Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1891, Part First, Page 5, Image 5

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Ornalin. Wins an Exciting Game After a
Hard Struggle.
Danny Shannon DlHtliigulflhcd Illniftcir
llrnmrknbly Lincoln I'ulloil Off
Another IVoin Denver Du-
I'lHli Iost HID
Omnlm , 7 ! ICnnsns City , 0 ,
Lincoln , 0 ; Denver , ! ! .
Minnenpolls , T ; Duluth , i ) .
HI my , oh mo !
xvhnt n gnmo to
win that was yes-
tordnyl It was so
( ixcitlng' nnd so hot
that every tlmo n
man we.nt to hat
ho llrst warmed
his lingers over .loo
Walsh's hair.
You missed hnlf
your llfo by not
being there , nnd these who did witness the
scoop will never forgot It. It wns so hotly
contested , there wns so much despomlo stub
bornness nnd reckless daring In It , that the
crowd looking on wns all but delirious.
It wns anybody's liirlit after the sixth in
ning , but in the glorious ninth the Lambs
made their final r.illy nnd came on with a
rush. The onslaught was Irresistible , and
the Cowboy column broke and went down bo-
f ere tbo determined attack.
Captain Manning had marched Into the
field plumed and bolted , but bo wont away
looking as If his only bopo lay In honvon.
They wanted iho game like the man In
U'oxus wanted a revolver , nnd there was not
nn artlllco In the rnmlllciUions of the pastl mo
they did not resort to.
Danny Stearns was on hand with a satchel
ntulTod full of dirty trlcus , nnd the ox-Chlca-
Koan acted the rowdy from stnrt lo ( In Ish ;
Jimmy Manning worked his chin until
threatened with locujaw , and big Wilson
cracked his fnco In endeavoring to convince
Colonel Strict that bo was a highwayman.
But tbo Colonel only smolo that irasslblo
Btnilo of his nnd went right on about his busi
ness ns if Mr. Wllsiffl wns on the other sldo
of the earth.
Manning was so her , nil through the gnme
thnt the oarlh nbout .second base within n
radius of twenty yards was baked hard , but
- when the Ihlng was nil over there were icicles
hanging from bis whiskers nn inch louu.
Again iho day was dark nnd threalenlng ,
nnd yi.-t there wns n middling sized crowd ,
nnd each was nn hundredfold paid for Iho
risk taken , for it kept the air resonant with
Its friintic acclamnllons.
Everybody saved the game. Walsh , Grif
fin nnd'Sutc'liffo saved it with their timely
hitting , McCnuley with his perfect llrst , and
Ilnlllgan nnd Trallloy by their maguillcent
Holding , but the credit of the great victory
mainly belongs to Shannon.
Gracious I What n game that follow did
rlny , both nt the bat , in the Hold and on the
bas'es. Ho made two throws to the pluto
nlonc that saved the camo. Then ho secured
n brilliant double without aid from any ono ,
ncceptlng ton chnucos without n flinch , drove
the tying run in , und tbo winning ono bo-
How was that anyway , for nn afternoon's
work I
Lnrry Twltoholl wns In the box for tbo
Lambs , nnd in the llftli inning ho wished
ho wns in his cofllu , and in the ninth Swart-
zel wus knocked into bis.
Promptly nt 4 o'clock Colonel Striof shied
tbo ball Into the diamond , and Manager Dan
Btonpod to tbo plato. Thuro wns no tedious
wait , for the second ball the Junobug ro-
lenscd , ho smashed down to Stearns , and
Bioarns made nn error big enough to curry
tbo bit.
That tickled tlio people , ror , ns was ro-
jnarked yesterday , they all have it in for Mr.
The Yale professor was not so fortunate.
His altiludlnous fly was taken In hy Foster ,
but llalllgan lined her out safely and Man-
ngor Dan made third. Swartzol then made a
Miscalculation and instead of putting it over ,
lie put it into old Cy's diaphragm and Iho
bases were full.
And the crowd began to shift iU Yucatan
In order to bo ready to hollor. It was a wlso
The Deacon. There's n man who knows his
business. Boforn anybody was ready for it
Mjo caught the sphere in the cerebellum and it
\v"eut singing Into left like ( Winchester ball.
Shannon and Jocko scored , but "Old Cy"
stopped for refreshments on third.
when the Commodore came forth some ono
cried , "now Lurry , a homo run ! " Just ns if
home runs , like hurries/ * grow on bushes.
U'wiU'h did slash wickedly at the hall , how
ever , hut Instead of striking Jeff Bedford's
sign , or vaulting the fence , It only got as far
us Swartzol.
But what a lucky lilt it wasl
Old Cy , thinking that Larry had busted the
Bcnms , started In for the pan , and of course
'was caught between bases , and it was good
bye mv lover , good-bye.
That is. everybody thought so , but Swnrtz
made a bad throw and the ball , instead of
Koing Into Gunson's outstretched hands , hit
"Old Cv" on the wish-bono mid rocochetod
off toward the bleivhors , and amidst the
deafening vociferations of the crazy people In
the stand , both "Old Cy" and tno Deacon
scored , and the Commodore reached third.
That was great luck for you.
The next moment Larry brought In the
fifth tally on 1'apa's well-placed sacrifice.
> Walsh's out nt llrst rung the curtain down.
Then Major Jccms Manning made his
debut. Oh I hov light hearted tlio great
jnan was. Ho had victory In his oyo. There
wns triumph in his step -in your mind.
But he wns full of hope and prayerful
thoughts any way , and to convince tno crowd
that he was nearly ns played out as ho looks ,
bo laid his club against ono of Larry's new
est slants for a single. A. nnlf-passcd ball
advanced him a block , and after Hoover's
out , ho scored on a h't ' by the Chlcacro colt.
Hut they quit hero. Foster foil a vlotim to
"Ola " while leading olt
u throw by foxy Cy.
too far from second , and after Queen Klmor.
us a kid yollad from the bleachers , had
reached llrst on bulls , Stearns elovaied a
litgh ono to McCttuley.
Five to ono. Things still looked sort o'
comfortable like.
Bonoy Swartzol pitched hut three balls In
the second , Trnflloy filed to Hoover , and
Swart * throy out both Manager Dan and
Hnlllgan at llrst.
Clover piece ot work , that.
It was also 0110 , two three for the Cowboys.
Donnelly throw Swartzel out nt first , Old
Hickory arched ono to Trnf , and Gtiiison's
liigh foul fell Into Sufi llly-whlto hands.
Both sides drew blanks in the third and
fourth , and Omaha another ono In ttio fifth ,
iSwnrtzcl again pitching hut throe balls.
