THJU OMAHA JDAIJUJ ! UJUJJii : U JN L > A X , j 14 , ISW JLA'JLUiillJN ! JfAliUJS. 11 THE CONDITION OF TRADE , The Heavy. Gold Shipments Attract the At tention of Business Men. NATIONAL BANK FAILURE IN NEBRASKA. Tlio General Wholesale Trade Holds O Up UN AVnll UH Could He Expected at Thin Henson of I ho V'cnr. The heavy gold shipment * of the past few weeks have attracted the attention of Ilnan- clers In nil parts of the country and In New York the movement has been viewed with some alarm. At the same time , no unfavor able results have shown themselves and , If anything , legitimate business Is In bettor Bhnpo now than It was thn movement of gold commenced. In local financial circles nn Increased de mand Is noted for money , ami some claim thnt the market Is hardening as a result. At some Important trade centers a closeness Is reported In the money mnrkot , as at Cincin nati , St. Louis , Detroit and Cleveland. The past week has witnessed the failure of a small national bunk In Nebraska , that of the Central National nt Broken How. but the causes which led to It were purely of a local character mid for reason of no great im portance to the general business interests or the stato. TK.VDB of Omaha can bo summed up In a very few words , "good ns could bo expected at this tlmo of the year. " Tills ii true , too , In the face of the unfavorable weather of the past week or more. Country roads fiavo in many localities been so bad that farmers could not got Into town to do much trading and In otbe ; local ities Where there was not so much rain every one has been busy at work In the cornfields. This has resulted In a light trade for the country retail dealers mid the jobbers as a matter of course feel the effects of it to some extent. The wholesale houses say that retail stoclts throughout the country have been pretty low , but though their orders wcro small they were frequent. Orders for early fall stocks are beginning to como in. So fur as this market is concerned , everything appears bright and inviting. There Is thorough con- fldcnco established between buyer and seller' and each expects big returns when the sea son's activity shall have set In. Not In years have the prospects been so cheerful. The splendid crop prospects in Nebraska still continue and It is on that that merchants in nil lines of business arc basing their hope for the future. While the rains have delavcd work in the Holds to some extent and while. the corn crop is a little backward nothing at present indicates anything else than a bounti ful crop for Nebraska. From nil over the state como reports indicating that the farmers are very hopeful which is Itself Isa very good sign that the crops are doing well. In Now York principals and brokers alike in the grocery business are disposed to coin- plain somewhat over the Irregular and com paratively moderate volume of trado. They make no accusation of forcing efforts on part of buyers , or disposition tn remain idle when food use can bo seen for supplies , but seem to think n certain amount of stiporlluous caution is exhibited that might with safety bo nbnn- _ doncu tb jomo slight degree in favor of many 'goods that are known to bo scant in second hands , and are valued upon cheap lines in bulk lots. The consumer , the retailer and the Jobber , however , nro all free from the least Inclination of speculative character , and It seems to bo an impossibility to stir them into free investment. In domestic dry goods at Now York the amount of business transacted during the week under review has not reached the pro portions noted during the preceding two weeks , but it bos hud the somewhat more satisfactory feature of being bettor distri buted. Buyers , who have been present in considerable numbers , have not found special conditions in certain quarters so tempting ns before , prominent agents handling corpora tion goods having in some instances with drawn cxtremo concessions then made , owing to a tangible reduction In stocks through recent operations. The wholesale clothing trade has been moro intent upon re ducing the stocks of manufactured goods car ried by it than desirous of increasing its en- .gngcnionts in the cloth market , and numer ous special clothing sales at cut prices or by auction have fairly monopolized its attention. The sound condition of the shoo trndo In. general in Now York , Is so well assured that the recent failures have not produced any particular anxiety. The natural result has been to infuse n spirit of caution on all sides , ns a rule , the sellers of leather and sup plies-would prefer to make larger sales to shoo manufacturers than the latter are willIng - Ing to contract for. Collections will be looked aftc" sharply for a time , and houses with small rosourcfs may have their line of credit curtailed a little , but In general there will bo no ch.auga from former conditions. COUNTIIT PllOnUCB. In this line of business there has not been much to Interest the dealer , though there have been some fluctuations in prices. In a Rocral way It may be said that receipts have * been light , though about up with the de mand. This state of affairs tins not Doon pro ductive of a very active market. Eggs were hi such light receipt that the market stiffened up mid a good many eggs sold as high as 1-U c , a good price for this season. The arrivals have been taken very readily uy the trade and there has been no tendency toward accumulation. The butter murkot has been devoid of any features of general Interest. The local re tail demand Is limited and a very largo uro- portion of the arrivals goes to the packers at - steady prices. J The poultry market has also been about steady , there being very llttlo change In prices. THK VHU1T MAKKHTS are better supplied , or rather present a larger variety , tlum was the case a week or two ago. In addition to strawberries , which Btlll command a good deal of attention from the trado. pcucnes are commencing to ar rive and cherries have become very plentiful. IN VEdKT.UII.liS There Is not truch of Interest. Old potatoes have boon stiffening up owing to thodocreaso of stocks , and