THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JUNE 19 , 1801. TWELVE PAGES. to ot rln THE OMAHA. BEE. JOUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : No. 12 PHAUL STREET. Jollvertti by Carrier In any part of the City. II. W. 'i'H/TON - - - MANAOKH. THLKPHONESt , No. 13. Night ttlltor. No. : KI. N. Y. P. Co. Council IIhiITs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans , 20-1 Kapp block1. If you want water In your ynrd or house RO to IJIxby's , 80'J Merrlain block. Tbo Brand jury is holding a special session for the purpose of considering cases not al ready disposed of. Ll/zlo Long nnd Frank LOUR were arrested last evening on the charge of-Doing fugitives from Justtrc. Unity Guild will moot In rcgulnr session this afternoon nt2:80 : with Mrs. Kingsburj , South First street. A mnrrlngn Hccnso was IssuodycslOrdav to Arthur Kalph nnd Klla Stoavcr , both of I'ot- lawnttatnle county , The Jury in the case of the state against S. Tcrrv bro'upht In n vordlrt last evening find- / Inn the defendant guilty of assault nnd but- tory. 1 The Jury In the cnso of the state ngnlnst E. \ C. Castln brought in n verdict yesterday afternoon - ornoon of not guilty , after being out an liour. The indies of thn Congregational church Will have n social this evening nt the resi dence of Mrs. J. C. Hlxby , ii-U South First etrcet. The ladies of St. John's English Luthernn church will give n social tonight nt the icsl- 'dcnco ' of Mr. nnd Mr.s. Nelson , i.00'J ' Sixth Dvenuo. Invitations nro out for the wedding of Mr. fetor 15. Olson nnd Mls-i Mollie Peterson next Wednesday avcnltu at 8 o'clock in the I'rcsbytc'rinn cliurch of Avoca. Meetings will bo hold e.ich evening in the tent , eornorof Fourth nvenuo nnd Eighteenth Btrcet , In the interests of the Fifth nvenuo Methodist churcli. Different clorirymon will participate. The case of the Council nitiffs nnd Omaha { Transfer company ngnlnst M. Saltsmnnn , to collect on n contraet for the delivery of Imy Jast winter , was on trial yesterday In su perior court. Special communication of Excelsior lodge , Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , this evening for work in the llrst deirrce. All Masons in rood standing Invited. By order pf the W. M. In superior court yesterday a notice of ap peal was filed by the defendant In the ease of ' 1. S. Mucci ngai'nst Dr F. W. Houghton , for ( X > ,000 dnnmgos sustalmnl by an alleged de fective setting of n broken arm. Earl Harding died yesterday afternoon nt _ 12.M o'elocic at tlio residence of his parents In Garner township , of sc.irlet fever , ngoil two years nnd eight months. The funeral Will take plc.ce at 10 o'clock this morning Great Ineohono Donni-lly of the Improved Order of Hetl Men will he in Omaha on the 27th. Pottnwnttamio lodge of this city has. ncceptod nn invitation to co to Omaha nnd greet him in company with their Nebraska comrades. All Knlirhts of Pythlns , with their wives nnd daughters , nro invited to meet with Cal- nntho assembly tomorrow nftornoon nt 2 o'clock ' In Knights of I'vthins hall , to make arrangements for the memorial service to bo sld next Sunday nftornoon. J. W Dilsavor was llnc-d f. > 4.00 in police -Ourt yesterday morninir for keeping n ills- orderly houso. W. A. linves and S. J. Ram sey , charged with tlio same ofTonso , had their canes continued. .1. H. Whlttaker was lined $10.70 for drunkenness and disturbing the ponce , Charles Burr $10.70 , and Jack Roberts jlfi.lO for drunkenness. George Uudlo , G. W. Whitney of the Op- flen house , Stuubs of the Grand and C. F. Cr.xwl of the Pacitlc wont to Om.ihn ycstorday to testify ncainst I. W. Lillis , the man who was nrrosted there about a.week ngo on tl'O charge of bcntlng n board bill. Llltls was dvon a flno of 850 , and after ho lias worked it out on the Omaha streets ho will bo brought to the DlulTs to answer to n elinllnr charge which will bo preferred ngnlnst him by the hotel keepers. Mrs. T. .1. Corrother.s , wife of thooloctrlclan nt the power house of the Council Bluffs gas nnd olectrio light company , is conliued to her bed by injuries received n day or two ago. She was fjolnc down stairs when her foot slipped and she was thiown to ttio bottom with great force , striking in such a way us to break n limb. At last accounts she was rost- Inir easily , but her physician states that It will bo some tlmo before she will bo nblo to bo around. A social was hold last evening in tlio ettnny Baptist church A very interesting . S rnmmo was rendered , consisting of recitations nnd music. The following young people participated in the exorcises : Lydia Kvnns , Cl.ira Thios , John Canovor , Bertie Towlos , Laura Thols , Htittlo Autonrolth , Frank Chapman , Anna C inoyor , Maud Chap man , EinmaCollmrn , Laura Galncs , Johnlo JrvctiBon , Lllllo Catterlaln , Ivnn Chapman nnd BlrdioVnlker. . Ofllcer , who patrols the Plorco street leat , had an adventure with a vicious dog night before last , who yearned for n piece of Ills Mesh The ycarnlni : was not satisfied , but tlio dog was laid out by ono blow