Now that was remarkable.
In their half Of the fifth the Cowboys
ncted up awfully , and it was at this Junctnro
that tlio Commodore ciuifht hlmsolf ruminat
ing over the problem whether he was really a
pitcher or not.
King Klmor opened the solroo by larruping
out n Homer , and the crowd cheered him Im
If the people had only known what was
coming though , you but they'd been still
Stearns followed suit with a base on balls ,
nnd then In the midst of n nightmare of sin
gles , u base on halls and an error ,
four more ( 'real big loud-smelling
runs wore Piled up , and the people
ple , when it was all over , found
themselves staring nt each other to ascertain
whether they were actually silting out in tlio
t irrnml btand watching n game of ball , or in
the uvlls of some hideous dream.
And so the game stood up to the ninth , 0 to
fi In favor of the visitors , and the crowd hud
made up Its mind that It wns not such u mas
terly contest after all.
But what a change there was In the style
of the surroundings when Joscphus Walsh
stopped up In the fateful ninth , and tossing
Ills curls back from his fevered brow , banged
out a two-baggor Just like u grout big man.
. /Old Traf's sacrifice sunt him on to bag U ,
'hnd a faint , far-away roar , like that wo hear
at diuiil of night near the seashore , boguu to
OOZD out from grand stand nnd bleachers ,
Manager Danny was at the bat. Tlio
was resting on uU shoulders. Twice
lie lunged nt hlprh balls nnd did not reach
thorn , but the third was on a level with his
lower vest button. Ho hurled his tree at It ,
but all the strength of ono largo shoulder nnd
two muscular nrms went into the blow.
The nolle at the plate wns prodigious , and
Undo Dick looked around as If ho expected
to see half of tno grand stand caved In , but
everything was nil right , nnd Danny hail
only mnda n single. What made It sound so
loud was the fact that It drove Walsh home
nnd tied Iho gnmo.
And fur n moment bedlam reigned.
As Donnelly perished at first n lull came
nnd the pcoulo hold their breath ns they
watched to see what Halligan would do.
"You dusson't lot him lilt It , " yelled the
irrepressible youth from the bloacnors.
And ho was right , ( or Bonoy purposely
tossed the ball four tlinoi In succession lo
Outuoi- way oul of Jocko's reach.
So ho took his baso. Bonoy preferred to
take chances with your Uncle Cyrus. Mis
guided youth.
Old Sui braced himself on hU rye straws
nnd there was red In hi * oyo.
The naxt Instant ho won the gnmo , for ho
slammed a safe ono past Stearns nnd Shan
non sprinted homo to the music of the grand
stand nnd bleacher.
The Deacon brought the excitement to a
To all nppoar.vico * the ICnnsas City's were
routed nnd panic-stricken when the terrible
ninth began. It looked as though the retreat
would bo disorderly nnd that the walls would
bo scattered with gore. But It didn't go that
way. Captain Manning gathered his tired
nnd dusty columns , and for a few moments
It looked as if the tide of battle would
Big Hoover ana Spokane both led oft with
clean singles , and King Elmer strode for
ward to bring them in. Ho nit a savage
ilnor to Shannon , and lo nnd behold , there
was tin ) most Inspiring double you over saw ,
for ho ran nnd tapped second with his foot ,
nnd big Hoover was done for , too. Stearns
got his base on balls , but was forced ot
second on Swart/el's feeble push , and tlio
most thrilling fight of the summer was o'er ,
and for tbo fourth consecutive tlmo the Cow
boys wcro our meat.
The ApoUlos this afternoon.
Kirnon rnns : Omaha , 4 ; Kansas Clfy , 3.
Two-base lilts : Twltoholl. Walsh , Carpenter.
Homo runs : Smith. Double plays : Shannon
unassisted. Klrst base on balls : Twltclioll. 6 ;
Hwart/.ol , II. Hit by pitched ball : Swart/ol , 2.
Struck out : None. Passed balls : Satellite , 1 ;
( iiinson. 1. Wild pitches : Swart/.el. 1. Time :
One hour and forty minutes. Umpire : Strict.
Lincoln ItatH Out the Game from Den
ver's Crippled Tcniii ,
DCXVRH , Colo. , Juno IS. [ Special Tola-
cram to THE Bnu.1 Lincoln outplayed the
crippled Delivers today , and won ns it
pleased. In the first Inning Toboau dropped
n ily and later Curtis dropped ono , and Mc-
Clcllan throw wild to first. These errors
wore nil costly , and with Lincoln's batting
won the game for the Farmers. Outside the
plays mentioned , the game was n hard and
well played ono. Fournior and Roach both
ployed good ball , the Farmer having the best
of It.
It.GatTnoy was ordered away lost nicht , ana
there was no ono present to toke his place , so
O'Dav ' and McNabb were called on. In the
socon'd an argument ensued over Wilson's
drop of Lohbock's third strike , McNahb say
ing me ban nit nis log aiior ino uau siippca
from Wilson's hand , thus entitling Lohbeck
to his baso. O'Day , however , said the ball
reached llrst ahead of Lohbeck and declared
him out. After some time spout in argument
Lohbeck seated himself on the bench and the
gnmo proceeded.
In the llrst Cline scratched first , Burkett
and .1. Howe sacrificed , Tobeau ' dropped
Flannlgan's ' ily In center and Curtis dropped
D. Kowo's fly to right , and there you arc for
two runs.
In the third Denver made ono on Tobeau's
present of first , While's sacrifice andMcClol
Inn's hit.
In the fourth Tomnoy made a hit , Pnlton
waited for wldo ones and both scored on
Roach's two-baggor. Denver scored ono on
Lonbeck's two-bagger and Burns' hit.
McClellan'a ' wild throw to first In the sev
enth gave Wilson a chnnco to reach second.
Cllno's sncrilice advanced him ono. Burk-
ott's trip to third brought him in , Burkott
scoring on Reynolds' drop of a ball at the
Newman reached first in the ninth because
Dave Uowo wont over into Tourney's terri
tory after a ily and caused that playe'r to
drop It. Lohbeck struck out. Burns took ,
his place by the kindness of Mr.
Roach. Fournior made a hit and
scored Newman , out Reynolds' slow
ono to the Inflold doubled him up with
Fourmer. Thus did Dave Kowo's ' so-called
back numbers take two of a posslblo two
from the Gold Seekers. The injuries to
Worrlck and O'Brien are much worao than
supposed and It will bo some time before
either will play. Score :
Kiirncil runs : Lincoln , 1. Tlirro-linHO lilt.i : To-
lionu , llurkutt. Stolen tmse : l.'onvur , : i ; Lincoln , 1.
