Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1891, Part Second, Page 11, Image 11

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ADVEHTI81 M KNTfor thr < o7olumtn nll
lie tnkr-n unlll I. Op. m. . for the evening
Klltlcn , nticl until * : n p. in. , for tliu morning
dlllnn and faUNPAY Hr.K.
' In advance.1
T7ATEP Art vert liMnonU nn ( hMpnucwIllbo
\ 4 clinrcnl for nl the rate of l-i ! rcnM per
xnil for the first Insertion , nnil 1 cent tierword
for inch Milprticnt ) | : lim-rtlon , nnd ? ! / > ) p"r
line iir-r month N < > ndvortlspwrnt taken for
Irm than 21 ccntH fnr tlir Hrst ln ertton.
INITIALS' , ( k iVymlxiK ctr , . conntonch
nnona vrord
rPIII-'fn ndvr-rtlvtnnnts must rnn ron * eu-
J llvi-ly nnd under tin plronmslnncrs will
llicy lie tnkon or discontinued by telephone.
JJAKTIF.B ncUntHlnif In thc e rnlnmim nnd
having tholr iiinwprftnndrf"i pd ti u"num-
trrril li-tterlncnrpof TllK IltK. will trcrlyoa
nun Iprerl clicok topnnblo thrni to pet tlinlr
letters AIHWPM will If ocllvpred only on
prc ontn1lon of this chirk. Inclose imswcrs
1r > r-tuplopcs prnperlr addressed.
A 1.1 ndvpr'.lTii.fiiti nmlcr thn heart of
J ' " 'prolnl ' Notlrps" nrn published In mitli
tlir ii'orn'nz ' ' nnd rvrnlnir edltlonsof Tinllvr. ,
tlir r rrnlntlc n nf whli'li mrKrepntes mnrcthan
ricio p ppri ilullv , nnd plvpi tinadvprtNor
flu ' "tic fit not only of tin' Inrco rln-nlnllon of
Tm1 Hrr In Omnlni. I nt also In ronnrlllllnlTn ,
l.ltiroln nnd otlirn-ltlcH and lownn
Art 'prtlilnK for ihf < ( < coliimn * wiJ o taken
on tinnlnvornndltlono. . at tlio f V..nwlnz buil-
lir . linnsri wlio nrn nutliorlrpil to I lUrspoi'lal
Dotlcri. nt tlio siiniu rates as can I'o nnu at tno
liuiln odlcn.
trillN. Ptrncl , Msti-r lllo.-if.
V W. 1IKM. . I'harmaclst. llth .t Muson
' street
IIAK .t KDDY. Matloners nti'l I'rlnter
ll'l South Ifith Htrcet.
II. I'linrtnaclst , 2113
f * ( liming street. _
\\r ,1 TlPOllKS , i'hiirmaclst , 12) ) North Ifith
T street.
' f i Ki' W. rAimTTlmrmaclst , 1713 I.caven-
V > vorth street.
Y ! I dllKS1 1'IIAIIMACY. 21th nnd I'timum.
rorr lfn , etc. , tnon of fit tl column oni ii'0 ) .
riUST class brnad nnd cake baker wants
situation by June 22. AdJnws U VI Hen.
AyoUXO man of "tprllnc cbaraeter and a
tpiichurot Mix j oars' pxporh'tire and nlilo
to furnish gooil rnfcrnnco. desires employ
ment Addn-ss U II. Ilcoolllco. txil-lS *
\\7'ANTii : ) ' Mil itlon by ymin man as
hookkoppor In a wholesale house or clerk
wild ehanco of iiromotlon. Address K 1" Iteo
office. 0 U-2J1 *
) PC s ( Ion us typewriter and
.tpnoitrnnhpr l > y experienced stenosriipli-
Address 11 7 llee _ J"liL " ! !
W ANTED MtiiutlniH for peed clrls ; my
wiltlnc rooms nro always full from n a.
m toll | i. m. f anndlan rmplovment ofllce.
! lim nth. Telnphono Hit. "H
> KOPFJSKXAT. nurie ! Mrs. S. K. Iloutoii.
IBfi Cnss ! street. Onmha. 'Ml ) .
liirmtm , etc. , ttrtopof nrl columnnn t
WXTKD ( Inthlnv salesman Wo want
an iiKontoi Him In o\ory county of the
1 lilted States to handle our line of merchant
tallxln ) . ' . Hunter Manufacturing Oo. . Cln-
o'liii ' tl , O. I'nnts to order , JIOIV , Hulls , ? lfl.n ( )
nnd upwards. Wr'lo ' for samples and ruli's
for self measurement. MIOfl 1U *
" \ AXTKD 2 cooil carrliiKO painters ; Rood
wacos. DCS Molncs ltug y Co. . Ucs
os , Iji. _ MIPS 20'
\\TANTni ) A Rood enorRctlc man with
' some money either nsn pnrlneror a innii
iho Is able to orRiinl/o a company , to furnish
jiiippllos for a now Industry that Is a inonou-
ely h ivlnjj no competition , and Is the most
Hlnp e article Ihntc'in be manufactured fora
home Industry This Is no wild scheme , but a
straight loKltfmato business , and ono that will
stand the closest Investigation. Thewriterof
this will show and prove that ho has made
over ? 0)0.00 ) In ono week , and will Rive to the
rl'-'hl man the st ite of Nebraska on the same
termshewuH woikliiR when ho made thn
ubovo amount. Adiliess H 17 Hep. 1HS-1& *
\\T ANTni--We want ono hundted appnts
i Immcdlntolv $ .1 pnrduy or a Rood coin-
mlxslnn. Partlculais free. Address , Kxccl-
slor Matiufacturln I'o , , Ladossc , WIs. Ob'l-21 ' *
VA NTin-lllit : mpii for H. K. workTTi Wyom-
' IIIR and South Dakota ; Rood waces. AI-
lirt lit Labor Auoncy , U-'O Karnam ntreot.
_ _
rpl'IMIE Rood butchers wanted ; must bo llrst
Jclnss. . 0. O. I ) . Ilinwn. SIII77
A OOOI ) rustler. Address It 21 , Ileo
1)93 ) 19
" ANVASPKIiifttiTntod by .Inly 1. 40 Hrst
class experienced load men to work school
districts In lown. None other need apply.
Address KB , lloo olllco M9IJ20
' and tillers wanted. O\cr ono
ihoiisand , seven hundred havn adopted
the A. D. Kudn new method. Numbers nf
them are leaitln- ' cutters of this continent ,
'ilhers are on the way to fame and fortune.
t at Cleveland cutting school. Mft.18 20 *
WANTKD A irood butcher who speaks
Cortiian. Inquire at 8210south llth street
near Vlnton. 918-18 *
neO iilosmen wanted to sell our piomlum nur-
' si'ry stock , The lareest tinisory west of the
Mississippi river : the finest stock ; all the new
nnd old fruits ; the lowest prices and bluest
p.iv to iiKPiits ; money advanced nvory weak ;
outl't free. Write us at once. (1..I. Carpenter
Co. , Kalrlmry. Neb. S77 Jyl4
linANI/.KKS wanted fjfl and JIOO In fvo |
months. I'list eertllloates In $ V ) , class date
. I > | U I. 1S9I. I'list class onanl/ers wanted
Write for torms. Snnicino led e. the Univer
sal Progressive I.eaKuo , 17J Washington street.
