Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1891, Part Two, Page 9, Image 9

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Moving Sale. Only. One Week MoreBefore.We . Vacate Our New Annex , Take Aclvan-
1 tage of the Low Prices oil. First Class Dry Goods.
Colored Dress
. . On Monday wo will place on sale the
greatest bargains over offered in tins
city. Our stock must bo reduced , and
to do this "vro will make the following
low prices :
40-inch all wool Plaids reduced from
GOc to 27 Jc.
10-inch nil wool Summer Suiting , in
Plaids , was sold at 75c ; goes in this falo
for -10c.
Scotch Plaids , former price 18c , to
close out , 8c.
38-inoh Homespun , cheap at 5Qe , wo
will sell Monday for 2 ic.
All our Fancy Scotch Plaids and Plain
40-Inch Brilliantine reduced from floe ,
will be put on sale for Monday at 2oo ;
this is less than wholesale price.
40-inch Pinhead Chock , former price
45c ; Monday , lc. ! )
Hair Stripe Cheviot , all wool 40-Inch ,
75o ; on Monday , 49c.
42-inch all wool French Check Suit
ings , rich patterns , reduced from $1.25
to 8Cc.
Warranted nil wool Summer Sorgos in
"good colors , soiling price , Doe , Monday ,
COc.Wo have 40-inch silk , finest Henrietta ,
former price $1.00 , we will sell you this
Monday for 7Sc.
40-incn Gorman Henrietta in all the
latest shades , extra line , $1.25 goods for
5,000 yards Summer Beige pain and
Btriped , reduced to 45c.
One case of Alapac will bo put on sale
Monday. lOc.
Summer Sorgos reduced down to 3jc
nBlack Dress Goods
The sale which ha boon going on in
this department still continues , and
every yard of goods Is a special bar-
gajn at half moro than wo nsk for them.
Our black English G'nshmoio , 30
inches wide , worth 25c , is soiling for
All our COc quality Henrietta Cloth is
going for 20c.
French Honriotta , guaranteed nil
wool and fast black , for only S3c , worth
Blue and jot black silk finish Gorman
Henrietta for 76c , 80c and 88c.
All our Serges , the $1 , $1.15 and $1.25
quality , will bo sold on Monday for 5oc ,
60c and 72c.
Ask to see , our pure Mohair Brillian
tine at GCc and 75c and 8Sc ; tnose goods
are cheap at $1 , $1.12 } and $1.2-5.
Fancy flno raised check , black and
white , reduced from $1 to Gc. ! )
Novelty wool goods which wo have
.boon soiling for 75c , will clear them
'W , 30o.
Black and white striped Dross Goods
i 84o and 4Sc , worth Coo and 800.
i All our fancy weaves in chocks and
I Etripos , latest designs , are being sold at
a orico much less than pou pay for an
inferior quality of plain goods olso-
i whore.
I All our Remnants to bo sold regard-
I leas of cost.
I - - Silk Sale ,
1 The grandest bargains in all lines of
i ) Silks. Note the following cut in prices.
[ Wo are determined to greatly reduce
[ Block before moving.
China Silks , former price COc , special
I price 29o.
I Wash Silks , former price $1.00 , special
I -T" price C3C.
I Cheney Bros. ' Dross Silks , $1.00 ,
I epcclal price G5c.
I Black Grenadines , in plain and stripe ,
I ranging from OOo up to $1.00 , former
| price 75o to $1.50.
I . French Failles , In colors , former price
I $1.25 , for this week 88e.
I Plaid Surahs , in pretty plaids , former
I price $1.25 , for this week 05c.
I Black gros-graln Dross Silks , worth
E 91.50 , will clobo out this week at & 3e.
I Black French Failles , worth $1.CO ,
I this week OOo.
I French Armour Black , worth $1.05 ,
I this week $1.00.
I Wo guarantee all our Silks as to nual-
B ity. On plain black and or cam China
> Dross Silks wo can show you a line line
" * null at greatly reduced prices.
I Our Moving Sale of
Ladies' and
Children's Hosiery
I 1 case Children's Fasi Black Hose ,
I double hoolB and toes , only lOo par pair ,
I uotvml value 40c.
