G THE OMAHA DAILY BJEE , F1UDAY. JUNE 19 , 1891-TWELVE PAGES. m Ohioao Grains Oloso with Declines All Along the INFLUENCED BY CLLARIHG WEATHER , I'rovlslons Ijmvor All Around Sinnll Altvnncc In IfojjH HtoukH nncl IJontlH-DenlH In Min ing SlmrcH. CniCAno. Juno Ifl. There was n protnlw of higher prlcuH In nil cliis tsof property traded In on tliu board nt the opening this mornlm ? but tlm | jroml. o was broUun buforo the wiilnn closed nnd prices broke with It , uvorythlm ? cloHliiBut about the bottom figures of thoduy. Whunt Hhowi'd steadiness nnd u llttln Mtrcnglli nt tlio opening. It wus said to bo still raining In many parts of Kansas mid where tlm rains lui'l ceased the fluids weru too wet to iidmlt of ImrviiHt operations. Cables weru steady and fora tlmo there was a fair demand and the mnrliot hold steady. .Inly starlol ntUASc. sold tip tot"iC ( ami hold between Unit llcuro nnd U.V.o for a considerableIcnxth of time. Later , however , It was announced that then ) was n prospect of clo.'irlng wu.-ithcr In the Hoiilhwiist and In the northwest as well and the feeling bocan to weaken. PiirilrldKo and Ills followers tlien be un to sell short , and corn making a Hharp break about tlio xanic time. wheat prices bctfiin to decline. As the woaUnoss In- crun.ed the soiling b'ecatno more urgent. Kitrly purchases were thrown ovnrbo.ini and the shorts bi > u n to put out considerable lines. The downward progress was assisted by a cablegram from I'aris noting a decline In val- uol there equivalent.to oo per bushel for .July. No reason was ill von for the severe doe-lino but It us Intimated that possibly the ro- ( lui'ed duty In wheat Is to BO Into nIToct Imme diately. Kinuurs In rcnard to an Knpllsh hoii-e bclnn In financial trouble wore also used Io depress pr cos. July under the prcss- uie sold oir to W.ic and elosocl easy at that flirurc1. Corn mudo a strong start and sold higher for a lime , Inlluenced partly by the rains which were retarding cultivation and permitting the llelds to become vorv wi'i-ily. The sentiment of the ciowd seemed decidedly bullish for a 11 mo and a good many buying orders were on the market and iouiil hhorts covered a L'ciod deal. July started at t'Tii'FWT'aO ' and sold to .Vic. 1'or a time the market hold around 57'ic. then broke to . " . "Uc. Imiiroved Mime but on heavy estimated re ceipts for tomorrow began toslumi ) . Long corn came out freely , .shortselling was active and the bull sentiment all disappeared , .Inly broke to .Mi'Se ' , leacted a trllli ! . broke to AS c. Clearing neathor. a falling oil' In cash demand and heavy selling by St. Louis parties assisted the decline. Shorts seemed to have pretty well covered and with urgent offerings and few buvers there was a steady docroiisu to C.'iic , which was the closing price. Oats followed the course of the corn market veiy closely. The opening sales for July wcrc.'M'ifiJ ' h' ' < c , then became sliimpy anil sold oil' to 'M'.ic , rallied some , broke to Ui4e ! and closed at that prl , e , 1'rovlslons wore fairly strong at the openIng - Ing , Inlluenced by the strength in corn and some advance In live hogs at the yards , Later there was a break duo to the weakness In the other pits , especially In corn , September pork sold from iMl > .7. > to * IO.M ) , held for a time around fIO.T5 , then broke to SlO.ITi. steadied , broke to and closed : it t O..r > . " > , a loss comp.ircd with yostonlay fo l-/ic. Lard and ribs lostSe each. The leading futures ranged as follows : AltTICI.KH. \ViirAT No. S June U7 ! ( I 'J7H $ P5 t US July AiiKait t ? 4 Coii.N" No. 2 June July 67-4 Atlk'lMt , KAi OATS .Vo. 2 KAiM June July M AnKUM yat alii 11KSH I'OIIK July 10 ITCH 10 ri , 10 M 10 30 September 10 n 10 BOA 101 ; 10 d5 LAIUI July 6 mt A : tA G27fc September u u ( i COG U 60 ( iW Ilins July 607W G 10 ( TOO September I ! -M CS7W G 25 G27M CiiKh ( inotntloriH were ns follows : I'l.iiiin Htcady ; unchanged ; RiirliiB patent's W.WQ\40j winter uatents. W.SKBS.loj bakers , r4.iC i.23. WHEAT No. 2 .sprlnu wlioat , 05u : No. 3 , Bprliii : whoat. 02U , < ( ; : No. 2 red , UGttO'o. COUN No. 2 , flU'.iC. OATH Nt ) . 2 , : mj-i3i7o : ; No. 2 white. 41ffiliUe ; No. 3 whlto , 3ift4le. ! UVK No. ! . 78c. llAHLKr No. 2 , nominal ; No. : ' , GOQClc ; No. 4 , nonilnal , I-'LA.\SKKI > No. l.SI.O ? ' . ] . TI.MOTIIV Snen I'rlnii ! , II..7. TOIIK ML'KH pork , UIT barrel , $10.25 ! lard , per owt. , JC./J'J ! ; ; short ribs sides ( loose ) , u.CO ; dry salted Miouldcrs ( hoved ) , l sliori clear sides ( boxed ) , W.2.VSi.iT ( : ) . WIIIHKV Distillers'finished Roods , per ctil- lon , fl.in. SunAiis-Cnt loaf , unchanged : praiiulatod , unchanged ; Ktandard "A. " nnchanccd. Itecelpts and Bhljnnents today were as fol lows : On the produce exchange today , the butter market WHS weaker ; o\tra eroamery , 1GU@ 17ic ! ; extra llibts , laauc ; ( lists , ISffliao. Kggs , Now York Markets. Nr.w VOIIK , Juno 18.ri.oni Uecoipts , 10,728 packages : exports. 4,07.1 barrels , 572 sticks ! market weak , free sellers , moderately active ; Bales. 2,11V ) barrels. COUN MKAL-Qulot ; Yellow western , W.8 © 3.K > . WHEAT Ilocolpts , r.2,200 bushels : expoits , ,871 btihliels ; sales. 