right good potatoes are not at alt plenty. SI'r.CUI.ATlVE SIAUKET8. Wall street appears to bo falling into the dumps again. The Dally Investigator of Now York says In com men ting upon the sit uation : "Tho stock market Is almost as dead * us the traditional door nail. It Is a source of infinite disgust , and weariness of the llosti to the whole muss of Wall street brokers and speculators , and the patlonco of JOD Is neces sary to reconcile them to their lot. At such a tlmo Wall struct papers seem almost as much a supcrllulty us blankets in Hindoo- stun or Ice pitchers In the Arctic circle. IJut although tholr-occupatlon is , llko Othello's , got.e , Wall street men hang on hoping for bettor times , and it Is to ba presumed that this stagnation will not last forever. "Shrewd judges uro ot opinion that within from thirty to ninety days wo shall have a bull market for stocks , and that then they will bo able to make up for lost time. Hut ut present the prospect Is Hat , stale and unprofitable , " " Hallroad managers nro he-pint' great things from the coming harvests lit this country. The great reductions In the cereal crops last your by unfavorable weather seriously crip pled the railroad business , ana this year the prospects ( teem to favor great crops , which will mean great railroad activity and general prosperity for all the important Interests that thrive or suffer with the railroad Inter est , The rtillroi.da move everything , anil irroat crops this season will mean general prosperity. _ OJ/.I//.I l.H K STUCK , OMAHA , Juno in , IROI. OATTI.B Onioial rocolnti of eattlo 1,14,1. as eomuurotl with 1.007 yesterday anil 1,119 Satur day of lust wt-cU. The roculptM during tlio week vruro 6.T.V ) as compared with e.V.'o lust wcuk , The market was uetivo and ( ohlchoron desirable grades of both beovva and butcher Moak. l.css desirable grades slow and about steady , Kvodort ) werti alow and Miioo lower. There were bouio Hue beeves rin xale , ono bunch of ttfty-onu head averaging ltU Ibu. bold ut tt.t > 0 , with town sales ubovo lloos Olllclal receipts of hoc * 4V.S8 ! , an coniuart'd with 6.&YI yesterday mid ' . ' .SOT Saturday of last week. The loculpu during U'Sv ' week , " P0--3 as computed with UO.J99 lu t week. The market was oUve ami &o klghor , AU mid. Tu raugo ot the price * paid wn M.HV34.40 , the bulk selling at (4.2.v < M.tR. : I.laht. tl..itol.M : heavy , tl..XftMO ) ; mixed , ' ) . The average of the prices paid WHS fl. ' < at compared with ll.'iV,4 yes- lord R > - and W.aJ Saturday of last wjek. HllRKP. omelal rcpclpts of nhcop Z1J , as compared with 444 Saturday of lint week. The receipt * durlnn the week wro l.Ofll. aa compared with .Wll lust week , The market was active and steady. Natives U. 003. & . : > . ' > ; westerns. ( ? " ' ItccclptH.niiil HliliincutH. | Showing the otllclal receipt * and shipments of cattle , hogi and sheep on the dates Indi cated : MECEIfTS. Dltnt. I 1'nttle. lllo . I Hhenp. mill'MC.NTS. I Cattle. I tliui , | Hhoap. Stoolt Oniclal Today. OITlclal Yeitorflav. Guttle. . . . 50 cars. 1.145 Ciittlo. . . 45 cars. 1,007 HORS . lill curs. 4,283 HOJS . 81 cars , 6fi5 1 cur , 212 Horses. , . 1 car , 15 Ili'jIie.St 1111(1 LlUVVCit JllltH Of IlOl-4. Today. Yesterday. Hluhest $4.40 Highest * 4.ii : Lowest 4.20 Lowell { 4.1U of I'rloiit I'nlit Cor Ilnga. The following table shows the range of the prices paid for ho s On the days Indi cated : Monday , Juno 1 , $4 IOS4 45 Tuesday. Juno 2 4 2i > ft4 42S4 Wednesday , Juno ' ) 4 00 © ) .V > Thursday , Juno 4 4 OOT4I . ' 15 I'rlilay , Juno 5 4 OOfcl 40 Saturday , Juno 0 4 10.J04 40 Monday. Juno H 4 I.vff.4 ; i5 Tuesday , Juno 0 4 I51 : i7'/ ' { Wednesday. Juno 10 4 10C(4 115 Tliiirsday , Juno 11 4 104 115 Krlday , Juno 12 4 I04 I15 Haturduy , Juno l.'J 4 20414 40 Prevailing I-rioes on Cattle. Thofoltonrlnzii a table of prlco * paid on thlsmurkct for the grade ot stock mentioned : Fancy steers. 1S.Y ) to IfiOJ Ibs $ . * . .25 © 5.85 Prime steers , 12.V ) to 1475 Ibs 4.85 4 5.M Hood steers , 1150 to K17J Ibs 4.50 i 5.20 llutchors'steers. IOW to njOlbs. . . 4.00 © 1.90 Kitlr steort ) , O.W to 115) tb 3.SO © I.i5 ( Common steers , 800 to 1200 Ibs 2.75 © 1.00 Fiilrto/ood cows 1.50 © 250 ( lood to choice cows 2.75 © ' 1.50 Cliolco to fancy cows 8.75 ® 5.00 Heifers 2.01 < % 8.90 Yearlimjs 2.001.51 1'ceders 2.20 © I.OO Stockers 1.25 © 2.75 Canners l.OU CO'.OO Hulls. . 1.75 © 4.CO Oxen 1.75 © 4.00 StUIS 1.50 CA4.O ) Calves" 1.50 C15.5U Western cornfed steers 2.M ) © 525 Western steers , 1.50 © 1.80 Western cows 1,00 418.25 I lunge of I'rlces of Slieop. Tlio following table shows the prices paid for sheep : Prime fat sheop. shorn $100 © 525 Good fat cheoii , shorn 3 51) ) © 4 50 Common to medium sheepshorn. 2 25 © 'I 50 Westerns , shorn 200 © 500 Highest uml [ jtm'ust S.ilos of llou . The following condensed table shows the lilghuit and lowest salo'i and highest and low est average of tlio sales of heirs and the dates at this market In each month during the months stated : > ? 1800. March 40 $3 72 April 4 20 i U5 3 ( MV Mny 4 W f > 5 Juno 3 ( U II.VJ July 377M 3 ; o 3435J Auiiust. . . 4 15 3 30 3 U7H 3 44 September 4 SO 70 4 S7 4 OIH October. . . 4 .15 3 40 4 21 3 826 November I 15 i 75 3 b'J 3 2U December. 3 75 2 55 3 47K 303 ISM. January. . . 375 275 331 February , 3 IS 8 45 March 4 40 4 27 3 April 6 16 4 SO 4 92 4 63 May 4 W t 00 4 C'J 4 15 Juno t 45 4 00 4 Mi 421M Averuijo I'rico of Hois. Showing the avoratro ' price paid for loads ofhoirsontho days'iudicatod lu 1833 , 1889 , 1800 and 1891. Juno "JI June'W ) June ' 89. Juno'88. Sunda . 6 13 3 70 6 15 Sunday. S 55 625 350 6 33 8 65 6 33 3 67 6 .11 Sunday. 6 3(1 u , . 3 MM 532 10. M Sunday. II. , 353 6 2l 12. 3 Kl 627 13. . 3l'-4 5 2G Hccnlpta a-Ml DiHposltiou of Stock. Ofllclal rocoluts and disposition of stock an shown by the books of the Union stockyard a company fur the twenty-tour hours ending at S o'clock p. m. . Junolil , Iblll : UKCKIPT9. D gPOSITION. UecclptHauiI Disposition lot1 the Week. Olllotul receipts and disposition of stock as shown by the books nf the Union stoakyurdi company for the week ending at 5 o'clock p. m. Saturday , Juno 111. 