THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . SUNDAY , . JUNE 14 , 1801 SIXTEEN PAGES PEXICAN WATERING PLACE , Pictures of the Lift and Business of a Mexi can Resort. SCENES ABOUT AQUA CALIENTES. IMnco AVIicro Men nnd IVomon Ilatlio Together AVlint It Costs to DJTSH n Mexican „ Duilo. ! 1 > il rrank O , Carjxrifer. ] CAi.iEsrns , Juno 10. ( Special Cor- BHK. | I am at Acuas Ciilientos , the famous hot springs of Mexico , it Ialtogether different from on American 'lic.iltti ' or summer rc.sort and it might bo | bodily transplanted to the soil of western 1 India and not scoin out of place. I am slttine In inV long , hlgh-colllugod room in the Hotel del J'ln/n. It Is llko-iill tha rest of the rooms ot ttic hotel , on tbo ground lloor , nnd I call my I'oy charaborman to make up my bed by cl.ipt ing my hands. It has no windows and lu looks out on a Ilttlo garden full of most bountiful ( lowers. The hotel Is built around this pnrdcn. It is of one story and it makes hio think of a hotel at which I stopped In ono of thQ native states of Hlndoostnn , Joypore , Bnvii that there I had my own servant and ho Elcpt air night in front of my door. A stuns Callentos contains about forty thou sand pcoplo and nine-tenths of the houses ino of ono story. They all have Hat roofs und 'ho water Is drained off through pipes of clny which Jut out about a foot from the edt'o of the walls. Tlieso walls are very thii k. They are built of stone or sun-dried brick ami are stuccoed w hero they face the street , und this plastcring-llkn stucco has bi'tni painted in delicate blues or pinks or yellows , , making- the whole town ono mass ol tainouw colors which , strange to say , docs not Irolc out of place under this bright Mexi can stin. None of these houses have gardens in front of thorn. They nro built close up to lhi > cobble stone sidewalks , so that In going through the town you seem to bo passing be- twrcn walls of golly colored bill boards rcndy for the po4tors , each of which has a lir.lo In its center for a door. The peeler houses hnvq doors very roughly Jniidinnd In the galloping mulu street car that takes you from the depot to the ( .outer ol 'he town , you see few houses with windows dews , nnd many of those doors are filled with q ( or looking dark-faced people. The men in Uirlr icd and gajly colored blankets look Jit uresque , apd vho women , with their Unilc imihogony faci-s , their long black hair sir liming down tlicir backs freshly wet 1m in their last bath in the hot waU'rs , are in Bonio cases very pretty und in others ns ugly us. the Witch of Ender after an attack of the smallpox. > Small Investments Noticeable. , A you leave the station you pass the pub lic batli hpuses low Spanish buildings , \vhciv you can got for from 20 to 30 cents n l > ati ! of tiny kind you want , and go up n long ( lusty thorouchfaro under wide-spi-oading preen trees into the business part of the city. ITho business of this city of 40,01)0 people is'a 'air sample of that of the interior Mexican .own. It is big onlv in the prices asked for , ha iirticlos sold. Mexico is not a great busi ness country. The most of the firms uro run ii ) small capital and there are hundreds of Btores which have not moro than $ JOO "ivuith " of stock. Many of these hero Jmvu oven less , nnd the storekeeper , liii the majority ot instances , has a little cave o ( a store without any windows 'opening out on the street , and ho stands be hind a counter which ruu.s right across the gtoio in front of the door and offers his goods lor ar.lo Tor thrcotlmcs * what ho oxnccts to ( Tilt. ill i tbo cnio of tlio smaller businesses tbo trailer is ncnerally a Mexican nnd there uro niuru peddlers in one olty in this country tlmn you will Hint in ton cities of the same elzu in tbo United States. I liuve just como from the markot. Imagine a long tier of stalls around two hollow squares which cover the lu-vu of a citv block. These stalls aio occu- i pied by tbo butchers and bakers nnd candle- ' ' Btii'k rankers , , who have the biggest Blocks , and the squares are lillcd with filR batted men In wbito cotton clothes and by njd-skirtod. women in white waists aud fed .skirts , who sit under wbito umbrellas as Iblw as the top of a small camping tout , with [ little plies of vegetable and fruit around Ttbari. luslted as to prices aud found that t ' -Things Were Sold In L'Ucs not bv measures. So many little notatoos s up n pile , and I was asked a cents fore o r potatoes , each of which was as big as a A pllo of eggs cost bore ! i cents , Btid a Ilttlo pllo of tomatoes and peppers were nmong tbo things sold. Poppers both green fend red were sold everywhere , and I saw that tome of the bigger market men baa grunt bins of them. They form a purt of 'every Mexican dish and are eaten lu great dunntities. Tbo average Mexican , however , oats very little in comparison with us. His market WlH ro not half as heavy as these of bis -ATnoi lean brother , and a sowing basket would , conuilu the dally supply for a largo family. U-'lio cheapest thing sold seems to bo frui t Which glows in the shape of oranges , bananas nnil lemons very abundantly about hero , and J got splendid orange * for 1 cent apiece. 