2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , JUNE 14 1801SIXTEEN PAGES , IWITCIIELl IS ALL RIGHT , Bis B/g / Eight Arm Fooled the Doughty Denventes Moat Completely. OMAHA GOES BACK INTO SECOND PUCE , Dark Iny Conway Puts n Ncnt Coat of Kibosh on tlio Husky H Other.Hane . - Imll GatncN. Omaha , B ; Denver , 1. Kansas City , 1C ; Lincoln , 0. Sioux City. r > ; Milwaukee , i. 8U Paul , 13 ; Minneapolis , 11 , Colo. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BnK.I The Lntnbv won the game today with the greatest of case. Denver vor secured hits oft Twltcbell In but thrco innings , the solitary runS scored In the sixth being on singles by McClollan , Curtis and Whlto. * The homo team missed First Baseman O'Brlon , that bag being covered by ono Solna , who played with the Sacrnmontos last year and will probably tiot nppear In Denver apain. Ho can stop balls , but ho can not bat , nnd his attempt to run Oases' fur nishes fun for nil to whom awkwardness Is , laughable. Burns nmJo his appearance In center field for Denver , but did not particularly distin guish himself. Otherwise the Donvors played a lifeless and aggravating gaino , Ken nedy's ' work in the box bulng iho only par ticularly good feature. and listless Holding allowing several hits that mleht have been cut off. MuOurr was particularly dead. The Lambs played sharply and briskly , flolcllng everything within roach , suvo nt ono or two unimportant points , none of tbolr er rors being costly. In tbo first Shannon rnodo a bit , went to second on Donnelly's base oil-balls and scored on Hnlllgan's lilt. In the fourth Twitcholl made a hit and caino In on McCnuloy's two-bagger. In the sixth McCauley knocked a * fly Into distant loft iluld , which Muck secured after a bard run and iv Jump , but. foil and the bull wont on , and before ho could secure and got the ball homo the batter had scorod. In the eighth Griflln was presented first. Twltcbell maUo a hit and McCauley made ono and It scored both men ahead of him , but ho was caught at * second. The Denver so-cnilod sluggers don't scorn So bo worth the attention outside olubs pay them by coming hero to play ball. Scora : SUJIMA11V. Earned rmn : Donvor. 1 ; Omalm , 2. Two- base lilts : Ilulll un , McO.iulujr. Stolen b.isos : Mack , ilcOlirr. Mianmm. Double plays : blmnnon to McCnnley. First base on balls : OffKcniicilv.il ; Twitc-holl , 4. 1'iiwd bills : Nowinan. Wild pltchox : Konncdy. Time : Ono hour. Umpire : UalTnoy. > OTHEll WKtiTKltX G Never Sntllo Comvay Hooduos the Fanners In Excellent Stylo. KANSAR Crrr , Mo. , Juno 13. [ Special Tolo grum to Tun Bii.J : The principal feature of today's game wns the remarkable pitching' Con way. Ho scorned to feel that ho was in H i n critical position , that his head depended upon the excellence ot his woik. Any wny ho only lot Lincoln have two hits off him. The game wa. ? excellently played on the part of Kansas City's boys , but somehow the Lin coln team didn't seem to tnko much Interest In It when they found that Conwuy was clonr out of rcncli. Thrco thousand jive hundred people witnessed the gamo. Kansas City's base stealing wns extraordi nary. Five bases wore stolen lu the llrst In ning , two of them hy Manning and three by Poster. Tno latter , after Rotting n base bit , atolo second , third nnd homo with great norvo. The Blues did not hit Uoach very hard until the sixth inning , when ho wns driven all over the field. It was the same wny In Iho seventh everybody did it. In oho eighth and ninth the work of slaughter was somewhat abated. Poster scored a homo run. Score : Total . < 3 17 37 9 t Total . TO 2 27 10 9 1IY 1 > NIMK. . Knnias Cltjr 2 0001400 2 U Lincoln . 0 0 0 0 0 U U 0 0 0 Knrncil nun : Knnj 3 Clly , 10. Two-bain lilts : Manning , llomoruiin : Kostor. Stolen bases. Mnn- nlnt,2i 1'OHtur , 4 , Hr t liusoon biilln Oil Cimwny , 1 ; Itoucli. ) , lilt by ( iltclieil bnll ! KlitniiKnn. Struck out ! lljr CuiKMvr , 4 ; ltuiu.li , 6. Tlmo ; Tn huuri. Umiilro : Slrlor. _ Al > cHtli > n Down the millers. Mi snuwi's Minn. , Juno 13. Minneapolis put up a rotten Holding game today and Mitchell was hit hard In the bargain. Score ; ur I.NMM : . lllnticaiHilli . 1 1030010 i-lt Ht. l' ul . . . 4 0i t 0 t 3 0 U SUJIMnr. . Karnrd runs : > HnncnvollJ | , 5 ; SI Paul , fl. Two- lin'e lilt i MrQuakl , DnrlliiK , Kir. lliklwln. Tliroo hniolill i llmiulis llomu rum. O'ltourku. ' O'llrlim , MoMalion. Mok-n bnapa ; 51 1 ( ill ) no. Ditlliuf , I'.ly , UiUocjun. O'llrk'ii. Hamburg. Double iitajit Jlo- ( llono , Wurit iiiul .Mlnnclmn ; tUniKiirt , Word and Minnchan Urst baio on ballni lljr Mlluholl , ! ) ; by Hurt , H. lilt .by pitched ball : Lnltootio. Htriirk out : lly Mlttliull. 4 : by Hart. 2. I'anuil Uslls : lar- llnz , 1. Wild iiltchot Mitchell , li Hurl , 1 , Time ; Vno UOUM ami lira mlnuloi. Umplrot Kulght , Hluux City Sioux CITV , la. , Juno 13. The Brewers came on tbo field today with the nvou-nd In- tontlon of shutting out the Huskers , but Monkm was pltuhlnsr for the homo team , and Davics for the visitors was not In It with hlai. The game up to the llfth was a pretty onu , but after that the Indians hud It their own way , Monkla Pitched a very steady game for the homo team , and U.wlos seemed to rely wholly ou his speed. Ho got left , of oourso. Score ; New York TiiriiH n Tremendous Crowd to Hro ChloaKO I.one. Niw : YOKK. Juno la. This wns Now Yorks. ' gtdatcst day In baseball , over twenty thous and people seeing the league game and 0.000 the college gnmo. The largest crowd that over witnessed the game In Now York saw the Giants defeat the Chicago * at the Polo grounds. The paid attendance wns 22U89. Tlio enthusiasm wns tremendous. Now York won on big hits , Ticrnnn , Connor nnd O'KQurko making homo runs. Welch was knocked out of the box nnd Rusio pitched nftor tbo third Inning. Score : Now York 2 02010201 B UiIciiKO 0 7 lilts : Nuw York. 7 ; Ghiuano , 10. Trrors : New York , 3 ! Chlcnso. 5. Dnttorlei : Welch. Uuslonna lluckloy : Sloln and I Ionian. Karncd runt : Now York , ' : Olilu.-iRO , 5. imooKi.yx XBKPS ox wixxixo. BIIOOKI.TX , Juno in. The Bridegrooms had n walk-over In the game nt nns'.cru park with the Cincinnati tCAtn. Score ; Clnclnnlitl o 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 r 1 Brooklyn 1 2 0 0 2 a a 0 ' 11 lilts : Ulnclnnatl. 8 ; Ilrooklyn , 12. Trrori : Cincinnati , 3 ; HruoKtyn , 12. llattorlus : Ditryoa and K'con in ; I.ovott nnd Daly , Knrned runs : U nclnnutl , 0 ; Ilrooklyn , I. OAI.VIX COULDN'T wix IT. BOSTON' , Muss. , Juno 13. For a llttlo while today it looked as If Glavln was going to puzzle the Bostons , but nftcr two innings they bunched hits enough to earn six Of their eight runs. Score : Hoiton . , o 0 3 2 0 o 0 3 0--S LMttshiirg 0-5 Hlls : lloston.12 : IMttaburg , 11. Hrrofs : Hoi- ton , : i ; I'lttHbure , 5. Ilatlerles : CliuUson und JU'iinott ; Oalvln und Muuk. Karnud runa : lloston , U ; ritt8hurn' , V. 1'IIILT IKS' SIXTH C'OfSECUTlVB nKFBVT. Piiii\iEU'iiiA , Juno in. The Philllos dropped their sixth straight game this after noon , f ho Philllos could do nothing with Young when hits meant runs. Score : 1'lillndolphla 1 000101)00-4 Cleveland , . 