Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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i > : Xo. 12 PEARL STREET.
by Carrier tn any part of the City.
Business Oflico , No.I'J. .
Night IMItor. No. ! i3.
Jtl.MHt JtKX'M'lOX.
m N v r Co.
C oun < II IllufTs Lumber Co. , coal.
C rflft s chattel loans , COI Kapp bloeif.
W ( t UroKory of Tahor was InthoDlufTs
9 " yritordny on business.
m If inn want v.'iitor In your yard or house
p to Ilixhj'c. .WJ Morrlnm block.
f U iir.l"il peed tfirl for hotlsc work
9 Mr * II W. THton , MT Fifth avenue.
\ Mrs It 1 , Shepherd mid Miss Mnrla Phil-
1 lips v , ill lonvo this evening forti two months' '
jf trii | nlonff the 1'aclllc co lit.
I The case of the stnto against Harry Hoylo ,
I chan.1' ' ! with tlui larceny of n tfolel HUB
I worth Jl' ( ) , was contlnucii by Justice HumE -
E HUT \psterday until Saturday nfturnoon at "
I oil-nit
I HMD .losnph It. Kfod received hiromls -
B slon vostorduy as chief Justieo of the court of
prh.itn him ] claim , ami had the oathof olllt'O
administered to him hy ( Merit Hunter of the
I fi Jcral court.
I O A Hhoedsnek has oriMtilrcd n hasehall
I club , and has ehilsti-ned It the "Twin City
Iyi > Works flub " It played lit fir-it irnmo
last Sunday afternoon , dofoutlni ! the "Louu
I Sims" of Omaha to the tune of 10 to - .
B Kmnipt Tinloy retm'ned yesterday mornini ?
finin Aoordcen , South Dakota , wheio ho
n , , ur.nt to dofoiid a young Hlulllto who was
KJCM * charged with cmhrr/lotnont. The attorney
f' ' and his client en mo homo on thu sanu- train ,
the latter having been ncquittrd hy the jury.
B According to a statemoi't of the assets and
B nnd liabilities of the .lurid-Wells romjmny ,
B llleil with the countv recorder bv A. K , Kldd ,
B ttii' liabillttoi arc ? lTii'l'l . " and the assets
B ? llc.s . > < > It Is stated that the estate
B uns estimated at considerably loss than Its
B real \ttluo.
I I. A ( Irav. aftpr ho had notified the au-
I thrintlos of the ( 'iitno winch ho thought had
I brcti plnvod upon him , and wnich win to-
I cotiiited in yesterday's HIT , found that ho
P hail not boon confldonced at all , but the thieo
1 horses had been taken out to pasture bv n
pun ions arrangement niaito by Mr. .1 M.
B I'aimer , of whom ho had bought them. Mr.
I ( .f\v Is somewhat chrL'rined at the notoriety
I tlio publication of the article in question has
V given him.
I I'liroo suspicions looking chnr.ictors worn
P seen lo.illng about liayllss park icsteidny
I afternoon 'i'hoy wore ordeii-d out by Ofllicr
I Murphy , and on their refusing to leave a
I search was instituted. Ono of them was
I found to have a piece of counterfeit money in
| his pocket which ho tried to get rid of , and
I another had a full collection of door keys ,
L Boniu of which wcro skeletons. They were
m lunded In thu calaboose and the charge of
suspicious characters was entered against
B thorn
I William Uoss was arrested last ovenlng by
I Ofllcer Claar on a charge of larceny. .1. W.
B Taylor , n carpenter living at the coiner of
B M\nstor and Kcott streets , was the comB -
B plainant Ho claimed Hess went to the
B jioohet of his vest which he had hum , ' Up in
B the cellar of a building whcro ho had been
working and abstracted the wntch. The
B timekeeper a gold one , and its owner
, - was conMdarablv worked up over his loss. It
B M has not been recovered yet , but a search
BH BJ warrant is to bo issued this morning for
BH0s Uoss' premises , and it is hoped that it Will bo
pA found.
B B BP Kd Hrown was givpn a sentence of ten days
B P * in tliocountv Jail by .ludgo Mi Goo yesterday
H * " morning While no was in ja'l ' several
parties called upon him and Identilied him .is
BT a man whotiiod to puss omo counterfeit
I money on them on Monday. After he has
I finished his sentence It is pro ! ) iblo a new
B case will bo started against lit in on ttio
B cburiro of passing counterfeit wonoy. D. Tl
Tappervas lined J-li.Oi ) for drunkoneess and
i carrying concealed wean ins. The case
B ngiitnst Oscar Syrlnk , charged with assaul t
I with Intontto commit murder , was co-i tinned
| 1 * K. Spencer , charged with larceny , and
I Ioc O'I.cnrv , ovorchaiging for hack hire ,
I wcro discharged
K The Chicago. Hock Island & I'.icldc did a
I verj courteous net at the closing of thoin-
I stitution for the deaf and dumb. It stopped
I its train at the crossing near the institution
I to allow the departing pupils to got on board
I thcie , thus avoiding tho" necessity of their
I coming Into the city. The same railway has
[ been equally courteous at previous closings
I of the school , but this vcar the accotnmoda-
[ tion was especially appreciated , as the wagon
L roads were so muddy. It is no little task for
ri , v * Superintendent Hothort to arrange for thu
" departure of several hundred pupils , and
V. such help on the part of a railway company
te appreciated by him as well as by the pu-
i PK Ho made a llito request of the Milwau
kee fc St. I'aul , whoso track was oven nearer
to the suuool , but that compiny declined.
I If you decidefrom what you have heard or
| readthat you wHl take Hood's S > irsnpniillulo
t not be Induced to buy any substitute instead.
I Council IMlifts souvenir spoons at IJurhorn's , .
1 Swanson Mu ! c Co. , ! iar > Broadway.
Drs. Wood bury , dentists , 30 I'earl street ,
B * " next to Grand hotel. Telephone 143. High
trade work a specialty.
I Picnic at Manhattan Peach , Lake Matlawa ;
I gooil tlshlng , fine bathing and boating ; plenty
l of shade ; best place for camping out parties.
Try _ _ _ _ _
I New Question llalhcd in a Now
[ I iiinoiis Onto ,
i _ W. H. Ware , attorney for the defendants
I T in the case of N. Schutv. against
I J II , Koblen ? , has raised a little point
I which seems likely to cause some ono some
I t rouble In the near future. The suit was
I commenced in superior court several months
I igo for the purpose of attaching the house.