H.iaton , Moss. M7IH ) Jyl'j *
Cl ENEKAIj nupiits anil oanvassois looking
1 for a permanent money-making bus ness ,
no competition , should seeuie the sale of the
iinteiit ndlnstnble shoe. Address with stamp ,
CoiiMilldated Shoo Co. , Salem , Minis. 1 17-22 *
Bit ! motiey selling the llfo of 1 > . T. Illinium ,
mlv ll.fiO. Audits wanted. American
HooU Co.Now Yoik Ilfo bulldlnufOmahn.Neb.
72-.Iyl | | )
A\f ANTKU-Orcanl/en by the l'ilendly A7d
' Society. I'IHK Its membeis ilH ) | ) e nry
nix months. lias paid $ .100,000 In benellls.
Heserioand benellt fund held In trust by the
state of Massachusetts , Terms liberal Ad
dress Krlondly Aid t-ocloty , Waltham. Mass.
M.VW Jy3 *
\ \ ANTKU Siilismoii on salary or commls-
< < Nlon to handle the new patent chemical
Ink < nihliiK pencil ; the greatest Milllne novelty -
ty oxer ptoduci'd : erases Ink thoroughly In
twotocondd ; noabinslon of paper ; 2tMl toMXl
per cent , profit ; one iiKont's Hales amounted
io W 0 In six days ; 'mother ( .12 In two hours.
\Ve want one general agent for each state and
territory. Kor terms and full particulars , m ) .
( tress the Monroe Krasor Mfg. Co. . l.-i ( 'rosso.
J"rr n < c.t , ft ? . , rtf ( op of flint coin m ft /
V\TAVPK1 > ( ! oed clrl for Koncral bouso-
" VV work , small family , tllflr-outh JUth.
1Q-J ID *
\\7 ANTlfn-ltellalde girl for ReiTeni h'ouTJI
> v\orU In small fninlly. A uoo.l place for
the rlitht , party , 2 0 South IMth stieet , half
blue nortnof I'arn im street cats , ( ieiman
preferred. MtHiO 1,0
\\f ANTKD ( lood American or ( lerman clrl
T for Kcueral housework. 11115 Oeorsla ae. .
ANTKl--tIlrl for child's nurse , 202J Capl-
\ \ ? ANTED Salesladies and vnlutinou uv ory-
T where , on M itarv or commUslon. Call or
nddress McQuNtim M'f'R. Co. , room : i ? , Il.uker
lllook. J1KS7-2 , "
_ _
\A ANTK1 > A Rixid Klrl for cookln ? . wnsli-
' ' Inland IronliiR ; at once. 2212 Karnam
Btioct. M9H
Vi ANTED-lmmedlatoly at IKl rtirjJnd
Vi Htreot , Hnt-clasH woman ciH > k. Mix It. ll.
Wood. lOoo 18 *
17ANTED-A tflrl for Konurul housework ,
> HIS South l-tli. ( MUTO
\ \ ' \NTKD An experloncoil cook and Innn-
ii dross , and clean. No other need
iini'v | Itecomniendat onu reotilred. Mrs. ( X
( I uher. 2117 Ualilwoll Hlroot. Muji2o
11 NI.Y made l.ndy agents wanted for
; waUt litter. 1707 N. 2Dth. liM-IS *
(11KL fnrKoncral hontieworU. SI.M f t. Mary's
' nvomie. M < m
' \ \ > ANTKD Halutlnily , good ailuress. Itooin
> , .1 UonnInK bluuK. MUIO 10
A ( ) UN(1 ( ladv of o\perlenvo would like the
/ assistance of another In a new- specialty
nit No experience necessary but must \sn \
for tno nonsons. Wolubt less than 120 nnu less
tj > nii > foot I In height and good aiipearaneu ,
X.itvi I'MKiik-oiiu'iil In llr t class company. Kood
aim y Aihlrt'si I ! IS Ileo. taJ-ls *
C'IKL wnnted for KPneral housework , 1U10
* Mheriuuu uvu. Mr * . J , M. foimsimiii.
/ rrnlf * " > > f nnut lIK '
"lA'ANTHD- for housework nt once , SO ) ?
Ml 10 31 *
\\rANTlMi A itooil Kirl for Roncriil lion n-
wnrk ; tinill : family. Iiuiillro at lil Noith
IfltlistrBot. f'J.-ID *
" R3R 'R E N f H O U S ES
7'ornie. ( , tle.ifttnp of Kt l rolnniii OH l/i / ( < p iy < ,
' 211 North * lath streotTTs
' ! T . . ' 007 SU Mnry's avenue , II rooms , largo
JIM , MOS CII H street. 14 rooms.
tffi , i.iO Ninth .iltli street , 10 room1 ; .
JV > . ran tmi ! Htrri't , 10 roomi.
l.Vi , inj.'i Ht. Mury iivoiino , n rooin , yiirtt.
l.'ii ) , .f I Cnllfornln strnt , 0 moms.
* i.W , ( "iillfurnlii street. 0 nwms.
} Mr.S S .tltli street , lu moms.
J"/i. l tli anil Nk'lmluftstruoti. n-rooni ( Int.
t'Xi. Vlnion street , li-room ooltiiRe.
Zi' , California street , f ronint.
fl.istli and Nluliolns streets , ! 1 moms nnil
liiinilrn Nntliortnn Hall , room 3m 1'lrst N'u-
tloillll llMlll. . 8 J-l
rp\Vf ) O-room now lirli'lt lionses. HWI. S."i73
.L llnrney.treet. . Hiiiu.iton * . Allen , Ifiurt I'ur-
iiainstreut. MKr ) 31
iroK ItKNT-ritrnlslii'd lionso , wltli halli
V nnil iilaiio , JW.OO. KS I Cnllfornl.i strent.
_ | _ _ MH4.gQ *
O-ltaO.M uottuKC , chuap. Ili ( | . KilH flip. avc.
O MMI.Iyit :
"pMU ItHNT 10-room hotun. contnlly loi-nt-
J ud , modern Imiirovi-meiits. Iiuiulro , 7IS N.
I'llli. | l
_ _
| 7 > OU IIIINT in-ioom honio. nil modern Im-
JL' provnmi'nls , or will sell fnrnlturu. N. I' .
cor''Ist nnd Illnney .sts , KonnUo I'lnco. ? , ' > 1
month ! Ci7--V
J7HK Itl'NT Iliinilsoino ll-rotim tnodein
IIOIIMS nil c-onvenleiioes : In perfeet order :
JxiM'il slrrrts ; moliir. and w Ithln 3 nil nil ton
walk of ixulollk'i ) Nathiin bheltotl. 11)14 ) 1'ur-
limn stn ut. MI.'il
TrOH KKNT l'or tliusiiinniui. furnished eot-
J-1 tiijio nuir : lliiii uom p.irk. "SllVouhoitli
uv i " 8.-li )
'VJ'KW , modern nnil nuHtdeslr.iblo In ttieclty.
i > Tlirco or four room hiiltus. Complete for
lioiisukcepln/ S. ' "Jnd strout. T. L. Von
Dorn. M481
rill.N-ltOOM hnnsn with barn ; ( lesiralile lo-
Jration , modur.ito runt , lluard llroj , 1110
Donjrlns st. M H37
roil IlKNT S room honsn , n room cottage ,
liutli. otc. Apply C. S. Elsuttur. 601 > . Y
l.lfu bid- } . 0
TI' yon wish to runt a house or store ieo II. P.
C'ole , Contlnentiil bloolt. li" > 0
FOR KENT Larco house. 0 IOOIIIB , elty
water , bath , pas. hot and cold water ,
raiiKU , lar o cellar , barn , nto. 11.1' ) N. I'.lth
street , fleer o .1. I'aul. IWJ r.'irnuni. MlUIJi )
, KOOM homo. Wa N. 25th it ; : i and 4 room
U liousoUteX. 131 list. M81)7i ) !