4.4IOnno biuhels of fu tures ; 157,001 bushels spot. Spot market lower , ivxport ami mllllni : No. 2 red , } I.OSH < ici.iS4 ( In itoro and olevutor ; fl.MKSI.lt ulloat : „ . . , . , „ 1.IIJ4 f. o. b.i ungraded red , $ I.OOVi4Dl.II3i ; No. 1 northern to arrive , tl.ld : No. 1 hard to nrrlvo.lfl.HU ; No. " Chicago , * I.Oi ( ! < fll. 7. OIH thms opened steady , advanced MMic , l.ut almost ut oneo turned to weukncss und declined IfWne on weak 1'rench cables and favorable crop reports , reacting ln < ifu , elos- iiif weak at l' ® ISi under vestorday. Sales Included No. J red , June , closing , Jl.ih'B ; July , U.044I.CG'i * ' ; closing , fl.114" , ; August , tl.W ) ' , ® l.i 1\ , closing , Jl.fO'ij ' Soptcmlcr. \c1Ull l , closing. m\a \ ; October , W.efiifl.OOTi. closing , OU.Hoj November , eloslnt , * l ) i , ; Decemlier , II.UI J.iJjM. | ! oloblnir. tl.OI , : Jiiiiunryv vlo-.liiK , ' ' ' ' ' COUN Ite'eelpU , ilSiJ ) . l,7n ( buchels ! sales , l.dvi.OOO bushels ( ) f futures ; fil.OXl bushels of spot. Spot market lower , iiulot ; No. ' . ' , 71tt"IHo In elevator , 71' ® TSiionlUmt : ungraded mixed , ( JSSTIlo : options advanced XiJii'.o with the went , ttforwards dcollnod IJddHMc with wheat , closing heavy ; July , nttt/ttlic , closing ( Mo ; August , ( ilHJW.'s.ic , closing UHic ; September , closing C0ie , OATS Ueonlptii , 22.000 bushels ; oxports. 77 linsiio s ; sales , fttVXXl bushels of futures ; bushels of hjiot. Knot market lower and . . < . . . .i. . , olnslnj ; 44'to ; A'lizilst. Iinu&IHUb ! chiilng drt ej SepUMiibor , : il > i.ilHic , closing iJl VJ ln'1tMl ' ( western , 4 B4Goj whltu western , < i-Mo ( ; No. - I'hlciigo , 4lo. llAV-Qulet and nriii. Ilora-Qulet und stonily. CorrKK Uptlona opened weak nt ! X < &M points down , closing barely steady ut lOis'-M iiolnts down. Hules. V.,0io ( bags. Including : June , J1I1.2.V July. * IS.70 1S.8.IUBUst. : . # IS.IO ® l.'i.L'ri ; heptomber , * 14.4.VT4.m ( | ; Outobor. JIU.W WI4.IU ; November. JlIlW ) Decemborlfii.rii.M ; : ; ; ; March , Jl.UIO. Spot llo. ! ijulut and steady ; full- cargoes , JIK.73j No , 7 , tld.HH. ruiAH--Haw. ! falrlv aetlvo , stoady. Sales pint of yesterday , of | , ttM hogsheads , 80S bar- .rV.si" " ' . ' " - " 1" > KS imiwovndo Ml test ut 21,1-lGc , ll.'ll haitiieentrlfugu's ' , latest , at a > io , nnd Mia bags niolasM's and W test at ao. lieilneil , stonily , fair demand. MoiAS.sKS-or.gii. | ! | dull ; SO test In hogs heads , UiiftliMi Now Orleans , steady , iiulol. IClCK-tjiilut. steady. I'K-liioi.KUM-yulet , steady ; united closed nt 60Mo for July. t'orroN MiKti On. Dull , stoady. TAiuw-KubkT ) | city , ( W.tH ) for nnckngri ) ) , 040. K ( Julot , easy ; 3SUil3.sic. ( { I-.iiim-rirmor ; western , l ( ic ; recoliits , 0,711 packages. OUT MKATSStronger ; quiet , Minui.KS gnlot.oasy ; short clonr , M.ai. LAiu > f\eakeri less active ; western ittoiim. < Xf > 0 ; sales , h50 tierces. Options sales : 3.250 tierces ; July , iO.IKtn.5l. closing. ( ( Us ; Au gust. W.GI ; Septumber , W.74a'I.S ' ; > 1 closing , W.74 ; Oelobor. M.1II. closing , { < Xb7. lIUTTKii .Moderately uotlvo , nnohnnced ; western dairy. 13IJc ; western eroamery , wvhivru factory , llttUJic ; Klglns. be. active , easy ; uurt uUlias , Coi'j'Bll Steady ; Juno , J12.65. LEAU Stcudv ; domeatlc , (1.40. TIN Quiet , f.tlrly steady ; ttrultu , t20.00. KIUIHIM : City Alurkutu. KANSAS OITV. Ma. Juno 18. KLOUR Pull. ucbuuKcUi tkwllfl.lMijl.2ij choice , tl.lXi l..Oi fnncy , fl.nom.M ! extra fancy , 11.60 ; pat ent. ia.ioili.so. \\HEAT-Woak ; No. 2 hard , anili , 83o ; Juno , 8.10 ; No. 2 red , cash. We. COUN Stronger ; No. Ucnih , Mc ! bid ; June , too old OATH Slcndy ; No. 2 cash , 40 ! c bid ; Juno , 4UUc bid. HAV Stondys ttnchntiKod ; fancy , lldi Rood to choice , } "iiS. IIUTfEii Steady : unplmnged ; cre.iniory , M < &I5C ! dairy IWlKIO ! store packed , ICc ; pack- ngo , f < yi ) ; . Koiis Steady at I2'je. CIICKHR Steady ; unchanged. I'lioviriioNS P.IIICI unchanged. Sugar cured moats li.iins. idtlOc : nreakfust bacon , bUc : dried licof hams , IOC. Dry salt meats , clear shies , Gle ( ; long clears , Olio ; shoulders , M4C. Smoked incut" , clear rib sides. 7'Sc ' ; long c'oars , 7'tc : clear sides , 7'JC ' ! shoulders , Olos ( mess pork , { 13.50 , Lard , pure , 7Hu < rellncd , 'Vnoi. Dull ; unchanged : Missouri tin- wiishod. heavy fine. IWMTc : ilshtllno , 17 < ainc ; inccllum , 2 a22o. Kansas and Nebraska heavy fine , Uftl.lci light lino. UitlGc ; low ami carpet , llc. Tub washi'd. choice. 3''iti5ci ; medium , . .V ; ( Unify and low. 27't9c. ? ! ; CKCKil'TMWheat , 30,20) bushels ; corn , 20) biishcls ; oats , 2.SOJ bnslii'Is. flili'MBSTS Wlicnl , 25 , OOlU8liol8 ) ! corn , 3,100 bushels ; oats , 1,0X0 bushels. 'I III ! Flour Output. MINNKAPOMS , Minn. , Juno 18. The North- wettern Miller savs : As expected there was something of a giiln In the quantity of Hour ground last week. The aggregate output of fouitccn mill ? was 133.4.U b.irrols against l'5.- 4ls barrels the prr-vlous week , G3OUO bairell for the ( orri".pondlng tlmiin 1H > , and 112.0'K ) barrels In lv'j. Aliont l.uoo barrels less dally capacity Is now making than a week fi''o. The Hour market remains de- pro scd ns It has for three or four weeks pa--t. thoiuh thorc Is ( inlto a following of millers who think It would not take much lo start the buying of Hour at a lively rale , ( notations of Hour are 5c to ! 0o per barrel lower than a week ago. The export shipments for the wcnk were ,17.000 barrels against 31 , MM barrels the preceding wook. London quotations for 2ou pounds , c. I. f. , are : I'atints , 3lsfl'iit3.'s ( ; bakers , 27s'Jda2 s 3d ; low grades , 17&les. Kt. IioulH AlarkotH. ST. Loris , Mo. , June 19 , WHEAT Irregular ; cash. } | .0 < ) ; July. OJ'.c ' , COKN Irregular ; cash. 57c ; July , ,13 > 5c. OATS Irregular ; cash I3c ; July , 3H c bid. I'OIIK J10.75. LAHII-.V. . WIIISKV } l IG. MlmienpoliM U'lieat MiNNKAt'OMS. Minn. , Juno is. WIIKAT Coed demand ; hlghor. liocolnls for the past twenty-four bouts were 131 ears ; shipments , : r'ears. Closing : No. 1 hard , Juno , il.Ul ; on Jnu'k. JI.oHiM.02 ; No. 1 northoni , Jnno and July , PH"c ; on tracK , lOawic ; No. 2 northern , Juno , lljc ; on tracu0 , " > ® 'Jjc. ! LIVF.IIPOOI , , Juno 18. WIIUAT Quiet ; holders offer moderately. C'on.N Strong ; demand fair ; mixed western , f > s Ml percental. CIIKKSK American , finest whlto and colored , 55s Gd percwt. for old. Cincinnati .MiirkotH. CINCINNATI. O. , Juno 18. WIIUAT Strong ! No. 2 rod. 11.02711. 