THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : /.THrKSDAY . JUNE IS. 181X1. 8PEG1RL NOT10ES , A "v r.It f IP rM KNT H f or Hi run ml li in ns will J J Jin tnkrn until 12:10 : p. in , , for tlin ovimlnfc i Itlon , unil until 81'Op. in. , for tlio tnornlnK r < It'on ' nnil bUMUV UKK. rPKIIMB-Oaah In ndvancn. ' " } ) ATFP Artvrrtl'rmrntson this paerTrlllbe J * clmrrd for nl tlio rnt of Hi rents per v n frr llio first Insert Ion. nnd I cent per word r | irrh f ill fciiiMit | Iriseitlon. nnd 5I.V ) per ! In ) IT n nntli. No ndvertlftpmcnt taken for i f il PII 1 cents for tlio flint lnerl'nn ' , 3 Nft IAI.H. Hi ? i'gyrnloln , etc , , conntcnoli i c nnn word. 3"A I 1 IrS ndvortlslnz In thto rolnmns nnd } i'vlnc thrlr unsworn inlclrrMOil tna"nitm- I r irtl Irttrr In rnro of TIIK I'rr. will receive a Mm Irml ehrek toemible them to Ret their JfltiTC. Answer * will ( in n ll\rrrd only on I'irriln1lnn of this check. Fnelo&o unewcru lr envelopes properly addressed. A 1 I mUrrtl omrnts uiu'rr the nrnd of jiirolnl Notices" nre published In both tl r irnrn'n ? nnd evening rdltlnnsnf TllK m.K , tl r rrnliitlnn of which ni'ircj.'nloB morolbiin ! ' ' ( ' pt'pers dully , nnd plves HIP advertiser i-ni-nt not only of Din Inrco circulation nf Ti p | ir 'n oirfllin. Hit nl o In Council IIIulTs , 1 Itirnlti nnd nthcreltUs nnd towns n tlio writ "BRANCH OFFICES7 Af'vrrtMnR for these co'nmn * wijo > ' taknn ontl f iiVovc rendition" , nt the f > ! ' , owlne bust- nrt- brutes who nronnthurlrpil to take special tlottrcs.iit thu snnio rates UB can bo bad at the miilnomV" . _ ' I Til OMAHA Hit < NCH cFFicn-No ' ( " 'N ' Ftrcet , Lister Illoek. TOUN W. HEM * Pharmacist , llth * Mason ' street C l'Ar ' .t nnnv. Ptntloners and Printer liiSouth : inth street. II FAKNHWOKTH. Pharmacist , 2115 fuinlnir street. VI r .1 Iirnlll > , Phnrnraclst , C24 North IGth nt rent. F' i W. I'AKK , Pharmacist. 1713 I.oavcn- worth street. 1 OHF.S' PHAKMACV. 21th nnd Furmim. SITUATIONS WANTED , rnfrn. etc. , rectnp nf f rtt cnlumn nn tht * p ge. AY ' NN'I'FD IIv a vnnnjr lady a position ns housekeeper or lady help. Addiess Kit , Il ( olllee. Ml)70 ) Is * \\r \ TF.D situation bv n Oeimnn. Indns- ii irlons , yoiinc ninn willing to work ns pi idni'ror any other kind of work , Addiess If F , Jlce. M970 1H * Il'MK'-T class bread and cake baker wants Mtunllon by June 23. Adilrcss K 12 Hen. MICI 20 * " \\f \NTKI > A situation by young lady us i' ioolil.ecperor e.ishler ; can furnish ijond ri'i mmundutlons. Address J. I * , 3iH N. 22/1 Hi Kit. Mf > 72 IH * " \ \ * AN IIJI ) To represent Homo llrst class * iriocery houpo In Utah and Idaho. Lnrirn cvpi'neiicii and best of reference. Address * < nn Tiavelor , 2011 Washington avenuo.Oi.'dcit. t iiih. M07I I" * Yul'NO ' nmn nf cforllnu character , and a A ti iifhvrof six ye irs'exporlcwo and able Ji fi'inlsh coed refereme. desires employ ment Addrchslt 11. Ileo olllee. Olil-lh * \ \ ' AN'I Fl > Mtunllon by yniirn ; man ns i * bookkeeper In a w holesuln house or clerk win ehanco of promotion. Address K 10. Ileo onice. 0 0-23 * \ \T A NTFD Position as typewriter and i i oienosnitilirr.liy e\peilonced stcno r.ipb- er Address K 7 lice. OH 111 * \\'AVI'KI > Situations for peed clrls ; my ii 'vnltlna rooms are always full fiom n a. n toll p. m. Canadian Kmploymont olllee , 81-m S nib. Tidnphone RSI. " -H nnrso. Mrs. H. E. Ilouton. | sr | , CTSS street. Omaha. WANTED MALE HELP. lmt < tr > etc. , teetnpof Hrnt roliimnnn V Als'TTcD-10o"menoM ' * Ini ; nnd Houth Dakota : good wages. Al- brl lit Labor Agency , 1120 Fariiam stieot. rplllil r. good butchers wanted ; must bo first J class O. O. I ) , lliown. MU77 7S A N YASSHKS wanted by .Inly 1. 41) ) flrbl V el ss experienced road tnnn to work school ilMr'ets ' in Iowa. None other need apply. Addre3 lt.5 , Hco otllco. MUllUU' CPTTEU8 nnd tnllors wnntud. O > er one tlioi'sand , seven hnnilieil hnvo adopted the A. I ) . ICndn new method. Numbers of them are loading cutters of this continent , others are on the way to fame and fortune. Taught at Cleveland cutting school. M9I8 20 * " \ \7ANTED-A > oung man with wimo evporl- ' > enco In the grocery business. IMil N 20th sti-eot. M9IS18 * T\T ANTM ) A coed bntehor who spo iks i' Cieiman. Inquire at 22IOsouth llth street near Vlhton. UI8-18 * \7ASTni > A peed _ bread and anko baUor/ New York bakery , 20th nnil Clark. ' MR01 18 * wanted to sell our premium nur- The lareest nursery westof the . . . . rlvor ; the llnost stock ; all the now Mild old fiults ; the lowest prices nnd biggest pVy to intents : money advanced every week ; ontfli free , write us lit am e. O. J. Carpenter Co. , Tnli-liury. Neb. 6.7 Jyl4 OKOANI/nilS wanted WO and ? 100 In flvo months , First certificates In f > 0 , class ( Into .In v I. 18)1. First class oninnl/ors wanted Ai ( In for terms. Hnuromo Indite , tlio Univer sal Progressive League , 17J Washington street. Il'iston , Mass , M7UO Jyl2 * GKNKKAI < aKents and canvassers looking for a permanent nioney-makln business , no competition , should .secure the sale of thn P "tent aiUiistablo shoe. Address with stamp. JMiiMilldntcd Shoo ( Jo. , Salem. Mass. M717 22 * Bill money Bellini ; the life of P. T. Ilarnnni , mly $1.50. AKents wanted. American IlooK Co.Now Vork Life buIldlnc.Omahn.Neb. TH-Jyl ) V\7 ANTKO Orpanliors by the Friendly AW T > Society , Pays Its members tllK ) innry nix iiionthx. HUH paid f.ino.l 0 In benellts. Kcscnt'iind bonellt fund hold in trust by the Mute of Massachusetts. Terms liberal. Ad- dn"-s Friendly Aid .Society , Waltham. Mass. MKW Jy3 * A\ ANTED Salesmen on salary or commls- < i H.on to handle the new iiatcnt chemical I'll , i raxlnc iiencll ; the creates ! .olllni : novel ty e\er piixfuced : ern-es Ink thoroughly In two teconils ; no abrasion of pnner : 200 Io5fli ) per cent , profit ; one nuent's Hales amounted to * < i n In .six days ; number J.'I2 In tuo hours \Ve \ \ nit one Kcneral acent for each hlato and ten Itory I or terms and full paitlenlnrs , ad- clress the Monroe Frusor JlfK. Co. , La Crosse , WANTED FEMALE HELP. Furr < 'teietc. , tee fop offlrtt column " \\rANTED A girl for general housework , > > Mii South 18th. M'JTO ' \ \ ' ANTF.D-Kellahloglrl for general i' voik In small family , A good place for the right party. 