IilOK KHNT Nice R-room house , Ilanscom
1 Place lllelts , N. Y. Life. U-U21
Ilior It room Hat for rent. 1170 S Irtth stieot.
1Ml.tW per month. Inquiry In storo. 7SI-ls
ll'OIt IM'.NT S room Hat , l.angu blook. i Tsi
-L1 mil. eor. .IneKson. DJOUM
C-KOO.M hoii'.e , nlco yard , shade trees , city
- and cistern \\nter , olojrant nuljliborliood , 'J
blocks fiom strtct cars , llli H , 7th avi-nuo , or
Hull's iihaimaey. eor. llth and Mason. 4i'ii
IrOIt 11KNT 'J-ioom house , modem conven
iences. lf-4 Davenport street. Inquire.
2a"J Daxenport street. 4s9
IfOK KENT l.iirKO number of houses , htoros ,
lints , etc. , $ . " > 00 per month nnd up. New
list 1st of each month. ( Jeer o J. I'aul , K'/D
Knrnnin stient. IXII JyU
TiMNK now I'-ioom bonso with all modern
JL' huimiMjiiiciits mid barn : line location for
a physician. .1. II. 1'arioltu rental a cncv.
FOU KKNT A Rood fl-ioom bouse. 2020
Charles street. Imiulro at 2011 Charles
treut. 004-ao *
STEAM heated m > dern Hats , 707 ana 709
South lUlh. n. F Kinder , 1'jl'J ' Karnam.
20I-J27 >
_ _
FOH KENT HIoKant 10-room brick liouso
eor. "Oth Mini Hurt st. modern Improve
ments apply to J. II 1'arrotte , H. K. cor IGlb and
Dodirc. O7.r >
N O-room brick houses , all modern ,
except filrnacetJ2 f > 0 per month , near hhor-
niaii avcnuo motor. U. V. Harrison , OU N. Y.
1.1 f p. 014-.T2U
HOl'Sfifor rent Ttto story liouso 8 rooms
with all modem Imlirovumonts , 2.13 L.iku
street , U. I ) . Woodworth 1513 Douglas. UOJ
[ T1OU KHNT A 10-room house , S. U corner
-L1 nth and Dodge. See James Xovlllo. 4'Jt ' IS *
FOIt KENT , B room house and birn. 3 !
south 27th stieet. Apply on memlses.
1)19-22 )
_ _ _
FOR KKNT A furnished 14-room house , No.
212 N 17th , nouly papered and built ex
pressly for loonmrs and bo.udors ; 1 block
from buslni'ss eon tie. bco James Neville.
401 IS *
_ _ _ _
FOK KKNT 7-room houso. 4-'OJ. > llarney. In-
quhoA. II. Uliulstone , 1:110 : Douglas street.
FOK KKNT New 7 room IIOIISB. with ail
modern Improvements , 1 block 5rom Wal
nut Hill motor. * JTheo. . Olson , ' -04 N. Y. I.lfo.
8-KOOM brick bouse , all conveniences , * 2 ! > :
( i-room brlcK bouse , $20. II. E. Cole , 0 Con
tinental. If.- !
rTOl'SKS , all kliuls three nicely furnished.
JLJL llnndy.t Co. , 1014 Capitol avenue. S07
, etcKeetoitofflnil rulnmii on tliti page.
* 1711'KN1BIIEI ) and unfurnished rooms , mo'l-
-L orn comenlences. Hoard If deslied. li 5 N
18th. 101-21 *
TjlOK KKNT To Kontlomau , u larse , nicely
-L' furnished front loom xsltb lar o alcove
and bay window. All modern conveniences ,
nlcu la\Mi ; private family ; with bo.ird. No.
Kii ( ieorKlii n Venn . S 21111 street. ( > KOr21 *
/1I1OICK rooms , shn'Io oren suite , five blocks
vyfiom imstolllco : references. 210 N. 10.
M612-2 ; ! *
411 North lot h st. ; elegant furnished up.irt-
ments ; accommodate a number of
table boarders. M')75 ' ) 21 *
ilLKAt'AM1 looms , xliiKlooron sulto. ini-.20.
FUKNIMIKI ) loom. J7 per month. 1U)2 I'.ii
ntim. KM-Ill *
KKNT LarRO front room suitable for
tno , 2111) ) | JDII | | > . 00s- | $
KKNT Two furnished front rooms.
( BIS 10th st. 1)11-22 ) *
rooms , llRht housekccplni ; .
SU Mary'a nve. b7U
FOIt KENT Nicely furnished room. Rasa ml
bath. 2010 Hiirnoy Ntroot. Iteforenco ro-
ilillreil. MIW221 *
TnUKNlSlE I7 rooms KfU N.21at. near cabled
-U _ li. ) ' .Ty 7 *
"IJpOK KKNT Nlcoly turn shed rooms In nrl-
Jvuto resldonco , I'i22 Howanl , coiner 10th
ill reel. All modern conveniences. Lawn
around bnlldtiiR. -CJ7
1 AltliE fionl room , ITol Capitol ave 418
\7 KKY ploasmt front room in prlvaU1 fam
ily for Rontleman. h.V > H. ith ) st Il.'l
7"orrnfi ( , < c. . tcetopof lint rnliimn mi 1/iU / pi/s. [
I71DU KENT Knrnlshed room with bo.iidi
-L day hoard. 1010 Capitol avenue. ( CU .M
rp\\O \ .south looms with board. 1011 DoiiRlas ,
TlOOMunil board , 2103
MS7 ! > 20
7"\ESIHAHIjE second lloor rooms , olthor fnr-
Inlshod or unfurnished , and board at the
Preiuor. 110 N. 2.Hh striot , M571 JyS'
1 ) OOMS and board at yoniu womon's homo ,
-I \ IOU S. 17tll ht. _ 700 JylO
1 MOMS and Mrst-class board , 1001 California.
u te5ily
l UUNl > < nEIiooimibourd,2.VUbt..Mary'.savo
rpllE M. Clalr hotel , cor. 13th and
* liodKe , will make low rate * for rooms by
the week or month with or without board
I or t ate * , etc. , tec top of Jrntcnliimn nn tl\U p ut
1 100MS 5 , 8. 12. 15 , U)7 ) N. 13lh.
Ml OJyl
IUli > T Moor private houao , yard and hlmde.
JL. ' 012 rf lljtli street. Ml-21 *
,1 liOOMs and : i rooms , b. W. corner Pith ami
ri.eiiv cnworlh. .Mnlj-u ; %
1jMU HEJNT-4 unfurnished ro nnsfoTiouse |
JL' keeping to family without children. City
vuitur , otc , Prlcod.VX ) , 17U Webster atri'et ,
iroit KENT Kind , small family apartments ,
J- nil outside looms ; best locality , modern
Improvciucnt-s. Iunutreu/1 Puxtuu blojU. 2j7
Forratittc.tettoj > offlrtt rotnmiton l/ildpio / .
l5t'I.I MAN lionso , ' 1310 DodRO TtrcotT for
J Rood board , nlco room" , nindern vonvcn-
hmcusj rates and locution It cimnot be ox-
colled. Mrs. Horn , Prop. M40.I , ly2
7'or iifM. ctt.reeloDOf jirtt column onlhli | ) io .
rpllItEE unfurnished rooms modern conven-
JL leticcs , .V.'l ii luthstroot , Hat I ) . _ J" ; } 0 *
STOKL rootnM at07 nnd'O'T'outh tnth.itoam
heated. II P , Rlngor , IJlii Piirnnm.
