10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FIHDAT , JPNE 10 , 1891-TWELVE PAGES. NEWS OF THE NORTHWEST. _ The Pulse Throbs of Progress and Develop ment Beyond the Missouri. NATURE'S Dlil'ICIliiNCIHS OVERCOME BY HUMAN INGENUITY. Splendid ncsltlts of Artificial Moisture In Cnlifornlm-Resourccs of tile Rock. Ribbed Idnho The Utah Congress How Wyoming Is Humping Notes ofMon and Thlngw. Tlio Ulii The Salt Lake Ulty ctwmbor of commerce ul n I'i'coni mooting took notion to secaro llio rnillntf of nn Irrigation ooiivonllon nt that placr , to bo mrulo up of nil thu states mill ter ritories wcit of thu Missouri river. Gov ernor Thonm of Utah will sign tho-call. The purpose of tlio convention will bo to ilovuo moans to reclaim tlm vnst uxtout of now nrlil lands through the construction of systems of Irrigation. Tult work Is so v. U IIM to 1)0 buyutid the power of Individual en terprise , oven If It bo not nlso too Krout tor corporation or syndicate cITort. Ilulicu thu natural suggestion that It Btiotlld ho In seine manner and to 301110 ox tent nt luiut public Tim proposition that has found most favor , Nays the Donvur Hun , Is that thu Kimeral government grout to the several stnton and territories the doiort nnd arid lands , to bn utilized for the construction of thu Irrigation system. This in the plan that will bo clilolly discussed In the Suit Luke convention , and llut-ly bo nix'cd upon congress for adoption. There in little tiinu for delay in the mloo- tton if some plan. Already tbo public lands that nucd no Irrigation uro pretty well appro- liriated. Settlement Is beglnnlm ; to crowd upon the deserts and wastes that need only u liter to uo transformed Into sardons. The extent of them Is Honiolhlng enormous. it Is estimated tnat In Utah alone there are ovur llfteen thousand square miles of irri- j-ablo land , of which less than one thousand mo under ditch. If this territory lias bo- roino what it is with so little of ciiltlvntablo land , what can It bo made with more than llfleen times us much I Utah Is traversed by many streams streams that carry water enough to Irrlpito nil her lands. Indeed , through the great Columbia and Colorado rivers which drain the western slope cnouch water llnws unused to thu son to convert all the vast wastes of Unit section Into smiling llultis , luxuriant orchards unu blooming gar dens. The level stretches of now arid lands are ( 'roator on the eastern than on the western slope. All that vnst plain which stretches ' cas'tward from llio Rocky mountains through Now Mexico , Colorado , Wyoming and Mon tana , and into Dakota , Ivnnsas and Nobrnska conla bo inndu richly productive by irriga tion. It is in torritorlal extent nn empire ) in itself.Vhilo with the Missouri nnd the Kio ( irnndo and their tributaries the .supply of water in the aggregate may bo as grent as on the other side of the great rnuco , it is not so udvantngoousry distributed. It cannot uo ina.lc so largely available. A largo portion of this great area must per haps remain forever pastoral lands. But through thu construction of systems of reser voirs and canals n great portion of It can bo reclaimed enough to support R population of many millions. ' 1 ho call for the Utah convention should receive prompt and cordial rosponsc from till the states and torritorius to which it shall be addressed. As it , originates with the Salt Lake City chamber of comniorco. the responses can llttingly cotuo from lilto bodies in thu other far western cities. Colorado Hliould hnvo a good delegation in the con vention. of Minin. : hi To. W. W. Howard , In Humor's Unzar : "Look lioro , " said a man , whoso faith 1 sought to lost , "if I dill not reel dead open-and-shut Huro of making my fortune here , all In good time , do you .suppose I would stay i My inino is worth a good million just as it Htands " "Why don't yon soil , and so put nn end to this pork and beans and hot biscuit existence of yours } " I suggested. "IJorauso no ono would pay that prlco. in the first place , and because , in the second place , I shall takii moro than a million out of it when I got it properly davclopud. This developing is what coats. A friend of mine hiis paid $10,000 for development work , and ho hasn't reached the mineral yot. Ho wouldn't soil fornnv innnoy. Ho would bo n fool if ho did , for no is richt on top of the Ktnff. Now here is whcro eastern people got fooled. They suppose , when they buy stock in n mine , thct they uro going to got their money back in dividends without dolny. They don't understand this unproductive work , and so when the stock Is used up they call the whole thing n .swindle and give it up. All mining operations are not swindles , by n long way , although they do not turn out well. There are swindle.- every sort of business , nnd perhnm mining has liad its share. My idea about Investing in mines is this : Don't invest In anything , not even real estate , unless you can keep nn eye on it to see thnt you got honest treatment. " The mining regions of the west nro popu lous with such men as this. Thu pluck nnd pal ion t I'luluraiico which these men show are utmost beyond belief. Many of thorn mnku colossal fortunes eventually , and many , many do not. Ah , those many , uianv , who do not ! What broken hearts and wrecked and ruined lives Ho hidden thcro ! Surely that Is n strange and grim fatality which takes the uicrnlng nnd midday of a man's life , and in the afternoon leaves only thu nshos of unat- talnud ambition. The rude cabins among tbo inhospitnblo mountain jwaks have their wolul stories of disappointment and despair to tbosu who can read their inuto language1. In them the hard worked miner has held his dream of wealth and power and reunited love , wlillo In his eastern homo his mother nnd friends wondered year by year why ho did not send the money to pay on * the mort gage on the farm , nnd why n coolness seemed to come between him unit thnt neighbor's daughter whom ho had hoped to dock with thu gold of the western mines. Ills eastern friends cannot understand the hardships nnd chances of n minor's life , nnd too often they forgot hint tus ono who somehow laclis the ntilllty to make his way In llio world. Thus , unnoticed by fortune ami neglected by those. friends who should cherish him most , ho wears out his life in n moro hole in the ground ; yet through It nil , nnd oven unto hitter - tor old ago , hu has his dreams of friends nnd Lome and lovo. Idaho , Tor Instance. The now west Is still a virgin Hold for en- crgv , ontornriso nnd sottlomunt , says the ir rigation Ago. Its lihtnry is yet unwritten. Its pilgrim fathers have sot fool on its shores , .1 i the red man hits boon driven hack , the cor ner stones of states have boon laid , but that Is all. The day of ro.il development Is yet only n gray