Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    THIS OMAFA DAILY B. : JrJRIDAY , JUISKE , 12 , 1891.
Shannon's ' Lambs Brace Up Long Enough to
Down Denver ,
DoiiTcr BllK'ity ' Ncnr Wins the Oanto
on Onmha'H Hooky Play Lin
coln , Sioux City pud
Omaha , 10 ; Denver. 8.
Lincoln , 10 ; Kansas City , 4.
Sioux City , 9 ; fat. Paul , 0.
Minneapolis , 12 ; Milwaukee , 7.
Dr.svnit , Colo. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKI : . ] Omaha's errors were nil
costly , and had Denver been nblo to punish
Eitoljorg to any extent she would easily hnvo
won the game. But the Omahas were In
batting form nnd knocked out hits both hard
and long when needed , nnd so won the game.
The Mountaineers started In business early ,
securing thtvo runs in the first on two errors
by Walsh , two bases or. Dalit nnd McGnrr's
In the second McCauley made a hit and
Walsh took a base on balls , KItoljorg scored
McCauley by hitting safely nnd Shannon's
fly out nnd Donnelly's throo-baso hit scored
Walsh nnd Eitoljorg. Donnelly uamo in on a
passed ball.
McGarr opened the fourth with a homo
run. Denver made three on Reynold's hit ,
Shannon's error , a base on balls and a
passed ball.
In the seventh Denver scored ono moro on
n base on balls and hits by Kennedy and Me-
McCauley took his base on balls In Omaha's
half of the fourth nnd scored on Walsh's
throe-bagger , the latter coming in on Eltel-
jorg's out at first.
In this inning Ilolligan was on first and
Donnelly hit a fly to center field that seemed
so safe that Halllgan started for a tally , but
Kennedy mndo n hard run away out and a
brilliant catch and Hnlllgan was on third
Iho ball put him out at first.
In this inning Shannon ran into O'Brien ,
injuring the latter so that ho wat retired.
In the fifth the Lambs scored two on
Twltcholl's base on balls , McCauloy's two-
bagger , Walsh's hit and the slow handling of
Eitoljorg's ' grounder. In the sixth Donnelly
was presented first , Gridlu made n hit nnd
Twltcholl's three-bagger scored thorn both
nnd that was all. Score :
, . , Total 30 10 13 1 87 11 5
Denver. - , . It 00400100-8
Omaha 0 402 200 10
Earned runs : Denver. 1 ; Omaha. 4. Two-
base hits : MqOatiloy. Thrao-hnso hits : Don
nelly , Twltcholl , Walsh. Homo runs : Mc
Garr. Stolen liiisus : tihannon. Double plays :
McOlollun. lyjyto und U'llrlcn : Kenno ly ,
Wliltaafid lafrnolds ; Shannon nnd McCauley ;
Wftl.snT Shannon and MuUnnloy. First base
on bulls : Oir Kcofo , : i ; MoNiibb. 4 : r.Iteljor ,
4 I'asHud balls : Sntullll'r. 1 ; I.ohbeclc. 2.
Wild pltuhos ; MoNahh. Tlmo : Ono hour
and fifty minutes. Umpire : Unlfnoy.
Lincoln's Mascot Pursues Her Even
to KmiHiiH City.
KAXBAS CITT , Mo. , Junoll. In the third
Inning a jumble of errors , bits nnd bases on
balls resulted In seven unearned runs for
Lincoln. 'Smith pitched an excellent prune
for Kansas City , but was wretchedly sup
ported at critical times. Only ono hit was
made off his delivery after the third inning.
O'Day pitched n good game for the visitors.
Attendance. 2,800. Score :
TotM..31 9 34 11 0 Total 33 8 27 7 6
Kansas City . ' . , . { . . , . , .0 4
Lincoln 1 2100000 10
1 Knrncd rim : Knnins UUy , 1. Two-ba o lilt :
Hoover. Thrro-bnao lilt : llurkott. Stolen bnao * :
Knitter , lloovot , Htultli , 4.'lckott. Mr it huso on hulls ;
Oir Smith , li ; oil O'Duy , 5. Kit by pltrboU bnll :
Hoover. 1'lckutl. Struck out : lly smith , 4i by
O'uj,7. | ) WllcliiltotioHl lly O'Day , I. Time : Two
hour . Umpire : Slrlof ,
Out 11 On mo.
Sioux Crrv , In. , Juno 11. Today's game
between the homo team and St. Paul wns
won by.jho former by sheer force of stick
worlt. ilookln and Vogel both pitched good
bnll , but there was no withstanding tlio
slugging streak the Huskers had on. Kly
did great work nt short for tlio Saints nnd
Swurtwood's worlt in center was a feature.
Score :
Earned run i Hloux City , (1 ( : St. l'nnl.2. Two-
bniolilU : O'ltuurko , O'llrlun. Homo runs : I'oor-
jiinn Nloliobon. Htoltm bnao : Hlmir City , 2 ; Ht.
P ul. U. IKmblo play : Schltibcolc to Morrlnuy to
Conine. Trlplo iilnjri VoKoltuO'llrlini tu.MoMnlion.
> .im base on fj.illi : Sioux City. S ; St. I'ulll , T.
Htruok out ! lly .Monkhi , 1 ; by Vote I. 1. I'aisiHl
balUl Karlo. Wild pltolii VOKO ! Tlmu : Ono
hour Mill forty mliiutos. Umplroi Unulltt.
Homo Uun mill.
Minn. , Juno 1) ) , Today's '
game was a slugging match in which Minne
apolis bad the best of It. Darling , out of live
tlmo3 nt bat made three homo runs and a
double. Snoch nnd Earlo did the hitting for
Milwaukee. Score i
Mlnneapolli , . .1 0 1 * 0 1 0 & 1 11
Xlllnaukoo. . , , 0 0 1 1 1 0 3 I 0 T
Itarnpd runs ! .Mlnntmiolls , 8 ; Milwaukee , H. Two-
bua lilti : Hliuitnit , Durllne. Hiuko , Ialrrmpl ,
Etrlo. S. Houinruiui lUHJualil , Darling , at l're il
utr , illtcticll , Dulrytuplu. Htnlun busoi ; McQualJ.
J ; thuK ( rl. Uurke. J. Flrit baioon liall i llx llart-
ou.S : biultliS. Hlruckout ! Hr lUrtiuu.ll Kmltti.U.
1'used bulln llsrlliitf , I. Wllil.'plt.lii : > ! ll.irt un ,
1. Time : Ono hour anil ttfty uilnutoi. Utuplro ,
KnUhl ,
Clarke Ibr Dnvli-H.
Prcaidoiit Hurry McCormlck ot tbo Omaha
Jball club , has offered Manager Cushmau of
the Mtlwaukcos , to trada Dad Clarke
oven for Pitcher D.ivloi , and there Is a good
prospect of the swap , being ; made.
AVcfltcrn AwHoulntloii Stnmllint.
1'lnyod. Won. Lost , Pur CIO
Lincoln . . . . . , .43. 27 15 .lU'l
Milwaukee . 48 Z ) in JVtl
MlnnoapolH . 48 27 19 iS7
Onmlm. . . . . . 41 SI 17 / > M
KniisinOlty . 45 21 21 ,4 7
Denver . 4 < l lit 27 .4H
HlouxOlty . 43 19 'Jl .400
bt. 1'atll . . .47 14 33 SOS
> VtTIOX.l 1 , LKAOVE.
Chicago looses Another Unmo to llos-
ton Tlirouijli CnriilcqsncHH.
