14 THE OMAHA DAILY' BEE : SUNDA JUNE 14 , 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES , 8PEG1RL NOTICES. * " A DVEHTIEEMKNTB for"tiicVe columns wll jtXjio taken until 12:10 : p. m. , for the oven in edition , nnd until 6n ; : p. m. , for the mornlni edition and HUNDAV HKE. mEUMS-Coah In advance ' - < 1ve'rtl < rmrntion1hliipaewlUn < KATE8-A charged for nt the rate of 1H cents po word for the flrstlnscrllon. and Iccntnorwori each sulif-rqucnt Insertion , and 11.10 pc : for per month. No advertisement taken foi tfg than 21 cents for tlio first Insertion. TNJTIALS. llg J'symbols , etc , , countencl JL OR ono word. HM1ESE ndvpftlsrmrnts mint run connect ; JL. lively and under no circumstances wll they be taken or discontinued by telephone. ndvpHlsInz In thcsn column * nni PARTIES their usmwcrsaadrrnod toa"nunv lerrd letter In cure of TIIK UFK. will receive r numrerrd check to enable thoni to get thru Jotters. Answers will bo delivered only or presentation of this check. Jncloto : answer in envelopes properly addressed. / ndvertl rmcnt under thn henfl 01 ALlndvertl " nro published In boll Hie nuirnlne nnd owning rdltlonsof TUB Ilrn tliprlrculntlon of vUilch nt-groKntcsniorotlian SO.fOnpnpnrs dally , nnd gives tlio advertise ; flip benefit not only of the lnrgp plrculntlon ol Tin : nn ; In Omnlia , 1'Ut also In Council niuIrR Lincoln nnd other cltlrs and towjis'ntlicwe t BRANCH OFFICEST Advertising for HIPSP column" wtl > " o tnknn ontlm nliovpcondition" , at the f I'.nwIiiB ' bnsl- nciR houses vvlio nrenuthorl/pd to tiikf special notices , at the same rates as can bo had at the snaln ofllrc. BTmi OMAIU nu Nrn OFFICE Na IfiN. : Urcrt. Lister Illoek. TOIIN wfilELU Plmrmaclst , llth St Mason . ' htroet. 11ASE & EDDY. Stationers and Printer 113 South 1Mb street. s.II. . I'A HNS WORTH , rimrmacist , 2I1S . Cnmlna strppt J. Hl'OIIES. Pharmacist , C24 North 10th street. pEO. W. I'Alin , Pharmacist , 171S Loavcn- VJ rorth street. 'IT ruilEb' rilAHMAOV. 24th nnd Farnam. B SITUATIONS WANTED. rn , tic. . Kftnp of frrt rolumn on Hit * yigr- COl'NTKY fpnclior. wlm Is nn excollpnt Boniiislress find luiipood machine , wishes to fcpw In ri'llnt-d fa in 11 v part of each week In payment of board or all the thno forcomfort- able nrrotiimodntlons nnd small wairos. I'lciipant honin dnrlne Riiniinor Vacation main object. Aduress 1'42. lice. 813 II * Tnn I'lnco tMipro Inrty can keen WAN , do second work , tnku uaro of rhll- drpn. or sew In pnro'ontfor hoiird. Must hnve piano In house. K. A. , care 1208 Park nvo. . City. 807 14 * SITUATION wantPrt by yonnp attorney of nnollior Rtiitn In odicn or store ; oxuorlenccd In both. Address l'f.7 , llco. 610-14 * AllOOTOKwnnts locution. In At druggist. Would inanago drnir store. City mid coun try nxprrlcnrn. llocnlnr graduate. Itnfor- cnccs. All A. Co. , Fairmont. Nob. & 41-14 * \\7 ANTED A phvlolnn of 15 years oxporl- ' once wants location ; best of retnronccs. Ad drrss I' 49. Heo olllco. M780 14 * WANTED Situations for ( rood elrls ; my waltlni : rooms nro always full from 0 a. m. tofi p. m. Canadian Employment ofllce. 31414 H. Will. Tolnplinno R84. 241 ) nOFE SrONAI , nurse. Mrs. S. E. llonton. 1815 Oass street. Oniulia. Ml JltO WANTED MALE HELP. fiirrntf. tie. . tcct < ttnf firt column on thtiprtge. WANTED oniro tnnnagcr. must corno wpll rccoiiunnnilofl nnd Imvo MS ) cash BC- enrlty for coeds handled nnd IIIOIIPV oollei'ted. Will pay ? flO per month salary to rltslit party. Address with pelf addressed stamped pn- vplope for return , to No. 404 Iowa Latin rml Trust Co. bldg. . Dos Mo.nos , In. SOU 14 * "YVTANT'W ' TVavolI"K salesman. Can make ' J" > 3 per wpokpernianentlv : trade snpplul- tlcs. Talior. 177 Monroe street , Chicago. M > 3 14 * W ANTED A nrst class cabinetmaker and carpenter , isle Farnam at. 651 14 * WWANTED WANTED 'I hroo experienced salesmen to work In c'tv ' ; commission or salary If preferred. Call between 8 and 10 u. m. Kn I'axton blk. B.VJ 14 * \\7ANTED-An oldcrly gontlomtin' for n perinanpnt position In our business ; ealnry , $ ! 8woekly ; former city businessman prnfnrrcd. Call Tuoxday after 10 o'clock. A. N. Shldolcr. 12 Crelnhton block. 818 14 * SALESMEN on salary or commission to handle the now "Ink. Fruit , Stain Remov ing 1'cticll. " Will positively remove Ink nnd fruit stains from hands , elotli. etc. , without Injury. 200 per cent nroflt. Sample by mall 8.10. Full terms nnd particulars address Chem ical Pencil Co. . 3 ArDylo building. Chlcatro. Bill 14 * AOENTS Strcptmen make at least JIHOO dally Kelllmr best kitchen utensil made. Two Hamples and terms 15c. King , 1' , O. hov 204-1 Now Voi k. . 821 14 * SALESMEN to Introduce our specialty to the dry goods and grocery trade. Quick sales and lane profits guaranteed , Particu lars on application. Write quick , George O. Dakor.V ; Co. . South Bond. Ind. 815 li * , QENTS Wanted ? . " > 7.00 salary and nx- pc rises pald to bright , active , wldo- nwaKe young men ; touchers nnd students pro fcrrod : employment pleat-ant , refining and permanent : no book peddling ; our new ulnn takrs llko "wild-fire. " Address. Nntlonal Library Association , 243 Wabash aveiiup , Ohlcauo. III. 812 14 * ALAROE loan company , loaning on Im proved or unimproved first moitgago se curity , ton years tlmo , less than 0 per cent per iinnum. desires an oxporloiipod and resuonsl- ule ceneraI state agent. Address with rofnr- cncos , 510 Manhattan building , Chicago. 111. M78. ) IS * KGANI/.nitS wantcd- and JIOO In live montlm. First certificates In * " > o , class dtito .July 1. 1R1I. First class or-sanl/cr * wanted Wrlto for terms. Sunremo Induo. the I'nlvor- Bal Progressive l.oaguo , 172 Washington street. lloaton. Mass. M71)0 ) Jyl2 * T\7'ANTED A blaokHinlth to leave tbo city. T Must bo a good ImrsoRhoor and wa on ropnlrur , ono who can bharpon tools preferred. Apply to IIiiRh Murphy , 1503 Fainam stroet. Omaha , Neb. M 77i ( 14 WANTED-At onpp , architectural draughts man , good at. detail and construction. Ap ply W. H , Alford manager , I , llodcson. jr. , mown block , 10th and Douglas streets. 74S-I4 G ENERAL agents and canvassers looking for a permanent money-making business , no competition , should .icon ro the sale of the patent adjustable HIOI ! > . Address with stamp. Consolidated Shoo Co. , Salem. Muss. M717 22 * Bid money soiling the life of P. T. Harnum , only I1..V ) . ApontH wanted. American Book Co. , Now York Life bullilluL'.Omalia. Neb. TlTANTEO-Orijanlrers by the Friendly Aid T Society , Pays Its members Sloe ovnry fdx tnontliH. Has paid f.'KKi.OOO In benefits. Rcscr\o and bonnllt fund hold In trust by the Btutoof Massachusetts. Terms liberal. Ad dress Friendly Aid Society , Waltham. Mass. MK1J .ly.V _ _ \ \ ! ANTEISalcsmpn on salary or comniln- ' slon tohandln the now patunt chemleal Ink erasing pencil ; the greatest Milllni ; siovnl- ty overproduced ; orates Ink thoroughly In tttoaeconds ; no abrasion of paper ; 200 tofiOO norconU prolltj ono agent's sales amouifted Jo iJOM In six days ; another KM In two hour * . Wo want one general ncent for each state and territory. I or terms nnd full particulars , ad dress the Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co. , La Crosse. 