0 2000220 fl 1IIU : I'hlludolphla.C ; Cleveland , II. Errors : I'hll.ulolphla. 1 ; U ovel.ind , 0. Bntturlcs : TlionUou and Oianicnts ; Voune and Uuyle , ' Earned runs : Philadelphia , 1 ; Olovelatul f. . Nr.tlonal l.ciiKiio Standing. Plnycd. Won Lost , 1'or fTt. Now York 41 27 17 J5I4 Clilo.iRC II 2.-i 18 SA\ \ liiioton 44 ! 3 21 .12,1 Clovclund 40 21 2J . ) Ilrooklyn 44 22 22 501 Philadelphia 41 21 24 .407 I'lttshuri : 42 IIS 24 4'JO CliKlnnatl 45 115 27 .4 < X > A SIKniCA X A SSO VIA TIOX. Cincinnati Loses A ain Through Her \Vrotuhcd FioldhiK. CINCIXXATI , O. , Juno ID. Again th reds lost the game on errors. They batted on.ually well with their opponents , but tbo llcldinc of IlobiiiEon was particularly bad , and in the second his muff saved the last man from being put out and Dolun's hit Drought two runs in. Score : Cincinnati . 0 00000100 1 Columbus . o 21010001 S HJts : Cincinnati , S : Columbus. 5. Errori : Cincinnati. 4 ; Uolumhus. 0. Batteries : Grann , Mains. KcIIoy and Yauglinn ; Dolan ami O'Connor. Kurnod runs : Cincinnati. 1 ; Co- Iumhus2. COLONEL'S r.nuons wr.nr. cosTr.r. LOOIBVILLE , Ky. , Juno 13. St. Louis made hits when hits wora needed aud Louisville's errors coma when they cost the most. Ed Daly , the pitcher was given his uncondi tional release by Manager Chapman today. His arm has failed. Score : ijouisviiio./ . ! . o o o o o o "o 3 n : i St. Louis . 2 20012002 0 Hits : Louisville , , 10 : St. Louis , It. Error * : LOulivllle , 1 : 8U Louli. ( I. JHUurlos : Meukln und Kynn : Cook , Hell and Muiiynn. Earned runs : St. Louis , 4. lUl.TIMOUE WOS'T OO 1IBVTEX. BM.TJMOUC. Md. , Juno 13. The Athletics put up a great game against the Baltimore.1. today , and the latter won the contest by timely batting in the eighth. Score : It.tltlmoro . 0 0100002 * 3 Athletics . 0 10000001 2 Hits : Baltimore. 8 : Athletics , 7. Errors : nultlmoro. 3 ; Athletics , 3. Hnttcrlcx : Me Malion and Itoulnion ; Clmmbnrluln und Mll- llgitn , Karnod runs : llaltiinoro. 3. MAXAonn SNIDEH'S Eititon. WA.SIIIXOTOX , Juno la. Both Boston and Washington played n rattling good gaino'of ball today , but the former won on a passed .ball , n wlla pitch nnd nn error by Manngor Snider , who played first base for the homo nine. Score : Washington.- . . . ' . . .0 00001003 4 Itoston . , . . .0 1 130020 * 7 Him : Washlneton. 8 ; lloston , a Errors : Washington , 3 : lloston , fl. 1) ittorlos : Cnsoy uiulLohinan ; Haddock nnd Murphy. Earned runs : Washington. 3. _ American Association Standing. I'lnvod. Won. Lost I'or Ct. Boston . DO 3.1 18 .fil" St. Louts . . . .55 35 20 .CM Haltlmoro . & 0 2U 21 JiSO Uoluinhii . 53 2fl 27 .491 Cincinnati . 50 21 2R .4SO Athletics . 31 23 ' „ ! > .431 Loulavjllo . Tfi Z32 .418 Wushlnjrton . 40 15 34 300 lllutolH-lown Tjcafino Games. At Aurora Auroro , 1 ; Ottumxya , 5. At JoUot Jollot , 7 ; Davenport , 1. At Ottawa Ottawa , 4 ; Codr.r Itaplds , 11. At Uocltford Hockford , ! 5QuInov ; , 1. Second end gnmo Kockford , 10 ; Qulncy , 11. the , \ \ Inner. Nnw YOKK , Juno 13. Aliijor JJomo xvlll surely on a starter In the Suburban. The stnblo followers shnro with Major Davis" trainer i > Jlrm belief that ho will win the race. tA.VM'JlEE'fIAfi ! . Flvo Iowa Younjj Men Indiilgo In n Very Katal Flitht. DBS MOINM , , In. , Juno -fSpecIal Tolo- grnm to THE Brisl About midnight last night a deadly cutting nnd shooting nffray occurred among some young mon who had 'been attending the holiness campmeotiug in the northern part of thu city. As a result Fred Kemp , ngod about seventeen , lies duad nt his homn nnd confined in the city Jail nro Charles Denmnn , John Grover , George Kemp nnd John Jones. Kemp nnd Groyor are uninjured , but Din- man suffers from n wouhd made by a knife or razor which severed his upper lip from his face nnd Jones is the vintim of a gunshot , which entered his right chock near the mouth , ran nrounil the jaw bono nnd came out } ust behind tbo ear. Neither Is very seriously injured nnd all are twonty-ono years of ago. , The origin of the quarrel Is not definitely known , ns the prisoners refuse to talk. The fact that they were armed with deadly weap ons and used them freely makes a grave case against them. Jones used the razor that killed I'rod Kemp nnd George Kemp the re volver. llnblrs. Xi ! . , June 13. .Intense ox- cltomont prevails a few miles east of Dunlap over thu ravages of hydrophobia among dogs aud cattlu. Within the past few days thir teen head of eixttlo belonging to George Hum' moll , affected by the malady , were shot , and other * are expected to bo stricken. Twenty dogs hnvo ulsq been killed. A little child of Jmno5 Faut-i shows symptoms o.f hydra- phobia from driuking milk from a cow af- lilclod with rubles. Caught Iho Murderer. Des MOIXES , la. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tnit BEE. j Patrick Coffey , the old soldier who murdered Miry Harrlty , was captured by the police at Osceolo today. , i Cnnaillnn Crop I'rospectH. TOIIOXTO , Oat. , Juno 13. Auumbor of crop reports roculvod today state that i a the dU- trlcts recently vUltod by bouvy rains the crops have a much moro iiroalslng look. Tbu bur crop will bo n ( allure , but an uvorogo yield U oxpOQted from fall wheat , while spring grains will return good average crop * . GREAT RACES AT UNION PARK , Thousands front Both Sides of .the Bivor Highly Entertained. FAVORITES BEATEN AT MORRIS PARK , Yo TntnMcii i/cft In the Start at Bt. Iio'tils Vontana May Ho Matched Agalimt Foxford Ilacint ; Nous. The third day of the Union park races was another , magnificent success. The weather WOH nil thnt could bo asked nnd the attend- nnco larger than over. The south grand stand was comfortably flllod , while the one on the north sheltered several hundred people ple , principally ladles. Within the quar ter stretch were many handsome turnouts , representing iho best fumllfos on both sides of the river. There was the inevitable tallyho - ho , the English drag and coupes , carriages , carts nnd phaetons by1 the score. A party of iray equestriennes made nn nttractivo feature. So far the meeting has been unquestionably the most successful and gratifying over hold at Union park nnd the management Is com- niensuratoly grateful nnd encouraged. There Is no reason under the sun why these races should not tnko rank with the bast la the country. Thcro is llttlo enough summer