HKIIUOOM SlU'WMO..ITOIl rnngu. and other article * , uiod only four moiitbn , C ll or ddr M , IU Uoo bldg. UIJ KOKSATjK-KUUNITUUB KTC. For mtf * , ttf. , tee top nfjlnt column on lhl.1 ' ilOUSKnOl.UVUI.NITUIIK NKW AXD HKC. nml handfor sale on easy payments. Call nnd examine before purchasing. Store , IMI Howard st. KOH HA Iii : 110113 KS.AVAGOXS.KTO. For term * , etc. , tee top of flrrl column on t/iti lW ' ' 1 > ) U SAI.K A .jb'oiY'HiV.rr.iri'ONY. WILI 1 drive iloulilo or single. Will Irndo for hlcych ! or watch. Address K. 1L Spencer , 14.19 N. 23d street , ' I ) IIKAVV Sl'ltlMl WAI10N KOU SALK AT JL 270.1 Learcnworth St. 131 li TlOHSK"ANlf M IlT SI'HINCJ WAI1ON KOU I sain cheap for cash. Inquire of J. St. Tobias , 18th and Wymnii sts. , South Omaha. 922-22 1) KAMHA'TlOlianS KOUS.U.K. SINOLK IwTv- I ITS or carrlauc teams. Can furnish any kind if home dc. Ired. Call nt C. I ) Woodworlh A Co. , or address , T. J. . 'lomlnx , Calhoiin , Nub. .HI p KOIl SAt.K KAMtt.Y CAHUIAIIK. LKK A . Nichols'stable , 2sth and Leavcnworlh. KOIl HAIilO MIHUKIif-ANKOUsT For riitw. etc. , see top of flrtt co.t4.nn on this jvioi. . ' " ' Q'KOU"HAI.'K KIVK stfAHi.s IIOMK IN\'IST : < me nt Co. n mock at par. Address It 19 , lleo.Wl Wl 20 - - . COST M.UOO , IIOHSK- QMHHHY-dO-HOUND. ; .ell for half. Addres * . A. U. , 122 Chamber of Commerce , Chicago. M137 22' _ TWOSI-COWMIANI ) PIANOS AT A UHKAT bargtln : uprights. IUI2 Chicago st. l.VljylS KO SAI.K ONI : uriuauT snow CASK Q ; ixlOfeot. Krod Muhlo. 151 7.-7)0 ( ) "lUJVs'TWoTlOOJt HOrSK AND HA UN Q with two yeir. : lease of ground on cable line. 1313 Douglas street. 151 M' KOIt SAI.K A HKHI ( IIIAIK ) IIICYCI.K UHEI1 Q but a short tlmo. Call or address 20t > Hheoly block. MIW 32' HKD-HOOMSKT KOU SALE KOH 13.00 AT If * ' 0HKDHOOMSKT Kil .tl' 0Q MASTlT ? 1'lH'l'lKS KOH SAM ! CIIKAT Q Pedigreed. MIO Decatnr street. M231 23' , HUY A MAON1KICKNT UI'HKJH'I piano , standard make and ns good as new. In qulro after 7 o'clock evenings at 24IU CuldnellBt. _ For rntc. . ( c. , ttr. top offlrft column on I/if * paue , " " " years' experience. Address Si ) South 1'Jtll. ' .W 2U' 1) WANT1.I ) , C.ItADINR , HAUMNC. BAND. KTC. , XX for part payment on lot or house and lot. K. Kjllng lSl ! ) Knriinin. M1M 8 < i' _ _ K$200 KOH (5OOD ( HQUAHK 1'IANO ; JIOO IN monthly payments , f 100 In buggy , horse or cows. H. K. Itlngor , I'M Karnam. T > WANTKI ) HY A DOCTOH , DAY I1OAHD IN JAjirlvntn fiunlly near N. 34th nnd Lake. Address 1701 N. 20th street. M124 22' T > I2.CO ) ACHK I'ASTUHi : NKAH PKNDKH , -IVrimrslon Co. , Neb. ; plenty of aprlin ; water nnd shade. Inquire at 1213 Hartley. 11 uth O. Clark.M2I53S M2I53S RMASSAC.K TUKATMKNT , KLKCTHO-THKH- mill baths , scalp * hair treatment , manicure A chiropodist. .Mrs. Post , 319.4 S. 13th , Wltlmeil blk CASH I'AIO KOH KNDOWMKNT I'OLICIKS IN old line companies. Send description. A. K. llrocklcsby , box 2.111 , Hartford , Conn. 4SJyll * KUUNITUH1. 1IOUOHT , SOLD , STOHKD. R Wells , 1111 Knrnam street. 271 URKAT IIAHOAINS IN ALL KINDS OK JKW- elry and silverware on account of the recent lire. B. .loiiii-ien. Karnam nnd llth sts. 174-J2II R PHOKKSS10NAL NUHSK-MHS. S. K. 11OUTON , IS15 Cuss street. Omaha. M-JiKJ ciTA 11 ivo YA'XTS. t _ For rafts , etc. , see top of first column on this vaae. ( eND sf.nMW : real astrologer , at 322 N. HHh street. J100.00 to any onn who can equal him In telling past , present and future , causing speedy marriages , bringing the separated together , and In business atlulrs his ad- vlcu Is Invaluable. He tells your nnniu In full , asks no questions and uses no cards of any description in his profession. Satisfaction given or no pay. Consultation lee , Indies , (1.00 ; gentlemen , ? l.00. M572 Jy.V MASSAU12 MADAM DKI.ZlKlt , OVEIt 1110 S. 13th. 2X ( ) Jyll * MHS. NANN1K V. WAHIHIN. CLAIRVOYANT , trance speaking , writing and reliable business medium , tour years In Omaha , 111) N. Hith. -M MASSAGI3 , 1IATIIS , UTO. For nilc , etc. , nee fop of JlrxL coliitnii n l/ilx / } iawc. rp MASSAoTcViJATVis""AT' ' MADAMH sinTirs JL parlors , : id Itoor. 42(1 S. 15th st. Ma 3-22 * rp MASSAfiK , .MADAJIKDKLX.lKH.OVKltfilO 8.13 1 20U-jyU' PKKSOXAI.S. For ra.'eo , etc. , scs toj > nf jlrtt atiitinn on titfs paue. U CoilUKSt'ONI ) iFoil AMUSKAU.NT ? INSTHUO tlon or matrimony. The best corresiondenco | bureau. 1'arllculars In plain scaled envelope for lOc. Lock HoxS28 , Omaha.