streak sgnlnst thu horizon of the lutnro. \ar \ Instance , look nt Idaho. It has a terri tory of 811-'Ul squro miles. Nnturo has endowed dewed It with abundant streams , with mill ions of Irrigable laud , with Inexhaustible stores of minerals , with splondul foresUswith u climate wtiich nnrsos men to old ago. Hut oil these resources are almost as nature loft them , The Snake river valley nlouo could support a population of 2,000,000 , while the thu population of the whole statu is but n scant 100,000. The largest city shows loss tlinn 5,000. There are inrvrvolous water pow ers , but no manufactures , Who boliuvos that Idnho will net some day utilize her ntroums and forti amis llko southern Cali fornia , her mineral resources like Colorado nnd I'oiuisylviuiln , her water powers like Massachusetts I Who doubts that in thu fu ture she will live ten years , while thu old states nro living onolhyshould n young man bump Ills head ugulnst tuo social and commercial barriers of an old and severe civ ilization when the west needs him to do in these days the work of development which Ills remote ancestors did In Now Kngluuu , Now Yortt or Virgh'l ' : * two centuries ngol Idaho is only ono stnto in the now west.but one. Her future rouiuwa to bo moulded by energetic mon , Agriculture , resting on the sure basis of irrigation , must bo the foundation of her prosperity. When this has been advanced the miner will multi ply , nnd the merchant nnd manufacturer will come to cuter to the wants of the grow ing population. U'o speak particularly of Idaho because in this Issue .something is said of her present Irrigation dovcioumcnt and of the opportunity which exists for settlement mid Investment. Hut Idaho U chiefly Inter esting as a typo of thnt now nnd hopeful west to which she belongs. Irrigation In Cnlirornln. The San Francisco Chronicle lias pub lished an exhaustive summary of the prog ress made in Irrigation enterprise lit Califor nia , with particular rnforonco to the workings of the Wright law. ( Tudor this law , adopted four years UKO , owner * of land requiring Irri gation from n common source nro authori/ to form irrigation districts , to which nre given the powers of municipal corporations. Those districts may condemn water-right right of way , construct canals nnd reservoirs nnd issue bonds to pay for tno same , the bonds to have twenty years to run , to pay ( > per cent interest .somi-nniinally , and they nro to bo a first lion upon the lands In the dis trict. The supreme court has ntllrmcd the constitutionality of this law In four different cases and there Is no longer doubt upon nny point. Under the act thirty districts have boon organized with nn rtroa of over two mil lion ticros , $11,000,000 in bonds have boon voted nnd about $1,000,01)0 ) of bonds have boon sold or exchanged for water rights , and pur chasers have boon found bore , in the east and In Kurope. The average cost of nutting wntor on luntls In districts alroadv organized is a little over $3 nu acre. Without water most of the land is worth no moro than 310or $15 nn acre. With water Its value is in creased at once from 101) ) to fiOO per cent. Actual instances might bo quoted where lands that were dry could not bo sold for moro than SI or 1 an aero , vet us soon us water was obtained they found eager pur chasers at $100 and oven $1)00 ) an acre. From those facts It Is argued that tno.bonds of irri gation districts mtiko unsurpassed security , and letter.- * are published from such mon us C. IJ. Iluntington and others , and interviews are had with u largo number of men Und bankers of San Francisco and the interior m which the bonds nro highly endorsed. This district system of California certainly solves the problem of the reclamation of the arid lands of the west without governmental assistance other than in the passagoof neces sary laws. Ui'oliost Spot on Knrth It Is a common remark among minors nnd prospectors thnt "tho Dlnck Hills have not boon scratched yet , " and the rojnark Is abso lutely true , so far as it relates to development mont of the wealth that lies hidden in the bowels of the earth , says the Spearllsn Bui- tin. When President Marvin Hughitt of the Chicago & Northwestern railway , said at the meeting of railroad presidents in Now York n short time ago , "Tho 100 miles square com prising the Black Hills is the richest spot of equal area now known on the earth , " % ho simply uttered a truth just now beginning to bo known nnd understood. Every dny de velopments are being made throughout the length nnd breadth of that 100 miles square which are a surprise to those who make the discoveries , and daily add woignt and sig- nllicanco to that remarkable statement , nnd proves conclusively thatthough Mr. Hughitt spoke really what tie believed , yet ho "bulldod bettor than ho Know. " Ho did not realize the vast possibilities of that wonder ful region of wealth , When the development of rich mineral ores , vast deposits of line marble and the bust qualities of building stone began to attract the attention of rail road companies , it nt once becnmo n strife among them as to which should lirst pene trate the Hills , establish their lines and se cure a linn foothoold. Two main lines of road now traverse the Hills , and as develop ments proceed others will surely come , until this region , hitherto deemed inaccessible to the tramp of the iron stood , will bogridjroncd with bands of steel , and the , steady outpour ing of wealth will exceed the fabled "King Solomnn's mines , " so graphically described by Uider Hnggard. tVoolM'ou Four hows. II. L. Vnn Vlockof Hivor Bend , Col. , snys : Many people wonder why sheop-rnlsinp , which on paper shows such excellent returns does not in practice mnko these who pursue thnt industry rich. Aftoi-Jn long experience I can say thnt thu main cnusoof the unsatisfac tory returns is that no animal thnt wnlks on four logs is ns big a fool as the shonp. Wo have to watch them every mlnnto , and if vig- ilnnco Is relaxed for an instant the Hock is likely to practically commit suicide. In handling some animals KOIIIO degree of self- help or intelligence can bo relied on to aid the owner In saving their lives , but ahoop seem to sot deliberately to work to kill themselves. If caught In n storm on thu plains they will drift before the wind unit diu of hunger and cold rather than move 100 yards to windward to obtain shelter in their corral. To drive sheep against the wind is nosolutuly Impossi ble. I once lost 1.000 slieup because I could not drive them to n corral not ' 00 feet away. In the corral they nre still moro foolish. If n storm comes up they nil move "down wind" until stopped by the fence. Then commences the proceeding so much drendod by sheepmen and known ns "pllng. " The sheep will climb over each other's