amusement nt best for tbo residents of Omaha and Council Bluffs , nnd when such a season of delightful recreation as the ono In question Is offered them they should attest their appreciation by lending the enterpris ing management every nld within their power. In no wny can they do this so effectually as by attending each day's per formance. What icould So moro delightful than a drive across the bridge and over the smooth boulcvnrd in tin ; , beautiful Juno weather ? And once within the pnrk , with its green sward , wnvtng trees and unsurpassed track , with throe or four line attractions on the racing card , who could crave morel It-might bo apropos to mention hero , how ever , that in the west , as wolUns all over the whole country , there Is n growing Interest in running races , aud it is' high tlmo horse owners were talcing cognlranco of popular sentiment. The whole fashionable world turns out to applaud the fonts of the bang tails In the metropolitan cities of the east , wliUo the meetings inaugurated nt St. Paul , Minneapolis , .Denver and other cities of the grout west are growing in popularity with every successive recur rence. While there would bo many obstacles in the way of n purely running moot hero just nt this time , these trotting sessions could bo immeasurably enhanced bv sand wiching iu moro of the runners. Thrco of these events , no matter of which magnitude , could'bo gotten off in the time consumed in finishing the slowest and most uninteresting of trots. They would ndd n zest and a vim to tbo day's sport that could bo attained in no other wav. The Judges yestordnv were J. D. Yeoman of Sioux City and D. T. Mount of Omaha ; A. W. McElroy starter and W. J. Hughes , Ed Myers of this city and C. I. . Stewart of Coun cil Bluffs , timers. First rnco , 2:38 : trot , with the followlnc on- trlos : Llttlo Wonder , s. g. , I ) . Joycle , Bloux Ulty ; fllaxoy Colib , Jr. , b. s . V. M , 1'oarsons , Syracuse , Neb. ; Hay Dan. b. . , Amnsa 1'ratt , Cushln : , Nub. ; Sailor Uoy , eh. s. , Ayers 1' . . s. K. , K. Nichols. I'erry , la. , und Hilly Ilnrton. b. p. . J. I ) . Yoemiins , Sioux City. Sailor Boy and Hilly Burton wcro drawn , The first heat the horses woroelvon ngood send off on the sixth scoring. Wonder led round the turn nnd to the quarter. . The race up the half was a good ono. with Llttlo Wonder still In tho-lead. Ayres P. put on a few frills round the upper turn and led into the stretch. It was a spirited race homo , Ayers beating Wonder by n length , with Bay Dan and Maxov Cobb just Inside the banner. Timoj 2j.2g. _ _ ' - . The second heat thov gpt off nicely on the third trial. Aye'rs broke at the turn badly and Wonder was in the van at the half. Ayers , although way back , settled'in ' good shape , nnd trotting very fast passed Dan and Cobb on the last turn , and came down the stretch like n whirlwind. Within a few yards of the wire Bob Knibbs slowed Won der up , pulling him down to ncarly'n'wnlk , nnd , ns old and as Xox.y ns ho is , came within nn nco of losing tbo boat by his foolishness. Dan nnd Cobb succeeded in getting Inside the ling. Time : 2 : 0 > f. Ayers wns still the favorite in the third nnd ho responded llnoly to the faith the bookies placed in him. On the second scoring they got the word , with Ayers well .back on the turn. Cobb broke baaly. Up the back stretch Wonder hold a good lead , but Ayers was trotting heroically nnd nt the three- quarters was on even terms 'with the , llttlo sorrel. It was n rattling finish. ICnibbs throwing the silk into Little Wonder unspar- inglv. but to i.o avail. Ayres bOat'him ' in n good longtb , Dan and Cobb distaucqd. Time : 2:28. : Summary : Ayers P . - . . . . . - ; ; . . ' . . . . ' . ' . . ' . . -.I 211 Little Wonder % 2 122 liny Dun : t 3 dla Mnxoy Cobb 4 i ills Time : 3:3 : . 2:3055.2S : : ! , 2ni'/ . Second race , tlio 2'H : inice , purse $400. with the folio wine entries : M < > ntoir.b.'s.Dr. J. K. Melbourne , Muchanicsvlllc. I.u ; Davoy It , g , K , C. M. Ivolmison , Oniiiha ; Kuaonls. b. g. , A. 1'ratt , Cuililni : , Nob. ; Grunt. Western , ch , a. , O. II. lalloy ) < Fiilrbnry , Neb. ; Joe Klrst , b. s. . Joel Ulnl , Slon-c City. It was not until the eighth scoring that Starter McElroy gave the word "go. " JMon- togjind Joe First made a good > nice to the quarter , and UP tbo baok stretch it was any body's race , but Montog settled , down to business nnd paced in in great form , beating Gront Western by three Ipn'gths , Davey B third , Knsonis fourth , Joe Fi t distanced for running. Time , 2:30. : The second bout Montcg won without much trouble. Up the back s.trotcb , however. Great Western outfootod him , .but breaking on the last turn , Monteg forged to tbo fore and stalu there , boating Grual Western out , though only by n head , Kusonls. third , mid Davoy B fourth. Tlmo : 2:3JJ : : In the third Montog came uj > n strong favorite in the betting. The .horsos got a good start with Montog showing the way , a procession following , with "Groat Western second , Davoy B third , and Kaspaisfouith. . Time : 3:11. : Summary : iMontec . , . „ . 1 i i Great \Yostorn . , . . , . , . 2 2 2 Davoy II . , . . . . . . . . . 3 4 3 Knsonls. . I . . - . . ' . . 4 .1 4 Joe First . , . Ds. | Tlmo : 2U2t.l : ! ; : : > i2:4l. ; : Third rate , running , nil aged , pno nillo nnd nn eighth , purse ( JOO , with tlio following on- trlus : Kmnulilao , bro. m.i I'rane'fi ' J. Moroton , Douvor : Ulf. b. K. , Chariot K. Allen. Uhorokeo , la. : Tilmnro , uh. g. , K. H. Holes , St. Louis. This was the most exciting event of the programme. The short tails wore gotten off without much delay. Franchise , the favor ite , getting decidedly the worst of It. The start made llttlo difference with him , how ever , for after pulling up to second place on the last half , ho fell to the rear in running Into tbo stretch and finished last. Fillmore held the load to the thrco- quarters , when Ulf began to crawl up aud on the way down homo ho reached from nnd staid there easily. Time , 3:02K. : There will bo three rattling good events this afternoon and the proipocts are for a tremendous jam , as everybody has the rnco fever bad. This is the card : 1'roo-for-nll. purse WOO : Jessie Oalncs , br. in , , by Alloy dnlnes , R 'f. Kncubs , Bloux Cltv , la. ; Alinont Ilashaw , Mu. s. , by Almont , IV Hum : * , Ida Grave , In. ; Hannor fioy , b. c. . by Htandaid Iteuror , Joe Grimes. Mailings , Nob. ; 1'rlnco MeMalion. br. R. , by MoMnhon , Uiin > ox , Uastln * ) . Nob. ; Thalburg. b. K. , U. 0. Hatcx , lowuVliislow Wllhoii. b. s , by Illack Wllkcsi Tlpi Hunks , Oinalm ; Illai'k Victor , b. K , , by Klannory , J. Khuinery. Omaha : Wild Irish man. b. . , by Ciinnliiuharn , IX Uunnlnthum , Omuhni J > 0. , b. g. , U , 1) . Tulmudifu , Punvur , Oolcx 1'aoluj * , 2:20 : class , purse MOO : Abdallnh Wllkus li. s. , by Ilmirbon Wllkus , A. Citntlold , Lincoln , Nub. ) Hilly McCrnohuji , b. Kby llntnbletoiiliiii Miiinbrlno , F. Al. Dnlluy , Au- . burn. Nob. ; Joscoli L , pt. g. , by Lexington Chief. A J , 1'ottur. Omuha : t'losslo Howl , b , m * by Mainbrlno Abdullah. O. U Mttiwull , Kournuy , Nub. ; 1'rlnua T. , r. K. , by Ollmont , J , U. II. J. Hobbliis. iiholtim. Nob. ; Kd Uosowator , g , . , by Vasvb , Kd Solomon , Omulni , Ituunlng , ouo uillu und repent , purse KXXX Harvest Tor JJookloa. Monim I'AUK , N. J. , Juno 13. Fully ( If. tocn thousand persons were present hero to day and they \\cro treated to a series of sur prises that were anything but pleasant. Tbo weather was all thnt could bo desired , the track was In first elms ahapo anil the card offered was a moro than ordinary good ono. Tbo two take events , the Bowling Brook handicap foroo.y oar-olds and tbo Antici pation stakes for two-year-olds , both jTltneved Jho downfall of rod h t favorite * au/X t go bookmakers rcappil such a ban-anas jjnrfjy full * to tliolrlbt , Husscll , tbo fnvoilto Iw.ttio handicap , \vivs beaten on his merits , uut'Bt. ' Florlun , the fnvorlto for the AntlcliiqtJon stakes , wan defeated through the stupidity of his rider , Llttlollolu , and the superb Joke , | . < jhlp of Garrison on Nomnd. St. Florlan Imatho rnco won nnd Llttlclleld took a short nnpwben Garrison fairly lilted Nomad off hfs foot , drew up and won by n short hood. Of the other-races two were to long * shots nnd two to livwltes , but the latter were nt such short prices .that the public had no chance whatp at getting even , Virl rnca > tortwo-yunr-ohls. n sweepstakes flvo fiirlonCsJ'Lpstor (7 ( to 1) ) won bv two lengths from Llttlo Sandy , -who beat Alrshaft a lioail for tbo plnco. Time ! WJ. Second race , free wullor wolRht hinidle.ip. awpatntakRfl. for Hircc-yonr-oIdH und np- wards , sl.x f urlonss : Illnn Jualis (20 ( to 1) ) won with n croat burst of speed by two lenctlis from Mountain Doer , who wns a head before tit , .Tallies. Tlmo : 1:1 : III. Third nice , the Howling II rook hntidlnnp. for throo-yonr-olds , tV ) swi-opstukiw with HI.IWO nddnd.onemlloand nnelKlith : Key Del Key (0 ( to 1) ) wop by two lengths from Tnrrlllor , who wns two partsof a length before Nelllo Uly. rou'rtli race. Anticipation stakes for two- year-old sweepstakes of 1100 oneh. 11.000 tidilod. six furlongs : Nomnd pv to 2) ) won. hi , I lorlnn boat Morrr Alouarcli two longtlii ! . Tune : IIL : : rifth race , for thrcc-yonr-olds nnd upwards , nswonpstnki , onumllonnd nnuurtor : Klnas- ton ( I to : won ) ) y Imlf u length from Diablo , who wns four loiiKths before Cnsslus. Time : 2:0 : ? } , ' This time wns vcrv fast und this rnco was Dlablo's flnnl preparation for the Suburban. Ho made n line showing , nnd if th < race is any criterion ha will bo knocking at the door of the Suburban finish/ Sixth nice , selling swooDStakos for all aces , ono mile and oiu--slMounih : Kiiilmanx ( | (0 ( to 5) ) won handily by n length from the Honupnco oolt , who loit Llttlo Jim nnd VciiRour two lengths for the place. The last two named ran n dond bent for third money. Tlmo : l:48yj. : Vo Taiiiblou In Hard Luck. ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 13. This was the banner day of ho St. Louis mooting. The attendance was close on twclvo thousand , and the hotting wns heavy. The favorites were again bouton in the majority of the o vents. The feature of the day was the Great West ern stakes /or two-year-olds. The start was a wretched ono , the favorite , Yo Tnmblou , being loft ten lengths. Adalia , the Avendalo stublo filly won in a game finish with the Cor- rlgan pair , Phil Dvvyor and Low Wolr. The track was fast. 1'Mrtt race , soiling , purse tTiOO. one mile : Lnntry { 7 to t ) won by two lengths from Holum , who bent Sight Dr.ift n half length for the place. Tlmo : 1:47. : Second race , hand leap , sweepstakes. ftMD added , ono nillo and seventy yards : I'hllora ( .1 to 1) ) won by half a length from llalgowan , who boat Llnllthgow n nock for the plnco. Time : l:50tf. : Third rn.cc , the Great Western stakes , for two-year-olds. $ .3,000 lidded , six furlongs : Adalia ( H to 2) ) won easily by two lengths from Lew Wolr. who boat I'hll Dnyor n Imlf length. Vo Tamblon pulled up In the stretch nnd the other ) were strung out. rime : 1:10. It was the best field of two-yenr-olds that has started hero this year , but the race was spoiled bv the start. Much sympathy was felt for Yo Tambion , the sister of El Kio Roy. Fourth r.xco , 'purse JCO' ' . six furlongs , heats : first lioat , Joslo M ilrst , Hrazos second , Aluho third. Time : 1:1V Second hoatr Hrazos first. Joslo M second , Alnho third. "ffuio : T.wy . Third hontiiUoslo .M won handily , Brazes second. Tlmoji:17. Fifth race , Ti'.nHilcai ) . swoopstiikcs , ? < XX ) added , ono und 6hp-olRht miles : VIorgod'Or (8 ( to 1) ) won ! > ytwp lengths. Dr. Nnvo second n lonuth before Ijouiso M third. TI'.io : 1:57. : Sixth race , miHe solllns $000 , ono mile : Ln- molno II (4 ( to T'Wm ) ' ( by ton lonsths before Kd Hopper , who lioat Texas Girl u length for the placo. TlineJUJ. ! n May Ho Mado. NEW YOIIK Jutio 13. Mr. Mnrous Daly , of ' - colt Montana owner tlidt'thl-eo-year-old1 , , said yestorda 'frh'cn spoken to regarding the offer of Charic ? . Hand to match 'his colt , Foxford , against the big son of Ban Fox and Imported Qupon > t < for. $5,000 nt Shccpshcad ' 'Bay : ' ! am SA * newcomer in the east and I scarcely feel at homo. It is bad enough to beat mo ourgptio'Bolmont without rubbing - bing lginfiGHt'theso ' / folks nrof so anxious for n'matcH I WntVUn'Montantt against 'Fox- ford for $10QOXa ( side At the Shocpshond Bay meeting..Bu tthoroJ ono provision I make. The winnings must bo , banded to the Sisters ofChnrlU- : " " " " ' \ Mr. Daly is n"verywealthy man nnd runs his stable purely for love of the sport. Matt Byrnes , who trains for'Mr. Daly ; said that ho did not caro.to mutch Montana as the colt had a trroat ninny valuable engagements for the season. . _ ' "RottiUsftt Chicago. CIUCAQO , June. 18. The results today were : First race , five-eighths of n mile : Torn Paxton - ton won. Arthur Davis second , llluzo DuUu third. Time : 1WJ ; . Second race. three-fpiirths of n mile : Rnelno won , Kmoraldlno second , 1'rlnco third. Time : Th'rcl race , ono nndono-olRhth miles : Onnle won , Fakir Hoeond , DollUilns third. Time : , -:0 : - - . Fourth race.onomllo' : Ivnnhoo won : nstolle. scronil ; UurcU. third : il'lino 1:4'1H * Fifth race , onoMnllo : 1'lokup won ; Fairy Queen , second ; btj Albans , third : Time 1:45. : fMtJLUVETOX tS ' „ Yale's nitto vlllaokcl with Defeat at the Jersey Hoys * Hands. NKW YOHK , Juno IS , Princeton won the Intercollegiate championship by defeating Yale in tbo deciding game played today before fore 0,000 persons. Enthusiasm was nt fever heat. There w.is.moro Princeton money in the crowd than the friends of the blue men were willing to bank against. Young secured tlio victory for Princeton , pitching n wonderful game In splto of indifferent support. Ills batting wns nlso ono of the principnl features of the contest. Bowers wns hit hard , 'but Yale's good work kept down Princeton's"scorrt. . Party feeling ran high throughout the game , nnd noisoby the namirors of the two teams was almost dcai- oning. Score : 1'rlncoton ' . . . . . . . .O'2 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 ! i Ynlo . . . . . . .l 3 Hits : Princeton. 