- 2IU-J27 * ONK WHO WILT , SKNIJ MK ONK THIAL subscription for tiio Ladles' Homo Journal 8 months for 50 cents before July 1 can reserve J5c for their trouble. In other words 9 months for 25 cents. K. C. Morroll , 1914 Karnam , Omaha , contestant for fl.OOOprUo. MliX ) 27 _ _ MUSIC , A KT AX1) IjAXGUAGK. For raVj , etc. , sec lop of flrnl column on thin page. TKACllu OKTlK banjo ; with llospe , 15J3 Douglas. 249 \T WANTKD I'Ul'lI J KOIt THK 1'IANO , OKCAN ' and guitar by on experienced teacher , lately from Chicago. Apply Wednesday evenings. 7 to ii. lit 107 S. lUth. M227 57 \T nKTOHK HUYINd A PIANO K.VAM1NK THK > now scale Ktmball piano. A. llospe , 1513 Douglas. 2IX ) MOXI5Y TO IjOAX llUAir For nilc < , etc , , sciofflrxt ! ) > column on Hit * \\T ANTHONY LOAN AND THUrtT CO. , 318 N. Y. ' Life , lend at low rate for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farina , or Omaha city property. LOWKST HATKS ON HKAL ESTATK LOANfT C. J. Caswell , bill N. Y. Life. TOJ-JyS WOUAHANTKKD MOIITOACKS ON SAHI'Y , Thayvr , Cuinlne nnd Stanton Co. , lands for sale by 11. T. Clarke. 19 Hoard of Trado. SW ! SKCOXDMOUTflAfJK LOANS KHOM KOI ) TO 510.000. Alex .Moore , 401 lleo bnlldliii ; . MlWI \T 0 l'I-H CUNT KIHST MOHTOAC.K I-OANS. I Ulchard C. ratterson , 907 New York l.lfo. " MU74 \\T MOHTCJAOKS WANTKD , I.ONH OH SHOUT tlmn. ( ieoriro O. Wallace , 1110 J. J , Hrown hiilhllng , Hull and l.oimlas , f > 31 \\T LOANS MADK TvT LOW HATKS ON CITY > I property. W. M. Harris , U 20 , Kronier block , 420 TV" HUILDINCJ LOANS II TO 7 I'Kll CUNT ; NO < > addlllonal chortles for commission ornttor- ney's fees. W. 11. Melklc , Hi at National bank bldu. 37J ! \\r MONKY TO LOAN ON l.Ml'HOVKD CI'l'T > - inopcrty nt current rate * ; funds on hand ; no delay. Uoo. K. lllust * Co. , 203 HaniKO bldB. 271 VIT THK CKNTHAL LOAN AND THUBT CO. II lias riinioved to The lleo building , main Moor , at rluht of entrance. City loans at lonest rates. C. A. Sturr , mnnai.'or. ! 52Jyl'J TTT I'HIVATK MONKY TO LOAN. J. D. 7.1TTL1. ! _ M 911 N. Y. l.lfo. 377 \\f MOHTIiAUK LOANS WANTKD , Ml'CAUUK In vMtnieiit comjJuiiy. _ 373 \\T MONKY T ( ) LOAN ON OMAHA I'HOl'l.UTY. Kldellly Trim company , 1(114 ( Karnnm. 279 \\r UASTKHN M ON BY TO LOAN AT VIIUY low rate * . H. 11. Iroy , 20U N. Y. Life. M2SO | \\r ICIMHALL , CHAMI1 A HYAN , 'I make loans on Improved city property at lowest rates. Ulli Karniini street. 4I3.J3Q \\T CIIKAP MONKY-l'HILA. MOitTI > A.II. AND Trust Co. , wants clll wliso loans. Uco. W. 1 * Coatcs , represcntatlva , T Hoard Trade. 39 ! \\r MONKV TO LOAN ON CITY I'llOI'KUTY OH ' I eastern Nebraska farms , i ; . K. Ulnuer , 151'J Farnam. 303 j ; ; j.roNKY TO IiOAy ioTlATTIil.S. Furratettle _ , , fta ton of first column on this page. \r MONKV TO LOAN HY a K. MASTKHS ON uv chattel and oollntturiil sucurltle * lor any lima from 1 to 12 months , In any amount to suit borrower. Loans made on household foods , pianos , ortians , horse , mull's , IIOUICH , lennes , warehouse receipts , etc. , ut tbo lowest rate * possible without publicity or removal of property. My Umnu art ) to nrrnniced tlmt you An make a iinyinunl of any amount ut uny tluiu unit reduce both principle and Interest. If jou owen balance on your property or have n loan that you want changed 1 will pay It elf and carry U for yon. If yon IInd U more convenient call tip telepho no lt21 ! and your business will bu ar ranged al home. Money always on hand. No delay. No pu Lowest rate * . II. K.Mn ier , lloom 4 , WltlineH blk , 15th anil Hnrnoy > ts. V MONKY TO LOAN ON 1IOHSKS , WACONs" V furnlturo. pianos and collat'altecnrlty. lluil no < couNdentlal. Krvd Terry , It 4.O , UaniKo blk. 415 X MONKY ON KUHNlTUIlK , HOHSKS , KTO , Koyttonii Mortvago Co. . room 20ti. SUuely blk M284 \r CHATTKI. HANK , SI'J H. I1TII LOANd SIONKV W. uuchaltoU ur collateral at rnaionablu ratci.MJ MJ XMONKV LOANKU ON FUIINITUIIK , I.1VK t ck , ola. . I tu S montliB , without publicity ! towuit ralm. Dun Urutm , U aj , Conllueatal block. 2I.-J27 HUfllXKSS O1IAXOK3. > 'or nttt * . etc , , K e tnj > of first cofnmii on Uili V nUSMNKi.rCIIA.StfSj'oTl MKNTvNnWHtKN I with n few hundred ( Inllara rnpllal In join rompany Insiirlim wnrkjvjid larito prolltn to nionv hern. Aiidrcit the Wa liViRton colony company , U. M2.I. . n < HALK A CLKA.V STOCK OK HAllD YKOH ware , llnwnrn anil UJivcs. Stock will Invoice about JI.IH ) to fl.HJO.forrtrJ.1 nrpartcah. Anyonn meanliu business nddrrtwJtSI , lleoonice. MI.'Ul Jy.V V WANTKI ) A IIAI.ter.uiTNTu"TN : Lboardlnn anil iialu .vaNoi fl.OUU. Addrc.i I * II ) , llee. JIISO T ' V I > I . } ' STOIIK KOirSALK ; WILLCHVK UAH- I Rains uplendld trade ! death caaso uf rhanue. Apply to llarluir. Kasex.jtn ) M200 tl' \r CONTHOLLINO IN 'EllKST IN Till. MOST 1 nuccc. ful bnslni"1. In Omaha : lll-licullh I. the reason fur nolllnit. Addrot. 