1SUI : HECICIl'TS. 1)1 H POSITION , tluyon. I Cuttlo. | Uoja. | sihoop. UertrcBiMitatlvo Sales. BTUKUS. No. Av , Pr. No. Av. Pr. 18. . 1205 J5 00 44..114 ! ) ft 10 20. . 117 ! ) 5 15 20..1221 ft 20 2..1245 ft BS UI..1IM 525 2. . KtlO ft 23 22 , . 12 ft ft 35 40.l' . ' l 525 21. . 1 > 54 ft 30 40..1110 ft 35 30. . 13 ? ' fi 35 cow a 3 , . 8fiO 2 15 1. 11XX ) 8V.1 1..1C80 225 , 7. . 750 230 2. . 11.0 240 STOCKKUS AND FEBDKIIB. 18 , . 824 3 35 4 . U15 3 H3 1 , . KM ) 3 40 BTAdf. 1..IHW 3 75 S. . iC5 4 $5 CAI.VUH , III ! 1.1.0. OIE.V , iions. No. AY. Bh. Pr. No , AT. Bb. I'r , & 7 aa UIM 0 ifj ban a ) SHEEP. No. Av. I'r. 11 wcstcrni , woalhors cf 114 It 60 Cliloago Llvo Stoolc Mnrkct. CIIICAOO , .luno 1:1. : [ Ppoulal Teloijrani to Tnr. I IKK. ] The cattle market was nominally unchanged. There were only about llvo hundred native eattlo In the yards and the bulk of the I.tK.O Toxatis received went direct to local slaughterers , There was a good tir- cency for the dlU'oix-nt { trades , but a lack of supplies restricted operations and scarcely enough was accomplished tn establish trust worthy quotations. The lltt o I ratio done was on a basis of 8I.-4M for Inferior to extra COWK , heifers and bulls ; ix'.OOisl.ll. ) for stockers and fee lers ; } ! .4ixfft.r ) > 'i for common to fancy Hlilnpliitt stcorc ; tl.fii'GVLT.'i for grass Texans and &l.ii& > .lil for foil Texan. " . Uulves were ( Iiiotcd at JiWl'a.'i.OO ' , Uy virtue of the con tinued ll ht receipts and by the uraco of the dressed beef combine prices have ad vanced a point or two during tlio week. The chance Is scarcely worth talking about , no class of cattle snowing n gain 01 more than 10JCI. > c per 100 pounds , but after six weeks of uninterrupted depression , oven Unit small advance afforded some relief. Under the manipulations of the "big four" It makes llttlo dlnVrcnco whether the receipts bogiont or small. There Is practically no competition and the arrangement of prices Is a iiiatterover which ( hey have absolute control. Hence It Is that although the receipts for the last ten weeks show the surprisingly lur o de- croilho of 17,000 head , as compared with the Hamo lime la't year , and of ? 7 , ( > 00 head , us compared with the corrcsoondlng ten weeks of 18 ! > . there has been no appreciation during that period In the viluo of any prude of cattle , but i. shrinkacii of nnvwhore from 507. > c per 1UO noundx. 1'oor to fair sorts are only 2MWOc higher than they were twelve months ace , ; and the difference In good to extra Is not moio than 75c&.GO. ! Of the (0,800 ( head received this week 'UiOO : were natives and I4f > OJ wore Texans. The former sold at an oxtrenie run.o of $ ltlK3G.iO : , and tlio latter : it tl.SOffiri.llO. Theio were only thrco or four tradesatbotti-rthaiiSl ! l.'iand sales atovor $ . " > .UO did not aRgrc-fintj 1,500 head. A very largo part of the week's business WIIH done below J5.00. Prices averaged a fraction about "lAo lilnhcrth n for Friday. There was a good demand for boss at * 4.n.'i ® 4.r > T > for poor to prime heavy and medium weights and at M.iO : < ft4.f > 0 for light , with $4 40 ® 4.M the ranii at which most of the hous were weighed. Thesj prices are about ! > u under these ruling at the clo o of last week. AH this decline has taken place In the face of a decrease of nearly ii'.OOO ' In the receipts any symptoms of a "boom" In the near future are not dlscern- able at this writing. Notwithstanding the supposed scarcity of corn and the high price of that staple , hogs are still coming freely and are of good qua ! ty. The Evening Journal reports : CATTr.E Receipts , i'.OMi shipments. WX ) : market steady ; prime to extra steers , $ . ' ) .7.VTtO.0 : good to choice. $ . " > . ( > . ' ) ® .r > .7S : otheis , $ ! .50 ® . * > .50 ; Toxans. W.50&T..OO ; cows. 8I..V' ' > . linns Hocolpts , 1U.003 ; shipments fl.000 ; market active and steady ; rough and com mon , Il.Udftl. 10 ; packers. ll.i0t.-M ; : prime heavy and butcher weights. } I.MK3-I.)5 ; light , S-l.fOfb4.r > . > . SIIKCP Receipts. 500 ; shlpmenls. none ; market steady ; Toxans. $ : i..r1nffl4. 'i : natives , W.SOr,50 ; westerns , > ® j.'iri ; lambs. S > .50 © 7.00. Kniisns City Ijtvc Stock Market. KANSAS Grrv. Mo. .luno III. OATTr.K Uo- cclpts. 1.803 ; shipments , 880 ; market , steady to strong for natives ; Toxans. stonily ; steers , M.'JMid.OO ; cows , $1.0u@4.00 : stockeru and feed ers , Ji.OXa4.25. Hoes Receipts. 4,000 ; shlpme'nti , 1,800 ; mar ket , higher ; all grades , M.BOGil.Uj. St. Ijouis Ijlvo Stock Market , ST. Louis , Juno 13. OATTLE Hoeclpts. 200 ; shipments l.MK ) : market lilghor ; fair to fancy native steers , $2,90@'j.OO ; Texans und Indians , $2.nn5.oo. lions Hoce'pts. ' l.lf.O ; shipments. 4,000 ; mar ket firm ; heavy , fl.40ffi4.SO ; mixed , { 4.003 4.45 ; lit'ht , .264.45. K XIA/tKETS. The following quotations represent the prices at which choice stock Is billed out on orders unless otherwise stated ; SOUTHKIIN OAULIFI.OWRU 1'er dozen , 11.50. NEW POTATOES per lb,2'yc , TOMATOES I'ancy stock , per crate , t3.HO. ONIONS llormudu , per case. fc'.M ; Califor nia , IlijO per ID. NEW HEETS Pordoz. : i540e. PEAS I'or bushel box , ti.8OI.50 ; p M bushel box , GDc. OUCUMUEHS 1'er dozen , 50c. SOUTIIEUN BEANS Wax , G0i5175e per H bushel box : string. VlOc ( ) per M bushel box. POTATOES Homo irrown stocn In small lot from the store , 81.00(31.10. ( ASPAIIAOUS SOo per dozen. UAiniAnu-Cullfornlii stock , par Ib , 2'ic ' ; southern , per crate , J-'l.flO. Fresh 1'YiillH. CnEnniEs California , per 10-lb box. $ l.7.r > ; black Tartarian , SI. 75 : southern cherries , $1.75 per drawer of IB quarts ; cases , Ji.OO.2J. OHANOES I < os Angcies. $3.tO3.2Jj Mediter ranean sweets , flS'X<S TEXAS PEACHES I'or M bushel box. fl.OO. STitAwlJKlllllES .Missouri stock , $2.252.50 per 2i quart Case. ( /KEEN Ooo&EnEUUir.s Per 24 quart case , J2.50 ; drawer of 18 quarts. $1.75. PINEAPPLES Per doz. ) .00. LEMONS Uholco stock , per box , $0.00 ; fancy , M.50. M.50.UANANAR Per bunch , $2.50'I.OO for fancy stock for shipping. Country Produce. EflOS The general market was about 14c. EH I'ouLTur Uood old fowls are selling lariroly at 1.75 , with a few fancy old hens going at H.OO. A few right good spring chickens bring 14.00. HuTTEn The most of the country butter Is going at lOc. - PI our. Omaha milling company. Reliance , Patent , 2.1'0 ' ; Invincible Patent. J2.80 ; Lone Slur. Huuerlativo. t2f > 0 ; Bnowlluke , $2.10 ; I'unoy I'amlly. 