210 South : uith street , half blixe north of Farnnm htreet cars. Gorman Jireferred. _ ftUWJ .0 " \ \ * V TED At once ; a competent ulrl for wi. < general housework ; 4 of n family ; tvnges , f i.)0j ( ) apply at olllco 211 S. llth. M95 Ib * \ \ ' \NTiro-A girl for down-stairs work : T i must nnilnrstiind reeking and laundry work 'BIH St. Mitry'ii avuiiue. _ IXJ9-17 * TVIUNIV made--Lady ngentx wanted for -i" ilBlitnlliR waist llttur. 1797N.20tb. U-Vi-lh * " \\r AN'I ED At once , two competent girls i T that enn give good roforoncos. 325 Oummlngii streot. Jlftlil 18 - \ \ I/ AN ri.D An experienced cook and laun- t drc s , uoat nnd clean. No other need nppH Iteconimendat'ons reiuilrod. Mrs. C , (1 Fisher , 2417 U.ildwoll street. MOJ520 * Glltl , for Konertxl housework. 21" St. Mary' 's nvonuo. Rood's - y , Rood 23 DoiiglnR block. M'JIO 11) ) V\r ANTEI > Girl for general housework. V * r..i.'j < .2otii. _ "fi17 ! * * \\r ANTED A good girl for general work ? smiill family liuiulre ut 12J North 40th si i out. U2.I-19 * \VANTED-Glrl for ulilln'i unr c , 2U2.1 Capl- tai avenue. Ulti-ld "VV ANTLD lilrl for general housework ; ' family ot tbroo ; good wages , 012 buiith Mil -it. 9--0 " \\r ANTE1 > Good uook nnd laundress , also i T e\H'rleneod ) nur&o glrli German iiro ferred. Uutvi Farnnm t. Mbta 18 " \\7ANT1H ) Saloludles and Haloimun every- l i where , on u tlarr or commission. Oall or addri'M MoQulaton M'f'g. Uo. , room U , Marker block. MWJ- ' * AVANTBH A good k'lrl for cooklmr. wash- i * Ing ana Ironluc ; at once. X.'I2 larniim ytreot , MU04 IKIi wanted for ceneral Innunwork , 1010 bhvrmiiu avo. Mrs . J , M. Counsmtin. MS ! . " 'of foiioral boiuuHort , Qurniuu pro- 04 rurnara. KO FOR RENT HOUSES. _ , tte.ffftopifjlrtl folnmn ur thti png * . TTTollKNT-tTO , J. rooms. $7o. swi St. Mary'i avenue , H rooms , largo yard. IIS , 2008 OURS street , U rooms. J A ( Kfl Smith 20th street , ID rooms. } Vi. 2011 f'nss utreot , 10 rooms. fcV , IW5 St. Marys avenue , t ) rooms , yunl. IM , 2ir.'l California Ktreet , D rooms. H7.W ) . rnllfornla Htrret , I ) rooms. IM. ( K2 8 wth street , 10 rooms. tai , l th and Nicholas streets. ( J-room flat. fi'i. Vlntnn street , -room t cottage. f. ' " > , California street , 0 roomx. ll.'s 18lh and Nicholas atroets , 3 rooms nnd bath. lii < | iilro Nothcrton Hall , room 320 First Na tional bank. &i 4-1 8-KOOM cottage , cheap. Inn. ' 2'iH Cap. n\o. Mtlu , lyl3 * _ rpWO 9-room new brick IIOIIKPS , 2.YT : ! . 2.\75 JL Harntiy street. Bmouton fc Allen , WA Far- n am at l cot. MtVW 18 * 1 "f Oil UKNT-lO-room house , centrally locat- cd , modern Improvements. Inquire , 712 N. 10th. | VU _ _ KKNT 10-room house , all modern Im- provomcnts , or will sell furniture. N , H. cor 21st nnd lllnney sts , Kountzo Place , ! - ' > 1 month 1K7-2CI * _ 171OK KI2NT Hanilfomo 11-room modern -i-1 house ; all conveniences ; In jwrfect order ; paved stieel.s ; motor , and within D minutes walk of uostofllcu Nutbun Uhollon , 1014 Far- n 11 in street. _ _ _ Ml 51 "V W. modern and mostdeslrable In theclty. A > Three or four room suites. Complete for liousoUoeplng. bid S. 22nd street. T. I/ . Von Horn. Mist _ rpl.N-IIOOM house with barn ; desirable lo- J cation , moderato rent , lle.ird llros. , 1410 Donclns st. _ M M7 KKNT 8 room house , n room cottage , 371OK . etc. Apply 0. S. Llgutter , SOI N. Y Mfo bldg. _ 41W IF you wish to rent n house orstoro see H. F. Cole. Continental block. 250 _ _ . . KKNT Cottageof / 2 rooms In rear of F8S Chicago street , M1)I4 SJ * KENT Ijiirso house , 0 looms , city watei , bath , Has , hot and eold water , range , larRO cellar , barn. etc. llt'J N. I'lth ' street. UunfKu J. PAUL IdX ) Tiirimin. MllUJO KdOM house. lki ! ) : N. 2.Hli at ; U and 4 room O . MP97"J * house COS N. lllh St. - I7101IK room Hat for rent , 1470 H IBth street. I1 tll.O per month. Intpilru In store. 7HI-1S * on KENT s room Hat , LaiiRe blouk. ( i)2 ( ) P , 1,1th , cor. Jaol , son. 9VIS.1 n-HOO.M house , nlcoyaid , shailo trees , city cistern water , oleitant neighborhood , 2 blocks from street cars , 1411 S , 7tb avenue , or Hell's pharmacy , cor. llth and Mason. ' - ' . " > i Jj'Olt KENT U-room house , modern eonven- lenoes , SK.M Davenport street. Imiulro 2 22 Davenport street. _ 4M ) "IT'OK KENT Lai co number of housefi , stores , --1 Hats , eU' . , $ . " > .0. ) per month and up. Now list 1st of each month. Ucor o J , 1'aul , 1GO ) r.iinam street , 101 Jv2 TJ INI" now 12-rooin house with all modern JImnrovuments and barn ; fine location for a phyHlcIan. .1. II. Pariotte rental aKcncv. ' T7IOU KENT A good .ri-room house. 2020 -L' Charles street. Inquire at 2014 Chailes licet. om-20 * _ _ LTEAM heated in 'dern Hats. 707 nnd 709 boutb llltti. E. 1' ' Klnger , 1519 Tarnani. MI-J27 * FOK KENT Elegant 10-room brick house cor. 20th and Hurt st. modern Improve ments apply to J , H Parrotte , y. I' , cor IGlh and Dodpo. 075 FIFTEEN C-room brick houses , all modern , except f nrnace.tJS.M per month , near flier- man avenue motor. O. F. Harrison , UI2 N. Y. Lifo. 014-J22 HOUSE for rent Two story house 8 rooms with all modern Improvements , 2.18 L.iku street. U. I ) . Woodworth 1512 Douglas. 1XJ ) IJ1OK KKNT A 10-room house , S. E. corner -I ? 17th and Dodge. See James Neville. 4'l ) IS * T71OKKENT , 8 room house nnd barn. 33 -I ? south 27th street. Apply on momlsos. D10-22 FOK KENT A furnished 14-room house , No. 212 N. 17th , newly papOred and built ex pressly for roomers and boarders ; 1 block from business centre , bee .lames Neville. 401 18 * 1T1OR KENT 7-room house , i023 Hartley. In- JquiroA. . II , Gladstone , 1310 Douglas stieet. FOK KENT New 7 room houso. with all modern Improvements , 1 block Srom Wal nut Hill motor. JJ5. Theo. Olson , ' -04 N. Y. Ufa , FOKoSALE New south front seven-room house , bath , etc.on Maynostreot. in Oich- ard Hill full lot , 2 blocks from motor ; prlco JJ.500 ; on terms to suit purchaser. This Is a bargain. W. It Homan , rooms 8 und 10. Frcn/er u'oclf. 70s 24 8-KOOM brick house , all oonvonlcncex , ifJ5 ; C-room brlcK bouse , $ . ! 