11 U ) , lice. W.1 21 \ ' WANTKI ) OKK1CK SALKSMAN. WITH t'M > to ll.UUcanhi nlll sail .fy him with IIII..IIH' . . . and pay salary. Apply quick. Address 111. HIM' . JI10J 23 IlOTHf. KOU HALF Oil HUNT. TUU.MH ItllT- Y nonable. Address SI3 , York , Neb. St.'l YV V ' < " ' * * AI.K AN 01.1) , WKI.I , I'AYINO HSTAlt. JL IHhed rlB r btinlnoss : uood reasons Klvon. Address ! M. IJec. MMO V" ' < ' SAI.K A KlUST-n.ASS , WKI.Ii KSTA11- I IlKhiMl lintrliur biiflncis In this city. Kino tlxtnrt's nnd Kood cnnh trade. To anynniMiicanlnK liUKlnejs here Is an excellent cliiinco. Must lie void In next sixty days. M. A. Upton.Co. , live bulldlne. V CI.KAN ( JKNKIIAI , STOCK OK MKUCHAN- L dlso for farm and money. lox'.ij ! , I'rnnk- tort , Ind. 7IW JM \r llOTK/iMKS / TAK15 NOTICM. IO ) YOU WANT 1 n Kood business ? liny the Commercial , tlio leading hotel nt llrokcii llow , Sob. 4UU V" TKN 8CIIKMKH TO MAKK MONIJV IS T1IK I. title of our lion- book , contnlnbiit ten Icultl- nnitr and bonorablu nchemcs for innklnit money on nmnll cnpltul ; exponvn tricks nnd lndllnKla busi ness : KlNus hints and advice Unit may bu worth thousands of dollars to you. The nclienics are no clearly explained any ordinary person can under stand them. It nlll Klf o you new Ideas , aid you In Planning other deals nnd enable you to iirasp future opportunities. Sent prepaid for $1. Ameri can Hook Co. , Omaha , Neb. Ml ? . ) jKi FOR KXCJIANGK. Fur rate * , ete . , su ton of first column on thin IMOC. KXCHASOK fJ for a ntnndard bred horse or maro. llox No. 5. Campbell , N'eb. _ _ AIUt-31' r11OUSKS KOIl LOTS , 403 IIUOWN HU1I.1IINO. f-l For idtct , etc. , ccc ts > i < nf first column on thlt ixioe WirATnAVlVvbtITOKXCHANilVJ' ' CAlVl.OIt f-l write full particulars. Alex .Mooro , 401 lee ! bulltllnx. 730 ZTO KXCHANOK KOIl CI.KAK LOT. I.A1K1I : . stylish family liorao and carriage. 412 lleo build- in i ; . IK y KOH HAI.K OH KXCHANOKHY OWNKIl IfiO A/iicrcs of land , less than : t miles from n IhrlvliiK town In central Nebraska. House , itublo and well , 4i acres under cultivation , balance Kood hay land. Abstract of title , ovcrythliiK complete. Address Itl.'l llee oillco. M 171 oO * rKOU l.XCIIANOK , CII01CK LOTS , CLKAH KOU ' -Jmoderu cottitgo ti to 9 rooms , will assume Incum- hrnnce ; locntloneastorsouthviost. K. K. Hlncor , 1519 Knrnain. MIS72U * r/ SOUTH OMAHA HOUSK. CLKAH. KAIHMONT AJPIuct' , house good oitilty | , lilO acres clear land In South Dakota for vacant Omaha lots I1 ! . C. ( Jnrvln. 203 Shecly block. J1222 22' r70 KKKT ON N. 20TH. HKTWKKN CIIAHLK3 f-lnna Clark , 3 houses. Trade for clear Nebraska land. - One of the finest water , , tmwers and mills In the slato. Price. (15,000 , clear , for Omaha property. 400 acres tlnwtlnnit'on'earih. ; )20 ) acres under cul tivation , 200 acres winter wheat , 120 acres corn. J.'IO.UO per acre. Inc. , Jl.UW. trade for Improved Omaha property and nssuim. reasonable Inrniiibrancn. Onu of the tincst feeding farms In the west. 100 acres. U mile from coiinty scat , It. A M. and U P. H.H's. Trade for Omahn'propcrtr. Wo hnvo choice lint of property for exchange. Call and see us. ' " II. K. Cole , Continental block. M20. 23 rTO KXCHANC.K CpJlN'KU KACINf. HANS- fJ com Park and Uvo other good lots forChlcairo resilience proiierty Addre.s O 10 , lice. I8.'I.I2 ( > FOIl SAfjK niSAI.1 KSTATK. For rates , etc. , see topof.Jiivt eoliiiiui nil 1/ifs / } iaa . FOH S ALK off IlIWTTA'i'.OOD ' SI.iroM iToUSK on tlio corner of T'lfnd 22d streets , South Omaha. Augustus Ilrowii. M2Ui 24 * 1)I VlNVIKW-KULL'IJdt. ' $ ! CO. OIigilAHI ) HILL I lotoldsoto HamllliSt Mreet , $700."llutcliinson A Wend , 1524 DouxlaM' J' ' 9& > 20 IT'OH SALTS OH KXCIlANfiK SALT I.AKK PHOP- 1erty for Omuha residence proiierty. Address ( . . W. , 402 Klrst Nntlonal bank. 12I.2J OlOO.OO CASH , Ri.OO KVKHY THHKK MONTHS AT * ip7 per cent buys u 7-rooin house , full corner lot , Xith nnd Patrick avenue. Uco. J. Paul , 1UOU Knriium 17OH SALH KAHM CONTAININO BO ACHKS 1M- X proved land and 15 acres timber ; farm Is all fenced ; 13 acres timothy pasture , orchard , grove , Itj-story house , barn , granary , windmill , all In good Khapo ; farm Is A miles southwest of PlatUmouth , thu county scut of Cans county , nnd 2 miles from Murray , n novrtown on thn Missouri Pacltlc rail road ; 1 mlle from school and church. Korpurtlcu- lurs address 1 * & . " , Hee otllce. 