81.00. R. T. tavls mill company , HlKh Patent No. 1 and Cream , $2.80 ; Blue 1) ) . . full patent , * 2.55 ; lluwkoyo , half patent , $ ; > ; Speolal Royal , patent No. 10 , KI.OO ; Minnesota Patent , $ J.B5 ; KansaB Hard Wheat , patent , J-.CO ; Nebraska Sprlm ; Wheat , patent , lf.55. H. I' . Glllman's Quid Medal. (2.80 ; Snow White , 12.50 ; Hnowdakc. $2.10 ; low crude , Jl.CO ; Queen of the Puntrv. ? 2.GO ; bran , 115.00 ; chopped feed , $21.00 ; Minnesota Superlative , J2.WI. K. L. Welch & Co. . Welch's Host. $2.85 ; Crown I'rlnco.S..TO ; Minnesota Chief. (2.40 ; Splendid Family , $2.10 ; BtrulKlitJH.CO. ' Bunk Clearliif-s * The bank clearings for the past wcolc were as follows : Monday . , . t 707,758.50 Tuesday . uiK07.r > : i Krlday . Oin.OIB.55 Saturday . 010,2W.40 Total . , , { t.i7CfiM3 ! A decrease ot " 4.0 percent from the corre- week of last vear , If you are troubled with rheumatism or a lame back , allow us to suggest that you try the following simple remedy : Take rt piece of flannel the size of the two hands , saturate it with Chamberlain's Pain-Halm and bind It on over the scat of piiln. It will produce a pleasant wurmth and relieve you of all pain. Many severe cases have been cured In this woy. The Puiu-Balm can ha obtained from all druggists , a- IMailo Homo Totals. The experts who huvo been nt work upon the books of the assessors of the first and Third wards have completed the recapitula tion and the iigures nro as follows i First Ward-Heal estate , * 1I8J,0 : > 5 ! per sonal property. KHO.OOrij total , $ | ,7 ! , { > ilOl a gain of $31 , IM ) over the assessment of lust your. Third Ward-Keal estate , fcl.-10l.S40 ; p-jr- sonal , propintv , 1,350.080 , ; total , $4,350,060 , a guin of $ TO,33T. Have You Got a ItorNo ? Every man who owns a hone should knew that Mailer's Barbed Wire Uulmont Is the only remedy that will give prompt relief to all sprains , cuts , bruises and galls , and Is warranted to effect a complete euro , Bulls and Bears Eave a Tn lo in Chicago and the Latter Oome'Out on Top , DECREASE IN THE EXPORT BUSINESS , / „ Continued Good Crop IlcportB ttio I/ending InltuoiieoH In the Market Wall Street I'MiiuiieJal Deals QuolatluitH. CIIICAOO , Juno 13. Per the first tow minutes nfter the opening today the leading markets KIIVC ovopy Inillciitlon of strengths there wus good buying unil conslderublo activity mill a ( liilck advance wus mudo In nil the pits. Hut after tliu first half hour the buying slackened , confidence bccumo Impaired , mid ourly pur- chusurs begun to sell out and thoru wan a sharp drop nil along the lines. U.ibles were caslors line crop wcathor was reported both lit this country and In Kuropo. Hrudstrcot's reported the exports from both coasts for the week at 2 , > OIOjO bushels , and 04,478.000 bushels slneo May 1 , against ll > 2,00)- ) 000 busliuls for tlio sumo time In IS'JO The sumo nnthorlty rcportoil the decrease In the uvuIluMo snppiy durlitu May at 7lKi'.i,000 bushels , uirulnst 7,1100.000 us the avcrimc reduc tion In May for the past three years. July wheat opened at D'iJ ! < 305yc , against W5o at the close yes'.erdtiy. Tliero were largo buying orders from Now York and the execu tion of these caused a quick advance to ( Wise , which proved to bo the top ilguio of the day. I.ognn , Cnttroll and Keiinott bought rattier ircclv ' at the start and then begun to Hull , with Co'ttroll In the lead. Pri vate cables seemed weaker than the public ad vloc-l Hid tills with umenlflcuiitoiop weather gradually developed a bear feeling , iiccom- panled bv short selling and the Kacrlflco of Ion ) ; property , and after holding for a tlmo In tlio neighborhood of U.'i'jffiS-'i c there was a Hltinip totHJic. A recovery tou4jc took place before the close , with au easy tone at the llu- Ish. Ish.Corn started off a little lower with July at fM.V > ' .ic , but the buying was very short and there was hardly any business until the prluo rose to jJiic , which was paid In less than llvo inlnntes after the opening and soon touched VI'it ' , but at this point It pniitn to a halt , the selling bccanio aggressive , Hoydou fc Co. , Norton , Worthlngton and oth ers beliii ? active on that side. Kino growing weather , largo estimated receipts for Monday and advices of Increased loading at primary points Increased the feeling of weakness and prices dropped oil to. > 4c , but rallied to54 ? c at the close. The action In oats was still controlled by the lluctuatlonsln corn. Starting at 40 > fe for July there was an advance to41Jic , a decline to IiSc , and a rally to ; iU'4C. ' Provisions shared In the early strength and also partook of the subsequent weakness. Itcam and Cudaliy sold freely on the advance and Armour was a moderate buyer. Hoptom- borpork opened unchanged at J10.371J. ad vanced to $10.45 , receded to $10.2714 , and closed nt $10.30 , a loss compared with yesterday's close , of 74c. ! Lurd win stronger , opening at an advance of 21C , rising uu more , reacted 74c ! and closed at an advance of So. Hlbs closed with a loss ofSic. . The loading futures ranged as follows : Cash quotation ! ) were as follows : Ki-.tin Dull : spring patentsS4.Oa. ! > .40i win ter uatcnts. Jl.BJfcS.IOi bakers' , s-I.IOftl.'S. WHEAT No. B spring wheat. OCc ; No. a sprlnc wheat , OJ9Cc ; No. 2red , OO'.Sausc. Con.v No. 2 , WMc. , - > . - - * OATS-NO , a. noi40c ! ! " No. 2 white , KK < Ztic ; No. : i white , 4V&KUC. IlVK No. 1 ! . Me. UAHLEV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 03 © C5o : No. 4 , t. o. b.COc. KLAXSEED No. LSI,10. TIMOTHY SEED Prime , $1.2701.8. I'OIIK Mess pork , nor barrel , JIO.OO : lard , per cwt. . JO-0.Vije.07i4 ! short ribs sides ( loose ) j.75fflS.80 : dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . 15.UO ® 5.10 : short clear sides ( boxed ) . WIUSKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal lon , Kl.1C. SUOAHS Out loaf , unchanged ; granulated , unchanged ; standard "A , " unchanged. Receipts and shipments today were as fol lows : On the produce exchange today , the butter murUet was bteady and unchanged. Kegs , H ® ICc. _ Now York 'TUnrkcts. " NEW YOHK , Juno 13. I-'r.oun IJoceipts , 12.444 packages ; exports , 4,458 barrels : H.MJS sacks. Market < lu 11 and hcax'y. Sales , 14,100 barrels. Cons MKAL Steady , dull ; yellow western , . . WHEAT liccolpts , lllO.fiOO bushels : exports , 76,151 bushels ; Hales , J.XV.UOO buhhcls of fu tures ; l.OOJ bnsholH spot. Spot market , weaker and qulot ; No. 2 red , ? 1.074 < Ti > 1.03 , store and In elevator ; $ t.0i ! ? alloat ; Jl.OS.VOl.loy f. o. b. ; ungraded red , tl.04 ® LOU ? < : o. 1 northern to arrive. $1. HIM : No. 1 Iiard to arrive , tl.l'.tU : No. 2 Chicago , 11.07. Options changed only silently and wholly from local speculation , declining early WO ! c , reacting UJo , closing weak at li < iHUo under ycatordav. No. 2 rod , June , closing , $1.07ai ! July , ? 1.0.rvQ1.0 : > % , closing atI.05'J ; Augiiht. { 1.01 6-10il.02t ( ( , closing at * l.01i ; KoptemLer , * 1.0 Ml.'ilU , closing at $1.01 ? ; October , fl.lil > i < &l.0l > { . closing at Jl.Olisj Novoiubor. closing , * I.017 ; Uecomhor , fl.08T-IiI.OUfi-lG ( , closing nt ll.OUJii May (1802) ( ) , Sl.Hi > iei.or ) ? , ' . closing iitl.00i. ? KYK Qulut it ltd steady. HAIII.UY HALT Dnllj Canada country made , $1.0.05 \ , COIIN Hccelpts , 51,700 bushels ; exports , 01,724 bushels ; sales , 680,000 bushels of fu tures , 171,000 bushels of spot. Spot , market steady , fairly active , No. " , WiJ4o in elevator , ( > 7io ! atloat ; ungrudod mixed. UV&ii'lic. Op tions opened Uc lower , advanced \ -M'i . but closed weak at UfflHo'undor ycstorday. wholly througli local manipulation. July , fit 13-100 CO 7-llk" . closing UlXc ; August. U07 eOlio ; clos ing GO.'ie ; Soptoinbor. 00 > i(3i0.7 ( ( c , closing OtlJic. OATS liccclpts , UtriOO ; bushels : exports , 1,2:14 : bushels ; sales , bushels futures ; 5',000 ' bushels spot. Spot market dull and heavy , Options dull and lowor. Juno closing , 4UUu ; July , 4li".i@40yc , closing , 4iio ( ! : August , 40Si © lie , closing , ? : Soptcmbor , ! )7UliBc ) , clos ing U7.ic. Spot No. 2 white , 401ic : mixed western , 44wl'Jc ; white western , 500'Jo ; No , 2 Chicago , 47Hc. HAY Sioudy ; shipping , 45Mo ; good to choice. 5.Viii5c. llot'S Dull , stondy ; state common to choice. SSOa'-'u ; rnolllc coast , 2.TQii c. COFFKE Options opened steady , unchanged to 10 points down , closed barely steady at 5 points down to 10 nolntfilln. Sales , 20.7M baas , Including : July , W.lOGtWMl August , tl.r..WfJ 1S.70 ; Soptoiuber. H5.0 611SOi October. $14.53 OH.M ; Noveiabur. $14.1)0 ) ; December. $14. (04 4 14.0. ) . Snot Hlo , ( lull , iteiidy ; fair cargoce , J10.UII ; No.7. HT.l'-'JiaiT.'JS. SIKIAH KIIW , quiet , HfciiTly. Bales. 150 hois- lieails ; muscovado 6'J tef t/ut 2 lil-lCu ; rollncd moro acllvo and steudyJ. ' ' MOI.AKHKS I'orolgn , ( iifiot at 12Kl3o for BO test In hogbheads ; Now Orleans , dull , steady ; common to fanov , -i.'t."ic. KICK Stonily , weak ; duu ustte , falrto extra , 6C40 ; Japan. 5y i o.f K I'K'iltot.EU.M Qulut , etouuy ; crude In barrels , I'arkors. * 4.(1) ( ) ; I'lirkois , lifrlmlk. f4.0T > ; rollned Now York , ifU ( a7.15 ! I'liljlUelphla and llultl- m ore , tU.Kva7.10 ; rhlladlatihla and llaltlmorc , In bulk , $ l.55\iU ) ; unltiHtulosed LO for July. ( . 'tmiiN HKKII On , h-i ( < ; f < Iy , dull ; crude elf grade , 2-.tt2ic ) ; yellow off , crude , aKfi : ' ! 4o , TAI.I.OW Steady uniulot ; city ( $2.00 for packages ) , 4ii-lic. : : y. In. . KOSIN Qulot , steady ; etralncd , common to BOOll , * l.4.Vtf I.M. ; we.siorn , IDiiQlO o ; re ceipt * . [ iK : : > packages. Ill HUB Dull , llrmor ; wet Hiiltnd New Or leans. M'Kctnl , 4.VQ7A pounds , U4 So ; Texas , holectod , VHli ) ( jionniU , G't&xu. I'OIIK Qnli't. Htoady ; old mess , tlO.50ftHI.50 ; now MH'si , v..POtTcr..f.O ; uxtra prime , flt.ou , CUT MKATH Dull , stoadv ; pickled hol lies. fi\u ; pickled Hhouldei-H , 4 ? < e ; plekiotl hums , lisja'jyc. MIIIUI.I.B Dull , weak : short clear , J0.40 , IiAiiti Stronger , niudoratu demand ; west ern , JLX'li. Options : Sales. 4 , 0,0 tierces ; July , < n.c : ( iiiu : ; ehmln . ( O.i4 : bid ; August , M.4h : Heptember , W.57&O.G2 ; closing , SU.01 bid : Oi-tdber. Wl. lluriKit-giilet , fa y ; wosturn dairy , 110 l.'os wvhturti oreaniury , I.ViJBIhWo ; wvH fiincy faetnrv. 11 ( lt > ic ; Kluin . IKiic. CIIKKHK i.nilot , weak ; purthklnih ! © 7e. I'KI UKIN Dull ; American , JIO.owclS.2J. \Vlicat .Market. MiNNKAroi.tK , Minn. , June III Demand for No. 1 iiii thorn wheat itcod ; No. 2 northern In It'feu dumund and lower ; poor grades Inactive and very dull , Hccoljits , 170 cars ; fililnmenu , tiU curs. Closu : No. 1 hard , June , tl.U2 | UH track , tl. < Kftt.nai ! { | No. I northern. June. OOot July. liP CMWict on trnoKi t-9S4 0. ) > ic : No. y nurlhcrn , June , Odcj on track , WXiOsu. St. Louis Mnrlcota. t ST. Lotus. Mo. , Jtmo 13. WHEAT Irregular $ cnnh.HO'c ' < aJItJ ) ! July.lUSiniUe. COIIN Kaslcr ; caih. KiMcs July , S2 ! < e. OATS Lower ; cash IMie ; Julfi U7io. ! roUK-Dillt lit $10.50. IMIIII Klriuor.m. . WmsKY-HtoaOy , JI.IO , IttiTTKIt Dllllj UllcliallKCll. KntiHitH City Markets. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Juno I& WIIKAT Qtilott No. ' . ' , hnrd , cash. brSittiSo ; June , Mo bid : No. 2 , red , cash , 8 ! > iWiOc. COIIN tioud doiKiuid : No. 2 , cash , 50 ? c bid ; June , fiOlto bid , OATB-ouIot ; No. S cash , 4Jic ? ; June , Ijlvrrpool Alnrtcctfli LIVERPOOL , Juno 13. WIIKAT Steady ; de mand poor ; holders offer moderately ; Kansas winter wheat , Ss Id per cental ! red western Bprlnir , ijs 2'diJtta ' } ( M. ( JOHN 1'lrni ; demand fair. Cliiolitiintl Miirkata. CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 13. WHEAT Light de mand ; No. 2 red , $1,01. CORN IIcht demand ; Na 2 mixed. CtXSCOc. OATS Lower lo sell ; No. 2 mixed , 47c. WHISKY $1.10. Milwaukee Mir.WAUKKn , WIs. , Juno III , WHEAT Quloti No. u HprliiR , cash , n : > a ! c ; July , OMJc. Con.v Kusler ; No. : i , 5Sc. OATS-Kaslor ; No. 2 white , 4"c. I'uovisioNtt Quiet ; pork. July. $10,0 * ' , { . Toledo .Markot H. TOI.KUO. O. , Juno in. WHEAT Lower , clos ing Mr in ; cash and June , * l. 1. ( 'OHN l-'lrni ; cash and June , COc. OATS Quiet ; cash , 4Uc. S TOCliN .IX It UOXttS. Nuw i'oiiK , Juno IX The stock market today displayed moro activity and moro strength during the two hours of business than at any previous time during the week , and prices at the close were generally at the highest points slneo the close ot lust week. The sentiment that the drain on the gold re sources of the country hud entirely ended , ut least for the present , has created u moro con fident feeling In speculative circles , and the olTort to cover shorts' this morning , with a llttlo now buying , made the liveliest and strongest market for some time. The expectation that the hank statement would show u material Increase in the surplus reserve was not disap pointed. and a gain of over 1,000.000 puts that Item at over JIO,00,000 ) again. The dealings In the market , however , presented no marked change from these of the previous days of this week , and wcro still confined prin cipally to the grangers. Industrials and n few other stocks which have an International market , although tlio foreign operations were Insl.'nilleunt. The duinand from the shorts wassufllclent to make a rather sharp upward movement In the llrst hour. Union 1'aclllc Icudtni : tlio advance , followed closolv by St. I'aul , B irllngton , ltd -k Island. 1'aelflc Mall and some others. Tlio general list also developed some special features and Jersey Central , Kvansvllle S : Terre Haute , and one or two others , made sharp gains on small transactions. The Issue of the bunk state ment continued tlio expectations , and whllo there was no further material upward move ment the best prices were well hold and the close was made at the highest Iigures through out. The final changes show gains all along the line of largo fractions and Jersey and Union 1'aclflc are up Ma percent each and Pacific Mail 1 per cent. Railroad bonds were comparatively nutlvo and retained the firm tone developed yester day , with a revival of Interest In Atehlson In comes though there was us usual no material changes In quotations established among the active Issues. The trading for the two hours reached SS40.000 , which was well and widely distributed. Government bonds have been dull and steady. State bonds have been neglected. Petroleum continues dull and narrow , and today there was no movement from the open ing until the close. Pennsylvania July option closed ( W. Total sales. 5,000 barrels. Tlio following arc the closing quotations for the leading stocks ou tlie Now 1 ork stock ex change today : The total sales of stocls today wnro 107,415 shares. Including : Atehlson , 20.KHS ; Louisville & Nashville , 4i20 ( ; Northern Pacific , pre ferred , 2,015 ; Richmond & West Point ,1.85'J ; St. Paul , 19HJ5Unlon ; Pacific. 7.SSO. Flnniiolnl Hoviow NKIV YOHK. Juno 111 The Post says : The stock .speculation ruled extremely dull throughout the week , although at the close the activity was grouter than on any other day. Prices were lower In the first half of Iho weo't , principally on the fear of further gold exports , und the engagement of if : > 00.00i ( on Tuesday gave the market a sct-baok , but con sideration brought a reaction of the unprofit able character of such shipments , and when no further amount wus taken confidence began to grow and operators evinced moro Interest In the markot. This wus Increased by the favorable advices from abroad and the easier condition of money , and when London , Uhlcngo and Hoston sent in buying orders thn market became strong and al though still dull , prices advanced during the last half hour nf the week und a number of tliu uctlvo stocks today sold at their highest prices for the week , Asldo from rumors re specting a few ot tne specialties , the news ot tlio week wus of a favorublo character. The crop advlcos were encouraging and caused a shari ) decline In the grain markets , and this , with largo purchases for export and the con sequent Increase In the supply of commercial In the market , led to greater Interest and u bettor fouling In the stock market , which was reflected In a not advance of ii to 2i ! per cent from last Saturday , the principal Improve ment having boon on the grangers. Tlio Money 'Market. Nr.w VOIIK , Juno 18. MONKY ON OAt.r , Easy , Call loans ut2 ! { percent ; closing offered ut.l'ij. PHIMB MKHOANTII.E PAPKH 5'/i@7 percent. I'llUlllOllll NotCN. IIAI.TIMOIIK , Mil. , Juno 13. Oiourlncs , II.OCI- 110 ; balances , fcUVJO. Money , u pur cunt. KANSAS UITV , Mo. . Jiiim 13. OloarlnKS , Jl.t .i''uj for the week , i7l llTOj deeruuse , ml liurcont. Nuw VCIHK. June 111. Olourlnis. f)5,5i4S08 ! : ; balanres. J.h7I.MCI'or the week , clearing , fW.I.'Xt..Vl : halanc-i.'S , H,47I55. | I'IIII IIIM'IHA : , Juno 13. Olenrlnss. tO.GS'.1- S.K ) ; liiiiiiiifci' , tli404Kft. : ! riourliiits fur the week enilln1-- today were I58.JHI,7t8 ; bulunct-H , | aU43- 2iI. ( Monoy. © ! par unlit. OillOAOO , Juno 13. Money was firm and un changed ut'iliMlt | ier eent ( in deiniuid and ( i'/J on time. New 1'ork uxvliuneu , 7.VtfeOo ( per H,0 ( premium. Oloarlnus , , Htorllng ex- chutiKU was steady and unohitiiKod HUSTON' , Muds. , Juno 13. t'learlnes , 114,407- 141 ; biiluiu'os , ( Ilil0il8 : , Money , VKtpercent. \ . Kxcliunuo on Now Vork , 10 to 15 rents dis count. Kor the week. ult'iirliiKS , 1 1,710,255 ; buluncus ! : t'O'Us , lor the eorrosjondlni | ; week lust year , oluurliik'n. JU'J.CU.iviS ; Ijaluncts. tll.001.MH _ > - - = . C = J CINCINMATI , Juno 13. Money , 6 per cent. Now Vork axnUuiigc , COQ70 pur con t , The I TlOWALHYMN GFDonTHE WORLD'S FAIR. AS SANTA GLAUS SOAP My Country : 'tis of thce. Sweet land of liberty , Of thce I sing ; Lund where our fathers died ; Land where our Mothers cried , Over the wash-tub tied Let freedom rliiR. My native country thee Land of th ; noble , free Thy name I love ; I love thy tucks and frills But oh : what laundry bills ; My soul with horror thrills ; When I think of thce. Let musk swell the breeze , And blow through all the trees Hall SANTA GLAUS : Let tired mortals wake And Rladly try a cake , Let all for cleanness sake , Join the applause. LOMAlO : for the wi-ok , jr.S7ft,8Vi ) for corresponding spending week last year , fU.lM.