Dntiblo l'liy ; : Tiininoy , Klnnniian. First luiso on
linllii OH Knnrnliir , liltonch. . Struck out : llr
Kournk'r. 0 ; Itimcli , II. Wll'f I'ltcliui ' : Itoucli. I.
Tlmo : Ono hour Mini forty minutes. Umplro : Mc-
Nabu nnil O'ltajr.
Duliitli Dropped tlio First.
MiNSKAl'OMi , Minn. , Juno 18. The St.
Paul team became Duluth today and lost a
pretty game to Minneapolis by one run. The
lidding on both sldo was sharp. McQuald
carried off tlio honors. Score :
.McQuMil , If..5 I 4 U U
TotM 34 II .T 13 0 Totnl 3-1 ' . ' 7 10 1
Minneapolis 0 1 U 0 1 t 1 0 3-7
lluluth. 0 U U U 3 U 0 0' ' 3fl
Harnt'il nun : Mlnnon | > olU , S : Dulutli. ' > . Two-
t > n o blti : Bhupirt , imrllnk' . Want. Thri'o-biiaa
tiim : Hurt , lliinui runs : MuOiinM , Hart. | .ulloiiie | ,
Shut-art. Stolen Imvi ; Mclllone , Truiiilvrur.
KlrntbitKuoii bHll : Ily llurUun , 3 ; by Hurt. U. lilt
by pltclioil hull : l.alloqiiu , DiirMntr. 1 Struck out :
llr llnrtnon , 4 : br llnrl , 2. I'asuftl Imlli : Darling ,
li lUlilwIn , 11. Wllil pitches : llartion. 1. Tlinu :
uno hour uml thirty mlnutui. I'mplro : Knight.
Western Association Standing.
1'layud. Won. Lost. I'ur Ct..Km
Lincoln 17 .Km
Omaha ( .1 IB .CM
Minneapolis At SI
MllwuiiKi'o 31 SIL'l
Kansas ( Mty Vl ,4GI !
Sioux Cltv 4S .417
Denver N ) .4110
Duluth 52 10 M
.V.I TI O.V.I It.B.I fi VII.
llnrry 'Wrltfht DlHuourHOH on the Situ
ation Tlio Ganu'K.
New YOIIK , Juno IS. Harry WrU-ht did
not appear to bo disappointed when ho looked
nt thu soaked polo grounds today nnd saw
that it would again bo Impoisibloto play n
lu fact there waj an expression of
rellof on the Idndly faoo of the votornn mnn
n er. His yoiitiK men nnod n nut. Six
1111103 In succession linvo they bltton the dust
nnd a rainy day was exactly what they
needed. Tnoy nil wont up to the grounds
nnd cnjoyod a talking bco with the Now York
"What seems to bo the matter with your
team I'1 a reporter fukod Miinagor WrlRht.
"It Is In fairly ( food shape , " ho replied
"Tho only Injured mon nro CloinonLi , who
had n linear turned bactt , and Samuel Thomp
son , who cut his hand In sliding to n base.
Otherwise the men are In Rood slmpo. Our
weakness , ns U nnparent , lies In the box.
Gleaion has not pitched up to his last year's
form , and Thornton , of whom we cxpoctod so
much , has not fully realized our expectations.
Ho has donosomu good work , but his pitch-
IHK Is uneven. Kspor has boon our main stay
and ho has done well. A great drawback to
the team has boon the absence of n regular
first baseman. First one man , then another
has covered the bag , and that bus destroyed
the team's worn. However. I have my eye
on some doslrublo men ami think wo shall
soon cot Into good lighting trim. "
"What Is your opinion of the pennant
light ! "
"I thlnlc It will bo the closest nnd most
brilliant battle In the history of the gnmo.
Tlio majority of the teams nro so evenly
matched that I expect to see them llnlsh In 11
bunch. The outlook for thu national came Is
exceedingly bright and I can see nothing but
prosperity nhuad. "
"who will bo champions ! "
The veteran smiled , n trlllo sadly , ns ho
replied : "In mv opinion the chances tiavo
always favored Now York. I cannot see how
they can lose , unless something extraord
inary and un foreseen happens. Where they
outplay the other teams Is In all-around
8troiiK'-h. They have no special point. Ho-
sldos bolnir heavy nnd steady hitters , they
nro also strong In every Holding position ,
anil this Is backed up by pitchIng -
Ing and catching ability. It Is n very hard
tiling to beat such a combination ntut I Ho not
see how It is to bo dono. Then you a o
opposed to a team whoso batteries arc liable
to knock out n couple of homo runs any
inlnuto. You never nro safe no matter how
big n load you may hnvo gained. Then again ,
tlio Now \ orks have played together BO long
and understand each other thoroughly. "
"Don't you expect the Phillies to make
their usual Garrison finish I"
"Certainly. The Phillies will bo heard
from. I am not at nil discouraged. Every
club has its losing streak and when wo strlko
our gnlt wo shall make trouble. "
PiTTsnuiin , 1'a. , Juno 18. The Cinclnnatls
unexpectedly secured a bouquet of two btisors
from CSnlvln In the seventh luulng and won
by ono run. Score :
I'lttsblirg t 3
Cincinnati 0 * 4
lilts : 1'ittiburj ? . : Cincinnati. ! > . Krrors :
I'lttsbiira. 1 ; Cincinnati , \ \ . Ilnttorles : CM- :
vln and Mnuk ; Mulluuu and Harrison. Karnea
runs : Clndunutl , : i.
( lllUllint MADR A MI3TAK ! ! .
( Ir.RVuiAxn , O. , Juno IS. Gruber's careless -
loss work In the seventh inning lost Ctovo-
liuicl the game. Score :
Cleveland t 0202002 t 8
( . liluugo 5 * 12
IIlis : Cleveland , 7 ; Chicago , II. Krrors :
Cleveland , 2 ; Chicago , I ) , llatlerles : Urtiliur
and X.lmmiu" Klein , litibey uml Itowinan.
KiunoU reins : Cleveland , U ; Chicago. 4.
sroi'i'Kit nv n.vix.
NRW YOIIK , Juno IS. The Now York-
I'hiladclphia gnmo was again postponed to
day on account of rain.
tioaTO.v , JIass. , Juno 18. The Brooklyn-
Boston game was postponed on account of
National 1/onmn ! Standing.
1'layod. Won. Lost. 1'or C't.