793 1 > OII SALK NKW SOUTH KIIONT 7-HOOM -L house , bath" , etc. , on' Mayno street , In Orchard Hill , full lot , 2 blocks from motor ; price , 1,1.00 ; on terms to Mult purchaser. Thl. is n bargain. W. H. llomun , rooms S nnd 10 , ' Krciuor block. 713-24 OH SALK AT $5.00 PKlt AC11K , A SPLKND1D section of South Nebruskn land , four miles from ntutlon on ll.AJI.lt. It , Kany terms. W. U. Ho- man , rooms S and 10 , Kreiuer block. 984-Jyl 17OK SAI.K-KAUM ADJOINING CITY OK HLAIH , L'Nob. H. W. Moltrldo. MMi-J2 ) 17OH SALK 22-KOOTLOT WITH HllICK 1IUII.D- i- IIIROII Dodeo near 13th. price V.1,000.00. Ad dress J. 11. Shaw , 1220 Lowe nvenuo. 117,1 2.1 * LOT9. IILOCK9. SHULL'S 2ND. $2.200.00. SKWKHS paid for. Call at once , C. K. Harrison. IU2 Now York I.lfo , 703 0 01JSKS KOH SALKONKASYTKH.MS ; HOUSKS lor rent. Address Ueruiun Aiucrlcun Suvlngt Hunk , 113 7-HOOM HOUSK , KIILL LOT IN WINDSOH SNAP , 12,500. Kast front'.i-room house , full lot , Hnnseom Place , f 1.000. Hiitchlnson it Wead , 1521 Douglas. 14' ' . ) 22 \V"ANTKD OWNKltS TO LIST THKlIt PHOP- ' erty If they have bargalna to oiler. K. K. Itlnger , 1519 Knrnam. M183 2il 17OH SALK-K1NK im Al'HK KAHM TKN MILKS L from Council HliiiTs , ! .l500pcr acre. Johnston , t Van Patten , Council Illnfls. M223 2.1 I7OH SOUTH O.MAIIA PHOPKUTIKS. HUSINKSS , itruckage or rosldenco , go to the lending real estate - tate dealers In South Omahn , Kd Johnston A Co. . corner 2Hh nnd N streets. M23I1 IjMVK-HOOM HOUSKS IN OHC1IAHD HILT. . fl.HX ) 1 each on inonllily payments. Tlionnis K. llnll. .Ill Paxton block. 2S7 I70H SALK A KINK IMPUOVKD KAHM OK 200 1. acres ; 100 under cultivation ; shade trees , fruit , windmill , wagon scales , etc. ; 100 miles west of Oninlmj fJOnurncru. Address (1 43 , lice. 2S3 UOHlllNS , HKAL ESTATK , 1023 N. Y. I.1KK . 31li.l33 * 1OH SALK KLKOANT HOMK3 ON MONTHLY 1 paymeiiU. Will build liny priced homo to suit you. K. K. Hlnger , I5J9 Knrniim. 207J27 * 17011 SALK CIIKAP , KASY PAY.MKNTS. ! L story nawli-rooin house , with bath , cellar , elo , ; full lot. N. Shelton , nil4 Karnam. IMS l OH SALK TO WOlliaNGMKN ONLY ( Sl'UOU- 1 Inters need not nppjy ) on tlmo or monthly . u neut cottagojit , loss than actual value , nsldu proiierty. only enl ) lilock to electric lino. In- uulro at room 302 , Oniahlt'Katlonnl bank biilUIInir. I ) . ' > IKH 8TICAM FKATIIlill lll-JNOA'ATOU. -irt. Kur nif.it , etc , , see top of.\finl \ column on thin wA pillows > v Hhoil : feathyrs bought. Mull onler promptly tilled Work ; ' ivlled for and delivered. Krunk Alison , Ulst anil KmnXlIn street. M7I5 i'ATKXT Fur riita , etc. , tee toil itfiflrxt column on thin vaoc , i. Hiuu Jt Co. , lleo bulhlltli : , Omaha , llrunch oillco ut Washington , 1) ) . U. Cdfiiultutlon free. : 'i'i ' 1 > A TTJOHNS j\\l ) MODKIS. . , iiji. _ . _ _ _ , - - - - - - - - - - - For rates , ttcse topof'Hrjt column on thti pitae , UNlTKUSON , COIliSl3'l ISTII AND JACKSON. in'-121 AND OTHER TYPEWRITERS A GREAT LOSS. The KnortnouB Amount of Life Which Han GonoOut of the American People Can It Ever bo Hooovorod ? Hnvo you noticed tlmt tlicro nro more brokondovrn men and weak women on our streets toilny than ever before ? Iluvo you not noticed 'hntcortainofyourfrlend' , whom you have always known to bo strong iitul honlt by. tire , for Homo reason , wcuk nnd low spit hour Is It not possible tluil you yourself fcul u trifle It's * vlgorou * tlmn In tin * post ? I * It n fact tlntltlin American liooplo lire crowing weaker , or is It itui'losonioiucalcnnsp ? Tlicro CUM bu little ilonht tlmt It U owing itlimxl on- tltely to the fearful iifiiTouVoMof tliu Grip. Tlilt tortiblu nnd tnyitlcrloiiH coniiilitlnl stul : > lit ) ! unnci'Oiintahly nnd riinnlnn soveiuly. In variably luuvt'.s the peixm In it wonU. ni'rvoiis iitul run ( lowneonilltionfrom which It ruiiuiio in null tltr.o to rooovur. When peonlo uro In such n state vrlion nnttiru Is wenk anil broKcn whut woultl cointnon aeno dlctutn slioulil lie Ooiiu ? I'reclsoly whut iiliysloluns sny liould IxMlonor \ : iiNsNt nntine. Hllnuilato lior IIIK- KlitB ( iii > ultlcbulhl lior iip. How ? HyusliiKa pi ro mod Jolnal stlmuliint. nnd for thin puriici.so tliurtiiMtiotlilnitiiiiuiil to piiro wlilxkuy. lioo- IO.H , sclontlllo tnon and llio luadln ; ; thinkers of the lunil have ilecliired this and IIIIVD un- lieMl.itliigly iicreod tlial tli-'r Is no whiskey so pure and elllclent us Dilify's Pure Malt. It st I mulntes healthily and bit lids up wax ted tis sues. It renews the nervous oiuunU.atlon and assists to health. M Is popular bccanio It la . ( > elllelenl. Oiuut care should lie taken liijn- uver to secure only tlieisonuliin. hlstrustnny