847 WANTED FEMALE HELP. Fur nitV . ctf. . rce fnp nf fott column nn tills p lac , ANTED Good cook nnd laundress ; also experienced nurt > o girl. MiH Farnam. b58 14 * LADIl'.S who vrlll do writing for mo at Sholr own homo will guarantee good wages , Address with f > t > lt-addroAsed. stainped enve lope Mls.s l-.tlna Ij , Smythu. South llcnd. Ind , , proprietor of the famous Gloria Water for tbo complexion. 811 15 * w ANTED A few ladles to assist In toaolt- Ing the "Capitol" tailor system of Uhl- cage ; Ulobo hotel until Juno20 , F. H. llurd. KM 14 * ANTEU-Ltidles to soil bpcolnltlun for ladles. For particulars address E. O. iloruluk , MM MudUon avo. , Chicago , 111. 6117 14 * \\rANTEl > An elderly woman to tuUo care T of baby 1 your old. Call ut 2110 Lmiuot ht. b0014 * \\7ANTED-At Dr. Van Camp's , nil N.20th i > HI , , u competent girl for general home work. 7U4 li * wanted for gencrul housework 1010 GIRL avo. Mrs. J. M. Coummiau. 077-14 * PATENT SOLICITORS. I or rate } , , ttc.iettoyofftnt couian on f/i ( pgg Ittwjcru and solicitors. a.W.Suoa fc PATENT , bulfulub' . Omahu. Branolt olllee ut Wailslssiitoo , l ) , U. CosssuUuUgu Uco. s& FOR RENT HOUSES. Fiirrtilttetc.teetnp nfflrtl e tunin n " ' 18th and Center FOU RENT Nicely furnished lioune. nlm rooms , bath , oto. ; for the rummer t IICH Hanscom park. Mumaueh Si 1'ltcholl , 15tl und Howard ttrootn. M8TO II FOU UENT Jufy I , furnished , fl-room cot tage , for small family : modern convent once ; paved street , Apply , 1814 Clark street MKIO 15' ' TJ1OU UE.NT 1'urnlshrd cottaco from July 1 JL1 Inquire morning * . 1310 California. 8.14 14' ' mWO 0-room now brlok bouses , aWI. ftWI JL Ilarnoy street. Smeuton Si Allen , iruti I ar- nam street. Ml a 18' ' HOl'SIX 5 rooms , barn , city water. 3 | { acres P'lftlurc , North Z4th st , duo t-ast Forl Omaha , tl- per month. Apply Immi'dlateh across tlio street. MUM 15' ' T71OR RENT Chotip. Eight-room furnished JO bouse , on motor llnct lurgo Rlruly yard ! good barn. Macleod , 1)15 ) N. Y. Lite. 7114-11 TTOR UENT Furnished bouse , 8 rooms ; JL1 every convenlnco ; for 4 or 5 months. 2721 Jackson st. 481 15 < TjlINEnow 12-room bouse with all modern JL Ininrovenionts and barn ; flno location foi a physician. J. H. Parrotte rental agoncr. M1MT2. " T71OU UENT Handsome 11-room modern JL1 IIOUPO ; all conveniences : In perfect order ; paved Ntreots ; motor , and within 5 inlniitua walk of postodlco. Nathan Sliclton , 1014 Far- nil m street. MI51 FOU UENT 10 room liousp. St Mary'8 nvo- ntio * 7U 10 room brick lieu o , South 20th st AC 0 room house , Nortn 10th st 115 Inquire Nctherton Hall , room 320 , First Nat. bank. M 771 14 "I/'OU RENT 10-room house , centrally locat- JL'cd , modern Improvements. Inquire , 712 N. 10th. 2KJ TTIOU RENT in room house , all modern Im- JL' provements. S. 22d , between St. Mary's avo- nno and Howard. Enquire cor 21st and St. Mary's avenue. 510 "VTEW , modern and mostdeslr.iblo In ttioclty. X > Tlireo or four room suites. Complete for Housekeeping. 813 S. 22ud street. T. L. Von Porn. M48I FOR UENT Nicely furnished seven room cottace , conveniently locate : ) , reference required. Inquliu Nclhorton Hall , room 320 , Flrat NaU bank. M 771 14 TT10U REN r 14 room modern brick house , all JL' conveniences , deslrablo location. Inquire Netherton Hall , room.'UJ , First Nat. bank. Jl 771 14 I71OU UENT 0 room dwelling with largo JL' yard , casv walking d'stanco. Inquire Nctbcrton Hall , room 320 , First Nat. bank. M 771 14 FOU RENT 10 room brick dwclllne. south front , C'a s St. . rent moderate. Inquire Notherlon Hall , room320 , First Nat.bank.M . M 77114 2 lloor house all modern im ELEGANT provements. No. 408 N. 23d street. Apply at l.mt ) I'arnam ' street. 710 14 TIEN-ItOOM bouse with barn ; desirable lo cation , moderate rent. Heard llroi. 1410 Douglas st. M837 TCTOR UENT 8 room house. 0 room cottage , JO bath. etc. Apply C. S. Elguttor , 801 N. Y Life bldg. 490 POUU room flat for rent , 1470 S IGth streot. 114.00 per month. Inquire In store. 781-18 * K-UOO.M house , nlco yard , shade trees , city viinil cistern water , elegant neighborhood , 2 blocks from street cars , 1411 S. 7th avenue , or Hell's pharmacy , cor. llth and Mason. STEAM heated ndorn flats. 707 and 709 South lOtti. E. F Ulnger , 1M9 Farnam. 20J-J27 * OOMS , light housekeeping. 20JO St. Mary's avo. 71W UENT 0-room house , modern conveniences FOU iences , 2024 Davcnpoit street. Inquire ! MH Davenport street. 4M FOR RENT Elettant 10-room brick house eor. 20th and Hurt st. modern Improve ments apply to J. U 1'urrotte , S. E. cor IGtli and Dodge. G75 T711FTEEN 0-room brick houses , all modern. cxcoiit furnace$22.M per month , near Sher man avenue motor. O. F. Harrison , 012 N. Y. Life. IU4-.I22 for rent Two story house fi rooms HOUSE all modern Improvements 2.13 Lake street. C. 1) . Woodworth 1512 Douglas. 1WJ ITtOR RENT A 10-room house , S. E. eorner -L1 17th and Dodge. See James Neville. 404 18 * OR RENT A furnished 14-room hou e. No. 212 N. 17th , newly papered and built ex pressly for roomers and boarders ; 1 block from business centre , bee James Neville. 403 IS * TJ1OR RENT 7-room house , -.02-J Harnoy. In- J- quite A. II. Gladstone , 1U10 Douglas street. Mfflt FOR RENT Now 7 room housu. with all modern Improvements , 1 block ftrom Wul- nut Hill motor. J25. Thco. Olson , W)4 N. Y. Life. FOU cSALE Now south front seven-room honso. bath , etc. , on May no streot. In Orch ard Hill full lot , 2 blocks from motor ; prlco * J..r > OD ; on terms to suit purchaser. This Is u bargain. W. U Homan , rooms 6 and 10. Fri'ii/or b'ock , 703 24 8-UOOM hrlok house , all conveniences , 125 ; G-room bricK house , JO. H. E. Cole , 0 Con tinental , U21 OtTSES , all kinds three nicely furnished. llundy A Co. , 1014 Capitol avenue. 607 IF you wish to rent a house or store sec H. R Cole , Continental block. 2.V ) IjlOU KENT Vorv desirable private resl- JL'deneo , 25th and Farnam. U. C. Pattoison. U07 N. Y. Life. 72U FOU UENT. cheap ; a good < en room modern bouse. Inquire 2529 Capitol avenue. It. U. Uohlson. MI175 Jlfl FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Ferrates. etcteetnptifflrit column an tilts pic/a / rooms , slnzlo oren suite , five blocks postolllco ; references. 