0. II. R Cole , 0 Con tinental. 023 OUSES. all kinds throe nicely furnished. " ' Si Co. , 1C11 Oapltol avenue. b07 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Forrata. ttcieetnpnfflnt column nn Hit * /CHOICE rooms , slnzlooron buito , five blocks V/from postotllco ; references , 210 N. 10.M8I223 M8I2-23 * 411 North 19th St. ; elegant furnished apart ments ; can accommodate a number of table boarders. M97.1 24 * 1 > LEAbANT rooms , single or en suite. mS.20. 778 18 FUKN room. $7 uer month. l'J ' ) > Far- num. a > s-in * "IjiOK KENT Largo front room nult.iblo . for -L1 two , 2419 Dodgo. T7101I KENT Two furnished front rooms. JL1 02 1 S IHth st. 911-22 * JTOK KENT-To gentleman , a large , nicely -L' furnished fiont room with lar 'o alcove and buy window , All modern conveniences , nlco lawn ; private family ; with boaid. No. 1)2Cieorglu avenue. S 29th street. _ t)0-17 ( * 1/U'KNInIIED rooms , light housekeeping. .1 20USt. Mary's ave. bT9 FOK KENT Nicely fninlshed room , gas and bath , ai 10 Harnoy btrcet. Keferenco re- < iuired. 17WONT rooms , 1U15 Capitol uvonu J 702-17 * Tj lUKNlSHEl ) rooms. 1334 N , 21st. near cable. -U (157 Jy 7 * K KENT Nicely film shed rooms In iirl- vato residence , 1522 Howard , eoinei 10th Htrcot. All modern conveniences. Lawn around hullilliiK. 497 T AKGE front room , 17ul Capitol avo. 413 VEKY pleasant front loom in private fam ily for Kentloman. Bi-i S , 2Uth st. 3. ' ! FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. rorratei.ett , , tcctaynfflnl r Ii < rin nn I/tto / jnff' . KF.N T Til misiieii room with " day hoard. VJ1U Capitol avenue. T11WO houtb rooms with board. 1QI1 Douglas. * ' * - ois-'ja ' _ _ K'OOM and board , S103 Douglas. M87S 20 * _ \KH1KA1ILE second lloor rooms , either fnr- U nlslied or unfurnished , and board at the Trenzer. llil N. 23th btraet. M57I , Iy.l * 1 > OOMHand board ut young women's home. -J1109S. 17th st , _ 701) ) Jylti KOO.MS and llist-eluss board , 1901 Uallfornla. 6.sJ Jy5 * ] [ | > UKNlSllEDrooinsbo ril,2.\tJnt.Mary1savo rpllEst. Clalr Eunipoan hotel , cor. lath and -L Dodge , will make low rates for looms by the week or month with or without board , 250 U UN ISMED rooms and board , UUJ podge. MiVS FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED t"orralttttt.ttuiof ] firtttalumn on thli 7/UKST Ilixir private house ; yard and shndo. JL Oia a lUth street. W-l-'l * iroUU rooms , llrst lloor bath cistern , well * and oily water , twelve dollars. Also , four rooms upstairs , eight dollars. 1817 No. 17th n/yemio. 1)17-17 ) * I KOOMS and 3 rooms. 8 , W. corner Iflih and TLoMenworth. " " 1/KK ) HUNT 1 unfurnished looms for house- J. ' Keouliitf to family without ehlldron. Olty water , oto. Prlco (15.00 , 1704. Webster itrcat , . 7M TTOKKKNT Find , Mii ll family ypiirtments , -L all outside rooms ; best locullty. modern IniprovcnienU. InniilreflJfl 1'imon block. 847 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. Foi-rates , tic , , teetop o/flnt column i " " " BOAROINQ. Forratft , t fo. , tte top offlrtt column on tht * page. house , 1310 Dodgn street , foi . ROOI ! iKiard , nlco rooms , modern conven iences ! rttos nnd location It cannot bo ox- celled. Mrn. Horn. Prop. _ M4in Jy3' FOR RbNT STdH"EsT& .OFFICES for ivtet , tte , , tettnnof jiittcolcmn onthti pip * . i ; unfurnished room , modern conven * jenco * , f.a < a lilth ittieot. Hat U. _ Ki.t-i.'O' OK ItlTNT-The 4-Mtory brick biilhtlnit.wlll or without power , formerly oeuplod by the lire Publishing Co. , Oil Fitrnam t , The buildIng - Ing tins a llrepniof conient basement , complete steam huatlng Hxtiirn * , water nn all the Hours RIIS. etc. Apply at the olllee of The Ileo. 013 171OK KKNT Desk room or part of oillcoi Jftont room on Fnrnam street. Inquire al COI Ileo bld'g , U to 10 a. m. nnd 4 to 5 p , m. 730-23' IpOK KF.NT-Or sale , my building on Jones 1 st.ljot.IOth & llth U.A.MndilUlstrllt ! d 15th. IJTOH KKNT Desk room , nt Oil N. V. Life JL1 bnlldlnir. -li , "roil KI-NT-Tho three-story brick bulld- IIIL' . 1110 Douiilns street , suitable for whole- s.ilo purposes. $110 per mouth. Uhas. Kiiuf- nmmi , V.vtt Douzlas street 2IV1 FO-t H > Ji STOKK rooms at 717 nnd TOISoutli lUhsteam ( heated. E. F. Klnger. 151' ' ) Fariiam. - * g-i-127 WAN ! ED TlTRhN"fI Forrate * , etc. , rcc dip n/flritt column mt ( hto page "VYPANT To rent furnished cottage ; own- > V or's reply. P. O. box 752. MUM Is * " \\rANTl.D Furnished teem In the northern ii part of the city out near Hpanldlng for man and wife , with board for m > wife. Mate terms for room and board. Address P 07 , Ileo olllco. 82-17 * RENTAL AGhf > CY. In ralff. fie , , rre tnunf firft cclumii on l/iu / IKI/I rr K. COIiE rental agency , Continental blk. STORAGb. KorrrtJm , flc. , rectojxiffnt column nil Win BEST storaKo bulldlni ; In Omaha , Kovern- mcut bonded warehouse ; household oods eared for : lowest rates. W. M. llushman , 101. ' Lcavonworth. 2G.'S c HEAPE T and best storage for furniture. Wells. 1111 rarnam street. 2i i STOKAtii ; of household goods : eli'in , dry place , prlviitnly stored , terms mo'J erato : we also store stoves during the sum , er : we will get mom fiom the houses and i.'sllver ' them In the fall In good trim. Tel. l a. W Uougliis. Omaha Stove Kopalr Woi K's. " t9-.il1. LDE.ST , die ipest and best storage house In O city. Williams & . Cros1214 Ilarnoy street M4' ' 7 VOR SALt FUKfMI I UHE ETC. Forratcetc.tcetnpnfjltiittolitinn nn t/ih / page. ITlOHSAbE Furniture of a 10-rno'ii non&e -L. cheap. House for tent. Imiiilrc Ittil Donne 2li7 FOK SALE Two bedroom suits , Monitor range , and other aitlcles used only four months Call or addioss 412 Iteo bldg. U12 HOUSEHOLD furniture , now and second hand , for Halo on easy payments. Call and examine before purchasing. Store 1(121 ( Howaid street. M.CIl ,1.1) ) qALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. _ 1'orratcji , itctcet ) > nf Jtttl column on till * J > ( | e TT1OK SALlvl'Irst class top buggy , good. J- cheap ; also ! > 2-liich Columbia expert bi cycle. IKS Now York Life. M942 19 * of good work horses with harness J12J 00. Wiley & Williams. : J52J Furiiiini St. 9.J1-19 * _ F OK SALE Horse and light spring wagon for sale cheap , for cash. Inquire of J. M. Tobias , ISth and Wynmn streets. South Omaha. 