034. COUN 1'alr demand ; No. 2 mixed , GOc. OATS Steady : No. 2 mlxod , 15c. WIIISKV Steady : 11.10. Milwaukee .Markets. MII.WAUKKK , WIs. , Juno -WIIKAT Easy ; No. 2 spring and cash , U4c ; July , UJ. c. COUN Steady ; No. 3. fiOc. OATS yulol : No. 2 white , 42c. NS ( julot , pork , July , $10.40. Toledo SInrkotH. TOLEDO , O. , Juno 18. WHEAT Lower ; cash and June , tl.03. CORN Dull ; cash , COc. OATS ynlot : cnsb , 45c. S'lOCKS AMI Jll\lS. Niw : YOIIK , Juno 18. There were two In fluences which oerlcil a favorabloelVect upon the stuck market today ; the announcement of a final settlement between the Chicago gas trust and the elty and the reduction of the minimum rale of discount by the Hank of Eii.'l'ind us anticipated. The first of these showed u positive result In every material ud vance In the prlco of the stock interested but the latter fulled to have any markqd effect unjwhoio In the list. The fractional gains which marked the opening may bo fairly at tributed to H but the hlghor prices were met by ficer offerings and the gains were quickly noutrnll/od , and with the completion of this movement all Interest and animation In the market ceased , The prevailing sentiment was bullish but the dnllno.s makes tlio room ele ment favor thu short sldo and the scalping of eighths HIM ! quarters mudo up the bulk of the business now transacted and keeps the mar ket within the narrowest limits. The Interest In the western stocks seem to bo dying out , though St. I'nul was again very nctivo today which , however , may bo explained by the anxiety of the clique who control Its move ments to keep It prominent In the trading. Confidence In the future Is unimpaired , but the disposition to await developments of amore moro positive character than those of the last week prevents any now ventures , und while holders aie not Inclined to surrender their stocks to the manipulation of the room cle ment no efforts are put forth to advance the prlco of their specialties. Kullroad bonds were still very dull , but showed a firm tone In close sympathy with the share list , and most Issues are slightly better tonight. Governmontbonds were dull and steady. State bonds have boon entirely neglected The petroleum market opened steady , but gave way under pressure tosoll by tired hold ers , and the prlro of July option declined 1H In the early trading ; later the market rallied and closed steady ; Pennsylvania oil spot openlngG'l ; highest , GUV lowest , fAH ; closing , Oti'ii. July option opening fe ; highest , fis Bj lowest , (17'4 ( ; closing , G7M. Lima oil , no sales. ' Total sales , 18,000 barrels. The following are the closing quotations for I ho loading stocks on the New \ork stock ex change today : The total tilcs of Ktoe'i'.H ' , : . todiiy were. llU.'i7 ! shaies. tncludlni ; : AtuhKon , IUs. > i ; Louisville & Nashville , HUGO ; MUsoutl 1'aelftc. ll.MU ; til. 1'aul , common VT.iilW ; Union I'aelllo , 5,575. Not OH. NEW YOIIK , Juno 19. OloarliiKS. $9IC < V',8S.5 | balances. Jj..M'.JWl. ' lliiii.Aiiiti'iiiA : , Juno 18. Clearlnss , Jln.471- PWl ; batuiu-es , } ltll.Ml. ( Money , litl'j percent. IIAI.TIMOUK , Mil. , Juno 18. Hank clearing , f-.HII.W.-i ; balances , l.'ll'J.UHJ. Monuy , U per cent. HUSTON. Muss. , Juno 18. Cloarlnas , ? u'l.TiK- ) POIj balances , J.i75H5. : Money , V'J ' per cunt. on Now Vork , MiiOo dUcount. The aiDiiuy Alurkot. NKW VOIIK , Juno IK. MONKV o.si'Ai.r < Kimy : raiiirlni : from " tii''ii per cunt ; lust loan , 2 nercenl ; cloned oll'orod ut'J. I'liisii : MKUCASTII.I : PAPKU 5ft7 per cent. HTKIII.INI ) iiAMK-julnt ; ) nut steady nt il.s'i'i forsl.\ty-day hills uml fl.b ? for demand. The followliu ; were the ulosln , , ' prlco.s on bonds : II. S. n , rek bU > ro < l. . .VlH Muliinl Union . 101 U. S. ( , nnip'Jn lltiJi N J. C'l'nt Int Curt. . . IUJ Nurlhern I'uc. Uts. . . 4 K , CUUI'IIIH . 1OJ .Ill I'liciilc. ( , , ut 'm . W ) NurtliKUit' cuniioli. l.oulil.iiKl Miinip li . 1U > ( iloilvtiuiituru 5 . . . . lillA Tonuciiva N. S. ( is. . . 100 t > t. U \ 1. M ( ion. t . ( A ( U ) Jj . IIT.HI St. UAH. K. ( ion. SI. 10.1 < I Si . ( . ! > ( Ht. 1'nul contols . Canuiln duiitlivrn M 'A'l'i SI I' . O. A I' . | t . . . . 114' Central I'nclllo l < ts..lU7 > i T. I' , 1. . (1. ( Tr. Itcls. . T. I' . II. (1. ( Tr. Itcti. . . . Liiliin I'nclHo l t . . . . w > KrloVNU . tT Went Hburtf . wwul M. K.T. . Ken-IC * . . . JU 1) . A U. U. Went Uti. SI. K. AT. 4 . 40 Itnuk of KiiKliiml Iliillloii. LONDON , Juno 18. Amount at bullion with drawn from the Hunk of 1C n tlii ml on bnlunco toUuy wiu i"JiWO. Bulliou lu thu Uuuk of d ltirrcn uil JtTH'.OlO Oiirlnx the wook. Thu proportion of thu Hank of Dn land'H re- Rcrvo to llahlllty. which nun lust week 40.00 per cent , Is now4'1.07 _ ' par cent. HtookH , LONDON. Juno IS. CloaliiR at 4 p , m. Cnnfult , money..W l5-hiIllinois ! Central W-i Con oK nccount. . . . flSMLMoilcnn enl M U. H. 4i inn * Ht. Paul common. . . . COV ; 17. H. \ < 4 > IW Uunillng DM N. V. P. AO. Intl. . . . W ( Mexican Cont. now 4 * 7IM Krlc. , liar silver. 44 B-Ml per ounce. Money , . _ . per cent. Kmo of discount In thoopen market for both sliort and throe-months bllU , V per rent Hnvittii MnrkclH. HAVANA , Juno 18. SPANISH Oot.t > IJ.MU'S ' 'KXCIIANORVonk ; on the United States , short sight , gold , U'itt'J'i ' premium. SL'OAIi Quiet ; 2,4oi bugs ol eentrlfuguls. W tolM'i degress polarization , were sold ut I.UV ! gold per iiulnlul. I'nrlH Hunti'N. I'Allts , Juno IS. Three per cent rentes , 0. > f l"e for the account. The weekly statement of the Hank of I'ranee shows an Increase of 10- OOU.OJOf gold und 4M.iOOUt silver. Imperial Hank Hlntcmriit. Iltlltl.'N , Juno IS. The stutunient of the Im- nerlal Hank of ( iormany shows an Increase In specie of 7h-jjjOO ( murks. Denver . ' > Iltilni.StoccH. ! DKNVEII. Colo. , Juno 13. Quotations on the mlnliu oxehungo today closed us follows : jr . is I.PK.1I Tonilor 4 Amity . 