'i lie Mnrknt (11 ( A unH Cullciitrs. ' A Lout t lih market , tbo Mexican poddlora 'tiau collected thonnolves by the dozens. JJoro was a woman with two great Jars of What looked llko very thin buttermilk before ) icr. She was selling it in glasses which hold from u half pint to a pint , to the passers by , ' -nt I and t ! cents a.glim. I asked what It was , 'T ttud was told it was pulque , the Mexican beer , which comes from n species of cactus , nndhioh is driinlt by tbo barrel every day throughout Mexico. At the corner bosid'o bar , bolero a coso which looked llko a book- , stood n shoo peddler. His stock was jiuuto up of sharp toed gaiters , and by actual count ho bad only twenty pairs to soil. A little further on , a yollow-fncod woman in her b.iro feet , sat , with ton pairs of baby phuos besluo her. This made up bur whole establishment , and tiround the corner I found a very pretty Aztou Innidun sitting on a stool and rolling black to- bucco Into clg.irottos. The paper she used was thicker than the newspaper in which this Jotter will bo printed , and she doubled the | > api-r ever tlio elRiirrottoi at both ends to nmltii it. stay together. Before she did so , lion ever , she molstenud the paper with her . chi'rry lips , and. when I smoked a package of liuf wiiros at the coat of a cents , it seemed to nm that scout of the cherries lingered there Btill. it was about. 10 o'clock nt the time I visited tbo market , nnd foBiid out few buy- Ing. The Mexican ladles dressed lublnck , passed through givine directions to their servants us to what to buy. But I am lolil that this was contrary to etiquette , and that the ladles of Mexico seldom do their own nuirkutiug , but leave Itontirolyto the serv ants. The Stores Very Orillnnry. Near the market I found n taw vary fair ptoie.s , but they would bo small affairs In a town of10,000 In Now York or Ohio , and n western city oflO.OOO could show many llnur. U'ho counters heio ran across the whole front of the htoro , and only the biggest of them had Bliow windows. The dry goods stores con- Caincd chiutly French goods , and tbo mer chants wcro in roost cases French or Ger man , though I fouml some of them Mexicans. ; X stopped in. front of a but store which had a most gorcoutis display in Its windows anil iirli'ed somosomoiei-oos. They ramjcd from $1 up to | Tri aplouo , ami I am told that some of Uu-so Mexlaui duties wear hats that coat inoio than $ UX ) . homo of the huts were trimmed with pold l iil oliver cord , niul I looked at n ISO ono \vuifli weighed about Ian pounds , and which measured eighteen Inches from ono sldo of the liilin to the other. It baa a crown a foot bifid , and there was a cord of gold rope as bit : uiounil na my wrist about it. Many of tbu hats hail olj and silver letter * upon them and I sco many woin which have the iiiotioununs ot theirownora cutout of silver nnd hewed on tn the sales. They am of nmiiv colorn u ilollcata cream , a drab and a blaclt tojiiir very common , nuti they uro beautifully ailo und are said to bo Just tbo thing for this liov sun und the high winds. The same lirm sold hulioi1 hats. Most of these came from J'uri * They were very high-priced and not nt all pretty , Wlmt It Costs to Drosa n Duilc. Kcuv by I stojipod at u Moxicau clothlug store nn < l looked nt sorno Mexican panta loons. I hero npnln found that tbo dude of oumUter republic ha * to pay for hU ulyla. Mnny of the pntitaloons were tnaJo of buclr- sUlnr and tlio iilonst pairs which were lined with dolld Mlvor buttons down the sldot cost ns hifrh as ? 'X ) nnd ? 7o , and coats were llko- \viso high. It la not hard for n. Moxlcan country spend from i-100 to < MOO on his clothes , and" when you take into con sideration that ho bos to sport a saddio.spurs and revolver of llko gorgeous character , you sco that if one of tbeio blfj farmers has a crowd of grown up boys , his clothing bills amount to something. This , however , is the case of only the rich. Tlio Poor Are Very Poor Indeed. The poor hero nro so poor that they don't know how poor they are , nnd tholr clothes cost practically nothing. A pair of these cast-off buckskin pantaloons will lait n long tlmp , nnd the ordinary cotton suits worn by the poor , though high considering their ( iharnctor , cost but Ilttlo. A blanket toils from a dollar or two up , nml the leather snndnli which nro worn almost universally by the Indians , are nothing moro than two pieces of solo