922-22 _ FOK SALE Fet next M days , bargains In new and hecond-lmnd buggies , family car riages , wagons , etc. Krost & Harris , 2,1'd and I/aul. 4U2 18 TjlA M I LY horses for silo. Single drivers or -L carriage toanis. Can furnish any idnil of horse desired. Call at C' . I ) . Woodworth & Co or address T. J. Klomlng , Calhoun , Neb. 701 "irOKSALE P.imlly carriage. Loc . < i < lch- JL ols , st iblo2Sth and ' , o ivonwortli. m2S ( FOR SALE MlaC LirAN oru'3. Fnrratei , etc. . cccdip u/ffiat colii'nnonthlspige , FOK SALE High grade P.irKor hammer- less shot gnu , used once. ParKer , box 742. Omaha , Neb. Mb9J 21 * ' Oil SALE-VIctor M In. llelit roadster ; good ns now ; only $70. Koom 28. Chamber of Commerce. 94721 * TPOH SALE-Pure-bred Newfoundland dog ; J-1 winner of llrst prl o Omaha bench show. 1800. 1224 S. 17tb stroot. Mh40 18 _ $190 will buy a magnlflcent upright piano , stnndaid make and as good us new. In quire after 7 o'clock evenings at 241 ! ) Ciilclwell street. 704 OK SALE-An elegant tire proof safe with burglar chest. Phil Stlmmol , Oil Jones street , Omah.i. Nol ) . 270 BUSINESS CHANCES. forratrf , ft' , fretopnf flnl column ontltli IJ USlNEj-Schanco for men nnd women with - > ) a few hundred dollaro capital to join a company Insuring work and largo prolits to mombors. Address thu Washington Colony company , Chicago. 111. S1907 16 * UlIlllllbTS notlco : A registered plmrma- elstof 1.1 years' experience , with small capital , wishes to buy an Interest in a. paying drug business in good Nehraskiutown , Young man ; stendy habits : best references. Address at once , K 1.1 , lice. M9 a 19 * flMIE nndorslgncd Is the owner of a new p it- -L out railroad combination track di 111 and wrench , which Is consldeied by railroad men the best thlnu of Its kind nut. lie wants to hell one-fourth Inteiest In the same. John Waterman , 114 S 2 > th : ioniiu , Omaha , Noli IXJ2-17 * WANTED-Onico salesman , vllh JWO to JI.OOO ciiBh ; will satisfy him with business nnd pay salary. Apply quick. Aildross K I , Ileo. JI902 IS irOKWALE-A clothing btoro. The best In - ltlio best railroad tonn In northwestoin Ion a. Does the leading business ; cash ami one price system : sales I2.MJ per month ; stock intolces auont JIO.OUO ; must be sold at once , block can be reduced ; largo Inducements of fered. tJood reasom for bulling. Addiess , P US Ileo olllee. MIDI 19 * HOTEL for sale or rent , terms reasonable. Address M % York , Neb. b7J-S3 * T71OK SALE Hotel and furnlluio. Hampton , * doing good business ! will give time on part If required. Address , liox US , Hampton , Neb. MM I 20 * \VANTED A half partner In livery , boardIng - ' Ing and sale stable , S4.000. Addiess P | i ) , . 20 * TJ1OK SALE An old well paying established -L olirnr business ; good reasons given. Ad dress P W , Iloe. M7si ) OK \LE-My entire slock of general merchandise together with store building and llxtures. This Is n now and clean stock which was Just put In lust fall and will In- > olce about f.Uuoo.OU. 1 have other biislni'ha which requires my attention and must neil this stock. A good bargain can bo bad If taken soon. I will sell my line residence property. For further particulars call on or address John McDonald , Oakland , la 4i7-17 * "IjtOK SALE-A llrst class , well establishcd J- butcher business In this city. Fine llxtures and good cash trade. To unyoiio meaning business hero Is an excellent chance. .Must he sold In next sixty days. l. A. Upton Co. , lice building , M.WJ CLEAN general stock ot merchandise for farm and monoy. Ilex 2iG , Frankfort , I ml. HOTEL mon take notlco. Do you want a good business ? liny the Commercial , the leading hotel at HroKcn How , Nub WJ miJN SCHEMES to Make the tltlo of 4. our new look , contUlniiiK ton legitimate and honorable schiimoa for making money on binuK capital ; exposes tricks and swindling In business ; gives hints and advice that may bo worth thousands of dollars to you Tlio schemes are so clearly explained any ordinary person understand thorn. It will give you now Ideus. aid you In planning other deals and enable you to grasp rut urn opportunities. Hont prenilil : for II. American Hook Co. Omaha , Neb. M12UJ25 PAWNBROKERS. FUKD Mohle , 8 , U cor. Karnam and llth. 2J1 AT T E R N S A N D M O D E LS II. M , corner Uth und JUOKKOII. . 11C-J3I MONEY TO LOAN -REAL ESTA I E ForrnttK , / , , teetnp nfiJlnltalumn onthtl pigs A"NTYiONY t , , amurrust Co. , ma N .Y. Life -rXlotid at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa fartiU ) , or Omaha city prop erty. ' MU- * . L : rates on ronl estate loans. 0. J CnswejI.Slfl N. V. Ufiii ( t97-JyS Cil'AKANTKKDinotl.nsKes ouSarny , Thar- > er , runilni ; nnd HUmton Co. lands fur pule by II. T Clnrkc. IQboyril of trial o. Mn SI'.OON'I ) mortiruKO llUiii from $500 to $10.00.1 . A lax Mooru , 101 lU-jj ) | i lldlin ; . _ .Miji I'Tfut'CNT HrH mortjtlwo loam. Ulohanl 'U. I'atloraon , OJi Notr York Mfo. 1IOT4 " \rOKTOAOEH wanted , longer short time. jLilOeor oO. Wallace. lllO J. J. llrowti build ing. ICth and Douglas. MI LOANS made at low rates on eltv property , W. M. Harris , KM ) Fionzor block , opp. P. O BFILDINO loans (1 ( to 7 per cent ; no addi tional charges for commission or attorney's fees. W. II. Molklo , First National bank bldg. MONEY to loan on IniprovoJ city property ut current rates ! funds on hand ; no do- Iny. Oeo. F. Illust AUa.'J ) ' . ! K lingo bldg. 274 1JKIVATE money to loin. J. D. Kittle. Oil" J N. V. Life. 2J7 _ _ _ MOKTdAOE loans wanted. McCaguo In vestment company , 273 71TONEY to loan on Omaha nroperty. Fidel- it 1 | ty Trust company , 1011 Farnam. 27 ! ) "IPASTEHN iiionnr to at vury low rat in. JlMl. II. Iroy. L-UJ X. Y. Mfo MJSO KIMIlAII.rhainpAUyan inaku loans on Improved city property at lowest r.itca 120" > Knrnuin street 41.W30 lir.AI' Monuy Phllii. MortR.iKu and Trust I'o , wants gilt odi-'ii loans , lieo. W. P. C'ontcs , ruprusuiitntho , 7 lloinl Tr.ido. ail MONTY in lo'in on ultv property or o.islnrn Nobiaska farms , li. K Ulngoi , 1" > 1 ! > I'ar- MONEY TO LOAN CHATTbLS. 