Now York 4i ( 20 17 fiX >
llo&tcm 48 27 21 .WVI
( JhlOBBO 7 211 21 AVI
Cleveland 50 25 2T > -WO
HrooUlyn 48 2.1 25 .4711
I'hlladolDliln 47 21 2A .447
Cincinnati 48 20 28 .417
Httsbnrir 45 18 27 AW
St. Ijouis Wins Another from King
Kol'H Crew.
CIXCIXXATI , O. , Juno 18. St. Louis won
today's game in the first nnd second innings ,
when they made six hits. After that Dwyer
settled down and pitched well to the end of
the game. Attendance , 850. bcoro :
Cliu'lnnatl 1 H
St. I.onls 2 30 10000 * 0
lilts : Cincinnati , 0 ; St. Louis. 9. Errors :
Cincinnati. 4 : St. Louis , 0. Earned runs : Cin
cinnati , 2 ; St. Louis. 5. llattorios : Dwyer and
Kelly : Va'iirlin , Stlvotts and Iloylo. Two-bitso
hits : McCarthy. Lyons. Threo-baso lilts :
Suory , IColly. Home runs : Ecan. Stolen
buses : Hey , McCarthy. Coin Isky. Iloylo. Klrst
base on balls : Cincinnati , 5 ; St. Louis , G.
Struck out : Hy Dwyor. U ; by Stlvutts , 7.
I'as ed balls : Iloylo. 2. Time : One hour and
llfty minutes. Uiplro : Jones ,
LOUISVII.I.K , ICy. , Juno 18. Columbus took
the third came from tlio Loulsvllles this aft
ernoon by hitting Boll hard and Louisville's
errors. Score :
Louisville . 0 02000000 2
Columbus . 0 * 0
Hits : Louisville. 5 ; Columbus , 14 , Errors :
Louisville , 5 : Columbus , 1. Karnod runs :
nonegiven. . Itnttorlcs : Hell and Cook ; Knell
and uowso.
WASIIIXOTOX , Juno IS. The game today
between Washington and Baltimore wns
called nt the beginning of the fourth inning
on nceount ot rain. Washington bad scored
six runs and Baltimore eight.
American Association Standing.
Played. Won. Lost. I'ar Ct.
Hoston . f 35 20 .CM
Ht. Louis . 53 HO S3 . ( i''l
Ilnltlmoro . KJ 31 22 .58. .
Coluiulms . 57 L"J IS .509
Cincinnati . B-'l 28 27 .4111
Athletics . 55 21 31 .4IIB
Louisville . 5 ! ) 24 35 .407
52 II ! M MS
Dcadwood Won a Game.
DcAirn'oou , S. D. , Juno 18. [ Special Tolo-
gramtoTnn BKI : . I The best game ot base
ball over played In the Black Hills was tnat
between the Load City and Deadwood nines
on the grounds of the former today. Deadwood -
wood won by ono run , scoring the llrst vic
tory she has succeeded in getting this season.
Score by innings :
Deadwood . 0 3
LoadOlty . 0 2
llattiurios : Lead City , llarnos Brothers ;
Dnnilwood , Itoyiner and lllttliigcr. 1'n.ssoil
lialls : Itarncs , 1 ; Illttlncer , I. lilt by pitcher :
llarnus. 3. Striiexont : Harm's. 8 : lloymur , la
lilts : Load City , 4 ; Doadwouil , 7. Krrors : Loud
City , 7 ; Deadwood , 4 , Umi > lres ; Marshall and
1'uters. Time : Two hours and llfteun uilnutus ,
Attendance : 1.5.H ) .
'ti It.lCES.
Heavy Track Hut Good Going , wltli
I'lonty of ICiitlniHia-iin.
Lixc'oi.x , Neb. , Juno 18. ( Special Telegram
to TIIK BKH.J The long postponed Lincoln
races were finally commenced this afternoon.
The track wu heavy and nut conducive to
swiftness , but nevertheless some good speed
was shown.
The races were very close , nnd the Inrgo
crowd In attendance manifested great en
The llrst race was the threa-mlnuto class.
The horses entered , and order of as
signment were : Nabob , Bluostcm , Mis-
lit. Sailor lloy , May Buford. Nabob
led from the start. May Buford
was second throughout , Mis lit wns
third nnd Sailor Boy fourth. Bluouom wns
llfth In the llfbt heat and distanced in the
second. Tlmo : 3IS : , 3:45J:4S : very fast
for the three mlnutu class over heavy track.
Oliver J wia not allowed to start buunuso
of being expelled for fraud nt the Council
Blulfs races last week. Thereupon J. J.
Noonau entered a protest ngalust money
being distributed among any of the owners
or drivers In this race because his horse
Oliver J was not allowed to start in the race.
In tlio'l. : : > race the following were entered -
torod : Nod V , Kll , Maxoy Cobb , Jr. , Bay
Dim nnd Chestnut Wllkos. In tlio llm
heat Bav Dim ciuno under the wire llrst ,
Maxoy Cobb , Jr. , following close at bis heels.
Ned V , Kll mid Chestnut Wllkes were de
clared distanced. There was some kick
about Ned V being dlstancol and ho was
allowed to start ncaiu lu the second bent , but
wns again distanced. The rncu then lay be
tween Maxoy Cobb , Jr. . and Bav Dan , nnd
ono of the prettiest races overseen lu the
state followed.
In the second Maxoy Cobb , Jr. , passed Bay
Dan nt the back stretch and led to the wire
ntnld enthusla.stlo cheers.
In the next heat Maxoy Cobb lend from
start to ttiiUu and then l > ccamo a favorite.
lu thu fourth heat It looked as though
Maxoy Cobb had the , btco , but ho lost his
feet and Bay Dnn , tnklig Kdvantngo of this
break , passed him nndyp | | .
In the lost heat Mnxoy Cobb ngnln test his
feet nnd Bay Dan again troU'Kt on to victory ,
winning Ibo boat and "raco. Tlmo : JJ : ! ,
2I7 : ! , 'Jills1 , 3:39 : , 2in : : , .
The next was the hnlf mtlonnd repent run
ning. Tun llrst heat res'111 ted : Hoi.obud llrst ,
Lizzlo N second , Resumption third , Howard
Arnott fourth , nnd Johnny C tlfth. In Iho
next heat Lizzlo N came1 out llrst , Uosobud
second , and Hosnmplloirthlrd. In the third
Uosobud led from tbo start and won the heat
nnd race. Time :
No Day 1'or
ST. Loris , Mo. , Juno IS. The favorites
were again defeated , only ono , Texas Girl ,
squeezing through.