21iJ N. 10.M81223 M812-23 * OU RENT Varnished rooms. MO S. 20th st M85U 10 * BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms , bath , etc. 3 2)17 Dodge , opposite public school. Private family. M 777 14 TTIOU UENT Nicely furnished room , gas and JL' bath. 2010 Harnoy .street , Reference 111- qulrod. M ( 2 17 * FRONT rooms. 1015 Capitol avonu 762-17 * FUUN1SHEU room for rent , 2.115 Douulns fctreot. M741 17 * "I71OU RKNT With or without board , suite of -L' rooms furnlsned , to2 t'ontlenien or ( jcntlo- man and wife ; turmu very reasonable. 211 N. JJcUt. 4P5 U * _ Tnurnlshcd rooms , 110 S. 25th street , Splen- JD did neighborhood. _ M&ll ) U * 17\OHUr.NT \ To Rontlomen. u largo nicely J- furnished front room with lar o alcove and bay window. All modern conveniences , nlco lawn ; private family ; with board. No GJ2 Uoorgla avenue. S 20th street. U4-14 * 1JLHASANT rooms with private family for JL three gentlemen , 2404 Cass st , M l-Sii 15 * UUN1HII1H ) rooms. KCJ1 N.'lst. near cable. _ lOT Jy 7 * OU HKNT Nlcoly turn shed rooms In prl- vato resldoneo , 1522 Howard , cotnor lilth street. All modern conveniences , I.awu around building. 407 T AltQE front room , 1701 Oapltol a\o. 418 TIJiOK ItHNT rurnlbhod rooms , IC07 Douslas. VKUV pleasant front room in private fnm- llyorKoiulomaii. 8i1 S. 2Dth st. a.'l 1MA&ANTrooni8 : , bliiKloorcn suite. 115 H.W' ' . 778 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES For ixifM , f ( c. , tet ( ou of jtnt colnan on IM * p ice. OlVlVrNT--Tlio 4-Htory : brick : buHdJni.wlth or Without power , formerly oouplod by the lieu PublUlitni ! Co. , Ut ) Kiirnum HU The bullit- liig him a fireproof cement biueinunt.coiiiptato steam ho.itlni ; llxturcH.water mi all tlielloorj , BUS , etc. Apply at thu olllcu of The llco. 1)15 ) T7HW Itr.Nl'-Dosk foom or part of o.JIcos J- front room on Farnam street. Iniiulro ut COI lieu bid's , 0 to 10 a. m. und 4 to 5 p , m. TTIOlt UENT-OrhaliMiiy bulldlnu on Jones -L' bt.lot.10th & llth U.A.lMuUimUt.aitl y utli. 201 . _ _ II OH IlKNT-Dosk room , ut Oil N. V. I.lfo -L1 building. so } _ IrTolT TfhijT The tbrco-story brick bulld- JIni ; , 1110 Douglas street , suitable for wholesale sale- purposes , tuo per montu. Clioa , liauf- FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD JorntfM.rfr. , teetnpnffnt rnlumii nil ihtt plot T7IT ifN I SI M.iT ; room tfnTl "lioii rd ! 1 1.50 , 15.0 Jper wcok. 2011 Ilnrney street , , "J7 OOM nnd first class board for two penile At men tai per month , reference ! ! . 611 N. IStl at. 853 14 _ _ _ OOM a'ld board. 5105 Douglas. MS75 SO _ I.T ANDSOMnsultoof rooms with board. 1P2 ; j-JL Chicago street. _ M648 _ 14 F OU Itr.NT-NcaUy furnished rooms will board. 2010 California st. 701-li _ IlM ; second floor room' , either fur nlslicd or unfurnished , and board at tin 1'ronycr. 110 N. 25th straet. _ M571 Jy5 KOO.MS and board nt young women's homo _ lOTj-Jlth st , _ 70J "ITIUKNlSlinit rooms with Hrst class board -t ? ailllDouBlusstteot. _ 4OT-1C' ' T > OOMS and first-class board , 1001 California J.V f. . 5 J5 _ _ WUUNISHiiroomsbourd,253j ; St. Mary's avt rilllK st. Clalr nuropoan hotel , cor. inth ant -L Dodge , will tn.ike low rates 'or rooms bj the week or month with or without board. 23 _ _ _ UUNISIIEI ) rooms and board , ira Dodffo . M2.V _ _ _ FOH REN I HOUIVld UNFUHNISHED Formic * , tte. , tec fop nf flrtl column on f/i/a / / putt "IT1IHST floor private house ; yard and Bliado X 0123. ICtlmti eel. Ml-14 _ T3Alir < OUand parlor bedroom ; largo fronl -i- rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Ml N. BJtli St. 8.'a-14' ' _ 4 ROOMS and 3 rooms. S. W. corner Iflth anil Leaven worth. 11 .iinEIC unfurnished rooms near buslnos- JL centre ; gas. cto. * J.\OJ. Address , with references , P5I. lloo olllee. 7KM4 * FOU UENT Three rooms , alcove and ball : room upstairs In now two-stoiy house , Suitable for light housekeeping. Nlco local- lly. Address P48 , Heo. M7J 14' T7'OU RENT I rooms over drug store , to n * - nice family without children. Inquire drug Htoro. 19fl Sherman avc. 7i > 7 14 , "JjlOlt RENT 4 unfuinlslied rooms for house- JL' keening to family without children. City water , etc. Prlco ilfl.00. 17U Webster street , ra FOR UENT Find , small family apartments , all outside rooms ; best locality , modern Improvements. Inquire IM I'axton block. Si ? I-OH Hb.Nl- STOUF , rooms at 707 and700South ICthsteam heated. E. F. Hlngor , Kilt Farnam , Qj-127' FOR HENT MISCELLANEOUS. For rates , etc. , teetop of first column onthtepias GAUDEN farm to rent. T. Murray. m27- RENTAL AGtNCY. tirratrt , rte. , rfr tinint tint rnltimn n Mi to 111/74 HE. COLE rental agency , Continental blk. 25C WANTED TO RfcNT. FarrntCjt.rtc. . tectnpuf tlml column nn thtti p tge GENTLEMEN want room with board. Ad dress I'M , lice. 8M-I4' WANTED lly three nchool teachers two rooms with bo ml for the next school year. Modern conveniences required , Address iT.t , Fcoonicc. M 818 1L * STORAGfc. l'i > rrntri > .etc..teclnpnfnrt column iintht.i pnoe. BEST storage bulldlnj In Omaha , govern ment bonded warehouse : household goods cared for : lowest rates. W. M. Uushman , lOlfi Leavonworth. 20. > CHEAPEST and best storage for furniture. Wells. 1111 Farnam street. 200 STOUAOE of household goods : oloan. dry place , privately stored , terms mo'l era to : wo also store staves durlnz the sum .or : wo will got tnoni from the bouses an I Jsllver them In the fall In good trim. Tel .1 a.JOT Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair Works.v " 'B-jV. OLDEST , cheapest and best itnrago honso In city. Williams & Cross , 1214 llarnoy street. M407 FOR SALE FURNITURE ETC. For rntef , etc. . tee lop ofjirrt column nn this ptge. FOR SALE Furniture of a 10-roo-n nouso cheap , lloiibo for rent. Inquire 1923 Uoogo HOUSEHOLD furniture , now and second bund , for sale on easy payments. Call and examine before puicnasliig , Store IB21 Howard street. MI131 JItJ FOU SALE At a great sacrifice , elegant household furniture , line carriage team , carriages , slolgb. harness mid robes , also flno Jerbey cow. A. J. Hanscom , Ib24 Douglas ht. C07J15 * FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. Pantiles , etc.reetopnf frt column on thin page FOU SALE Cheap , horse , phaeton and har ness. Inquire at 1414 North 10th street. Omaha. M845 10 * FOR SALE One two wheel road cart , with cushion back , will hold two por-otis , prlco (13.00 ; oiio two wheel panel box milk or butcher's cart , prlco * 12.00 ; one top family eairiago , with polo or flbnfts , prlco $75.00 ; all In good rop.itr. Address P Ml , lice. 83114 * OU SALE Fhst class top buggy , good , cheap ; also 52-Inch Columbia expert bi cycle tf-M Now York Life. M 776 14 * TJ1OU SALE A nearly now first class covered JL' delivery wagon for butcher or grocer. Ad- drct.s . P. S. Caaoy , South Umaha. M74B 1U FOU SALE For next 110 days , bargains In now and second-hand buggies , family car riages , wagons , etc. Frost & Harris , 2.1'd and I/ard. 492 18 T71AMILY horses for sale. Slnglo drlrsrsor JL' c.urlairo teams. Can furnish any Kind of horio desired. Call at C. I ) . Woodworth & Co or address T. J. Fleming , Calhoun , Nob. 701 rpIIE Standard Cattle Oo. have a few gentle JL old cow ponies suitable for children that they can soil cheap. Apply at their olllco at Ames. Nob. M474 10 "I71OUSALE Family carriage. Lee . . .nloli- JL' ols , atablo2Stb and Loavonworth. m2 ( > 8 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. For rates , etc , , tcctop of first column on this p tge " " " TT10U SALE-I'uro-brod Nowfoundland""dog ; JL' winner of tlr > t prize Omaha bench show , 1890. 