1'iii'nitcf , tie. , fcetaiy of flint enlum i on thlt j ) tj ( . MONTY to lo.ui hv H. T M istors on chattel and soeurltles for any tlnm from 1 to 11 ! months , In any amount tomR bor rower. I.o.uis mmlo on household coeds , pianos , or- Bans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse leoelpts , etc. . at thn lourst , i.ites posslblo without publicity o : removal of jiroperty. Mv loins are so arr.nmed that yon ean make n payment of any amount at any time and re duce both iirlnoln il and Interest It yon owe u balance on your properly or havna loan that you want enanxod 1 will pay It olT and earry it for yon It yon find It more convenient call up telephone 1C''I ami your business will be arranged at home. Money alw.ivson hand , Nodelav. No pub licity. Lowest rates. 1) ) T. Masters. Koom4 , Wlthnell blk , l.'th and lluiney sts. MONEY to loan on horses.wiiRons.fnrnlturc , ' . lliHlnessslnot- plnno-\collat'al security. - lyLonlidentlal.Kied Toiryioom UJ UUIIIKU bli : MONEY on furniture , hoiscs , etc. ICcystono MorUace Oo . room ' 'IS Miecly block. M 's4 0 rllATTEMiank , 'III ) H. IMli si. , loans monev on , ehattols or cell itoral atteasoiiablc lates -'SJ MONEY loaned oo furniture , live Moek.oto fiom 1 to > months , without publicity ; lowest , rates. Dufl Urugn , loom ! ! ) , Continen tal block. ! 210 J27 CHATTEL loans at lowest rates. 9il Now York Life bulldln..1 H. A. Morris. 874J21 * KOll tJAIjK- I'orratca , etc. . ree tnp o/ffrit rolumnon tilts p tgt EXTKA bargnln-50xii5 : feet ( lots 7 and 8 , Dennett's sub. blodk a. Orchard Hill ) only IW ( feet from Hamilton street ami motor line and one block west of i Lowe avenue , for $ d50 net cash. Address loc | < box 1310 , Oroston , la. M974 20 _ IpOK SALE Farm containing 80 acres im proved laud and ITi acres timber ; farm U all fenced ; Kl acres timothy pasture , orchard , grove , Hi-story house , nUirn , granary , wind mill. all In good shape ; ( ai m Is 5 miles south west of Plaltsmoiith. the4 county seat of Cass county , and 2 miles from Murray , a new town on the Missouri PncHlo'Tlillroad : I mlle from school and church , For' particulars addiess Pfxl , Iloe olllee. ' ; 7 ! > S , sltilated house and lot JJIn Orchard hll ! . " 7 room house ; on grade , near motor ; sewerage txml water ; line view Very cheap. Will trade for clear lots or farm. Address. K lice. 9" > 0-I6 * rpWO elegant houses , with largo east front J- lot 75150 feet , on ono of thn Hnest streets In the city. Splendid neighborhood , houses have all modern improvements , filinace , hath , hoi and cold water , cistern , etc. . large bain with elty water and sewer connection. Every thing In llrst-class condition. Price , iMfl.M)0. Property will yield an annual Income of Jl.Mi Will soli mill tiUou moderate amount of real estate In payment. George N. Illcks , agent. N. Y. l.tfo bidg. 911-17 TfOK adjoining city of lllalr. J-1 Neb. 11. W. Mcllrlde. M.Wi J2 TT1OK SALE 22- foot lot with brick building JU1 on Dodge near 12th. prlco t'UOU)0. ' ) ) Address J. K. Shaw. 122J Lowe avenue. crjl l * _ ELEGANT modern built 8-1 oem house , llanscom place. All convonleni'es. bplen- dld neighborhood. Illg bargain. Iltcks , N. Y. life nldg. 9M-17 I ( ' 'OK SALE Two lots Improved with con venient houses ; eloin to business ; a few minutes walk from line scnools , colleges nnil motor ears ; ono or both of them at a greit barg'iln for cash oren oa&v payments Title pel feet. Willis JI. Yates NebrasKa National IM n k. _ _ _ _ _ _ 722 I OT 9. block 9. Shillls 'ml. $ J.20Mw ! bowers J paid for. Call at once , O. F. Harrison , 912 Now York Life. 70S-UO GAKDNEKS call nnd bee the 10-acro tiaot close to the city I am otlcrlng for sale at $ V.50.jHcks. N. V. Life bldg. 951-17 _ _ FOK South Omaha roporty , business , track age or residence , go to the loadln - " t ds Into dealers In South Omaha , Ed Johnston Co. . uur. 21th and N sts. TTIIYE-room houses In Orcbarl Hill , J,501 | -L o.iun on monthly payments. Thomas T , Hull , .ill Paxton blk. 2o7 FOK b LK A line Improved farm of 200 acres ; 100 under cultivation ; shade trees ; fruit , windmill , w.i on s-ales , etc. ; MO miles westof OnuilKiiJ.'O per aero. Addiess G 4s , lieu. Q KOIlIIINS.teal estate. lOilN. Y. > - * % _ 2IBJ . ' 8 * "IT10K SALE Elegant homos nn montly pav- - 1monts. . Will build any priced home to suit yon. E. I' . Klngor , I" > I9 Tarn im. 20r-J27 "IjlOK SALE , cheap , easy payments : US-story J- ' now t-rooui house , with bath , cellar , etc. ; full lot. N. bhelton. 1014 Tarnam. 9)'i ) " 1J1OK SALE To worklnginen only ( speeu- JL' lators ncod not [ iiilylon | ] time or monthly [ laymentH a neat cottage at less than actual value. Inside property , only ono block to electric lino. Inquire at room 202 , Omaha National bank building FOR EXCHANGE. r'ornlM , fir. , ttctnpiil drat cntumn nil l/l / [ p-ij ( . NOKTH inthTt rent- Will lixehiuigo irgToat ami glowing cornpron this splendid thor- oughfaie. well Imptovi d. foi big tiact of farm land. Alex Moore , 401 Iloe building. 914-18 FOK EXCIIANOE Clear land and lots lo amount of K > .0 0 and some cash foi stock of merchandise ; what Imvojrou ? owners answer. P O. box 7W , Cnmha. M83.S 21 _ _ "VXTHAT ha\o you tti ovebanuo ? full or M \\ritofiill puillcitar3. ) Alex. .Mooru , 4111 Hoe bilWhi , _ JY 7:10 : HOKbKS for lots. 4XI ( fttown | 'j . _ _ , _ rpo nXOHANOK-CiWI/er / fnclns J- park and the other jil lots f jr UhicaKo oslilenco jiroporty. A UTO ! > s O 40 , Hue. "ft M J 20 _ _ UQSJ F'ornifw , etc. , tee top nfftrsl column nntMt pitgc. I OST llotweea Nicholas nnd Douglus J-J st reels , Omaha , on Juno 13 or 11 , a p icU- IKO of books nnd paix-rs. The Under v\ ill bo Ibeially rewarded by leuvlns the same with . II. WatUiu A. Uo. . Buntli Oinnlm. M07H 1'J JTKAYKD From 10M bo. With street , dark 3 chestnut sorrel horse with Huddle girth on. tuturn to abo\ number und ( -ut tie ruu anl. lb * IOST .Small black colt 4 weeks old , few -Jnnltn hairs on forohoad. Kotnrn to K. Nelson , 2 blocks of deaf uud dumb Institute and receive reward 1)13-17 ) * I o&T-A Imlv'Dkold watch , on either Sp.ild- . XJIiig street , Ames avo. or North 31st ; mono gram "F. Y. V , " Howard for return to Hoe olllco. b7l-17 * IOST Mare pony. Its mane and UII was JshiiMHl olf. w.lh while , about 10 yuius old. dlruct to lue. D. U. White , Douf and Dumb lust. b7S 17 * IO&T A gray hono. ( ininll white spot In J left eye Address''ad and Popplotun ave and get reward. 