Klrst race , selling purse I.W , one mlle nnd
fifty yards : JiHslnMcKarlaml i.l to 1) ) won by
two lengths from Antonio who boat Draunlo
A. a loimth for the place. Tumi : 1SP : ( .
Second race , purse WO , nmldi'ii two-year-
olds : half mlle , Nancy Hakes (13 ( to 1) ) won
neatly from Nolllo 1'oarl , who boat Kcdlnn u
lumttli for theplnco. The AlrTlsht , Hob Ulco ,
Jr. . llnlshod sixth. Tlino : Kl
Third race , thu Orpnltc Mountain stakes for
thri'0-yoar-olils and upwards , SI.OOO adilrd ;
soiling , ono mile. Adrlcmm ( i to ti won by two
lengths , Ulnckner the stuno distance before
I'unnlo S. Time : 1I714.
I'onrth race , solllni : jmran ? .100 , ono mlle nnd
100 yards : San Saba ( i to li loalod In , a winner
by two li'tiiUln. Mayor N'olan boat Castllllnn
n li'tiKth for the nlnco. Tlmu : 1V : ) .
1'lfth race , pitrso I Ml. slfurlones , heats.
llrst heat : OnldoC ) to2i won , Joslo M second ,
Kolt-n third. Time : IH : > ( . Second hoatt
Uuldo won , Joslo M socond. Eolcn third. Time :
Ml ) .
Sixth race , purse J.VX1 , for maiden two-year-
olds , hall inili ) : Content boat Tom Harding
by two lengths , Invercauld third. Tlmo : 52.
Seventh race , selling piirui&Ol. one mile and
llfty yards : ArKontais to n come strong at
thu Mulsh and won by llvi > lengths from Ccn-
eral Calduoll , who beat Uorka a length. Time :
race , selling purse V > 00. ono mlle and
100 yards : Texas Girl ( S to 7) ) cot away llrst
ami was never headed , winning by three
lengths. Frank Llllv passed under the wire a
length ahead of May Hardy. Tlmu : 1:53 : ,
B.vr , N. Y. , Juno IS. Prob-
nbly three thousand persons , not over , vis
ited this course today nnd tliero was some In
teresting racing , The weather was abomin
ably hot and the track fast.
Klrst race , Foam Htakoi , flvo furlongs :
Merry Monarch won , In a driving llnlsh with
Air riant second , l-'runiont - third. Time :
1:111 : 4-5.
Second race , sweepstakes , nun mile : Civil
Service won. Tcrrlller second , Uaehol third.
Tlmo : 1:433- : . * , .
Third race , mile and ono-quartor , handicap :
UnaKrando won , Hoodlum .second , John Cava-
imngh third. Tlmo : 1:021-5.
Fourth raco. Kldgo handicap , mile and ono-
Imlf : Hlloy (8y5) ( ) landed a winner before
Itanqnot , who ueat Domuth. Tlmo : 2:3. : > 1-5.
Fifth race , one mlle .mil a furlong : Long
ford (4 ( to 1) ) won from Lejianto vtlio beat liot-
ty.sburg. Time : 1:59. :
Sixth race , heavy wuleht handicap , intlo and
aiiiartor | : In the .stretch Kuril it to I ) took the
lead nnd holding It won from Isaac Lewis who
bu'it Tammnny. Tlmo : 2ni : | | .
Slinepslicad Handicap.
NEW YOIIK , Juno -Conditions , entries
and weights for the Shccpshoad Bay handi
cap , which will bo run on Saturday , nro ns
follows :
Shecpshcud Hay handicap ; n handlcau
sweepstakes of i.VJ each , with $1,75 ! ) added , ono
and one-eighth miles : Tristan. 1-0 : Kon. 12ii ;
Hlr John , 12. > ; I'rlncp. Koyal 12 : ) : I'lt/-
Jamcs , 120 : .iiuigo Morrow , 117 : Madslono
110 : Domuth , Castaway II , Sluuard and Ito-
liorter , 115 each ; Uliono , 114 ; Keelare , Itaiiiiot |
and Cynosure , 112 ouch ; Hilllilhl taml Hey Del
i oy 111) ) each ; Defaulter ; li)5j ) Fairy , 1'rathor ,
101 oaehi ( ialllfet and Isaac Lewis , liii : each ;
Major Day and Snuntero r. I03 nch : Void. Dr.
Hasbrock , Llvnnla. 100 nach ; Pagan and San
Juan , 97 uaehj Hook , l > 3 ; King Thomas and Sir
George , 80 each.
Results at. Chicago.
CIUCAOO , Juno 18. Today's races resulted
as follows : t
First raco. mlle and one-sixteenth. Cams
won. Ida Hrldo second , St. Albans third.
Tlmo : 1:50. : '
Second race , seven-eighths of a mllo. Maud
Howard won , Miss Ilulwark second , Maud
third. Time : 1OIK. :
Third race , 0110 and nnii-slxtconth miles :
Itatikriipt won , Attlcus second. Fakir third.
Tlmo : l:5lHi. : : i <
Fourth rauu , thrco-quarers of a mlle : Hod
Light won , Creole second , Itcnuunco third ,
Time : l.H.
Fifth race declared oft .
Sixth race , throo-iuartors | of a mlle : l/lzzlo
Gwynnwon. . Annlulsocond. llcely Jobn third.
Tlmo : 1:1SJ4. :
Ho Announcc.s llln Willingness to
Kcducc Slavin's llcail.
Nnw Yoitic , Juno 19. John L. Sullivan
telegraphed from San Jose , Gal. , tonight bis
willingness to moot Slavin for $1UXIO ( 111 ido
nnd tbo highest purse that any club will
offer , tho- light to take plnco on the return of
Sullivan from Australia three months hence.
Slavin sails for England on Saturday. At
1 n. m. this ( Friday ) morning Slnvin an
nounces that If Sullivan would forego his
trip to Australia ho ( Slavin ) would defer his
return to England and prepare to meet the
Boston man ut once.
Dniiti Itciidci-M Ills Decision.
Nnw Yoitic , Juno 18. Jero Dunn , the ref
eree in the Slnvln-Kilraiu conto. t , rendered
his formal decision tonight. Ho awards the
fight to Slavin , but declares that
Kilrain was not knocked out.