1224 S. 17th street. Mh40 18 FOU SALE Four great Dauo or Siberian blood hound pups , well bred , cheap. O. II. Carter , 521 S. aStli avenue. 817 14 * TT10U BALE Flno pug puppies. 13J2DougIaH JL'st. Chas. Curtis. 49715 * will buy a magnificent upright piano , $ standard make and as good tia now. In quire after7o'clook evenings at 2419 Oaldwoll fctreot. 761 FOU SALE-An oluiant flro proof s ifo with burglar chest. Phil btlmmol , Oil Jones street , Omahu , Nub. 270 MISCELLANEOUS. Forrnteiet"ieetopnfjlrit cnlumn on l/ifa pige , WAN I'ED Drossmaknra and seamstresses to bring their system and learn now btylo cutting , bias dart , without darts , or sitiimletis also teach " " garments ; "Capitol" tater xystutn ; Ulobo hotel until Juno 20. Mine. Cornelius. 824 14 * ALDNESS positively cured , No mistake about it , Send for descriptive circular Addios * "Antl-llald. " uox 201. Davenport , lu ArASSAaEtreatmont.elisctro-thcrmalbatliH. J > ' --iicalp and hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Mro. Post.UHiJ,15tli , Wltbnoll blk. ; 27J V\7 ANTED Ladles to know "Capitol" tailor ' T wyhtem of dress cutting of Chicago , taucht until Juno 20 ; teach two plain darts , or blus dart , or without darts , ortoamlchs Knrmenta F. H. llurd. Inventor. 827 14 * TTPHOLSTEUINd anil mattruusoa reno- U vnti'd ; also furniture repaired ! E. Peter- ton II JO.North 18th at. M501-20 * paid for endowment policies sn old CASH romp inles. Send description. A. K. Urockloiby , box 'JO , Hartfortl.Uouil. 469-jyll * inUUNI rUUU bought , sold , Stored. Wulla JL lllll'arnam ftreot , . ' 7J GREAT bargains In all kinds of Jewelry and silverware on account ot thu recent lire. S. Jonasen , Farnan und llth streets. 171-JW : PAT1 ERNa AND _ J-V - * WANTEOt-70 BUY. Far rate * , etc. , tec foij ; r t coltimu on Iht * \\r ANTED-A K00il Becontl-haidcd bucV * ' board buggy ; eiUhdown. Apply nt one at 010 N. Iflth gt. .ol 852-H _ WANTED-To btiy. good residence lot o house and lot. or ovcrat lots located s as to make a good hillfriln'X lglit , must bo I llmt clniu rcslduni'o jnHof the city. Partlo answorlng this HliouUI'clvo ' full drierlptlou o property , lowest t ilcei tnrms. whether Incum bored , nnd If so how listen. O 10 , llco otllce. IF you have any oldt.'clothos to sell lot m know by Masl. Kitlldh. 215 S. lath street. M ti7ll-J 1 _ 2 _ BUSINE3S"CHANCES. Ferrates , etc , , ttctopof flrtl fotunm ou ( Titi ptge liiOUBALE A well ostabllshcd and payln JL inanufacturora' aconlN , comtnlcaUin busl lion. In gootl locution ; low rent and vui ; mail stock on hand. This Is an unusual ! good opening for the right man that wilt boa thn closest Investigation. Addioss P 02. lie olllco. MBI9 1C _ _ BUSINKSS chance for men and women will a few hundred dollars capital to join i company Insuil.ig wont and largo profits t members. Addtc-s tlio Washington colon ; company , Chicago , III. 825 14 I HAVE 410 IUTCH of flno , Improxcd farn and bay land In southern Nebraska , will good stock range adjoining. Wll engage wltl reliable person nf means. In the stock biisl ness , or will oxclungn for Inside Omaha o Lincoln property. Address P 01 , llco olllco. MSvS 1 | j1OU SALE The leading barbershop am - 1bath rooms In Lovlngton. Neb. Hood loca tlon , good business. Will sell cheap. Reasoi for soiling , bail health. Address. Look Ilex n Lexington. Nob. MS05 10 "THOU SALE Hotel and furniture. Hampton * doing good business ; will give tlmo 01 part If required. Address , Uox IIS , Hampton Nob. JIW4 L'O V\rANTni ) A half partner In llvory , board ' Ing and sale stable , $4,000. Address P It ) lloo. M854 20 USINESS CHANCE-A grand opportunity for ladles and gunllcmOn to handle a nov Invention ; eclipses everything else ; no can vassliiK ; aconts are maUIng i5 ! a day at the ! oun homes. Address 1'li.llleo. 8.VJ-14 WANTED A lady or gentleman with 8101 to t'OJ capital to take charge of a busl ness that will pay Jlo to $ JO per day ; no can viisslng. no risk ; will bo.ircloso Investigation this Is u rare chance for the right party. Ad' dress T. Head , Council muffs. In. M7IKI 14 T71OU SALE An old well paying ostabllshci A liquor business ; good seasons gl\en. Ad. dress P Kl , Bee. M78I FOU SALE My entire stock of goncra morchandlso together with store bulldln ; anil fixture. ! * . This Is a now and clean stool which was Just put In last fall and will In. voice about I.JKWO.OO. 1 h.ivo other huslnesi which recjulres my attention and must sell this stock. A good bargain can bo bad I taken soon. 1 will soil my Uno resldcnc ( property. I'or further particulars call on 01 address John McDonald , Oakland. la. 4S7-I7' ' 1T1OU SALE-A Hrst class , well established L1 butcher business In this city. Flno ( inures and coed cash trade. To anyone nie.uilnv bus ness here Is an excellent chance. Musi lie sold In next slvty days. M. A. Upton Co. Heo building. MSOt FOU SALE Furnlturo and nndortakint : business In good town , with or without store building ; p.trf cash , balance gilt edge liaper or clear n-aln estate ; Invoices about U'nO. Uox Ut2 Lincoln. 2sT FOU SALE A Ilrst'-ela s dye house ; $1.0001 < $1,500 ready cash' required ; must sell al once. Address ImnlCitlately , P52 , lice olllee. > < I 405 14- _ C LEAN general si'oc-U of merchandKc foi f.irm and money. llo2)3 ! ) , 1'rankfoit Ind , I WI-.IX HOI EIj men take notice. Do you ntmt a good business ? tlHiy the Conimorclal. thn leadliu hotel at Hrokun How. .Nob 40J -I fj S'CIIEMES to MnUo Money. Is the title ot * - " our now I ook , eontalnln ten lo ltlniate and honorable schemes for makln ; nionev on small caultal ; exposes tileks ami swindl 114 In business ; gives hints and advice that mtiy be worth thons imls'of dollars to yon. The schemes are so clearlyfexplained any ordinary person can understand them. It will gl\o you nowldoiH. aid you In pl.innlng other deals and enable you to pra p f uturo opportunltlos. Sent prepaid for SI. * American Hook Co. Oinalin , Not ) . Ml'.t > J 8.1 CLAIRVQYAN I Forr ites.et' . , ttc ( p nf Jlrl roliimu nntliii pTffe. MADAM Carson , the southern magnetic healer and clairvoyant , tells you the past and future. 