&OO. LONDON. Junfl 13. The Statist of today , speaking nf the probable exports of mild that must bo made from Knropo later In the autumn , says Prance alone will need to Im port from America not less than $100.01X1,000,00) worth of wheat and for which It will have to nay nt least ( fln.nno.099 In told. Other coun tries. Including England , will bo compelled to scud some ni'llioni ' of pounds sterling In order to obtain the nrci" > sary amount of eraln of which firoatllrltuln. l-'ranco and the continent Konorally are deficient. Hoston Mock Market. BOSTON. Mass. , Juno IX The following wore the closing prices on stocks In the Boston stock market today. Hank of lOiiKland llitlllon. LONDON. Juno 13. Amount of bullion gene Into the Dunk of England on balance today , i'X'.OOO. Paris Koiitc.H. I'Aiiis. Juno in. Throe per cent rentes , 05f flc for the account. Denver I DRNVEH. Colo. , Juno 13. Quotations on the mining exchange today closed as follows : San Franolsco fin nj ; QuotatioiiH. SAN FIIANCISCO , Juno 13. Theofllclul closing quotations for mining stocks today wore us follows : Nuw Vork Mining Quotations. NEW YOIIK , Juno 13. The following are the closing mining stock quaint ons : Traders' lallc. ST. I.ODIS , Juno 13. f/ungonburs Ilrothors to Cockroll Hrothors ; The following was the rungc on the July option ; COMMODITY I Open. | Illitli. I I.HIT. | cioae. I Yeat. Wlicat- Jur. ! . . . Corn JiilT. . . . MH MM Ontt July 33 .17 Nuw YOHK. Juno K ) . Keiinott , llopklns&Co. to S. A. MoWhOrter : The stock market had a very healthy appearance today. Prices moved in ) slowly under the continued purchase - chase of moderate amounts , to supply which the offerings were Itiudoijiinto. The favorable crop reports together with tlio cessation of gold shipments are the basis ot returning con- lldonco , and the market appears to have en tered on a period of decided Improvement both as to the volume of transactions and enhancement - hancoment of prices. Oh Cairo ( Jus made a small loss because of the delay In the HII- nouncoinont of the agreement In Chicago. It Is announced from Philadelphia that the anti- sugar folks pronoso to build two now refin eries at Philadelphia ana Half Imoio , It Is likely also that the rumored Injunction being Issued against tlio trust paying tlio dividend just declared Is weighing the price of certifi cates down. The bank svatumentshoncd again In the Mirplus reserve M,7U7M)0 ) , and althoiuh a loss In cash of ? .I,700,00'1 , the deposits ran down only $300,000. Stocks closed firm. ToUl sales. 108,200. CIIICAOO , Juno 13. F. 0. Logan fi Co. toTon- cray Sc Itryan : Whoiit opened with good buyIng - Ing at O."ii0i.r > 'jc for July and sold 1111 to MHc. On line weather and crop reports , sold as low asl'4ic. Cables are steady and there Is u modcr.itodomand for cash wheat for ship ment oust. The sentiment locally In the north and southwest Is very feverish on tlio crop prospects. Supply und demand for the pres ent Is lost sight of. Foreign wants are great , but meantime their Immediate necessities are supplied. To sustain our present price wo must have more speculative buying. The tonoof the markot. Is weak and looks llko going a cent or two lowor. Corn opened strong ut55)o. ) The estimated receipts for Monday were considered heavy and caused free self- Ing by the early purchasers. The price Is high a > id Increased receipts will cause a fur ther decline. Without receipts the old piirty will btav by It. So far crop reports uro good , July oats opened ut 411'Ie. ' Pork was dull und llttlo trading In the provision markot. OlilCAOn. Juno 13. Schwartz , Iupon A ; Mo- Cormlck , Chicago , to ! ' . O. Swartz& Co , : The very complete liquidation In wheat which teen place yesterday was shown In the mar ket today by an ontlro lack of nliiKtlclty , An Incident of today's trading was the effort by the Now York cotcrlo to hull the murkot , They bought freely at the opening , but Unit ing that tholr purchases would not control the market they bold out. Ono or two short lines that were open last night wore partly re duced today , The otop summaries In the morning papers were favorable. The iccolpts of now grain was reported from various points In the south , Cables wcro indllToront. English country markets shorted a decline for the week ot ltd , and the week exports from both coasts showed a falling off front the ween he- fore of 4W.OOO bushels. 'I hero wim moderate export business loporlod fiom Nuw York and charters hero amounting to I2\OOU bushels. Wo set ) nn Indications of good long liny Ing and the liquidation of the short Interest Is against much advance. Advices generally lire to the oltect that winter wheat harvest will bo under way nil over thn southwest next weok. Itocolpts ut eleven primary points , 451,1 OJ bushels ; shipments. : .H'.i.uJ3 bushels. Corn Tliu opening was at u sharp irlvuiico , the ro-tiiltof a luigo export business l.iportod heio yesterday and a larju out-lnspoc > tlou amounting lo 4K ( ) , ' * , but tlio advaii'.o was checked and u bleak cuusad by the bulling by an Inllnenlinl bull aided hy general se ling for ontsldo accounts. 