I Sold furniture of Kobloiu to satisfy Kcnum's
I elalm for rent. The writ of attachment was
K issued as demanded nnd the goods wcro
i levied upon. Slnco tljat lime the attorney
I for the defense has been investigating the
I matter , and ho claims to have found evidence
I that the attachment Illegal , mid that the
goods wore never properly In the possession
B of SchuiY or the deputy maishal who louod
B upon them.
lo the \\rit of attachment was attached
what mill 01 ted to bo a copv of the lease
K& under which KoPlen/ hold ttiu houso. it is
BB * . ijow claimed that ttio copy was not a copy at
B V ftll. but was a printed form of a lease wlileh
contained coitaln provisions that were not in
I the original lease. The statutes provide that
I a true Lupy of the lonso must Po Died , and as
B this provision was not complied with the
I whole attachment Is alleged to have been
I illegal The difference between the lease
I and the copy was iluo to an oversight upon
I the parts of the Hehuw brothers.
1 Thu question of the legality of the attach-
g incut l to lie decided by Judge McGee this
1 morning. In ease It U found to have been
\ illegal nn action for damages will bo
I commenced against SvhiiM for false at-
I tachment. it is probable nKo that
1 criminal proceedings will bo begun against
[ Sehurz nnd his two sous , charging them with
f assault with Intent to commit injury of u
\ more or loss serious kind. It is claimed that
\ If the attachment wan Illegal the property
i was not In reality In the charge of Sehuw or
the oMh'or , and that therefore any assault
I HKO that committed by the partie&'was not
justified by their rights In the easn. All of
B these Mitts will depend on the decision of the
f Judge of .superior court this morning.
m noWitt'c Uttlo Knrly itisors ; best little
ills for d spopsla. sour stoii'ioli : , b i 1 breath
m ' f tiasollno and oil ; coin , wood and :
F prompt delivery. L. O , KnottsJl Main ,
P tolephoni 'JO. ! .
I Hright iiplnnd hay at slaughter prices for
I next thirty da\s ; I.VI tens , H. L < . Carmancor-
I IHT I'enil inul 'jth avenue.
I Huv your furniture , carpets , stoves nnd
j household goods of Mamlel & Klein , Council
f liiuffb I'ricot , very low ; freight prepaid to
[ , i our city.
V * ? * * For the oponlr.g of the Hotel Colfax thom
m Itock Island will sell round trip tickets June
m It ) 10 , good to returu ou the 1TIU , tit ouo uud
B cue third faro.
Colonel Rcod of Manawa Finds a Man Wbo
He Collcotctl tlio Saloon rino * nnd
Qiiiutly Wnllcod Out or 'I own
ullli tin ; Money In
II IH PocUut.
Colonel F. C. Heed , the mayor of Mnnawn ,
feeb today as though his knowledge of
human nature had slipped upon htm. The
cause of his feeling thus Is that ho has been
sadly disappointed In n m in who n ho ap
pointed to the rospjtislhlo position of mar-
Mini of the town of Manawa.
Last Saturday Colonel itccd picked out a
man whom he thought would make n good
marshal , and gave him thn star and club
that betokened his rank. The min was
AI ICbbcrt and he was tall and well
built , apparently ono who could bring
the worst offender Into the confines of
the city basilic and never turn n hair. The
first thing Kbbort did after hU appointment
was to go to n siloon In the vicinity of
Manawa and quell a disturbance which was
In progress by carrying thu main oltemler to
Jail bv the nape of the nock. This little
csc.ip.ulo had the effect of strengthening Mr.
Heed's confidence m him. Last Monday ho
told his marshal that the electric lights were
bring put In nnd that It would bo necessary
to make a levy on the saloons in order to pay
for thosamo. Ho told him to make the rounds
and have each ono put up his share - of the
amount. Kbbert did as lie was told and raised
about * . " ) ( .
Vestorday when It came time for the marshal
shal to repo'rt for duty ho did not report. An
investigation was soon commenced and nno
hoary headed Individual was found who had
seen ICbPert at an early hour yesterday mornIng -
Ing- counting thn ties on the motor track run
ning In a westerly dlioutlou. The report of
the hoary headed individual was confirmed
later and it Is now bo > oml ill doubt that Gil
bert has gone for goodunless some influence
is brought to bear upon him in such way as
to make him return. The officials of Omaha
were notified yesterday morning to bo ou the
lookout for a man who looked as though he
might have embodied $ . " > ( ! , but at last ac
counts he had not tieon found.
Call-'raph writing machine is the best for
telegraph purposes. Never out of order.
Of Hie Oreat Juno Kale nt ( lie Boston
Store , C iincll MlulTrt , la.
The success attending our Juno sale has
been most encouraging and beyond our ex
pectations. For the coming week wo will
offer still greater bargains. Below wo quote
a few of the following specialties :
Ji'.ie cheviot stripes , all wool , 'J.'ic.
4."io biilliaiitinos , all colors , ; tlc a yard.
f > 0p brilliantinos , over 10 shades , full 40
inches , reduced to 'We.
llrocudn biilllantiiics U2c. worth ! Wc.
See special bir nms in brilliantmes marked
HOC , We. 4."c , . " > < ) e , our $1 quality , TT' ' c.
Ladies' vests 7c , t for -Tic.
Ladies' shaped vests U1 , e.
Ladles' f.mey vests In sill : and lisle 'Joe.
Fast black hose . " > o and lOc , . ' ) for 5c.
Our ITc black hose for lii' ' e. .
Regular made hose in black balbriggan
sold for -"ic , i educed to 1'ic. '
Wo show live Different lines In ladies'
blaelt hose atTic. .
' . 's. Inch ColumbiasultingSJ c , regular 12'c '
I'lain nnd striped black organdies 12 yards
for Sim
Lonsdalo mid other makes muslin sold for
lOc , now 7c.
1 case hoavv ' largo crochet quilts worth
$1.1 ! , for'.Hie ' ,
Turkey red napkins , 42e a do/on.
Ladies' nainsook shirt waists 5Sc , sold for
Ladles' blade sateen shirt waists , Bleated ,
for jl.Oll.
See bargains In white llouneings , full 40
inches wide , at 4."ic , fiv , up lo a yard.
Ul.ick embroidered flouncings , guaranteed
fast colors , from IHIe to Sl.llO a yard.
Outing flannel shirts , 2'c , ! Cc ! , I ) Ic.
Extra largo shirts in good quality , f > 0c nnd
Hoys' waists , 12' c , 2,1c , HOc. ; )9c ) , r > 0o.
Gents' hose , oc , lUc , 12 > j'c and 15C , seamless
Just received MX ) parasols nnd sun umbrel
las , the latest novcltioa in the market and by
lar the best value over shown , in oxydire'd
handles , inlaid pearl , gold plated , rings ,
ciooks , etc. Wo call special attention to
three leading numbers nt $1.10 , ijj.00 and
Jxl.OO. See show window.