leather as big as your hand tied to the top and bottom tom of thn foot with leather strings. Thoio cost-lil cents apiece and last n lonir time. The dross of the poorer women is oven cheaper than that of the men , nnd Mexico's 9,000,000 of peasants will have to make moro money nnd hnvo greater needs before the land can bpcotno a great consumer of the goods of nnv nation , Thole bouses are hovels of mud , aud tholr diet is simpler than their clothes , con sisting of Ilttlo moro than corn cakes and rod pcppors. Garden Spot of Mexico. The only poor thing , however , nbout this part of Mexico is the people. Tbo land bore Is as blaclt as your lint , and In coming to Aguas Caliontcs on the Mexican Centinl railroad , you ride for mllo'i through Holds which will vlo with thotr crops with tlio valleys of the Nile or the Ganges , nnd I nm told It is called tbo garden of Moxlco. It certainly is n wonderfully rich garden , and cropi of all kinds grow hero in all the luxuriance of the guano beds along the coast. It is moro than a mile nbovo the sea , nnd the air seems to lovlvlfy tbo land so that it produces two crops a year without icnnuro. From here almost to tbo City of Moxlco , n full day's ride on the cars , you go through a farmer's par.iuise , and plains of rich crops stretch away from each side of tlio ro.ul until their green fades out into the hay blue of the mountains hi the distance. This region of Mexico has n good rainfall during the wet season , but this is also aided by irrigation , and I see the method of raising the water from ono level to another is the same as that used about Osaka in western Janan. It is by a long polo with a weight on ono end and with a bucket attached to a rope on the ether which works on n second polo fastened upright into the grounds. You sco peons working this crude well everywhere , ana tbo sparkling water Hews like bauds of silver through the green. A Great Wlicnt Region. This is n great wheat region and I sco corn stalks in many of the Holds. Maize Is ono of the great crops of Moxlco. It can bo raised In every part of the country , nnd It consti tutes 80 per cent of the eutiro agricultural product of the land. Moro than $100,000,000 worth of it is raised every year , and it forms the food of the common people who pound or grind it up and make it into the thin flat griddle-likn cakes known as tortillas. The corn is always sold in a shelled state and such as r hnvo soon has been white in color and largo in grain. Great Ijiiclc of Water. Up to the present time every Mexican city I uavo visited has been suffering from lack of water. The greater port of the country notb of hero oatho line of the Mexican Cen tral road is a desert nml the big mining towns of Zacatecas and Guanahuato have hundreds of men who make wator-poddliug their pro fession. In Zacatecas tlio water , with the exception of n little stream that Hews into a big fountain in the plaza , comes from a spring away up on the side of the mountain and it is brought down on the backs of little donkeys in red clay ] ars. These jars are tied on by ropes nnd the water man peddles them from house to house as our dairvmen do tholr milk. In Gunnahuato the pcoplo nro moro enter prising nnd they have a system of water- world which , however , by no moans supplies the demands of the city. The water paddlers here carry thoiwateti about'on their backs in im mense jars of red pottery about four feet long and a foot , in diameter , and they tilt those over when they want to serve a cus tomer. In Zacatocas T saw soldiers guard ing the only working fountain of the city and allowing only so many men and women to dip UD water out of it at n tlmo , and back of these , under the blaza of the hot sun , other men and women squatted with gourds and. crocks or oil cans waiting their turn. The water from the fountain was scooped up by these people as fast as it flowed out of the half dozen mouths of the fountain , and men and women bent themselves double in resell ing ever and catching drops In their gourds as it came or in scooping it up from the cdgo of thn fountain. Where Humanity Meets on a I ovol Aguns Callentos means "hot water , " and the hot springs here are among the finest in the world. There are n number of them , and the people coma here by the thousands to bathe in their health-giving waters. There is a big bath house kept up , I was told , by the town which has excellent bath- lug arrangements and in which there is a vat of hot water about lifty foot square which is ub > ed ns a swimming bath. This is near the depot on the edge of the to\vu , but I preferred to go to the old baths at the springs about n mile out in the country. 