THE OMAHA DAILY TWENTIETH YH3AE. OMAHA , JTKIDAY MORISTCNG , JUNE 12 , 1891. NUMBER 354. P DROWNED IN A TUB OF WATER Ead Accident That Befell a Little Girl at TecuinBeL ANNUAL MEETING OF P. E , 0 , SOCIETIES. Competitive Drill of SOIIH of Vctcrntifl Still Piu-HuliiK MrH. Blicuily Fell Under it Train < V Brutal Fatlier'H Deed. Tr.ct'Mt.Rii . , Neb. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BKE. | The fourtccn-months-ohl baby of Frank Artz of this city was drowned in a tub of water about 5 o'clock this after noon. The mother had been washing nnd bad set n tub of water on the Moor while she went to nnothcr room to speak to n neighbor who had called. A few minutes later she went back to the room where she had loft tha child only to find that the llttla girl had fallen Into the tub and drowned. Tha father was Immediately sent for r.nd returned to his home , taking a physician with him , but r'.r.ntlilng could bo done , ns the child was past all help. The mother is almost crazed with Eflef. I * . K. O. Annual Meeting. Bui'niunii , Nob. , Juno 11. [ Special to TIIK Iliil : The second annual meeting of the grnnd chapter of the P. E. O. societies of Nebraska convened in this city last Tuesday evening. A largo number ot delegates ar rived that evening and were mot by a recep tion committee of tbo local society. In the evening an Informal recaption was given the visiting delegation In the society's hall , which had been handsomely decorated with cmbla- matlu colors , banners and a profusion of { lowers. The business of the convention commenced Wednesday morning , with the following del egates of the grand lodge present : Miss Winnlfrod Ferguson , York ; Mrs. V. L. Hawthorne and Miss Etta Andrus , U'ahoo ; Mrs. Ilouncworth and Miss Etta Goring , Pluttsmouth ; Miss Wlnnlo Durland and Mrs. Joslo Durland , Norfolk ; Mm. William Lou- don , Omaha. Mrs. Alice C. Bnggs , of Su- iicrior , state president , presided. Eight ' chapters were represented , only ono chapter in the stuto being unrepresented. An ad dress of welcome was given the visiting dele gation by Mrs. Carrie McNaughton of chap ter D. Mrs. Lula B. Pn'.rlck of chapter H , Holdrodgo. responded in a happy manner on behalf of tno grand loiltro. The president ; .p- Dointed the various committees , after which Mrs. Lula Patrick made her report ns cor responding secretary. The grnnd chapter secrotnry made her re port of the organization of the grand chapter in Omaha and one hour was then sp'uit in vgeneral , discussion of buslncs by tbo chapter. In the evening a publlo meeting of tno | i-and chapter was held nt the opeiu house , hich was packed , An instructive and cn- rtalulng programme was rendered , consist ing of able papers on various subjects , reel- * tntlons nnd vocal and instrumental music , and reflected great credit upon the order nnd Its members. Thu grand ledge Is still In session. Osceola Graduates. Oscr.oiNob. , . , Juno 11. [ Special to Tin : Bm.l : The aniJtuU'commencement exercises of the Osceola high school was held ut the Methodist EpI'joopaJ church here on Monday evening. The chin-eh was flllod and no standing room loft. The church was nicely decorated with flowers and potted plants and was n complete bower of flowers. The grad uating class consisted of Daisy Koltcy , Laura E. Whaloy , Evan S. Mickey and II. C. Bcobo , nnd the manner in which they performed their parts rolloctod great credit on the principal , Prof. M. H. Snodgrss , nnd his nblo corps of teachers , and proved that the .school dnya of tha graduates had been well omployod. The graduates were almost deluged with boqiiots of beautiful flowers. Just before the conclusion of the oxorclscs the president of the school board , Hon. E. Wheeler , made some well chosen remarks and presented the jgraduatcs with diplomas. Then came cou- vyttulntlons , nnd all repaired to the school lioYl\ , where a banquet was given by the Alumni association , and the rest of the oven- lug was spent in making merry. C1 ? Auhurii News. Aunuux , Nob. , Juno U. [ Special to Tin : Bii.J The banking tiousoJ. C. Boiulleld & Co. has boon organized into a national bank under the tltlo of the Farinow' and Mer chants' National bank , with a paid up capital of $ o,000. ! ) TUo ofllcors have boon elected nud nil papars made out and forwarded to ' "VVashincton for approval. They expect to open under the now tltlo In about thirty days. Tim union normal institute of Johnson and iMuinalui counties combined begins n four- weeks' session in Auburn July 23. Consldorablo feeling Is being stirred up by the attempts of B , Kauschkolla to have the city council giant him n saloon license. Auburn has nosaloons and does not. want nny. nny.A petition Is belli ? circulated for signers asking Ilia city council to call an election to Yolo bonds for additional school buildings. Dettcl County Crops. Ciui'i'in. ! , Nob. , Juno 11. [ Special to Tm : Btr. . | Haiti has fallen here in abundance and the crops of small grain uro assured. Owing to the cool weather corn is not lookIng - Ing as wed ns it should. The fanners are already cutting hay. Cattlu nro doing fine nnd the grass was navor better. The present vear promises to bo a prosperous ono for Dcucl county in many ways. Bones have boon voted to the amount of (1,800 and the contract let to the Hobson brldga company of St. Joseph , Mo , , for tha construction ot two bridges across the North 1'liittu rlvor , twenty-llvo mlles north of this place. Transporting the material across the county from the railroad to the river promises employment to many needy homcstcaileo .iml .will save them from going away frou. homo 11 astln 'w dii , Nob. , Juno 11. [ Spjolnl Telo- pram to TIIK BBI.J Tha tax payers of tha city nro m > In arms against the recent assessment - ment made by the assessors. After con- Btdcrablu agitation nnd labor the assessors liuvo reduced the assessment 25 per cent. The taxes heretofore on city property have boon outrageously high , compared with the ridiculously low assessment mauo on farm prowrty adjoining the city. The matter will bo followed up by property holders , who uro bent on getting nn ctuiitablo adjustment be Torn the board of equalisation. It Is con ceded by evcrx ono tiint the city is uajiiig from TO to SO per cent , of the tax of the county. All Alliance Paper. OOAI.I.AI.A , Nob. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BEB.I George Conn , ox-deputy county treasurer , nnd at present ono of the teachers in tbo publto schools , has determ ined to enter the newspaper Hold and launch an nlllnnco caper , The News , democratic , Is the only paper hero at present , nud ns tlio nl llnnco has determined to have QUO there is uo doubt but that It will prove a success. Hound Over. Nmuusicv CITV , Nob. , Juno 11 , [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKK , | The case of W. F. Seymour , who Is charged by Emma Thomp son with being the father of her child , has boeu ou trial In Judge White's court during thu imst two days and was concluded thin evening. U resulted In the defendant being * 0 und over to the district court under bond of fioo , Church Dedicated. Cnuu UUMKS , Nob. , Juno 11. ( Special to TUB BISB.I Tbo Hainan Catholic churrh nt Bpauldlni ; was dedicated yesterday by Kt. Kov. Bishop U. Scanncll , nnd sermons were nlso preached by Kuv. Father Wolf nnd VIcnr General Chokn. 'I hero was n confirma tion class of fifty persons , The day was line and n largo assembly of people attended the exorcises. Great credit is duo to Key. J. E. Devoi , the pastor , In raising the means at homo and abroad to erect the line and commo dious edifice. The building cost > ,000. , OJIAHl JItX MlAlilV 1IUIIT. Peter Ward KallH Under the Cars at Wnl i oo. WAIIOO , Neb. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele- cram to Tin ? Br.t.J : About 4 o'clock this morning a young man attempted to get on an east-bound freleht on the Union Pacific winlo the trnln was passing the depot plat form nt ton miles nn hour. Ho slipped nnd fell beneath the wheels , which passed ever his right leg between thu knco and ankle , crushing the log to n Jelly nnd derailing ono sot of truoKs of the car which passed ever him. Night Operator Johnson hoard the cries of the unfortunate fellow and had him brought Into the depot nud summoned a doctor , who dressed the wounded log , The physician says the lee will have to bo am putated. The victim of the accident gives his nauio as Peter Ward , and his ngo as nineteen. * Ho says his father is Patrick Ward nnd that ho works in the Union Pacific shops at Omaha. Tno young man was steal ing a ride on u west-bound freight and was ojcctcd from the train at this place a few hours before. Camp Ijllo at Geneva. GI.ST.VA : , Nob. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele gram to THE BBH. | In the competitive drill of the Sons of Veterans yesterday , Gerova won by a score of 811 S-3 against 77 for No. 1 of Omaha. The judges were Captain George C. Hill of Indinnola , Fillmore Dewey of Blair and 13. J. Warner of Lyons. The de cision of the judges gave general satisfaction and they performed their duty In a creditable manner. Thu election of officers was closely con tested and resulted as follows : Colonel , I1 * . P. Corrlck of Stoclcham ; lieutenant colonel , S. S. Ilartman of Ko.irnoy ; major , G. II. Palmer of Plattsmouth. This morning nt 10 o'clock occurred the par.ulo and n buvo number took part. Today practically ended the encampment , as most of the boyi left for homo today. Taken all through tbo encampment has bcon a success , although the weather has been against it from the start. Sunday Sehool Convention. Iloinuiian , Nob. , Juno 11. CSpecial Tele gram lo Tin : BKE. | Thostato Sunday school convention closed this evening. Tbo follow ing are the oflleors elected for the ensuing year : ' President , Kov. P. C. Johnson , D. D. , of Friend ; vice president , Uuv. E. A. Hus- sell of Ord ; secretary , Kov. A. A. Crossman ofVohoo ; treasurer , W. A. Hoimborgor of Grand Island ; statistical secretary , E. F. Knickerbocker of Hastings. Board of trus tees , chairman , Hou. E. II. Slovens , Grand Island ; W. B. Clark , Ashland ; Hov. G. W. Wainwright , Blair ; K. B. U. Webber , Val paraiso ; Hon. C. C. White , Crete ; C. A. Murch , Kearney ; Dr. F. J. Morrvman , Ne braska City ; A. W. Grlilltb , Broken Bow ; W. H. Tiufrock , Wood Hivcr. Fell from a Tram. FUKMOXT , Nob. , Juno U. [ Special to Tun Bii.J : : A young man named Sherman was yesterday morning found lying alongside the Frcomont , Elkhorn iSs Missouri Valley rail road at n point about live miles north of Fro- mont. Ho was In a semi-conscious and wounded condition. Ho was carried to Hooper whcro ho is receiving treatment. From his story told at luold intervals it Is learned that ho was stealing a ride on a nigvt freight train and fell from the train while in motion. His skull Is fractured nnd the brains protruded from the wound. A Cruel Parent. Niim\biCA : Crry , Nob. , Juno 11. | Spcclnl Telegram to THU BKK.J Cornelius Meyer , nn expressmanwas arrested lastovcnlnpchargod with cruelly treating his young son. The arrest was madu upon Information furnished by Myerb' neighbors , who allege that ho chained the boy in the collar nnd loft him thoio ever twenty-four hours. Ho will hnvo n hearing tomorrow , being released upon a $100 bond. Graduating Kxerolnes. Cnumox , Nob. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele gram to THU Bui ; . ] The first graduating class of the Chadron academy made its bow the publlo lust evening. The exercises wore held in the Congregational church , which was crowded to its utmost capacity. The graduates nro Miss Edith C. Farr and Messrs. Percy A. Powers and Loon H. Farr , the latter being valedictorian. Still PurHiie Her. Lixcot.x , Nou. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bm.l The brothers nnd sisters of the late John Sheedy have com menced proceedings In the county court to shut Mrs. Shoody out from any part of the cstato. They claim that despite the fact that the jury brought In n verdict of not cuilty that Mrs. Shoody is nevertheless guilty of the murder of her husband. Ashland Will Celebrate. ASHIANP , Nob. , Juno 11. [ Special to TIIK Bin : . ] It has bcon decided that Ashland will celebrate the Fourth of July this year and an extra effort is going to bo put forth to make It ono of the grandest of the kind that has over been known to the pcoplo of Snunders county. Kluked to Dentil. Om.i.u.Nob. ( . , Juno II. [ Special Telegram gram to Tin : Bii.J : : William Moritch , a young man of Blue Greek , was kicked in the abdomen by a horse yesterday end died from his injuries this morning. GOT IT ItOll'X FIXK. A Poor ShlllliiK'H Worth of Political I'rognoHt Ijja t Ion. AIn.wAUKKE , WIs. , June 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bins. | Bob Shilling , secretary of the peoples' party , was Interviewed here and KIIVO his views on the political situation. Ho predicts republican defeat and says his party will carry California. Colorado. Nevada - vada , South Dakota , Kansas , Nebraska ana Mlnno.iota Charged with Fraud. A'ccmeoN ' , ICim , , Juno 11. ( Special Tele gram to Tun Bui : , ] Gcorgo S. Ellwood , a rich cattleman of Washington county , was taken to Arkansas yesterday to answer to the charge of fraud In n cnttlo transaction , The Arkansas sheriff had to run two miles to arrest bis man , Ellwood having jumped off n swift moving train near Contraila when ho suv the sheriff ontur u car , Ellwood Is under bond to answer n charge of grand larceny in Washington county , PolHoned by luit Cream. BI.OOMIXOTOV , 111. , Juno 11. At least flfty persons , mostly children , were violently sick ai the result of eating lee cream purchased at n certain factory. Of all who attended a fwtlval at the Moultoa street mission church not ono who ate ice cream escaped. Many were dangerously 111 nnd some have not yet rceoMjrcil. Chilian Insm-Kcnta Auk H LOXIIO.N , Juno U. A lengthy circular note addressed to the European powers by the Chilian provisional government , represent ing the insurgent party of Chili , Is published In Enulund and tha continent today. In the note the power * uro appealed to by thn insur gents to be rocoinl/od ; as belligerents. Argent HO'H Flnanulal TroublcH. DUKXOS A runs , June 11 Gold closed yes terday at U01 pur cent premium. The senate bus passed a bill suspending gold payment lor a iiorlod of six months. AN APPEAL FOR NEUTRALITY , Address to the Powjrs by tbo Junta of the Chilian Congressional Party. DICTATOR BALMACEOA IS NOT INIT , lo Ho Prosecuted Far Mis leading Panama , Canal Invest * ors Interview with Philip Armour at Carlsbad. LOXPOX , Juno 11. A note has boon Issued hero miilresscd to tnp powers by the Junta of the congressional party of Chill. The Junta's note la signed by the congressional party's agents , Scnors Mutto nnd Koss. It speaks of recent lawless nets upon the part of "tho dleutor" Bnlmaccdn and claims for the provisional government belligerent rights , on the ground Unit It Is an organization sufll- clcntly regular nnd responsible to Chilians and to foreigners and able to iimko Itsnlf felt and respected by force of nrms. The note maintains that the junta has boon rested with regular constitutional authority by tlio congress which was cloctcd in March , 18S9. The note continues by stating that the congressional party has undisputed Jurisdlc- ovcr four of the richest provinces of Chill , comprising over half the populated territory of the republic. The congressional party nlso claims that It Is growing In military power and that Its naval supremacy is Indisputable , enabling It to malnuiln sovereignty over Its territory and lo threaten the provinces of the dictator , Balmacodn. In view of these facts the provisional gov ernment suys that it is called upon to main tain International nnd commercial and other relations , anil therefore claims that Jt Is entitled butter than tno government to bo considered a perfect International body. The note adds that tlio exigencies of the future rest with the congressional party , which "from the tirst represented the law and the right and now it represents force. " Tlio congressional party , therefore , appeals to the "elevated sentiments of justice and humanity entertained by the foreign govern ments to preserve the laws of neutrality" In the struggle now pi acceding in Chill. Pre-ddent Ilalmaoeda's Side. LONDON , Juno 11. President lialmaccda has sent out the following dispatch to Iloutcr's telegram company from Santiago : "Surprise and disdain have been produced hero by the fulso calumnies which the rebels publish in the European press. The rebel con gress closed Juno 1. The congress lately elected works regularly. It has approved the act of the government and has Invested It with extraordinary powers and authorized it to contract loans. ' Perfect order prevails. The army is well disciplined and is actuated by a great esprit di > corps. The government cannot bo vanquished by the rebels , wlio are only trying to prolong the struggle to enrich themselves of the nltrato deposits. Thoyhavo undertaken no expedition against the govern ment forces nnd uro completely discredited , Tlio war ships Lynch and Condell have gone northwest. Tho" discipline of the troops is irreproachable. British , French and Gor man commerce will bo prejudiced by the rebels , remaining at Torapaco. " Would Not Accept Amnesty. IQUIQUE , ( via Gnlveston ) , Juno 11. The amnesty proposed by the American minister nt Santiago to Balmaccda was not accepted , but the latter offered to entertain a propo sition for au arrangement , ho indicating its basis. To this the congressional party re fuses to assent. The armed transport Impe rial , with the torpedo cruisers Lvuoh and Coiutoll , landed n party nt Tocopilla yester day which cut the state telegraph lines and then ro-ombarkcd. Then these ships made u demonstration at Autofogasta , similar to the demonstration at Pisngua and Iqulquo. No dnimigo is reported. The superior snood of those ship * enables them to keep clear of the congressional ships. DC LcssepB Will lo Prosecuted. PAUIH , Juno 11. Lo National today an nounces that Do Lessops will bo prosecuted for misleading Investors who subscribed money for carrying on the work of the Piinatnrt canal. In consequence of the fact thatsixty share holders In the Panama canal company have tiled charges against the ofllcors of that com pany the prosecution of these onlciol will open with placing M. Do Lessens , his son and two other directors upon trial. fho action of the prosecution is taken by Virtue of the law of 1W1T relating to public companies , nnd If basoJ especially upon the last issue of Panama canal shares. Philip Armour Interviewed. CAHI.SIIAD , Juno 11. Mr. P. D. Armour , of Chicago is hoio at present with Ills invalid wife , on account of whoso health ho cnmo to Germany. Mr. Armour said that ho had Just received n dispatch from his homo stating that ground had been broken at Toloston , Ind. , for the now stock yards in which ho , Mr. Morris and Mr. Swift are interested. "Wo have 4,000 acres of land there , " ho said , "where we propose to establish packing houses nnd stockyards. Wo have line rail way accommodations , pure water nnd excel lent sewerage. Wo shall not bo so cramped for room as at the old stockyards , which are altogether out of plnca In such close proximity to the host part of Chicago. Wo propose to Issue $10,000,000 of stock , which wo will divide among the packers and dealers who tollow us to our now quarters. The pro ceeds of thu