Council Ulults , la.
Pianos , organs , C. B , Musio Co. , 5fl3 IV wayNe
No Hay Without Money.
The case of the state ngalnst Freman West
was takun up in district court yesterday
morning. Westis charged with assault with
intent to commit murder , one John Boulden
of Kockford township being the victim.
West scld a lot of hay to liouldcn , it being
understood that he was to bo paid In cash bo
foiothe hay was taken. Boiildon paid for
thu hay in dtiblets , and took the hay In the
same way. When ho had paid a part of the
purchase money ho decided to pay no more ,
but to take the rest of the hay and lot West
whistle for his money. West in some way
learned of the scheme that was on foot , anil
went out to the Held , where ho
caught Houldon and tils biothor
making olT with the hay. Ho told
them that they could not have the hay until
they paid for It , and a quarrel ensued. West
tried to enforce his dictum by drawing n gun
nnd firing nt thoUvo Bouldens. The ball
fortunately went wide of the mark , and no
ono was hint. Boulden had West ancstcd
and the trial was in progress yesterday.
West claims that ho merely fired the gun in
the air ns u warning to Houldcn to let the
Inn alone , and this is the fact upon which lie
bases his defense. The testimony was all in
al5 o'clock last night , aim most of the argu
ments weio made by the attorneys. Court
adjourned until U o'clock this morning , when
it will reconvene nnd the attorneys will re
sume their arguments. The case will piob-
ably go to the Jury before noon.
No grilling , no nausea , no pain when Do
Witts Little Kirlv Knort are tatei. S.iull
pill. Safe pdl. Bo t pill.
Notion < > t AH'ixniiient for Henellt of
Ci editors.
Notice Is hereby given as required by sec
tion 'J110 , Miller's cede IbVi. that the Ju'dd i1 *
Wells conipun , n corporation whoso princi
pal place of business was in the city of Coun
cil IllufTs , in. , did on the ' 'rth dav of May ,
IblM , make an assignment of all of their prop
erty and effects to the undesigned for the
benefit of their creditors and that all claims
against said Judd .t Wells company must bo
filed with the undersigned , properly verified ,
within ninety days from the date thereof.
Dated at Council HtnlTi , hi. , this Uth day
of Juno , IMH. W. H. ICst'i'iiiiit ,
Assignee of the Judd & Wells Co.
Attorney for assignee.
Union Park races , Omaha nnd Council
Bluffs , September h-11 , JO.fHH ) ; October 20-2-1 ,
? lXHi. ( For programme ! , address Nut Brawn ,
Merchants hotel , Omaha.
The finest line of spring nnd summer
goods , mutt expert workmen , is what you
ilud at Ueltet's , the tailor , : I1U Broadway.
flnlvln ( JOIN tlu > , Iol >
At the meeting of the city council last
Monday evening a protest was on ( Ho from
Thomas Galvtn , against the allowing of the
contract tor building .sidewalks to J. M.
Hnrdln. ( Jalvin was the lowest bhlderon the
work , and Ht.iMin was next , but Galvin's bid
was rejected on account of n rumor started
by fcomcutio to the effect that Onlvln had
been in the habit of sending to outside cities
for ttio lumber ho used , and in this \va\ full
ing to let the homo lumber dealers pot' their
share of the prollt out of the business. In his
protest tiaUIn stated that ho had
always purchased lumber of homo
dealers , uud Uo did not sco
bo should bo cheated out of the business
which would fall to him bv right. After In
vestigating the matter the council came to
the conclusion that they had lot their patriot
ism run away with them , and they rescinded
their former action nnd let ho contract to
Oalvtn. Hnrdln wai present and iiiado a
protest against this way of doing things , as
ho claimed that he had ordered n largo
amount of lumber , relying on his prospects
for coming In for a share of the city work ,
but as his contract and bond hud not been
ratltlcd by the council ho was thrown out
without ceremony.
The U. S. government nro using largonum
bers of the Improved Howeiciloj. Borden
& Selleck Co , agents , Chicago , 111.
Notice for Ilidx.
MAYOR'S Omci : , TOWNor L'\nn MKNVWH
In. , Juno 12 , I'jOI. Sealed proposals will bo
received by the undersigned at his oftlco up
to noon. Juno 'JO , lsM ( , for Improvements to bo
made In sidd town for the purpose of protect
ing the waters of said lake and for protecting
the property of the Inhabitants of snld town.
Said improvements are to bo made in ac-
coidanco wit'i ' protlles , plans nnd specifica
tions on file at my ofllco or nt the otllcc of
Judson & Cook , civil engineers , : W8 Broad
way , Council Blults. F. C. K'm > , Mayor.
Hiiukeyc Convention.
The Iowa Association of Deaf Mutes is
still In session and to those Initiated into the
mysteries of the sign Inngtiigo the meetings
are very interesting Several belated mem
ber ) came Monday night and the soislons
nro well attended. Monday night the com
mittee on constitution was given several
mouths' time In which to prepare certain de
sired changes nnd which will bo submitted
by a mail vote.
H. McP. Hofstcator delivered a very able
and thoughtful address on "Bookkeeping for
thu Deaf. " He took tiio position that at pres
ent there wn n deficiency in this direction
which should at once bo remedied. The
mute's success In busituss , in the trades ho
has learned , Is often endangered by his lack
of the knowledge to properly keep a bajance
A very interesting discussion followed.
Among the moio ptomlnent speakers wcro
Messrs. Simpson , Barrett , Xorbaugh , War
ing , McCook and others.
A committee on resolutions consisting of
Messrs. Simpson , Xorbaugh and Standaeher
was appointed. Misses Mcnsch nnd Jackson ,
two of the bright vouug lady pupils of the
Iowa school rendered the mitioml hymn
"America , " in the sign language.
Yesterday morning , bright and early the
convention resumed its deliberations The
first paper was by Mrs..oruaugii on "Mv
Brother and Sister in the Bond of Love. " H
was a very earnest appeal for mutual help
Mr. Bryant read n pnpor on "Farming "
It was very well received and his position
that the farmer should bo a man
of education and business ability
met with the hearty approval of all present.
At 11 o'clock the delegates made a mlnuto
Inspection of the buildings and grounds nnd
expressed themselves as well pleased with
the order , cleanliness nnd fine condition
ovorythinir WHS in , and the facilities and con
veniences for the proper mental nnd manual
training of the mutes.