1 ho road to these baths is one of the finest in Moxico. and the sichts along It you will see no where else lu the world. Picture to yourself n long avenue ol great cypress treys which almost meet far above your head and shut out the glare of the Mexican sun and the silver of the clear sky. Let these trees bo very near together- and lot them go on and on until they seem to almost como together in the distance. Alontr the sides-of the road lot there bo the greenest - est of grass , nnd on the right of you ns you wnllc towards the bath , place a stream of steel blue water from which the stoum rises ns it Hews on towards you. Lot this stool blue stream How through n Ilttlo aqueduct of white stone nnd lot this bo nbout three foot wide and nbout four foot deep. Here you hnvo the background of the picture. Now for tlio show Itself. This stream is the waste of tbo hot springs. It is also tlio bathing place nnd the washing place of the common people of the Aztecs of Aguns Caltontos. They are here by the hundreds mon and women , girls and boys , lovers mi it sweethearts all bathing together in the warm , lefreshing.and health- Rivlug waters. Mnny of thorn bavo washed tholr clothes whllo In the water and ihcso they have spread out on the green banks to dry. Under these great trees us far as your " eye can see , there nro whlto waists , rod skirts and iho otlior bright bits of color madu by many colored sornpas and the gay robosas which Ho on the green banks whllo their owners nro splashing nnd playing and scrub bing themselves lu the little trench bolow. Hero Is a man bathing , whllo his wife sits on the bnnk nnd wntchos htm , nnd the sun creeps through , the trees nnd paints bis dark skin n rich mauogniiv. Here thuro Is n half- undo Venus , nuked almost to tlio waist , scrub- bingaway washing seine clothes by rubbing * Lhom on a rough stone , and thora under a trco lies nu Indian half dressed but sound nslcop. I point my camera nt him nnd bis wife springs up from the stone where sbu Is washing nnd stands over htm as though she Tcarod tbo camera was some now fnuglod ; ttn. I press the button , however , nnd the loiib and the shutter do the rest. Modobty n Matter of Custom. I walk along the stream and nmuso myself by taking uoto of the bathers. They see nnt.llllur iviviiii * In tlirilt. nnttmta nml I nntft that there Is nothing really immodest , bolder or indecent about them. They think nothing wrong in families and friends bathing to- cethor , and after all I have again forced upon mo the feeling that modesty nnd Im modesty nro matters of custom nnd fashion , nnd am reminded of n little maiden in Egypt who , upon seeing mo approach , covered her face with her sulrt thnt she might modestly hldo it from tbo eyes of a man. Tbo Japanese are In many ways moro mod est than wo aro. They nr9 In most things more polite and rollnud. Still , until Intely , tha sexes b.xth together In the very capital Itself , and virtue was not Injured , nor did. [ irudery raise her voice until tha wtwtorn world taught her to do so. It li slmply.a mat ter of opinion , and tbo old French saw 11U the case well : "ilonl solt qul maly ponso. " FlIANK G. CiUrii.NTEIl. To the admirer ot an extra dry wlnoCook's Sparkling Imperial recommend * iUelf. Its Uocjuot U lluo ; it's naturally formuuloO. FROM THE VAILET OF DEATH Our Boys Charged to Victor ? up the Sides o Missionary Ridgo. THIRTY-SIX BRIGADES IN CONFLICT How the Federal Contro Broke Through the Itclol Line ami Swept Its Oppo nent Ii'rotu the Field. PAHT II. WrUten for The JJee. Before looking at Missionary Ridga ns 1 appears today , lot us llrst look at It through battle sinoko on that day when it was the sccuo of the grandest military spectacle over spread bo lore tlio oycs of man. Our point of view will bo the summit of Lookout mountain , and the date November 23 , 18W. Following the battle of Lookout Mountain , our troops bivouacked on the rocity slope undo : the palisades , the top of the mountain am part of the eastern slope still being in the hands of the enemy. On the morning of the 2. > th these of us who lay under Lookout Point were up by break of day , or oven earlier. Our beds wore not so soft or warm as to luvitiv lengthened repose ; and , if the onomy.still held possession of the rocks above us , our situation was decidedly precarious. The timber on that part of the mountain had been entirely cut away , and there wan new- no friendly fog to shelter us from hostile vis itation of load and iron. Wo were rlirbt under the eaves of Lookout , and wo were ap- prohonslvo that the hail of battle would soon bccln to drop from them into our ranks. Why oven a small force of sllngors could stone us out of our camp from these rocks ol vantage. But as the light increases and wo see no signs of attack , and hear not so much as the snap of a cap on the near summit from which Mars had sent his loudest shouts rolling down the surrounding valleys only a few hours before , it began