007 N. Kith bt. M.i-,4' pEHFECT satisfaction and cheapest or no - imoney. . Mrs. Stovur , 400 N. Ifith street , lird floor. Ai7 8 14 * and see 1'iof. Waring Medium and real GO astrologer at 'G2 N. liith street. J100.0J to anyone who can equal htm In telling past , present and future , catiRlnz speedy niarriaues , bringing the separated tou'etlier , and In busi ness uifalrs his advice Is Invaluable. Ho tells your name In full , nsks no questions and uses nocardhof any ileserlptlonln his profession. .Satisfaction Riven or no pav. Consultation fee , ladles $1.00 ; gontiemcn.tl.OD. M ! > 72 .IvS * M ASSAGE Madam Dolzier. ever 01U S. Wth 200-Jyll * MICS.Nannie V. Warren , clairvoyant , franco speaking , writing and reliable business medium , four years In Omalri , 111) ) N , 10th. 20J HS. TOUT , palmist fortune teller , tolH past and f uturo fioni lines of the hand In old pypsy way ; ladles only ; fee Sl.OJ. HUP ; N. 24th. MT.VlJlb * FOR EXCHANGE. Fnrrata , etc. , reftiip nf flint column OH OlT EXaHAlJGlf-H l ii aero fruit and stock fas in 1U miles from Htchmond , Va. , and cash for a clean sloe I ; of general mprchandlso. Address with partleu- lars Win. Oio/ler. Dry Uidnc , Vu. 810 14 * IT1OU EXOIIANOE or sale-Elegant tract , J4u aeros , close to the city limits ; admira bly adapted for plattlnz Into lots ; there Is a fortune to bo made In this property with the lapld uronth of Omaha within the next five years ; property Is valued at4,000. Korpar- tlonlars , sco George N. llleUx , New Vork Life Uulldlng. M8JO 14 EXOHANOE-Cloar land and lots to amount of $ . > ,0 0 and some eash foi stock of merehandlho ; what huve you ? owners answer. I * . O. box 71 > 0. Csnalia. M8J8 21 8 ROOM house and full east fiontlot , pavcu itteet , all modern , for farm , Address P r l. IJeo. .M784 fi * LEAIl land to exchange for sndse. Ilex 0mo , la. JIOJ1 ir. . mo TUADE 10 clear lots city park. West JL Point. Neb. Want some kind of business prefer millinery , furnlslied Hat or saloon. Ad- Iresa A. McPhurson. Wmt Point. Nob. 757-14 * rnilUEE well located Omaha lots , clear , to JL exchange for a stock of merchandise. HutnliliiBon & Wead , 1524 Douglas. Ml 14 have you to exchange ? Call or WHAT full particulars , Alex. Moore , 401 lloo building. TOO H ORSES for lotMOd Drown building. M5OJy5 ( ! rno EXOHANGE ejirner faelsiir Hanscom JL park and five otnoH good lots for Chicago residence proportyiotAddruss O 40 , Hue. . i li IM J 20 ForrnfM , etc , , tectijjtdffliatcnlumniinthta ptge. for medium slzc.Jmv mare , blind In right $10 eye. Uoturn toiS5 : Charles street and get this reward. 1C. . 15 * . reward for recovery of Scotch terrier $2.100 dog ; color IrVnVvray ; ears erect ami smooth ; tall cnitpent | fore logs crooked out- wind ; 11 Inches liUli titbhouldur ; long body ; weighs 83 poundfrt/u'amed "Dook. " Apply Omaha Kennel Oliru2USouth 14th street , . h.13 14 * r OST-PursoconfiwingdOblll and chan'ie , JLJ earnings of a haul \\orklng VNoman. Mrn. L. O. Norton. 1321 N lUh street , 703 14 * LOST Juno 0 , 4-yoar-old cqw. cream and white color. Finder pleabo notify H. Uchtolil. 412 S. 24th uve. 4b6 14 * A gray hori-o. small whlto spot In LOST eye. Address 2nd and Popplcton ave nnd get reward. 78U-17 * PERSONALS. rormtesetcie tnpof l\rtt \ column on thti ptga . JENNINGS come home at once ; father HF. III. Julia , Oconomonoo , Wls. feO.I-14 IADIE8 or gentlemen desiring congenial ' correspondcnls wilt Und It to tbelr ad- vantiiKO to addiens with utunip , Mut. Corro- spoudunce llureuu , box 1019 , Huston , Mass. [ Hll 14 * /tOUUESPOND for amusement. Instruction VJ or matrimony. Iho bust correspondence bureau , particulars lu plain sealed envelope for lOo. Look Ilex 320 , Omaha. 210-JJ7 * PAWNBROKERS. Mohle , B. U cor , Puruusu and 1Kb. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTA I E * , ( to. , tetlnp nf flrtl cnumuniU \ \ ( / I .6\VK8T rate * on " l. 810 N. Y. Life. Q97-Jya OUAKANTEHD mortRRRPs onSarpy , iiay VJpr. Cumlngniid Stanton Co. lands for Pule by II. T. Clarke , 10 board of trade. Kit _ SECOND mortffngo loans from MOO to f 10,001 _ Alex Moore. 401 lleo building. _ MC8I It 1'KK OKNT llrst mortirasro loans. Ulchnrd 0. 1'ntlcraon , IJ7 ) Now Vork Mte. M074 _ MOUTaAOF.S wanted , ' long.or short tlmn. Geor/oU. Wnllnto , 1110 J. J. Drown buildIng - Ing , liitli and DonKlas. _ fiSl LOANS mndant low rates on cltv property , W , M. Harris , HV ) I'rcnrcr block , opp. 1' . O _ 4 Q E.&O.M. Anthony , 918 N.Y. Mfnliulldlnp. lend money on farms In cholun counties lit Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Oiiiuh t resi dence property : lowest rates : bint terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles and values passed on lipro. a''i _ "PKIVATH innnny to loan nr amounts of JL ji.,100. tioo < , f..ooo. . M.OOO. $7noMoney right hero , Alex. Moore , 401 Dee bulldtnf. 7M-U _ OT'IMUNO lonni n to 7 per cent ! no niliTl- J-Hlonalcharifcsfor coininlsslonor attornry's fees. W. ll.Mclldo , Klrst National bunl < bldg. a'tf _ MONEY lo loan on lmprovo-1 cltv property nt current rates : funds on h.ind ; no de lay. Geo. ! ' . Illusl&Oa./'XI U'imi'u lililif. ' . ' 74 TJ K I VATH money to lo.ui. J. U. X.lttle , ! U4 1 N. V. Life. 7 _ MOHTOAOI' loaiH wanted. McC'aguo In- vestment company. 278 MONEY to loan on Omaha ntopurty. 1'ldol- lly Trust company. Kill I'arnam. ' .i EASTEHN money to lo.ui at very low r.itos. II. II. licy. ! 'OJ N. Y. Mfo MiSO K1MIIAU rrimnip .V Uyan maku loans on Improvpil city property at lowest rates 120Karnam street 41.1-J.TO CHEAP Money Phlla. Mortgage and Trust Co. , wauls IMlt ed'0 loans. Geo. W. P. Coates , representative , 7 Hoard Trade. 2S1 MONFY to loan on city property or eastern Nebraska farms li R Klnjor , mil F.ir- in. 2JS-IC7 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS , I'nrratts , etc. , tcclop of first cotitm i on tilts MONEY to lo m'iiy II. F. MasterTon chattel and collatotal securities foi any tlmo from 1 to 12 months , In any amount to suit bor rower. Loans made on household goods , pianos , or gans , hoi.scs , mules , houses , leases , warehouse receipts etc. . at the lowest rates possible without publicity os removal of property. Mv loans are so arranged that you can make a payment of any amount at any time and re duce botli mlncln.il and interest. If you owe a balance on your property or have a loan tint you want changed 1 will pay It oil and carry It for you. If you find It more convenient call up telephone 1I > 2I and your business will bo arranged al home. Money always On hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lonest rates. It. F. Musters , Room 4 , Wlthnoll blk. 15th and Harncy sts. 28 ? MONEY to loan on horseswagonn.fiirnlttirc , pl.inns&collnt'al secuiity. lUiskiessstilct- ly i.oiifldejillalFred Terry.ioonM.lJ K-imge blk 415 MONEY on furniture , hordes , etc. Keystone Mortgage Oo . loom 2J8 Sbccly block. M284 'MONEY ro LOAN CTATTC.LS. " rorratei.cte.eetitp of Jtrtl tnliiinn on this page. FIIATTEL b ink. 3't ) S. nth st. , lo-ins monov on chattels or collateral at reasonable i ales 2tCl MONEY loaned on ftmilturo. Ihe .stoek.eto from I toI months , without publicity ; lowest rates. Dun" Green , room 20 , Continen tal jihysk. 