sale of this stock will enable us to put up nil the necessary buildings and im provements upon our land. " "Will the other packers follow vour ox- ainplo and desert the old stockyards ! " asked the correspondent. "They cannot help themselves , " answered Mr. Armour , "We three practically control the business , the others must follow. Besides - sides it Is to their own advantage. In the old stockyards the charges are so high that It scarcely pays to do business there. Wo shall bo able to irlvo accommodations at much , more moderate fates. You see , the old stockyards - yards , which cost orlglnully about 1100,000 , , were sold some eight months ago to an En- gllsh syndicate for fjr > ,000,000. The Invest ors want to got tholr Interest on this Immense sum , consequently high charges are neces sary. " "But what will become of the SW.OOO.OOO Invested when you nnd all the other grunt houses move away ? Will It not be practically lost ! " "I am not worrying about the English In vestors. I feel sorry for them , but I must look out for my own interests nud the inter ests of the community first. " "Will you not lose heavily ou your packing houses and other Improvements which ! you have erected in the old stock yards ! " " "They are worth very little , " replied Mr. Armour. "They have served tholr uses. Bo- ildt , . oil other motives there are sanitary ret.-C' K why we should make fhlscli4ugo. In c-v. now quarters wo shall have the ir. : i ! ps.foct arrangements forthp proper * .H < .iiMiUon and packlui ? of pork. You know the objections which are made bothy In Ger- manv and Franco against American pork ; , I think Germany has u perfect right to demand that food products Imported Into bcrterri tory should bo perfectly healthy. I and all the other great packers nro willing to meet all reasonable demands In ( hls.-rcgard. Our own Interests , as well us comirion comnitirclnl honesty , cause us to BOO that iioalscajcd moat .should bo exported from our places , The first ploco of trleliltiosls exported from Amer ica Into Germany would euuso a renewal of the ordinance forbidding the Importation of American pork , " "But these ordinances nro still In force , " said the Associated press correspondent. "Do you think that they will soon bo re pealed 1" "I have no doubt , " said Mr , Armour , "that as soon ns the German .government Is con vinced of the proper oxamli.atlou in Amorlca it will allow the Importation of our pork. Ol that examination wo cannot now give full preference. Wo nro willingto have our goods examined upon tholr entering Ger many , nnd I can state for myself nnd nil the other packers that wo take the utmost cnro to send nothing except sound meat. Wo are constantly looking for now markets for our products and wo should bo very ciiruful not to ruin newly opened nvenues of trade by any carelessness In handling and shlpplnc diseased meat. Wo have two many close so cial and business relations With Germany to keep up a commercial war. When once the government Is satisfied Of our perfect good faith the whole question will bo settled. " Gr.lill DtUlO.H. BniiMN , Juno 11. In the lower house ol the diet today Herr Itlckerl rnndo n motion lo the effect that tlio government should sub' mil to the house the material upon whlcli Chancellor Von Caprlvl based his recent speech upon grain duties. ' The chancellor opposed the motion. The government , ho continue was convinced that there was no dUtress.exlstlng from the duties now levied on gralji , but in consequence quence of the agitation jwhich had been aroused In regard to the mattnr the government - ment had since consulted n' ' number of pri vate parties and naturally could not submit thcso reports to tbo house , wid ho. the chan cellor. was not In n position ] to bo able to men tion tlio names of the persons who had been consulted. llcrr Hlckcrt made a . 'most Ronsatlonal speech , during which ho bald it would he found "necessary to recall tha man who atone was able to direct the government. " He ctiargcd'tho government with endeavoring tc 'sllenco thuso who were 'defending the in terests of millions against the minority. " Potatoes , ho continued , bait already replaced broad as food for the pcop.o and they ( pota toes ) were nlso placed at ar ) exorbitant price , Ills party would not rest until the duties engrain grain were abolished. The minister of agrlcurturo promised tc oubllsu dollnltlvo ilgurcs in July , when he could make moro favorable announcements regarding wheat , rye aud'potatoos than on previous estimates. ! ' ilerr Kickcrt taunted the Ros'ernmont will vacillation nnd condemned what ho tanned the boldness of General VoK Cnprlvl's state ment regarding grain duties. Ho declared that if the weather bccaiAo moro unfavor able the duties must bo absolutely removed. Holland I lectioiftHuturns. Tin : HAOUI : , Juno 11. The latest election returns show that out of the 100 seats com posing the second chamber-tho liberals have secured 41 , the Catholics iili.nud the Protest ants-orthodox 11. Second ' ballots will be necessary in 20 districts. { t Of IJ JOHX. An limnciiHc Concourse Follows the ItemninB to the-Grave. KINGSTON , Out. , Juno ll. The remains of the late Sir John Mucdonul'd. were committed to their lust resting place today In Cathedral cemetery. The entire morning was spent In viewing the remains In thcfclty hall. Twenty thousand persons passed tlfSTjbler. The pro cession was the grandest arersccn in Kings ton. It was over two ttifycp long and occu pied over forty minutes iuKp-osslng a given point. f The parade moved at 2:45 o'clock. At that tlmo three miles of Princess -street were lined with spectators. Not , lcss than forty thousand persons viewed Vho solemn ad- vnnco. 