backs until they nro heaped up ton foot high. Of course alt these at thu bottom nro smothered. Not ono has sense enough to seek shulter under the leu of the fence as n horse or dog would do. Again , if shcop gets into a quicKsnnd its fnto teaches nothing to these that come immediately after , but the whole Hock will follow its leader to destruction. No moro oxasper.Ulngly stupid Jmito than a shcop walks. Tin ) Trump Niiiminco. The cold-bloodod murder of a railroad brnkoman near the boundary of Wyoming nnd Colorado has aroused n dangerous senti ment among the pooplo. Numerous outnt a ) hiivo been perpetrated nt various points in Wyoming along the railroads , but having murder to their numerous petty crimes , these freebooters are likely to bo rigorously dealt with in the future. While it U doubtless true that some unfortunates are forced by dire necessity and the Impossibility of securing - curing work to temporarily assume the role of "tramp , " It Is nevertheless equally trim that the vast majority of them are the most utterly worthless and depraved class of hu man Beings in be found in the country. NoiUior nrrost nor sending thorn out of town lias yet succeeded in completely abating the nuisance. Arrest has uo terrors for nny of them. It seems to us. says thu Cheyenne Lender , that the railroads have n duty to perform In this matter. ' Tramping is encouraged by the facility of traveling. They experience little trouble In "boatlijg their way" from plnco to place over the railroads. Mora rigorous rules should bo adopted to prevent these people from stealing rldtu nnd tbo rules should Iw rigorously enforced. The task Is not nn easy ono but the railroads should at least mnko an honest effort to discourage such tralllo. _ A Now llullroiul tu thu IIIllH. "There are now two corps of engineers In the Hold , " said Knglnncr Hrouijhioii of the Dakota , Wyoming Jt Missouri Uivor railway , to a reporter In Itapid City. "Ono Is em ployed In locating and thu other in construct ing. Work will bo pushed with the utmost vigor. As soon as another tlttccu miles are rondy for grading another corps will bo pu Into the Hold. "Tho road will bo first class In every re spool , the Iron used being seventy-two pount mils , the honvlcut mado. The .survey will IK pushed on beyond the B. ft M. Into the cpa' ' Holds. Messrs. Woods & Bancroft , by tin way , are among the best known nnd wealth lost railway contractors til the wost. Tholi contract co'vcrs the construction of the road Ironing , erection of depots , olc. " Mr. Broughlon has associated with bin Mr. Mnnzor , ono of the ablest locating ongi ncors In the country , having locnto.l the Northern Pacific over the mountnin. andMr T. II. LoomK who will Imvo charge of con- strtictlon. Mr. L-oomls was formerly chlol engineer of the Mexican Central and assist ant engineer of the great Croton nnuoduct. This elaborate preparation would Indicate thnt the Unkotn , Wyoming & Missouri Hlvoi road is something moro than n short line. Wyoming Wheat. Taking for a text the prediction that wheat will bring $ ' a bushel within a year , the Laramlo Republican suy.s ; "We Imvo re peatedly shown , upon such excellent author ity as the Uouglas-Willan Sartoris company nnd others , that agriculture is no longer a.i experiment in this region anil altitude. II has been demonstrated by several successive years of trial thnt the vnlioys of the Big nnd Little Laramie , together with the almost limitless tracts between nnd on either side ol them wherever wntor can bo got on the .soil will produce wheat in nn nbuudnnco nnd ol n quality not surpassed in nny section of the country , tast or west'highland or lowlnnd. "It Is time that more of our ranchmen wore raising wheat , oven if there is no present market in slsht. The market will come when thu granaries are full and the millers of tin east know thu quality of our gr.iln , And 11 wheat should Jump up to $2 n bushel within n yuar or two on Recount of the great Euro pean war thnt Is now generally predicted , there would bo n good many Wyoming mon who will regret their lost opportunity. All the gold Is not found in the mountains , but gold is to bo gathered from every bit of our soil , if it is only tilled. " Suit Ijiiko's Court House. AH arrangements have beets completed for the erection of a magnificent court bouse nnd city hall in Salt Uako City. The building will be located in the centra of the Eighth ward square , nnd will have four fronts. The building is 102x37 : } to extreme points , nnd Is three stories in bight , abavo the basement , except the centre , which is carried one story higher. The dome will be 'J3'J foot high , cov ered with copper. The basement ana flrst floor will bo lire- proofed , nnd the stories nbovo .slow burning construction. The roof will bo slnto and partitions terra cotta , The basement and lirst floor nro connected by eight Iron staircases , placed In convenient places , nnd the llrst , second , third and fourth commniunicato by means of tlireo stnironsus , Tvo elootrio olovntors run from the base ment to the foarth Hour. _ The building will bo constructed with Kyuno stone , backed up with hard-burned brick , will have plate-glass windows , hard wood llnlsh , best sy.stonn of ho.Uing , veutll- laling , lighting and plumbing. MorUs of kViltl .Vuiiii iN. _ Though wild game has boon decimated in numbers within the past , fuw years by un scrupulous hunters , says the L-iramio Republican , it is not all gone yot. Still it is rare to sea even an nntolopj close to the city , though now and then a smull band of blaclt tail deer will conic down from the hills to drink at the city springs , or a stray elk may ba seen between hor2 and Sheep mountain. On this account the sight , witnessed by Charles Boclc , who c.imu in from North park , was an exceedingly intoi'- esthig one. When Just this side of Pinkhamptou , near the Mountain Homo ranch , about thirly-llvo miles from Larimlo , ho saw lour bull elk , ton deer and n herd of antulopuso numerous that ho coulu not count them , grazing alto.'otlior in a little park close by the ro.idsido. Ha diu not disturb them , anil they juid no atten tion to his presence , so ho took a good loik. It reminded him of a visit to the zoological gardens In some eastern city to see such u number and variety of animals congrogatad together In HO small n space. Montana Slicep. If the careful estimate thnt 1R.O'J3,030 povtuls of wool wore shipped from Montana last season , bo approximately correct , says the Helena Journal , there are at least 2.00J- 000 head of sheep within its borders. Now companies have imported no less than 000,000 this sprlifg , if our information l.s ac curate , making a grand total that appeals to the pride of every Montanian who loves bis stato. Mr. Peclt , secretary of the