I Ladles' Black Cotton Hose 5o per pair ,
I worth lOc.
I Ladles' fancy cotton hose 60 per pair ,
I worth lOc.
I Ladles' Fast Black Cotton IIoso , Rich-
I oljou ribbed , only 12Je per pair , reduced
I from 20o.
1 1 case of Ladies' Fast Black Cotton
Hose , Hornibdorf dye , only lOo per pair ,
reduced from 25c.
60 do/on Ladles' Fine Imported Fancy
HOBO only 25u per pair , reduced from
Ladies' Extra Fine Fast Black IIoso ,
I normsdorfdyoonly35cpor. palrrcducod
I from COc ,
| Ladies' Black Llslo Thread Hose 50o ,
I worth 75o.
Ribbons ! Ribbons !
I _ _ , 'vT' o largest stock of flno Ribbons wo
Ljip have over shown and at lower prices
TiRr than ovar before.
Wf Flno quality of silk Ribbons at 2c , at
Be , nt Co , at 7o and lOo yard.
Fringed and plain silk sashes In all
at 87c , $1.25 up to S2.25 each.
On Sale in Our New Annex ,
Before We Move.
60-inch wide cream Damask , 25c yard ,
worth COc yard.
68-inch Turkey rod and white chocked
Damask , 2-3c. worth 40c yard.
60-Inch bleached Darnask , COc , worth
75c yard.
5-8 Bleached Napkins , 76c do/on ,
worth SI.
3-4 Dinner Napkins. $1.2. " ) , worth $1.75
3-4 Dinner Napkins , $2.50 , worth 81.
100 pieces of all linen Crash to bo
closed at once at Co , Go , 7c , 8c and lOc
yard , worth double what we ask.
8-1 double width sheeting , loc yard.
0-4 double width Sliceiing , 174c yard.
10-4 double width Shooting , 20c yard.
6 bales extra quality brown Muslin ,
w orth 8jc , reduced to Gc yard.
Wide brown M uslin 4c yard.
Yard wide Choose Cloth , 3c yard.
Big bargains in white Bed Spreads at
COe , 76c , 88c , 98c , $1.15 , $1.25 , $1.50 ,
$1.75 and $2 each.
Cotton and linen Diapers in all tno
different widths.
Outing Flannel at 80 , worth 15c.
All colors in Mosquito Not , first
grade , best quality , 40c a piece.
Only a few moro of those fine Momio
Lap Robes , OOc each.
A great variety of linen Lap Robes at
81. $1.25 and $1.60.
Gteat closing bargains on white
Dress Goods at 2jc , 3jc , 5c,8c , lOc , 12Jc ,
16c and 2oc yard.
Plain black Lawn in remnants , re
duced to 5c yard , woth 15c.
Plain black India Linen at 15c , worth
25c yard.
Closing out all the 36 inches wide
Batiste , also Fayal Batiste , at lOc yard ,
cheap at ICc yard.
200 pieces Java Cloth at 9c yard ,
worth 2oc yard.
Wo are closing out Challis very fast
at 2jc , 3jc. 6c , 6c , 8c , lOc and 12icyard.
Sateona at 6c yard.
Lawns 6c yaru.
B st dress lining Cambric , all colors ,
3jc. Our prices on Dress Lining are
the lowest in Omaha when you como to
compare the quality. Wo handle only
the best money will buy.
Remnants of Wash Drops Goods must
bo sold. Look thorn over and compare
them. We will save you money.
Ladies' Jersey
Knit Underwear.
1 case Ladies' Vests only 8cothers ask
1 case Ladies' Fancy Knit Vests lOc ,
reduced from 20c.
Ladies' Willlmantio Lisle Vests only
19c , worth 40c.
Ladles' line Swiss Ribbed Vests , tied
with ribbon on nock and sleeves , only
25c , a bargain ntSOc.
Ladles' fancy Llslo Vests only 50c ,
worth $1.00.
1 case ladies' fine summer Merino
Vests , French necks and ribbed tail ,
only COc , worth 76c.