'Tho parade was.utMbr'clvlc control. The stores were closed und KGlod in mouth ing. Th'o order of 'tho'yarado was direct from the city hall along Ontario nnd Princess streets to Cataraqui. The palt-bear- ors were the members of the cabinet and Hon. J. C. Aikers , ex-lieutenant governor of Manitoba. The mourners were represented by Hugh .1. Macdonnld , O'oncl MoPnorson and Joseph Pope , privntft secretary. The hearse was llanlied by ciht } artillerymen , who on arriving at the last " resting place took the casket containinT" remains of Canada's greatest statesman and carried it to the grave. ; As Archdeacon Jones stopped forward In cyclical robes them was hardly u dry eye in the largo multitude as j < tuo cnsuot was lowered Into its last resting placo. The burial service of the Church of England was rend by Archdeacon Jonoti , which was fol lowed by a benediction , and Canada's great est statesman was laid lnfc his last resting placo. The grave was thcu securely sealed. The crowd slowly dispersed. The guard of A battery will remain In charge for a month. JlESVl.TJKn Jf.V HUilDEK. Mary Hnrrlty Dies frfwi Wounds In- II lot oil by u Coini ) nion. Dus Moixns , la. , Juno 11 , [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bin ] Mrs , Mart * Harrity , a widow , aged forty-six , who had not the best character , died at the hospital today from injuries indicted by n inalfi companion Tues day night. The couple , tKongh not related , have been living together for some time in n tdianty In the southeastern * part of too city , where they drank nnd Quarreled together frequently. The pollco are looking for the man , who has disappeared , and whoso nuino they withheld. J Fireman's Contests. Cuiuu IlU'iiH , la. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bin : . ] . I'tio contests nt today's meeting of the state Dromon's tour nament were spirited and witnessed by about 11 vo thousand pcoplo , besides 11 re in on and their ladles. In tno hook and ladder climbing contest Charles Case of Audubon captured the first prUo dud \Valkupof Au dubon second : best time , Oacconds. In the hose race , 14 class , Truer captured hrst nriza In 4'JK scconds'and Eldora second prke inII seconds. In the hose race , 40 class , the C. F. . Greet team of Eldora won Unit prize In 42 ! i-.ri seconds ends , Traor second in 14 , liud Council Bluffs third. ; In tbo drill of flra companies the llrst prize was awarded to the Lyons drill corps and bccond money to tbo B..F. Montzor team of Marlon. Tills cont&i was protested. Thcro Is no decision nvybt on yesterday's contested races , i K.IXSAS KltillT JiOVIl LA If. Its Application May Quyso tlio Closing of state IiintltutioiiH. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , June 11. A special from Topokn says : The lav } paused by .the recent legislature provldlugrthat eight hours shall bo n day's work for'aHJ ' , employes of the stulo will necessitate the closing of the state Institution * unless special arrangements are made foe keeping them open. Tno work of these institutions can not bo Uono If the present forcu of employes works only eight hours. To do the work properly will necessitate 1JOO ! now employes. Tlio appropriations passed bv the late legis lature will not pormlt of "ilio employment of any more employes. The question of working the present forces over eight hours a day was'roforrod to At torney General Ivos. Ho gtvc-i It as his opin ion that the authorities whii pormlt employes to work over eight hours n day will violate the law nnd subject themselves lo heavy lines. The governor will probably call n special session of the legislature to pass emergency appropriations so as to norm it the employ ment of the necessary extra number of stata servants. TIIK H'/f.iTIIK 1C 'jfUKJSC.iaT. For Omaha and Yiolulty Fair ; warmer. For North Dakota , South "Dakota , Iowa , Nebraska , MIssourlrKiinsas ntul Colorado- Fair ; warmer ; ioutherly winds. I.T. U'n Now .President. BOSTOX , Mass. , Juno it. At tha international - national Typographical union convention today SV. U i'rescott of Toronto was alectod president. HIS INTENTIONS WERE GOOD , Timbsr Culture Entrim Not Forfoitad bj Failures to Raise Trees. FINDING OF THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT , Other Deuifllotis of tliu General Ijntul Ullico Panned Upnn by the Secretary - rotary Omaha Olltcuu. WASHINGTON Buumu OF Tun Br.n , ) fiUI FOIIITIIXTII : STIIIIKT , > WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 11. ) The secretary of the interior has nnirmed the decision of the commissioner of the gen eral land olllco In dismissing the contort against the Umber culture entry of George I. Williamson in the Bloomlngton district. Williamson bad made three attempts to force trees to grow and fulled each time. His entry was contested by William M. Strick land , and tbo local ofllccrs sustained the con test. Williamson appealed and the commis sioner reversed the local men. The secre tary sustains the commissioner ou tbo ground that the attempt to cultivate trees was made In good faith. In the case of the United States vs A. Van Wormcr , Sarah Scldcn transferee , Involving a com muted homestead entry hi the Valentino tine district , hold for cancellation by the commission , the secretary modifies the decision ntul orders the entry passed lo patent because no bad faith Is shown nnd no contest against tbo entry has been made. The sec retary has also approved the notion of the g-nernl land oftico in holding for cancellation the preemption declaratory statement of James Barry for n quarter section in town ship 23 north , range 51 west , Chadrou dis trict. BliRKIVO XiW : QUAHTinil. ' 1 expect to hear from the custodian of the Omaha federal building Monday , " said As sistant Secretary Crounso tonight , "whether tno United States courts , the postofllco or the revenue olllccs nro to bo removed from the govern incut building. The depart ment is of the oulnion that the revenue olllco should bo moved but thu collector seems to think that there are good reasons why ho should be allowed to stay where ho is. If ho can fur nish any reasons which outweigh the very weighty ones ng.ilnst him ho may stay , but I nm inclined to think th-it by the end of next week bis olllco will bo ordered to move , and the chances nro that It will bo located In Tun Bui : building , unless the collector has other preferences which tbo department can con sider favoiably. " PjJHHVS. IIUtTII. Preparing for a Closed Season. WASHINGTON , Juno 11. The government Is actively engaged in preparing to carry out the plan for a closed season in Bearing sea this year. It is understood that the force ot revenue cutters now in Uioso waters is to bo supplemented by ono or moro of the naval vessels now in Chilian waters at the earliest nossiblo moment. Thu British gov ernment wishes the agreement to bo strictly observed. Minister Pauncofoto proposed that authority bo given the British govern ment to station an agent ou the soul islands to make sure that the North American com mercial company docs not kill moro than the 7,500 seais fixed ln-tho agreement , „ Thoj.-o- Tjtiest .was promptly 'deuiod by the president who felt that it was a reflection upon the good faith of this government and could not bo permitted , but he saw fit to allow the British agent to visit the islands to informal ly ascertain the exact state of the sea ) llslicrics. _ Pierce slated for China. Nr.w Yoinc , Juno 11. According to n special from Washington , It , Is reported there that President Iinrrison has decided to send .ex-governor nnd ox-Senator ( j. A. Plorco of North Dakota as our representative to China. Mr.PIerco is now au editorial writer ou the Minneapolis Tribune. Ho is a native Indianan - anan nnd his personal relations with Presl dent Harrison woio of so intimate a nature that during his sonatorship his utterances re garding administration matters were usually accepted iw authoritative. The sending of Governor Pierce to China will , It Is thought , bo followed by the appo'.utmcnt of ox-Senator Blair as minister to Japan. The salary is 312,000 u year , the same ns that attached to the Chinese mission , while the court to which ho will oo ucci edited is a far moro desirable one from an American standpoint. Oi-.lers to GuHtoms OIlieoYs. WASHINGTON , Juno 11 , The treasury de partment has Issued a circular to the cus toms ofliecrs enjoining the strict enforcement of the act approved August ! ! 0 , 1890. prohib iting the Importation of adulterated articles of food and drink and providing for the in spection of foreign cattle , etc. TruinlMiM in Washington. WASHINGTON , Juno U , Senator Trumbull , indicted by n California court on the charge of violation of the United States neutrality laws In connection with tno Insurgent vessel of Chill , was here today , Trumbull had a long Interview with Secre tary Tracy on the subject , which cannot be learned , but there Is reason to bellovo that ho made a strong pica for the Insurgent oauso and sought to have the arms still on the Ituta remain in the custody of Admiral Mc- Cann until a Judicial determination of their ownership can bo reached , To a representative of the AssoclateJ press Trumbull said the condition of nfTnlr.- . In Chili was one of absolute despotism. lie ( Trumbull ) had no hope of relluf ns the re sult of the presidential election which takes place in Chili this month. Balmacodn's fol- fowlng , ho said , comprised all the olllcohold- crs nnd hangers-on , but the pcoplo as a whole were opposed to him. Nevertheless , in the present stuto of affairs Bulmaccda will find It an cosy matter to dictate his successor. DriiiiiincrH at fiu AVorld'H Kair. CHICAGO , Juno 11. A convention of trav eling men which mot here yesterday com pleted Its work toduv. It was resolved to form n body to bo known as the World's ' Fair Association of Commercial travelers , The membership is to bo composed of all the bodies of traveling men hi the United Status , and foreign dru minors will bo Invited to become como members. The body will bnvo charga of gathering n world's fair traveling uion convention In Chicago during the fair. Boutli Dnvotu Doctors. CiiAMiii'.tiiAi.v , S. D. , Juno II. [ Special Tcleg'am to Tin ? BKI : . | The tenth annual mooting of the South Dakota Medical society is in session horo. The attendance Is quite Inrgn , doctors being present from all portions of the state. A banquet was given to them tonight. Itohort aiitl Minnii SAN PKDHO , Coin. , Juno 11. The Itobert and Mlnnio was released today on 1,51)0 ) bonds and sailed for Kuroka , Cala. Captain O'Furroll is under M.OOO bond. The original crow is still In Jail unable to get bonds. Anew now crow was shipped from hero. Ono Killed and Two Fatally Injured. LOUIHVIU.I : , ICy. , Juno 11. A Mlddlosboro special says : Three freight cars were wrecked at Cloud station on tha Knoxvlllo , Cumberland Gap & Loulsvllla road and ono Daniel killed and two other mim fatally Injuicd. Federal < \pp ltUflT Court. CHICAGO. Juno 11. It has been officially announced that Justice Harlan would bo in Chicago uoxt Monday , when tha now federal appellate court will bo organized. The ap pellate court will consist of Justice Hurlau , \ " \ Judge Groshnm nnd another Judge yd \o appointed. They will have final I Juris " , \ In all CIHCS except whore conitltt..u . ) 1 ttons are Involved , ai d such cases direct to the supreme court. The que\ \ , whether the Judged shall wear robes . probably bo considered next week when Jfls- tlco Hnrlan nrrives. A marshal , clerk and court reporter will bo appointed. Thorn be ing no cases for the consideration of the court no other business will ho transacted. A-miit.tnic.t's .vWir c-y/.i\CEIi.oit. Sketch of tlio Kdncatloiml Career of Prof. Caiillold. TOPKKI , Kan. , Juno 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB Biu.j-Prof. : James II. Cunllcld , born In Brooklyn , was the sou of Dr. Canllold , n distinguished Episcopal clergyman , for many years pastor of one of the leading Brooklyn churches. Ho was educr.lod nt the Brooklyn polytechnic Institute and Williams college. After graduation ho was engaged for several years In railroad construction In Iowa and Minnesota. Ho subsequently was admitted to the bar nnd practiced law In Michigan. His tastes , however , worn scholastic nud in 1877 ho became professor of political economy and history hi the Kansas university , then n young and struggling Institution. For several yeara ho carried the English department in addition to his own. Ho soon became known throughout the west as ono of the leading educators. Largely to his untiring labors has been duo the extraordinary growth and prosperity of the Kansas university. Slnco 1S7" his chair has boon several times divided until nt the present tlmo ho is devoting himself ex clusively to American history and civics. In 18b. > ho took hold of the National Teachers' association , an organization numbering at that tlmo some hundreds of teachers. Ho was several yours secretary and afterwards piosidont of the association. Under his ad ministration the membership Increased to moro than live thousand. Ho was desired almost unanimously for chancellor of the Kansas state university a year ngo , but was not .selected for"a rea son of n temporary , but conclusive nature. Ho was strongly urged for the senate to succeed Ingalls by the host mem bers of all parties , lint flatly declined to bo n candidate. Ho Is n republican without rabid partisan feeling , and an Episcopalian nnd active In church work , nnd is au extraordi nary worker and enjoys greater populailty than any other man in Kansas. Prof. Can- field Is a line instructor , has the bioadcst pos sible scholastic methods and opinions , and is altogether a man of marvelous goodness , ver satility and strength. Ho will not bo nllowcd to leave the Kansas university if the regents can