DO TOX , Mass. , Juno U. It wa a slugging
match today In which the Bostons came out
decidedly ahead and broke even on Iho scries.
The Holding of the visitors wai very ragged.
Score ;
Itoston.- . . . . ! 0 3003333 l-li
UhlciiRO 0 000300 I S- I !
IllUi Hot ton , 10 ; Chicago. II. Krrnrt ; ItiHton.
3 ; Chicago , U. llattiirio i Stanley , llcnnutt
and I < uko ; Utimbirt , I.uhy and Ivlttrlduo.
n.unud runt : Iloilon , 0 ; Ohlcio. : 3.
NR\V YPIIK'S FII T Tiiirr.u n. r.
Nmv Your , Juno 11. The Giants won
easily today with n crippled team. In the
seventh Inning thov made the llrst triple ulny
over seen In New York , but there was noth
ing brilliant about it. Score ;
NowYotk 0 S 1 0 3 0 0 0 1-10
l'lttslmr - !
IIIU : Now York. 19 ; PltHbure. 2. Krrors :
Now YorU. r ; I'lttsburR. I. Il.Utorles : Shurrot ,
Kuslii and Cn-lni : : HiiUlwIn , Klilt ; and I'lolds.
Kurild runs : Now York 3 ,
Piiii.AiiKM'iifx , Juno 11. Cincinnati made
four "traights from the Phlllioi today. The
Phillies nmilo their onlv run oil Delohanty'a
base 011 balls and Shlndlo's triple. Score :
Philadelphia 0 1
Uluclniilitl 20000000 * 2
ll.vohlts : Philadelphia , t ; r'lnnlnnntl. 10.
Errors : Plilliidulphln , .1 ; ( . 'Incliumtl. ( I. Hit-
terlt's : Schult ? and Gloason ami Olomitnts ;
Khlnes nnd Harrington , i'arnud runs : None.
liuookl.VN STII.I , WIVNIXU.
Ninv Youic , Juno 11. The Bridegrooms
bunched their hits today and won another
game from Cleveland. Terry was hit hard
in but ono Inning. Score :
fJli'voland 0 10000020 3
llrooklyn 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 4 S
lilts : Olovolind. 10 ; lironklyn. 9. Krrors :
Oluvelanil , .1 ; Brooklyn , 3. ll.itterlcs : Gruhor
and Doyle : Terry mid Dally. Ilurnod runs :
Cleveland , 2 ; llroolclyn , 4.
National 1.011 110 .Standing.
Played. Won. Lost PorO't.
Ohlcano 41 2.5 1(5 ( / > IO
Now York 42 1T 17 JiOi
Iloston 42 SI 21 .MO
Ptillailolimfa 43 21 23 .48S
Oluvolnnd 44 21 2.J J77
llioolilyn 42 20 28 .47li
Plttsburj 40 18 22 AW
Cincinnati 43 IS 25 .419
Baltimore- Finds Ijiltlo Trouble "Wln-
nlii'jron the Home Groumls.
BALTIMORE , Md. , Juno 11. The Bnltimoros
today won from the Athletics by timely bat
ting in the second inning. In the sixth
inning with two mon.on bases , Van Haltron
made a homo run , making the game a cinch.
The homo team outbattod the visitors nnd
outlielded them in ovary point. Attendance
1.058. Score :
Italtlmoro 0 4002300 * 9
Athletics 0 00002000 2
Hits : Ilnltlmoro , 10 ; Athletics , 3. Kriors :
Baltimore. 2 ; Athletics , 3. Karnocl runs : Bal
timore , 4. Itatterlos : McMahon and Koblnson ;
Woyhluir , and Cross.
CI-CINVATI , O. , Juno 11. A most exciting
game was won from Columbus today at the
East End grounds. For six Innings Cincin
nati had the load , but in the seventh Colum
bus tied the score. No moro runs were made
until the ninth when , with two men on bases ,
Seory made a two-bagger , winning the game
for the homo team. Score :
Cincinnati 0 S
Columbus 0 00000300 3
Hits : Cincinnati , 12 ; Columbus. 0. Errors :
Cincinnati. 3 ; Coliimbus , U. Earned runs :
Olnqlnuiitltl ! yoliunbu . 1. llattorlcs : Doyor
and ICoIly ; Oastrlght , Enstou and Donahue.
WisiiiNOTON , Juno ll. Boston batted
Washington's pitcher all over the Hold to
day and piled up. runs In bvcry inning but
the last , winnlng hands down n game ot
which any ordinnry"collogo team would have
been ashamed. Score ;
Washington 1 00003100 5
Iloston , . , 4 * 1 ! )
Hits : Washlnzton. 4 : Iloston , 10. Errois :
Washington * 13 : Iloston , 7 , Il.iUorlos : On itlos
nnd J > ohmun ; Haddock nnd Murphy. Earned
runs : Washington , 1 ; Boston , 0.
American Association Stamtinc : .
Plavod. Won. Lost Per Ot ,
17 .0X1
20 .112.1
21 .50 J
24 .MO
27 .471
27 .4411
30 .4'4
83 .29S
Blair Takes a Fall Out or the I'lnttn-
moutli Crnoks.
PL , VTTSMOUTH , Neb. , Juno 11. [ Special Tel
egram to T.UE BEK.I The first defeat of the
season was sustained by the Plattsmoutu
ball team todav at the hands of the Blair
club It was , however , actually a gift to the
visitors , the game being lost In the first
inning by two wild throws of Third
Baseman Miller , which gave thorn the
four runs. Yapp's pitching for the locals
was very effective and ho was ably assisted
throughout , especially by Adams on second ,
Brett pitched n great game for B'.alr , but the
Pluttsmouth boys found him continually.
Luck was against them , however , and sev
eral times with the bases filled the side was
put out without scoring. They play again
tomorrow. Score by innings :
Plattsmouth 10100002 0 1
Blair 42000100 0 7
Htutorlcs : Yapp and Yndko ; Brett and
Llnehan. Umpire : . Relnlmckol.
Saints VB Sinners.
CiumioN , Nob. , Juno 11. [ Special to Tun
Bun. ] A seven inning game of ball was
played here yesterday by the Saints , com
posed of ministers and teachers , mid the
Sinners , nil iawyors. The game was for the
benefit of the Ladies1 Greenwood Cemetery
association , nnd was a financial success , the
gate receipts being nbout $10. This was the
most exciting gnmo of the season und resulted
In a victory for the Saints by a score of 31
to 20.
The plavorj composing the nines were :
Saints Taylor , Currlo. Gregory , Powers ,
Julian , Whltsett , . . Shears , Percuson , Pottlt.
Sinners ISoitlqs , Jenckos , Babcock , Hough-
ton. Ilnywnrd , Poster , Sperling , Harbaugh ,
Wills ,
It is Impossible to natno the noteworthy
plays , as the playing was all phenomenal"
The pitchers , Joiiekos for the Sinners and
Powers for the Saints , did some rcmarUnblo
work , and each struck out seven men , giving
nbout the same number bases on balls. The
Snlnls would steal biuos and the Sinners
would file objections thereto.
The same nines will hold tlio audience
spellbound again In two weeks , when It Is ex
pected that the attendance will bo much
greater , Time : Two hours and fifty-seven
minutes. Umpire : Hailam.
Couldn't lilt Klinmel.