dealer who for : ny reason eeks to lndu"o.vou to buy somi'lliJiik' "Juslas nood. " lly the Indl- e-lous UNO of this uresttmulant antl Hie after o'Teets of tlio ( > r inuti bo renio\eil mid lie ) HIi andstTODKlh pup lace of weakness and debility. . aMacbcth's " pearl top" and "pearl glass" lamp-chimneys do not break from heat , not one in a hundred ; they break from accidents. They are made of clear glass as well as tough , as clear as crystal. They fit the lamps they are made for. Shape controls the draft ; they are shaped right. Draft con tributes to proper combustion ; that makes light ; they im prove the light of a lamp. But they cost a dealer three times as much as common chimneys , and , as they do not break , he is apt to be anxious lest they stop his trade. Di minished sales and less profit are not agreeable to him. , There are two sides to the question. Have a talk with him. rittaburg. GEO. A. MACIIKTII & Co. To euro nillouincss. Sick Headache. Constipation. Malaria. I.Ivor Complaints , tnko the aafo nnd certain remedy , SMITH'S Use tlio EM ALT , SIZE (40 ( llttlo Iwans to ( ho bottle tle ) . They are tlio most convenient : suit all cgoa. 1'rlecof eltber elio. US couU per bottto. nt 7- 177" : Pboto-CTnvurc panel slio of Uilfl picture for 4 cents ( coppers or stamps ) . J. F. SMITH k CO. . Makers of Illlo Ucaiu. St. lip P : MICIIOIIBICIIIIU ii KIUIVS OKHM KHADICATOIlCures nil clUoaiei bocnuso It kills tlio microbe or Korni. Put up nnd retailed In ftc and K sires , the l.ittor 1 I1 I gMont Bunt nny- wlieru prepaid on receipt or price urC. O 1 > . Wo Issue u KUnmnteo to cure. The puhllc , trndo nnd lobbcrj mippllcd by the ( loodnmn Drui ; Cn , Mo Cormlcki Lund , Orunhn ; C. A. Melclier , llownrfl Sljers nnd K. .1. Scykorn , Soutli Onuli ; A. D. Fos ter and M. I * . Kills. Council lllnlT * . H I EP K * < ? RoorUSSg THCGnfATMrm DRINK. Package niftkuu 6 gal Ion fl. Delicious , fparkling , and appotir.iiiK , Sold l.y ell . Picture Book and cards Dent tn any onn addreFcy. 0. K. HIRES 4 OP l'hll-iil-1 ' Voiiai'i'lioea , Glnct and I.v.ucori'ltotic. cured In 2dny.s by the Kronen Komody en titled the KINO. It dissolves aRiiInst an Is absorbed into ttio Inllamod parts. Will refund money If It does not euro or causes striot'.iro Uentlonicn , hero Is a reliable article , tin paokaso or 2 for fs per mall prepaid. Mc- Cormlck & Lund , Omaha ; G. A. Melohnr , Howard Moyora and E. J. Scvknra. South Omaliaj A , ft. Koster nnd M. 1' . Kills Council lilnirs. RH1LWRY TIME CHRP Leave I OMAHA .V ST. LOUIS I Am ve , Omaha. I U. P. depot , 10th nnd Murcy Sts. I Onmliu. 10.30 a mI..Ht. Ixmli A K. C. Kxpruss. . . I . ; ) a in , J. ) JL ! > il -St. l mls.t K. 0. Kxpross. . . | 5..1JI p in. Ixiavos K. C. . ST. JOK X C. II. i Arrives. Transfer Union Depot Council Jllnffi. I Trail liter . 7. .KansainTy IJayT M-7csi. I 6.4.1 p in 10.15 p m . . .Kama. City Night Hiprun..I t't.'U n m i.eavas CIIICAliO , U. I. A PACIKIO. Arrlviuo 1'n liter Union Depot , Council Illutls. Tranifnr IUO"p"i | Night Kipress V.V ) u m U.55 a m. ! . . . . . . Atlantic Kxprusi 5.55 p m li.00 p ml Limited 10. ; U a m iJiiirSr C'lR'AdOA NOHTIlTVKS I'KUN. I Arrived Transfer Union Dopnt. Cniincll DI'itT * . ITransfn . Chicago Kxproii . B.UU p m . Vu tlbulo Limited . 9.39am . Kaitern Klyer . V.U ) u m . Atlantic Mall . iM a m Iowa AccQiiiinodatlon ( Hat , only ) U.40 p la old AHA""ST. . uiiila. L'lllun Depot , Council llliigt. ( Transfer ' 7. . . . .81. Louis"Cnmm lull . . " | l Tl p m CIIICAliO , IIIJUL'N \ UUfNCY. I Arrlroi Union Dupot. Council Ilium. | Trnn fer . . .Chluatfo Kxpro4 * i U.20 p ui .Chicago ISiprosj 40 a ui . . . ( .reiton laical . . . . _ _ . . .J 11 in rtlJJC ' IV TAvoT Ui it li-it ra fo ii .Uluux l/lly Aoooiumodutlon , U.'lU \ \ . . . . . . .St. Paul K pruj . . . | 10.00 | t m a tin vn .i x KKirn. Nntton. ncr.klo Anderson vialtcd nt Frtcnd till : week. Mr. Henry Qroshans went to York MOM day inornlnif. Henry Nelson of Vnrona was n Suttot visitor lait l-'rldny. Mrs. L.OWIS ICnt.oii3toln rotunicJ fron Chicago lust Satunlav. Mrs. Ucrl .Valtnn 1ms boon In Ilntrnrd r few days visiting frloiuls. Mr. Schwab nml hit son Reuben sturtoi ! Tuesday on u tni > to Illinois. Mr. John At.ioy of Fnlrllold was hero n short tlmo Monday niornliiK' . MI.isVlnulo Uoel niul Susie Carney were up from C.rafton Friday night. GOOI-RO Hums and his friend , Mr. Uoyd , have boon hero visiting n few days. Miss Williams of York was here on Fri day to attend llio coinmoiifcinoiit exercises. Miss l-jJlo Hrlntsoh , who was In Geneva a few days last wcok , returned last Friday. Miss Green of Harvard has boon In Button to visit lior friends , Misses Avorlll nnd Miss HiincocK. Miss Ilello .Vlttonbcrp returned from Fair mont nnd Geneva where aim has been visit- Injj her friends. Miss Mimlv nnd Mr. Dwarck were the Ruvrtts of Kddlo and Arthur lirlastch this wcok from Oenovn. Mrs. LiiMont nnd her llttlo daughter of Aurora were here on Friday , the guests of Mrs. George Stewart , Mrs. K , A. Ha.vloy and her daughter , Maud , from Lincoln , were hero on Friday to attend the commencement exercises. Minnie Kowo of Stocltham , Miss Carrie Patterson of Fairmont nntt Mrs. W. Young anil her sister , Lizzie Henderson , were here to attend the exercises Friday night. Hutton public schools closed on Friday , Juno 12 , In most of the departments of the school appropriate last day exercises oc curred. The tenchors who cnmo from abroad have returned to their several homes. .Miss Helen H. Brewer , assistant principal , wont to Urlnnell , la , her home. Miss Clara Lake to the normal school at Fremont. Miss Helen I'ioroy to her lather's ranch. Miss Nettie Uroar to her homo nt McCool. Miss Fink goes to Gibsoti , 111. Miss Stoplar to Cleveland , O. Kittle Honn to Fromout and Nellie Copsoy to her home on the Blue river. OHCCOlU. Jay P. Merrill loft for his homo at Miller , S. t ) . , this wook. Mrs. Dyns of Montana , aunt of flanker Arnold , is here on a llttlo visit. Dr. iiucknor ana wife returned from their visit at Lincoln the middle of the wcok. Deputy Sheriff L. A. Botzlor nml family are visiting relatives at York this wjok. Mrs. Laura Uuti. < . . 'fonl and Davis of York wcro at our county seat on Tuesday. MUs Jcsslo McGnw nnd her sistcrroturned from their visit , in Omaha on NVoanasdny. Miss Annie Cunningham is visiting in the family of Kov. Dr. Johnson at Friend , Neb. Mrs. Hoopnor of Hastings was the guest of Mrs. J. P. lluld for several uays this week. T. II. Saundot's was in attendance at the funeral of Sir Knight Wllcox at Hlsing on Monday. Miss Mary Ransom started for Lincoln on Tuesday and expects to stay for several months. Colonel Norton of Chicago will deliver nn oration at the Fourth of July celebration In this county. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman of Stroms- burc were the guests of Prof , and Mrs. Buf- lincton on Thui-sday. Charles Hummiston , assistant principal of our school , is enjoying himself in and around Shelby during vacation. Hon. George W. West , who Is i\ demo cratic whoolhorso , with his family will visit in Indiana for several -weeks. Allison Burley end family expect to start for Arkansas in a short tlmo and think of making that state their future homo. Mrs. J. L. Makeover , who has boon rusti cating around Denver and the mountains for several weeks , returned homo on TUesday. The Misses Etta Blowers , Laura Whalcy nnd Bertha Mickey attended the meeting of the Epworth leairuo at David City this wook. Tlon. J. H. Mickey was at David City most of the wocK attonilinc n meeting of the Ep worth league of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Snider were In attend ance at the grand lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons at Omaha this wook. Mrs. Snider at the meeting of the grand chapter O. E. E.Miss Miss Jennie Snodgrass , who has bocn here teaching ffir the past two years , started for her old homo in Pennsylvania the first of the week to yisit her parents nnd rest n spoil , nnd then will return to .Nebraska , as every body docs that once gets acclimated in this country nnd visits the oast. They always come back. PliiUsmoutli. Misses Ollio Boyd and Belle Vormllyoa nro visiting nt Grand Island. Dr.V. . H. Deoring of Wubash was n visi tor In tills city Wednesday. Dr. Gunn of Arapahoe was visiting his brothcr'in this city Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mike Morrissey of Lincoln are visiting with the lattor's parents in this city. city.John John Murnhy and his mother and sister of Center precinct , were visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. John Tigho tins week. Harry Kulray departed Wednesday even ing for Nodaway , In. , culled tulthorto attend the funeral of his niece. Thomas Wiles was attending the com mencement exercises at the Cotuor univer sity at Lincoln this week. Miss Euphomia Hobbins was In Lincoln Wednesday in nttcudanco at the commence ment exercises of Cottier university. Miss Carrie Thomas of Grand Island nnd Miss Sue Barso of Kansas City were the guests of Miss Clara Palmer Tuesday even ing. ing.Mrs. Mrs. George Housoworth nnd Miss Ida Goring , delegates to the latostaUtconvention of the P. E. O. society at Superior , returned homo Saturday evening. Kov. H. B. Burgess , Mrs. K. R. Living ston , and the Misses Hattie Fuller and Ada Slow , wcro attending the graduating oxer- cKc. . . of Bro.vnell hall , Omaha , onVednes - day. George R. Chntburn and wlfoof Huinboldt , after a few iliiys visit with the family of M. B. Murphy , Mrs. Chatham's parents , de parted Wednesday evening for a visit to Ilnrlo.il , In. Tuesday evening Miss Elizabeth Blbby en tertained n largo company of her young friends at the residence of her parents on Wiutorstcon hill , the occasion being the nineteenth birthday anniversary of that young lady. It was ono of the most pleasant birthday parlies slvoii this year. The guest-s enjoyed themselves in various ways , and nftor refreshments were served the company disporsod. David rity. Mrs. John Zolllugcr is visiting her sister at Aston , Nub. Miss Maggie Miller is'homo from the uni versity at Lincoln , Mrs , W. B. Thorpe attended the oxorclios nt Browncll hall this wcok. Quito a number of our citizens attended tliu funeral of Charles Wllcox of Rising last Mon day , Mrs. Robert Rood of Ulysses was in the city ever Sunday , the guest of Mr. and MM. Jnko Thomas. Mrs , O. H. Chism Is away visiting her folks In Atlanta , 111. , whcra she expects to stay for uncut a month. Miss Ulllo Ilowcn , who ha * boon at college at Pellu , In. , returned homo last .Vudno.day for her vacation , The Epivorlh league ha. boon holding Its llrst district convention at St. Luuo's Meth odist Episcopal church for the pant wcok with a very largo attendance. , Tokanmli. Miss Altn I.ruil visited at i'cmlor and Wnyno last week , Miss Ella Bayer has returned from Wayne and has resumed her duties as deputy treasurer , Dr. and Mrs.V. . L. Plorco ontnrtalned a solcct company of Good Templars on Wednesday ovonlug. On Friday evening Postmaster and Mrs , C. K , Bardwoll , guvo a delightful entertain ment to their many Toku.lnah friends. One Of the onjoyablu fnaturua was the excellent music , both iuilruinoutal and vocal , fur- ntshod by Mrs. Clnrn Hlnsdnlo , Dr. C. C , Smith nnd Mrs , C. Davis , nftor which sup per was served , Mrs. R M. Smith of I.loomllcld , who ha * boon visiting Miss Jonnlo Grosvonor , departed - parted for Chicago on Friday last , Mrs. K. C. Houston nnd Miss Emma Houston entertained n few of their frltmlt at ten and lawn tonnls \Vcdnosdnv evening , Mr. William Nosblt went to Lincoln on business , nnd on his return will visit nt \\ost Point , where ho will bo Joined by Mrs. Coliimlms , Mrs. Brnd S. Slaughter of Omaha wan in the city Thursday. F. B. Clnwson of York , win In the city on business Wednesday. Mrs. Lornn Clark of Albion was n guoat of Leonard Hohl Wednesday. Mrs. C. A. Hrlndioy attended commonco- menl exorcises nt Genoa Tuesday. Mrs. Jrsslo Douglas , of Konecn , S. D. , vis ited with friends here Wednesday. Mlis Magglo Mohl is visiting with frlomU nnd relatives In Schuylnr this wook. Mrs. W. F. Sinclair of Madison Is visltln ? her mother , Mr. . . C. H. VanaNnno. A pleasant dance was eujovod by a select few nt Mnenncrchor hall Wednesday. James W. Tanner of the FulU-rton Post was n visitor in Columbus Thursday. William Ill-pel , In company with hit sou , Paul , wont to Omaha on business Tuesday. I. H. Gnlloy roturnoil from Crolghtnn Tues day. J. G. Irwln and son accotniunied him. Mrs. Dr. Stowlt of Sidney , Nob. , will bo n guest of Mrs. E. H , Chambers for a few weeks. Miss Franklo TiiTnny Is suffering from n severe attacit of neuralgia , which holds her bedfast. Tlio high school graduates will give a banquet nt the Thurston hotel Tuesday , Juno M. C. H. Sheldon , K. H. ChambciM and G. B. Specie were business visitor * nt Omaha Wednesday. Dr. C. E. Sattorilold of Kndlfott wns in Columbus Thursday and Friday , a guest of O. W. Solver. Mil. A. Rlloy wont to West Point Thursday to attend the funeral of his grandmother Mrs.Brunor. . Mrs. George Lehman started for n two weeks' visit , Wednesday , with relatives in Porcyvillo and Tabor , la. Mrs. Mary 1C. Clark of Buena Vistn , Colo. , who has boon visiting' the family of John Elliott , returned homo Wednesday , J. L. Bnkor of Now York city is in the town In the Interests of the New York city Bell Line street railway company. Miss Annie Rnsrmisson arrived Wednes day from n lengthy vlsltln Pueblo , Colo. She will soon leave for her homo in Donmant. Mrs. J. G. Hlgglns of Grand Island hrn boon visiting friends in this city since Tues day. Hon. J. G. Higgius