_ _
OR HENT-The 1-story brick bnlldlnR.wllh
or without power , formerly oCupled by the
Ileo PnblMiInz Co. , UIH Pnniam sU Tlio bulld-
InR bus a fireproof cement baseinent.comploto
Rtcam he Ulnit llxtnrcs.vratur on all the lloors.
Rlis. etc. Apply at the olllco of The llco. OH
l 'Olt desk or onico room In N i' . Llfo bliltr.
* apply at Star Loan and Trust Co. lSt-2l ) :
TITOK HENT-Tesk ) room or part of ofllco ;
-L front mom on 1'arnam Htrcet. Inquire at
( XH Ileo bld'R , U to 10 a. m. nnd 4 to 5 p. m.
7IKMK1 *
FOU HP.NT Orsnle. my Inilldlni ? on Jones
st.Ut.MhJ tilth U.A.Mndiilllst.Ulflb 15th.
_ _
I/olt UP.NT-Dosk room , at Oil N. V. Llfo
JL1 bulldliu. 2U
"I/OK UfcNT The three-story brink bnlld-
1Ine. . 1110 DoiiRlas street , suitable for whole
sale purposes. illO per month. Chas. Kiiuf-
maun. Klir,1 Douglas street gii.1
F.nrtatn rlr . ff ttmof ttrnt toliimn on t/it / twi
I.I } . . COl.i : agency , Continental bHc.
Korirtlrjt , ctftrftopofHi l rodnnii onthn
BEST storiiRO building In Omahii , cnvcrn-
tnont bonded warehouse : household Roods
c.ued for lowest intcs W. M. Hushman , 10I. " >
I.eavenwoilb. 2lT >
/CHEAPEST and host storaRo for furniture.
V Wells , 1111 street. W
OLDEiT , cho ipest unit best storaao house In
city Williams & Cross , 1211 Haim oy street.
M4')7 ' )
For rate * , etc. , rcc top nf first rnlman on f/ito / pagt.
T71OK SALE Two bedroom suits , Monitor
JL r.uiRO , and other articles used only four
months. C'ull or aililioss 112 Ileo bldR. U12
HOrSEHOl.l ) furniture , now and second
band , for sale on easy payments. Call
and examine before puichasliiR , Store P1J1
Howard stieet. MU : ! .I.V )
For rate * , etc. , rcr top of flint column nntliH J > t0&
OUSAE-A Rood riduR or delivery horse.
J. Ii. HolberR , Leavonworth between 4'ith
anil 4B1II. M10I 21 *
171011 SALK-rirst class top biuiry. good ,
J- cheap ; also W-lnch Columbia expert bl-
cyclo. 1CS Non York Life. Mi)42 ) ! '
F OK HAIjE Heavy spring wagon for sale at
270. > I.eiivonwortli St. IMI
rpKAM of L'oort work horses with harness
-L JI2.00. . Wiley & Williams , U.YU I'.u st.
nil.KI *
"ITlOIt SALE .Vyonr-old black RoldluR , sldo-
JL1 har top biiRRy , harness , etc ; an excellent
driver and sly Ish. Address It 2. , lice. CljlG 18 *
ITIOIt sAliE Plvo shares Homo Investment
jiu 1 ' b. stock at par. Address 11 11) ) 1100. tril-20 *
"IJIOKSALE Horse and light spring wagon
JL1 fors.ilecho.ip. foi-c.ish. Imiulro of J. M.
Tobias , istb and streets , South
Omaha. H22-22
FOll SALE Per next HO days , barRalns In
new and second-bund btiRRlos , family car
riages , wagons , otc. 1'rost Sc Harris , 2.ld and
U.ird. 4B ! 18
TjlAMIIiY horses for salo. Slnsjlo drivers or
JL' carriaRC teams. Can furnish any Kind of
horse desired. Call at C. I ) . Wood worth & Co
or address T. J. Fleming , Callioun , Nob. 701
TpOKSAMJ 1'amlly carriage. I/et. . .ciilch- .
-L ols , st.iblo2Sth .mil l.o ivenworth. m2 ( > 3
Vorrale * , etc. . rcetop offinl colu'.nnonthinpige.
TTIOIt SALE Pool tahloTor $ W. Lon OCOI-RO.
JU 5.-0 boiith l.'ltb street. M112 2u *
FOIt SALE HiRh Riado Parker haminer-
less shot Run , used onco. Parltor , box 7J2.
Omaha , Neb. MS ! ) . ) 21 *
FOR fcATiE-Vlctor M In. llRlit roadster ;
Rood as now ; only $70. Koom 2 > . Chamber
of Commerce. 1H7 21 *
will buy a maenldcent upright piano ,
standard make and as Rood as new , In-
qulio after 7 o'clock evenings at 2411) ) C.ildwoll
street. 7C4
POIl SALE An olozant tire proof s ifo with
burglar chest. Phil btlmmol , OH Jones
street , Omaha , Neb. 270
Forratcs , etc.trctnpof Ural column nnthli p ige.
WANTED Young man with $200 or , iOO as
partner to learn trade and manauo the
business. Addiuss 11 2. ! , Hoe olllco. Mill ) 21 *
BUSINESS Chance Wanted Party with
MX ) to * . " > CO to Invest In business that will
pay M per cunt to 100 per cent , and If p.trtv
wishes to take active Interest , will pay Rood
salary bo.Id is. Address 1120 , llco olllce.M
M 11520 *
BlTSINEsSehanco for men or women having
a few hundred dollars cash and wishing
to go west. Address tlio Washington Colony
company. Chicago , III. MI07 ID *
\WANTED--A Rood buslnoss , a photograph
' 1 gallery , a printing business , a restaurant
or a giocory stoio. Address It 20 , Iteo. 007 21
N TI lOLLIN'n ( utmost hi tlio most successful -
cessful business In Omaha ; III health Is tliu
reason for selling. Address K III , lice. lksl-2 !
DIU'GOIbrH notice : A roelstoied pharma-
clstof Kl yeats' expeilcnce , with small
capital , w shes to buy an Intcicst In a paying
drug business In cooil Nebraska town. Young
man ; steady habits : best refoienccs. Address
at once , K 1.1 , lice. M'.MI ' 10 *
WANTKIi-Olllco salesman , with JViO to
Jl.OUOcabhi willsatlsf ) him with business
and pay s.ilary. Apply quick. Addiess U 1.
Iteo. .M'.KC. ' 22
I7OKSALE A clothing store. The best In
-L the best r.illroad tonn In northwestern
Iowa. Does the leading business ; cash and
one price system : s.ilot"iO ) per month ; stock
invoices anoutf 10,01.1) ) ; must be sold at once ,
block can be reduced ; laigo Imlucements of-
fered. Uood reasons for bulling. Addiess , l >
CS , Itee olllco. M'OI ' 1U *
HOTKIi for sale or rent , terms reasonable.
Address M\ York , Neb. H7.1-22 *
FOK SALE Hotel and furnlturo. Hampton ,
ilolM. good business ; will glvo time on
n.iit If required , Address , Ilex IK , Hamilton ,
Neb. J1K14 20 *
WANTKD A half partner In livery , boanU
t > Ing and sale stable , $4,000. Addiess 1'19 ,
Ileo. MSJ1 20 *
FOK JiAIiK An old well paying established
olL-ur business ; good teasons given. Ad-
ilress I'M , lloe. M7MI
"iriOK PAT.E-A llrst Class , neil established
butcher biHlnrss In this city. Kino fixtures
and fooil cash tr.ule. To anyone moaning
bus ness here H an excellent eh.ince. Must
be sold In next sixty days. M. A. Upton Co. .
lloe buUdJng. M.WJ
c I.KAN general stock of merchandise for
' f irm and money. Ilex 205 , I'rankfort , Ind.