FiiRMQNT , Nob. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEK.I The Falconers of Omaha
and the Fremonts played a fine gnmo of ball
In the park this afternoon , resulting In the
second victory wrested from that club by the
home team. The Falconers' tale of woe ,
briolly told , was because they were unable to
fathom Ktmnicl's curves , their hits being
few and far between. They succeeded in
KCUitic.otily one nmn. Norgroon , across the
homo pliUu.- The Fremont * played with few
errors and 'good batting , ticoro by Innings ;
I'nmmnt , , . , 0-5
Falconer 00100000 0 1
llnttorlus : Klinmol and Flnolu Miller and
Vapor. Tlmu of Kama ; Una hour aim thirty
minutes ,
Took thn Game.
BEATIIICK , Nob. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun UUR. ] Au Interesting game of
baseball was played here this afternoon be
tween the Tobias club and the Beatrice team.
Tha Tobias club was the winner by the score
of U to S. The Beatrice club oeoamo rattled
over n rank decision of tbo umpire in the
sixth inning ou a foul. As a result they wcro
unable to gather enough Inspiration to make
uny headway against the Saline county boys
and were coajorjuently knocked clean out of
the box.
Thoroughbreds Spurred On to Sjieod by tlio
Plaudits of the Ladies ! -
Ho Make * One Heat Ktiiml to 2:10 :
Scvon IIoatH Neoiietl to
Settle a Trot Other"
Yesterday , the second day of the Union
park races , was a grand improvement In nil
details over the llrst day. The weather was
all that could bo drwlrod. Tlio sky was ob
scured by fleecy clouds , nnd temperature ns
If made to order. The Heavy rain of
Wednesday made It necessary to put a good
deal of xvork upon the track to got it in con
dition , and this was not effected until n short
tlmo before the hour for calling the first
event of the afternoon , and oven then It wns
only In tolor.iblo shape , being soft nnd
etippy along the back turn.
It Is safe to sav , however , that Union park
never presented a moro enticing nnd oxhllor-
ntlng appearance than it did by the tlmo the
bell rang for the IIOHOS In the Initial
raco. The grandstands were crowded
with n bustling , motley crowd ,
whllo within the quarter-stretch was
as gay and as an attractive assemblage of
handsome equipage ? ns is ever found to
gether iu the west. Prominent among thorn
was Al Patrick's tally-ho , with Its burden of
youth , beauty and fashion , with Mrs. Judge
Diindy ami Mrs. Callln as the chaporoncs of
the party. Among the young ladles who oc
cupied seats in the Patrick turnout wcro :
Mrs. D. II. Wheeler , Miss Mary Dundy , Miss
Laura Hoaglana , Mrs. William Kediclc nnd
Mrs. Ulchnrds of Douglas , Wyo.
Next In prominence was Colonel Jim
Stophenson's six-in-hand , with a party of old
revolutionary heroes , Including Governor
Boyd , Colonel Hooker , Captains Matt Clare ,
James E. Preston and Dr. Haynes.
In addition to these from Omaha there
tbo McCormtck family carriage. Mr. Brain-
itrd and wlfo of the Pnxton , Bert Cook and
Miss Grace Himcbaugh , John Puno and lady.
H. D. McQuay nnd lady , Mr. Bralnnrd mid
lady and scores of others. From the BluIIs
were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Klmball , Mr. nnd
Mrs. John Major and Mrs. CrcJ , Mr.
and Mrs. George Wilght und daughter , Mr.
and Mrs. Burl Kvans , Mrs. Ed Hart , Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy ,
Mr. and MM. Owen Wlckham , Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. K. Sapp , Mr. nnd Mrs. Loomls , Mr. and
Mrs. and Miss Hockwoll , Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Stewart and Miss Blodgott of Chicago , Mr.
and Mrs. John F. Stewart and Miss Stewart ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stubbs , Mr. and Mrs.
D. W. Bushnoll , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Haas , Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mauror and Mr.
and Mrs. William MoOro.
Most of these distinguished society people
were in handsome turnouts nnd the scene
presented wns a very picturesque ono.
The judcos yesterday were J. D. Yeoman ,
Sioux City , " and E. G. Moon , Topelni , and
the timers W. J. Hughes and Ed Meyers ,
Omaha , and C. U Stewart , Council Blurts.
Colonel A. W. McElroy , tlio starter , acquit
ted himself , as usual , with much eclat.
First event , 2:28 : trot , purse JJCO : Ooldy , s.
in. , Perry & Johnson , Wnhoo ; Ell , b. . , M. O.
Uobluson , Omaha ; Dinah , b. m. , O. W. I'lek-
anl , Omaha : Mlsflt , br. m. , Ed 1'orryl Wayne ,
Nob. ; W. II. liarstow , br. B. , II. T. Knoubs.
Sioux City.
The lirst heat wns an easy ono for Bars-
tow , who wont to the front and held it to the
wire without a break. Eli and Dinah both
left their foot repeatedly and lost all chances
before the half had boon trotted. Time : 2:45. :
The second was won by Dlnuh amidst the
applause of the crowd. Barstow seemed to
bo pumped and finished .a bad , fourth. Ell
made a game effort to overhaul.tho llttlo bay ,
but failed. Tlmo : 3:42. : _
The third was an exciting heat , iDInn-h add
Misfit fighting hard for first hb'nors , ' which
Dinah would have unquestionably captured
had Plcard kept her on her foot. As ft was ,
she came under the wlreiflrst ; but was setback
back for running , second place being her al
lotment , Misllt being given first. Time :
. - - , . .
2:45if. : i .1
The fourth heat was a tight"one. ' "Dinah ,
Misfit nnd Eli alternately nold the load. In
rounding into the stretch Eli , who wns
boldly holding the lead , loft his feet and was
passed by both Dinah dnd"viyiisfn. Eli
'gathered" himself in great shape , however ,
and the three mndo n beautiful stretch home ,
Dinah winning by n half nosO. '
The fifth heat was won'by Ell. Dipjjh lead
the van until tbo three-quarter wa3rSiijhod : ,
when Eli , by n flue burst of. , speed , " passed
her and cumo homo a length' the best of it.
Time : 2:41 : } . „ ' u" , ' ' . * „
Ell took the sixth heat aKrv-OiiSijrmng first
place from the start. .Time : , iklo } *
Dinah and EH made , u pretty ftght.for the
seventh , Dinah finally .wjrinllfg 4 > y a good
two lengths , Eli losing whit chances ho bad
by a bad Break on the homo stretch. Sum
mary : „
Dinah 2 13 1 2 2 1
Ell 4
Misllt . , . . , . " . , 3 312332
Uarstow 1 444443
Time : 2:45 : ; 2:42 : ; 2:45 : ; 2:45tf : ; 2:44'/5 : ; 2:45 : ;
2:4SM : ,
t-ocond ovpnt , free-for-all pace , with the
following entries : Joseph I * sp. R. . A. J.
Potter , Onmh.i ; Alinnnt Hashaw , b. a , , I.
Burns , Ida Urove ; Ed Jtobowutor , g. s. , Ed
Solomon , Omaha.
The , first heat was as pretty a trial of speed
as ono would wish to witness. Kosowator
wont to the front in the first quarter uud
held it until the homestretch was turned ,
when Bashaw pulled up. and down to the
wire it looked Hko anybody's race. A
blanket would have boon sulllclont to have
covered the pair. Uosowator , however , was
able to respond to Uobar's call , and sped
under the wire a neck the best of It. Joseph
L got the flag. Tlmo : 3 ; 31 tf.
The judges in announcing the result stated
that owiug to the cuppy condition of the
track Hosowator's ' accomplishment was equal
to 2:10 : on a dry track.