Montana Wool Urowers' association , says it is cur rently reported that the llrst band of sheep brought to the state was driven into the Prickly Pear valley in ItitiT , nnd comprised about live hundred head , all of which pnr- isheJ vho following spring. The reports of the state auuitors , while not compiled from absolutely reliable sources , mm which there fore minimize th'oir 'otals , indicate the healthy growth of the industry. A. Phantom I'ciik. A prjtty sight aad a very uncommon ono , snys the Laramlo Uepubllcan , was witnessed by a few idlers on the uopot platform last evening Just before No. 7 came in. As every body hero knows , Laramlo po.ik Is not visi ble from this city , though it , Is from a point Just beyond West Laramie. It lies seventy- live miles north and is concealed from view by rising ground and the bond of the Black Hills But on this occasion , owiir ; to n mir age , or some phenomena ofthat description , it rose , distinctly to vlow on the liori/.on , between - tweon the ehomlc.il works nnd the brewery. Not the pouk alone , but the base and the smaller hills alongside of it worn plainly seen , and this condition lasted for fully half an hour , when it gradually faded away. Illaulc Mills AttrautioiiH. The Black Hills produces $ : ) , OOotOOO nn. nually in gold , says the Sioux Falh Loader Already between * ! 0,000,000 nnd $10,000,000 in gold have been taken from tno hills. There are in that region of the state rich deposits also of coal , load , iron , tin , gypsum and cop per , and in n few year * trade with that part of thu state will bo very valuable. Omulm , Sioux City nnd Minneapolis already realize Uiis.and cacti party is now working for u rail road connection with the hills. Sentimentally and geographically the territory belongs to Sioux Falls , but its trade will not come to us without effort. Wo must have > i direct rail road connection with the Black Hills. And thu sooner positive steps nrn taken to this end , the moro certainty there will be thut tno city will no bo scooped. U'yoiu tig , Uawllns is nogotiatin.i ; for oloctrlu light. Great scliomus nro developing in Sarntogn. Big crops nra blooming In bhurldnn county. A large influx of suttluru [ 3 uookcd for tills year. year.Wool Wool- buyers are congregating In Haw- llns. llns.Green Green lUver has decided to Incorporate as a city. Luramlu's board of trade has .been resur rected. Cheyenne tramps Insist on sandwiching apple pie with cheoso. The state mining convention convenes In Cheyenne next month. Laramlo sports have arranged for a three days' racing meeting , beginning July. The railroad companies and government disburse over $100,000 in Cheyenne monthly * Thomas Boon , a lad of twelve , fell off the viaduct in Cheyenne and fractured both arms. Emerson Glafcko , a young inventor in Choyunno , has obtained a patent for an auto matic ore dumping car. Theru will bo good times In Wyoming , snys the Cheyenne Sun , when our people quit looking for the Impossible and are content with thu available resources. A twelve Inch tlsh poked its nose Into the Union 1'ncilio stand plo In Choyonnn ami btoppod tbo How of water. The Incident shows there are some things in Cheyenne that take kindly to water. The Wnrron llvo stock company tins sold 10.000 yearling owe sheep to Hay & Hamil ton of South Dakota. Three carloads of stock were sold by the Ferguson cattle com pany to buyers from the same stato. On the evening of the I'Jth lightning was so Ilerco and rapid that It laid out for the time belnp all traids on the hill , between Laramlo and Sherman , Hallrond men sny they never before witnessed such snvngo anil frequent Hashes , The movement to erect n Masonic temple in Choyeiino Is on tbo high road to success , A bonus of $ | H,000 bus beou subscribed bj citizens to purchase the site , members of the craft agreeing to nroct u building costing from 7r > ,000 to $100,000 , A deed has boon Hlod for record , from the Union Pacific , transferring HO.OOJ aerosol land to the Wyoming Innd nnd improvement company , of which L. Hnnits of Larnmlo Is secretary. Two-thirds of the land Is located In Carbon county , the other one-third in Al bany county. The Incossnnt rains df the past fortnight hnvo knocked tbo business calculations of Buffalo merchants Into cocked hats. Freight thnt has long been ordered Is still hung tit : nt Caspar or stuck In thu mud along the road , and the perplexities of tue dealers are dally multiplying. Work Is being vigorously cnrned on nt the various experimental agricultural stations in the stnto. The result will bo watched with considerable Interest , ns It is expected thnt the season's work will demonstrate that Wy oming soil Is peculiarly adapted to the rais ing of all kinds of vegetables nnd cereals. Measurements of the Bear rlvor How show n depth of seven and n half feet nnd n veloci ty of ! > 00 foot per second , enough to Irrigate 75,000 auros of land. Late measurements ol the Lnrnmlo rivprshowed double tbo velocity of the Boar rlvor , whllo the Plattc , nt Douglns , showed u velocity of 11,000 foot per second. The greatest Irrigation enterprise over un- durtakon in Wyoming Is eryitnllzing nt Cas par. The project Is to take n ditch from the Platte river at a costof f.,0t)0,000 ) nnd reclaim ' . ' ,000,000 acres of land. The cnnal will bo twenty feet deep , thirteen feet wide nnd 110 ! miles long. Do Forest UlciinnTs , n banker at Douglas , is at thu bead of the scemo and says ho has eastern capital pledged. Two survey * hnuo been made nnd lines nro being run for the third timo. An Important coal discovery has boon made in the vicinity of Granger. The vein has been traced for a distance of forty miles ; is. from two hundred yards to n quarter of a mile in width ; has an average depth on the surface of twelve feet , and is of excellent quality , being.similar to the Kocn Springs product. The vein crosses the Bltlck Fork eight miles west of Granger anil passes di rectly through the stock range of the HOOK Keel. The vein Is on Union Pacific land nnd its development will moan another big Wy oming Union Pauillu coal camp. The Uapid City oil company has a largo tract of land about thirty-livu mlle.s west of Sundance. The lirst wcil sunk by the com pany is down 1,200 feet. At n depth of bOO feet oil bearing roeit was struck. This strata was lifty foot thick and contained lubricating oil and gases. The second oil beating rock was struck nta depth of l ,0:35 : feet nnd was seventy-livo feet thick. The oil in this strata was n light oil nnd burned readily , 'iho third and last oil bearing rock was struck nt n depth of 1,150 foul and was lifty foot in thick ness. The oil in this strata was the same in quality as in the second strike. It Is thought Unit n How cannot bo hand short of fourteen to eighteen hundred font. South