Bets that the contest would not
last ten rounds nro won because
the winner is declared after loss than ten
rounds hnd boon contested. Dunn says Time
keeper Daly made nn unfortunate mistake
nfter the gong got out of order by not calling
out from bis watch by which ho was timing
the seconds that elapsed when Kilrain was
down lu the ninth round. IIo then
states tnat ho considers himself
equally nt fnult in not keeping his eyes
toward the center of the ring nt the time in
order to see for himself how < i iickly Kilrain
got up. Ho explains tlio fact that his back
wns toward Kilrain by saying that ho felt it
his dutv , on account of Slaviu's method of
lighting , to watch the Australian to prevent -
vent him from fouling. Dunn states that
Slavin always showed a doslro to go
In nnd slug Kilrain the instnnt ho
nroso. The referee put himself on record ns
being against such tactics and says ho would
have decided against Slavin had ho commit
ted that act in the ninth round. As Kilrain
was practically beaten , the rcforoo did netlike
like to decide against the foreigner on the
ground of n foul , so ho devoted his energy
toward keeping Slnvin In his corner rather
than standing off and watching both mon ,
Iiinonln lliuyclo Ilnces.
LIXCOIA , Nob. , Juno 18. [ Special to Tins
H KB. | The amateur six-day bicycle rnco con
tinues lo draw an immense crowd every
iiluht at Bohannn's hall. Slmdor dropped
out of the race last nlg'ht , leaving Wilson ,
Brown , Alloway and1 'Sullivan ' VVIlson
lunged ahead last night , nnd at tlio close of
the evening ho was vfy\\l \ \ laps ahead of
Brown. The mlle consists of eighteen laps.
Last night Mockott attempted to boat the
record of two miles in slxjnlnutes , but failed ,
making It In (1:01. ( : Somo'.bystanders declared
he made It In S :57. : ' '
_ _ _ _
Prohibition on tlic'llnuo Track.
CnifAOo , Juno 18. E. " J. Corrigun , John
Brenook nnd Isnao O. LalWI'ng , proprietors of
the now track lUHnwthoVn'o , were Indicted by
tbo grnnd jurv today for killing liquor on the
cround without a llccnso.-r'riiis Is the latest
phase of n light by the. .town trustees to
enforce nt the truck t'ho prohibition ordU
nance which applies to the' ulstrict in which
thu course Is situated , i > / ;
Souretary Foster and Silver.
WASHIXUTOX , Juno 18. Secretary Foster
In tils speech written for delivery nt ttio
Ohio republican statu convention paid par
ticular attention lo the silver question nnd
made a special point lu regard lo
Ing attention to Iho fact that after July 1 , it
will bo discretionary wtlh thu secretary of
the treasury whether silver oolnago continue
or not. A great many suggestions have been
olTured the secretary on 'this , Indicating n
strong sontlmunt ngalnst suspending silver
coinage , nnd it Is within the rnngo ot prob
ability that colnneo will U'jiiUnuo after July
1 , for a whilu nt least.
Auction ( ilnoH . nil Crouko.-y.
212 N. 10th , Now York hloro , ontlro
stock da inured by Iho will bo eohl ut
auction ovury ovonuitr tit 730 ; o'clock.
For Si-blitz beer apply to R , R. tirotto
10-'U Furnuiu.
Mil. IlAIiKY'S IUCOIU : ) .
Story of n HnrnoHN Transaction In
Which Tlilrtoun I'lgnrcd.
T. C. Haley Is n huckster nnd rooms nt 1313
Dodge street. On May 13 ho needed ft har
ness , nnd In looking around for ono found It
nt 1312 North Twenty-third street.
Hnloy has u boy working for him named
Joe Easlo.v , who lives nt 1313 North Nine
teenth street. The huckster gnvo the har
ness to the boy yesterday nnd told him to
sell It. The lad struck out to hunt for someone
ono who would buy the hnrness. Ho llnnlly
sold It nt liU'J North Twenty-fourth street.
Hnloy keeps his rig In n bnrn bnckofKU'J
Chicago street , nnd nt thirteen mliuup.s lo 13
Inst night Dotecllvos Ellis nnd Dempsey
placed the busker under nrrost.
Ho Is charged with larceny nnd tbo stolen
property recovered.
Conflicting ( . 'fop llcports.
KAXSAS CITT , Mo. , Juno 18. Knnsns Is
sending In n great many reports of crop dam
age of ono sort nnd another. They nro nil
concerning dnmiigo which has developed
within n few days. From the southern part
of the state and the extreme northeast noth
ing but good reports come , excepting thonnx-
loty regarding rain. But all through the
central , western ami northwestern parts of
the state farmers nnd grain dealers nro cum-
plaining of damage done by bugs , worms ,
black rust and heavy rains , These causes ,
ono correspondent says , have domago'l wheat
lu the area west of Newton and north of the
Santa Fo main line SO per cont.
Smalt Strlko In Kansas City.
KAXSsCiTY Mo. , Juno IS. The Kansas
City cable car company , which operates the
largest system of cable railway In the city ,
had a llttlo strlko on Its hands today. Last
night thirteen men wore dtsclnrgod for JoinIng -
Ing n newly formed omplovos' organization.
Today , after they had taken out their trains ,
thirteen crows struck , uuaudonlng their
trains wherever It happened to plonso thorn.
"Extras' " were immediately put to work nnd
but llttlo dolny occurred. A general strike
is not prob.iblo.
Valparaiso Towed Into Port.
SAX FUAXCISCO , Juno 18. The French ship
Valparaiso , which wns sighted some days ago
proceeding to this port with n llroln her hold ,
was towed Into port this morning by tno tug
Relief , which had boon sent out to moot her.
The vessel was twenty-six days from Shields ,
England , and sixty-two days from Valparaiso
with a cargo of lii.OOO tons of coal consigned
to Eugene Thomas of this city. The flames
were extinguished after l.r > 0 tons of the coal
had been Jettisoned. Tbo damage by lire
has not beou estimated.
Cowardly Assassination.
GAixnsvu.Li : , Tex. , Juno 18. In Palo Pinto
county last evening ns n result of nn old fend
existing between Captain Perkins , n prom
inent fanner , and his neighbor , W. M. Dow ,
Dow wont to a Held wbcro Perkins nnd his
fourteen-year-old son were plowing , secreted
hlmsolf in n fence corner , and when the two
plowmen approached emptied the contents of
both barrels of n shotgun into their bodies ,
killing old man Perkins instantly nnd fatally
wounding young Perkins. Dow wns arrested
today and placed In Jail.
Horrible UiMuiiHC Among Cokers.
PITTSIIUKO , Pa. , Juno 18. A peculiar dl-
scaso has broken out among tbo Hungarians
iu the coke region , greatly resembling the
terrible ' 'black leg" mala'dy which some
years ngji Infested Europe. There nro twenty
patients now In the Westmoreland homo nnd
! iO ( ) cases in the region. Their limbs present
n loathsome nppcaranco and the disease is
Convicted After Six TrlalH.
CIIAIU.KSTOX , S. C. , Juno 18. Robert F.