7bJ-17 > WANTED TO BUY. Far rate * , tie. , ttetapcfjlnteolumnan tlitu JXJ06 WANTKDtoiinrebaso a sw > d ntyllnh fnin lly horse. Must bo sound , thoroughly penile and afraid of nothltn ; , Hultnblo for n Indy to drlvo. Apply Sergeant Univo * . nolle * station. OIlMH' _ VyANTKD buy ; farm. IflO acres 12 to" TV miles from Omnlin ; ulso paylnu bnsl- Incis , JI.OOO to J5.CKX1 , owners only. T. O. box 7.U Mif.'S is- \\rANTKD-to buy.Vo will pay 1 rent eanh ii for Oermati eoffeo noaU , only eal taken from the front of package with border on wanted. Must berecohed by June 27 , IMll ; bring orsenit ; will lemlt or pay on receipt Oastbur ti Co. , earn V. M. O. A. . Omahn.Ml Ml > .K > 19 * \\7 ANTED \ \ have a cash customer fornn i i Improved plivo Of Omaha business prop erty nt from J.M.OOU to JiVMiOO. Property tniut show a good rental and bo a bargain. Wright V L.isbury , I ( Ml Howard street. Is AW ANTED To buy good rnsldeneo lot or "i hou o nnd lot , or so01 al lots loeated so nsto make a good bulhllni ; Hlithl , must be In llrst class residence ii irt of the city. Parties answering this should give full description of property , lowest | .rice , terms , whether Incum- hi'icd , and If so how much. O ID , Hue olllco. 071 ' ' " CL AI R V'O'YAN T Forr ite , e If , , tte tap nf finl column nrithtf pw. PFKFECT satisfaction nnd cheapest or no money. Mrs. btovor , 400 N. IGlh street , 3rd lloor. MPI5 IS' GO and see Piof. Waring Medium and real astrologer at 3J2 N. lilth street. $100 IX ) to nnvone u lie cuii equal him In telling P st , present and future , causing speedy marriages , bringing the sepuiated together , and In busi ness all ilrs his advice Is Invaluable. He tells youi name In full , ( jsus no iiiestlons | and nsrs no curds of nny descrlptlonln his profession. Satisfaction given or no pav. Consultation fee , ladles , Ji.tW ; contlemenl.01 M' 72 Jj5 * .Ss-AUE MadamTTolzlcr. uvor 010 S. 13th MK1 * . Nannlo V. Warren , clairvoyant , trance speaking , urltlni ; and reliable business medium , four ye irs In Omaha , 111) ) N , llith. ) > M1 IKS. FOKT. palmist fortune teller , tolls past and future fiom lines of the hand In old trypsy way ; ladles only ; fee tl.lH IMI't ' N. I'lth. M7.-K1.IIS * MISCtLLANhOUS. rorritff.ttr.fffti > ] t < if/lrtt cnlnmii mi tht * i > ' 0f. MASJ > Alirtie.itmont.electro-tbormal baths , sc.ilp ami hair treatment , nrinlcuro and chliopodlsl. .Mrs. PostJlH S.i : > tb , Wltbnoll blk. 271 " 7'TioLSTEKING and nmttrouses renovated - vated ; also furniture repaired. II Peter son IM ! North 18th St. JI'iOl-JO * \\rA.NTEO Ilo.ird for lady and little clrl of > SOMMI , for two mouths or more , ne.ircen- pait of city. Rood sl/ed loom and bath , private family preferred. Lltllo or no iiouble Only thoie elIng reasonable terms need answer. Koferences given and required. Answer Thnisduy. Kb lice. l > " > 2-17 HH paid for endowment policies jn old line eomp'inlei Send description. A. If Itro ckloibv , box 11 , Hartford. Uoiui. 4si-Jvll ; : KEboiuht , sold , Stored. Wells 1111 Farnnm treot 271 GKI'AT bargains In all Kinds of jewelry aim silverware on account of the recent Hie. S. .lonaseii. r.irnan and llth streets. 17l-J"ii MASSAGE , BATHS t ritct.ctc. . vcctiit } > f A/it iijliimii riu MASfACE baths at Madam i-mllliS parloi's. 'Jd lloor , 42. ) S. Kith stieet. Mi" > ' ) 22 * MASriAUE Madam Dol/ier , over CIO S. IlitTT. < . * )0-j ) > 0 * MISS STUWE. masseuse , electrician , III I Kamgo block. M : i,8. 2 * MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. Fornif , c'e. , tcftniinfflrst cofumu onWit * ) > ns G EO. F. Gollonbeck , teacher of the banjo with Hospe , 1SU Douglas. 24U B ETOKE buying a piano examine the new scale Kli.ilj.ul platio.A. Hospo,15ia Douglas. 21,0 SiKAM KKATIIKIl UKNuVATUK. I'or KI/CI. / tie , wchifl of tirxt column nn lliti ; > tj STEAM feather washer ; beds , ticks and [ ill- lows washed ; feathers bought. Malloi- dcrs promptly filled WoiU called for and de- lUorcd. Traiik Ansou , Ulst and Franklin streets. M 7J- l''orrnfe , ctr.tccttipi > f Hrt column on tilt * ji 133 COKKEsPOND for a m n so m e n t. i ii s t r n c t fim ormatilmony , The best correspondence buieau , particulars In plain scaled envelope for IQc Look llox J.U Omaha. 210-J27 * PAT ENT"SO LICITORS 1 ornitcs. . elc.teetojio/ coiimn on Ihtt puy PATENT lawj ers and solicitors. G.W.Hues .t Co. , lice building , Omaha , llranch olllco at Washiiu'ton. I ) . U. Consultation flee 2.VJ " 'J.HI2 KU Uji' TNSrilUMENTS placoJ on rooorJ Juno 17 , J. Is'Jl. A-S Patrick to W N Nnson , lot 12 , blk 2 , A S Patrick's add. w d t 600 E II Koboits and wife to Paul Hoiini , part lot 1. blk W , South Omnlri , w d . 1,100 Frederick Drexel to William llaumbaek , lot 7 , blk J , Dre\ol'.s hub , w d . coo William llaumbaek and wife to Frank Iliirns , Iot7 , blk .1 , w d 900 C T Taylor and wife to V II Coirman , lot 7. bile 2 , March's add , w d 2.MO Herman Walker anil wife to H J Hav- erly , n 110 feet of lot in , blk SKount/o's 4tli add , w d 3,000 A.I Poppleton and wife to G M Lodge , lot 7 , blk 5. Popnloton Park , w d . . . 750 M K llendel and husband to William Prolsman , w'of lot 1 , blk 91 , Omaha , w d s.MO South Omaha Land Co to August Kothc , lot II , blk IK" , South Omaha , w d . . . 1,300 N A Kuhn und wife to Joseph Pospisll , lot.'I. blU4 , l'otter& Cobb's 2nd add to booth Omaha , w d 9o G C Milioy to Mary Churvat , lot 0 , nlk 1 , Potter A : Cobb's add. w d f > 50 Samuel Alortenson and wife to Mary Peterson , lot 9 , blk 31 , Ilenson , w d . . 400 M W E Purchase and w Ifo to E T Dona- lioo , pint lot 10 , l-lk 10 , Waterloo , w d . 400 C F Tagait ! and wlfo to ( i H Payne , s 1W ) feet lilk 2.- . , Walnut Hill , w d . 