I : ik tu. Lead City has 5411 children of school ago. Deadwood will fan the eagle to the extent of si,001) ) . The Yankton woolen mills are now in full operation. A broom factory is1 the intest Deadwood enterprise. The Northern Piwiili is heading for the Black Hills. ' ; The state board of regents meets in Huron September : ) . The now Faulk county well flows 1,030 gallons lens . . per minute. i Bob Ingersoll is said to bo heavily Interest ed in mining propor't-y "oar UipUI. It is estimated thnt at least $5 , 0 i worth of window glass was broken by the nail storm at Hot Springs Sun'day. South Dakota will receive $ i",0n ( this year from the general government for the purpose of prosecuting the survey of public lauds. The Homostako mines made their usual semi-monthly shipmon } : of bullion on the -till. Thcro were six bricks , valued at $175,000. The Bullion company , 6wning property in Bear Butte district , has just completed ship ment of five carloads of Galena ore to tbo Omaha smelter , The ore averaged $11. Several now strikes uro reported from the new silver carnj ) in Pennington county , but asyot the fc > poka lode is the only producer. It is a steady shipper to Omntia , forwarding about two car. loads per week. The South Daitota farmer , in order to bo fairly equipped for prolitablo business , needs an ortisin well for purposes of irrigation. This should b3 a part ol his invested capital upon which hu does business. The Harrison lode , Ida Gray district , was sold Thursday to the Hermit mining com pany for $15,003. Friday the Eva nnd Edna lodei , also in Ida Gray district , were bought by the Mueller company for $10,000. Thirteen North and thirteen South Dakota counties have sent crop reports to the United State * signal ofllco , showing nil crops , except corn , to bj in line condition , nlthough sun shine and temperature have boon below the nvorugo. Patentees of the Leody process nro now building a plant for tno Montana company at Uichford. Little is known of the process , and its application here will bo experimental. Owners claim it will treat rebellious ores at a cost of $4 pur ton. If this is proven a num ber of plants will bo built , A largo number am prospecting in Canyon district , at the east end of Lawruncu county. Two largo veins of silver ore have been found nnd tbo fact has created n good deal nl excite ment , whioh promise ) to load Into n stampede. The ore is galena , carrying from twenty to four hundred ounces of silver per ton. A mountain of rubles of very line qunllty has been discovered by Custor panics. It is said that thu rubles nro so plentllul that they CMII bo gathered by the hatful with but very little trouble. And It is said thut the same parties have discovered a largo mountain of asbestos between Custor and Hot Springs. There will soon bo erected nt Hot Springs , near the plunge bath house , u largo 200-room hotel , to bo called tbo Hotel Evans. The building will bo of stone nnd four stories high and will bo a sightly location. It is esti mated that the hotel will coitlu the vicinity of Si'fiO.OO , ) , and will bo the largest , structure of its Kind in the west. Prof. Henry X.ahn , who has been Investi gating nnd examining Deadwood irulch with n view of estimating the amount of free mill ing low grade ore that could be obtained be tween Deadwood and the head of Poorman gulch , ropjrts the roiult highly satisfactory. Ho says there is enough of such ore of an nvtirago value of * ' ) pur ton to last for hun dreds of years. Sunator Puttlgrow of South Dakota , now in Washington , has. boon notified by Chair man Daws that the senate committee ap pointed to invostlgAt * the cause which led to the recent Sioux luulnn , outbrenk in South Dakota and Nebraska , will meet and organ- l/.c1 In Chicago on July I ) , then proceed to the sconu of last winter's Indian warwhore there will be u thorough inquiry. Call lorn in. An electric street railway is being laid in San Francisco. | California vlnoyardlsts are now substitut ing white for Chinese labor. DTUo prune crop is'said to bo a failure In southern California tins yoar. Estimates based on the school census gives Alamodti a populationof ll.S'A ) . A franchise has. . boon granted nt Santa Cruz for nn oloetrlo otroot railway. Olive oil is being shipped from southern California to 1111 orders In England. Wnrnor Miller is enlisting the support of Pacitlo coast enterpriser for his Nlcaraguaii canal. Sullivan is not so much tbo lion of the hour in Sin Francisco , us ho Is the hog at the bar. The citlzons of Anaheim voted to Issue SlfiO.OOO worth of bonds for municipal Im provements , Moro than 18,000 gallons of brandy were re cently shipped In one lot from Sacramento to Bremen , Germany. The report of the census marshal shows the total unmoor of children of school ago in Berkeley to bo 1 , Wt : , There were seventy-four deaths In Oak- laud during May , making a rate of 14.SO on an estimated population of (10,000. Farmers In gontiur-lnfcstod portions of the state are beginning to consider the weasel as a passible aid to them In exterminating the posts. The West End Oil company of Los An- gclcs bus already struck oil > the sixteen- Inch well west of the city limits nnd pump- tug machinery Is being put In. The Jury In the superior court awarded MM. Morgan $ ' 15,000 damages In .suits ngalnsl the Southern Pnclllc for personal injuries re ceived In stepping from n train. Ninoty-llvo birds belonging to the ostrlcli farm nonr Anaheim were sold to satisfy u Judgment ngnln.st the farm , The birds brought $1,000. A lot of feathers brought A largo firm In Germany has sent to a San Diego denier for ( J,0H ( ) cactus plants of tunny varieties. They will bo gathered from Cali fornia , Utah , Now Mexico , Toxns mid Col orado. The census bulletin recently issued on Juvenile reformatories shows that In the California reform school there Is n total of 200 inmates. This Is a ratio of 17.1 to tbu 1,000 Inhabitants. At the present rate of the orcaulzatlnnv In crease it Is estimated that by the time of the state meeting in October next , there will bo 01,000 members of the farmers' alliance en rolled In California. A Sonoma county farmer whoso vineyard has boon nttackud by grasshoppers tins pur chased 10,000 paper bags to cover the young vines. The bag covering Is snld to success fully resist thi ) grasshoppers. It is learned thnt the grasshoppers nre at tacking nil the green things visible in the foothill regions near Koeklm.nml having duv- iistntbd the grain Holds have now attacked the orchards nnd ornngo groves. A smnll Iron snfo containing nbout $13,000 worth of diamonds nnd other precious stones was dredged up from the bottom of thu bay of San Francisco the other day. Thu settings - tings of iliu stones nro in thu sixteenth cen tury style. J. Minor