Moving Sale
To Reduce Stock
Children's elastic hose supporters , lOc.
Ladies' gored bolt elastic supporters ,
Brooks' thread , 2 spools 3c.
Barboui 's linen thread , 5c.
Colored dross braids , 3c.
Boudoir hair curlers , 6c.
India combs 5c , lOc and 12c , worth 16c
to 2.5o.
Metal back combs , lOc ; worth 20c.
Barber combs , lOc.
Black and white tape , lo roll.
Full count pins Ic a paper.
Best English pins 5c.
Best white and colored knitting cot
ton Cc.
Safety pins lo dozen ; crochet cotton
Macrame cord 80 a ball.
Embroidery silk Co for dozen spools.
Plush balls In nil colors Icoach.
Brass banner rods lOc , 12c , loc , 19e ,
and 22c.
English tinsil 3o a ball.
BIIKO ball belts oc , 80 , lOc , and 12c.
Ladies' sol id leather belts ICc , 19c , 25o ,
29o up to $1.75.
Gold and silver mottul belts 49c , G3c ,
87o , $1.19 and 81.89.
English bristle hair brushes 39c , 43c ,
COc. GCc and 7Cc.
French bristle hair brushes 75c , $1.00 ,
81.25 , 81.BO , up to $2.25.
Cloth brushes 2c , 35c , COo , 75o and
8J.OO , worth 50o to $1.60.
Splendid line ladies' and gentlemen's
fine pocket books at Cc , lOc , 19u , 25o up
to $2.60 , one-third of regular prico.
Immense stock of fancy vollings in
now styles , also ruchings and ladies'
handkerchiefs at one-third off regular
Fine silk ribbons in all shades and
black at 2c. 3c , Cc , 7o , lOo and IGo ayard.
Finest Winsor ties for ladles and chil
dren in all silk , at lOc , 12o and ICc.
Sulondid variety-silk Scotch plaids at
ICc , 17o , lOo , 21o and 25o.
Curtains and
. .
Nottlnirhani Lace Curtains in 73 now
and beautiful designs at tremendous sac
rifice , to reduce stock.
Largo sl/.e curtains , tape bound and
scalloped edging at C5o , at G3o , at G8o , at
75c , at $1.00 : actual value $1.2,3 up to
83 styles Irish Point Lace Curtains at
$3.75 , at 84.60 , up to 812.00 , regular
prices $7.50 to 818.00.
French Lace Curtains in uow designs ,
also real Swiss Tambour and Swiss Lace
Curtains at oiio-thlrd off regular prices.
Our millinery department is now
showing an enormous stock of fine
Trimmed Hats in all the newest styles ,
Including the most exquisite novelties ,
at loss than 25c on the dollar. These
goods must bo sold , and cost , value or
profit are each and all lost sight of in
th s salo. The only consideration is to
sell the goods and condense stock before -
fore moving day.
The g'reatest wonder of all is that so
many ladies will go out with a dollar
hat on when she can buy a charming $3
or $5 hat for 75c or $1.2.5.
Wny not study your own interest
just a little and como to this sale and
see for yourself. Look at our splendid
stock of line millinerv ribbons , - beautiful
ful Fr cnch flowers , ostrich tips , jeweled
lace trimmings and gracefully brilliant
ornaments , and all at loss than the cost
of every day common hardware.
Special Bargains
Ladies' Calico Wrappers in all the
newer patterns ,
85c , $1.00 , $1.15 , $1.25 , $1.35. $1.50.
Ladies' Satino Wrappers $1.50.
Ladies' Gingham Wrappers $2.00.
Ladies' White Embroidered Trimmed
Wrappers $1.GO , $1.75 , $2.00 ; reduced
one-half to close out.
Ladies * Outing Flannel Blouses 73c.
Ladies' Dressing Sacks , plain and em
broidered , 75c , 85c , $1.15 , to $5.00.
Ladies' Laundered Shirt Waists , in
white and fancy , 98c.
Ladies' Black Satino Blouses 89c.
A sample line of Ladies' Shirt Waists
and Blouses , ranging from $1.50 to $3.00 ,
to bo closed out at 98c.