18.000 Louisa Van Cott and husband to V H Cell man , lot 11 , biU b , sub of J J Ked- IcU'sadd , q oil . . . i E L Illerbowor ( special master ) to Ken- ben Koss , lot 1 , blk it , Muynu Place , deed . . 601 II ! and wife to II 0 A mold , lot 1. % A Konnt/e'rt add , w d IMO C J and wife to M .1 Pajal , lots. 5 and G , blk 11. C.i.klnVhuli . , w d . . 400 T X Deltunoto T C V Dellone , pait lots 15 and III , O'llrluii'budil , q e d . . . l G T. Tnwcett ( special maMoi ) to Mechan ics & Traders bank , lot 4 , blk 9 , Pat- rleU'h 2nd add , deed . W ( J Harsh nnd wife to Miitz llrothers , lots 11 and 1. , Kolloy's add , wd 475 Total * iiTi.nil WllA'l TYlMiWRll'hR TO iiUY Are you open to coavlotion ? tf sn.considnr candidly out machine. Don't ropuat to your self Is told you. liiMistlvato , und your own opinion 111 bo of so no v ilni ; . If you wl h export opinion do nut consult Interested competitors. Send for Illustrated oataloMto ghlns full description of the -mith Premier Typo-writer Tlio raitli Premier Typs Writer Co , , El. II. MAYHBW , Mfinauor. 100T1 Parnatn titroot , Omaha , Nob. The NATIONALHYMNGEFDOHTHE WORLD'S FAIR. * * SANTA GLAUS SOAP My Country : 'tis of tlice , Sweet land of liberty , OftheelslMR ; Lund where our fathers died ; Land where our Mothers cried , Over the wash-tub tied Let freedom ring. My native country tliee Land of the noble , free Thy name I love ; I love thy tuiUsand frills But oh : laundry hills ; Myboul with horror thrills ; When I think ot thee. Let music swell the breeze , And blow through all the trees Hall SANTA GLAUS : Let tired mortals w.iUc And nUdly try a cnUe , Let all for de.mnexi sake , Join the applause. NJJfllRBANK&Gtt ( WAIT ONLY BIG SHOW OOMINQI ] 2HtU Annual Tour of the Adam Forepangli Shows Tlio oldest , laws ! rlehosl exhibition In the world , \\lllcihlhlt in all Its most entire ! ) , af ternoon unit night , at Omaha , Neb. , Friday , July 24 1 irt > t time .seen In Amend. < Oh. IIOUM ! and M1S I'AltLOTTA. the world's el.amploii Mon Ti .ilncrs , and llrst inoseiitatlou of the thilllni ) ; and awe-li < ailrlni [ : uxhlbllliiri of 3 LiIONS AH l ob liOOSIH In a securely fencoil steol-b.urod elicus rliiK , i mi see for the Hist time Inour Ihes. I.IDNS KllllMl ATltlOCI.K ! LlD.NS KAl'INII IN llAII- M-ss' ' I.IONS I'I.AVINO SIK : Htw' I , IONS DANOINO. ii\i : > i > n' ' LIONS COUMINO lliiin I'll VAMI US' Allfieoasln their native wilds You will see for the Hist time uudor C.UIMIS. the ulil- MAN The Kieatust of llluj ; aerlalKts In the death- defying Leap for I.lfc. w"h " 10 World's Most Uenowned Uldors. Ath- , letes.Uymmi'.tsandbpe- PirOIIP elaliy Performers , in- uircus Stud of Trained llroncho Horses. Itenresentlii ! : 28 years' odorts n fiiv , Klvn Million Ilollarsex- / pended during that time In / . secnrlin ; rnro lltlni ; spccl- * mens of every bird and anl- , mii known to exist. Adam TorHpauiili. Ji.'s great henl of womlei fully Trained \A/i Irl Elepliiints , llorses.Do s.Mon- VV 1IU keys , Hems , llyen'is. includ- Roaofc IIK | l" " Wonderful Tiapcve- lJCC.OLo Performing Horse "Kclluso , " ami the Hope-Walklin ; Kcinlne "Illomlln. " MGCEHT PARIS HIPPODROME ThoniUKhbreds and O.imels , Klophants aim other uiiliuils : over a full ' mile. GREAT WILD WEST WJSS.ff.raRte 150 Savages , Cowboyn , etc.Hanging a Horse Thief , Kohbory U. S' . Mull , Custi'i's Last Knlly , Virginia Keel on Horse back , Ilorder Life in all its Phases. ftrmu In town In season to behold the Siu- I'hMIOt'S ( im.IIlil.KM1MI , UOliar.Oim PARADE ! Which takes place ut about 10 o'clock , on the morning of show day. It ht.irts fiom the ex hibition ground. All the pai.rJcs jn the iioild , lolled Into one , would not eiiiul ] the one- fourth pait of this TIIIIKI : MIM.ION Ddi.i.Mt PAii\Ninv : DIM-LAV ! All the Wild West , all the Hlppodiome , all thu Trained Animals , all the Clicns , all the Savages. Scouts , Cowboys , all the ( Joiscous , Glltteilng Chailots , Fairy Features , I'erfoimlng Horaes. Superbly Cos tumed Illder ! , . Six Full Musical Hands , and f > HO Features spaeo won't peimltto enumerate , constitute this , the MOST TIIKMI.MIOUM Fiine .STIIKKT Snow I'AIIAIIK TIIKVoui.n HAS Eviiit . { j/2 EXHIBITIONS Evr.uv WI.KK-DAV , at 2 ANDfi o'ci.oi'K. Afternoon and Evonlni ; . LOW FAKES AND E.XTKA TKAINbONALL KAILKOADS. Admission same as usual. For the accom modation of the public who would'i\old the ciowds on the grounds mscrved numbered heats ( at the regular pi Ices ) and udmlnslnn tickets at the usual Blight advance , can be seemed at the Opera HoiibO Pnariuucy , on thu day of exhibition only. THE ONLY GKEAT HfW COMING' ' .1. E COOI'EK Pii BICYCLliSSOLD OOOXTHLY PAYMENTS M. O. DAXON , 1007i FARNAN ST. Tol. 1182. - - Oiiwliu. Neb AGENTS MKE \ BIG la Bulling our muneroua npi-cl.iUlcii ANiiyu oinutlihiK now Kiop | io loil irr uin Mnjjle'Nulf- l.llihllni ; I'oi left l.iuini nnil Clctr I.U-hlor Miik'lo lllinu Hunk. Knnilni llnnk fiirpiiinlii , nlckliu unit ( Ilinui , nnil our Iruit Ian Wriiiuli , for puuingoii or liiklnx nil Ui" l"n | of fruit cum \ \ rltu fur circular of ni.iKlc nuvultly * oruitlun Ncrth Wo = tora Spooln'ty Oo. I'ou lluiltlliu , Oinulm , Neb - ' " ' " J r | > lllllli Hall.i -TrS'ti"P'T1 . . jar JL -LS/.l.cnr.duloloUOclayi tdiptrtlllcarxl Oil J BJEPUENBL li o oO JIIOA.VIKST IN Y'l'J H and NrliriiHlcu Treutoil to n Suiiklut ; Knin. The heaviest ralu known far yours full Tiiuwday nit-lit alone thu line of tlio U. & M. In soutliorn No- br.isUn nnil northern Kansai. bovoral washouts resulted , thu most sorlous liolni ; In tlio vldnlty of Orleans. Kovorul sumll wiisii- outs occurred on tlio branch line botwcou Ur- louus nud Oxford. Trains ou that branch were delayed sovural hours nnd BOIIIOvoro abjiidoncu altogothor. A washout occurred on the Klidiorn line \vosl of Norfollt. Trains nro rt'iiiuiig ' nruund by way of Albion rcsulUnuIn n deluv of about half an hour. Tlio line will bo repaired by morning. A very small pill but n vary good ouo. Do Will's Ltttlo ICurlv Hlsors. AinttrloiinVondorH. . Yellowstone park Is beyond nil < iuos- lion ono of the world's croat womlorn , und the Union Pnuillo oxcurhion in July will bo the event of the BUUHUD. Ask your nouroat Union I'uclUo ugi-nt