At the afternoon session Miss Clark deliv
ered. Au nddross on dressm.iking es
pecially directed as to its use as
a trade for the deaf. Stio showed
how by perspYercnco and patience
difficulties can bo overcome nnd n fair living
earned. She was glad the Iowa school de
voted so much time to the subject.
Prof. John W. B irrott presented the
claims of the carpsntjr. As nro all of Mr.
Barrett's addresses , it was carefully pie-
pared and much appreciated. Ho showed
conclusively its udvatita o * as a trade as well
as Its necessity in the daily labors of overv
ono.A committee on ways and means , consist
ing of Messrs. SI ipoi. , Nelson and Mr3.
Pound , was appointed to have charge of the
raising of funds and to consider methods in
whijh the same should bo used. The time of
holding the conventions was changed from
.summer to winter.
Lau evening a reception was given the
convention by Mrs. Uothcrt. Elegant ic-
frcshments were served and a splendid ti mo
indulged in up tou late hour.
'J ho committee on resolutions will report
Mothers will 11 ml that Haller's Pain Par
alvvor is a sure and pleasant euro for dar
Mar Bourlcius , music teacher , removed to
53b Broadway , over C. B. music company.
Coll'ax Spi'in H and Iteturn.
The Hotel Colfax at Colfax Springs , la. ,
will bo open for business Juno 10. On that
date the Rock Island will commence the sale
of special excursion tickets fioin Council
Bluffs and other local points , good to icturu
on or before October III.
A Lively Storm.
Yesterday's storm , while short , was right
to the point , and did its business in a businesslike
ness-like way. An armature was burned out
ut the motor power house , nnd the cars on
nil the lines in the city were stopped for
nearly an hour. The injury was duo to the
lichtnlng. All the streets in the city wore
Hooded with water so that it was almost im
possible to cross the streets without imminent
danger of drowning. The manholes were
asaln seen to bo much too small for the work
which they are expected to perform , and in
a fo\v \ minutes after the rain commenced the
Hood ran over them as though they were not
there. A number of cellars on upper Broad
way wcro tilled with water.
DoWitt's Little Early Risers : only pill to
cure sick headache and icgulato the bowels.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco
tablets. They are delicious.
' for furnltu Installment
Morgan's prices o on
ment plan lower than any other nouso In city.
Graduating Kxorcise.H.
Elaborate preparations nro being made for
the celebration of the twenty-first , com
mencement of the high school , which occurs
on Friday evening , Juno 211 , In the Broadway
theater. The programme was arranged yes
terday nfterncon by Prof. Sawyer , in con
nection with the boird of education.
Music will bo furnished by Misses Glea-
son and Jackson , an orchestra nnd the class.
The salutatory will bo delivered by William
H. Tyndiilo uud the valedictory by Miss Elsie
lldiin. An address will be made to the class
by Hon. John M. Baldwin nnd the diplomas
will be presented by Prof. W. W , Sawyer.
The following are the oftlrors of the class :
President , William R. Tyndiilo ; vice presi
dent , Mary E DuVol ; secretary , Lottie Bea
dle ; treasurer , Elsie P. Honn.
Do tlm Hallor's Pain '
not forget l'aralyor
will cure nil cases of dysentery , relieving"
griping pain uud restoring the bowels to
healthy action.
M.H' COVItls'oP A IM'/J.I/.S- .
Oranl/cd ; at t liliMgo airi St. Louis hy
.Justices llurlan and Ilivwer ,
Ciurioo , Juno 111 The now United States
court of nppoals for this district was organ
ised today. Justice Hnrlnn caused the entry
of an order assigning Judge W. H. Blodgett
of the United States district court for the
northern Illinois district asiijildgoof thin
court , and appointing Captain Cillman of
Illinois marshal , and Oliver P. Morton of
Indiana clerk.
Justice HaiInn also announced that thu
rules for the various appolnto courts prepared
by the supreme court Irid baen adopted and
that the Judges of the court when in session
would wear gowns similar lo those worn by
the supreme court Judges.
Sr. Loti , Mo. , Juno 1(1. ( In accordance
with nn act of congress a new United States
court of appeals was organised this morning
by Associate Justice llrowor of the United
States supreme court , assisted by Cfrcult
Judge Citldwell and District Judge Thaor ,
who until the president appoints the regular
judge will constitute the court itself , Prom
inent members of the bar were present from
Missouri , Kansas nnd Texas. Judge Brewer
appointed John J. Jordan ol Des Molncs , la. ,
clerk and William R. Hodges of St. Louis
marshal. _
Do Witt's Little Knrly JJ"vrs , best pill.
Aestern Pensions- ,
WASHINGTON , June 10. ] Speclal Telegram
to TIIK IJui : . | Ponslc'iis have been granted
today as follows Nebraska' Original
Johu A. Wood , John O. Booth , Lewis Bech-
told. James I Wailter. fWrKo F Reed. Kll-
Jah W. Lonnay. JacoU' JVrmbrnster. John
Wnlbroy , John Hognn , Curtis Heal , John W.
Hargravo , WUHam Pado , ' Silas H. Sherman ,
William O. Field , Cynr4 M. Barley , James
L Armol. Marvin Jenkjns , David Noeloy ,
i-nbati Fisher. George W. Kelsov , Samuel G.
Robertson , William A. 'Majors , James Hill ,
William H. Andrews , Chailos F. Watson.
AdJItlonnlJoseph V. Hill , John Wil
son , Dennis H. Line. Increase
i.ninon Qulnry , Jacob F. Smith ,
William J. A. Rum. Stephen P. Matlienv ,
James L. Booth , Albert U. U , Ciilhoun , Fred
erick W. Kussing. Mexican sun ivorLewis
H. Young. Original Oscnr Law ( navy" ) ,
Frederick L S. Schauibiueh ( navy ) , William
A. Lowellen ( navy ) , Wostoii Johnson , Wil
liam \ \ . Congdon. John McGutre , William P.
Lamb , John F. Combs , William Buiidy ,
Joseph ICnorr , William G. Duval , Benjamin
Millar , Isaac Emerson. William Mills , Wil
liam I ) . Mills , BonJ-Jinln McDougnll , John F.
C. Mills , William Minor , .lames A. Harding ,
Osborne Heath , \\IIllam A. Uitson , David G.
Hnggntd , August Grannetnan , Stoiling Coleman -
man , August Buss. Aililittoniil Gustnv D.