Ladies' Misses'
Special reduction In ,
and Children's Jackets , BUuors and
Art Needle
Work Material
Silk plush balls at Ic , 2c , and 3c ,
worth oc to lOc.
Embroidery silk Cc dozen spoolsworth
Finest tinsel cord 3c , worth 5c.
Wash'and rope silk , linen floss and
ornaments of all kinds , special prices on
beads , banner rods , felt cloth and che
nille ornaments.
Striped Linens in endless variety.
Fine Linen Doylies at 3c , 5c , 7o and lOc ;
bibs and scarfs at 5c , at 7c , at lOc , worth
lOc to 17c. Stamped Linen towels , scarfs
and table covers in great variety.
Clothing Sale.
Some of the clothing houses have boon
blowing about $5 suits. To show the
people of Nebraska what a good all wool
$5 suit is , wo place on sale Monday morn
ing 1,600 all wool men's suits , sizes 34 to
42. Those suits can nut bo sold in Am er
ica under $10 of hard earned money.
These suits are sold at dry goods pro
fits , not high priced clothing house pro
fits , which is known by everybody to bo
2-5 per cent advance on our low prices.
1,000 children's suits half value $1 ,
81.2-5 , $1.CO , 81.75 , $2. $2.25 , $2.60 , $3 ,
$3.CO , $3.75 , 84.CO , $5 no use talking or
beating around the stump. When you
need clothing for men or the boys Hay-
don's low prices is bound to catch you.
Hat Department.
Men's Straw Hats , 2 < 3c.
Mon's Black Straw , 35c.
Men's Black Undors , 50c.
Mon's Manilla , worth $2.50 , at $1.95.
Mon's extra fine Stilt Hats , 95c.
Men's Still Hats , black , 25o.
Mon's Stiff Hats , light colors , 35c.
Those Stiff Hats are what is loft of the
Elsomun stock aiid are worth 81.50 to
Boys' Hats , lOc , worth 2oc.
Boys' Hats , 20o , worth COa
Boys' Cloth Hats , 25c , worth 60c.
Misses' Sailor Hats , 1lo )' Cloth Cups , 25o.
All ladles' , gents' and children's rub
ber goods in Hat Department.
Books and
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary 76c.
Books and periodicals of all kinds ai
reduced prices to close.
Good note paper Co quiro.
Good white Envelope ? 2 bunches of 25
each for 3o.
Best Irish Linen Note Paper 25e lb.
Papotlorros , Visiting Cards , Pencils ,
Pens , Etc.
Etc.Draperies. .
. Real China Silk Draperies COc , G3o
75o , 87c , and $1.00 , worth 75o to 81.50.
Aft Cotton for draperies at Oc , 7jc ,
lOo , 12c , 18c.
Imitation China Silk 12o , 15c , ISo and
Dotted Swiss for Sash Curtains at ICc ,
18o , 20c , 25o and 30c , value 25o up to COo
Window Shades in all colors , mounted
on self-acting spring rollers , at 17c , ut
10out25c. I
Jewelry ,
Unheard of low pr iqos for guaranteed
toed goods.
Genuine coral beads , ICc , 20c and 25o
a string , worth 60c.
Gold-plated neck chains 25c.
Rolled gold-plated breastpins at lOc ,
atlOc , .
at 25o , at 35c , nt 45c , wocth 35o to $1.25.
Solid silver laco'pins at lo ( ) each.
Hair ornaments at Co1 , lOc , ICc , 19o
39c , 7oc and 9oo , worth 25o'to $2.60.
Solid gold Baby Rings at 25c.
Ladies' solid gold sot rings at 25c.
Ladies'rolled gold plated ring ? at25c.
Rolled plated hair piys Co per dozon.
Coin silver nock chains , 2oc.
Nickel nlarrnclocks , Ooc.
Splendid 8-day m intel clocks , cathe
dral chime , at $2.9.3 , worth $5.
Fancy largo mantel olooks at $1.25 ,
$1.76 , $2 and $2.60 ; worth $3.60 up to $7.
Ladles'coin silver watch at $1.
Gents' silvorino "watch , Eltrin or
Waltliam movements , $3.60 , worth $0.
