Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1891, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Extraordinary Gash Puroliasa from' Now
York Trade Sales.
Our Now Yorlc Hnycrs Have h'cuurcil
Homo oT the Moist Wonderful
Valiicn , Tlint Will do on
Sale Tomorrow.
An Importer's entire stock of China
BilUs , fillruh Hllltfl , wash sllltH ntul figured
billts go tomorrow" tit 25c a ynrd.
27 Inches wide black Imported surah
Bilk 07c , roguliir priio$1.2-5. }
8 pieces of the latest shades surnh Bilks
In Froneh ( rrnys. cadet blues , blue ? ,
tans and brown ? , 21 Inches wide , worth
$1.60 a yard , at 76c.
All silk brocade grenadines , worth
7Cc , at 'l7jc.
Fine wool challls In newest French
patterns at 15c a yard.
Imported mohair brilliantines , elegant -
gant goods , worth 75c , go at 'Me ,
All wool French twills , fancy whip
cord , silk finished hcnriottas , goods
that are worth urto 31.00 to import , at
48c Monday.
48-Inch black ellk mohairs , worth
$1.00 a ya rd , go at Me.
42 Inch mohair brllliantlncs worth 7oc
go at 38c.
1/iOO , yards of black lawns at Cc , worth
3,100 yards of plaid check , stripe and
corded white goods at 2Jc a yard.
Very finest nainsooks In now stripes
nnd plaids at 5c a yard.
Ono solid case of black ground French
mucous that are worth lc ! ) a yard wo
will well Monday at ( ic. Wo advise an
early call as this is a big bargain and
will go fast.
An Immense line of imported sateens
In beautiful patterns of brilliant lustre
at 8c , Me and lOc. Wo guarantee them
worth double.
The linest quality of French fast black
lienrietta silicons at lc. This is the
Ligtiest bargain that will bo offered on
Kith street Monday , as wo have been
selling these same goods for -I0c.
Tomorrow wo will inako a run on 800
pieces of Scotch plaid ginyhams at 4jc a
yard , worth lOe.
Ono cas'o of the new plaids in French
ginghams at lOc a yard.
4 cilbos of ladies' jersey ribbed , Swiss
ribbed , in plain nnd fancy colors , sKiovo-
loss iindorvcsts at f > o cacjt worth 25c.
1,000 do/en of Brook's best machine
thread in white , black and all numbers ,
at He a spool.
200 do/en ladies' fast black hosiery at
Gc a pair.
Ladies' and children's parasols , lOc
Men's and boys' summer coats and
vests , 25c.
In our basement tomorrow wo will
close out n manufacUiror's entire stock
of men's boys' and children's straw huts
nt exactly one-fourth of their real value.
pur great mid-summer millinery sale
which drew such largo crowds Saturday ,
will bo continued tomorrow at the same
prices advertised for Saturday.
To close out ourstocjc of summer capos
and jackets wo will offer for tomorrow
oniy , any garment in our immense estab
lishment at just one-half the regular
Ice crenm , Cc a dish.
The place to trade during this hot
weather is the cool , light and broo/y
btoro at the northwest corner of 10th
nnd Douglas.
Right on the corner now.
Tito northwest corner of 10th and
They PuruliuHcd the Best.
After looking around the city and
making inquiries of the different livery
men , Messrs. St. Julian Bros , concluded
to furnish their now llvprv and boarding
Btablo , 1718 Cass street , with the cele
brated Columbus Buggv company's
inako of vehicles including buggies ,
phaetons and carrla'gos as well as whips ,
lap robes , etc. The St. Julian Bros.
have as fine a livery and boarding stable
ns any in the city and their entire stock
boingMiow , they no doubt will receive n
largo patronage. _ _
Flour. Flour. Flour.
At C. O. D. Brown's.
Davis' No. 10 , per sack S1.2T .
PillHborry Best , per sack $1.25.
Will have car of W.asltborno , Crosby
& Co. 's Best in soon at same price at
C. O. D. BROWN'S ,
ICth and Capital nVonuo.
W. T. Seaman , wagon and carrlagoss
Grnml ICxoiii-Hloit to Yellowstone Nn-
tloual 1'ark and Other Western
The Union Pacific , "Tho Overland
Route , " proposes to run , in July , 18)1 ! ) , a
grand excursion from Omaha to Yellow-
utone National park , Great Shoshone
( alls , Idaho , Ogden , Salt Lake City ,
Garliold Beach , Denver , Clear Creek
Canon , the famous Loop , and other
points of interest. The Union Pacific
will furnish six horse Concord coaches ,
which will carry the party from Beaver
Canon , Idaho , to and through Yellow
stone. National park. Thcso coaches
will also bo taken to Shoshone station ,
nnd Udud for the ride to Great Shobhono
From Beaver Canon to Yollow&tono
National Parkthu trip will occupy tltreo
daj s going , throe days returning , and
eight days will bo spent In the park. Ex
cellent tents and good equipment for
camping out will bo furnlHhod by the
Union Pacltlp , on route from Beaver
Canon to the parkand while in the Park
the tourists will bo qtmvto-od at the
various hotels.
The very low rate of $2oO.OO 'per pns-
Bongor has been made from Omaha.
This rate Includes railroad , Pullman ,
and stage faro , meals , and hotel bills
from the time of leaving Omaha until
the rotnrn of the excursion , in all thirty
days. No half faro rates.
Only thlrty-flyo passengers can ho ac
commodated , turn as accommodations are
limited , oiirly application for same
should bo made.
In ordering tickets send money for
eamo by express to Harry P. Douol , elty
ticket agent U. P. system , 1802 Farnam
street , Omaha , Neb.
No children will bo allowed on this
trip. For further information relative to
this excursion and intlnurary , apply to
1-1 L. LOMAX ,
Gon'l Pass , nnd Ticket Agt. ,
_ Omaha , Nob.
lr. Kensington treats the oyo,1310 Dodge
Dccluloit In Furor of' the
Milwaukee & St. Paul Ity.
The now Palnco sleeping cars of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. .
with elect flo lights in every berth , will
continue- leave the Union depot ,
Omaha , at 0:20 : p. in. , dally ; Passnngora
taking1 this train avoid transfer at Coun
cil Ululls , and arrive in Chicago at 0:30 :
n. in. , in ample time to make all eastern
connections. Ticket olllco , 160.1 Farnam
qtreot. F. A. NASH ,
J. E. PUESTOH , General Asfont.
City Pussoucror Atrout.
For the Big Tire Sale of the New York
Bargain Store , 212 N. 16tb St.
Kvcrylhlnj ? Must bo Sold RoRimllcss
or Value or CoHt Not Ono Dollar's
\ \ orth of Goods to JJo Car
ried Over.
Thcso prices nro for thrco days only
as wo wilt then close to have ourstoro
refitted and open with n new clean stock
and these bargains should bring every
man and woman * In Omaha to buy sotno
of the biggest bargains over sold.
Goods almost given away.
Complete berry sot worth 7o"e , lOc.
Complete cream sot worth 81 , 17c.
Complete water set worth 81.60 , 39c.
Largo bauco dishes worth 40c , Oc.
Pickle , dishes worth 20c , ! ) c.
Salt and popper shakers worth lOc , 3c.
Vjnogar cruets wortlt 2oC , Oc.
Engraved water glasses wortli 15c , 4c.
French blown glasses worth 20c , 5c.
Copper rim tea kettle , ( lc. ! ) '
Complete lamp worth 60c , ICc.
Mexican hammocks worth $1.00 , 09c.
Croquet sot worth $1.25 , 4c. ! )
Jolly glas os regular price 7c , 3c.
Chiim pitchers worth 2oc , 3c.
Of the following tfcods wo have only
n few sets left. Como early if you want
12 piece handsomely decorated gold
finish toilet sot. worth $10.00 , $1)9. ! )
100 piece complete dinner sot , beauti
fully decorated gilt edges , worth $15.00 ,
83 piece gold band complete dinner
sot , actual valup $13.50 , $7.111) ) .
Decorated bowl and pitcher , worth
32.60 , only $1.00.
Plush photograph albums worth $2.00 ,
Ce. ! )
Heavy cups and saucers , per sot , 42c.
Side dishes per * do on18c. . Largo
platters each 7c. Ice tea goblets per
dozen. OOc. .Open evenings until 9 p. m.
212 North 10th street.
Something Aliont the KI"K oT Ilon
TralnerH and Ills SyHtciti of Huli-
duliiK AVI Id IJeuHtu of
the Forest.
Colonel Ed car Daniel Boone is the
name of the man who is at present ns-
tonishing the people of this country by
his performance with five full grown
ferocious lions , all liberated and .given
the entire freedom of the circus arena.
Thcso savage brutes under the cole
nel's guidance are made to do about
every act that dogs , horses and ponies
have boon Instructed to perform , and
even more , for I hebo lions , in addition
to dancing , posturing , leaping , racing in
harness , etc. , actually ride tricycles , a
feat no horbo has yet been able to ac
The management of the Adam Fore-
paugh shows pay Boone $1,000 a weolt
for iiis services and ho appears at every
exhibition , introducing all his lions.
The great show will exhibit at Omaha
Friday , July 21 , and will doubtless"
eclipse any circus performance over
given in this city , both in size and merit.
It will bo. tbe only big Circus event of
the year as Barnutn remains exclusively
In the east this season.
Flour. Flour. Flour.
At C. O. D. Brown's.
Davis' No. 10 , per sack $1.25.
Pillsborry Best , per Back $1.25.
Will have car of Washborno , Crosby
& Co. 's Best in soon at same price at
C. O. D. BROWN'S ,
10th and Capital avenue.
Madame Post wishes to announce that ,
having scoured the services of a fashion
able hair dresser anft manicure , she is
now prepared to do all kinds of hair cut
ting , curling , crimping , blenching , etc. ,
in the very latest and best manner.
Mrs. E. M. Post , electro thermal and
vapor baths , chiropodist , manicure ,
massage treatmentetc. . , 319i S. 15th st.
My Itcsldeitoc ,
Cornor'Park avenue and Mason is for
sale. 'Was built .by days work nnd is
, largo , well arranged , has modern im
provements ; lot 00x108 } , with fine shade
trees and lawn ; good largo barn. I expect -
pect to move soon and will sell at low
ligure and easy terms.
' GEO. W. AMES ,
1507 Farnam.
It Wits Truly Artistic.
FMWI the Mem hit . \j \ > pcat-Atiliincic.
The work on tho. souvenir edition of
the "Memphis Appeal-Avalaneho" has
never been excelled by any lithographic
establishment in America. It was n
triumph of lithography and press work ,
and has attracted the admiring atten
tion of exports throughput the United
States and Europe. Tlio resources of
the house nro unsurpassed and in the
west unequalled. ' The establishment
is a vast hive , of busy people
artists , eompositor-j.prossmon , binders ,
clerks and other employes , constituting
nn army of skilled workmen. Its organ- ! ,
y.ution is fauch that work Is done with
extraordinary rapidity , and with all the
resources that largo capital can secure.
The souvenir edition of the "Memphis.
Appeal-Avalanche" Is an eloquent wit
ness of the superior advantages enjoyed
by the August Cast Bank-Noto &nd
Lltho. Co. of St. Louis.
GfoccfH , Attention.
Wo nro agents for the celebrated
"Quoon of the Pantry" Hour. At whole
sale to the trade only. S. F. Gllmtin.
Chautnuqim cottage and lot for sale.
J. R. HarknoEs' , Council BlulTs , Iowa.
Ilolln & Thompson , tailors nnd mon'a
furnishers , 1012 Farnam. Spring styles
Gate City Tco Co. ,
Office 215 S. 15th street.
Telephone } 385.
The most charming plcnlo grounds
anywhere In the immediate vicinity of
Omaha are at , Waterloo , thirty-one
miles west of this city , on the Union
Pacific , Make your arrangements for
an early date. Investigate the matter
with H. P. Douol , City Pass , and Tkt
Agent , 1302 Farnam street , Otmftiu , NaV
Icoil Ice ! ! loci ! i '
Wholesale nnd retail. Kennedy &
Newell , 110 S. 15th street. Tel 1J53.
Superior horvice ,
The Burlington train No. 2 , leaving
Omaha at 4:30 : p. m. and arriving in Chi- '
cngo the next morning at 8 o'clock , is
the favorite of the throe- daily trains , U
being a superbly appointed yestlbulod
tinln of Pullman Pnlaco sleepers , re
clining chair and dining cars , patterned
after the latest designs , fitted up in
luxurious style and ( qmlahod with every
convenience eulfculiititl to redound to the
cnfco nnd comfort of the passengers
Train No. U leaves Omaha at 0:10 : p. m.
and arilvon in Chicago at 1 p. m. next
day. Has through Pullman sleepers ,
chair cars and dining car. City ticket
olllco , 1223 Farnam etrcot.
The ! M Cent Htoro lain Fnrnam Htrect.
Great closing cut sale of baby buggies
Got our prices before purchasing.
TInmiriocks 45c up to $2.75 each. Cro
quets etc. , 75c up to $ 2.2-5.
Lnwntennis rackets from Ooc up to
Lawntcnnls nets , $1.50 upward ,
Wo are the people for bargains in
houeo furnishing ( , 'oodH. The most com *
ploto line of crockery , glass ware tin
ware &a , in the city.
Toys , dolls , albums and fancy goods ,
nil the novelties at bed rock prices.
Special sales Monday in all depart
The 09 cent store , 1319 Farnam street.
Wo connect qur gas stoves' frco of
charge , and keep all sl/cs. Wo keep
. the celebrated Buffalo refrigerator that
has como out on top every tlmo in a
practical test. Wo al o Keep the best
assortment of screen doors in the city.
Russia iron ovens ; lined , largo double
burners , $3.50 ; regular price , $5.00. W.
F. Stootzel , 714 S. 10th.
.Groocrs , Attention.
Wo are agents for the tolobrnted
"Quoon of the Pantry" ( Tour. At whole
sale to the trade only. S. F. Gllman.
Tol. 5921.
Flour. Flour. Flour.
At C. O. D. Brown'fl.
DaVls1 No. 10 , per sack $1.25.
Plllsberry Best , per Pack 81.25.
Will have car of Washborno , Crosby
& Co.'s Best In boon nt same pr'ico'at '
C. 0. D. BROWN'S.
IGth and Capital avenuo.
Wo connect our gn < stovesfrco / of
charge , * and keep all si/es. Wo keep
the celebrated Buffalo refrigerator that
has como out on top every time in a
practical test. Wo also keep the best
iishortmoiit of screen floors'ln tho. city.
Russia iron ovens , lined , largo double
burners , $ ; t.50 ; regular price , $5.00. ' W.
F. Stootzel,714S. 10th.
The lunch rooms known ns the
Thompson Spa has changed hands.
Miss A. S. Crandall has taken possession
and will be ready to servo neat and deli
cate lunches.
Groeci-H , Attention. '
Wo are agents for the celebrated
"Queen of the Pantry" Hour. At whole
sale to the trade only. S. F. Gilman.
Tol. 5921.
Dr. Agnes Swctland at Dr. Burrough's
ollico , 1022 Dodge street.
Mr. John Hamlin is having the "plans
made for two dwellings to bo built on
Charles between 2Gth nnd 27th. Mr.
Ellis is the architect.
Flour. Flour. Flour. ,
At C. 0. D. Brown's.
Davis' No. 10 , pec sack $1.25.
Pillsborry Best , per sack $1.25.
Will have car of Washborno , Crosby
& Co. 's Best in soon-at same price at
C. O. D. BROWN'S ,
Kith and Capital avenue.
Groocrs , Attention.
Wo are agents for the celebrated
"Quoon of the Pantry" Hour. At whole
sale to Iho trade only. S. F. Gilman.
Tol. 5921. _
. Poycko Candy Co. carries n large line
of colored fireworks. Hags , etc.
J. E. Dietriclc.archltect , 900 N.-YrLJfo.
An Opportunity.
A.ny man with a fair salary and a little
sand can now got a homo in "Beautiful
Clifton Hill. " None but first-classmen
need apply. A. P. TUKKY.
- Now York Life.
July oth. 181)1 ,
is the date fixed for the grand Yellow-
atone park excursion via the Union
Pacific , "tho overland routo. " Final
deposit for tickets must bo made before
Juno 30. Wuito to Harry P. Deuol , city
passenger agent , 1802 Farnam st ,
Omaha. .
Clears Dealers
Can obtain excellent bargains with the
undersigned who are n6w selling oUt the
bankrupt cigar stock of Win. Darst' &
Co. , at .very low figures. Lists mailed
to country dealers. risYCKC 6Atft > Y co
Fireworks , flags , lanterns , etc. , todeal-
ors only. " PKYOKK CANDY Co.
Botitcsda & Colfax mneral { water
Sherman & McConnoll'o pharmacy.
llesei'volr. Ice.
We are the only company dealing ex
clusively in reservoir , ico. Reference
American Wiitorworks Co.
Tol. 271 220 S. 15th street.
f > M * t
TlTo Very l lace. . , ,
For Sunday schools , sociotieS'tubllc and
private parties to go' for a delightful
day's outing in the heated term , 'now so
close at" naiid , is Y/iitbrloo tjark , the
nearest und best place within easy dis
tance of Omaha ; 31 miles west frdln this
city on the Union Pacific. See H. P.
Deuol , City Pass , and ticket [ tgont.Union
Pacific system , 1302 Farnam street.
California Excursion * ; .
Pullman tourist sleeping' car excur
sions to California and Pacific coast
points leave Chicago every Thursday , .
Kansas City every Friday via the Santa
Fo. routo. Ticket iMto from Chicago
$47.50 , from Sioux City , Omaha , Lincoln
orKnnsas City $35 , sloBpimj car rate
from Chicago $1 per double oortlt , from
Kansas City $3 per double berth. Every
thing furnished , except meals. ( Those
excursions are personally conducted by
experienced excursion managers who
accompany p'firtles to destination. Fo .
excursion folder containing full par tic u
lars and map fold or and time table o
Santa Fo route and reserving of sleeping
car berths , address S. M. .Osgo'o'd , gen-
ornrngtmt , E. L. Palmer , freight and
passenger agent , A.T. & S. j , railroad ,
4llN. Y. LI to Bldg. , Qmalta , Nebraska.
A choice line just received. Mmo. '
Hicknmn , 211 5 , 10th stroot.
i , . - 1 *
"What to Do la an ISiiicrK < iney ,
or any other tlmo : Take the great Chicago
cage & * Northwestern vostlbuled trains
east liO : ; p.m. and ! ) :10 : p.m. , from the
Union Pacific depot ( no change nt Coun
cil BlulTs ) . Close connection nt Chicago
with all the eastern llncb. Best sleep-
o-s. Parlor chair cars free. City olllco ,
1101 Farnam.
Shormnn & McConnell , prescrlptionlsts
and family chaining. 1513 Dodge. , ,
Fine carriages , boamnh's repository'
New MMO to Doa
Commencing Sunday , May 31. the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
will establish a through line of sleeping
cars between Sioux City and Dos Monies
via Madrid. Passengers from Omaha
andUio wcst can leave Omaha at 0:2Q : p.
m. , secure sleeping car nccommodatlops
nnd arrive in Dos Molncs at 0 u. m. Re
turning , leave Dos Molncs 0:40 : p. m. ,
arrive OmnhaO:45a. : m. Dining curs' on
both trains. Ticket olllco , 1501 Fnrnam
street. F. A. NASH , Gen.
J , Ji PHJ 3TOK , City Puss. Agt ,
Their Landing , Erfo Hundred and Boron
Years Ago/to / Bo Celebrated.
rinMleiitHch"r OetUnK Hearty for the
Orciit Convention at Denver A
Saiuiorfctu. Will lie Held
in A
This nftornoon the first step will bo taken
to mnko nrrnngcmcnUi Tor un nppronrlnta col-
ourntlon of Herman's day. for this purpose
n mooting will bo hold nt ! ! o'clock In Gcr-
mania Imll. All the Gcnimn societies In the
city will bo represented through delegates ,
though nil ttormntu iiro Invltod to bo pros-
cut to RIVO eclat to the occasion ,
The ( jornuiu societies in this city nro now
moro numerous and stronger than over. They
uru nlso of ono mind on thu subject or cnlohrn-
tlon. Such being the case It Is not thought
thut the festival can bo otherwise than a suc
cess. The vcrelns in question arc the 1'lutt-
deutschor , finlerlsch , gachslch , Lnndwohr
Schwabcii , Sehwltzor , LlodnrltranArion ,
Concordla , Pluttdcutschor Resanf ; section ,
Mmincruhor , Turiivcroln und singing quur-
letto and Ucmuolhliclikclt.
It is Intended to inako the festival worthy
of the tiny it commemorates the landing o (
the llrst Gorman emigrants on these shores.
It Is thought there will bo a procession
( Uirlnir the iluy , and in the evening an enter
tainment in which all tbo junior as well as
the senior musical societies will talto part ,
rendering songs of the Fathorlund only. It
is quite likely that some eminent Gorman
orator from abroad will deliver an address
reviewing the wonderful work Germans have
done In this country since their arrival.
Mr. I'oter Kaiser" ttio Lloderkrunz slug-
ing society informs Tin : BI.E that a Nebraska
sangcrfost will bo held in this city the latter
purt of August. Many of the gcsang
vercins of the outside towns will bo in at
tendance , and , ho thinks , nearly all of these
in the city will nlso tuko part. The mooting ,
however , will not be on the largo scnlo origi
nally projected. It will bo largely social , be
cause the singers of the state hnvo expressed
a dcsiro to coma Hero and meet the music
lovers of the metropolis. The fast will prob
ably occupy nil 'of Saturday and Sunday. A ,
meeting or German singers , to make ar
rangements for the event , will bo held next
Sunday afternoon in the Ltettcrkranz ball In
the building ot the Fcstncr printing com
pany , on Howard street near Thirteenth.
OMAHA lUUNVnillll.V.
This week the Omaha turnvorcln begins
its extra practice by way of preparation for
the third grand bezirks turnfest of the state ,
which is to bo heia in Fremont , commencing
Juno 25 and concluding on Juno 23
next. The vercin has/ attended the
Other fcsts held in Ibis state ,
namely at Plnttstnoutu and Lincoln.
At the latter place the veroin won the llrst
class and Iirst individual and fifth , sixth ,
seventh , eighth , ninth" , thirteenth , fourteenth
and sixteenth prizes ( or Aiming , together
with tbo second prize for high jumping and
the llrst for wrestling , rope climbing and polo
Vaulting , while the junior class came away
With four prl/.es. Thebo classes comprise the
nctivo members oUtho vercin , though there
is another class of veterans , i > o to speak , who
hnvo snatched the ( honors from the prize
turners of'Kansas and Missouri. Tbo latter
organization will 'not compete at Fremont.
If it did , tha members would certainly bear
away the prizes undnvould very likely do so
for many years , because many of its members
arc confidence ! ainoiiL'st the most accom
plished athletes Inlthc country. This would
have n Uiscouracing effect upon the turners
in the smaller cities , many of whom nro
yet young In' tub practice. The class , "
however , wbich'AYill'COinpoto ' is about of the
same ago and oxtfcnaticc as these of its com-
pclltoraiandth&coiap0tUlon'theroforo : will bo
moro \iniform and' > piritcd. < The' folder class ,
however , will giveJcxhibitlous in turning
which will bo found entertaining by the
spectators and instructive , to the youthful
athletes. This class comprises William
Bloedel , W. Schultze , F. Elsassor , K. Uos-
enzwoig , J. Antnes , A1. Heintzo , Conrud
Grommo , Gus Gromnio and ( Jospur Buohndr.
The active class will comprise the follow
ing : Fred Truehauf , Gottlieb Blattert , Fred
Kuchn , George Itcyo , Henry Wiudhelm ,
Henry Rix , George -Stangel , Uarl Kcshush ,
Gus Sotkcn , Arthur Thielo , Fred Hath , King
Dcnraon , Louis Ploshor. John Powers , John
Krage , Otto Niederwelser. . j
On next Saturday night , there will bo a
grand entertainment in German in ball ,
given for the purposes of rais
ing funds to defray the expenses of
tills class whllo attending the fcst.
There will bo exhibition club swinging by
the ladles' and girls' classes , turning by the
Juniors active and pruo turners , several se
lections by the Sutorious Mandolin club , a
solo by Prof.lSutorlous , club swinging by
Miss Dcntnon and a number of ottior inter
esting features , concluding with a ball.
The programme arranged for the fost is Us
follows :
Thursday , Juno 25 Reception of actlvo
tumors and Judges , Comtncrs at Turner hall.
Friday , Juno 20 Grand nurndo through
the city to the grounds and beginning of the
prize tournament. Eight o'clock ' p. m. wel
come speech by the mayor of the city and
gymnastic 'exercises of nctivo tumors in
Love's opera house.
Saturday. Juno 27 Grand parade through
tho'city and continuation of the prize tourna
ment. Ono o'clock p. m. mass wand exer
cises and prlzo turning by the boy classes. <
Sunday , Juno 28 Heception of the guests ,
grand picnic nt the grounds , gymnastic exer-
cises. mass wand exercises and distribution
of prizes.
The cities which will bo roprosontcd by
verelns nro in follows : Omaha , West-Point ,
I'lnttsmouth , Sioux City , Fremont , Lincoln ,
Nebraska Cttv and South Omaha. * 1
Kach of these cities will bo represented by
two judges , who uro to be selected by their
own veroin. The judges chosen by the
3malm veroin nro Louis Hclinrod , to whoso
energy -and interest the local organiza
tion is greatly indebted for the grand victo
ries it has achieved , and William Schultz ,
ono of tbo best members of the prize-winning
section , The voroln will attend the feast
under the direction of Prof. Bonefeld.
Henry Kummcrow , formerly of this city ,
low ot Plattsuioutb , occuplos'tho position of
turnwart , and is working hard with the
voung men of that towu tn wrest some of the
aurols which are to bo berne away from tbo
Prof. Blankonfold-havlng retired from the
nuslcnl directorship of the Goucordla Slng-
ng societyiho oMo t organization of the
kind In tbo elty , il'tbf. Peterson has boon
elected to till the arancy. Ifnder this now
cadurship the saoiety nvlll open the 'fall
season with' renewed vigor and prepare > .for a
scriiw of ontertaiaaants which aboil be-of a <
very1 high order ! ttTbo society meets inGar - ,
lold hall on Howard street near Sixteenth ,
though It has takenm vacation for the > sum
mer , the rcgularttnactlngs' taking place on
.Tuesday evenings. tt'hero are sixty mo nbors
n the society wbvani studiously devoted to
uu cultivation of title muse.
Horrcn BauroUonQ Puls and Fraucn Bnu-
rels und Puls-AhMnnvlng closed thcr | four
week's of GermiuwcomcUy at Germnnla ball
hnvo gone to ElknartLnko , WIs. . where they
ilny u summer ongw ement. Their work hero
vas of the most satisfactory character , il'hoir
iloccs'woro llghttaail fascinating and the rcnr
Utlon of them waslln a great scnso artistic ,
rho company found many pcoplo who had
known them during their early engagement
and made the acquaintance of others who
hnvo como to rosldo hero since their former
triumphs. The entertainments .wcro given
under the auspices of the Deutsche Gemcin-
shaft nnd resulted to tbo pecuniary advan
tage of that orgunliulloi ) .
Klkbnrt Lauo is a beautiful aumnicr resort
liberally patromrod Dy Germans who , there ,
find every means of enjoyment. In the com
pany of n'rtlsta referred to. the patrons will
hint suniclent talent to enable them to puss n
number of pleasant summer evening * . After
the season at the take the ac
tors will rotnrn cast to * New Jer
sey where they will play tbo winter months ,
Tho. Kcineiuscbuft will glvo no moro enter- ,
talnmcnts the present summer. The success
of tbo engagement , however , bus given rise
to the consideration of establishing u German
theater in Ibis city , which has bcrotoforu
bcou considered ait undertaking of grunt
Until further notice there will bo a Sunday
evening rcrforninnco at Kesslor's ' Imll on
South Thirteenth , which will bo followed b'y
n ball. The plcco for thli ovonltitr will bo
"llnscninn's Tochtcr , " or "Hasotnnn's
Daughter. * ' which Is said to be very enter
taining , The lending parts will bo sustained
by Fraulcln Fercnczy , Froulolu ZarDor and
Herr Grubo.
Hnnn Albert , the celebrated young artist
whoso violin performances have delighted
lover * of music , will remain in this elty for
several months. He says ho desires to be
en mo moro acquainted with tbo
pcoplo because ho has found ninny
warm friends among these whom ho
has already met. When Thcodoro
Thomas was hcr6 several days ago , Albert
played for him and was offered a permanent
situation as first violin lit the celebrated or
chestra at a salary of (40 per week. The
offer was declined for the reasons above
enumerated , though it will bo accepted in the
fall , nt which tlmo the celebrated * dltector
will telegraph for the young artist.
Today Henry Huscr celebrates the opening
of now accommodations In his beautiful gar
den and has made special arrangements for n
day of pleasure.
rmnoTio oniouxs.
The German rltlrcns of Mlllnrd have de
cided upon having a grand celebration of the
national holiday , July . There will bo a pit-
rndo , nn address and n piculo at John Aril's
IT.vTinnuTsciinn CONVENTION .
The national convention Of the Plattdcut
seller vcrcens of this country will assemble
in Denver July HI nnd remain In session until
August 4. This will bo the largest conven
tion of the kind ever held In this country.
Delegates will bo present. Jrom about
twenty societies. Those selected by the
Plnttdeutschor veroin of this cltv are as fol
lows : Fritis Stocckor , Henry Anderson , John
Buseh , 'John IJiuuner , Thcodoro Hcnck and
C. Von H u in oh r. The programme- comprises
a number of social features ns well as meet
ings of business.
The Metropolitan club , ono of the most
successful organizations of the kind In
Omaha , has tired of its present quarters cor
ner of Fourteenth , and Dodge streets. It has
ordered plans mtido for a now club house
which shall provide all the accommodations
usually found In the best eastern associations.
The slto which is being negotiated for is on
Hnrnoy street , between Twentieth and
THE Titr.u
On next Saturday division No. 5,3 United
Order of Trou Bund of South Omaha will
celebrate its third anniversary. This order
is ore of the inqstsucccssful German societies
in this section of the country. It
three divisions in this city besides that above
referred to , as also ono In Council Bluffs. All
of these will take nart In the exercises which
will bo held in Gernmnia ball In South
Ilrowiioll Mali Closing.
Anniversary services of Browncll hall will
bo held atSt. Matthias' church. At : 'iu a.m. ,
holy communion ; H u. m. , morning prayer ,
Dr. Dohcrty will preach ; 7:30 : p. m. , evening
prayer , Bishop Atwill of Kansas City will
preach the anniversary sermon before the
trustees , faculty nnd students. The offering
at the evening service will bo for the ed
ucation of the daughter of a missionary.
Monday morning at 9:80 : will bo the art ex
hibit essays and music. Monday evening ,
the annual muslcnlo. Monday afternoon , the
meeting of trustees.
Tuesday morning nt 10 o'clock , the annual
commencement followed by a reception for
the scholars and their friends in the hall
Tuesday evening n reception for graduates
and nluromc at Bishop Thorpe's.
DoWltt'a Little Early Hlscrs ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomaeh , baJ breath
New Pnstprfl.
Park Place Congregational church has
called Uev. keeper of Bntavia , 111. , to
take that pulpit. Ho will preach at Park
Place today.
At the Saratoga Congregational church
Rov. G. A. Conrad will to installed next
Tuesday evening. Ho is a graduate of the
Chicago theological seminary.
Notices of five. Una oress under thli headflftu
cents ; each addittnnal line Un cent.
KINNEY-GUAIIAM-K. 1 . Klimoy , formerly
of Omuhu , now manager of the electrical
construction and supoly company of liuttc ,
Wont. , was married at Manhattan , Kan. , to
Miss Minnie Uralmm of that place on Wednes
day ovonlng at thu homo of the brldo. Miss
Doris Klnnuy utunidud the wedding and thor
r party Is now the uuustsof thotr patents and
brotiiors. Harry A. and Krunk Kinney , of
Omaha , ho tendered them an Informal rn-
cuptlon Kikliiy evening atthelr honieon 2 < ith
abd Oapltol avenue.
Notice * ofluj Una nr ten 1,1111 Jcr't/il < luaJ , ftftu
centeach additional line ten cent * .
NILE William , at l'Jao : o'clock Saturday af
ternoon. Kuner.U Monday at 10 o'clock
from his late residence , 11) 2 I'aul street.
SOMMEKS Prank , Juno 0 , :60t. : sor-
vlces. Sunday. June U. ut lij : : p. in. , at Met
ropolitan hull , south wosi corner Four
teenth and Uodgo Htreots. Deceased was a
member of Noiiruskli ledge No. 1 , Knights of
I'ythlab. All members of the order in the
city are Invited to attend the funeral.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes T
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky
Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
and Wholesome.
'j ---H * .B Ivl-g. J ? ? - . - , - .
Boyd's. ' Opera MoUss ,
Commencing Tuesday , Juno 0.
Grand I'rodnct'on of
The GoUnty Fair ,
Presented Exactly ns ut the Union Square
Theatre , Now York , vrhuro It has lieonthu pur-
tnanoiit attraction for throu > o irs.
v TTN TTI I The Union Fqmiro Coniimny.
\T ) Ov r > y prim Kiinnln lion "
tSO.COO exploited on tliu btugo lit tliln produc
tion. .
* "
LA. BELLA MINNIE , and her won
derful card-playing dog LILLIIi.
SIGNOR DODD RETTI , the strong
est man on earth ,
A Matchless Company of Musical Ar
tists and Comedians. Beautiful
actresses , charming dancers and
timely songs.
l > y .TttlcH Immlmrd Now of
Omaha During the AVnr.
Mr. J. G. Lumbiml the thoroughly ofllclcnt
and universally popular roprosoatatlvo of the
Pennsylvania lines In this clty,1vho is quite
ns popular iti the \vorla of business M In
musical circles , \vai recently Invltod by n
number of old tlmo rmootutci to Join them In
a war concert nt Lnlco Forest. III. , given
undur tbo nuinlccs of the LnUo l ortst uni
versity. IlutlnoHs cnros prevented Mr. Lum-
bnrd from mooting with his comruilci of lone
ngo but Initerul sent n letter to bo rend on the
occasion , which cnunod no end of uiitliuslniin.
The letter wns nitdrcHied to S. D. I'ratt of
Chicago , who lias taken great Interest In promoting
meting concerts of this Itlml. After the let
ter \vns road Dr. George R Root seventy
ycnrs of ngo himself , sauc "Tho Uattlo
Cry of Freedom , " In n clour resonant voice
nnd related the circumstances under which It
wns llrst siinif by Frank and .lilies Lumbnrd ,
nt n great wnr meeting in Chicago when It
wns received with tumultuous cheering. THO
letter Is ns follows :
OMAHA , Nob. . May 23. Mr. N. D.
Pratt. Chicago My Dear Enthusiast :
It Is with very Hlncoro regret that I
forego participation in the patriotic
sot-vices arranged for the evening of the
2lth ) nt Lake Forest and abandon the op-
povtunlty it would olTor of meeting with
old time friends and associates , but the
pressure of business duties seems to de
mand the sacrifice , and I yield ns grace
fully as pcoplo generally do when they
It would bo like carrying coals to New
castle for mo to net upon the suggestion
of your letter nnd attempt to write an ac
count of "Tho Battle Cry of Freedom"
While its author is by your side. Prof.
Root can toll you much better than I can
write about it.
The noble fcong best known and most
sung since the world began was born of
a condition and not of a period. It was
the utterance of n furious loyalty , the
expression of a defiant and indomitable
devotion to homo and country. It con
stituted a declaration , not of war but of
determined resistance ; It was the protest
of a strong , dauntless and very human
heart against the iibsasstnationof liberty
under the lead of rebellion.
It meant something in these days of
action and of events when ono man exclaimed -
claimed and a million shouted reply ,
"We'll Rally 'Round the Flag. " it
meant devotion. It meant defiance. It
meant eon II let It meant victory through
blood. And it meant the aclilovoment
of bo many things great and glorious as
no man lias time to name or number.
Dr. Root , who stands in the middle bo
twcen patriotic arrogance and Christian
gentleness , with a hand in the Hand of
each , has by his songs of war become the
apostle of liberty to the lovers of free
dom throughout the land , and by hia
songs of homo nnd peace the exponent
and otfamplar of the homely joys and
pnstimeH of the Innocent and the poor.
A character formidable in its strength
as winning in its gentleness : And so it
comes again about that the strongest is
the gentlest , the tcndercst the bravest.
"Out of sight , out of mind , " IP an old
nnd trite saying , but I am in hopes it is.
not always a true one. I am in hopes
some memory of my dead brother Frank
may remain in the hearts of these who
know him in the heat and conflict of life ,
and that recollections of what ho then
did for the cause you now celebrate may ,
in n sense , make him ono of your number
and a participant in your exorcises.
Brother Frank has never been properly
Eaid for his services. Pay him tonight
i grateful memories and friendly
With reverent esteem for these who
died in the cause of thcit- country and
with sympathy and affection for these
who live to commemorate it , I am , dear
sir , sincerely yours , J. G. LUMUAHD.
Do not forget tint Mailer's ' Pain Pnrnlyzcr
will cure nil cases of dysentery , relieving"
griping pain nnd restoring the bowels to
houlthy action.
> . Inly ! on tlin Do.irstoji.
Douglns county has atjothor baby on its
hands. At S o'clock yesterday the inmates
of the Child's hospital on Dodge street were
nwnUened by the cries of nn Infant. An In
vestigation wns made nnd n girl baby four ,
weeks old , wrapped In an old shawl wns
found on the doorstep. The little ono wns
tnkon in and cared lor and thnn sent to the
poor furiii.
Do Witt's LittloEarly Kiscrs , best pill. ]
The Founder of I lie Order Visits the
Oinnlin Itranutim.
Lnst evening Mr. mm Mrs. Meyer of Cht
cngo , arrived In the city on their wny
homo from Denver. They will romniu until
Tu es ilny.
Mrs. Mayor Is bettor known ns Mrs. Klder-
Moycr , nnd is the lad v who founded the ordotf
of Doaconcsjcs in Chicago n number of years
ngo. Ucsldcs this , for n number of years slid
has been na enthusiastic worker In tha
Stindny schools of the country.
At 4 o'clock this afternoon thcro will
bo n mnss meeting nt the First Methodist
church to which nil nro invited. Matters
pertaining to the Deaconesses homo of
Umahn will bo discussed.
At 1 : ; ! ( ) o'clock Monday afternoon n general
meeting of the Onmlm association will bo
held at the Young Mini's Christian associa
tion rooms.
Mrs. Mover wns seen last evening bv n re
porter nt the Dwiconoises' homo on 'i'wcntloth
street. She was tired with the long , hot rlda
from Denver , but scorned to bo onthuslnHtld
when the subject of hnsplul and deaconess
work wns suggested. In Denver , Mrs.
Meyer snld , she mid her husband tmd been
picscnt nt the ODunlngof n homo nnd hos-
pltnl ; nnd the Methodists of Hint cltv nro
fully nllvo to the needs of Christian charity
nnd humane effort to relieve the suffering.
Four years ngo , Mrs. Meyer said , the llrst
donconesscs1 homo of tbo Methodist
church wns opened in Chicago. The
homo nnd hosplnl [ then opened was
tiot largo , but the results have been so
thoroughly practical that the institution lias
grown rapidly , nnd next fall they toxprct to
erect n line largo building of their own.
They are turning n way moro patients tlma
they can accommodate. Physicians who
have had occasion to tulto their patients to
the homo und hospital have been well
pleased with the assistance ot the deacon
esses , and the work of training hospital
nurses for this line of duty has become ono
of the leading fo.ituros of the Deaconesses'
honio In Chicago.
There nro nt present fourteen of thcsa
homes nud hospitals In the United States.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mover were delighted with
tha homo nnd hospital hero In Omaha.
How to Cure the Conuh Following 1ti\
For n troublesome coush there Is nothing
bolter than Chamberlain's Cough Kcmcily.
It strengthens the pulmonary organs , allays
nny irritation and effectually cures the cough.
It is cspocliilly vnlunulo for the cough which
so often follows nn nttuclc of. the grlD. Fotf
sale by nil ihugglsts.
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic and
magnetic physician- and surgeon.
Specialty diseases of women and chil
dren. lit ) K. 10th street. Telephone MS8.
The following marrlngo licenses were Is *
sued by Judge Shields yesterday :
Niiino aim Address. Ago.
I I'lumms I.arM'ti , Omaha . 19
) Ulirlstcna A. Hunsun. Uiuuha . " 0
i John A. Illlllck. Om.ihu . 37
| Annlo Smith. Umahn. . . . . . 'J4
( John Viitisot , South Omaha . 31
I Muiy liny lie Itoiitli Omuhu . 28
I Dave A. Gardner , Omaha . 23
I Klla Hollywood , Itr.ilnurd . . . SO
Below Cost for the
Next 3 Days Only.
Children's Hats at ] / price ,
Untrimmed Straws at Hall
Also a large assortment of
fine French Flowers at hal (
Ill S. 15th St. , Opp. Pos'.ojfkc- ' ; '
14O9Douglas Street , Omaha.
OMAHA * < ( c'l.DCNVtn . ' '
Copy Nicoll's Prices , but
They can't make the v
same suits for § 20 and
$25 , no more than they
can hold water in a
We guarantee that
ours at $20 and $25
will make- you steady
and friendly customers.
Better you can't get
you'll go far to find
as good.
We have'reduced large lines of our choicest $30 and $35
suitings to § 20 and $25 , in order to keep .our full force of work
men employed all summer cost to us work for them.
So don't complain , if , a month ago , you paid us $5 to $10
more , or $2 to $3 more for the large lines of Trouserings we are
now displaying at $5 , $6 and $8 mostly sample , lengths riio
further use to u ? 2 pair for almost the price of one.
We have not put our fine fabrics , $30 to $50 in the cellar ;
nor covered our store-front with big si ns , to catch the un\Vary.
'We want your confidence and trade next year as for tha
past 251 years.
Mailed order ? Sco our Tourists' fabrics. ' Made at Short Notict
iilled. Flannels , Serges , Cheviots , Etc. if required.
Nicbll the Tailor ,
14O9 D.ouglas Street , Omaha.