14 ; Yale , 0. Krrors : 'Prince ton. 0 : Vale , 2. Itatterlcs : Young and Hro- tcaw ; UoncrsnnrfPoolo. Darned runs : Prince ton , 4. Wlilto AVliiKH Made DESVKII , Colo. , Juno 13. A company of prominent citizen ? organlrod hero tonight and purchased \nn * Horn's interest In the Donvor'bnso ball'club. . 'Air , Van Horn was immediately deposed antl'Gcorco Tobenu , the late captain of the club nnd well known in Cincinnati and Toledo , was 'appointed cap tain and manager instead. The club is now expected to regain Bonlorof the honor it lost in its last trip oVcr the circuit. ' I n (1 lift tra I School Won. KRAUKKr , jflttf Jund. 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tim ijljyy.l i'tio students , of the Kearney hlghniEchool and the Industrial school clubpl&ypd-hn cloven -Inning game of ball this af tonitrotfr resulting 7 to 0 in favor of the IndustriaTschool nino. The Industrial rfchool nine -chnfWnges any boys team in- the stnto for n ganitJ'dit their grounds nnd will Tuurantoo royal trbatniont to the visiting team. - Tonic. It. , NgJ/n Juno 13. ( Special o THE BE. | ! ] A gooa nmo o ( ball was played hero today bqtwooujbijyirofcorapany'4 nine nnd _ a nine composed Wa.clcrks'i The clerks were assisted by'C. jft , ajlolmes of Sioux county. nnd defeated t\jelrjppojicnts \ ) by a score of 28 to 13. There was a good nttcudanco and muuh Interest takaa.ln the gamo. Batteries ; Dowd nnd BetUngcr ; O'Hunlou and Holmes. Gnmo Wont AylUi ' the pleads. IlASTixns , Neb , , Juno' 13. [ Spocinl Telegram - gram to THE BKK. ] thd Dowrfeso and HastIngs - Ings ball toains played 'q pretty game up to tbo fifth inning today , Dcwcoao having the best c'f it by a score of i to 0. Thd Do wet-so boys at this Juncture lost their heads aud Hastings poumlod out twenty-six runs In four Innings , Score ; ' Dowocso ' D ; Hast- ' 20. Two ItcuordH Ilrokon. Nuw YOIIK , Juno 13. In the ganfes of the No wYrrk Athletic club ntTravorso Island this afternoon the world's record was broken on ' throwing the sixteen-pound hammer , J , S. Mitchell throwing li 133 foot 10 Inches. In the two-mlla safety bloycla race B. . T. Murphy , who rode pneumatic tire , broke the Amoricaa record of j232-5 } seconds by 2 secouds , SMALLPOX STILL SPREADING. Covaial Now Oases of tin Terrible Disease Developed in Otoo Ctonntj , DROWNED WHILE BATHING IN A POND , Vato ofn Vcnturcsoiuo Itontrloo Imcl Now Irrigation Bulionin Dlotl from His Injuring Ho ) > loil ) VI lillo Asleep. TAI.MAOF , Nob. , Juno IB. | Spoclol Tele- grain to TUB BKR. ! Douglass , a small town on the Crete branch ( Iftoon mlles west of this l > lnco , report * thlrtoan cases of smallpox , A man , without any knowledge of having boon bxposcd to the dlsoaso , broke out and so thor- bugbly inoculated the community that many other cases will undoubtedly follow. The village Is quarantined nnd every effort Is bolng made to pro von t iti spreading. NEIIIIASKA , Cirr. Nob. , JunO lil. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBS. ] Three now cases of smallpox developed near Mt. fclon today. The Infected locality will bo thoroughly quarantined , Utiitii , Nob. , Juno 13. fSperial to TUB Bif : : . ] Smallpox has broken out at Douglas , Otoo county , Nob. , this week. Six persons ere down with the dlaoaso and thrco morn cases wore reported yostordav at Mount /Ion , between Douglas and Bomont. The dlscasq was brought ttioro by u man visiting from near Omaha. ClOHCd ItM SurKitioit , Nob. . Tuna 13. [ Special to Tur. JBKK.j-.Tho grand chapter of the P. E. O. society closed Its session yesterday. In the morning session after the question box was passed , Miss Grace Moore of York load a paper pn "What Shall Bo Done with Mem bers" Who Do Not ana Will Not Kospect Their Vows I'1 nftdr which came the election of ofiluors of the grand chapter for the next year. The following were elected : Presi dent , Mrs. Lulu B. Patrick , Ho'.d'rcgo ' ; llrst vlco fresldont , Mrs , Alice C. Brlggs , Su perior ; second vlco president , Miss \VinnI- I rod Ferguson , York ; secretary , MlssLlbblo Jonns , Hastings. After the flection Mrs. V. Jj. Huwthorno of Wahoo road a paper on "Our Society Outloott , " uftor which routine business was dona. In tbo afternoon session the newly elected ofllrors were Installed and after the business of the grand chapter was finished the session 'adjovrnod slno dio. Tho' session .of this lodge has been the moans of bringing many talented and , distinguished ladles to this city from the various portion * of the state and their literary efforts have delighted as well as boon'a" source of proiit to the people who have had the opportunity of listening to them.At the close of the convention , car riages having -been In. waiting , the eutlro dolcgation'wns taken on a drive through the city. In the ovcnfnc a reception xvas held at tho'lodga room , which was largely attended. Impromptu 'speeches , recitations and music enlivened the hour , after which tb , o guests , numbering upwards of two hundred , repaired - paired to the opera bouso and partook of n sumptuous banquet. The Superior orches tra furnished choice selections of music dur ing tbo repast. The tables presented a very handsome appearance and the menu was ex cellent. At the conclusion of the banquet Mrs. A. G. Brlggs , the toastmlstrcss , called the guests to order and introduced Mrs. Car rie McNuughton of Superior , who rcpondcd in a very cheering manner to the toast "Our Guests. " Miss Estcllo Ilyan -Hastings eloquently told what the P. E. O. society was. Mrs. Adele Ballard of Holdrcgo very wittily depicted "Our Brothers-in-Law , " and her remarks occasioned frcquoat applause. Mrs. Mary Housoworth of Plattsmouth , in re sponse to the toast of ' 'Woman's Position , " very ably depleted what woman's real posi tion should bo and doprecatca cranks and woman suffrage agitators. Her remarks .wore hichly'nppreclntdd , while ct the same time they created a flutter of oxcltomont.1 Mrs. W. O. Robinson told of the trials