The second heat was robbed of nil Interest
by Hoaownter's breaking at the word " 'go , "
The first quarter was well rounded before
Uobar steadied tlio gray down , nnd after that
ho simply trailed In to save his distance.
Time : 2:117. :
The third heat , was nnothor buto. Rosewater -
water collared Bashaw on thp quarter and
then pulled steadily away in gallant style ,
jogging homo several lengths ttjo'.bostof it.
Time : 227 ; . . " "
The fourth heat the two liorses'woro sent
ofi nose nnd nose , llosbwator-.howovor ,
quickly demonstrated hi * superiority by
taking the load on the quarter and-holding ft
under a strong pull to the ond. Ttmo : 2:27 : > .
Summary ;
Ed Itosowutor , , ,1.l"S\1 \ 1
Almont Hashaw , , . . . .2 122
Joseph It DIs
Time : 2Sl : ; 2:27i : 2:27 : ? ; 2:27 : . -
Third event , running race , fivo-olghths of a
mile , purse J20U. bturters : Cole HuBcomb , b.
Tboro was a buz * in the grand staud , and
all through the crowd for that matter , when
the bang-tails made their appearance , con
clusively proving that the majority of the
people are Interested In tuD runners. * ; Ttio
trotters nro not "In It" when It comes to
suiting the popular taste. The dash wns a
spirited ono , Ancoi ; winning by n length ,
Bascomb second , JFilmoru third. Tlmo ;
1:10. :
A largo attendance will bo on hand this
afternoon as the card (3 ( full of good things
and it is now considered qulto tbu thing to
drlvo over to Union park. *
Trotting. 2:33 : class , purauIQp : * Wander , s. g. ,
by Unknown , 1) , Joycle , Hlou > i City , la. ;
Miiloy Uobb , Jr. , b.s. . by Mnxoy OobD. K M.
PlursmiH , byraouse. M < b. ; 11 ly llati , b. p. , by
Unknown , Amiisu I'rutt , Oiibhlnj.Nob. . ! Mazy
It , g. in. , by Long Island Jnuknon , jr. , M. Kob-
IIIMIII. Onmlm ; IHhan Allen , b , s. , by Hthan
Allen. A , Thompson. Onmlm : Siillor Boy , oil ,
n. , by Dr. Atvhlh-ilil , K. 1'uttoe , Neolu , Iu. ;
AyiM-a 1 > , n. ir. , by Pioipur MurSmor , K. Muholn ,
1'urry. la. ; Hilly llurlon , b. g. , J. 1) . Yponiuti ,
Sioux City , Im - - > JSol Illhl , Sloan ,
In- j
InPuoln ? , 2:33 : oluas , purse tlWt MontOK.b-s. ,
by Almont Ititvon. Or. J. K. Melbourne. Mo-
ohanlvivlllit , Iu. ; I'rlnco Almout , b. s.rby Ma-
inont , A.Thompaou , Omaha ; lUvoy 11 , g , . ,
by Unknown , Moltoblnson , Omaha ; KusnnN ,
U g. , by Unknown , A. Pratt , Uuslilin : , Nob. ;
0rout Western , clu ' by tiuturn ; U. llulluy ,
fulrbury , Neb , -
Kunnlnff , tlirco-ycar-oUU and over , ' purse
Jt.O. with hovon untrlus.
lilllCOlll Ulllfl'H.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno II. [ Special Tolo-
. In 'l < ui ItliU 1rin B " * TlMW < l thfl
Lincoln rncoi CODIIIIOHCO nnd will last three
days. WoUneidayU to bo Lincoln dny nnd
the banks nnd n number of other place * of
business will 'UA closed on that day. Ko-
ducod rates IriW boon secured on the vari
ous railroads. Aitlno list Of horses has been
| f )
Great fi ftttnt Morris Pnrk.
Moiutis PAiiKjiW.1- . , Juno 11. There was
nnothor good crowd hero today , nnd It was
treated to soni&7jlMt class sports. The
weather wns nUifiat , could bo desired nnd the
track was In first qhws shapo. The cord pro-
scnted wns n gdJddno , consisting of the Cnsn-
novtastuKos foH t\Vo-ycar-old \ lllllca nt six
furlongs and.Thjmfgjs Nock atnkos for three-
year-olds nt aovonfurlongs and four other
Both stakes were won by the representa
tives of the Morris stable , but it cost more to
win the three-year-old event than it was
worth , as Terrltler , the winner , wns entered
to bo sold for $ o,000 nnd Mntt Byrne ran him
up to ? ' , ) ,000 , nt which prleo ho was bought In.
Outside of Tcrrlllor , there was not a slnglo
fnvorito successful and the talent wont homo
I'lrst race , swcopatakos , for threo-yoar-nhU
and upwards , MfurloncH | : Latiffstruut ( S to 5) )
won by a lotiuth from LaToscn , who bout Tor
mentor two lengths. Tlnio : 1:14. :
w-cond rtiL-o , hundlcnp , for thruo-yenr-olds
Mill upwards , mlln and n fiirlomt : Hlley (5 ( to
V ) barely beat Madstone out bv a head. Sir
John third , live Ion ths awny. I'lino ' : l.Mi. )
Jlilid race , the O isanovla staki'M. for two-
yi'nr-old IllllL-s , with ll.WOnddod.six furlonirs :
Spin Aloni ; (3 ( to 1) ) won by n length nnd a
half from M//lo Dunbur Illlv , who beat Anna
1' two lonsths. Tlinns l ! .
I oiirth race , the flirn.Neok stakes for
throo-yo-ir-olds , with 11,500 added , seven f nr-
lenis : TiirrlllurJtoO ( ) won by four lengths
from l'Intrlitiiante , who beat Lima a length
and a half. Time : l:2H. :
I'lftb r.ioe , ll litwolaht handloap , mile and
u sixteenth : Dumuth (20 ( to I ) won bv a lenitth
from Juclj-o Morrow , who beat Diablo by n
neck. Time : 1:47 : ,
Hl\th r.ii'o. swunpstukos , for all uses , soiling
allowances , onn mile : Text (7 ( to 1) ) won by a
length from Vauli-p , who beat Stryko two
lengths for place. Tlmo : 1:4UJ. :
Sliort Horse Day nt St. LoulH.
ST. Loui , Mo. , Juno 11. The weather wns
delightful today , but the traolc was heavy
and slow. The O/nrk stakes was the feature
of the card. Dr. Nave was a prohibitive fa-
vorlto , but wns cleverly beaten In the end by
W. C. M orris. Kcd Sign struck tbo Inside
fence in the fifth raco. injuring Jockey Free
man , i'here woio 7,000 persons ui attend
ance and the betting was good.
Tlrst race , solllnJ5iirso ( 9.100 , inllo and sev
enty yaids : Ulurlon ( IteM ) won by throe
lengths and Lltroll boat Kolcm n length for
tlio place , Tlmo : 2o.'i : ; .
Jceoiid nice , purse for two-year-olds , allow
ances , four ami ono hull furlongs : Dlxon (2J (
to 1) ) won bv u length from Walter , who boat
Comthcr u length fol' the place. Time : 1:04. :
Third ruoo , the wirk stuUcs. for thruo-
ycir-olds ; and upwards , $1,000 added , ono mile
ami aqiuriur : W. O. Morris (7 ( to 1) ) In a driv
ing finish , won by a length from Dr. Nave ,
mikp of tionor.i throe lengths back Time :
I'ourth race , purse $ VO , ono mile : .Toslo M (7 (
to 1) ) won oaslly by three lengths. There was
n tight for the iiliieo , LIttlu Crete boating l.ln-
llthgow a heail. Time : 1.V : > .