contrive to keep him. KANSAS Cm , Mo. , Juno 11. A special from Topekn says : Prof. J. II. Cnutleld of the state university has accepted the position of chancellor of the Nebraska state university , tendered to him recently by the boaid of regents of that institution. EJlStET'S AlHHtESS. Uc'liiiond and O'Connor , Parnell's ICnvoys , Aimwor It. CmriGo , Junn 11. The address telegraphed from Now York , in which Dr. Thomas Addis Emmet , president of the National Federation of America , pronoun-sod Mr. Painell un worthy of further trust , was answered today by Redmond and John O'Connor ' , the Irish members of parliament , representing Parnell in the United States , The answer says that Emmet , president of the federation and Kelly , treasurer , represent only themselves. The federation Is composed of n few gentle men of social distinction , who. "resolved" themselves Into nn organization , but who 'ovor sought the i > anctlon of a public meot- iiifr , well knowing tUat"tho mass of ' Irish- Americans is against them. The address says : The statements In Mr. Emmet's circular are founded on falsehood. Ho criticises the circular severely and lays blame for the rupture in the Irish party on ' Mr. Gladstone's interference. It said 'Mr. Parnell does not stand In the way of unity and that ho has twice offered to resign If the party would get from the liberals an assur ance that In their measure of homo rule they will Introduce such provisions as will bo satisfactory to the majority of the Irish representatives. Twice his oppo nents accepted this offer and sought the re quired guarantees and twice they failed to secure them. If these assurances were thought necessary then they nro necessary still , and the liberal party has only at any time to satisfy Mr. Pnrnell's demand , which has boon twice endorsed by the Irish party , to case the situation and end the quarrel. Continuing , the address says : "We con fidently trust that the Irish in America will rcfuso tholr aid to an organization whoso policy of surrender to the English liberals strikes at the root of the principles of self- rcllanco that should guide the nation. " Referring to the matter of funds , the report says : "It is deserving of uotlco that Mr. Kelly and friends deliberately refrained for six months from sending money collected for the evicted tonunts to the treasurers appointed by William O'Brien and John Dillon to receive the sanio and now consign to a faction. " In conclusion the reply says : "Tho fact that the opposition is urged most strongly bv Englishmen will bo strong proof that Paruoil is the best friend of the Irish people. " n'Oilltii'B l'\lllt MAITEItS. Hoard of Control tfets Down Upnn Itogus AfjontH Abroad , CHICAGO , Juno U. At a meeting of the world's fair board of references and control today President Pahnor aod Vice Chairmen McKenzie , Massey of Delaware , Lannon of Utah , St. Clalr of West Virginia and Martin- dale of Indiana were present. The followinir was unanimously adopted : Whereas , It has m > on brought to the atten tion ot this board that ullorls uiu buhiR madu by individuals asvoll us by corporations manifestly or anUud for thu purpose to ob tain nutnorltallvo locognltlon. either ux- piossly or linplledly , so .in to constitute Hiiuh hunons or corporations iiuasl-olUuhil IIKOIHS for tliu uilvoitlsumont ut tliu u.\poMlou ! In foreign countries , and whoso utl'orts are clearly Inspired by prollt or adv.mtaxo to sneli per sons or corporations and liu\o not for tln.'lr primary and prlnolpnl obocl | the promotion of ilio SUCUC-H of the exposition : nnd Whereas , Thu employ ment of any auenoy of this uharauter cannot bo biibstantlully huiie- flelal to iiKioat national undertaking , lint Is moro likely tocrunto Miumlul and to Justly provoke ad verso orltlulmii on tlioso olllclully responsible for Its management ; and WhuiouH , Alt relations which still exist ho- twoon forulKii RnvernmnntH , their otllulnl rep resentatives and the oMilhitors thereof and the said exposition , tire exclusively under tha control of the commission whlcli has been duly vested with powers to confirm thu terms and tlio stipulations of the compact bmwcun thu national commission anil tliu world's Co- luiablan in position , ns oinhodlud In the icport of tholr Joint commissions : theruforu Ik-solved by thu board of lelurenco and control , That no axuncy for thu ptuuiutlim of thu Interests of thu exposition In foiulgn countries or tlioustabllshmont of ruluuoim with forulirn governments or thu olllclnl rup- resontutlvos or exhibitors thereof nmnuulud therewith ninth bn pormltttid or roi'oKiiJzud as authoritative and ofllulal the sumo xlinll liiivu buen Ilrst iiuthorl/t'd and niiprovud ultlier by the national comm xslon , this hoarder or by the dhuulor general through the loport of the commissioner of foioljn alTalrs , and when by thu latter olllulnl , a full luporl hluill bo Hindu In imuli i.'iisci lo thu iritlonal commis sion or to this boaid foruppiovul ami confir mation. _ C'lHtHNKlt Al.I * Hi ( HIT. Hufo Arrival of Mr. I Uno wilt or at Southampton Shipping Nmvs. Nr.w YOIIIC , Juno 11. [ Special Telegram to Tun BII : : . ] Tlio Now York agents of the Hamburg-American Hue received a cable today via the French cable company that thu Normaniu had arrived ut Southampton , All well aboard. At London Sighted , the Montana , from Baltimore. At Philadelphia Arrived , the Indiana , from Liverpool , At Now Yori : Arrived , the Travo , from Bremen ; the Ocean , from Amsterdam , Itlshop Whlpplo Arrives. Ni\v : YOUK , Juno 11Bishop Whlpplo of Minnesota has arrived hero on the steamer Majeutlu. FEARFUL FATE OF A CHILD , Loft by its Parents with i ; Servant it Is Fatally Burned. PLAYED WITH MATCHES AND PAPER , Terrible Accident Which Overtook Winsome hUtle Mamie OolliMilicuk Clothing Hunted 1'iom Her Hotly Can't Kooover. Little Manila Gellondcck llvo-ycar-old , daughter of George F. Gollonbeck , living at Oil North Seventeenth street , was playing with paper and mntchos yesterday afternoon nnd her clothing cnupht flro. The parents hnd gene to the Council Bluffs races , leaving the child in charge of a colored servant girl. The servant was doing some work hi the cellar and while there the child got to llght- Inu paper. When her clothing caught flro the baby ran towards the kitchen screaming ns loud as she could. Dan C. Horeloy , n neighbor , hoard the screams nnd ran to the baby's assistance. The colored girl hnd como up from the collar and was about to throw n pall of water ever the child. Mr. Horely