about MAN IIIAU'A I'll \ . Hnj-H Ho'nn Insnlli'il liy tlui Omnlin Poll i'o. The followliiR Is from n Hiawatha ( Kas ) loiter In the St. .Too Hor.ild : A weokneoono of our respected business men , who runs n business house lioro , requiring two clorlta besldo himself ; a business worth JS.OOO or $ ' | , IHK ) a year , n sober , inoffensive ( " "t'01"1" ' ' nt all times , ovurywhoro nnd utidor all cir- oumstnneoa , who in his buslmm dlvldos hit trmlo with the city of Omaha , wivs standing on n corner of u street of that city , when ho wns approached by n nollcem in , nrrestcil , re lieved of hU money nnd east Into prison twliero ho nevoi1 was In all his lifo boforoi , whore lie was permitted to remain for an hour without IMIV eliafKo against him or utiy OK- t'nso under the sun , us fur ns he Know or now knows. The Kontloman was ruthlessly do prlvod of his liberty without cause , nnd also missed I ho train that Im was to talco for some other point. If the city of Omaha allows such treatment of ono of our citUons who ROCS there lo trade , the balance rtf our business men will consider this nctioii n notice served upon thorn that their trade is not desired , nnd besides , that elty in this i-itso will bo called upon to make good this uncalled for disgrace put upon our follow townsman. Kvorj'hoily Knows that at this season the blood Is llllod with impurities , the accumulation of months ot close I'onllnomcnt in ) > oorlj ventilated stores workshops ami tenement * . All thiso lmpurl < ties unit every trace of scrofula , suit rheum , or other diseases may bo oxpollud by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla , the Ixist blood puilller over pi oduced. It Is the only inciilclno of which "lUOdosos ono dollar" Is truo. Now liinc lo Di'S Commencing Sunday , Alny 'M , the Chictifjo , Mihvnukoo & St. Paul railway will ostablihh a throutrh line of bloopinyr cai-H butwuon Sioux City and Dos Motnos via Madrid. Pah&ongors front Omaha a ndtho west can luavo Omaha at ( ! : " ( ) p. m. , bccnro nloopintf oar acrommoilatiotiH and arrive in Dos Moincn at ( I a. in. Ko- turning , leave Dos Moinu.s 1)-IO ) : p. in. , arrive Omaha ! : ! ' > a. in. Dining cara on loth trains. Ticket ollloe , l.VIl l''arnam ' street. K A. NAHH , Gen Agt. J. li PHESTON , City Pass Agt. In-Ulli of MI-M , ,1. Itriuior. ftlrs. John G. Hrunor ofVpst t'olnt , Nob. , died Monday avonlng ut K ) o'clock ut the res- idcnco of her son Hon. Uriah Urunur , whcro she made her homo. The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon from bor late residence. She celebrated her eighty third birthday on March 13th last and was In ox ccllcut health anil good spirits at that ttmo , but the Saturday before Easter she had nn attack of la grippe , and after a seven week's illness she recovered sulllcioiitly to bo up and about again , but had a rulapso three weeks ago and suffered Intensely to the last from n complication of heart and stomach trouble. She was tbo mother of cloven children , eight of whom survive her , Hon. Uriah Bru- ncr of West Point. John ,1. Hrunor of Ne braska City , James U. , Clurlos E. , nnd Hon. T. C. Urunurof this citv , Mrs. Charles N. Mohrof Arlington , Neb. . Mrs. John T. Ulloy of Schuyler , Nob. , nud Mrs. Jacob bwai'U- lunder of this city. She was n consistent member of thu Evangelical Liiitlicran church from her youth and died in full confidence that her trust in the Saviour was ivoll found ed and that Ho would bo her sure refuge m end. She dieil without an enemy and was noted for her pure and spotless life , and will bo greatly missed by her children , grand children , and great grand-children for whoso welfare and happiness she unceasingly labor ed and pravcd to the very last days of her lifo. "My father , at about the ago of fifty , lost all the hair from the top of his head. After ono month's trial of Ayor'.s Hair Vigor , the hair began coming , and , in thruo months , he hud a line growth of hair of the natural color. " P J. Cullou , Saratoga Springs , N. Y , Decision In Favor < > ! ' tlio Clilungo .Milwaukee . .VSI. . Paul Ity. The now Dulnoo Hluoping cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee iS : St. Paul Hy. , with elei'trie lights in every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omaha , at ( ( : " ( ) p. m. , dally. PaHhongors taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil lilullH , and arrive in Chicago at D-'iO a , m. , in ample time to maKe all eastern connections. Ticket olllee , 1501 Karimm Btrcot. P. A. NASH , J. K. PKF.KTO.V , General Agent. City Pashongor Agent. A Now Association. A call has been Issued for a mooting of thrco delegates from each of the eleven Cath clic churches hi this city , for Tuesday , Juno li. ) , at the hall of St. Mary Magdalene's church , for the purpose of organising a gen eral confeicnco of tlio St. Vincent dc Paul association. For llio past throe year.s a soclotv of this kind has been in oxislonco ut the Holy Family churchduring which time over l,0ix ) h.ivo hcui raised and expended for the bone- distinction being made of religion or race of applicants for chanty. Small m sl/o , great ta results : DoV'ltt r > Ull Kurly Hlsors. Host pill for Constipa tion , best for Sick Hoadachu , host for Sour Stomach. General So'iolleld Coming , General Hchollold has notllhm sonto of bU friends and companions In arms of the do pirtmeiit ofthoPlatto that ho will bo In Omaha next Friday morning on the U ) o'clock nurllngum train , ( iunuml Schollcld will bo innrrltn today at high noon at Kcokuk. la. , and accompanied byhisbildo ho will pass through Onuhti on the way to Califor nia , wheio tlioy will npund their honovmoon. A lurgo party of military frlumU will greet ( ioneial Schollcld and hh brldo wlioii thu/ univo in Omaha. ' I'nnltivnly cured l-y thcHo Llttlu IMilH. CARTER'S They also relieve Dbi trrsa from Oj-ujK-psln. In ITTLE digestion and Too Haarty Eating , A perfect rcm cdyforDlzzlneBfl , NHUHCA , DrowilncH.i , Ilud Taato In the ilouUi , Conted Tongue , Pata In Uio Side TOlil'II ) UVKU. Tuoy regulate the Bowels. SMALL Pill. SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE.