JLJOJGj UltUVJlA. JLJA1JUX JEUklli : O U IM Lf A U IN JjJ 18U1 SlATJlHUiN HE HAS BEATEN ALL RECORDS Signal Statistical Triumph Achieved by Census Superintendent Porten FOUR YEARS' WORK DONE IN ONE , DlniutiltlcH Under Which tlic Great Kent Was I'errormctl-Clovclnna'fl 'Move for Popularity Hwnlni'f ) Suspension. VVABIIINOTOS BuiiEAtr OF TUB BEE , 1 BIS FOUHTKKNTII STIIBI.T , > WAHIU.NOTON , D. C. , JUIIO 1. ) . ) "If I ntn inndo superintendent of the census I shall hnvo but two objects In view in trying to nclilovo a reputation for myself mid solving the Rovcrnmcnt. They shall bo to make the most complete mid comprehen sive census over prepared , for tbo least pos sible cost , mid to demonstrate that ono man looks upon the position for something clso than a salary of M.OUO a year. " This Is what Mr. Uobort P. Porter said to your correspondent some tlrau buforo ho was called from the editorship of the Now York Press to begin a HMO of duties which nro probably as vexations as those of any found under the federal government employ. That Superintendent Porter has achieved his aim there ran bo no doubt. Ho has beaten all records before him. Ily the end of July ho will lay before the president a complete com pendium of the eleventh census at least three -years in advance of the tlmogllt has ever been done by any other superintendent. Of course the work in the census bureau is not all done , and thiru will be much of a clerical character to do for two or thrco yours ; but whan the compendium Is complete the work remaining will consist of putting the result of the vast labor In the He'd ' and bureau into shnpo for the printer- laying before the country the result of the census-taking. Air. Porter may remain hero some years before resuming his duties In private life ; but the reputation ho has made will cling to him throughoutlifa. What hq bus accomplished Mill no doubt bo pointed to for very many years by olllccrs in other de partments as the results of unselfish deter mination , as Mr. Porter s'.Id ' ho did not tiiko the ofllcc merely to draw a'.alary , for ho rould get u larger our , much uaslcr" In pri vate life. Few people have any Idea what perplexities a superintendent of the census has to meet and overcome In order to bo successful. The re- picsslon of the political influence brought from mon in congress and elsewhere In the appointment of nearly Jlfty thousand enumer ators und almost four thousand clerks in the bin can hero is nothing In comparison to the annoying suggestions and influences In the performance of routine and other duties. Mr. Potter , who is physlcallv as well as mentally o very strong man , came near being broken down > n hculth , working night and day to achieve what ho has accomplished. And j'et ho Is not appreciated by his political adver saries. There nro pre-eminently four positions under the government which pay salaries of trMH ( ) each w htcu carry with them the mini mum of credit and the maximum of duties. Thcv are the superintendent , of the census , public prin tprchlef , of the bureau of engraving and printing , anu commissioner ot pensions , and the president probably has more trouble in keeping these positions filled l > y capable men than any dozen of other ofllccs. They deal with politicians , claimants , labor and jobbers. It U next to an impossibility to please all these elements. And if they arc taken by men who simply want the salaries the olllccs carry , more is the pity for all. The accomplishments of Superintendent Porter has called attention again to the fact that the man who accepts a position in any degree extensive in character earns his sal ary if ho fills it well. Another fact is becom ing apparent in this same connection. Tbo outside world cannot bo depended upon for tbo least moral support ' .a an oITort to 1111 an oflico acceptably. All of the occupants of the positions named boar testimony to the fact that the outs are Indifferent as to the ins , and that every oHlcor of the government must Btand upon his own jnerits. CLEVELAND'S I.A'TEST SII.VEH RCUF.MR. It comes In private malls from New York that Mr. Cleveland will attempt to guido a compromise on the stiver question when congress - gross convenes and the flood-tide of bills is open to the cranks who are to control tbo next bouse. Mr. Cleveland Is trying hard to head off the change In sentiment on the question of his nomination. Ho wants the nomina- tlou very much , nnd bo fears a solid south nnd anlncorrlglblo on the fluan- T > W question. Ills idea is somewhat lilte thatxjroposod recently by his ox-secretary of the treasury , Mr. Falrchitd. It is the free purchase , but not the frco coinage of silver. Ho .vants a scheme which will buy the bul lion so long as it remains popular , but stop when sentiment culls a nult. Ho' would coin when there Is a demand and it Is nt par , but shut down altogether when there Is evidence of n corner or a movement from any foreign nations Indicating a disposition to impoverish our supply otgold. This would make silver u nonentity as a political factor. It would plvo Mr. Cleveland nnd his party another opportunity to straddle th\ ( question ngnln. All propositions of this character contem plate the placing ot the coinage question wholly within the discretion of the Secretary of the treasury , nnd they nro thrroforo bo < youd question , BO far ns congress Is con cerned. Several attempts have been made during the past few years to enlarge the pur chase of silver bullion , nnd all have been turned down without consideration If they In any degree gave tno secretary larger dis . , cretionary powers. Sllvcf mnn especially deplore this ouo thing of making uncertain the quantity purchased or the breadth of coinage. That is the one thing they demand Bhnll bo definite. Mr. Cleveland again shows his inutlllty. OI'RNIXO TUB 8WA1M CASB AOAIX. As soon ns U was announced , the other day , that Judge Advocate General Swalm of the army had laid his iiiso botoro the presi dent and was trying to have his sentence changed In some way , the people of Wash ington exclaimed that It might well bo hoped that the president himself would give this case n thorough overhauling , for the bcnclit of court-martial proceedings in future. The case of Judge Advocate General Swnlm piosonts a typo of evil which has been n curse to army and navy courts-mnr- tlal for many years , and which now prevails to an nlarnilng extent. It Is that , no matter s \ \ bat an onicor Is charged with , nud uo mat ter how guflty ho may bo proven , and no matter what action the court may take , ho Is not deprived of his salary. The oQl- cors not under allegation do not want to sot the precedent of sentencing nn oftlcor in such a manner as to make It necessary for him to have to hustle like other men for n living. No matter what his crime may be. the government owes him n salurv , ' nnd though ho bo bout to the penitentiary hu is entitled to draw that salnrv. Ttwt Is un questionably the guiding spirit. It has at tracted attention in every locality whore courts-martial nio frequent , Cicncrul tiwnlni was charged with not payIng - Ing u debt Incurred In grain or stock specu lation. The charges wcro brought by a man who has since'become n bankrupt'and re pudiated outright nil his financial obligations. Just what jnnrul turpitude thcro was In a man not settling , to butt the taste ot his bicker , n question of debt which could not be agreed upon between broker and ofllcor lias not yet been determined , and no ono has yet been gblo to see what place It had before a court-niurtiiil. But General Sualm was suspended liom duties as Judge advocate cencnil for n period which would take him beyond the ago when ho must bo retired and tontcnccd to draw half or two-thirds pay. The sentence nt once attracted nd verso criti cism throughout the country. Swnlm was appointed bv Prcsldcnttiurficld from private life for service lu th6 volunteer army during the war. Ills selection was n sore disap pointment to the West Pointers , and his career from thq day of appointment was ono of distress. Ho was fiurly hamstrung by the officers under him. If ho was guilty of dishonest transactions In private life , he was unfit to hold any position , and j'ihould hnvo been dismissed from the service entirety , was the verdict of all who followed the proceeding * of the court-martial. If bo was entitled to draw any pay ho was entitled to have full pay. To tuapend him oa the court did meant to suspend the ofllco , for tvlmo tbo onlccr was under suspension no one could bo appointed to HU It , slnco the oflico "WIM not vacant. Thcro has been a real va cancy over slnco the court sat , nbout live or six years ago , but un less action Is tnkrm by tno presi dent it cannot bo filled for years to como. Ootiorul Swalm draws the salary , no ono can perform the duties of the ofllco. Ho Is marked for retirement , but cannot retirevol untarily or otherwise. Thnro is a general fooling that extendsout- sldo of Washington that this U a good sea son nnd opportunity to sot nn example of some kind to courts-martial , and no ono Is hotter fitted than the blo luwycr. distin guished soldier nnd unprejudiced chief ex ecutive that has the case In hand. PBIIKT S. HEATH. KEDUASKA tittADVATE.8. Close of the School Year In Many CltlcN of the State. Wiuimi , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special to THE BKK.J One of the largest nnd most refined audiences over assembled In Wllbor greeted the graduates of the.Vllber high school nt the opera house last evening. The room was tastily decorated. Across the stage was con spicuously displayed the class motto worked In evergreens , "Finis Coronal Opus. " There arc seven members of tbo class this year , whoso names nro ns follows : Misses Stella Pfelffer. Nella Van Meter , Emma Sloan , Bertha Beers , Mamlo Allsmnn nnd Messrs. Will Drasky nnd Albert Ku hi man. The diplo mas conferred upon them represent that cloven j ears' work has .been successfully completed nnd entitle the holders to admission to the last preparatory yrar in the state uni versity. First honors were ivon by Miss Pfelffor , second by vVIH Drasky. Wrcpliij * Water OradtiateH. WKHi'iNo WATKII , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special to Tin : BKI : . ] The first commencement exer cises of the high school were held last Friday evening at the Applcgot opera house. To say that every one was pleased with the ex cellent showing of the young ladles and gen tlemen who carried off the honors would but faintly express the real satisfaction felt 'by both teachers nnd patrons. The audience was captivated with the orations nnd felt that tbo people had occasion to feel proud of their public school nnd of these who so ably guided it until it could hold its place with the best In thu state. Th class of graduates numbered thirteen. Their names nro as fol lows : Clara Parkins. Edna"Dudlcv , George B. Chase , Leolr. Thomas , Albert E. Barry , Ida M. Mor. o , Mao E. Str < jot , Hattlo E. Woodarci. Mnynaid H.Voodard , Myrtle B&rncs , Edith 'Cll/bo , Mnrv A. Lncov nnd Miss Alni McAdeo. The presontition of diplomas was made by Dr. J. W. Thomas , president of the ° chool board. Kcuclvad D OAKMVD , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele gram to THE BCF. ] The Fifth annual com mencement exercises of the Oakland high school wcro held In the school house last evening , the graduating class consisted of five members : Misses Pnlmquist. Ander son and Ncwmann , and Messrs. Ktngquist nnd Newmin. The essays and orations showed much thought and study and wore well delivered. Much credit is duo Principal Kcrso nnd his assistants for the manner lu which tno school was conducted and the ad vancement noted during the past vcar. The diplomas were presented by H. H. Bowes. After tbo oxuiclsos were over. Principal Hcoso in u neat speech in behalf of the scholars of the grammar department pres ented Miss Edlo Nelson , the teacher of the grammar school , with a gold locket studded with diamonds. North Ijoup Schools. NOUTII Loui1. Neb. , Juno 18 , [ Special to Tun BF.B.J The fourth annual commence ment of the North Loup high school was held In the Seventh Day Baptist church. Thcfro was a class of ton. the largest In the history of the school. The work of Prof , W. C. Cobb during his tuo years' stay has placed the North Loup schools in the front rank of graded schools In the state. Tbo course admits the graduates to the senior preparatory" class of the state unlucrslty. The graduates are as follows : Grace Cran- dall. Curl Walker , Stella Hood , Ida Sheldon , Adah Smith , Lovcduy Potty , Mabel Herr , .Benjamin Davis , Horace' Davis and Herbert Van Horn. All acquitted themselves with credit. The house was packed and standing room was ut u premium. Vtlca II lull School. UTICA , Nob. , Juno 18. [ Special 'to Tim Bi'.u ] . About five hundred people gathered In the opera bouse last , evening to witness the first annual commencement exercises of the Utlcrt high school. There wore three graduates. Their orations were well deli vered , especially Miss Loyd's. Western Pune'ons. Juno 13. [ Special Tele gram to TiiuBRK.J The following Nebraska pensions were granted today : Bcnjaman F. Burgess , William L. Clark , Silas May , George C. Wilkinson , Sidney Reese , John P. Henderson , Israel K. Jensen , John N. Stcclo , Francis B. Wood , Joseph Muriam. James J. Duvul , William N. Dav , Jerry M. Halo , Ell Bough , Adam Kclrtz , John H. Haines , James U. Rouse , EmanuelHolslngor , John M. VVrav , George E. Whitman. Increase John Phil lips , Joel Darnell , John M. Balr , William J. Carpenter , Edwin B. Buxton. Original widows , etc. Maroa C. Decker , Margaret J. Van Voltlnburg , Maria Bntler. lown : Original Asbburg Polham , Henry Mill , Both B. Myrick. Ctinrlfcs Hallo , Moses J. Rldulo , Julius V. Bliss , Alanzor Bradley. Andrew Q. Dav , James Wlnroot , Michael Gaell , Fred K. HolU , Richard.J. J. Edo , Henry C. Spreon ( decoisod ) . Martin Korwln , John H. McClard. AlLertL. Wood , Thomas , bhort- wood , David Nelson , Gcoriro VV. Taylor , Phillip Ktirchcr , Evans Need , Ralph Reamer , Herman Mcnccnbausor , George Pcarlv , Daniel Park , Addiaon B. Caldwell , Esek N. Chandler , Burrsugho P. Kirk , James A. Sll- cott , John J. .Edwards , Allen Applogato , Samuel A. Purvis. Increase. Wallace W. Wiley , John Helms , ArtnurJ. Cook , Putor H , Vrooman , . John Loftier , Joseph Smith , Samuel W. Brigs , Ulrtch Lenonburger , Charles Espey. Rolssuu Robert H. Malts , James M. Winy Held. Reissue and increase Thomas. Roderick. Original widows eto. Nancy J. Hawthorne , Mary E. Kcdlngton , Ingehiirf Vnudlson , Sarah A. Lnfcrty , Jcunlo G. McElroy. Sophia E. Spreen. ErvJlla L. Hlonls , Mntilldn Powell , Mntillda Glover , Esther G. Barb'art. Mary L. Wright. L.OVAL , ItUKllTlEH. Members of tbo Omaha turnverein will picnic next Sunday at Calboun. The Theosophlcal t > ocloty meets every Sun day evening nt 3 o'clock In room C , Fronzor block. All are invited. There will bo an Interesting flower seivlco nt the Omahn mission on Tenth street near Dodge street this afternoon , John C. Cowln nnd William Wallace ap. poared before Judge Shields yesterday after noon nnd uoro appointed executors of the estate of Dr. John W. MoMenamy , deceased. The young men's Institute will offer a so ciable at their parlors on Fourteenth street between Dodge uud Douglas streets on Tues day evening , Juno 2:1. : Members and their friends nro cordially Invited to attend. The Omaha Ministerial union will meet on Moudav , Juno Ifi , at 10(0 : ; ( a. in. , in Kountzo Memorial English Lutheran church , corner Sixteenth and Hnrnoy streets. A paper will bo read on "Tho Permanent Element In the Sermon , "by Rev. J. A. Henderson. Kountzo Memorial English Lutheran chinch , corner Sixteenth and Harnoy streets. Sevlces nt 1J:30 ( : a. m. and 8 p.m. Sunday luhool ut noon. Young peoples' prayer meet ing at 7 p. m. Preaching both morning and evening by the pastor , Rov. A. J. Turkic. All are cordially Invited aud receive a Chris tian welcome. Trinity cathedral , Eighteenth street and Cupltol nvonuo Very Kov. C. H. Gard ner , dean. Holy communion , 8:00 : a. in. ; Sunday school , 10 a. rn. ' , morning prayer , lltuny und sermon , 11 o'clock n. in. ; evening prayer and sermon , 7:43 : p. m. nt. Rov. E. R. Atwlll , D.D. , bishop of west Missouri , v. Ill preach in the morning. The dean will preach In the evening , Dr. Birncycures catarrh , Bco To Father At the First Mothoillit church tonight there will bo a memorial service hi memory of Dr. T. 1) . Lemon , who Was for yean a staunch member of that church nud n pillar ot Methodism lu Omaha , Addraos will bo made by Hon. A. J , Poppleton , Dr. I * I\ UriU Of liutlug * and BubP" Newman. _ _ CONDiflON OF THE CROPS , What tbo Weekly Baport of the GoTornrnont Signal Office Shows , NEBRASKA SMALL GRAINS SATISFACTORY , Corn n Iilttto Backward Owing to Low Temperature anil Abund ant Ilnln Improved Pros pects In Iowa. WABIIINOTOX , Juno 13. The following Is the weather crop bulletin Issued 'by the sig nal ofllcn ; Temperature The temperature has been slow , normal in nil districts except In the lake region , New England nnd the gull states , where It has been normal or only slightly above. The greatest departure from the normal has been G degrees In Virginia , Iowa , Kansas and on the North Pacific coast. There hnvo been no marked extremes of tem perature during the week and the general temperature conditions have been favorable to plant life. The season's temperature stnco January 1 has been only slightly changed since last week , the conditions being largcl y above the normal In the lake and the ox- trcmo northwest , and below the normal in the south Kocky mountain nnd plateau re gions. Haiti fall As anticipated last week copious rains have broken the .drouth In the east and middln gulf states. Maximum rainfalls arc reported as follows : Wnynesborouch , G a. . 5.1 Inches ; Gnlnsvlllo nnd Toccoa , Gan 4.2 inches ; Augusta , Gn. , 3.b3 Inches. The only portions of the country where no rain has fallen are the mtddlo Now England coast , the middle plateau region and In south California. The rainfall was one inch below the normal In Iowa nnd two inches above the normal In Tennessee and in northern portions of Alabama and Georgia. Precipitation The greatest deficits are as follows From three to six Inches In Illinois and four to six Inches on the gulf coast. Nearly ono and one-half times the normal has fallen In Kansas aud Colorado and In the Interior of Virginia and North Carolina. General Kcmarxs North and , South Dakota : Hatns mostly light nnd in some counties of South Dakota slight drouth. Dr.\lng wind detrimental to all crops ; gen eral average , conditions good. Minnesota Weather favorable to all crops which are in good condition. Haiti Is needed In southeast Minnesota. In some counties cut worms hnvo injured corn and garden , Nebraska Corn backward owing to low temperature and abundant ram. Small grains satisfactory. lovva-r-Considerablo improvement In small grains In all districts. Excessive growth of straw in fall wheat and oats In southern dis tricts. Haln below the normal , butsufllclcnt. Kansas The week has boon cool and cloudy , with an excess of rain from Pratt to Donl- phau counties , conditions unfavorable for corn. Other crops reported doing well. Missouri Wheat prospects declining on account of rust and lodging. Oats and grass growing finely. Arkansas-Crop prospects materially Im proved during the week. Corn delajed by late planting. Cotton looks well. Oats and wheat now being harvested show better results than anticipated. Texas Cotton and corn very promising. Wheat crops best ever grown. Other crops good except buffering from lack of rain along the gulf coast. Louisiana Drouth broltsn. Cotton , corn and sugar cane backward , but now growing rapidly. Hal us too late for gardens. Kico crop small on account of dry weather. Mississippi A.S unticlpU'jd last week the drouth was broken by copious rain. All con ditions more favorable than for a month' . Crops small and late , but taking rapid growth. Alabama Rains beneficial to corn nnd cotton and oats. Gardens doin ? well. Tennessee Crops greatly Improved. Wheat harvesting delayed by ram and wind. Cotton prospects improved , but still poor. Tobacco promising. Kentucky Heavy local showers greatly Improved general outlook. Wheat crop nearly ready for harvesting. ' Corn small , but Improving. Gardens look better ; fruit promising. Illinois Wheat promises well. Harvest ing in south portion begins next week. Other crops greatly benefited by late rains , but higher temperature Is needed for corn. Indiana Conditions favorable for crops. Wheat nearly mature. Fruit crop reported largo. Some injury caused by thunderstorms in southeast portions. Wisconsin Greater portion of the state re ports severe drouth , except In southern counties. Crop conditions in southern coun ties nro favorable. Michigan Crops suffering from drouth m northern portion , though they are doing fairly Well in southern portions. Ohio Fiao crowing weather , crops Im proving rapidly. Barley harvest begun. May frosts damaged wheat in northeast counties , whore only half a crop Is estimated : South Carolina Plentiful rainfall , well distributed , has been beneficial to all crops. Lack of sunshine has been slightly Injurious to cotton. In some localities hail has dam aged crops , compelling replanting. North Carolina Weather decidedly cool and unfavorable to cotton , which is reported quite poor. An abundant wheat harvest is begun. Many crops overrun with weeds. Virginia Crop conditions good. Corn is In excellent condition. KUst is reported in some Holds. Fruits in good condition. Now JersovHaln beneficial , but. Insuffi cient. Wheat nnd rye very satisfactory. Oats , hay und fruit , and especially peaches , rather deficient , Pennsylvania Drouth Is reported In north eastern counties. Favorable conditions , bow- c\er , except for oats and hay. Average crops are anticipated. Fruit crops excellent. Now York Crop prospects somewhat un favorable ; too little rain. Grass only half a crop. Much corn .replanted. Fruits , except cherries and plums , in good condition. Mow England All crops suffering much for want of rain. Grasses generally below the average. Fruit promises well. Oregon General condition fayorable. Some hop lice reported. Wheat much im proved. Conditions novcr better for large harvests. California Too much rain in norther Cali fornia for bay. Grain Is reported lodged In northern > portion of the state. Prospects food for largo yield of wheat and barley. * In southern California , fruits except prunes , in good condition. Wheat prospects not good. Potato crop large. Colorado \Veathorvery \ beneficial to grow ing crops. Grain In excellent condition , also n flnq 'fruit crop'promised. . Destructive Hoods lu Poudre vallny. NEW STUISIST LIGHTS. Couiicllmeu Still StriiKjHng with nn Opou Question. 1 ho city council met In committee of the whole last night to consider the question of lights for thu suburban portion of the city. Chairman Mad > en of the committee on gas and electric lights was absent. Deputy Clerk nibcrson was appointed to bring him before ho commlttoto. The delayed the meeting nearly an hour. Finally he was brought forward , but was not ready to report. Ho wanted to wait until next Tuesday night. While ho was talking the electric lights in tbo council cnamoer ournod low and died out. For fifteen minutes the councilinon throw paper wads nnd called for Suporlu- dent Wiley. After the light bad been turned on a report from the comptroller was read. Of the levy for lighting U shows that fibS , - ) S 6.02 has uocn expended , leaving a balance of (40,014.03 on baud. Mndson insisted upon postponing action atll next Tuesday night. A number of members protested , stating that a number of postponements have bvrn had. Osthon was elected chairman and tbo mem- jers talked against tlmo until 10 o'clock , when the lights again wont out aud the meet ing adloumed. During the progress of the raoetltie Moroarly cot through a resolution that pro vides that at the next mooting the councilmen - men from the respective wards shall submit a list of the lights actually needed. Inspector Gilbert furuUhed this list of amps that he stated are actually needed : First ward , 85 ; Second ward , 78 ; Fifth ward , 54 ; Sixth ward , JU9 ; Seventh ward , 73 ; Ninth ward , 174. Ho thought , those hould bo gasolluo lainp u thov are to be located In portions of the cfryj'not ' reached by gas mnlns. rfe ChnfTco favflrod plnclng tfrb Hunts nroum Hanscom park. ThU was 'opposed by sev eral members , who Ihsuukl 'that the park commission should locate nWJ Vmy for such lamps."J'5 ' Cooper did not want to'ci ' a wholesale placing of lamps. ' ' < Loxvry argued that COO"iftTdlUonal lamps will nil the bill. . ' "J The committee and the 'cay Inspector will attempt to report upon tho'Wllnbor Tuesday JACKSOMAN I - Omahn Democrats Dtft&isRlng ttio Weight of the NcW. Party. The Jacksontnn club mot in Pabst's hall last evening to transact a lot of business In cidental to 1U organization And also to dis cuss the nttltudo-that the now people's party bears toward the democratic party. T. J. Mahoney was the principal speaker. Ho declared that the alliance platform had much In common with democratic principles , but In ono or two particulars leaned toward republican Idea ; . Ho thought that from principal It was n good thing , ns It would tend to the frco and general discussion of old and niw Ideas , and it Is also a good thing from n standpoint of policy , as It can last but a few campaigns at most , und Its members will then naturally gravitate Into the democratic ranks. Ho ex pected It would bo successful In n few states this fall , nnd possibly in 1SW. Ho oven would admit that the new Tarty mlirtit cota few of the electoral votes , but It wouldn't cut any figure. Ho fully expected to sec an alliance supreme Judge elected in Nebraska this fall. Ho was , however , opposed to fusion in any form , nndantcd the democrats to stand or fall by their principles without any unholy combinations. Ho declared that the fusion In the Second congressional district last fall was what Idst the state tlciiet to the democracy , as It resulted in no democratic county tickets being placed In the field In sixteen of the twenty-two counties In that district , which led to the abandonment of n party light there. W. S. Shoemaker seconded Mnhonoy's Ideas but didn't want to antagonize tbo al liance too much , yet thought Is best to let the new party know that the democrats wcro alive. J. J. O'Connor took Issue on the non-fusion idea nnd argued that anything was better than allowing the republicans to win , nnd cited Instances where fusion had boon suc cessful. ills plan was to fuse by holcsalo In the alliance strongholds , capture Kansas , Nobiaska , South Dakota and Minnesota in Ib'JIi , throw the election Inton democratic housu of representatives and boost a demo crat Into the white house. Tbo speakers nil announced that they had given tbo subject llttlo thought and didn't know anything about it , but wore willing to express crude ideas for crystallzatlon in the brains of their auditors. HARD ON THE M3IWCS. Exciting Eplsodo on n Hanscom Park Motor Train. Ono woman fainted , n fat man fell In a fit and crushed u lai'fy under him , a shriek went up from a score of throats and'a wild stam pede followed. All this disturbance Vas3causcd by the ' derailing of a Hanscom p'urk motor train about 7:45 : last evening at ho' corner of Lenv- enworth and Twenty-sixth. „ streets. The train was making fast timo'down the grade when the forward brake Venin fell on the track. The motoi ; car jujuped about tnreo feet in the air and lauded nvith a crash on what was o'ice the cedar blocR pavement. The motorninn was thrown over the brake and the passengers wore furled from their seats. Just as the car m6untcd the fallen beam a second lmo the matorinan recovered himself und shut off the current , but by this time the crowded cara had bijcn vacntoJ. by nil the passengers oxcont' tuc fat man and the two women. Nobody \vds seriously in jured but trafllc was delayed about forty minutes. The cause of the Accident Is un known. _ ' coi T IMniule. GelcvHlcvuks | 'Funeral. The funeral ot llttlp.Mnnjlo Estolfe Gcllon- beck took place nt 2:3T ( > yestordny afternoon from the family residence , Oil North Seven teenth street. Rev. Dr. Harsha officiating. The rcmains.of the winsome cnlld whoso life wont out under such distressing circum stances were encased In a glass white casket , which was almost hidden under a wealth of fragrant floweis. * At the close of the services the casket was borne to the hearse , uigbt llttlo girls dressed In white and wearing black sashes acting us pall bearers. Four of them supported the casket , while two walked before and two be hind bearing floral emblems. It was a sadly beautiful spectacle and deoplv impressed all who witnessed It. The remains of the llttlo sutferer wcro laid to rest In Forest Lawn. Well Merited Prnlso. In almost every neighborhood there Is someone ono or more persons whoso lives hnvo been saved by Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera und Diarrhoea Romody.or who have been cured of chronic diarrbroa by it. 'Such persons take special pleasure In recommending the remedy to otheis. The praise that follows the intro duction nnd use makes it very popular. 25 and 50-ccnt bottles for sale by all druggists. After the Scliut/.cnt'cst. Mr. Louis Helmrod left last night for St. Louis at the requestor Fred Fuller , the great sharpshooter. The national schut/enfest Is being hold at that place and Is about to bo brought to a close. Thus far the Omaha sharpshooters have distinguished themselves , Mr Fuller having won n gold medal nnd a gold watch. The choice of the place for the tournament two years nonce lies between Omaha and Chicago. Mr. Fuller asked Mr. Helmrod to go down aud aid them In the attempt to wiu iho choice. This fost means a great deal to this city nnd many people nero hope that it will bo ob tained. Do Witt's Little Early foscrs. Best llttlo pill over made. Cure constipation every time. Nona equal. Use thdm now. Will Chiumo the Will ) . The committee on buildings , and property ot tbo board of education met yesterday afternoon and looked over the plans for the ICollora school , with a vlow to finding out if any needed changes should bo made before signing the contract with Mr. Mciigedoht for tbo oroctioL' of the building. The com mittee decided to recon m : nd to the board the chancre of the twelvu-lnch wall to n soventccn-lnch wall , m . .accordance with the demands of tbo bulfijiiitf Inspector , al though tbo members of th6 board , as welt us the architects , declare that'tho iuspector has no lawful right to demand moie thann twelve-Inch wall above llq basement in'a two-story and basement bujldlng. ' No griping , no nausea , , , ; ; pain when Do Witts Little Earlv KUor aw taioa. Small pill. Sufopdl. Best plllj , Death of .JIrn , "ITmstod. Mrs. Umstcd , mothor'of ! W. W , Umstea , manager of the Omaha dfllcd of the Western Union telegraph compiin'Oilcd nt the resi dence of her son , 4032 Fa'rnain street , ycstcr- duv afternoon , aged sovbutjt-slx years. The funeral will beheld thlsaftcinoon nnd the remains will bo tatvcn td'her old homo at riftln , O. * Do Witt's Llttlo Eurlv Risers for the Llvor SlirlnorB Coming ; Here. Judtro Gustavo Anderson returned yester day from Niagara Falls , whore ho attended .ho Imperial council of the Mystlo Shrine. The council was a very pleasant affair , and Judge Anderson succeeded In having the irctbrcn select Omaha'as the oasis at which the tents will bo pitched next year. The visiting caravans will iin-lvo from across the desert about the mlJdla of August , Fully Ivo hundred pilgrims will attend the council n Omaha noxt.yeur. Failed to Kill Himself. Jobn Albert , an old man living nt 2310 Pacific street , a'tempted to commit sulddo yesterdav by drawing a razor across his hroat. Ho failed to sorer the rivulets of Ifo , however , and by the assistance of u surgeon goon the wound was sowed up and Mr Albert u now aorry ho made tbo attempt. CHINESE LABOR DISCOUNTED , Madagascar Gold Minors Working for. Ton Cents a Day , NO USE FOR LABOR SAVING MACHINERY , Will Work n Life Tlmo for n Mere I'lttnncc fjlvcs Worth Two Cents JUuch IVlioro Strikes nro Unknown. CIIICAOO OFFICE OP Tnr. DUE , I CHICAGO , Juno Kl. I For digging gold from the mines of Mada gascar the natives are paid 10 cents per day. On account of this Francisco Natoro , the agent of the big manufacturing lirm of Frazer & Chalmers of .this city , found it im possible \ sell any mining machinery when ho visited the Island for that purpose ro- ccntly. . "I made the mine owners much lower rates than wo are accustomed to ? ccclvo In this country , " said ho , "but they said they didn't want any labor saving machinery at that rate , because the labor Itself was so much cheaper. I enlarged on the advantages of ono of our pneumatic drills and quoted a very low figure for it , but the mining super intendent to whom I talked said ho could h'.ro a man to drill for a lifetime for the same amount of money. " As un Illustration of the value of money In the eyes of these dark-sklnnud laborers , Mr. Natero told how eighteen of them lost their lives In an attempt to earn 2 cents per day ndvatico on their regular stipend. One of these mines exhibited symptoms of caving in and thirty of the mon'weni to the supeilntetulent of the mine and complained that It was hazardous to work there. The superintendent being unable to nllav their alarm by argument , said ho would give any man who would \\ork there the munlllcont salary of 12 cents per day. Unable to resist such an offer , so un precedented In Its liberality , eighteen of the men came forward and went to work in the mine. A few days later It caved in and all of them were killed. Tbo comp my dug them out lit its lolsuro and turned them over to filends and relatives for burial. Mr. Natoro says so far as lie could learn they never have any labor demonstrations in Madagascar and strikes are unit Mown. FAST OCEAX PASSAGE. Fred W. Gray of Omaha passed through Chicago today on bis way homo after a four months' trip to Europe. Ho Is looking fresh and vigorous and says the outing did him a world of good. He spent most of his tlmo in the southern part of Fiance and in Netting hamshire , England , where his father und two sisters still live. Tbo Majestic , in which he made the return passage , crossed in live days and twontv-two hours , the fastest time on iccord , considering the fact that she was obliged to go out of her way to avoid Ice bergs. WESTIMIV PFOrl.E IN CIIICVOO. Among the western people in Chicago today wcro the following : At the Grand Pacific Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Save , Wymore. Neb. ; Frank Murphy , Gcoreo E.'Prttchott , E. E. Nauirlo. A. T. Richard- son. Omaha ; D. C. Howaid , Kearney , Neb. ; C , H. Foley-Robert P. Grant. Buttc , Mont. At the Auditorium Jamo" o illlvan , Mon tana ; G. A. Ackeiman. B. C. V.iss , Omaha. At the Leland A. W. Clauoy , Dos Moincs , la. la.At the Wellington J. Piper , DCS Moines , la. ; J. S. White , Omaha. At thq Palmer E. ShcrDurn , W. P. Dur- keo , Fred E. Allen , Omaha. At the Fremont John G. Patterson , Sunny Citv ; Thomas Curprit , Omaha ; C. W. Loomis , Beatrice , Neb. At the Shonr.an Mrs. L. S. Merchant , Cedar Rapids , la. ; Mr. and Mrs.V. . W. Tay lor , Hedfleld , S. D. ; E.V. . Hunt , Lincoln , Nob. ATKIMiO.V. SENT IN TtlEUl BILLS. Assessors Get 'Iliolr Claims Before the County CoinmiHbloncrs. At the session of the board of county com- ' missloners held yesterday afternoon Commis sioner Berlin's resolution providing for the discharge of the two men , James T. Atwood and Ed J. Parratt , who wore hired af$75 per month to re-wrlto the numerical indices was defeated. The bond of the Dundee place street car company was presented and approved. The contract provides for an hourly service. Cnra leaving the west end of the line will start at 0 o'qlock in the morning. The lost car will depart from the Farnum street terminus at U o'clock at night. The bond of T. Sullivan , who is to furnish meat for the poor farm was presented and ap proved. The following bills of assessors wcro pre sented and referred to the committee : FlMt Ward Henry Ehrenpfort , ? J08 ; John Zoller , deputy , § 174. Second Ward M , Lois , $203 ; L. D. Pick- ard , $78 ; F. Lois , deputy , $102 ; George Anthers , $11 ! ! . Third Ward D. Posgrovo , $221 ; Thomas Crosby , deputy , ? 1G3 ; Kato Cosgrovo , ? 18. ) ; James Talbot , * J10 ; P. MoAndrews , deputy , * Fifth Wnrd-W. B. Franklin , ? 212 ; John Leehv , deputy , $137 ; J. J. Sherlock , deputy , ID'i. Sixth Wnrd-F. . Manvlllo , ? 101 ; BIrdie Monvlllo. deputy , $177 ; F. A. Golden , dep uty , $177 ; John C. Luke , deputy , $177. Sovontn Ward H. B. Unll , 878 ; H. B- Hall , $100 ; William Honan , doputv , $72 ; U , S. F. Montgomery , deputy , $03 ; H. II. New. comb , deputy , $00 ; H. U. Nowcomb , deputy. $78. Eighth Wurd-S. B. Lake , $182 ; E. L. Lake , deputy , $177. ' * ' . W. Shollington , deputy. MT ; G. W. Sperbock.df puty , $13. . Ninth Wnrd-G. D. Smiley , $103 ; G. D. Smiley , deputy , $129 ; G. D. Smlloy , deputy , $474 ; G. D. Smlloy. deputy , $129. South Omaha- . Harrlgan , $101 ; D. A. Peary , deputy , $177 ; Patrick Butler , f'JJ. West Omaha-P. P. Morgen , $2JO. East Omaha-John O'Douncll , $203. In the matter of coroner's fees , Constable John Dingman presented a bill of $20 for em pannollng In the Beaver woman's case. Commissioner O'Kooffo introduced a reso lution providing that "before the assessors are paid they and their deputies shall present their bills duly sworn to. By resolution the two men who are rewrit ing the numerical Indices wcro granted ac cess to all books In the olKco of the register of deeds. Aside from this Register Mcgcath will bo compelled to furnish them oflico and desk toom. Commissioner Tlrnmo broke over the elght- lotir rule and introduced a resolution , pro viding that , beginning next Wednesday , the commissioners will meet at 7:30 : o'clock each evening and sit as a board of equalisation. 1'ho resolution was adopted and tue sessions will bo held to hear complaints. Fremont's Chillitniun : < FUFMOXT , Nob. , Juno 13. To the Editor of Tin ; BEE : Extensive and complete prepara tions are being made for the annual session of the Central Ctiuutnuqun assembly , which opens hero Juno 23 aud continues until July G , Inclusive. The grounds are being titled in excellent shnpo. A line throe-story hotel Is aboutcom- ilotcd. Tbcro are several cottages under , voy , which will bo completed by the tlmo the assembly opens. The contract has boon closed and work begun on the extension of the city electric light out to the grounds , so .he assembly will have tbo best of service 'rom the tlrst day , 'Iho programme Itself Is ono of the host that has over been offered to the Chautauqua- going people of the east or the west. The management has been fortunate in securing such men as Itov , A. W. Pattou , U.D. ; BUbop Vincent has promised to bo present If sickness uoes not prevent : Dean Alfred A. Wright , Bishop Newman. Wilbur F. Crafts , James Clement Ambrose. Rov. M. D. Carroll , Prof. W , U. French of Chicago , Leon H. Vin cent , nephew of Bluhpp Vincent , Prof. L. A. rorruus of Omaha , the director of the Apollo qlub , Kov. Conrad Hanoy of Chicago , u man wonderfully popular with thu Grand Army of the Republic , und Jobji M. T huMton , who delivers his oration on "General Grant" July 4 , at 2 : SO sharp. The management has added a special feature to the assembly programme , known as the Teacher's Retreat , ThU i Intended to take the place of institute work , nnd several city school boards and county super intendents have excused their tcnchers from the regular Institute work , who promised to pursue the work of the Teachers' rotruat at the assembly. It Is n grand opportunity for teachers. They have time to enjoy nearly all of the good things in the programme , and nt the same tlmo keep up their regular i work. 60 VTllttSt A Ml. of PrtliliiH. All members of Lily Division No. 8 , Un iform Rank , Knights of Pythias , nro ordered to report nt the armory , 2418 N street , nt 13 o'clock noon today In full uniform , ( spike ) to Attend the funeral of Sir Knight Stuart of Omaha. _ Cliu-ch Notes. Methodist-Sunday school nt 0 45. Chil dren's ' day. Com-crt exorcises nt 11 o'clock. The auditorium will bo beautifully decorated for the occasion. Epworth league , led by Miss Mabel L. Silver , at 7 o'clock. Preaching - ing nt 8 o'clock p. m. by the pastor , Kov. C. N. Dawson. Subject , "Why Should 1 Be lieve ! " Christian Uov. Marion Boles will Vrol > c" at II o'clock on "An Universal Kollglon. " Sunday school nt 10 o'clock. Endca\or so ciety at 7 o'clock , Children's day exorcises In the evening. At the West Albrlirht nils- slon Sunday school will bo hold at ! l o'clock and a sermon at I p m. Presbyterian Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Children's day oxorr-lsos at II anil n sermon bv Kov. Kobert L. Wheeler at 8 o'clock to young people. Another I > : m < > John Henry Louchnor , ono of the best fore men of the Omaha packing company , has Hied a complaint against a dago by the euphonious name of ChrlstlanoGuIdlco for as sault \\'lh ' Intent to kill. Judge King will ascertain the offense of the attempted carving by the unrestrained sou of sunny Italy. Notes About the City. Otto , son of Mr. nnd MM. Itotruwclt. is sick. sick.William William S. Van Duscn has gene to Bald- wlnsvlllo , N. Y. The gun club will hold a shoot on thoThird ward grounds this afternoon. B. M. Stonsfort , A. B. Beaten and A. Powell will Sunday at Honey Crcok lake. A. L. Bralnard of the commission llrm of Sloter , Siivaea A : Kelly , Is on the slcK list. II. P. Morris will remove to Colorado , hoping to benefit the health of Mrs. Morils. William Burncsi , who has boon arranging tbo Cudaby market in Lincoln , has returned. Mrs. B. C. Anderson has gene to Ottawa Bcacn , Mich , to spend the summer with relatives. The Hammond and Swift bill clubs will play on the First ward grounds torn orrow forenoon. John Sonimcrs , OHO of the telegraph opera tors at the Cudahy packing plant , Is out on his vacation. Mrs. Cli H. Doud will spend the summer visiting relatives and friends in Chicago , 111. , and Ithaca , N. Y. W. A. Jackson of the McCloud-Lovo commission - mission company , after n thrco weeks' busi ness trip to Chicago , has returned. W. E. Skinner of the stockvurds traveling force has gone down to look after the Aruona and Now Mexico shipping -sections. The Stocnynrds Greys and the Clovers of Omaha will play ball on the First ward grounds at , ' ! o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Nathan and daughters , Miss Flora , Palma and Carrie , of Council Bluffs are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Heyman. A special meeting of the livestock exchange will bo held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock to act on the proposed change of rule 21. The social und Io3 cream festival given last night In the Methodist church w.is well at tended nnd was us much of a financial us a social success. Manager A. C. Foster of Swift & Co , who with his wife has been spending a fortnight recreating m Polorado , bus returned im- piovod in health. - Delegate Fred McDoucall and Captains Frank E. Hart and C. C. Cole have returned from Geneva , whore they attended the state camp Sons of Veterans. The arrangements for the dance nnd enter tainment by the Bohemian turners' sokol , in National hall , Twenty-fourth and L streets , has been completed and a largo crowd is ex pected. The Never Sweats defeated the Yards club on the Exchange grounds vostordav af ternoon by n score of ? 0 to 10. The foatuies of the game were the catching of Lynch and Uufferty. Lynch made two homo runs. The members of cigarmnitors1 union have challenged the members of the barbers' union to play a game of baseball Saturday after noon , Juno 20. It will not bo only a shaver and snipe game , but the game of the season. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Collman , who reside at 2423 , DoJgo street , nro very happy over the arrival of an infant son. Senator and Mrs. Paddock , of Beatrice , are also interested very pleasantly In the event. When the baby begins to talk ho will call them "gun-pa" and "gan-ma. " The zeal of the garbagemastor has eot him into an amusing mess. Going to a certain locality , at the request of the tenant , tbo garbagemastor bovan examining the prom ises , when the mistress of the house , mis taking the public ofllclul for nn Inquisitive tramp , inquired his business , and not receiv ing satisfactory answers , set on him with a broom in hand and drove him away. I'JSKSOXA Ij M'.l It 4 fi K.t PUS. "F. M Polk of Lincoln Is u the Millard. A. II. Agorof Lincoln is at the Millard. A. N. Parks of Norfolk is at the Murray. John Tighoof Humbolt Is nt the Millard. W. S. Garber of Lincoln is nt the Paxton. J. A. HornDorgor of Norfolk is at the Mur ray. ray.M. M. A. Motzgor of Beatrice is at the Mur- riy. riy.Charles Charles E. Baker of Beatrice is at the Mil lard. lard.A. A. W. Albro of Gratia is a guest at tbo Dellono. J. F. Allen of Fromout is n guest at the Murray. Mrs. Darling , KOCK Springs , \Vyo. , Is nt tbo Paxton. W. C. Dickey and wlfo of St. Paul are at the Millard. William Fulton of Nebraska City Is a guest at the Paxton. M. C. West and wlfo of Denver nro guests at the Millard. W. L. Wilson of Nebraska City is a guest at the Dellono. Frank Carruthy and Byron Clark of Plaits mouth nio at the Murray. A. L. Spearman nnd Thomas Coleman of apringllold are at the Paxton. E. A. Brown , and Cinroncj Englo of Ne braska City are at the Dollono. H. W. Cameron and George N. Launnu of Salt Luke City are at the Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Parks , returned Fri day from their western tour of the Black Hills. Mrs. W. E. Stuckor from Deadwood , S. D. . arrived Friday and Is visiting friends In the Bluffs. Captain Price , wlfo nnd sister of Liverpool , England , are In the city , guests of their uncle , Air. James MoVittlo. Bishop Newman returned yesterday from n two weeks * tour among the Methodist , churches of Iowa and Nebraska. Miss Lillian Stadolmann , 1423 South Twcnty-olgnth street , has cone to Chicago or a two month's * visit with friends. O. J. Van Dyke of Shclton , grand state octuror of the Ancient Order of United Workmen ledge , will bo In South Omaha Monday evening to Institute n ledge nf the dcgteo of honor. All persona Intoicstod urged to attend. _ "Darkest KiiKluml" Coming. Commissioner Balllngton Booth and wife of London will nrrlvo in Council Bluffs to- norrow afternoon and will bo mot by about ono hundred soldiers of ( ho Salvation nnny , who will escort thn visitors to Omaha. In the evening Mr. Booth will speak at ' house "Darkest " Boyd'sopora upon England , Tba Nebraska Wesleyan university has conferred the decree , of doctor of divinity upon Kov. P , S. Merrill of the First Method- st church and Kov. George S. Davis , now n Bulgaria , but formerly editor of the Ne braska Christian Advocate. PROLONGING THE SUSPENSE , Thayer Says Ho Will Mnko No Moro Ay pointmonta for the Present , EMPLOYES EARNING THE SALARIES , Myntorloii8 Movements of the Stnto'a Kxcoiitlvc Mnuolti Will Cclolirnto . Airs. Nliu's Noted Uroiioh of 1'romlHO Suit. Lixcor.v , Nob. , Juno 13. ( Special to THI Bii.J : : ( Sovernor Tlmyer has loft the city and the gentlemen connected with the execu tive oflico who are busy drawing their sala ries and their breath , either do not know his whereabouts or affect Ignorance In re gard to It , Three of the fourof these attaches nro engaged in playing lawn tennis most ot the time or exerting themselves In ilmllar exhausting intellectual labor In the service ot the state. The only ono who Is loft most of the time to guard the gubernatorial chair from Intrusion Is Tom Oooko. It is reported that Tlmyer Is In Denver , but ho loft In the evening very quietly nd almost mysteriously and his exact where abouts are not known. It is believed , however - over , tiint ho is out of the sttuo and that the real governor df Nebraska just now is a bronzed tiller ol the soil