from " * " tlio ollleor'3 club. Yesterday morning n bill was loft nt the police station for Clnni * for S10 for ono dog killed by him. Accompany ing the bill was a note in which the owner of the dog threatened to prosecute the ofllcor for malicious mischief in case his demand was not complied with. The ton complimentary votes which were cast by the Dodge light guards nt thu election of n colonel for the regiment , in favor of W. 1C. AitchKon , turn out to have had moio of nn inlluenco in the lesult than was nntlcl- . iwted. The total vote of all the companies " " " " " T" was as follows : Castle , 15J ; Mount , 147 ; f Altchlson , 10. It would take 153 votes to glvo nny of the candidates n majority , so that there was no election. A call for a now election will bo issued in a fuw days. A complaint was made j ostordnv morning ngnlnst the hack and express drivers who have been letting their teams stand on First nvenuo botwcon Main anil Pearl streets The authorities stntu that they will not bo nllowod to block up the way any longer , lielween the authorities on the ono hand and the citizens on the other the hack drivers scorn to ho having < x hard time of it. As fast as they settle down to wait for custom to thorn thov nru notified to lo.ivo by the property - orty owncrs adjoining nnd they then hnvo to new place. toWitt's ) , Little Early Risers : only pill to , euro sick headache and regulate the bowels. Gentlemen desiring elegantly fitting suits for summer wear will llnd Just what they want nt Roltor'.s , the tailor , ! IIO Broadway. i'KKSHX.l t , IM K .1'JIS. V. L. Waxhatn of Hockford la at the Grand. C. * .V. Jones of Oskaloosa Is nt the Grand. Colonel A. Cochran of Llttlo Sioux Isut the Ogdun. J. N. Casady has returned from a trip to Colorado. Missus Edith ami Inez Barrott of Lincoln , nro the guests of 11. P. Barrott. \V. H. Lonoy , W. F. IConllold nnd II. II. Jiliilmnn of Les Molnes are at the Grand. Mrs Laura Prior of Fiomont , Nob. , U the puost of her aunt , Mrs. U. Me.Maokou , UI liast Washington nvenuo. M-s. N II. Loop and family of Sturgls , S. It , are visiting MM. Loop's sister , Mrs. A. II. Hutchlnson , 550 Franklin nvonuu. Messrs. Charles nnd I'hllln Pusohol loft last evening for South Bond , Ind. , whuro they will attend comnioncomont exorcises of the Notru university , whuro thov fornu'ily studied. 11 r. nnd MM. DonliKI Mnnraa will leave this evening for Ann Arbor , Mich. , where they will attend the coniuunicomont oxorclsu.i o'f the itixto unlvorslty. Donald Maoran , Jr. , U ' D muinbur of the graduating class. Mntthow McCook of Uubu'iuo , manager of the Deaf Mute C'rltlo , has boon In the city nt- tending the meeting of the Hnwkoyu asso ciation , TnU U the tlrst year of his bright end moral Journal , but Its success seems fully Insured. , r r j i Do vou want to remove these plraplo * from your face ) UsoHallor' Sarsaparilla nnd Hur- UOCK , H U warranted to oifoct H complete fiurc , NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , John Oocbnn Makes an Unsuccessful At tempt to Commit Suicide , RUDELY INTERRUPTED BY NEIGHBORS. Was Too Itcnvy Tor the Ilopp OfTen- tlcrH In Court Hont Clul ) Ilftll nt Maiiuwii I'orjcry Cnso on Trlnl. .lohn Cochran nttomptcd suicide last even ing nt 8 I'M o'elocic nt his residence , 800 Avenue - nuo G. Ho bus been living for some tlmo past In the front room of n house owned by Charles Whltmoro , the latter occupying the rear part of the homo with his family. Whltmoro hoard n thud in Cochran's room and went In to Investigate. Ho found Cochran - ran lying on the floor with u rope fastened around his neck , n broken end of which dangled from a Joist over the door of the room. Ho nl once called for help , nnd with tlin assistance of Dan Uatoliffo nnd John Dill , two of the neighbors , hd held Cochran down nnd tied his hands securely with the rope which had ornamented his neck. The patrol wngon was called for nnd the would-bo sul- cldo was landed in the city Jail by Marshal Temploton nnd Olllcor Wyntt. On a chair In the room were a glass con taining n fluid of some sort , mid two papon with white powders done up Inside. These were takan in charge by the ollloors and an examination was made to llnd out whether the contents of the packages and the glass wore poisonous , The druggists to whom the stuff was submitted were unable to say whether it was poison or not , but were in clined to the opli.lon that It was not , Cochran having probably been fooled by some humane minded drug clerk to whom ho had applied fur assistance In finding the pearly gates. Cochran is n member of the Grand Army of the Republic and also of the Veteran Flro- mcn's association. Ho and his wife had con siderable trouble , the main cause of which , It is said by the neighbors , was the fact that Cochran wa = > of tastes too convivial for his own good or his wife's comfort. The couple separated about four months npo , and Mrs. Cochran has been living over since with some fi lends on Mill street. Cochran wrote his wife n letter yesterday afternoon in which ho