and tribulations that the coat ot- the order occa sioned candidates. Miss Mattie Nnylor ably depicted the "Star" of the order. Taken al together , the banquet was the most elaborate and the exorcises the most interesting that has over taken place at Superior. The ladies of the local society had ontjro charge. This meeting has demonstrated that the ladies are capable Of running their secret society up to a' high' .standard" without the aid or any of their male friends. , f Sltc'lor 11 ColIcRC. SurEiiioit , Neb. , Jung 13. ( Special Tele- grant-to TUB BEE. ] The sale of lota for the purpose of building the Nebraska normal university at this city took place bore today. Tbo attendance of people interested in the project was largo and great enthusiasm pre vailed. Upward of ono hundred lots weio sold-boforoi the rain interfered with the sale. This secured without doubt the building of a college to cost not loss than $50,000. Tho' Superior -cattio company and A. E. Hunter donated the lots sold for the purpose of rais ing a fund for the building. The slto selected for the university addition , adjoining Lincoln park , Jg.one of the most eligible in the city. Traveling 'Jhievcs. YOIIK , Neb , , Juno Id. [ Special to THE BISP. ] Three men and ilvo women constitute a party 'who have boon camping out at differ ent places in thls'vlclnlty. Losses of prop erty were frequent in the localities in which thoy,5topped and today two farmers * lost a sot of harness and n saddle. Accompanied by Dopnty'Shorlft White they found the stolen articles and arrested one man. The other two mqpad ) \ eluded the officer and escaped. the captured ono was brought to this city and lodged in Jail. Ho gives his name as ' - u1 'Injunction Proceedings. NKHHASICA Cirv , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram , to THE BKKJ Word was received from PlatUmouth tonight that the Watson house 'inunction suit had resulted In favor of Mr , Slbhl , the owner , and the work of completing the addition to the hotel will go on i > t onco. The temporary order w s secured - cured 'by Mr. Culmolot who owns the build ing adjoining and the matter was argued before fore Judga Chapman at Plattsmouth. Now Irrigation Hchoinc. Gnittvn , Neb , , Juno -Speclnl ! ) | toTHE BKE * . } A.V. \ . Lawson of Dorrlngtonls in thocity at work upon u mac.hlno _ for irriga-i tion , purposes. The device is a system of pumps , 'which are operated by n' turbine wheel , the machine being expected by the Inventor to clovato wutor enough to furnish power , besides a sufllrlontly large tiurplus for irrigation. The maOhlno H being built on the North Platte river at this point. _ _ JILI ruur-im r The Olllclal Count. HAIITIXOTOX , Neb. . Juno 18. [ Special to Tin ; BKI : . ] The ofllclal canvass of the votes ! > ollcd at the recent special election for court tiouso bonds Just coraplotcdj gives a majority of 173 for the bonds. The county commis sioners have already conimoncod preliminary work on the project and It will bo pushed as rapidly as poimlbla. Work on the building will bo commenced about August 1 , . . _ _ _ . _ . * t t | .j Koblii'dVhllo Anloni > . NEIUUSKA CiTr , Nob. , Juno 1 ! ) . [ Special Tologrum to Tin ; Bi.i.l : A thlof concealed jimsolfin Tom Wymond1 * bedroom bofoio * ho retired last night and after ho had fallen asleep robbed him of $18 In cash , Wymond runs a lunch stand near the Missouri Paella depot and retires at a Into hour. COLUMIIUS , Nob. , June IU. fSpoclal Telegram - , gram to TIIK BKK.J A live duyV session of tbo local board of supervisors closed this evening. It mot as a board of equalization , and examined the assessor's books and made several reductions lu the per cent of Uxa- tlon. . Died or Ills , IiiJnrlcH , BLUB Si'iii.Noa , Neb. , Juno 13. [ Special to TUKBEK.J Dudley B. Davis , n well known citizen of this place , died last night from tbo effects of a fall received on Juno IU , On tbut day bo ivai ongugod in bulldlnc a barn neil tbo bcnffold on which he wo * working giving awuy he loll , striking the stump of a small tree which penetrated his body. Hov- oral physicians attoudod him , bui no ono socmcd to qulto ronllxo the ox tout of ItU in juries. Mr. Davis bud become noted as an cntorprlslna bowman , and WAI nt the time of the ncoldont outfaced In fitting up a race track nnd horse farm near town , Commencement INUUXOM , Nob. , Juno in. ( Special Telegram gram to TIIK BRR.J The llrU nuiuml com- inoncoinont exorcises of the ImUnnola high school were held lnt night nt the high school nnd were n success in every particular , While there was but ono graduate , Miss Ltlllo Wolborn.jlho exercises mark rxn epoch n the history of the school , The diploma was presented by Dr. Curftnnn , secretary of the board of education , In n neat mid earnest speech. The stugo was handsomely decorated by tbo junior class , The exorcises and exhibit on Thursday noon were n credit to tbo school and It.s principal. _ Drowned In n Pond , BEATIUCK , Nob. , Juno 13. | Spoclnl Telegram - gram to TIIK BKF. ] Willie Corrlgau , the twolvo-ycar-old adopted son of J. S. Culbort- son , this city , was drowned while bathing In a pond in Iho Cairo county fair ground nt 4 o'clock this afternoon. Ho was with n com panion on n raft In the pond nnd Jumped oft into llftcon foot of water. Ho could not swim and sank at onco. The body wns re covered about thirty minutes later nnd all efforts at resuscitation were unavailing. - Tlio CmnliiK llcuiilon. HAIITIKOTOV , Nob. , Juno -13. [ Special to TIIK BKB. ] The North Nebraska Grand Army of tbo Ilopubllo reunion to bo hold in crolghtnn , July 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , will bo n splendid success. Among the prominent Citizens of the state who have already sig nified their Intention to present nnd deliver addresses are Governor Thnyor , ox-Senator Van Wyck , cx-Lioutonant Governor Molklo- john , Colonel Tucker aud Judge W. W. Alloif. Croji Prospects. Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special to TUB BKI : . ] Crop prospects In this locality are excellent. Present Indications are that all kinds of grain glvo an Immense yield. Grapes were bllchtnd by n late froit. but all other fruits are doing remarkably wolt. TI1KIU 11UHV NIGHT. Oinnlin'H Fire Fighters Hurt n llcnl Hrlsk Time for A\vlille. After about seven days of solid loaling tbo firemen got down to solid work last night. At 9:30 : o'clock an alarm came in from box 82. calling the department to the corner of Seventeenth nnd St. .Mary's nvonuo. F. C. Stuurt's candy store at 17 0 St. Mary's ave nue was on flro. Chief Salter located the blaze In the rear of the stores and soon had a chemical engine playing upon the blazo. It wns moro snioko than fire for the loss was only $10. The fire apparatus had no sooner stated homo than an alarm came In from box G3 engine house "No. 3. Hose companies 1 , 2 , 3 and G and trucks. 