to dawn on us that the mountain was wholly ours , and all that wo had to do was to climb to the crest and claim it under tha 11 up. And it was soon accomplished. Fifteen men of the Eighth Kentucky climbed up to Lookout Point through clefts in the rocks and waved the stars and the stripes over the mountain which wo had so gallantly won. As soon as our army saw Lookout under the proper Hag thov raised such a shout a these highlands and valley had never hoard before. After circling for a time around the crest of the mountain it swept down to Hooker's right in Lookout valley ; tbon it re mounted and climuod the mountain with the speed of sound ; down the eastern slope it sped , gathering increasing volume from tnousands of yelling throats ; it leaped the Tennessee at a bound , and it was as though Moccasin Point were a hugo tongue , and the gorge of the "Suck" were the sonorous throat of a mighty earth giant ; then the shout ran around our entire - tire line in front of Chattanooga , and oft to the extreme loft whore Sherman was uroparing to begin the movement against the northern end or Missionary nugo , irom whence it came racing back along the same line on the double < juicknnd played leap-frog over tha back of Lookout with a boyish abandon which m.ido yelling seem the great est luxury imaginable. O , what a shout ! It was the gallant cry of victory , and. Mission ary Uidgo listened , end was silent. As the Ninoty-sixth Illinois , of which the writer was a member , fought on the extreme right during the battle ot the 34th , passing over the highest and roughest ground , wo were accorded the honor , with the Eighth Kontuckv , of holding the mountain during the battle of the i" > th. This gave us the privilege of viowlnir from tno top or the mountain , that magnificent movement which carried our lines over the crest of Missionary Ridge and completely delivered Chattanooga from the presence of the enemy , Tno readers of THE BIK : nro invited to stand on Prospect Point and view the grand spectacle with us. Look eastward over the back of Mission ary Ridge , ever the Cuichamauga woodsover sixty miles of lessor hills and inountainsand the no on ends In a blue wall which rises 0,000 foot above the sealevel. . That Is tno Blue" Uidgo of North Carolina. In other directions the prospect la not quito so extensive , but your horizon rings in considerable portions of live states , and includes a wonderful variety of beautiful scenery. Towards the west lies Sand Moun tain , inferior only to Lookout in size ; towards the northwest llo the Uaccoon mountainsand at your foot winds the clear Tennessee in grrcoful loops , the longest of which encloses Moccasin Point with bcad-woric of silver. But our attention is drawn eastward by something more attractive just now than the loveliest scenery on the globe. There , two great armies face each other , ours in Chat tanooga valley and that of our antagonists on Missionary Kidgo. It is about four miles from the point whore wo stand to Bragg's headquarters on the Hldgo , but the atmosphere is so clear that wo can distinctly see the entire field of battle from Uossvillo Gap on our right to the north ern end of Missionary Uiugo on suorman's loft. loft.Hooker Hooker with sovcn brigades , Is on the right , proparing-to strike the enemy's line at Uossvillo Gap : Sherman , His corps consid erably strengthened by supporting- divisions and brigades from other commands , is on the loft , and Thomas , with his Army or the Cum berland , is in the center. General Grant's first plan is to crush tno confederate right with our loft , and Shor- ' innnJs men are already "ut > and at them. " The distance is so great that wo cannot dis tinctly see the movements of the troops ; but from the sound of the battle \vcvknow that the two armies have grappled yonder among the hills north of the tunnel and are locked in-a Horculo-Anttuan wrestle , the issue of which is doubtful tor hours. It is noun , and , with occasional pauses , the storm of battle on our loft still rages. It is i o'clock ' and the confederate line is still un broken , except at Uossvillo , where General Hooker has taken the gap and is preparing to swoop Missionary Rldgo lengthwise. The army of the Cumberland In the valley below us 11 rustless in spirit. There is "olo- Bant fighting anywhere along the whole line , " and they have not yet llrod a shot. But.tlghton your bolts , bays , aud got ready , for in ton minutes your opportunity will coma. . The hero ot Vlcksburg-stands ever yonder on Orchard Knob , and by his sldo stmds Thomas , the "Rook , ot Chiuknmauga. , " USrant smokes tils cigar and says very Ilttlo ; but his thoughts fall into line line battalions and Provldonqo favors thorn. Ho Is about to give an order whicli will crowd more stirring events Into an hour than could