'I l.ltlle Itulo 103 AriMiinal . " 0 Ilntlarnt . 62 Mny MMtupim IM lliintikiik . C,1 ( Mornlnxdllm 14 H.'ilui lliuitor . f..i ere I1U Illu Initl.in . II 1'iijr Hock VH I'.Urnl I ) Park Con I' ) Cnllliipo . IS Itce.l .VntluiMl M Century . IW Itlalto 1C. ) Clnjr County . 180 llunnlni. l.iidf ilH CiiKliln . 13 I.iMVcmvi.rtli 14 Diamond II . ft .hihn.l. pfd 61-i Ikmvur ( Ins &OIL. . . ' ) ( I'U/rlor l ICiniuun-4 . 4.S ChiaclluJ 1IH ( idlil Trensuro . 31' ' { ( icltyjbura 8U Irniclil : ( . 81 ( Wlinlo 20M Jastlco . l : < 4. Hoston J-toolc 3larlcet. HOSTON. Mass. , Juno 18. The following were the closing prices on stocks In thu Boston stock market today. AtrlilsoaA Topokn. . 3S Cntalpi ll iton& Albany aw Krnnklln 1H llixton \ Miilnu ! ' . > Huron C. , II. , tJ M' FltclihiirK rallrraid. . . 72 Flint A i'ere. p'fd. . . 75 ( Jnlncy Mali. Central 1'J Santa Fo Coiicr. | | . . . , MexU'iui Cent. com. . Ill1 Tamarnck N. V. A N. Hug lit ! SMI Dkvi ) Lanil Cu. . .19 old Colony KSI ! \ < t Knil Lanil Co , . 81 Hell Telephone 21)0 ) \Vli.Cen. com Ill I.'imann t torc S. . . . AlloiiOJ ! Mill Co ( new ) ; m ( , Water I'owur Atl.-mtlc 10 C. M : ,1-1 , IloHlon A Mont 41 N. M. T Cnliinu-t A Ilucln 8A2 II. I ) . C Sail KrnnelMco Jiiniif ; QtiotntioiiH. SAN KIIANCISCO , Juno IS. The olllelal closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows : Alia C'J ' lOplilr . IIMT llnln-cr 41) I'otosl . 2.15 lle t A llolchor V8S llndlu Consulldnteil. . NJ Sierra Nevada . 210 Cliollnr , . .2IU Union Con . 21.r > Con. Cnl. A Va 82o Utah . 70 Crown I'olnt 141) Yellow Jiickot . 2U."i ( ioulil A Curry I.VI Com . IM HiiluA Korcroiiii 22.i Nov.Q . 25 .Moilcan 245 II. I . M Mono .V ) N. II. I . CO .VllViljQ. 10 St. Ijniils Mlnlii ? ( J lot'itions. ST. Loins. Mo. , Juno 18. Minim : stocks were Inactive today. The following bids were miiUo on c.ill : Aclanu II'JO Montrose f > ! Aincrlcnn .Vuttlu. . . . 3si < M. llroen M Artec ' . ' 1'iit Murphy Ti Kllialieth 175 Silver AKO 15i LlttloAlbert 12 ! Now Ytn-k rMiiiln ( Quotations. NmvYoiiK , Juno 18. The following uro the closing mining stock ( juotat ons : Alice 15) Iron Silver 10) . . . ' ' . ' AilaniHCun. 155 Mexican -'iO A c pen 2JO Mt. Diablo 2--3 Crtiwn 1'iilnt 2.V ) Ont'irlo 3-ta Con. Cala. A Vft 825 Ophlr lisO leail\vuuil ) I'M yiiKiuiii : iou Kiirulin Con XU viiuu bo IlaloA Norcross. . . . 8UO Sierra Nevada 2i5 HoiaoKtaku 1UOO l.'nlou Con 2:5 : Horn Silver : ! 4U Yellniv .liickat 2(10 ( 1 lie Cotton . > nrlcct. NE\vYoinc , Juno 18. Ilubbard , Prlco & Co. say : The reactionary power that this market has shown during the past few days Is u source of no little satisfaction to the Purls and has done not a little to rehabilitate confidence In the value of cotton , but the boar party. Unshed and confident over their recent suc cesses , are still an element who must bo reckoned with and their oll'orts to check the advance today were obviously not without ef fect ut thu close. New York Dry Goodn Market. Nr.w YOIIK , Juno 18. The dry goo s market was a little more active. There were no new developments today. Traders' Talk. ST. Louis. Juno 18. Langonburg Hrothors to Cockrell llrothers : The following Is the range on the July option at this point for today : coMMoniTV | Open. | lllyli. | l.o'r. I Ckn u. t Vest. Wheat- July. . . , W 03 50 ai Corn- W55K July. . . . 55K Onts July. . . . 34 v ; CIUCAOO , Juno 18. Schwartz , Iiipuu& Sle- Cormlclc to ! ' . O. Swart&Uo.i Iinjirovud weather conditions brought with It a very bearish feeling in whoat. Cables both from the United Kingdom and continent scorned to have lost their strength and a late udvlco from 1'arlsquoted that marlcet half n frano lowerand much ilunioraH/eil. 'L'ho result has lionn tlittt ditr iiuirUnt. luiu IIIMMI iii.t.lvr , tuti ) very \\oak from the start to the llnlsh , deolln- liu 2-'uO ' and elosliu at about bo tout ll nre. Kansas City .sum crop clam igo reports and i oiiKht some wlioat but the elVort to udvanco prices iirovod a failure. The Cincinnati 1'rlco Current report was non-committal as to the condition of the KrowInK crop. Trading has been chlelly professional , local operators cov ering July nnd soiling Dccem lor. The iiros- poct of oloarlmr weather was as favor.ihfo to shorts In corn as In wheat. Thu movement showed an Increase , being-10 cars todiiy anil 3'5 estimated for tomorrow , A lower market for Jnno corn In .Now Vork caused a si ekcn- InKof cash demand. Car lots No. 2 which sold vesturdav ntfil'io ' , closed today at.Wie , while No. IlshoHO I an equal decllno. Oats In Hyrn- pathy with the decline In corn and Improved weather conditions were very weak. The country showed an Inclination to unload their scattered holdings. Provisions wore dull and ijulto weak. The market opened strong on hlnhor prices for hius and In sympathy with strength In corn , but It soon became evident that thus' ) hulls who have been liuyin. In e.