210J27 0 MATTEL loans at lowest rates. US1 Now York Life Imlldln ' . H. A. Morris. R74JJ1 * MASSAGE , BATHS ETC _ Forr. ten. etc. . * ccnjn/ii ( t ( .uluinn < iu this pioe. " I'd ' lloor. 4.0 S 15t MI'd Madam BoUlor , ever 010 STtt-iytt S. Clth. * MISS STOWE. mabsouso , oloctrlelan. : ii : > Ramgo block. M : i-.s. 20 * MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. Forrjta , etc. , teetop offlrtl column nnthU pigs G EO. F. Gcllonheok. teaclicr of the banjo with Hospp. 1'ib ) Douglas. 249 i3 EFORE btiylnz a piano examine Iho now sc.ile Klr.iball piano.A. Hosnc.1513 Douglas. SB ) S t EAM PKATHKR ItENOVATOH. For rates , ttr. MCtn i at Jlrxt eoltwiii nn Ihlt i > ao STEAM fo-ither washer ; beds , ticks and pil lows washed ; feathers boncht. 'Mall or ders promptly Illled Work called for and tle- II ored. Frank Anson , Hist and Franklin streets. M 74" FOUND. for tcrmo , lc. , nt lop of nnt column onin nige FOUND. Juno 1. ' . two cows , ono a filv-vonr- old red and white , bavins : one horn ; tlio other a black and white mulov hotfiir. Ouncr will please Inqnlroof llonry O'Dell,2.'l8 S.21--I. uelwcen Elm and Oak sts. 822-1 . * BOARDING. Fnrratex.ctc. , rtttnjinfflnl ( odimiinn this p tut. Pl'LLMAN "lioiisoT riTe DodKo Rt7corr7or good board , nlcu rooms , modern conven ience ; rates and location It cannot 1)0 ) ox- celled. Mrs. Horn , Plop. M4IU Jy2 * FOU SAIjU USAI ; ISSl'ATK. J'or rnltx , etc. . tec ( op nf tint column nn IMi pge TOOK at this ; 00x12 , nice 4-room house , J cistern , coal house , lot fenced , all for $1,000. Think ot It. Tlio bit'lot IH worth more money. Tbo nargaln Is on Illondo street , east of Orchard Hill , M. A. Upton ( Jo. , lleo build- Ing. 6J2-14 FOR SALE A first-class summer cottage , newly painted and completely furnished , at Spirit Lake. la. ; faces on lake and wine boulevard , only ono block west of Hotel Orleans : small payment ; loni ; time ; easy totms. Address 1 > CO. Heo ofllcu. S'W-14 * V ) ICE corner lot In linker Place , one-half l-i block from motor line , opposite Clifton Hill. Pi Ice $ .Y)10a 1. G. llurlght , < 4rst lloor , N. Y. Life building. MO 14 * FOR SALE Two now eight-room cottages ; modem built , and Just completed ; one block from electric cars , in choice location ; bath , furnace , closotx , and all conveniences for a permanent homo to right p.u ties. 'VII soil on small payment , long tlmo and easy torrns. Traders not entertained , For partic ulars please call on , or address , E. 1'euion , a 10 S. Ifith si. KiS 14' you want a good lot at a low price see us. IF If you want an elegant site fora residence SCO UH. If you want a nice cottage und lot for less than It IK worth see us. If you want flno trackage on business prop- ci tv ECO us. If yon want good acreage see us. M. A. Upton Co. , lleo building. | bO.-14 O-HOO.M cottage , cheap. Inn , . 2518 Cap. ave. OVERNMENT land warrant for 40 acres foi sale : war of 1612. Sue A. 1C Rlley. Room 40 , Darker block. MK'il n HALE A Umlco n-riium modern cot- IfOR ' tagc , Cunilng street , cheap and on easy terms. W , A , Spencer , R , 7 , Chamber Com merce. MS40 10 "I71OR SALE Farm containing SO c res Im- -A- proved land nnd 15 acres timber ; farm I * all fenced i III acres timothy pasture , orchard , glove , I'/i-stoiy house , barn , granary , Mind- mill , all m good shape : farm Is C miles south- nest of PlattHinouth , tbo county seat of Cass county , and 2 miles from Murray , a new town on the .Missouri Paclllo railroad ; 1 mile from school and ohurch. For particulars addioss 1' M , lleo olllco. 7tW JJ. GI11SON , sole agent KounUo place , .room 3 , Creljjhton block MUil THOU SALE-OhoIco lots In Dundee Place , 4.1 cars now running. U. M. Power , room : tn. Chamber of Commerce. M 00-1 la * TPOR BALI > -Farm adjoining city of Blair. JNob. H. W. Mollrldo. M&O.U2 * i6l ( SALE-22-foot lot with brick bulldlir. X1 on Dodge nonr 12th. price 3Wj.OO. Addresn J. 1C. Shaw. 122U Lowe avenue. C7l-'Ai ! * TnOHSALE Two lots Improved with con- JL1 vcnlcnt houseai close to business ; u few minutes walk from line scnooK colleges and motorcars ; one nr both of thorn at u great bargain for cash oren easy payments , Title pel feet. Willis M , Yatui heurasku National bank. J-W In now home and full lot. ( I.COaT BARGAIN ; close to wotur. llutvhlnson k WonO , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Forfeits , etc , , nee topnf dr t foluian nn this p tjt GADENEH8 nnd Investor * , attention. S acres , only tsti per aero , f acres , only J.y per acre. S acres , only * VX ) per ncro. J were * , only Hin per iicio. 10 acres , only * .v > j per ncro. 10 acres , only , " 0 per acre , 10 acres , only MM per ncro. 20 acres , anly $ , VJ ) per acio. 2J acres , only MOJ ppr ncrn. 40 acres , on y MOO per acre , 40 acres , only Jfioo per ncro. 49 acres , onlp KOO perncic , 0. . acres , only , mo per acre. 80 acres , only ( iso per acrp. 1. Ky"cation ' and tormi. Oco. N. Hicks. N. V I.lfo llldg. 8JO 14 ttlO Are you a property owner ? If not don't I1 you want to own an Omaha lot ? Probably you are a speculator or trador. Anyhow , you should know that the great 110 lot Mile will continue al this week at 1110 youth ISth street , where } IO Is full payment for a nlco level building lot free from mortgage , lying be tween Omaha nnd the now Fort Omaha. No taNCHili eon the addition until January I , IMW. Warranty deed , lithographed plat and abstractor tltloifrons United States entry down todato ) , given with each lot sold , The main line of a , Si M. railroad pisses Just west of thin addition. Tlie new Hock Island rail way brldcu and motor line to the new fort will certainly glvu this addition a boom uit- looked for. Nothing of a humbug nature about this property. It will bear the elosnst Investigation. Ov er 400 lots already sold. Do not liavuyo llchltdien say tlml fathcrrould have once bought a lot In thin addition fordo , but d'd not. ( In It , but eall whllo the chance Is open and Investigate. Millions of dollars In Improvements are pointing towur.t this prop erty. Send 2e postaito for plat nnd full inform- , atlim. Charles P , lienjamln , bolo agent , 310 S. 13th s'reet. K20-11 * "rilllE old reliable" M A. Upton company i are still on deck with bargains as usual. Two line south front acres In Solomon's ad dition. Only a trlflo ever half mile from motor line at J.Vij each. Nlco east front lot on Lowe avenue , half block fiom Htniet car , only l..ouo. Oood slx-rnom honso , newly papered , city water , near SAth and Ilurdette , only M.20I. This Is the Itiht tlmo your attention will bo called to the elegant flO.000 residence , half mile xotitliuest of court house , that can bo bought for 812.000. We have the best bargains In tlio city In I arnam .street property. For all classes of ptoperty sec M. A. Upton Co. . lleo building. 