In Nomiiha county , known as Tom Majors , who Is Industriously Increasing the wealth of the state by tenderly caring for 1X ( ) acres of coriff M ITTMtS OP A1TOINTMENT. Before leaving the state for the second tlmo In two days , Governor Thnjcr gave It out cold that ho would not make any appoint ments.of nny Idnd until the middle of July. Still people who affect to know declare that this announcement Is merely to throw people off the Hack concerning the truth of the premature announcement of appointments ho Is going to make. Not only has u labor com missioner for the state and a commissioner general for the world's fair boon chosen , ac cording to reports , but also ncarlv all the other six commissioners. It is rumoied that in cnio Judo Mason feels physically able to look after the duties of his oflico Hotcitlss is to bo his right hand man and will bo the person who will really have charge of the exhibit. LINCOLN' MILL CELEnilATB. The leading cltl/cns of the city of Lincoln have signed a call urging that ail residents unite with the old soldiers on the Fourth of July In celebrating the 115th anniversary of American Independence. Tbo veterans are to have some great attractions and If the citi zens unite- with thoin In making the celebra tion a success it is believed that the event will bo the most uotablo Fourth of July In the history of the city. MIIS. NIMH ( MNNOT COMB. In the now notorious case of Mrs. Hattlo Nlms , the charming widow , vs Hilly Darr , the aged and wealthy bachelor , the plaintiff's attorneys tiled a iro'.lon today icquostlng the court to continue the ilnai hearing of the mo tion to dismiss said cause for failure of Mrs. Nlms to return to Lincoln and submit to a medical examination. She claims that she Is In too delicate health to appear. HIBII tXDBll THE KNIPr. The many friends of Hon. J. B. Archibald , a well known attorney and member of tha council from the Fourth ward , wore aston ished today to hear ot his sudden death. Ho died from the effects of a surgical operation. About two weeks ago Mr. Archibald made a mis-stop on a stairway and wrenched his left knee. A few days later a bunch of varicose veins formed nt the knco. A physician at tempted to remove the same but failed to perform the operation as it ought to bo dono. Accordingly the doctor attempted another operation about noon today , and Juat as tha ph.vslclan was llnishlng tue worlc Archibald was found to bo u corpse. Mr. Archibald bus been a resident of Lin coln about live years. A CLEVHII OArTum : . Five thieves giving the names of A. II. Moore. U. L. Conrad , Martin Donald , Ed Donald and M. A. Armstrong were caught in a clover manner by a B. & M. conductor. The ticket puncher discovered at Louisville that this gang of fellows had broken Into ono of the freight cars containing fruit. The con ductor Immediately slammed the door of the car shut , locked it and brought the thieves to Lincoln where lie turned them over to the police. THE WAIIKEI , niVOIIOR CAS" , The second chapter of the Wurfol divorce case was filed In the district court today and Mrs. Warfel's answer is fully as sensational as the application of her husband , Clydo. She declares , that her husband Is a crank , that ho destroyed her finest clothes claiming that they were an instrument of Satan , that ho alienated her friends from b'cr and so mis used her that she U an invalid. ODDS AXU ENDS. The officers are still looking In vain for A. M. Peters , the fellow from Denver who , under pretense of ill health , succeeded lu inducing eight druggists to violate the ordi nance against the sclllni ; of liquor on Sun day. A warrant is out for his arrest on the cuirgo of violating section 27 of the statute iclatlng to the sale of liquor. 1 ho sensational divorce suit brought by Mrs Sadlo B. Luschor against her husband Edward ban resulted in the lady having her prayer granted and given permission to as sume her maiden name of Sadlo Bennett. The fourth annual mooting of the American ( Juicers' and Detectives' association will beheld held in Lincoln Juno iil , 21 and > . The old settlers of Lancaster county will hold their annual picnic at Cushman park next Thursday. Mrs. James Horn was thrown out of her carriage yesterday and suffered a compound fracture of ono of the bones in her arm. Skins on Fire With Itching , Burning , Blooding Eczemas Instan'ly Relieved by Cu icura Remodios. Our IIUIO.BOII will bo four yours nf aico on thu ath lust. In Miiy. 18H : > , he wax attacked with a very pain ill breaking out of tliuhklu , Wti called in u phyxlulun , who treated him for about four wcekn. Thu child received little erne no good from thu treatment , as thu breaking nut , BiipHObud by thu physician to t > o hives In nn aggregated ( Win. Ix.'c.imolurKitr In blotches , and morn and moru distressing , \Vu were fro- qnuntly obliged to Rut up In the night and rub him with soil a In water , strung liniments , oto. rinally , wo called other pliVHlcluiiH , until on loss than six had attempted to cure him , all ell lie falling , and the child Htoadlly gutting worse and norso. until about thulit h of last .Inly , when wu boiran to who him CuriuuiiA Iti-Hor.viiNT IntoMially , nnd thu CinicuiiA nud llimciiitA bur externally , and by tin ) I ant of August li ) < witHrio nearly well that , woguvo him only ( mi ) dose of the HFPOI.VKNT aliout every second day fnrabuut ton days longer , and ho bus never he en doubled idnoo with thu horrid malady. In all wo used less tlrmano half of a bottle of OUTicuiu KBBOI.VKNT , u little lens limn one bov of ( JiiTicuuA. and only ono cuko of UL'TicuiiA HOAI- . II. i : . ItVAN. Oayuga , MvlnifHlon ( Jo. , 111. Pulmcrllmd and tiunrn to lofoio me Dili 4th day of January , 1B87 , 0. N.OOK.J. 1 > . Cuticura Remedies. Pit mil IB. do ynu realize how your llttlo onea milTor , whun their tender Hltlim are literally on Ilin with Hulling , burning , scaly und blotched skin and sculp dlbe.iM-sV 'lo know that a slimlu application of the UUTICUJIA UKMBIIUH will often uffonl Instant icllof.imr- mlt rest and sleep , und point to n , purnmnont nnd economical , ( because MI upuudyj on re , and not to IIMI them , without a inoiiicMt'H delay , Iftto uo Kullty of multlvu Inhumanity. No greater luxuuycan \ huntawi-il upon a child than u clear HUln and pure bloo 1 , CIITIUUIIA lttm.iiiKB am absolutely pure , and may bo used from Infancy to age , from plniinoa to burofula. BoMoyery wliero. I'rlco , CUTICUIIA , . We i HOAI- , 2&c. ; Ueiolronl , fl , rroimruil by the I'urfiu IIUIHI .INDCliEMlCAI.Coll I'Olf ATlo.v , Iliiilon , Mai riTbO nl fur "Huvf lu Curu Hklii ll ) > eii > u . " RAnY'Q ' Hklnnml Hualp purllloil anil Muuitltlea DHU I 0 by CUTICUIIA Ho A r. Ab uluu lr pure NOlfiEllTlZTBOUT HE ! IN ( INK UlNinK TDK CUTICUIIA ANTI-TAIN I'I.ASTEK rullcvui rjiuu- - * - > matlo , hclatlc , hip. klilni'y , HIUBCU- * "JE Itir. und client pafiu. Thu ( lrt uud onlyTnbtuutuuooui lulu kllliu Btrouthonlug