\- pootatlon of lUhter receipts of lings hud al ready taken In their load. The result was a very weak market as soon as the decline In KfaTn bo.'un to Induce the soiling of snulll lots of country long stuff. A weak feature In the market Is the widening of currying charges between July nnd September. The market closed weak , Nuw VOIIK , Jnno IS , Kennott , Hopkins & C'o , toS. A. MoWhortcr : Chicago gas monopo lized the market at the opening. Transactions were largo at the advance of over 2 per cent over last night's oloso. This sharp bulge waa duo to the announcement that the trust had olleclcd a settlonient with the city and that the agreement had been signed. The terms of tliU was construed favorable to the trust and If the trust could bo guaranteed against the competition no doubt they roil Id do good busi ness but such u guarantee the oily cannot give , the present council not having ponor to control tlm action of any succeeding council. The certificates cllil not , ad vance lifter opening Imp for the balance of the day ruled some lower. There huvo boon rumors of a falluio of a banK In London , ami that oMon'leil liquidation would bo necessary. Thi-ro Is probably some Ilitlo basis for tin- report , but we do not Itnag- Ino It Is of siilllclont cunseiiuence to bo a fac tor In directing the course of the market. A favorable pleco of IIOWH was llio anno..1100- ment that ihe threatened passenger rate war liad been avoided. The Missouri I'liolllo has announced a regular dividend of I nor cent , which t-ottli's the disputed point whether they would declare a full dividend. It Is benil-otll- dally stated l < oulsvlllo & Nashville will mao the usual cash dividend In August ; on the slioniilh of this It Improved > i po.nt. Sterling OYcliaiiL'o Is llrni. and there Is some tii ; | < of u-olil belnir shtpno < l by baturday'ii stuamer. Nothing Is dellnltely known of the probability of cold going. Molioy oa y at 'Xti''i on call. The stock market closed dull but steady. ClliUAiin , June IS. Kennett. Hopkins & Co. to S. A. MeWhorler : In wheat there has been no end of crop da'mago reports and from so iiiuiiy sources that their reliability could not bo doubled , yi't the market has broken 2'tc. Tills would boom to ontuhllsh the bi-llof that big bears are bigger than the marUot when IIIIWH such as has come to hand the past three dnyi > U powerless to alleot prices , thu conclu sion Is inevitable that the market Is ovor- wtii'ilitod with ( tliurt tvheat and the trade N at prevent too tiuriovt to absorb oirnrltiL's. There Is no ii'ii'stton as to the strength of the K.tua- tlonund theru can bo little douut thut It warrantH much higher prices In the near future , but the powerful bear interest dominates and overshadows the trade and operators who believe In' whont do nut euro to IIL-uro against such odds. The selling [ over will huvo to run Its ouiin.o. Hears huvo mudo lower prices today than for inontlm and are moro mire than ever of bringing about a further materall decline uiilctu thu crop duni- UKU report * become Kousatloually bUouBVo din sco nothing lo .prevent f tirthor successful rulda. Charters , 7\tHX ) bushels. Now Orleans clcured 100,001) ) bimhVift today. Corn nnd oats Those were wuum ioitny. In sympathy with wheat. At the oi > < nUn ; corn shows a good deil : of streiigtli. lioavy rains nro Mloved to huvo boon nulto , . injurious. The urgent cush demand Is rill/Idly / reducing our .stocks , On the Gth them 'woro moro than I.WO.OOO bushels of conlrnpfborn In Ulito'iRo oil-valors , A weak lalvr It was down lo 77i''K'0 ' ' busholii , nnd u lending receiver suys It will show u lnrg reduction in cho near future. In pro visions trading was mostly by the profes sional element. T.ho market went up and down with corn ( Unleash business continues much depressed nnd exports fulling behind what there were a year u.-o. Closing weak nt Inside figures , CIIICAOO , Juno IS.-M' ' . O. Lojnn ft Co. loTon- crnyfc Ilryun : iihnur.il rains In the south- est dolaylng the harvesting of winter wheat caused n llrm feeling ut the opening , July sold fromlttSc to l ' § c. On demor.ili/.ed French cables the prlco declined to 1X1e and closed at Hl'ie. ' A deollno of I > i francs on wheat in Paris Is slgiilllcont with so largo a quantity alloat for the continent und our crop > , I ready beginning to move the I'reneh buyers may reall/o they have enough. If not too much. History may repent ittclf , the many millions sold for July , Augt : t , September and October shipment have all to bo provided for. The money market. If very easy when the pay ments against wheat shipments become duo will have to maintain values , but with any tightness In money speculation will bo snubbed and lower prices are sure to follow. The outbreak todny Is bourlsh und with sol- tled weather the neur luturo will bo lower prices. Corn on the weather opened opened strong utfi' e for.luly , closed nt W e. Kino weathur will bo the controlling Inllueiice on them for the neur future. The same remark applies to oats. July opened ut : ts'to and closed iitM'io. Provisions were weak In sym pathy with grain. OJ1A 7/i LI ) K , > 'to CK. OMAHA. Juno 18. ISfll. CATTLE-Ofllclnl rocoluts of cnttln Ml. ) as compared with 1.47S yesterday and K'Hi Thursday of last wook. The market was slow and steady on good handy fat eattlo. Other grndes were slow and weak to 10o lower Hutchor stock was unchanged. I'eoders were were moderately active. The quality of the receipts was common. lines Olllclnl recoluta of hoes 5fl ! > 3. as compared with ( i.02l : yes'oiday ami I.O'O Thurs day of last week. 'l'io ' market opened active and strong to a sha lehlglier and closed active , with nil sold at 5 : higher. All sold. The quality was go : > , l. The range of thai prices paid was $ l25OI.4o ; the bulk selling at fl.3.Vitl.in. The buyers claim the market was full 5c higher with Irro : ular sales some fully lOo hlghor. Light. ff.2.Vi ( 4.40 ; liotivv. * l.40ftl.47ii ; ml.vodt4.3.Vjl.40. , The average of tin1 prices paid was 14.P.i ) as com pared with JI.3.'S yesterday and glMU ! Thurs day of last week. Siliii' : Olllcial receipts of shoep. 