8n2l4 _ FOU SALE Host , bargain in the city ; Imuso built for myself.I voars ago : full lot.splen did barn for 2 horses , on 211th st. near Walnut Hill motor ; will move In lor 2 months ; very easy terms. Thoo. Olson , 201 N. Y. Life. 554 14 * LOTO. block 0. Shulls ami. K.SOi.00. Scwors paid for. Call at Once , O. F. Harrison , 1)12 ) Now Yin k Life. 708-M TT'OR ' South Oni'iba roporty , bnslnes ; , tr.ick- - lnoor rosldonoo. go to the le ullnsf t is tatodealers in Sdiith Omaha , Ed Johnston Co. , cor. 24th and N sts. M33S FIYE-room houses In Orchard Hill , tl.SIK ) each on monthly puynmntjj. Thomas F. Hall , .111 P.iMon blk. 287 POR t-ALE-A ttno improved farm of 203 acres ; 100 under cultivation ; shade trees ; fruit , windmill , wagon s'ales , etc. ; KM ) miles west of OmahaJJ ; per acre. Address G 48 , Hoe. 28 FULL lot on grade near Hanscom I'ark shade trees , Irilf price , $1,750. Address P ! l llco. 749 15 Q ROUHINS.ical estate. 10'J N. Y. Life bldg l ' 240J.8 * FORSALE Elpgant homes on montly piv- monts. Will build any priced homo to Milt you. E. F. Ringer , l.'il'l ' Farn nn. 207-J27 * FOR SALE , cheap , easy payments : 1'5-story now L-room house , with oath , collar , etc. ; full lot. N. Slielton. Kil4 Farn nn. Ur > T71OR SALE To worklnsmen only ( specu- J-1 lators need notapply ) on time or monthly payments a ne.tt cottage at less than actual value. Inside property , only ono block to electric lino. Inquire at room 202 , Omaha National bank building MU'.Hj WHAT TYPEWRITER TO BUY Are yon open to conviction ? If so.conslder candidly our machine. Don't , rcpn.it to your self what Is told you. Investigate , and your own opinion will bo of so no value , If you wish u.\pcrt opinion do not consult Interested competitors. Send for Illustritcd catalouo giving full description of the Smith Premier Typy-wrlter Tlie [ mitb Premier Typs Writer Co , , E. H. MA.YHBW , Manasror. KCH Fursmtn Street , Omaha. Nob. DOCTOR McGBEW THE SPECIALIST Morotliun 13 roir < oxpcrlanc'j In tin troitnunt o ( PRIVATE DISEASES. AcurORuarnntccdln .ItoA dnyn , without baloiioC un liour'H tlmo. The most complete and absolute euro for Rloot nnil nil aiinoylilK ilUtliiirneii ever known to Iho inoilloal proluflnlun. Purniunontl/ cured In f rom S to It ) U iy j STRICTURE Or pnln In rellaylnv ttio blndilor curort without piln or Instrunumta , no cuttlnir , no illlutlni : . 'llioiuott rcmurkublurumcily known to modurn iclonco. SYPHILI3. Cured In flO lo Ml dnys l > r. .Mcdraw'i treatment for ( Ms turrlblo bluoitdl oiiiolmi buon proiiouncod tha luoitsuccusuful rumi'dy uvcr UUcuvonnl for the ub- coluto euro f the ilUoaso. Ilia BIICCOK with tlili dl ui'0 ; Imi tiovor booa OiU.illot. | A oomploto curd Kuuruntucd. Kuuruntucd.LOST MANHOOD neas.ntl weiknc3 > ni ottl o toxanl oMiini , norrom- And timidity mid duspondonuy ubioluU'ly curot , Tli orullut U liumodl > u < and coinploto. SKIN DISEASES , nnd nil ill i > n < oi of tlio blood , llvor , klilnoyi , end bluddur pcrinanuatly ctirod. FEMALE DISEASES The doctor "Homo Trentmonl" for Indloi l pro- nniinrrd bjr nil who li.ivo mud It to bu Iho mint com- SilcSonml convi'iiloat ruiaody uvor otluroil for the iruutnionl of fuiunlo illsuaHO * . It Inrii ly n woadorrul remedy. llour for Imlloi . fruiu t tu 4 oaljr. DR. McQREW'3 Mnrrnllous anrn-n In Sim In-atuioal of prlrntodlj. OIIKIH Ims wun lor him n rvpiitntloa wlilrh la trulp niitlornil In chiirinlor , and lilt xrout nrmy of pntluntt Ifuthct from thoAtliintlo to the I'.irlllo. ' 1'lm duttor In a cruclunto ut "reuuUr" mudklau nnd lm hay lonu uad careful experience In hoipltal practice , nnd la clamed nmnntf the leadliltf apeciulliti III mod- urn n-lenco. Tre ituient br corrotpondonce , Wrlto forclrculiir * about ench of the ubovo illionoi , frea. Oflluo , 1-lth nnd Farnam Streota , Omalia Nob. Entrance on olthur stroot. /-inn : ? " QirAKTiTu.MASTiu's : oi-'i'ion VJ Umaha , Nob. . June II , tc'JI. The date for opening bids lived by my adxortlsoment of May lutb , for tlicu'iiiiHt met Inn of moss hall and company witorelosets at 1'ort DouiflaN. Utah , | H extended to 2 o'clouk n , in. , Juno " 4th , InUI , at which time they will bo opened at till * of- llco and by Post Quartermaster , I'ort DOUK- lim , Utah. W.M. II. IH'IIIIKS , Meutenant I'lii- tmel and Deputy ( uaitermaster Uenur.il , U. S. A. , Chief Quartermaster. Juni12d4 > > t OMAHA Send for circular or call on W. II. HIIHHWOOl ) , itl Nan Vurk SCHOOL OF I.lfo llld'ir , Uumlin , NvU TELEGRAPHY. llicyclo liabjta show llttlo that Is now For well modeled ll ures the tight llttlug bodlco U much bettor thau the loose blouse. JEALOUSIES OF CHEAT MEN , $ Who Dpsorrcs Credit for Capturing thu * i Mothodiat General Conforoiico ? / * CLAIMS OF TWO PROMINENT METHODISTS , Friends of Dr. Mnxllctil mill Elder ClenilennliiK I'rcHcnt Opposing Sides of ttio Case Ijoonl JtcllRloiss Notes. There appears to bo nn unhappy condition of rivalry or Jealousy existing between Or. J. H. Mnxllcld nml Elder T. C. ClctidennliiB ot the Methodist Episcopal church. The inlmnry cnuso of the Inharmonious fcoiinp WHS n Utfferouco of opinion with re- Rtird to general conference matters , tlie Im- inodhuo ciuiso was the banquet touuorod Dr. J. JJ. Mnxtlold last week nt the I'axton hotels Sneaking of the matter n loadlugMcthodist said : "Tho banquet tendered Dr. J. II. Maxflolcl last week tit the I'axton hotel was onn of tlio most singular occasions that I hnvo ever observed. It seemed to bo n ecn oral nciuiowlcdgomcnt that Dr. Maxlk'hl hud dona a great deal inoru than any ono also toward securing the conference for Omaha. The fuel of the business Is that Dr. MuxliolU did but very llttlo toward bringing the ucn- orai conference to Omaha until ho saw that It was coming. Then ho went In with all his might to capture the bond of the procession , and the glory that might coma to the success * ful consummation of the purpose. "Tho Idea of holding ttio general confer- cnco ut Omaha originated with Elder T. C. Clondcnnlng. The tint ttmo the matter waa over mentioned to the public was In 1887 , whllo the general assembly of the 1'rcsby- tormn church was in session hero. Kov. T. C. Clcndonnlug was