Jones , who murdered his father-in-law ,
Prostoy , nnd two , brothors-in-iaw In Edge-
field county four yenrs ngo nud who hns been
tried for bis llfo six times , was convicted of
mnnslnughtor nnd today sentenced to impris
onment at hard labor in tbo state peniten
tiary for twonty-ono y cars.
Will Cancel the Quaraiitino.
OTTAWA , Ont. , Juno 18. The action of the
Government in Imposing n quarantine of flf-
teen dnys on snoop nnd swine imported from
Europe is expected to bo followed by the can
cellation of the quarantine on those nnlmals
entering the United States from Canada ,
assurances to this effect having reached the
government from Washington.
OfTcr to Pay Half.
SAX FIIAXCISCO , Juno 18. J. Dewey & Co. ,
book publishers nnd dealers In flno art
goods , hnvo issued n clreulnr to creditors of
fering to compromise their indebtedness by
paying 150 cents on the dollar. The outstand
ing obligations of the firm are said to bo
Crushed l > y Falling Stone.
CIIICAOO , Juno 18. Laborers at Gary , 111. ,
this morning found a follow laborer named
Herman Kreugor dead under n heap of stone
near n crusher. Ho hal been crushed to
death by falling stono.
Do Witt's Little Early Risers. Host llttlo
pill over mndo. Cure constipation every
timo. None equal. Use them now.
lluiig for Killing a Constable ,
BmnonroitT , Conn. , Juno IS. Scboolc , the
saloonkeeper who murdered a constable in
18S3 , whllo the latter wns trying to arrest him
for violation of the license law , was hung this
Do Witt's Llttlo Enrly Risers , host pill.
President at Capo May.
CAIT. MAY , N. J. , Juno 18. The president
and party arrived at Capo May Point this
afternoon. The president will ronmin until
The room's In disorder ,
The cnt'H on the table ,
The flowor-Btund upset , mid t ho mischief to pay :
And Johnny Is ccrcumlutf
As loud us ne'fl nblc.
For nothln ; ; goes rlifht when luuimim'a away.
What n sccno of discomfort and con
fusion homo would bo if inmmim did
not return. If your wlfo Is slowly
breaking down , from n combination of
domestic carca nnd funmlo disorders ,
'nmko It your llrst Ltuincaa to restore
her health. Dr. Plcreo's Favorite Pro-
ficriptton is without n peer as n remedy
for feeble nnd debilitated women , nnd Is
tlio only medicine for tlio clnss of mala
dies known ns "female diseases" which
Js sold , by tlnifnrlsts , under a positive
nuarantee from tlio manufacturers that
it will L'lvo satisfaction , In every case , or
refunded. Is a
tlio "loney will bo .
noMtivo ciiro for tlio mn't complicated
cases. It's an Invlfroratln < r. mtoratlvo
tonic , and a enotiiln-r nnd ntrrn'thonlnB {
nervine , imparting tone nnd vljror to tlio
whole system. It'.i n legitimate medi
cine , too carefully compounded by nu ] ) physician , anil adnptcd to
woiunn'd dcilcato organization. .
The nvnrngo dully product of the Loup City
orenmory Is 1,100 pounds.
Auslov's Grand Army \ > est will hold nn
old-fasluonod Fourth of July cclobr.Ulon.
The Custor county medical society will
hold Us annual meeting nt Broken How
Jdno 30.
The Union Pacific has paid Ferdinand
Gaver of ( fraud Island fJOU for the loss of
his right foot
Joseph Kilpatrlck , n Madison county
farmer , wns kicked by n mule nnd sustained
probably fatal Injuries.
Inman will properly celebrate tbo Fourth.
C. W. Swain will bo president of the day
nnd C. A. Peterson , marshal.
P. J. ' O'Nell's sto'ro nt Dntllo Crook wns en
tirely destroyed ov llro , supposed to have
been started by Incendiaries. I
Dakota City people are after n wild man
who haunts the bush north of town nnd lu- I
dnlgos In many peculiar capers.
Samuel Osmaii , an old resident of Dakotn
City , Is dend as the result of a paralytic
stroKO received six months ngo.
Lightning struck the house of II. O. Paine
nt Alnsworth nnd badly damaged the build
ing , but none of the Inmates were hurt.
The Dlxon county Sunday school associa
tion will hold Its annual convention in tbo
Central Methodist Episcopal church , Silver
Ktdgo , Juno M nnd 01.
North Platte bus boon selected ns the
place for holding thu annual reunion of the
West Nebraska Veterans' association. The
date has been llxod at September 15 to 19.
The assessors' books in Custor and Soar-
gent townships , Custor county , each report
the number of hogs In their res ) ectlvo town *
snips as Oil and the valuation In each case Is
? mr .
Citizens of Thedford nro limiting prepara
tions to publish a history of the recent search
made for the two llttlo girls who were lost in
the sand bills , the proceeds from thu salu to
bo used In erecting n monument.
The Evangelical German society at Syra
cuse Is making preparations for the erection
of a school building In connection with the
church for the purpose of teaching the child
ren Gorman during tbo vacation of the public
The sheriff of Koek county was in tha
neighborhood last week on a still hunt for n
horse thief , says the U'ost Point Progress.
Near McICirahnn's ' lake , ho espied n suspici
ous , looking individual carrying n snddlo ,
whoso actions indicated that he wns seeking
to nvoul obscrvntlon. The sheriff dropped on
to tbo suspect nnd demanded at the point of n
revolver that ho give an account of himtolf ,
which the latter proceeded lo do by
stating that bo had been out llshlng
nil forenoon , Unit his pony hnd broken
lese from whcro ho had tied him and
ho was hooting it homo with the saddle. The
story wns too gauzy Jor the sheriff , so ho
compelled the suspect to got Into the buggy
and brought him to West Point. The Invita
tion to ride was willingly , oven gratefully
accepted , and when the two arrived in town
It wus proven to the satisfaction of the sheriff
that bin prisoner was none other than lion.
T. M. Frwiso , city attorney nnd ox-member
of the legislature. The sheriff did the usual
honors nt nn expense of a So William.
Two thousand Vlnton people will form nn
excursion nnd visit Muscntino the US in.
A full string orchestra takes part iu the
services at the Muscatlno Congregational
All games of chance or gambling devices
will bo excluded from the grounds of the
Buchanan County Agricultural society.
John Buckley assaulted Tobias Bejasch , a
neighboring fanner in Cherokee county , nnd
n Cherokee Justice lined him$7S nnd costs.