7M-.I2I tike notice. Do you want a
'oiil ( business ? lluy the Commercial , the
leading hotel at Broken lion , Neb 40J
rpKN HOHKMKS to MiikoMonoy.lsthotltloof
X out new Look , containing ten legitimate
and honorable schemes for making money on
smal. capital ; exposes tilcks and snlmlllng
In business ; gives hints and advice that may
be worth thousands of dollars to you The
schemes ore so clearly explained any ordinary
pemon CJii understand them. It will glvo you
now Ideas , alii you In planning other deals
and enable you to grasp future opportunities.
Hent prepaid for Jl. American Hook Co ,
Omaha , Neb. M1J9J2.1
FltEl ) Mohle. S. P. cor. Parnam an.l llth.
Fttrmttt. etf. . tee tnpnf flnl column mi thli p ige
MANAGE baths at Madam Mullli's parlors.
Jd tloor , 42) ) S. nth stu-ct Ms 'J ' 22 *
MAb&AUU .Miiiliuii loUlur ) , over 010 r > . l.'lth.
M 1SS 8TOWK. maiiuuxc , elcetllulan , , IU
Kiunzo blouk. M . ' | NS. 2. *
HbAMiitO.N ; , corner lith uiiil Jnukson.
Forr I M tie < ( > ' > ' . /lr / * ' > /iiinn / mi lltli pit \
A NTIIONY I.oun nnil Tnut ro
lend nt Ion rutiM for rlinloo ii'curltj on
Nobruskn or linvu fiimiH. or Unmhii city jirop-
orty. Miljt )
XOWfNT rate * on ronl-estate loan . r. .1.
/t'aswnll , 8HI N. Y. kite. ! )7-Iy9
/"i rAUAXTEnniMiirUnpi" ! nn Harpy. Tlmy-
VJor , Ciimlnir unit Htanton Co , Inndi for salt )
by II. T. Clarke , ID board of trnilii. too
UKCONMmorttriiKoloans'from ' ttOO to { 10.001
f > Alex Monro , 401 Ileo building. MK < 4
" I'TlKCKN'T' Hrst nmiUnvo loans.KIchard
C. Patterson , OJ7 New York I.lfo. M67I
"ArnilTGAOKH. wiintcil. lonir or short tlino.
I'MleoMoO. Wallace. IllOJ. J. Itronn build
ing , IGtll llml Douglas.- Ml
IOAN8 made at low rates on pltv ptoperty.
J\V , M. Harris , 11 a ) 1'iun/ur hloek , opp. 1' . O
Bril.mNc loans fl to T per omit ! no add I-
tloimlcharccsfnr comniNilonur attorney's
foes , \V. II. Meliilo , 1'lrst National bidir.
_ 27J |
MONKV to loan on Improved eltv iirnporty
ntcurritnt r.itess funds on ham ) ; no do-
I ay. Oeo.I ' . UUist&Oo..2Ji : Kanuo uldi ; . 37t
PKIVATi : inoiioy to Io.ui. J. I.Ittto I , OU
N. v. Llfo. 27 ?
MOUTOAUi : loans wanted. MuUiiKiio In
vestment company. , 271 *
MONTY to loan on Omaha nropurty. 1'ldol-
Ity Trust comp my , liiU I'ariiaiu. 271)
J7 ASTKKN money to lo in at very low niloi.
I'll. It. Iroy. go ) N. V. I.lto M-JsO
K liyan
make loans on Improved
city property nt tomtit ratm
IJO'j rarnain stn > i > t
Clir.Al' Minify I'lilln. MorimiRO mid Trust
I'o , wants Kilt udiro loans. OitoV. . P.
C'oatus , rcpiusuntatUu , 7 llci.uil Trado. SAl
MONTY to loan on city properly ore istern
Nebraska farms. K. R If , litll I' ir-
For rate * , tic. , r < , loj > of flrtt column < m this
MOXny to bv H. 1' . Mnstnrs on clmttot
and collateral securities fo-anv tlino from
I to 12 months , In any amount to suit bor
row ur.
I/mns made on housuholil eoods , pianos , or-
Kans , horses mules , houses , luascs , warithouso
roct'ipts. t-to. , at the lowest rates povtlblu
without publicity o : rcmoxal of property.
M v lo.ins are so arr.inKCd I h it you can make
a p.iyruunt of any amount at any time and ro-
dueo hoth and Inteiest.
If you ewe n balance on your property or
havna loan tbatyon want changed I will pay
It oil and carry It for yon. If you find It rnoro
convenlunt call up telephone lli.'l and your
business will bo arr. limed at homo.
Jlonoy always on hand. XntliMnv. No pub
licity , Lowest rates. It. P. Masters ,
Koom \YJtlinoll 1)11 ) ; , 15tb and llarney its.
MOXKY to loan on horseswnitonsfurniture ,
planosXcollat'al security. Ituilnpssstrlut-
lyconllduntlal.l'rud Torry.ioom 4t ) Kamgu blk
M "ONI'Y on furniture , horses , etc. Keystone
Mot tsaue Oo , room 20S Micoly block. M284
lit ATTEf. bank , UI9 S. 15th st. , lo ins money
/on chattels or collateral at i oiibonublo rates
MONEY loaned on furnltuie , live stock.eto
from 1 to : i months , without publicity ;
lowest rates. Dun" Green , loom 20 , Continen
tal block. 211) ) J27
CIIATTiL : loans at lowest lates. Oil New
Yoik Lifobulldln- . , A. Morris. 87IJ-M *
FOll SAIjK KtiAfj HSrA
i'nr > atts , ctf. . sec top ofirit / column nn thtt
\\T "ll Y pay fl.tjOO or ftuVo for Phonso'aTid
small lot when you can liny 10 beautiful
acres , splendidly adapt ! d for a nice home and
Rarde'.s for tiio same money ? Itemember , 10
acres rtlll plat r.2 boautltullots that will lirlnit
'li with the dry's Rionth. Call nnd
sco tlio cliolco ImrRalns'wo otlor In acre prop
erty. Hicks , N. Y. LlfobldR. WI-JS
EXTIAbarRiiln-50\lr { > feet ( lots 7 and 8 ,
Dennett's sub. block it , Oichard HUD only
100 feet from Hamilton street and motor line
and ono block west of Ktio avenue , for Jtwl )
net cash. Addioss loclfbox 1 10 , Cicnton. la.
JIU74 20
$10t'.00 ' cash , J2VOO ovt > r U innntlis at 7 nor
centbiivs aT-ioom Iniuso. full corner lot ,
' and Patrick avo. Uoo. J. Paul. HM Par-
ID LA I NY IE\V-f nil lot , JO.-.0. Orchard llllt lot
J close to Hamilton st , f'OO. llntclilnson &
Wead , H2I OouRlas. 085-Si )
FOR SALE I'lirin eontalnliiR SO acres Im-
provcd land and 1.1 acres timber ; farm Is
all fenced ; 111 acies timothy pasture , orchard ,
RIOVC , 1'j-story ' house , birn , sranury , wind
mill , all In ROOI | shape ; farm Is 5 miles south
west of Plattsmouth , the county seat of Cass
county , and 2 miles from Murray , a new town
on tlio Mlssouil Paclllo railroad ; 1 mile from
school and church. Kor particulars addiess
I'fl'i , Ileo olllce , 7Ub
"ITiOll cSALE Now south front sovon-ioom
J- house , bath , etc. . on May no street. In Orch
ard Hill full lot , 2 blocks from motor ; prko
S.I.WM ; on tern's to suit purchaser. This is a
liarRaln.V. . 1C Homan , rooms 8 and 10.