throw out some dark hints as to tbo step ho was about to take. Cochran is now in the city Jail , whcro ho will remain until his mania for self destruc tion wears olT. Ho will bo wntetied so as not to allow him to complete the Job which ho began nnd would have finished had It not been for the weakness of the ropo. llavp You Got a Horse ? Every man who owns a horse should knew that Haller'H Barbed Wire Liniment Is the only remedy that will give prompt relief to nil sprains , cuts , bruises nnd gulls , nnd Is warranted to ofl'cct a complete euro. I10STOX STOllli COUNCIL nijUPFS. Last Few Days or the Juno Sale nt I lie ItoHlon Store , Council Blutl'M , la. Below wo qtioto a few specialtlos in muslin , undor.vjir and taulo covers. Our line of table covers wo draw spe cial attention to S-l plain white and white with colored border with ono dozen napkins to match , beautiful quality of linen , $ J.2o each. 8-t colored border with napkins to match , W.BO. S-l plain white , napkins to match , extra quality , I.LV > . 8-10 special plain white , with ono dozen napkins to match , $5.00. 8-W super quality , with napkins to match , $5.75. Other qualities at SO.OO , $7.00 , $3.00 and $9.00 a sou MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. In ladies' muslin underwear wo show an endless variety. Corset covers 12 > fc lOc , 25e. 33c , 35o , 30c , 45c , .100 toSl.17. Chomlso We. 25c , 83c , 45c , 50c , r > Sc , Owe , COc , to $ l.l.'J. . ' Drawers 3c ! , 39c , 45c , 50c , 5Sc , 7 ! > c to $1.15. Night dresses , ISe , ( We , 05c , COc , 75c , b9c , 81.00 , SI. 19. $1.25 to W.50. Skirts , JKic. Mo , 5bc , ti5c , 75c , S3c , 95c , $1.00 , $1.19 , $1,25 toU9. Children's whlto dresses ( short ) , Kic , 39e , fiOc , 7i > c , bi ! ) ! , 95c , $1.00 to $3.50. Children's white dresses ( long ) , 50c , 53c , 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 to $3.fiO. Children's whlto waists. 15c each. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. , Fother- ingharn , Wlntelaw & Co. N. B. Store closes at fl p. m. except Mon days nnd Saturdays ; Mondays , 0 o'clock ; Saturdays , 10 o'clock. Gasollnoand oil ; 0003. wood nnd coal : prompt delivery. Li G. ICnotts , 21 Main , tolephom 203. Swanson Music Co. , 335 Broadway. Mar Bourlcius , music teacher , removed co 53s Broadway , over C. B. musio company. Commencing July 1 the cash svstom will bo adopted at Kolloy's grocery , 101 Broad- | way. Close of tlin Convention. The convention of the Hawkeye Alumni association closed Wednesday night. All were agreed that It was ono of the most pleasant nnd profitable meetings that had over been hold slnco the founding of the association. The following olllcers were elected for the coining year President , Howard llofstroator , LlttloSioux ; vice presi dent , L. 'I' . Pound , Council Blulls : secretary , Frank Wills , Kmorson ; treasurer , F. C. Hoi- loway , Council Bluffs. The name of the association wa&o chungcd to the Iowa Asso ciation for the Advaneamont of the Deaf , and It was decided to go on in the old way und hold meetings every two years , The following honorary members were elected : Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Rothort , Council Bluffs ; Mr. and Mrs H. Glllospio , Omaha ; Mrs. Swan nnd Miss Uannlo Walker , Council Bluffs : Mr. and Mrs. Wolnatoin. Burling ton ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Rnnk. JowuCity : Miss Laura Fllckinger , Council Bluffs ; Mr. nnd Mrs. K II. Rothort , Dos Moines : Mrs. At kins , Council Bluffs ; Prof. McDortmd. Mr. nnd Mrs. Marshal , Mr. Spruit , Mrs. Steoii , Mrs. Tnyor , Mrs. Dinsdnlo , Mr. J. J. Kris , Miss Tlmo Gannon , Mr. Camp , Miss S. Carnlsh. Before adjourning n sot of resolutions was passed thanking Superintendent Rothor nnd wife lor thu way in which the convention hud boon ontortnlnod. The next session will bo hold in the winter of 1JM1. > . ! at a place to bo decided upon hereafter by the oxccutlvo committee. Small in size , treat in rosultsi Do Witt Llttlo ISarly Risers. Best pill for Constlpa tlon , host for Sluic Hcadauhu , bet for Sour Stomach. _ Pianosorgans , C. B M ulu 0 , "iti U'.viy Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco tablets. They nro delicious. Council Bluffs souvenir spoons nt Burhorn's. KolilcnAhead. . Jungo McGee rendered a decision in the cnso of N. Sohur/ . against J. W. Koblenz , of which mention was mndo a day or two ago. A motion was tiled by thu attorney for the defendant to quash the attachment on the ground of Illegality , it having boon sued out on the nllogatlon that It was to satisfy a claim for rent , when the subsequent develop ments disclosed the fuot ttjat there had been no rent duo at the tlmo the attachment was levied. Judge McGoo's decision yesterday was In favor of the defendant , ICoblenz , nnd the attachment was quashed , the property being turned over to Us owner. UcWltt's Llttlo liurlv Utsorj for the Liver Cuiniiiuiioiiiiient at thu Aoniloiny , The twentieth annual commencement of the St. Francis nccademy will occur next Wednesday mid Thursday nt 7:30 : o'clock In the chapel of the ncidomy. The members of the graduating class uro as follows : Misses V. Elliott , Knoxvlllo ; M. Hatton , Atlantic ; G , Pusoy , Council Bluffs ; M. Murphy , Coun cil Bluffs ; L. Tholl , Council Bluffs , N. Moore , Council Bluffs , M. Huehos , Council Bluffs : M. Madden , Council Bluffs , and N. Lacy , Council Bluffs , An elaborate programme has been prepared for the two ovenlngs. The programme of Wednesday evening will Include recitations nnd musical selections , nn operetta by the younirer pupils being n fenturo worthy of mention. On Thursdar evening the members of the graduating class will rend essays , the pro- grnmmo boln ? freely Interspersed with music. At the close diplomat will bJ pre sented nnd gold medals awarded those who have boon especially proficient In tbo vari ous departments. Besides the graduates the following will participate In thu programme on the two evenlnu's : Misses A. Wlckham , L. Scott. M. Fnrroll , P. Fit7gorald , G Bohron , C.VicU ham , L. Pullman , L. Lynch , A. ICosslcr. K. Free. A. Shank , L. Lange , M. O'Neill , .f. Murnhy , N. Dunn. B. C.irrigir , F. Connelly , B. Wilson , P. Swift , G. Korrllmrd , Little Cleo. R. X.niiKs , R. Towle , D. Davis , S. Grlf- lln , L. Mnrrnv , A. Murray , F. Murdoch , B. Row , E. Mnhonoy , L. Herman , G. Hvorett , M. Lovo. K Dunne , .F. Savage , M. Norris , .T. Perrlgo. M V'otzer , J. Keating , A. Crake nnd M. Hcnklc. _ To Dispel ColiH , headaches and fevers , to cleanse thn system ofToctunllv , yet gently when costive or bilious or when the blood is impure or sluggish , to porinnnontlv euro habitual constipation , to nwukon thn Kidneys nnd liver to a healthy act tlvity , without irritating or weakening them , use Syrup of Figs. Union Park races , Omaha nnd Council BlulTi , September 8-11 , $ i,500 ! ; October 20-22 , $4OJO. For programmes address Nat Brown , Merchants hotel , Omaha. Picnic at Manhattan beach , LakoManawa ; good llshlng , line bathing nnd boating ; plenty of shade ; best place for camping out parties. Try it. Given to the Jury. The case of the state ngnlnst S. Terry of Mlnden , charged with attomptlnc nn assault on the sovon-ycar-old daughter of John Geiger - gor , was on trial before Judge Doomor yes terday afternoon. The prosecuting witness nnd her father was put upon the stand , nnd after they had testified Colonel Dailoy , the attorney for the defense , moved the court to Instruct the Jury to bring In n verdict of not guilty , on the grounds that there had beoil no testimony Introduced by the state to nrovo that Terry had been guilty of the offense charged against him , and that there had been no corroborative testimony brought in to stiengthon that of the girl. The court over ruled the motion , nnd the case went to the Jury , the defense waiving the right to intro duce testimony , nnd both attorneys waiving argument. Today the case of the state against E. K. Pierce will bo commenced , 1'iorco being chnrgcd with having forged the name of D. Olmstoad to several checks and passed them or R. K. Hancock of this city. There are two indictments against him nnd ho will bo tried on each seonrately. John Hill will bo thu next , he having been caught breaking open the safe in the Metropolitan hotel durliiu the progress of n lire several months ngo. The charge ugalnst him is larceny. A handsome complexion is ono of the great est charms a woman can possess. Poz oni'u complexion powder gives it. Assignee's sale of Gilmoro's stock of jew elry , stationery , toys , etc. , 2-5 ! Main street. Mrs. Blxby , Mrs. Clinton , Mrs. Bryant , Mri. Cloimh , Mrs. Crane , ' Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Badollett will entertain the Congrega tional church sociable ) this evening nt the residence of Mr. J. C. Blxby , 323 South First street. Drs. Wnodbury. dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High grade work u specialty. Morgan's prices for furnitu o on Install ment plan lower than nny other uouso in city. Itoat Club Ball. The boat club ball given last evening at Manawu was a great success in every par ticular. The attendance was not as largo ns ' had boon honed for , the weather Keeping some away. About thirty couples braved thnolomeuts ; , however , and Terpsichore ruled from 9 o'clock until before breakfast tlmo , with the exception of an hour which was taken out about midnight for nn elaborate spruad in thu hotel dining room under the auspices of Manager Whitney , The boats of the club were to have been given up to the use of the guests , but on account of n slight mist that fell nearly all the evening this part of the entertainment had to ho dispensed with. The now electric llirhts that have Just been put up about the lake wore lighted last evening for the first tlmo nud ndded greatly to the attractions of the lako. Baldness ought not to come till the ngo of ! > ' ) or later , if the hair begins to fall earlier use Hall's ' Hair Renowor and prevent bald ness nnd grayncss. Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves and household goods of Mimdol & Klein , Council BluiTs. Prices very low ; froitrht prepaid to your city. On the occasion of the democratic state convention to bo held nt Ottumwa Juno 21 , the C. B. & Q will sell tickets commencing Juno 22 , nt ono faro for the round trip , good returning .Tuno''li. ' For further particulars call upon O. M. Brown , ticket agent , No. 518 Broadway. _ The Rock Island sells special excursion tickets from Council Bluffs nnd other points to Colfax Springs , In. , nnd return , goou until October 31. Bright upland hay at slaughter prices for next thirty days ; 150 toiib , II. L. ( Annancor , ner Pearl and fith nvenuo. TH10IH LUCKV.NUMllIOIl. Kov. and IMrs. KeaiiH Celuliratu Quito a Hunoli of lOl litrenM. Rov. nnd Mrs. W. 1C. Beans celebrated the eighteenth anniversary of their wedding at their pleasant home , 2112 Locust street last evening. The house was lavishly decorated with ( lowers. The parlors nnd library looked almost like a conservatory. It was the eighteenth anniversary of the wedding , Rov. Beans had been In the ministry Just eighteen years last night , which was Juno 18 , nnd the reverend gentleman's first charge in Omaha wns at the Eighteenth street .Metho dist Episcopal church. Throe huudrod Invi tations had boon sent our and the honso was Illlod to overflowing with guoUs , Quito n p.uty of the pnstor's former flock nt S'ork eamo down. Dr. P. S. Merrill of the First Methodist Episcopal cliureh , and Dr. Max well nnd Rev. domiciling , presiding older , were among those present. BnldtilY was the caterer nnd served light refreshments to the guests. Shortly nftor 11 o'elocic the friends began to depart , all wishing the host and hostess many moresuch happy anniversaries , Constipation poisons tno blood : UoWltt's Llttlo Early Risers cure Constipation. The cauberoinovod the disease is gone. A XXO V.I CKM KXTH. Opening with n grand doll matlnoo Satur day , at which nn Edison talking doll will bo given away to some child In attendance , the Steen-Xnnzlo combination will open their ougugomunt of three performances nt the Boyil. This will bo the last opportunity the patrons of the house will hnvo to witness nn entertainment of this character at Uoyd's opera house. The sale of seats for all three performance will open this morning at the usual prices. Use Iliillor's Sarsaparilia and Burdock , the great blood puriller. Warning to Metal CorniuoVorkorH. . A letter has boon sent by the metal cornlco and sKylight workers of Chicago to the Omaha union of thn order , cautioning their brother workmen In this city against seeking employment In Chicago. The letter recites thu fact that the Cnlcngo members of .the order wont on a strltoon July 1 , IbOO , "for shorter hou and increased pay , and are still out. The letter concludes : Fellow worklngmon , in conclusion , wo earnestly request you to take Immediate ac tion and make thu facts in this circular known to nil sheet metal workers throughout your stuto , In order that our tradesmen may not bo duped by coining to Chicago In smirch of employment. . Tpll them to stay away ; wo have over onaliiUndrod nnd fifty of our men idle nt present , uml there are thou sands of worklngmon walking the streets lit search of work , nnd wonW gladly do anything to earn nn honest dollar. ' Hoping you will favor.Ujjy consider our no- peal , wo remain frntornniy ; youw , METU , Conxion ASM > & * . > ! .mm WoiiKnits' Lor it , UNMOX , No. 01. Robert Watson , corresponding nnd Ilnnn- clal secretary. ' . ' "My father , nt about tiiu ago of fifty , lost nil the hair from the to'bf | ) his head. After ono month's trial of Ayqifs Hair Vigor , the hair began coming , nnd , in three months , ho had a tine growth of hjr | of the natural color. " P J. Cullen , Saratuffn Springs , N. Y. USI3I ) A KA/OH. Minnie lllnl > c.t ; Carved Her Lover Oilier Pollen Noti > H. Minnie Hlgbco , n sixteen-year-old colored damsel , had a qunrrel with her lover. M. Truvcs , a young man who lives nt 810 Marey street , last night. Minnie was Jealous of u rival nnd rend the riot net to young Travos. This didn't seem to have the desired olTeet nnd the enraged plrl drew a ra/or nnd cut Travns n gash ncross the nrm. The wound is not serious. Onicer Vnnous saw the fraeus and sent the dusky damsel to the city Jail , whcro she Is charged with assault. A. Stroobol , who Is wanted as the complain ing witness against Frank Plerson , was taken Into custody last night for snfo Keep ing. Last November Plerson shot at Stroo- uol , bitting one of the lingers of his loft hand. Picrson skipped , but returned to the city n couple of weeks ngo , nnd the police took him in. Since then the olllcers have been looking for Stroebol , so that Plerion can hnvo his trial In the district court. George Williams , who was arrested for stealing n valuable gold watch from William Hutching * * , was adjudged probably guilty of grand larccnv and bound over to the district court in thu sum of $500. Mr * . Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Chil dren Teething euros wind colic , dlarrhoja , , Vc. 25 cents n bottle. Western Pensions. WASHINGTON , Jane 18. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bii.l : : Pensions were granted today as follows : Nebraska : Original Daniel F. Nichols , William J. Boosloy , Bedford Ony , Ebor Palmer , William ClovorlshJohn Solburt , David Arnott , Louis Noals , George W. Gor don , William Ryan , Andrew M. Robb , Mur- tin V. Crowln , Isaac Croloy. William A. Keistor , Oliver P. Dolong , Gottlieb Esnli , Joel H. Sauls , William H. Turner , Wnko- man L. Grand , Daniel I. Scovillo. Additional George C. Kerr , Michael Slattory , Andrew E. Johnston. Increase James Laughlin , Samuel Scott. Reissue Francis Morton. Original widows -Elizabeth Valentlno.Sarah A. HolUdav. Iowa : Original Jacob Sush , Oliver Beck- with , Samuel D. Nichols , Evan Wilson , Jonn Kroft , George W. Boylos , William H Dixon , Edward Palmer , Charles A. Dentlor , Watson B. Porter , Silas Cowon , David M. Moore , George W. Rutherford , Joseph T. Young , Creed C. Scott , Hiram Stocker , Ralph H. Sanders , Harry Schunck Joseph P. Wright , William W , Carpenter , Casslus C. Van Wirt , Cornelius Pratt , Edward F. Morgan , Jesse Fulton. Henry Magoon , William Schloye , Samuel i { . Corbott , Archibald Stewart , Wil liam R. Stoops , JohnSmiley. . John W. Barnes , Jacob P. Leach , .Tamos Fleming , Solomon omen Rod fern , John B. Austin , Chnuncoy Tibbetts , Aaron R. Wheeler. Additional- James Lent. Increase blnzy D. Andrews , Garrett Romaker , John Nnsh , Robert Miller , Charles A. Johnson , James B. Hathaway , John M. Thompson. Reissue Robert R. Montgomery. Original widow Ossio C. Howe. , Gowlor's Magic HeadacTio Wafers. Cures all hcadcchcs in 2U minutes. At all druggts United Stat'H Treasurer's Statement. W \siiiNGToy , Juno IS , jTho treasurer's statement , issued today , ! shows n not cash balance of but Jl/JS OOO. which Is the lowest figure yet reached. It Is said that the treas urer's statement to be Issued tomorrow will show a deficiency of $000,000 instead of the usual not cash balance. This is the first time this has occurred slnco the present form of statement was adopted by Treasurer Jor dan. In making this calculation , however - over , no account Is taken of the $ -iJ,000,000 on donoslt in national banks nnd the $ . ' 0,000,000 fractional silver In the treasury. The expenditures so far this month have been $ SlbSb2 tin excess of the entire revenues of the government during the same period , amounting to $ IS,2J1SJ. These were exceeded by the pension payments nlono , which amounted to $18,312,155. Treasury ofllcials say that the expendi tures during the remainder of the month will bo light and that the receipts will bo suf ficiently "lienvy to overcome the present excess - cess of expenditures nnd leave n small sur plus for the month. The same ofilcials say that the treasurer's statement tomorrow will not include the receipts during the past two days , ' and that if it does an actual surplus of $ J,000,000 would bo shown Instead of an ap parent deficiency , The Howe scale took llrstpromicm ntPhlla dolphia , Paris , Sydney nnd other exhibitions. Boidcn it Sollcck Co. , Agts. , Chicago. Scheme of Kansas ParnierH. TOI-UK * . , Kan. , Juno 18. The charter of the Broom Growers' nssoclatlon of Kansas , the object of which is to store farm products nt Sterling , has been filed. It is understood this is the first of many companies to bo or ganized by farmers for thu purpose of en abling thu'n to hold their farm products until they can get good prices for them. " 1 lost n crutch nnd found health nt Excel sior Springs , Mo. Mrs. J. H. Carrulh , Law rence , Kan. " ItiMiNon Hel'tiMcd a New Trial. Lnvvr.NwoiiTii , Kan. , Juno IS. Judge Riner , in the United States circuit court , this nftorneon overruled the motion for n now trial in the case of Charles A. Benson , con victed of murdering Mrs Theresa Mottmnn on the government military reservation last fall , nnd sentenced him to bo hanged Novem ber 5 , Ib'Jl. Do not forgot thit Hnllor's Pain Paralyzor will euro nil cases of dyseutory , relieving the griping pain nnd restoring the bowels to healthy action. Kv-Sonator McDonald Improved. iNliuvvi' , Ind. , Juno 18. There was n slight Improvement In ox-Senator McDon- nld's condition today , and his physician says tonight that if the favqrnblo symptoms con tinue tomorrow there wlll.jbe some reason to hope for his recovery. 1,011 ! Mothers will find thM JIalior's Pain Par ulyzor is a sure and ph sant euro for dnr rhoea. i 't' Governor Kif'or Approves Bills. Si'iuvnriKi.i ) , 111. , * 'ijnp ' 18. Governor Fifer today npprovod tljij ? world's ' fair appro priation bill , nnd the blllillxlng the legal rnto of interest at 5 per cent tint ! the contract rate at 7 per cent. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla - Of porfoot purity. LemonI Lemon - Of nroat strength. Almond Zf oonomir'n10'ru30 ' * ' Rose etc.TJ Flavor as dolloatoly and dellciousiy ao the fresh fruit. Last week has never been equaled by any house in Council B tiffs , and not a single cus tomer that asked to see our goods , but what bought and expressed themselves as highly pleased with our goods and prices. We regret exceedingly that we were not prepared to wait on all the customers large Saturday night as promptly as they might have desired , but promise to have more assistance this week. OUR. SUIT STOCK At y ( c reduced , and we will place on sale 147 suits that have never been /"xl ) / .U.J sold for less than $10 and $12. At 1(1 ( 7O I ur ncxt 'ot ' conslsts of 219 suits , in cheviots , worsteds and cassimcrcs , /"XL jj ) 1UU / I are good value at $15. Our Tailor Made Suits , that we arc selling for $15 , must be shen to bo appreciated. We do not urge you to buy , but we do urge you to come and examine these suits and sec what wo oflcr you for the money. OUR UNDEXRWExAR SALEX. Last week was a HOWLING SUCCESS , and the balance of our Summer Stock go during this sale. As we sold out of our Colored French Balbriggan Underwear at 4Sc , we will place in its stead the White French Ualbriggan at the same price , 4 Sc , usually sold for $2 a suit. Somebody is going to be disappointed if there is much longer postponement in buying , as the supply in some of the most attractive lots is running small. WEL WILL OOMTINUEX The Pants sale , as you sec in our side windows on Scott street , and will place on sale your choice of our fine tailor made Pants that have never been sold for less than $7.50 , $8 and y , for $5.75 It is exceedingly encouraging to see so many buying after examining other stocks. We intend that your confidence in our advertisements shall become more and more unbounded. ONE PBIOE RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. 522 Broadway , Couucil Bluffs. A. H , GOLDSTEIN & CO , , Proprs. N. B. Don't fail to see our Straw Hat Sale. BAD BLOOD ! Pimples on the Taco | Breaking Ont | Sklu Troubles | llttlo Sores ) HotBkln ) Both ) Blotches ) Gold Sorea ) Bad Breath ) Bore Mouth or Lipa ) If joil milTir frnm nnjr or llit.o * ) mptum * * . tllkr- WHY Wom'od not toll jou thit you req moillcliio , to ensure fnmlntn fiom the " ' , ? ; ; ltl-tV llr Ackpr'n . KnK . . I . . ' 111 niooil . ! . „ _ l.llllr . . ! , , litlio rnll. 2 Million Bottles filled in 1873. 18 Million Bottles filled in 1890. Apolhnaris " THE QUEEH OF TABLE WATERS. " "Jlfore wholesome than any Aerated Witter which art can supply. " "Invalids arc recommended to drink it. " THE TIMES , LO.N'UON. SOLE EXPORTERS : THE APOLLINARIS COMPANY , LD. , LONDON , F.NC. To euro nilloHinesp. Slch ricndnclio Conitlpntlon. Malaria. I.Ivor Complnlnta , tnko the ealo and certain runiudy , SJIITII'S Uootho9.MALI.SIZKc)0 ) llttlo b ! ans to nio bot- Ho ) Tlioy nro the most convenient ; suit ull ( mos. 1'rlcoof tllher tUo , 'Jo co ' . .i per buttlo. nt T * 17. 70 : Photo-BTOvura imnolelzoortlilJ plcturo for 4 J F. SMITH&CO . Mnkcra of "Dllo Dunns. &t. Ixjuls Jtc * anil cm ml In "Jd.iys by the riunch Hunuitly unIt - tilluil tint KfS'a. It dlssulvus ncaiiisl an Is ubsorboil into tno Inlliuiioil p.irU. Will refunil nionuy If It iloos not ouin or causes strictuiu lionlloinen , liuro 11 u roll.iblo arliclo , $ l.x pnuknijo or l ! for } 5 pur mull nropnlil Mc- I'ornik'l ; . * c I.und , Omaha ; ( ' A McU'linr , I low a nl Mi'yi'ts and i : .1 hcvkor.i. South Oniahu ; A , 1) ) Totter ami 1. 1' . ) : ills Council I thill's. "xllHC Kf siiiilflfir * ; Attorneys at law , l'iio- : Ollllb Vi OulllIilUa tL.0 | i , , thu st.itu and fniloral courts Itoinis .1 , I and S ; , Iluno block. Council lliull-i , l.i. HI rininllPrC Attorney nt I-nw. No. 10 . J. jllulllUUa , i-u.iri Htroot , Over llii'.h- noll'.s Htoro. THloplionu No. . * > ) Itiiilnu hours , b a , in. toU p. in. Council HlulH 11. I'ci-loilicnl PillH. This troncli ruiiii'dy ncti illroiuly upi n tlio uoncirn. llvo ortinni nun cuiui mipirus | lcin ut tlio iiiunsos. Ucirlhri'U for * i , and can bo mill toil bliuuM nut lie usmlUurHiK i > ri'Kntinur. Jubbori , drnutfUt ! * nnU tUu l'uLlluBUii | > lloJ by Uouiliuun Drutf Cu , Ouiulin liiniorN lOiitcrtiilni'il. The musical ana oratorical entertainment plvon lust uvculnp by the junior ilupnrtmont of the YoiniK Mun's Ulirlstlan nssnclation \vaa highly croilituhlo to thu participants , but owing to the throatonliiR weather tire nutllcnro was ainnllur than woulu ottiurwuu have boon the caso. Thu "T. K. " quartette was wunnly wcl- coinoil nnd gixvo a couple of SOUKIvhilo Miss Dally was accorded well doaorvod applause Jor two selections which she bnnn very swoollv. All of tlio ether imrtiulranti | wuro inombom of thu boys' branch of the Youiu ; Mun's C'hrlstlun nssoclatlon. I'uul illckolc nnd Walter Nlcholls , thn two boy orators , nro the pivslduiits of the bojs' bronchus ut Hastings nnd Dcatrlco respectively , nnd np- puared last year buforo thu ( ieatrlcu f'hau- taunun.tll Lister nnd J. Albert Davis nru botli Omaha boys , and rank among the llncst juvenllo vlollnisU in the wost. CioorKQ 1'oozor , the boy cornotlst , Is also an Oiniihtx musician , and tils rendition of Balfo's "Hohoiiian Girl" won him nn oncoro. Thov all did ronmrk.iuly well and fur- nUucu a very pleasant ontortnluicout. A very small pill but n very good ono. Do Witt's Uttlo Early Hisor * . SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1TIOK HAfjH- Good family horse and top ear- JL1 rlaso : or will trade for good uniinprovud lot. Apply to bJU KlKlith uvo TT10IJ SALE I'lnn farm of 2SO acres , 11 inllo * ! -L. from Council Itlnlls , at ifJJ pur acre. John ston & Van Patten. T\O you want the earth In the vicinity of J J Council Itluirs , nlther improved nr unim proved ? If so call and teoour list of bargains ut thoroal ustiitunnil lain olllco of J. O. ( . 