Taylor , who wns John W. Mack- ay's private secretary nnd book-keeper in \ Irclnln City n few years nso , recently nil- piled to the overseers of the poor of the cltv of Boston for aid , and was sent to thu Hoi- dicrs' homo nt Groton , Conn. Ho is u mental - tal and physical wreck. Orcfton. An immense dry dock Is being built at Port land. land.Tho The work of laving the street railway at Eugene has begun. Eastern brewers nro taking the plnco of the strikers nt Portland. J. II. Flnloy was drowned in Snake river , Oregon , recently whllo on n prospecting ex pedition. A sturgeon nine feet eight inches long nnd weighing 7I5 ! pounds , was caught with n not near Oregon City. The Pacille coast conference of the Wo man's Christian Temperance union is in ses sion nt Portland. Delegates are' present from California , Oregon nnd Washington. During a thunder storm nt McMinnvIllo the electric light wires were struck , and the shocit was carried along to the station a milu awnv , deranging thu plant and plunging the city into darkness. A young Englishmen , said to bo n Montana rancher , struck Mooso. law , an Oregon rail way station , the other day and astonished the nntivos by tno way ho spent money. Among his many bargains was th'j purchase of a squaw for $ . ' 0,000. The flood of last year completely changed the Coquille river for a few miles up , niultho south channel , which ran by Gold Beach nnd on which the cannery , store , wharves , etc. , nro located , is completely closed noovo ami no water passes through. The result is the forming of a largo mud Hat in front of town. A Baker City physician removed n snake from the stomach of Mrs. Sager ot that city. The reptile was about twelve inches lonL' , ai.d the woman had carried it nbout for ton years , bavins ; swallowed it in drinking that long ago , and until now it has been Impossi ble to dislodge it. Miss Ivn Tomploton has sued Linn county for SSJ.OiJ' ' damages. She was crossing n county bridge ovnr the Calapooia creek in a two-horso wngon lust July when the bridge broke , and she went down thirty-one feet , breaking ono arm in two places , knocking out two teeth , and permanently disfiguring her face. In excavating for n hotel at Salem the workman came across n formation ot clay and slate that burns almost as readily as coal , and the odor from it is identical to "that from gasworks , and it Is presumable that this formation has boon saturated with the coal or oil from extensive coal deposits under the hill just back of it. There is every indication that there will lie very considerable excitement and activity in ' the Santlam , Calapooia and Blue river 'dis tricts this summer. All these already inter ested are making preparations for active work during the summer , while mining ex ports , speculators and investors from San Frnnciaeo , Nevada , Colorado and elsewhere , with nnd without capital , are already appear ing at Albany , Eugene nnd Brownsville , studying the situation and prospects. Montana. A fine body of carbonate ore was discover ed in thu Iron Chief load , nt Hobinson , on the yoo-foot level. Several railroad bridges nnd culverts were washed out between Livingston nnd Billings owing to the heavy rains. The mining interests of Barker are Just now attracting considerable attention from the outside world , and great activity in de velopment work may bo looked for. Montana is larger than the empire of Turkey. Texas is larger than the whole Austrian Empire by DO.OOO square miles , nnd Now Mexico is larger than Great Britain and Ireland together. Bad roads have blockaded all freighting from Livingston to Castle , nnd tno Cumber land smelter is idle for lack of coko. Some very rich ere is now being taken from the mine , assaying ns hlgu as SOO ounces of silver. The heavy r.iinntormvbich ceased on the llth. after more than forty-eight hours' dur ation , wrought fearful hnvoo among .shuop ranchers in the eastern pirt of the state. Thousands of the young lambs or this season died from exposure. About 1 o'clock on the morning of the 10th , W. J. Ponroso , editor of the Butte Mining Journal and member of the legislature , was shot and instantly Hilled on Montana street on his way homo. The spot is an ( infrequent- ed one. and there was no ono near at the timo. The miuos of Jefferson county nro making an excellent showing , individually and col lectively. A good many old mines are being worked' profitably this season , and nov mino.s nnd now prospects are both numerous and promising. The placers nro nlso yielding liberally. The old Ilomustnko mine Is lining worked this season. The live-stamp mill on the property has been started up. The Norwich company , operating near the Homostnko , owns seven claims , on which considerable work is being done. The tunnel Is in lot ) feet. Assays run as high ns $150 gold and silver. The workmen In the Bondholder mine at Blank Hawk encountered u largo stream of water recently , and wora compelled to sus pend operations The How of water was so great that the sixty horse-power boiler , with lirst-class pumps , wns unnblo to handle it , and the water rose to thu surface , and is ( lowing out llko a spring. The depth reached was IbO foot. Idaho. Opals have been found in north Idaho. A largo force of uiou are at work on the Wailing ditch. The roof of the court liouso at .Murray has been damaged by lire. There are grasshopper eggs and moro grasshoppers on Cnmas prairie than uvor bo- fore. fore.Caldwolt Caldwolt , the inaglu city of Idaho , has is sued a phamphlot setting forth her attractions ' tions fo'r settlors. Nnmpa lias boon invigorated by the com- plotlon of a ditch which brings water from Lake Ethel to the city. Pocatello proposes to chase the American eagle and awake the echoes of the surround ing sandhills on the Fourth. Two men prospecting northwest of Halley about twonty-sovon miles , have struck eight Inches of ere assaying J-lHI.tO ( ; In gold and silver. Hon. J. M. DoLnmar offers to double any sum that may bo donated for the purpose of exhibiting the products of thu state at the world's fair. There are millions of crickets In the Clover crook section of the stato. They lire said to cover a stretch of country ton niiloi long by three miles wide. Doiso City never presented so busy an ap- poiminco before. Ail over town houses nre in coun > o of construction , usually ot a clim that ornament the city. The Idaho Telegraph and Telephone com pany has been incorporated. It proposes to construct and operate lines for tolcgraphlni nnd telephoning In Kootonnnl county , between tweon the town of Unthdrum and tbo settle merit of Mien , bolng on the west shore o Camr d'Alono lake , via Post Fallj , a dl.stauci of fifteen mllo.s. "Aro you going to the Seven Dovlls cotiti try 1" Is now the popular form of snlutatloi