bo fully told in a volumo. Ho is about to hurl tils center against the enemy's works on Missionary Uidgo. Six guns fired from Orchard Knob at twenty minutes to four , was the sign for the begiiiulng-ot the movementiiiul ; , as the guns sound at Intervals of two seconds , llltu the the tolling of a mighty clock , wo , who vlow the battle from Lookout , sco n marvelous transformation take place in the valley below us. It gives birth to an armed force , who Torsako their sheltering breastworks and form In line in tbo open valley , leaving no reserves behind. What a magnificent line ! Eleven brigades are in line of battle right before us and seven moro nro with Hooker on the right and eight divisions nro with Sherman on ttio loft. For a few moments it seems llko a grand review. Our line is so regular and. tholr movements are so predao that they seem to bo playing-soldier. But Missionary Uidgo evidently is In dead earnest , for it leaps Into volcanic action along its entire- crest , Fifty pieces of lirtll- ory over yonder begin to plnyn stern battle liymn , and I' , is as though Vulcan war ) suiit- : ng the Keys with his slougo , and the vault of the sky woio hollow /Ktim lillod with the reverberant thunuor of his mighty blows. Shells como circling across the valley , trail- ng after them that poculiarwnbbliug shriek la which the nerves never bocoma accus tomed ; anil the air ever thahuads of our ad vancing linahtdottod with wblto , circular clouds , tolling wboro exploded shells have tiocomo down-rusnlng streams of Jagged ihuudarbolt , dealing death and mutilation in ) ur ranks. But our artillery U not sllunt. Orchard Kuab confronts lu EURO antagonist with miraculous audacity , and slings shells oa thouuh it were Ilttlo David standing In the yalloy ol LUnh und youdor wrathful rlugo were Goliath of Gfttb. "Forts Wood" and Nop- loy smoka und Unmo-HQe volcano orators In hot eruption ; Fort Kiiyppeala wish a royal volcoi FortPnlmor bcllW it * peaceful name and becomes a pugilist ( whoso Iron-kiuicklod blows go straight front tbc shoulder with tell ing effect ; and oven Moccasin Point , almost out of the light onnrownt of dlstanco , reaches the ridge nlonj Kh parabolas which scorn to know Just wHojto , curve to oarth. Hero is n panorninsvflt war four ratios In length , a panorama jMllero the guns paint tholr oxvn smoke ns It-1 rolls In billowing clouds from tlielr bellowing- mouths ; where the llio is not rod strca.k.sof pigment on can vas , but leans and lUwlicn like the llvo light nings of honvcn ; whdro lines of men ad vance , and opposing lines resist , and battle- lings nutter , and tliosoinrd of the battle ah , bow could paint that I filling- the whole valtoy with increasing roar , and cullslltip every echo lurking In surrounding hill and moun tain to add their voices to the at touudlngut- mult. Hero is heroism indeed. Our man are not sustained by the excitement of close contest , but "stormed at by shot and shell , " without tiring a shotln reply , they are wading breast deep through the vnlloy of death , scoltlng to gain a llchilni : foothold at the basa of the ridge. Yes , and they have reached lighting ground at lost ; forstoadylng themselves fern n moment , they roll down on that first line of works at the further stdo of the valley as the waves of the wind swept Atlantic roll down on a low lying roof , and ever it they go in a surge of victory , scaitoring tholr antago nists like filing foam far up the side of the ridgo. Who can toll what followed. A breathing spoil of a few minutes ; then yield ing to n common heroic Impulse , wlthont or * dors , contrary to orders in fact , our men fnco that llamlng roof and. resolve to climb It. Some of the leaders try to halt the line , knowing that they nro exceeding orders , but who can halt that which is to bo , for God commands the line now , not General Grant. Up , up they struggle. ; notono of these trim lines of oattlo such as you sco In pictures , but irregular , scattering , bent down hero and up there , a zigzag line drawn norns.s a vnrv ronph iMcm. linrdK- n line nt nil iii places n confused scramble of struggling men , each man for himself , yet each man for the Hag which Mutters o'er him nn altogether unmilltnry line except that it will go forward. They nro now witnin easy range ofmuskotry , nnd n tempest of lend is sweeping down the slope. The marvel Is that any of our men dared to face it , or lived through it , for every man will hnvo to pass scores of bullets on his way to tuo cro.1t. The sun ii now balancing level rays ever tbo back of Lookout , and what pur men do to win the day they must do quickly. Yes , and they are dolnc it ! "Fighting Phil" scorns to bo a Ilttlo In the load , but ether commands are nearlng the works nt the same time. Our men nro now breasting waves of ( ire