Gents' gold-filled watch at $10 , worth
$ ° 0
Gents' best gold-filled , Boss case , full-
jo woled , at $17.85 , worth $3-3.
All the newest deslpns fn ladies'
fine watches , all sold. opabasis ! of dry
goods profits. ' I
Every article fully waj-rantod as rep
resented or money refunded' .
Furniture Dept.
Another Cut , and tlits" . a deep one.
The Babies must have Carriages. Wo
have them in the greatest "variety over
shown before. All goodjfirst class Car
riages. On Monday wo will soil all our
$9.50 Carriages for $0.60 "Tho number
is limited. These are. Ji&etl Carriages ,
Bicycle wheels , brace'd" cni. Lace edge
parasol and uphQlsterOdrn'51'ipaie. All
our $10.60 Carriages go' 'ht i0.85. This
is the same as the$0k50' _ Car.iages ex
cept it has silk plush roll. These. , two
are genuine bargains. All our $12.50
Carriages , $8.45. These are beauties ,
jit for a nrinco. Not a. single Carriage
in stock is offered at the 'regular retail
price , but at a prico/which , wo know
will keep them moving ! Special sale on
fine Polished Oak Center' Tables. Wo
have a largo and vario'd stock. All late
styles and every one a beauty. You can
got a Table for $1.75-81.5 , $1.95 , $2.CO ,
& 2.8C , $3.00 and up. f
Largo stock cf Extension Tables , Bed
Room Suits , Upholstjor'od Chairs and
Rockors. Special offer this week. Solid
Oak Rocker , cano seat , for $1.95 , worth
$2.50. Oak dining chair dp match , $1.20 ,
worth $1.50. Full stock'qf Porch chalra
and Rockers , Lawn Setteps , 4 foot , $2.8-3 ;
6 foot , $3.15. Camp s'tbols 25c , and
chairs 30c. Wo carry tno/largest stock
of Children's Chairs aniRockqrs of any
one in town , from 25o tipT High Chairs
in great variety. Spoolarsalo this week
on our fine Bamboo Easel , brass tipped ,
only 75c , worth $1.60. Solid Oak $1.25 ,
worth $2.00. Lookinff'Glassos for 30o
up. Towel Rings , Hat" Racks , Towel
Rucks , nice line of OalcHall Trees , with
oxidized trimming , just received. Got
prices. ;
Visit our furrituro department before
you buy and wo will saVe you mopoy on
the above. j-
/ %
Carpet , Dept.
People who have not visited this department
partmont umy not behove It Is the larg
est room devoted to carpets and carries
the most varied and extensive line of de
sirable goods west of Chicago. Artistic
styles In Ingrain Carpets at 25c , 33c , 37c
and 43c , worth 45o to 76c.
Splendid variety of extra super wool
Carpets at 55c , 67c , 03dand (18c ( , worth
75c to $1.25.
High art designs in the best quality
velvet , moquotto , tapestries , body Brus
sels , axmlnsters and Royal Wilton Car
pets. .
Barsfakis in
If prices will do it wplintond closing
out a uood many lines oKJorsots on Mon
day regardless of cost , t
An elegant Summer 'Corset only 89c ,
worth 60c. 3
All our French Wowj ; Corsets and
Striped Corsets wortht7c , reduced to
COa ir
An extra flno SI.00 Corset reduced to
75c. "
For Mpuday.
Grand clearing sale on umbrellas and
sunshades tomorrow. ' .Evqry dollar's
worth of those goods to bo closed out re
gardless of cost. "
A flno sunshade on Saturday Only Clio
each ; 21-Inch Englis'h sateens fast black ,
only 75c , wortlufiOO ; 20-lnca Alabama
serge umbrellas , gold cap handles , only
81.00 , roducoU from $1.50 ; lino2Mneh (
gloria silk umbrellas , natural sticks ,
oilvor trimmed , only 81.60 , worth 82.60 ;
best quality imported 20-inch gloria silk
umbrellas , gold crook , umbrellas , only
82.00 , worth 83.60.
Letting Down
Flour , Flour , Flour
Why pay $1.75 per 50 Ib sack for a
namor when you can buy from us , the
very best MlnneaDolis full patent flour
made expressly for us from selected
wheat , "Haydon Bros' Best Suporla-
tivo" at $1.35. Every sack guaranteed
or money refunded.
Snow Flake , 95c.
Central Mills Best Superlative , $1.09.
Enoch Morgan & Son's Sapolio , par
bar 6c.
Very best Laundry Soap , 7 bars25c.
Sal Soda , or washing Soda , IJc per
pound. You will pay 5c per pound in
any other store.
Soapino 3Jo per package.
Gold D-ist 3c per package.
1770 Washing Powder , 3Jo per pack-
ago.Poarllno washing powder 3Jc per
All kinds of washinc powder 3Jc.
Best Laundry Starch , 5c.
Best Parlor Match Ic.
Best Mixed Bird Seed or Food 5c.
Deviled Ham , Cc.
Potted Ham , 5c.
Potted Ox Tongue , 5c.
Spiced Pigs Feet , Cc per Ib.
Spice.d Tripe , 6c per lb.
Shrimps , 20c per can.
Imported Que'on Olives , 3Cc per qt
Very fine evaporated Californi a
Peaches ICc : worth 2-3c.
Very fine evaporated Raspberries , 20c
worth 35c.
Very fine evaporated Apricots , 19c ;
worth 30c.
Very fine evaporated Black berries ,
7jc ; worth 12c.
Pure Fruit Jolly , per pail , 95c ; worth
Very fine evaporated Apples , 12c } ;
worth 25c.
Imported Chow-Chow 15c per qt ;
worth 30o.
Imported Mixed Pickles , 15c ; worth
25c. " -
Very Jino gallon Apples , 29c ; worth
45o.Very line 3-lb can all yellow table
Peaches , 19c.
All kinds California 3-lb can Plums ,
ICc. -
3-lb .can California Black Cherries 15c.
Imported , small Pickles lOc per qt. ,
worth' 35c.
Wo will sell you largo Pickles 5c
per qt
Imported Valencia Raisins , very fine ,
Imported Strawberry Jams. 33c.
Imported Red Raspberry Jams , 35c.
3-lb. can California Poaches , 20c. This
is the host Peach you over bought.
Imported Catsup , 15c per qt.
Imported English Currants , 7ic.
Sweet Chocolate , Cc.
Premium Chocolate , I7ic.
Condensed Milk , lOc.
Sugar-Cured Hams , lOc ; Picnic Hams ,
7c ; Boneless Hams , Oc.
Bologna Sausage , Cc ; Liver S lu sago
5c ; Head Choose , 5e ; Frankfort Sausage
sago , 7io.
Dried beef , lOc and 12ic.
2-lb. can Blackberries , 8ic.
2-lb. Preserved Raspberries , put up in
sugar syrun , 17c. }
Mustard , Co per bottle
Absolutely pure Baking Powder S5c.
Oil Sardines , 5c.
Mustard Sardines , lOc.
98 per cent Lye , for scrubbing , lOc.
CO per cent Lye , for scrubbing , Cc.
Grooa Japan , a good tea , 19c , 21 c , 2Co
Sundrled Japan Tea , ICc , 19c , 23e , 29c ,
3Cc and 49c.
Uncolored Japan Tea , 20c , 29c , 35o ,
43c , COc , 59c.
Banket Fired Tea , 19c , 23c , 25c , 29c ,
35c , 49c.
Young Hyson Tea , 35c , 40c , 49c , GOc.
English Breakfast Tea See to 95c.
Oolong Tea 35o to 95c.
This is the finest line of Tea that was
over offered In Omaha. Do not say to
yourself that wo cannot sell good Tea
for those prices. Buy a pound and bo
convinced. If you do not Ihco the tea
wo will refund tno money. They are all
worth two and throe times the prico.
Wo sell you a good Samoa and Rio
colToo , crushed , lOc , and Moea and Java
coffee crush , 25c.
Our pure Moca and Java roasted f rosh
every day , 35o
Strawberry Jam.
Just received another lot of pure
strawoorry Jam put up in pure granu
lated sugars ICe pound. This is the
llnost goods you over oat , you cannot
make jtim as good as this yourself , the
strawberry Is all whole , not all mashed
to a jolly. You will have to see the
jam to appreciate it. You can make
ory line strawberry short cake of it.
Candy Dept.
Gum drops , Cc , worth ICc.
Mixed candy , made from pure granu
lated spgar , lOo per pound , worth 20c.
Pure cream caramels , 17jc , anywhere
el BO 40c.
French croiun candy , ICc , regular
price 30c to 3&C ,
Fine French cream bonbons , 29o per
pound , what you have to pay in other
stores 40a to GOc.
Flno California orangej , ICc , 20c , 2oc.
Best kind of lemons , 20c,25c.
Mixed nuts , 15o per pound.
Granite Ware
Wo have purchased the biggest line
of Granite and Blue ICimmol ware over
received in Omaha. Our prices toll
the story.
Preserving Kettle No. 10 2-qt. 30o
each ; regular price fiOc.
Preserving Kettle No. 20 3-qt. 43c
each ; regular price 75c.
Preserving Kettle No. 22 4-qt. 62c
each ; regular price 90c.
Preserving Kettle No. 26 6-qt. C8c
each ; regular price $1.13.
Preserving Kettle No. 28 S-qt. 04e
each ; regular price $1.2o.
Tea Kettles.
Tea Kettle No. 7 $1.23 : regular pno o
Tea Kettle No. 8 $1.81 ; regular price
Sauce Pans.
Sauce Pans No. 16 2-qt. 30c each ;
regular price COc.
Sauce Pans No. 20 3-qt. 43o each ;
regular price 75c.
Sauce Pans No. 22 4-qt. 52o each ;
regular piico 90c.
Sauce Pans No. 20 6-qt. 68c each ;
regular price $1.13.
Sauce Pans No. 28 8-qt. 94c each ;
regular price $1.25.
And the whole line comprising every
thing made in tht , above ware at corresponding
spending prices.
WASH TUBS 35C , 45C , 55C EACH.
Unhnndled cups and saucers , 2o each.
Handled cups and saucers , 3c each. .
Dinner plates , 4Jc eacli.
Pie plates , 3c each.
Wash bowl and pitchers at27jc each.
Sauce dishes , 2c each.
Platters at 3c , Co and lOc each.
Soup plates and bowls at GJc each.
Chambers at 23o each.
Croara pitchers at 5o each.
Vegetable dishes at 3c and 5c each.
Tumblers at 2Jc each.
The above goods are the very best
white ironstone china made.
Greatly Reduced at Hayden
Good country butter for lOo. This is
worth double the money.
Wo will sell the finest country butter
at 12ic ; our Iowa creamery will sell at
15c and 17io. Como hero and buy your
butter got two pounds for what you
would pay for one to others.
Remember wo handle none but first
class buttor.
100 piece imported decorated dinner
sot , $9.50 : worth $25.
112 pieces imported decorated dinner
sots , 810.50 ; worth 835 ,
Decorated cups and saucers nt.G2o per
Decorated dinner plates , 35c per sot.
Decorated pie plates , 83o per sot.
Vegetable and covered dishes. 69o
Decorated sauce dishes , 22c per sot.
Milk crocks at 3c per gallon.
Mason Fruit Jars.
Mason fruit jars Wo have just re
ceived a carload , 14,400 , fruit jars , wo
will put them on sale Monday. "
Lawn Mowers.
Wo will Ball you lawn mowers cheaper
than over before. Wo have just re-
colvod 600 Keen Klinpors from 10-Inch
to 1U at the following prices :
The 10-lnoh S. G. ICoon Kllppor $4.0 ?
The 12-inch S. G. Keen Kllnpor 86.50
The14inch S. G. Keen Klippor $0.2-3.
The 10-inch S. G. Keen ( Clipper $ G.50
Every part of the Keene Klippor is
Ice Cream Freezers
Four quarts $1.75.
We carry a full line of the Loythlnfj
and WnUo.Mouutalu freezers.
i >
Furnishing Goods
Wo will sell you a Green HOBO at lOo
per foot. This is not made of a lot of
old rags with a thin covering of. rubber.