Prouder b'ock. 7G324
FOIt &ALE At $5 pomcie , a splendid sept-
Ion ofouth Nebiaska land , four miles
from station on I > . \ . M. H. It. Easy terms.
W. 1C. Homan , loom 8 and 10 Fion/or block.
BAHRAIN lit Ilnoly situated house and lot
In Orchard III ! ! . 7 room house ; on Rrade ,
near motor ; MIWOI.IRU and water ; line view
Very cheap. Will trade for clear lots or farm.
Address. It 9 Ilee. 9.10-18 *
FOlt SALE-Rirm adjoining olty of Itlalr.
Nell. II. W. Mullildo. MMT..I2 *
TTIOIt SALE 2J-foot lot with brick bulldlnw
- Ion DodRO near I''th , price JO.UUJ.OO. Address
J. It. Shaw , 122J Lowe avenue. G7II-2I *
IOTO. block 9. ShullR 'ml. tJ.20t.01. Honors
J paid for. Call at once , 0. P. Harrison. 1112
Now Yoik Life. 708-0 : !
FOll South Om.iha roperty , business , track-
aRooriosldcnco , RO to the load In iL ss
tatodealeis In South Omaha , Ed Johnston
Co. , cor. 24th and N sts. M2SO
] 71IYP.-room houses in Orcharl Hill , il.,11) ) )
JL each on monthly p lyments. Thomas P.
Hall , .111 PaUon bile. 2tf
Foil SALE A line Improved farm of 203
acres ; 100 under cultivation ; sliado trees ;
fruit , windmill , Wilson s ales , etc. ; I no miles
west of Omaha ; $ JJ per aero. Addioss Q 48. Ilee.
_ _
CJ IlOlllIINS.tcal estate. 10J.IN. Y. Llfnlildit
> 0. S40.Kb *
"I710H SALE P.leRant homes on montly piv-
JL menls. Will build any prlco.l homo tn
milt you. K. K Itlnitor. l.ll'l ' ir.trn un. 207-J27'
FOll SALE , cheap , easy payments : HJ-.story
now C-room house , with liath , collar , etc. ;
full lot , N. Shulton. IDII Karnam. 911
"IJ1OH SAUK To workliiRinen only ( speeu-
-L. lators need not apply ) on time or monthly
payments a neat cotlaRont less than actual
valuo. Inside property , only onn block to
electric lino. Inquire at room 20J. Omaha
National hank ImildlnR MOM !
Fomtei , etf , . set top nl Jlrt rnluinii on tM iiige ,
CHOICE Humor strfnt' ' lot , eninty , Sroo.
Three line lots , Hanunond Place , equity ,
} 29UO. Ono traukiiRO lot , faddock Place.
oiiulty. Owner uants loss desirable
clear property In o\cliiijie ) , C. L. Jaynes , 411 !
. , ) . ' n MIOf.'l *
I7OK TKA DE-A aiwd icincio Nobraskii farm
-L and homo cash forstoek of Roods. Addiess
Iia W.lluIllnRur , College BpiItiRs.lowa. UhO-21 *
"MOUTH ICth stieet--Wlii' oxi-haiiRO a Rreat
-l- > uiiil Riowliu corner on this hplundld thor-
ouRhfaie , well Improved for hlz tract of farm
lumlAlox _ Mooio , 401 Uuu bullilliiR. III4-H
Foil EXCIIANOK-CIifar land and lots to
amount of f.1,0 0 and Wime cush for stock of
merohandUe ; what havu you ? owners answer ,
P. O. box 79J. Ciiiaha. . , _ Msti 21
" \\71IAT have yon tn oxohaiiRO ? Call or
IT wrltofull particulars. Alex. .Moore , 401
Ileo bulldliiR , 7JO ;
OlTbEri for lots , 40'J lirown bulldliiR.
rpo rxoiIAXOE I'orncr fuolu : . '
J- park and tlvootnor Rood lots for Chicago
residence property. Addicts o w , Ileo.
is'f .1 2t )
Forratef , ttf. , ttetop of flrit column onthti p e.
- Nicholas nnd Douglas
-I Ht reels , Omaha , Juno l.'l
- on or 14 , a pu'k-
noof hooks nnd pupurs The Under mil ho
liberally rewarded by leaving the same mth
J. II. \ \ atklnx \ Co. , outli Omaha. MU7i > 1U
I or nit ft. , ( tc.ieetopofjlrtt counin unid ( / pn ;
11 A T ENT IIIWVCM anil solicitors. ( i.W sues , V
Co. , lieu bnlldlfiKi Omaha , llrunoli olllce at
\Yu lunjjtun , 1) ) . l Consultation duo. -/J
" \\rA.NTKIMuniirolinio n enod stylish fnm-
lly IIOMP , Must bo sound , thoroughly
pcntlo and afraid of nothing. Suitable for
lady to drlvo. Apply Serjeant Urn VIM , pnllco
station. uiii-18'
"I V ANTP.Do have n cnnh ciMtomcr for-in
' Improvrd plivo of Omaha tiuslnos prop *
orty nt from J.m.ix to * < W.HH ) . Property must
show n good rental and be u Iminaln.VrlRht
A I/nsbury , IO./I / Howard street , la
\\7ANTRP-To buy Rood resldencp lot or
' honso and lot , or sevoial lots loi-ated seas
as to make a Rood hulldinii slu'ht , must lie In
llrst olas.s resldeneo ii.irt of the city. Parties
answerltiR this should Rive full description of
property , lowest | rice , terms , whether Incittn-
bored , and If so how i.uicli. O ll ) , lice oQlcc.
rorrntretr.trefo ; > nf flrl column nnfhlt ptge.
( " O and see Piof , WaruiR Jledlum and real
f nstroloRcr nt : rJ N. loth street. JUKiOOto
nnvoiu- who van cijiial htm In telling past ,
present nnd future , ouimtiiit speedy mnrrlnRes ,
litliiRlnR the separated together , and In busi
ness utr.ilrs his advice Is Invaluable. Ho tells
your name In full , IISKS no iiuestlons nnd uses
no cards of any description ) ! ! his profession.
Satisfaction Riven or no pav. Consultation
fee , ladles , Jl.00 ; Rontlcmen.JI.O ) . M. > ? J .ly.V
ASSAOE Mndnm DoillcrTwer CIO S.'iatli
uoo-Jyt } *
Mlls Niinnlo V. Warren , clairvoyant , trinoV
speaklnR , wrltliiR and reliable business
medium , four year * In Omnhii , till N , Ibth. 21M
Forr 'trs , etc. . tcftnpof tirtl column nil IfiM
ASSAdEtrcatment.electro-thernial baths ,
scalp and h Ur treatment , manicure and
chiropodist. .Mrs. Post.JlUSiMJth. Wltlinull Idk.
UI'IIOI.STKUINC ) and matlross , > s reno
vated ; also furiilturo lop.ilred. IX I'eter-
non li : .North isth st. M.MM-SU *
IlKSSMAICINM by day. w"ages Jr.-oT"i2
years'experience. Address 821 South I'lih '
& * } 20 *
CASH paid for endowment policies in , MK.
line comp-inles. Send description. A. K.