In Bolso City. Minors from all sactlons ol the northwest and the Pnclllc coast are goltu Into this coming Idaho El Doiado by UK hundreds dally. Thu old Peacock mint' , will its 100-foot-wide vela of tlfteon-ounco coppei In sight , continues to bo the mnrvol nnd ad miration of nil exports who have examinee It. The Devils nro to have a paper soon , st rumor has It. It Is to co called the Devil's Own. Utivli. A party of United Stntes engineer * arc working near the observatory place , taking bearings on the mountains , By an almost unanimous vote Halt Lake has decided to Issue $ i > 0,000 ( ) In bonds and ito- veto tbu proceeds to public schools. Hov. Sam Small is in the hole to the tune of $1,000 In hH accounts as mnmiger of the Methodist Episcopal university nt Ogdon. Chnrle-t Lafnvo. n recent arrival In Salt Lnko city from Michigan , wns given cnrbolle ncld instead of syrup of Hgs nnd died In ter rible agony. The police force of Salt Lnko Is unable to cope with the surplus of law breakers. It is a dull day that doe * not record n murder or deadly assault. The Metropolitan stone company have recently closed u contract with the Union Pacific railroad for eighty car loads of stouo from their quarry nt Park City. The Buckhorn gold and .silver mining com pany llled articles of Incorporation with $1,000,001) ) capital. The last shipment of ere from the Buckhorn consisted of .seventeen tons , and the assays gave returns of HIS ounces of silver and li.KS ounces of gold to the ton. Hudson Brothers have discovered iralenn ore on their claim near Cnrloton assaying in " ounces silver and : ! 0 pur cent lead in "n I'J'.j foot vein. L. D. ivinney has located right nbovo them , nnd lias also claims further UP the hill yielding promising results in horn silver. A sharper named A. C. Dean , hailing from Butte , Mont. , swooped down on Salt Lake City recently arm-jd with a bundle of bogus certified checks. Ono of these ho exchanged for 10,000 choice cigars , another for n pair of diamond ear rings , and secured cash for n few moro. The goods , cash anil sharper have disappeared and sovor.il business mon InIon are roaring. A public library is being organized in Whntcom by ladies. Yakima is now shipping 1,000 pounds of strawberries lo tno Sound daily. The clergymen of Olympia and Tumwator have organi/od a ministerial society. Thu corner stone of the Masonic temple at Scnttlo was laid with appropriate services last Friday. Walla Walla is supplying fruit to tl.o Will amette valley , where there l.s a deficiency this season. A yountr man living near Green lake , n few miles north of Seattle , recently killed n boar weighing : ioO pounds. By September I 1-10,000 now ties will have been laid between Ellensburgh nnd Pasco on the Northern Pacitic. There is a movement on foot In Snohomish county , to dike Eboy Island. It contains nbout 1,000 acres of land , and to dike it will cost $10.0 m. It , is thought the value of the land will bo increased tenfold. It posts moro tor the Palouse or Big Bond farmer to ship his wheat to Puget sound , n distance of100 miles , than it does n St. Louis or ChU-auo dealer to ship his wheat to Liver pool , n distance of about four thousnnd miles. Tbo United States inspector of customs nt Seattle reports that during the month of May there have boon twenty-two invoices of mer chandise imported , to the value of $ ' . ' , ! ) .Vi.tS : , and 1111 invoice ? exported , to the value of Sll,222.2i. ( : During the month thirty-two ves sels have changed masters. Ono of the most important and valuable enterprises has just been started nbout eigh teen miles from Mnrcus , Stevens county. An unlimited body of the very finest sandstone has been opened that will .supplv buildings and grindstones In immense quantities and nt n very low cost. The stone Is of superior quality to nny that has boon introduced in Unit section of thu country , and can bo furn ished nt a greatly reduced rate. Nevada. Work at the now smelter In Piocho Is progressing - grossing lairly well. The state prison nt Carson now contains ninotv-sovon prisoners. Over twenty-three thousand hop vines have been sot out in Mason valley this spring. A number of farmers in the vicinity of Winncmucca are going largely into the grow ing of sugar boots. Two Chinamen hnvo boon sentenced to stnto prison from Elko county for selling whisky to Indians. Millions of spawn are now hatching in the state hatchery to bo dispersed throughout Nevada thissumnnr. At Bunkervillu and Muddy Valley in Lin- coin county , haying is over and all other crops are a month earlier than in I'alu-anagut valley. Consolidated California & Virginia shipped bullion valued at $37,750.01 to thu Carson mint , bringing the total bullion output for May up to date to 81 tl,142.1'J. George Loveland has sold n nlckol mine and received § 10,000 in cash on the lirst pay ment. The mine Is situ.Uod in Cottonwood district , near the Humboldt county lino. In 18.V. ) there were thousands of cattle and sheep died of starvation in Nevada. Now there is feed enough on the ranges to supply ten times the number of cattle nnd sheep on the ran go. Uanchors in Carson valley say that they find Ib hard to sell their butter horo. They accordingly send it lo California , whore It llnds u ready sale or Is shipped baclc hero when Novadn consumers pay extra freight and sniucic their lips over "California but ter. " .71.1 liVUhlXK 7V1 liKN , A well authenticated story of the slaughter at Wounded Knee is that of an Irish soldier who , Itneoling with his comrades behind n bank , was shot close to the heart. "Faith , " ho exclaimed , ' 'I'm shuro it's all ever wid mo ! Kowl mo round , boys , nn' make a Unco of mo. " Tbo next moment ho was dead. They obeyed htm , and used bis body as n rampart. Energetic American travelers nro the sur- prUu of Europeans each tourist season. A correspondent tolls ot > i Denver man who stayed In London four hours. "Say , young fellow , " said ho to the clerk , "I've been to the mint , the Bank of England , the TowJr of London nnd the British museum , un' I've seen 'em nil ! Anything cUe horoi" The clerk looked nt him tranquilly for a moment and replied : "No , sir ! Vou'vo soon hour greatest sights ! Bettor go to Paris ! A man who can do London in three hours in wasting time when ho stays hero hover u dav ! " Mr. Dopuw's address on the occasion of the unveiling of thu Grant statute at Galena lias been extensively described as the great est effort of his Ilfi > , but the speech of the mayor of Galena In proiontlng the orator of ttio occasion iippaiiw to have escaped public attention. Here it Is in full : . . . . . "Now , keep quiod , evrypody. Mlshtor Dorbow Is going to talk mil you somo. K-sop quiod while Mlshtor Dorbow will speak a little. " For quiet nnd rnodnst eloquence It scorns