The friction on this hose is capable of
standing 80-lb pressure , and at the end
of the season will bo as good as nt the
beginning of the season , and will bo so
for several years. If you should burst a
length wo will refund you your money.
This hose has never bcun sold any loss
than 17je per foot. All wo wore able to
obtain of this hose was 10,000 foot. The
lOc per foot includes couplings and all
ready for use.
The Wonder , the finest reel made ,
will hold 200 feet hose , $1 ; worth $3.
Peerless Refrigerators
The Peerless Refrigerators are made
of oak , antique finish , mineral fibre fill
ing. They are made open to allow a
perfect circulation of dry cold air. The
construction of the upper horizontal
fine is such that it can bo opened or
closed at any time. Thisisan important
now device not employed in any other
refrigerator , and is patented. The apace
between the outer and inner cases is
filled closely with a mineral fibre which
is superior for this purpose to anything
over before used. Other makers use
saw-dust or charcoal as a filling or leave
the space empty. 'The saw-dust will
rot and decay , the charcoal will scttlo
and leave blank spaces hero and there.
The mineral fibre in the Peerless will
n ° vcr settle or shako out ; it is colorless ,
itdorlcss 'and indestructible by heat or
even lire ; vermin or germ cannot oxls *
in it ; as a non-conductor of heat it la
double that of charcoal and grcatoj- than
that of any known substance. The
Peerless is the only refrigqrator ustpff
mineral fibre filling , giving youtheboel
refrigerator made in the .world for the
least money.
Our No. 1 $7.00 ; all other makes of
the same size sell for $14.
Our No. 2 $10 ; all other makes of the
same size sell from $15 to $18.
Wo have over 30 different styles with
corresponding prices.
Drug Department.
Lioblg Beef Iron Wlno COo.
LiobigBeof Extract 35c.
Ginger Ale 16o per bottlo.
Mineral Water 15c per bottlo.
Poruian Insect Powder 50c per lb.
Mothino Balls , 2 boxes for 15c.
Castor Oil lOc per bottlo.
Bay Rum 25e p'or bottlo.
Rose Water 2Cc per bottlo.
So zodont GOo per bottlo.
Rubifoam 20c per bottlo.
Dr. Shofllold's Tooth Soap 20o.
Bailey's Swan Dawn Face Powder 60
per box.
La Duohosso Face Powder lOo pel
. Malvina Cream 37ic per box.
Malvina Lotion 37io per box.
Viola Cream 37io per box.
Cold Cream 15o per box.
Cold Cream , largo size , 25c per box.
Totlow's Swan Down Face Powder 12j
per box.
Vaseline , plain , 6c per bottlo.
Vaseline , por/umed / 7ic per bottlo.
Gold Paint lOc , ICc , 19c , 2Gc per box.
Medicated Tar Soap Cc per cako.
Pure Cocoanut Oil Soap 2Jc per cake.
25 per cent Glycerine Soap 7io per
Glycerine Soap , round balls , 3i per
Turkish Bath Soap , 8c nor cako.
Bouquet Soap 8jo per calco.
Olive Oil Soap 7jo per cake.
Largo cakes of Glycerine Soap 7ic,10o ,
ICc , 2oc.
Capo May Bouquet Soap 17c per cake.
Bay Hum and Glycerine Soap lee per
cako. ,
Wall Paper.
The enormous trade of this Benson
forced an entirely now purchase. This
lot includes many advanced fall stylet ,
but they all go at closing out priced.
Such values were never known.
A beautiful stock of Dress Robes lust
received and will bo placed on sale Moo *
day for one-third the price asked fo
thoHo goods by any other house in thi
Windsor Ties.
Now btylos satin Windsor ti CB at 8 |
and 5o.
S Ik Windsor ties at lOo and 12c.
rliioDt Scotch plaid ullu ties at 15ou
ut lUaat2Co ; worth 35 to COc.
Ruchings , t
Exqulslto styles in flno silk and cropa
ruuhlngs ut Co , at 7c , at lOc , up to l > o