prevented this and wrapped n shoot about the httto form , which by this tlmo was nil nblnzo. Other neighbors came In nud doctors sent for. A trip was made to the county poor farm by Air. Horeloy to procure n Jar of prepared paste which Is used for burns. None could bo obtained there , but n Jar was found at the court honso , nnd ns soon as pos sible npphed to the suffering baby. Nearly every bit of clothing hnd boon burned off and the hair was nearly nil de stroyed. The child's face and nearly the whole boJy was black , atul the skin was cracked open in n number of places. Dr. ICcogh was engaged in dressing the burns when the parents arrived home. At 8 o'clock the physician said that ho did not think the child could possibly pull through. Even if the little ono lived for n month or moro it would probably die , as persons so soi vercly burned generally do. * 1'MIII.A OKIl'MU.It.lM { TltOUJlLE llcply cf President Harrison to Mayor Stuart's Iiettei- . Pnii.inci.i'iiM , Juno 11. Following Is a copy of President Harrison's reply to Mayor Stuart's letter of Juno 5 regarding tbo affairs of the suspended Keystone bank : ilr : 1 am In receipt of your letter of Juno 5 and hi reply theieto ho ; to say : Tlio comp troller of tliu euriency U. m.dur the law. In I in m cdl lit D and In : i lnr ; .seiiH ) Independ ent contiol of nil mullets ) iirtiln- ; Inu to national banks. Kvci-vtliluir re lating to the OMini nation of such biiiiUs , to the appointment of rocelvuis and to the win linkup of Insolvent hanks la under his d heel Ion. An uxumlnul on of the lulallonsof hlsolll o to thu ICoystonu bank will , thoioforo.dlsclobo all that Iris buundono by thu ticasiuy department. Thu senrotury of the treasury was aLsont when your letter WHS received , but upon Ills return this morning I conferred with hjm , and the cornntroller anilus . , vn. results ofthat .eonfureiieoAthoft'eoinntroniirtlstiil-paiithat ho would prepare ut once a full statement of his entire notion In connection withtho Kovstono national bank ot Philadelphia ami would sub mit his report without delay to tlio .secretary of thu tieasury , who will transmit a copy to you. Your request that a coininltloo of the council or Its export iiucouiitiints bo allowed to o.xainhiu and Inspect nil the bookn , docu ments and records of the bank has been ro- foricd to the comptroller , with the siiRKCstlon that under thu ad vli-o of the dlstr ct attorney the receiver pormlt an examination by a pro nor representative of the creditors Into all matters anil accounts , and particularly of accounts where frauds or lrro uhirltlcs are charged , with such observation of coiilldcneeof thointuiost ot thu eredltois of the bank as the oiul of nubile lustlco inaku micmsury. I am snro you will find every otllcer of the gov ernment having any publlo duty connected \\lth this matter desirous to co-operuto with thu creditors of the hunk hi all measures cal culated to protect tholr Interests and to hold to proper accountability every person having Kiillty complicity with the fiilluio. Very truly yours , llUNJAMlN llAiiiusoN. In court today Assistant District Attorney Kinsllo called the attention o > the jury to a bill charghiB ox-City Treasurer Bardsley with ombc7/.lcment of $119,000 , and said : "In view of the fact that Mr. Bardsley has pleaded guilty on seventeen bills of Indict ment , upon uliich a maximum puuishmor.t of fifty or sixty years could bo iiunoied ' , longer than any punishment the court'may indict. It would bo useless to take up the lime of tbo court in tr.viug the remaining Indictments against him. I propose to submit the bill without evidence and dlsposo.of It. " Tbo bill was handed to the Jury and a verdict of not cuilly taken , o/i/o They Adopt the Usual Platform nud Nominate u Ticket. Si'itixaniii.i ) , O. , Juno 11. The prohibition state convention was called to order this morning. Temporary Chairman Muclaln was made permanent chairman. The platform denounces tbo liquor trafllo in the usual terms ; domandu revision of the Immigration nnd naturalization laws ; declares for woman suffrage ; denounces speculation In margins ; recommends pensions to soldiers and sailors and their widows nnd orphans , graded according to time of service : recognizes gold , silver and currency ns the proper clrcu- Intiug medium , Issued In sufficient quantity to moot demands ; dotnnnds the reclamation of unearned land grants and that no moro of the national domain bo grantedr declares for a tariff to bo nssesScd on goods from such countries us tax American products , and that the expenses of the government should Lo paid bv the Income tax. The following ticket was nominated : Gov ernor , J , J. Ashcnhurst , Stark ; lieutenant governor , W. J. Klrkcnbnll , Jackson ; supreme - promo Judge , Hawson fj. Poako , Erlo ; at torney general , W. II. Matthews , Hamilton | state treasurer , Georpo W. Mace , Dnrkoj state auditor , C. E , Hoosor. Clark ; ; school commissioner , E. P. Sollars , Portage. Particulars of tliu i oiiolulu Fire. SAX FitvNC'isco , Cal. , Juno 11. The steam ship Marlpoja , from Australia via Honolulu , arrived today. The steamer brings fuller particulars of the lira In the government warehouse at Honolulu on Juno ' . ' . Savoral workmen had boon soldering leaking kero sene cans nt a shed a short distance from tha warehouse , which was used nololy for the storage of oats. The lire originated from the flames in the soldering furnaoo and the tiroiuQii were iitmblo to got water from the plugs and the explosion of a number of drums of gusollno , of which they were soy- oral hundred In thu warehouse , drove them to a distance. The fact that the warohonso was constructed of brick and Iron , with but HHlo woodwork nnd that there was scarcely any wind , saved that portion of the town from destruction and a greater part of the oil , of which there were itf.OOO cases of a total value nt the Honolulu prices of $300,000. It was ownrd by the Standard oil company , The rest was divided among several holders. Thcro was also about two thoiinand gallons of gasoline In the warehouse , pnit of which was saved. The insurance Is small. Gun Tested. ATMNTK Hmni.AMH , N. J. , Juno 11. The fifty -two ton uow bro oh-loadlng gun , the InrgoHt ever made In this country , was tried at Sandy Hook yostorJay. It was cat at the Wuturvllot nrnutiul , West Troy , is 80 > f fct't long , bore - ' ! ! feoi and will stand a charge of I K ) pounds of powder. It Is calculated to jjlvc a IIHI//U pinutratlon In wrought Iron ot thirty luo hichi a.