W. Koohler. Increase Allen G. Scott , Byron
Audro'vs , Benjamin F. Burch. Reissue
Thomas Groves ,
lo..n Oilginnl William Limlrcll , Charles
W. Swalls , Alex Brown , Jatnos A. Laird ,
Amos W. Ames , Sherman Pease. Gilbert
Holmes , Edward W. BaKer , , in > ncs II Kerr ,
George Ruthanml , James B. Rilev , .loiso
Kilmer , Elliott C. Thompson , Olaff Banlwon ,
George W. McCoy , William Hendrlks , Jed
Like , John Belhold. Lovl Nell , William G.
Michencr , Nelson J. Ross , Thomas Former ,
Charles A. Orr , Peter Scott , John N.
Brooknay , Calvin L. Scott , John D Sterner.
Wallace MeFaddcn , John A Fit/ , Thomas
Keller , Milton H. Kcster , Joshua
Parsons , Bow en B. Brown , Myron
E. Stall , Richard 1' . Roberts ,
Thomas MeClnskoy , Wllllum McCrady.
Increase Kit M. Grove. Jacob Worley , John
W. Forsytho , Wallace W. Winnie , Jnurnli
Mitchell , Herman Slick. John L. Maxheld ,
William F. Nlclcel , James Dillingham ,
Thomas D. Hartshorn. Reissue Julian
Phelps , George A. Bessy , Pearl K. Hull.
Reissue and increase Canute 1C. Johnson.
Original widows , etc. Emily Cunningham ,
Clara J. Smith , Electn Prlndlo. Mexican
survivor Daniel Mickey. Original Aric
Morgan , Lev ! Herr , John W. Holden , Nathan
J. Lamar , Joseph C. Higglns , George W.
Moruson , Gilbert L. Galloway , William L.
Comstock , Charles H Hoffman , Gideon Gib
son , Alfred Davis , P. Campbell Original
widows , etc Kllzabeth W. S.nles , Peni-
melia Rogers , Hannah J. Richardson , Delia
A. Hahannn , mother : Electa Fear , mother ;
Martha Lee , mother.
For Schllti boor apply to R. R. Grotto
OJO Farnam.
o.i A .wir
Des MolneH Gets a. Good Start on n
ItiilldiiiK ( loom.
Dns Moixrs , la. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bii.J : The ceremonies of lay
ing the cornerstone of the now Equltab'o '
Life Assurance building , which will cost
$ .100,000 , occurred this afternoon and was
witnessed by thousands of people. The
exercises wore under the auspices of the
Masonic grand lodge of Iowa and the four
blue lodges of this city , and were beautilul
and Impressive.
As the guests of the occasion there were
about thirty Boston and No.v Yorlc capital
ists , sjine of them Interested in the building ,
who came on a special train for the puiposo
of witnessing this occasion. They
were made tlio cucsts of the com
mercial exchange and , spent the greater
pait of ttio day In making excursions
over the city nnd visiting places of inteiest.
At the layir.g of ttio corner stone , Grand
Master Phelphs of Masons assisted by other
grand lo Igo ofliecrs , olllciated. State Sena
tor Oath and VieoPiesidont Alexander of the
Equitable delivered addresses. A banquet
was tendered the eastern guests this evening.
Held the MortjjiiKes Valid.
KE ) KfK , la. , Juno 10. Judge Casey of ttio
state dlsti let court ( lied tin opinion in the
case of Smith , trustee , vs Collier , Robertson
& Hauibletou , a Keokuk wholesale grocery
firm , who assigned December 10 last with
liabilities of SlbO.OCO. Previous to the as
signment the lirm had executed mortgages
for largo amounts In favor ot a certain few of
their creditors. The unprotected creditors ,
among them several Chicago and eastern
Jobbing houses nnd manufacturers , untnuo-
ni/ed the foreclosure of the mortgage. The
court decided that under the laws of the
state the mortgages wcro valid.
c ol'De.uiK.
low \.CiiT , la. . Juno It ! . Dr. W. F. Peck ,
dean of the medical school of the university ,
has resitrnod and the university regents have
chosen Dr. Ludwig Hektcon of Rush medical
college , Chicago. _
Gosjler's Magic Headache Wafers. Cures all
hcadechcs in 20 minutes. At all druggis
The Knights of Labor Make DcuiaiidH
on the Government.
Wvstiixorov , Juno 10. Much intnrest Is
manifested in regard to the recent action of
the secretary of the treasury In the matter of
the charges against the chief of the bureau
of engraving and printing for discharging
seven plato printers nude by the members of
the executive committee of the Knights of
Labor. An investigation by Secretary Fos
ter showed that the mon had been dropped
from the rolls by his predecessor. Ho is of
the opinion Unit It would bo unfair and
unwise to reinstate the discharged men to
their old places and thus displace the men
holding them. Ho however piomlsed , In
view of the fact that within the next si\
weeks a largo number of printers would bo
required , the men within that time should bo
given presses. The proposition was rejected
hy the Knights of Labor representatives ,
who ask that the men bo given back their old
places. _
Use Holler's Saisnpariila and Burdock , the
( jreat blood purifier.
Murder Trial.
MiiMi-iiis Tenn. , Juno HI. The entire time
of the criminal court today was occupied in
hearing the testimony of witnesses intro
duced by the defense in the trial of H. Clav
E. L. Moore , who lial a cigar with Colonel
King n few minutes before ho shot Lawyer
Poston , testified to seeing King stop Poston
and say something about "charges in regard
to my wife. " The reply from Poston was ,
"I have made no statement in regard to jou
or j our wife to retract. " King then applied
a vile epithet to Ponton , and saying , "tako
that , " fired.
Recorder of Deeds W. L. Derrick of Marl-
nnnn , Ark , testllied that King had acted
very strangely at times during his residence
in Arkansas and that lib thought him cr.i..y.
"Mrs. Pillow , " ho continued , "often had to
set up his food and feed him llko n child "
Thomas Foster and . .porter Mills of LaGrange -
Grange , Ark. , testified to , wbat they consld-
dred unsoundness of mind In Colonel King.
Alfred Davis , a colored servant on King's
Arkansas plantation , tosllllcd to strange ac
tions nt various times oil the part of Colutid
King. J _
Constipation poisons tno oiood : DoWitt's
Little Early Risers cure Constipation. The
cuuscrcmovc'j the dise bo is uone.
\ \ orld's Mailers' .
Ciiti'vno.Juno 10. The world's fair line art
building , It was definitely decided toniiy , Is ,
to be put in Jackson park , instead of on the
lake front down town , several miles away.
This places the whole exposition at Init on u
single situ. A new chief of the horticultural
department was continued today by the
board of control. Commissioner F. M. Forsy-
the of California is the man. Thu local
directors must yet pass upon htm , but his
success Is said to by nssuicd.
Given In I hi.Jury. .