'olo & Co. lilit your properly for sale , rent or ex change , wiin us. und aouuro uuslomur. J. U. Colo&Co. , No. I , 1'uiirl Htreut , ground lloor. GtjAIRVOYANTiiml Hvclioinutrlu , or ebar- netor roailiiiKi ; also diagnosis of disease. iiund lock of hair for readings liy letter , hiin- Says and evenings. Jin 1 * lloopiu. ! 4 Avu- duu C , near corner 15th btroot , Uounull lllully. Terms , 5Je and Ji.O ) . FOUSAf < n Tor Kent Wanted If you want to buy , soil or rout anything In the real eslalo line don't do It until yon have seun our lurno Hit of bargains , fewnn tt Walkc-r , No. 51:3 : Jla I n iiml nI ! POII rl Htreuti. Council Illulfs FINK lirod hoiNu , that can boat - ' If ) , will sell or trado. Addiuis or call on 1) ) . Drown , lllii West Ilroadway , C'oiinc-ll Illulls. _ AT Swan ft Walker's 'il : ! Main stiont and nn 1'oarl , Connell lIlutK you will always find a 'Snap baivln" In estate If you want to buy , or a wood place to list a bargain if you want to soil or Iradu. IflOIl SALi : riogant < irrlasi ) tnnm and line Hlnslo dihiirsj pil cs lunionnblo : cull and sco them linfoie luivlni ; . Isaan JI. Mnlth hall's stables No. 41 ; ) Koitli fcovenlh stiuut , Counull Illnirs. MAtiXirjl'nNT ) piopoity In llvc-acro tracts loeatcd 'J'i ' miles fiom jiottnlllcc , for sale on icahonablo terms S-onm line icsl- denco jiropnrty for runt by Day * c Hess , T7UK HENTTho MoMalion liloi-lc. " story Jlirlck , with hasument and uluvator. J.V. . f-f I n I re , 11)1 ) I'o iHl Uiit t _ TfOKSA.LU or Itunt U-xrilou land. vrltU JL > houiu9 , by J , U. Itloj , 1JJ .Main it , UuunoU Blulfa ELECTHIG TKUSSES , BELTS , CHEST PUOTi.CTOitS. , ETC. DR. CB JUDD , 606 Hrnaihvav , Council Bluffs , la TELEPHONE 204. Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . SI50.000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 223.000 nmtsiTOiu f. A. Mlllnr , I' . O dloiion , II (4 ( Bhiinnrt. B K. H.irUJ. I ) Ed mil ml ion. Uli irlni II , llunnan Traniiot Renor \ \ b-\nuin < buti- ne3. Irir < oit capltil ami urplu < ut uny Iowa. INTUKESTON TIMi DEPOSITS. Council Bluffs , la. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel Is Now Open. George T. Phel ps , Manager. First-- : National : Bank -01'- COTJNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. I'alil Up Ciijiltnl , . . * . . $1011,000 olditit urKitnliixl bunk In ilio oltr I urulcn iin.l ilauioilic uxclitngu ivinl lucil luoiiritlut. l.'tiiwli utteiilloii pal'l tu U'Jlloctluni. Auojunti uf Inilivli uuli bnnkt. bttiUuMaiuloorpuralldiii aglloltut Cur roiiiiJii'HinLo ' IntliiKl OKU i' SANHilll ) . I'reiMont A \S UIKKM\N Onililar A. i' HHK AattlUQt < Dr.EH.CHAMBERLIN . . , Eye , Ear , Nose anil Throat SURGEON , Council HlulTs , la. Shugnrt-Uuno H'lc. JUioin 1. U to 112 m 7 nnd 8 p. in. Gas Heating Stoves. No Asncsl No SMOICR. Just the thlnz for b ith rooms , lioil rooni * > , ota Cull and buo uurlnrxu tisauitinunt. C. B. Gns nnd Elactric Light , Co. 211 I'o irl and 'J1U Main Struct , 27 MAIN STUUK'L1. over 0. It. Jncriuoinlii .t Do. . .lowolry Stor D. H. ButchQrs' ' anil PaoXirs' ' Sinjj3 , | | , Market Fixturas , Casing , p Ices nml Pans IRO M.ikurV Maolilnory. 81) ) . -J Main St. , l/'oiinuil llluirs. la. Alwi do lori n II Ides and I ur-i tOUSCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds o ( Dylir anil Clo.tnlii' { ilonn In tlio of thu Art , I'liduU und bt.Unud inado to look as Kood ai now lli > I i-.itliKiH Cio , i . I lly SIIUIIH , In rn , i ( , , H1 M.IIIIIUI. Work promptly clouu and dollvurol Ju all p.irt * of ihuvouiilry bund for iinoj list. , 0. A. MAOIIAN. I'rop , 10U llroadway. Nurihwosluru bun5 , COUNCII , Ill.Uffd. lA. NEW OGDEH HOTEL , ThoNinv Ujilua llotnl. In Council llluiN li n been rompluti'ly rururnlslind and inudoriii/o I thioiiiihont , und Is now uiuiuf thu bcsi li.n.-n In thu st ltd H Is Ioc itud In the huslniMs put t of HID city and thn iiU < trio inotois p IBS thn ( loorovury finir iiiiiinlrn. I'liu osu.ipus aii'l II i o alarms thtiiiMhoiil tin * bulldln , ' . Siniui hu it hot and cold w.itoi' and hiiiisliini * m uvery loom. 'I'.xl-l * ) inisurpasiud any win-ro. Ittiits , fJ.IM a ( lay. GHO. M. WHITNEY , Lake Manawa Hotel , AUruatlons : I'lnn rislilni ; , limiting , Il.itli- IIIK and Kxci'Uoiit Mlnural Svatur. Cnly llflci'ii minute * * rldo from conn ii Illi.Its Miitor IraliiH ivi-iy half hour , > U" I tu tenters of Ooiinull Illiills and Om.ih.i Most dullKhtfnl und iiL'cutttill'lu plii'cf" ' plcnlu parlies. TELEPHONE NO. 45.