Fifth race , handicap sweepstakes. } ( WO
added , nine tin longs : 1'animutt iI ( ) to 5) ) won
by u length from Milhbolclh , Hod Sign third.
Hod HIgn strucU tliu fence In thostroti'h. l''ree-
iiian. the locUuy. Inul his loft leg Injured. It
wiisuanght butweeri ho horsoaml the fence.
The horse was sovuriily Injured. Tlmo : 2:00. :
Klxth pitiiH.Jt.ViO , for two-veur-olds ,
fourand a h.ilf ftlrloligs : Helm Wlnldod toll
won ly a length from First Day , Gil a third , a
half length UiolJ Tlmo : 1:01 : ! . } .
Cliicvao , Juno'll , ' Today's races resulted
as follows :
First nice : Declared off ,
Hei-oiid nice , oqv orJo ( : Jnsolonco vroa , Pat
rick soconil , Aruhdol'thlrcl. Tlmo t:5 : ? .
Third nice , sIx/finiloii'Rs : Phil Dwyer won ,
Inw WelrspcondJirJudgo ArUoll third. Tlmo :
Fourth race , onft'inilo : Raclno won. Joe
ItlaL-khiirn scoodd.UOsborno th rd. Tlmo :
l:44'/i. : i tift -
Fifth raco. foij ) ] ifurlongs : John Wlndlseh
won. fillss Bulwark second , Ilosslo Illsliind
third. Time : BOJJ. "
Sixth race , eight , nnd one-half furlongs :
Sourlro won. LoalKlor'.s'bconcI , The Moor.thlrd.
-TlmoniogVIIiMW'Vl * V'
i.'Jj.o1U ' . ' Jll'Ul--- ' ' . - f I 1
Fruitless , Trip.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , . Juno 11. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE.J The attempt of James
F. McCullar , the emissary of the Baltlmoro-
Amonean assoclat'om ' to sign five of the
players of the Minneapolis and Milwaukee
team s , has proved abortive. Three of the
men , Pitcher Duke , "Catcher Grim nnd Short
Stop Shugart , just before the game tbis-trf tor-
noon , signed an agreement with Managers
Harrington and Cushman that they would
not go to Baltimore or apv other American
association team. The other players approached
preached , Catcher Darling and Short Stop
Schoch , said they had told Macullar they did
not intend to desert.
At Hustings Tomorrow.
HASTIXOS , Neb. , June 11. [ Special to THE
BKK.J The Dowecso ball team Is booked to
play the Hastings Hustlers Saturday , Juno
111 , In this city nt college grounds. The
Doweeso management claim a long string of
victories with but four defeats in seven
years. _
The Flalit Tonight.
Barney Taylor nnd Irish McGco , middleweights -
weights , battle to a finish with small gloves
tonight at Gormanla ball , South , Omaha , for
a suiko of $100 and the ontlro gate receipts.
Both men are in good condition nnu promise
to give a good account of themselves.
At Aurora Aurora , 9 ; Ottumwn , a.
At Ottawa Ottawa , ( i ; Cedar Itapids. 3.
At Kockford Qujncy game postponed ,
Strike of Ashttilmln Ore Handlers As-
HumiiiK an Ahu'mln-j Aspect.
COLUMIIUS , O. , Juno 11 , The strike of the
ere handlers nt As.htubula la assuming an
alarming aspect nnc ) trouble Is feared. Some
of the strikers desire to return to work , but
ono hundred and fifty or two hundred violent
persons prevent them froin so doing. The
ere company called up&n the mayor for as
sistance. The mayor called upon the sheriff ,
and the sheriff , believing' that ho could not
raise- sufficient posse to control the violent
strikers , called upon the governor to order
out a company of state mllltin. The governor
is considering the matter. '
Architectural Iron Vk'orkarfl.
CHICAGO , Juno 11. The architectural iron
workers' union has tlecidcd to submit on ulti
matum to the bo p ntid In ease their do-
munds are not Wupllcd with mil strlko on
Monday noxt. Tho'demands are ; Eight
hours a day's work.ityil UO cents nil hour for
mechanics nnd Sto jxmts for helpers. They
now work ton bourt. Mechanics work for
various prices from IS cents to 30. Tbo halp-
oru receive 15 uontr ) . The union Includes
about ono thousand unon , exclusive of the
setters of stool 'beams , The latter will network
work with non-un'iofl'mon ' , und as the bosses
seem 11 rm in tholrjrdftisnl to grant the demands -
mands the strllfo 13 likely to spread to kin
dred branches nnd , fitpp most of the work on
buildings iu which Iron and steel are used.
ItKATll fyfallK FIOOIH.
A Number of 1'eoplo Drowned In the
Giisnsvii.t.E , Tox. , Juno U , Near Lion ,
I , T. , thirty miles from here on the Hod
river , the dead bodies of n man , woman and
babe were found la'a drift , they having been
drowned In the toccnt overflow. William
Lynn , residing on Hickory crook , was
drowned while trying toord that stream
The rise in the Hod river was unprece
dented. At Wnrroii'i and Slvit's bends ,
twenty miles northwest , the destruction was
widespread. In those two bonds there were
10.000 ucrus of corn , cotton and small grain
cultivated by about fifty fnmlllos. All these
crops were destroyed , most of the houses
swept away and a lurco number of cattle ,
hogs and chickens wcra drowned. At Yel
low Bank's ferry Mr. Burdono was drowned
whllo trying to rcacn shore in an old ferry
boat. _
No griping , no nausea , no pain when Do
Witts Little K-ulv KUort are ucju. Small
Dill. Sufop.ll. Boitulll.
How the Altoa Would Like ti Have Sum-
' -mbr Tourist Bates Fixed.
tlnukmmvlllc-Soiitlicastcrii A nln Mo-
ooinus Unruly and Is Climbed wltli
3Innl ] > iilattnK llatos Un
limited Tiokcts.
CntCAdo , June 11. Chairman Finldy today
heard the arguments In the case of tlio Atchl-
son's application for an oquall/atlon of sum-
mor-tourlst ratet from Kansas Cltv IT east
ern points via Chicago , as against St Louts.
Ho had hoped that the matter would bo set
tled by agreement of the lines interested und
thus snvo him > , ho responsibility of making a
ruling , nnd this would have been the result
of today's meeting had not the Burlington
On account of the boycottagalnsttho Alton
the Western Passenger association has failed
to fix summer tourist rates to points In the
territory of the Trunk line nnd Central
Traffic associations. Consequently the
dlfloronco between the sum of the rates
from Kansas Ulty to St. Louis nnd from
St. Louis to tourist points on the custom
seaboard when compared with the combined
rates from Kansas City to Chicago and from
Chicago to the same points will nvorngo
nbout&Un favor of St. Louis. The Atchison -
son asked for relief , nnd at the hearing today
moved to equalize the condition via the two
gateways by making an excursion rate of
SlU.fiO from Kansas City to Chicago and re
turn. All the roads were in favor of sottline
the question this way except the Burlington ,
which insisted upon the mutter being loft to
the ruling of the chairman.
General Passenger Agent Chnrlton of the
Alton argued that as no through tickets nro
sold to eastern tourist points by way of St.