Nn\v Out.KtN * , La , Juno 10. The chal
lenge to the array of Juror- ) empanelled in
sec ion A of the criminal district coint for
the month of June , made yesterday by counsel
for ttio defense , was overruled bv Judge
Miirr and Juror Briber * McCryatol and
Coonpy placed on trial. A Jury was empanelled -
panelled , testimony taken , arguments made
and at 0:3U : p m. thu case was given to the
Jury. _
Consolidation Fell Through ,
ST. Lovix , Mo , June 10. The Injunction
suit brought some tune ago in the cin u't '
court to restrain tbo consolidation of thu La
Clodo gaslight company nnd the Municipal
clecric light company , which was sot for
hearing today , was dismissed by the plain
tiffs. The deal looking to n consolidation
fell through nnd plaintiffs withdrew the
DeWUt's Little L'arlv UisoM for the Liver
< IudKO I'MCI ! the Wrong Word.
TKIIIU : Hirrr , Ind. , Juno 10. The use of
the word "should" instead of the word
"may , " gave a convicted murderer a chance
for freedom. Hurry Trogdon was found
irutltv of the murder of May Sanders nnd
was given a three years sentence. In hU In
structions to the Jury the Judge .said : "You
should consider nil the statements ho makes ,
whether they are reasonable , " ow. The
court hold that thu supreme court had do-
elded that the word "imiv" should bo used
Instead of "should , " and that the instruc
tion was in error. The Judge granted a now
trial on that ground.
Mr * Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Chil
dren Teething cures wind colic , dlarrluua ,
&c. 2."i cents a bottlo.
Ordered to Protect I > 'oreliner > ) .
Lovnos" , June 10. in response to the pro
tests of the foreign diplomatic representa
tives r.t Pekln , the emperor of China has
ordered the Chlnow authorities to piot-cct
nil foreigners and to punUh the natives who
took part In the recent riots.
HiiMslau , Iewi Goln to turkey.
LOMION , Juno 10. Pho British consul nt
Odessa , In a dispatch lo Lord Salisbury do-
nvingtho truth of the reports of an oxolus
of Russian Jo > vs to England , said thu bull ; of
the emigrants go to Constantinople.
A handsome complexion Is one of the great
est cnariiH a woman can possess. 1'o ionlM
complexion powder gives It.
Annual Session of tinOrand Chanter
Opened Last Night.
The sixteenth annual spfsion of the grand
cntiptor ot Nebraska , Order of the Eastern
Star , opened last night in Fioemasons' hall1
There were about thirty delegates to the
grand chapter in attendance , together with
U largo number of members of the order
from Harmony chapter , Council Bluffs.
A number of the members of Vesta
chapter of this city were also ptosont.
Prominent among those present was the
most worthy gr.imi matron of the general
grand chapter , Mrs. Nettle Ransford of In
dianapolis , I ml.
The meeting was presided over by Worthy
Grand Matron E .1. Scott of Osceoln , assisted
by Worthy Grand Patron Thomas Hattoiton
of Omaha. Worthy Matron Eleanor Dally of
Vesta chapter extended a he.irtv welcome to
the Grand chapter on behalf of Vesta chap
ter. In the couiso of her address the worthy
matron called the attention of her hearers to
the lessons taught by the order.
The nddiess wis responded to by Mrs.
Lee on benalf of the craud chapter , who de
livered nn address full of thought and with
many references to the ennobling tenets 01
the order.
Mrs. Billings of Geneva then extended to
the most worthy grand mation of the gen
eral grand chapter of the E istern Star a
most hearty welcome on the part of tlio
grand chapter of Nebraska. Mrs. Ransford
responded by an eloquent address , delivered
off hand , in a chaiming stylo. In
the co'irso of her remarks Mrs. Ransford
touched upon many topics of peculiar ink-r
est to the order , inculcated with many lessons
drawn from its teachings.
After the transaction of a small amount of
routine business the entire assembly rep.ured
to the banquet room where a beautilul lunch
hud been prepared. After this had been dis
posed of several short addicsses were made
in response to calls.
Grand Patron burkln of L"\Ington mule n
short addiess in the course of which ho paid
a glowlnir tribute to the ladies in their work
in the Kastcrn Stir.
Mrs. Ransfoid was then called for ai.d en
tertained those present for several moments
with nn entertaining account of the progress
of the order in various p irts of the country
and in Indiana especially.
A business session will bo held this morn
ing ut which the routine work of the session
will bo transacted mid the olllcers elected.
The Masonic Veteran association held its
semi-annual meeting last night at Free
masons' hall. About fifty numbers were
ptesent. A short business session was held ,
at which several candidates were elected
The members then adjourned to the banquet
room whcra a delicious lunch was pirtakcn
of and the balance of the evening was spent
in social enjoyment.
Ihc liven Tenor in His Way.
UuJJiilo Coitrtc * .
"I trust , young man , " said the preacher
during his call on the family the other evening -
ing , "that you are putsuing the oven tenor ol
your way ! "
"I'm pursuing the oven tonorin ourchuivh
that's in my way , " replied the youth hotly.
"If he don't stop llirtlng with my girl I'll
lamtn him. "
Baldness ought not to como till the ago of
5" ! or later. If the hair begin s to fail cailier
use Hall's Hair Ronowcr and prevent bald
ness and grayncss.
Lieljig Conpiiy
roil mi'iiovni ) AND ri O\OMU COOKUIY
dot genuine only
with 1'ils f 8 xiiiituro
" - /
of Justus \on I.loin , : In blue ,
ceps foi any length of time an ) Ahero.
MAM.S Tin. iiLor ni.rr rr\ .
To euro HlllonsncsH Sick Henrtnclio Constlpntlon ,
Malaria , l.lvur Cuuiiluiiilb | Inko Ilia aafo
and cortnln rumuily , SMITH'S
- . . .w u.u. . . * . . w. . . . . . - . % ) llttlo beans to Clio bot-
lloi lliay Hro tlio most convenient bull all n 3s.
1'ruoof I'lihcr ttio , U5 cvn' t per butllo.
i at 7 17 70 : I'lioto ifravuro ,
t _ imnul tlzo or Uila iiiuuro Tor 4
Makers of "lllli > IScaiib , St I.ouls MP
.rf'jn' " ' " T-VT in -
IVtt ro It i k t nil if
Bent ! i T j iiprtMru J
t ! 1. DIRTS V ( ' ( '
It iSlOX , l/.l--S.