1 nnd 2 responded. The livery stable of Joseph "Wlthrow & Co. , was on flro. In n moment the flames caught the hay and n second alarm was turned in , calling companies 4 and r . r Flames high enough to illuminate tbo .sky .burst forth from the roar door nnd windows , and It looked for A moment as if the wbolo building would go up. Kapidly the flro ran through the hay in the rear to the front of the building and soon filled Hanioy struct. For the first few minutes it was so dense nnd heavy that a person could not see n half dozen feet In all this excitement Frank Gardner of No. I truck rushed Up stairs nnd back amid the flames. Alter locating the flro in n cor ner of the haymow ho started back , but the smoke was so dense add the boat so in ton so that he fell. Quickly regaining his feet bo rushed toward the stair cose but fell over the shafts of several buggies. On regaining the ground floor it was found that Gardner was scorched about , the face as well as bruised. At that moment a second alarm ' " " wns turned In , , A chemical engine began to piny upon tbo flames in the rear while tho' lines of hose were being laid. At the front of tbo building tbo smoke was .pouring forth , but "Spud" Farrish , Chief Gnlligan's clerk , and Chief Sat- lor rushed in and commenced to rut the horses loose. Soon they were assisted by helpers in the stable and all tbo horses wore gotten out in safety. Water poured from six streams soon bad the flro under control , but as it foil to the ground floor nnd run out Into the street en trance it wns scalding hot Employes of the stable made an effort to save tbo harness , but it was too near the flro nnd too hot. Soon the great qunntity of water began to toll nnd subdued tbo boat to some extent. Then the harness was removed nnd piled up In the stable otllco in about six inches of water. ' ' At the first alarm , Mr. Beard the flro re porter made a run to Harry McCormick's residence and brought him to the scone. Mr. J. S. McCormick is the owner .of the building. Upon the arrival of those centlomcn they wont at once to thb ofllcc of the stnblo and from there through the building. Mr. With- row was also'on hand aud did what ho could to secure the horses aud carriages. About sovonty-flvo carriages and bugcles wore storoi upstairs fn front of the hay. Some belonged to customers and others to the stablo. When the horses were nil out un effort was made to bring down some of tbo buggies , but the heat xva .so intense and the smoke so thick that it was impossible. The chief less nt the stable will boon the bucglcs nnd carriages. Mr. Withrow estimated it at about fO.OOO. The loss is fully covered by Insurance. Thereof roof of the staclo l.s badly burned nnd in places fell in. Mr. McCormick could not es- timuto the loss to the building last night , but was satisllod that it wns fully covered. Seventy-live horses were In thostahlaattno .time , twenty-llvo.belonging to the Pacillc ex press company. " AH were rescued. There wns something' "strange nbout the wny the horses ran out through the blindiinr smolco. Only n few endeavored to return to their stalls after thov reached the hireot. For n time the smoke from the building fell Into the cncino house , and it looked us if that must go , too , but the dffOrts of the iiromen prevented that , and the building was saved. Boyoad a blight wetting no damage was donn. Spud Fairish lugged his hie Saratoga trunk down the Btulr.s , expecting tbo xvbolo blocu was golnpup , but it didn't , and Spud had all bis trouble for nothing. Before the lire was out another alarm came In from box 4 ! ) , calling part of the apparatus to the corner of Eleventh nnd Famnm streets. The big crowd readily followed the hose wagons nnd Chief Saltcr'j buggy , , but bad their trouble for nothing. A couple of empty coal oil barrels iu the rear of E wait's lodging hoiibo woio on flro , but were extinguished bofoiothe depart ment arrived. When it wits found that there wns nothing fn that alarm the crowd swurmod bacic to Hnrnoy street. Bythis time the flro wns nbout out nnd all thnt conld bo BOCH was the rivers of wutor Hewing from the stables into the street. / . r. v. Nine-Hour Hay ItoCfrred to Suliordin- atv : UnioiiH tor lUitlflcatlon. UOSTOV , Mnis , , Juno 13. At. the conven tion of the International Typographical union today the following from the committee on fowpr hours was adopted by a vote of 100 to2 : Uuholved , Thnt this oon\urtloii heartily im- doraiM the inovtnmmt rosiilatlii tint hours of labor In tliu book mid Jciu uranohc- the printing trade to bo not moro than nine hours nor day , oxcunt Hutnnlay. when not moro than ulilit lioiiri tilmll oonxtltiitn a duy'H \torV throughout tbo Jurisdiction of tliu In- tonmtlomi ! Typographical union , and rufor till ) ni'.triT to Mibun ! I nut minions for nitllk'a- tloii , tint fuu'ii to go Into circct Uutolior 1,1HU1 , In order to Insure the enforcement of the law by printers n tax was levied for the sup port of nil nioinburs of the craft who may bo obliged to strlko and n linn of $ .V ) was Im posed upon nl ) printers who failed to oooy the nine-hour rule of tbo International Typo graphical union , A resolution fixing a day's work in nil uowspapcr offices at sx | hours was dofcatud. The now ofljccrs wore then sworn in , after which retiring President Plank was pro- son ted with a hamUomo sold watch , The convention voted that all monies con tributed to the Child * Drexel fund bo placed by the secretary In tbo hands of tbo board of truttros. Tbo convention adjourned to moot in Philadelphia In Juno , 1BW. DIAMOND WITH A fllSTORl Famous Orange Stone Figures in a Ccnsatloa in Now Yoik. COVETED BY A BROADWAY PAWNBROKER , The Gem AVns Originally Puruhancil for Presentation to Quocn Vic toria on Iho Oconslou of Her tlulillue. NRW YOHK , Juno 13. Cnnrlcs So.ilo , wealthy diamond broker doing buMnoJs at No. 1)07 ) Broadway , was a prisoner nt the Oak street station lust night , chnrjrod with the Inrcony of the "Ornugo" dinmoiiderth ? 