HrocKlojby , box 2.CI , Hartford. Conn. 4s'-jyll ' ) *
1/1U KM IT 11K bought , sold , Stored. Wells
Jmi I'niiiiim street 271
GItKAT barRalns In all kinds of Jewelry and
sllverwaro on account of the recent lira
S. .lonasen. Karnan and tlth stteets 17I-.PO
Formic * , etc. , tcttii nit/il | / pt/
rpllf ! Osvoodby school of stenography , Hoch-
JL ester , N. Y Thorouch Instruction by mall
Including manual , reader and speed hook ,
f 1 0.00. Hooks supplied foi self-instruction.
Knirraved synopsis for 2-cent stamp. M I0. > I't *
GKO. ! ' , liellenheeK , teacher of tbubanlo
with llospe. 1,111 240
B KKOUK Iniylni : a pluno examine the new
ac.ilo Kkiball iilano.A. Ilo > po.lil.l DoUKlas.
/ or nifrt , etc , Hct < > i > of fliat column oil l/i / ( < ) i tj
STKAM feathef washer ; beds. tluKs anil pll-
IOHS washed ; feathers bought. Mailer
ders promptly tilled Work called for and do-
Ihered. Prank Anson , 31st and Pranklln
streets. M 7l" >
Forralcx , etc. , fcetopnf Kr.fl column on tlili vvjt
OOltltnril'ONl ) for amusement. Instruction
or matilmony. The best correspondence
bureau , particulars In plain sealed envelope
foi lOo Look Ilex I2l ! ) . Omaha. 2lJ27 *
I'orratc * . etc. , rccto ) > of first column onthtepiut
E I ha\o now nasturo just fenced
for Iiorses And colts. 22 , " > am PS of tame and
wild Kr.iss , will call for and deliver , charges
reasonable. Iminlro Kvans , KII Paxton block ,
or address Gcortto G. Onus , South Omaha ,
G AIIDEN farm to rent. T. Murr.iy.
b Cip in' ' hi. I'liul Llinltui )
Lonvcs ( itiCAiio x Muritwisri'uN ) : ; A rrivtn
Oniulii _ 'll ' 1' ilopiit 10th unit Muruy bt < Omaha
elite IKO hxpru s. . sTn u m
. ' . . .Vcstlliulo LhulluU. . ' , ) JO : i m
. ' > u p ni . . . . .Uaitorn f IJTlll. . . . . . - ' M ) : i m
S20 p ill I Loral Kmt _ Kr. ( cicupt Moiulny ) ll'JO n m
l.unvo I OMAHA A ST "LOUIS . .i" A rn voi
Oiiiilialli 1' . dupol. IQlli nnd Marty hU.I Omiih a.
400 p ml .Ht. Louis Cannon Hall . ,112,11 p m
Tenvo I P. . 13. A MO. VALL1IY. I Arrlvo
jJiuaha I llopot ITitli and Wulnler Sts. | Omalia
OIJO n in Illiick llll ] < i\pruit. : . . I fi'.U p m
' " bntlWyo Ktp ( lx ! Mon ) | . . ' " .i'0 p in
Wnlliii ) A Lincoln I'.n ( tx .SunIII..ii : n in
.Vnrk .1 Nnrfiilk ( HSiiniliiy ) | ll B n in
f Arrive *
Onmlm. Depot 1'itli nndVetntcr Sin. I Oin.ilm
H 10 n nil HUmx rtty Accommodation 5"il ( p m
1 00 p mlSlmix I Ity ixproi ( ieundny : ) 12 to p m
! it"i p mi . ht. I'nul Ltmltiid. . . . u B i a m
5 IS p n UlRiicroft I'niHCHKur ( Kx Sunilay H 43 ii m
Omnh u I Depot I.Uli and WutntorHti. I Oui'ilm
10.10 ii | Louts A K C KiproM. . . I li .k ) n in
OM pml _ _ . ht J.ouliA K. C. llxproat . .15 20 p iij
' "
Luuvon k" JOi ; AC' II .
.ul. vm l\ O.ST a\j It + \s I .fill vl'D
Transfur Union Depot , Counuli ItlnlTii. rlranttfur
100) ) a m i ( Ity Day 641 p in
1015 p m Knmui Clly l.'J a u
CIIICAliO 11.1 A I'ACII-m Arrlvoitl
TnintiT I Union Du il. Council Illuiln. Tr.-inifor
fi tt ) p inr . . .NlKht KxproiH I 1)20 ) n m
ti .Vi a m . Atlantic Kxprim | liVi p m
6.00 p ml Viistlhiilu l.lmllcit Ill 10 n m
I.imvin Iflli'AiiO liNOItl'lIU'HSri'iU.V.I ' Arrlvui
Uiijim IMl'ol ' , < 'onniMI Dlillti 1'1'nunfo
11.10 n m 7. Chli-aun ] i ; 00 p m
SOO p m .Vu.itllmlu Limited. li .I'J ii m
1000 p m .Outturn Urur. . . lit ) o m
p m Atlnntlo .Mull . .10 a. m
U.tO j * m i liiwg Ai coinmoilatlon ( Sat only ) I ! 40 p m
l.pnvui I OMAHA AhT l.oflH I Arrlvoi
'Iranifoil _ Unlon Dojiot , Council lllntri. _ iTransfur
4 III p ml . < t LmilsViiiiiin llnll . . . H'.ri p in
_ lljiloii IJojipt , Uiunrll lljujls iTriinufnr
tl 40 u m . I likni'n Kiproin > 20 p in
II ) 11) ) p m . .Lhlciuo Kipruix 40 a in
7 Ui p m .1 ruHton 15 a m
Si l 1C , tt fc v'i j A VIM
TriiHlir Tin l .1 it 'i ni i lit .
" J
7 IS n mi t'ltjr Arcn mmodntlon | .I III
B 60 p m I SU 1'iiul llxuroin . . 1000 p in
.mirrttu , tor , t Itlt < inil
miint Hiilintiintliiltu
Hotel Jttiilillnii In Oiniiliii. tivi-vritl
lii'li'lt / / < ( ii-nllM rnnnlnu trotn
tn rnnf , All tint t'filini/n unit
iritl ; Atln'Htu * jtro jirutif
ninktnii It liniHiHiililu to Itiii'H
quirk , l''ii-m-i'iii > < 'H < f i ( / / ! < ) l < iriiin
tliriiufjlioiit tlio liiillillnn. fit < in In-nt ,
hut unit < -ulil tiiitri' unit miiiHlilnt'ni
i-n-i-ii i-tiuin , Aitblo niiMtiriHiH.ii'il itnj.
tlllttl'C. ,
Tl EP i I 5SCS
orRlvuroltuf llko" lit i'lorco's iUKiiullo ri
trull Itliasrumlthousiiiils t If von wunttho
III. Hi' , Bend loin nUmps < urfniol'niplil"t V > I.
lilu.Uo Tru. Lo , , nun Kruuilu-u , t ui
AssocltxtPd with The Snn F'rnnalsco Exnmlnor
For the Stales of Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas and
South Dakota , for the collection of all legiti
mate claims before the various Depart
ments of the Government.
EDWARD P. ROGGEN , Manager ,
Room 600 , Bee Building , OMAHA , NEB.
Will practice in the SUPREME COURT OF TJf/S
UNITED STATES , the Court of Claims , the several Courts
of the District of Columbia , before Committees of Congress ,
Indian Depredation Claims.
We Obtain Pensions and Patents.
All Classes of Land Claims.
Mining , Pre-emption and Homestead Cases
Prosecuted buforo tliu Cn-noril Until Olllco ,'.tiiunl of the Inturlot , aud
tliu Supronio Con ft.
Thousands yet entitled. Wrlto for information.