Kilt ruiice ein , in illons in < IIICMJIJ ill eh irue
of I'nif ( ) < nr.'e lluul mil , at the Uo ir I of l.d-
lU'illlon loom- < ltv II ill. .lull" , ' " > nnd . ' 'i it ' '
II. Ill . Ull'l ' II M I.III , H III I 11 I'lfl ( if 1'lof I II
l.niit' , oll'ei ' ufMipl uf > < hoo.s --iviiitli mil
Chu liiiit , .luiii ! . ' 5 andu ul ' .i .1 m
C.ilalo.'iu frri ) .
,1 , II. l/KSt/f , , li- , f > t'i'fi-ttifll >
Mrs in U'B Kunllwurth Hch ol | It >
* * ' < rhrl * . * lll uptii tufiitttnl- / - ' . ( . 1 at
tit lit , du intlos north < > i c tin HJVO on -iko
bUurj J New t.ii'l ihfiniuuti y fiiitppoil buildings
urectiMleepu < mH ? for tnw vrtuxtl l > it thrt * rntnutun
walk from ttiu mil way etatii'ti huoortorniUaniaKti *
aiJ ) bouulkhil locution K' > r circulars ftdtlrun
ulld , MAltV KUVttS UAUCOCK , KtiuilwuuU , UL
This hlot'lc of trroiind nil loins the r X NV. . Ky. depot grounds on which said mid will
hulld their olejunt uud eommudloiis m w pa"seiKei depot. 1'or pi-lees , term i.o. . , tipplj to
' M. ROI-1RE1R ,
( Upstairs ) 1O2 Miiln ti d 1O3 P url Stroola , Couno 1 Blnlf , Iowa.
Which puts on the inuiKot Ihe be t business anil l i.u ka.'e lots In Un' i ll > of i , ninii < ! II utT *
IjlOU SAM' ( Jond family liut-se and tup cnr-
-l rl I.'D ; ( \\illtnido fin H'uud iiiiiinpiotcd
lot. Apply toSJU l.Uhlh u\o
" 171011 O.A I , K rino farm of BSDni'ies II miles
Afinm ( 'on nell lllulls , at tl > pei acic. John
ston & \ an I'atten.
OI'POK'rrXI l'liS : to mtKo money weio
m'MT nidie plenlltul at pn-si'iit In
found ! Illults ay ( J. I'nle. red estate and
loan liioUei , No. I I'enrl street , will put ) on In
the way of in lUIng h.uiiNnmi' profits ( in in. ill
lini'stinunls. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OUAIItVOVANT , MM ! SMhdiiiotrli' , ( ii cbur-
aetel loidlius ; also (11 ignoMs of dl-eiise.
ncml lojlc of hliir loadings liy letter. Sun-
Sijx and oven lu's Mrs II llmipci. I4JAve -
dne H , near corner tJtli street. Council Illuir"
Tci in" , Tile and $1 UJ.
"lj1OI Al.n 1'or Kent Wanted -If > ou want
A- to buy. .soil 01 rent anything In the teal
estate line don't do It until you Ii no seen our
l.irjo list of li.n j.ilns S in & W.ilkn , No "iia
.Main and n .1 I'e irl stieets found I lllulT
IriINi : bred hoi so. . can lieat - ' . \\IIIoell
oi tr.ide. Address or call on D. lliciHii.
Ktii West llroadwtv , Council lllulli ,
AT Swan A , WalKei'sfli'J M iln stieet and .11 1
I'earl , Council lllull- , von ivlh always llnd
a "snap hai .iln" In leal est He If yuu to
lmen a goo I place to list a bargain If You
want id iell or tr.ulc.
I7KI oAId' e irn.iio team and line
-L slnjilo tli lcis ; pi lies ic.ison ible ; call
and see them befoio IIIIN tiu. Uiae M. Smith
s.ues stables No. 418 Ninth seventh street ,
Council Illiills.
MAtJNU'll I. N'T aero nrnpuity In llvc-.icio
tracts loritrd ' "j miles fiotn postolllcc.
for sale ( in re ison.iblo tiiinis t-ouiu line lesl-
denee prop Tty for tent hv D.iv A. MO-.S. .
OlTTU'INT Tbe leM ilio'u block. , i stoiy
brick , with basement ami ulev.itor. J. W.
Sqil'rc. ' ! 0i I'uill sliei't _ _
T7r lljrit JUnUa UuT. wltU
huujo , ur J. OlUaa. . UJ MJ.IU St. , Oouiioll
I on'i Give Away Money
And get nolliiu : In reluiii. Von aio pimply
dulng It when you p.iy the price commonly
nsKcil for an ordinary l-iun mower If the pi Ice
Is more than $ ill. ) \Yenlll soil you ri Ilist-
elnss. wnri intcd and guai.inleed tweUe-lneh
mower for T.'i.UU. i\amlno : them.
G rden i osie Uc per Kt.
Good duality and wlllgheyon satlsf.ietloii. .
Come and see It.
The Host ltefrl/er.ilor /
Is tlio North SMiir It Is not Illio MJIIIO others
th it iircwaii inted to Ircivo without Ice In
don-days. It ( hies use some Ice , bill uses less
and produces u lower lumperaluio wllhless
than any other leriUeialoi on the markeU
'Mexican lIilininoutcH , 7. > u.
They aio wet th looking at and will give you
lots of eomfoit during the summer.
Coluinhl i Iti
Plenty of them now lo supply all demands.
Thoie IK no other In thu world oqc.ul to It.
Hase I ) , ill goods , step-ladders , u.ilui eooleis ,
hampeis and eUilhes baskets the llghtn n1
Iceeiuani free/eis , frue/u In finm thiuu
to live mlniius , from il.'St up Junior guso-
Imu stoves fiiiiii f 1 lo fr. tint Knll'ihla the best
l'ii > etss.K\apiiiatlngstuve made ; foi sale only
at I' . C DoVol's. , M llio.idway.
liolVilti'r.itors on 1
\\o lii\ ) only In ear lots. Cm ( 'Ue lonest
prices , GUI | { icjnii lueialom took llrst
lui/e last year al Minneapolis for b.'st and
most economical icfil cialors against all
( j.isolint * Stoves on installments.
The connlnu No % 1'ioeess and Quick JIuul
Now I'to-'css No Inferior Imltallons Call
and > eo IIH , Old generator Mocfoi W.UJnp.
ViuloiloyoIcH. .
\Ve are now able foi the Hist llmo to supply
our ti ado on llicse celuhi lied bicycles 'I lie
In'a N nlwaj s the cheapest.
Screen U'iic , I ) , ins an 1 l rnmcH.
I.iirgcst line nf fancy uiiil plain doors ,
flames , hlu i s and \\lie. If you Knew how
little it costs to III yotu houses with semens
no one would be without.