correspondent for ? n Now York paper , and in rovlowmp ; the success of the general assembly bo suggested that Onmhn would bo u good place for tbo general conference of the Methodist church. The next year ho Intro duced n resolution in the North Nebraska conference to inomoriuli/o the general conference - forenco , which mot in IbbS , upon the subject. "Kov. Clcndcnnlng never ceased to worli for the conference. Ho was the Ictuliiif ? spirit In calling n mass mooting of the citi zens of Omaha In IbSS to take action with reference to the matter , and he wrote numer ous enthusiastic letters both for Omaha and eastern papers , all the whllo holding out to the public the facilities of this city for tha accommodation of great gatherings. Ho was appointed chairman of the lobby com- inlttoo to altond the general conference la Now York in 1883. and did sploncid worlc there with the committee which had la hand the locating of the conference for 18UJ. "After Omaha bad boon selected as tha plueo to hold the general conference. Dr. Muxflcld still looked upon the matter with ; 1 ' & indifference until ho was placed at the head v"- of an important committee. Since that tiraa ho has made it nnpoiir that bo was doing about all that was bclnu done with regard to the matter. Ho had not even sufticlont grace ) to mention the uamo of Kov. Clonucmilng tbo other nleht at the banquet , but aslda from sneaking of the three gcntlomcn who did excellent work in securing the necessary pledges for the $25,000 guarantee funa and Bishop Newman , ho complacently permitted all the glory to bo placed upon ' his own head.1' , A different view of the matter was fur * nlshed by another prominent Methodist who spoke as follows : "Elder Clondcnnlng undoubtedly dla U * gicatdcalof effective work In securing the general conference for Omaha but I think bo claims too much. Ho originated the schema and worked with a will all the way through but 1 will say right hero nnd now that If the matter bad been loft to Elder Clondonnlng to manage the conference would have bcon hold elsewhere. Elder Clcndcnnlng was opposed to tlio Iilca of giving a guarantee for $ ' ' . " > ,000 , claiming that the committee had simply promised the general conference that Omaha would entertain the general con ference free of charge nnd that the conference commissioners had no right to demand the guarantee bond for $ UT > ,000. If that course had boon pursued Omaha would never have had the conference. The commis sioners would never have believed that Omaha would or could have made good the promise made by the committee. Elder Clon- donning meant all right , but ho would have sent tbo conference elsewhere If the course ho advocated had been tollowod. Ho cnrao very near giving away the location of tha bishop's res Id on co also about the snmo time as the conference tulle llrst began. Ho went to Lincoln and agreed with Chancellor Crelgh- ton that If ho ( Crelghton ) would work for the general conference for Omaha ho ( Cloudonning ) would work to locate. the bishop's residence anr Lincoln. When this foolish bargain had r cotno known In Omaha there was a llvaly hustling until It was broken up and both the bishop's residence and the general conference ) wore secured for Omaha. Clcndonnlng should not claim too much , for if ho had managed tha business all the way through Omaha would not have had a resident bishop of the Meth odist church. " "Dr. Maxflold came In Just at the right time to RUVO the conference and ho deserves ctcalt for the splendid work ho accomplished nt a very critical time. " ' Still another loading Methodist explained the situation thus : "Thero Is no necessity T' for Dr. Maxdold and Elder Clcndcnnlng to feel jealous of the honors bestowed upon cacti other. Before the conference shall have closed they will both havtf had umplo opportunity of showing the ability they possess In con ducting the business connected with the great gathering. To the man who does tha work the credit will undoubtedly bo tlnally given by the conference and the public in general. " Unlvcfbity or Uiiinhn. The Presbyterians of Omaha have decided to muko a'pronounced change In the cduou- < tlonnl work of the church by taking out a charter for the University of Omaha. Holla , vuo college Is to bo the literary department of the university and the theological , law and medical departments will bo established la the city. The theological seminary to ha opened this fall will doubtless become a de partment , of the university and the medical and law departments will bo established later on. PiiHtors nnd People. Kov. Charles W. Savldgo Is going to take a vacation of about two months in Colorado. About thirty young people wore confirmed last Friday at the Jewish synagogue on Hnr- noy street by Dr. Kosonnu. The splendid , now Unlvorsnllst church at Nineteenth and Lothrop streets will bo dedl- < cated to-day. Several prominent spcakocc.r- " " from Chicago will bo present. The people of the Newman Methodist Episcopal church tendered their recently ap pointed pn.stor a pleasant reception at tha church on St. Mary's avenue last Thursday night. The Chautaun.ua at Crete opens Juno .10 nnd continues until July 10. Ex-Senator In- galls of ICunsas will deliver on address on "Tho Problems of Our Second Century" ou July > . The pulpit nt Newman Mothodlst church will bo lilted today and regularly bnrcnftctt by Kov. F , W. Ware. Ho Is a man of plead ing address and broad , comprehensive views upon all church matters. Kov. U , M , Brown of Hanscom PnrkMotll * odlst church , mis been very busy for several months getting the programme for the Cen tral Chautuuqua at Fremont ready for the session Vihlch opens Juno 25 and lasts two weoltu. The arrangements are all compluta for u very successful chautuuqua. Tlio Omaha Young Man's Christian asso ciation has lilted up u very commodlou * lawn tennis grounds and u neat olllco und dressing room cottngo on Harnoy street , near Twenty-fourth. The 8ca.40n'u playing will soon bo opened by a series of coulees. _ _ both blngto nnd double , und some oxcolluut playing Is looked for. The tenth international Christian endeavor convention to bo hold in Minneapolis In July next , will in all probability bo one of the mo&t largely attended gatherings of the kind ever hold in the United States. Those who are In u position to know , claim that there will be not Icsn than fifteen thousand delegates - gates present. The growth of this organisation of Christian young people hug bcon quite remarkable * in 1&31 the society had a membership of but * V sixty-eight , There arc now iaCH58 branches of the organization with a membership of 781,000 , members. A rate of ono faro for tha round trip on all railroads hu been made fa/ all who wUtt to attend.