373. us compaied with none vesterdnv and lit ) Thurs day of last week. The mnr.cot was ouster. Natives. JJ.OOiu-i.20 ; Westerns , fj.75115.20. HccltH ! | ii-ul Disposition of Stock. Olllelal rocoiut.snnd disposition of stock ns shown by the books of the Union stockyards company for the twenty-four hours ending ut 5 o'clock p. in. . Jnno IS , 18UI : UKCKIITS. D.SI'OSITION. lluyen. Cattle. Hoblicop. . Oninha 1'ncklng ( ? o ft I.IiV ) TIM ( f. II. Ilnmmond Co. . . 70 32S Swift ACe 218 Illil 21:1 : The Cud ill y I'ncklnn Co. . 63 1.07 ! ) 10J .1. I' . Squire * S2'J Shippers and feeders 414 Total. 4.U43 313 KeproHeiitatlve 6TEUIIS. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. t'r. No. Av. I'r. I'r.as 1. . Ill ) } t 2.5 2JM018 $5 03 20 .1091 > as 4 L'o JB/.10.S1 10 7..1401 r > oo 4 S3 IS,111)7 S 15 21..1107 5 GO 5 05 COWS. 1. . 970 1 fj is. . 7 _ ' r,5 14. . nru 300 10. . SIS a oo 4. . hia a 5 II. . 1)75 ) 3 05 .ST. ) S 10 l."GIS 275 0..11I7 3113 5. . U12 U 03 1..U30 3 00 HULLS. 1. . 1.T10 2 25 3. 13J5 2 33 1..1140 350 39. . 1202 2 UO STOCKUHS AND FEDDEIIS , 30. . 732 2 S3 1./8UO 325 11. . 073 355 T. . 57Q 2 'JO ' CALVES. 2. . 215 4 53 .1.V220 5 00 Mir.KEIlS AND Sl'IUNQCUS. 1 milker .S28 00 1 cow and calf . 33 00 WESTEIIN CATTLE. No. Av. I'r. E. M.Gibson 101 Utah , fuoilors 751 J2 05 tw Utah , fei'dors ( US a us 440 Utah , feeders 733 2 03 lions. No. Av. Sh. I'r. No , Av. Sh . I'r. 1 . . .220 $1 00 G5. . . . .222 40 $1 37'i 7. . . . .171 4 25 Gil. . . . .272 12J 4 37 29 . . 283 4 23 71 . 200 4 37i ( o ' ' ' 80 4 23 75 . 40 440 ol' . . . .38) 4 25 G4 . . . .275 40 440 7. . . . .lltt 4 2 > 05. . 23G IG'J 440 5. . . . .180 40 4 23 G7 . , , . .25 ! ) U'O 440 SO. . . . .I'OO 207 4 27 tf 32. . . . . .35 12J 440 74. . . . .171 80 4 27'4 11. . , 350 an 440 83. . . . .ISI ll > 0 4 2 ? < /s 73. . , ' ' ' 229 440 C8 . . . .108 : oj 4 : a W. . . . . . 'M. > 440 68. . . . . ! ) ffij 4 tO 69. . , . .242 440 ar > . . . .1118 1K ( ) 4 30 G7. . . . . 248 440 75. . . . .1UJ 24' ) 4 30 Gl. . . . . .2.VJ 60 440 87. . . . .ISI a o 4 : ! { 73. . , . . .210 200 440 to. . . . .22. ) 40 4 . ' ! 5 00. . , . . .214 80 440 45. . . . .4t2 : 4 : r > 70 . . . . .asti 120 440 C7. . . .211 200 4 35 13J. . . . . .2.U 210 440 . .aua 4 33 in. . , . . .2:17 : 440 74. . , ) . ) 80 4 35 57. . . . . 27li 440 53 .203 SO 4 33 4J. . . . . 34H S3 44) ) 70. . .2'8 IGJ 4 35 C4. . . 120 440 71. 221 520 4 35 . . .ail ICO 440 81 ! .231 2 0 4 'IS . . .202 240 4 10 81. .214 200 4 : i3 73. . . . .2.1) . ) SO 4 10 7.1. .230 ire 4 : i3 37. . . . .20 : > 12. . ) 4 40 rs. .215 240 4 33 30 . . . .2rs 80 140 .233 200 4 35 GO. . . . .210 440 I'M 1 ' 11 K'l lvo Stnulc .Alarkct. CIIICAOO , .Tune 18. [ Special TotoKram to Tin ; HIK. : ] Today's cattlu marUot was extremely weak , not only for poor and common sorts , > ut for cholco ( jnalltlos as well , Heavy ro- culpts account for the unsettled stnto of tlm niarliet for the former , hut why holders of eholctunttlo should have hoeu requliod to rnnlio iirlco concesslom Is not so easily ox- [ ilalnPii , ns there were scarcely lO.COD natives it all descriptions and only an luhlcnlllcant part of that niiinhor crauod hotter than "Hood , " Ilowovor , the market was weak all alum the line and unevenly lower , llnslnoss uiened Inter than usual and very dull. 1'hero7ero ( ,01110 sljns of llfo lalvr , but lit no tlmo did trade llsjilay nnythliiR HUe a satisfactory leKreo of activity.Sales Indicated a decline from yesterday's urlces of 5 ® Oc , iiinkliu a redni'tlun since Saturday of I520c. Natlvui were quoted at Jl.2r.ili5 , ( ; forcoinnion to extra shipping Moors , at tl.T.vntl.IU for htoekers an < l feeders , and ittf'.S.'nil.Ui for cows , heifers and nulls. Sales of IMYiuis were on u ha ls of ! l,5 < Tt5.no , aci-onlliiH toiiuallty. Sales were at $ l.f0 | l.7o forcoinnion to cholco uvs. an advance on yesterilay's prices of So uid an advanca ! slnro Saturday of I0i0l5c , There was an uullvo demand at the ahovo ati i' , and altlulujjh arrivals a 'Ki coaled 21,000 lead almoit the outlro supply was out of the cnmmimJDn mi'n'.s hands ho- forc 11 o'clock. LlK'lil , lioavy and mi'illu'ii weights allsold very close to'ether ; , n fact there Is uohjscurcolv iiiiiolahli' | dlll'ur- unue in the marKeiialno of beveral duscrlp- tlons. As hlKh OafJJ.'J w.is paid for a strlnK of l.KXi head , tin1 uteri n wohht of which wai inly 1'H ' ) ponndsj Upton houuhl them of yard speculators. There was , honovor. hut llttlo .rudlni : .it hett r than fl.i5 , $ | .55t.05 IIU.IIL- the prevailing llu'iires. I'oor lots sod around Jl.40nnd cttllH were neddled out at 2.5j < i6l.25. The market finished steady. The K veuliiK Journal rejiorts : ( 'ATTlP.--lte- eelpts , ! 5U.O ; shlpini'iitH , J.ix-0. MarKet slow to lower ; extra sleom , fO.KKi/jl.in ( : ; cot id to choice. t. > "Oif-l.tKli others , M. 7& < iiS.50j Texans , t.mfc.Vcows \ \ , i'i.fi'lfs.'UO. ' linns liecolpts , .V.tHMi Rhlpmonts. IQ.lXiO. Market active , stron or to hlxhor ; roiiiih and eoinmon , tl.20Ql,45 . ; .i.lxed and naokers , 4. < Vi ; prlnio lioavy and butcher wel htu , , . . Hcceliets , 0.003 ; shipments. 3.000. Market wo ik , Irio.'iilnrMiul lowur ; hlook owes , fcl..r > ( YitJ.U : ; others , f4Jiai.Oi ) ( wethnrs and year- llnib , i5Oi > uJ.35i westoins , * l.b5 ; lambs , J3.0C4S 0.2J. _ New York Iiivo Ktook Alnrkct , Nr.w VOIIK , Juno Jf. HKEVKS Itecelpln , 440 head , all for exporters and hliiiinhleiors. No traile , feolln ; ; ( lull ; drcdsod heuf xteady at bV'WiO per pound. Bhlpments today , i.ooo beevSs. CALVB8 Hccolnts , f > 'M headi market a bhado uakler ; veals. f6.tWiiO.UO per owt ; butteiinilk calves , W.'IXii.-I.W. Mliitl'-ltci.H-lpts , 0.713 hnad ; sheep llrm ; laiubs very dull auil uouk , 20 curi uusuld ; shrop , flJ. 35.W ( per owt : lam In , ilrcKfcd inutlon , tlrni , WlO'io per pound ! drmaod Inniln weak at 10U1&I2R. llnntf IIccolpU , 1,770 hond comlijncd direct ; nominally sloudy at JI.Wit5.u. : ' > pur owt , City Uro St'iok Alnrkct. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Juno IS. OATTI.K Uo- cclpto , 1,000 ; slilptnntits , 1,570 ; markounntlvr1) , dteady ; Tcxuni , ItVit f > e lower ; vtcors. M.254S ' cows , JI.twiW.lM : stockcr * and feeders , HodM Kccolpls , Fi.'fiQ : slilpmonli , I.SMi mur- ket strong ; bulk , Jl.2.vft4. .5 ; nil grudci , M.W (0)1.45. ( ) SIIKBP Uecolpis , 520j Bhlpmonts , 120 ; market toady , Ht. luHilH Ijlvo Stock Mnrkot. ST. I.oi'is , Mo , Juno 18. CATTLE Heielpts , 4,0X'i ' shipments 2 5'jOj markut lower ; natives , J.4lit.V7r , : Texans und Indians. f.50 ! < tM.S.V llodrt Kocc'pls. ' 2,700 : shipments , : , : | JO ; mar ket u shade higher ; heavy , Jl , . ' > oiil,00 ; mixed , f4.i.ai.fMj light. MXr'Ai.CO. 0.11.1 Il.l Wilill.KH * I.K .W.I ICKKTH. KriiltH. Hi.ACKHBttuir.s- cnsi > , J3.00. llt.ACK llAsi'iinliiuni 1'or cn i ) . > 1.0\ riliniillKS I'allf'jrnln , per 10-lh box , Jl.TSi hlticK Tartarian. JI.75 ; southern chorrlcs , $1.25 per drawer of 18 qiiurts , I.KMO.NSChoice stock , per box. (0.00 ; fanuy , . . TKXAR PKACIIBS I'or H bnshnl hot , roc. HTHAWIIUIIIIIKS Missouri stock. Ii02.2."ipor 21 qiiurl case ; Iowa stock , $2.2V < W.50 per Case. OitANdnn Los Anselei , f3.25j Mediterran ean sweelB , fi : ,1TOi.'l,75. ( iiiCKS il ( > ( ) siiiKitiius : : Per 21 uiiart case , $ ' . ) .2.VJW..V ) ; drawer of H iiiarts | , 11.75. I'l.NHAi'Pi.lis Per doJ.l.fl. ( . HA.VANAS Per bunch , { 2.50(23.00 ( for fancy slilppln : , ' clock. Country Produce. Eons Sales ranse all the way from 14 lo I5c. I'OIJI.TKV The market on ohf fowls Is a Ilitlo weak and sales of Kood stock are made at $3.50 fa-3,75. Surlnjj chlcknn are huromlni ! moro plenty and arc selling ut f.l.OOill.H ) per do/ . The ducks arrlvlnK are mostly small and KO at about IJ.50. Turkeys , Oo per Ib. Hfrrnii A very larKOprojiorllonof the but ter Is solllni ; at loo. 11 A v Host upland , J9.00S10.00 ; poorer Crudes , J3.0 a7.00. Kloitr. Omaha milling compnnj , Kollanco , Patent , 12.00 ; Invlneihlo Patent , J2.M ; Lone Star , Superlative. J2.50 ; r'nowlliiko ' , J2.10 ; Knncy nnilly , Sl.iK ) . R lVran's Gold Modal. J2.80 : Hnow White , ti.VJ : Snowllake. * 2.IO ; low nriule , fl.c.O ; Queen of the Pantrv. ti W ; bran , tl.l.iO ; chopped feed , $24.00 ; .Minnesota Superlative , * " ' "K.'li. Welr.h , t Co. , Welch's Host. $ S5 ; Crown Prince , J ' .70 ; Mlnm otu Chief. 42.10 ; fcplendid Kainlly.tS.10i StralKht , $ I.UO. CAiniAon Home Krown. COu per door2io ! per Ib. SOUTHERN CAt'i.tKi.ownit Per do/.en , $1.50. NKW POTATOKS Per Ib , 2i21.iC. ! TOMATOKS K'iij | ( > stock , per crate , $2.5) ) . Ninv UKirrfi Per doz , 35IOo. PKAS Perbusholbox , JI.25ifL50 ; uor' bushel box , ( He. GuctiMiiKiis Per doz , COc. A Written Guaranloolo CUHE EVERY CASE or MONEY REFUNDED. Our lure In { HnnaiK-nt nnd not a patching up. CafCit trraled flvo yeam ape h.i o nevt-r t en a symptom hlncc. Py iJoscriblnt't'Asc fully wo can tii-nt joti liy mall. ntiU > * o plvo tlic MIMIO utionp Buarnntt'o to cuio or i cf uml oil money. Thott' who prefer to coino livro for treitlrncnt rnti do BO nnd wo will pny rnllroad fare I. nth wnvsniid hottl liitls v.hiUlirin if WLfnll tocillf. U'u chntlctiKo the world for a cnu tlmt ou Itr.MKDY 111 not euro , Wrlto for full jiartlculnrit ml fft-t tlio ovldeiicc. Wo know that jou are ftkcptldnl , Justly BO , too , ns the most eminent pliy lcl.ins liavo nx-ver In-cn nltlo to KTO ! moro than trmponiry relief. In our flTO yciirs' piacllco with the MAUIC UKMDUVIt lt.it been mo ft dlllicult to ovcicomc the prtjudU'i-s nKiffifctnllvocfilliMlRpectflc * . But under our Mien Kii.irnntco you tliould not lieit a to to try thU icmi-dy. You take no chaiu-o of loplns your money. AVc Biiar- nnleo to euro or ufund t-\cry dollar , niul ns wo have a reputfttftin to protect , aluo financial bncklnof ; UCO- 000 , It M pcifectly nifu to nil who 111 try tltotuAt- ment. lIi'it-lofoiuyoulmvolK-en putting up nnd paying out jour inom-y for dlfTertnt I ic.it minis nnd althot h you ai'o notjcteuieil noono haa pall buck > our m > n- oy. Do not waste nny mot c money until you tiy us Old cliionlc , det'pscAtcd cao < cuuil In 30 ti > 90 Ha s. In * vcsllKntoour financial Mainline , our reputation a- - bu-sine snien. Write us for nanifs and nd-lns-HS of tli oto wo have cured vho lia\c K ! * " permission t ro- fc-r to them. Hcofts jou only poKtn o to dothl-i'.it will ave 3 on a world of MilIYilnK from mental strain , nnd If j ou nro mai rled w lint may your olT * | i ing Milft-r tliiouRlijourouniU'tiliBL'nc'e. If jour B > mptomsuio bore throat , mucous patclim in mouth , rluMimr.t.Mn in hones nnd joint" , hair falling out , ei-uptlons on any I art of the body , ft'cllngof KCiirral depression , palm In Jicad or bones , jou ln\\o no tlmo to watte. Those who nro constantly taking mercury nnd potnfh should discontinue It. Constant mo of thoM,1 drugs will puirly brlntfsoiiBand o.ttinff ultcrsln the end. Don't fall to write. All co i K'kpomtenco pent f-caltd In plain rinel opci. V'o Invlto the most rl ld Invebd tloa and will do all la our pmter to old you In It. Aililusa , COOK JUiWDr CO. , Omaha , yfbrttatsa. n ) > ) - i Ci m Fr < * niul floor , entrance13th Ft FOR MEN ONLY. ? 500 for n case of Lost or F.iillng Manhood , General or Nervous Dohility , weakness of bodv or nilnd , the effects of errorsor excesses In old or young that wo eannotcurc. Wucuii- ra nt coo very ca.so or refund every dollar. Vivo days trial trtlatmont $1 , full eonr.so $5 , 1'cr- ccptlh o benefits realized in three dnys. lly mail , sccutcly packed from observation. COOK RSMEbY CO. , OMAHA. NJ B. LADIES ONLY MA RIP FEMALE REGULATOR , Safe and nIHUlU Certain 10:1 : day or money rpftindud , lly mall 12. Pccnroly.soalod from ob jrvatlon. COOK REMEDY GO. , Omahn , Nob. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14OO LJOUGLxAS STI-iEIST OMAHA. NEH. w.tMiM > & ! fffiii [ The most widely niiil fiivorahly known pec- ullsts In llio I'nlK'd ' SlutoH. Tholr lonx ex- ) rlitit'u. roiimrkiihlo skill and universal KUI- 'CS9 In the tiL'titini'iit and curt' of NurvdiiH , t'lironii' anil Hit rjjioul Illhuiisus. cntllld thuKo eminent tihy.slflaiis to thu full vonlliluiiuo of ho ullllcti'U ovcrvwlifiv Tlmy siiarauteo ; A L'KUTAIN AM ) 1'OSITl VI' . crUK for ho awful ! 'HVila of I'ai'ly vicn and the nuinor- OIIH i-vl's ' that follmv In Its train. I'KIVATK , III.UUI ) AND SKIN DISKAi-KS Hiici'iillv. coiniilclc'lv and ponuaniMitlv our > * d. NKItVilKS liHlITY | ; ANDSKXUAl. DIS- ) iiiius : : yield toadlly to tliulr slclllfnl truut- UCS. Klf-Tl'I.A AND HI-XTAI. UI.OKUS Kitiirantci'd cured without pain or dutoiitiua rom hiiHlni'KH. IIVDItUCiii : : AND VAUlUOGT.IiK Diinuii- lonllv mill Mici'i'ssfiilly cured In every fa--e. KVI'IIII.IUONOItUIKlU. . dl.KUr. ' , JK > I- iiatdrrliu'a. Seminal \VeaknesH. host Maiihond , 41' lit KialssloiiH , le"ayed ) Faculties. Kmnalu VeaUness and all dellcaiu dlsiiidciis iiueiillar oclthcr sov iiiislllvuly i-uruil , us wuil as all iiuotluiml dlsiirdcis tint result from youth- ill folIlL" , or t lu exc'fss nf mat nro years. CTkMCTIlkM ? Uiiiiiunluiiil iiurniancntly u I Ixlv l UILoiiiud , lomoval uuiuiiluti * , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cuio olToclcd ut homo by patient without u mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED McN. A QJIKMJ rinl < Tim awf l directs of /V OU1\U V/U1\U ( > uriy vlou which brings organic weakness , destroying both mind und body , w tli nil Its dreaded Ills , permanently c.urod. IIP IlIJTIX Addioss those who have L/1V ) . 1)11 l" > Impaired themselves by Im proper Inilillgi nco and Military huhlts. which ruin both mind and body , unllttlng thorn fur business stmlv or marrlugo. MAltltlKD-MKNor Ih-i'-e onlerlng on that happy 1 fe. aware of physical dubllliy. uuiokly assisted. OUR SUOCB33 Is ba-.ed upon fads. l-'irst-Pnictlcul pxporl- ence. He < 'i.nd-ivciy . : uiiwi Isspeela y studied , thus Martiiu right. Thlrd-SIedlelnes uro prepared In our luboratory exactly to suit uaeli eabc , thus tireetlng cures w Itliout Inj ury Drs. Belts & Belts , 403 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA , NEB. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Toncray & Bryan , 8. A. MoWhortor Ilrokori , tfr.iln , prorlitoni .mUtNMlllnnk llrokorV nndrtocks. .Hit H. Nth 1'rlrnta nlini to R * ft. rrlrfttcwlro to Clil- York , UhlcnKO nnd St- iirfo , St. Loilli nnd Noit 1,0111.1. Cnsh Krnlii York. bouiihtfornU matkot * Oookroll Bros.1 F , 0. Swiutz & Oo , llrokors. I'riTnU wlrfli llrokornimln'rOTl ( ! hms to Now Vork , ClilrnKn A etc. Prlvnto wlro to St. SI. l.oiiln. KpoclnlnltcMi. I.otiln niul Clilcuo Olllo lion niton lo truck l > Mien Inl.xlNMI Ilitnk.Umnha. on iirnln. lit Nnt'l llnnk Ktrhnnxoblil'it , S. Oni ln % HARDWARE. Rector & Wilholmy Oo LocnlnrkAndrcosoti Cor. 10th and Jnckion iti IlarJw.irj Oo. 11M-IIIO llnrnnr "tro3 Omnhn. Dninlin NV'i ' IRON WORKS. Paxton & Vlerllng Omaha Safe & Iron Iron Work1 ? , Works Wrouulit nnd cnit Iron , tiulMlnit work , cnulnoi , Mnmif'r * Ore nnd tiurnuV brnx work. Honarnl proof mlft , vniill' , Ji\ll foundry , nmi-lilna nn > t nork , Iron nhtittorA niul ldack niltli work. U. P. tire ccnp 3. ( I An Ky.nmtlTUnt. drecn.tltliA Jncksdiuti Wilson & Drake , M'f'K Uihnl.ir nuns , lira box bollori , t.inki , oto. I'lcri'i' nn I Ulh slrceti. Carpenter Paper Oo. , Omaha Rnbbar Oo. , Carry n full stock of Munufncturltr. ; nn 1 JJS printing , wmpplnx nnd Ler.iull klniM ruljbe. writing p"Por , card pa trondi. per , etc. 130) ) Knniii SEEDS. STOVKS. Emersjn Sjol OJM D.ilTy-Trjworidja Seed aronron , doiliirt li piidun. itr.m , k'raln 111 Iroust'oli , Miri'ifivttir'g st'iroi lat 4'l-ISISouUi 15th. * t > v : ) pip ' lil.i-rl.'i ; LcnvPiiwortti nt , SASH'DOORS , BLINDS , B TO. M. A , Disbrow & Co. , Sasli & Door Otf .Maaur.irtureri of 9:11)1 : ) , ifilrtuiftrn of moil iloii n. bl | nili a ml ij ? * , lillml.H , ( l 1 urn , .MonMUik'i. llrnrioti of etc , cUll lieu , Utli na < l Uur 1. nti i uml Clark streets , STEAM AND V/ATS51 SUPPLI033 U. S. Wind Engine & A , L. Strauj & Son3 ( Pump Oo. , Ilnlllduy wind nillli. 914 IW.-njI Furavn tree ( , nnd ' .I. ) Jiiiun t. ( i. b' . Oinnfin , Nob. TEA , OOPPEB , SPIOES , OIQABS. Consolidated Oofljj Company , Ulliincl Ilia Hurnar it. Oumlm , Nob. TOYS. II. Hardy & Oo. , Tlio Hfr , ilollx , ulljiinn.r.inir n Collendor 'Oo , Hiiwli. liouufurnlililiu Illlir I in ir I'm dm. flnlnoufld ini KLu'lf , uhllilrun'i car- 407.4XiS. ( lUlli.trujL rlu U4. MI'J Kunmiult. 'SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , LIMITED. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Oo Hunttir& QrosD , 68-W Kicliuimo llullilliu , 10 KxcImiiL'u llulldln/ Huuth Onmlia. Huutli Oiu.in i. S. J. Ooflman , Bmiloy & Uo. , butith Oiiiuh " P. T. HUGHES , ' WIH'MiHAhK ' CAHII COMMISSION MIillUII.\N1 > 1U1.IUI Market Uroat , I'unrur. Colorado.r - Kliiln. HIonJ Wu t rn Crojiuorf Ilattur , Chuixo. IO.UW A I euiiitf M ! , wltli llllori to lonn lo BIT lil | > | i r ttiicl olhur * to tH IIIIU'I ' , live cn o u IK I up. Whip by Imtfrmniit ( , " < i. iliou : > llnuurln . .lumiiml durum Mu . UoIlaUlo lur < mut.UMu ou U lllll'l'l. ' ' _ t WANTED Total leiuet of CITIEO , COUNTIES. SCHOOL /E DI5TKIOTU. WATCR COMHA IE8BT.R.R.COMMAHIE8tUX > . Ourrvopondrnco luilrittil. S N.W.HARRIS & COMPAHYBanker 103-103 Dearborn Street , CHICAQd 13 W9'l ' Street , NEW YOlttU 7O BUU UJ UOSTOHn