Louis none must bo sold through Chlcaco ,
nnd that a local round trip rnto must bo
made to equalize the conditions between the
two gateways. Any other course , he said ,
would place the Alton at a disadvantage. Ho
promised that If the chairman granted
relief by authorizing the sale of through
tickets over lines that refuse to honor the
tickets of the Chicago t\s Alton the latter
would bo compelled to protect itself by such
reduction of rates between Kansas City and
Chicago as might be necessary to secure to it
a fair share of the competitive business.
Chairman Finloy took the question under
advisement and will communicate his decis
ion In duo course to the members. It Is ox-
ppctcd that his ruling will bo in harmony
with the original motion of the Atchison and
the arguments of the Alton since trouble
cannot ho avoided in any other way.
The Jacksonville-Southeastern line , which
forms the southeastern section of the Alchi-
son's St. Louis line , has become unruly
again. Although the passenger rate between
St. Louis and Chicago Is still on the war
basis of 35.7ii by all roads it has been dUcov-
cred that oven this rate is being seriously
cut by the manipulation of the Jacksonvillo-
Southcastern tickets and by the improper
use of through tickets from eastern points by
way of Chicago. Chairman Finley has just
made the discovery , and without waiting lor
charges to bo preferred by a member
of the association has called a moot
ing to , consider the matter. The
mooting was to have been held this
afternoon , but owing to n press of other mot-
tors was postponed until tomorrow. The
Alton management is laughing iu its sloovu
at the peculiar position in which Mr. Finloy
is placed by this discovery. While imposing
a heavy flno. on that road for its refusal to
advance the St. Louis rate to S7.50 , the
chairman will probably bo compelled to order
into effect n rate considerably lower than
the present ouo. . *
" "Mr.-yST.nnTnTi TICKETS.
" '
'ThodhlcflgO St. Paul & Kansas City road
bolngtho'oniyb'no In the Western Passenger
association that has not recorded its vote
in favor ref the abolition of unlimited
tickets , that road has been asked testate
state Its'dbJUctions , { o thorn. Traflic Mnnaeer
Bu'spnbjark , , in _ , a Bettor to Chairman Finloy
today said nis'conipany was heartily in favor
of doing nway'wlth unlimited tlcuots , but
could'npt.v6tc'for'tho ' resolution presented at
the last , 'meeting , unless it was slightly
amended. The resolution in question pro
vides' thut n'tickot inust ho used on the first
train otit'aftor U has been sold. Mr. Buson-
bnrk'.thinks the limit should bo ox ton'led
two'nty-four hours beyond the schedule tlmo
to avoid inconvonloncQ to pas-.ongors who
may hayji missiJd the 'first train after pur
chasing' t.hQtickdts.
- " US ; ; K. fc OP. Oiliucrs.
Nr.W Youir , Juno 11. At the postponed
meeting 9/ktljq now' board of directors of the
Missouri , Kansas & Texas road the following
officers ' 'Wore 'elected : President , II. C.
Cross ; J. Waldo , vice-president ; J. F. Neu-
villo treasurer , nnd Joel F. Freeman , chair
man of the board of directors.
Northwestern Miller's llevlew for the
I'nst AVcolf.
MixxKAroi.iG , Minn. , Juno 11 , The North
western Miller says : The mills run
the lightest week since February ,
his being duo to tbo unsatisfactory
markets. The aggregate output for
the week was 117,400 barrels , averaging
10,957 barrels daily , against 128,230 barrels
the Week before , 03-lGO barrels for the corro-
sponoing tlmo in 18)0 ! ) and bS.lfiO barrels in
IbSO. Two more mills nro now runniug
than a week ago and the produc
tion promises to bo increased. There is ,
however , very little inducement to make
Hour nnd the tendency is all the tlmo totvnrd
a curtalimont. , Should the 10 cent per barrel
advance in freight which wont Into affect
Wednesday bo rigidly enforced nnd the flour
market not Improve correspondingly , it is
pretty certain to force some of the mills
which have been running regularly of Into
Into Inactivity. But the millers are incredu
lous about the ndvnnco being lived up to very
long. Ocean rates on flour are also higher.
Wednesday there wore fourteen mills in opor-
atloi ( nnd they were probably turning out
twouty-two thousand barrels per twenty ]
four hours. While tlio flour mar
ket is ' 'Still ' in a roost lifeless
condition , ' millers think there is n trifle moro
disposition to buy than n week ago , and the
sales effected for a week back appear to bo
larger in the aggregate. Some firms had u
few small o'rdoM from moat nil of the eastern
markets , hut middlemen buy In the smallest
lota possible lest they get caught on a declin
ing market with a stock on hand. For this
reason stocks are regarded as being down to
the lo'uost limit. Foreigners are showing
moro interest In patents and more or
loss have been sold around for
London. Bids mudo usually range from
lUs 3d 13 31s Od. Bakers nnd low grades nro
in good roquoit for export , but moit parties
nro llablo to sell very freely from having moro
or less orders booked ahead. Prices uro
gradually sagging and on the higher grades
nroquotanly fidJSu lower than n week ago.
Millers in most 'cases do not do better than
get actual cost , but they would rather do this
than have trndo drift into now channels.
Tha export shipments for the week were
fll,8TQ1bnrrostagjinbt ! IH,180 barrels the pre
ceding week. London quotations for 280
pounds u. i. f.iiiro ; Patents , Ills Udfijiu's ( id ;
oakors , 2Ss Sdfe'iSsid. . low grades , 17 ( 183.
Oroeii flllmipsotn Wheat.
ST. I'Ati7 | Minn , , Juno 11. A llttlo Insight
of the history as to last yoar'n wheat crop
came out before the legislative committee
yesterday. State Inspector Clausen , after
some discussion of wheat grades , snld that
the whcttt of last.seai.on had n groonUh tlngo
which compelled the department to gradu it
green , although it was otherwise good In
quality. The farmers all over the state pro
tested ngnlnst tills , but the department could
do nothing , as the Now York buyers would
not uvoti sustain any of the grauos given
hero. Mr'Cluusou went to Governor Morri-
nm about the matter , but the governor re
fused to allow the report circulated that thfl
entire Minnesota crop win damaged under
any circumstances , afthough Its suppression
was likely to con him his election on account
of the dissatisfaction among the farmers.
Hooking Valley 1'on-WloiilcM Olvo
Onnthit a .Soulal Call
A special pilaco co.ncn bearing nbout forty
ladles nnd gentlemen from Ohio came In
from the won with the Burlington after
noon train yesterday. By some unfortunate
mishap the coming of the excursionist ) had
been heralded but n few liouw previous to
the arrival of the train.
Messrs. Georijo P. Bomls nnd ( Icnrgo II.
Bocgs , representing the Uoal Kstalo Owners'
association , mot the visitors nt the depot and
escorted thorn to the Pnxton hotel.
'fiio party represented the Hocking Vnllor
Editorial association of Ohio and wns made
up almost entirely of newspaper editors ,
their wives , sisters end daughters.
After n rest of an hour nt the Paxton
carriages were taken nnd the visitors
were given n drlvo through the city ,
returning to the Pa\ton nt 7 o'clock.
The excursionists were delighted with the
meagre glimpse they were enabled to got of
the rlty on the short drive.
At 7:30 : Messrs. Kastman & Brnlnard of
the Pnxton Invited the visitors to a delicious
supper , which was thoroughly enjoyed.
When the nppotltos of the party had boon
fully matched wattist the bill of fnro and
had found everything perfectly satisfactory ,
Colonel F. S. Pur-soll , president of
the Hocking Valley Editorial association ,
nroso and expressed In n few choice
sentences the thanks of the visitors for the
hospitality that had boon extended to them
In Omaha. They had soon wonderful things
since leaving their homos and would go back
to Ohio with many pleasing recollections of
the west and with many good words for
Colonel Champion S. Chnso said Omaha
hod passed the place where her pcoplo
could bo taken completely by sur
prise. Ho was glad to welcome nil strangers
to tlio city and particularly these who c.imo
from Ohio.