within a few rods of the works. Bragg and Breckenridgo nro striving to rallv their wav- orlng line ; they are hurling rocks on tbo heads of our men only a few feet below them , and shouting "Chlckanlnuga" as a term of reproach. But they could not glvo our bravo boy1 ! amore moro inspiring battle cry. The grand old Army of the Cumberland are bent on taking a look ever toward1) Chlckamauga from the crest of Missionary Ridge , and Bragg and all of his tinny cannot longer hold them back. Yonder is a Hag at the works it is on thorn 1 and another there ! and another there 1 and at almost the .samo moment our victorious army sweep their foes from the crest of the ridge , capturing fifty pi4co3 of artillery and many prisoners. "I"1 \Vo are too clad too ty.yp in detail the sub stantial results of thatpjondid victory ; but as long as battles are qurrnted the story of Missionary Ridge will have power to stir tbo blood to quickened pulsations. v After Ija Grippe. Restore ' strength by yfslng the tonic Regent , fer'ro-manganeso waters pf Kxcelsior Springs , Mo. ol > Mrs. M. DJ'RILEA S o ) BUNION PROTECTOR. Cured n cnso of .W years' atnn ling It cm bo worn n the oatiio 8l7o nlioe. Slips on and otr with the stocking , llhloi an enlarged joint , nnd glvoi lu- Btantrcllef. Inthreo slros. Pi Ice Uo cents. Fur sale by J. A. Fuller & Co. , Klmlor'a Drug Store , McCormlck A , Lund , nnd Cook's Shoo Store haetory tiMU Sherman street , Chicago. AGKNUINH MIOIlODISKILLKlt Is KIDc'S OBItM BllADICATOB Cures all dlsoa'ea because It kills the mlcrobo orgcrm. Put up and rotilled In J- , $ G ana K sizes , tha latter 21-2 gallons Sent nny- hero prepaid on receipt of prlco orC. O U. \ \ e Issue a guarantee to euro. The public , trade and lobbcrs supplied by the Uoodinan Drag Co. . Me- Corrnlck A Lund , Omaha ; C. A. Melchor Iloward Slyors and K. J. Seykorn , South Oman : A. I > . Fos ter and M. 1' . Kills , Council HluU * . IjoDuu'H I'crioiliciil I'ills. This French remedy acts directly upon the genera tive organs and cures suppression ot the inonsoi. f2 or thrco for $5 , and can bo mailed. Should not boned nod during pregnancy. Jobbers , druggists nnd tlio publlo supplied by Uoodman Urug Co . Onmlin. FOR MEN ONLY YOUNG MEMVOJLD MEKT . GET III THE TOILS OF THE SERPENTS OF DISEASE. They m > ' hirolo effort ! to fro themidvM , ff. but not knowing bow to mcetiirullr C8YJSHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES tb r gtr up In ilecptlr and link loto mo early k ( TlTt. tttlt U EUUOK I Tlurt U IIKI.FII OUR NEW BOOK .ot free , roit-pill , ( luliil ) fort limited tlmo , i'l ' lm thepblloioplirotDlien- i > Dd Amlctloai ot tha Oriini of lUn. tndhow by HOME TREATMENT. i tymetbodieicluilvilyour own , the wont rnwsof Loit or FilllDZ U nbood , Otaerkl d Nirroni De. tllltr. We knen o Dody , tndtllnd , EB cti ot Erron or EICIIIII , Stunted or Bhrankin Orf am onn Ix > Cnr.l. . B" t ' 'JASKi nowtoKnUrg. naBtr.ntlienWEAK.UHDEVElOPEn ( OEOAMB A PART8 of BODY made plain to all IntireitiO. lien uilirr from 60 St l < . Terrlloiltt end Forilca CauDUIlu Ton o n write them. For llook.f ll eipUmllnn antl pro r. , ' J" ' ERIEWIEDIOALCO.BUFFAl-O.N.V. X have a positive rorned forttho boo dliieaBQi by Ita tua thousand * of casoj of tlio norat Id ml and of long Btaudmt ; bAva boon aurc < lfTKitMd f ) ) strong U my faitli In Its efficacy , tint I uill xui J TM o noTTLta FnEF.nlth a YAI.UA1IM ! Tltl'.ATl.'UrQn tliii dlsoaso to any tut. ferorurlio will Bond me thdcUipreiui and I'.O. adJruas. T. A. Hlociim , HI. C..JSI IVnrl bt. , N. V. > [ . _ Others In ' comjKirlaon uro flow or ' " "IIKAD. Ifsuffrringtry WOOD'S PLASTER. liovev * Cur 8 All CIDDS QUICK TOOTH 4. IIKADAC'IIH CACHKTS 1) Uieonly romoilytbat reilerus tootiuclia , hand- ( . ho nnd nDuralu'lu. It Is Iho vlienpotl. II UoauJ. for Ocn packnuo. Neither pomtor. liquid , plllnorloi- uiiiu - Itl tli uiu t nk-cu-uahla In takg.Vo wur- aiatbli remedy to ulto lallifactlon Can tie mulled. lelall of Iillq A l-o lla and ( ioodumii Driitf Co , dm LADIES. Worn und doubt inner oomo to Itioto who uao our 'Companion ' , " J ait Intraducuil : Uili a llfc-llnm , In destructible , ufoi rplliUjlu. To Introduce , Mo. KUiuu * tttkBU. WliSTKIl.S AUK.NUV , Clljr , Mo. OMAHA NBJ3. , , WAIT AFTERNOON AND NIGHT , , FRIDAY , JULY 24. Adam Forepaugh Shows THE ONLY BIG SHOW COMING THIS SEASON. The Oldest , Largest , Richest , Grandest Exhibition in the World THE ONLY BIG CITY SHOW TOURING WEST THIS YEAR. l.XWMon nndllnr < pl ,1 Ormt Hallway Trrilml IDOSopar- ntoiiiui Distinct Art * In thn .l-lllim Clreual Jill I'lnlnimcn , Sioliln. nncl .snvnKC'JI SOU llnrn AnlniiilH Mini lllrd l Ainu nml AiriMorrl > iul toirprlnK Touts ! Idiom fur nil cntlni conn- tr t'Onrntli Urn trompndmn ptivllloti'l Dillnipen ci n for- tunol .Million * limxti'ill All llno i > r triiTi'l rr ndod > Tliom- miiidii tipun thoiKiiniU IhronuliiK to IIIMJ It ! SohonK toro < , Khops'i'loscMt ! All liiiilni'i * BiH'M'ndedl The roiuitrr's irnli * ilnyl It would tnkn llio mini poll lomm Toliunu to ilotnll nil tlio now , cxUtlim , Kri'il und noiiiltirful fo.ittiroi of Iliu Adnm r-nrupiliuli lni\r < Klrst ( line KOIMI III America , tol. lloone ami .Mli-riirlottii. Ilia world * rlinmiilon lion trnlni'rs , mid llrsl premintntlon of Ilia tlirlllhw nnd nirivln < ) > lrliw otlillilllun of D lAlONS A-LxlA lAElT LvOOSia In mi'miroly fenced Modl-bnrrml circus rlnit. Von wlllftco fortlm llrst tliiiiilnyourlltoi , Mom ildlnn n trlpyi'lol Minis rnilnif In ImrnoMl l.lom plnylnit icu-snwl I.lons ilunalriK , lo.iplni ; ' l.lom rormlin : liluli pynimMi ! All rrciMiilii IIiuIrimtlMi IUKoii will 900 for the llrst tlmn umler cnnviif , the unlvcrni fniilpil M A. N IA O N - V O IA T E R S The crunti'tit of living aurlnllitt In tbu tic tth-ilahrlnu I o in for \ \ lih me world' * limit ruuiwni'd Kid- Colossal era AllilotiB , Gyimmatii nnd Specialty IVrformor' , Including \Vondorful 3- Klfiy Tliimiiniiil Dollar bind of _ Tr.ilnnl llroiii lmlli _ r ui _ 32 i. llopru vntlnir 1 yonrt' utlnrti fully TTvo , . .Million DullnM oxpi'iulod diirlnK tlmt tlnia 2 M&M * ? * ' IP1 In ii'ciirlnu rum llvliiK Mpoolnicns of every Itllll A > ilfIdrd : mid nnliunl known tuoxUt With oil lliirouoS Moil KIIIU ) u < THE MAGNIFICENT end K.ilroit llldor , lrlvcrn , ( luir- lotoor1 * , eto , nnd Iticos by Thor- onulibrctU ord CanioN , Kfophun n ontl ether onluuils ovur a full } { nillo. GREAT WILD WEST Hnillntlo rnpro'Ontntlon fnnntlcnl " ( iho t Dinco , " and Iticldcntn of the "Messiah cnuo , " l&U pnwiuct EXHIBITION cowboys , etc , hanging 11 Jior o tlilof , rnhbory U 8 mall , ( 'URter'a last rnlly , Virginia reel on horseback , border llfo In nil Ita ptinnca Arrive In town In ncaaon to beheld the STUPENDOUS GOIjD-ULHAMING , ( JOHOKOU3 IP A. R. A. D Iii Which Inkos place at about 10 o'clock , on the forenoon of slionrday. It ntnrts from the exhibition ground All the par- nilea In the world , rolled Into one * , would not equal the nno- fourth part of thii TIIHKK MILLION DOU.AH I'Al.lIANTUY DISPLAY ! All the Wild West nil the Hippodrome , nil tbo Trained Anlm.ili , nil the clrcui , all the savages scouts , con- hoys , all the gorgconi , glittering chariots , fairy fpattiro < , per forming horse * . superbly costumed rlilora , Hlx full musical band * * , and ,7)0 ) features space won't portnlt to nnnniorati1 , con stitute thii , tno MOST THKMKNDIHJS HlHi : STIIKKT SHOW rAUADH THK WOULD HAS IIVKII WITNK SIII ) fjfi BXHIIIITIONS EVKHY WK1I1C-DAY , at 2 nrd 8 o'clock. Afternoon nnd ovonlng. LOW I'AUiS AND KXTUA THAINS ON ALL ItAILHOADS. AilrnHsloii Bnitio 111 usual. I'or the arcoiumodatlon of the publlo who would avoid the crowds on the grounds reserved numbered seats ( at the regular prices ) and admission tickets , at the usual fllUht advance , ran bo &ocured at Opern House Pharmacy on the day of Inhibition only. 28th Year-James E. Sole Owner.-The Show - . Cooper , . - Only Big Coming. WAIT-FOR ADAM FOREPAUGH SHOWS-WAIT. We Offer the Following Special Bar gains at Prices Less than half Value. One Piano - $125.00 Steinway .Square , . . . . $ . One Haines Bros. Square Piano 100.00 One Knabe Grand Square Piano 200.00 One Chicago Cottage Organ , 13 stops. . . . 50.00 One Estey Organ , 9 stops 50.00 One Shoninger Organ , 11 stops , Cklfo" 70.00 One Sterling Organ , 11 stops 50.00 One Sterling Organ , 7 stops 30.00 One Palace Organ , 9 stops 45,00 One Newman Bros. Organ , 10 stops , 40,00 , One Nicholson Organ , 8 stops 25.00 Several of these organs are nearly new , having been taken in exchange and we warrant them to be fully as represented. Payments may be made in monthly installments if desired. Our stock of first class pianos and organs is the largest and most complete overseen in Omaha , and at prices , quality considered , below all competition. Be sure and see what we offer before purchasing. Max Meyer & Brol Coi , Cor. 16th and Farnam Sts. From date of this paper. Wishing to Introduce our CRAYOM PORTRAITS _ _ _ . - . . woliavodocidwltomakothlsBpcelaloircr. and at thosamotlmaoxtond our business nnd tjonduaaCablnotric- maknnnwcuBtomors , , , turolMiotoprrnphTlntypoAmbrotypoorDuKucrotypaofyoiirscl . ornuyinoinbirofyourfainllyllvliirordiiadnndwowlUniako ! youaMFKHizEcnAYfiNi'OUTKAiTritKEOFjJHAUGK.provldPdyouoxhib , tlitoyourfrlcndsnsnHnHiploofourworlt nnd use your . influence in securing us future orders riaco , name and address on back of picture nnd it will bo returned lu per fect order. Wo make any chance in plcturo you wish not interfering with the Ilkenvsi. Uofor to any bank In Chicago , , AaOrtsaOliiauUto PACIFIC POntnAIT HOUSE , IOQ&11Q RandolpU St.Chicago , HI. BE SURE TO OMCEWXIOWT TKCIS PAPER.