( in.i : .1 Col.r , 41 Main strt et
IA' ( > IHIIII | : | I to I ( 'Iterators.
It Is HID iiinounL that peoplu HI\O. not so
mm h what they u u n , lliat Uiciitually ma lies
lliemiii'h. In oil } In ; , ' a houseliold necessity
like a u frUcratoi It Is well to < onslder some-
th n else than Ihe lllsl cost In dtitcrm nini {
Its economy The ( iiiuipsey Household Hiifr K-
( i itoi is as handsome as a pii-ce of pallor
fninlliire and costs lesIhan any oilier llrst-
cluss .11 tlele , and ht mils al tiui he id as an
iconomUei of l.'e , glruirf tlio loucsl cold a'r '
leinpi r ituri ) . All Iho ptuUliu' In mlniu il
uool. tin- best noii-coniliictoi of heat and
molstuie UIIO.MI. All p tils bo taken out
: iiid cleaned. lncsliKalo the ( jumnscy
Houseliold before huyliu' .
IJI\MI Mii\vii ! > 4.
The Now QilaKer City Is in every respect the
counluipait of the t'lillailelpliia , and much
cheaper. 1'iom t-i 10 i" . We e.iriy the I'hila-
dulphla also and you can t iko vour choleu Q
hrrron Dooi'n
and nlndow screens , tliu liiruest.ndlliiest.lii
the city , and all Ihu lalcst notollles In Iho
haidwaro line , at Mlt'OAIil' V t-OM > .
No. 11 Main Slieul. Council lllull'K.
Gas He iting Sto"es.
lust the tlilii1-- for h itli roiv.iH , I od too us , ota.
Cull and buo our i'u-'u assoilmunt ,
C. B. Gns nn-l ElojU'u Ll jht , Co
' 'II ' I'oirl an I 810 Main Sir i t.
uti.i < ieiiii.i , toiulllli- -
t lit Pull ! VM WnilSlUII-1 III ( llHIk'l'F .UV
\ I uliAVH2 pii ati iiiiip.ite . ii'il c
iio S cr I illi ( lire f , r lln- ill lilll-
tni' ' K v.fukmss pciu.lar
Jirvti r linltnndfceUafn
THltVMSCH'U ' TO 111 ru nnmii'iHlUi , ; Ilia
ONHlIi.O tSll JB " " > " " " ' '
O. . A ( JivTa J S'ONfP , Mil O'-lT'lR.ltl ' ,
Nol'l ' > % l riifttlsila.
I'llU't. 81.UO.
GOLD MLDrt' ' , i'Ai,3 , rxpobirioM , J889.
uffflrton from
llu L"r''L'"i ol
juuilifiil fiirnn
farly dorny , waMlnn uoakncm , l't iu.tuhu.ij , via ,
I will w IU .tvaliiitblv IrtulIkO lualidi toutaliiliif
full iinrtli ulare r r limno cure , l'lliK ; nt churnD
A tili.n | till mod i-al > % UIK i h < pulil ! < > rea < l l > y I'MTJ
mul ) who U n rv.i unit iluullllttn I A lilrirs
1'rof , r. t. l'UU'lIJUloodu , Couu
All kinds of Dying anil Ule.uiliu douo In tha
lllghfst style of Iho Art , Kudo 1 and Stalnoil
Kniirles m.ido to loolc ua good as new lied
IV.itliris Cieiincil Hy Meam , In I ust Clast
\Vorkpromptlydonoiiiid \ dallroroil
In all parU of Ihu'juunlry. bund for prloa
O. A. M/vOlIAN. I'DM. ,
I01J llroiidwiv. Near Norlhwesturu llupoX
606 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
Over O. II. .liiciiiiomln k On. , Jewelry
OI Council Bluffs.
DIIIIE TOIIS I A Mlllor , If O Olonon , G. T *
Bhiuart. 13 B. IlirUJ I ) CdauimlvHi , ( Jli irlo
li.Ilunnan rrans lot KOiieril Ii inlclnt lium *
neiB'ost caultil ami aurpliu ol anf
bun Kin Soulhwoslurn Iowa.
Eye , Ear , Nose anii Throat
Council lllulTs , In.
Hooin 1 II to 12 m
7 ntid 8 p. in.
: - : -
I'alil 1TP Ciiiiitul , . . . . $101,003
Olilntt uririnlrpil lunik In tlio city I'uroluii iinj
( loinosliR iutimio unit Ideal sDCurltl ) * Kiiuct
llUCIHIOIl | Kli | | In I'.llllTlluiH A OI.IIU Of IllillVlt
uuU Iniiln , lnuik'r < iiiulcoriur.iUiu | ; sohillul Cat
reHiiiiU | | > ( . ( IlltlU'il
( JKU I' SAMOIlll. 1'ro Mont.
A. W ItlKKMAN. Cinlilor
A T HICK. AiiUlitnt Cnitilof
" "
D. II. McDimeld & Co. ,
Butcliers1 aid Paskarj' ' Suilij , , ) ] ,
Markal Fixture ? , Ga3inr (
nlrosand Hausjuo Makers' Miiohlnnry R3J.
,1 .Main st , , Council lllulCs. In. Also Uo'ilon
n Illdcu and I uri.
mint ! & OilllllllUh ' | | | | | < ! " ' llnrl"i'silt- ) . I'rao-
tlcii In the slito and
fii loriil rouils Ito IMS II , I and
Ileno Uloeli , Cuiiiiell lliuir-j.
HI fll IlllllPr ? AtlnriH'y at Law , > fo 10
. J. UlillllUUr ) , | . , , , lr | irmt , mnr llush-
null'H hturi ) . 'IVIiiphiinu No. J.I. Itiisln
liouis a. m lo'jp ' m , ( Jounuil Illulls , I'l.
The.NitNv --ihni llotol. In Counrli II nlft h ii
In i n eoinpU-lelv li'fiiinl-hud uud in" li-rnl/uil
Iln Million ! , nnil I-nir\ oiin uf ihe ' i it lu < tns
In I he HI itti It U lei > itud In lllii lins m , , | mrt ,
of Iheuity and Ihu ( > lu < 'lnu melon p KS lliO
doorevoiy f nit mtitulDS 1'lro isi'tp' * and
Hie alarms llirou hunt Ihe Uiilldliij. lonu hot anil eulil wat > ir mul HU i-inm ii
eveiy loom. Ttb ; ] ' uiniiriiHs."l | : any rtIn if ) ,
Kuus , * ' , ' .i u a day.
OEO. MWH1TN13Y. : _
Council Bluffs , I .
This Elegnntly Appolnto'4. H Hoi
is Now Opon.
George T. I'helps , Manager.