Hon. Daniel J. Ryan , secretary of state ot
Ohio , was proud to acknowledge the gen
erous welcome extended the moulders of
public opinion from bis stato. Ho was not
nn editor , but ho rould say thut no more re
spectable or Intelligent party of pcoplo over
went out across tills great countrv ns repre
sentatives of their state than the editors
who composed the party there assembled.
What they had seen hi Omaha of enterprise
and rapid and substantial growth had proved
to bo the greatest surprise of the entire trip.
Dr. G. M. Hitchcock offered a few very en
tertaining remarks nbout Omaha.
Colonel W. S. Fumy , editor of the Ohio
State Journal , declared that Omaha bad
amazed him moro than anything ho had seen
on the Journov. Ho had soon the struggling ,
ungainly village about twenty years ago and
although ho know that there wm n good sized
city here at present , ho had not taken note of
the last census with regard to the growth of
Omaha. When ho reached the city nnd
found over 140,000 people where ho
had last scon a more frontier
village ho was amazed beyond power of ex
pression. No other country In the world
could furnish such a remarkable example of
rapid growth.
Mr. T. E. Blackburn of THE Bin : suoko for
ton minutes about the newspapers , p.ust and
present , of Omaha.
The closing speech was mndo by Colonel
Butteriek of West Virginia. Ho said ho was
not n citizen of Ohio , but ho had almost
wished many times on the trip that ho was.
Ho paid Omaha n glowing tribute and wished
the people of the west great prosperity.
The time for departure having nrrlvod the
visitors were driven to the depot where they
took the 9:20 : train over the Burlington for
Chicago. Following uro the members of the
party :
Hon. Diinlol J. Ryan and wlfo. secretary of
state of Ohio.
Colonel K. S. I'tirsoil , president of the asso
ciation. Mrs. 1'ursull and Miss Helen I'lirsoll
of the Lilian Gazette.
Mr. J , 1C , Nowcoinnr. treasurer , Mrs. New
comer and Miss Kloronuo Newcomer of the
Dc'luwaio Democrat Honild.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Jiinuway. Columbus.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. llundrlekson , Uollofon-
Mr. Kd Wot/lor , Miss Annie Wotzior of the
Lancaster E.ijjlo.
Mr. and Mrs. William 0. S.ilTord of Colum
bus.Mr. . nnd Mrs. J. 0. Moore and Mr. M. L.
Mo ido of the Wavorly Watchman.
Jlr , und Mrs , JThonmii .Synipklns.
Miss Corn Dover of Delaware.
Col. W. H. Kurity of the Ohio dtatn Journal.
Mr. U. W. llonnott and Mr , D. K. Downs of
Mr. William Gould. Misses Mary and Until
Gould of the Eaton Domocrat.
Mr. Charles A , Kommlor , Mrs. K Kominlor ,
Mrs. 11. 1C. ICcmmlor , Columbus Wcsthoto.
Mrs. K. W. Jennings , Lo an Republican.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. R. Honobrako , Columbus
Mr. and Mrs. A. E , McGntth , M'asos Maude
and Nelllo McGratb , McArthur Uomoornt En-
Mr , and Mrs. P. C , Gorkon , Jackson Stand
ard.Mr. . and Mrs. W. P. Urown , Mr. Edward O.
Drown , Columbus Kocord.
Air. und Mrs. E. L. Ituttrlok and Miss Mary
BnttilcU. Charleston Star. West Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dana , Charleston Trlb-
uno , West Virginia.
1C. J. Camuroh , llamdeu Junction Lntor-
Mr. and Mrs , S. II. Galbrcath , Columbus
Press. ,
Dr. A. 0. MessliiKor , Wqllston Rojitlbllaun ,
Mr. Will R. Toiiiilnson , rortsmonth'Trlbiuio. '
Air. W. M. Clark , Portsmouth Illide.
Mr. W. G. Thoinan , Cincinnati Times-Star.
Colonel E. L. lluttrluk of the Dally Star ,
Charleston. W. Va.
Conductor StoUIngKnookotl From n
Gar and SorioiiHly Hurt.
Conductor John Stelling of the Hnnscom
park line , mot with a painful accident yes
terday. Ho was standing upon the foot
board along the side of nn open trailer , col
lecting fares as the tiain was running along
north Sixteenth street , and was by a
plank guard that had been sot up by some
employes of the Barber asphalt edmpany ,
who wore repairing the paving at that point.
Stelling's log was broicen Just above the
ankle , and the limb was also cut and bruised.
Ho was taken homo and placed under n
physician's care. It will bo several weeks
before ho will bo able to resume woric.
Those aron Will Work Hnnl to Kstal--
llsh It.
The llnol arrangements for the meeting of
the grain men have been completed nnd no
tices to that effect will bo sent out today.
The meeting will oo hold on next Monday
evening at 8 o'clock in the Omaha real ostnto
oxchanco room In the Now York Life
It is proposed at this.moctingto perfect the
organization of the Omnun grain nnd produce
exchange. Officers uro to bo fleeted and
eominlttpos appointed to'sclcct rooms for the
accommodation of the exchange and to ar
range other details for the opening of a grain
AVhoro N Loiia SohiiHtor ?
Lena Schuster , the fourteen-year-old
daughter of Mrs , Anna Schuster , living nt
2824 Meredith street , Is missing ,
The girl arrived in the city from Pennsyl
vania last Tuesday night , nnd bellovlng that
her mother lived on Mercer street , asked to
bo directed there by the depot officials , She
wns put on n Walnut Hill car qnd that Is the
last scon of her. Mrs. Schuster wns search
ing nil day yesterday , trvinir to find some
trace of her daughter , but up to a late hour
last night had not found hor.
A description was loft with tno police and
they will assist the anxious mother in her
search ,
Imliorrr Itmlly IJriilHoiI.
Lon Mahal works around a steam shovel
which Contractors Phealln & Corbctt arousing
using in grading near Floronoe. Yesterday
Mahal managed to got where ono of the huga
shovelsful of dirt wiw dumped on him. His
chin was cut to the bone , his right wrist
broken , end both nnulcs wcro badly
wrenched. Ho sustained numerous minor
In Moninrlani ,
A memorial service In honor of the Into T.
B. rjOinon , D. D. , will bo hold in the First
Methodist Knlscopal church next Sunday
night at 8 o'clock. Bishop Newman will bo
the chief speaker. Grateful memory of the
dead pioneer preacher and tbo high fume of
the living orator will doubtless crowd the
great now church with an appreciative audl-
Hold Cor'J rial.
U. S. Horton , the forger brought back from
Minneapolis by Detective Dempsey , waived
a preliminary heirlni ? in ixillco court yester
day afternoon und was bound over to the dis
trict court in the sum of $ bOU.
Story of Dorr Goldborgor , a Prominent Fin-
nncior of Berlin.
* -
Indignities llonpotl hy the BrntnJ
Ant fulfil ICH on it People Whoso
Solo OfTondliif * In Its He-
llgioit Itcoltcil.
BKRMK , Juno 11. An Associated pros ! "
correspondent today mot Herr Goldborg6r ,
the well known Jewish financier , director of
the International bank of this city , n niomoor
of ouo of the most aristocratic clubi and con *
sul general for Belgium In this city , who wai
recently expelled from Russia , apparently In
a most unwarranted manner.