Widows , Minor Children , Dependent Mothers , Fathers , nnd
Minor Dependents Brothers nnd Sisters mi titled.
Pension huvs arc now more lib.iral than formerly , and many are
on titled to bettor rate : ) . Apply at once for list of question ! ) to
dotormtno rijjht to higher rates.
All letters will be promptly answered and all
information concerning form of applications for
claims , terms , etc.will be given with as little
delay as practicable. No letter will be an
swered unless the sender encloses requisite
stamps for reply. No information concerning
any particular claim will be imparted until the
applicant has become a member of The Bee
Claims Bureau association.
Address all letters relating to claims to
Manager Omalia Boo Bureau of Claims
Moirltmti 13 vein oxporlcnca In tlio troittujit 3t
AcurORUiirautuuil In 3 to 5 iluyi , without lioloii eton
on liour'n llmu.
The moil complotu ami nbsoluto euro for uloot nmt
nil nnnoylnx iltscliiirxoa uvcr known to llio muitlcil
lirofuaston. t'urmnnontly cured In frouiJlolJ Ui/l
Or pnln In rcllorlnu the blmlilur enroll without pnln
or tnatruincnls. nu culling , no tltliitlni ; . Ttiu muit
rctuiirkiibloruinudy knonn to moiturn sol'jiico.
Cured In 30 to CO cliiyf Ir McdroiT'i trcatnumt for
this turrlblu tilooililhuniuli n liumi pronounciM tlm
uiiistiiuccujafiilruiiiuily over dl covuroil fur t'li'iib- '
dolutu euro of lliu dlioiai ) llli HIICOOSI wllli Hill
illsemolmi nuvor boon oqunllal. A vuuiplutu curj
BUIimuloea >
nciH.nlt woikniissos of tl n anximt orzim , norvom.
A tut llinlillty licit itusponiluncy iilnoluloly ciiruJ ,
Tli orulluf In Iniinuill ilu mill i > ouiplutt <
nnil nil iltxcnioi of tlio tilooil , llvur , Ulduoy-i. an I
bliidilur pornmnontly curoit
Tlio doctor "lloinnl'rontniont" for liidloi Ii pro.
noiinicd by nil who luivu uiuil II to In ) tlio inont com-
lilcluiind conviinliMit romoily ever olTurud for the
trt'iitniontof foin.iloilhc'iHOH Ills truly : i wonilt-rfiil
rumudy. lluura for liulkn , from 'i to 4 out ) .
Mnrvolloui nuccosi In the trnntinont of rrlvntodls.
O.ISOH lint wnn lor lilin ft ri'imtnllon nhlrli In trnl | )
imtlonnl In clinnicUT , and llli tcrunt army of p itliinti
rtMiclius from tliu Atliuitli ) to llm I'ai-lllo Thu doctor
In n Kradunto of" niuillvlnii nnd luti liny
loot , ' and oarofiil oxporlonco In lioiplttl prautluu ,
nnd Is vlnswd UIIIOIIK tliu lomlliu npoiilallats In mod *
urn cloncu. 'J'roatinunt by corrospondoncuVrItii
for cliculiiM al > out imcli of the ubovo ilUu uoi , fruu.
Oltico , 14th and Fariuini Struots , Om.iha
Neb. Entratiou on olthur btruut.
Practical Opticians
And tirnnrli of world ronnninid optlnnl oiiiilillnh-
inentof A.H Mno.xl'o. Ht. I.onli Our nmtlioil li
aiipiirlor to nil oilier * , nur Innnen nro niipprliir will
nut wi'srr or tire tliu ores Tin frames properly " 'J- '
Juitud lu tlio fure
Byea Tcstod Proo of Churero.
Prices Low for First-class Goods.
114 S. 16th St. , Next ti Poatjllloo
Cor. 1 Mil nnil Capitol Au1.
Just completed , liau 1OO rooms , three
stairways , from the top to the bottom , has
tint ) uUvntjr nnd dining room Hervicu , IK
llro proof throiiKhout. tlno billiard rooms
and tha tlnoH tollot rooms tn the city. Luryo
sample roomu. Suitor with hath , oto. Cor.
14th and Capitol Avo. Struot car uorvloj in
all Jircctlona. Rates , from $8,60 to $1.
"Lot another man pralsethcu , and nntthlno
own mouth. A straiiRor and not thlno own
lips. " Uov. Oeoixo Miller , Carllle , Iowa ; Uov.
Anthony Jacobs , Sidney , Jowiij Itov. .1. W
Carter. Pleasant ( Jrovo , lovva ; Ilov. K. V
PCI ry. Cedar KanldH Iowa ; Uov. W. It. I.llo ,
I.eavenworth , Kan as ; Hov , .1. T. Mnmford ,
Kmorson , Iowa ; Hov. J. W. C.ithc.irt , Kmor-
son. Iowa ; Itov. ( illmuu Pniker. Ijinerson ,
Iowa ; Hon. T. .1. Abel , Dee.itur , Illinois ; W.
A Stion , ' , Counull ItlutTn , Iowa. When Mich
n.on ns the above have Rlvon tbolr tostlinoii-
lals In pi also of Mooro'n Tico of lilfo and the
leadlnR wholusalo drilR houses say they have
Riven entire satisfaction whom they have
been sold , what het'.or cvldonco do you want'/ /
Why should you suffer when youcuu tic ourcd
by usliu Mooie's Tieoof Iilfe.
Mooro'a Trnoof Llfo n pmltlvo euro for Klilnor
nnit Ltvor Com pi lint and all tiluud il Isolde * . Doni It
ny to Hiiifer whun yuu cm ha cured hy iuln
'Iruuof Llfu , tliuliroiit I.lfo Homo IV ?
ll'd Offer You n ltfn\e \ < ty
ir/ifr/i riinnrrt Kiifrly to
J.ifv ofjrutlirr nnil Clillil ,
Jtolm Cuiijlncini'nt of its
J'tiin , Jlorror nnil JUalc ,
After iKliiKiinn bottlidif " ,1I illicr' I'rli'iiil" I
BUIIfri'd Inn llttlo | iiiln , and illiluolexpcrluiicot lull
wunknt'ttn ariemard luiml la Hitch casits. Mm.
ANMI : UAOF , Lumur , M , Jan. 15th , IS'jl. '
.Sent hy uxpri's.1. charti propnld , on ri'i'olptot
[ iricc , Jl 50 PIT iHiitlu lloiiktn MiitliurHinallvil rruo.
ATLANTA , ( ! A ,
T ii LtLi lLTiai "f P 9rW + ff13XiZ +
For burna
uoo Pond'a Extractt
fjiirrorlnij from
llm uinicls ol
} iiillilul orron
i arly UocnT , wiutlnu , , etc.
I will MiicJii ToluaRl trruttM ) ( . nlulj cdiiliitnluj
fullnortlculfini fur liomn ( .urn , I'ltnii of ilmrnu
Anploadld nivdlcul work i vljoulil IMI iL'od ) > y . I'vcrj .
inia wlin U ni'rvrmi and diilillllnfil. A'lilru
1'rof. I' . < > . IM > WMilt. W ootlu * . Conn
OMAHA Hufiiilurilri'iimr uronli. n W
II rtllKHWOUII. Hi Now \r >
BOHOOL OF Llfo Hid K , Oinnliu. Nul >
Illlllll I A bu luml only cipiulut pruicrllxt by
uuuu i n ru < ulP | , | iiiy ieuni tur lha curu ol
Uonorliua nna Ultoliur ui ( rum Hid urinary
uuuriluUu U4uuu4 41 .Jt > jUux. . All Uru