is If thu mayor of Galena is entitled to thu iiroUol. Sir John Macdonald would sign almost any sort of a pntitlon that came along. Ho w.it landed ono that petitioned himself to cjin- nuto n man's donth sentence. IIo signed It. iomo ladies asked him to Introduce a bill on- urging a local-option act. Thu petition hud 7,000 signatures. Old-tlmo convlvallst that m was , Sir John said : " 1 shall tauo time to consider your wiliest , ladles , but I'll sign our petition naw , right hero. " John Gladstone , the father of the ox-pro- morof Great Britain , trained his cbildn-n to give a reason for every opinion they olTor od. It was in thi * way that William K. Iladstono wns otirly trained to dub.ito. On ono occasion , William and his sister Mary llsputud ns to wlioro a curtain plctnro ought to ho hung An old Scau-ti servant cnmu in vilh a lujdor. and stood irresolute while tuo argument progressed , but. ( is Miss Mar ? would not yield , William gallantly ccuisoil from speech , though unconvinced. The ser vant then hung up the picture whore the young lady ordered , but when bo had done this bo crosiod the room nnd biiiumi-rod a nail into the opposite wall. Ho wits asked whj ho did this. "Aweol. miss , that will dote to hniig the plcttiroon when yo'll have to come round to Master Willie's opoonlon , " Joe Mulhatton , the versatile drummer and artistic liar , tarried In Howling Green , ICy. , recently. As a souvenir of his visit bo took the residents Into his conlldunco in the fol lowing style : "Last week down In Missis sippi , where the thermometer ranged 75 ° nbovo zero , Colonel Stoddard's force of ne groes were busily engaged housing n crop of popcorn. On Saturday at noon the last ear was housed , and tbo negroes were given ttio rest of tbo day as n holiday. They loft the plantation and went to thu small railway Mntlon near by to see the evening train ar rive. While absent the crib in which the yoar's pop corn was stored caught tire and Urn hi'at from tlu < burning timber caused every gr.iln to 'pop. ' Soon the whole iitmita- lion was covered with white 'kernels , ' and a mule twenty-eight years of ago , which was housed in nu old barn near bv , saw the ground covered with the whllo cap * of the pop corn , and , whllo the thermometer regis tered 75 = nbovo zero , fnvo to death , think Ing the white grains of corn were snow Hakes. " In ono of his after dinner talks In Montana- recently , Bob Ingorsoll told a few illumin ated storliw ; It Is .said that contentment is the greatest p.isslblo wealth , nnd I .suppose that next to absolute contentment , nnd nearly exactly the same thing , is perfect solf-satlsfncllon. I think I hnvo found It horo. It Is said that an old minister in Kentucky , endeavoring to im press upon his hearers the beauty oft ho lioaven they were about to go to , provided they Joined bis chinch after exhausting nil the superlatives of which ho was mnitor wound up by saying : "Brethren and sisters. In short , it's n regular old KontucUv phu-o. ' " 1 suppose you nro expecting In another world , simply .mother Montana. A few years ngo n fellow from Ma m- chusntts was down in South Carolina , ai.d as ho walked along the street , after ho had boim there some time , there was nn old follow nailing a sign upon his house. "For Sail , " nnd this Massachusetts fellow looked at the old man nnd said : "That Isn't the way to spell sale. " And the old fellow with a great deal of contempt , turned to him and said : ' How long have you llv.'d in Charleston ! " "Well , ho says , " 1 have been hero about i\ \ yoi\r. " "Well , young man , " said the CharUwton- Inn , " 1 was born hero ; 1 guess I know how to spoil sale. " There l.s. nothing so beautiful as confidence in the place where you reside , They toll a story of Mrs. Joiios of Chicago , who visited IJnmo nnd while there was shown some of the great mnrblo tnnstorplccos of the world , among others the "Apollo Belvidoru. " They pointed it out to her as being the most purfect form of man that had ever boon con ceived by the brain of nn artist ; and the old woman walked all around it , looked at it from every point of view , and she snys : "That's the Apollo Beh'idero , is HI" "Yes. " "Well , give mo JOIIP.S. " _ Gratitude" T s a raio virtue ; but tbo grateful people , tb.it S. S. S. has cured , after physicians had deelaicd them Incura ble , number way up in the thousands. Oscar Wiles of lluntlntfburtf , Ky. , nays : "For years I was alllloted with u blood taint , th it ballleil the skill of the best bestPHYSICIANS. . The disease alTnctoil my eye < until I was almost blind. I am thankful to say tint a.few bottles of S. S. S. . cur ed mo ontiio'y. My eyesight is com- plctiy n stored , nnd my go lonil health is better tUan It lias been for ' Incases fn-o. Bonk on U'ood and akin ( The Swift .spcolfl'j Co Atlnntn. Un For the Advertiser who patronizes ALDEN & FAXON , 66 & 6S W. 3rd Street , Cincinnati , Ohio. We write , design , illustrate adver tisements and place them advanta geously. We've 20 years' experience and an immense business. Many ex perts in our employ. Prices low for class of work done. We use ART extensively in Adver tising. Nothing like it for an adver tiser. So "Suggestions for Illustrative Advertising" sent you for 4 cents in stamp ? " big hits. " they illustrate an ) business. What's your address ? Ours i ? S * "SANATIVO. " thi- \Vnridiirfiil epnnirii Itr-nirdy , U eolil wltu a Wrlltriuiimrunli'o tocnruull ! lcrYuui > Ills ca-m , Blicli as U. ' < 1 ( > lfinory , ixikH of Ilrol'i I * o w o r , It 11 a U a c h c , Wakefultii'tA , UutMar liooil , VrrvoiiKiiuri , | ji pllude. nil ilmlr , ami Dororo & After Uso. IOM of | xjwer of Urn I'liotograptiril from lift1. ( lenerntlru ( ) rK n , In ei , cuimil tiy ' .ner-i'icrllon.joulhfiil Iniltucri-Uuni , or Ilin cxceiilvo tue of tobacco , opium , or ntlinuliuu , whlcli iil'.ltnnti'ly lea < l to Infirmity , Consumption iiml Iiunnlty I'l't up In convenient form to tarry In Uu > ve t iwcket. 1'rlru f 1 a raett" ; r 6 for W. With every W oMc'r wo KIVU tMvrltlun ununinti-n to cur or infum ! tlm munoy. Hi'nt hy mall to uny uJdrew , ClrcuUr free. Montlon tlili P.IKT. Aililrew. MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Ilr.nch Office for U. H. A. . ) I7 Ili-jir > irn Slri'ot. rillCAOO , II.I * KOIt HAI.U Itf OMAHA. NHH. , 1JV . Knlin A Co . Cor. IStli > V IMixIni Kt I A rml < rfi , . lur 14th 11'iiuUiUU. . \ n r. JOSEPH GIUOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS F.XPOSITIQN , 1889. THE MOST HORFECT OF PENS , ilu * < 14 tn np nfr. pwic ( ( | Ivm'iiiM rumviiy forull tli i unnaiuiv1 rtliirhHP'K'i " ' " ' cortiiluriinifur tlif ili-lilll * tuinitf ui'ukuv > * ( if " t women. ' In rvrormiiriKllBtf It Ul ill i nil > ullerr4. . . ) STONEDMDDiCTulUll Mold ) > y HriiKKlifa. 1'lllCl : . OJ.OO.