The London rimes of Mi\y 85 published n
long dispatch from Its St. Petersburg cor-
raspondent , giving some harrowing duuilK ns
to the renewed persecutions of the Jews Iu
Russia , nnd Incidentally referred to the fact
that Herr Goldburjror had been expelled from
Moscow , where the financier hud gene In
order to look over the ground with n
vlow of establishing a branch of his bank In
that city. The Times dispatch , however ,
Hlmply said that upon the second day of his
arrival n police olllcor called upon the banker
at the Hotel Dussnux with an order for him
to leave tlio city within twenty-four hours ,
The Times dispatch added : "Although In-
lluentlal friends succcdod In getting the order
withdrawn , Herr Goldborgor left the very
same day , quiet disgusted with Russia ami
resolved to have nothing to do with a country
wheto one Is entirely nt the mercy of the
pollen. "
Herr Goldborgor was very reluctant to talk
nnout his Into experience In Russia , us ho is
most decidedly averse to notoriety , nnd says
that ho 'aliilcs that the Insult' * ho suffered
were the work of some Individual "pnstaw"
and not of the Russian government directly.
Though this may bo the case , the manner
In which the banker wns treated throws a
strong light upon the position of the Jews In
Russia. Herr Goldbcrgor , alter leaving the
city , went first to St. Petersburg and from
there to Moscow , in the interests of the bankIng -
Ing house with which ho U connected , having
been furnished with a special consular pass
by the Russian consul general hero , which
permitted him to stay two months in Russia.
At St. Petersburg M. the
Russian minister of finance , called upon Herr
Goldborgor and they subsequently dined to
gether. Other persons of high standing
showed the Berlin banker special attention
But this did not prevent the police of Su
Petersburg from alllxlnga white slip to his
pass , upon which slip \\oro inscribed the
words , "Tho Jew Gold border is hero on
toleration and under police supervision. "
Herr Goldbcrgcr , who does not understand _ ,
Russian , thought the above wassomo regular
police paper. Ho learned differently when
ho reached Moscow. The "prlstaw" called
unon him at his hotel the second day and told
him ho must leave at once. The hotel man
ager said that ho should give the "prlstaw"
a few roublo-i and ho would bo all right , but
tbo banker refused to pay blackmail and loll
tit once. He did nut care to establish any
bank in n country where each policeman hold ]
the power of levying blackmail.
As Herr Uoldhorgcr told Ills story no
warmed to the subject. Holuctunt to speak
ns ho had been nt first , the recollection of
what ho had seen carried him away. He
described the awful scones of expulsion which
ho had witnessed at Moscow during his brief ,
stay , the moaning nnd weeping of the exiled
Jews. Social standby hiirh position , ho
said , all were of no avail. Whllo Herr Gold-
bereor called upon the widow of his excel
lency , Von Poiicchoff , the great Russian
railway builder , her Jewish nurse , who had
been with her for twenty years , was takoil
out of the house by tlio police nnd sent Into
exile nnd misery.
Herr Goldbortror says tliatn&no , of the ac
counts so far published nbout the parsoeution
of the Jews tell the whole storyv''Tho mlrery
and persecution , ho adds , is illftply Indescrib
able. Ho recounted how BJiroh JJpn Guin-
scnborg hud with wooplng'lmdlwroa'nlng ' told
him the story of the Jewish persecutions
when ho returned to St. Potorsburtr on his
way back to civilisation. Contrary to th'oac '
cepted version , Herr Goldborgor says that
the c nr is well aware of tlio cruelties prac
ticed ; that lie has always been n rabid null-
Somlto , and that his hatred of Jews has In
creased since the memorable railway acci
dent , which happened upon the Hue built by a
Russian Jew Von PolioscholT. Ilorr
Goldberger thinks that Russia will
not only suffer commercial disas
ters , buro to follow the expulsion
'of the Jews , disasters which Russia , with
her great resources might moot with im
punity , but that those measures have brought
about a fooling of Insecurity among ttio
Russian Protestants und among the nur
ous foreigners residing In Russia , to AVnosa
enterprise most of the commorcUl under
takings owe their existence.
'Nobody knows whoso turn is to coma
next , and no ono euros to risk his money or
work under the present state of barbarity
against everything foreign or non-orthodox ,
and the consequences will be that Russia ,
with all her Immense agricultural und mineral
resources , will sooner or later bo forced into
a condition of absolute bankruptcy. "
Finding of the Jury In Case of the
Piii ! > Floater.
Yesterday nn inquest was hold on the body
found floating in the Pnpplo.
The body was identified as that of Charloi
Lewis , a hostler iu the employ of n contrac
tor and saloonkeeper living live miles .south
west of the city. The inquest was hold at ! )
o'clock this morning at Hoafoy it Heafoy's
and it was then learned that Lowiii had boon
acting rather strangely for n short time before
fore his death.
Mrs. Hoijan , the cook nt Mr. Peterson's ' ,
last saw the deceased allvo Saturday , Alay
HO , nbout 5:110 : o'clock In the ovoninpr , when ho
disappeared in the woods In the direction of
the crook. About 2 o'clock that afternoon
she caught him in the barn attempting n
criminal assault on her llttlo four-year-old
girl. She told him she would gut the nxo and
kill him. but ho rushed past her and secured
the axe before she could got It.
Ho stayed ubout the place during the re
mainder of the afternoon , and .shortly after
ward made similar advances toward tlioliUlo
daughters of Constable B. F. Ford.
Mr. Ford was called , and Uutlllcd us to the
identity of tlio dead man. Ho wnid the do-
[ cased was fifty-eight years old , single , and
had worked for Mr. Peterson ns grader add
hostler for twelve years , Ho was proaunt
when the body was taken fiom the water.
Robert Roosko testified that his wife ills. _
covered thn body floating down the croolf
near his house and called his attention to it.
Ho took u hook and anchored the bodv to the
'Andrew Bundson told about taking the
bodv from tlio water , and Mr. Peterson testl-
iiod'that the deceased had worked for him for
several years.
The Jury returned a verdict to the effect
that the deceased came to his death Irom sui
cide by drowning.
Kiii'iiN ! ! ' Pnulcnril'H I3xiirlonio | IIH the
ItCNiill of n DI K Hitn.
\V. B. Packard , n fiirmor living near Dow
City , Crawford county , la. , i-amo to Omaha
yesterday in search of n mudstono.
Packard was bitten by n shepherd ilni <
three days ngo. Ho shot the dog , but tool <
precaution to visit n doctor , who coiitorUod
thu wound. This did not soothe his mind ,
and ho telegraphed TUB BKH asking informa
tion concerning inadstonus. Ho was advised
to come to Oinntia ,
Vosterdav a BKI : reporter and Mr. Packard
vlsltod thu homo of Kj , Bon bow , f > .1 < > South
Twenty-sixth street. Mr. Bonbow has a
madstono which has been In his family mora
than an hundred yean.
Hoio thn atone was applied. It clung to
the wound two hour * at first. Twlca more It
was applied , and finally refused to cling
longer. , ,
Mr. Packard was wonderfully relieved in
mind and body by hU experience.
Woman Worn Driving.
Two ladles , whoso nnmos could not ba
learned were driving in their buggies on *
North Sixteenth street bntwccri diaries and
Nicholas yesterday afternoon. The hones
became frightened and atartod to run
away and collided. Ono horsa wn
Hilled and both buggies wore conMiloruV
broken up , but the ladloi escaped unbar'