70,000and said to bo the second largest diamond in the country. J.V. . Carroll n lithographer of No. " 3 Duane strobt , is the owner of the gem , , The prisoner was nrrostod by Detective li. B. O'Connor of tbo Tombs court guard , who wns accoinpnniou by Carroll when bo visited Scale's plnco of business at 4 o'clock yoUor- dny afternoon. "Oh,1' ejaculated Mr. Sonlo ns ho glanced nt Mr. Carroll , "I .suppose its about the diamond. Wait n minute , I'll got it for you. " Ho proceeded to the roar of the place , mid the dotectlvo. who did not want to lese sight of him , followed nnd saw him talto something from tlio safo. It w.is n diamond , which ho handed to the ofllcor , saylnc : "I supposa that ends It.1' "Why , iir > , replied O'Connor. "You will hnvo to como to coutt to answer to thochnrga of larceny. " Tbo prisoner submitted with n wry face , Ho was taken to the police station , whore lu passed the night. The "Orange" dinmond Is of such fnm thnt the case will no doubt attiact wide spread attention , both in this country nnd Europe. This Is the diamond which the ladles of Queen Victoria's court bought for the purpoao of presenting to her nt bur golden jubilee. Tbo queen asffod ns n fnvor that she bo permitted to name n bolter use for it , and requested ns n moro lasting mcmonto of the occasion thnt the gem bo dis posed of and the proceeds devoted to the erection of a chnrlty hospital. The diamond , which will bo offered iu evidence today , weighs n fraction over 115 carats. Mr. Carroll , the present owner , claims thnt there is but one Inrgcr dinmond in existence tbo " , "Tiffany Spark ler , " which weighs tan carats moro und is valued at 8100.000. The "Orango" diamond was found in the south African Holds in t S4. Its history since that time bus been n remarkable one , und far surpasses that of tbo TIflnny stone. It came Into _ the bauds of 4 Dutch Jeweler , who rccognizo'd its great value , and it wus not until lSb that the cutting of i : "iris com pleted. It wns of orange ctisr , * ad from that it derives its name. 3abo iCi cUy , as stated , it rlgnred in Qaeea Victoria's jubilee. The ladies of the coari pcrc&ased It for $70,000 and made great preparations for its presentation , which was to bo oao of the great events of the jabtlco. There was great disappointment when aha made the request that it bo sola for the pur pose of establishing a hospital. The peculiar and unexpected request was widely com- , inonted on nt the time. The diamond wnsT disposed of and brought $60,000. Tbo pur chaser was II. 11. Lawrence of Colorado. .Mr. Lawrence presented It to his wife , who were it in 1ier necklace. It remained In her possession until the failure of Baring Brotho s , the London banner ) . Mr. Lawrence was a hcavv loser through the failure and ho was comoc-Ucd to dispose of the gem. It was sold to Edward Bruce , formerly secretary of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. Mr. Bruce retained it In his pos- ston until a month ngo , when ho sold ft to Mr. Cnrroll at a great sacrilic. It is said the purchase price was $50,000. un June 4 iUr. uarrou placed the stone 111 the hmds of Mr. Scale. Though ho had pur chased it at a bargain in became an nlophant on his hands and bo wished to dispose of It. He culled on the diamond broker , who said that ho know a possible customer. Tbo diamond wns loft with htm and the owner wns given a receipt for it. Mr. Carroll's in structions were thnt the diamond should not bo sold for loss than $05,000. At the end of two days Mr. Carroll called on the broker nnd nslied about the gem. Ho was told ho would have to wait several duys. Whon'Mr. Carroll called again bo found the broker In n joking mood. Mr. Carroll alleges that the broker denied having it in his possession. "What do you mean , sir , " gasped Mr. Can oil , greatly frlghtonod. "You heard what I said , " it is nllegod t the broker replied. "I haven't got it in my possession. " "I'll have you arrested , " was the lotort , "If vou don't give mo that gem. " ' Mr. Scale Is further charged with having said with n laugh , "Such u thing is not possi ble in Now Yoik. " Ho lott without nny bettor understanding , nnd made complaltit to the police , A war rant wns issued for Scale's nrrost. After bolng placed under arrest Mr. Sculo expressed his willlngnesj to appear at once before the court and explain his side of Iho story. Ho was vrry much an noyed when told thnt court was closed nnd that he must spend the night in a prmon cell. 'Ho ' said ho could.furnish bail for any umouut and asked that ho bo brought before soma justice. The prisoner's friends hunted nil around town for a justice , but when fhoy llnully found ono ho refused to coino down to headquarters to'accept ball , ns > thoumount wns too largo. tjoiilo was surrounded by drunken nnd dis orderly prisoners arrested for various ordi nary Offenses. Ho wns stylishly dressed nnrt wore considerable jewelry. Ho refused to talk when questioned , nnd said boould ex plain the mutter iu court. A It f'lJK TVItK I1TH IVHA I * KS. \ Pilot Boat Strikes Three and Kills Uno. New YOIIK , Juno 13 Pilot ICccloy of the Sandy Hook pilot boat Acton No. 15 came iito | port xvitli the steamer Caledonia on Thursday night , nnd ho tolls of u strange ad venture which the pilot boat had 'with n school of whales on Juno 7. The Acton wns formerly a yucht belonging in Boston , She Is tto largest and supposed to bo the fleetest boat in the pilot ( loot. She is the only ono with flaring bows , The Acton was about three hundred mid fifty miles oft Sandy Hooky running bofoio n northeast wind ut eightknets nn hour. It wns curly In Iho morning of Juno 5 and no ouo wus on deck except the 'man at the whool. Looking out ahead over tlio tumbling sea bo saw In the wntor n com motion which wns rnpldly npproachlng the vessel. Then ho saw that It was cnused by thrco big whales , making directly for the pilot boiit. Tbo whules were ti avoling nt ilia raUi of twenty knots nn hour. The man nt the wheel celled to Pilot ICeoloy , who came on dock In tlmo to sen two of the big Ilsh , then close to the bows , dlvo b'llow the wntor , The third nnd biggest whale did not dive soon enough , nnd us ho , too , wont down the slmip bows of the vessel struck him on iho back , tearing a gash two or three ynrds long. The shock to tbo vessel was so great that every ono asleep on board wns nwnkonod and came tumbling on deck , thinking the pi lot boat wus in collision with nnother ves sel. But the worst shock was succeeded by a second und greater ono. for , as the whale wont down , ho struck with his lluUos n tcr- rllio blow on tlio vessel's ' bow. The shock of the blow broka dishes In the pan try nnd made cups and glasses leap from their tracl.s. Blood foam was throivn ns high PS the how- Hprit. As iho vessel drove nn tbo Injured one was noon to coma up usturu nnd Do motion- ' lojs on the water , while the other twp whulua circled around him excitedly , Two days later tlio Btcamor Caledonia uatno along and aw the whale Heating do-id oti tbu water with n largo gash In his buck. The next day the Btoamor took l'l\ol \ Kceloy aboard and learned of the stranfo accident. \Vliy ito llod. ) The coroner's jury rendered n verdict o lisphyxlutloii in the cas'o of Joseph Mntov. witch who blow out the gas at the European hotel last Saturday night. Una Holler's Harsaparilla and Ilurdiok tbo gru.it blood purifier.