Arthur Belts of Cherokee hnd n tumor re
moved from his shoulder in a Chicago hospi
tal nnd died from the effects of the operation.
General J. C. Pnrrot , the distinguished
lown soldier , was eighty years old Thursday.
Ho has boon a resident of Keokuk for forty
A company ot homeless Mow York boys
will arrive in Humboldt Juno 'J5 and will bo
placed iu the families of farmers in that
A Cherokee county farmer thinks the cut
worms have reduced the corn crop of that
county fully one-third of what the yield
might have been.
A Card.
Wo want every lady and all the boys and
girls to call em your druggist and got some of
our beautiful cards and a book of valuable
nformatlon free.
H.uuii : PuoiMiinruiY Ca.
TKItltllli- : CKI.Mi ; ! ' .1
Hlnunihn , Kitn. , May \Vlttmnn n
( lynching Today.
HIAWVTIU , Kan. , Juno * . A terrible
crime wns committed hero today , for which
the crlmlnnl will probably pay the death pen-
nlty nt the hands of nn Infuriated mob before
A tramp , nnmo unknown , who hnd been
hired to work on the farm of Thomas Clo-
land , living near Baker , not far from hero ,
this morning wont to the house of John
Vench , n nolghborlnc farmer , nnd finding
Mrs , Voach nlono criminally nssnultod her.
Mrs , \Vnoh wns lu n dollc.Uo condition
nnd she may not recover. The tramp then
went to the house of his employer and crim
inally assaulted Mrs. ( . 'loland. The latter
lady xvas terribly Injured , but managed to
Inform n neighbor named MeConnoll of thu
crlmo. McCoimoU nfter n long chuio can-
lured the tramp , nnd led him to linker at Iho
point of n revolver.
Tlio prisoner was placed In the city Jail.
An attempt will bo mndo to romuvo him to
this plnco If suftU'Iont protection can bo nf-
forded tbo constable , In whoso chnrgo the
prisoner now Is. If ho Is not taken awny
from Baker ho will doubtless bo lynched be <
fore morning by the Infuriated mob , which U
now surrounding the Jail.
Dunham * CO.'H TronbU-M.
Ciuckuo , Juno 18. 11.V. . Dunham of the
Insolvent company's linn of Dunham & Co. ,
appeared In the county court this morning to
nnswor the rule requiring him to show cause
why ho should not bo adjudged guilty of con
tempt In procuring the appointment of n re
ceiver for the li nn by thu circuit court nftor
the linn's ' affairs hnd been taken cognlzam'o
of by the county coufl. Dunham domed that
the county court had Jurisdiction of the matter -
tor at Issue , nnd declared that the recent
transfer of real estate by him for a nominal
consideration wns In the nature of an assign
ment by preference. He said bis private
propertv , pledged for thu liquidation of tlio
llrm'.s liabilities of flUO.OtW , was enough to
settle Ibom In full. After some argument
the mailer wont over till tomorrow.
Itnllwny TV
ST. Lori" , Mo. , Juno 1At 1 today's meet
ing of the order of railway telegrapher *
after a lengthy debate the anll-strlko clause
was eliminated from the constitution. A
Joint committee was then appointed to formu
late a plan for an amalgamation of the
brotherhood of telegraphers and tbo order of
railway telegraphers.
Denies tin- Shoot ( UK ( > ( ' Illppolyto.
NK\V Voitt5JuuL18."Ilnytian Consul Prlnco
said todny that Micro was not the slightest
foundation for the statement that President
Illppolyto had been shot ; that bo had re
ceived mail from P. > rt-nu-Princo of a Inter
date than the tlir.e of iho alleged shooting
and that his advice Indicated Unit everything
was tranquil theio.
Most ' tut I > e
Nr.w YOIIK. June lS.--Herr Most's ' sureties
have been notilled to produce him in court
tomorrow , when bo will bo resontcncod ta
the penitenUary.
As a RuEe ,
His licst not to attempt to icmudy costiveness -
ness by the mo of .salinn or diastlc pinga-
llve.1. When n cathartic medicine Is needed ,
the most in" jipt and beneficial Is Ayer'a
1'IIIs. Tinolfect Is to rustiiru the rt'Riiinr
action of .he bowels , without weakening
them. Jlemg sugar-coated , those I'llls lutaln
their medicinal vlttues for a long time , mid
are easy to lake.
" I can recommend Ayor's 1'ills above all
others , having lung pioved their valun as a
cathartic for myself and family. " J. T , I loss ,
Lcithsvllle , 1'a.
" In lSrS , by the advice of a friend , I began
the use of Ayor's rills as a lumudy for bil
iousness , constipation , high fevers , and
colds. They served me belter than any
thing I had previously tried , anil I have used
them In attacks of that sou ever since. "
II. W. Ilersh , Judsonla , Ark.
Ayer's Pills ,
DR. J. C. AYER & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
Sold by all Dealers In Medicines.
with half a glance that this is a safe place to
buy your own as well as your boy's clothes.
W'e'd rather miss a sale -than mislead a cus
tomer and have him disappointed or disposed
to "BLACK BALL" us at every opportunity ,
for we're after that kind of success that comes
in the long run from serving people well.
of School Suits and Dressy Clothes for Boy.r
have done "heaps of good. " Some of our cus
tomers are as enthusiastic about these goods as
if they had an interest in the business. It all
comes from the splendid satisfaction realized ,
isn't this better than "bam boozeling" the people
ple and having them feel that you have played
a "confidence game" on them.
Hoys' Knee Pant Suits , -1 io H Graduating Suits for the boyer
years , neat in pattern , strong in or youth , from M to 18 years ,
service , $2.00.
natty , nobby suits in sack and
Hoys' All Wool Knee Pant three button cutaway , with price
Suits , our own make , dozens of attractive and styles superb ,
styles , all handsomely made up
popular prices , $2.50 , $3 , $3.50 , Hoys' Long Pant Suits , M to 18.
$ -1.00 and $5:00. : suits especially adapted to the
Over fifty styles in handsome boy of the period as regards ser
and dressy Knee Pant Suits , at vice , S'l , $5 , $ f > , $6.50 , $7.50 , $8 ,
$5.00. $8,50 , $9 and $10.
28 dozen Incligo Blue Star Shirt Waists to
close at BOc.
For the Ladies' we carry the largest and
finest assortment of Silk , Silk Flannel , Madras
and Zephyr Shirt Waists in this city.
As for Plats and Furnishings , if you don't
realize here's a money-saving place to buy
these things , something's wrong in your inves
Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sts.
( Money checrjnlly refunded w/icti goods do not satisfy , )
( Send for IlusstrutoJ Cutcloguo. )