arrived hero Thurs day. day.Night Night Policeman Frank A. Colomnn was married in Schuylor this wook. IIo is busy making tlio usual arrangements for house- kcupinc. Ho resumed dutv Thursday. Columbus Kntchts of Phythias have ar ranged with the Union Pacific to run a special train to accommodate these msblnq to at'cnd tliu memorial service at Schuylor Sunday. A largo turnout is expected. Gonon. M. Y. Mondy Sundnycd nt Columbus. W. H. Wtnterfatham was at Columbus Monday. Mrs. P. A. Bullon of Elgin , 111. , is visiting friends in Genoa. Editor Sanders of Platte Center Was n Genoa visitor Monday. Deputy Unilod Stntos Matv.hal Jackson of Fullerton was in town Thursday. lrs. Williams and McMillan nro in attond- ancoat the medical institute at Omaha this wcok. Mrs. Fred Wageoner departed for Wiscon sin Monday for n few wooks' visit among her eastern friend" . Miss Ilelon Post , daughter of Judge Post of Columbus , Is n visitor of Mr. and MM. King tills week. Station Agent Lnwis is nbsont this week , looking after business interests in the west ern part of the state. Messrs. Mollin , McFuydon , Lewis and Grim nro daily expected 'homo from their hunting trip through Wyoming. Mrs. nnd MUs Bontly , mother and sister of M. G. Bontly , of Illinois , arrived in town Tuesday to spend a few wcoks In our city. Messrs. Meckott , Woks , Mnhlor , Kennedy , McFaydcn and Young attended the Knights of Pythias memorial services at Columbus Sunday. It ) air. Mrs. W. J. Cook gave a 5 o'clock tea Thurs day afternoon. Miss Mnttlo Sbavor of Omaha Is visiting with Mrs. E. , l. Farr. .Mrs. George W. Sellers of Fremont was in our city last wooir , returning homo Thursday. Charles Cook , of the linn of O. V. Palmer & Co. , arrived homo from Florida the lirst of the week. Dan E. Downs of Jackson , Mich. , with tlio Tuckson Sun , is visiting his cousins , the Cook Brothers , horo. Mrs. J. C.V. . Kline held the Congrega tional sociable at her residence on Col lux slreot Thursday evening. About II fly people wont ever to Fremont Wednesday to see the ball game , returning tiomc on a spncial at $ o'clock. Perry Soldon of the Blair Pilot nnd hh nged mother , left Thursday morning fet Cheyenne , Wyo. , on n business trip. Dr. T. C. MrCloory returned Saturday from n trip to the Black Hills. Hon. J. W. Ellor of Omaha visited his rol. ntivoi In Exeter this wook. L. C. Gilbert of the First National liuiiic ii liomo from n visit to Now England. Doll llolllday , traveling pnssontrer agent for the B. > t M. , was in town Wednesday. J. M. Johnson returned Tuesday from a trip to the leading summer resorts of WIs. cousin. Miss Francis Church , assistant principal of tlio public schools , Is spending thu vacation at her old homo in Peru. Kov. Father Accorslnl , assistant pnristi Driest at tills place , now lias charge of thu church nt Beaver Crossing. A number of members of thn Tobias Lodga Ancient Order of United Workmen , visited the Kxcter lodge Tuesday night and wora royally entertained. llrliron. Mrs. Lauretta Sloan returned from Omaha Monday. A. II. Jester returned from Mortem , Kan , , Monday. Mrs. C. B. Coon returned to her homo In Omaha Tuesday. GoorgoJenki and wlfoof Elgin , 111. , nro visiting H. E. Cling. Frank Honsol of Kansas City is vUltlng his parents in this city. Mrs. E. C. Lamon and Mrs , Charles Fore man have gene to Colorado Springs to spend the summer. The man never lived who bollovod that Im wns too old for any woman. A man of sixty will consider that his wife of forty it too old lor him , and , if given a uhancu , will marry n girl sixteen. As a Rule , It I. ! > Mt not to ailt'inpt to remcily co .tlro- IICM I > y tlie iito ol saiino or ilraslle | i.jriv ; lives. When ncnlliiirtlf iiutillclnu I * neinl. il. tin ) mo. . t in" , iit anil iilniclal | I. Aycr's rill. , 'llier oiiect is to restore tliu ru : unr iicllon ui .lio bowels , wliiiout wt-nkftiliiK them. Itvllifucar-fi.uU'U , llie.iu 1'ills retain tlielrinotllc.iml virtues for a IUIIB tiuiv.aiiU uru cosy tu luku. " I can rt'coinincml Ayp.'s 1'IIls nlmva nil olhurs , having IOIIK iiruveil lliclr valno ; u a cathartic ( or nijrsclf ami lauilly. " J.T. lk-.s. Lcltlmlllc , 1'a. " lit ISM , by dm nrtvloo nf a friend , I liftman llio use of Aynr's J'lll . as a remedy ( or hll- louvnesi , coiiitli.ilon | | , hlKli ( evors , nml cohls. They served mocer than any thing I hail picvloiuly tried , ami I linvpined tlitni In attaclti of that suu over slml. " Ii. W. lleiili , JiiUsonIa , Ark. Ayer's Pills , DU. J. O. AYKR & CO. , Low oil , Mu , Sold Ly all Dealers in McUiciuoi.