'I ho crop reports urn fa vorable and Iho eleur wu-ither scums llitely to Increase receipts , Today's cars worn 1)15 ) , tliu estimated for .Monday , 425 , Oats rallied early with corn and brnku badly on general hollini ! Tor country iiccnuiit. Provisions woui firm hut dull. At the opening there win some In clination to cover shorts , hut early strength did not hold and the market eloses very tamo. The buying was almost entirely to cover shorts : ind when they uru through we look for lower prices. CIIICAOO. June 13. Keiinott , Hopkins & Co. lo B. A. MeWliorter ; A ttrongor feeling ex ists | n provision * , with Ituam heurliu'u dull tnurkut and grain showing decided wmiknoH * . The close Is about tlio sumo us yesterday. Kor the pro uut cliuucM ivcm to fuvor u furluo * MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE "Lot another man praise thee , and not thlnl own mouth. A stranger and not. thlno uwj lips. " Iluv. Oeorvo Miller. Oarllle. Iowa : Hov4 Anthony Jacobs , Hldnoy , Iowa ; Uov. j. W , Carter. I'leiiMiiil Grove , Iowa ; Kov. E. In Terry. Cedar Haulds Iowa ; Uov. W. 11. MIo , Leaveiiworth , Kansas : Iluv , J. T. Mumford , Kmcrson , Iowa ; Uov. J. W. Oat heart , EmorJ son. Iowa ; Uov. Oilman Parker. Kmcrson , Iowa ; lion. T. J. Abel , Dcoatur , Illinois ; W , A. Strom ; , Council KlutTs , Iowa. When suob. as the above have given their testimon ials In pralsu of Moore's Tree of Mfo and thq leading wholesale drug houses say they hava given entlro satisfaction where they hava been sold , what better evidence do you want ! Why should you suffer when you can bo euro" by using Mo.iro's Tree of Life. .Moore's Tieo of Ufo. n iKxItlva euro for Kldnc ami l.lver l'ouil : ; il.u iiiul nil lilood illjo.ncn. Doei j ny to snirnr when you bo curo.l by uslaz Mooro'd Truaof Llfu , thaiirou Ufa ? TEA is what you need , for it cure all liver , kidney and nervQ troubles. 250 package. Remember that HAHN'S GOLDEN DYSPEPSIA CURE is warranted to cure dyspepsia , sickheadache , billiousness , lump HUe fcolinr * in the stomach , of money refunded. Price bOc , of yo\itf \ drupgist or by mail on receipt of prico. TURKISH REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Nebraska. Samples of Tea & Dyspepsia Cure forUustamO P. T. HUGHES , WHOLKiALK OASU COMMISSION MKllCIIANJ ) 1552.1534 Market I.trcot , Denver. Colorado. KlRln , III. , unil WoMtorn Creamery Mutter , Cheese. 10,000 A 1 empty egg cases , with tiller * to lonn to mr alilppcrs ttud otliara to bo lllloJ , 11 vo casol ontlup. Slilp by lust frelullt. Uooil.'clio.ip Butter la donmmt durliiK Muy , Itoilable for quotatlohi oa iKf niniul. temporary advance. The big bears who car ried tliolr wheat yesterday were sellers to day and In the absence of sulllulunt buylnff orders they made a weak market. t > ina lines taken yesterday for New Yorkers were HluiUen out In the demoralization but the Uottroll crowd made largo repur chases bctwcon 04 o and 03e an 1 are still IOIIK. They are feolliiK for the bottom. Having tnuuoBonio sooil turns In their own market dur.iiKtlm past tow months U la nrolmblo they contemplate another iloul which will bo' pressed If It xoos their way , but promptly abandoned If It don't. Tlio news WIIH not ot an Inlluenelal cliaraclor , It boliiK u half holt- day In Now York , but7o,000 bushels wcro re ported worked there today. Charters hero were for 121,000 whllo the actual oaih. situation seems to prow strniiKor , the , Biioculatlvo Hontlmont continues lnton-1 Koly bearish and thus dominates the market. Korean markets hold up well , liur-i lln anil Liverpool oonilni ; lillior. . Inflpltoot our weakness lliiuldalloa of the IOIIK IntorosD hna lioiHi t-o Konoral that further depression. from this sourso would teem linprobablofl Hulls buy only In a hand-to-mouth wny , drop * lililK It quickly when the market turns woalfl The price Is ccltlnc about low onouith to utt tract Investors who will stay with their. purchases. Hales on rallies for the prosonc would seem reasonably safe , Corn and oats With cash corn ut n premium ovea futures , shlupliiK demand urgent most of the tlmo and llttlo prospect of nottinc any con- traot rccoIptH fiorn the now ertipthls your , the bulls Hud a line olianco for milking the mar * kot , which they nro not alow to Improve. The now crop of oats IK so near at hand that there Is Rroater tmtucemonts for short soiling , hence the renter weakness ut Liverpool. The Chicago boar may bo counted upon to see any tiling that Is not away further than the out crop , and takes hla cnancos of the harvoit turning out well. It would therefore teem safe to buy corn on good brouks and veil out * on good rallies. TNHTHUMENTa plaooil oa rooora Juno lt\ JL 18'Jl. ' WAIIKANTY DKEDS. U 8 AtiKolIn nnd wlfo to M A U Robert son , lots 0 und H , blk 1 , Vundoroook Terrace $ 4,001 0 K Maker and wlfo to B K Gibbons , lot U , blk H , Orchard Hill 65fl II S Ulurk to U J Smiley , lots & and U , blk IB. Orchard Mill BOO. J W ( 'arr and wlfo to U A Thompson , lot IX blk 2 , Amblorl'luoo 1,00ft Jullu Davis und hiishand to I- Doll , lot " 15 , blk "I. " Suundors fe ll's add 609 A and II Kount/u to 11 U Roberts , Iot8 , blk 10 , I'luliivluw mill 1,05 ? Herman KounUo to Klrst Untvorsullut church , lots U und 7 , blk 23 , KounUo's I'luco < 1' M Leonard to U N Wlthnoll fructlnul lot 3 In 11 und fractional lot nin IO-ltl-13 0,009 J 1. Mills to M Sllvorthan. lot 11 , blk 1 15. Orchard lllll CO ? W K 11 I'lereo und wlfo to K A llenson , lots I to SI , blk DO , Dundci ! place 31,009 J 11 I'folll'er and wlfo to Hobort Ugosko , 3.liiuuruslnswsa3MS-l2 40ft B K KliiKcrund wife to MV Kllkor , lot 2 to 0 and Kl to 25 , blk 1 , lots 1 , 2.7 to 10 , 13. 14. 15 , 17 , 1H , blk 4 , fortland I'luco , lots li. III , 20. 21 und wK lot 22. blk I. lot U , II , 12 , 13 , 111 to 2.1. blk 2. lots B to 13 und III. blk 3 , lots 7 to 10 , XI und 21 , blk 4 Donmun 1'iace , lots 1 und 2. blk (1 ( , IIOXKS& Hill's 2nd ud , s lllft lot 2 , blk 3. iimUi 1013 , blk 3. HOURS & Hill's udit. Iots2lund22. blk2 , WlUlam I lane- ( lorn's mid . 00,000 1'A Tukuyet nl. to K II Uartor lot 8 , blk 1. Ollftim lllll 1,875 Hamo to H J NIckoN. lot.H. bile 2.sumo. . . 2,00 A I * I'ukoy und wlfo to Kutlo Hothory. lot2J , blkD , Urummurcy 1'ark 1,000. QUIT CfiAIM I'lrht UiilvorhulUt church to IJnlvorsul- Ist aenural convention , loUUund 7 , blk iO , KOIUII/.O I'laco eOOQ John \V o iruir and wlfn to li 1' I lender , lot U , Itlli 1 , Clifton Hill 2UO iir.Eii.s. FCKhafor , administrator In chancery , to KC llutcu , lotUblk 4 , Horbach'nlud ! add , 9.350 Total amount of tmnsfcri. . . . . . . . . ,1116,074 Do Witt's WtUoTKarlyUisorai only pill a euro slot houdacUo and regulaUthobovYel V